City Council Agenda Packet 08-25-2003 . . . MINU ES REGULAR MEETING - ARKS COMMISSION Thursday, August 2 ,2003 - 4:30 p.m. "To enhance community pri e through developing and maintaining city parks with a high standard of quality." Members Present: Hen I litter, Nancy McCaffrey Larry Nolan and Rick Traver. Members Absent: Fran Fair Staff Present: None 1. Call to Order. Chair Nolan called the meeting to order at 4: 0 p.m. and declared a quorum present. 2. A rks Commission meetin . Naney McCaf1i'ey noted some typing errors Jr correction. Robbie Smith asked if the Parks Commission had given Mr. Posusta a time fr me in which to remove the berm constructed on park property, Larry Nolan stated the Parks .Olmnission had directed Public Works Dircctor John Simola to send Mr. Posusta a letter spe ifying a date for the removal of the berm. NANCY MCCAFFREY MOVED TO APpr OVE THE MINUTES OF JlJL Y 24,2003 WITH THE TYPING CORRECTIONS. BEN I-lIT ER SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED lJNANIMOUSI,Y, 3. Consideration of addin items to the a en a. None. 4. Citizens Comments and Requests. Jay Roos representing Hison Development c me before the Parks Commission to discuss the park location in the proposed Hunter's Cross ng development. In their initial review of the plan, the Parks Con1tnission selected a 5 acre site which abutted 851h Street and was located southwest corner of the easterly portion ofth development. The Parks Commission was unaware that there is an existing horne in the location of the proposed parle Mr. Roos prcsented overlays depicting possible layouts for the park. The Parks Commission indicated which overlays they felt could be considered md suggested that another possible location fCJr the park could be the southeast corncr of the astcrly portion of the devclopment. This location would still have access to 85th Street Mr. Roos indicated that the developer will work on these options for park area. The COI sensus of the Parks Commission was that if the park abutted two streets. was 5 acres in size a ld was reasonably rectangular in shape, they would be satisfied. Jay Roos asked about the time fralne for the park development. Larry '60 . . . Nolan indicated that usually within a year or two of the development going in, thc park development takes place. Jay Roos verified with the Parks Commission that of the 9.4 acres of park dedication due, 5 acres would be in I nd and 4.4 acres of cash dedication. 5. This item was tabled until the September me 6. East Bridge Pathway. lot The Parks Commission reviewed informatiOI submitted by Park Superintendent, Adam Hawkinson ~-egarding cost estimates for repl'-cing the existing steps at East Bridge Park with new steps or installing a pathway in lieu aftle existing steps. It was pointed out that because of the substantial footings needed fo the steps, the cost to replace the steps was higher than putting in the pathway. The co t range to replace the steps was from $11,000 to $16,000. The 2 .. Aug 21 03 02:09p Scott D. Bilben. RLA 952-546-9065 p.2 . . . , SCHC)ELL & MADSON, INC. Memo TO: Jeff O,Neill FROM: Tom Goodrum, Senior Pia cc: Jay Roos, Hokanson Devel pment Inc. DATE: August 21,2003 SUBJECT: Addendum to Hunters Cro sing Site Plan Per our meeting with City staff on Wednesda August 20, 2003 we are providing additional information to be inlcuded within t e Planning Commisison packet. As noted at the last Planning Commission meeting this development can be done using all R 1 lots and continue to have the same num er of lots as the proposed patio home plan. Under both plans 182 single-family lots ar provided with 90 townhomes. The prefferred plan is the patio home plan. Thi plan provides a variety of options for the single-family home buyer instead of cateri 9 to a single market. With the patio home lots, the development provides a range of housing for families who are first- time home buyers through empy-nesters. It al 0 allows for larger sized R 1 lots that meet the demands for families looking to lJuild I rger homes. The comparrison of the two plans are as follow : Patio Home PI n R 1 Plan Number of lots: R-1 single family 140 182 Patio home 42 0 Town homes 90 90 Average lot size R-1 single family 14,000 sq ft 13,000 sq ft Patio home 9,000 sq ft 0 In the patio home plan there is only a single R1 lot that is under 11,000 square feet while the R1 plan has 60 lots. Both plans meet he required R110t standards. 1 F:\Users\TGoodrum\Hokanson memo.doc ~v A~~ 2f 03 02:05p Scott D. Bilben. RLA 552-546-5065 p.3 . PATIO }-tOM PLAN c ~ ~ L 0......, ~ :S Pc..~\o ()L. to..v.... ~ J /-.d 7 '5 0.. S '5 ;, J I e F . I lot" W \,Gt.-"" 0.""" Q ot-lt~,";~ ;)-1 l<c./-.o .. "j ; 'b" 1".-& 1. II if.d. J /-Ie""," e ...,m.._ .."':.::'"."m . .r..::.":""I:l.. '1.. I ,..~ ! 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V /V)u:t s Uti) ~ ~*' (,0 J s w /6 Vt\J-.Q...(S~"t..e 'Rl.J..c>'tS " " ...~ ".= .... ~, 't:"~ ""D ,~ . , , hb ~; 1-f"O '="= I I "!!!'% t:"% t:"= I I '-'1_"~ _- ~~~L~".~_'S',.'. - - -i _u - - - -, - -- - ~ .. / ~ _ _!.....- ~ - --- - t'- F'\ENG\63981\OOl\DWG\ 1 100\63981001 DWG. 08/2: l'358.473 ~v . AGE DA REG1JLAR MEETING - MON ICELLO CITY COUNCIL Monday, August 5,2003 - 7 p.m. Mayor: Bruce Thielen Council Membcrs: Roger Carlson, Glen Posusta, Ro bie Smith, Brian Stumpf 1. Call to Ordcr and Pledge of Allegiance 2A. Approve minutes of August II, 2003 regular ouncil mceting. V^ B. Approve minutes of August II, 2003 special C uneil meeting. v C!o;b" ( Cent q- f?/li)J~ . . _ (V Cu. f, tif~>l f<M)l~ mts. i f) 3. G> lPt)~. I ,4. 6 Consideration of addil~item~ to t~e agenda/) (Weuf'-. >10 V~ f, Citizen eomm~ti 011S, requests l::J:~om 5. Consent Agenda: A. Consideration to adopt a resolution am nding the job and wage goals within Contract for Private Development by and between t e TCDC, the liRA, <md the City. 6. Consideration of items removed from the cons nt agenda for discussion. . 7. Statement summarizing closed meeting of Aug 1st 11,2003. ") 8. Consideration of concept stage planned unit de elopment for townhome development and consideration of a request for rezoning from A 0 to R-l, R-2 and R-2A for residential development. Applicants: Bison Development Co. and Sylvia Development L.P. 9. Consideration of accepting feasibility report - , chool Boulevard Overlay. 10. Consideration of payment of bills for August. 11. Adjourn . . , . MINlJ ES REGtJLAR MEETING - MON ICELLO CITY COUNCIL Monday, August 1,2003 - 7 p.m. Members Present: Roger Carlson, Glen Posusta, Robbie Smith, Brian Stumpf and Bruce Thielen. Members Absent None 1. Call to Order and Pledge of Allegiance. Mayor Thielen called the meeting to order at 7: 1 0 p.m. ,md declared a quorum present. The Pledge of Allegiance was said. 2. A rove minutes of .Jul 28 2003 re ular ~ouncil meetin . BRIAN STUMPF MOVED TO APPROVE HE MINUT'ES OF THE JUL Y 28, 2003 REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING WITH A CORRECTION ON THE SPI,:LLfNG OF InS NAME. ROGER CARLSON SECONDED HE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 3. Consideration of addin J items to the a en a. Brian Stumpf moved to include agenda item 19 on the consent agenda as item 5F. John Simola added consideration of changing the directio of the Marvin Road Lin Station and asked that Council consider acceptance of 1easibility re ort and authorize design of plans. This was added to the agenda as item #9. 