City Council Agenda Packet 08-25-2003 Special . . . -- ~..... AGEN A SP[~CIAL MEETING - MON ICELLO CITY COUNCIL Monday, August 2 , 2003 - 5 p.m. Mayor: Bruce Thielen Council Members: Roger Carlson, Glen Posust ,Robbie Smith and Brian Stumpf 1. Call the special meeting to order. 2. Review of 2004 Preliminary Budget 3. Adjourn. . . . Budget Workshop - 8/25/03 2. A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROlJND: Enclosed you will find summary worksheets outlining a proposed 2004 city budget and resulting tax levy. For this workshop, I hay only prepared one basic set of documents for our first discussion and have includcd all of he individual department budget requests without major modifications at this time. Surprising y, the proposed budget revenues along with maximum levy limits appear to be sufficient to fund the budget proposed for next year. Department heads were instructed to keep a harp pencil on their budget requests, and I think overall, the budget proposal is in line with w at I was hoping for. While the City was faced with a $288,000 cd in state aids for 2003, budget modifications were made to account fix this reduction in re enue. Likewise, the 2004 budget has been developed with the understanding that we wi 1 lose an additional $295,000 in state aid next year. We arc probably more fortunate than 0 her communities in that the expected aid loss is a smaller percentage of our overall budget th n it may be in other communities. The proposed budget and tax levy would res It in a levy of $7,011,865 compared to $6,782,018 last year. Although the on the su face it appears that the city would generate $230,000 more in revenuc than last year, the reality is we will actually receive $136,771 less than last year. This is due to the fact that the state will not be reimbursing the city for [,CiA of $18,194, Market Value Ilomestead Credit pa ments of $276,882 or any transit aid for our bus program that was $26,674 last year. Our tax ayers will actually be responsible for $7,000,000 in levy amounts but the city will only receive the equivalent of $6,690,000 in tax payments. The levy increase of $229,847 amounts to a . .39% increase over last years levy. Included in this amount is a levy of $118,900 for one ye, I' only to cover the capitalized interest cost on the first year of the hond payments for the bond just sold Wednesday night. If the city is able to adopt an assessment roll for the Core City St eet Reconstruction Project Phase I and Cedar Street hy Novemher 3<)lh, we could eliminate this levy, making the increased levy only $111,000 (1.6%) more than last year. As to hat effect the proposed levy would have on the average taxpayer, this inli.)[lnation is not yet vailablc from the Wright County Auditor's office, but it is assumed that property owners should see very little change in their taxes because of the anticipated in growth in our ta . base from new construction. Last year our tax capacity value grew by over 8%, and it is ass med that with property values increasing and with the new construction we have experienc d this past year, increase in our tax capacity value should more than offset the increase in the proposed levy. llopefully I will have more inf'{mnation f'{)r Monday nights workshop, as I am trying to get this inf'{)[l11ation from the County Auditor's and County Assessor's offi.ce at this time. SlJMMARY OF BlJDGET INCREASES! ECREASES 2003 TO 2004 General Fund Elections - 2004 is an lection year. +- $8, 975.00 . . . Budget Workshop - 8/25/03 Planning & loning - lanning Technician not included in 2004 bud ct -$45,000.00 City Hall - Includes $ 0,000 for micro fiche laser equipment and scann r [or records retention +$20,000.00 Street Dept - Includes funding for additional Street Depl. employee plus finge benefits +$32,250.00 Law Enforcement - In 'Iudes additional 1,044 hours to bring the total up t 17,520 hours annually (48 hrs. a day) +$80,450.00 Assessor Services - N w contract and fee increases totaling 14% +$14,585.00 Shop & Garage - Part timc shop and maintenancc custodian +$13,000.00 City Council - Strateg c planning consultant +$5,000.00 Finance - Additional ank charges because interest earnings do not cover 'ost of bank services +$3,000.00 Legal - Higher attenda lce at stall meetings and council meetings by City Alto ney +$30,000.00 Audit - New firm and lew audit format, expect higher costs +$X,OOO.OO Deputy Registrar Bldg - Includes some funds for building repairs +$10,000.00 Fire Department - Fire Department