City Council Agenda Packet 08-27-2001 . . . 8. 9. AGE DA REGULAR MEETING - MONT CELLO CITY COUNCIL Monday, August 7,2001 - 7 p.m. Mayor: Roger Belsaas Council Members: Roger Carlson, Clint Herbst, Brian Stumpf and Bruce Thielen I. Call to Order Approve minutes of August 13, 200 I regul- I' CounciJmeeting. ~5 61' 2. ~ -) . Consideration of adding items to the agenda. 4. Citizen comments/petitions, request and cor lplaints. 5. Consent agenda. G . (iJa:\. ~ 6/}tJ W Nc~_1 ( ~t "J A. Consideration of ratifying new hires 9-/ -0 / ce. B. Consideration of adopting a resoluti n approving Monticello I Ieartland Express 2002 Budget and Transit Assistance Appli 'ation. c. Consideration of accepting job description and authorize posting of vacancy-Planner Technician. D. Consideration of alternatives dealing vvith upkeep of mailboxes in Monticello. E. Consideration of a request fl.)!' a licen e fl.)r property encroachment onto city right-or-way - Kevin Olson (-. W .H -r B (L( 61 e P ftJ-c fI':{ 7 f" tJ j LaC4f.:>.v - w. & It ~ f ~ Consideration of items removed from the co sent agenda 101' discussion. 6. 7. Consideration of accepting Gillard A venue athway feasibility study and call for a public hearing on the improvement. Approve payment of bi II s for August. Adjourn. , B;vol fy I e ~ /1F-f tk, I R ~ Il - QJJ, ~( .<) f J \J"~ "'-f Bl 1:!' ?~ vvtl~l ~ ~ I o~~e __ kJ~yd--td) --ru ,ft.L 5'rle fld4\ ~ ~ \5 0 ~~,.Q 1\~ vl/wr ()j I /t, Sl' 'fl ~ 9" hrr-. % \r~sIIJ\f - ~\> 0 '~\SLu-~~J2 S'T- 1\ Ra,~f F~r M . . . MINl TES REGULAR MEI'~TING - MO TICI~LLO CITY COlJNCIL August 13,2 01 - 7 p.m. Menlbers Present: Roger Belsaas, Roger Carlson, Clint Herbst, Brian Stumpf and Bruce Thielen. Members Absent: None. 1. Call to Order. Mayor Belsaas called the meeting to order at :05 p.m. and declared a quonun present. 2. A rove the minutes of the .Jul 23 2001 rc ular Council meetin . RRUCE TlIIELEN MOVED TO APPROVE" 'I-IE MINUTES OF TI IE JUL Y 23, 2001 REGULAR MEETING. ROGER CARLSON Sr':CONDED TI IE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 3. Consideration of addin items to the a end'. The fjJllowing items were added to the agenda: 1) Street closing - CSAI I 75 Project; 2) River Mill 6th Addition: 3) Landscaping plan - Klein 'arms Estates 3'J and 4) Remnant parcel - Chelsea Road. 4. Citizens comments! etitions rc< uests and c m laints. John Kautza, a resident in the Wildwood Ridge Addition, spoke to the Council about the quality of homes that were being built in the developm nt citing as an example the pre-fab home that was brought in a few weeks ago. Bruce Thicl n replied that the Council was invited to a meeting of the homeowners in that area to disc ISS the same issue. The Council pointed out that since the home met all the building code requir ments, the City could not prevent it from being constructed. I f the home did not meet the cov nants of the development then that was a matter between the homeowners and the developer. r. Kautza stated that there are different covenants in place f<:lr the different phases of this development. Mayor Belsaas stated that the Council is aware of the situation but he isn't sure what cal be done about it. The City is looking at making changes to the ordinance that might address SOl e of these concerns and it was noted that a workshop has been scheduled with the Plannin Commission for Septelnber 18, 2001. Jeff O'Neill indicated that at their last meeting the Planning Commission had discussed setting up a zoning district that is geared f(lr step up housin . Their concern is that higher amcnity land is being gobbled up by entry level homes. The C uncil emphasizcd that while the City may not be able to restrict a certain type of home from com ng in, changes in the ordinance may confine them to certain zoning districts. L . . . 5. Consent Al!enda. Council Minutcs - 8/13/0 I A. Consideration of ratifying new hires f( r Monticello Community Ccntcr. Recommendation: Ratify the hiring 0 thc part-time employees for the Montiecllo Community Centcr as identified. B. Consideration of approving a telllporar on-sale liquor liccnse - St. Ilenry's Fall Fcstival. Recommendation: Approvc the issua ce of a temporary on-sale liquor license to the Church of St. Henry's for thcir bll festival on Septclllber 15th and 161h. C. Consideration of approving a request I' r a charitable gambling license - St. Henry's Fall Festival. Recommendation: Adopt a resolution authorizing the State Gambling Control Board to issue the exempt charitable g':mbling license to St. Henry's Church for their fall festival on September 15th and 161h. R s. No. 2001-53. D. Consideration of transfer of off-sale nOl-intoxicating liquor license fix 1547 East Broadway and 1200 South Ilighway 25. Recom endation: Approve the transfer of the off-sale non- intoxicating liquor liccnse for 1547 E:L t Broadway and 1200 South Ilighway 25 to Twin Cities Avanti Stores, LLC. E. Consideration of approval of a carnival license for Burger King. Recommendation: Approve a license for carnival operatio s on the Burger King property ft)!" August 23-26, 2001. F. Consideration of accepting six month liluor store financial report. Recommendation: Accept the six month financial report a. presented. (,. Consideration of a preliminary plat and an amendment to the existing planned unit development. Applicant: Front Porch ssociates. Recommendation: No. I: To adopt the preliminary plat based on the following findings: ^- The suhied property is consistent with the dimensional and si/e stLlndllrds f()r the properties in the R-2 District. B. rhe propos..:d use is consistent \Iith thc l'l'( posed Lmd Use Map included in the City's Comprehensive Pllln as well liS the surrounding land uscs, Approval of the preliminary plat is con itioned upon the applicant sublllitting and receiving approval of detailed landscape, grading, drainage and utility plans. No.2: To approve an amendment to the existing conditionall se permit/planned unit development (CUP/PUD) based on the f()llowing findings: ^, rhe application is consistent \Iith the City' Comprehensive Plan, II. lht: proposed ust: is consistt:nt with the eh, nlckr. d..:sign. LInd dt:nsity of the surrounding lIses. C. The propos..:d use should not It:nd to depre iate th..: surrounding area, Approval of the CUP/PUD is condition d upon the applicant receiving approval ora five foot side yard setback variance. 