HRA Minutes 06-06-1995 . . . MINUTES MONTICELLO HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY Tuesday, June 6, 1995 - 7:00 p.m. City Hall MEMBERS PRESENT: Chairperson Al Larson, Everette Ellison (tardy), Tom St. Hilaire, Brad Barger (tardy), and Roger Carlson. STAFF PRESENT: Ollie Koropchak. 1 . Q~LL..__'KQ_.ORD;:B..:..... Chairperson Larson called the HRA meeting to order at 7:07 p.m. 2. 90NSIDE~ATION TO APP~OVE THE MAY ~~t~95, HRl:Ll~LL.~U'I12~~. Tom St. Hilaire made a motion to approve the May 15, 1995, HRA minutes. Seconded by Chairperson Larson and with no corrections or additions, the minutes were approved as written. 3. CON~IDERATION TO ADOPT..A RE.$_QLUTION APPROVING 'I:..t!~MQPIFICATI.9J:L OF THE TIF PLANS ~OR TIF DISTRICT NOS. ~~..,:,::..!,",., rHROUQ!L..J...::) 9--,_ SPECIF~CA~.~Y_""_"".T1F _DI_$J.'RICT ..~9. 1.....19, ALL.., LOCATED___t{!..'!'l!I~ 8!;;1?_EVELOPMENf' P.li.Q}ECT NO.1. Having previously agreed to a $42,000 budget increase for TIF District No. 1--19, Tom St. Hiliare made a motion to adopt the resolution approving the modification of the TIF Plans for TIF District Nos. 1-1 through 1-19, specifically the Plan for TIF District No. 1-19, all located within the Redevelopment Project No.1. Brad Barger seconded the motion and with no further discussion, the motion passed unanimously. The HRA modified the budget to allow 90% of the tax increment to be spend on the senior housing project. Secondly, the 10% Administration provides dollars for HRA administration costs andlor allows the HRA the flexibility to pay the estimated HACA Loss to the City if for some reason, in any given year during the life of the district, the project does not meet the requirements of a "Qualified Housing District". 4 . Q.Q.~_~g!.~RA,!,_~gR__~O. ADOPT A RESOLUTION APPROVING THE ...J-=B_.:J;,y."~r.~u lSg_DEVELOPMENT CONTRA_Q-,!:_ BET~vEEN THE HRA..,L_.._I!:t;;..._9_IIXL__A~,12_ rR~~J3.YTE~IAN ->>or.1E~_IiOUSING AND ASSIS,!,ED J;!..IV1.:.~_CL-INC ~_L_'!:!.!~... g!{l'J~;!'!P E D LOW - IN COME H 0 Q. S I .N~S_9J1M.LTMJ~.NT ~G RE ~l'1F.;N'L.j)E '!:~~~~N__l'Hg,_ tlRA....blW PBM; _AND THE SQ~ORDI.NATION AGP~EEMENLN.:tQ~G_ THE HRA, THE CITY, AND THE TRUSTE~;._ In April, Director the HRA authorized its Chairperson and Executive to execute the Private Redevelopment Contract, Page 1 . . . HRA MINUTES JUNE 6, 1995 Extended Low'.Income Housing Commi tment Agreement, and the Subordination Agreement as outlined and subject to no major changes or surprises. Since the Monticello Senior Housing Alliance approved the transfer of Mississippi Shores ownership to Presbyterian Homes Housing and Assisted Living, Inc., Attorney Bubul and Koropchak agreed that constituted a major change. The HRA was informed of three major changes to the contract: New ownership, City agrees to construct the public improvemcnts and PHM agrees to reimburse the City for the public improvement costs 3D-days from receipt of invoice, and the HRA agrees to reimburse the City for any HACA Loss during the life of the district. Under the new ownership and the additional equity, the project cash f low is increased and rental t'ates are x'educed. Hi th additional guarantees, the % af upfront rental commitments is reduced thercbye allowing the project to proceed. PHM also provides expertise in the area of senior housing management. Brad Barger made a motion to adopt the resolution approving the Private Redevelopment Contract among the HRA, City, and PHM; the Extended Low-Income Housing Commi tment Agreement between the HRA and PHM; and the Subordination Agreement among the HRA, Ci ty, and Bond Trustee. Al Larson seconded the motion and wi th no further discussion, the motion passed unanimously. 5. gONSIDERATION OF A TIF LEGISLATIVE UPDATE AND rJi~_ A?..!:~BQYAL .1.Q_ WI_T_liDRAt"i M,QJ2.IFICATIOlL..9LJ'IF PLANS FOR TlLDI~TH...Ig_'L.E9~,:..-L-l_" :rHFiOUGH "_."t:~ As a result of the no Legislative action regarding pre-1990 TIF dollars and per the advised of Attorney Bubul, there was no immediate need to put a "qualified plan" or contract in place in order to lock-in the use of existing incx'ement meaning pre-1990 surplus TIF dollars. Korapchak reported, after the May HRA authorization, Administrator Wolfsteller was informed to retire the HRA (the "Borrower") loan of $90,678 at 8% interest rate for Lots 5 & 6, Block 3, OIP, to the City of Monticello (the "Lender"). Loan retirement payment from the TIF Surplus Fund. HRA members requested Koropchak verify that the transaction waG completed. Page 2 . . . HRA MINUTES JUNE 6, 1995 Tom St. Hilaire made a motion to withdraw the modification of TIF Plans for TIF District Nos. 1-1 through 1,-11. Everette Ellison seconded the motion and with no further discussion, the motion passed unanimously. The approved motion allows the HRA both f lexi bi 1 i ty and addi t ional time to consider the expenditure of the approximately $3.5 million dollars of TIF surplus dollars. 6. 90NSIDERATIQ_N OF A COST ESTIMATE FOR THE MpDIFICATION OF p_LA_r~s_. :[OR REDEVELQE~JlEl'!I.-r.!"WJECT NO. 1..JtND TI~ HRA members reviewed the letter submitted by PRG estimating the cost of modification, including notices, di:3tribution, resolutions, and cash flm'l analysis, in 15-20 hours of PRG professional staff time, or $1,350 - $1,800. PRG anticipated this cost to accommodate the modification of more than one district; however, suggested PRG be allowed to quote a price in advance. Under normal circumstances, Holmes & Graven should not be involved in a modification. This an informational item in response to a question by the BRA, no action was required nor taken by the HRA. '7 . . CONSIDERATION OF A LEGAL OPINION .FROM H.B:IL..ATT9RN~:LJ?11~Q.~~_ This an update of the request by the HRA for relating to the addition of a nineth criteria policies: The project shall be deemed community involvement and/or encourage local a legal opinion to the local TIF to demonstrate residency. Attorney Bubul will have a response for the HRA at the July meeting. No action was required nor taken by the HRA. 8. CONSIDERATION TO NOMINATE AND ELECT A VICE--CHAIRPERSON OF _ Tli~ HRA. -~- Tom St. Hilaire nominated Brad Barger for the Office of Vice Chairperson of the HRA. Al Larson seconded the mot ion and with no other nominations from the floor, nomination ceased. The motion passed unanimously electing Brad Barger as HRA Vice Chairperson. 9. OTHER BUSINESS. a) Consideration of monthly bills payment of the May 20 and 22, 1995, & Graven. The HRA authorized bi 11 illgS from Holmes Page 3 . . . HRA MINUTES JUNE 6, 1995 b) Copy of letter from Brad Larson - HRA members requested Koropchak telephone Brad as a follow-up to the letter. c} Other - none. 10. ADJOURNMENT. The BRA meeting adjourned at 7:30 p.m. o9~pc~~\~~ector Page 4