4. Mayor Thielen explained the purpose of the itizen comment pOl1ion of the meeting. There was no one present who spoke under citizen comme ts. 5. Consent agenda. A. Consideration of adopting a resolutio accepting DNR grant and recognizing match requirements for CSAH 18 Pathway Improvements. Recommendation: Approve resolution accepting the granting and 11atching fund requirements. Res. #2003-57. B. Review of six month liquor store tlna lcial report. Rccommendation: Accept six month fInancial repOJ1 f()f liquor store. c. Consideration of final payment to Tr ut Well Drilling for Well #5, Project No. 2003-4C(A). Recommendation: Approve final p yment to Traut Well Drilling for Well #5, Project Jp. . , . No. 2003-4C(A) in the amount 01'$ 6,196.75 contingent upon final paperwork being suhmitted. D. Consideration of setting budget wor shop meeting. Recommendation: Set a special budget workshop meeting for Augus 25,2003 at 5 p.m. E. Consideration of adopting a resoluti n approving Monticello Heartland Express 2004 Budget and Transit Assistance Appli ation. Recommendation: Adopt the resolution approving the Heartland Express 20 4 Budget and Transit Assistance Application. Resolution #2003-58. F. Consideration ofa request for preliminary plat approval of the Monticello Marketplace 2nd Addition commercial subdivision an consideration of approval of concept and development stage planned unit development. Ap licant: Brendsel Properties, Inc. Recommendation: 1) Accept the recommendation ofth Planning Commission to approve the preliminary plat of Monticello Marketplace 2nd Addit on subject to the applicable conditions listed helow; 2) Accept the recommendation of the Panning Commission to approve the commercial planned unit development allowing' multi-unit retail use in the B-3 district, suhject to the applicable conditions listed below a d based on the finding that the use is appropriate for the zoning district and the proposed site: I, A revised landscape plan, providing an additional 2 overs tory trees along either the Highway 25 or School Boulevard site peri met rs should bc submitted and approved by the City staff prior to submittal of the final plat. 2. Landscaping of the parcel per revise landscape plan prior to issuance of a building permit or via a landscape bond. 3. A lighting plan meeting the requirel ents of the zoning ordinance, Section 3-2[H], is subnlitted and approved by city staff prior to fl al plat. 4. An in-depth signage plan showing e nstruction material and dimensions for all signage within the site meeting the requirenlents of Section 3-9 of the /:oning ordinance is to be submitted and reviewed by City statf prior to final lat approval. 5. Final building elevatiuns and layout plans are to be submitted to City staff prior to final approval. 6. All impervious surface is to be curb d with continuous curb not less than six inches high above the parking lot or driveway gr de as required by eity code. 7. The grading, drainage, and utility pi ns are subject to the review and approval oCthe City Engineer. 8. Recommendation of other City staff ineluding the City Engineer. ROBBlE SMITH MOVED TO APPROVE HE CONSENT' AGENDA WITH AGENDA 2 ~A . . ~. . Council Minutes - 8/11/03 ITEM#9 ADDED TO THE CONSENT' AG NDA AS ITEM #5F. ROGER CARLSON SECONDED TIlE MOTION. Glen Posusta asked that item #5E be removed from the consent agenda for discussion. ROBBLE SMrr11 AMENDED HIS MOTIO APPROVING THE CONSENT AGENDA WITH THE EXCLUSION OF ITEM #5E. OGER CARLSON AMENDED HIS SECOND. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 6. Consideration of items removed from con cnt a enda. Item #5E - Ileartland Express: Glen Posusta questioned why the City shouldn't be associated with the River Rider system rather than being on heir own. .TeiT O'Neill stated that it was rather late in the budget cycle to make such a change and he City is currently under contract with Hoglund. It was suggested that if the City consider comb'ning with the River Rider systcm it should be done later in thc year. CHen Posusta asked ifthcre wer any savings to thc City by combining with the River Rider system. Jeff O'Neill stated that there ould probably not be much in cost savings but there may be opportunities to provide better service if consolidated. GLEN POSUSTA MOVED TO ADOPT A ESOUJTION APPROVING THE HEARTLAND EXPRESS 2004 BUDGET AND 'fRANSIT PLAN. BRIAN STUMPF SECONDED TIlE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIM USL Y. 7. Public Hearin - Consideration of installa ion of sidewalk on CSAH 75 from Washin ton Street to Dayton Street. Public Works Director, .Tohn Simola explain d the project pointing out that with the Core Street Project the City would be completing sidew' Ik installation from Washington Street to Chestnut Street. The only block missing sidewalk w uld be from Washington Street to Dayton Street. The proposed sidewalk installation would aiTect hrcc property owners. The estimated project cost is $7,281.25 and based on 330 feet of asscssable f()()tage this would be a cost of $22.06 per foot. .Tohn Simola noted that in the past the Counc'l has used the sidewalk policy for residential property where the sidewalk is considered to be part of a grid and assessed only 25% of thc cost. If the Council continues that policy with this proje 't the cost per foot would be $5.52. Brian Stumpf asked John Simola to review hat sidewalk extensions were being installcd as part of thc Corc Street project which John Simola did. Roger Carlson stated that he felt this area should be part of the City's grid system. Mayor Thielen opened the public hearing. ayne Nehrenz from 813 East Broadway, questioned installing the sidewalk when there is no mar cd crosswalk area at Washington Street. He believes that because of the heavy traffic on Broadwa , this would create a hazardous situation. Robbie 3 dA ~" Council Minutes - 8/ll/03 Smith indicated that another individual had xpressed that same concern to him. It was explained that the signal at the hospital entrance does ave a crosswalk but Mr. Nehrenz stated that most of the students will try to cross at Washington, treet rather than go all the way down to the light by the hospital entrance. Public Works Director, ohn Simola noted that previously the City had worked to place a crosswalk at Ramsey Street but th County objected to it and it was removed. The Council directed John Simola to talk to the s hool about establishing a pedestrian light again on Washington Street and instead of having on with the lights Hashing all the time, it should be a push button type. Robbie Smith suggested that perhaps a four ay stop at the intersection of Washington Street and CSAH 75 might help the situation. Bruce hielen noted that warrants would have to be met in order to place traffic control devices at the i tersection and that stop signs were not meant to be installed as a means of controlling speed. . ohn Simola suggested that the City talked to the sehool about what steps could be taken to make tha intersection safer. Mayor Thielen then closed the public hearin J. Brian Stumpf suggested that since most of the construction along CSAH 75 was complete i might be a good idea to have the Sheriffs Department place the speed trailer on Broadway. Wayn Nehrenz stated that the Sherifl's Patrol should be on Broadway during rush hour traffic. ROBBIE SMITFI MOVED TO ORDER TH" SIDEWALK IMPROVEMENT FOR THE NORTH SIDE OF CSAH 75 FROM WAS INGTON STREET TO DAYTON STREET; TO IIA VE A REPRESENTATIVE fROM TH< CITY TALK TO MIKE BENEDETTO OF THE SCHOOl, DISTRICT ABOUT SAFETY IS 'UES AT THE INTERSECTION Of WASHINGTON STREET AND CSAH 75 NO THAT THE RESIDENTIAL PORTION OF THIS SIDEWALK SEGMENT BE CONSI ERED PART OF THE GRID SYSTEM AND THUS BE MAINTAINED DURING THE INTER. BRIAN STlJMPf SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIM USLY. 8. Consideration of award of bids for River "trect Sanitar 2003-10C. Kevin Kawlcwski from WSB & Associates rielly explained the project which rcplaces approximately 650 feet of 15" clay pipe witl 18" PVC. The base bid of the project was to include replacing the pipe by digging it out and repl cing it. An alternate bid was also included that would use the pipe bursting method of constructiOl f()r replacing the pipe. Since the contractor submitting the low bid did not complete the alternate bi according to specifications, thc City Engincer was recommending that the contract be awarded 0 the next lowest bidder. G. L. Contracting with a bid 01'$115,581.40. ROBBIE SMITH MOVED TO APPROVE 'lIE AWARD Of TTIE CONTRACT FOR SANITARY SEWER REPLACEMEN'f, P OJECT NO. 2003-lOC. TO G.L. 4 d-A )H . . - . Council Minutes - 8/11/03 CONTRACTING, INC, IN TilE AMOUNT OF $115,581.40 BASED UPON THEIR BASE BID. ROGER CARLSON SECONDED TilE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED WITH GLEN POSUSTA VOTING IN OPPOSITION. 9. rt and authorizin laos for the Marvin The Marvin Road lift station was originally esigned to take in approximately 25 aeres of development and the City has gone way bey nd that. Kevin Kawlewski from WSB & Associates reviewed a feasibility report that would rcro te the Marvin Road lift station forcemain. At the present time the existing forcemain discharg sinto the interceptor system which 110ws to the Reservoir Lift Station. 'I'he report proposes redirecting the forcemain northerly across 1-94 and connecting into the existing system in Minn sota Strcet. 