HRA Minutes 02-06-1995 . . . MINUTES MONTICELLO HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY Monday, February 6, 1995 - 7:00 p.m. City Hall MEMBERS PRESENT: Chairperson Al Larson, Vice Chairperson Ben Smith, Everette Ellison, Tom St. Hilaire. and Brad Barger. STAFF PRESENT; Ollie Koropchak. STAFF ABSENT: Rick Wolfstcller and Jeff O'Neill. 1 .J.. CALL TO ORDER. Chairperson Larson called the HRA meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. 2. CONSIDERATION TO APPROVE THE JANUARY 11 AND JANUARY 2 ,. ..........................,.."..",.".. HRA MINUTES. 1995 Ben Smith minutes. additions written. they Here made a motion to Everet te Ell ison or corrections, Approval of the not submitted. appove the January 11, 1995 HRA seconded the motion and with no the minutes were approved as January 26 minutes was tabled as oJ '-' . PUBLIC HEARING AND AUTHORIZATIO~,_g:f_'!'H~A9QY~~_~!~g_r-J AND DISPOSIT ON OF LANDS RELATING TO TIF DISTRICT NO. 1-19. ,,,,,,.,', .., ...........-........ ,..,."'."."..........-........ ,".,.".",.. .....................-.-....... ,........... ......---...............,......,."' ,.,,,.... ................-....". Vice Chairperson Smith requested HRA members Everette Ellison and Tom St. Hi laire consider this agenda item. This for compliance with the executed Disclosure and Abstention Statements. Since the public hearing notice for the acquisi tion and disposition of lands was published and since a financial gap exists for the construction of the the senior project, Attorney Bubul recommends continuation of the public hearing. The Hospital Board must consider donation of the land and all entities must consider a low-interest loan to make the senior project cash flow and to obtain acceptable rent rates. Barb Schwientek! Hospi tal Execut i ve Director. is ant icipated to return the 9th of February. With the approved HRA-TIP assistance of $220,830 on January 26 which excludes land acquisition and contingent upon the Hospital Board donating the land, no HRA public hearing would be necessary. With no opposition from Ellison or St. Hilaire. Vice Chairperson Smith called to continue the public hearing of the Page 1 . . . Gcquisition and disposition of lands relating to TIF District No. 1-19 until March 1, 1995, or upon a special meeting. Everette Ellison will be out-of-town after February 24 and Tom St. Hilaire will be out-of-town the first week in March. 4 .9()~L?IPE ~AT I QHI9.J:.? PRO V E C H AN g~~_.!9 ... T H Ep 13- I YAIE. f{~p ~ V~J:,9r.~E~lT 99JSTf{J:.gT.$~ '!'Jig~f'J.'!'Jl~ .. HRA_Af'J'PRI;:~IP~NJ'IJ:.J:,_PI;:Y;:J:,qpt'II~!'J"1'_!. ..~. ~C . Koropchak outlined the major changes to the Private Redevelopment Contract approved by the HRA on December 7. The negotiated changes include a reduction of the estimated market value (EMV) by $782,400, this caused by the deletion of the development of the commercial properties. The anticipated decertification date is extended by two years or to 2003. The $102,000 pay-as-you-go payments will be paid upon a percentage of the avai lable tax increment and upon meet ing a minimum market value and rrumber of units-constructed criteria within the phased development. The developer could receive the full assistance prior to final completion of the housing development; however, the restoration of the gravel pit would be accomplished as HRA payments also require evidence of soils correction work completed and certification of payment. Tom st. Hiliare made a motion to approve the negotiated changes to the Private Redevelopment Contract between the BRA amd Residential Development I Inc. Total minimum EMV of $16,275,000, construction of 67 single-homes and 48 twin-- homes, and anticipated decertification of TIF District in 2003. TIF assistance disbursed as outlined in the above paragraph. Everette E11ison seconded the motion and with no further discussion, the motion passed 4--1. Year3: Tom St. Hilaire, Everette ElIsion, Ben Smith, and Brad Barger. The use of TIF was approved for the sole purpose to assist with the restorat ion of an unsafe gravel pi t. Nay; Al Larson. Site grading anticipated to begin in March, h '-' . CONSIDERATION TO REVIEW FOR APPROVAL THE PRELIMINARY CONCEPT ..............._...'"'.. ."....."",..."., ..."......."..........." ........n............"....".".,.""................., "..~.,....,....,.,' .... . ........--....-"..". .......-............... F O.Bc. ':I.'IlE: ..y?~,g[.'l,'~~-.LB:Qt-1 JQli~?9 N ....J:.HP (3E N E.ggJ:.J?). Based on the assumption the developer Hould construct a 15,000 sq ft metal (steel frame) office/manufacturing facility with exterior brick trim, the estimated annual taxes is $16,000. The project would generate a total tax increment of $144,000 and th:::> HACA Loss is $48,200. Twenty-five percent of the increment can be expended outside the TIF District for public improvements to offset the city's loss if the public improvements were earmarked in the City's General Fund. Page 2 . . . HRA MINUTES FEBRUARY 6, 1995 Suggested TIF assistance is $40,000 (NPV @ 8%), pay-as-you-go method for land write--down. Currently Quality Welding has 6 jobs at $8.25 per hour and estimates the addition of 7 jobs at $9.50 by 1997. And currently, Ragen Corporation has 4 jobs at $8.50 and estimates the addition of 8 jobs at $10.00 by 1997. The company does precision welding and fabricating for prototypes and production. The company is looking at 2.8 acres to the north of the unoccupied Pfeffer building along Fallon Avenue. The developers were notified of the need to provide the HRA with a letter relating to the "but for" test. The company is in the process of securing bank funding. This is a preliminary concept approval only because no credit analysis of the company financials has been completed. Based on assumptions and the estimated number of manufacturing jobs, Ben Smith made a motion to approve the preliminary concept for use of TIF, pay-as-you-go method. Tom St. Hilaire seconded the motion and with no further discussion, the motion passed unanimously. c: v. OTHER BUSINESS. .........-."..".....""".......................""'''''.,...........-.''. a) No bills for approval. b) One proposed TIF bill before the Legislators could sharply limit the use of surplus dollars from pre-May 1, 1990 districts, if a City or HRA has not issued bonds or entered into contract prior to February I, 1995. c) It was suggested that a letter of Monticello's interest in economic development be written to Komo Manufacturing, St. Cloud. 7. ADJOURNMENT. ....-...............................,..'''.'''' The BRA meeting adjourned at 7:50 p.m. o~ \<<D Page 3