HRA Minutes 03-16-1995 . . . - SUMMARY SPECIAL WORKSHOP MEETING MONTICELLO HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY Thursday, March 16, 1995 7:00 p.m. City Hall HRA MEMBERS PRESENT: HRA MEMBERS ABSENT: Chairperson Al Larson and Ben Smith. Everct tc ElIsion, Tom St. Hi I iare, and Brad Barger. CITY COUNCIL PRESENT: Mayor Brad Fyle, Brian Stumpf I and Tom Perrault. Shirley Anderson and Clint Herbst. CITY COUNCIL ABSENT: STAFF PRESENT: STAFF ABSENT: Rick Wolfsteller and Ollie Koropchak. Jeff O'Neill. OTHERS PRE~~ENT: HRA Attorney Steve Subul. Planning Commissioners Dick Martie and Rod Dragsten. IDC members Ron Hoglund and Jim Fleming. Hospital Executive Director Barb Schwientek. The special workshop meeting was called to order by HRA Chairperson Al Larson at 7:00 p.m. Koropchak informed those in attendance that prior to the HRA authorizing Public Resource Group, Inc. (PRG) to begin preparation of a TIF Plan for a new TIF District, staff estimates the projected property tax and the HAC A Penal ty numb:2rs arc calculated, the developer has a preliminary bank commitment, and the IDC Prospect Team has visited the existing facility of the developer. Additionally, the developer must return to the HRA an executed Preliminary Agreement. submit a $5,000 cashier check, and provide a copy of the land purchase agreement and a letter stating the need for TIF (new criteria). Since time, effort, and dollars have been incurred prior to City Council consideration to approve TIF, it becomes apparent that cohesive guidelines for use of TIF are agreed upon by HRA and the City Coune i 1 members. Koropehak a Iso displayed a copy of a TIF Plan and a Private Redevelopment Contract. Attorney Bubul reviewed the process for establishment of an Economic TIF District and Plan (see attached), outlined the TIF legislative bills in committees and highlighted uses for pre-May 1, 1990 TIP surplus dollars after outstanding bonds and contracts as it relates to potential ways to reimburse the City's loss of RACA with the establishment of post~1992 TIF Districts. Page 1 . . . HRA SUMMARY MARCH 16, 1995 Pre-May 1, 1990 Surplus Dollars - Original Bill - Preliminary action by February I. 1995. Modified Bill Qualified plan by July 1, 1995 (specified dollars). Same process as TIF Plan. - Soils District for only contaminated or polluted soils. - Reduce 25% spending outside Economic Districts to 10%. -- Housing Districts approved by School District. - School District Levy. Criteria: Business to move out-state.<?:D.,Q.. increase tax base and increase employment in state. Bill Bill Bill Bill Bill Administrator Wolfsteller gave a summary of the HRA Fund and the TIF-Debt Service Funds and concluded the potential TIF surplus from all current districts is a little over three million dollars. Attorney Bubul indicated that pre-la9a surplus dollars can be used within the Redevelopment Project No. 1 area for any qualified TIF expenditure. If the proposed legislation becomes law, a qualified plan must be approved prior to July 1. Perhaps this is a way for the HRA to reimburse the City for its HACA loss: Earmark anticipated public improvement projects such as upgrade of Fallon Avenue I ~'Jastc vJater Treatment Plant, etc. in the budget of the qualified plan. Dollars may also be used as equi ty into a Community Center project; however, this is a greater risk as the project is by referendum and dollars are already specified within the budget. Communities have established TIP districts to assistance in financing of community buildings owned and managed by a non-profit organization. Thc HACA loss to a city is approximately 30% of the tax increment of Economic District, which in reality is 17.5% non-TIF monics. For newly established districts, the 25% public improvements or 10% adminis.:;tration mU~3t to a11thorized wittlirl the TIF Plarl an.(~ the public improvements authorized within the City's General Fund. It appeared to be a general agreement among participants that City and HRA staff prepare a proposed budget for pre-1990 TIF surplus dollars to conform with the time-line of the proposed legislation. HRA Chairperson Larson questioned the use of surplus dollars by the city as the original TIF Plans were approved by the school, county, and hospi tal taxing jurisdictions. These taxing j\u'isdictions agreed to give up taxing dollars for a period of time to cover the TlF' budget expendi tures; therefore, any surplus dollars beyond outstanding bonds and contracts, in reality, belongs to all four taxing jlJrh;dictions: Ci ty, school, county, and hospi tal. This the original intent of TIF. Page 2 . . . HRA SU~.1~-1ARY r.1ARCH 16. 1995 Attorney Bubul indicated the qualified plan for use of pre-1990 surplus dollars would be sent to the taxing jurisdictions for 30- day notice to comment. Meeting adjourned at approximately 10:00 p.m. ~ \<~~~- Ollie Koropchak, liRA Executive Director Page 3