City Council Agenda Packet 07-14-2003 Call to Order and Pledge of Allegiance. Approve minutes of June 23,2003 special Cou cil meeting. 65 c.f Approve minutes of June 23, 2003 regular Co ncil meeting. . Mayor: Council Members: 1. 2A. B. AGENDA REGtJl.AR MEETING - MONTICE LO CITY COUNCIL Monday, July 14,20 3 - 7 p.m. Bruce Thielen Roger Carlson, Glen posusta, R bbie Smith and Brian Stumpf . /J f.J Of'A!.' ,0. J .t",J '^^ (1\ G-1I1 t-t J;tt J"J Cr-- Consideration of ad<;\ing items to,the agen . ~. -'101 f.- .".",,1 17 01- ~ s 0\4< ') - /uff ,': i ;/" c:zeW~~~~qU~S~ hd;~ ~mts~ 9l1~1 ( Consent agenda. (~5d"- \,ct^c\..s) 3. 4. 5. A. B. . C. D. E. tv \\ ~'~/ G \ \} ,,11~ '\;J-l, . f/.A~~ {)If' s:.3o Consideration of approval of charitabl gambling license for Monticello VFW. Consideration ofratifying new hires f r liquor store and Sewer and Parks Department. Consideration of approval of charitab e gambling license for St. Henry's Parish Fall I;estival. Consideration of approval of temp ora Y 3/2 beer license for St. Henry's Parish Fall Festival. Consideration of a resolution approvi g election of city manager for inclusion in PERA. G. Consideration to review setback stat dards in R-1 A, R-l, R-2 and R-2A districts for the purpose of clarification of the regula ions. 1&d. eJ ~ ~WI e.u Consideration of development stage PUD and preliminary plat for Carlisle Village. Applicant: Shadow Creek Development. H. Consideration of approval of the fin 1 plat and rezoning for Parkside at Meadow Oaks Second Addition. I. Consideration of approval of tlnal p at of the Hillside Farms Second Addition. J. Consideration of a request for a co ditional use permit allowing concept stage PUD for 2 four unit townhouses - Applicant: Emer Id Estates LLC. K. Consideration to adopt a resolution extending the Compliance Date within the Contract for Private Development between the BRA, City and Twin City Die Castings. L. Consideration of approval of rcsol tion having Minnesota Statutes Section 272.162 relating to transfer of property en~ reed by Wright County Agenda Monticello City Council July 14, 2003 Page Two . 6. 7. 8. 9. ~(Y X (;?~of @ 12. 13. . C/~ 15. . Consideration of items removed from the con ent agenda for discussion. Public Hearing - Consideration of adopting at nexation ordinance annexing the ChadwiclJOtter Creek property lying in Section 10, Township 121, ange 25. Public Hearing - Consideration of adopting a nexation ordinance annexing property lying in Section 19 , Township 121, Range 24 (Hermes/Farr) Consideration of amendments to City liquor rdinances. Consideration of granting an increase to the i dividual pension for volunteer Firefighter Relief Association members. Consideration of approving a two year agree I ent with Wright County to perform assessing duties. Consideration of ratifying union contract. Consideration of petition for annexation - PI' perty Owners: Witschen, Markling & Frie - Carried over from last meeting because a plieant could not be present, Consideration of approving plans and specifl 'ations River Street sanitary sewer replacement, Project No. 2002~ 13C. Consideration of award of bids for River Str. et/Prairie Road/CSAH 75 and consideration of entering into a cost sharing agreement with Wright C mnty for the proposed improvement. 16. Consideration ofright-of-way acquisition C elsea Road West Extension - Otter Creek Development. 17 Approve payment of bills for July 2003. 18. Adjourn. . . . MINI TES SPECIAL MEETING - MON ICELLO CITY COIJNCIL Monday, .June 23 2003 - 5:30 p.m. Members Present: Roger Carlson, Glen osusta, Robbie Smith, Brian Stumpf and Bruce Thielen. Members Absent: None 1. Call to Order. Mayor Thielen called the special meeting t order. The purpose of the special meeting was to address the concerns of the developer relati g to the Towne Centre Project/Walnut Street Improvements. 2. Review of Towne Centre/Walnut Street Vaughn Veit, the developer of the Towne entre project had a list of items which were discussed. Lighting: Mr. Veit pointed out that the eight of the concrete mounting pads for the street lights were of varying heights with some extendi Ig above the sidewalk and pavers one in particular was at least 5" above the pavers. The representa'ive from Xcel Energy Bob Rapacz indicated that they placed the lights at the elevation they were given by the city. John Simola, Public Works Director, stated that the plans drawn up by the City 'ngineer just gave the location for the placement of lights not the elevations and the City Council an staiI selected the light design. Xcel Energy and Mueller were given a range to set the lights, which was just slightly above the curb and sidewalk. Xcel Energy owns the lights and they have low red the poles as much as they could. The developer asked why Xcel couldn't cut away the exc ss concrete. Bob Rapacz said Xcel was concerned that sawcutting would damage the base causin it to crumble and deteriorate more rapidly. Brian Stumpf asked how many fixtures were at the wrong elevation. Vaughn Veit indicated there were six. Bruce Thielen asked if Xce1 would be willing to ull the pavers out. Bob Rapacz indicated they were following the standards the City had supplied them. He noted there were problems with the contractor driving over the pavers after th y had been poured. Bob Rapacz said if Xce1 did anything it would be with fixture that was 5" above the pavers. To correct that fixture, the pavers would be removed, the base would be tri med and set just above the pavers. Bruce Thielen asked if Xcc\ would correct that fixture. Bob R pacz stated he would bring the request to management and they would make the decision. He w uld let city staff know the decision. Landscaping: The developer stated the e isting landscaping was poor and should be removed. Bruce Thielen agreed and suggested that dam Hawkinson, Park Superintendent come up with a landscaping plan for the area. John Sim la indicated that once the landscaping plan had been prepared it would be submitted to the Co ncil and developer. lA Special Council Meeting Minutes- 6/23/03 . Pat Cruikshank reported that the sod at Wa nut and 6th Street is brown and asked who is responsible for maintaining it. John Simol. replied that the ordinance states that the abutting property owner maintains the boulevard. aughn Veit stated they would add 1 or 2 additional sprinkler heads to the irrigation zone as Ion T as they were not billed for it. Liquor Store Sign: Vaughn Veit stated th t there was suppose to be a reader sign installed. Bruce Thielen indicated that the City had looked t that but that the cost for the reader sign, $55,000, did not make it feasible to do that. Vaughn Ve t referenced a sign design that depicted signage for Towne Centre and the liquor store and ben ath that was the electronic reader board. City Administrator, Rick Wolfsteller stated that the City had never indicated that they would remove the existing liquor store sign nor did he recall t 1at the City had ever approved a sign design for the site. . Handicapped Ramp: Vaughn Veit had re uested an on grade crossing so there would be no handicapped ramp but the City did not allo that so Vaughn Veit had requested pavers be placed at the crosswalk. Bruce Thielen stated that the City had concerns about snowplowing and also drainage issues with getting the water to th storm sewer. John Simola asked if the pavers on the crosswalk were part of the original design nd Vaughn Veit indicated they were. City Engineer, Bret Weiss was asked if some corrective ork could be done on the pavers. Bret Weiss stated the pavers are supposed to be below the concr tc so you don't peel it off when snowplowing. Vaughn Veit stated the City didn't put pavers in th crosswalk just aggregate. Bruce Thielen asked if the contractor for the Core Street Reconstructi m project could do the corrective work. Bret Weiss stated that the contractor on the Walnut 5t eet project has not been released from the contract so that contractor would be liable for correcti g it. Bret Weiss asked about the exposed aggregate. Vaughn Veit indicated there wcre three ar as. Bret Weiss will check these out. Assessment: The development agreemen called for an assessment of $60,000. The developer stated their assessment was in excess of tt at amount and was closer to $71,000. City Administrator, Rick Wolfsteller will chec on the assessment. Environmental Cleanup: Ken Barthel st ted there was removal of contaminated material consisting of battcries and treated lumber. The developer is requesting a letter hom the City stating that the eleanup was done. It was noted at there was a Phase I environmental assessment done. Vaughn Veit stated he was not concerned bout the cost he incurred in clean up but with but that he be released ofliability. . Sign: There was some additional discussi n on the liquor store sign. Bruce Thielen and Robbie Smith felt the sign on the liquor store buil ing was large enough and questioned whether there was a need for any additional signage. John Si ola pointed out what the ordinance allowed for signage for properties on a major highway, like T 25. Vaughn Veit said that betwecn $12M-$13M were spent on the Towne Centre site and liquor store remodeling and that it was a shame that signage and landscaping was detracting from it. Bruce> Thielen felt it might be worthwhile to have a sign company look at the existing sign age at t liquor store. Pat Cruikshank stated that the tenants 2 2A . . . Special Council Meeting Minutes- 6/23/03 along the back of the Towne Centre develo ment were looking for additional signage and suggested that perhaps some kind of compromise coul be reached on the signage. Bruce Thielen suggested that Vaughn Veit come up with a proposal' nd the City would look at it. Rick Wolfsteller cautioned that any sign in excess of the pro isions of the ordinance would have to be approved by the Planning Commission. 3. Adjourn: The meeting was adjourned at 6:25 p.m. Recording Secretary 3 :2A . MIN UT ~"S REGlILAR MEETING - MONT CELLO CITY COUNCIL Monday, .June 23, 003 - 7 p.m. Members Present: Roger Carlson, Glen Pos Ista, Robbie Smith, Brian Stumpf and Bruce Thielen. Members Absent: None 1. Call to Order and Pledge of Allegiance: Mayor Thielen called the meeting to order at 7 .m. and declared a quorum present. The Pledge of Allegiance was said. 2A. A rove minutes of June 9 BRIAN STUMPF MOVED TO APPROVE TH MINUTES OF THE JUNE 9, 2003 REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING. ROGER CARLSON S CONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. ~ ,., 2B. A rove minutes of.June 16 2003 s ROGER CARLSON MOVED TO APPROVE T E MINUTES OF THE JUNE 16,2003 SPECIAL COUNCIL MEETING. ROBBIE SM TH SECONDED II IE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 3. Consideration of adding items to the al!enda. Robbie Smith added a discussion on the informat on submitted by the Chamber of Commerce on their poll relating to the lights on Broadway. 4. Citizen eomments/ etitions re uests and com Mayor Thielen explained the purpose of the citize comments portion of the meeting. No one spoke under citizen comment. 5. Consent Al!enda: A. Consideration of approving final plat and evclopment agreement - Prairie Ponds. Recommendation: Approve final plat and development agreement i'()r Prairie Ponds. ;)6 . . . Council Minutes - 6/23/03 B. Consideration of ratifying new hires. Recommendation: Approve part-time and seasonal employees for the Community Cente , Streets, Water and Parks Department. Robbie Smith asked that agenda item #9 be oved to the consent agenda. ROBBIE SMITH MOVED TO APPROVE "HE CONSENT AGENDA WITI I THE ADDITION Of AGENDA ITEM #9, CONSIDERATIO OF FEASJRILITY REPORT FOR RIVER STREET SANITARY SEWER AND AUT ORIZATION OF PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS. BRIAN STUMPF SE ONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSL Y. 6. Consideration of items removed from the consent a Jenda for discussion. None. 7. Townshi 121 JcffO'Neill explained that the vacation oft e easement was a housekeeping matter. The City through a land exchange has obtained the casements needed so this particular easement is no longer required. The casement, however, needs to be vacate in order for the developer to record the plat. City Administrator Rick Wolfsteller asked if the sanitary sewer line was relocated. Bret Weiss, City Engineer, indicated it was. Mayor Thielen opened the public hearing. "here was no one present who spoke for or against the proposed vacation. Mayor Thielen then clo'ed the public hearing. ROBBIE SMITH MOVED TO APPROVE TI-lE V ACATION Of THE EASEMENT AS DESCRlI3ED. GLEN POSUSTA SECON ED THE MOTION. MUrION CARRIED UNANIMOUSL Y. s. Consideration of ordinance amendments relatin City Administrator, Rick Wolfsteller explai ed that state law allows, effective July 1,2003, liquor sales until 2 a.m. License holders must ap Iy to the state for the extended closing time license and pay an additional fee. The City needs to d termine whether they want to amend their liquor ordinance to allow the 2 a.m. closing time. Presently the City ordinance specifies a 1 a.m. closing time. It was pointed out that while the stat" collects additional fees for the extended hours of operation, the cities pay the cost for police nforcement for the extended hours. Rick Wolfsteller pointed out that at this time none of the pre'ent license holders have requested the extended hours license. Brian Stumpf felt that since the st te law allows the 2 a.m. hours that is what the City should go with. Bruce Thielen felt that since none of the license holders had requested it, there was no 2 J I~) . . . Council Minutes - 6/23/03 reason the City had to act on an ordinance a endment at this time. Robbie Smith noted that some communities allowed the 2 a.m. hours on th weekend and had 1 a.m. during the week. Glen Posusta felt the City shouldn't deviate from what the state allows. BRIAN STUMPF MOVED TO AMEND T E ORDINANCE TO COMPLY WITH STATE STATUTES ALLOWING ANY ESTABLIS MENT TO REQUEST A 2 A.M. CLOSING TIME WITII PROPER FEES BEING PAID TO T E STATE OF MINNESCYTA. GLEN POSUSTA SECONDED THE MOTION. UPON VOT BEING TAKEN, POSUSTA, STUMPF AND SMITH VOTED IN FA VOR TlIEREOF AND THIELEN AND CARLSON VOTING AGAINST. 9. Consideration of feasibili re ort for Riv r Street Sanita Sewer and authorization for plans and specifications. Included with consent agenda with the recommendation that the feasibility report bc accepted by thc Council and that the engineer proceed with p eparatiol1 of plans and specifications. 10 Public Works Director, John Simola, explain d that the well construction has been completed and the Council is now being asked to approve the pI ns fl)r the construction of the pumphouse. Jim Bullert from Liesch & Associates reviewed the pumphouse plans. The design will be similar to that of pumphouse #3 which is a burnished block btt'lding with a flat roof. The building has four rooms; the well room, pump room, chemical room and g ncrator room. The estimated cost for the pumphouse is $384,000 which is close to the budgeted amo nt. In order to get the pumphouse constructed this season, the schedule would be to authorize ad ertising for bids at this meeting and award the bids on July 28,2003 with construction to begin in A gust. Construction is estimated to be completed by November. Glen Posusta questioned the aesthetics of the esign stating he didn't feci the pumphouse design was appropriate f(n the 4th Street area. Bruce Thi len concurred stating that the pumphouse design should complement the existing buildings at t e park. 1 Ie suggested that the pumphouse have an extension that could be used as a park shelter. John Simola stated the roof could be changed to a gable roof which would be similar to the exist ng park building and Jim Bullert indicated that a change to the roof line should not affect their schedul . ROGER CARLSON MOVED TO ACCEPT C 'I IE PLANS AS PRESENTED WITH THE CHANGES DISCUSSED INCLUDING THE GABLE ROOF DESIGN. GLEN POSUSTA SECONDED Tf-IE MOTION. MOTION CA RIED UNANIMOUSLY. .-'" 3 CAb . . . 11. 12. Council Minutes - 6/23/03 Consideration of etition for annexation Pro er Owners: Witschcn Marklin · and Fric. Withdrawn at property owners request. Consideration of authorization to initiate n for CSAH 181nterchan 'e. JeffO'NeiIl and Bret Weiss provided the ba kground for this item. leffO'Neill discussed the various factors that are driving the need for he City to complete a number of studies relating to the interchange. There is proposed developme t in the area which is the impetus f(Jr making the improvement. Prior to the project the City I eeds to complete the following studies: 1) Updating the City's Transportation Plan; 2) Storm water, nalysis of the changes proposed to the I-94/Railroad overpass and the County Road 18 interehan e; 3) Preliminary interchange design; 4) Interchange modification request and 5) Environmental ssessment. The Council discussed the proposed interch nge layout as well the proposal to redesign the 1-94/Railroad from an overpass to an under ass. Brian Stumpf asked if the pedestrian bridge over the freeway would be affected. Bret Weiss i 1dieated it would not. MnDOT would be building a temporary bypass and it is this bypass going through the red i-mix plant site that may necessitate acquisition of the property and relocation of the business. The financial model needs to be refined to i entify the funding sources and there should be a meeting with the property owners regarding the final cial impact. The financial model needs to be done in coordination with the design project. Glen Posusta asked if the intent of the interchange design was to save the land on the west side of County oad 18 for development and if the intersection would be signalized. Hret Weiss indicated was the pi n and that the intersection would have a signal. He also indicated that the 350,000 sq. ft. commercia development would have an impact on the whether County Road 18 would be widen to four Ian s. Brian Stumpf asked what role the County would play in this. Bret Weiss replied that the City had sent the County a letter asking to get this project in the County's 5 year CIP but the City did not m,' 'e it. The County indicated that they do not have the funding for this but Bret Weiss felt County articipation is something that would have to be negotiated. The financial model indicated t at half of the improvements to County Road 18 would be the County's. Bret Weiss also discussed right-of-way acq isition and relocation of the existing business. He indicated that the City wi II need to hire a rig t-of-way agent to ensure that proper procedures are being followed and Bret Weiss would like a Ithorization from the Council to procure this service. Bruce Thielen asked about the cost of the pI' )ject and was told that it would be approximately $9.6 million with the City's share approximately $6 million. Brian Stumpf felt that if this project alleviated the traffic congestion at TH 25/I-94, the pro. ect would be worthwhile. Glen Posusta felt this was a window of opportunity the City should not ass up. It was felt that if the City was taking the initiative on this MnDOT would be more supportive f the project. ;;z fj Council Minutes - 6/23/03 . The City's Transportation Plan was done in 1994 and it would be to appropriate to update the plan city wide. Bret Weiss also discussed how th proposed changes would afIect CSAH 75 and access to Briar Oaks and Mcadow Oaks developme ts. It was felt that east CSAH 75 would end up as a cui-de-sac. Other areas that would be looked at in the transportation plan would be access to the Wild Mcadow area, incorporation of the Ore ard Road interchange and an analysis of 7th Street. Besides completing the various studies that a e needed, the City will need to be negotiating with the County, State and property owners for cost s aring on the project. It was suggested that there be a workshop with the property owners/develop rs and the City to discuss some of the issues relating to the project. It was decided that the meeting be held on July 14, 2003 at 5 p.m. In addition it was felt there should be other public information I meetings. Bret Weiss would like the Council to authorize him to sit down with staff and revi w the work schedule to determine what tasks City staff would handle and what WSB would handle. . Jeff O'Neill addressed the issue of cost shari g and whether the Council would require up front funding from the developers fix these studie'. lie felt MnDOT should participate in the cost ofthe storm water analysis since their changes to t e I-94/Railroad overpass is generating the storm water issues. The cost of the studies is estimated. $242,000. Rick Wolfsteller stated that while funds have not been hudgeted for these studies, th. money could be taken from other funds and hope that a major share of this expense can be recapture through special assessments. Brian Stumpf asked if the City should take the risk without knowi g that MnDOT will participate in the cost. Bret Weiss stated that typically MnDOT does not pay f( I' preliminary design cost just construction costs. Doug Weiser, Vice President ofWSB indic ted that because of the number of access requests, MnDot cannot aff(wd to up front the cost of esign but rather works out participation on the construction side. MnDOT feels the freewa is to move traiTic while access to the heeway is a benefit for development generating the trafIic that n eds to get on the freeway. He added that MnDOT has liberalized their position on what they will articipate in for construction costs. There was some discussion on not proceedi g until there was some idea what the cost pm1icipation would be from MnDOT, the County and th developers. Some members of the Council felt that City needed to proceed or the opportunity would be lost. . GLEN POSUSTA MOVED TO APPROVI' DIRECTrNG THE CITY STAFF/CITY ENGINEER TO COMPLETE THE NECESSARY STU IES INCLUDING 1) UPDATES TO CiTY TRANSPORTATION PLAN 2) STORM ATER PLANNING, 3) INTERCHANGE PRELIMINARY DESIGN 4) INTERCHA GE MODIFICATION REQUEST AND 5) ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT, CO TINGENT ON TlIE CITY ADMINISTRATOR ASKING THE DEVELOPERS AND MNl OT TO PROVIDE A SfIARE OF TlIE REVENUE NEEDED TO FUND THE COST TO CO PLETE THE NECESSARY STUDIES. THE EXACT COST SHARING RELATING T PLANNING EXPENSE TO BE NEGOTIATED BY THE CITY ADMINISTRATOR AND CrrENGINEER. BRIAN STUMPF SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRlED UNANI OUSL Y. 5 de) . . . Council Minutes - 6/23/03 Bruce Thielen notcd thc workshop meeting 's for July 14,2003 at 5 p.m. and directed JcffO'Neill to contact the developers. 13. Consideration of a ment of bills for Ju BRIAN STUMPF MOVED TO APPROVE PAYMENT OF BILLS FOR JUNE. ROGER CARLSON SECONDED 'rHE MOTION. OTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. Other Items: The Council reviewed the information submitted b the Cham her or Commerce regarding their poll of business on the overhead lighting conversion proje t for Broadway. Since the City is proposing additional financing options, the Cham her questioned whethe the Council wanted them to poll their memhers again. The Council determined that it would not he necess ry until after the informational meeting scheduled for Monday, June 30, 2003 at 5 p.m. Then the Council could determine if there was any need to do additional polling. 14. Consideration of ad' ournin to a closed s ssion of the Ci liti ation rcIatin to the Mielke assessme t. BRIAN STUMPF MOVED TO ADJOURN TO A CL,OSED SESSION FOR Tl-IE PURPOSI: Of DISCUSSING PENDING LITIGATIO . GLEN POSUSTA SECONDED TilE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. ROBBIE SMITH MOVED '1'0 RE-OPEN C HE REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL AT 8:35. GLEN POSUSTA SE ~ONDED THE MOTION. MUflON CARRIED UNANIMOUSL Y. Mayor 'rhicIcn stated that the purpose of the closed session was to discuss litigation the City is involved in regarding a special assessment t the Mielke property. 15. Adiourn. ROGER CARLSON MOVED TO ADJOU N AT 8:45 P.M. GLEN POSUSTA SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UN NIMOUSLY. Recording Secretary d~~ . . . 5A. Council Agenda 7/14/03 Consideration of resolution a A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: The Monticello VFW Post 8731 is requestir g renewal of their permit to conduct charitable gamhling operations at their club located at 713 South Cedar Street. Prior to the State Gambling Control Board ssuing a license, the City Council must pass a resolution approving or denying the applica ion. The staff is not aware of any reason why the Council would not allow the state to issue t is license. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Adopt a resolution authorizing the tate Gamhling Control Board to issue a charitahle gambling license to the Monticello FW Post 8731 for their club at 713 South Cedar Street. 2. Do not approve the resolution. c. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: The City Administrator recommends the re'olution being adopted authorizing the issuance of the license. The City is not aware of any r ason why the license should be denied. D. SlJPPORTING nATA: . Copy of resolution . Copy of application . . . CITY OF M NTICELLO RESOLUTIO NO. 2003-43 RESOLUTION AUTHO IZING THE ISSUANCE OF A CHARITABLE AMBLING LICENSE WHEREAS, the Monticello VFW Post 8731 has submitted an application to the City Council of Monticello for the issuance of a charitable gambl"ng license to conduct gambling at the VFW Club located in Monticello, Minnesota; and WHEREAS, upon review of the organization's a tivities, the Council is not opposed to the gambling license being issued by the State Gambling Cont 01 Board. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY T E CITY COUNCIL that the application by the Monticello VFW Post 8731 for a charitable gam ling license is hereby approved and the State Gambling Control Board is authorized to proces the application. Adopted by the City Council this 14th day of Jul , 2003. ATTEST: Rick Wolfsteller, City Administrator _.~~-",-"._,,_.,~.- Bruce Thielen, Mayor 5~ State of Minnesota Gamblin Control Board Premises Perm t Renewal Application For Board Use Only Amt. Pd Check # eG214PPR Printed: 31712003 License Number:B-00357-001 Name of Organization: VFW Post 8731 Effective ate: 1011/2001 Expiration Date: 9/30/2003 Gamblin P emises Information Name ofthe establishment where gambling will be con ucted VFW Post 8731 713 S Cedar St Monticello, MN 55362 County: Wright Note: Our records show the premises is located within the city limits ,!~5 Lesso Information Note: Our records indicate that the organization owns this premises LfF-5 e 713 S Cedar St Monticello, MN 55362 f3 It.! G D Our records indicate that Bingo is not conducted on these premise . e Information S/~ Information Wells Fargo Box 239 Monticello, MN 55362 Gambling Bank Account Number: 2900017347 On the lines provided below list the name, address and title of at least two persons authorized to sign checks and make deposits and withdrawals for the gambling account. The organization's treasurer m y not handle gambling funds. Name Address City, State, Zip Code Title William John Shierts 8402 Halsey Ave NE Monticello, MN 55362 Walter Edward Lusti 1023 W Broadway Box 783 Monticello, MN 55362 &~t16L/"'G f'fc:;.../Z.- f1GHb6f? (Jfi1 d ( , (Be sure to co plete the reverse side of this application) This form will be made available in alternative fonnat (ie. large print, braille) upon request. Page'1 of 2 (Continued on Back) ;/1/ .5~ Gambling Site Authorization I hereby consent that local law enforcement officers, the board or agents ofthe board, or the commissioner ofrevenue or .bl ic safety or agents ofthe mmissioners, may enter the premises to enforce the law. Ban kRe cords Information The board is authorized to inspect the bank rccords of the gambli ng account whenever necessary to fulfill requirements of current gambling rules and law. Organization License Authorization I hereby authorize the Gambling Control Board to modify the class of organization license to be consistent with the class of permit being applied for. Acknowle gment Oath I declare that; I. I have read this appJicatio information submitted to accurate, and complete; 2. all other required information has been fully disclosed; 3. I am the chief executive 0 tlcer ofthc organ ization; 4. I assume full responsibiJit for the fair and lawful operation of all act'vities to be cond ucted; 5. I will familiarize myself ith the laws of Minnesota governing laul gambling and rules of the board and agr , if licensed, to abide by those laws and r les, including amendments to them; Page 2 of2 6. any changes in application information will be submitted to the board and local unit of government within ten days of the change; and 7. I understand that failure to provide required informationor providing false or misleading information may result in the denial or revocation of the license. ~ )( aj:,~ e"",d/f' Signature of the chief executive officer (Designee may not sign) 6 / ;J. tj /oS Date Local Unit of Government Ackn ~le<lg~ent~!!