City Council Agenda Packet 09-25-2000 .......... .:a. '. -- /- AGE DA REGULAR MEETING - MON ICELLO CITY COUNCIL Monday, Septembe 25,2000 - 7 p.m. Mayor: Roger Belsaas Council Members: Clint Herbst, Brian Stumpf, R ger Carlson, Bruce Thielen 1. Call to order. 2. Approve minutes of regular council meeti g of September II, 2000. 3. Consideration of adding items to the agen a. A. tu~C.....t,4t.- pl'sblJ"S"II1"- - DO(;J"'frJ<.U"/ B. C. 4. Citizens comments/petitions, requests, an complaints. 5. Consent agenda. A. Consideration of approving new h res and departures for September for the Community Center. B. Consideration of resolution declar ng costs to be assessed. ordering preparation of asscssment rol\s and setting date f r public hearing to adopt assessments for various public improvement proje 'ts. 6. Consideration of items removed from the consent agenda for discussion. 7. Consideration of design ~lternati.ves forI /" o;uk W ~1f:~Lt'f wI c ou"'" ( '0 Consideration of increase in water rates, charges. 8. ounty Road 75 Improvement (Broadway) "'frJJ.e .- @ 51il (ftlOd@ ~r~) atcr hookup charges and water trunk area 9. Consideration of final payment Orchard oad Improvement, Project No. 2000-07C and Elm Street Sewer Extension, Project No. 2000-08C. 10. Approve payment of bills for September. II. Adjourn ~.i ..::....... _llllllf:;\"'-"'~'~'l.~ ~.,,~ ,-.:::::~~_~.....i._. -'._,:-L.~: . r. . MIN U I;:S REGtJLAR MEETING - MON ICELLO CITY C01JNCIL Monday, September] t, 2000 - 7 p.m. MelTlbers Present: Roger Belsaas, Roger:arlson, Clint Herbst, Brian Stumpf and Bruce Thielen. Members Absent: None Mayor Belsaas called the meeting to order at 7 p.m. me! declared a quorum present. 2A. A rove minutes of Au ust 28 2000 bud BRIAN STUMPF MOVED TO APPROVE HE MINUTES OF THE AUGUST 28, 2000 BUDGET WORKSHOP MEETING. CLIN HERBST SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 3. Consideration of addin items to the a 28. A rove minutes of Au ust 28 2000 re ROGER CARLSON MOVED TO APPRO T': THE MINUTES OF THE AUGUST 28,2000 REGULAR MEETING. BRUCE THIELE SECONDED TIlE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. Rick Wolfste1ler reminded the council ofth IDC banquet being held on September 261h. John Simola informed the Council that the 1 ft turn signal project on TH 25/CSAH 75 was scheduled to start on September 12th. Clint Herbst asked that an update on the hike park and a discussion on using commercial parking 1 )ts for used car sales be covered at this meeting. 4. Kathy Parker, 9597 Mill Trail Lane, spoke equesting additional street lights for that area. John Simola indicated that placement of str et lights in the cuI-de-sacs are optional and additional lights beyond what is installed ould have to be petitioned for by 50% of the property owners. He indicated that he was 10t aware that any of the lights that were supposed to be installed were not but he would chcc into it. 5. Consent A1;enda A. Consideration of a request f()r a ClP for new and used automobile/light truck sales and display in the B-3 District. Ap Jlicant: Jacob Holdings of Monticello LLC (Denny Hecker's Automotive Group.) Rec mmendation: Approve the Conditional Use Permit for Monticello Dodge in ac ordance with the conditions noted on Exhibit Z of the agenda item. -', ..1.. - --- :..:..._"-,,,~.~.,~ .~.. . . " Council Minutes - 9/11/00 B. Consideration of prcliminary plat for ight-of-way and commerciaJlots known as the 90th Street Addition. Recommendati n: Approve preliminary and tinal plat based on a finding that it is consistent with the eve!opmcnt plans for the area as described in the Comprehensive Plan, approve the joint resolution supporting annexation contingent upon Municipal Board ap r(wal; approve transfer of former right-of-way to adjoining landowners and approve the rezoning from AO to B-3. C. Consideration of an ordinance amending the Monticello Zoning Ordinance, Chapter 3, Section 3~5, [D] 7, by adding subseet (ms (a) and (b), establishing regulations for commercial vehicles in residential dL triets. Applicant: City of Monticello, City Council. Recommendation: Appr ve the ordinance amendment. D. Consideration of an amendment to a lanned unit developmcnt in a B-3 District to allow the expansion of an auto sales nd storage lot. Applicant: Dave Peterson's Monticello Ford. Recommendation. Approve the amendment to the planned unit development in a B-3 District to a110 the expansion of an auto sales and storage lot contingent upon completion of items noted in Exhibit Z included in the agenda. Brian Stumpf asked that Item #5C be remov d from the consent agenda and Clint Herbst asked that Item #5D be removed from the a enda. BRUCE THIELEN MOVED TO APPROV THE CONSENT AGENDA WITH TilE REMOV AL OF ITEMS #5C AND #5D. 13 IAN STUMPF SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 6. Consideration of items removed from the consent 1u!enda for discussion. Hem #5C _ Brian Stumpf asked what prom ted the proposed ordinance amendment and if the concern was about vehicles in excess of 90 0 Ibs parking on the street or being parked in the driveway. It was explained that parking in the street was governed by the City's tralIic ordinance and parking in the driveway was 'overed by the Zoning Ordinance. The vagueness in the ordinance in specifying the type of v hicle the ordinance applies to makes enforcing the ordinance difficult. [t was recommended t at clarifying the type of vehicle the ordinance applied to would make the ordinance more nforceable. Brian Stumpf stated that it didn't seem appropriate that while the City tries h. encourage business, the City won't allow people to park a business vehicle in their own driv way on property that they pay taxes on. 1 Ie noted that there are a number of people wh se business vehicle is their personal vehicle and the vehicle is used on a daily .basis. Dick F 'ie, Planning Commission Chairman stated that when the Planning C0111lnission conducted he hearing on the proposed amendment, they did not receive any input from the public. Jolll Simola informed the Council that there is no overnight parking any streets for trucks of' certain weight. There arc signs posted noting these restrictions. The signs are specific al d enforceable. The Council felt that the staff should investigate this more thoroughly an 1 bring it back to the Planning Commission. 2- . . f Council Minutes - 9/1 l/OO BRIAN STUMPF MOVED TO DENY THE )RDINANCE AMENDING MONTICELLO ZONING ORDINANCE, CHAPTER 3, SECrION 3-5,lD17, BY ADDING SUBSECTIONS (A) AND (B), AND ESTABLISHING REGl LATION FOR COMMERCIAL VEHICLES IN RESIDENTIAL DISTRICTS. CLINT HER S1' SECONDED Tl-IE MO'I'ION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. Item #5D _ Clint Herbst stated that this had een thoroughly discussed by the Planning Commission. The question of the banners a d whether they could be considered as directional signs and also the size of the ban ers had been addressed. The banners are in violation and one of the conditions listed in t 1e PUD approval was to bring the signage into compliance, .lefT O'Neill stated the banners 'ould be considered bona fide directional signs in that they are far offthe road. The Council also discussed the bonding requirements for the landscape work on the project and settin a date for having the banners removed. BRUCE THIELEN MOVED TO APPROV THE AMENDMENT TO THE PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT IN A B-3 DISTRI :T TO ALLOW THE EXPANSION OF AN AUTO SALES AND STORAGE LOT CO TINGENT UPON COMPLETION OF ITEMS LISTED BELOW AND WITH THE BANN:RS BEING REMOVED BY DECEMBER 1, 2001. IF TllE OTHER CONDlTIONS OF lIE PUD APPROV AI. HAVE NOT BEEN MET THE EXTENSION FOR THE REMOVAl, F THE BANNERS IS VOID: I. Installation of additional trees ,md/or estahlishm nt of a 5' sethack between eurb and property line udjacent to the day eare eenter in ,leeordance with the huffer yad requirernellts. Approval of the grading and drainage plan by th City Lngineer. ^pproval of the lighting plan by the lluilding 0 tkial. Removal of the used car banners not identified i the original sign system. Instidlation of screening slats within the chain Ii k fence to screen the storage area. Payment of trunk sanitary sewer, water and stor 1 sewer fees as required by City polil:Y. Completion dute of l)el:ember 1, 2000. 2. 3 4 5. 