2 2. . I-l. Council Minutes - 8/13/01 Consideration of an amendment to a p aImed unit development in the PZM Zoning District to permit the expansion of parking lot acilities. Applicant: Monticello-Big Lake Community Hospital District. Recom endation: Motion to approve the PUD amendment with the following conditions: ^- lernporary parking in the 10\\<:1' area he I"moved and re-Iandseaped. B. Aeeess to Dayton Stred he redesigned to permitright-turn-iIL left-turn-out tranic only. discouraging tranic from using River Street. C Installation of sidewalk on Broadway alo g the fulllt:ngth of the Ilospital District property. D. Establishment of I ighting in compliance 'ith City mdinanec. I,:. Estahli,llIllcnt of a landscaping plan aeee tahlt: to the City Planner. I. Consideration of a request for a conditional use permit allowing a reduction in the standard design requirements for stall aisle and riveway design, Applicant: Integrated Recycling Technologies, Inc. Recommendation. Move to grant a conditional use permit to allow a reduction in the stall aisle and drivewa design requirements for surfacing, curb and landscaping subject to the following conditions: Final approv,d of parking and driveway d ainage plans assoei,llcd with conditional use pennit request shall he provided in \\Titing by the City ":nginccr. No opcn or olltdom storagc sh,,1I he allow'd on the property withoutllrst obtaining separate approval Ihml the Citv. Parking and drive perimeter shallllot exk ld eloser than 20 fcetto the property lines of any adjoining parcel. At such timc that routinc use by the puhli is ohscrvcd. the drivc arca shall he pavcd. This (:()nditional usc pcnnit sh.dl be rnie 'ed on an anllllal basis am! shall bc sllbjed to rcnc\\al alkr 5 years. A B. . c- D. r J. Consideration of a request for an amen ment to the sign ordinance allowing over-hanging signs not exceeding 6 square feet on W llnut Street. Recommendation: Moved to adopt the ordinance amendment allowing pro'ecting wall signs in the CCD District. Ord. Am. #363. K. Consideration of a request to extend th Heartland Express fixed deviated route another 60 days. Recommendation: Move to app ove a 60 day extension to the fixed deviated route trial period. L&M Consideration of approval of contract with Ray Glunz Construction for burials at Riverside Cemetery, Recommendation: Appro e a 3 year contract with Ray Glunz Construction of Buffalo, Minnesota, for burials at River ide Cemetery and increase the burial rates from $375 to $400 for weekday burials and it creasing the rates from $405 to $430 for weekend hurials. N. Consideration of authorizing funds for evelopment of a landscape plan for the Walnut Street Plaza, Recommendation: Move to approve the funds to create a concept design for the Walnut Street Plaza of the Commun ty Center, not to exceed $1,000. . Bruce Thielen asked that agenda items # 14, 20 1 Sealcoating Project bids and # 16, hids for the Chestnut Street lift station be included as part o' the consent agenda. Brian Stumpf asked that item #51 be removed from the consent agenda t( r discussion. , .J L . Council Minutes - 8/13101 BRUCE THIELEN MOVED TO APPROVE T E AMENDED CONSENT AGENDA. BRIAN STUMPF SECONDED THE MOTION. MOT ON CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. Added Item: . CSAH 75 Project - Closing off of Streets: Rory Zitur, business owner on Linn Street and Broadway spoke to the Council regarding the CSAH 75 improve ent project. His concern was about closing off access to Linn Street. He cited concern about the lack fresident input on the project. In talking with the engineers from WSB, he noted that although the Council had directed them at the last meeting to look at alternatives for Linn Street, they had done nothing yet. He was concerned that by the City approving the preliminary design layout, the County would proceed ith the design of the project without the issue of Linn Street being resolved. Mayor Belsaas pointed out that the design would be coming back to the Council for approval. Mr. Zitur also questioned why L nn Street was being closed and not Maple Street. He felt that the traffic from Linn Street would end up bing routed down Maple Street which is a residential street. He also expressed his concern that al owing motorists to make U-turns in this area would be more hazardous than allowing the existing tra fie patterns to continue. Mr. Zitur questioned the traffic count information noting that the counts were ta en at commuter rush hours while most ofthe traffic at the post office occurred between 9 a.m. and 2: 0 p.m. Reiterating his concerns about the project being pushed through without adequate input from the esidents, Mr. Zitur presented his final concern which was the assessment policy for this project and wether the residents would have an opportunity to debate the assessment policy. He stated that his busine s would not benefit by the improvements to CSAH 75. Mr. Zitur asked ifthe engineers had a deadline when they would be bringing this back to the Council as he felt it was essential to get the Linn Street ssue resolved before plans were approved by the County Commissioners. Public Works Director, John Simola, indicated that the taffhas been researching alternatives for accessing the post office and have met with the county bout traffic counts. Mayor Belsaas suggested that when the traffic counts were done they should also ook at doing traffic counts on Palm Street. 6. Consideration of items removed from the con ent a enda for discussion. On item #51 Brian Stumpf questioned whether t e applicant had indicated a time frame in which the expansion would take place. Clint Herbst st ted that the applicant indicated that the expansion would take place within five years and if it has n t, then the area currently proposed to be left as gravel area would be paved. BRIAN STUMPF MOVED TO GRANT A CO ITIONAL USE PERMIT TO ALLOW A REDUCTION IN THE STALL AISLE AND D EW A Y DESIGN REQUIREMENTS FOR SURFACING, CURBING AND LANDSCAP G SUBJECT TO THE CONDITIONS NOTED IN EXHIBIT Z. ROGER CARLSON SECO ED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. . 4 l . . S. . 7. Council Minutes - 8/13/0] Public Hearinl> - Consideration of ado tion of an assessment roll for Cedar Street Improvement Project No. 2000-ISC. Andy Brotzler from WSB & Associates presel. ted to the Council the assessment roll infcmnation based on the bids received and reviewed the c, lculations. Under Option #1 in which the City would pick up approximately 80% of the stree reconstruction costs, the City's share oi'the of the total project cost would be $43,413 or 22% of he total project cost. The engineer noted that with this project. hecause there were new i mproven cnts and not just reconstruction costs, the City's overall share of the total cost was much lower han it will be in other reconstruction projects. Mayor 8elsaas stated that he didn't have a pro lem with the City picking up 25% of the project cost. Public Works Director. John Simola cau ioned that on the City's core streets if the City picked up 2YYo, they might not he able to com up with the 20% assessrnent that is necessary for the City to issue honds. The question was als raised if any precedent would be set or if the City could vary between picking up 20% or 25% of the cost depending on the project. Mayor Belsaas then opened the public hearing. Dan Mielke spoke stating he had no prohlenl with the assessment amounts proposed however. he id have a question on the interest rate on the assessment. The individual assessment notice ontained an interest rate of 6 ] /4% hut he was told that current hond sales are carrying an inte 'est rate of 4% and if the City added 1 Ii ~;;) to that. the interest rate would he 5 Ii % not 6 1/4%. City Administrator, Rick Wolf'iteller explained that the interest rate in the public hearing notice wa' arrived at by adding I Ii % to the interest rate of the Ci ty' s latest bond sale. The Counci I discu.. sed whether to use the interest rate of the City's most recent hond sale plus I Ii % or whether t use current bond sale rates plus I 12%. Mayor Belsaas then closed the public hearing. BRIAN STUMPF MOVED TO ADOPT A RE .'OLUTION ADOPTING TilE ASSESSMENT ROLL FOR THE CEDAR STREET RECONS RLICTION PROJECT NO. 2000-]8C INlIIE AMOUNT OF $225.407 WITII THE CONDIT ON THAT" THE STAFF LOOK AT RECENT BOND SALES AND SET AN INTEREST RA rE FOR n'IE ASSESSMENT ROLL ACCORDINGLY. CLINT IIFRBST SL.:CONf 1.:0 THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSL Y. Res. No. 2001-54 Consideration of acce tin bids and awardin Pro' ect No. 2000-1SC and 7th Street I m rove rovemcnt The City Engineer reviewed the hid tabulations for the projects. BRIAN STUMPF MOVED TO A WARD THE CONTRACT FOR TI IE CEDAR STREET IMPROVEMENT PROJECT NO. 2000-18C A DfllE 7111 STREET EAST IMPROVEMENT PROJECT NO. 2001-7C -1'0 BAUERLY BRO HERS IN TilE AMOUNT OF $552Jn8.60 SUBJECT TO THE CITY RECEIVING NO A. SI':SSMENT APPEALS ON TilE CEDAR 5 2 . . . Counci I Minutes ~ 8/13/0 I STREET ASSESSMI':NT. BRUCE THIEU~ SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRII::!) UNANIMOUSLY. Res. No. 200 -55 and 2001-58 At this point the Council took a short recess and then e-convened. 