requesting hourly increase in pay from $ /hr to $9/hr per fire call and doubling the annual co lpensation to officers of the Fire Department +$12,000.00 Refuse/Recycling - Estimate additional 300 units plus 200 for Kjellberg's West Mobile Horne Park and 5% raise in contra t fee +$77,000.00 Transit Fund (Bus Program) - Funding changes by state regarding the transit program now means the city will be responsible for 20(% of the estimated 73,000 cost to operate the bus service. Last year the state picked up the entire cost through grants. SilCe the city has sufficient funds in the transit fund at this time no additional levy will he needed fa 'the next year. 2 Budget Workshop - S/25/03 . Community Centcr Fund - Proposed budget for C mmunity Center would require an additional $144,000 in revenue, $89,000 because of the higher iebt payment and the balancc of $55,(lOO f(x operations. Basic budget revenuc sources for Community Cente : Taxes for operations 'faxes for debt payment Transfer from Liquor Store Operation Revenue TOTAL $ 405,900.00 $ 662,455.00 $ 200,000.00 $ 698,445.00 $1,966,800.00 Debt Servicc Funds - Levy requirements were anti ipated to be reduced for year 2004 by almost a $100,000, but because of the rcquirement to levy 1'0 one year to covcr the possibility that assessments won't get certified this year for the recent bond sale, our debt levy actually went up by $26,000 over last year. Salary and Benefits - The budget for salaries was i creascd by 3(Xl for the purpose of providing cost of living adjustments and to provide funding the inc ease in overall salary sehedule adjustments. In regards to health insurance premiums, we are currely in the process of obtaining additional quotes from various insurance companies to see if we can s ve any money on health insurance cost, but at this time, the current carrier, Principal Financial Grc up, has indicated they will renew our policy for an additional year at no incrcase in cost. . As a reference, I have again enclosed the summary I' our capital outlay fund balance reserves and have noted the anticipated uses that have been eann rked ii'om this fund over the past several years. As you can see, even though the expected fund bala ce at the end of the year would be over $700,000, the majority of these funds have already een committed to various purchases or projects in the future, and are not necessarily available for othe uses unless redirected by the Council. The general fund for the city has a substantial fund balm ce of around $5,000,000, equivalent one years operating expenditures. As you know, the city does need working capital to operate for the first six months of the year as most of our revenue does not ccur until July and December of each year frOtIl tax settlements. Fund balances have increased in tl e general fund over the last few years, due to some other unexpected revenue that has occurred fr)m the sale of various city assets (right-or-way properties), and unexpected receipt of $172,000 fro 1 the city's participation in the health insurance company going public. As was noted by Moody's I westor Services, they feel fund balance increases are certainly a positive bctor for the city in helping 0 maintain our current bond rating and also to possibly lower it in the future. That's not to say tho t the Council could not choose to use some of the surplus funds for various projects, and it may be ne essary to tap these resources if we are going to consider an expansion of the library facility in the n ar future. Funding f()r library construction has not been included in next years budget, but it is anti'ipated to come from reserve funds if it is done in the near future. . Transportation improvement costs for such items a' a future Fallon A venue/I-94 bridge project, and County Road 1 X/I-94 interchange cost have not bee included in this budget, but are assumed to be " _1 . . . Budget Workshop - 8/25/03 items we would have to finance through some type of a bond sale in the future. As you know, these costs could be substantial in acquiring the necessary ight-of-way along with construction of the interchange, but it is hoped that a finance plan can b developed that would include revenue hom MnDOT for their share of the project along with ass ssments to benefi.tting properties in the area of the improvements that would require taxpayer fundi g of the balance at a lesser amount. The 2004 budget for the Community Center facility id not include any additional building reserve set