Planning Commission Minutes 06-05-2018MINUTES REGULAR MEETING - MONTICELLO PLANNING COMMISSION Tuesday, June 511, 2018 - 6:00 p.m. Mississippi Room, Monticello Community Center Commissioners Present: Brad Fyle, Sam Murdoff, Marc Simpson, John Alstad, and Katie Peterson Council Liaison Present: Charlotte Gabler Staff Present: Angela Schumann and Bob Kirmis (NAC) 1. General Business A. Call to Order Brad Fyle called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. B. Consideration of approving minutes a. Joint Meeting Minutes — May 1, 2018 MARC SIMPSON MOVED TO APPROVE THE JOINT MEETING MINUTES FROM MAY 1, 2018. JOHN ALSTAD SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED, 4-0 WITH SAM MURDOFF ABSENT. b. Regular Meeting Minutes — May 1, 2018 MARC SIMPSON MOVED TO APPROVE THE REGULAR MEETING MINUTES OF MAY 1, 2018. JOHN ALSTAD SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED, 4-0 WITH SAM MURDOFF ABSENT. C. Citizen Comments None. D. Consideration of adding items to the agenda None. E. Consideration to approve agenda N/A 2. Public Hearings A. Continued Public Hearing - Consideration of a request for Rezoning to Planned Unit Development and Development Stage Planned Unit Development for a 44 -unit, 4 story apartment complex in the CCD (Central Community District) Applicant: The Briggs Companies Bob Kirmis indicated that the applicant is proposing a multiple family residential use between Broadway and Third Street. The proposed building is four stories in height with surface and underground parking. The building includes a total of 47 units with 25 two bedroom units, 19 one bedroom units, and 3 studio units. The site plan includes 68 parking spaces. The CCD standards, which require 1.5 spaces per dwelling unit. Twelve additional on -street parking spaces are proposed. Planning Commission Minutes — June 5, 2018 Page 1 I 10 The exterior of the building would utilize a mixture of brick and steel siding. Staff recommended approval of the application subject to comments in Exhibit Z. Sam Murdoff asked for the calculation of parking spaces. Kirmis answered that the guideline for the CCD is 1.5 parking spaces per dwelling unit, which would be 71 parking spots. The applicant is proposing 68 parking spaces. Brad Fyle asked if the footprint was reduced from the previous approval. Angela Schumann explained that the footprint has changed markedly, however the building has shifted to allow more greenspace on the north edge. Brad Fyle opened the public hearing and invited the applicant to speak first. Patrick Briggs, The Briggs Companies, confirmed that the footprint of the building has not changed, but that the building shifted to allow additional space for buffering. Brad Fyle asked about the parking. Schumann indicated that based on planning practices, the parking configuration was acceptable to City Staff. It was noted that on -street parking would also be provided that could not be calculated with the 68 spaces shown on the site plans. Sam Murdoff asked if parking would be restricted during certain times for the on - street parking. Schumann explained that parking would not be restricted, but may change for snow emergencies. Charlotte Gabler asked if these parking spaces would be private or public spaces. Schumann stated they would be located in the public right-of-way and property of the City. Fyle asked about the stormwater management plan. Schumann stated that base storm water management and emergency overflow management were discussed with the applicant. The City Council would see the final stormwater plan and stormwater maintenance agreement. Fyle asked if the garage door would be at ground level or at the bottom of the ramp. Briggs explained that it would be under grade. He also added that the design for stormwater management was used in Minneapolis and St. Paul and its emergency overflow that is a combination of catch basins and ties into the fifteen inch stormwater and a separate sanitary line that would serve as an additional overflow. He stated that the plan was acceptable to the City Engineer. Briggs indicated that this project would be maintained long-term. Sam Murdoff asked how the units increased from the previous proposal. Briggs stated per the comments received during the concept stage, some of the amenities were removed. Planning Commission Minutes — June 5, 2018 Page 2 110 Fyle asked if the applicant was able to review the Exhibit Z comments. Briggs confirmed that he responded to those comments on May 14, 2018. Hearing no further comments, the public hearing was closed. Gabler asked if the sanitary sewer system was capable of handling additional development on this side of the city. Schumann stated that the City Engineer would verify. Fyle asked if any downtown districts or any boards made comments about the proposal. In summary, Schumann stated that public hearing notices were sent to property owners within 350 feet. The City Council would have final approval and the EDA would also review for an affordable housing TIF District. Gabler asked if the Parks and Recreation Commission reviewed the proposal. Schumann declined as it is not a new plat, but that City Staff have asked