'rhis rerouting is necessary because thc flows to the lift station have exceeded the co lditions it was initially designed for and is also impacting the capacity of the Reservoir Lift station. It. s also proposed to extend a 12" trunk watermain northerly utilizing the existing casing under -94. The report also calls for the extension of the 24" storm scwcr forccmain across 1-94 and endir g at Minnesota Street. It is proposed under this project to extend the utilitics to northerly rig t-of-way of the freeway. Thc estimatcd cost for the sanitary sewer for emain is $175,500; the cost fc)r the trunk watermain is $78.950; and the trunk storm sewer forcemail is $290,170 making a total estimatcd project cost of $544,620. The project is proposed to be fun ed using city utility trunk funds. If the plans are authorized, it is proposed that the plans woul be reviewed by Council at their September 8th meeting, bids opened on October 3"\ and the contract awarded by the Council at their October 14th meeting. Work would start this fall with restoration to be completed in the spring. There was some discussion on the cost saving by exten ing all the utilities across the freeway at one time. There was also questions raised about extens on of the storm scwer at this time. Kevin Kawlewski indicated that if the City decides not proceed with the remainder of the storm sewer work, at a minimum the storm sewer casing should be ut in place at this time. BRIAN STUMPF MOVED TO ACCEPT T E FEASIBILITY REPORT ON TI IE MARVIN ROAD LIPT STATION UTILITY IMPROV MENTS, PROJECT NO. 2003-01 C AND AUTI-IORIZE WSB & ASSOCIA'fES TO P OCEED WITH DESIGN WORK WITH REVIEW BY THE PUBLIC WORKS DIRE :_~TOR ON THE STORM SEWER DESIGN. ROGER CARLSON SECONDED THE MO ION. MOTION CARRIED IJNANIMOIJSLY. 10. Approve payment of bills for August. 11. ROGER CARLSON MOVED TO APPROV PAYMENT OF BILLS FOR AUGUST. ROBBIE SMITH SECONDED TIlE MOTI _ N. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. Adiourn ROBBa~ SMITII MOVED TO ADJOURN T R P.M. ROGER CARLSON SECONDED THE 5 dA . . ,,-. . MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIM )USLY. Recording Secretary 6 Council Minutes ~ 8/11/03 ;2A . . . Minutes Special Meeting - 8/11/03 MIN TES SPECIAL MEETING - MON ICELLO CITY COUNCIL JOINT MEETING WITH OWNSHIP OFFICIALS Monday, August 1,2003 - 7 p.m. Council Members Present: Roger Carlson, Glen osusta, Robbie Smith, Brian Stumpf and Brucc Thielen. Council Members Absent: None. Township Officials Present: Franklin Denn, Brett olker, Ted Kopn~ Ken Scadden and Bill Youngs. 1. Welcome and Introductions: Bruce Thielen called the meeting to order a d welcomed those present. Introductions of city and township officials were made. Bruce Thiele 1 explained the purpose of the meeting was to discuss growth and annexation issues. 2. Review of recent rowth and discussion 0 Deputy City Administrator, Jeff O'Neill, poi ted out where development is taking place in the city and areas where the City has received reque - ts for annexation. Although most of the development pressure is residential, Jeff O'Neill pointed ut that CSAH 18/1-94 interchange project could bring about some commercial development as wel . The criteria the City f()llows in allowing pr perty to be annexed was also review. This criteria includes a concept plan submittal, annexatio request must be initiated by the property owner; availability of utility service and the propert must be contiguous to city limits. The township officials indicated that at the p esent time the township is under the Wright County Planning Ordinance and that periodically th- plan is reviewed by the township. Currently the township is in the review process but Frankl n Deml indicated that nothing concrete has happened on that. Bruce Thielen asked what specifi changes were being looked at. Franklin Denn responded they were looking at the A-R (Ag icultural/Residential) district which allows single family development with a lot size of lO acres unle s in an approved rural planned unit development and some development with 5 acre lot size. Br ce Thielen asked if the township's A-R district would overlap with what the City is looking at as l' ture annexation area. Franklin Denn indicated that it possibly did. Franklin Denn stated there ar two basic policies in the county plan which are the preservation of agricultural land and residenial development adjacent to city limits. City Administrator, Rick Wolfsteller questioned hether the County's plan wanted residential development to take place in the city or adja ent to it. Franklin Denn stated that whatever the dB . . . Minutes Special Meeting - 8/11/03 township does with their land use plan will b in the best interest of the township. 3. Review of current annexation rocess and discussion of whether there is an interest in develooing a new annexation a2:reement. Bruce Thielen asked if the township officials felt there was support to come up with a new orderly annexation agreement and if so what would t e township look for. Franklin Denn responded that the township officials had asked the City wh t they did not like about the previous annexation agreement but the City never responded. B uce Thielen stated that there was no advantage fiJr the City in going back to the previous agreement and that previous agreement was not a smoothly operating agreement. Rick Wolfsteller state that the biggest problem with the old agreement was when the land use designation from the City's plan was changed. The City did not feel it was appropriate for another entity to change the I nd use classification of the City's land use plan. Bill Youngs and Ken Scadden stated that townsh p had offered control of the zoning to the City as long as there was no leapfrogging but the City ha rejected the offer. Bill Youngs indicated this type of agreement would be similar to what Buffalo. nd BUmllo Township have. The current City Council was not aware of when that township offer as made or why it was turned down. Rick Wolfsteller asked about the MOAA bo ndary line and whether there had to be a set boundary line in order to have an agreement. Franklin Denn stated that with the township it was a matter of trust. Je1TO'Neill stated that by not leapfroging development or grabbing big chunks ofland the City has demonstrated that they are conducti g themselves in an appropriate manner. Bruce Thielen stated that trust goes both ways and he City doesn't feel like they get full cooperation from the township. Rick Wolfsteller asked if the township had a y problems with the process for annexation that was outlined by Jell O'Neill and if so, what woul they like changed. franklin Denn stated that with an agreement if the City doesn't like it they can go by state statutes. Bruce Thielen asked at what point docs the City and the township talk ab ut merger or consolidation. He noted that a number of communities have been doing this and noted cost efficiencies by combining services. Bruce Thielen felt they should be doing something 0 pull the communities together instead of creating division. Brett Holkcr questioned the concept of anne ation by ordinance when there was an agreement. Brian Stumpf stated the city did not want an . greement that would give them less than the state statutes. Roger Carlson felt ifthere was an greement it should have a sunset date and be reviewed periodically during the period it was in effec. Rick Wolfsteller asked again what would the township like to see. Franklin Denn stated t at township would have to have assurance that there would be some advantage to the township to have an agreement. Rick Wolfstcller replied that the city wants the same. 2 d-b . . . Minutes Special Meeting - 8/11/03 There was some additional discussions on w at advantage there would be for the township if there was consideration of consolidation. Frankli Denn stated there is a lot land that should never have been brought into the city. He also indicated that there are ordinances that allow for consolidation of townships. Again the township officials ask d how consolidation would benefit them. Bill Youngs pointed out that other than the Gold Nugget evelopment, the township did not stand in the way of previous annexations by the City. Rruce Thielen stated there is much to discus. and no resolution would come tonight. He suggested that if there was a consideration of consolida ion, there should be an ad hoc committee set up of two township residents (not township officials) d two city residents (not officials) and the city planner to look at the pros and cons of consolidation. Brett Holker stated the township would like to do some research on that before they make a de ision and indicated the township o11icials are a little gun shy about going down that road again in ny joint venture with the city. 4. Adjournment. The joint meeting was adjourned at 6:30 p.m with no