City Council Agenda Packet 08-13-2001 . AGE DA REGULAR MEETING - M8N ICELL0 CITY Cfi)UNCIL Monday, August 13, 2001 - 7 p.m. Mayor: Roger Belsaas Council Members: Clint Herbst, Brian Stumpf, Roger Carlson, Bruce Thielen 1 . Call to order. 2. Approve minutes of July 23, 2001 regular COli cil meeting. (1( f,..t/ 3. Consideration of adding items to the agenda. A. C)tu....,. ~ \. \ Jl.. ~"t... J B. ~<r.f{ - e~ p C. ~-+ V~ - d&A.4 td- d '-...tJ(~ - ~fL ~ Citizens com:n4ents/petitions, requests, and com {)Jcfdw6.J ~,~ - :J6t..... ~.t1(.t~1 Consent agenda. , t f (,-:;.< Ltxf.t-. ~o.,/' ('t.~ 4. 5. laints. , ) L ~~f ~.. f-. ItA. Fer J.\..r,vO . A. Consideration of ratifying new hires for onticello Community Center. B. Consideration of approving a temporary n-sale liquor license for 81. Henry's Fall Festival. Applicant: Church of S1. Henry. C. Consideration of approving request for ch itable gambling license _ St. Henry's Fall F esti val. D. Consideration of transfer of off-sale non-i toxicating liquor license for1547 East Broadway and 1200 South Highway 25. E. Consideration of approval of a carnival lic nse for Burger King. / F. Consideration of accepting six month liqu r store financial report. G. Consideration of a preliminary plat and an amendment to the existing planned unit development (PUD). Applicant: Front Por h Associates. H. Consideration of an amendment to a plann d unit development in the PZM Zoning District to permit the expansion of parking lot facilities. Applicant: Monticello-Big Lake Community Hospital District. ~ ~V lIIIII!II" \\~ 1. Consideration of a request for a conditional se permit allowing a reduction in the standard \) U design requirements for stall aisle and drive ay design. Applicant: Integrated Recycling ~ ~ ~~ Technologies, Inc. ~ . . Agenda Monticello City Council August 13,2"1 Page Two 1. Consideration of a request for an amen ent to the sign ordinance allowing overhanging signs over 6 square feet on Walnut Stre t. Applicant: City of Monticello. K. Consideration of request to extend the eartland Express fixed deviated route another 60 days. L. Consideration of approving contract wit Klunz Excavating. M. Consideration of raising excavation char es. N. Consideration of authorizing funds for d velopment of landscaping plan for the Walnut Street Plaza Cf G- ~ rq. ,?,Wc.o +1-, uc,. ~,'J5 ~( S 6 N ~ L 6. Consideration of items removed from the conse t agenda for discussion. 5'.f-. 7. Public Hearing - Consideration of adoption of an assessment roll for Cedar Street Improvements Project No. 2000-18e. 8. Consideration of accepting bids and awarding co tract Cedar Street Improvement Project No. 2000-18C and Project No. 2001-7C, th Street Improvements. 9. Consideration of accepting bids for sanitary sewe and water main relocation for the Mielke Development, Project No. 2001-09e. 1 O. Presentation by Don Hemming requesting City su port for River Country Bike Trail, a regional trail concept. II. Pulled from agenda. 12. Consideration of granting an increase to the indivi ual pension for volunteer Firefighter Relief Association members. 13. Consideration to approve the recommendation oft e HRA to waive the parking deficiency fee associated with the redevelopment of the northerly portion of Block 36. 13A. ~ 15. <@ . 17. 18. 19. Consideration of offer to purchase City owned Ian in Block 36. Consideration of accepting bids and awarding cont act for 2001 Sealcoating Project. Consideration of establishing date for budget works op. Consideration of bids for emergency generator for hestnut Street lift station and consideration of award of contract for delivery. Consideration of bike park preliminary design layou and cost estimates.. Approve payment of bills for August. Adjourn . . . MI liTES REGULAR MEETING - M NTICELLO CITY COUNCIL .July 23, 2 01 - 7 p.m. Members Present: Roger Belsaas, Roger Carls( n, Clint Herbst, Brian Stumpf and Bruce Thielen. Members Absent: None J. Call to Order. Mayor Belsaas called the meeting to order t 7: 1 0 p.m. and deelared a quorum present. 