the developer to extend sidewalk along 3rd Street to Walnut Street for park dedication requirements. Katie Peterson asked if the greenspace was sufficient for pets. Briggs confirmed stating that at all of his properties, the pet areas are limited to a confine space. He also added that ten percent of the tenants would be allowed pets of under twenty pounds. Peterson asked the applicant about parking and overflow parking. Briggs provided examples of recent developments with under the parking ratio per the proposed plan. He indicated that he had no concerns with parking. Schumann added that in Exhibit Z, the parking spaces needed to be used for parking only and not storage. SAM MURDOFF MOVED TO ADOPT RESOLUTION NO. PC -2018-016, RECOMMENDING APPROVAL OF THE DEVELOPMENT STAGE PUD AND REZONING TO PUD FOR THIRD STREET APARTMENTS, BASED ON THE FINDINGS IN SAID RESOLUTION, AND SUBJECT TO THE CONDITIONS AS INCORPORATED IN EXHIBIT Z. KATIE PETERSON SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED, 5-0. EXHIBIT Z Development Stage PUD 213 311 Street West Lots 1-3, Block 36, Original Plat of Monticello 1. Assurance that all underground spaces will be available to be occupied, to ensure that the proposed parking supply is adequate as a part of the development contract and final approval. 2. The building design is supplemented with additional stone/brick treatments, perhaps at the corners of the structure or over the entrance areas, beyond just the first floor, and including consideration of the east wall. Planning Commission Minutes — June 5, 2018 Page 3 1 10 3. Continuation of the first -floor stone downibrick to grade level to cover any foundation block or poured concrete wall exposure. 4. Submission of building elevations for all facades, including complete detail of all proposed materials for the building, including stone/brick, siding, trim, and roofing materials to verify compliance with the intent of the downtown design objectives. 5. Continuation of the decorative fence along the north and east side of the property/parking lot to discourage cross pedestrian traffic. 6. Submission of revised lighting and proposed signage plans for the building and site that show compliance with all required codes. 7. Consideration of completing the sidewalks as noted in this report, working with the City as a portion of the required park dedication fee for this project. 8. Modifications to the proposed site plan, based on final engineering plans, including grading and drainage details. 9. Submission of a final floor plan illustrating the 47 -unit configuration. 10. Detail of any required retaining walls, including the use of materials that complement the building and site planning. 11. Compliance with the terms of the City Engineer's recommendations related to grading, drainage, and utilities in the report dated May 30th, 2018. 12. Execution of a Development Agreement including park dedication requirements for the proposed project. 13. Consideration of comments of other staff. B. Public Hearing - Consideration of a request for Variance to Mississippi River Wild & Scenic District for setback from top of bluff for proposed residential building expansion of 275 feet in the R-1 (Single Family Residence) District. Applicant: Dale Bergstrom Bob Kirmis indicated that the applicant is proposing a 273 foot expansion to the rear of the home facing the Mississippi River. All setbacks are met with the proposal except of the top of bluff setback. Kirmis stated that the DNR only requires a 30 foot setback from top of bluff, but that the City's code is at 75 feet. A 13 foot encroachment is proposed in the bluff area. Staff recommended approval of the application with conditions as indicated in Exhibit Z. Planning Commission Minutes — June 5, 2018 Page 4 110 Brad Fyle asked if any of the neighboring properties were close to the 30 foot setback. Kirmis didn't believe that there were many close to 30 feet, but rather closer to 75 feet. Fyle opened the public hearing. Dale and Diane Bergstrom, applicants, explained the need for the variance and indicated that it would be difficult to expand the building anywhere but the rear of the property. Fyle asked if there was any erosion issues with the rear of the property that would affect the addition. Bergstrom declined. Hearing no further comments, the public hearing was closed. Marc Simpson asked if the neighbors were informed about the proposed project. Bergstrom confirmed. It was noted that the neighbors' structures were further into the bluff line than the Bergstrom proposal. Brad Fyle asked if the applicant was familiar with Exhibit Z. The applicant asked for more clarity on the site drainage plan. Schumann stated that the Engineering Department may have recommendations for grading, drainage, or erosion control and would be implemented through building permits. Charlotte Gabler asked if the setback averaging was in effect for these properties. Schumann declined that because it was a rear expansion that would not be in effect. Fyle asked that the expansion would be a residential type use. Bergstrom confirmed that it would be a bedroom. Decision 1: Regarding the request for a variance from bluff -line setback requirements in the MWSRR District to be able to build an attached addition onto the existing home at 218 River Street, the Planning Commission has the following options: SAM MURDOFF MOVED TO APPROVE THE BLUFF -LINE SETBACK VARIANCE FOR 219 RIVER STREET EAST, SUBJECT TO THE CONDITIONS OUTLINED IN EXHIBIT Z, AND BASED ON FINDINGS IN RESOLUTION PC -2018-017. MARC SIMPSON SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED, 5-0. EXHIBIT Z Bergstrom Garage Setback Variance 219 River Street East, Monticello, MN 55362 Property ID: 155-040-001021 Planning Commission Minutes — June 5, 2018 Page 5 110 1. The addition is consistent in materials to the existing building. 