date set for any additional meetings. Recording Secretary ') ., d-~ . . . SA. City Council Agenda - 8/25/03 A. Reference and back2:round: The Counci I is asked to adopt this resolutio amending the job and wage goals within the Contract for Private Development for the T in City Die Castings (TCDC) project and associated with TIP District No. 1-26. Thi a housekeeping item. Previously, the Council adopted resolution for amending tl e job and wage goals and extending the "Compliance Date" within the Loan Agrce ent with the City. Also and previously, the Council adopted a resolution extending the "Compliance Date" only within the TIF Contract. The ERA adopted said resolution on Augu t 5, 2003, amending the job and wage goals within the TIF Contract as follows: Eight -five (85) new full-time jobs amended to fOlty-twO (42) new full-time jobs.......... T1e 42 new jobs to pay an average rate of $18.40 an hour, exclusive of benefits. DOl g Harmon, Twin City Die Castings, requested the HRA amend the job and wage goals. Of the 85 jobs, at least 14 jobs were to pay 0 less than $12.00 per hour, exclusive of benefits, and at least 71 jobs were to pay n less than $8.50 pcr hour, exclusive of benefits. With the adopted amendment, the annual payroll of the 42 new jobs will have a slightly greater annual payroll than the 85 new jobs. B. Alternative Action: 1. A motion to adopt a resolution amel ding the job and wage goals within the Contract for Private Development b and between TCDC, the liRA, and the City. 2. A motion to deny adoption of a resolution amending the job and wagc goals within the Contract for Private Dev lopment by and between TCDC, the HM, and the City. C. Recommendation: The City Administrator and Economic Dev lopment Director recommend Alternative No. 1 as this is housekeeping item and is consis ent with previous motions. . D. SUPllorting Data: Lcttcr of requcst and rcsolution for adoptio 1. . . 2 City Council Agenda - 8/25/03 07/16/2003 WED 16:16 FAX ~ 003/003 . . . Twin City Die Castin 5 Company 1070 s. e. 33rd a enue minneapolis. mlnnes ta 55414 (651) 645.361 July 14,2003 Ms Ollie Koropchak Economic Development Director Monticello City Hall 505 Walnut Street - Suite # 1 Monticello MN 55362~8822 RE: HRA & TIF Assistance DeaT Ollie: Twin City Die Castings Company requests that the onticello City Council please give consideration for an amended job and average wage alculation for the TIF assistance. TIlls calculation would equate to fewer jobs than we ant y projected but with a higher average rate. The annual payroll that would be distributed w uld equal or exceed the original projection. Of these jobs 51 % would meet or exceed Minnesott. s LMI criteria. The original TIP assistance consisted of the creano $1,604,720.00. The new request would be for the c an average rate of$18.40 an hour. This would gene exceeds the original payroll forecast. of &5 jobs with an annual payroll of . on of 42 permanent full-time positions at tc an annual payroll of $1 ,607.424 which Please contact me with any questions. 9 Douglas D on Vice President & CFO CC: Carol Prcslcy- Olson Senior Loan Officer DDH/lkk 6A . . . RESOLUTION NO. 03-05 MONTICELLO HOLrSING AND R DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY RESOLUTION AMENDING THE .JOB AND WAGE GOALS \VITHIN THE CONTRACT FOR PRIV. TE DEVELOPMENT BY AND B T\VEEN T\VIN CITY DIE CAS INGS COMPANY, HOVSING AND REDEVELOPMENT A iTHORITY IN AND FOR THE CITY OF MONTIC LLO AND CITY OF M NTICELLO \VI-IEREAS. the Housing and Redevelopment \uthority (the "Authority") in and for the City of Ivlonticello. the City of Monticello (the ""City") and T\\in City Die Castings Company (the "Developer"") entered into the Contract I\)f Private Development (the "Agreemen(') by and bet\veen Tv,'in City Die Castings Company and H using and Redevelopment Authority in and for the City of Monticello and City of Monticcllo on ctober :25. 1999: ;.ll1d 'vVHEREAS. the Authority on April -L 200 L a proved the Certificate of Completion based on the issuance of a Temporary Ccrtificate of Occup:. ncy by the Building Official. and WHEREAS. the Authority agrecd to amend th date of the Certificate of Completion from April..L 2001. to July 26, 2001. the date ofissuan e of the Final Certiticate of Occupancy. J.nd WHEREAS. thc Authority called for a public I earing date of July 2, 2003. t\)r consideration to cxtend the Compliance Date \vithin the Agreen ent: and WHEREAS. the Authority held J. public hearil g on July 2. 2003, and approved extending the "Compliance Datc" for the creation of job and wa 'e goals from July 26, 2003. to July 26. 2004. within the Contract. WI-[[RL\S, to preH'nt debult uf tht: :-\greem n1. the Dc\'e1oper requcsts ARTICLE III. .\Cluisition of Pro ertv: Site 1m _ rovements. Fina Kial :\ssistancc, Section 3.6. Busint:ss Suhsidv _\!!r<:cmenL (b) Job and Wage Goals he amended 0 read: The Den:loper shall cause to ht: creat<:d at least 4:2 l1e\\ full-time equi\alent jobs 0 1 the De\elopment Property............. and tht: 4:2 jobs pay an a\'erage rate uf '51 XAO per hour. exclusi\e nf knetits. \.;()\\. llIU\EFORE. BI: IT RLSOI.\TD by he _\utl1Prity. the City. and the Dc\e1npcr as fullO\\s: I. The [)c\elnpcr. .\Llthorit~. ~ll1d City Lll1llerst )~)d amcnding the cllmplction CllnSlrLlction date sA . . . Resolution No. 03-05 Page 2 from June 1. 2000. to April 1. 2001. may have altere the Projected Tax Increment Cash Flmv. 2. The Dewloper acknmvledges that due to a slu gish economy and the competitiveness of the European and Chinese markets. the Developer us d a temporary work force causing a non- compliance of the job and wage goals by July 26. 20 3. 3. The Developer has prepared and presented a st ategic plan for compliance of the job and \vage goals per the Agreement and acceptable to the uthority. ..1-. The Developer and Authority understand per t e Agreement the Authority may. after a public hearing. extend the Compliance Date by up to ne year. provided that nothing in this section \vill be construed to limit the Authority's legi lative discretion regarding this matter. The Authority, the City. and the Developer hereby approve amending the job and wage goals from 85 new full-time equivalent jobs to 42 new full- ime equivalent jobs and shall cause the wages for sueh employees on the Development Property to be as follows: The 42 jobs pay an average rate of $18.40 an hour. exclusive of bene tits. Amendment located within the Contract for Private Development by and between Twin City ie Castings Company. Housing and Redevelopment Authority in and for the City of lYIon icello. and City of Monticello. dated October 25. 1999. Dated: t\\..J ~ S .200~ . HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT WIN CITY DIE CASTINGS COMPANY AUTHORITY IN AND FOR THE CIT.~ONTI~_ BY~~~1A~ y Its Chair I s By D t&...L \-<; 0- t') r{J\~ I Is EXl.?cutive Director CITY Of \>IONTICFLLO Ih Its \1a\l1r Ih -,-"------.----.---.,'..----,,.- .. Its .\dministratllr sA . . . City Council Special Planning Commission Agenda - 08/25/03 8. Public Hearinu: Consideration of a re est for Conce t Subdivision and Rezonin '. A licant: S lvia Develo ment/Hison D velo REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND The Planning; Commission has set a spec al meeting; to address this item immediately prior to the City Council meting, therefore a Planning Commission recommendation will be reported as par of staff presentation to the City Council. The Planning Commission and City Cou cil ag;enda information is the same. 'fhe applicants arc seeking the initial appro als for a 282 unit residential development on 94 acres of land, north of 85th Street NE an east of County Highway 117 (Edmondson Avenue NE). The Planning Commission h d tabled action on the request at its original August 5th meeting. Discussion in the attached staff report focu ed on a number of issues related both to design and land use. 'fhe report highlighte the land use issue by noting that the area is guided for Low Density Residential develo ment. This designation directs, in practice, a predominantly single family residential pat ern, dominated by R-I zoning subdivisions. The plan distinguished areas directed for L w Density Residential from those identified for Low Density Residential.