2A. A CLINT HERBST MOVED TO APPROVE HE MINUTES OF THE JULY 9, 2001 REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING. BRIA STUMPF SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED WITH ROGER CAR ,SON ABSTAINING. 2B. A rove minutes of CSAH 75 Worksho BRIAN STUMPf MOVED TO APPROVE HE MINUTES OF THE CSAH 75 WORKSHOP OF JULY 9,2001. CLINT HERBST SECO DED TI IE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED WITI I ROGER CARLSON ABSTAINING. 3. Consideration of addin items to the a en A petition ii:.lr annexation for the Groveland evelopment was added to the agenda. The Mayor stated that agenda items #9 and # 12 would b moved up. 4. Paula Gaeth, 9596 Mill Trail Lane spoke to t e Council about the approval of the River Mill 6th Addition. She was concerned about: I) the vi ual and noise impact; 2) lower property value because of the visual/noise impact; 3) smaller homes in the new development will also lower property values and 4) they were told that this parcel would not be developed. Deputy City Administrator, JetfO'Neill provided backgro md on the development of this parcel stating that the uncertainty with the road alignment in the River Forest Addition kept this parcel from deveioping earlier. Clint Herbst asked if thes lots were shown on the original plat and Jeff O'Neill indicated they were not. There was s me question on where the proposed lots were in relation to the Gaeth property. Mayor Belsaa asked Paula Gaeth to meet with Jeff O'Neill on this. 5. Consent A!!enda A. Consideration of ratifying new hires M X:. Recommendation: Ratify the hiring of the part-time employees for the Monticello Community Center as identified. . B. Council Minutes - 7/23/0 I Consideration to rcvicw Greater M nticello Enterprise rund (GMEF) Loan No. 019 fo!" compliance with theEDA-G-MEF usiness Subsidy Criteria. Recommendation: C. Consideration of mnending Title S ven, Chapte!" 2, City Ordinance clarifying penalty fl.)!" violating provisions of water or inance. Recommendation: Adopt ordinance amendment clarilying the establish lent of penalties that would apply to any violation of the City's sewer and water code. Ord. Amd. #362 ROGER CARLSON MOVED 'ro . PPROVE THE CONSENT AGENDA. BRUCE THIELEN SECONDED THE MOT ON. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSL Y. 6. Consideration of items removed from the consent a enda for discussion. . ..-... ..... None. 7. City Administrator, Rick Wolfsteller noted t at this is the quarterly assessment for delinquent utilities. Mayor Belsaas opened the public earing. There was no one who spoke on the delinquent utility assessment. Mayor Belsa' s closed the puhlic hearing. BRIAN STUMPF MOVED TO ADOPT TH ~ ASSESSMENT FOR THE DELINQUENT UTILITY CHARGES. BRUCE TI-HELEN , ECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSL Y. Res. 2001-4 . 9. Consideration to ado t a resolution award n Increment Bonds. Series 7/31/01. G.O. Tax Mark RutTfrom Ehlers and Associates explai ed the action that precipitated the hond sale. The tax hill recently passed hy the legislature imp cts thc City's tax increment districts. Mark Ruff discussed the reduction in tax rates for variou property classes, implementation of a state wide husiness tax and deletion of the HACA pcnalt associated with the TIF districts. The HRA recommcnded issuance of the bonds so as to e tend the five year rule for the downtown tax increment district by two years (8/1/04) and to also allow the City to complete projects that are in process. In addition this would protcct the xisting intcrnalloans between HRA and City and provide thc option to apply for a grant if a shortfall would occur, although that is not anticipated. The term of the bonds is 3 years t an interest rate of 5 ~%. CLINT IIERBST MOVED TO ADOPT ARE 'OLUTlON A WARDING THE SALE OF $2,150,000 TAXABLE TEMPORARY G.O. "AX INCREMENT BONDS, SERIES 7/31/01. ROGER CARLSON SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSL Y. Res. No. 2001-52. 