~ A;g.Hroya! ....;t(:theg~~ljri~ I'r~mi~~sJs:;WI~IDt19jtY::liIDits..tb~.9itY111.1l$t'$IgQ.tl1i$'ppJica,tign..lll14pl't:Jy14e..ll...t~gMI\ltl,. .... On behalf of the city, I hereby acknowledge this application for lawful gambling activity at the premises located within the city's jurisdiction, and that a resolution specifically approving or denying the application will be forwarded to the applying organization. . re of city personnel receiving application For the township: On behalf of the township, I acknowledge . that the organization is applying to conduct lawful gambling activity within the township limits. ntnam of township /_.J Pri A township has no statutory authority to approve or deny an application (Minn. Stat. sec. 349.213, subd. 2). Signat re of town ship official receiving application /_~-- Title For the countv: On behalf ofthe county, I hereby acknowledge this application for lawful gambling activity at the premises located with in the county's jurisdiction, and that a resolution specifically approving or denying the application will be forwarded to the applying organization. The infcnnalion requested on this fonn (and any attachments) will Ix: used by the Gambling Control Boord (Board) 10 detennine your qualifications to be imolved in lawful gam bJing activities in Minnesota, and to assist the Board in conducting a background in~stigation of you . Y ou ha~ the right to refuse to sUll'ly the infonnation requested; howe~r, if you refuse . to sUll'ly this infonnation, the Board may not be able to . detennine your qualifications and, as aCOllsequence, may refuse to issue you a license. If you supply the infonnation requested, the Board will be able to process your application. Print ame of county Date re of county personnel receiving application Your name and address will J:llblic infonnation when received by the Board, All th other infonnatiOll that you provide will be private d a about you until the Boord issues your license. W en the Board issues your license. all ofthe infonnatiOllthat you ha~ provided 10 the Board in the process ofa ying for your license willrecome pullic. I fthe B ard docs nct issue you a license, all the infonnation y u have lYovided in the process of applying for a lice se remains private, with the exception of your mme d address which will remain public. Private data about you arca italle only to the following: Boord memhers, affofthe /_~-- Date Boord whose work assignment requires that they have access to the infonnation; the Minnescta Department of Public Safety; the Minnesota Attrrney General; the Minnesota Commissioners of Administration, Finance, and Revenue; tl'c MinnesotaLegislati~ Auditor, national and intermtional gambling regulatory ageocies; anyrne pursuanllo court order; other individuals and agencies that are specifically authrrized by state rr federallaf 10 have access to the infonnation; individuals and agencies fee which law or legal eeder authori~s a new use or sharing of infonnation after this rotice was given; and anyone with your written consent. 5P\ . . . SB. Consideration of a and Liquor Store. (R W) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: Council Agenda - 7/14/03 artures for Streets and Parks De artments The Council is asked to ratify the hiring of new employees that have occurred recently in the liquor store and, summer help in the Street and P -rks Department. As you recall, it is recommended that the Council officially ratify the hiring of al new employees including part-time and seasonal workers. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Ratify the hiring of the part-time e ployees as identified on the attached list. C. SUPPORTING DATA: Lists of new employees. . . . NEW EMPLOYE S Name Title Depa ment Hire Date Class Archambeau, Edward Summer help Streets 6/23/2003 temporary Geyer, Mark Summer help Parks 6/11/2003 temporary Nystrom, Alan Stock/maintenance liquor 6/16/2003 part-time Thom, Shannon Receptionist Administ ation 6/13/2003 temporary Werner, Katie Clerk/cashier liquor 6/17/2003 part-time TERMINATING EMPl OYEES Name Reason Depa tment Last Day Class Bleichner, Mike voluntary MCC 6/13/2003 full~time Walters, Sondra involuntary MCC 6/3/2003 part-time employee councillist.xls: 7/2/2003 ---.... ....."...-- - ----- --... s~ . . . sc. Consideration of resolution authorizinu th Church of St. Henrv. (RW) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: c. D. Council Agenda - 7/14/03 license for the The Church of St. Henry's is requesting app oval of a charitable gambling license to conduct gambling activities at their fall festival on September 13-14,2003. The Church of St. Henry will be applying to the State Gambling Control Board f()\' issuanc of a gambling license but before a license can be issued by the State Gambling Control Board, a reso1 tion needs to be passed by the City either supporting or denying the applicant's request. B. AL TERNA TIVE ACTIONS: ] . Adopt a resolution authorizing the Sta e Gamb]ing control Board to issue a gambling license. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: It is the recommendation of the City Administator that the resolution be adopted. SUPPORTING DATA: . Copy of Application . Copy of Reso]ution . . . A .. ~ .... J. ! Minnesota Lawful Gambling Page 1 of2 3/01 LG220 - Application for Exempt Permit Fee - $25 [Tor Board Use Only Fee Paid Organization Information Check No. Organization name Previous lawful gambling ~tion number Church of St. Henry X to 0 rq Street City State/Zip Code County 1001 E. 7th Street Monticello MN 55362 Wright Name of chief executive officer (CEO) First name Last name Daytime phone number of CEO Fr. Timothy C. Rudolphi, Pastor 763-295-2402 Name of treasurer Daytime phone number of First name Last name treasurer: Kathleen M. Metzger 763-295-2402 Type of Nonprofit Organization Check the box that best describes your organization: o Fraternal [IDe Religious o Veteran o Other nonprofit org nization Check the box that indicates the type of proof your 01 Janization attached to this application: o IRS letter indicating income tax exempt sta us o Certificate of Good Standing from the Minn esota Secretary of State's Office o A charter showing you are an affiliate of a p Elrent nonprofit organization [JJxProof previously submitted and on file with he Gambling Control Board Gambling Premises Information Name of premises where gambling activity will be conducted ( or raffles, list the site where the drawing will take place) Church of St. Henry Address (do not use PO box) City StatelZip Code County 1001 E. 7th Street Monticello MN 55362 Wright Date(s) of activity (for raffles, indicate the date of the drawing) September 13 & 14, 2003 Check the box or boxes that indicate the type of gambling acti ~ your organization will be conducting: Ii] *Bingo Q Raffles (cash prizes may not exceed $12, :lOO) o *Paddlewheels IKJ *PulHabs o *Tipboards *Equipment for these activities must be obtained from a licens d distributor. This form will be made available in Your name and a d your organization's the following: Board members, staff ofthe alternative format (i.e. large print, Braille) name and address \ ill be public information Board whose work assignment requires upon request. The information requested when received by t e Board. All the other that they have access to the information; on this form (and any attachments) will be information that yo provide will be private the Minnesota Department of Public Safety; used by the Gambling Control Board data about you unti the Board issues your the Minnesota Attorney General; the (Board) to determine your qualifications to permit. When th e Board issues your Minnesota Commissioners of be involved in lawful gambling activities in permit, all of the inf rmation that you have Administration, Finance, and Revenue; the Minnesota. You have the right to refuse to provided to the Bl ard in the process of Minnesota Legislative Auditor, national and supply the information requested; however, applying for your pe rmil will become public. international gambling regulatory agencies; if you refuse to supply this information, the If the Board does ot issue you a permit, anyone pursuant to court order; other Board may not be able to determine your all the information y u have provided in the individuals and agencies that are qualifications and, as a consequence, may process of applyin for a permit remains specifically authorized by state or federal refuse to issue you a permit. If you supply private, with the e ception of your name law to have access to the information; the information requested, the Board will and your organizati n's name and address individuals and agencies for which law or be able to process your application. which will remain p blic. legal order authorizes a new use or sharing Private data about ou are available only to of information after this Notice was given; and anyone with your consent. 5c... - . ~ ,.~~.~ .n . .3220 - Application for Exempt Permit Organization Name Local Unit of Government Acknowledgment If the gambling premises is within city limits, the city must sign this application. On behalf of the city, I acknowledge this application. Check the action that the city is taking on this application. O The city approves the application with no waiting period. O The city approves the application with a 30 day waiting period, and allows the Board to issue a permit after 30 days (60 days for a first class city). o The city denies the application. Print name of city (Signature of city personnel receiving application) Title . Date / /' Page 2 of 2 3/01 If th gambling premises' is located in a township, both the ounty and township must sign this application. On ehalf of the county, I acknowledge this application. Check the action that the county is taking on this application. o The county approves the application with no waiting period. o The county approves the application with a 30 day waiting period, and allows the Board to issue a permit after 30 days. D The county denies the application. Print ame of county (Sign ture of county personnel receiving application) Title Date / TO NSHIP: On behalf of the township, I acknowledge that the 0 ganization is applying for exempted gambling activity withi the township limits. [A township has no statutory auth rity to approve or deny an application (Minn. Stat. sec. 349. 13, subd. 2).] Print ame of township (Signature of township official acknowledging application) Title Date I~_ Name (please print) Mail Application and Attachments At least 45 days prior to your scheduled activity date send: . the completed application, . a copy of your proof of nonprofit status, and a $25 application fee (make check payable to "State f Minnesota"). Application fees are not prorated, refundable, or tran ferable. Send to: Gambling Control Board 1711 West County Road B, Suite 300 Sou h Roseville, MN 55113 . Date 6 /~~ If your application has not been acknowledged by the local unit of government or has been denied, do not send the appkation to the Gambling Control Board. , 5c.. . . . RESOLUTION 0.2003-44 RESOLUTION AUTHORI ING THE ISSIJANCE OF A CHARITABLE G MBLING LICENSE WHERnAS, the Church ofS1. Henry has submitted an application to the City Council of Monticello for the issuance of a charitable gambling license to cor duct gambl ing activities at their t~lll festival on September 13-14, 2003 in Monticello, Minnesota, nd WHEREAS', upon review of the organization's acti ities, the City Council is not opposed to the renewal of a charitable gambling license being issued by th State Gambling Control Board. NOW THEREFORF, BE IT RESOLVED BY TIlE CITY COUNCn OF MONTlCA'LLO, MINNHSOTA that application of the Church ofS1. enry for a charitable gambling license is hereby approved, and the State Gambling Control Board i. authorized to process the application. Adopted by the City Council this 14th day of July, 2003. Bruce Thielen, Mayor .."--.,,.-..,---"--""'- ATTEST: Rick Wolfsteller, City Administrator sc . . . 5D. Consideration of A a tern St. H enrv fall festival. (R W) Council Agenda - 7/14/03 uor license for 3/2 beer for the Church of A. REFF~RENCE AND BACKGROUND: 'I'he City has received a request for a tem orary liquor license for 3/2 beer for the fall festival for the Church of St. Ilenry which is scheduled it r September 13-14, 2003 at the church grounds at 1001 East 7th Street. The temporary license fee is the same as last year ($] a/day). B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Approve issuance of the temporar liquor license for 3/2 beer to the Church of St. Henry for September 13-14,2003. 2. Do not approve the license. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: 'fhe City Administrator recommends appr val of the license as outlined. D. SUPPORTING DATA: ^ copy of the application. . /1 ST MN ALe GAMB ENF 6512975259 06/07 '01 12:13 NO.204 01/01 I I (~ Minnesota Departm nt of Public Safety ~ Jd Alcohol and Gambling Enforcement Djyision .{...... ,. ~I 444 Cedar S t -Suite 133 '~'.. .'. i, S1. Paul, MN 5 5101-51.33 :J' " . ~~~~~~ \~~ ""~ (65 J )296-6439 Tr D (651)282-6555 APPLICATION AND PERMIT FOR A TEMPORARY ON- SALE LIQUOR l.ICENSE TYPE OR PRINT INFORMATION NAME OF ORGANlZATJON DA E ~RGANT1~ TAX EXEMPT NUMBER Church of St. Henry ( /6/19 41-0764106 STREET ADDRESS crT STATE I~ZIP CODE 1001 E. 7th Street Me nticello MN 55362 NAME OF PERSON MAKING APPUCAll0N BUS lNESS PHONE I HOME PHONE Kathleen M. Metzger (764 295-2402 ( ) - DATES LJQUOR WILL BE SOLD I~ OF ORGANIZATION Sept. 13 & 14, 2003 UB DCHARITABLE I29RELlGIOUS DOTHER NONPROfJT ORGANIZATION OffiCER'S NAME Afb ~SS Monticello, Fr. Timothy C. Rudolphi o E. 7th Street, MN ORGANIZATION OFFlCER'S NAME ADC RESS ORGANIZATION OFFrCER'S NAME ADr.; RESS Location wh~~~~Tf1gill ftlfe1, P' a~ 8'BtfoTt:ea'1E5f[i~t eet, Monticello, MN Will the nppH,an'Ng,nIr31.:1 for inlo,ucClting liquor sqvice~? Jf so, give th name and addn:$S of the liquor 1;c.eIlS(e proViliing Ilu: service, Will the ::lpphcant carry liquor liability inl'urance? If so, the carper's name and amouot of coverage. (NOTE: Insur3nc~ i~ not mandatory) Yes Cathollc utual Insurance APPRO JAL ...ppuc....rrON MUST BE i\M"Rovro BY aJY OR COUNIY BEI'OJU SWMI1TING TO ALCOHOL & GAM>>UNG E"''FORCEMENT CITY {COUNTY DATE APPRovED CITY FEE AMOUNT LICENSE DATES DATE FEE PAlO SrGNATURF. em CLERK OR COUNTY OFFICIAL APPROvJ::O AlCOhOl &. Gamb1ill1! !':nfon:cmcnl. Director No~: Uo not ~"T:Il~ U,_ two pam. uM both pllrts to tb e clcIl'eOll ;oboYe McI the ori~DlIllli~ by lhls divi$ion wUl be rewrned II/, the I~"'e. Submlf to lbe dr;y c CoulJt:t' at lean 30 dllYs before lbe ~L PS.O'07' (6198) , , i ',;0 .- . . . . B. SF:. Consideration of a resolution a (RW) A. REFF:RENCE AND BACKGROUND: Council Agenda - 7/14/03 The Council is asked to adopt a resolution all wing the City Administrator to apply for membership in the coordinated plan of the Public Employe s Retirement Association. Under rERA regulations, city administrators ad the option to be excluded from PERA coverage and participate in other forms of deferred com ensation in lieu of PERA benefits. When appointed to this position, I had applied l()r exclusion fro] PERA membership and was not allowed to n.;join at a later date. As part of 2003 Omnibus Pension Bill passed y the Minnesota Legislature during the special session, and signed by the governor, city mana ers who opted not to join PERA can reverse this decision and enroll in PERA's Coordinated Phn effective August 1,2003. To re-establish membership, the individual must complete an pplication for membership and submit a city council resolution authorizing the administrator to part'cipate. The purpose of the resolution is to verify that the individual requesting reinstatement is the cl ief administrative ollicer of the city making him eligibl for reinstatement. 'Chere would be no addition' I cost to the city as the same percentage is redirected to the PERA rather than the separate deferred c mp program. AL TERNA TIVE ACTIONS: 1. Adopt the resolution allowing tl)r electi n of city manager for inclusion in PERA and verifying that the city administrator is th chief executive officer of the statutory city. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: With this recent legislative action allowing adm nistrators who previously opted out of the PERA system to rejoin, it appears that it would be beneficial for me to do so at this time as there is no additional cost to the city should I decide to rea _ ply for PERA membership, I am recommending the resolution be adopted. D. SUPPORTING DATA: - · Copy of resolution · PERA Application . RESOLUTI N NO. 2003-45 CITY OJ<' M NTICJ<~LLO RESOLUTION APPROVING ELECTION OF CITY ADMINISTRATOR FOR JNCI~US ON IN PERA WHEREAS, Rick Wol1steller is the ChiefAdminis rative officer of the City of Monticello, a Minnesota statutory city, WHEREA,~ Rick Wolfsteller has notified the City 'ouneil of his election to be included in the Coordinated Plan Membership of the Public Employees Retirem nt Association, NOW T fJ ER E FORE, BE iT R ESO L VED that said el cti on to Participate in P ERA is hereby authorized as allowed by Minnesota Statutes 353.208. Adopted this 14th day ofJuly, 2003. . A lTEST: Bruce Thielen, Mayor ----------~-~~-'---------._~---._---,-._- Rick Wolfsteller -~.,-~--~-----~--,--~--_._-~~ 5~ . . . Election for Inclusion in PERA by a City Manager /IA Public Employees Retirement Association (PERA) 60 mpire Drive, Ste 200, St. Paul, MN 55103-2088 PERA Employer Fax Number: 651 296-2493; Employer I hone Lines: 651 296-3636 or 1-888-892-PERA INSTRUCTIONS: If you are a City Manager who wis~ es to revoke a previous election to be excluded from PERA's Coordinated Retirement Plan, you must omplete, sign and return this form along with a resolution from the City Council approving your Coord nated Plan membership. Your employer should also complete and send to PERA a Notice of Enrol/me nt form or a demographic enrollment record to ensure the timely processing of your Coordinated Plar deductions. The law provides that membership in the Coordinated Plan may begin on the first day of t 1e pay period for which contributions are withheld from salary earned after July 31, 2003, provided that i; signed Election for Inclusion is received within 60 days of the receipt of the Coordinated Plan contribl tions by PERA. This written election is necessary under Minnesota Stc tutes 353.028, subdivision 2, to begin prospective membership in the PERA Coordinated Pic n for salary earned by a City Manager defined as follows: ..."city manager" means (1) a person duly appo nted to and holding the position of city manager in a Plan B statutory city or in a home rule city operating under the "council-manager" form of government, or (2) a person appOinted to an< holding the position of chief administrative officer of a home rule charter city or a statutory city pursl ant to a charter provision, ordinance or resolution establishing such a position and p escribing its duties and responsibilities... ELECTION FOR MEMBE RSHIP COVERAGE I, the undersigned, revoke my previous election to be Excluded from membership in the PERA and hereby elect prospective coverage in the PERA Coord nated Plan based on my current status as a City Manager with the governmental subdivision indicated I elow. As required by law, I hereby state that I will not at any time in the future seek any authorization to purchase service credit for any period of excluded service. I understand that this election is irre ocable. Name of Employing City Name of City Manager - Last, First, Middle Initial Street address (residence) City I State Signature of City Manager Employer PERA 10 # (if known) Social Security Number Zip code Date The information on this application will be used for identificat on and documentation purposes. Furthermore, except for your address, the information requested on this form is class fied as public data, which can be given to anyone for any purpose. Your address, however, is classified as private and is available only to you, the PERA staff who must use it during normal course of processing this application and to er tities authorized by law. No private data of yours will be shared with any unauthorized person or agency without your informed written consent. 7/2003 S~ . . . SF. Consideration to revicw R-IA R-l ur ose of clarification of thc re ul (FP/NAC/JO) City Council Agenda - 07/14/03 This item is a housekeeping mattcr hat clarifies sctback standards and adds consistency to the code. After revie ing thc following report, thc Planning Commission recommended approva under altcrnative 1 below. REFERENCE AND BACKGROLJN Attached are pages of the Zoning Ordi anee that identify proposed clarifying amendments to the language relating t the setback standards in the residential districts. Whcn the R-l, R-I A, and R- ^ Districts were developed (or amended) last year, an extensive set of changes as made relating to varied setbacks and other regulations. The proposed chan es are technical in nature, not intended to change the meaning of the regulations. Most of the changes add the words "minimum" or "at least" to ensure that itis understood that the setback standards listed are the lowest threshold. Setbac may be made greater than thesc numbers, as they do not represent a specific pres riptive requirement. The other change sets the minimum to al side yard distance at 20 feet, rather than 21. The 20 f()()t requirement is esscnti 111' the previous standard to which many R-l lots have been built. The 21 foot s andard evolved from an intention to add llexibility to the setbacks by going to a five foot garage side allowance, later changed to six feet to coincide with th City's utility easement size. AL TERNA TIVE ACTIONS I. Motion to approve the Zoning ( rdinance amendment relating to setback regulations, based on a finding hat the proposed amendment is consistent with the City's historical applic tion of setback requirements, and reflects the intent of the City in previou decisions. 2. Motion to deny the amendment. STAFF RECOMMENDATION Staff and Planning Commission recomllend approval of the amendments. The changes are intended to clarity the City s previous Ordinance amendments relating to zoning and setback standard SUPPORTING DATA Revised Ordinance Text . . . I the street right-of..,\ay line. .., -) . Sick yard setbacks for single family homes on lots of record "ith a lot width ()6 feet or less in the Orig'nal Plat of Monticello and Lower Monticello which arc zoned R-] or R-1 shall be at least six (6) ICet. subject to the corner lot prO\isions of Section _ -31 ('11. Aho\(:. (it351. g/14/(0) 4. R-l Dist/"iet: Setbacks: fl'C)Jlt yard.. 30 feet average.':'* For any subdivision in an R-1 District.. no louse may be placed closer than 15 feet minimum to any street right of way.. and no fewer than 400/0 of all individual houses shall have front setbacks of 30 fc t or more. Side yards.. interior: 6eet minimum on the attached garage side.. total minimum setback widt 1S f(x the two side yards of 2+ 20 feet. Side yards.. corner lots: 20 feet minimum on the street side and no less than six feet minimum on the i ltel~ior side. Rear yards. 30 feet mil imum usahle. The rear yard shall include a space of at least 30 feet in depth across the entire width of the lot that is exclusive of wetlands. ponds.. or slo 1es greater than 11 percent. "''''Averaging of lot area. lot width. or setback dimensions shal bc considered to be the ((/"ilh/llclic /IIcun. n01the /IIcdiull For example. lot widths in a Jive lot subdi\ision could be 70 feel. () feet. 7:' Jeel. SO feet. and 105 feet: (70-,70-75'80, 10:' " 400 feet. divided by 5 = SO feet average 101. with 400'0 of the lots (::! of 5) 80 feet or more in width) R-l A District: Front y rd. 35 feet average. >:< For any subdivision in an R..] A District. no house may )e placed c loser than 25 feet to any street right of \\-ay.. and no fC\yer than 40% of all individual hOllses shall have tI-ont setbacks of 35 feet or more '( Side yards. interior: 6 eet minimum 011 the attached garage side.. total setback. widths for the two side yards of 20 feet minimum. o Side yards. corner lots: 20 feet minimum on the street side.. and no less than 6 feet on the interior sid . Rear yards. 30 feet mil imum usable. The rear yard shall include a space of at least 30 feet in depth a ross the entire width of the Jot that is exclusive of wetlands, ponds.. or sl pes greater than 12 percent. ** Average of lot area, lot width.. or setback dimensions shall e considered to be the urilhlllclic mcan, 1101 the media/7. For example, lot \vidths in a five lot subdivision could be 80 feel.. 80 feel.. S5 feel.. 90 feel.. and 1 15 feet: (SO +80+85+90+ 115 = 450 feel.. divided by 5 =c 90 feet average 101. \vith 400;' of the I Is (~ of 5) 90 feet or more in width) R-2A District: Front yard. 15 feet minimum. Side yards. interior: 6 feet minimum. MONTICELLO ZONING ORDINANCr-' 3/21 .., .., _1- _1 : Y ARl) REQUIREMENTS: . 1/\) PURPOSI:: This section identiflcs minimum yard spaces and areas to be provided for in each zoni 19 district. 1131 No lot. yarcL or other ope 1 space shall be reduced in area or dimension so as to makc' such ]ot. y'ard. or open space less than the minimum required by this ordinance: and if the exis ing yard or other open space as existing is less tlwn the minimum required. it shall not be further reduced. No required open space provided around any buil ing or structure shal] be included as a part of any oj)cn space required for al other structure. IC] All setback distances as listed in the table belclV..: shall be measured from the appropriate lot line and sl all be required minimum distances. Front Yare! Side Yard Rear Yard A-O 50 30 50 R-l * 30 Jj_ 30* R-1A* .., ~ ~l~ 30* _1 ) R-2~' 30 ]0* 30 R-2A* 15 6* 20* R-3 30 20 30 R-4 30 30 30 PZR See Chapter 10 for specific regulations. PZM See Chapter 10 for specific regulations. 13-] 30 15 20 . B-2 30 10 20 B-3 ;:;0 10 30 13-4 0 0 0 1-1 40 30 40 1-2 50 30 50 l-1A 50 30 40 P-S See Chapter 913 for specific regulations. ':'See Section 3-3[C] 3. bel )w for special side yard setbacks in the R-l and R- 2 Districts. (#298. 10/13/97) ( 259. ] 0/1 0/94) (#352. 8/14/00) (#377.4/8/02) 1. In R-l, R-2. 13-] . an B-2 districts where adjacent structures. excluding accessory buildings 'ithin same block. have front yard setbads different from those 'equired, the front yard minimum setback shall be the average of the ad acent structures. If there is only one (]) adjacent structure. the front y rd minimum setback shall be the average of the required setback and the setback of the adjacent structure. In no case shall the minimum fiollt yard setback exceed thirty (30) feet. except as provided in subsecti n IT] below. ') In R-l. R-2. 13-]. an B-2 districts. if lot is a corner ]ot. the side yard setback shall be 110t ] ss than twenty (20) feet from the ]j1t line abutting . MONTICELLO IONING ORDINANCE "'n() 5F-11- . . . [0] Side yards, corner lots 20 feet minimum on the street side. and no less than 6 feet on the interior sid. Rear yards, 20 feet mil imum usable. The rear yard shall include a space of at least 20 feet in deptl across the entire width of the lot that is exclusive of \\etlands. ponds or slo es greater than ] 2 percent. The following shall not be c nsidered as encroachments on yard setback req uirements: I. Chimneys, flues. belt ourses. leaders, sill. pilaster. lintels. ornamental features, cornices, cav s. gutters, and the like, provided they do not project more than two (2) feet into a yard. ! Terraces, steps, or sim lar features, provided they do not extend above the height of the ground 11 )Or level of the principal structure or to a distance less than two (2) feet from n)' lot line. 3. In rear yards: recrcati nal and laundry drying equipment arbors and trellises. balconies, breezeways. open porches, detached outdoor living rooms. garages. and air conditioning or heating equipment. 4. Solar systems. MONTICELLO ZONING ORDINANCE 3/22 City Council Agenda -- 07/14/01 . 5G. e pun and Prelimina Plat for Iicant: Shadow Creek Devclo ment. The Planning Commission reviewed the fol owing report on 7/1/03 and recommended approval of the Development Stag;e PUD a d }lreliminary Plat for Carlisle Village with contingencies expressed in the staff report. The developer, having reviewed the staff report prior to the Planning Commission eeting, came forward at the meeting with another revision that addressed many of t e contingencies noted in the staff report. The developer also expressed a willingness to meet the conditions as listed, but not directly addressed in the latest revision. I response, the Planning Commission has recommended approval of the Developme t Stage PUD and preliminary plat request, as noted under alternative 1 for both Deci ions 1 & 2. . In summary, in keeping with the city coun il request, the Developer, Planning Staff, City Engineer and Planning Commission ave worked together toward development of a superior plan that justifies development of 3 units per acre over the entire site. Specifically, the Development Stag;e PlJD ails for a detailed tree preservation plan and associated process that strictly monitors t e development and provides for penalties in the event the tree preservation plan is not followed. In addition, the plan has been modified nicely to address issues relating; 0 garbage collection and fire protection. However, a few relatively minor engineer ng issues remain that will need to be resolved, as identified in the list of conditions, th~lt could result in a lot count that is only slig;htly less than the original plan (2 0 lots). Following is the balance of the report pro ided to the Planning Commission on 7/1/03. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND At the May meeting ofthe Planning Comm'ssion, the Commission considered a Rezoning, Concept Stage pun, Development Stage P D, and Preliminary Plat for this project. The Rezoning and Concept Plan Stage PUD we e passed on to the City Council in May and were approved, The Planning Commission had" ent the Development Stage PUD on the south R- I A area on to the Council as well, but had t bled action on the Development Stage PUD for the north and the Preliminary Plat for the er tire project. The City Council approved the Concept Stage pun, but sent the Develop ent Stage pun back to the Planning Commission for further study (and to keep 't in process with the plat consideration). At the June meeting of the Planning Com ission, the Commission considered the Development Stage PUD and Preliminary lat but tabled the requests due to a number of concerns including, but not limited to, gra ing/drainage and tree preservation, . City Council Agenda - 07/14/01 . Since the June meeting, the applicant has sup lied staff with a revised site plan that attempts to respond to the various concerns of staff an City Officials. Like the previous plan, the revised site plan includes a total of 240 units. Density. The development proposal calls for total of 240 dwelling units upon 81.3 acres of land. This results in a development density 0 4.1 units per gross acre and 3.0 units per net acre. In previous consideration, the City Cou cil determined the proposed number of dwelling units (and resulting development de sity) were acceptable, pending the provision of an adequate tree preservation effort. Tree Preservation. The applicant previously. ubmitted a tree survey which identified trees to be removed and those to be preserved. Ge erally speaking, many trees within new developments are lost to unmanaged building construction. In previous discussions, the applicant had given verbal assurances that the developer would put forth a significant effort to preserve trees in the project. Indeed, the mit count in the project is directly dependent upon the ability to ensure that a significant nu nber of trees are being preserved in the existing woodland areas. Without such assur nces, the PUD request would be unjustified. . It was subsequently determined that planning staff would determine a specific tree preservation process for the developer to foIl w. Attached to this report is a process that has been used successfully in other areas where tr e preservation was a priority. Adherence to this process, as identified in attached Exhibit , should be made a condition of PUD approval. Streets. The street layout in the central portio 1 of the development has been reconfigured to eliminate the "Street 0" cul-de-sac and improve area traffic How. Generally speaking, such modifications are considered positive. The d veloper has submitted a late revision that eliminates one of the previous access points onto Street" A". Planning statT would recommend one additional modification to align the northern-most street from the townhouse area with Street "c" and c1iminat this off-set intersection. The proposed 50 foot right of way widths and 28 foot street widths are less than City Standards. As a condition of PUD approval,. ustification tor City tlexibility in this area should be provided. In this regard, it should e demonstrated to the City that such street and right-of-way widths will result in the preserv tion of trees that would otherwise be lost. Rear Yards. Some concern exists in regard tl the usability of several rear yard areas. Of particular concern are lots 6-11, Block 3 that rovide little if any level or "usable" rear yard area. As a condition of PUD approval, rear ards should have not less than 30 feet of reasonably level Llsable space. A slope of no ess than 8: 1 would be recommended for this area. I'his issue should be subject to further omment by the City Engineer. . 