- R-I A, a "Ve y Low Density" designation that was intended to take advantage of identifiable s te amenities (trees, views, etc.). The basic Low Density designation was placed on 1m d had limited natural amenities, with the expectation that neighborhoods in these ar as would be developed in a simi lar fashion to those which already exist, such as the Kleil Farms or Groveland areas. The plan made several accommodations fo the increased residential requirements made by the newly createdR-I A designation. A other new zoning category was created, providing for "detached townhomes" - the R-2A district. This district was establ ished to accommodate the growing market demand e)r townhome-style living but in smaller, detached units. For the traditional R-l nei hborhoods, other accommodations included averaging or lot size and widths to provide greater design tlexibility for developers. It was hoped that this flexibility would allow developers to create neighborhoods that provided a greater diversity of housing opp rtunity within the R-I district. An outgrowth or the planning activities tha resulted in the above changes included an interest in permitting a limited amount of t wnhome development in the Low Density R- 1 planning areas. Two baseline reference oints were established, each designed to ensure that the dominant land use pattern r mained the R-I neighborhood. The first was an overall 3 unit per gross aere maximum c ensity. The second was a maximum ratio of R-I single family to townhouse units 01'2: l. In this proposal, the applicant is seeking to exceed the 2: 1 ratio. 'fhe attached and detached townhomes total approximately Ole half or the proposed units. Staff noted this issue in the original report. The applicant I as suggested that they use a "PUD" designation to substitute the proposed unit nix fen the 2:1 ratio, using the rationale that the detached townhouses could be counted as detached single family units, rather than as townhouses. In a subsequent drawing. the pplicants support their request by showing City Council Special Planning COIlHnission Agenda - 08/25/03 . that they could achieve the same unit coun (282) by revising the lot lines and eliminating their version of the detached townhomes, - pparently meeting the City's ratios and density standards. Planning sta1l's review is that the alternati e illustration provided by the applicants is consistent with our understanding of the in ent of the recent planning and zoning changes. The purpose of the changes was 0 allow some higher density design within the low density areas, but with limits that ensu e that the typical R-I single family pattern remains the dominant land use. There are' reas within the community that are designated for higher density development, however, t e applicant's property is not one of those. As an additional note, the request that a Pl D approach be taken to accommodate the applicant's request raises separate concern '. Planned Unit Development is intended to result in a tangibly superior design, which j Istifies the flexibility granted by the PUD. The planning and zoning changes were ma e to specifically identify those areas where flexibility was acceptable through the aver ging techniques and the introduction of townhouse-style housing. The applicant su -Jgests that under their original proposal, the remaining R-I neighborhoods would have lot sizes that are larger than the new alternative. Planning staff is unconvinced t at the small increases in lot size would result in signitieant improvements to the size, stye, or value of housing in these neighborhoods. There would be no change in general plat layout, nor any obvious amenities that would result in the tangible j Istification for PUD. . In summary, planning staff would support he alternative option as provided by the developer as being consistent with the City's planning goals for this area. It should be noted that we have not had the opportunity 0 conduct a thorough review of the proposal, however, it appears to address a number of he original design issues cited in the initial sta1f rep0l1, with some notable exceptions. The second issue of concern relates to the p "ovision of a neighborhood park space within the boundaries of this plat. The Parks Com ission has requested a park of approximately five acres be located within t lis space to provide for neighborhood play and tot-lot space based on a concern that ne rby parks are not close enough to provide this opportunity for small children in this development (including Pioneer Park, the future park in Featherstone, or the school complex). The park dedication requirel1lent 1()l' this plat is approxinlately 9.4 acres. -rhe ad itional dedication requirement not taken in land would be captured as fees, which woul -\ then be used to help acquire a regional community playfield complex in some othel location. The Parks Commission recommends that the neighborhood park f-()r this project be located along the southern boundary of the site to maximize its exposu e and access to 85th Street and its distance li'om Pioneer Park to the north. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS . Decision 1: Rezoning fi"om A-O to R-I ,R- ,and R-2A 1. Motion to recommend approval of the re .oning based on the original concept plan, based on findings that the requested hOlL-ing mix and densities are supported by the Comprehensive Land Use Plan. 2 City Council Special Planning Commissioll Agenda - 08/25/03 . 2. Motion to recommend denial of the re oning, based on Jindings tbat the proposed zoning designations are inconsistent w th the Land Use Plan. 3. Motion to recommend an alternative z( ning pattern, based on findings that tbe alternative more closely corresponds te tbe direction in the City's Land Use Plan. 4. Motion to table pursuant to submittal 0 'tbe sketch plan supporting the City's planning objectives identified in this report. Decision 2: Concept Stage PUD 1. Motion to recommend approval of the ~oncept Stage PUD for tbe town home areas, based on findings that the plans arc cOl1'istent with the City's zoning regulations and conditioned on compliance with the sta T reports from planning and engineering. 2. Motion to recommend denial oftbe CO! cept Stage PUD, based on Jindings tbat the plan will require revisions to comply with th required zoning patterns. 3. Motion to table action pursuant to subt ittal oftbe sketch plan supporting the City's planning objectives identified in this re ort. . Decision 3: Subdivision Sketch Plan No specific motion is required for a sketch Ian review. The Planning Commission should provide design comments to the developers to guide the continued planning for the next stage of this project's review. ST AFF' RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends that the zoning and Conc pt Stage PUD actions be tabled pursuant to the submission of a sketch plan that supports th City's planning objectives as summarized in this report (Decision L Alternative 4/Decisi n 2, Alternative 3). The Concept Stage PUD requires additional detail and study prior to more formal action. If the applicant wishes to pursue the alternat ve plan submitted to staff, recommendations for rezoning to R-I and R-2 would be appro riate. r f the applicants intend to pursue a detached own home component, the plans should be revised to meet the 2: I ratio of R-I single fa lily lots to townhome units as discussed above. SUPPORTING DATA . Planning agenda item from 8/5/03 Draft Parks Commission meeting minutes Memo from developer to staff - project deser' ption - 8/2] /03 Draft - future parks location study Long range land use map ,., -) . . . 10. Public Hearin : Consideration of a re dcvelo ment for a townhomc develo m R-2A and R-2 PUD. A licant: Bison Development. L.P. (NAC) REFRENCE AND BACKGROUND: Planning Commission Agenda - US/OS/03 Bison Development Company, Inc. and Syl ia Development LP are requesting concept review of residential development on a 94. acre site. The subject site is located east of County Road 117, north of 85th Street, wes of Fallon Avenue and south of Klein Farms development. Bison Development Compa y, Inc. has ownership of approximately 38 acres of the site and Sylvia Development L has purchased the remaining 56 aercs. The two dcvelopment companies are utilizing t e same cngineering design firm and are working together to crcate a unified dcvelo ment consisting of a mix of R-l and R-2A single family lots with a number oftownho c units. The site is currently under the jurisdiction of Monticello Township and an annexation request has been submittcd and will he forwarded to the public hearing stag once approval of the concept plan occurs. At the time of annexation, the site is zoned -0, Agricultural-Open Space. Thc applicant's are requesting at this time to rez me the site from A-O to R-l, R-2A, and R-2 PUD (townhomes). This request is allotted as a special action per Section 4-3 of the Zoning Ordinance. At timc of annexation, . ubject to approval of the requested rezoning, thc site will entcr into the City's jurisdictio as the approved zoning district rather than A-O. Land Use The proposed project consists ofa mix ofR-1 (detached single family), R-2A (dctached town home), and R-2 (attached to nhome) type residential uses. The south and eastern portion ofthc site, as well as the northern most triangular m'ea ahutting Klein Farms, consists of the R-l type developmen. The R-2A and R-2 lots are centrally located on the sitc,just east of County Highay 117 and south of the overhead powcrline easement. TheR-2 portion (townhomes) of the site is proposed to be zoned PUD. The l(Jllowing table illustrates the lot sllmm ry for the proposed project: ~_ Lot ,Sum ar R-l R-2A __ Townhouses _ ___ TOTAL: ] 40 Lots 42 Lots 90 Lots 272 Lots The proposed density for the entire 94.6 acr site is as follows: f-== - Gross Xcreagc L_ . Net Acreage ? .87 units/acre .