2 . . . 8. 12. Consideration of ado tin Proiect No. 2000-16C. Council Minutes - 7/23/01 n confiouration for CSAH 75 Becky IJauschild summarized the commen s received at the informational meeting which included: a) Concern about speed; b) Land eaping to slow the traUlc; c) Leave the road as is. Becky Hauschild indicated what would ha pen to the traffic capacity of the road if that took place. d) Concern with assessments. It wa noted the City is working on an assessment policy. The City's share of the project is estimated at $2,000,000 which includes the wear course f()r the parking lanes, utilities and lighting; e) ree removal; f) Concern about the project transition area between Washington Street and I{enn pin Street; g) Sidewalk on CSAII 75 where none previously existed; h) Median andlandscap area be low maintenance and cost em~ctive; i) Parking will be too narrow in the winter w en there is snow; j) Limited access to Linn Street and k) Dislike of the limited to access to ee ain side streets. Brian Stumpf also voiced is opposition to restricting access to the Post ( ffice at Linn Street. Becky Hauschild indicated this was an item they could look at again. lint Herbst suggest that an easement to Locust street from the post oHice be pursued. Joh Simola suggested reversing the flow of traffic by the mailboxes. Brian Stumpf didn't think y u would alleviate the traffic on the side streets until the bottleneck at CSAH 75/TH 25 was resolved. Although the some Councilmembers felt uncomfortable with the limited access t the side streets, they felt the design overall was good in that it retained on street parking. B cky Hauschild stated that CSAH 75 design is based on the assumption that the City will c ntinue with the Fallon Avenue and 7th Street projects. If that is not the case then the imp ovements to CSAH 75 will not be adequate. Brian Stumpf stated he is not in opposition to the i provement of CSAH 75 just to restricting access to the side streets. BRUCE THIELEN MOVED TO APPROV' THE LAYOUT AS PRESENTED Af THE PUBLIC INFORMATION MEETING BUT TO MAKE MINOR CHANGES TO THE PROJECT WHICH CAN BE SUPPORTED BY THE CITY ENGINEER AND TUE WRIGHT COUNTY IlIGHW A Y DEPARTMENT. R GER CARLSON SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED WrrH BRIAN STUM F VOTING IN OPPOSITION. Wayne Fingalson, Wright County Engineer, ndicated that the City Council will have the opportunity to approve the plans before the County puts the project out for bid. Consideration of ado tin assessment for SAH 75 Pro'eet NO.98-17C Kean and Bondhus properties ). When the assessment roll was considered for ~SAH 75, Project No. 98-] 7C the assessment of two properties were delayed so that an apprais'-I could be done because of opposition of the owners to the proposed assessment. Kean Pro erty (155-037-001010) _ The original assessment was proposed at $59.883 and then reduced to, 55,671. City Administrator, Rick Wolfsteller stated that the City had to acquire right-of-wa flJr this project and it was the intent of the City to charge this cost back as part of the assessm nt. The appraisal stated there was a $.75/sq. ft. increase in val lie as a result of the i mproveme 11. This would support an assessment of between $50,OOO-$52,()()O. .., " . Council Minutes ~ 7/23/0 I Hondhus Property (155-011-000031 and 155-011-000060) - Two assessments were proposed one covering the main plant ($52,484) and t1 e other for a vacant triangular piece of property ($3,898). Rick Wolfsteller suggested the Cit may want to defer the assessment on the triangular piece until such time as the proper y develops. The asseSSment for the main plant was recommended to rernain at $52,484 whi h was supported by the appraisal. BRIAN STUMPF MOVED TO ADOPT TH " ASSESSMENT ROLL AS PROPOSED FOR TIlE BONDHUS PARCEL IN THE AMOU T OF $52,484.63 AND DEFER THE ASSESSMENT OF $3,898.56 AGAINST TI E TRIANGULAR PARCEL UNTIL SUCH TIME AS THE PROPERTY IS DEVELOPE J. CLINT HERBST SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMC USL Y. Res. No. 2001-51. Ken Schwartz and Dean Hoglund were prese t and commented that were paid for land that was taken f()r the road and then they were assesse for the cost of the road. Brian Stumpf stated that they had agreed in writing to the assessment fthe right-of-way cost and should not have been surprised to tind that included in their assess ent. Ken Schwartz stated that the City had to prove value to the property. Rick Wolfstellcr stated the appraisal supported an assessment of at least $50,000 by either calculation, 1) $] 1,00 plus the cost of the right-of-way $4] ,500 or 2) an increase of$.75/sq. ft. Ken Schwartz didn't eel that they should have to provide access for the rest of the people on the boulevard. It was no cd by the City Engineer that the 55' that Kean had questioned had not been included in the asses ment calculation but there was a 35' section of curb that was not replaced and that could be d dueted fi'om the assessment. 'fhe Council discussed whether to continue negotiation to r ach a compromise. Mayor Belsaas suggested adopting the assessment roll and continuing 'th negotiations. Brian Stumpf stated he wanted to see it resolved tonight. . BRUCE TIIIELEN MOVED TO ADOPT AN ASSESSMENT FOR TIlE KEAN PROPERTY IN THE AMOUNT OF $50,333. BRIAN ST MPF SECONDED TJ-IE MOTION. I n further discussion Brian Stumpf said the Ci y would consider accepting an offering of $41,500. BRUCE THIELEN AMENDED HIS MOTIO TO REFLECT THAT TIlE CITY WOULD ACCEPT A COMPROMISE ASSESSMENT F $41,500 AND SET A DEADLINE OF WEDNESDA Y NOON FOR KEAN TO ACC ~PT THE COMPROMISE ASSESSMENT. BRIAN STUMPF SECONDED TIlE AMENL ED MOTION. Ken Schwartz and Dean Hoglund indicated tha their legal counsel would be out of town until Thursday and they asked that the deadline be e tended until Monday at noon. BRUCE TJ IIELEN AMENDED IIIS MOTIO TO SET TI-lE DEADLINE FOR KEAN ACCEPTANCE OF TIlE ASSESSMENT TO ONDA Y (JUL Y 30, 200 I ) AT NOON. HRIAN STUMPF SECONIJED THE MOTIO . MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSL Y. . 4 . . 10. Consideration of an offer for Dr. .John Erlandson. Council Minutes - 7/23/0 I Rick Wolfsteller stated that as part of the C e1sea Road project the City had acquired two lots in the Sandberg South Addition to put the roa through. The lot adjacent to the dental clinic has 13.000 sq. ft. A portion of this property is ceded for utilities and ponding but the remainder could be sold. The City in acquiring this pI' perty incurred cost of $2.36/sq. ft. The property byitsclf may not be a buildable lot since it Ins only 80' feet of tJ:ontage instead of the 100' required by ordinance. If the property was sid, it was suggested the City maintain a 20' easement around the property. Dr. Erlandso submitted an offer of $9,000 for the parcel which amounts to about $.65/sq. ft. considerably Ie s than the cost the City incurred in acquiring the property. Mayor Be]saas suggested that a e unteroffer be made of $15,000. Clint Herbst suggested setting a price and then offering th property for sale on the open market. BRUCE THIELEN MOVED TO MAKE A =OUNTEROFFER OF $14,900 AND IF THE COUNTEROFFER IS NOT ACCEPTED, TIE COUNCIL CAN THEN FURTHER ADDRESS OTHER OPTIONS FOR THE P OPERTY. BRIAN STUMPF SECONDED THE MOTION BUT FELT A TIME LIMIT SHO LD BE SPECIFIED FOR ACTION ON THE COUNTEROFFER. BRUCE THIELEN AMENDED HIS MOTI( N TO ADD A SEPTEMBER 1,2001 DEADLINE FOR A RESPONSE TO THE C )UNTEROFFER. BRIAN STUMPF SECONDED THE AMENDED MOTION. OTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSL Y. Clint Herbst noted that the road going throug which made the lot unbuildable as far frontage requirements could be considered a hardship' nd could justify a variance from the ordinance. John Simola stated that this is a corner lot and there was no assessment against it so the owner would get the benefit of the curb and gutter w thout the assessment. 