aside for such items as locker replacements, resu facing of the pool, roofreplacement, carpet replacement or other building improvements that are likely to be needed in the future to maintain the facility. Over half of the capital expenditures budge ed for in the Community Center fund are necessary to deal with various equipment and buildi g improvements that are the result of design defects, premature building repairs and other impro ements. It is anticipated that this funding need will continue to increase in the future to keep the fa 'ility up to date. While this will be our first workshop session, the C uncil will ultimately need to establish a preliminary tax levy and budget by September 15th. Because of the state aid cuts the city will incur totaling $295,000, it is recommended that we levy tl e maximum amount allowed by state statutes of $7,011,865, which still means we will receive $136, )00 less than we did last year from taxcs and aids. If you do not levy the maximum, additional cu s to programs or services would have to be done, or we would have to use reserve funds to cover plan ed expenditures. As always, the preliminary levy cannot be increased once we establish it, but wean always lower it later before we certify the fi.nal amount in Dccember. In addition to adopting a preliminary levy by Septen bel' 15th, the Council needs to establish the date of the Truth in Taxation hearing. As in the past, it is suggested that the Counci I set the first Wednesday in December at 5 p.m. as the date for th public hearing, allowing the Council to adopt a final budget and levy at its regular meeting in Decen bel' scheduled flW December 8th. It is suggested that if the December 3rd is the original hearing date, continuation date of Decembcr lOth be indicated if the original hearing can't be completed that eveni g. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Council could review the preliminar budget information and schedule additional workshops prior to September 15th. 2. Council could review the preliminar budget and adopt the maximum levy allowed by the state statutes of $7,0 11,865 and s t December 5th at 5 p.lll. as thc date of Truth in Taxation hearing. C. SlJPPORTING DATA: Budget Workshop Documcnts 4 . CITY OF M NTICELLO 20 4 . PROPOSE BUDGET SUM ARY . . . . 2004 Bud TAX LEVY SUMMJ ,RY 2004 Budget All Funds ",,(,. . ... l~i'> ......!i!I!"".. ......,..... N!~t Payable~OO3 Adju~tedLevy fund After D~ducting Net PayabJ~i~OO4 .. . HACA Adjusted Levy Parks $709,525 $653,875 General $3,167,330 $3,527,722 Library $33,790 $35,375 Transportation $0 $0 Shade Tree $28,785 $0 OM $0 $0 HRA $20,820 $20,945 Debt Service $1,268,813 $1,205,593 Capital Imp. Revolvinq $123,010 $0 Community Center $894,945 $1,068,355 Street Reconstruction $535,000 $500,000 "fOTAL .....""( .,.. ..,.. (('.. $~.,782,01i'~ $1,011,865 Net Certified Levy Decrease/Increase $229,847 3.39% Maximum Levv Allowed $7,011,865 Payable 1998 Tax Capacity Rate 27001 Payable 1999 Tax Capacity Rate 35.186 Payable 2000 Tax Capacity Rate 36.272 Payable 2001 Tax Capacity Rate 37. 146 Payable 2002 Tax Capacity Rate 67645 Payable 2003 Tax Capacity Rate 65558 Payable 2004 Tax Capacity Rate 67.78 Tax Ca'J)'~ city Tax Capacity ...'., ValUE ."... Rate ... Tax Levy '97/Payable 1998 $ 14,41 3,597 27.001 $3,883,013 '98/Payable 1999 $ 13,12 3,681 35 186 $4,617,725 99/Payable 2000 $ 13,06 6,057 36272 $4,739,325 2000/Payable 2001 $ 13,6<1 1 ,431 37146 $5,067,342 2001/Payable 2002 $ 9.!3C 6,212 67645 $6,498,079 2002/Payable 2003 $ 10,3<1 4,950 65_558 $6,782,018 COMMENTS: *Community Center budget levy includes $662,455 for debt service and $405,900 for operations get.xls:Tax Levy Sum:8/20/2003 ---- .... -.- - --- .--- .- .-- . . . SUMMARY OF PROJE :;TED REVENUES, EXPENDITURES AND ~UND BALANCES (Cash & Investments) Parks Fund Park Dedication fund General library Tree OM Water Water Access Sewer Sewer Access Transportation liquor Capital Outlay Revolving HRA Minn Investment Fund DTED Clean Up Fund EDA SCERG CMIF Storm Sewer Access Cemetery Community Center Fund Street Reconstruction Fund SUBTOTALS Debt Service General Obliqation Bonds Special Assessment Bonds Tax Increment Bonds DEBT SERVICE SUBTOTALS TOTALS 2004 BUDGET.XLS:Summ of Proj Rev 8/21/2003 ,,1 $174,200 $124,000 $4,850,300 $4,550 $35,100 $13,000 $1,105,000 $922,000 $995,200 $2,720,000 $25,500 $430,000 $710,000 $924,600 $153,000 $0 $1,026,500 $11,400 $1,450 $965,000 $26,000 ($20,000) $520,000 $15,716,flOO $1,601,465 $3,980,819 $2,204,000 $'7',786,284.i . $23,503,Ofl4J $667,600 $97,605 $4,985,285 $36,500 $2,400 $400 $443,905 $350,740 $915,250 $1,012,365 $61,350 $3,545,525 $79,630 $683,445 $17,710 $250,000 $55,155 $180 $165 $246,390 $30,000 $1,966,800 $510,550 $'1$,~58,950 $1,756,573 $1,442,488 $209,300 $3,40tJ,361 $667,600 $90,000 $4,985,285 $36,500 $35,525 $10,000 $410,025 $109,000 $804,585 $205,000 $73,385 $3,307,730 $206,575 $420,345 $0 $250,000 $7,000 $0 $0 $250,000 $30,000 $1,966,800 $500,000 $14,365,355.'