__._'-'~, .-......---- Approximately 3.6 units/acre '6A . Planning Commission Agenda - 08/05/03 The future land use plan designates the sub ect site for low density residential developlllent. It has been the city's standard to consider low density as 3 units per gross acre and 4 units per net acre. The proposec project is consistent with this standard. In developments that are attempting to utilize both attached and detached housing, the city requires that developments not exceed a rat'o greater than one attached townhome to every two detached single-family homes. 11 calculating the 2: I ratio, the applicant has included the R-2A lots with the detached si 191e family lots. This allows the site to increase the allowable attached town home mits to the 90 units as presented. Staff feels that this method takes advantage of the R-2A district standards, allowing for more attached housing, and undermining the inte t of the 2: I ratio. The 42 proposed R-2A lots more clearly represent detached townhome units and arc more closely linked to the attached towhome development. As such, " taff feels that R-2A standard lots should be included with the attached housing units wI en calculating the overall 2: 1 ratio. Staff is comfortable with the types of residential uses as well as the location of these uses on the site. The applicant is not requesting t) deviate from the zoning district standards of the R-2A and R-2 portions of the site. The ownhome portion of the site would need development stage PUD approval, which can be obtained during the Preliminary Plat stage of the development. The applicant sh llild also be made aware that although the R- 2A district was created to accommodate sm 11 lot residential development, as is being proposed, the district requires a high level 0 amenities. . Lot Standards The following table illustrates the lot requirements for the R-I, R-2, and R-2A districts: -- R-I .~ ,- o. J 2,00Qs!, avg. 80 .re_et avg. 35 f~et avg. 15 feet .~,.,_.,. (j feet ...-",.,,,. 3 0 feet/usable 5/12 .,.,..... 450 sf 2,000 sf 1.050 sf -- 1,400 sf ~'", -. Standard Setbacks ...--- nonc Lot Area Lot Width Front Setback Side Setback - House Side Side Setback- Garage~ide Rear Setback Roof Pitch Garage Siz~ House Size Finished Size Foundation Size Cjarage Location -- Fayade Detail . --- ~.".._..,_.- R-2A .'''Y.'- 500 sf avg.__ -.".,.,. 12, 45 feet 80 I 0 feet 30 .. ."---- 6 feet 10 -.... --- 6 teet 10 ."'-- -.",.. 10 f"cet 30 __.m. -- 5/12 3/ -, -."-.. 450 sf n ..-- _n_.." 1,200 sf Il( --". I ,200 sf Il( --- None n "._-- closer than n building line ~\Ilrlg space ---"," brick/stone or stan /0 if70% IS ed with wood I' stueeo 7, R-2 000 --'..'". teet teet feet feet teet 12 olle lIle lIle one No front 01'1 20% 100 cover o onc dard 2 . Garage yrgntage Landscaping none ~lanning ConlD~jssion Agen~^a - 08/05/03 50% of bldg. width standard ~._. in front-facing Special standard requirements for t)'ont yard landscaping Sod & two trees per lot in new subdivision or four trees for corner lots The proposed lots appear to meet these req lirements, however at concept level the overall makeup and layout of the site is of ore interest to staff. A closer look at the individual lots will be taken at time of preli ninary plat. Circulation and Access The site consists 0 two connections to the west off of County Highway 117, two connections to the Klei Farms development to the north, one connection to fallon Avenue to the east, or e connection to g5th Street to the south and one connection to the remnant site at the n rtheast corner of the 85th Street and County Highway 117 intersection. The two conne tions to County Highway 117 align with the Gold Nugget development. The applicant ill need permission from the county for both of these access points. StaH' suggests that' connection be added to the remnant piece of land, south of the power line easement and )wned by Mr. Klein, for future development. It should be noted that funds will be reques ed for the reconstruction of both Fallon d 05th -, avenue an 0 Street. . Staff is generally comfortable with the ove all street pattern with the f()llowing suggestions: . The east/west connection from Fallon A v nue to the southern access off of County Highway 117 should be more of a direct ro te. The City Engineer and Public Works dire tor should make comment as to the acceptability of the two eyebrows. Although staff is comfortable with the me ndering street pattern, efforts should be made to eliminate corner lots that are difficult to letermine the front lot line. . . Park and Trail The Subdivision Ordinance requires that approximately 101% of the final plats gross area be dedicated for park use 0 that a per lot cash payment in lieu of park dedication be paid to the City at a cost dete mined by the City Council. The site does not provide area for a parle The Parks Commi sion is currently in the planning process of expanding its parks plan to an area which iI cludes the subject site. In recent meetings it has been determined by the Parks Commis. ion that a five acre site at the southwest corner of the site, abutting 85th Street, be 0 tained from this development for a neighborhood park. The applicant will nee to incorporate this neighborhood park into the plat accordingly. The remaining appro imately tl)Ur acres of required park land will be taken in cash payment in lieu ofland at' payment to be determined by the City Council. . 3 . Plann ing COIllI11 ission Agenda - 08/05/03 A public trail has been added to the plans, roviding a connection between the Klein Farm's development to the proposed trail s stem within the Gold Nugget development to the west. This trail connection is an impo ant aspect of the overall trail system connecting the large park in Klein Farms ith the future City park in the Gold Nugget Development. The applicant's plans must -Iso provide for a north/south running trail along the west side of Fallon, connecting 8 Ih Street to the park adjacent to Klein Farm's, as well as an east/west running trail along t e north side of 85th Street. The City needs to determine what portion of the trails are to e paid for as basic improvements of the plat. AL TERNA TIVE ACTIONS 1. Motion to approve a Zoning Map a lendment rezoning the subject site, from A-O to R-I, R-2A, and R-2 (with conce t PUD) based on a finding that the request is consistent with the Comprehensive Ian. Motion contingent on Developer meeting the 2: 1 ratio (single family 0 townhome) with the next suhmittal, and contingent on identification of a 5 a're park to the satisfaction of the Parks Commission. -rhe formula to count detached single family units as townhomes. 2. Motion to deny the request for a ZOI ing Map amendment rezoning the sit form A- o to R-l, R-2A, and R-2 pun base on a finding that the request is inconsistent with the direction of the Comprehe sive Plan. . .., j. Motion to table the request fix the r zoning and concept PU D approval, pending revisions to the plan that result in a : 1 ratio of single family to townhome development and inclusion of a 5 ac e park. The 2: 1 J'()ftnula to count small lot single htmily as a townhome. STAFF'RRCOMMENDATJONS Staff recOIn mends approval under alternativ I above, or table the item per alternative 3, based on the applicant having to redraw the 'oncept plan and meet the 2: I ratio requirement prior to preliminary plat submit al. SUPPORTING DATA Exhibit A: Exhibit B: Exhibit C: Exhibit D: Site I,ocation Map Project Narrative Draft copy of Parks Commis ion meeting Ininutes Site Plan and Building Elevations . 