2 City Coune i I Agenda - 07/14/0 I . Ponding. As previously recommended by the 'ity Engineer, five lots along the site's southern property line (previously designated a Lots 1-5, Block 7) have been eliminated. Such modification provides for a consolidation of wetlands and is considered appositive modification. Townhome Driveways. Within the townhome rea of the previous preliminary plat, several driveway conflicts existed. As a condition of PUD approval, the site plan should be modified to illustrate proposed driveways in a I anner that will not result in vehicular conflicts. As a part of this revision, the develo er will need to show how visitor parking can be handled in the neighborhood. Due to the nu nber of driveways onto the street, on-street parking areas will be limited. The City has use a visitor parking requirement of one space per 3 units in such areas. Grading and Drainage. Issues related to site gr ding and drainage should be subject to comment and recommendation by the City Eng neer. ALTERNATIVF: ACTIONS Dccision 1: Development Stage pun for Carli 'Ie Village . 1. Motion to approve the Development Stage PUD for Carlisle Village, based on the comments from the stafT report for the .lull, 2003 Planning Commission meeting. 2. Motion to deny the Development Stage Pl 0 for Carlisle Village based on a finding that the plans which have been submitted t date are inconsistent with the Concept Plan approval. 3. Motion to table action on the Development Stage PUD tl1f Carlisle Village, subject to submission of revised plans consistent with previous decisions and approved conditions. Dccision 2: Preliminary Plat for Carlisle ViII ge. 1. Motion to approve the Preliminary Plat forarlisle Village, based on the comments from the staff report for the July 1,2003 PIa ning Commission meeting. 2. Motion to deny the Preliminary Plat for Carlisle Village based on a finding that the plans which have been submitted to date are incOl sistent with the Concept Plan approval. 3. Motion to table action on the Preliminary PI t for Carlisle Village, subject to submission of revised plans consistent with previous de isions and approved conditions. . 3 . City COllncil Agcnda - 07/14/0 I ST AFF RECOMMENDATION Based on the preceding review and the City C )Unci I 's determination that the proposed development density is acceptable, staff and lanning Commission recommend approval of the Development Stage PUD and the Preliminary Plat, subject to the conditions listed in Exhihit Z. Due to the number of conditions s pporting this recommendation, and the engineering considerations still necessary to fi alize the plan, stafTwould recommend that revised plans consistent with the Planning Co lmission recommendation be submitted for review prior to submission to City Council. SUPPORTING DATA Exhihit Z with notations by stafT City Engineer's memo of June 26, 2003 Revised Preliminary Site Plans . . 4 . . . Developer supports this preservation proc Conditi 1. The following tree preservation process is ma e a part of the development agreement, and a security provision making the developer res onsiblc for performance under this process is established. As a part of this process, the dcv'loper shall provide an escrow account to cover the City's administrative costs in revie and enf()rcement of the tree preservation plan: A. Developer's forestry consultant will prep a e individual tree preservation plans for each lot, including tree survey, tree conditions, and recommendations for house siting, grading, tree removal, pruning, and pro tee ion measures. Each plan shall be prepared specifically for the unique lot conditions a ld house design, and shall specifically emphasize the preservation of front yard a ld side yard trees. B. Developer will prepare a cover sheet for t e building permit packet which notifies the permittee of the critical nature of the tree reservation elIort in the project. C. The City will review the proposed plan, si e by site, for conformance to the project's tree preservation objectives. D. A copy of the individual tree preservation Ian will be attached to the building permit, and will be binding on the builder's const uction crews, contractors, and subcontractors performing any work on the site. E. The builder's surveyor will stake the site r both grading and tree protection, including site traffic and staging area control. All si c control measures will be required to be maintained until a final CIO is issued by tl e building official. F. The City will conduct a pre-construction i spection of the property to verify staking and tree protection measures are installed in a cordance with the plan. A surcharge for this additional inspection shall be added to the building permit fee. G. The building permit will be issued, includ'ng excavation and grading, after approval by the City and the pre-construction inspecti n. No additional security will be posted for tree preservation at this time. Exhi611- L . . . H. During construction, the City will have the uthority to inspect the tree protection measures, and may stop construction and/o order additional protection measures to ensure compliance with the tree preservatio 1 plan. 1. Upon completion of the house, but prior to emoval of staking and trce protection markings, the building official will inspect he site for compliance with the tree preservation plan, as well as routine building inspection issues. No C/O may be issued until the building official certifies eompliaI e. .J. In the event that the plan has not been com lied with, correction measures may be ordered. Uncorrectablc faults shall be reme:lied by the replacement of any lost trees with a tree of similar species of at least 6" t 8" in diameter in the same location, and an additional planting of trees of at least 2" in iameter in locations directed by the City. The total tree replacement requirement for llch faults shall be two times the caliper inch diameter of the lost tree, and replacement 0 the additional tree(s) may be directed to other locations within the City such as park, boulevards, or other public land. If a stop- work order is issued in connection with sue a L1Ult, no permit to continue work shall be issued until the building permit holder eithe (1) completes the replacement planting, or (2) posts a security adequate to cover the co t of the replacement. 2. OK. Streets shall maintain the City's stand rd right of way and paving width requirements. With the flexibility olTered b the new zoning setback standards, it would not appear to be necessary to vary the street widths for tree preservation efforts. Sidewalk to meander to protect/avoid tre s. 3. OK. Rear yards have not less than 30 feet f reasonably level usable space. This issue should be subject to further comment by the City Engineer. 4. OK. The townhome area of the plat be revi 'ed to illustrate unit driveways. Such driveways shall be located such that vehicul I' cont1iets between dwelling units do not result. 5. OK. A front fayade to front fayade separati m of not less than 96 feet between buildings be provided. 6. 'The applicant demonstrate how all utilities (including sanitary sewer, storm sewer, water, gas, electric, phone, and cable TV) ca be accommodated in the narrower right of way. .Joint trench may meander to prot et trees. 7. OK. Street connections to the cast, south, a d west be confirmed to determine whether they are located in spots that can aeeommod te reasonable future development layouts. . . 8. OK. Landscaped medians in the termina cul-de-sacs be platted as outlots. to be owncd and maintained in equal, undivided inter st by the lots around the cul-de-sac. 9. A park dedieat;on Ice be paid as determine by the Parks Commission and approved by City Council. Standard. 10. OK. The City evaluates the extension of anitary sewer to the south. II. OK. The number of driveways off of cul- e~sac turn-around areas not exceed five. 12. OK. A pathway along County Road 18 be included on the plat. 13. ^rchitecture for R-2 and R-2A units be reviewed and approved by the City. Staff. 14. OK. The applicant enter into a developme t agrecment with the City and post all the necessary securitics required by it. . M el11orulldUI11 To: JeflO 'Neil/, J)ePWr Ci~r dmil1istrator Ci~J' (~lM()lltice//() From: Bret A. Weiss, P.E. Ci~r Ellgilleer Dtlte: JUlle 26, 2003 Re: Car/isle Village Citl' of Afollticel/o P/allllill Project No. 2003-12 lYSE Project No. 1160-23 This memo is intended to address recent m difications to the preliminary plat site plan and tree presernltion plan for the abme-referen 'Cd project. The primary issues revie\\'Cd as a part of this memo includc the tree preservat on plan. site plan. and stonmvater issues. A descri ption of these issues is as f(Jl] ows: Site Plan . Staff requested several modifications to the J lan which have been addressed as 10]lows: · Stub Street Townhomes: The short s ub street back-to-back townhomes create fire protection and circulation i"ssLles for tle City. The dewloper has addressed these issues by redesigning to a circular pu lie street. \-\'hich has eliminated those issues, The northerly-most connecting street 0 Street A should he moved over to the Street C intersection. Lots] and .2. Block.2 should be eliminated. · Rollin!.!. \\'oods Wetlands: In an enol' to create additional ponding and to preserve and consolidate \vetlands. the layout iJ this urea \\"as redesigned to work with the Rolling \Voods development. This re esign also saved <1 heavjly treed area in Block 7 thM was planned <1S a pond. "lhe size of this are<1 is still being evaluated with regard to stormwater needs. Lot . Block 8 is jammed into this area and does not appear to be an acceptable lot. · Street D: This street was not modified as was requested. The cul-de-sac should be shortened by at least one 60-100t lot on each side of the street to create more distance from the existing wetland loc ted in the north\\est corner. Further. three lots containing ty\O existing homes and one existing garage are still proposed to remain. These situations have not bee I \vell received on other recent plats and do not fit the character of the new neighbo 'hood. - · Block 1: We requested that Lots 21 an 22 on the northeast quadrant of Street C/ Stred D be removed to protect the existing wetland. provide access to the pond and create a \-isual opening. This has not been completed. ... - 50 ( 11/\1/(1)1 \ /1 1//'iI(i.'(i/J."_ll!d,,/ .lefT <fNeilL Deputy City Administrator June :26. :2003 Page :2 of 3 . lhere may be other lots that requir modific;.l1ion once the grading plan is n:vie\ved. Stonnwatcr Issues lhe stormwater analysis for this site is con plicatcd ancl is not yet complete. The fInal result could involve an increased pond reqr irement \\-hich c()ulc! recluce density. This work is ongoing and will require revic\\ hy the right County Soil and Water Conservation l)istrict. ' The preliminary plat must better address th individual lot drainage along with the maintenance of of/site pass-through runoff Prclimimln' Plat Documents \Ve have not had the opportunity to reviC\v treet. utility. or grading plans for the proposed concept. A review of these documents is ntjcessary prior to approval hy the City Engineer. Once the site plan is acceptable. the engineqr can proceed with the remaining documents. Tn'e Preservation Plan . The developer has requested narrO\\er street. and right-of-way in an effort to preserve trees. The developer identifIed 77 trees that would be impacted by the expansion of the right-of~\\ay to 60 feet and the street to 3:2 f et to conform to City standards. The following is a summary of our rc\ie\\ of tho -e 77 trees and the potential impact to those trees ii'omlltilizing City street design stand a ods: . Nineteen (19) of the trees arc shmvn )J1 the current tree preservation plan as not heing saved. These trees should be l' moved ii'om the total. . Eighteen (] 8) trees are shcH\n behind house pads and were assumed to he impacted by moving house pads. These trees s 10uld not be affected since only one pad is proposed to be moved. The Planning Department has allowed varied setbacks which addresses this issue. . Ten (10) trees don't appear to be imp cted by the plan at all. . Sixteen (] 6) trees have elevations ran ling from I foot to 4 feet above the proposed street elevation and are located outsid of the 50-foot right-of-way. These wil] require some work to save. but sl1ouldn"t be impacted by the City standard street right-of-\'I'ay width. . . fourteen (14) trees have elnations rar ging from I foot to 8 feet belmv the proposed street ele\ation and arc located outside of the 50-foot right-of-\vay. 'rJ1ese \'I ill require some \\ork to save. but shouldn"t bc impacted bS/,the City standard street right-of--way width. ( /I J,\J 'I IH" 1/ \1/' 1,(,_'1,11 ;"I".i,., Jell C),Neill. Deputy City Administrator .I LIne 26. 2003 Page 3 01'3 . As is apparent. 19 trees were improperly dentified as saved and 28 trees should not be impacted at all. The remaining 30 trees \ ill require some effort to save considering the elevation of the trees relative to the proP( sed curb line. It does not appear that the street width an 1 right-of~way widths have any affect on the number of trees removed. For that reasOl. we are recommending that the City standards remain in place. The biggest impact to trees within the rig t-of-way is likely sidewalk and private utility construction. StafT is willing to construct the sidewalk \vithin the right-of-way between the curb line and the edge of the drainage an utility easement. 'rhe easement would also need to be classified as right-ol~way easement. This alignment can be determined once the street is constructed. A secondary impact is the location of the 1rivate uti I ity trenches on each side of the street. These trenches should be kept a uniform istance from the curb and the location can also be determined once the street is installed. . The developer has moved a pond and rear'angcd a lot to sa\e several significant trees with the new design. We arc still concerned th ugh that the total tree impact is not identilied in regard to location to hOllse pads and draiJ1)ge s\\ales. If the developer stays with the proposed plan. the City can expect that a] umber of proposed saved trees will be removed. SummHrv The developer has made a significant efro.t to make positive changes to this development. While the density may not be reduced as 11uch as was requested. the plat changes have improved the qual ity of the development. The preliminary plat documents should be re\'ised to address the items contained her in. 1 am available to address any questions at 7(3) 287-7190. cc: Steve Grittman. NAC John Simola. City of Monticello Lucinda Gardner. Shadow Creek Corporation Mike Gair. MFRA Dave Nash. MFRA sb . ( 11'/.\,/)(,1)('.\ //.\1.1' 1//,_'(011,'-/11,111, . . i ~Q.""-"OtjJJlbP%1 ~~" ;~CG;;a~~~~D~~~ 1~\:rJf-" / ~"' ... -..1- ... ,,<) ~ y :: -,- I"'/ft./~U \ =- / / . ~ ~ U ;~ f~ : I ~!!.--- 3;:--~ / ~ ~~ 1/ A /., , _ \f~.., " ~~: ~,J,- ',~~, ~~rll'l ~~tllrl "~f':- = -~ - ~ 0, W D; ~~/~~I~~ I rr-l~~' t' 0-. ., ~ \"' 0 ~ ~ \ ~"~""." ~~/~,[ 111\ Ftlt Pf\ 1\ ~J:~ JP.fI:~--~ ~"~ II'," .. ~f--=- ....?4-~'//; ~~ ~ I~ If - - jv~.' l~ ;0: ~'")! 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"-. i.-... ~#;-/~ ~-i........~"~ "'1r:r I.~. 111- au.....~..'::" TTT '......, 1".-0 T r T. . ,"\ 'ff'l .- ~ 1 I / P ;. ;., r 1 - ~ .. ~ __ ____ h-~-s.::7-= ,;-;-~"'W" 'J' '. ~ I::::: -- ~. ]. -. if,,, " -.JO "".,.,. . '" . - . . . iii Iii r, . 'S " ;1 ,. .1 .. I! .t I' I~ , .a ""~- " ,/1' I\: -T 'I '-t ~~::~:_,:t'=~,:~ i,. r- ~ ....." , j "",,'. I , Ii . \ , '-'4", ; I' ~, "'....., , 'I'. -J... "-~J \ -, ~' "; ~', I ,,"11 7, ... .'\ " , , \' (,"'~, ," ~ ~ , , ,~ ;;~~~... I "'\ I I, 'I: i t ii I , I ... ... . ~, :. .--~ "i I' I &. i~ Ch " 1 '"' ~!. .0 " -- -- . . . 5H. City Council Agenda - 07/14/03 2 nd Addition and residential. (.TO) REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND City Council is asked to consider granting final plat approval to the second phase of the Parkside at Mcadow Oak subdivision as well as re-zoning to R-I. The preliminary plat and first addition Jor this development were origi ally approved a Jew years ago with Harold Schermer as the developer. The developmen /land was later purchased by Bruggeman Homes, then conveyed to Mike Black of Roy I Oakes Realty. Black plans on developing the site as originally proposed. The parcel was annexed by joint resolution a ew months ago. At the time of annexation, property is automatically placed in the agrieul ural zoning designation, therefcJre formal action to designate this land area for R-] uses is required. The Planning Commission recommended R-I uses for this area when the preliminary plat was reviewed many months ago. The second phase consists of 43 single family units. A summary ofthe estimates of project costs, assessment charges, city fees and other ecurities is attached. This summary is the basis of the development agreement, which iSlcarly complete. The draft agreement supporting the final plat is consistent with cur cnt city policies. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS I. Motion to approve rezoning of subject' rea from AO to R-I and to approve the final plat of the second phase of the Parksid at Meadow Oak subdivision. Motion to approve final plat is contingent on revi wand approval of the development agreement by the City Attorncy and co tingent on final plan/plat approval by the City Engineer. 2. Motion to deny rezoning and approval f the final plat. STAFF RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends alternative I. SUPPORTING DATA Summary of expenses Area map Final plat Summary of expenses July 7, 2003 Parks ide II Estimates only Area Charges and Assessments. .otal Acres 2 Total Housing Units 3 4 5 6 7 Park Dedication Provided (based on total acreage both dev) 11 This represents the "extra" land dedicated with phase I 12 13 Total Park Dedication Area Provided 14 Park Dedication Required (10%) 15 Park Dedication Deficiency 16 Park Dedication Deficiency as a percent of total 17 Park Dedication per lot gross 18 Net Park Park Dedication Per Unit After Credit for Park Land 19 20 21 Pathway. $229 per unit 22 23 Sanitary Sewer 24 Meadow Oaks Bypass 25 28 Watermain 30 31 Storm Sewer (net acres) 32 33 Total amount to Assess 34 35 Per lot Assessment based on 31 Units 36 38 City Fees/Deposit .ity Fee ( General overhead and Admin) Flat rate 42 (Does not include grading). 43 44 Legal and Planning (Does not include grading). 45 46 Engineering and Inspection (Does not Include Grading). 47 48 Engineering and Inspection. Grading Share 49 50 Total City Fees/Deposits 51 52 Letter of Credit Calculation 53 54 Construction Costs --- Estimates 55 56 57 58 Site Grading 59 Sanitary Sewer 60 Watermain 61 Storm Sewer 62 Roads Driveways and sidewalks 63 Retaining Walls 64 Landscaping/minimum trees per lot 2.25 66 Construction total (for purpose of calculating other fees) 67 68 Other iems included in security. 70 71 Developer's record drawings 72 Lot Corners/Iron Monuments .otal 76 77 Letter of Credit Amount (Total cost X 125%) 78 79 Maximum allowable reduction prior to acceptance and bond R1A Total 21.66 21.66 43 Acreage Acres Gross Credits Net Charge Expense Assessment Formula./Notes 020 0.20 2.17 1. 7 907 % $8 8 $7 8 $33,877.65 Based on 43 units $9,847 $0 $9,847.00 Developer funds lots 1-12 no crdt $2,060 21. 6 $44,620 $54,135 ($9,515.40)Check Over-depth Credit Request $1 ,800 21. 6 $38,988 $0 $38,988.00 Applies to this area $1,620 21. 6 $35,089 $0 $35,089.20 Standard $5,405 16.4 $88,966 $4,575 $84,391.30 Bret to Confirm $192,67775 $4,480 88 200% $10,486 Flat Rate 2.00% $12,543 Fees reconCiled at end 700% $36,700 Fees reconciled at end 200% $2,058 Fees reconCiled at end $59,728.94 Paid at initiation of project Estimate Percent Const Cost $102,885 $113,885 $92,515 $44,865 $262,519 $0 $10,500 (70 trees X $150) $627,169 $300 $0 Included in Security $12,900 1000% $640,069 $800,086 $80,009 st+ . 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'8 CD - r-- .,; e>.l ;<" '"' m ~ ll:J (f) :r: ~ o z j I r "I ~I L- - ~.~,.~ tg'6ez r 1 I lv'lvr 6nez - - - .., l- e:::: :;) 0 u ::.:::: <( 01 1-' (/)1 <(, WI i ~\ "" I g w, 13 CD ~\ 3 ;", I: ~1 :l F M.9t,C;COON '" ~ ...t- tIl 0 :;; .q: ". :g w ,,; 0) w I' ZO'C;v~ " '" ~ ~ ~ CD N ~ , tJ I~ \~ Ion I \ \ I \ or' or \ e>.l H It) It) \ &!:.i~OON t:: . . . 51. City Council Agenda - 07/14/03 Consideration of final subdivision. (.TO) the Hillside Farm 2nd Addition residential REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND City Council is asked to consider grantin final plat approval to the second phase of the Hillside farm subdivision. The first pha e consisted of 16 single family units and the second phase consists of 19 single family units. Although the first phase development agreement has not been finalized and the final plat not recorded. the developer is requesting approval of the second additio due to the demand for lots and due to the added eHiciency of developing more lots at once. It is expected that grading and uti I ity construction for the first addition will be ergcd with the second addition. The site will be graded under one grading permit, but tilities and road development will be managed under separate agreements for each phas . No action on re-zoning is required ad the entire 40 acre site was re-zoned from AO to R-l when the first addition final plat was appoved. A summary of the estimates of project costs, assessment charges, city fees and 0 her securities is attached. This summary is the basis of the development agreement, whi h is nearly complete. The draft agreement supporting the final plat will follow curl' nt city policies, and will require development of R-IA caliber homes. AL TERNA TIVE ACTIONS 1. Motion to approve the final plat of the second phase of the Hillside Farm subdivision, contingent on revie and approval of the development agreements for the 1 s[ and 2nd additions by th City Attorney and contingent on review and approval of the plans and specific tions by the City Engineer. 2. Motion to deny approval of the fi al plat. STAFF RECOMMENDATION StafTrecommends alternative 1. SUPPORTING DATA final plat Finance plan ~g~ 7::<:i"; ""'''' . "'''' "<- " Ii <J"f 'b. ~ ,.;~. -~2~i" ~ <>> . '<>>- Cl c ~ ~ .."">-: Of' :.. <>> """ ~~ ~~ ~, ~ E:: ~ ~ ~ ~ C\J ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ . " ". : '. : : ". : .. .. : " \...,~ -,,- ~f:'-'"G:C", /) ,p~6'",C'""'V :-r _4.<".,,<- 16~6q:J'"'P' ..-t.: I l ~ ~! "'~ ~I QlgI;J L or ,: ~ ~ flflTBt 3"L;:,f'0.00N Eo 11 ,~ . . . ~ n i~ ~j 1! ~~ ~ I gl i. H ;~ . ~ ~ol ~g ~~ ~ . " , ~ & i ~ ~'Q~ ] lj s.~ [~ s~ Ii. ~" if j ~j ;: l U~ . g.~ ~ 0. 1 ~~ ~ H~ j :;;m ~ i'o~ ~ Ii; . ~:; b f~~ ~ ~li~ ~ ~.:pt) ~ ~t~ ~ ~~, . ~. ~ <I :r~~ ~ :;:J:~ 8 ~.~ ~h ~~ l~ ~ !H "&5 h; ~H g~J: :h ~~.~ ~. :::H~ -0 o~ ~ ~~ g.~ 5n :.,1 t ~~~ : gig <~ i~! ~~ ~~; p. H;: ~" ..~ J~ ~~~ H b5.2~ 1;~ !: ;;~B F HI ~[ l;~ i; :r.!l~ ~5 o ~ ~ ~ J \r' jO!/ll(J jCJ ..lin /~J)J.....~ O{)"!F/J ..., r I I I I 1-<1 I RI IR ~I IS: ~I I- I I I I ..J L "< ;:0'9;:8 -l r' -'l r , 1 1 I "- 1 I I I I I '~I I 1-<1 I ~I ~I I RI IB ~I la ..., ~I 13 " ~I ~I I~ illl I ~I ~I I , I I I I I I I ~ I 1 ~ L _.'. ~ L oor. 'l r I' II "'I I ~J 18 ~I IS: ~I I- I I I I _~ L '., l ,- 1 1 I 1 I I ,l.4J ~II 15. 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S' ~~I;l,.~ t1 m~ j , Summary of expenses July 10, 2003 Hillside Farms 2nd Addition - R1 PUD Single Family Developm nt Area Charges and Assessments 1 Total Acres 2 Total Housing Units . 7.51 19 Acreage Acres Gross Charge Cost 6 7 Park Dedication Provided 8 Trail Outlot 12 13 Total Park Dedication Area Provided 14 Park Dedication Required (10%) 15 Park Dedication Deficiency 16 Park Dedication Deficiency as a percent of total 17 Park Dedication per lot gross 18 Net Park Park Dedication Required 20 21 Pathway - $229 per unit 22 23 Sanitary Sewer 24 Meadow Oaks Bypass 25 26 Share of Fenning Avenue Reconstruction 27 28 Watermain 29 Watermain - Little Mountain Booster Station 30 31 Storm Sewer (net acres) 32 33 Total amount to Assess 34 35 Per lot Assessment based on 15 Units 36 37 38 City FeeslDeposit 39 .ity Fee ( General overhead and Admin) Flat rate 200% 43 Legal and Planning 2.00% 44 45 Engineering and Inspection 700% 46 4V Total City Fees 48 49 Letter of Credit Calculation 50 51 Construction Costs 52 Estimate 53 Percent 54 55 Sanitary Sewer 56 Watermain 57 Storm Sewer 58 Roads Driveways and sidewalks 59 Retaining Walls 60 " 61 . 62 Construction total (for purpose of calculating other fees) 63 64 Other iems requiring security. 65 66 Landscaping 67 Developer's record drawings / As Builts 69 Lot Corners/Iron Monuments $300 70 71 72 Total 73 a-etter of Credit Amount (Total cost X 125%) ~ax allowed reduction prior to acceptance/bond 10,00% 0 0.00 0.75 075 *******"''rl,''^.~ $868 $868 $2,060 7.51 $1,800 7.51 $3,128 751 $1,620 7.51 $2,214 751 $5,405 527 Dtri~FT Credits Net Assessment Lots 19 Check for dedication areas $16,49200 $4,3 $0 $4,35100 $15,4 1 $0 $15A70.60 $13,5 8 $0 $13,518.00 $23,4 8 $0 $23,48753 Acreage Chg =($90'1390')/40 $12,1 6 $0 $12,166.20 $16,6 7 $0 $16,62714 $28,4 4 ? $28,484.35 Bret to Calc Net and Credits . $130,596.82 $6,873.52 19 $8,850 Flat rate - no reconciliation at project completion $8,850 Consultants fees reconciled at project completion $30,974 Inspector /Engineer cost reconciled at project completio $48,67368 Paid at initiation of project Canst Cost $65,659 $74,776 $110,354 $191,699 NA $442,488 TBD Developer needs to provide $0 Included in total security - not an addition to LOC amou $5,700 Estinlate $448,188 $560,235 Can be reduced but held until project complete $56,024 , 5-r . . . SJ. City Council Agenda -- 07/14/03 The Planning Commission reviewed the following report and recommended approval of the PlJ D (Decision 1) and a sociated variance (Decision 2). Therefore, under the consent agenda it s recommended that city council approve the PUD under Decision 1. No action is required under Decision 2 unless one or more city council membe wish to appeal the variance. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND The applicants for this Concept Stage PU have revised their site plan following meetings with city staff. The revisions ha e retained the based layout of the previous site plans, however dimensions have been alte ed to better fit the development on the subject site. As a result, the plan requires a singl variance -- a reduction in the "front yard" setback from Maple Street to 20 feet fro the required 30 feet. It is noted that the recessed garages result in a 30 foot setbac and driveway length. The 20 f()ot setback from 3rd Street is in cmformance with the side yard setback standards, as is the 10 foot side setback fr' m the south property line and the "rear" setback of 32 feet to the adjacent single l' mily property. The interior driveway serving four units rovided backing space and adequate room to park vehieles in front of the garages whe necessary. In addition, the applicant has shown the 20 foot driveway with curb th t will protect landscaping and provided adequate circulation space. On the west ide, a 16 foot driveway could be expanded if the adjoining property is ever developed 'n a similar fashion. We would note that a condition of the Concept Stage PUD app oval is an agreement with this developer that would accommodate cross access for a si lilar townhouse redevelopment project on the adjacent lot. For this reason, an outside urb has not been required along the westernmost driveway. The applicant has provided building plan,', and a sketch plan for landscaping of the site. At the time of the Development Stage p( D application, planning stalTwill recommend more extensive landscape planting and d tails. With regard to the front yard setback var ance, the city is required to make a finding that a unique hardship exists on the property hat interferes with the applicant efforts to put the property to "reasonable use". Due to the size of the property and the surrounding land uses, planning staiTbelieves that th proposal makes reasonable use of the property, and is superior to other designs that may result in excessive garage exposure to the public street. With the proposed design, livabl building frontage is emphasized, rather than garage doors. Moreover, many building at corner street frontages in the neighborhood have a 20 foot setback, as this is the req ired site setback for corner lots. As a result, planning staff supports this variance. M' reover, even though much of the project hides the garage exposure, the access to the m jority of units is directly from the public street, resulting in a layout that is consistent wi h much of the surrounding neighborhood design. I City Council Agenda - 07/14/03 . AL TERNA TIVE ACTIONS Dccisionl: Concept Stage Planned Unit Development for Emerald Estates. 