....,.... $1,770,993 $1,437,600 $2,340,550 $5,549,143 $1'~;~67 ,311 T ..,..", $19,91i4,.498 RO_ AL.A /31 .... $174,200 $131,605 $4,850,300 $4,550 $1,975 $3,400 $1,138,880 $1,163,740 $1,105,865 $3,527,365 $13,465 $667,795 $583,055 $1,187,700 $170,710 $0 $1,074,655 $11,580 $1,615 $961,390 $26,000 ($20,000) $530,550 $17,310,395 $1,587,045 $3,985,707 $72,750 $5,645,502 $22,955,897 . . . REVENUE AND EXPE DITURE SUMMARY 2004 B dget General Parks Park Dedication Librar Trans ortation Shade Tree Communit Center UDAG OM HRA Minn. Investment Fund EDA SCERG CMIF Debt Service Li uor Water Sewer Cemete Capital Improvements Water Access Storm Sewer Access Sanitar Sewer Access Streeet Reconstruction Fund TOTAL $4,715,780 $719,225 $43,400 $35,190 $87,780 $30,285 $1,822,395 $0 $375 $683,070 $18,745 $50,800 $480 $150 $3,204,985 $3,326,650 $420,850 $867,050 $30,210 $219,840 $234,000 $181,790 $850,200 $552,700 $18,095,950 $4,715,780 $709,525 $60,000 $35,190 $87,780 $45,775 $1,822,395 $0 $5,000 $481,560 $0 $7,000 $0 $0 $3,656,918 $3,132,305 $701,270 $2,008,425 $30,685 $635,000 $194,000 $0 $100,000 $0 18,428,GOa COMMENTS *includes $1,214,635 Depreciation -- contributed assets s wer **includes $312,940 Depreciation -- contributed assets w ter 20048 UDGETXLS:Rev & Sum:8/21/2003 $4,985,285 $667,600 $97,605 $36,500 $61,350 $2,400 $1,966,800 $250,000 $400 $683,445 $17,710 $55,155 $180 $165 $3,408,361 $3,545,525 $443,905 $915,250 $30,000 $79,630 $350,740 $246,390 $1,012,365 $510,550 $19,3q:t,3~:1 $4,985,285 $667,600 $90,000 $36,500 $73,385 $35,525 $1,966,800 $250,000 $10,000 $420,345 $0 $7,000 $0 $0 $5,549,143 $3,307,730 $782,025 $2,064,505 $30,000 $206,575 $109,000 $250,000 $205,000 $500,000 $21 ,54G,4~a . . . GENERAL FUND SU MMARY 2004 Budge REVENUE Taxes 2003 2004 CURRENT AD VALOREM TAXES 101.310 1 $3,167,330 $3,527,722 DELINQUENT AD VALOREM TAXES 101.310 1 $0 $0 MOBILE HOME TAX 101.310 1 $0 $0 TIF #1 - KMART 101.310 1 $0 $0 FORFEITED TAX SALE APPORT 101.319 0 $0 $0 PEN & INT - AD VALOREM TAXES 101.319 0 $3,000 $5,000 ~ !!llii~~32, 722 Licenses and Permits - Business LIQUOR LICENSE 101.321 1 $29,050 $29,050 BEER LICENSE 101.321 2 $1,100 $1,950 SET UP LICENSE 101.321 3 $50 $50 OTHER BUS LICENSES & PERMITS 101.321 9 $300 $1,500 1?!.!J!(.....ro-r_ Licenses and Permits - Non-Business BUILDING PERMITS 101.322 1 $505,000 $635,000 VARIANCES/CON DITIONAL USES 101.322 2 $2,650 $2,600 GRADING PERMIT 101322 5 $0 $0 PLUMBING CONNECTION PERMITS 101.322 :11 $0 $0 ANIMAL LICENSES 101.322 1 $225 $225 BINGO LICENSES 101322 :51 $0 $0 CABLE FRANCHISE FEE 101.322 j2 $0 $0 OTHER NON-BUS L1C & PERMITS 101.322 ~9 $7,000 $7,650 ]IIIih: L1CS.ISI!I'lli!iiSo P~illlilimliii!ii~NafSl!!iiiiiliilllli!llN EI!I!!!I!! I.!.....~ $511!i1ii~~75111iL$IIiI~i7'~ Inter-Governmental FEDERAL GRANTS - CETA 101.331 )0 $0 $0 LOCAL GOVERNMENT AID 101334 1 $18,194 $0 HOMESTEAD CREDIT (HACA) 101334 2 $0 $0 MOBILE HOME HOMESTEAD CREDIT 101.334 3 $0 $0 PERA INCREASE AID 101.334 4 $6,741 $6,741 DISASTER AID 101334 8 $0 $0 LOCAL GOVT/ST HWY AID 101334 10 $65,000 $68,000 FIRE DEPT AID 101.334 )0 $53,345 $63,250 POLICE DEPT AID 101.334)1 $28,000 $33,000 STATE GRANTS & AIDS - OTHER 101.334 9 $0 $0 COUNTY HIGHWAY GRANTS 101.336 10 $11,750 $11,600 OTHER COUNTY GRANTS 101.336 /0 $5,000 $1,000 mliml~'NTERi~liltME:RNMlifSliie.L.. . ,'>!!n!!>!}.::(.!!.>!. ~ ~ $i~iilili~!~S~ Charges for Services RECYLlNG INCENTIVE 101.33621 $13,000 $14,000 ZONING/SUBDIVISION FEES 101 .341 03 $5,000 $10,000 2004 BUOGET.XLS:GenFundSumRev:8/20/2003 .- ...-- .