6 7. ROGER CARLSON SECONDED THE M TION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 7. Consideration of resolution ado tin City Administrator, Rick WoIfsteller, brief] reviewed the preliminary budget and tax levy. The levy amount can be reduced from the reliminary levy but the preliminary levy cannot be increased. The preliminary budget fund d needs of $585,000 more than last year. After the budget workshop this amount was cut fi om $585,000 to $300,000. Rick Wolfsteller sU111lnarized the areas of reduction and exp ained how the surplus from 1999 could be used f(n' funding some of the proposed budget item". He also noted that a separate park dedication fund had been established. Bruce Thielen asked about the $40,000 funcling for diseased trees and whether this amount could be cut. Clint erbst suggested before cutting that budget item, an inventory of diseased trees should be done first. Rick Wolfstel1er stated that tax funding for diseased tree budget iten1 had stopped 3-4 ears ago and the $40,000 is what is left from the previously levied amounts. J Ie noted that eforestation was included in this amount as welL 2- . . . Council Minutes - 91ll /00 BRLJCE TlnELEN MOVED TO ADOPT TIlE PREUMINAR.Y BUDGET AND TAX LEVY AS MODIFIED WITH THE ADDITI N OF $29,200 FOR ADDITIONAL POLICE COVERAGE MAKINC] TlfE PRELIMINA Y LEVY $5,067,342, APPROXIMATELY 6.9(Yr) MORE IN DOLLARS THAN LAST EAR AND TO SET TI~lE DATES FOR TI-IE PUBLIC IIEARINGS ON THE BUDGET A' REQUIRED BY LA W. CLINT IIERBST SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION C RRIED UNANIMOUSLY. Duane Gate from Monticello Community Ed leation spoke to the Council requesting that prior to setting a final levy they would consider continued funding for Community Ed and the YMCA program. He also expressed his app eeiation for the City's support in the past for these programs. John Young, a resident on Gillard A venue, e pressed his concern about the number of hours of police protection stating his belief that for a rapidly growing community, the police protection was at almost a subsistence level. Bruce Thielen took issue with the description of the level of service as subsistence noting tha you could have a patrol car on every street but it still does not mean that people wouldn't spe d or that crime wouldn't occur. 8. Public Hcarin - Consideration of resolut on authorizin a tax rate increase. If the City's levy amount results in an inere se in the tax rate, state law requires the City to hold a public hearing and pass a resolution a lthorizing the tax rate increase. At this time it is not known whether the amount being levied by the City will result in a tax increase but it would be prudent to pass the resolution eve though it may turn out not to be needed. Mayor Belsaas opened the public hearing. ill Fair asked what the Council's priorities were in establishing the budget. Clint Herbst res onded that they were trying to operate the City without overtaxing the residents. Bill Fair a so asked about funding for the improvements to the library. Bruce Thielen indicated that th library improvements would be an item that would be discussed at future budget worksh )ps. Mayor BcIsaas then closed the public hearing. CLINT HERBST MOVED TO ADOPT T E RESOLUTION INDICA TING TEAT A TAX RATE FOR THE 2000 LEVY, COLLECTI LE IN THE YEAR 2001 MAY BE HIGHER THAN THE TAX RATE LEVIED FOR 20 O. BRUCE THIEl,EN SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANI OUSLY. 9. Public Hearin - Vacation of casement - 'edar Street Americlnn) City Administrator, Rick Wolfsteller explai ed that a number of years ago the City had vacated a portion of Cedar Street but had re ained utility easement rights. The AmericInn Motel was built and a portion of the structu e I ies on II' of the 40' easement the motel had acquired. The title company expressed con 'ems about having a structure on right-of-way that the City could utilize for casement purpose.. . :L ...- -- --- ".~ ---,--, -~-~.-- -, ,.- . . , 10. Council Minutes - 9/11/00 Mayor Belsaas opencd the public bearing. 0 one was present who spoke for or against the proposed vacation. Mayor Belsaas then ch'ed the public hearing. BRUCE THIELEN MOVED TO ADOPT RESOLUTION VACATING THE UTILITY EASEMENT FOR THAT PORTION Of C ,DAR STREET THAT LIES UNDERNEATlI THE AMERICINN MOTEL HOlLDING rn I THE CITY RETAINING '1'1 IE UTILITY EASEMENT RIGHTS TO TIlE BALANC OF VACATED CEDAR STREET FROM 7TIl STREET TO 1-94. BRIAN STUMPF SEC NDED TIlE MUrION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSL Y. Consideration of acce tin revised terms f sale for the former .Ferrell Gas site. Jeff O'Neill summarized the new proposal hHn Silver Creek Real Estate Development. The major change to the proposal is that Sil er Creek will pay for Y2 the cost of constructing a parking area between the library and the r ilroad tracks. Silver Creek will also pay $60,000 for site improvements such as lighting, cros '-walks, pavers, etc. Jeff O'Neill indicated that although the City doesn't have a firm cost e timale for the site improvements, $60,000 would go a long way towards completing these im rovements. The Council discussed the proposal noti ng that it was uncertain if the City woull get a bctter offcr if they went out on the open market, nor was there any assurance that an ther developer coming in would include the residential clement in their proposal. -('he c nsensus of the Council was that the Silver Creek development fit nicely in with what is in th area and it would put the property back on the tax rolls. However, it was suggested that a clause be added to the purchase agreement setting a time frame for the proposal as the Council D It it was important to tie the purchase in with a building time. CLINT HERBST MOVED TO APPROVE THE TERMS Of '1'HE SALE AND AUTHORIZE STAFF AND DEVELOPER TO PROCEED INCLUDING A PROVISION PROVIDING FOR A STARTING DATE ( F NOT LATER THAN JUNE 1,2001 TO DEVELOP TIlE STRUCTURES ACCOR ING TO AN APPROVED PLAN. BRUCE THIELEN SECONDED TH[,: MOTION. OTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 11. Review and discussion of 0 tions for reb Public Works Dircctor, John Simola revie ed the proposal with the Council and stated that the County had moved up the project from 002 to 200 I and is planning to improve County Road 75 from Washington Street to Otter Creek. This project would totally replace the surface of the road, possibly adding left tur lanes into Pinewood Elementary, change the access from CSAH 75 to the baJlfields by Pinewood, and possibly change the entrance to the West Side Market. The County is in favor f channelization which would result in closing off some streets to cross traiTic. These streets ould likely bel1ennepin, Wright and Palm on the east and Linn, Minnesota and Vine on the est. John Simola would like to have an informational meeting on this project befor the next council meeting. Clint Herbst questioned the closing off streets to cross tr ffic and asked if that had been the County's recomrnendation. John Simola stated that i was the recommendation of the task force. L . . . " Council Minutes - 9/11/00 BRUCE TIIlELI.:N MOVED NOT TO MAKE A SELECTION AS TO WHETI-IHR TO IIA VI<: DESIGNATED LEFT TURNS orz N )T BUT TO INSTRUCT THE CITY STAFF AND COUNTY TO lIOLD A PUBLIC INFORMATIONAL MEETING PRIOR TO Tl-IE COUNCIL MEETING ON SEPTEMBER 2 TII AND BRING THAT INFORMATION BACK TO THE CITY COUNCIL SO THA TilEY CAN MAKE A DETERMINATION AS TO WI-fIClI DESIGN TO FOLLOW. CLIN" HERBST SECONDED 1lIE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSL Y. Roger Carlson who was on the task force sta ed that although the proposed changes to the roadway seem radical, they are good change, and should improve the safety since CSAIl 75 is one of the busiest roadsi n thc county. As part of this project, the City is looking at ossibly replacing some ofthc utility lines in the project arca. John Simola had gotten quotes from a number of firms for thc televising the utility lincs so the City could determine if th y needed to be replaced. A copy of the quotes was submitted to the Council. .lohn Simola ecommended that Infratech from Rogers be awarded the work based on their price of $1 ,473. He added that there is no money budgeted for this work. BRIAN STUMPF MOVED TO APPROVE rHE QUOTE FOR TELEVISING THE UTILITY LINES l;ROM INFRATECH OF OGERS IN THI': AMOUNT OF $10,473.00. ROGER CARLSON SECONDED THE M( TION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 12. Previously the Council had authorized an oCer of $130,000 for the property. The counter oiTer did not result in a change in the price 1 ut rather consisted of removal of certain items from the property as noted in the purchase a Treement. Bruce Thielen asked if it was the plan of the City to pursue other properties in the rea when they came on the market. While he agreed the site may be needed for storage h also felt the acquisition of property in this area should follow a plan. BRUCE THIELEN MOVED TO ACCEPT THE TERMS OF THE PURCHASE AGREEMENT FOR PROPERTY LOCAT D AT 324 5lH STREET OWNED BY JAMES M. AND KAYE A. EISELE AND LEGAL Y DESCRIBED AS: LOT 1, BLOCK 12 AND LOT 5, BLOCK 11, EXCEP]' THE NORT WESTERLY 23 FEET AS MEASURED AT A RIGFfT ANGLE FROM THE NORTHWE. TERLY LINE OF LOT 5; AND FURTHER AUTlIORIZING THE CITY ADMIN 1ST TOR TO ENTER INTO THE LEASE AGREEMENT WITlI MR. EISELE ACC - RDING TO