1. Motion to approve the Concept St ge PlJD, based on a finding that the use of PlJD results in a superior design t that which would be permitted under the existing zoning, with the conditiol that the applicant agree to accommodate cross access from the adjoining parcel t the west if that parcel is redeveloped in a style similar to the Emcrald Estates project. Motion contingent on the absence of any appcal of the Planning Commissio 1 approval of the variance under Decision 2. 2. Motion to deny the Concept Stage lJD, based on a finding that the site is developed too densely and that the flexibility of the PUD is not justified by the design. Decision 2: Variance from the hont yar sctback for Emerald Estates. 1. Motion to approve the variance to t 1e front yard setback for Emcrald Estates, based on a finding that the shape at d size of the site, combined with the character of the neighborhood, justify the var anee fI'om the setback standard. . 2. Motion to deny the variance, based n a finding that no hardship is present. STAFF RECOMMENDATION Staff and Planning Commission recommen approval ofthc Concept Stage PlJD and the variance. The redesign of both the site plan and the buildings has resulted in a project that fits well on the site, and should be a po itive enhancement to the neighborhood. SUPPORTING DATA Revised Site Plan Building Floor Plan Building Elevation Drawing Concept Landscaping Plan . 2 __on _..._ w j6.t O;-lv.2:......'oi.~ 01~t-a~~ {OZC} :X'IIj Llgl-~c;~ (mn:) ;;u.I'IH{d ~ ! I ~ ~ ~ ~ 1 ; ti i ~.~.ft : ! LDC99 N7I '){.ntd G111Vl'. ttit'lOS ~OU:lAV 4'01 L9 -iC gl~~ll~i'~H!~ ~ 1 H~ &! ffi h 1 i; H:I i tl t:::t tl IlSIIBpedS u61SQO 9wOH ~IU!g~~~!T:!~iH! llDlll~I~'["'&'\IS'Q a:h~5 ~~"hd~B ~t~i "u.:t "-' .:t <i~Hi~~~Hi;iHh! tlt:::ttl_ _;m~ i5: l~Hi'~i:'i"!hH.H; Nt'lcl 3olI9 X31d P' '331'<11'33 Cl'<1CS3W3 ILC~91 :3 "5(1I~0,,U: N <J1 ~ ~ I I I m_______~____l_ _'.m_._ _--------1 ~n::) - : I I (;) r- <[ "~"""'lII. ~ (jl _ ......__1 ---~~:~--~--==-=t~----:----------- 't 'I' w ). OC o ~ ~ -- L lINn.- '" , ..\) r Ii? ;r, '" q liNn 'JL U (;) -<[ (;) ll) '" I- ill (f) J.--.. ("'-! ,(2'- , i ~ ~r-I [FI!oj I N ~~~----l I LU i .. i~i~~i;ia... . ~ 2 3 I 1_ . I . . 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'<t~ >~ w. --1~ w~ ww 0<1 ill~ ,~ .~ ~ ~ ~ STREET f__~0.~-I-.~__41',-0' 40'-0' r----. 41'-0' r.~ 21 o0':J"01 ,,--~------. 10:;'.31' " (j) ---"* /U m 01 --I z ~ G" I lJ)1'0 ~ . ~\P -~ \J-) ---dl- III r-- ={ a -1 ~ rn "--.) roo /U Z1> ~ - \- m -I \] r O--:-l m \J = (J) 1-- . ..- -~... fll DRIVEWA'Y U> ~ ~ _,..u.. _ .'__ _ -- - -.,.",.. - .---- UNIT 2 '" I:l! G ~..~-_..,-~----".._'-_..'-'--'_._.'''''_._~. _~~,,~,.,__~,.,~_,r"---------"-."---" ---..-- '. ~===~=== UN I T 3 -..---..------...- . _.,~-_._-' "."'..--- -,'.._~",.~,-"----'--'--_.'._. ."....----------'.~--,.._--~"'--,._-_.__.. .... .---- ----- ---- -,-,.,~,-~-,'_.,--,. .--. .-...---." "....-.--.- .__.",__"" ._".",__._.__'. ".un.____"'._ ____ 6'-0' '" ~ ~ ----' ~ ~ '" ~ ~ DRIVEWA'Y CURB ~ , ~ --' \l' '" UN I T to '" ~ ~ ._n"___" _____,.____.,,'.__.' ___n'___"'__' .------..... .~.,.___.__ .__n"_'____"""'__'___'" ...--.... _~.,_~"__.,._...__~",_____"....__.-.._---.,, _n_____._._.. ".___.. _._.__.". __. .."._ ._.'___'..___'.''''''''.'.___''. ..".._______.. .."u_.__. _._________ --- I I\. 11 'T' ..., ....______n ------ - . . . 51<. City Council A~enda - July] 4,2003 Consideration to ado t a resolution exte din the Com liance Date within the Contract for Private Develo ment betw en the HRA the Cit and Twin Cit Die Castings. (O.K.) A. Reference and backl!round: The City Council is requested to consider doption of a resolution to extend the Compliance Date from July 26, 2003, to Ju y 26, 2004, within the Contract for Private Development between the HRA, the City, nd TCDC. The City became a party to the Contract through the forgiveness of $40,00 in water, sanitary sewer, and storm sewer trunk fees. The HRA agreed to pay-as-you go TIF assistance in the amount of $225,000 for land write-down and site improvement osts. This Contract outlines the terms and conditions of the assistance to TCDC and i associated with the tax increment collected from TfF District No. 1-26. Mr. Doug Harmon, Vice President and CF ofTCDC, requested the Housing and Redevelopment Authority (HRA) extend th Compliance Date. On July 2, 2003, the HRA held a public hearing and adopted the attached resolution. Per the Contract, the BRA can after a public hearing, extend the ompliance Date by up to one year. Within the Contract, the Developer agreed t create at least 85 new full-time jobs on the Development Property (excluding any jobs reviously existing in the State as of the date of the Agreement and relocated to this site)ithin two years after the date of issuance of the certificate of completion (July 26, 2001) for Phase I. The Developer agreed to create at least 14 jobs with pay no less than $12.00 per hour, exclusive of benefits, and at least 71 jobs with pay no less than $8.50 per hour exclusive of benefits. As of the March 14, 2003, per the Minnesota Business Assistane Form, TCDC reported 6 full-time jobs with wages at or greater than $8.50 per hour wlo enefits and 28 full-time jobs with wages at or great than $]2.00 per hour wlo benefits. Mr. Harmon appeared before the HRA on Ju y 2 and gave a presentation which included how TCDC arrived at the projected 85 full-ti lle jobs for creation and what TCDC plans for the next year. lIarmon noted the over-all economy, global competition particularly China, and the company's decision to use ro otics for die casting which results in more technical jobs but less number of over-all jo s contributed to the non-compliance of the job and wage goals. Additionally, Mr. Harm n presented magnesium and aluminum bids and quotes recently submitted by TCDC noti g a hopeful turn-around in the economy. However, Mr. 1 [armon may appear before th HRA in August to request amending the job and wage goals as the Contract outlines I' medies for non-compliance of job and wage goals. It is my sense, the commissioners are encouraged by higher paying jobs in exchange for a lesser number of jobs. . City Council Agenda - .July 14,2003 On July 9, 2003, Mr. Harmon, Carol Pressl y-Olson ofl\1N Dept of Economic Development, and myself met to discuss jo and wage goals within the $500,000 City Loan to TCDC which was funded through t le State with Federal dollars. The EDA- GMEF Loan 01'$100,000 was prepaid in JUle, 2003, this loan was at 6.25%. Extending the Compliance Date from July 6, 2003, to July 26, 2004, givcs the Developer one additional year to meet the.i h and wage goals within the "1'1 F Contract. B. Alternative Actions: 1. A motion to adopt a resolution exte ding the Compliance Date within the Contract for Private Development h tween the HRA. the City, and Twin City Dic Castings from July 26, 2003, to July 26, 2004. 2. A motion to deny adoption of a reso uti on extending the Compliance date within the Contract f()r Private Developmc t hctween the liRA, the City, and Twin City Die Castings from July 26, 2003, to July 26, 2004. 3. A motion to table any action. . C. Recommendation: The City Administrator and Economic Dev lopment Director recommend Alternative No. t as the consent agenda recommendation. his allows an industrial business one additional year to comply with the goals of he Contract; the HRA Attorney noted due to the economy, other communities have appn ved similar amendments to Contracts; and the City and HRA want to work with and e courage industrial businesses like TCDC. D. Supporting Data: Copy of resolution for adoption and excerpt from Contract. . 2 . . . RESOLUTION N(. 03-04 MONTICELLO HOUSING AND RED JVELOPMENT AUTHORITY RESOLUTION EXTENDING THE COMPLlA CE DATE WITHIN THE CONTRACT FOR PRIVATE DEV "LOPMENT BY AND BET EEN TWIN CITY DIE CASTI GS COMPANY, HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT AU HORITY IN AND FOR THE CITY OF MONTICEL 0 AND CITY OF MON ICELLO WHEREAS, the Housing and Redevelopment Au hority (the "Authority") in and for the City of Monticello, the City of Monticello (the "City"), a d Twin City Die Castings Company (the "Developer") entered into the Contract for Private D velopment (the "Agreement") by and between Twin City Die Castings Company and Housing and Redevelopment Authority in and for the City of Monticello and City of Monticello on Oc ober 25, 1999; and WHEREAS, the Authority on April 4, 2001, appr ved the Certificate of Completion based on the issuance of a Temporary Certificate of Occupanc by the Building Official, and WHEREAS, the Authority agreed to amend the d te of the Certificate of Completion from April 4, 2001, to July 26,2001, the date of issuance l' the Final Certificate of Occupancy, and WHEREAS, the Authority called for a public hea ing date of July 2, 2003, for consideration to extend the Compliance Date within the Agreemen ; and WHEREAS, to prevent default of the Agreement, the Developer requests ARTICLE Ill, Ac uisition of Pro ert . Site fm rovemcnts Financi 11 Assistance, Section 3.6. Business Subsidy Agreement, (b) Job and Wage Goals be amended fol owing the public hearing to read: Up to one year from the two years after the dat,e of issuance of he certificate of completion of Phase f (the "Compliance Date"), the Developer shall cause to be created at least 85 new full-time equivalent jobs ............. . NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOL VEl) by the Authority, the City, and the Developer as follows: I. The Developer, Authority, and City understoo 1 amending the completion construction date from June 1,2000, to April 1,200 I, may have altere the Projected 'fax fncrcment Cash Flow. Resolution No. ---.O3~ . Page 2 2. The Developer acknowledges that due to a sll ggish economy and the competitiveness of the European and Chinese markets, the Developer u 'cd a temporary work force causing a non- compliance of the job and vvagc goals hy July 26, 2 03. 3. The Developer has prepared and presented a trategic plan for compliance of the job and wage goals per the Agreement and acceptable to the Authority. 4. Thc Developcr and Authority understand per he Agreement, the Authority may, aner a public hearing, extend the Compliance Date by up t one year, provided that nothing in this section will be construed to limit the Authority's Ie islative discretion regarding this matter. The Authority, the City, and the Developer hereb approve extending the "Compliance Date" for the creation of job and vvage goals from July 26, 2003, to July 26, 2004, within the Contract for Private Development by and between Twin City Die Castings Company, Housing and Redevelopment Authority in and for the City ofMo ticello, and City of Monticello, dated October 25, 1999. Dated: ~~d- , 20 Jl3 . HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY IN A FOR THE CIT~ C' LO By Its Chmr By C)~,~CJ\o ~D~ Its Executive Director WIN CITY DIE CASTINGS COMPANY By __~.~. Its Mayor . . .. . . . . . . . ........'.....'..... .........,....""..., :~i:::\i:: .. ... f . . . . ., ..... I . .. ...... . ~ . . . I " . . I . . . ~ . . . . . . . . f . . . . . . oj . . . I . . . I . . . . . , . . . . . . CITY OF MONTICELLO By ---___m~__ Its Administrator . .' . . / ./ " / ,/ ,~ .. , (8) In addition to the assistance p ovided under this Agreement, the Developer expects to receive the following assistance in connection with the Minimum Improvements: (a) a loan from the Monticello Economic Development Authority CEDA") in the amount of SIOO,OOO; and (b) a loan from the City ( rough the State Depanmerrt of Trade and Economic Development) in the till10unt of $4 0,000 to $5 (X),(X)(l. However, noUlirrg in this paragraph constitutes a contractual obligatio by the Authority, the City or the EDA with respect to such assistance. The parties antici ate that the Developer will enter into separate business subsidy agreemenl<; with the City d EDA in connection with such additional assistance. (b) Job and WaRe Goals. Within two years after the date of issuance of the certificate of L _ completion of Phase I (the "Compliance Date"), the eveloper shall cause to be created at least 85 nev.,,' full-time equivalent jobs on the Development P operty (excluding any jobs previously existing in the State as of the date of this Agreement and rdo ated to this site) and shall cause the wages for such employees on the Development Property to be as follows: at least 14 jobs pay no less than $12.00 per hour, exclusive of benefits, and at Ie t 71 jobs pay no less than $8.50 per haUL exclusive of benefits. Notwithstanding anything to e contrary herein, if the wage and job goals described in this paragraph are met by the Com pi ance Date, those goals are deemed satisfied despite the Developer's continuing obligations unde Sections 3.6(a)(6) and 3.6(d). The Authority may, after a public hearing, extend the Compliance ate by up to one year, provided that nothing in this section will be construed to limit the Authority's leg~slative discretion regarding this matter. (c) Remedies. Lf the Developer fails to me t the goals described in Section 3.6(a)(3), the Developer shall repay (1) to the Authority upon w 'tten demand from the Authority a "pro rata share" of the amount of any payments made to the eveloper under Section 3.5 hereof, (2) to the City upon written demand from the City a pro rata s are of the amount of any fee waivers granted under Section 3.8, and (3) to the Authority and City, espectively, interest on the amounts in clauses (1) and (2) at the implicit price deflator as defined i Minnesota Statutes, Section 275.50, subd. 2, accrued from the date of issuance of the certificate 0 completion to the date of payment. The tem1 "pro rata share" means percentages calculated as fall ws: (i) if the failure relates to the number f jobs, the jobs required less the jobs created, divided by the jobs required; (ii) if the failure relates to wages, th number of jobs required less the number of jobs that meet the required wages, divided by the number of jobs required; (iii) if the failure relates to main emnce of the Minimum Improvements in accordance with Section 3.6(a)(6), 60 less the number of ~onths of operation as a manufacturing facility (where any month in hich the facility is in operation for at letL<;t 15 days constitutes a month of operation), co mencing on the date of the certificate of completion and ending with the date the f' cility cca.ses operation as determined by the Authority Representative, dIvided by 60; and " 1).-'-' ,-- >J- r.;'"' ". u . (iv) if more than one of clauses (i) t rcrccntagcs, not to exceed [O()%. SIB- J6<)():J(\ MN1')()-7<) 10 rough (iii) apply, the sum of the arrlicable 1==\ '. ~/ F\ ~,\" '7 Q I-; i~' .') I '__ '-- . . . SL. Council Agenda 7/14/03 (RW) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: Under the City's subdivision ordinance the ivision of property to create an additional parccl requires approval of the Planning Commiss on and City Counci I. It was my understanding that the County would not acccpt a rcqucst for a property division/combination without an accompanying letter of approval from thc C ty. I have recently been made aware that this is not the case. The County has indicated that only with a resolution adopted by the Council req nesting that the transfer of property un de Section 272.162 of the statutes be enforced by the County will they honor the provision in he City's ordinance requiring City approval of lot divisions/combinations wherein new lots ar created. Attachcd is a copy ofthc statute relating to the transfer restrictions and a draft resolu ion for Council approval. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Adopt the resolution having Minnes ta Statutes Section 272.161 relating to transfer of property enforced by Wright County c. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: The City has the authority by statute to regu ate the property use by establishing lot design standards which are set out in our subdivisi n and zoning ordinance. Having the City approve lot divisions/combinations ensures that the arcel created meets these standards. For that reason it is important that the County suppo ts the City's ordinance by not accepting lot divisions/combinations without the City's a proval. D. SUPPORTING DATA: Statute 272.162 Resolution . . . RESOLUTION NO. 2003-48 RESOLUTION DECLARING THE OF ICIAL INTENT OF THE CITY OF MONTICELLO, MINNESOTA TO HA E MINNESOTA STATUTE ~ 272.162 RELATING TO RESTRICTIONS ON T ANSFERS OF SPECIFIC PARCELS OF PROPERTY ENFORCE BY WRIGHT COUNTY At a regular meeting of the City Counci I of the City f Monticello held July 14, 2003 at Monticello, Minnesota with lcJllowing members present: Mayor Bruce Thielen, Council members: Rog I' Carlson, Glen Posusta, Robbie Smith and Brian Stumpe and the following members absent: one. * * ** * * * ** * ** * * * ** * * * ** ** ** * * * * * * * * * ** * * * * ** * * * ** * * * ** WHEREAS, the City of Monticello (City) ha adopted a Subdivision Ordinance which requires City approval of various types of subdivisions;; and, WHEREAS, the City desires that the Wright ounty auditor and the Wright County Recorder not process or record any subdivision of land locatcd wit! in the City which has not reccived City approval; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT HEREBY RES JL VED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF MONTICELLO, MINNESOTA: 1. That the City hereby declares its intent to have Minnesota Statutes Section 272.161, relating to restrictions on the transfers of speci c parcels of property, enforced by the Wright County Auditor and the Wright Count Recorder as provided in said Section 272.162. 2. The City Clerk is hereby directed to fil a certified copy of this Resolution with the Wright County Auditor and the Wright County Recorder and to record a certified copy of the City's Subdivision Ordinance at the Wight County Recorder's Office. The foregoing resolution was introduced by Council n ember __ Council mcmber _.._ and duly seconded by . . . Voting in favor thereof: Voting against: WHEREUPON, the resolution was adopte this] 4th day of July, 2003. Bruce Thielen, Mayor ATTEST: -'_.~_._"-"-,~.-. Rick WolfstelIer, City Administrator Minnesota Statutes 2002. 272.162 Minnesota Statulcs 2002, fable or Chaplcrs erabk of contents t(lr Chapter 272 Page 1 of2 272.162 Restrictions on transfers of speci ic parts. Subdivision l. Conditions restricting tr nsfer. When a deed or othpr instrumpnt convpying a parcpl f lo.nd is presented to the eounty auditor for transfer 0' djvision undpr .seetions :'/).1 }'7 .;6, a.nd ;,')).16;, Uw audi ..or shall not Lransfpr or divide thp land or its npt tax cap city in the official records o.nd shall not certify the ino;. rurnent~ as provided in section/? .12, if: (a) The land conveyed is le~o'o than a whole arcel of land as charqod in the tay li~;ts; (b) The po.rt conveyed o.ppears within the ar'a of application of municipal subdivision regulaLio s adopted and filed under section 462.36, subdivision 1; and (c) The po.rt conveyed is po.rt of or constit Les a subdivi~;ion a.'.; defined in section de)..:.)':;), o;ubiivision 12. Subd. 2. Conditions allowing transfer. Not.withstandi ng the provi siems of subdivision auditor may tran.'.;for or divide the I.and andi L- and may cer'Lify U1C inslrumenL if t.heinst.rump ecertifiOo.tion by the clerk of the municipo.lity (a) that the ITll.micipality' Co subdivision reg lations do not apply; (b) that the subdivision ha~; been approved body of t.hp munieipaJil.y; or (c) thaL lhe (estrLctions on thp division 0 filing o.nd recording have been wo.ived by rosol qoverrl inq body of tho municipaJ.ily in the part bpcause eornpl i ancc wou'[ d cr'ea Le an Ilnnecpssary failure to comply would not interfere with thc rccJulatiolls. , the county nel. Lax capacity t contains 0. JY the govprning taxes o.nd tion or Uw cular co.se hardship and purpose of thp If o.ny of the conditions for certification y Lhp municipality as provided in this subdivision e ist and the municipality does not certify that they exist ithin?4 hours o.fter the instrument of conveyance has been presented Lo Lhe clerk or lhe municipality, the provisions 01' Sl bdivision 1 do not apply. If o.n unexecuted instrument is presented to municipality and any of the conditions for cer municipality as provided in this subdivision e unexecuted in~3trument must be certified by the mun i c: i pa I. i I. y. e Subd. 3. does nol apply t.he ification by the i.st, thp clerk of thp Applicabili ty of restrictions. '1'h i. 0; see I... .i. on to the exceptions set forth in . petion 272.12. http://www.revisor.leg.state.mn.Lls/stats/272/162.htm 1 7/10/2003 Minnesota Statutes 2002, 272.162 Page 2 of2 . This section applies only to land wi hin mUlicipalities which choosc to be governed by its provisions. A municipality may cl1ooso to havc this ,'-,cction apply to the p 'operty with i nit,,; boundar"ie:'; by Ji Ji..nq d cer'Li[ ied copy of d res uL.ion of it.s governing body making that choice with the dud'tor and recorder of the county in which it is located. III S T: 1 9 8 2 c 5 () 4 ~'J 1; 1 9 8:-J c ;2:-J 9 ,-, -\ I ;2; 1 9 8) c 4 4 4; 1 9 8 8 c 7 1 9 art 5 s 81; 1989 c 329 art 13 0 20 COPYLiqht 2002 by the Office of RevisaL of Stat ites, State of Minnesota. . . http://www.rcvisor.lcg.state.mn.us/stats/272/ 162.l1tml 7/10/2003 . . . 7. City Council Agenda - 07/14/03 REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND City Council is asked to conduct a public h. aring and considcr annexation of approximately 60 acres of land owned by J( hn Chadwick located west of the Catholic Cemetery, south of the future Chelsea Road corridor and north of the Bondhus subdivision. The proposed annexation area meets State Standards for annexation as it is contiguous to the city, 60 acres or less, and he request for annexation comes at the request of the landowner. City Council nee s to determine whether or not the site suHiciently mects city criteria for annexatio which includc the follow: · ^ vai lability of City Utilities · Presence of an accepted developmen plan that is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan. A vailability of City Utilities. City Utilities re in close proximity to the site. However, a feasihility study would be nceded to determi 1e the best method f()r serving the area. The attached area map shows the location of the 'losest sanitary sewer and water lines that could serve the site. Consistency with Comp Plan. The entire C adwick parcel is currently guided for development via an approved concept PUD. A portion ol'the annexation area site is guided f()r industrial (Area R) and the other ortion (Area C) was left open as a study area. According to the approved PUD, deve opmcnt area C (annexation area) is held out by the developers due to its proximity to resi ential uses farther to the south and the timing of the development. The approved P if) statcs that " this area is to remain an area for fu ure study to ensure that the intercsts of the adjacent residents are preserved. De ending on the market conditions and the development patterns at the time this rea is studied, this area potentially ending up as an industrial development with 'pecial concern for buffering and uses or even a mixed use development area tl at provides some housing for workers in the husiness park in addition to industrial opportunities. The property owners and the city will be in a bettcr position to crc, e the best standards for this area in the future when all have had an opportun'ty to sce the results of some of the earlier phases of this project. In summary, the developer is requesting anne ation of a land arca with a somewhat vague notion of the land use proposed, which make. it diHicult to determine if the proposed land use is consistent with the comprehensiv plan. Would council prefer that a . . . City Council Agenda - 07/14/03 development plan be prepared and run th1'O Igh the review process prior to annexation? Please note that the applicant is interested i 1 developing mid density housing for a significant portion of the annexation area hich is consistent with the paragraph in quotes above. However, the comprehensive guide plan for the area indicates industrial uses f()r the area. ALTF.RNA TIVE ACTIONS I. Motion to accept petition and to authorize a mexation by ordinance based on the finding that the annexation area meets standards (0 annexation as provided by state statutes and based on the finding that utilities are availa Ie and the proposed land use. Motion to approve annexation to waive the criteria tha a finding be made stating that the land use is consistent with the comprehensive plan bec use an approved development plan is not in place. Under this alternative the city council woul accept the annexation based on the finding that the petition meets state standards and there are utilities present. I lowever, the annexation approval notes that the land use or the site has not been determined. Under this alternative the property would come int the city and then at some point in the future the developer would present a development Ian. At that time the city would determine if the development plan is consistent with the omprehensive plan. 2. Motion to deny the petition for annexation bsed on the finding that a development plan has not been prepared which sufliciently ide ltifies the proposed land use for the area and therefore a determination cannot be made if he area is to be developed in a manner consistent with the comprehensive plan. Under this alternative, the city council woul take the view that studies and plan development necessary to determine the app opriate land use should occur prior to annexation. STAFF RECOMMF.NDATION The City Administrator recommends denial i council believes that it is important to have a development plan in place prior to annexation. Ifowever, this recommendation is made with the thought that council may not always need or want a development plan in place prior to annexation. It is clear that the site m ets state standards for annexation and the property has access to city utilities. The mail question for council is to determine the inlportance of having a determination of land use prior to annexation. With previous annexation requests council has required that the developers obtain at least concept approval of a development plan prior to anne ation. Examples of development areas that have been denied consideration for annexatio due to not having an improved concept 2 . City Council Agenda 07/14/03 plan include the Klein/O'Brien annexation equest (94 acres south of Klein Farms). In addition, the Frie/Markling/Witschen anne ation request may be denied because this parcel was left out of the guide plan and a evclopment plan is not in place. Denial of the annexation request pending approval of a d velopment plan provides the city with some additional leverage to assure that the devel pment is consistent with the comprehensive plan. On the other hand, the city has consi erable leverage to assure that development is consistent with the comprehensive plan once the site is annexed. Therefore perhaps the requirement that a development plan be in lace prior to annexation is too heavy handed and sticking to this self imposed could later hurt the city by reducing future ability to annex other contiguous property via the 60 cre rule. SUPPORTING DATA Annexation petition map/area map showing utility location Concept pun Long Range Land Use Map . . 3 I ' i ! 11--1.. /'/ ! I ---.,,' / ! I II l i ! (Ii !---! ! r-~"'l-)-- I' I --,- ! I ,Ii ! I / r--'--.. ,: ! i) i -I-J I I ""'- , - I . . (' / / !/ ~/ --- 1 ~}-- . - ,-. I e ! I S I i I w I -~i_ ,; / /:, -----~ \, ,- \ ,'" I , , I , , , , , , ',' " I ,,\ , , "'. , s. -p <"" -fJ":>;:> -0 P ~ '(, <:::T" '? \ \ (... ~ ("i. -' J' 0 ,.-\.--':::> -r- - . . . Otter Creek Crossi gs Business Park Description of Approved Concept ," tage Planned Unit Development Development Projects Require De 'elopment Stage PUD Approval Obiectives: The Otter Creek Crossings Business Park is a larg project (185 acres) and is intended to fulfill the tiJllcming objectives: . Create an attractive extension and transitiOl of uses in the high visibility 1-94 corridor. . Provide the City of Monticello vvith a development plan that is tlexible enough to locate large industrial uses or smaller ones depen( ing on changes in market demand. . Extend the Chelsea Road frontage road con 'ept to imprcl\e traffic movement bet\veen Highway 25 and CR 39. ~ . Butler existing residential areas (particularl ' Bondhus Addition). . Locate infrastructure that will open up large areas for development beyond this Projl'Ct. . Protect and l'nhance l'xisting wetland areas 0 ser\'(: as an amenity to the business park and community, Sub-arcas: fhere are three arl'as of the proposed business park hat have unique characteristics. i\ Planned l in it De\elopment approach is being utilized to pro ide the tlexibility to take advantage of thosl' unique characteristics. Area A: This arca has superior visibility from 1-94 and is imllediately adjacent to the existing commercial businesses on Chelsea Road. The goal n this area is to provide development that has uses and aesthetic standards that are compatible vith the adjacent commercial businesses and prmide a good image of the City to travelers on 1-9' . .\Ithough the underlying zoning in this whole projee is based on the 1-1 i\ standards. the Concl'pt pun calls for building types in this area to be held to a more stringent design standard. Specitlcally'. the PUD eliminates the use of exposed metal or fiberglass finishes in Area A rather than allow its use on up to 501;/0 of the \vall surfaces. This will make the building design much more consistent with the commercial areas to the cas. In addition. the setbacks in this area may be the same as in the commCl'cial areas to the east so that there is a consistent "feel" and massing along the Il"ontage road and 1-94. 15 Finally. in order to provide a softer transition of u 'es. provide con\eniently located sel"\ices to future employees of the business park and to allm . for expansion of the rapidly diminishing unde\'\;~lopcd areas in the city that have highway v sibility. the follo\\;ing L1ses to be added to .