9. Consideration of acce tin bids for sanita sewer and water main relocation for the Mielke Develonment Proiect No. 2001-09C. The City Engineer presented the hid tabulatiOl t()f this project. The bid results were presented to the developer and although they were slightly ligher than the engineer's estimate the developer was acceptable to the amount. Not including i ldirect costs, the City's share of the project would be $26,567.45 and the developer's share woul. be $85,723.05. Since the hids came in higher than the enginee .'s estimate, the bids could have been rejected and the project rebid in the spring. However that ould require the stuhbing of utilities out of the Cedar Street right-of-way. Since the develope was agreeable to the cost figures, it was recommended that the Council award the hid. BRIAN STUMPF MOVED '1'0 APPROVE T IE AWARD Or: THE CONTRACT FOR THE SANITARY SEWER AND WATER MAIN RELOCATION PROJECT F()R THE MIEI_KE DEVELOPMENT, PROJECT NO. 2001-09C 0 SCI ILUENDER CONSTRUCTION IN THE AMOLINT OF $113.315.50. ROGER CARL ON SECONDED TI IE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED LJNANIMOllSL.Y. Res. No. 2001 56 10. ort for River Count Bike Trail a Presentation b Don Hemmin J re regional trail concept. Don I lemming and Luann Fischer fr0l11 the Ri er Country Bike Trail Group spoke to the Council regarding a regional bike trail. Mr. Ilemming loted the segments of trail that are being planned and constructed in Stearns County. They are p oposing to design a bike trail segment extending from Clearwater to Monticello and they are as.ing Council support of the proposal. Mr. Ilemming noted that their group has heen work.ng with Wright County Park Superintendent and the head of the Lake Maria State Park in an efT rt to develop the trail design and secure local support for the project. At the present time th group is working on grant applications to secure funding f()r development of the concept plan. ' he Council noted that the Monticello Parks Commission while they supported the concept ould not commit funds to the project. Don Hemll1ing stated although they would prefer to Ise the old railroad right-or-way for the trail, the county had indicated they could use the right-o -way of CSAII 75. Brian Stumpf asked how the bike trail would affect the snowmobile trail alo g CSAI I 75. Mr. Ilemming indicated that the snowmobile groups had not indicated oppositio 1 to a bike trail being eonstructcd. However, since the bike trail is only at a concept stage it is not asy to say how it will impact the snowmobile trail. Bruce "fhiclen indicated that this would he anot leI' piece in a trail system that could eventually run from Fergus Falls to Monticello. 6 2, . . . Council Minutes - 8113/0 I BRUCE TIIIELEN MOVED 'rI IAT TilE ('ITY COUNCIL STRONGLY SUPPORTS THE CONCEPT OF A l3lKE TRAIL FROM CLE RWATER TO MONT'ICELLO. CLINT HERBST SECONDED THE MOTION. BRIAN STUMPF STATED HIS SUPPORT OF THE PLAN AS LONG AS nIE WRIGHT COUNTY SNOW OBILE GROUP WAS INVOLVED AND IS IN AGREEMENT WITH THE CONCEPT. MO ION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. Don Henuning noted that there will be a meeti 19 on the trail on Thursday, September 20, 200 I at 7 p.m. at the Clearwater Legion. Bruce Thiele 1 and Brian Stumpfwill try to attend. 11. Pulled from the agenda. 12. Consideration of rantin an increase to the individual ension for Volunteer Firefi hter Relief Association members. 13. 13A. Brian StUlnpf stated he is abstaining from votil g on this item as he is a vested member of the relief association. Rick Wol t"steller briefly reviewel the agenda item noting that unless interest income earnings fell below 3<Yo the pension increase w uld not require a City contribution. CLINT IIERBST MOVED TO GRANT AN I CREASE TO TilE INDIVIDUAL PENSION FOR VOLUNTEER FIREFIGHTER RELIEF SSOCIATION MEMBERS IN THE AMOUNT OF $2.175 PER YEAR. ROGER CARLSON 'ECONDl.:r) TI-IE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED WITH BRIAN STUMPP ABST AI ING. Consideration to a rove the recommendation of the HRA to waive the arkin fee associated with the redevelo ment of the northerl ortion of Block 36. JelT O'Neill provided background information _Hl the parking requirements. He noted that with the 60% rule if there is complete joint parking in tl e area, you would only need to supply 60% of the required stalls. Using the 600;;) rule in this area would still leave a deficiency of 23 stalls. The Planning Commission felt that there was enou' h overl1ow parking and Inunicipal parking to allow the parking deficiency to be handled without cr'ating a huge hardship. BRUCE TI IIEI ,EN MOVED TO APPROVE AIVING DEVELOPER PA YMENT OF THE $33.350 PARKING STALL !)l.:FICIENCY A.~'SOCIATED WITII TilE REDEVELOPMENT OF "1'1 IF NORTHERLY PORTION OF BLOCK 3 AND TRANSFER THE SAME AMOUNT FROM GENERAL FUND TO TilE PARKINC DEVELOPMENT FUND ACCORDINGL Y. ROGER CARLSON SECONDED THE MCrrr )N. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSL Y. Consideration of offer to urchase cit owne land in Block 36. The City owns a strip of land east of the Kopy uilding (the fanner senior citizens building) and has recently received an otTer to purchase the p opcrty for $15,000. In discussing whether or not to sell the land, the Council discussed the prop sed developments fiJr this area and whether it 7 J- . . . Council Minutes - &/13/01 would be more conducive for development if tl e City retained the ownership of the land or if it was held hy private parties. Clint Herbst thou ht allowing an access at this site to the parking lot was not a good idea. Roger Belsaas didn't see that the City would have any particular interest in selling this until there was some plan for the 0 erall area. Mike Cyr who is proposing a develoPll1ent for the area felt that irthe land w< s owned privately it might facilitate the development of the hlock. Hruce Thielen felt t 1at if selling the property would move development along. the City should sell the parcel. BRUCe: TlllELEN M()VED TO MAKE A C tiNTER OFFER TO SELL TIlE PROPERTY AT $17.500 WITH TIlE CONTINGENCY TIIAT TilE PARCI,:L WOULD NO LONGER HE USED AS AN ACCESS TO BROADWAY AND 'I'll : SALE OF TilE LAND WOULD BE TlEDfO DEVELOPMENT OF THE SITE TAKING PI ACE. ROCi-ER CARLSON SECONDEDllIe: MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMO SLY. 15. 14, Consideration of aeee tin J bids and awardi J contract for 2001 Sealeoatin Included in consent agenda. Res. No. 2001-57 CLINT HERBST MOVED TO SET A BlJDG "T WORKSHOP MEETING FOR AUGUST 27. 2001 AT 5:30 P.M. BRIAN STUMPF SI.:CO DED TI IE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 16. Consideration of bids for emer Jene Jenera or for Chestnut Street lift station and consideration of award of contract for deliv Included in consent agenda. 