EDA Minutes 07-11-2018MINUTES REGULAR MEETING - ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY (EDA) Wednesday, July 11th, 2018 — 6:00 p.m. Mississippi Room, Monticello Community Center Commissioners Present: Steve Johnson, Bill Tapper, Jon Morphew, Tracy Hinz, and Jim Davidson Commissioners Absent: 011ie Koropchak-White and Lloyd Hilgart Staff Present: Jim Thares and Angela Schumann 1. Call to Order Steve Johnson called the regular meeting of the EDA to order at 6:00 p.m. 2. Roll Call 3. Consideration of additional agenda items None. 4. Consent Agenda - Item 4a through 4g BILL TAPPER MOVED TO APPROVE THE CONSENT AGENDA WITH THE REMOVAL OF ITEM G. JON MORPHEW SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED, 5-0. a. Consideration of approving Joint Cit_v Council -EDA Meeting Minutes — June 4, 2018 Recommendation: Approve the Joint City Council -EDA Meeting Minutes — June 452018 b. Consideration of approving Regular Meeting Minutes — June 13, 2018 Recommendation: Approve the Regular Meeting Minutes — June 13, 2018. c. Consideration of approving Special Workshop Meeting Minutes — June 13, 2018 Recommendation: Approve Special Workshop Meeting Minutes — June 13, 2018. d. Consideration of approving payment of bills Recommendation: Approve payment of bills through June 2018. It was noted that the Cuningham Group invoice ($7,000) would be recoded to the City Council and the Chamber lunches would be reviewed for correct coding. e. Consideration of Hazardous Materials Abatement and Demolition quotes — 255 East Broadway Decision 1: Asbestos Abatement Recommendation: Select Bergo Environmental, Inc. in the amount of $6,223 to remove and dispose of asbestos. Decision 2: Demolition Quote and/or Ash Removal Recommendation: Select Carlson Construction in the amount of $5,250 to remove burned buildings and foundation or select Schluender Construction Company in Economic Development Authority Minutes — July 11, 2018 Page 1 1 4 the amount of $7,500 for removal of complete buildings and foundation (if the Fire Department is unable to complete the fire training). C Consideration of Administrative Modification of Affordable Housing TIF District #1-40 Recommendation: Adopt EDA Resolution #2018-15 approving an Administrative Modification to the TIF Plan for Affordable Housing TIF District #1-40. g. Consideration of Contract for Private Redevelopment with Rivertown Residential Suites, LLC ITEM WAS REMOVED FROM THE CONSENT AGENDA. 4g. Consideration of Contract for Private Redevelopment with Rivertown Residential Suites, LLC Jim Thares indicated that the contract for private redevelopment was the final item for the affordable housing TIF district. The EDA and City Council approved the TIF district at the previous June meeting. Thares indicated that the project calls for a $785,000 worth of TIF assistance to Briggs Properties and $400,000 upfront financing assistance for underground parking. Briggs is required to provide 10 affordable units with tenants making less than 50 percent of the County median income ($47,150). Tammy Omdal noted the modification to the TIF plan and the agreement. Under the modified TIF Plan - and reflected in the Agreement — the amount of developer's cost subject to reimbursement was reduced from $862,000 to $785,000 because of reductions in project costs and the interest rate increasing to 5.5% over the term of the note. Omdal stated that the rate was reasonable because of market conditions. TRACY HINZ MOVED TO ADOPT EDA RESOLUTION #201.8-16 APPROVING A CONTRACT FOR PRIVATE REDEVELOPMENT BETWEEN RIVERTOWN RESIDENTIAL SUITES, LLC AND THE CITY OF MONTICELLO EDA AS RELATED TO AFFORDABLE HOUSING TIF DISTRICT #1-40. BILL TAPPER SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED, 5-0. 5. Consideration of Downtown Facade Improvement Grant Program and Downtown Frontage and Signage Grant Program Guidelines Steve Johnson noted that a workshop meeting was held prior to the regular meeting to discuss the Downtown Fagade Improvement Grant Program and Downtown Frontage and Signage Grant Program. It was discussed with minor adjustments and would likely be approved at the next regular EDA meeting in August. BILL TAPPER MOVED TO TABLE ACTION FOR ADDITIONAL DISCUSSION. MOTION CARRIED, 5-0. JIM DAVIDSON SECONDED THE MOTION CARRIED, 5-0. Economic Development Authority Minutes — July 11, 2018 Page 2 14 6. Consideration of Preliminary 2019 EDA Budget and HRA Lew Jim Thares