4 J -., z~ ;---. ~ ca a... 0 "C ~ g ,';/"" iJLJ .~. .~~. .-m .~ ",\;,1/.. / / i~ ~//!' ~~..,,:~l t. ~ ~..:- o '<:t <0 N ~ ....,.~.. l / / /~\ ~"/ . / /.."...../ '.' / i .' / /1' //////1 I / / ./ / "v:l~ ~ -., J ~ ---------: "C o o -E o .0 ..c. 0) '(6 Z 1 o <( o T""" I o '<:t , --., 1 1-'" to M J!l ~ ! " ~ g ~ 1 € o z .., S .L o '<:t .c c: ~ ~ ~ .. L~L g~ o~ .oQ.. L: 0 0)- 'Qi 5 co Z(tJM ~ ~ o (tJ <(15 il: ~- .,... "' l"- T""" T""" l. ~_._^'-'- 1ij:::: ...... ~~ c:o (!) ~ '~''''''''''''''''~---..- . " ' \'-' , \ MO TICELLO LONG RANGE LAND USE . " .+> ~ r .. I/"','-"'~.,.""'"\ "\.'.................'i'>... -^~.)/ ~ " /, '\ ( " , \.. .~ " .-~. I '.~r"".. \ #"~~~ ,,!,~<'~~:'-' '.',. l~'- "f j" "T~'" ~r J Low DenSIty Residential ExpanSIOn Area Low Dfm8lty ResIdential (R-l) Future Land Use Objectives: l.ow Oen8lty ResIdential (R 1 A I ~:~ .. Allow for. mix of land us.. PfNelVe snd protect nlltursl ,..ourc.. Provide rosd symm to support growth RetIIln rul7l1 chal7lcter and a ."",11 town ,.., Us. existing smenme. (I.e. view., Ie,.., ~ to enhance development Prevent spl7lwl by encouraging cOI'f1/Mct development ptlttem MedIum Density (ilttacned h6g J .. Urban MIHJd-Us!' .. . .. .. .. .. Commercial .. I ndulltllil I .. Opt on Spact. MobIle Home Par~ ~~ . . . Council Agenda -,- 8/25/03 9. A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROlJND: The City Council is asked to order and accep the feasibility study and order the plans and specifications for the construction of a bitum 'nous overlay on School Boulevard between Fenning Avenue and Fallon Avenue. The ro dway is exhibiting signs of pavement rutting and transverse cracking and requires bituminous overlay to prevent further deterioration of the existing pavement. The otal cost of the project is estimated at $170,500. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Motion to adopt a resolution orderin, and approving the feasihility study and authorizing the preparation of plans nd specifications for the bituminous overlay of School Boulevard. 2. Motion to deny adoption ofresoluti n order and approving feasibility study and authorizing the preparation of plans nd specifications for the hituminous overlay of School Boulevard. c. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: The City Administrator recommends Alter ative 1. The City assessment policy allows for a maximum of 50 percent of overlay co" ts to be assessed to benefiting properties. The remainder of the project costs would h eligible for state aid funding. D. SlJPPORTING DATA: Feasibility Report ("''.f l()( 'r t.\ 11'." 1"./ H Wi\" I (iH()\f.()( '..If.:'" .J', 1~'lIIt""'lgL'lIdll 11l'111 118_~ .~/!3,J!)1 . 0.... ,.., ,.., W U _W 1-.., Z< 0'" :E: .. Co.'" o '" "'0 1-::- u~ o '" '" ,.., .., . III :0 .. >. .. Ii- "'Ii- .-<..... .-<< .~ ~ o ....Co. o III .-< :;l '" III .<: lJ '" W Z ::1 Q - '" ..... Co. .. o '" W ~ o ~ :E: - < ,.., U !-< ~ o U U < '" o ~ Co. W :E: < Z I- ~ o u u < I- ~ o ~ .... o o o o '" '" I"- '" ;:;: '" o .... '" .. ,.., .... CO o .... o N o o '" o '" o N '" .... .. .... '" .... - '" '" '" U o '" '" < ~ Q ::- '" Ul Co. o '" '" '" CO '" ,.., CO N N '" o o o '" o I"- '" .. .... .... .... N .... CO o N o '" .. .... N .... N .... '" '" '" N N '" W - ,.., '" '" ::> '" :E: o o '" ,.. I- '" < <>. CO .... N .... .... '" o o o o ..", 00 00 00 00 "'''' 00 ........ 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"'~ <0. ffi",,,, <"'000 "' U <'" ;;: 5 ~'" u~~~B:~~u .., '" . ,....., 0 , (j < .. "' 0.0. "'~"'u3:rn ~~.., '" '" "'0 ... "'?i'" "'u:ruuuuuu < 0 "" ..., '" ~~50"'0."'<uu~~~~:0.0.~ 5 .., ~ '" ... < ... '" "'<0.",,,, I"'",,...,,,,, "'",u 0. '" III 56 '" u ~~ ~ ~ ~oMOC~NO~~~ '" '" '" 6 '" ffi<ll<ffi~'" ...' 'OOOOOh;;l:~ .., 6 ~ ffi .., 00 '" o3~ ffl~8:~:~~~~~~~ .., .., UN '" 0 < '" 0 < U, '" '" <..... .., .., N 0 ~ 1'; "" "" .., < "'...... 5 rlM~~.~~~o~~~~lfJ~HN~ ~ ~ :>: f.< U'" OMrlMNN~~m~~~~~~ooo 0 '" 0 <0 0. 0. rlN~N~N~~'I;f'~.~~'I;f'~~~~ ... <ll III 0 f.< . i'SB ~ciates, Inc. Technical Memorandum To: Honorable Mayor and City Counci City of Monticello, Minnesota From: Bret A. Weiss, P.E. City Engineer Date: August 25, 2003 Re: Feasibility Study School Boulevard Mill and Overla City of Monticello Project No. 200 -14C WSB Project No. 1494-02 WSB & Associates is pleased to present the results of our feasibility study for the construction ofa bituminous overlay on School Boulevard betw en N.E. Fallon Avenue and Fenning Avenue (CSAR 18). The following report present the results of our analysis along with recommendations for improvements and associate costs. BACKGROUND The feasibility study was previously authorized by the City Council. This project was considered as Area 2 in the City's Overall Street R construction Program. Area 2 originally included a bituminous overlay of Chelsea Road als from Fenning Avenue to Fallon A venue. However, due to the condition of the pavement on helsea Road in this area, it was determined that reconstruction of the existing pavement on Ch lsea Road may be warranted. Therefore, it is not included in the scope ofthis study. EXISTING CONDITIONS The project area is shown on Figure 1. School Bo levard is a 44-foot urban roadway section. It is carrying traffic levels in the range of 2,500 to ,000 vehicles per day. The roadway consists of two 12-foot through lanes, 10-foot wid shoulders, and concrete curb and gutter. The existing pavement section consists of four inc es of bituminous pavement over eight inches of aggregate base. Driving lanes are deline ted with a double solid yellow centerline stripe and white shoulder lines. The pavement itse fis exhibiting significant levels of rutting along wheel paths along with typical levels oftran verse cracking. School Boulevard was initially constructed in 1995. Existing utilities alo g this corridor include storm sewer and watermain. Sanitary sewer serving this area is loc ted in Chelsea Road and within developments on the south side the street. School Boulevard is one of the City's designated s ate aid streets. Costs associated with surface improvements to the roadway are eligible r state aid funding. Minneapolis. St Cloud. E ual Opportunity Employer F: \ WPWINI/494-02Ifeasihility report. doc ."... F ." .... .... E - .. ..,~ E ." ." .... ~ .... ." ." F ~ . ... ~ F .- ."... IE F .' .... . Honorable Mayor and City Council Feasibility Study - School Boulevard Mill and Overlay August 25, 2003 Page 2 PROPOSED IMPROVEMENTS The proposed improvements are illustrated on igure 2. The project will include a 2-inch deep edge mill a distance of 6 feet wide along the cu b lines. Existing gate valves and manhole castings located within the paved area will nee to be adjusted to account for the increased thickness of the overlay section. Areas of rutti g will be corrected with a bituminous leveling course, in addition to re-establishing the center ine crown. The street will then receive a 2-inch bituminous wear overlay over the entire width f the street. Centerline and edge striping will be applied following completion of the overla . . The transverse cracking of the pavement that i being exhibited is typical of streets of this age. Typically, bituminous overlays are considered 0 be a maintenance activity along with crack sealing and repair. The costs associated with c ack repair are usually included with the overlay costs. However, cracks in the existing paveme t will reflect through the overlay section and will need to be sealed as the pavement continu s to age. Reflective cracks have been observed on overlay projects as early as one year after t e overlay construction. It is our recommendation that crack filling and repair b completed on the overlay within two to three years ofthe completion of the overlay. This will prevent the City from paying for crack filling costs twice within a three year period. The Ci y of Monticello conducts a crack filling program annually with City personnel and equipment. uture crack sealing on the overlay will be completed by the Public Works Department as part of their annual budget. FINANCING A detailed Engineer's Opinion of Probable Co t is attached to this memo. The costs as shown reflect construction of the entire improvement as described in the preceding section. The estimated cost for the project as described her in is $170,500. The cost estimate includes a 10% construction contingency factor and indirect c sts in the amount of 28% of the estimated construction cost. It is the City's policy that bituminous overlay onstruction is assessed on a front foot basis at a rate of 50% of