- --- . - . - . . . SALE OF MAPS & PUBLICATIONS 101 .341 5 $200 $250 MV LICENSE SALESIDEPUTY REG 101 .341 6 $205,000 $245,000 ASSESSMENT SEARCHES 101 341 7 $8,500 $10,000 INSPECTION FEES 101 .342 4 $160,000 $55,000 FIRE PROTECTION TWP CONTRACT 101 .342 6 $82,760 $80,215 FIRE EMERGENCY RESPONSE CALLS 101 .342 7 $2,500 $3,000 BLIGHT MOWING FEES 101 .342 0 $300 $300 STREET,SIDEWALK,CURB REPAIRS 101 .343 1 $0 $0 SPECIAL GARBAGE PROC/RECYCLE 101.344 8 $3,000 $2,600 GARBAGE CHG 1 01 .344 9 $55,000 $46,000 GARBAGE CART RENTAL 101 .344 0 $26,000 $33,500 PARK RENTAL FEES 101.347 0 $0 $0 CONSTRUCTION COST (REIMB) 101 .349 0 $40,000 $155,418 OTHER CHARGES FOR SERVICES __~:lI $1,200 ~~lIIllllir:S:~'fJ1'1I:I:II'E;RVI~:1110 Fines ~ . $~~I'I~I~O T $23';100 Miscellaneous Revenue S A. PRINCIPAL - COUNTY 101 .361 1 $0 $0 S. A. PRINCIPAL - DIRECT 101 .361 2 $0 $0 S. A. PENAL TIES & INTEREST 101 .361 0 $128,000 $162,500 INTEREST EARNINGS 101 .362 0 $0 $0 INTEREST EARNINGS-ANDERSON 101 .362 5 $6,785 $6,090 INTEREST EARNINGS-AROPLAX 101 .362 4 $0 $4,300 RENTAL OF PROPERTY 101 362 0 $1 ,500 $13,350 RENTAL OF EQUIPMENT 101 .362 1 $0 $0 CONTRIBUTIONS - PRIVATE 101 .362 0 $0 $0 SALE OF CITY PROPERTY 101 .362 0 $0 $0 MISC ITEMS FOR RESALE 101 362 1 $0 $0 LOCK (FIRE) BOXES 101 .362 2 $500 $450 SIGNS & INSTALL (NEW PLATS) 101 .362 3 $0 $0 OTHER MISC REVENUE 101 .36239 $4,000 $4,500 l_mlL M ISe,EC:I":AN 1;<i),!i!lIIi:::III:!VEN!i!l!$i"'i ~~ Refunds and Reimbursements REFUNDS/REIMBURSEMENTS 101 .362 ~o $10,000 $15,000 IDC CONTRIBUTION (REIMB) 101 .362 1 $0 $0 HACA REIMBURSEMENT 101.362 2 $0 $0 DISCOUNT 101.362 ~8 $0 $350 rO"F,eill!,:III:I'!$iI!1i!i!lNO&"illlllll!$iIMSY::II:!$iI!l1lENlll\,;:r!1\' ]IlL ]IlL $1~llllliIIIO JIlL $:~11111~11t;0 Transfers from Other Funds "Fransfer 101.392 ~ $0 ill ..mlJ., TRi'S.N"I:IIIIII~. FRlf,II:..<i)lH ERIIJ(IJ'!~ OS ''',''','':i ~ ....,.."."",....... ....."..,"'::"''''...''''''.. IQT ,l('[l1::iI5Ni,ieiL' FlJ~I:I;~,i!=VE:NI!I.!IIr:, ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1\\<<< $1~_~l'7,98tjl..:' $t;:;lap,361 Less: LGA and MVHC Aid Loss ($295,076) I TOT,l([l'::I::'t!I'E,lGENERII,:;FY NO' RRI~I;NUE ..1."....\........< ~I.....,...'.... $I':~135,285 2004 BU DG ET .xLS: Gen F undSumRev: 8/20/2003 - ..- ..-- .-- --.- .- .-- ___on . . . GENERAL FUN ) SUMMARY 2004 Bu dget EXPENDITURES 2003 2004 General Government Mayor and Council $34,520 $38,710 Administration $268,500 $273,765 Finance $186,585 $198,145 Audit $21,500 $29,500 Leqal $71,880 $102,150 Planning & ZoninQ $202,530 $175,660 Assessing $29,925 $44,510 Deputy Reqistrar $207,365 $204,170 City Hall $132,000 $1 51 ,450 Data Processinq $99,750 $101,175 Elections $0 $8,975 N~I Guard ~ $21,870 $21,400 ':III.... '.1.' GQlli,lIiMNll:NT ~2~~;I~illJ .-:tAQ ~...i'l Public Safety Law Enforcement $716,710 $797,160 Fire $216,855 $242,930 Building Inspections $211,790 $215,855 Civil Defense $15,665 $13,665 Animal Control $42,250 $42,975 ..... SApi:SliI' ~ ""II! ~ $1r~!:l,~i~70 $1,31~'~lIJ~:lIJ Public Works Inspections $144,470 $131,790 Public Works Administration $181,760 $177,480 Streets & Alleys $644,055 $597,125 Snow & Ice $70,490 $84,760 Street Lighting $100,500 $102,500 Parking Lots $18,600 $6,600 Shop & Garage -.-'.--.-'--- $125,940 $135,525 Refuse Collection $362,125 $439,930 Enqineering ~ ~ ~ $300,000 $370,000 T(j'TII.Ill"i,~t:l'Eill....IC i $1:!ifll:~;940 $2,OI:~'~ili~iii!:l Health & Welfare Senior Citizens Center $78,465 $77,890 YMCA/Community Education $18,200 $18,200 Information Center $4,000 $0 ,i,:i,:,I..' TOTI.lJ!ii:JlliilEl.lllill!IB. WELpi'1.1I1 ~ .......~I'.:..". $1Cl'Cl':!:!:I,~,~ ....'.III)I.. '..., $96,09d Community Celebrations Community Celebrations (Previously in Parks) I $11,8001 ]Iii ..~ I 'TI(j'TI:~:lJ!iiiiiil:~~KS & lIe(!j"li'~'I~!J110N -ry ~....'....' I~ iI' ..... Economic Development Econ::i:D:~:lopm~ I $59,1751 $57,8851 I... TOTIII.IJ,I,IE,CONOMIC -ry ......I...I..,.... $I5,~;1,7pl.' $57;gg:lJl' ..... 2004 BUDGET. X LS: GenF undSum..Exp: 8I20/2003 ..----- -- --..-- -- ...--- . GENERAL FUN SUMMARY 2004 Budget Miscellaneous Mise -- Severence Benefits Insurance MISttl$:IIANEOUII . . $28,000 $88,805 2004 BUDGET.XLS:GenFundSum-Exp8/20/2003 . . . SPECIAL REVENUE FUND 2004 Budget Park Fund REVENUE CURRENT AD VALOREM TAXES DELINQUENT AD VALOREM TAXES MOBILE HOME TAX PEN & INT - AD VALOREM TAXES HOMESTEAD CREDIT TEAM FEES PARK RENTAL FEES PARK DEDICATION FEES OTHER CHARGES FOR SERVICES INTEREST EARNINGS REFUNDS/REIMBURSEMENTS IN OTHER MISC REVENUE TRANSFER FROM GENERAL FUND TRANSFER FROM OTHER FUNDS 2003 $709,525 $0 $0 $0 $0 $5,000 $2,000 $0 $0 $2,700 $0 $0 $0 $0 2004 $653,875 $0 $0 $0 $0 $6,500 $2,000 $0 $0 $5,225 $0 $0 $0 225.31011 225_31021 225.31031 225.31910 225,33402 22534770 225_34780 225.34950 225_34999 225.36210 225.36290 225.36299 225.39201 225.39203 ----------------------- --------------------- EXPENDITURES Personal Services SALARIES, FULL TIME - REG SALARIES, FULL TIME - OT SALARIES, PART-TIME - REG SALARIES, PART-TIME - OT SALARIES, TEMPORARY - REG SALARIES, TEMPORARY - OT SALARIES, OTHER SEVERANCE PAY PERA CONTRIBUTIONS FICA CONTRIBUTIONS MEDICARE CONTRIBUTIONS HEAL TH/DENTAL/L1FE INSURANCE U, C BENEFIT PAYMENTS WORKER'S COMP BENEFIT PAYMT 22 .45201_1010 22 .45201.1020 22 .45201,1030 22.45201.1031 22 .45201_1040 22 .45201_1050 22 .45201.1090 22 .45201.1110 22.45201.1210 22 .45201.1220 22 .45201.1250 22.45201,1310 22 .45201,1420 22 .45201.1520 $199,550 $2,550 $0 $0 $35,000 $0 $0 $0 $13,115 $14,700 $3,440 $33,820 $0 $0 $203,440 $2,750 $0 $0 $38,000 $0 $0 $1 ,000 $13,615 $15,265 $3,570 $35,460 $0 $0 2004 BUDGETXLSSpec Revenue Fund-Parks 8/20/2003 . . . 