ITS TERMS AND CONDITIONS AND TO DIRECT THE 3T AFF TO COM BEFORE TIlE COUNCIL WITH A PLAN FOR TI IE ENTIRE AREA AND ALTERNATI ES FOR THE COUNCIL TO LOOK AI'. BRIAN STUMPF SECONDED THI~ MocIION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 2 . . . Council Minutes - 9/11100 13. C,QJlsideration of adopting an ordinan(,:e e, tablishilw a Communit ' Center Advisor Board. Bruce Thielen stated he felt it was important to have this board in place so that there is a body to assist the Council in decision making rega ding the community center and the activities within. The Council discussed the makeup of the five member board. The Council felt that Bob Murray and Harvey Kendall should ser e the three year term on the board, and the third position would be held by a representative 1'1' m the senior citizens center. Another position on the board would be held by either the Ma or or a Couneilmember. It was not clear from the proposed ordinance whether the position hel by thc electcd city official would bc a voting position. Clint Herbst suggested that perhap' a high school studcnt should be appointcd as an ex-officio member serving a one year term. BRUCE THIELEN MOVED TO ADOPT l' IE PROPOSED ORDINANCE ESTABLISHING THE MONTICELLO CO MUNITY CENTER ADVISORY BOARD WITH THE FOLLOWING CHANGES: 1) HE POSITION IIELD BY THE ELECTED CITY OFFICIAL WOULD BE A VOTING POSITION; 2) APPOINT 1\ IllGH SCHOOL STUDENT TO SERVE AS AN EX-OFFICIO MEMBER TO BE APPOINTED ON AN ANNUAL BASIS. ROGER CARLSON SE ,ONDED TIlE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSL Y. Items Added for Discussion: Bike Park: Kitty Baltos, Community Center Direct r, provided preliminary information on the cost of constructing a bike park. 'rhe cost is estimated a $30,000-$35,000 not including the concrete pad. A 6" concrcte pad, 7500 sq. 1'1. in area would add an' thcr $15,000-$20,000 to the cost. Kitty Baltos pointed out if the bike ramp is a Tier II park it must bc fenced and monitored. Parking Lot Use: The Council discussed the practi e of business parking lots being used to display cars for sale on the weekends. It was suggested tha the stall contact the businesses regarding this practice. 14. Approve pavment of bills for September. BRIAN ST1JMPF MOVED TO APPROVE PAYMENT OF THE BILLS. BRUCE THIELEN SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION C RRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 15. Adiourn. BRUCE THIELEN MOVED TO ADJOUR AT 9 P.M. CLINT HERBST SECONDED TIlE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UN. NIMOUSLY. -..""'- "'.--- .--."..--..,.-."..,-.- Recording Secretary '2- . . . -. SA. Consideration of a Center (RW or KB) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: Council Agenda - 9/25/00 de Htrturcs for Se tcmbcr for the Communitv The Council is asked to ratify the hiring of ew employees that have occurred recently at the Monticello Community Center. As you rec 11, it is recommended that the Council officially ratify the hiring of all new employees inclu ing part-time and seasonal workers. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Ratify the hiring of the six part-time employees for the Community Center identified on the attached list. C. SUPPORTING DATA: List of new part-time employees. . NAME Angela Liljedahl Phyllis Berckhemer Travis Liljedahl Lindsey Klein Harry Evans Trevor Link Daniel Sieg . . NEW EMPLOYE ES Title Childcare Attendant Guest Service/Pool Attendant Pool Attendant Life Guard Custodian Pool Attendant Skate Park Attendant ..--. __n_.__ Department MCC MCC MCC MeC MCC MCC MCC Hire Date 09/06/2000 08/3012000 08/2912000 08/31/2000 09/1612000 09/09/2000 09/0512000 -~ Class PT PT PT PT PT PT PT SA -~-~. .......'. NEW EMP QYEES . Name Title Department Hire Date Class Jones/Thomas R Lifeguard/Guest Svc Comm Center 8/10/00 PT Hindermann/Ed L Custodian Comm Center 8/14/00 PT Angela Liljedahl Child Care Attendant MCC 9/6/00 PT Phyllis Berckhemer Guest Services MCC 8/30/00 PT Travis Liljedahl Pool Attendant MCC 8/29/00 PT Lindsey Klein Life Guard MCC 8/31/00 PT . . new employee cc list.xls: 08/15/2000 Council Agenda - 9/25/00 . 5B. Consideration of resolution declal"in costs to be assessed orderin .lre Jaration of assessment rolls and settin J date for ubrc hearin to ado t assessments for various public improvement projects. (RW) A. REFKRENCE AND BACKGROUND: The City Engineer is in the process of comp eting proposed assessment rolls for various improvement projects we have initiated ove the past few years. The bond sale financing flJr these projects require that assessments be ce 'titled to the County Auditor for collection on next years taxes by November 30th. In order to eet this deadline, a public hearing should be established by the City Council for consider tion of adopting the assessment rolls for the various projects listed below on the October 23rd council meeting. The projects that have been completed or ar nearing completion that will have special assessments against bene1itting propel'ty incude the following: . 96-04C - Highway 25 Impr vement 98-17C - CSAH 75 Improv ment . 98-08C - Chelsea Road Eas Improvement 98-l3C - Walnut Street Imp 'ovement . 98-25C - Chelsea Road We t (Grovel and) Improvement . 2000-07C - Orchard Road In provement . 2000-08C - Elm Street Sewe Extension The Orchard Road Reconstruction and the Elm Street Sewer and Water Extension Project assessments are being prepared by city staff while the other projects are being finalized by our consulting engineer. One additional assess ent will also be certified this fall for the Th Street Extension Project that serviced the St. Hem's and St. Benedict's property. An assessment hearing is not required for the Th Street Proj et as the church had originally waived the public hearing process. At this point, the Council is asked to set the public hearing for the assessment roll adoption at the regular meeting of October 23rd. Two eeks published notice is required along with mailing individual proposed assessments to ach property owner affected by the various projects. In order to meet this deadline, theouncil would need to set the hearing date Monday night. B. ALTERNATIYI;: ACTIONS: 1. Adopt the resolutions for each of th improvement projects declaring the costs to be assessed, and setting the public hear ng for October 23rd. . 2. Do not set the public hearing at this ime. . . . Council Agenda - 9/25/00 c STAFF RI~COMMENDATION: Since our bond sale financing anticipates sp cial assessments to be levied by the end of this year, it is recommended that the assessment learing be set for our regular council meeting October nrd. The City Engineer is complet'ng preparation of the amounts to be assessed on each project and will have this information (-vailablc Monday night. It is the recommendation of the City Administrator that the public hearing be set for this date in order to ensure that the assessment rolls can be certified to the eoun y auditor by the deadline, November 30th. D. SUPPORTING DATA: Resolutions . RESOLUTION 0.2000-70 RESOLUTION DI~CLARING COST TO BE ASSESSED, ORDERING PREP ARA TION OF PROPO ED ASSESSMENT AND SETTING HEARING ON P OPOSED ASSESSMI~NT TRUNK HIGHWAY NO. 25 IMPROVEMENT PROJECT N . 96-04C WHEREAS, costs have been determined for the im rovement of the Trunk Highway 25 corridor from 1-94 by construction of street improvements, traffic ignal installation and other necessary appurtenances and the contract price for such impro ement is $_____ and the expenses incurred or to be incurred in the making of such improvemen amount to $____ so that the total cost of the improvement will be $ ._.,,_._J" NOW TIIEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF MONTICELLO, MINNESOT A: 1. The portion of the cost of such improve men to be paid by the City is hereby declared to be $_____ and the portion of the cost to be assessed against benefitted property owners is declared to be $______ 2. Assessments shall be payable in equal annu 1 installments extending over a period of _.- years, the first of the installments to be pay,ble on or before the first Monday in January, 2001 and shall bear interest at the rate of 6.0% pe annum from the date of the adoption of the assessment resolution. . 3. T'he City Administrator with the assistance fthe City bngineer, shall forthwith calculate the proper amount to be specially assessed for s lch improvement against every assessable lot, piece or parcel of land within the district affected, without regard to cash valuation, as provided by law, and the City Administrator shall fi Ie a opy of such proposed assessment in his otTice for public inspection. 4. The City Administrator upon the compIctio 101' such proposed assessment, notify the City Council thereof. 