17. desi In lavout and cost estimates. Community Center Director. Kitty Baltos, pres nted infonnation on a preliminary hike park design. The facility was designed and built by I"rueRide and is heing displayed at the State Fair. TrueRide would sell the ramps to the City for $ 5,123. Other costs to get the bike park constructed would include the concrete work. lighting. fencing and site preparation. The total estill1ated cost including the ramps is $&2.&73. Bruce Thielen asked if there had been any recent contact with the individuals who had originally requested the City consider a bike park. Kitty Baltos stated that she had just recently gotten tl e price information and prior to that she had nothing in the way of inf()l'mation to submit to he group. Kitty Baltos also brought up the additional insurance expense the City would in ur if they constructed the bike park, which was estimated at $7,800 in additional insurance pre iun1s. Bruce Thielen pointed out that this would be only facility like this in the area, as most of he other hike parks are located in the metro area, so it should draw people from quite an area. T e Council discussed storage of the ramps and 8 2 . Council Minutes - 8113/0 I whether the Public Works stall would be able n do any portion of the work fl)r the bike park considering their present work load. BRUCE THIELEN MOVED '['0 APPROVE 'fHE PURCHASE OF TI-IE RAMPS FROM 'nUJERlDE IN TilE AMOUNT OF $45,123, 'TORE THEM FOR THE WINTER AND DISCUSS AT TI IE BUDGET' WORKSIIOP - LLOCA TING THE BALANCE OF THE BlKI.: PARK CONSTRUCTION COSTS FOR 2002. CLINT HERBST SECONDED TIlE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. Added Items: Klein Farms Estates Third Addition - Bruce Thielen stlted that he had received a complaint that the landscaping plan for Klein Farms Estates Third Additi )n was not being followed and he asked stafr about this. Fred Patch stated there was some confusion as t. what was the approved landscape plan. The city staff has heen working with the developer and there is a corrected landscape plan but there are still some copies of the old plan out there and people an; not beil g shown the correct information. The itern in question was a I ine of trees that was shown in the first plan that have never been planted. It was suggested that may be City could get a good deal on tr es in the spring and the developer could utilize those in his landscape plan. . River Mill O/h - ('lint Herbst indicated that he had resol cd his questions with stall. C 'helsea Renuwnl Puree I - Rick Wol1Steller reported 01 a counter offer submitted by Dr. Erlandson on a parcel of land owned by the City by Chelsea Road. C he Counci I directed the City Administrator to send Dr. Erlandson a letter stating the City was not acceptin J the counter offer and he had 30 days to respond to the City's original price of $14.900. 18. Approve payment of bills for August. CLINT IIERBST MOVED TO APPROVE PA MENT or I31LLS FOR AUGUST. ROGER CARLSON SECONDED THE MOTION. MC TlON CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 19. Adiourn. BRIAN STUMPF MOVED TO ADJOURN X' 9:15 P.M. CLINT HERBST SECONDl.:D TilE MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. Recording Secretary . 9 ~ . Council Agenda - 8/27/01 SA. Consideration of a new hires and artures for the communit center. (RW) The Council is asked to ratify the hiring ofne employees that have occurred recently at the the community center. As you recall, it is recom ended that the Council officially ratify the hiring of all new employees including part-time and easonal workers. A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: B. AL TERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Ratify the hiring ofthe part-time emp oyees for the community center as identified on the attached list. C. SUPPORTING DATA: Lists of new part-time employees. . . . Name Ruth Kryduba Theresa Farr Zak Dean Amanda Dullinger . Name Jenny Willemson Jody Hennagir . NEW EMPLOY EES Title Department Hire Date Class Guest Services MC C 7/30/01 PT Guest Services MC C 8/3/01 PT Skate Park M CC 8/2/01 PT Lifeguard M CC 8/1/01 PT TERMINATING EM :)LOYEES Reason Department Last Day Class voluntary M( C 8/4/01 PT voluntary M( C 8/4/01 PT /2001 5~ -". ---- - .- employee councillist.xls: 08/16 . Council Agenda - 8/27/01 5B. Consideration of ado tin a resolution a ovin Monticello Heartland Ex ress 2001 Bud~et and Transit Assistance aDplication. JG, CS) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: City Council is asked to approve the proposed onticello Heartland Express Budget and Transit Plan for 2002 and adopt a resolution for City p icipation in funding the program. The proposed Budget Plan does include some changes for 20 2 which are itemized in the following paragraphs. The City currently has a contract with Hoglund Transportation for annual renewals until the year 2004. It is expected that the 2002 year will be enewed with little or no change in the contract rates. Hoglund does anticipate upgrading to a ew bus midway through next year. This was reviewed with city staff and the applicable rate s factored into the budget. The City has requested a bike rack be installed on the new b s. . The total cost to operate the Heartland Express n 2002 is projected at $103,585. Proposed budget costs include purchase of3,050 service ours at $85,250; fuel at $8,000; support personnel at $7,050; and dues, ticket printing a d advertising at $1,000. The fuel and service hours cover one bus operating from 7 a.m. to 5 .m., Monday through Friday and a second bus to fill in during peak hours. The total projected budget of$103,585 would b funded by $21,150 in farebox and route guarantee revenue, $23,740 in local sources thr ugh the City of Monticello, and the balance reimbursed through federal and state grants. As in the past, the City will be responsible for u to 40% of the funding for the transit budget. However, the State of Minnesota has made a ch nge in the funding formula for the city's local property tax share. We certified our 2001 trans ortation levy to the MN Department of Transportation in the amount of$23,740. This i the base figure they will use to determine the amount that the City will be reimbursed from st te motor vehicle funds to replace the levy reduction in property tax for the certified amoun . ill an attempt to increase ridership and efficienc ofthe Heartland Express, staff, with the help of Hoglund Transportation, MN DOT, and Functio al illdustries, have made or are in the process of making the following changes to the system. a) To better handle the enlarged city bound . es, a revised route has been developed to run continuously from 8:30 a.m. until 3:30 p. . in the downtown area of the city, deviating to pick up riders in designated zones outsid ofthe core city when servicing a particular area. . b) To increase ridership and better serve the handicapped residents of the city, a guaranteed route is proposed to transport Monticello esidents to and from Functional illdustries in Buffalo. (This is contingent upon contrac approval; contract to be presented at a September or October Council meeting.) . . . Council Agenda - 8/27/01 This application also includes approval for ou Drug and Alcohol Policy meeting federal criteria. Council is asked to approve a resolution conti ing the current policy on file at the city. D. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Motion to adopt resolutions app oving the Heartland Express 2002 Budget Plan and Transit Assistance applicati n as well as the Drug and Alcohol Policy. This option would provide a pr . ected budget of $1 03,585 to operate the Monticello Heartland Express Bus. 2. Motion to deny approval of the eartland Express 2002 Budget Plan and Transit Assistance Application as well s the Drug and Alcohol Policy. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Alternative #1 is recommended. The Hartland Express Bus is providing a much used service to residents of the commun'ty and should be continued. SUPPORTING DATA: Resolution - Budget Resolution - Drug & Alcohol Policy . . . RESOLUTION NO. 2001-58 ADOPTION OF MONTICELL HEARTLAND EXPRESS 2002 BUDGET AND T NSIT APPLICATION Resolved that the City of Monticello enter in 0 an Agreement with the State of Minnesota to provide public transportation service in the city limits ofthe City of Monticello. Further resolved that the City of Monticello grees to provide a local share of 40 % of the total operating cost and 20% of the total capital costs Further resolved that the City of Monticello uthorizes the Mayor and the City Administrator to execute the aforementioned Agreem nt and any amendments thereto. Adopted by the Monticello City Council this 7th day of August, 2001. ATTEST: Roger B lsaas, Mayor Rick W olfsteller, City Administrator CER TIFICA nON I hereby certify that the foregoing resolution is a true d correct copy ofthe resolution presented to and adopted by the Monticello City Council at a duly uthorized meeting thereof held on the 27th day of August, 2001 as shown by the minutes of said meet ng in my possession. Dawn Gr ssinger, Deputy City Clerk 5t) . . . ESTABLISHING A DRUG F E WORK PLACE POLICY FOR CITY OF MONTICELLO/HEA TLAND EXPRESS EMPLOYEES WHEREAS, the Cit ofMonticelJo/Heartla recognizes that alcoholism and other drug dependencies are signi cant social problems with a potential for causing severe effects to the transit system's work orce. The City of Monticello recognizes that such drug dependency may be an il ness. Consistent with this understanding, the City of Monticello has an obligatio to insure that its employees perform their jobs safely, efficiently and in a professional manne . WHEREAS, the purpose of this document is set :D rth the City of Monticello/Heartland Express policy regarding alcohol and other drug se in the workplace and to comply with the Drug Free Workplace Act in accordance with the t rms of 49 CPR Part 653, and alcohol misuse prevention program in accordance with the terms 0 49 CPR Part 654. I further certify that the employee training conducted under this part meets he requirements of 49 CFR Part 653. Mayor City Administrator (Date) (Date) I hereby certify that the foregoing resolution is a tru and correct copy of the resolution presented to and adopted by the Monticello Cit Coun il at a duly authorized meeting thereof held on the 27th day of Au ust ,2001, as shown by the minutes of said meeting in my possession. (Name) (Title) (Date) Notary Stamp SB . . . sc. City Council Agenda - 08/27/01 Consideration of formall establishin Planner II/GIS technician Position and Authorize Hirin!! Process. (10) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND City Council is asked to formally consider e tablishing the position of Planner II/GIS Technician and authorize the hiring process. The position along with the job previously held by Wanda Kraemer were in the 2000 b dget and in the draft 2001 budget. Instead of maintaining two positions, Council consolid ted the positions for 2001. In February 2001 we brought on an intern with the thought th t the position might become full time. During the past 7 months we have had a goo chance to better evaluate the need for the position and are now supporting establishm nt of the position as full time. If Council authorizes establishment of the position it w 11 be opened up to all City Employees and then advertised to the general public. The p sition will not be award directly to the intern because to do so would violate the pe onnel policy. According to the personnel policy it is not proper to offer the job direct I to a part time employee. Only full time employees can be hired directly to fill anoth r job in the City without the job being opened to the general public. John Glomski as done a good job in his work as an intern which will certainly help him in the hiring pr cess. This position falls under the Community De elopment Department and will be supervised by the Deputy City Administrator and Chief Building Official. The Personnel Committee has reviewed the draft job descri tion/listing of duties and supports establishment of the position. Following is a quick review of the tasks/duties for the position which will become the basis of the fl rmal job description. GIS Implementation Great strides were made in developing the GI system during the past seven months. A parcel map was created using county data an property data was merged with parcel map data. This was a major goal that John was ab e to accomplish much quicker than expected. In addition, we have a full parcel ap ofthe Township along with Township property data. The information has already b en used as follows: Calculation of area of individual lots i eluding the dimension of all property lines. This has been a tremendous help on a umber of occasions. Identification of land area totals by type of land use. Development of our own easily updat zoning map was created. An MOAA map was created. Public Hearing notice listing can be ge erated very quickly making it easy for staff to send special notices to resident in specific areas for any reason. Market valuation information by geogr phic data or zoning district data. . . . . . . . City Council Agenda - 08/27/01 . Defined land use areas used in proje ting population data ~ 194 study. Linked picture files to parcel data - s'gn information. Prepared aerial photos and parcel dat for Planning Items. Identified all townhome areas and ca culated land area - established market value per acre for single family and townh me development. . . . Following are future applications for GIS (20% of time) . Aerial photo combined with parcel ap. Comprehensive plan land use data. Update the T AZ - transportation plan data Sign inventory using GPS to link to p cel data Shade tree program - identify plantin locations taking into account utilities and powerlines. GIS will be very helpful in setting up R-I and R-I A Districts. Provide staff training on use of ARC fo. Explore placement of database and GIS mapping on server. This allows veryone to have access to map and property data Provide public with the opportunity t access property/map data through the web site It is possible that further developmen of GIS would include development of utility mapping system that could ove lay parcel data thus providing instant access to important engineering data relating to individual lots. . . . . . . . . Web Site Development (5% of time) Our web site will be getting a major make-ove as we move off of the Monticello Times web site. The position will be responsible for oordinating development and maintenance of the web site. This will not be a full time res onsibility ofthe intern/planner to maintain the site after it