2004 SPECIAL REVENUE FUND 2004 Budget Park Fund Supplies PRINTED FORMS & PAPER 22 .45201.2030 $0 $0 SAFETY SUPPLIES 22 .45201.2065 $2,000 $2,400 MISC OFFICE SUPPLIES 22 .45201.2099 $200 $200 CLEANING SUPPLIES 22 .45201.2110 $700 $600 CLOTHING SUPPLIES 22 .45201.2111 $650 $650 MOTOR FUELS 22 .45201.2120 $5,500 $6,000 LUBRICANTS & ADDITIVES 22 .45201.2130 $1,400 $1,600 CHEMICAL PRODUCTS 22 .45201.2160 $7,500 $8,500 MISC OPERATING SUPPLIES 22 .45201.2199 $21,500 $22,000 EQUIPMENT REPAIR PARTS 22 .45201.2210 $3,600 $4,200 VEHICLE REPAIR PARTS 22 .45201.2211 $3,000 $3,400 TIRES 22 .45201.2220 $1,000 $1 ,000 BUILDING REPAIR SUPPLIES 22 .45201.2230 $3,500 $3,600 LANDSCAPING MATERIALS 22 .45201.2250 $4,000 $4,500 MISC REPAIR & MTC SUPPLIES 22 .45201.2299 $11,000 $9,000 SMALL TOOLS & EQUIPMENT 22 .45201.2410 $1,500 $1,500 _II;;/:' . OTAL .' Services & CharCles PROF SERVICES - CUSTODIAL 22 .45201.3110 $0 $0 MAINTENANCE AGREEMENTS 22 .45201.3190 $0 $0 MISC PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 22 .45201.3199 $5,500 $3,400 TELEPHONE 22 .45201.3210 $2,300 $2,300 TRAVEL EXPENSE 22 .45201.3310 $250 $300 CONFERENCE & SCHOOLS 22 .45201.3320 $1,200 $1,200 FREIGHT 22 .45201.3330 $0 $0 ADVERTISING 22 .45201.3499 $650 $650 GENERAL PUBLIC INFORMATION 22 .452013520 $500 $500 VEHICLE INSURANCE 22 .45201.3630 $0 $0 - $9,000 $5,000 ELECTRIC 22 .45201.3810 GAS 22 .45201.3830 $650 $800 REPAIR & MTC - BUILDINGS 22 .45201.4010 $3,000 $3,000 REPAIR & MTC - MACH & EQUIP 22 .45201.4044 $2,000 $2,000 REPAIR & MTC - VEHICLES 22 .45201.4050 $1,700 $2,000 ADOPT-A-PARK MAINT/EXP 22 .45201.4090 $3,200 $3,200 PATHWAY MAINTENANCE 22 .45201.4091 $1,000 $1,000 REPAIR & MTC - OTHER 22 .45201.4099 $2,000 $2,000 EQUIPMENT RENTAL 22 .45201.4150 $500 $500 UNIFORM RENTAL 22 .45201.4170 $2,800 $3,000 MISC RENTALS 22 .45201.4199 $0 $0 DUES, MEMBERSHIP & SUBSCRIPTIONS 22 .45201.4330 $400 $400 BOOKS & PAMPHLETS 22 .45201.4350 $150 $150 TOWING CHARGES 22 .45201.4360 $0 $0 LICENSES & PERMITS 22 .45201.4370 $0 $0 PRIZES 22 .45201.4390 $0 $0 TREE REPLACEMENT 22 .45201.4391 $1 ,500 $1 ,500 MISC OTHER EXPENSE 22 .45201.4399 $1,500 $0 1/". . .I,II/.... ~I> .~ I'i'. TOTALSER~I $.CHAR .......,...... ~;800 BUDGETXLS:Spec Revenue Fund-Parks 8/20/2003 .-..--- ---- . SPECIAL REVENUE FUND 2004 Budget Park Fund 22 .45201.5301 22 .45201.5501 22 .45201.5601 22 .452015801 . Parksllmprovements CITY BALLFIELDS/NSP IMPR SOCCER FIELDS IMPR PARKADAffiTRUCTUREIMPR WEST/EAST BRIDGE PARK IMPR PRAIRIE/OTTER CREEK PARK IMP CARDINAL HILLS TOT LOT IMPR PIONEER PARK IMPR RIVER MILL PARK IMPR 4th STREET RINK IMPROVEMENT WILDWOOD RIDGE PARK 1. Pia round E uipment 2. Landscaping & Grading 3 Picnic Tables,Benches & Garba e cans 4. Open Air Shelter 5. Trees GROVELAND PARK IMPROVEMENT TOWER PARKNALLEY VIEW IMPROVEMENT 22 .45202.5305 22 .45202.5306 22 .45202.5311 22 .45202.5312 22 .45202.5321 22 .45202.5322 22 .45202.5323 22 .45202.5324 22 .45202.5326 22 .452025327 $15,000 $0 $10,000 $25,000 $0 $0 $20,000 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $60,000 $10,000 NSP Ballfields Cleaning Sup ies Motor Fuels Lubricants General Operating Supplies Misc. Repair/MainL Supplies Misc. Professional Services Electricity Re air/Maint - Buildin s Improvements Other Equipment 22 22 \': :: (: ,~ ': i ': (, ' , ' ::: I;::: < / :",: ; , : ' :': " : , ~~ANE>TQmAI..PARKS '.;'. . 2004 BUDGETXLS.Spec Revenue Fund-Parks:8/20/2003 $0 $0 $10,000 $15,000 $0 $0 $30,000 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $65,000 $10,000 $150 $500 $100 $500 $2,000 $2,000 $7,000 $200 $25,000 $8,500 . . . 