5. A hearing shall be held on the 23rd day of ctober, 2000 in the City J lall at 7 p.m. to pass upon such proposed assessment and at such time and place all persons owning property affect by such improvement will be given an Opportl nity to be heard with reference to such assessment. 6. The City Administrator is hereby directed t cause a notice of the hearing on the proposed assessment to be published once in the offi ial newspaper at least two weeks prior to the hearing, and shall state in the notice the tot 1 cost ofthe improvement. He shall also cause mailed notice to be given to the owner of e ch parcel described in the assessment roll not less than two weeks prior to the hearings. . 7. The owner of any property so assessed ma ,at any time prior to certification of the assessment SB . . . to the county auditor, pay the whole of thc as 'Cssment on such property, with interest accrued to the date of payment, to the City, except thd no interest shall be charged if the entire assessment is paid within 30 days from the a option or the assessmcnt. He may at any time thereafter, pay to the City the entirc am unt of the assessment remaining unpaid, with interest accrued to Decelnber 31 of the year i) which such payment is made. Such payment must be made before Novcmber 15 or interes wi 11 be charged through December 31 of the succeeding year. Adoptcd by the Monticello City Council this 25\h da of September, 2000. ATTEST: -,~.,_.,-""--"--"._-'-"'-_.,-'--'~~ Rick Wolfsteller, City Administrator -.-...,--...-.".-..--..-...-....-..- Roger Belsaas, Mayor SB . . . RESOLUTION NO. 2000-69 RESOLUTION DECLARING COST TO BE ASSESSED, ORDERING PREPARATION OF PROPOSKD ASSESSMENT AND SETTING HEARING ON P OPOSED ASSESSMENT CSAlJ 75 IMP OVEMENT PRO.lECT N . 98-17C WHEREAS, costs havc been determined for the im. rovement of County State Aid Highway (CSAH) 75 fi'om Hennepin Street to the CSAII 39/18 interse tion by the construction of streets, utilities and appurtenant improvements and the contract price 1'0 such improvement is $_~_ and the expenses incurred or to be incurred in the making 0 such improvement amount to $ so that the total cost of the improvement wi II be $ ..__ NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY T H~ CITY COUNCIL OF MONTICELLO, MINNESOTA: 1. The portion of the cost of such improvemen to be paid by the City is hereby declared to be $ and the portion of the cost to be assessed against benefitted property owners is declared to be $ -- 2. Assessments shall be payable in equal annu I installments extending over a period of years, the first of the installments to be paya_1c on or before the first Monday in January, 200 1 and shall bear interest at the rate 01'7.0% pe annum from the date of the adoption of the assessment resolution. 3. The City Administrator with the assistance fthe City Engineer, shall forthwith calculate the proper amount to be specially assessed for s Ich improvement against every assessable lot, piece or parcel of land within the district affected, without regard to cash valuation, as provided by law, and the City Administrator shall file a opy of such proposed assessment in his oiIice for public inspection. 4. The City Administrator upon the completiOJ of such proposed assessment, notify the City Council thereof. 5. A hearing shall be held on the 23rd day of 0 tober, 2000 in the City /-lall at 7 p.m. to pass upon such proposed assessment and at such time nd place all persons owning property affect by such improvement will be given an opportu ity to be heard with reference to such assessment. 6. The City Administrator is hereby directed t( cause a notice of the hearing on the proposed assessment to be published once in the offic al newspaper at least two weeks prior to the hearing, and shall state in the notice the tota cost of the improvement. lIe shall also cause mailed notice to be given to the owner of ea'h parcel described in the assessment roll not less than two weeks prior to the hearings. 7. The owner of any property so assessed may, at any time prior to certification of the assessment 5b . . . to the county auditor, pay the whole or the as,. essment on such property, with interest accrued to the date of payment to the City, except tha no interest shall be charged if the entire assessment is paid withi n 30 days from the al option of the assessment. He may at any time thereafter, pay to the City the entire a1110 lIlt of the asseSSlnent remaining unpaid, with interest accrued to December 31 of the year ir which such payment is made. Such payment must be made before November l5 or interes will be charged through December 31 of the succeeding year. Adopted by the Monticello City Council this 25th da of September, 2000. ATTEST: -....--..-.".--...-.......-.--...-.".-..'.-..- Rick Wolfsteller, City Administrator --"._,.,'--,._"_..,"_.,-'''~'''-''- oger Belsaas, Mayor sr~ . . . WHEREAS, costs have been determined for the im rovement of Chelsea Road East ti-om Cedar Street to County Road 117/0akwood Drive by the installa ion of sanitary sewer, watermain, storm sewer, streets and all other appurtenant work and the contr ct priee for such improvement is $489,403.75 and the expenses incurred or to be incurred in the makinr of such improvement amount to $- so that the total cost of the improvement will be $ RESOLUrJON 0.2000-68 RESOLUTION DECLARING COST TO HE ASSESSED, ORDERING PRJ~PARATION OF PROPO 'I~D ASSESSMENT AND SETTING HEARING ON P OPOSED ASSESSMENT CHELSEA ROAD EAS IMPROVEMENT PROJECT N ). 98-08C NOW TIJEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY T E CITY COlJNCIL OF MONTICELLO, MINNESOTA: 1. The portion of the cost of such improvemen to be paid by the City is hereby declared to be $ __ and the portion of the cost to be assessed against benefitted property owners is declared to be $_ Assessments shall be payable in equal annu' 1 installments extending over a period of __._ years, the first of the installments to be paya Ie on or before the first Monday in January, 2001 and shall bear interest at the rate of 7.0% pc annum from the date of the adoption of the assessment resolution. 2. 3. The City Administrator with the assistance fthe City Engineer, shall forthwith calculate the proper amount to be specially assessed for s lch improvement against every assessable lot, piece or parcel ofland within the district affected, without regard to cash valuation, as provided by law, and the City Administrator shall file a opy of such proposed assessment in his office for public inspection. 4. The City Administrator upon the completio of such proposed assessment, notify the City Council thereof. 5. A hearing shall be held on the 23rd day of 0 tober, 2000 in the City Hall at 7 p.m. to pass upon such proposed assessment and at such time nd place all persons owning property aflect by such improvement will be given an opportu ity to be heard with reference to such assessment. 6. The City Administrator is hereby directed t cause a notice of the hearing on the proposed assessment to be published once in the official newspaper at least two weeks prior to the hearing, and shall state in the notice the tot, 1 cost of the improvement. He shall also cause mailed notice to be given to the owner of e' ch parcel described in the assessment roll not less than two weeks prior to the hearings. 7. The owner of any property so assessed may at any time prior to certification of the assessment i)b . . . to the county auditor, pay the whole of the' ssessment on such property, with interest accrued to the date of payment to the City, except t 1at no interest shall be charged if the entire assessment is paid within 30 days from the doption of the assessment. Fie may at any time thereafter, pay to the City the entire an ount of the assessment remaining unpaid, with interest accrued to December 31 of the year in which such payment is made. Such payment must be made before November 15 or inter st will be charged through December 31 of the succeeding year. Adopted by the Monticello City Council this 25\h d y of September, 2000. ATTEST: Rick Wolfsteller, City Administrator Roger Belsaas, Mayor s~ . . . RESOLUTION 0.2000-67 RESOL1JTION DECLARING COST TO BE ASSESSED, ORDERING PRF:PARATION OF PROPO 'ED ASSESSMENT AND SETTING HEARING ON P OPOSED ASSESSMENT WALNUT STREE EXTENSION PROJECT N . 98-13C WHEREAS, costs have heen determined for the im rovement of Walnut Street from 6th Street north to the railroad tracks by the installation ofhituminous aving, concrete curb and gutter, parking improvements and other appurtenant work and the c mtract price for such improvement is $ and the expenses incurred or to be incurred in the m king of such improvement amount to $__~__ so that the total cost of the improve lent will be $____._ NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY T E CITY COUNCIL OF MONTICELLO, MINNESOTA: 1. The portion of the cost of such improvemen to be paid by the City is hereby declared to be $__._ and the portion of the cost t he assessed against henefitted property owners is declared to he $ ,.