1 J. Consideration of reviewin Ii uor store ex for bids. Rick Wolfsteller reviewed the sketch plans su mittcd f()f the expansion. The structure would complement the Towne Centre development. 'he Council was being asked to authorize completion of documents so the project could e bid. The design drawing wi II also be reviewed by DA l' (Design Advisory Team). The estim ted cost is between $500,000 and $650,000 and these estimates will be refined. Bruce Thielen 'lsked if there was any data on how the increase in footage would impact revenue. It is anticip ted that liquor store reserves will be used to cover expansion costs. BRUCE THIELEN MOVED TO APPROVE '1 HE PRELIMINARY EXPANSION PLANS FOR THE LIQUOR STORE AND AUTI-IORI ,E THE ARCHITECT TO COMPLETE THE PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS FOR CONSrRUCTION BIDDING PURPOSES SUBJECT TO REVIEW BY THE DESIGN ADVISORY EAM. CLINT HERBST SECONDED TI-:IE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMO SLY. 5 . 13. Review of second uarter 2001 Monticel 0 Comrnunit Center financial statements. Council Minutes - 7/23/01 Community Center Director, Kitty Baltos, lpdatcd the Council on activities at the Community Center and answered questions pertaining t the financial report. Clint Herbst asked about the drop in the maintenance expense from 200 to 200]. It was explained that there were a first time start up purchases that were put in this fund and also the categorizing of expenses has been refined. Bruce Thielen stated the City kne it would take a couple of years to have a feel for the financial flow ofthe facility. BRUCE THIELEN MOVED TO APPROV'~ THE FINANCIAL, FACILITY USE AND PASS INFORMATION FOR THE MONTICELL COMMUNITY CENTER. CLlNT HERBST SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION C RRIED UNANIMOUSL Y. 14. The City has received a petition from Gold ugget requesting annexation into the City of their 200+ acre parcel. A preliminary plat had been approved by the Planning Commission but was not approved by the City Council pending re olution of a conflict between the City's Comprehensive Land Use Plan and the MOA Land Use Plan. According to the City Attorney, the 120 day rule does not apply to this becaus the parcel was outside the city limits. In previous meetings, the Council has discussed the area and the possibility of mixed uses, not just residential as proposed. The City Attorney h. s a concern about accepting the annexation petition and then amending the land use plan fterwards. The City Attorney's recommendation would be table action on the petition or deny i until the City could update the land use plan. Once the land use plan has been updated, Gol Nugget could petition for annexation. Mayor Belsaas felt the petition should be denied but t 1(1t the Planning Commission be directed to initiate an amendment to the land use plan and set up a Council/Planning Commission workshop to determine the appropriate land us for this area. Clint Herbst felt this should be looked at by the MOAA Board. Bruce Thielet argued that the Council had made the determination that the MOAA Board ceased to exist since there was not valid land use plan in place by July 8, ] 999. . BRUCE THlELEN MOVED TO TABLE THE ANNEXATION PETITION FROM GOLD NUCiGET WITH THE UNDERSTANDING T fA Tn IE CITY NEEDS TO LOOK AT THIS AREA AND COME UP WlTH A CONSENS{ S ON WHAT KIND OF LAND USE TJ lEY W ANT TO SEE IN 'rHIS AREA AND SINCE THE COUNCIL VOTED AS A GOVERNING BODY THAT 'fHE MOAA BOARD NO LON lER EXISTED THERE WOULD BE NO PARTICIPATION IN THE MOAA BY THE C TY REPRESENTATIVES AND ANY ANNEXATION WILL BE DEALT WITH BY rHE CITY AS PRESCRIBED BY STAlE STATUTES. IN ADDITION THE PLANNIN - COMMISSION AND CITY COUNCIL WILL MEET JOINTLY TO DISCUSS TI IE LAND U "E ISSUES. ROGER CARLSON SECONDED TI IE MOTION. - ....... 