-\rea A. · Enclosed boat and marine sales · Books. office supplies. stationery stores an i copy services · Furniture. carpel. rug. ti Ie. glass. pai nL \vall paper. hard\vare. and electrical appl iance stores · Vlotor fuel station. auto repair. car wash. a lto body shop. tire and battery stores and scrVlce · lVlachinery sales · \Ie\\ and used automobile/light truck sales and display · Day care center · No oLltdoor Storage t Arca B: . This area has limited hi!!hwav \'isibilitv and most l' this area is butfered from the de\elopments ~. . to the east by a large wetland and the existing eem tcry property, The gnal in this ~lrea is to prO\idc a llexible devclnpmcnt plan that \Hlldd ell' ble the city to de\clop a large induslrialuse (lr smalier users in response to chanl2.il1!! market trc 1ds. In addition. since much nf this arca is nwre remote with low visibility. it may prn\ide an Jpporlunity for locating ~)r relocating lIses that the city might not vvant in a high \isibility ~lre(. ()ne of the goals in this area is to de\elop a plan that quickly got truck traflic onto Chelsea Rnaj and higl1\va)s rather than diverting it [()\\ards residential areas. Since this area is not a continuation of existing de\' loped areas. the setbacks remain according to the I-I i\ standards, The uses that \ve \vould propose in this area in addi ion to \vhat is already prO\ided for in the [-1:\ are the llJllo\\ing: · Trucking and trucking service · cnncrete/asphalt plant and manufacture of c ncrcte products · Automobile assembly and major repair Uses abovc mLlst be conducted inside. Outdoor stOlage by conditional LIse permit only. ~ Arca C: . The de\elopment in this area \\illnced tn be sensitie to the adjacent residential L1ses. C;iwn that the uverall Otter Creek Crossings Business Park dcvelopment is quite large and will likely take many years tll develop. the pun allO\\s this area re nain an area for future study to ensure that . . the interests of the adjacent residents are preservec. Depending on the market conditions and development patterns at the time this area is studied. this area potentially ending up as an industrial development with special concern lor bl tIering and uses or even a mixed lIse development area that provides some housing for t 1e \vorkers in the business park in addition to industrial opportunities. The property owners and the City will be in a better position to create the best standards tor this area in the future when' II have had an opportunity to see the results of some of the earlier phases of this project. , I) [\~.. !<> .[.-~'-::/.'..",.,...., '- \." b...:. ''',,-,- " '", I'r<<__ " I--h'- fT-4 -- , t"'l;'1 ~Tj;~_: L (,) t-1..' MON 1CELLO LO G RANGE LAND USE '_.:1 (~~;-\J-""~1~' :l~""""T"l.\ ' I \ \ ~, f,.I. "'r '-:1 , -,lrj N w.' s _._._-=- ,::L __.. :I l_____L'!-' i, \'.... -;1 n+....-.........--.'t.' ./ ~ ,-J--f. i '1: I r'.'.T.'~ "" '~ . I Ahl;; .. : ::L j , '<t' , -"'- " ' I] l.m_I_____ -~-" \ 1') j " ,,_ m_ - -- _':t1 ';:; ~-J--"rl' t-- -, - {'" l II I "I 1 I l' l J" ,,-- r-l-I~ ,> "'~ >,,'> , --fL- -, ~_: J : I' j _tf~~tt~a . [=-=] Low Density Residential Expansion Area Low Density Residential (R-1) Future Land Use Objectives: Low Density Residential (R-1A) . .. [~ .. .. .. * Allow for a mix of land uses Preserve and protect nlltural resoun:es Provide road system to support growth Retain rural character and a smBlI town feel Use exltltlng amenities (I.e. vlewa, lakes, ft8ea) to enhance development Prevent sprawl by encouraging compact development pllttem Medium Density (attached hag,) * Urban Mixed-Use * * Commercial * Industrial * Open Space Mobile Home Park . . . ~. Public Hearin J - Consideration of ado I in in Section 19 Townshi REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND City Council Agenda- 07/14/03 City Council is asked to conduct a public h aring and consider annexation of the southerly 40 acres of the Carlisle Village d velopment area owned by Farr Development Company. This request by Farr Developm nt is made in conjunction with development of the Carlisle Village Subdivision and repr sents about one half of the land being developed. The northerly 38 acres was pre iously annexed by joint City/Township resolution some months ago. The proposed annexation area meets State ,- tandards for annexation as itis contiguous to the city, 60 acres or less, and the request for annexation comes at the rcq uest of the landowner. City Council needs to detcrmin whether or not the site sufficiently meets city criteria for annexation which include th follow; · Availahility of City Utilities - Utilhi s are available. · Presence of an accepted developmcn plan that is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan. Council has al eady granted concept approval and will likely grant development stage appn val soon. There is one interesting side issue that is rel ted to development of the site. It has come to staffs attention that the property owner t the south of the annexation area is elaiming ownership of a portion of the Farr site throu h adverse possession. It appears that the fence line between the two properties is loca ed inside of the Farr property line by a few yards and the adjoining landowner is now cI iming this property as his. According to the City Attorney, this situation is not relevant t the city council decision on annexation and is a separate matter between the two parties. In tact, the city can approve the preliminary plat and final plat with this issue clouding 0 nership. 'fhe site control issue will need to be resolved between the parties before the C unty Recorder can record the pIal. AL TKRNATIVE ACTIONS I. Motion to adopt an ordinance annexi g the Farr Development property as requested. Motion based on the findi g that the annexation request is consistent with criteria for annexation defined b state statutes and based on the finding that utilities are available and the propcliy is planned for development in a manner consistent with the comprehensive pI n. 2. Motion to deny adoption of an ordina ce annexing the Farr Development as req uested. . STAFF RECOMMENDATION The City Administrator recommends altern tive 1. SUPPORTING DATA Copy of petition . . 2 City COLlncil Agenda- 07/14/03 .~ . . development t.orporufion I\t\.d,,\( '1'\ \"1.)(' t 11.,iL 1, I ('I 1\'" 1)1\ i I, I '1" I^, ,,< I'," i' \Iv\ I' 1I"I<i I, April 22, 2003 Me J df O'Neill AssIstant City Administrator ClTY OF MONTICELLO 505 Walnut Street Suite # 1 Monticello, Minnesota 55362 J\E: Hermes Property South 40 Acres Monticello Township, Minnesota Dear J efT \>\le hereby p{otition the City Council of Montic.ello to am ex tJle referenced land into the city limits of Monticello. The legJJ description for this parcel is as follows: The Northeast Quarter of the Soutllwest Quart r Section 19, Township 121, Range 24, Wright County, Minnesota. Should you need anytbing further in this regard, please c ntact me. Sincerely, Sl-l.ADO\X/ CREEK CORPORATlON LAC;:nIJ\V c: File 3025 harbor lone, ~uite 317 plymouth, fTlinne~ot 55447 " !, I \ ':""'l i APR 24 2003 \ \ l' -,',-" ..-~---,...,,~~~...................------,_.....~,......: i \ ....--.....-....------ -.rP'~""~.._. " '6 763-553-9972 763-553-9983 fox . . . 9. Consideration of amendments to Ci Ii "0 ordinances. (R W) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: At the last meeting, the Council approved amending the City's liquor ordinances to comply with the recently adopted state statute extending the ho rs of operation until 2 a.m. In reviewing the City's ordinance relating to alcohol, there were a nun bel' of other minor changes that needed to be made so that the ordinances coincide with city practice" as well as state statutes. Attached is a copy of the various city ordinanc s relating to alcohol with additions to the ordinances are in red and deletions shown in teal. A sumI ary of the changes are as follows: ADDITIONS: 1 . Reference to state statutes - Addition 0 'reference to state statutes 340A. 2. Extended hour license fee - Notation th t the fee is set forth by the state. 3. Hours of operation - Changed to reflect the 2 a.m. closing time. The time customers are allowed on the premises was likewise e tended from 1 :30 a.m. to 2:30 a.m. DELETIONS: 1. (Iearing on license application - While he City Council approves all licenses, they have not conducted public hearings on license a plieations. This language was deleted. Club Licenses - The ordinance excepte club licensees from the hours of operation imposed on other licensees. This language was eleted as it was felt that all licensees should be under the same operating hours Municipal r ,iquor - A list of conditions or the municipal liquor included no sales on credit and a monthly check by the city health offic r. 2. ~ ., . CITY FEE FOR EXTENDED HOURS LICE SE - In addition to the clarifications and amendments recommended above, one thing th t was not discussed at the last meeting relating to the 2 a.m. closing time, is whether the City wanted to establish its own additional fee for the extended hour license. Nothing prohibits the City from a so establishing a fee that can be used to help defray the cost of police protection services that result from extended liquor license hours. The state requires a fee for anyone who applies for the ex ended license ranging from $200 up to $600, depending on the annual gross receipts from th liquor establishment. This additional license revenue was suppose to be used by the Department of P blic Safety to help defray the cost of the highway patrol's services, and it is certainly logical to as ume that the local jurisdictions will also incur additional police protection cost from the exten ed hours. ]'he license fee schedule established by the stat is as follows: Up to $J()O,OOO in gross annual receipts - $2 0.00 Over $100,000 but under $500,000 in gross an ual receipts - $500.00 Over $500,000 in gross annual receipts - $600. 0 3/2 beer or set up license holders - $200.00 . ( \1 ~ G- . . Council Agenda - 7/14/03 If the Council wanted to, we could adopt a sin ilar fee schedule to defray city cost or some other variation such as Y2 of the additional state fee. H. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: G Approve the changes in the ordinances as noted. 2. Approve the changes in the ordinance s noted with the addition of establishing a city fee for the extended hours licenses equal to th state fee schedule. Under this alternative, sections of the 0 dinance that relate to the fee schedule would be adjusted to indicate the local fee being harged in addition to the state required fee. 3. Do not approve the changes. c. STAFF RF:COMMENDATION: Since the Council approved changing the ordin -nee to allow for the extended hours as set out in state statutes, it seemed logical to review the ordina ces and make those changes that reHect actual practices. Since the reasoning for charging': additional license fee by the state was to defray the cost of additional enfi)[cement activities of the ighway Patrol, it would only make sense that the City will also incur additional public safety costs th ugh our sheriff's department contract and establishing a city fee seems appropriate. By establishing a oeal fee of an amount equal to the state fee, it would be simple for the City to apply the same schedu e f()r all license applicants. Therefore it is recommended that Alternative #2 be adopted. D. SUPPORTING DATA: Copy of ordinances with changes noted. . . . SECTION: 3-1-1 : 3-1-2: 3-1-3: 3-1-4: 3-1-5: 3-1-6: 3-1-7: 3-1-8: 3-1-9: 3-1-10: 3-1-11: 3-1-12: 3-1-1: 3-1-2: 3-1-3: CHA Provisions of State Law Adopted License Required Applications for License License Fees Granting of License Persons Ineligible for License Places Ineligible for License Conditions of License Closing Hours Clubs Restrictions on Purchase and Consu Revocation PROVISIONS OF STATE LAW AD PTED: The provisions of Minnesota Statutes, Chapter 340 and 340A, with referenc to the definition of terms, applications for license, granting of license, conditions of lice se, restrictions on consumption, provisions on sales pertaining to the retail sale, distributi n, and consumption of non-intoxicating liquor are hereby adopted and made a part of thi chapter as if fully set out herein except as modified herein. LICENSE REQUIRED: (A) No person, except wholesalers and manufacturers to the extent authorized by law, shall deal in or dispose of by g'ft, sale or otherwise, or keep or offer for sale any beer within the city without first ha ing received a license as hereinafter provided. Licenses shall be of two (2) ki ds: (1) Retail "on-sale"; (2) Retail "off-sale". (B) "On-sale" license shall be gran ed only to bona fide clubs, bttl .\lUtd, restaurants, and hotels where food is prep ed and served for consumption on the premises. "On- sale" licenses shall permit the ale of beer for consumption on the premises only. (C) "Off-sale" licenses shall permi the sale of beer at retail in the original package for consumption off the premises nly. APPLICATIONS FOR LICENSE: E ery application for a license to sell beer shall be made on a form supplied by the City and sh 11 state the name of the applicant, his age, representations as to his character wit such references as may be required, his citizenship, whether the application is for "on-sale' or "off-sale," the business in connection with which the proposed license will operate and i s location, whether applicant is owner and operator of the business, how long he has been in hat business at that place, and such other information 1 . . . 3-1-4: 3-1-5: 3-1-6: as the Council may require from tim to time. It shall be unlawful to make any false statement in an application. Applications shall e filed with the Clerk. LICENSE FEES: Each application ~ r a license shall be accompanied by a receipt from the treasurer for payment in full of the re uired fee for the license. All fees shall be paid into the general fund of the City. Upon reject" on of any application for a license, the treasurer shall refund the amount paid. All licenses shall expire on the last day of June in each year. Each license shall be issued for a period of one year, except that if a portion of the license year has elapsed when the application is made a license may be issued for the remainder of the year for a pro rata fee. In computing such fee any unexpired fraction of a month shall be counted as one month. The annual fee for an "on-sale" licens shall be on a fee schedule adopted by the City Council. The annual fee for an "on-sale" ext nded hours license shall be set forth by the state. (# 107, 11/23/81) The annual fee for an "off-sale" licen e shall be on a fee schedule adopted by the City Council. (#107, 11/23/81) No part of the fee paid for any license issued under this chapter shall be refunded where a license is revoked, but there shall be 11 funded a pro rata portion of the fee for the unexpired period of the license upon cancellatio . GRANTING OF LICENSE: The Co ncil shall investigate all facts set out in the application. I;LEIt"Co After such investigation in its discretion. . ,the Council shall grant or refuse the application Each license shall be issued to the ap licant only and shall not be transferable to another holder. Each license shall be issued 0 ly for the premises described in the application. No license may be transferred to another lace without the approval of the Council. PERSONS INELIGffiLE FOR LIC (A) Under eighteen (18) years of a e. No license shall be granted to any person: (B) Who has been convicted of a fi lony, or of violating the National Prohibition Act or any law of the state or local or inance relating to the manufacture or transportation of intoxicating liquors. (C) Who is a manufacturer of beer or who is interested in the control of any place where beer is manufactured. 2 . . . 3-1-4: 3-1-5: 3-1-6: as the Council may require from tim to time. It shall be unlawful to make any false statement in an application. Applications shall be filed with the Clerk. LICENSE FEES: Each application r a license shall be accompanied by a receipt from the treasurer for payment in full of the]1 quired fee for the license. All fees shall be paid into the general fund of the City. Upon rejec ion of any application for a license, the treasurer shall refund the amount paid. All licenses shall expire on the last day of June in each year. Each license shall be issued for a period 0 one year, except that if a portion of the license year has elapsed when the application is mad , a license may be issued for the remainder of the year for a pro rata fee. In computing such fe , any unexpired fraction of a month shall be counted as one month. The annual fee for an "on-sale" licen e shall be on a fee schedule adopted by the City Council. The annual fee for an "on-sale" ex ended hours license shall be set forth by the state. (#107, 11/23/81) The annual fee for an "off-sale" licen e shall be on a fee schedule adopted by the City Council. (#107, 11/23/81) No part of the fee paid for any licens issued under this chapter shall be refunded where a license is revoked, but there shall be funded a pro rata portion of the fee for the unexpired period of the license upon cancellatio . GRANTING OF LICENSE: The Co ncil shall investigate all facts set out in the application. l;u;tt.~L After such investigation in its discretion. . , the Council shall grant or refuse the application Each license shall be issued to the ap licant only and shall not be transferable to another holder. Each license shall be issued 0 ly for the premises described in the application. No license may be transferred to another lace without the approval of the Council. PERSONS INELIGIBLE FOR LICE (A) Under eighteen (18) years of a e. No license shall be granted to any person: (B) Who has been convicted of a fi lony, or of violating the National Prohibition Act or any law of the state or local or inance relating to the manufacture or transportation of intoxicating liquors. (C) Who is a manufacturer of beer r who is interested in the control of any place where beer is manufactured. (D) Who is not of good moral char cter. . . . 3-1-7: 3-1-8: (E) Who is or during the period f this license becomes the holder of a federal retail liquor dealer's special tax stamp fo the sale of intoxicating liquor at any place unless there has also been issued to him local license to sell intoxicating liquor at such place. (F) Who is not the proprietor of e establishment for which the license is issued. (G) Who is not resident of the st te of Minnesota. PLACES INEUGilllE FOR UCE BE: (A) No license shall be granted t r sale on any premises where a license has been convicted of the violation of his chapter, or of the state beer or liquor law, or where any license hereunder has be n revoked for cause until one year has elapsed after such conviction of revocation. (B) No on-sale license shall be gr nted for any place within one thousand feet (1,000') of any public school or within 0 e thousand feet (1,000') of any church. (C) No off-sale license for non-in oxicating liquors shall be granted for any premises except those that operate pri arily in the sale of food, beer, cigars, cigarettes, beverage, and soft drinks. CONDITIONS OF UCENSE: (#17,9/9/76) (A) Every license shall be granted subject to the conditions in the following subsections and all other provisions of this chapter and of any other applicable provisions in this code. (B) All licensed premises shall ha e the license posted in a conspicuous place at all times. (C) No beer shall be sold or serve to any intoxicated person or to any person under eighteen (18) years of age. (D) No minor under eighteen (18) hall be employed on the premises of a beer store or be permitted to sell or service bee in an "on-sale" establishment. (E) No gambling or any gambling evice shall be permitted on any licensed premises. (F) No manufacturer for wholesale of beer shall have any ownership of or interest in an establishment licensed to sell a retail contrary to the provisions of M.S.A. 340.02. No retail license and manufacturer r wholesaler of beer shall be parties to any exclusive purchase contract. No retail lie nsee shall receive any benefits contrary to law from a manufacturer or wholesaler of eer, and no such manufacturer or wholesaler shall confer any benefits contrary to aw upon a retail licensee. . . . 3-1-9: 3-1-10: 3-1-11 : (G) No licensee shall sell beer wile holding or exhibiting in the licensed premises a federal retail liquor dealer's pecial tax stamp unless he is licensed under the laws of Minnesota to sell intoxicatin liquors. (H) No licensee who is not also I censed to sell intoxicating liquor shall sell or permit the consumption or display of in oxicating liquors on the licensed premises or service any liquids for the purpose of mi ing with intoxicating liquor. The presence of intoxicating liquors on the p mises of such a licensee shall be prima facie evidence of possession of intoxicating liq ors for the purpose of sale; and the serving of any liquor for the purpose of mixing wi intoxicating liquors shall be prima facie evidence that intoxicating liquor is being p rmitted to be consumed or displayed contrary to this chapter. (I) Any peace officer shall have he unqualified right to enter, inspect, and search the premises of a licensee during usiness hours without a search and seizure warrant and may seize all intoxicating liq ors found on the licensed premises. (J) Every licensee shall be respo sible for the conduct of the place of business and shall maintain conditions of sobriet and order. (K) Every licensee shall not conduct business on the premises between the hours 0 Ullc o'dud (1.00) u.,h. two o'clock (2:00) 8.m. and eight o'clock (8:00) a.m., Mo day through Saturday inclusive, or on any Sunday between the hours of . . two o'clock (2:00) 8.m. and twelve o'clock (12:00) noon, nor pe it the presence of customers on the premises between the hours of (}Ik (t.i, ty (I. JD) . . two thirty (2:30) 8.m. and eight o'clock (8:00) a.m., Monday through Saturda inclusive, or on any Sunday between the hours of f11'te thi, ty (]. JfJ) u.m. two thirty ( :30) 8.m. and twelve o'clock (12:00) noon. CLOSING HOURS: No sale or non-i toxicating liquor shall be made on any Sunday between the hours of Ollt:- u'dur.-/.. (1.00) u.m. t 0 o'clock (2:00) a.m. and twelve o'clock (12:00) noon. No sale shall be made between the ho rs of mk I./du,j, U.OO) u.m. two o'clock (2:00) 8.m. and eight o'clock (8:00) a.m. on any w ek day, Monday through Saturday inclusive. (#143, 10/22/84) CLUBS: No club shall sell beer exce t to members and to guests in the company of members. RESTRICTIONS ON PURCHASE A D CONSUMPTION: (A) No minor shall misrepresent hi age for the purpose of obtaining beer. (B) No person shall induce a minor to purchase or procure beer. (C) No person other than the parent or legal guardian shall procure beer for any minor. (D) No minor shall have beer in his possession with the intent to consume it at a place . . . 3-1-12: (E) other than the household of h"s parent or guardian. No person shall consume or d" splay any intoxicating liquor on the premises of a licensee who is not also licen ed to sell intoxicating liquors. REVOCATION: A license granted der the provisions of this chapter shall be suspended or revoked by the Council for the folIo ing reasons: (A) (B) (C) In the event said licensee is c nvicted of a violation of this chapter or any state law relating to the sale or consum tion of non-intoxicating malt liquor, his license shall be suspended for a period of five (5) days upon the first conviction. In the event said license hold is convicted a second time, his license shall be suspended for a period of thi y (30) days. In the event said license holde shall be convicted for a third time, his license shall be revoked. The violation of any provisio or condition of this chapter by a beer licensee or his agent shall be grounds for rev cation or suspension of the license. The license of any person who holds a federal ret "I liquor dealer's special tax stamp without a license to sell intoxicating liquors at suc place shall be revoked without notice and without hearing. In all other cases, a I cense granted under this chapter may be revoked or suspended by the Council afte written notice to the licensee and a public hearing. The notice shall give at least eight 8) days' notice of the time and place of the hearing and shall state the nature of the ch ges against the licensee. The Council may suspend any license pending a hearing on r vocation or suspension. 5 . . . SECTION: 3-2-1 : 3-2-2: 3-2-3: 3-2-4: 3-2-5: 3-2-6: 3-2-7: 3-2-8: 3-2-9: 3- 2-10: 3-2-1 : 3-2-2: 3-2-3: Provisions of State Law Adopted License Required Application for License License Fees Granting of Licenses Persons, Ineligible for license Places Ineligible for License Conditions of License Restrictions on Purchase and Consu Revocation C PTER 2 PROVISIONS OF STATE LAW AD PTED: The provisions of Minnesota Statutes, Chapter 340 and 340A, with reference to the efinition of tenus, applications for license, granting of license, conditions of license, restrict ons on consumption, provisions on sales, conditions of bonds of licenses, hours of sale, and 11 other matters pertaining to the retail sale, distribution, and consumption of intoxicating liqu r are hereby adopted and made a part of this chapter as if fully set out herein, except as modi ied herein. liCENSE REQUIRED: No person e cept wholesalers or manufacturers to the extent authorized under state license shall di ectly or indirectly deal in, sell, or keep for sale any intoxicating liquor without first havin received a license to do so as provided in this chapter. Licenses shall be of three (3) kinds: ( ) "On-sale" license, (2) "Off-sale" license, and (3) Club licenses. APPliCATION FOR liCENSE: (A) Every application for a license to sell liquor shall be verified and filed with the Clerk. It shall have stated the name 0 the applicant, his age, with such references as may be required, his citizenship, whet er the application is for an "on-sale" or "off- sale", the business in connection with w ich the proposed license shall operate and its location, whether applicant is owner an operator of the business, how long he has been in that business at that place, and sue other information as the Council may require. In addition to containing such in~ rmation, each application for a license shall be in the form prescribed by the Liquor ontrol Commissioner and the City. Each application for a license hereunder shall be accompanied by a cashier's check in the amount adopted by the City Council w ich shall not be subject to refund and shall be paid for the purpose of defraying the ex ense of investigation of said applicant. 6 . . . 3-2-4: 3-2-5: 3-2-6: 3-2-7: (B) (#107, 11/23/81) All applications for retaillic nses shall file with the City a certificate of liability insurance in an amount not I ss than Three Hundred Thousand Dollars ($300,000). LICENSE FEES: (A) Each application for a licens shall be accompanied by a receipt from the treasurer for payment in full of the require fee for the license. All fees shall be paid into the general fund of the City. Up n rejection of any application for license, the treasurer shall refund the amount paid. (B) Licenses herein provided for hall expire June 30 following the issuance thereof and if issued for less than one year s all be pro-rated on a quarterly basis. (C) The annual fee for an "on-sal "license shall be adopted by the City Council except as stated in 3-2-4 [D]. The annu I fee for a special club license shall be a fee schedule adopted by the City Council. The annual fee for an extended hours license shall be as set forth by the State of innesota. (#107, 11/23/81) (D) Licenses in effect before anne ation in the annexed area will be brought up to present fee at increase of Two Hun d Fifty Dollars ($250) per year. (E) No refund of any fee shall be ermitted except as authorized under Minnesota Statutes, Section 340.112. GRANTING OF LICENSES: The C unci I shall investigate all facts set out in the application. After such investigation aHJ h{a, ;Hl;, the Council shall grant or refuse the application in its discretion. Each license shall be issued to the ap licant only. Each license shall be issued only for the premises described in the application. No license may be transferred to another person or to another place without the approval of he Council. PERSONS INELIGIBLE FOR LICE SE: No license shall be granted to or held by any person made ineligible for such a license by s ate law. : Nu 'H/-Jal"" I;L"",d"" .lhull b"" o,wtled ""ALtof't aft"", u . No on-sale license shall be granted to any person who does not have inve ted or does not propose to invest in the fixtures and structure of the proposed on-sale estab ishment, exclusive of land, an amount of at least Two Hundred Thousand Dollars ($200,000 . The Council may provide for an independent appraisal at applicant's expense as an aid in dete ining the value of said premises. In the event this requirement as to investment is not co plied with within one year from the date of issuance of 7 . . . 3-2-8: the license, the license may be revo d. (#94,3/9/81) (A) No on-sale license shall be granted t a restaurant that does not meet the following minimum standards as determined by the City ouncil: 1. The restaurant shall h ve seating capacity for at least 100 guests in its formal dining area. 2. The restaurant shall h ve a full-service menu available with meals prepared on site within a Minneso a Department of Health licensed commercial kitchen each day the establishment is open for business. 