is up and running as individual epartments will be responsible for maintaining web site information once the bas'c site is complete. John has been working with the web site corn ittee and has helped with research on web site development options. He will be helping I ad staff into development and maintenance of our own web site using a League ofMinnes ta template. He will be involved in assembling data and writing web pages. He w uld help train others and perhaps be responsible for maintaining an up-to-date web age. Ifwe are going to set up our own web page - we will need to invest more staff r sources in this area. Planning Analysis/Zoning Administration/C des (30% of time) . Enforcement of City Codes has become a topic of concern in recent months. This position 2 . will play an important role in this area. City Council Agenda - 08/27/01 · Public Nuisance investigation, docum ntation and processing. · Provide public infonnation on City C des. Respond to requests for infonnation etc. This will improve present respon e time · Plan review. Site plans would be revi wed for adherence to development plans and zoning ordinance standards. · Subdivision/Site plan review prior to elease of funds. The Planner could review subdivisions and site work for adhere ce to development standards and make recommendations on release of funds ccordingly. General Planning and Policy Development ssistance (20% of time) General planning activity and research would e a responsibility of the position. Following are a few tasks that the intern completed in th past few months that were helpful: Preparation of infonnation and planni g reports for review in conjunction with variance requests and conditional use ennits. The goal is to reduce reliance on consultants on simple planning cases t at can be handled internally. Preparation of Planning Commission i fonnation - maps and picture inventory of planning case sites. Inventory of signs including height an location. Study of various city policies on privat use of drainage pond areas. Data to be discussed and incorporated into a polic statement. Mailbox policy research - who keeps t em looking good. . . . . . . Special Events/Other (25% oftime) · Walk and Roll assistance and coordina ion. · The position would be responsible for anaging and coordinating an Annual Tree Planting program. This program featu s purchase of over 500 trees and same day planting as was done in 1999. We wo ld like to do this every year. · Parks Commission - grant research and assistance. · Heartland Express Operation and mana ement. John has played a key role in helping make the transition from dial a . de to a deviated fixed route system. The position would be responsible for devel ping and operating the city bus program. This means he will prepare the manage ent plan, apply for grant funds and make sure all necessary reports are complete. · The Position could be responsible for v deotaping the Planning Commission and City Council meetings. . 3 . . . City Council Agenda w 08/27/01 The City Administrator is in the process ofr viewing the position in terms of the pay equity program. It is likely that the position ill fall in Level 8 resulting in a first step salary of $31,0 I O. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS 1. Motion approving establishment of a Planner IVGIS Technician and authorize hiring process. 2. Motion to deny approval of establish ent of position as requested. c. STAFF RECOMMENDATION The City Administrator and the Personnel Co mittee recommend alternative 1. This position has been in the budget therefore it w 11 not result in a cost increase for budget year 2002. The services provided by this position e important to a growing city. The duties fulfilled will help the city by providing better and quicker information for decision making. This position will also help staffpro ide better/quicker response to the public and will help everyone by supporting the cod enforcement process. 4 . Council Agenda - 8/27/01 5D. Consideration of alternatives in dearn J with the u Monticello.(JG, JO) A. Reference and Back!!round In response to the request by City Council 1I1 July 9th, 200 I, staff contacted a number of communities in the area asking what, if nything, they do to regulate the upkeep of mailboxes in their community. or the seven e-mails sent out, seven responses were returned from the following conununities. Kate Aaenenson John Harford Laureen Bodin Sam Lucast Miehele McPherson Matt Glaesman Brent Bommer Chanhassen Roeheste Buffalo Oak Gro e Elk Rive Moorhea Oakdale . The basic premise in each cities response as that they have never had a problem with it and that they have nothing in their e de concerning the issue. The developers or builders are responsible for putting the n ailboxes in, often clustered in larger developments, and the upkeep isjust assun ed to be the responsibility of the homeowner. It was often noted that the po t office generally deals with issues of proper upkeep hy not delivering the Inail if unable to decipher what mailhox belongs to what address. Staff contacted our local ost oHlce to tlnd out what policies, if any, they had on dealing with this issue and wer informed that they only have policies concerning the use of the mailbox (whether the door opens and shuts) and not the appearance of the box. One interesting COil ment, sent by Matt Glaesman of Moorhead, stated that there may be some e emptions from local governments regulating such an issue. B. Alternative Actions 1. Motion to send a letter to ho 1eowners with whom we are concerned with the upkeep of their mailbox, simply asking them to fix the problem. 2. Motion to begin the process f preparing an ordinance to deal with the Issue. C. Staff Recommendation: . The City Administrator recommends that w send formal letters to the homeowners with mailboxes in disrepair, simply asking them 0 improve the appearance of their mailbox. If this doesn't work, we can look into preparil g an ordinance to deal with the issue. . Council Agenda - 8/27101 SE. Consideration of a re nest for a license ~ r rieht-of-wav- Kevin Olson. (RW) ert encroachment onto ci A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: Mr. Kevin Olson is in the process of purcha ing a home on Lots 10 and 11, Block 11, Lower Monticello located at the comer ofennepin Street and East Broadway. The property is being purchased from the estate fMyrtle A. Klein, and consists of a house and garage that has existed on this site for any years. In preparation for closing on the property, t e title insurance company has found that the house encroaches into the right-of-way bet een 3-4.2 feet and that the garage also encroaches between 1-1.2 feet. The title ins ranee is requesting that the City consider granting a license to the property owner that would indicate the City would not require the house to be removed from the right-of- ay and that the City allow it to exist in its present condition. The license could indic e that the property could not be expanded or enlarged and that if and when the house or arage were rebuilt, they would have to conform to regular setbacks. . Although the City is not aware of any imme iate needs to use our right-of-way that would interfere with the house or garage location, i is not a typical practice of the City to grant a property owner permanent rights to encroac into right-of-way. Our first thought is to simply indicate that this property has existe in its present condition for a long time and the City has not objected to it, and that this hould be sufficient for the title company to base their decision on whether it presents a roblem for them insuring clear title. On the other hand, it would seem unlikely that sine the City has allowed it to exist for a long time, granting a license that states the prope y can't be enlarged to extend the conformity any more than normal maintenance would a low seems to be a reasonable solution. . It is suggested that if the Council approves anting a license allowing the encroachment to exist, it should clearly state that no expan ion of the building would be allowed or the property must conform to proper setbacks. addition, it is recommended that if the document is prepared by our city attorney th t the property owner be responsible for all ,.J~.gal~()_~.