-...--..-'.-'.'- 2. Assessments shall he payable in equal annu 1 installments extending over a period or ---- years, the first of the installments to be pay: ble on or before the first Monday in January, 2001 and shall bear interest at the rate of 7.0% pe annum from the date of the adoption of the assessment resolution. 3. The City Administrator with the assistance l' the City Engineer, shall forthwith calculate the proper amount to he specially assessed for , Hch improvement against every assessable lot, piece or parcel of land within the district affected without regard to cash valuation, as provided by law, and the City Administrator shall file a 'opy of such proposed assessment in his oHlce for public inspection. 4. The City Administrator upon the complctio 101' such proposed assessment, notify the City Council thereof. 5. A hearing shall he held on the 23rd day of ctober, 2000 in the City l-Iall at 7 p.m. to pass upon such proposed assessment ,md at such time and place all persons owning property affect by such improvement will be given an apport nity to be heard with reference to such assessment. 6. The City Administrator is hereby directed to cause a notice of the hearing on the proposed assessment to be published once in the offi'ial newspaper at least two weeks prior to the hearing, and shall state in the notice the totil cost of the improvement. He shall also cause mailed notice to be given to the owner of e ch parcel descrihed in the assessment roll not less than two weeks prior to the hearings. 7. The owner of any property so assessed ma , at any time prior to certification of the assessment Sb . . . to the county auditor, pay the whole of the a"'sessment on such property, with interest accrued to the date of payment, to the C:ity, except th t no interest shall be charged if the entire assessment is paid within 30 days from the a loption or the assessment. He may at any time thereafter, pay to the City the entire am unt of the assessment remaining unpaid, with interest accrued to December 31 of the year i 1 which such payment is made. Such payment must be made before November 15 or intere t will be charged through December 31 orthe succeeding year. Adopted by the Monticello City Council this 25th da of September, 2000. ATTEST: Roger Belsaas, Mayor Rick Wolfsteller, City Administrator 5B . . . RESOLUTION 0.2000-66 RI~SOLLJTION DECLARING COST TO BE ASSESSED, ORDERING PREP ARA TION OF PROPO 'ED ASSESSMENT AND SETTING HEARING ON P OPOSED ASSESSMENT CHELSEA ROAD WEST (FROM SA DBERG ROAD TO 90TH STREET) AND PHASE 1 OF GROV LAND SlJBDIVISION PROJECT N . 98-25C WHI~REAS, costs have been determined for the im rovement of Chelsea Road West from Sandberg Road to 90th Street by the construction of hituminou' streets with concrete curb and gutter, sanitary sewer, watermain, storm sewer and appurtenant imp 'ovements including the construction of pond outlets and trunk improvements for Phase I of the (i- oveland Subdivision and the contract price for such improvement is $____and the expe ses incurred or to be incurred in the making of such improvement amount to $___ so that the total cost of the improvement will be $ NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY l' E CITY COUNCIL OF MONTICELLO, MINNESOT A: 1. The portion of the cost of such improvemen to be paid by the City is hereby declared to be $ __-- and the portion of the cost to be assessed against benefitted property owners is declared to be $ _.____v_ 2. Assessments shall be payable in equal annu 1 installments extending over a period of --- years, the first of the installments to be pay, Ie on or before the first Monday in January, 2001 and shall bear interest at the rate of6SXl pe annum from the date of the adoption of the assessment resolution. 3. The City Administrator with the assistance fthe City Engineer, shall forthwith caleulate the proper amount to be specially assessed for s lch improvement against every assessable lot, pieee or parcel of land within the district affected, without regard to cash valuation, as provided by law, and the City Administrator shall file a opy of such proposed assessment in his office for public inspection. 4. The City Administrator upon the eompletio 1 of such proposed assessment, notify the City Council thereof. 5. A hearing shall be held on the 23rd day of October, 2000 in the City Hall at 7 p.m. to pass upon such proposed assessment and at such time and place all persons owning property affect by sueh improvement wi II be given an opportu lity to be heard with reference to sueh assessment. 6. The City Administrator is hereby directed t cause a notice of the hearing on the proposed assessment to be published once in the offi ial newspaper at least two weeks prior to the hearing, and shall state in the notice the tot' 1 cost of the improvement. He shall also cause SB . . . The owner or any property so assessed may, It any tilDe prior to certilication of the assessment to the county auditor, pay the whole of the assessment on such property, with interest accrued to the date of payment, to the City, except th t no interest shall be charged if the entire assessment is paid within 30 days from the a option of the assessment. He may at any time thereafter, pay to the City the entire am unt of the assessment remaining unpaid, with interest accrued to December 31 of the year i 1 which such payment is made. Such payment must be made before November 15 or intere t will be charged through December 31 of the succeeding year. 7. Adopted by the Monticello City Council this 25th da of September, 2000. AITES"l': Rick Wolfstellcr, City Administrator -",.,_.,._"".._""_._,,,.~,.-"~- Roger Belsaas, Mayor SB . . . RESOLUTION 0.2000-64 RESOLUTION DI~CLARING COST TO In: ASSITSSED, ORDl~RING PREPARATION OF PROPO _'ED ASSESSMENT AND SETTING HEARING ON PROPOSED ASSESSMl~NT ELM STRI~~ET SEW ~R EXTENSION PROJECT NO. 2000-08C WHEREAS, costs have been determined flJr the im rovement of Elm Street by the extension of sanitary sewer and watermain from 60 feet south of ' eve nth Street approximately 460 feet to the Montieello RV Center (1101 Elm Street) and the co tract price for sueh improvement is $ and the expenses incurred or to be ineurred in the m king of such improvement amount to $ . ~_.___ so that the total cost of the improve I ent wi II be $ NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY T E CITY COUNCIL OF MONTICELLO, MINNESOTA: 1. The portion of the cost of such improvement to be paid by the City is hereby declared to be $ __ and the portion of the eost to be assessed agai nst benefitted property owners is declared to be $ 2. Assessments shall be payable in equal annm installments extending over a period of _ years, the first of the installments to be paya Ie on or before the first Monday in January, 2001 and shall bear interest at the rate of 6,51% per annum from the date of the adoption of the assessment resolution. 3. The City Administrator with the assistance 0 the City Engineer, shall forthwith calculate the proper amount to he specially assessed for slch improvement against every assessable lot, piece or parcel of 1and within the district affected, ithout regard to cash valuation, as provided by law, and the City Administrator shall file a c py of such proposed assessment in his office for public inspection. 4. The City Administrator upon the completion of such proposed assessment, notify the City Council thereof. 5. A hearing shall be held on the 23rd day of 0 ,tober, 2000 in the City Hall at 7 p.m. to pass upon such proposed assessment and at such time end place all persons owning property affect by such improvement will be given an opportUl ity to be heard with reference to such assessment. 6. The City Administrator is hereby directed to cause a notice of the hearing on the proposed assessment to be published once in the oHicial newspaper at least two weeks prior to the hearing, and shall state in the notice the total cost of the improvement. He shall also cause mailed notice to be given to the owner of ea h parcel described in the assessment roll not less than two weeks prior to the hearings. 