2. Site drainage plan acceptable to the City Engineer. 3. Erosion control measures are provided in the vicinity of the project during construction. 4. Other conditions as specified by Planning Commission C. Public Hearing - Consideration of a request for Conditional Use Permit for an approximately 480 square foot residential detached Accessory Use Structure — Ma_ior in an R-1 (Single -Family Residence) District. Applicant: Joe Yakymi Angela Schumann stated that the combination of the attached and detached garage would slightly exceed the footprint of the principle structure, triggering a Conditional Use Permit. Schumann stated that in reviewing the application, the rear yard is of sufficient size to support the structure. The applicant has indicated that they would use the garage for storage of lawn and boat equipment. Schumann indicated that the applicant has confirmed that building materials would be consistent with the principal structure would be provided. The roofline and height would also meet the ordinance requirements. Staff recommended approval of the application with comments as indicated in Exhibit Z. Brad Fyle opened the public hearing. Joe Yakymi, applicant, introduced himself. Fyle asked about the access to the proposed structure. Yakymi stated that it would all be provided onsite. Fyle asked if the intent was for residential purposes. Yakymi confirmed. Katie Peterson asked if an existing detached shed would be removed. Yakymi confirmed. Fyle asked if the applicant was able to review Exhibit Z. Yakymi confirmed. Hearing no further comments, the public hearings were closed. Simpson asked if the neighbors had any concerns with the proposed structure. Yakymi noted that one of the neighbors has a similar set up. Decision 1. Conditional Use Permit for Accessory Use Structure — Major in an R-1 District MARC SIMPSON MOVED TO ADOPT RESOLUTION NO. PC 2018-018 RECOMMENDING APPROVAL OF THE CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT FOR A PROPOSED APPROXIMATELY 480 SQUARE FOOT STRUCTURE, Planning Commission Minutes — June 5, 2018 Page 6 110 SUBJECT TO THE CONDITIONS IN EXHIBIT Z, AND BASED ON FINDINGS IN SAID RESOLUTION. KATIE PETERSON SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED, 5-0. EXHIBIT Z Joe Yakymi Conditional Use Permit for Accessory Building — Major 9613 River Forest Drive 1. Accessory building space is to be utilized solely for the storage of residential personal property of the occupant of the principal dwelling, and no accessory building space is to be utilized for commercial purposes. 2. The accessory building shall be constructed to be similar to the principal building in architectural style and building materials. 3. Access to the structure will remain on the property. 4. Survey staking of property lines and setbacks will be required at building permit to verify 6' side yard setback requirement; a new certificate of survey including the proposed improvements may be required to verify property lines and setback. 5. Grading and drainage is subject to the comment of the City Engineer. 6. Compliance with the comments of other staff and Planning Commission. D. Public Hearing - Consideration of preliminary and fmal plat for Oakwood 311 Addition, a two lot subdivision in the I-1 (Heave Industrial) District Applicant: Platinum Technologies, LLC Bob Kirmis, stated that the property is 5.3 acres. Two lots were proposed at 1.5 acres and 3.8 acres respectively. The northerly lot is vacant with the southerly lot containing a building. The proposed lots meet all of the requirements of the I-2 District. Kirmis indicated that a fence and storage area encroach onto Lot 1. Staff recommended relocating these improvements to meet the setback. Kirmis explained that the City is requesting an additional 7 feet of right-of-way for Fallon Avenue for 40 feet from centerline. Staff recommended approval of the application with the comments identified in Exhibit Z. Brad Fyle stated that when the lots are split, water and sewer would not be available. Kirmis confirmed and added that one of the access points on Fallon Avenue would need to be removed to minimize access on a collector road. Planning Commission Minutes — June 5, 2018 Page 7 110 Charlotte Gabler asked if there would be any concerns of the use of the southern lot with new neighbors to the north of the lot. Schumann stated that it was the understanding by staff that the recycling facility operations have moved to a different location and that two