3. All meals shall be reg larly served at tables to the general public and shall employ an adequate st ff to provide the usual and suitable services to its guests. (#319, 10/26/98) CONDITIONS OF ilCENSE: Eve license shall be granted subject to the conditions in the following subsection and all other pr visions of this chapter and of any other applicable provisions of this code or state law. (A) Every licensee shall be respon ible for the conduct of his place of business and the conditions of sobriety and ord r in it. (B) Any peace officer, health offi er, or any properly designated officer or employee of the City shall have the unqualifie right to enter, inspect, and search the premises of the licensee during business hours without a warrant. (C) Every licensee, , shall not conduct business on the premises between the hours of Om; O'c!Ul), U.OO) a.m. two o'clock (2:00) a.m. and eight o'clock (8:00) a.m., Mon ay through Saturday inclusive, or on any Sunday between the hours of mre ' . . two o'clock (2:00) a.m. and twelve o'clock (12:00) noon, nor pe it the presence of customers on the premises between the hours of 'Ct:17r.'" two thirty (2:30) 3.m. and eight o'clock (8:00) a.m., Monday through Saturda inclusive, or on any Sunday between the hours of mre thidy uUud. (I.J&) a.m. two hirty (2:30) a.m. and twelve o'clock (12:00) noon; however, further provided that no intoxicating liquor may be sold or served on Sunday, whether directly or indirectly, xcept between the hours of twelve o'clock (12:00) noon and Om; l~'..Jud, (1.00) a.m. t 0 o'clock (2:00) a.m. Monday, and then only in conjunction with the serving 0 food to persons who are seated at tables within the licensed premises. (D) (#275, 8/14/95) All real estate taxes assessed a ainst the licensed premises and all personal property taxes assessed against any pers nal property located in, on, or upon the licensed premises shall be paid or cause to be paid when due by the licensee, provided, however, that in the event the licensee andlor the owner of the licensed premises shall 8 . . . 3-2-9: 3-2-10: duly contest the validity an~ r amount of any said real estate or personal property tax according to law, said tax n d not be paid until thirty (30) days after the final judicial determination of the validity ndlor amount of said tax. (E) Zoning Restrictions: No lice se shall be issued for premises located within an area wherein such use of the prem'se is prohibited by the zoning code, nor within an area where such sales are forbidd n by state law or any other ordinance of the City. (F) Licensimr Restrictions. One- alf (1/2) of all additional on-sale liquor licenses available for issuance by the City after ovember 1, 1998, shall be reserved for issuance to qualifying hotels, motels, or staurants within the Central Community District (CCD) as defined by the official zoni g map. RESTRICTIONS ON PURCHASE (#319, 10/26/98) (A) No minor shall misrepresent is age for the purpose of obtaining intoxicating liquor. (B) No person shall induce a min r to purchase or procure liquor. (C) No liquor shall be sold or con umed on a public highway or in an automobile. (D) No person shall consume any ntoxicating liquor on any public land in the city of Monticello except by special rmit granted by the City. REVOCATION: The Council may s spend or revoke any liquor license for violation of any provision or condition of the provisio s hereof or any state law regulating the sale of intoxicating liquor or any false statem nt in the application. 9 . . . SECTION: 3-3-1 : 3-3-2: 3-3-3: 3-3-4: 3-3-5: 3-3-6: 3-3-7: 3-3-1 : 3-3-2: 3-3-3: C PTER 3 MUNICIP A UQUOR STORES Definitions Dispensary Established: Places to D 'nk Location and Operation Dispensary Fund Hours of Operation Regulations Enforcement and Penalty DEFINITIONS: For the purpose of t is chapter, certain terms and words are defined as follows: INTOXICATING UQUOR AND U UOR: Distilled, vinous and fermented beverages containing more than 3.2 percent of a cohol by weight. BEER: Any malt beverage with an al oholic content of more than one-half of one percent by volume and not more than 3.2 percen by weight. ON-SALE: Sale by the drink for con umption in the dispensary. OFF-SALE: Retail sale in the origin I package for consumption away from the dispensary. SElL: All barters, gifts, and other mans of furnishing intoxicating liquor or beer in violation or evasion of this chapter. MINOR: Any person under eighteen 18) years of age. DISPENSARY ESTABUSHED: PL CES TO DRINK: There is hereby established a municipal liquor dispensary for the off sale of intoxicating liquor. No liquor may be sold at retail in the city except in the . spensary 0, ;H July 1;"A:;,t.\~d dul).\. No person shall consume liquor in a public park or on public street. LOCATION AND OPERATION: (A) LOCATION: The dispensary hall be located at such suitable place in the city as the Council determines by motion. However, no premises upon which taxes or other public levies are delinquent sh II be leased for dispensary purposes. (B) MANAGER: The dispensary hall be in the immediate charge of a liquor store manager selected by the Counc I and paid such compensation as is fixed by the 10 . . . 3-3-4: 3-3-5: 3-3-6: Council. He shall furnish as rety bond to the municipality conditioned upon the faithful discharge of his duti s in such sum as the Council specifies. The bond premium may be paid by the ity in the discretion of the Council. The manager shall operate the dispensary under he Council's direction and shall perform such duties in connection with the dispens as may be imposed upon him by the Council. He shall be responsible to the Council for the conduct of the dispensary in full compliance with this chapter and with the law relating to the sale of liquor and beer. (C) EMPLOYEES: The manage shall appoint such additional employees as may be required for the dispensary su ~ect to confirmation by the Council, and the Council shall fix their compensation. All employees, including the manager, shall hold their position at the pleasure of the Council. No minor shall be employed in the dispensary. DISPENSARY FUND: (A) A municipal liquor dispensa fund is hereby created in which all revenue received from the operation of the disp nsary shall be deposited and from which all ordinary operating expenses shall be p id. Any amounts it may be necessary to borrow from the general fund of the City for in tial costs or rent, fixtures and stock, or for operating expenses shall be reimbursed 0 the fund out of the first available monies coming into the dispensary fund thereafter Surpluses accumulating in the dispensary fund may be transferred to the general fun or to any other appropriate fund of the City by resolution of the Council and expended r any municipal purpose. (B) The handling of municipal liq or dispensary receipts and disbursements shall comply with the procedure prescribed y law for the receipts and disbursements of City funds generall y. HOURS OF OPERATION: The disp nsary shall observe the following restrictions upon the hours of operations: No sale of intoxi ating liquor shall be made on Sunday nor before 3:00 p.m. on any Memorial Day. No "on-sale" shall be made before 8: a.m. or after 12:00 midnight of any day. No "off-sale" shall be made before 8:00 a.m. nor aft r 10:00 p.m. on any day. No "off-sale" shall be made on Thanksgiving Day, Christmas Day, or any Sunday; but on the evening preceding such days, if the sale is not otherwise prohibited, ff-sale may be made until 10:00 p.m. (#143, 10/22/84) (#177,6/26/89) The dispensary shall not be open for b siness of any kind during the hours when sales of intoxicating liquor are prohibited. REGULATIONS: (A) No business other than the sale of liquor shall be carried on in the dispensary except the retail sale of cigars, cigarettes, 11 forms of tobacco, beer, and soft drinks, both olhule 11 . . . 3-3-7: and off-sale. (B) No pool or billiard table shal be kept in any part of the dispensary. (C) No person shall gamble on s ch premises and no gambling of any character shall be permitted thereon. (E) No minor shall be permitted t remain on the dispensary premises. (F) No liquor or beer shall be sol or served to a minor directly or indirectly. (G) No minor shall misrepresent is age for the purpose of obtaining liquor or beer. (H) No liquor or beer shall be se ed or sold to an intoxicated person. (I) No person of known immoral character and no disorderly person shall be permitted on the dispensary premises. ( ENFORCEMENT AND PENALTY: (A) It shall be the duty of all polic officers of the City to enforce the provisions of this chapter and to search the pre ises and seize evidence of law violation and preserve the same as evidence against any erson alleged to be in violation of this chapter and to prepare the necessary processe and papers therefore. (B) Any employee of the dispensa y willfully violating any provision hereof or any provision of the laws of Minn sota relating to gambling or the sale of intoxicating liquor or beer shall be dischar ed. 12 . SECTION: 3-4-1 : 3-4-2: 3-4-3: 3-4-1 : 3-4-2: . 3-4-3: C Y THE DRINK License Required Application for License License Fees LICENSE REQUIRED: It shall be u lawful for any private club or public place, directly or indirectly, or upon any pretense, or b any device, to allow the consumption or display of intoxicating liquor or the serving of y liquor for the purpose of mixing with intoxicating liquor without first having obtained a pennit therefore from the Liquor Control Commissioner as provided in Minnesota Statutes, C apter 340, and a license therefore from the City. APPLICATION FOR LICENSE: Ev ry application for a license under this chapter shall be made on a fonn supplied by the City nd shall state the name of the applicant, his age, representations as to his character, wi h such reference as may be required, his citizenship, the business in connection with which th proposed license will operate and its location, whether applicant is owner or operator of the usiness, how long he has been in that business at that place, and such other infonnation tha the Council may require from time to time. It shall be unlawful to make any false statement "n an application. Applications shall be filed with the Clerk. All applicants shall file with t e City a certificate of liquor liability insurance in an amount not less than Three Hundred housand Dollars ($300,000). LICENSE FEES: (A) An application for a license sh 11 be accompanied by a receipt from the treasurer for payment in full of the required fee for the license. Upon rejection of any application for license, the treasurer shall efund the amount paid less Twenty-five Dollars ($25.00), which shall be retain d as a handling charge for such application. (B) All licenses shall expire on the last day of June in each year. Each license shall be issued for a period of one year, except if a portion of the license year has elapsed when the application is made, a license may be issued for the remainder of the year for a pro rata fee. In computing such fe , any unexpired fraction of a month shall be counted as one month. (C) The annual fee for the license s all be a fee schedule adopted by the City Council. The annual fee for an extended h urs license shall be as set forth by the State of Minnesota. . (#107, 11/23/81) 13 . . . 3-4-4 (D) Notwithstanding any other pr vision of law, the Council may, upon proper application as stipulated in 3-4-2, issue a ermit for the display and consumption of intoxicating liquor and the serving of any iquid for the purpose of mixing with intoxicating liquor for a period of one day. No ore than five such permits may be issued in a single year. No more than two such permi s shall be issued to the same organization or an affiliate in a single year. The fee for s ch permit shall be set from time to time by the Council but shall not exceed $25.00. 11 permits issued under this provision shall be approved by the Minnesota Department of Public Safety. The permit issued pursuant to this section shall be valid only for the day indicated on it. (#116,6/28/82) (E) Applicants receiving authoriz tion under Section 3-4-4 to be a Liquor Provider at the community ce ter shall pay a fee to the City as set by Council resolution. (#332, 9/13/99) (F) Every licensee shall not cond ct business on the premises between the hours of two o'clock (2:00) a.m. and eight 'clock (8:00) a.m., Monday through Saturday inclusive, or on any Sunday between the hours of two o'clock (2:00) a.m. and twelve o'clock (12:00) noon, nor pcrmit the resence of customers on the premises bctween the hours of. two thirty (2:30) a.m. and eight o'clock (8:00) a.m., Monday through Saturday inclusive, or on any Sunday b tween the hours of two thirty (2:30) a.m. and twelve o'clock (12:00) noon. SPECIAL PROVISIONS; SPORTS, ONVENTIONS OR CULTURAL FACILITIES, COMMUNITY FESTI ALS. (A) The City may authorize the ho der of a retail on-sale intoxicating liquor license issued by the City or by an adjacent municip lity to dispense intoxicating liquor at any convention, banquet, conference, meeting or socia affair conducted in the Community Center. The licensee (Liquor Provider) must be en aged to dispense intoxicating liquor at the event held by a person or organization permitted to se the premises and may dispense intoxicating liquor only to any person attending the even. The licensee may not dispense intoxicating liquor to any person attending or participating i an amateur athletic event held on the premise. (B) Communit Center Li uor Pr vider Authorization: Authority to be a Liquor Provider will be granted by the City ouncil on an annual basis, term to run January 1 to December 31. The Community Cente Director will accept applications, screen and make the formal request for authorization to the City Council. Applications for authorization to become a Liquor Provider will be accepted th oughout the year, but will require a six to eight week waiting period for approval. If appro ed, the term will expire at the end of the calendar year, December 31. (C) Termination of Li uor Provid r Authorization: The City Administrator may suspend or terminate the license of a Liquor Prov der for conducting illegal operations, for maintaining insufficient insurance coverage, for 10 s or suspension of its retail liquor license, and for violating the policies set forth in the onticello Community Center policy manual. The Liquor Provider may appeal any such uspension or termination to the City Council within ten 14 . days after receipt of notice of suspension termination. Such appeal shall be served on the City Administrator and the Council shall commence a hearing within 21 days after receipt of the notice of appeal. (#332,9/13/99) . . 5 . SECTION: 3-11-1 : 3-11-2: 3-11-3: 3-11-4: 3-11-5: 3-11-6: 3-11-7: 3-11-8: 3-11-9: 3-11-10: 3-11-11 : 3-11-12: 3-11-13: 3-11-1: . 3-11-2: 3-11-3: 3-11-4: . ER 11 ON-SALE Provisions of State Law Adopted Wine Licenses License Required for On-Sale of Wine Application for License License Fees Granting of Licenses Persons Ineligible for License Places Ineligible for License Conditions of License Hours of Sale Combination Wine/3.2 Beer On-Sale 0 tion Suspension and Revocation Penalty PROVISIONS OF STATE LAW ADO D: The provisions of Minnesota Statutes, Chapter 340A, relating to the consumption and s Ie of intoxicating liquor are adopted and made a part of this ordinance as if set out in full. WINE LICENSES: An on-sale wine lie nse authorizes the sale of wine not exceeding 14 percent alcohol by volume for consumption on t e licensed premises only in conjunction with the sale of food. An on-sale wine license may be i sued only to a restaurant having facilities for seating not fewer than 25 guests at one time. For poses of this ordinance, a restaurant means an establishment under the control of a sing e proprietor or manager having appropriate facilities for serving meals and where, in consideratio of payment therefore, meals are regularly served at tables to the general public, and which e ploys an adequate staff to provide the usual and suitable service to its guests. LICENSE REQUIRED FOR ON-SALE F WINE: No person shall sell any wine not exceeding 14% alcohol by volume by the glass wit out an on-sale wine license as provided herein or an on-sale intoxicating liquor license as pr vided in Title 3, Chapter 2, of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Monticello. APPLICA nON FOR LICENSE: (A) Form. Every application for on-s Ie wine license shall state the name of the applicant, his age, representations as to his ch acter with such references as the Council may require, his citizenship, the restaurant in onnection with which the proposed licensee will operate and its location, whether the app icant is owner and operator of the restaurant, how long he has been in the restaurant business at that place, and such other information as . 3-11-5: . 3-11-6: . the Council may require from time to time. In addition to containing such information, the application shall be in a fo prescribed by the Liquor Control Director and shall be verified and filed with the City dministrator. No person shall make a false statement in an application. (B) Liabilitv Insurance. Prior to the issuance of a wine license, the applicant shall file with the City Administrator a liabilit insurance policy in the amount of $50,000 coverage for bodily injury for one person in anyone occurrence; $100,000 coverage for bodily injury for two or more persons i anyone occurrence; $10,000 because of injury to or destruction of others in anyone ccurrence, $50,000 for loss of means of support of any one person in anyone occurrenc and $100,000 for loss of means of support of two or more persons in anyone occurr nee and shall comply with the provisions of Minnesota Statutes, Section 340AA09 rela ng to liability insurance policies. (C) Approval of Security. The secu 'ty offered under Sections 4 (B) shall be approved by the City Council and the State L'quor Control Director. Surety bonds and liability insurance policies shall be appro ed as to form by the City Attorney. Operation of a licensed business without havin on file with the City at all times effective security as required in Sections 4 (B) is a ca se for revocation of the license. LICENSE FEES: (A) (#369, 1/28/02) Amount. The annual fee for a w"ne license shall be in the amount duly established by the Council from time to time. e annual fee for an extended hour wine license shall be in an amount established by teState of Minnesota. (B) Payment. Each application for a ine license shall be accompanied by a receipt from the City Treasurer for payment in full of the license fee. All fees shall be paid into the general fund. If an application fo a license is rejected, the treasurer shall refund the amount due. (C) Term. Each license shall be issue for a period of one year. Every license shall expire on the last day of June. (D) Refunds. No refund of any fee sh II be made except as authorized by statute. GRANTING OF LICENSES: (A) Investi~ation and Issuance. The ity Council shall investigate all facts set out in the application. . gJufliifll{ vlrlh, 1,:"nl.H:. After the investigation UltJ hturill15, the Council shall, in its discretion, grant or refuse the appl cation. No wine license shall become effective until it, together with the security furni hed by the applicant, has been approved by the State Liquor Control Director. . . . 3-11-7: 3-11-8: 3-11-9: 3-11-10: (B) Persons and Premises Licensed Transfer. Each License shall be issued only to the applicant and for the premises escribed in the application. No license may be transferred to another person or place without City Council approval. Any transfer of stock of a corporate licensee is eemed a transfer of the license, and a transfer of stock without prior Council approval s a ground for revocation of the license. PERSONS INELIGIBLE FOR LICEN E: No wine license shall be granted to any person made ineligible for such a license by state la PLACES INEUGIBLE FOR UCENS (A) General Prohibition. No wine li ense shall be issued for any restaurant ineligible for such a license under state law. (B) Delinauent Taxes and Chanzes. premises on which taxes, assess delinquent and unpaid. CONDITIONS OF UCENSE: o license shall be granted for operation on any ents, or other financial claims of the City are (#369, 1/28/02) (A) In General. Every license is subj ct to the conditions in the following subsections and all other provisions of this ordin nce and of other applicable ordinance, state law, or regulation. (B) Licensee's Responsibilitv. Every licensee is responsible for the conduct of his place of business and the conditions of so riety and order in it. The act of any employee on the licensed premises authorized to s II intoxicating liquor there is deemed the act of the licensee as well, and the licensee shall be liable to all penalties provided by this ordinance and the law equally wi h the employee. (C) Insoections. Every licensee shall allow any peace officer, health officer, or properly designated officer or employee 0 the City to enter, inspect, and search the premises of the licensee during business hour without a warrant. (D) Displav During Prohibited Hours. No licensee shall display wine to the public during hours when the sale of wine is pr hibited. (E) Federal Stamps. No licensee shal possess a federal wholesale liquor dealers special tax stamp or a federal gambling stam . HOURS OF SALE: No sale of wine und r this license shall be made on the premises between the hours of two o'clock (2:00) a.m. and ight o'clock (8:00) a.m., Monday through Saturday inclusive, or on any Sunday between the ours of two o'clock (2:00) a.m. and twelve o'clock (12:00) noon, nor permit the presence of ustomers on the premises between the hours of. two thirty (2:30) a.m. and eight o'clock (8:00) a.m., Monday through Saturday inclusive, or on any Sunday between the hours of two thirty ( :30) a.m. and twelve o'clock (12:00) noon. . 3-11-11: 3-11-12: . 3-11-13: . (#369,1/28/02) COMBINATION WINE/3.2 BEER ON SALE OPTION: Provided that an applicant meets or exceeds the requirements of this chapte and the requirements of Title 3, Chapter 1, which pertain to 3.2 Beer on-sale, said applica t may apply for a single license authorizing the sale and consumption of wine not to exceed 14% alcohol by volume and beer not to exceed 3.2% alcohol by volume. (Intoxicating malt Ii uor may be sold on premises holding both a 3.2% malt liquor on.,.sale license and a wine licens .) Fees for said combination license shall be according to a fee schedule adopted by the City C uncil. The annual fee for an extended hours combination license shall be in an am unt established by the State of Minnesota. (#369, 1/28/02) SUSPENSIONS AND REVOCATION: The Council may either suspend for not to exceed 60 days or revoke anyon-sale wine license upon a finding that the licensee has failed to comply with any applicable statute, regulation, 0 ordinance relating to intoxicating liquor, or any of the provisions of this ordinance. No suspen ion or revocation shall take effect until the licensee has been afforded an opportunity for a earing pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, Sections 15.0418 to 15.0426. PENALTY: Any person violating any pr vision of this ordinance is guilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction shall be punished ot more than the maximum penalty for a misdemeanor as prescribed by state law. (#128, 11/4/83), (#358, 1/8/01) Site Administration Page 1 of 1 . Help Logout Live Enter your username !I ) Govoffice has recently fixe problem encountered wher bulletted text is situated nf an image on your Govoffie. site. Prior to this fix, bullet! text would sometimes disa behind the image. Now tha fix is in place, the bullets VIi display as they should and not disappear behind the Ir Enter your password I Click here if you forgot your password Anyone who has eneounte this problem in the past an fixed it by adding addition.: spaces in their text, etc., sl go to their Web site and ad their display aecordinagly. Thanks from Govoffice. . . http://montieelIo.govoffiee . coml adminl 7/7/2003 . . ,. 10. Council Agenda - 7/14/03 Consideration of rantin an increase to t e individual ension for volunteer Firefighter Relief Association members. (RW) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: The FirefIghter Relief Association members ip is requesting that the City Council consider an increase in their retirement benefit from the present $ ,175 per year of service to $2,225 or more after 20 years of service on the fire department. The /()Ilowing is a summary of the previous enefit increases that have been approved: YEAR 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 BENE IT AMOUNT 1,300 1,325 1,375 1,575 '1,925 2,025 2,085 (Originally approved at $2,125 but reduced due to error!) 2001 ,2,175 By August 1 S1 of each year, the Fire Relief As ociation must present to the City Council a schedule of the proposed benefits and total liabilities asso'iated with the proposed benefit in comparison to the assets of the Association. Typically, it has be n past policy of the Council that they would only consider increases to occur in the yearly pensi n amounts if the Association had sufficient income projected to cover the increase, In other word" the state aid and interest earnings on investments needed to be projected at a level sufficient to over the normal annual cost of the pension calculations based on the requested $2,225 per year or hig er amount. In the past, the City Council has not supported any benefit level that would require a contribution from the City as a tax levy. The last increase granted by the City Council as in 2001 at the current $2,175 per year amount. The Relief Association did not ask for an incr.. ase last year (2002) as it appeared their investment portfolio would not have supported an inereas due to the economic conditions. This year the schedules presented by the Relief Association ndicate that the pension could be increased by $50/year of service to $2,225, and still provide the City with some cushion in the calculations with a $2,414.00 surplus. It also appears that the inc ease could go up $75 to $2,250 per year and still provide a cushion, although at a much smaller eve I of only $745. Because the City would be responsible /(Jr any shortfall if the projected in ome or state aid does not reach the required levels, it would be recommended that the option providing a little more cushion of $2,414.00 be selected granting a $50 increase to $2,225. . . . c. B. AL TERNATIVE ACTIONS: I. Grant an increase to $2,225 per yea!. Council Agenda - 71148/03 This increase, according to the Reli r Association schedules, would not require a City eontrihution and should he ahle to b funded through anticipated state aids and other interest earnings on investments, although tI ere is not a guarantee. 'fhe schedules indicate there is a $2,414.00 cushion, but this also ass es that interest earnings accrue at 5% per year. 2. Do not grant an increase in henefits . t this time and only allow the increase to occur when the Association has more assets than lia ilities. At this time, it would still take few equal] 10% of their liability which Council approval. ore years fix the Association to have enough assets to ould allow them to increase their own benefits without 3. Grant an increase in benelits of more than $50/year above the current $2,175 amount. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: In preparing the schedules, the Relief Associ tion is allowed to calculate a 5% intercst earnings on their investments in determining henefit level '. While normally 5% should be sufficient in most cases, is not always a guarantee as I'm sure many 0 you are aware of over the past three years. It is the recommendation of the City Administrator th t the pension level of $2,225 would provide a $50 per year increase and still provide the Council wi 1 some cushion should for some reason 5% interest earnings not be achievable. Any amount high r than this could subject the City to potential tax levy contributions as you are not allowed to lower he pension benefit in the future should the Relief Association not earn enough income on their wn. Therefore I would recommend alternative # I. D. SIJP]JORTING DATA: Computation of henefits for each member at t e $2,225,and $2,250 per year level. Form sC -03 Page I SCHEDULES [&[1 FOR LUM ) SUM PENSION PLANS REPORTING YEAR 2003 . L) ~.: .:;~' 1 j \ \ ;.: ()\ OF PL \\ \Li~ L:"r1ES ) :\ '.: ()! 1 RE:} \11. \ I{ ; P I, L I ~ '. \. "I" :'P; ,- , ' , 2004 I .. ,\; \.' , . Relit:f Association MONTICELLO County WRIGHT SCHEDU1 .JE I Schedule I estimates the pension liabilities of the relief association Special Fund tor a 1 of its members based on their years of active st:rvice with the tire department at the benetit level of S 2225 per year of service. 1 .2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 ----~--~~~_.............._------------------------------------ --------------- ----------- ----...--......_------- ----------------- - - -_..._~~..._-..._------- -- - - -- - - -- -- -- - - - --- - - - --------- - -------~ ..._~~-...- ;-..jame Fire Dept Leaves of 2003 2004 Date of Age Date of . \bsc:nce thru To End of This Year To End of :'IIext Year Birth On Entry 1213103 Y cars of Ac~rued Y cars of Accrued Last, F~L \liddle Initial rnm-dd-yy 12/31103 rnm-dd-vy Yrs. I \108. SCl'.'ice Liability S~i\,jce Liability Farnum. T cd H. 01-24-47 56 0]-01-73 , 71.200 I. , 31 6R.975 p 2. Morrell. Jay C, 09-03-42 61 05-01-75 29 64.525 .10 66.750 Dou gla~. Scoll 'J. 02~ 13~51 52 03..01-76 2:<1 62..,00 21.) 64.525 ~ . ~. Wein. J~rrv G 01-21-53 50 12..15..79 24 53.400 25 55.625 5, Johnson. \[ike \. 09~02-56 47 03-01-:<11 23 51.175 24 5.1.-1(1) 6. Theis":lL 'vIall 1. 11-03-56 -17 05-01..82 22 -1:<1.950 23 5 L 1"'~ . Liekrt. ["111 G 02-27-59 -14 11-01-83 20 4-1.500 21 46. -25 Fylc. Brad E. 06-17~5i -16 05-01-84 20 -1-1.50l) 21 -16.7::.5 9, Hust. Gaf\ 1. 01-17-62 -II \I)-I) 1-:<15 18 37.nO 19 41.029 10, Simpson. \lare .\. 02-24-56 -17 OI~19-R7 17 34.710 J8 .17.780 II. Larson. Lyndon L. 02-02-61 42 01..19-87 J7 34.710 18 37.780 12. Kranz. ;-';';:11 B. 04-06-66 :n 05-01-87 17 34.710 18 .17.~80 13, Samuelson. St~v~ S, 06-30-63 40 11-22-87 16 31.773 17 .14.710 14. SlUmpt: I:3nan K, 06-14-62 41 07-25-88 15 29.01-1 [6 31. '73 IS. Michadis. Jeff E. 08-02-63 40 o 1-03-90 1-1 26.344 15 29.014 16, Sonsteby. Gera[d 1. 12-12-64 39 05-01-93 II 19.091 12 2 1.-105 17. Lvmer. Rick 1- 04-29-63 40 05-1) 1-93 11 19.091 12 2 U05 Kranz. ktf D. 05-31-62 41 05-01-93 , II 19.091 12 2 1.-105 18. 19. Jolmson. T"dd \1. 02-0H6 37 05..01-93 II 19.091 12 21.405 20. JO<;lrg. Stcvc W. 05-24-63 -10 10-17..94 9 14.;.\19 10 16,910 21- Dahlheimcr. Lukc G. 08-30- 72 31 05-01-96 8 12.316 9 14.819 ::2. Hanson. Stcv..: .\. 06-08-67 36 05-01-96 : 8 12.816 <) 14.819 " DahJh<:nncr. :\ ick 'vI. 04-26-7-1 29 0[-15-99 " 7.432 6 9.122 , Baloun. Stcve C. 06-10~68 35 01-15-99 , 5 7.432 6 9.122 24. , 25. .-\d:crman. Tim \\'. 07-30~ 72 3[ 04-15-00 , 4 5.785 5 7.-U2 .Ubtotal of R~lar Pension Liability 804JnO 8h.U35 Fractional years of service must be calculated to nearest filll year. Do nol cnter data here tor any person to receive [h~ir pension during this year, En cr instead un Scheduk I L See. I, Line g, A copy of [h~sc schedules must be presented to the City Council betore August [ f ~ach year. (0 ---.... -..... --.