~~~~~~~d by the City. ~-_.----- ~~.,,~_.,.._,~~ ,_.... AL TERNA TIVE ACTIONS: ~ --- ---- - ~~ ~~-- B. ~'---~ 1. Council could approve issuing a lice se to this property that indicates the encroachment is acceptable to the Ci y until the building is removed or demolished. The license granting th encroachment should also indicated that no expansion would be allowed unless t e property conforms to proper setbacks. Motion should also require the prop y owner to pay for all legal costs. --" . . Council Agenda - 8/27/01 2. Council could deny granting a license or to consider vacating a portion ofthe right-of-way. Under this alternative, the City would c ntinue to allow the property to exist, as it has for many years, but reserves the righ to require the buildings to be relocated if necessary if Hennepin Street is needed r any public purpose. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Initially, since the property has existed in this c ndition for many years, staff did not feel any formal document would be necessary in th t a title company or mortgage lender should accept past practice as reasonable expe tation that the buildings would not be required to be removed. If it is going to cloud the title, granting a license under the conditions noted would seem reasonable provi ed all legal costs are paid by the applicant. D. SUPPORTING DATA: Copy of Certificate of Survey showing encroa hment . ~ - -'-- -- . I 0 ~ ).. ~ C\j , V) ~ ::: Cl'l '!:! \/1 "" '1: C}\/1 ~~ "- ",-- Cl:: ~~ '- U) ~~ { is! )...'1: ~ ~)... , r :::0 ~~ Cl~;:: ~ 9:' ~~ ~ i~R ~ Q 0 G ........ . \/1 C<, k, ~ Z (,() ~ ~~ ~od ...... ~ ~=~ u.J ~ c5~ ~~ ~ i:t'~~ ...J 2h ~ ,-~ <l: ~0:j ~~ ~;~ , 4 -- u g~~ ~ Ln hi-- ~ 'l: <:<: \/1<3 -<.J ;e ;:: '1:'l:v, U ~~ ~~~ ~~ ~ er~~' I 'l: 0... IC )...\/1", 1 ::~,^" "- ~;: <l: "-c) Cl::: 'l: lIi -~r-_H () ,~~ ct~ : es~ ~~ ~ 01---- ..... i.... -J l..J ~ k G"- "'t.>l<.J ~ ...... :i (,J ~;:: ct ,,-ct'~ 0 ~.o Yl c...... ~~ \..J :tC3ct I....: .......;J:: ~~~ ~ ~sg ~ ~ ~Cj(j ':::ct Q ~~~ ~--..J"'- (j ""g k \/1 C} Cj-,~ <3-c:s k "--- lJ ~~~ - )... "'~ ~ ~~i~ ~~~ ~ \1\ QJ-J ~ OOL II I' /! /1/ !; f J ~ ~ q J --1F . ~ J . ~. '. "'"'J " . . . 7. Consideration of acce tin J Gillard A venu hearing on improvement. (.10) RErERENCE AND B^CKGROUND City COllncil Agenda - 0&/27/0 I Two meetings ago, City Council requeste a feasibility report on the cost to extend pathway along Gillard Avenue. This info mation is not available today but should be ready f()r Council review at the meeting 0 Monday. Despite staffproddings, we were unable to get the cost information in time 'or submittal into your information packet. Following is a general review of what we 'now at this time. The City Engineer reviewed the site and found that it is difficult to pro ide a precise cost on the project without preparation of survey data which takes tit e to obtain and adds cost to the study. Therefore the information that he will be roviding on Monday will be somewhat rough. lie did summarize his findings to staff at ur site review meeting on Thursday, August 23rd stating that it will be very difficult at d expensive to keep the pathway in the boulevard due to the steep grades and drai lage system currently in place. The two trail alignment options that are possible includ : 1. Placement of the trail along the ed 'e of the road with a curb barrier between trail and road. Placing the trail along the road though feasible from an engineering standpoint, may not satisfy the goal of creatin 1 a safer place for pedestrians and bikers. 2. Placement of the trail along the bo lI1dary of the yards and boulevard where the terrain is relatively flat - but enero ches into private property. Placement of the trail along the pI' perty/boulevard edge could work from an engineering standpoint but it is lik ly to be more expensive than the first option and it requires easement acquisition from neighbors. From a safety standpoint, obviously the second option is the best. Council will have a chance to review the ost information at the meeting on Monday and determine the next course of action. Possble alternatives would include the following. ^L TERNA TIVE ACTION I. Table authorization to prepare pia s and specifications and authorize the City Engineer to prepare additional inf rmation for decision making. Such data would . City Council Agenda - 08/27/01 include detail on how mueh privat easement is needed on various lots. It would also include more refined cost data 2. Motion to deny further research on the project given the preliminary cost figures to be presented at the meeting. -, ~. Motion to authorize preparation of plans ancl specifications and call for a public hearing on the project following OIC of the options mentioned above. STAI:F RECOMMENDATION . It docs not appear that development of a p thway directly adjacent to the traffic lane will accomplish the goal of creating a safe are for bikes and pedestrians so this option does not appear desirable. This leavcs the City with the option of developing a pathway that meanders along the property line. At this ime there is not enough information available to support rnoving forward on the project. It may not be prudent to proceed until we know how much private property would b affected by the project. We also would need to determine the level of support for provi ling pathway easement on a property-by~ property basis. Determining the level of S Ipport is only possible with additional engineering data. TherefiJre the City Adn inistrator recommends alternative 1. SUPPORTING DATA ^erial Photo . 2 --J -- ~ -. ----. -- --.- '" - ~ - - - ----- ----- -- .- .- -- - ~ - . - - \\\\\\\\\~\~\\\\//I// L- -'<~:-\ -f T [- ~~. ......"...t..~~for...st.19~i~/~_-_-_-_- -~= - =.....-_ (~ ______ -- -- _____ /lC _____ __ j-- - - - .y----- __ II ! / := O:p~ Ci~" = = = = - j ../ Q) -- . ./ :::J -_/'...--- --........)// - - --- ~ --", . -'--- -'--_ -- - _,__ _ <c - 'E ----- .!! C) -----1-- - I - - [. ----~---- _ _ _ \>,---- . _// .)----~ ~-- -- / l- - .. --1' r'" -./~--J_l__ _c--- --~~--L= --'c-_J_ -- ____ - --I 1----- -----r -j ... .. --.- ... ._n u .._ I II ssociates, Inc. . 