6 . . . Council Minutes - 7/23/01 In further discussion, Mayor Belsaas state that it was his intent to continue to attend the MOAA meetings. There was discussion h w Roger l3elsaas and Clint Herbst represent themselves at the MOAA meetings. Roge Carlson questioned how the representatives could attend the meeting and vote on issues as if t was a legitimate board after the Council by vote determined that the MOAA Board no long I' existed. Clint I Ierbst stated that any new action that would come up to the MOAA Board ould not be considered by the MOAA until it was determined by thc courts whether the MO A was still a valid entity. At the last MOAA meeting, they were voting on an issue that ad been in the approval process fix over a year. The MOAA Board was completing action on a already initiated application not dealing with any new application. Brian Stumpf stated he ould I ike to see the portion of the motion about participation on the MOAA Board pulled fr)m the resolution. Clint Herbst felt the City should be represented on the board until the appeal was decided. Mayor Belsaas agreed with this. Roger Carlson asked for clarification if it w s the intent of the MOAA Board to table new issues that came up before it. Clint Herbst lelt that it wouldn't be that long until the appeal is decided. Brian Stumpf felt that the City sh - uld have representatives there listening to what is going on at the MOAA Board. UPON VOTE BEING TAKEN, BRUCE T JELEN AND ROGER CARLSON VOTED IN FA VOR THEREOF AND ROGER BELSA S, CLINT HERBST AND BRIAN STUMPF VOTED AGAINST. MOTION FAILED. CLINT HERBST MOVED TO 'fABLE TH.' GOLD NUGGET ANNEXATION PETITION AND DIRECT THE PLANNING COMMISSION TO WORK ON A LAND USE AMENDMENT AND TO SCl IEDULE A ORKSHOP WITI I 1'1 IE CITY COUNCIL ON TI IE LAND USE ISSUES. BRIAN STUM F SECONDED TI-IE MOnON. MOTION CARRIED WITH BRUCE THIELEN AND OGER CARLSON VOTING IN OPPOSITION. 15. Consideration of removin the trail sectio from the Cit Park/Outlot A River Mill 6lh from the com rehensive ark and trail s stem for the Ci of Monticello. Jeff O'Neill outlined the segment of trail in q lestion. It is proposed that the trail would come through the outlot and connect to the existing 7 acre park. The City had received a petition from some residents on Mill Trail Lane regal' ing this segment of trail. The Council directed them to meet with the Parks Commission, wh'ch they did on July 19,2001. 'fhe recommendation of the Parks Commission W' s that this segment of trail remain on the City's plan and that the City Council should authori ed the engineer to conduct a feasibility study. Jason Penaz and Brian Butler two of the resid 'nts who petitioned the Council were present. They voiced their opposition to the trail being constructed citing 1) loss of privacy; 2) increase in noise and visibility hom the freeway; 3) h s of trees and 4) proximity of trail to residential property. The Parks Commission while sym athetic to the comments of the homeowners noted that this segment provides access to the park, ld is a link f()f pedestrians to the signalized crossing at CSAH 75. The Parks ComnlissiOl1 also felt that the trail is an amenity f()f the homeowners as well as the community. Coun il discLlssed othcr possible trail routes. Bruce Thielen felt that eliminating this segment of tr il would increase people cutting across private 7 . . ~ ..... Council Minutes - 7/23/0] property in order to access the trail. The C uncil noted that trail would be constructed in such a way as to avoid removing thc trees as mucl as possihle. Jason Penaz and Brian Butler stated that th trail was not shown on the plat nor were they aware of the development of the additional lots. rian Butler also stated his concern about the quality of houses that would be built on the new