-". --- .--- __u Form sc.()J MONTICELLO \ Page :!a SCHEDULE I - ADDITIONAl ACTIVE MEMBERS 1 2 3 ..\. 5 6 7 8 <) - -- - - - --~~~--~---------- -- --- - - -~--... ~~-+-~ - -~--~- --- ~ --- ---_...~~-...--~- ---...----- --------+----- -~-------------- -..,- ---- - - -- - - - ------ --- - - - ------ -------------- Name Fire Dept, Ll.laws of 2003 lOO..\. Date of Age Dale of Absence thru To End of This Year To End of .'lext Year Birth on Entry 12131/03 Years of Accrued 'Years "I' ,\ccrued Last. First. Middle Initial mm-dd-yy 12131/03 mm-dd-yy 'Yrs. I Mos. Service Liability S<lfVice Liability 26 Giles. Daryl I 1-02-68 35 04-15-00 , ~ 5.785 5 7.~32 , Dahl. Daryl R. 35 09-03-01 , ~.2:!7 27. 07-14-68 , 2 2.759 -' , , , 28. Leach. Shawn G. 02-20-77 26 09-03-01 , 2 2.759 3 4,227 , , 29 Anderson. Donald 10-05-69 34 05.19-03 , 1 1.335 2 2.759 30. Bauer. John P. 07-01-71 32 05-19-03 , 1 1.335 2 2.759 , , , 31. , , , 32. 33, , 34 , , , , , 35. , , 36. 37. 38 39 0 40. , 41. 42. , , 0 43. , 44. 45, , 46. ~7 , , , , 48. , , , 49. , , SO 51. , , , , 52. , , 53, i 54. , , 55. 0 56 0 , 57. 58. 59, 60, 61 62- 63. 64. 65. Subtotal of Regular Pension Liability (Page 2a) 13.973 2 1.404 I v Form SC -OJ Page 1 SCHEDULES 1& II FOR LUl\'l P SUM PENSION PLANS REPORTING YEAR 2003 . "".' P \ , I \, ,r;()\ I'....., r.- f) I \. " " U i L i -1'" 1 r::.~ ''o-( ~:;. F f) i F ~~D \It '\1(:>' \L , 'L' \ -:-~~:.:~ f ~- , t ':: -, ' , 2004 ,. ,'\ '" ; .I ~ J ~. r <. Relief A:>sociation MONTICELLO County WRIGHT SCHEDU LE I Schedule [estimates the pension liabilities of the reliefassociation Special Fund for II ofits members based on their years ofactivc service with the tire department at the benel1t level of S 2250 per year of service. I 2 3 4 5 6 7 R 9 ------~_..._---~-----------~.....~~----------------------- -~+------------ ----~..._....~-- -_..-..._......._~------- -----_...__............--..-- -- -------------- -~ ~---- - - - -- -- - - -- - - - - - - - -- ~-~--- -- - - - - -- ---~------- ;-.Jame Fire Depl. Leaves of 2003 2004 Dale of Age Dale of A.bsence thru To End of This Year To End of 'iext Yeur Birth on Entry 12/3 L03 Years of ,\ccrued Yea", of Accrued Last. Fi",l. :'vliddle initial rnm-dd-vy 12/31/03 mm-dd-yy y",. I Mos. SI,.."fvice Liability Service Liability I. Farnum. T.;d H. o 1- 24-4 7 56 03-01-73 31 69,750 32 72.000 ~ :\loITell. Ja:v C. 09-03-42 61 05-0t-75 29 65.250 JO 6i.5UO Dougla~. Scott '\!. 02-13-SI 52 03-01-76 28 63.000 29 6S.2S0 -. 4. \V-:in. km tI. 01-21-53 50 12-15-79 24 54.000 25 S6.250 Johnson. \[ike \. 09-02-S6 47 1J3-0 [-R I " 51.750 24 54.UOO 5, ~~ 1l1-:is<Jn. \[alt J, 11-03-56 47 05-01-82 ,~ 49.500 23 51.750 6 -- 7. Lid~rt. -rOIll G, 02-27,59 44 II ~O \-83 20 45.000 21 47.25\) . FIlle. Hrad E. 06-17-57 46 05-01-84 20 45.000 21 47.250 Host. Gar: J, 01-17-62 41 10-01-85 18 38.205 19 41.-l<)O 9 Simpson. \lare A. 02-24-56 47 01-19-87 , 17 35,100 18 JR.20S 10, , 11. Lar~on. L ~ 11don L. 02-02-61 42 01-19~87 17 35.100 III JR.205 12. hram:, :--ieal B. 04-06-66 37 05-01-87 17 35,100 I R 38,20S 13. SamudsolL Steve S. 06-30-63 40 11-22-87 16 32.130 17 35.100 14, Stump!: Brian K. 06-14-62 41 07-25-88 15 29.J40 16 32. 130 15. \-lieha<1Iis. 3df E. 08-02 -63 40 01-03-90 14 26,640 15 29.340 16. Sonsttlb~'. G.:rald J. 12~12-64 39 05-01-93 II 19.305 12 21.645 17, L~m.:r, Rick T. 04-29-63 40 05-01-93 II 19.305 12 21.045 18, hranz. 3df D OS-3 [-62 41 05-01-93 II 19.305 12 21.045 , Jolm~on. Todd \1. 02-07-66 37 05-01-93 , [I 19.305 12 21.64S 19 20 JO<lrg. S1;:v-: W OS-24-63 40 10-17-94 9 14.9R5 10 17.100 Dahlh-:illl<'L Luk<, G. 08-30- n , 14.9R5 3[ 05-01-96 , 8 [2.960 <) 21. , 22- Hanson. Skl/<J .\. 06-08-67 36 05-01-96 8 12.960 9 14.9R5 ~' Dahlh-:im-:r. ~ick \1. 04-26-74 29 o 1-IS-99 5 7.S15 6 9.225 2.t l3aloun. 51-:1/-: C. 06-10-68 35 01-15-99 5 7.515 6 9.225 25. .\d:ernHll1- Tim W. 07-30-72 31 04-15-00 4 5.850 5 7.515 ubtotal of Regular Pension Liability 8 IJ.870 873.540 Fractional years of service must be calculated to n<Jarest full year. Do not .;nt<Jr data here tor any person to receive their p<Jnsion during this year, [ nter instead on Schedule I L Sec. I. Lin<J g. A copy of these sch<Jdules must be presented to the City Council bdore August I of each year. 10 ___n____ ------.-.---.... Funn Sc -03 MONTICELLO \ Page 2a SCHEDULE I . ADDITIONAl ACTIVE MEMBERS 1 2 3 4 5 h 7 8 9 - - - - ---- ------~~~ ----- - ----- -- -- ----- ----- ----------- -- ------------- --------- -....~...~~....~~..~~~ ~~~---~-------- ---------~---------------------- ------------ Name Fire Dept L~aves of 2003 20114 Date of Age Date of Absence thru To End of This Year To End of "ert Year Birth on Entry 12131/03 Y cars of Accrued Y IO'ars of .-\ccrucd Last. First. Middle Initial mm-dd-yy 12131/03 mm-dd-yy Yrs. I Mos. Service Liability Service Liability 26_ Giles. Daryl 11-02-68 35 04-15-00 -I 5.850 5 7.515 27. Dahl. Daryl R. 07~ 14.68 35 09-03-01 2 2.790 3 4.275 28. Leach. Shawn G. 02-20-77 26 09-03-0 I 2 2.790 3 4.275 29 Anderson. Donald 10-05-69 34 05-19-03 1 1.350 2 2.790 30. Bauer. John P. 07.0 1 ~ 71 32 05-19-03 I 1.350 2 2.790 31 32. 33. 34. 35. 36 37 3l! 39 -10. 41 ,p , 0 , 43. , , , -14 45. 0 0 46. , , 47. 48. 49. 50. 51 52. 53 : 54. , 55. 0 , , 56. , , , 57. 58. 0 0 , 59 60. 61 : 62. 63. 64. 65. Subtotal of Regular Pension Liability (page 2a) 14.130 21.645 JO -...--....-... --.. ----.--. .....-- ::;i 0 ...., () () 0 ~ ~ ~ ., ., ;::J 0 () ..., 0. 0. ~ ';l::J ~ 0 ~ .... ':! :;; ?:o R> ., 'i:l ~ 'i:l g ~ ::!. ::!. '" ~ ~ o' :;;I .:;- .~ t: ~ < ~ (\l ~ en '" (; r0- e 0. iii' '-' '" 'i:l 'i:l ::;> g (\l = a ~ '" g' g- 'i:l ~ ~. l' (J<; (\l ~ ~ '" 2: :.0 - = (5' (5' 0. '" '" f'...> 3' 0- :.0 ., ., ., ., () (\l ~ !::l i' n n 0 0 ~ a. 'j; :n ... :::: rfJ >- >- ... ~ ..., ..., ;:; is ..., .., ;:; ., ., ~ '" ~ [ [ !) n .., e... S2.. - r" C X ::xl :i' - I 11 l":> - -- -, ~ .... - .~ ',.-. ;l ~ 0 3 - ..., '" 'J1 ~ .:! ...- ~~ = % ~ = ~ 7"'l l":> ::r () > ;: z _. '" '2 ..., 0. "0 '" :::. N ~ 0 ~ ~ n (J<; .., '" 3 ..., l":> ..., ::; a ~ - ;=; ., 5. Q ~ tv 8: ("J '" c ..., ::: () '" 0. '" e 00 N -..l N $2 - '"", 00 W -0 ~ C\ 0 ~ >.::; 0 - !:::! - 00 -..l '" -..l >0 0 N .. :)0 Y'1 .. ~ - ':)0 -..l :)0 OQ ;; C\ '.J1 qZ J'3<<d 0113::>I.lNOW "JJ :::r ~ ;;; g ~ ~ ;:><: :; :: 5' '"" r: '- '. ::: - - N , ~ ::: -..l (J'\ S 0.. N ::: - 6 t;'" ::: - - :\0 :X: lJ1 lJ1 ::: - - t;'" , - - 6 Y' '.-.) g - ::: - C/J V1 ~ ~ '""' '-' - ::: ~ '$. - - -.j lJ1 X -= "N .~ - -.J ~ VI v. 00 x x -= ~ ~ " " ..-.) N ..-.) .:,:: "x .4 ~ ,.-.) N '.-.) .1:': ~ ~ .... o '" ;:;" :! a. ~ ~ - "'"' ~ .., '" ;: s: :;::: ~ .~ 7:' V1 ?i > - -= t ?" N v; 9 V. VI -"- lJ1 a V; 6 53 - , ~ -.J -.J -.J ? , - - b L "" ..-.) - ~ v. a ~ ~ - '-' V> v. . ~ ::je -= -= a -0 f-.j N :;-, '.., - V> !'" ,N - - -.J N VI V> - - - - - - 8 Q a x x g 0 ;fl. ~ ," ~ ::0 '$ " ", " ,,'- V> V> '::\ -.J '-.J ~:-.. ..-.) a - A V. ',=, '-C ~JI :t:. :;-, x Xl .... o '" ..., :; ..; '"' Co ." ~ ~ ~ ""! ~ '"' ~ ~ o I'l ;:;" .., ... ~ i' ~ [ :::- ~ '"' '" .... ~ i' ~ E :::- < '" ~ ~ r-' '" ~ . it :4- . ~ '2 - .. - 3 '" o :l ,,' .., .., a. .., ~ < "" " [ 3 ~ ..... .... o ,. ~ o ~ '" ~ s. o ~ '" ::> ..., Early V <:sting vr 'J' Retirem<:nt Rule o '" ;;" ... .., a. Vesting Sched Servic<: Credit ~ ., Interest Rule < ~ a. i: ~; ~ H ~ ~ 3: i ~ on c : :::" ~ ~ ~ : I";l -;!. ~ : ~ ~i ~: ~ l ~. .; :; :: .. ~ ~ ~ ;J " " o '" ;:;" .., .., ~ ~ ~. [ -+- ~. ~ ~ :. ~ ~ ... ~ ~ " t"l = .~ =e. Vl .. ":l .. .. g '2 !:l~2 3. ::; ;' r;. _ ...,.. I? =. r'" ~ ~ ~ ." ~ .-; .. ~ - '" w ---- c; - '" ;::; ---- r.: == .. = .. ~ <: '" :!:. a. ~ r'" ~ ..... t"l :4 ~ f~ N '.-.) .;... 2 >- (j -l - -< ~ :: ~ ::: ::: ~ ;::;::: 1(0 -l ,... '-' -l >- r" -= ~ 2 ':./J - o 2 l' - :> ::: -.j x .c 0:: l' ~ - ~ rfJ N '.-.) L. to Form SC-OJ \IONTICELLO \ Page" Section 4- Amortization of Deficits L etermination o/Municipal Contribution (if Deficit) . Column I Column 2 Amt Retired 12/3 1/2003 Column 3 Left to Retire 1/1/2004 Year Incurred Original Amount \994 1995 1996 1997 \998 1999 2000 200\ 2002 2.386 1.910 476 7.203 12,306 26.84\ 1.484 2.160 8,442 4.620 8.207 26.837 20.5\3 53.678 3.7\3 New add'! Deticit 2003 Totals 94.838 256,666 57,763 2,229 5.043 19,698 41.575 Subtotal 94.838 198.903 m. \98.903 (Sec. 2, line 8) n, 104.065 (Col. 3 Subtotal) o. 94,838 (m. minus n.) 28.\40 46.\95 Step # \ If line 0 is positive, enter line 0 in columns \ and 3 of New ad! itional Deficit (2003) line. (This is your :--iew additional Dcticit for 2003.) Step # 2 If line 0 is negative, reduce columns 2 and 3 according to Deti it Reduction in the instructions. Total from Schedule l. Page 2b, Line C (Normal Cost) Calculated .\Jminislrative Expense (2002 Reporting Form Admin Exp) . . . . . . . . . . . . . .btotal Lines 13 plus 14 plus 15 Less: p. Minnesota State Fire Aid. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 356 x \.035 13 $ 25.667 14 $ 72.902 15 $ 368 16 $ 98.937 .-\mortization of Dcticit (Total from Column I) ....................... 256666 x 0.10 59569 q. 5% of Line 5. .. . . . . . . . . .. . . . .. . . . . . . . . . .. . .. . . . . . . . . . .. . . ....... .... 40113 Municipal Contribution (line 16 minus line 17) 17 $ 18 $ 99.682 -745 Total Subtractions (Subtotal of Lines p and q) You must certify to the municipality before August I, 2003, even if"o contribution is due. Section 5 CaJculatiOll of average Special Fund income per member Test for Ma_.'dmum Benefit Allowed Entcr dut:lln blue-shaded cells Use whole ............_. un_..... ............................. ..._.................---.................... ...---.................--.. A B C D (A+B+C) -;- D = E dollar amounts. Rderence prior year fonns, St:lte Fire Aid * MUnicipal Support 0% of urplus Active Members Per Year Average 5C-01 29 30 59.569 I 29 = 51.791 I 30 = 46.321 I 30 = 2.054 1.726 \,544 Last year 2002 ". 2 years ago 2001 .... J years ago 2000 '> RF.1J2 59,569 RF.OI 51.79\ RF-OO 46.321 SC-02 SC.OO 30 * Received or Receivable F. Average available financing per active member for the most recent 3-y( ar period (Sum orCoL E..; 5324 / 3 = $ 1.775 eG. Maximum benetit level per statutory schedule effective through 12/301 3......... ....... . ... . .. . .' .. .. . . . . . . $ H. ~laximum bl:netit level per statutory schedule effective 12/31/03. . . .. ..................................... $ 3,250 3.250 Lines G and H retlect your maximum benettt level for the periods cited You may not establish a highl::r benelit kvel. These ligures will be identical in all cases except where average available financing yields a r aximum at the statutory cap. )0 Form SC-03 \10NTlCELLO \ Page 3 Schedul II . Section 1 . Special Fund Assets at December 31, 2002 (See Ending Assets on 2002 Reporting Form) Projected Income to December 31,2003: a. Minnesota State Fire Aid. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59.569 (Use 2002 amount. excluding Supplemental Benefit Rcimbur cments) b. Municipal/Independent Fire Dept. Contributions. . . . . . . . . . . . . c. Donations (List ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . d. Interest and Dividends. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21.661 e. Net Appreciation (Depreciation) in Fair Market Value of Investments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . f. Other Income (Include Supplemental) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Total Projec ion of net assets for the year ending December 3/, 2003 1 $ 722.036 Z $ 81.230 Projected Assets plus Income at December 31, 2003 Projected Disbursements through End of Year: g. Pensions (If listed here. don't include on Schedule I) . . . . . . . . h. Other Benefits. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . i. Administrative....................................... Total == Line 1 plus Line 2 3 $ 803.266 1,000 4 $ 1.000 .projected Assets at End of Year == Line 3 minus Line -1- 5 $ 802.266 Section 2 rojection of Surplus (Deficit) as of December 3/. 2003 Projected Assets == Line 5 6 $ 802.266 7 $ 1.00 Ll 69 8 $ (198.903) 2003 Accrued Liability Surplus or (Deficit) == Schedule L Page 2b. Line B == Line 6 minus Line 7 Deficit Projected for 2003. Table on sheet I be/ed Entries 2 must be completed. Section 3 Determination of Municipal Contribution (if Surplus) Normal Cost = Schedule L Page 2b. Line C 9 $ Calculated Administrative Expense = (RF-02 Admin. Exp. Less: j. Minnesota State Fire Aid. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . k. 5% of Line 5. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I. 10% of Surplus . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Total Subtractions $ x 1.035 ) 10 $ II $ Municipal Contribution . == Line 9. plus Line 10 minus Li e II 12 S You must certify to the municipality before Angus 1. 2003. el.en if no contribution is due. Complete Section 5 now if you h ven't already done so. jO ::J ....., c;1 " " 6' n' 2- ..., ri ri 0 ~ Q. ,..., -- ::::0 2 ~ (') I)'q == .... '~ 5l ?:e ?:e ..., '"0 ;? '"0 g ~ ~ ~ OIl g' .,..-: .;r c: < < ~ (') n [ ;!2, Vl (') g (5' ~ OIl ';:? '"0 t;> :;; g g Vl ... g' g' ';2 ~ I)'q (') '" 2: - :ll - ;:l ;=;' ;=;. 0... Vl '" N Q' 0' :ll ..., .., ..., (') (') (') ?' ;> ,.., ,.., ;: 0 ..., ""' ~ 7i OIl ... :::: ~ >- >- ... r'l '" (-3 ;=; '" '" ri ..., - C! :J (') ., ~ I":l ~ ,-. Ij '" c:. '" s:.. - - c: C ::.. )0 0<: :::; ~ ~ I II I":l =. = -, - - - - .~ .~ 0' ...j ;l 0 -- ..., ':T ~ 'J> ::! ., ? 97. ~ == ~ .jC j5 ;; .~ ':T " '"" >- ;2 2. E. CIi' -- n '? :z r;" ... N - cj; :; ~ ~ n n == n I":l ...., :0 :l;l ~ ::. ., ., ;=; 5. 0 P N :;; 8: ,.., - ,..., '-' ;:; (') 0- (') == Qo ~ ~ 5: ~ -.l '--0 ~ ;;,; '7.0 Qo -.l =' 0 ~ ~ w "5- Qo ~ -.l Qo f- 0<: 'J> ~ :;.c '10 N 0<: W './I =' -0 qZ J~h~d \ 0113:::>Il.NOW ;!2 ::::' I 3 ~ r: ~ ::;. ...... {; '- c - - N Co N -.l 't' 8 C\ N ::: - b b - ~ ~ <.Jl <.Jl - I t;-' - 'f:. ~ :::;:; - - c C 'Jl 'lJ 3: ~ c -, ::0 ~, ", - - -.l v' .X> C N ~ - -..j (i5 'J> <.Jl X> 6 X> ~ :R " ...., N ..... ~ 'x Q .... - ...., N ...., ::: ')0 - ~ +- - .... " ';;' .., .., ,., Q" "'tl ~ ~ -< ,., '" i I:: c: " ;:l ';;' 1 "'l "'l ,., Q" ;' .~ ;? :l :3 [ ,., a ::r '" -< " ~ a. I:: " i;' ~ ~ ;? ::l. i" .~ -< ,., ~ a. , i::' = -:; oo - ~ ;;l " :l '" ~ :, - ~ ..., " 0' ~ ~ :; O.l .... :r.' ::! :r. " ;> - ~ ~ ~ '1> <.Jl <.Jl .... <.Jl C ~ Y' ::: - - ~ ~ -..j -.l ? y - b ? ;2 ...., - ~ ~ $: $: ..., c ~ '-I, 'J' j; ." " ", ::: (:) ::: (:) N t" C\ ...., - <.Jl .r--> f..J -.l N <.Jl <.Jl ~ ~ - 8 8 ;2 c. c ~ ";f.. ~ ~ ~ :R " v, <.Jl C\ -.l '-..j .~ ...., - .;;;;. <.Jl ~ '-C 'v. .~ C\ X> X> .... ,.. ~ '" :: " ;:l '" i::; '" .... " ~ a. r- oo !,. ~ t ..., ~ ;:: -< ,., '" [. ~ :,~ I:: ~_ ;; ~ t~ ~ ~" ~ ~ ;. c e;. '" ;::;, 2: = = ::; '..J '..J .~ :z >- n -l - <: ~ 3: ~ :::: - - ~ ::::: Earlv VeslIng ur 'J, Retirement Rule o ,., ;;' ., ., a. Vesting Sched Ser..-ice Credit ..., ~ ~ -< " ~ a. Interest Rule ~ Q;>r- ~ ! :; ~ ~ --: =~;; ::: ~ ~ ~ :; I :::",., ~ ~.Il : I":i ....., :;:; : ~ t! ~ : " := .... '" ..., ,., ., ., a. ..., =- t::;- <' 1"';"' ~ a. z O~~ ..; :l -l_~ =--" ;::;. '" ;- - r./'l '" -:; :: " r- :; z. e;. ! I :;:: I "'::l '" ;::; '" = - 7J r '.:-.: 0.. - N i;:i 0" " " " ::; ::7 e l"l - !,. N r" i;:i - ~ - .:t '--: ---J ~ -l ..... """ .... >- t"" x - .. t"l :z 'lJ - o :z t"" - >- - ..... - t"" ::; - ~ r:n =:I ~ '" ~ <: '" '" [ N ~ ~ .... '..J to \IO:"lTICELLO \ Pag~ 3 Form SC-03 Schedule II ation 1 ~cial Fund Assets at December 31,2002 (See Ending Assets on 2002 Reporting Form) Projected Income to December 31,2003: a. Minnesota State Fire Aid. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59,569 (Use 2002 amount. excluding Supplemental Benefit Reimbursem nts) b. Municipal/Independent Fire Dept. Contributions. . . . . . . . . . . . . c. Donations (List ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . d. Interest and Dividends. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21,661 e. Net Appreciation (Depreciation) in Fair Market Value oflnvestments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . f. Other Income (Include Supplemental) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Total Projection if" net assets for the year ending December 31. 20f)3 1 $ 722,036 :z $ 81230 Projected Assets plus Income at December 31,2003 "" Line 1 plus Line 2 Projected Disbursements through End of Year: g. Pensions (If listed here, don't include on Schedule l) . . . . . . . . . . . h. Other Benetits. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . i. Administrative....................................... 1,000 Total 3 S 803.266 4 $ 1.000 ro.jected Assets at End of Year "" Line 3 minus Line-+ 5 $ 802.266 Section 2 P ojection of Surplus (Deficit) as of December 31. 2003 = Line 6 minus Line 7 6 $ 802.266 7 $ 991.972 8 $ (189.706) Projected Assets 2003 Accrued Liability Surplus or (Deficit) == Line 5 = Schedule L Page 2b. Line B Deficit Projected for 2003. Table on sheet la eled Entries 2 must be completed. Section 3 Determination of Municipal Contribution (if Surplus) Normal Cost == Schedule L Page 2b. Line C 9 $ Calculated Administrative Expense = (RF-02 Admin. Exp. Less: j. Minnesota State Fire Aid. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . k. 5% of Line 5. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I. 10% of Surplus ........................ Total Subtractions $ x 1.035) ;= 10 S 11 $ Municipal Contribution . = Line 9. plus Line 10 minus Li c 11 12 S You must certify to the municipality before Augu t 1,2003, even ifno contribution is due. Complete Section 5 now if you ayen't already done so. to . Form Sf>1I3 \IO:'liTICELLO \ Page -4 Section 4 Determination of Municipal Contribution (if Deficit) Amortization of Deficits Column I Column 2 Column 3 Year Incurred Amt Retired Left to Retire Original Amount 12/31/2003 1/1/2004 1994 1995 2.386 1,910 476 1996 1997 20,513 12,306 8,207 1998 53.678 26,841 26,837 1999 3,713 1.484 2,229 2000 7.203 2.160 5,043 200\ 28.140 8,442 19.698 2002 -46.195 4.620 4L575 m. 189,706 (Sec. 2. line 8) j&/, v~f S"7, 1&'> I D<fl rxc( Subtotal n. \04.065 (CoL 3 Subtotal) New add'l Deficit 2003 85.641 85.641 o. 85.641 (m. minus n.) Tot:lls 247,469 57,763 189,706 Step:f 1 If line 0 is positive. enter line 0 in columns I and 3 of New a ditional Deticit (2003) line. I This is your New additional Deticit for 2003.) Step # :2 If line 0 is negative. reduce columns 2 and 3 according to Dl licit Reduction in the instructions. Amortization of Deticit (Total from Column I) ..................... . ......... . 247469 x 0.10 13 $ 24.7-17 Total from Schedule I, Page 2b. Line C (Normal Cost) 14 $ 7'1.153 Calculated ,\dministrative Expense (2002 Reporting Form Admin Exp) . . . . ......... . 356 x 1.035 15 $ 368 ubtotal Lines 13 plus 14 plus 15 16 $ 97.268 Less: p. Minnesota State Fire Aid. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ........ . 59569 q. 5~/o of Line 5 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ......... . 401\3 Total Subtractions (Subtotal of Lines p and q) 17 $ 99.682 Municipal Contribution (line 16 minus line 17) 18 $ -2,414 You must certify to tile municipality before August I, 2003, even no contribution is due. Section 5 Test for Maximum Benefit Allowed Calculation of average Special Fund income pel' member Enter data In blue-~haded cells, U~e whole A 8 C D (A+B+C) -:,.. D'" E ........n................ ..............--, n........ ........... .. ....-.--...-.................. ...... ----............... .............-.---_..........---- dollar amounts. Reference prior year forms. State Fire Municipal 10%01' Active Per Year Aid * Support Surplus Members Average Last ! ear 2002 ", RF-02 59.569 SC-O 29 59,569 / 29 ". 2.054 2 years ago 2001 RF.OI 51,79\ SC.O 30 51.791 / 30 ". U26 3 years ago 2000 ", RF.OO 46.3 21 SC.O 30 46.321 / 30 '" 1.544 * Received or Receivable F. Average available tinancing per active member for the most recent 3- e ar period (Sum of Co! E ~ 5324 / 3 = $ 1.775 G. Maximum benetit level per statutory schedule effective through 12/300 3.... . ... ..... ... .... . . . . ... . . . . . . .. . $ 3,250 H. Maximum benclit level per statutory schedule etTective 12/31/03. . . . ...................................... ,$ 3,250 Lines G Jnd H retlect your maximum benetit level for the periods cite . You mav not establish a higher benetit level. These tigures will be identical in all cases except where average available tinancing yields am aximum at the statutory cap. 10 . ... ... -....-... .-. .. - ...-- .-..- -..".- .- . . . 11. Consideration of a duties. (R W) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: . . For the past f<Jur years, the City of Monticell City's assessing duties. The recent contract terminated in May of2003. Greg Kramber, assessment services agreement covering the y approval of. Council Agenda - 7/14/03 r ernent with Wrioht Count to erform assessin has contracted with Wright County to perform the egan in the summer of 1999 and technically right County Assessor, has prepared a new ars 2004 and 2005 that he is requesting Council Prior to 1999, the City had contracted with .Ie ry Kramber to provide the assessing services as an independent contractor. When Mr. Krambel decided to reduce the amount of contract work he wanted to do, the City agreed to allow the Co nty to perform the services. Under the f()Ur year agreement, the City paid $7.75 per parcel for he first year of the contract, increasing $.25 per year until 2003 when we paid $8.50 per parcel. T tal parcels at the end of the period were 3,527 making our most recent year cost $29,979.50. The new contract being proposed by the COUt ty is a two year agreement that would have the fee placed at $10 per parcel for the 2004 assessm nt year and increasing to $10.50 per parcel fl.)!" the year 2005. In addition, effective September 1 2003, there will be an additional fee of $25 for each new construction residential or commercial/it dustrial building permit with an estimated construction cost of $500,000 or less and $100 per parcel i e for each new construction building permit with an estimated value over $500,000. The increase in the base fee from $8.50 to $10.00 along with the additional fee for each new construction builL ing permit would likely place our total annual cost at around $44,000 or more compared to $30,00 this past year. While this is a substantial increase, I am not sure if our other options would be any cheaper. If the City were to seck services of another contracted individual, it is likely that we would still be paying on a per parcel basis in the same price range. If the City were to hire its own full tit e city assessor, an individual with the proper accreditation to do all of our assessing work ould be far more costly than the contracted amount. For example, full time employees in suburba communities like IIopkins, Robbinsdale, and other areas are $60,000 annually plus benefits, and n some cases more than one employee is on staff. While we could certainly look for independen contractors to submit bids, I believe the City has been happy with the service provided by the a'sessor's office over the past four years and from a financial standpoint, it is unlikely the City wo Id save any money by going it alone. As noted earlier, the new contract is proposin' an additional fee of $25 for every new construction residential or commercial building permit and a $100 for any new construction permit over $500,000 in value. The County Assessor sta ed that these additional costs were necessary because of the time it takes to initially set up t ew construction data, including building plan review and construction review. Under this <.mangen ent, it is suggested that the City recover these additional costs for new construction by possi Iy adding the fee to each building permit. 'rhis would place the cost of the services on those propert es that arc receiving the services of the County Assessor rather than on the overall tax levy. t could be considered as a pass through expense. . . . B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: Council Agenda - 7/14/03 1. Approve entering into a new two year agreement with the Wright County Assessor's oflice for assessing duties for the year 2004 nd 2005 as proposed hy the County at $1 () per parcel for the first year and $10.50 pe parcel for the second year. 2. Council could decide to not enter into an agreement at this time and request proposals from independent contractors to provide th service. c. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: While it is disappointing to learn that the ass ssing contract proposal is likely to be an increase of almost 50% over what the City was previousl paying, I do not believe that the City would he able to save very much money hy going out lookil g for other alternatives at this time. An assessor who works for the City has to he accredited to app "aise commercial and industrial properties because of our size and population and the number of in ividuals that can do this work is limited. I believe the Council has heen satisfied with the assessing duties that have been performed by the County over the past four years and I would recommend tl at the City continues with this arrangement as proposed. It would also be my recornmenda ion that the additional $25 or $100 fee be added to the building permit fee schedule to be collect d at the time ofhuilding permit issuance for these serVlCes. D. SUPPORTING DATA: Copy of proposed contract. '. 0~"TY t::Jk ,f) ~ i~&U~ e (JJ 's. 0 -z, ..;'>' 7856 Gre ory A. Kramber Wright County Assessor Wright C unty Government Center 102m Street NW, Room 240 Bufj 10. MN 55313-ll83 Phone: (7 3) 682-7367/ (763) 682-7368 1 (800) 362~3667 AX: (763) 684~4553 ww. co. wright. mn. us June 24, 2003 Rick W olfsteller Monticello City Administrator 505 Walnut Street, Suite #1 Monticello, MN 55362 RE: 2004 and 2005 Assessment Services Agreeme Dear Mr. W olfsteller, Please find enclosed a contract for the 2004 and 20 5 assessment services. This new contract better describes the services that we provide. . I understand the budget restraints forced upon all of us and would like to implement a two-year contract to assist both parties during this trying bud et process. This two-year contract would be similar in length to other contracts that local gove ent agencies have in place with Wright County. The Wright County Assessor's Office will continue 0 provide the best services possible. would like to continue the relationship that we have with each taxing jurisdiction. rfyou have any questions or concerns regarding this contract, please contact me. My e-mail address is greg.kramber@co.wright.mn.us or teleph ne me at (763) 682-7365 or 1-800-362-3667 . 1. 7365. ~\relY, iL ~o~ / KrJer Wright County Assessor . I' . . . ASSESSMENT SERVI ES AGREEMENT THIS AGREEMENT, made and entered int by and between the County of Wright, a political subdivision of the State of Minnesota, hereinafter referred to as the "County" and the City of Monticello a political subdivision of the Sta e of Minnesota, hereinafter referred to as "City/Township"; WHEREAS, said City/Township lies either holly or partially within the County and constitutes a separate assessment district; and WHEREAS, under such circumstances the p ovision of the Minnesota Statutes, Sections 273.072 and 471.59 permit the County Assessor to rovide for the assessment of property; and WHEREAS, said City/Township desires the County to perform certain assessments on behalf of said City/Township; and WHEREAS, the County is willing to cooper te with said City/Township by completing the assessment in a proper manner; NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration ofth mutual covenants contained herein it is agreed as follows: 1. The County shall perform the 2004 and 20 5 property assessment for the City/Township in accordance with the property asse sment procedures and practices established and observed by the County, the validity and reason leness of which are hereby acknowledged and approved by the City/Township. The property a sessment by the County shall be composed of those assessment services which are set forth in E hibit A, attached hereto and made a part hereof by reference. 1/ . . . 2. All information, records, data, reports, a d the like that are necessary to allow the County to carry out its responsibilities under this A!rreement shall be furnished to the County without charge by the City/Township and the City/ ownship agrees to cooperate in good faith with the County in carrying out the work under this Agreement. 3, The City/Township agrees to furnish, wit out charge, work space, if needed, for an appraiser to perform such tasks as document revie , with such tasks to be performed during normal business hours for the City/Township, 4, The County agrees to indemnify and hold harmless the City/Township and all of its agents and employees against any and all claims, de ands, actions or causes of action arising out of or by reason of the performance of work provide for herein to be performed by the County, It is further agreed that any and all full time employee of the County engaged in the performance of any work or services required or provided for her in shall be considered employees of the County only and not of the City/Township and that ny and all claims that may arise under the Workman's Compensation Act of the State ofMinn sota and any and all claims made by any third parties as a consequence of any act or omissio on the part of said County employees shall be the sole obligation and responsibility of the Coun y, 5. This Agreement shall commence on July 1,2003 and shall terminate on June 30,2005, Either party may initiate an extension of this Agree ent for a term of two years by giving the other party written notice of its intent to so extend n less than 120 days prior to the termination of this Agreement. lfthe party who receives said no ice of intent to extend gives written notice to the other party of its desire not to extend the Agre ment at least 60 days prior to the termination of this Agreement, this Agreement shall erminate on June 30, 2005, II (' . . . 6. In consideration of said assessment servi es, the City/Township agrees to pay the County a fee of $1 0.00 per parcel for the 2004 assessment and $10.50 per parcel for the 2005 assessment. In addition, effective September 1,20 3, there will be an additional fee of$25.00 for each new construction residential or commerci l/industrial building permit with an estimated construction cost of$499,999.00 or less. There wi 1 also be an additional fee of$100.00 per parcel for each new construction commercial/indus rial building permit with an estimated construction cost of $500,000.00 or more. These a ditional fees shall be only applicable in those cities which issue their own building permits. 