the project costs. Properties 0 the south side of the street front streets that intersect with School Boulevard, with back 10 lines facing School Boulevard. These properties would be considered non-assessable under th City's assessment policy. The property on the north side of the street is owned by the high s hool, which has access to School Boulevard. This results in only half ofthe frontage being ssessable. Under this scenario, there is approximately 1,910 assessable front feet. T e cost per front foot would be approximately $44.60 per front foot based on a total assessm nt being 30% of the project costs. The remaining costs would be eligible for funding through the City's state aid account. . F:I WPWfMJ 494-02\feasibi/ity report. doc . . . Honorable Mayor and City Council Feasibility Study - School Boulevard Mill and Overlay August 25, 2003 Page 3 SCHEDULE The schedule for the improvements as propose herein is as follows: Receive Feasibility Report and Order Plans an Specifications ......................... August 25, 2003 Approve Plans and Specifications/Order Ad fo Bids ......................................September 8, 2003 Receive Bids.... ._............................................... ................................................... October 3, 2003 Award Contract................................................. ................................................. October 14, 2003 Complete Construction..........................................,................................. -........ November 7, 2003 The schedule includes completion of the proje t yet this fall. Should the City choose to assess the project, a public hearing would be require as part of the Chapter 429 Improvement Process. This would add approximately 30 da s to the schedule as shown, which would prevent construction from being completed ye this fall. FEASIBILITY AND RECOMMENDATIO The project is feasible, necessary and cost effe tive from an engineering standpoint. It is the recommendation of WSB & Associates, Inc. t at the City accept the feasibility report as contained herein and authorize the preparation of plans and specifications. The project is eligible for state aid funding. 1 addition, only the north side of the street would be considered assessable front footage. It is 0 recommendation that the City negotiate an agreement with the high school for a proposed assessment. This will eliminate the need for a public hearing and allow the project to procee as shown on the project schedule. State aid funding should be utilized for the remaining 5 % of the total project costs. This will allow the work to be complete this fall. If you have any questions or concerns regardi g the information contained in this report, please feel free to contact me at (763) 287-7193. Enclosures cc: Rick W olfstellar, City of Monticello Jeff O'N eill, City of Monticello John Simola, City of Monticello Bret Weiss, WSB & Associates srb F: \ WPW/M /494-02Ifeasibility report. doc . School Boulevard Mill and Overlay Engineer's Opinion of Estimated Costs City Project No. 2002-14C WSB Project No. 1494-02 Item Unit Quantity Unit Price Amount Mobilization LS 1.00 $ 5,000.00 $ 5,000 Adjust Casting EACH 6.00 $ 400.00 $ 2,400 Adjust Gate Valve EACH 10 $ 250.00 $ 2,500 Mill Bituminous Pavement (2") SY 5,290 $ 3.00 $ 15,870 Type L V3 Non-Wearing Levelling Course TON 260 $ 30.00 $ 7,800 TYPE MY 3 Wearing Course (2") TON 2,150 $ 35.00 $ 75,250 Bituminous Material For Tack Coat GAL 1,220 $ 2.00 $ 2,440 4" Double Solid Line - Epoxy LF 3,900 $ 1.50 $ 5,850 4" Solid Line - White LF 7,800 $ 1.25 $ 9,750 Subtotal $ 126,860 Plus 10% Construction Contingency $ 6,343 Subtotal $ 133,203.00 Indirect Costs (28%) $ 37,297 Total Estimated Project Cost $ 170,499.84 -- - -- -- - . . c co D o CO ~ ~ "- / '" o .. ~ 0) / E I 95\'" ~TR onal Highway 50 Olson Mem Suite 300 41 , MN 55422 .. Minneapolis, lAIC:- ~ 76"-541-.4800 ".;1&::1 FAX76~5A1-1700 _1I.1"~I"I.O:t;I, . Inc. ~!'........ & ASSQ(:IlJtes. .."I..lilIl::::I .9.1....1=.~ .I~I=-!Yl...... Date: August 25, 2003 . No 01494-02 WSB Pro~NO 2oo2.14C City Pl'Oje ' ber Figure Num 1 Minnesota , // ...----- /..---~ ----..----~/ R/W 80' (l I (f' ACE T NOH ;, VARIES ~~' ----- ---l-- - 18' OR n' rZ-~ I MI LL I [XISIING 6" 1 ~ /II CURti &, GU 1 If R m I~!- t 'CO, ~C" """ "'C ^'" T ;,,:: ::::,;":: AS NED-_SSAIlY OVERLAY K CUAT f' ACE) - -----r rZ- f'_DG[ I I MI LL EXISTING 2~~ROB1o '" GU nFH I BITUMINOUS LE ELING CUURS[ (1") -EXISIING PAVE SURFACE (1) [XlqING PAVf'MENT TIJ RECEIVf' 6' EOn MILL 10 MATCH - [X I;; I I NG CURII. o A 1 INCH THICK LEVELING COURSF WILL 13E CONSrRUCTEO TO CORRECT RUT! ING AND RE-ESTAliIISII THf ROADWAY CROWN. g' " Q i / " o .. m , 9 .... WSB & ASSQd.(lle,f, Inc:. TYPICAL SECTION - S HOOL BOULEVARD 4150 Olson Memorial Highway Suite 300 Minneapolis, MN 55422 SCHOOL BO JLEV ARD OVE AY .1~I:U#lW1.::"'I_"I~I"''''::Iol1l''I~I:I:lr.JaIr _1I1t:..~I~I.['''''''' 7Bl-541-4800 FAX 76l-541-1700 Monticello, Minnesota VAR I I' 5 .-"."'-'" 1 R' OR 22' WSB Project No. 01494-02 City Project No.2002.14C R/W Dale: August 25, 2003 Figure Number 2 ,;SB & Associates, Inc. Memorandum To: Honorable Mayor and City ouncil City of ll-'lonticello From: Kevin B. Kawlewski Senior Project ftilanager Date: August 24, 2003 Pavement Costs for the Ehn Street Extension (7th Street to 1-94) City Project No. 2002-14C WSB Project No. 1494-00 Re: As requested, we have calculated costs for s eet improvements associated with the proposed extension of Elm Street south to th northern right-of-way line ofI-94. The bituminous pavement costs, as listed below, e based on unit prices received from the Contractor for the project. The preparation 0 the subgrade for this work is not covered by pay items for the contract but is assumed to e nominal. The unit price as listed is based on bid prices received on other projects. The costs represent the construction of2-inch bituminous pavement section constructed to width of 24 feet and would be considered a temporary road surface or driveway. The pa ement would be constructed on the existing gravel surface which would require grading d shaping to establish the centerline crown. The proposed extension would not include th construction of concrete curb and gutter. The two inch pavement section as proposed r presents a typical driveway pavement section. The service life of the pavement wil be significantly reduced due to the heavier recreational vehicles and garbage trucks that ill be operating on that pavement. Spring axle load restrictions will need to be evaluat to set a maximum limit in order to protect the surface as the sub grade begins to thaw. The cost for the construction of the extensio of the pavement section is estimated to be $9,630. This cost is based on contract pay it ms and includes indirect costs in the amount of28 percent of the estimated construction c st. As the extension of the pavement on Elm Street would benefit several property owners having access to the street, it could be considered an assessable cost. If necessary, i emized costs can be provided to further support the costs as presented. We will be available at the City Council Mee 'ng to discuss this memorandum. If you have any questions or concerns regarding the calculation of the costs as presented, please feel free to contact me at 763-287-7193. cc: John Simola, City of Monticello Minneapolis, st. loud - Equal opportu~~rwEJm9JRr~~4_00\Elm Street &terlSion Costs. doc ',!fl':~.,,,,, , ''', i ,;'if,r CORE STREET RECONSTRUCTIOr1~'AREA 1 CITY OF MONTICELLO CITY PROJECT NUMBER: 2002-14C WSB PROJECT NUMBER: 1494-00 ,; SCHEDULE J - PROPOSED EXTENSION OF ELM STREET / Item No. Mat. No. Description 1 2112.501 SUBGRADE PREPARATION 2 2350.501 TYPE LV 3 WEARING COURSE MIXTURE ( Subtotal Indirect Costs (28%) TOTAL SCHEDULE J - PROPOSED EXTENSION OF ELM STREE Quantity 5.75 185 21 AUGUST, 2003 UnitPrice Total ,$920.00 , .;,604.50 $.524.50 $2,106.86 $9.631.36 1. The best I can figure from the plans and Base Map, it is about 625 feet from the end of the proposed work to the center of the 1-94 RlW. Assuming the right-of-way to be 100 feet wide, th length of improvement is approximately 575 feet. 2. Subgrade Preparation Unit Price was taken from the average of s eral Rosemount projects. BITUMINOUS == (((575 LF) x (24 FT)) 19) x (2 ) x (110 Ib/sy-in) x (110%) 12000 Iblton == 185 tons AGGREGATE == (((575 LF) x (24 FT)) 19) x (1 ) x (105 Ib/sy-in) x (115%) 12000 Iblton = 90 tons 100.625 3 2211.501 AGGREGATE BASE, CL 5 (100% CRUSHED TON M:\01494-00\Excef\Elm treet Extension 100 $0.01 $1.00