2004 SPECIAL REVI NUE FUND 2004 81 dget Communit' I Center REVENUE 2003 2004 CURRENT AD VALOREM TAXES 226.31011 $894,945 DELINQUENT AD VALOREM TAXES 226.31021 $0 $ 1,068,355 MOBILE HOME TAX 226_31031 $0 $0 PEN & INT - AD VALOREM TAXES 22631910 $0 $0 HOMESTEAD CREDIT 226.33402 $0 $0 STATE GRANTS & AIDS - OTHER 226.33429 $0 $0 ROOM/SPACE RENTAL 226.34101 $107,000 $81,695 KITCHEN RENTAL 226.34102 $0 $0 CONCESSIONS 226.34740 $70,000 $72,000 USER FEES 226.34790 $70,500 $75,000 MEMBERSHIPS 226.34791 $400,000 $400,000 PROGRAM ACTIVITY FEES 226.34792 $52,000 $60,000 OTHER CHARGES FOR SERVICES 226.34999 $17,000 $6,000 INTEREST EARNINGS 226.36210 $1,950 $0 RENTAL OF EQUIPMENT 226.36221 $4,000 $500 CONTRIBUTIONS - PRIVATE 226.36230 $3,000 $3,000 OTHER MISC REVENUE 226.36299 $2,000 $250 TRANSFER FROM GENERAL FUND 226.39201 $0 $0 TRANSFER FROM LIQUOR 226.39207 $200,000 $200,000 I:NUE ~~. ':/..$~ :~6l..ill,!ili!il ------------------------ --------------------- EXPENDITURES Personal Services SALARIES, FULL TIME - REG 22 .451221010 $247,500 $258,540 SALARIES, FULL TIME - OT 22 .45122.1020 $2,000 $4,000 SALARIES, PART-TIME - REG 22 .45122.1030 $278,000 $295,000 SALARIES, PART-TIME - OT 22 .45122,1031 $1,000 $500 SALARIES, TEMPORARY - REG 22 .45122.1040 $10,000 $2,500 SALARIES, TEMPORARY - OT 22 .45122,1050 $0 $0 SALARIES, OTHER 22 .45122.1090 $0 $0 SEVERANCE PAY 22 .45122.1110 $0 $1 ,000 PERA CONTRIBUTIONS 22 .451221210 $21,000 $21,000 FICA CONTRIBUTIONS 22 .45122.1220 $38,400 $35,000 MEDICARE CONTRIBUTIONS 22 .451221250 $7,300 $8,000 HEAL TH/DENTAL/L1FE INSURANCE 22 .451 22. 1 31 0 $30,930 $32,945 U. C. BENEFIT PAYMENTS 22 .451221420 $4,000 $4,000 WORKER'S COMP BENEFIT PAYMT 22 .45122.1520 ~~ -.- ii,iSO BUDGETXLSSpec Revenue Fund-Comm Ctr.8/20/2003 .--- -- - . . . SPECIAL REVE NUE FUND 2004 BL dget Communit\ Center Supplies PRINTED FORMS & PAPER 22 .45122.2030 $750 $2,000 PROGRAM OPERATING COSTS 22 .451222065 $0 $0 MISC OFFICE SUPPLIES 22 .45122.2099 $7,500 $6,500 CLEANING SUPPLIES 22 .45122.2110 $9,500 $7,300 CLOTHING SUPPLIES 22 .451222111 $7,000 $7,000 MOTOR FUELS 22E .45122.2120 $0 $0 LUBRICANTS & ADDITIVES 22 .45122.2130 $0 $0 CHEMICAL PRODUCTS 22 .45122.2160 $12,000 $12,000 POOL MAINTENANCE SUPPLIES 22 .45122.2161 $2,500 $5,000 MISC OPERATING SUPPLIES 22! .45122.2199 $18,000 $18,250 EQUIPMENT REPAIR PARTS 22 .45122.2210 $3,400 $5,000 VEHICLE REPAIR PARTS 22 .45122.2211 $0 $0 TIRES 22 .45122.2220 $0 $0 BUILDING REPAIR SUPPLIES 22 .451222230 $9,100 $4,000 LANDSCAPING MATERIALS 22 .45122.2250 $0 $3,000 MISC REPAIR & MTC SUPPLIES 22 .45122.2299 $5,000 $5,000 SMALL TOOLS & EQUIPMENT 22 .451222410 $4,000 $4,000 , rOT PLI 8,7' ,,050 Services & Charges PROF SERVICES - MANAGEMENT FEE 22 .45122.3070 $700 $400 PROF SERVICES - DATA PROCESSING 22 .45122.3090 $4,000 $4,000 PROF SERVICES - WEBSITE/EMAIL 22 .451223092 $400 $400 PROF SERVICES - CUSTODIAL 22 .45122.3110 $500 $500 PROF SERVICES - LAUNDRY 22 .45122.3111 $3,000 $3,000 PROF SERVICES - BLDG/EQUIP 22 .451223112 $5,000 $5,000 MAINTENANCE AGREEMENTS 22 .45122.3190 $10,000 $15,000 PROF SERVICES - NEWSLETTER 22 .451223195 $0 $0 MISC PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 22 .45122.3199 $9,000 $2,000 TELEPHONE 22 .451223210 $12,000 $12,000 POSTAGE 22 .45122.3220 $1,000 $500 CABLE/NETWORK SERVICES 22 .45122.3250 $2,200 $2,200 TRAVEL EXPENSE 22 .45122.3310 $600 $500 CONFERENCE & SCHOOLS 22 .45122.3320 $5,000 $2,500 FREIGHT 22 .45122.3330 $300 $0 ADVERTISING 22 .45122 3499 $28,000 $10,000 GENERAL PUBLIC INFORMATION 22 .45122.3520 $2,000 $1,000 BROCHURES 22 .45122.3560 $15,000 $6,000 GENERAL LIABILITY INSURANCE 22 .45122.3610 $20,000 $34,345 PROPERTY INSURANCE 22 .45122.3620 $5,420 $7,075 MISC. GEN INSURANCE (WORK COMP) 22 .45122 3699 $12,120 $10,190 ELECTRIC 22 .45122.3810 $70,000 $74,000 GAS 22 .45122.3830 $62,000 $76,000 REPAIR & MTC - BUILDINGS 22 .45122.4010 $5,000 $5,000 REPAIR & MTC - MACH & EQUIP 22 .45122.4044 $5,000 $5,000 REPAIR & MTC - VEHICLES 22 .45122.4050 $0 $0 REPAIR & MTC - OTHER 22 .45122.4099 $0 $0 EQUIPMENT RENTAL 22 ).45122.4150 $15,000 $15,000 UNIFORM RENTAL 22 ).45122.4170 $1,800 $1,500 BUDGET.XLSSpec Revenue Fund-Comm Ctr.8/20/2003 ....-- --. o ___ --- .-- --- -. -.-- .-. --- 2004 . . . SPECIAL REV ENUE FUND 2004 8 udget Communit V Center TOWEL RENTAL 22 0.45122.4171 $750 $1 , 1 00 DUES, MEMBERSHIP & SUBSCRIPTIONS 22 5.45122.4330 $500 $1,500 TOWING CHARGES 22 5.45122.4360 $0 $0 LICENSES & PERMITS 22 .45122.4370 $700 $700 CUSTOMER DISCOUNTS 22 .45122.4379 $0 $0 BANK CHARGES 22 .45122.4398 $4,000 $5,500 MISC OTHER EXPENSE 22 .45122.4399 $1,500 $300 - $0 I 90 Capital Outlav IMPROVEMENTS 22 .451225301 $29,000 $162,550 MOTOR VEHICLES 22 .45122.5501 $0 $0 FURNITURE & FIXTURES 22 .45122.5601 $6,000 $0 OFFICE EQUIPMENT 22 .451225701 $2,000 $0 COMPUTER EQUIPMENT 22 .45122.5702 $2,500 $0 221 .45122.5801 $85,000 $0 ~ ,oo~ AP T Debt Service LEASE PYMT TO HRA - PRINC 22 .451226040 $1,126,700 $0 LEASE PYMT TO HRA - INT 22 .45122.6140 $0 $0 TRANSFER TO DEBT SERVICE FD 22E .45122.7205 $573,225 $662,455 ALD R i!)9~'~ Community Center Programminq RENTAL ROOM SUPPLIES 226. 