7. Any notice which may be given or made y a party hereto under the terms of this Agreement shall be in writing and shall be sent by nited States Mail or personally delivered to the other party addressed as follows: To City: Citv of Monticello 50~__Walnut Str~~t.~t_1tL___ rvJ()nticello, MN:_~,51 2 To County: Gregory A. Kramber, Wright C unty Assessor Wright County Government C nter 10 2nd St. NW Buffalo, MN 55313. 8. The Agreement may be amended or modi led only by written agreement signed by authorized representatives of the parties hereto. I ) -' . . . IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hav caused this Agreement to be executed by its duly authorized officers and delivered on its behal Dated: June 24. 2003 Dated: Dated: 24th day of June , 2003. By Gr gory A. Kramber W . ght County Assessor CITY OF MONTICELLO By By I J . EXHIBIT During the term of this Agreement, the County shall: 1. Physically inspect and revalue real property, as required by law. 2. Physically inspect and value all new constructi n, additions and renovation 3. Conduct valuation reviews prior to Board ofR view. 4. Attend Board of Review. Per Board request, ake all necessary review appraisals. 5. Keep updated field card file - current values, h me stead and classification data. 6. Print, mail and post valuation notices. 7. Respond to taxpayers regarding assessment or praisal problems or inquiries periodically. 8. Make divisions and combinations periodically. . 9. Administer the abatement process pursuant to inn.Stat. ~ 375.192. 10. Make appraisals for, testify or negotiate all Dist 'ct Court or Tax Court filings. 11. Post values from appraisal cards to assessment r lIs. 12. Adjust estimated market values on those prope ies not physically inspected as needed and per sales analysis. . A I Council Agenda - 7/14/03 . 12. Considenltion of ratifying union contract. (RW) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: The City Council is being asked to consider r tifying the terms of the new two year union contract that has been recently negotiated with IOUE Loca 49 covering the Public Works Department employees. This contract would be retroactive to April 1 ,2003 and would extend until April 1,2005. Contract negotiations have been on-going sin e early April with union representatives and the City Administrator and more recently, a final nego iating session was held with the Personnel Committee members in attendance along with myself an the union representative, Mr. Kent Kormen, and union steward, John Lukach. Initially, the union ha requested a number of changes to the contract including the f()llowing items: Work Schedule Changes - A request to change the work schedule to 7 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. with a half hour lunch from the current 7:30 to :30 p.m. with a one hour lunch. Additional Overtime Pay for hours worke outside the normal scheduled hours. An additional holiday per year. . An additional four days of vacation leave per year. Request for 100% of unused siek leave as a severance pay. (Currently 500,h1) and permission to participate in the state spons red health care savings plan for severance benefits. Two year salary increases of 4% per year. Adding a step seven to the wage scale for a other 40,h1 increase. After discussing the union's demands during couple of negotiating sessions, we were able to reduce the number of items being discussed down to smaller number of issues, mainly related to work schedule changes, vacation leave, sick leave s veranee pay and wage scales including the additional seventh step. During the final negotiating ses ion with the union, the City had offered two proposals for the union to consider that involved the foil wing changes to the contract. 1. The City would agree to consider a 7:30 to 4 p.m. work schedule with a Y2 hour lunch during the summer months on a trial basis. he understanding was also that each department supervisor were allowed to require em loyees to take morning and afternoon breaks out in the field whenever warranted to prom( te additional productivity from the staff. . 2. Vacation leave would be increased by n additional two days after 20 years of employment (Currently 160 hours after 16 years of mployment). Council Agenda - 7/14/03 . .., .:l. The City would allow the union to pa ticipate in the state health care savings plan with the unused sick leave benefits payable to ach employee being calculated under the same provisions currently applying to non-l nion employees. 4. The City would create a seventh step 0 all pay schedules for the union with eligibility for this pay range to be after 90 months of em loyment, with step seven being 2% higher than step SIX. 5. The City would adjust all wage scalcs by 2(Yo for all classifications. During the final negotiation session, the City's proposal was modified slightly from the above proposal by eliminating any additional vacation accum Ilation, agreeing to add the seventh step to the pay scale with the step to be 1 Y2 % above step six for t e first year of the contract and then to 3% starting April 1, 2004 for the second year of the contr ct and to finally adjust the salary schedules by 3% for the first year of the contract and 2% for the se'ond year of the contract. This was the proposal that was submitted to the union membership for tl eir approval and was recently accepted by the group. What now remains is for the City Council to ormally ratify the contract amendments allowing the two year contract to be retroactive to Apri I 1, 200 . . "fhe Personnel Committee believes the contra.t revisions as proposed are fair and equitable tt)!" the union membership and allows our contract to remain in compliance with our comparahle worth program and provides salary increases that ar very similar to those granted non-union employees earlier this year. As a reference, the severance package tl)f the union would be the same as the non-union currently receives and the addition of the seventh step to the pay scales was previously adopted by the Council for non-union a coupl of years ago in an eftl)J"t to remain competitive with the market place. The salary schedule adopted 1'0 non-union earlier this year was at 3%, which is the same as being proposed for the union membe ship. ~ tfL TERNA TIVE ACTION: J\ t!.' I. '["he Council could ratify the current c ntract exte.nsion as o~tlined in the attached contract y;;--) proposal summary and make the bene Its retroactive to Apnl 1,2003. 2. Do not ratify the contract. c. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: . It is the recommendation of the City Administ ator and the Personnel Committee that the contract be ratified as negotiated. Over the remaining su mer months, we will be able to determine whether there are any problems with modifying our w rk schedule to 4 p.m. With the salary adjustments being similar to non-union employees, there s ould not be any problems with complying with the comparahle wOlih provisions. D. SUPPORTING DATA: Proposed contract amendment summary and s lary schedule. . . . CONTRACT I ROPOSAL Work Schedule Changes: Ifchanged, woul look at 7:30 a.m. - 4 p.m. (12 hour lunch) summer only (Mcmorial Day to Labor Day) to see h w it would work - but only if we tic it to how morning and afternoon breaks are taken. B having them takcn at the job site rather than back at the Public Works Building. Work sched lie to be evaluated after one year with City discretion to change. Severance Pay: Provide for same language s non-union by allowing participation in State Health Care Savings Plan with cash paymel t provision being eliminated. Change would also require an amendment to read that no sever nce pay for unused sick leave for first 5 years: 25% for years 5-10: and 50% of unused sic leave after 10 years. (Same as non-union) Addition of th step to all pay schedules wit 1 eligibility for this pay range after 90 1110nths of employment (7 y~ years). Step 7 to be 1 y~ 0 above Step 6 scale for 1 sl year of contract then to 3% above Step 6 on 4-1-04. Salary Schedules - Adjust wage rates by 30 for all classifications 1 Sl year. Salary Schedule Adjustment 2nd year -2% l' I' all classifications. Salary Schedules retroactive to 4-1-03. 1M WN/WORDII'FRSONNFIUNION <WTIONil2 , l~ . = r;: 'V fll 0 (!) N '" f'.. N (!) m E 0 m M '" I.l) CO 0 N Q) f:;! 0 m CO CO f'.. ..... ...- N N N ...- ,-- ,-- 0 ~ lfl lfl lfl lfl lfl lfl lfl LL U r;: l'\:l .J:: U Q) ::E M 1:: 0 0 M m I.l) L() 0 0 N m m ,'V f'.. m ...... l'\:l f:;! om mcof'.. (!) ... ...- NN,-- ,-- ...- ,-- ,-- Q)-- lfl lfl lfl lfl lfl lfl lfl c..'V 0 'V f'.. (D N 0 0 0 N N 0 m M M I.l) f'.. m ..... f:;! 0 0 m CO f'.. (D (D 0 ,-- N N ..,-- ~ ~ ~............ ...... l'\:l ~ lfl lfl lfl lfl l:f7 lfl lfl ... Q) c.. w 0 ...J ~ :J r;: Cl fll W .,r;: U '" J: Q) 0 (D (!) '<:t (D f'.. f'.. CO u ::E 0 N m m '" I.l) f'.. . en f:;! om CO CO f'.. (!) L() >- ..- N...- ,-- ,-- ..- ,-- ~ lfl lfl lfl lfl lfl lfl lfl a:::: <( ...J <( en 'V m M N (D m 0 f'.. 0 f'.. N N '<:t f'.. m u f:;! m m COf'.. (!) I.l) I.l) r;: ,-- ...- ...... ...... ...- ...... ...- l'\:l -- lfl lfl lfl lfl lfl lfl lfl .,r;: v u Q) ::E ... 0 -;u ..... '" Q) M c.. 0 ...- f'.. M m I.l) m 0 0 ...- co CO or: M (D CO ~ mco f'.. f'.. (D I.l) '<:t ...... ...... ..- ...... ...- ...... ...... -- lfl lfl lfl lfl lfl lfl lfl v ....J <{ VJ 0 D- O a: ci D- (j) ci 0 ci ci z 1U E E E E 0 E Q 0:::0 co (D 'V E (!) z c..m '<:t M ':l N "@ :J cO .,J- ..- :0<: Oco N cO <.) I--'V '" N IJ... rr ::J u.I . <.) x , Z S <{ 0 " /d .' . . . City Council Agenda ~ 7/14/03 13. Consideration of acce tin annexation e ition for the 7 acre Witschen Marklin and Frie Parcel. (.10) A. REFERI<:NCE AND BACKGROlJND This item was carried over from the last me ting because the applicant was not able to be present at the Council meeting. Dan Frie, Tim Witschen, and Kurt Markling have submitted a petition for annexation of their narrow 7 acre parcel located between CSA 75 and the Freeway directly east of the 1-94 overpass. This parcel is bounded on the sou h by CSAH 75/Meadow Oaks neighborhood and on the north by 1-94. The parcel is virtually 'urroundcd by the City. The site is heavily wooded, thus serving as a freeway buffer 1'0 the Meadow Oaks neighborhood. It also has scenic value for the 1-94 corridor. No development plan has been provided in onjunction with the petition. The applicants informed me that they are analyzing various options but have not come up with a specific plan for development. The land use for this site i currently not designated by the city under comprehensive plan work completed in 199 . Under the previous land use plan prepared by the MOAA, the area was designated as open space. Prior to annexation of the site, it might make sense for the Planning Commission at d City Council to address the land use designation. Current access to the site is gained directly CSAH 75 which provides a direct connection to high traffic areas. In the future, according tc the MnDOT underpass plan, access will continue to be provided via "Old CSAH 75". Howev r, the route to the site will change significantly as CSAH 75 will no longer cross the freeway. ccess to the site will need to be provided via a service road extending roughly from CSAH 18/Eastview School. This change in access to the site is likely to impact possibilities for futur development. Under the preliminary plan for design of the new underpass, MnDOT has attempted to utilize only the existing 1-94 alignment, but it is po sible that a portion of the subject parcel will be needed for the project. The possible develo ment of a service road serving the Bruggeman area and points east that would be extended n the north side of the Freeway could result in the need to push the freeway alignment into the 'ubject parcel. The impact of the project on the parcel will not be completely known until th- State is further along in the review process. As with any petition for annexation, the Cit Council is asked to review the request relative to certain criteria. Is sewer and water service a ailable? Is there a development plan that has been reviewed and approved at concept leve? Is the proposed land use consistent with the comprehensive plan? With regards to sewer and water service, the site is currently not served. A feasibility study . . . City Council Agenda - 7/14/03 would need to bc prepared to detcrmine the est method and cost for providing service. Dcvclopment ideas have been discusscd by he developer, but a development plan has not been provided. In thc past, the City has not 'mnexed property via State Statutcs without verification of utility access or without City approval of a developmcnt plan. B. AL1'ERNATIVE ACTIONS 1. Motion to acccpt petition and call fo a public hearing on annexation of the subject parccl. Council should select this option if i believes that it is self evident that the site will be eventually annexed to the City and t at it makes sensc to get it ovcr with. Issues relating to land use and utility acces can be eventually resolved. 2. Motion to dcny acceptance ofpetiti n and direct the applicant to undertake a feasibility study and preparc a developmcnt pI' n for thc site. Development plan to incorporate potential need to realign neighborin road corridors. This alternative would hc consistent with action taken relative to other annexation requests and would require a bettcr nderstanding of the land use prior to anncxation. Under this alternative, Council coul wait to consider annexation until the following events occur: 1. Completion of necessary uti I ty studies. 2. Review of the land use plan or this site via update to the comp plan. 3. Completion of an acceptable development plan for the site. 4. Completion of transportatiOl planning that could affect the site. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION The City Administrator rccommends altern' tive 2. Although it appears self evident that the land will eventually bc annexed to the City, it m y make sense for the City to hold off on processing thc request until the land use for thc site is ettcr understood, and until thc road impacts on the site are better known. D. SUPPORTING DATA Copy of petition Site location map 2 " .' . ~ City of Monticello 505 Walnut Street Monticello, MN 55362 Re; Annexation Request As fee owners of the property describe below we request armexation into the City of Monticello. Further we request appropriate zoning for development utilizing city services. A copy of the survey of the property is attached. . Sincerely, : d;" r, A .},/ ~ ,'. i ,;~ \ . ---..'Vl']-- LX v C ..../ J ~J'~~ ~ t';:;) ,~ , \ . . ,/'-,1"1, / iU'l-!--u::.-r ..... VjV....( Timothy A Witschen Kurt J. Markling Daniel R. Frie Legal Description: The North Half of the Sout west Quarter and the Southeast Quarter of the Northwest Quarter all in Section 18, To hip 121, Range 24, Wright County, Mirmesota lying northeasterly of the northeast ight of way line of Wright County Highway No. 75 and southwesterly ofthe sout westerly right of way line ofInterstate No. 94. Containing 6.4084 acres and subject to ea ements of record if any. . 13 . f l' I ,( I,' , /;{.../ / i /' ~ I , j ("'1!!"7 ;1" I ~ / ./ / . ( , ( h'-I Ij./l/; -{), I J 7' c. I c~ 0 i id :.f~ "~< ! '..::.. "....., ",1 ('., 'J+.- t.,..; :;: .~ (11 i U " <' -' '-' ,> ~' . ~ n Memorial H' _ ~~!!wav 1<3 . . . 14. A. RE}'ERENCE AND BACKGROUND: Council Agenda 7/14/03 cifications and authorizin advertisement econstruction Pro' ect No. 2002-02C. The City Council is asked to approve plans nd specifications and authorize the ad for bid supporting the replacement ofapproximatel 700 feet of the River Street sanitary sewer. This project will increase capacity of the seer line to accommodate future modifications to the City's sanitary sewer system to the west. The project is being coordinated with improvements at the Big Lake Hospital site 0 minimize surface restoration costs. The cost of the improvements is being funded fr m the City trunk sanitary sewer funds. The project is proposed to be bid on August 1 at d awarded on August 11, 2003. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Motion to adopt a resolution approv ng plans and specifications, and authorizing advertisement for bids for improvel ents to the River Street sanitary sewer. 2. Motion to deny adoption ofresoluti n approving plans and specifications and authorizing advertisement for bids f, r improvements to the River Street sanitary sewer. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: The City Engineer recommends Alternative # I. Construction of the improvements at the Big Lake J lospital site have recently been i itiated. Approximately one-half of sewer improvement is located within the limits of he hospital site. Authorization to bid at this time wi 11 minimize costs due to surface rest 1ration. D. SUPPORTING DATA: Plans and specifications are available for re iew if desired. CIJ)()('(!MF-/ldmlnglrJ)CIL\-/Il(>IIII'Ugenda frelllll.doc . . . Counci I Agenda - 7/14/03 15. (WSB) A. Bids for the above referenced project were re eived at 10 a.m. on June 27, 2003. One bid was received by BuLlalo Bituminous, Inc. in the mount as follows: · Base Bid: $59,646.25 (Reali. nment of Prairie Road and River Street) · Alternate Bid: $29,964.00 (E tension of CSAH 75 Bypass Lanes) The engineer's estimates were: $46,627.00 nd $26,277.50 respectively. The city and county originally agreed to cost s are this project. With the recent budget cuts, the county has suggested reducing their contributio to the Alternate Bid item only, leaving the city to fund 67% ofthe cost. The county had also previ usly offered to provide the culvert materials. The county is viewing this project as a city streets il provement project, and theref(xe; only wants to participate in the county road costs. J1.. AL TERNA TIVE ACTIONS: 1. The (.~ouncil could award the p. roject (base and alternate bid) to Buffc:~lo Bituminous in ~ lheamoontof$89,610.25. (T~ f( ~ e{O ok.- -t- L~ hpJ:-v/.H ) The Council could award the base bi I to BuLlalo Bituminous in the amount of'1 II.- . $59,646.25 and allow the county to erform the alternate bid items with county mai ntenance crews. 2. 3. The Council could delay award orth project to further negotiate the cost share agreement with Wright County. 4. The Council could reject the bid. C. STAFF R~=COMMENDATION: It is the recommendation of city staff that the roject (base bid and alternate bid) be awarded to Buffalo Bituminous and have city staffcontinu to negotiate the cost share agreement with Wright County. This improvement is necessary and should be completed in 2003. I1.. SUPPORTING DATA: Bid Tabulation F \lilwllg\.\V(l1dpl(J...:\".\(;FNnA\\ll1\HlliC(~ll() l.:11l:il il~,Clld'l ilel11 Ivpd ...J - <( ~ ~ o - ~ <( ...J :J aJ <c ~ c - aJ . 'I~ ...~ J I'- I'- 6 ill ci z t5 Q) "e a. I!) I'- I <:( (/J o ro i'" Q) E c <1l OJ 0:: W ~ U5 W > 0:: TI <1l o 0:: Q) :S <1l a: Qj E <1l Z t5 Q) '0 a: '0 Q) ,. 'Q.; (j !':' '" :';2 .i;:, .... a <:: Q t> -5 e Q !':' t> <1l >< OJ <:: <1l '!'? '" ~ Ci5 oS .c 1': '" (j '" .i;:, !':' '" "" o C) .- N o o "l a. o 52 Q) ,~ c a :2 '0 ro (") C) C) "l ~' "l <1l c :> -, Ol c E Q) c. o "0 ffi o ..... c ,S!! o w Q) ,S c ill 2=' U u..i cL vi '" Q.; $ <i Q} m ~ Q) Q) c Ol c ill E <1l o o C:i ci z ., "" "" iii '" ci z ., "" "" iii ci z ., "" "" iii 3 '" ~ w 1'2 ~ ~ "OJ .ffi E: '" W ::;; ~ <.!l u: ~ u UJ ~ o u Vl ~ o [j Cl u .: ii " o E: 'e 2 iii o ~ ::> m ., :0 f2 'Ei o ... ., " ~ '" => ro o ... ., ,;! Ci. '" => '" o ... ., ,;! Ci. 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J'l '" .~ '" '" w :a l" '" '" f- ~ ~ .0, ! .:: '" W ::;; .. ,!,! a: 'i: => 1== L- >. is $ .;: => UJ ~ <.!l tI: Q ~ U UJ Q:: Q:: o U Vl ~ o ~ Cl iil <i: Vl W ...J => 0 w :I: <.l ~ 0 iii w > 0 f" D'i <t Z w a: 0 :;: w iii f- Z ...J W cr: <t Vl W + <t f- 0 en <( iii ci '" iri w z w w Vl ...J ...J ...J <t '" :;:J :;:J al :ii 0 0 ...J W W ~ :r; :r; ci 0 0 0 If) If) f- Z ...J <( 0 E I <t Z ~ f- f-I<t 0 2 a: I f- b . . . Ul City Council Agcnda-- 07/14/03 Chelsea Road West extension - Otter REFERENCE AND BACKGROlJND At a previous meeting of the city council, c uncil reviewed the proposed alignment of Chelsea Road and discussed the importance of establishment of the roadway along the alignment proposed. Council also was infor led that John Chadwick was attempting to plat his property for industrial/commercial evelopment but was unable to move forward because he was unable to acquire necessary ight-of~way currently owned by Denny Ilecker. As a result of the discussion, coun il concluded that placement of Chelsea Road along the proposed alignment was importan and council requested that Chadwick continue to negotiate with Hecker and if su 'h negotiations fai I, the city would consider utilizing eminent domain authority to aequi e the right-of-way. It is my understanding that Chadwick has agreed to fund the cost to acq ire the necessary right-of-way. It now appears that the two parties are not g }ing to strike a deal and thus council is asked to take the next step, which is to enter into a agreement with Chadwick identifying the terms associated with funding the eminent d main process and acquisition expense. If council continues to believe that the propos d alignment is desired and if council believes that Chadwick should fund the process and cquisition expense, then the steps should be outlined in the attached memo from the Cit Attorney should be followed. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS 1. Motion to direct staff to proceed wit initiation of the eminent domain process as noted by the City Attorney via the at ached memo. C ~~f \ J 1 ~) r ,1I1Q.."U) Motion to deny authorization to proc cd with eminent domain process. 2. Council should select this alternativ if city council no longer believes that there is a public benefit in acquiring the righ -of-way. ST AFF RECOMMENDATION If the city counci I believes that a public pur ose is served through extension of the right- of-way in the alignment proposed, then it sh mId select alternative I. Under this alternative the cost of acquisition would be L1nded by the developer. SUPPORTING DATA Memorandum from the City Attorney . . . MEMORA DlJ M From: To: Date: Re: Matt Brokl Bret Weiss July 9, 2003 Procedure for commencement of Emi ent Domain The following is an outline of one of he eminent domain processes. The process described herein is of the type in whicl a private property owner requests the time of a city improvement be expedited, and t at private property owner agrees to be responsible for all of the costs associated with 1e proceedings. CD The City and requesting par y enter into an agreement whereby the requesting party agrees to pay for the following items and places tl\e amounts required in an escrow account with the City: A. n. c. D. E. F. Cost of Appraisal Appraisal amount (ofTered t existing property owner) City costs and expenses incllding attorney's fees Court costs Court award including any s verance damages Costs and expenses awarded by the Court to the existing property owner. G) The City obtains an apprais 1. 61 The City then negotiates wi h the existing property owner, provides them a copy of the appraisal, and informs them of their right to obtain their own appraisal. 4. Twenty days after the appra sal has been presented to the existing property owner, and if direct negations fail, the City may then pass a resolution of condemnation and begin either the standard or JO day "quick take" process. 5. The matter proceeds to cour and appointment of commissioners who review the property and establish a value. Depending on the size of the property to be taken and nature of the proceedings, the time line can be as short as six months or a long as a couple of years. The quickest result is always the one achieved through direc negotiation. ~ ~ - '" \b . . ow ...:> ,~ ...:>~ W D. U", HW t-< :~ 7:0 OU "" "" '" l~. Lf1 U'J 0 '" '" :><0 U >-<> H , Ur.nO::: HO 00 ",.... "'''' U 0'" ...l...l Ul "'''' ,"'" 0:'" -co< 0 ,., ...:> 0 --- 0 H '" .... "'''' H --- ...:> .0 " '" :>. U'J '" '" ~ U '" U ",U'J W 0. Ul '" Ul H U .... '0 .co< '" H '" ":? 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U 0. ~ to '<C f/) Zlll E-<~ ..0 6 2: ..0 00 U '" "'....0 <('. ..0 r>l ...0 -w" r>l 0 "'....0 u:<:' <C '" ['J <( u'" '" '" <Co ..:l ...0 .... 0 0 1"-1 r-f'l.i:J.'~ CJ'\ i'5 '" '" ,.., <C "'...., 5 -5 ~ ~ Z E-< U,.. 0, r-i N'O 0 0 '" ~ <c-o '" '" , r-l'NN 1,0 \JjI E-< '" '" '" ......--..........----.--- -.--.--.----.-.... -------.--......".........-- avc."s -Towne Centre/Walnut Street Pro' cet. (R W) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: At the speeia] meeting with Vaughn Veit concerning Towne Centre project issues, Mr. Veit questioned why the paver crosswalk areas ere not extended further towards the sidewalk locations by the Community Center and his development. The City Engineer noted that this was not part of the original contract. but the Council asked that a cost estimate be obtained for adding these additional pavers. A quotation has been received from Martha er, the contractor on the original project, that places the cost at $800 per locations, or a total of $3,2 0 for the four spots. This appears to be very costly for the approximate four foot square panels teach ]oeation being quoted. This is mainly due to the fact that they would have to saw cut out the exposed aggregate sidewalk panels and the additional labor of putting in the angled pavers. The Council is being asked to determine whether you want to proceed with the installation of these additional paver areas for the cost of $3,200. I would ask that each Councilmember look at the locations to see whether you think these additional panels of pavers in lieu of exposed aggregate that is there now would actually be better for the money. I think the current transition from pavers on the crosswalks to the exposed aggregate panels, and then to the sidewalk is very attractive and the City would be better off spending the $3,200 for ther landscaping improvements in front of the liquor store or applying it towards the future electr nic reader board sign. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: I. Approve the change order to the Wa nut Street Project with Martha]er in the amount of $3.200 for the four sidewalk panels. 2. Do not authorize the change order. C. STAFF Rl~COMMENDATION: As noted above, I believe it is the staffs opi lion that the current exposed aggregate panels would not necessarily be enhanced by replacing th sc areas with brick pavers for the cost of the project. We are not sure where Mr. Veit got the idea that these areas were going to be brick pavers as our plans that were prepared and approved and' Iso used for bidding purposes did not have these areas dictated fCll" pavers. It is the recommendatio 1 of the City Administrator and City Engineer that the change order not be authorized. D. SUPPORTING DATA: None. .A WSB Memorandum & Associates, Inc. To: Honorable Mayor aJUI City C uncil City of Monticello From: Bret A. Weiss, P.E. City Engineer Date: July 10, 2003 Re: Trunk Highway (TH) 25 Traj) IC Issues WSB Project No.1 160-61 In response to the Council request to study the tra fie signals on TH 25, we have attached the following memorandum. The signals are contrail d by Mn/DOT and any changes must be addressed by their traffic stall It appears from ou visual analysis that the system is in need of additional timing or coordination. There is a con ict of interest between the City and Mn/DOT related to moving traffic through town versus acc mmodating side street traffic. We plan to share our observations with Mn/DOT to try to rea h some resolution. I am available to address questions at the meeting or at (763) 287-7190. Attachment sb ('. !.l()( 'r .'':\/1'.'../ dllll'll.'>: I ()( '...lI.S.' / /""'/111> O"7jIJ03_IIIJ/I'(' d(J( ~ WSB & Associates. Inc. To: Bret Weiss, P.E. City Engineer, Ci(v ofMonticelo From: Chuck Rickart, P.E., P.T.O.E. Traffic Enf:ineer Date: July 9, 2003 Re: TN 25 Traffic Operation Revie WSB Pn~iect No. 1160-611 Memorandum As you have requested, I reviewed the traffic operati n ofTJ-I 25 between Chelsea Road and County Road 11/14. I viewed the operation of the roadway etween 3:30 and 6:00 on Tuesday, July 8, 2003. My observations yielded the following comments: I. It appears that the traffic signal systems alon TH 25 are not currently coordinated, or are in need of timing updates. 2. ^ signi /lcant number of heavy trucks travel t rough this corridor, which slows down and/or blocks traffic at certain times of the peak ho r. 3. It appears that the timing of the 1-94 ramps is set to minimize backups on the ramps. This creates more delay on TH 25. 4. There arc a significant number of turning ve ides through the corridor, not only at the signalized intersections, but the unsignal ized intersections between 7lh A venue and CSAII 75/Broadway. 5. I conducted timing runs along the corridor to determine the amount of time it takes from Chelsea Road to C.R. 11/C.R. 14. The result. found that it takes between 4 and 6Y:- minutes to travel through the corridor. This translates into an average speed of 19.5 mph (4 minutes) to 12 mph (6Y2 minutes). Based on previous' bservations, Friday evenings arc even worse than an average day, such as Tuesdays. 6. With each timing run completed, I was either stopped or significantly slowed down at the CSAII 75/Broadway intersection. 7. It appears that the side street timing patterns (t the signalized intersections are not restricted. The delays on the side streets do not appear t be significant at this time. Based on my observations, I would recommend that a request be made to Mn/DOT to study this corridor and update the traffic signal timings for the c ordinated system. 'T'he traftic volumes on TI I 25 are at or nearing capacity during some situations. ithout increasing capacity (i.e., additional lanes), and ifit is the goal of the City to provide a fas er moving, more efficient TH 25 operation, the City should be aware that, as the result of increased e ticiencies on TJ-I 25, the side streets will experience additional delay. Also, restricting turning movements from TH 25 at unsignalized intersections during the peak hours may be a considention to improve the operation. If you have any questions on this short traffic operation review, please call me at 763-287-7183. ("',1 J()( '(.I,HF ..1',d<lllngI()( .,1/,.\' -/',Ii.'/I/j):,{rIOIJ3-hll\l'dI!C