asked for feedback of the proposed 2019 Special Benefit (HRA) Levy. In 2018, the EDA voted to set the levy at the maximum level of $323,000. The maximum levy for 2019 is $348,000 which is an increase of $25,000. Thares suggested that the EDA consider the maximum levy again in 2019 because of new efforts and programs such as the Downtown Fagade Improvement Grant Program, Downtown Frontage and Signage Grant Program, the proposed housing rehabilitation program, and potential acquisition of property in the downtown area. It was asked how the $348,000 value was determined. Thares confirmed that it was a percentage of the overall market value of property in the city. It was noted that in order for the EDA to receive the full projected levy in 2019, there would have to be zero delinquent property tax payments. A small amount of interest and a land lease are also minor revenue sources for the EDA. BILL TAPPER MOVED TO RECOMMEND TO CITY COUNCIL $348,000 FOR THE 2019 SPECIAL BENEFIT (HRA) LEVY. JIM DAVIDSON SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED, 5-0. 7. Director's Report Angela Schumann explained that staff is leading a new initiative in the downtown called "Downtown Rounds". The purpose of the meetings is to be an open forum with business and property owners in the downtown to talk about what's happening in the downtown. The first meeting would occur in August at Lucy Murray's Studio of Dance. Jim Thares provided the Economic Development Report. Thares followed up with detail about the MIF One -Time Exclusion Opt Out Program. The figures that MN -DEED approved as accurate were a total MIF FUND of $291,183. The 20% amount that is being returned to the State General Fund is $58,237. The balance being split 50-50 with the City is $232,946. Bill Tapper asked why the City Council would be given half of the money. Thares indicated it was a recommendation to the City Council that the City's 50 percent of the remaining funding, be dedicated to downtown improvement projects by the City Council, so in effect it is additional funds directed to the EDA's downtown redevelopment goals. Thares stated that an updated prospect list would be emailed to the EDA. One additional prospect was recently added to the list. Thares explained that the City's Arts Initiative was ramping up. The consultant is looking for a space to complete projects and would like to use the EDA property at 349 West Broadway. The consultant would like to begin using the building in August and the Park's Department would be responsible for the utilities and maintenance. Steve Johnson asked if the electric utilities were turned off. Thares confirmed that staff Economic Development Authority Minutes — July 11, 2018 Page 3 14 shut the services off in late May. Jon Morphew asked if a lease would be executed. Thares questioned if it was needed but would defer to the EDA if that is the desire. Davidson asked about the hazardous materials found in the building. Schumann stated that staff would talk to the EDA's Attorney about the lease and indemnification of the hazardous materials. Schumann recalled that most of the hazardous materials found in the building were non -friable and are safe if left undisturbed. Steve Johnson stated that if the Park's Department could bring the building up to a safe and sound condition, they could occupy the building. He further stated that it is important that if a lease is created that it includes a 30 -day notice of vacation of the property in case redevelopment opportunities came along. JIM DAVIDSON MOVED TO ALLOW THE USE WITH THE CONDITION THAT THE PARKS DEPARTMENT WOULD BE RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY INCREASED COSTS, THE CONTRACT WOULD SITPULATE THE BUILDING AS SAFE AND USEABLE AND AN ACCEPTABLE FIT FOR THE LAND USE. BILL TAPPER SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED, 5-0. 8. Adiourn BILL TAPPER MOVED TO ADJOURN THE MEETING AT 6:31 P.M. JIM DAVIDSON SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED, 5-0. 9. Closed Session - Consideration of recessing to closed session to develop or consider offers or counter-offers for the purchase or sale of real or personal property pursuant to Minnesota Statute 13D.05, Subdivision 3(c)(3). PID #155011000010, 155010031031,155010031010 Recorder: Jacob Thunander pzr Approved: August 8, 2018 Attest. Ji hares, Economic Development Director Economic Development Authority Minutes — July 11, 2018 Page 4 14