45127.2075 $1,000 $2,000 OFFICE SUPPLIES - PROGRAMMING 226. 45127.2099 $500 $0 OPER SUPPLIES - CONCESSIONS 226 45127.2145 $1,000 $3,000 PARTY ROOM SUPPLIES 226 45127.2146 $7,000 $6,500 CLIMBING WALL SUPPLIES 226 45127.2171 $500 $500 FITNESS AREA SUPPLIES 226 45127.2172 $5,000 $1,000 GYMNASIUM SUPPLIES 226 451272173 $500 $500 INDOOR PLAY SUPPLIES 226 45127.2174 $500 $500 POOL SUPPLIES 226 45127.2175 $2,200 $2,000 "THE WAREHOUSE" SUPPLIES 226 451272176 $500 $500 WHEEL PARK SUPPLIES 226. 45127.2177 $700 $500 GEN PROGRAMMING - OP. COSTS 226. 451272198 $5,500 $7,000 CONCESSION FOOD PRODUCTS 226 45127.2541 $50,000 $50,000 PRIZES 226. 45127.4390 $0 $250 PROF SERVICES - FITNESS 226. 45127.3012 $3,000 $3,800 PROF SERVICES - PROGRAM INSTR 226. 45127.3013 $3,000 $1,500 PROF SERVICES - GENERAL PROGRAMMING 226. 4512.3199 $4,500 $1,500 ADVERTISING - PROGRAMMING 226. 5127.3499 $7,000 $3,500 EQUIP RENTAL - PROGRAMMING 226 5127.4150 $3,400 $2,000 PRIZES 226 5127.5805 $1 ,000 $1,500 ~..~M~'~"~IT~ i.,'. ,""""i"",,',"i,.... ....,..."..ii.i.....' . ......:::;; '.'.:: .. GRA~PTOT AL, C:OMMUNI'Jiii't'iC:;ENTER ...:il:.:' i ~ $i~":949, 095 .. .iii......~.1~ BUDGETXLS:Spec Revenue Fund"Comm. Ctr.8/20/2003 _u_ ._. ._. n_._ --....,. -.-.". ---..----- . .. ---. __.n_ 2004 . . . SUMM ~RY Debt Servic e Funds 2004 Budge Forecast REVENUE 2003 2004 Current ad valorem: $1,268,813 $1,205,593 Interest: $156,510 $124,460 Special asmt--County: $397,037 $855,104 Transfer in -Tax Increment: $142,800 $179,650 Transfer in--Liquor Fund (community center bond): $0 $0 Transfer in--Community Center Fund: $573,225 $662,455 Transfer in--Sewer Access Fund (WWTP note): $500,000 $500,000 , ",', .'. ii", "'" i01AL REVENUE "",:' $3,038,385 "iii:'i/"',:' $3,527,~g~ ---~------~-------~~---- -----.....--------------- EXPENDITURES 2003 2004 Principal: $2,237,925 $4,096,539 Interest: $1,411,924 $1,445,623 Payinq aqent fees: $7,069 $6,981 Interest exp: $0 $0 , TOTAL EXpeNDITURES " /, $3,656,91j;J "::,, $5,549,143 2004 BUDGET.xLS:Debl Service Fund. Forecasl:8/20/2003 -. --.-".--...-... -.---.. . en :!: LU I- >- <( 'lIt..J 01- r5 ..J <( I- a.. <( U . Ii..... I.... .... .ii. 00 I li.i. Q) I .i:. .i I. > III Ii :v Ii:..... ~ I. >- >- >- rn rn ............ 00 rn :::I - I.:.... 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LL 0... <{ ::.::: ::::> <..l 0... :2: i.i: <:(0 t: ~ ....J I"- :::l ...l .... 0 (I) c.. - ....J (I) s:: C (I) <( =c u l"- e: >. ii: ::l :!: <( LL s:: U ::l ....J E i5 E 0 0 U I"- - '" o o N ~ '" '" o o N ,;., i':' ::; o e>- n) <..l f-' uJ (') o ::l '9 :.J w <..l X w ~ .;: o . . . . . LEVY AND STATE 10 REVENUECOMPA~ ONS Base Levy Limit (Taxes) Add: Debt Levy (Taxes) Sub-Total Additional State Aids: LGA Market Value Homestead Credit Transit Aid (Bus) Total Tax & Aid Revenue 2003 $ ,939,980 2004 $5,143,817 1,842,038 1,868,048 $ ,782,018 $7,011,865 $18,194 included n taxes ($18,194) ($276,882) ($26,674) $26,674 ,826,886 $6,690,115 * *Even with a $229,847 increase in levy, City will re eive $136,771 less in total revenue. DAWN/XCELlBUDGET Levy&StateAid Comparison 8/21 /2003 DESIGNA TED FUND ALANCE USES . Capital Outlay Fund Reserve Balance as of 1 $710,000 2003 Prairie Road/County Road 75 Re-alignment $71,575 New Fire Truck Reserve (3rd year) $35,000 Land Acquisition - Ind. Park Reserve (6th year $66,600 2002 Annual Sealcoating Program $35,000 New Fire Truck Reserve (2nd year) $35,000 Land Acquisition - Ind. Park Reserve (5th year $100,000 2001 New Fire Truck Reserve (1st year) (Balance) $5,000 Land Acquisition - Ind.Park Reserve (4th year) $90,000 Watermain Replacement - Broadway Project $75,000 1999 Land Acquisition - Ind. Park Reserve (3rd year $25,000 1998 Land Acquisition - Ind. Park Reserve (2nd yea) $75,000 1997 . Land Acquisition - Ind. Park Reserve (1 st year $75,000 Concession Bldg - Meadow Oak Park $12.000 ESTIMA TED UNCOMMITTED FUNDS $9,825 . DAWN/XCEL/BUDGET:Designated Fund Balance Uses:8/20/2003 ~ <<) :8 ~ ~ I ,... ~ i i ,... CO) CO) ~ . ,... ~ <<) I ~ ,.... C'I!. ~ C\I tD &ri' ~ 'i fIi ~ N g ~ ..; ~ ~ N i II) CD ~ ~ :8 0 <<) CO) C\I .., II) CO) q N fj N N fj N N fj N N N ~ ~ ~ 0- .. 0- 0- 0- .. 0- .. 0- .. 0- 8 C1l t15 ..... ..... w 8 ~ 8 ~ g 8 8 8 8 C\I M C\I ...,. 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