7. The owner of any property so assessed may, at any time prior to certification of the assessment to the county auditor, pay the whole of the a 'sessment on such property, with interest accrued to the date of payment, to the City, except th'lt no interest shall be charged if the enti re S2 . . . assessment is paid within 30 days fron1 the a option of the assessment. He may at any linle thereafter, pay to the City the entire am unt orlhe assessrnent rernaining unpaid, with interest accrued to December 31 of the year in which such payment is made. Such payment must be rnade before November 15 or intere, t will be charged through Decernber 31 of the succeeding year. Adopted by the Monticello City Council this 25th da of September, 2000. ATTEST: Rick Wolfsteller, City Administrator Roger Belsaas, Mayor t)~ . . . Rli~SOLUTION 0.2000-65 RESOLUTION DECLARING COST TO BE ASSESSrCO, ORDERING PRI~P ARATION OF PROPO ED ASSESSMENT AND SETTING HEARING ON PI OPOSED ASSESSMENT ORCHARD ROAD I PROVEMENT PRO.,gCT N( .2000-07C WHEREAS, costs have been determined for the im rovement of Orchard Road between 1-94 and County Road 75 West by the removal of existing bi uminous surface, regarding of the road bed and shoulders, replacement of Class V, installation of a Y2" bituminous surface and all necessary appurtenant work, and the contract price ten' such il provement is $ __- and the expenses incurred or to be incurred in the making of such im rovement amount to $_._______ so that the total cost of the improvement will be $_ __ NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY T E CITY COUNCIL OF MONTICELLO, MINNESOT A: 1. The portion of the cost of such improvemen to be paid by the City is hereby declared to be $_ and the portion of the cost to be assessed against benefitted propeliy owners is declared to be $ 2. Assessments shall be payable in equal anml' I installments extending over a period of_ years, the first of the installments to be paya Ie on or before the first Monday in January, 2001 and shall bear interest at the rate of 6.5% pe annum from the date of the adoption of the assessment resolution. 3. The City Administrator with the assistance f the City Engineer, shall f(Jrthwith calculate the proper amount to be specially assessed for s lch improvement against every assessable lot, piece or parcel of land within the district affected, without regard to cash valuation, as provided by law, and the City Administrator shall file a opy of such proposed assessment in his office for public inspection. 4. The City Administrator upon the completiOl of such proposed assessment, notify the City Council thereof. 5. ^ hearing shall be held on the n'd day of 0 ,tober, 2000 in the City Hall at 7 p.m. to pass upon such proposed assessment and at such time nd place all persons owning property affect by such improvement will be given an opportu ity to be heard with reference to such assessment. 6. The City Administrator is hereby directed t cause a notice of the hearing on the proposed assessment to be published once in the offic'al newspaper at least two weeks prior to the hearing, and shall state in the notice the total cost of the improvement. He shall also cause mailed notice to be given to the owner of ea h parcel described in the assessment roll not less than two weeks prior to the hearings. 58 . . . mailed notiee to be given to the owner of ean parcel described in the assessment roll not less than two weeks prior to the hearings. The owner of any property so assessed may, t any time prior to certification of the assessment to the county auditor, pay the whole of the a sessment on such property, with interest accrued to the date of payment, to the City, except th t no interest shall be charged if the entire assessment is paid within 30 days from the a option of the aSSeSSlTlCnl. He may at any time thereafter, pay to the City the entire am unt of the assessment remaining unpaid, with interest accrued to December 31 of the year in which such payment is made. Such payment must be made before November 15 or intere t will be charged through December 31 of the succeeding year. 7. Adopted by the Monticello City Council this 25th da or September. 2000. ATTEST: -.,.--...., ..... .-,,_.", Rick WolrstelIer, City Administrator Roger Belsaas, Mayor 56 . . " Council Agenda - 9/25/2000 7. Consideration of desiol1 alternatives f r the reconstruction of CSAH 75 from Washington Street to Otter Creek. (J.S.) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROIJND: At the last council meeting, City stall presented it formation regarding the county's proposal to replace the surfacing on CSAl I 75 from Washingt n Street to Otter Creek Road. Two alternates were discussed; one leaving the road virtually in act to its original 1960 design, and the other replacing the existing median with a median capabl of designated left turns to improve safety. This design would eliminate parking in those areas wh eh it is installed and limit the access of some existing streets to right in/right out. It would also be proposed that the islands created between the left turn lanes be sodded and eventually planted witl trees, lighting and irrigation for watering ofthe grass and trees. Thus, improving the overall look of Broadway and having a quieting effect on traHic. The City Council is being asked to consider the inp t fi:om the citizens at the informational meeting held previous to this agenda item, and the reeo mendations of the Wright County Highway Department, City Engineer, Monticello Communit Partners, the Design Advisory Team, and City staff, ~md make decisions as to which path the City ill follow for the next several decades in regard to Broadway. It is assumed that the cheapest thing to do is to (ll1ow the existing design. While the cost of constructing the new median are similar to the cost. of constructing a parking lane in relation to the City's cost, the addition of trees, lights and irrigat on on the unpaved portion of the medians will increase the City's cost. It is assumed that under ither scenario, the expected cost for watermain replacement and upgrade of sanitary sewers will b similar. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. The first alternative would be to select the c nstruction of a new median for channelized \eft turns at selected intersections. Those intersections which may have limited access in the future would be Hennepin, Wright, Palm, Linn, Minnesota and Vine. However, the final determination would be made during the d sign of the new roadway and further input from the Council upon final plan approval. 2. The second alternative would be to choos the existing design. It is assumed that by using the existing design the downtown improv ments for left turns at 1'.11. 25 and other safety considerations could be incorporated into he existing system. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: The staff recommendation is to reconfigure the n edian for channelization of left turns at selected busy cross streets to include green areas for trees, ights and irrigation as originally proposed in the . . . Council Agenda - 9/25/2000 Monticello Comprehensive Plan of March 1996, al d reallirmed in the downtown study, as well as documented hy recommendations ofthe PlanningC( mmission,engineers and other advisory groups. We would hope that the citizens comments can e incorporated into the design and the design 1110ditied and changed to lessen any negative im act that the proposed construction has on the individual property owners along Broadway. It 1m y not be practical, however, to have designated left turns at every intersection and leave full access or every street while still carrying the theme of green space, trees and lights through the corridor. D. SlJPPORTING DATA: No further cost information is being offered at this t me as we have not completed our investigation ofthe water or sanitary sewer/storm sewer systems. We have roughly determined that if we replaced all of the old watermain from Chestnut Street to ashington Street the cost could be in excess of $300,000. We are, therefore, considering water rat, hookup and area assessment charge increases to help cover some of the costs of the replaceme 1t of this watermain on Broadway and future replacements, as well as those improvements alrea y in the future plans (i.e., Well 5 pump house, water tower and trunk extensions). Attached is a s atement from the Design Advisory Team. . . . Statement from the Design Advisory Team to the Monticello City Council at the Public Informational meeting Monday September 25, 000, 5:30 pm. The Revitalization Plan, prepared in 1997 and adopted into the Comprehensive Plan in 1998, recommends certain changes to Broadway to calm tr c, enhance pedestrian safety, and beautifY the roadway. In the issue of calming traffic, this proposa allows for two drive lanes rather than one as stated in the Plan. It is unfortunate for two lanes of raffic may not have the same calming effect as one. However, if this is deemed necessary by th traffic engineers to manage the volume it is acceptable. It becomes important then to address p destrian safety. There are several specific ways that can be ac omplished. First 30 mile per hour speed limit should be enforced. Second the pedestrian cross alks need to be clearly marked and should be designed in such a manner as to be noticed by drivers. Suggestions would include: crosswalks made from brick pavers or colored concrete, or