new uses would be proposed. Marc Simpson noted that the facility was a recycling facility and asked if the site would need to be cleaned up. Schumann stated that for industrial users with outdoor storage, they are required to have an industrial stormwater permit. They are required to test and monitor stormwater. Other impacts from the use would be a discussion for the buyer of the site. The Planning Commission discussed adding an Exhibit Z comment that would require the site to be cleaned up. Schumann stated that staff were unsure if the City could require an environmental review, but would research and provide an update to City Council if it could be required. Brad Fyle opened the public hearing. Hearing no comments, the public hearing was closed. Katie Peterson asked what the implications would be on taxes if the lot was split and development did not occur. Kirmis stated that taxation would remain constant unless development occurred on the site to raise the taxable value. SAM MURDOFF MOVED TO ADOPT RESOLUTION NO. PC -2018-019, RECOMMENDING APPROVAL OF THE PRELIMINARY PLAT FOR OAKWOOD INDUSTRIAL PARK 3RD ADDITION, SUBJECT TO THE CONDITIONS NOTED IN EXHIBIT Z, AND BASED ON THE FINDINGS THEREIN. JOHN ALSTAD SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED, 5-0. E. Public Hearing - Consideration of a request for Amendment to Monticello Ordinance Chapter 5.4 — Temporary Uses, Chapter 4.1— Landscaping and Screening, Chapter 4.4 — Exterior Lighting, and Chapter 8.4 — Defmitions, Chapter 5.3 — Accessory Use Standards. Applicant: City of Monticello Angela Schumann explained the need to amend the zoning ordinance. She recommended a change to the perimeter landscaping buffer to not require when the same zoning districts are adjacent to each other. The next proposed amendment was to allow internal illumination for downcast lighting within awnings. Another proposed amendment was to allow with a permit temporary portable containers for commercial/industrial and civic uses during active construction. The final proposed amendment included allowing security fencing for outdoor seating options in the front yard. Planning Commission Minutes — June 5, 2018 Page 8110 Katie Peterson asked if there were any limits on extensions on portable storage units. Schumann responded that the building permit has to be active and related to a certificate of occupancy. Peterson asked if there was any materials specifications for fencing for outdoor patio areas. Schumann responded that it had to be 50 percent opacity, but that the underlying provisions of the commercial district prevail. Fyle opened the public hearing, hearing no comments the public hearing was closed. MARC SIMPSON MOVED TO ADOPT RESOLUTION NO. PC -2018-020, RECOMMENDING APPROVAL OF THE PROPOSED ORDINANCE AMENDMENTS TO MONTICELLO ORDINANCE CHAPTER 5.4 — TEMPORARY USES, CHAPTER 4.1 — LANDSCAPING AND SCREENING, CHAPTER 4.4 — EXTERIOR LIGHTING, AND CHAPTER 5.3 — ACCESSORY USE STANDARDS. JOHN ALSTAD SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED, 5-0. F. Public Hearing - Consideration of an amendment to the Monticello Zoning Ordinance, Chapter 3, Section 7 for the Floodplain Overlay District Applicant: City of Monticello Angela Schumann reminded the Planning Commission of the reason to amend the Zoning Ordinance for the Floodplain Overlay District. Schumann indicated that the purpose of the ordinance is to protect people and property, to allow flood insurance eligibility, and to reduce the tax dollars spent on eligible claims. Schumann provided an overview of the structure of the ordinance. Schumann requested that the current version of the ordinance be repealed and replaced with the proposed ordinance. The additions to the proposed ordinance includes additional definitions, description of when a permit is required, and guidance provisions for accessory structures and conditional uses in flood fringe areas. The code does not allow new manufactured home parks and recreational camp grounds in the flood plain and sets limits on expansion in those areas. The proposed code also provides the basis for variance requests. Brad Fyle opened the public hearing. Hearing no comments, the public hearing was closed. SAM MURDOFF MOVED TO ADOPT RESOLUTION PC -2018-021 RECOMMENDING APPROVAL OF AN AMENDMENT TO MONTICELLO ZONING ORDINANCE 3.7 FOR FLOODPLAIN DISTRICT REGULATIONS AND REPEALING CHAPTER 18 - FLOODPLAIN, BASED ON FINDINGS IN SAID RESOLUTION. KATIE PETERSON SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED, 5-0. 3. Regular Agenda Planning Commission Minutes — June 5, 2018 Page 9 110 A. Consideration of the Community Development Directors Report Angela Schumann provided the Community Development Directors Report. She explained that the City is working on a street pole banner project. The public is encouraged to submit designs to the City. 4. Added Items None. 5. Adjournment MARC SIMPSON MOVED TO ADJOURN THE MEETING AT 7:29 P.M. JOHN ALSTAD SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED, 5-0. Recorder: Jacob Thunander Approved: July 3, 2018 Attest: Angela Schu(n, Cfimmunity Development Director Planning Commission Minutes — June 5, 2018 Page 10 110