4150 Olson Memorial Highway ae 300 eapolis Minnesota 55422 763.541.4800 763.541.1700 FAX Memorandum l- t , , I I t To: Honorable Mayor and City Council City of Monticello From: Bret A. Weiss, P.E. City Engineer Date: August 27, 2001 Re: Proposed Pathway Feasibility Gillard Avenue WSB Project No. 1338~02 I At a previous Council Meeting, the City of Monticello was approached by residents of Sandberg East Addition located adjacent to Gillard Avenue with regard to construction of a bike path in this area. At the time whe the Gillard Avenue storm sewer project was completed and the street was reconstructe , the City offered to construct a widened paved shoulder at the residents' cost, but was t ed down by the residents. A recent traffic study completed does show some issues related t speeds in this area, which presents an issue for pedestrian traffic along the road system. I was discussed that two pathway options would be explored for this feasibility report, one widened shoulder along Gillard Avenue and the second a separated off-road pathway or si ewalk. The following is a summary of each of those options. 1. Widen Shoulder: When the roa was originally completed, the shoulders were widened approximately 4 feet with gravel to allow for a gravel shoulder along the road. It appears that the gravel ea could be widened to a width of 6 feet, then paved to provide for a 6-foot pav d shoulder. Placement of a white painted line along the edge of the street would p ovide the separation between the pedestrian area and the street. Further, 10 of the d 'veways in this area are concrete, so there would be a distinct separation between th actual street area and the 6-foot shoulder. The cost to complete this option is esti ated at $37,000 between the south end of Gillard Avenue and River Forest Drive, an $14,000 from River Forest Drive to CSAH 39. This would amount to a cost of $ ,470 per home south of River Forest Drive and $3,500 per home north of River F rest Drive, or as a combined project, $2,680 per home for the entire area. It should be noted that the County is no longer advocating the use of CSAH 39 or other county roads as on-street pathway systems. Considering the history of Gillard Avenue and the propensity for through traffic in this area, the City may not want t advocate an on-street pathway in this location either. -.!... ~ ~ .... Minneapolis. S . Cloud, Equal Opportunity Employer Off-Street Pathway: Development f an off-street pathway along Gillard Avenue is a more difficult construction project. Gillard Avenue is currently a rural section road with deep ditches on either side of he roadway, multiple driveways with culverts, and other landscaping. Constructio of a pathway 4 to 6 feet off of the existing pavement does not appear feasible due to the sloping that would be required to flatten out the ditch and would alter he flow line of the ditch and the corresponding culverts. This is a similar problem long the house side of the culverts, but is not as dramatic. We have estimated a cost 0 construct an 8-foot bituminous pathway along the house side of the culvert us ng standard excavation quantities, pavement quantities. It should be noted that to complete a more accurate cost, it would be necessary to complete a thorough to ographic survey of this area. This topography survey would cost $3,000 to $5,000 to complete and would give us the information necessary to adequately design the ath in this area, which is necessary to estimate the quantities. For the basic trail s stem, estimating landscaping modifications and fill materials, without good topogr phic survey, the pathway is estimated to cost $48,500 between the south end 0 Gillard Avenue and River Forest Drive and $18,000 from River Forest Drive to SAH 39. This would result in a per lot cost of $3,230 and $4,500 for the south and north sides of River Forest Drive, or $3,500 per lot for the combined project. . Honorable Mayor and City Council City of Monticello August 27,2001 Page 2 2. . We have provided the cost to give the City ouncil some idea of what it will take to provide pedestrian access in this area. We would quest that the City Council take action on how we should move forward, either with a ful topographic survey to better determine costs in the area for development of an off-syste pathway or moving forward with an on-street pathway for this area. The City Council may also want to better determine the public interest in this project in this area if assess ents are anticipated to be completed. Please don't hesitate to give me a call a (763) 287-7190 if you have any questions or comments regarding this memo. nm . F:\ WPWIN\1338-02\082701 hmc.rtf . -'- ._,.~- -_._,~ - -"'--.-.. -- .-- --., ~-- . 0'" ... ""'N u"> '" r-", '" 0 ... "'N " u">",r- '" '" ..:> ~ 0 000 0 0 00 0 ... ... ...... ... ......... ... ... ..:1 Z 0 000 0 0 00 0 0 0 00 0 000 0 0 '" ::l 0 000 0 0 00 0 0 0 00 0 000 0 0 U 0 000 0 0 00 0 0 0 00 0 000 0 0 ....'" !-<O 0 '" "''''''' '" '" "'''' '" '" '" "'''' '" "''''''' '" '" ZO<: .... ... "".. " ... .... .. " ... .... ... ...... ... ... 0'" '" ,..,,..,,.., ,.., '" '" '" ,.., '" '" ,..,,.., '" '" ,..,,.., '" ,.., :I;; '" 0 ...... '" "''''''' '" '" ",,,, '" '" '" "'''' '" "''''''' '" '" "'" '" 0 '" ><0 E-<;> ... U~ 0 '" 0 .. 111 ..:> 0 ...... ...... N 00 ... 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'" 0( ru ;.. rs ECONOMIC DEVEL( PMENT REPORT AUGUST 2'7, 20()} OLLIE KOR PCHAK a) Integrated Recycling "fechnologies, Inc. - GMEF No. 018 in the amount of $72,500 closcd (disbursed) on Junc 29, 2001. Building construction underway along ,.'al Ion A venuc. b) EDM^ Company - Approved GM:F No. 019 in the amount 01'$30,000 anticipated to closc on August 30 or 31,2001. Building and site plans at city for I'CVICW. c) WII-lA Company - Plans have bee I submitted to the city for a 16,000 sq ft addition to their cxisting 1 (l,OOO sq ft building. d) I-l- Window - Two leads for this bu kling. e) Fay-Mar Building - Production St mping took a second look. No room to expand. I believc Fay-Mar is leasing 2,500 sq ft in Big Lake. n Production Stamping taking a wai and see approach. g) Red Wing Foods - May construct 26,700 sq ft building. Undecided. h) O'Connor house - Court hearing r scheduled from August 3 to September 19. i) Block 36 _ Working on T1F Agre ment with Fluth for AmoCO site. Attorney group "wait til spring" approach t determine go-ahead as they lost their tenant. City counter-offered city lot to FIlth for $17 ,SOO. i) DMRF No. 112 _ Authorized pay lent to Mr. Thickpenny in the amount of $6,900 for facade grant. k) Mayor Belsaas and myself met w th Charlie Pfeffer on August 23 and toured development areas in Maple Gro e and Rogers. 111) The EDA is working with the pr perty owners of Block 35 for development of a concept acceptable to the owners and public works to enhance the rear area of tbe private lots. Issue include parki, g, poor drainagc from roofs and plowing, and trash areas. The ED^ is willing 0 commit a significant amount of DMRF dollars to complete the improvements. n) The Marketing Committee is me ting with Lecy Design for suggestions and cost estirnates to update the industria brochure. About 600 of the 2,000 brochures remain. 100 arc mailed per month. A plan \vill be drafted to re-instate the business retention and expansiOl visits. 0) RFP mailed for cleanup of the tl ree parcels owned by the I-IRA along Front Street area. The Building IJepartment has reccived complaints after issuing blight notices. The HRA will accept a bid on September 5. p) Will begin soon to qualify the p reels to remain in the Downtown TIF District per the four-year knock down rule. nd submit to County ^uditor. q) The second round ofMHFA apJlications will be awarded around the 27lh of September. Monticello's scatt red housing application is among them.