crosswalks ply painted green would help. The state law requiring motorists to yield to pedestrians in a cross alk needs to be enforced as well. The 20 foot median gives ample opport nity for a city beautification project. The Revitalization Plan suggests the character of Bro dway to be like a parkway with tree lined boulevards and a planted median. It will be necessary hen to provide an irrigation system to maintain whatever is planted in the median. Trees are the ob . ous choice for the median but other plantings should not be ruled out. While these improvements to Broadway are a big change, the Design Advisory Team agrees they can add distinctive character to Monticello. Th y may even be a boon for the economic health of the city. Steve Berg, a journalist for the Minneap lis Star Tribune says it best when he wrote an article about Chicago's downtown beautification pr "ect. In his article "Chicago Shows What Can Happen When a City Strives for Beauty" he says, ". . . . aesthetics aren't the only point here. Most of urban America now understands the synergy between art and economics. between beauty and prosperity" In a knowledge-based economy, cities strive to attract the best and rightest as never before - and attractive cities have a clear advantage in the competition." Monticello has an opportunity here to get a leg up n the competition. Businesses and industries looking for a new home may be truly impressed by onticello's main street. The motion passed unanimously by the Desi n Advisory Team reads as follows: Whereas the revitalization plan directs that Broadwa: streetscape be completed Whereas the opportunity has presented itself throug an accelerated County Plan Then the project move fOlWard as currently de igned, including lighting. pedestrian safety, landscaping trees and irrigation And that any infrastructure improvements found t be necessary, not be allowed to affect the streetscape funding, as infrastructure improvements eed to be completed regardless. Therefore, the proposed improvements for Br adway from Washington Street on the east to Otter Creek on the west have the support of the Des gn Advisory T earn, ......~"-""7 { --_._----_.~~~,.;-~-----~...:..-'""'"'-- - . . . Council Agenda - 9/25/2000 x. Consideration of increase ill water use ates water availability chan!es. (J.S.) A. RKFERENCE AND BACKGR01JND: While looking at the proposed future improveme ts to the city's water system such as Well 5, pumphouse and generator, water tower and land, an proposed watenl1ain trunk extensions, as well as the now proposed replacement of a portion or all of the 1940's watermain along Broadway, we felt it was important to look at the current user rate' and fees for water compared to our needs and the fees from other communities. The city's water 'ystem for the past four years has been running quite efficiently in regard to the revenue versus e penses. Generally speaking, the revenue has exceeded the expenses by an average of $5,000 eac year. We have, however. added ffi1 additional employee and water booster station which will run' n the red f()r a few years unti I enough homes are built in the boosted pressure zone to support it. In addition, we would like to put a portion of the rates away in a fund for a portion of the cost of replacement watermain to reduce the amount assessed. We, therefore, would like to increase th water rate by 10%. The current water rate is $0.45 per 100 cu. n. or $0.60 per 1,000 gallons. By reviewing the enclosed water rate survey conducted by the Public Works Secretary, it can e seen that this is the lowest rate around. We would propose increasing the minimum rate to $8 25 per quarter and the general usage rate from $0.45 to $0.50 per 100 cu. ft., or $0.67 per 1,000 g lIons; still the lowest rate by far. This increase will generate approximately '26 000 in additional evenue er car. Next we propose to increase the water hookup cll' rge (water access charge) from $525.00 per I" residential service to $625.00, an increase of 19%. The water access charge would increasc by this same percentage for the larger service lines. Assu 11ing 200 units per year, this would produce an additional $20,000 per year. This could be more or less depending upon the economy. For the area assessment or trunk water charge, the current rate is $950 per acre. We did not include those in our water rate survey as they are greatl dependent upon the needs of the individual communities. The trunks fee analysis completed in arch of 1999 by WSB & Associates shows that a hookup fee 01"$500 per house and a proposed wat I' trunk fee 01'$905 per acre, that the fund would be in the red from 2005 to 2014, and would requir debt transfers of a quarter of a million dollars for many of those years. Increasing the trunk fee w uld raise an additional $6,000 per year for each $100 increase based upon the projected 60 acres p r year of development. The actual increase per acre should be based upon additional study and th council's desire to minimize the levy in future years. StaiTis of the opinion that the trunk fees sl ould be raised above the usual 4% per year and we should notify developers of a proposed inereas to take effect January I, 200 I, while we study the issue further. While even significant increases won't crase the b llance transfers needed in future years while the funds are in the red, it does provide some additiona sources of revenue to reduce levy requirements or so that the council could consider using some 0 'these funds for a portion of the replacement of watermains in addition to the projected projects. Council Agenda - 9/25/2000 . Lastly, we would like the council to consider increa". ing the water availability which has been at $12 per year as long as we can remember. crhis charge is charged to those people who have access to city water but have chose not to hook up to it. At $12 er year, it does not appear to be an incentive to hookup and we would like to increase the fee to lore reflect the actual cost of the managing the accounts which are computed manually each year. There arc 24 units receiving the $12/year water availability charge as they have not yet hooked up t city water. By doubling the charge to $24/year we would increase our revenue by $288.00 but stil probably not be a strong incentive to hook up to city water. B. AL TERNA TIVE ACTIONS: I. The first alternative is to increase the water rate by 10%, the water hookup charge by 19[%, and notify developers of a pending inereas in the water trunk fee assessment and increase the water availability charge by doubling it effective January 1,2001. 2. The second alternative would be to not incr ase the rates as outlined above or to increase the rates as recommended hy the City Council. C. STAFF RI~COMMENOATION: . It is the staff recommendation that the City Counc'l approve the increase as outlined in alternative # 1. We feel additional money wi II he needed to do he future improvements and this can help lessen the amount to be assessed to our citizens for water re .Iacements, Additional information ofthe trunk fees can be brought forward in late October. D. SUPPORTING DATA: Copy of water rate survey, Copy of water fund rev nue versus expenses from 1996 to 1999. Copy of cash flow analysis water trunk fee from the Mar h 5, 1999 report 011 the trunk fee analysis, Copy of 5-year plan fiJr capital improvements for the w' tel' system. . . CITY OF MON ICELLO WATER RATE SURVEY 2000 BIG LAKE 3,637 $4.25 serv. c g. $1.04/1,000 g I. NON RESPON IVE ~--,'_. -.'-" NON RESPONSIVE NON RESPONSIVE ...__,,",._".,._.,.._,u__.,"._.". BUFFALO 7,722 $2.35/1,000 g I. $750.00 $76.00 (for the first 100,00 gallons) $2.15/1,000 gal. th reafter ."._,,_ ._,_ *minimum $2 .OO~~_.~___--- DELANO 2,945 $6.45/1st 3,00 gal. $2,200.00 $145.00 ,,___'~'- ..~: 15/1,900 gaL the~eafter__. ___._..._n____ --- ELK RIVER 12,811 $4.44 serv. c g. $300.00 $66.00 . MAPLE GROVE 43,542 - $90~; ~ ~ '; ~~~~O a~1I0ns + $1 ,05~;~;oc:nn fee. $110.00- $0.90/1,000 gal. t ereafter $7.50/ 0 - 500 u. ft. OR $7.50/ 0 - 3,7 0 GAL. $0.45/100 cu. ft. t ereafter __" OR $0.60/1,000 GAL. HEREAFTER 57,391 $0.70/1,000 al. (for 0 - 12,500 g lions) $0.80/1,000 al. (for 12,501 - 35,00 gallons) $1.50/1,000 al. --.J!or over 35,~,OO allons)__ $8.25/first 5,0 0 gal. ----.!?:50/1 ,,000 gl:!1. t er_eafte~_. $1.20/1,000 al. (for first 10,000 allons) ~~ .50/1 ,000 gal. her~fter .... MONTICELLO 5,527 PLYMOUTH S1. BONIFACIUS 1,192 WAITE PARK 5,476 . $525.00 $108.05 .,,,~,_..,,,_. --",,-'. $630.00 $131.00 _0"'.-."'--'.--- .."u_.."._n' $650.00 $225.00 ____,__... .__,n____. $500.00 $182.50 ..-,."-,.,.,.-,,,.--.,"-..".'.--'. ~ . WATER FUND REVEUE VS. EXPENSE REVENUES 1996 1997 1998 1999 User Fees $213,136 $231,22 $261,124 $263,769 Penalties $1,579 $1,23 $1,363 $1,237 Rent $0 $ $0 $0 Refunds $0 $ $0 $0 TOTAL REVENUE. $214,715 $232,451 $262,487 $265,006 ..... EXPENSES Salaries $78,153 $92,99 $97,104 $104,740 Tel, Sup, Gas & Oil $35,909 $62,94 $62,523 $75,140 Utilities $47,915 $40,21 $49,177 $44,256 R & M $452 $5,92 $4,704 $1,421 Professional Fees -- $10,347 $6,47 $16,587 $3,937 C.O. & C.A. $0 $ $0 $0 Property Tax $0 $ $0 $0 Insurance $11,185 $10,25 $8,911 $7,964 Mise, Travel, Conf $14,990 $15,83 $18,023 $24,649 TOTAL EXPENSE!i $198,951 $234,63 $257,029 $262,107 jlf~lfI11tt1~lilirIIl~~ttf:ttitW(ttf~~t~111tl[tIII~l}f:r:tttlII~l~ili~fulili HUlllflnW1N11'1NWnH11mtthWwaWttp (Over) Under $15,764 ($2,18 ) $5,458 $2,899 tt@~~jr~~j~~~~~~t:~~~~~tm~t~I~~~~~*;mill~;mm~~tf:~m~rft@tI~~1[~~~[~~t1ttt~I~~~?1fl~ttl~~tmj;~ili~11W (~t~fltm~~r~~:~~~rrfl~~*j~~~~~t%ttilittl1f&~~~tI~;*W~~~~~~~~~ Running Balance $15,764 $13,57 $19,036 $21 ,935 C\ 123R4W1REWSEXPWK': 09/21/2000 --..-. -- n__"._.__ -- ~ . . . Cash Flow Al1alysis Water Trun~ Fee City of Montic ello WSB Project No.1 01 0.97 Beginning Balance $0 Annual House 101 Hook up Fees $500 per house Annual Acres , ' 60 Proposed Trunk Fee $905 per acre Annual Fee Multiplier 4.00% Water Trunk Fund Annual Year Description i Expenditures Debt Service i Trunk Main ook Up Fee Trunk Fee Balance Debt Transfer Beginning Balance $0 $0 1999 $0 \ $40,000 $50,500 i $54,300 i $64,800 $0 2000 Well and Pump house i $515,000 $50,000 \ $41,600 $52,520 i $56,472 i $82,192 $0 2001 10 year bond @ 6% I $63,194 i $43,264 $54,621 l $58,731 \ $89,086 $0 2002 And $100K Cash $63,194 [ $44,995 $56,806 ! $61,080 i $98,784 $0 2003 $63,194 \ $46,794 $59,078 i $63,523 ! $111,397 $0 2004 Water Tower $2,086,693 $63,194 i $48,666 $61,441 I $66,064 l $127,043 $0 2005 10 year bond @ 6% $346,775 ! $50,613 $63,899 i $68,707 \ ($137,740) ($137,740) 2006 ~ $346,775 i $52,637 $66,455 1 $71,455 1 ($399,242) ($261,503) 2007 i $346,775 1 $54,743 $69,113 1 $74,313 ! ($657,334) ($258,092) ~ 2008 \ $346,775 I $56,932 $71,877 \ $77,286 i ($911,879) ($254,545) 2009 $346,775 i $59,210 $74,752 i $80,377 ! ($1,162,734) ($250,855) 2010 Well and Pumphouse $553,694 $346,775 i $61,578 $77,742 i $83,592 I ($1,409,753) ($247,019) . 2011 10 year bond @ 6% $358,829 i $64,041 $80,852 i $86,936 I ($1,664,834) ($255,082) 2012 $358,829 \ $66,603 $84,086 1 $90,413 i ($1,915,766) ($250,932) 2013 $358,829 i $69,267 $87,450 ! $94,030 l ($2,162,382) ($246,616) 2014 $358,829 ! $72,038 $90,948 l $97,791 j ($2,404,509) ($242.127) 2015 , $75,247 l $74,919 $94,586 i $101,703l ($2,358,387) $46,122 2016 $75,247 I $77,916 $98,369 1 $105,771 ! ($2,307,410) $50,977 2017 $75,247 $81,033 $102,304 1 $110,002 ! ($2,251,384) $56,026 2018 $75,247 $84,274 $106,396 1 $114,402 i ($2,190,107) $61,277 2019 $75,247 $87,645 $110,652 ! $118,9781 ($2,123,370) $66,738 2020 Well and Pumphouse $744,118 $75,247 $91,151 $115,078 i $123,737 i ($2,050,952) $72,417 2021 10 year bond @6% $101,126 $94,797 $119,681 I $128,687 i ($1,998,507) $52,445 2022 $101,126 $98,589 $124,468 i $133,834 i ($1,939,919) $58,588 2023 I $101,126 $102,532 $129,447 ! $139,1871 ($1,874,943) $64,976 2024 $101,126 $106,633 $134,625\ $144,755 ($1,803,322) $71,621 2025 $101,126 ! $110,899 $140,010 i $150,545 ! ($1,724,792) $78,530 2026 $101,126 l $115,335 $145,610 ~ $156,567 ! ($1,639,075) $85,717 2027 $101,1261 $119,948 $151,435 l $162,830 ! ($1,545,885) $93,190 2028 $101,126 ! $124,746 $157,492 ! $169,343 ~ ($1,444,922) $100,963 2029 Well and Pumphouse $970,905 $101,126 i $129,736 $163,792 ! $176,116l ($1,335,875) $109,047 2030 10 year bond @ 6% I $233,072 i $134,925 $170,343 i $183,161 i ($1,350,368) ($14,493) 2031 $131,946 i $140,322 $177,157\ $190,4881 ($1,254,992) $95,376 2032 $131,946l $145,935 $184,243 ; $198,107 ($1,150,522) $104,469 2033 i $131,946 I $151,773 $191,613 i $206,031 ! ($1,036,597) $113,926 2034 I I $157,W $199,277 I $214,273 i ($912,836) $123,761 $131,946 i 2035 \ $131,946 \ $164,15 $207,249 l $222,844 \ ($778,847) $133,989 2036 $131,946 i $170,72 $215,539 i $231,757 ($634,221 ) $144,626 2037 $131,946 I $177,55 $224,160 I $241,028 . ($478,532) $155,689 2038 $131,946 \ $184,65 $233,126 ~ $250,669 ! ($311,337) $167,195 2039 Well and Pumphouse $1,304,815 $131,946\ $192,04 $242,452 \ $260,695 i ($132,177) $179,160 2040 10 year bond @ 6% i $177,324 $199,72 $252,150 $271,123 i $14,049 $132,177 . <6 '.!~:.~~~.~-;'~",!:-,~~:-:':~'::.~~;:~~,..:~,,~-;'-' . ?; :t: ..J l. 2: .u",," ::;: ~. J:::o l..o ~N ...I ::( :J.. ::( -' . c z :::> LL. c::: W I- < ~ CII '" U '" .. '" ;;: '0 .. .. " ; " '" ] C S " D.. .. .. " .. ... ~ <= S . tD "- i i. .. : .... ... "C 2 ~I.' ~ u .. D.. 'I/) ,"" '::',';-::2;> :. :~-.',-g' E l<~ : ;~;.:,~':: .~ ;~~j~,'~;"",',':~ ;:~11 ,',:",,1/) ..: :;;;~;~<:<. .. .:,~.;- 'j '! .. '" .. t.:l .. : {!. 8 ~ g .3 ... i :: 8 ~ >: N '" ti ~ E ~ ~ o ~ g 'S i <5 g -' <: 1-' o l- e z :;), .... l!: .:... w ~ :0 o <> "" ,'5. He ... 5 Gi .... ~ g oD ~ lii '" '" I/) ... u 1i .. !!! is 'g '" c.? .!! ii '2 to = .. "" E "'.. M ~ ~ a. :;,g ~ 'ii E- o: ~:; ~ - ~ ; ii ~ ~ · "iio:S~ 3: Ii: ~ s Sil 8 0 o co g OQan co In N ;; a :, g 8 Sil co co is g g :c - '"' ... ... ... ... 888 N N N l& :v " " ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ,.,.... ,;"0 <> ,"" /~ ,-ft;..:' ~ <> In ... g g ~~ ... o 0:> o .,; :::: ... 8 co g ... 8 N a a ~- ~ lii .. '" '" ... u ~ '~ '1 ~ 'i5 -= I:"'J! ~ E :"=' ~ ~ ; ~ ~ i in ~ o;a: ~11 6 -i '5i u ::;;~il~o 'E--o.2 e ~ ~ Ii: ~ ~ ~ ...J ..: .... o .... e 2: => .... l!: w .... ,',' ..: :: ... 0, o .. ~ .. ~ cp .!! .!! ~l~:_' ~ ~ ~ ~;;l, Ii; ~ o <> o ",' .~ e z => .... l!: w !;i 3:, ...J g l- e z "~ t:l o o (;') ~ !! m ~ 11. (3 ~ ~ "8 >< Ul <; 3: m CI ($ . . . 9. A. Council Agenda - 9/25/00 Pro'ect No. 2000-07C and REFERENCE AND BACKGROlJND: Public Warks Director, Jahn Simala is reco mending that the City Cauncil apprave final payment far two, city prajects that have been ecently completed. The first praject is the Orchard Raad Street Reconstructian Praject, 2000-07C in the amaunt af $22,662.66 to Buffalo, Bituminaus. The secand project consisted a sewer and watermain extensians alang Elm Street, Praject 2000-08e and was in the ama 111t of $32,294 to Schluender Canstruction. It is recommended that bath afthese projects be accepted and that final payment be authorized. These two prajects will also, be part of the as essment hearing to, be scheduled for Octaber 231\1. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Approve final payment in the amoun af $22,662.66 to Buflala Bituminous for the Orchard Road Praject <md apprave fi al payment in the amount of $3,294.00 to, Schluender Canstruction far the Elm Street Sewer and Watermainlmprovements. c. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended by the Public Warks Dir ctor and City Administrator that the final payment be approved as submitted. D. SUPPORTING DATA: Copy af final construction costs worksheets. -- --.- -........-~.,--. ,*~:il;.,,,-.:iiiiWL. ~...::M:;.,~ '...............- ~ SEP-20-00 WED 2:34 PM PUBLIC WORKS FAX NO. 16122713272 P. 2/ 2 . FINAL CONSTRUCTION 08T8 ELM STREET SEWER A o WATERMAIN IMPROVEMENTS PROJECT # 2000w08C DESCRIPTION UNIT QTY o DATE Unit Total OVER SCHED. A- SURFACE IMP. 8/27/00 Cost Cost 1. MOBILIZATION L.S. 1 1 1400 1400 2. TRAFf.'IC CONTROL LS. 1 1 2,250 2250 3. AGG. BASE CLASS s..MOD TON 300 289.18 6.5 1879.67 4. TURF ESTABLISHMENT L.S. 1 1 1,400 1400 SCHED. B. WATERMAIN IMP. 1. CONNECT TO EXIST. WM EACH 1 1 200 200 2. FURNISH AND INST. HYC. EACH 1 1 1,600 1500 3. 0" GV AND SOX EACH 1 1 500 500 4. 1" CORP. STOP EACH 2 2 100 200 5. 1" CURB STOP AND BOX EACH 2 2 125 250 e. 8" WATERMAIN DIP CL. 52 UN. FT. 500 494 16 7904 7, 6" WATERMAIN DIP CL. 52 LIN.FT. 20 23 14 322 8. 1" TYPE K COPPER PIPE LIN.FT. 90 98 7.5 735 g DIP FilliNGS LBS. 220 220 1.2 264 . SCt--IED. CR SAN. SEWER IMP. 1. 8" PVC SEW. PIPE SDR 35 UN. FT. 470 500 17 8500 ~. 4" PVC SEW. PIPE SDR 35 LIN.FT 70 80 11 880 3. CONST. OF SAN. MH 48" LIN.FT. 24 24 133 3192 .. CASTING ASSEMBLY SAN. EACH 2 2 150 300 5. "tELEVISING LIN.FT. 530 530 1 530 6, 8" BY 4" PVC WYE EACH 2 2 40 80 sa== CTUAL COST 32286.67 555.67 RIG. CONTRACT 31731 . ~ . . . () III ....:i C,I) ...:i ~l: ~il p" UiY. H ~~ F-1 '- ~6 ou '" fl, r~ () '"' "'00 ~ ~=I~ UU)P::: CO 00 In ,.JI 00 ," 1.1 ~:J ~9 (~ ~-: D ~l ('"I [., [.n , I ~:'I 0 VI ~~[! I H () ~ Z ("\I I ~ ". I.!, "=f< " U' i~r.:: ()"\ (T', ('") In "" "" 'M In H 00 p, c-< U if; QI 'D \:.~ co 'M 00 '" H p, 'D CD ~1 c-< m 11 Co 0 oj (IJ (/J p, '" (0 u '" Z "" ,,' (> '" t~) rr. " OJ '" ,", i:: '" [, ." Z " co LI"l '" "" [. ,., '" Z ...~. I' 0 co 0" '" U Z I" 0 '" [:," 0 In u '" In U IV 't. 'M c-< ,e, ["~ ," p, (:I ,I ~~ r:r,j (> I" Q CJ " U i:: .-. ,n 0 i:: -I q) 0 " " " " l..J ~1.1 111 "" W " i:: ,-; 0 H c, '-' i:: 111 U ("') :'1 10 U) <>: '" " " '" '-' '0 cr, In ,.' , ~ 0' i'l Z ~:r.: n, I I "' ':> (I 0 [, C) I) "" i>l' ,:~ G 'I Q' C.) n ~ I-I': 0< y-, o OJ "~ '" OJ ~ " U) . . . 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