los. Cl int Herbst stated he had reservations about the atter the fact development of the outlot. Jet 'O'Neil1 responded that this parcel was in limbo until River Forest development was in plac . Bruce Thielen emphasized that the trail tics the community together and noted this kind of roblem occurs when the trail doesn't go in at the beginning of the development. Jason Pen and Brian Butler reiterated their opposition to the trail and its impact on them. CI__INT HERBST MOVED TO TABLE AC ION ON THIS ITEM UNTIL AUGUST 13,2001 MEETING. BRIAN STUMPF SECONDE THE MOTION WITH DISCUSSION. Brian Stumpf suggested that the Council vie the site with the property owners and the Park Commissionmemhers. UPON VOTE BEING TAKEN THE MOTI N CARRIED UNANIMOUSL Y. ]6. Consideration of addin Gillard Avenue f om East Count ROlld 39 to 95th Street to Cit Pathwa S stem and consider makin a re ommendation that a feasibilit stud be ordered on the installation of the athwa t said location. At a previous meeting the Council had receiv d a petition for an off road trail fiJr Gillard A venue. The petitioners stated that: 1) that tl e speeds and volume of traffic on the roadway were excessive and 2) the street is too narrow 0 handle pedestrian and vehicle traffic. The Parks Commission reviewed this and recomm nded that because there is no linkage to the bike trail system along the southern corridor and th road is unsafe for pedestrian traffic that the Council add this to the City's Pathway system .Jeff O'Neill stated that trail identified on the pathway system is generally assessed 25%-7500 with the City picking up the 75%. Brian Stumpf suggested the Council look at this the ame time they look at the River Mill segment. Jeff O'Neill suggested that City needs some te hnical date from the engineer fIrst. John Young 9631 Gillard Avenue, stated he w uld preler the Council not table action on this since it was a safl::ty matter and not just a path ay issue. lhc Council lClt this could still be looked at without holding up the feasibility stu y. BRUCE THIELEN MOVED TO HA VE THE :ny ENGINEER PREPARE A FEASIBILITY STUDY FOR A TRAIL SEGMENT ALONG ILLARD A VENUE FROM COUNTY ROAD 39 EAST TO 95111 STREET. CUNT HERBST SECONDED TlIE MOTION. MOTION CARRH:D UNANIMOUSL Y. There was some discussion on whether the trail 'hould be located in the iront or back of thc houses. It was noted that it be would unl ikely t get all the homcowners to agree to having the 8 2_ . . 18. . Council Minutes - 7/23/01 trail placed in the back yard area. John Yo mg suggested that it be placed in the front within the right-of-way/eascmcnt area. Clint Herbst 1 ointed out that since there is no curb and gutter on Gillard Avenue everything is in the ditch. These arc issues that will be addressed in the feasibility report which according to thc Ci y Engineer could be completed within a month. 17. City Engineer. Bret Weiss had donc some re1iminary traffic analysis at both Gillard Avenue and Oak Ridge Drive as far as placement 0 traffic controls. On Gillard A venue between 971h Street and River Forest Drive they counted 10 vehicles per day. The posted speed limit in this area is 30 mph and 60% of the vehicles cou ted were traveling in excess of 30 mph. Bret Weiss reviewed the warrants for traffic controls and stated that based on that criteria neither the 97th Street intersection nor the River Forest rive intersection met the warrants. The City Engineer felt this was more of an enforcem nt issue and suggested more patrolling of the area. Another suggestion was possibly installing dvisory signage, such "Intersection Ahead". Since this is also a township road, the town board auld need to approve any sign installation. Rick Woltsteller stated he has contacted the SherifT s Depmiment about additional patrols. Clint lIerbst asked if the City could get a report 0 the patrol activities in this area. BRIAN STUMPF MOVED TO ACCEPT l' IE TRAFFIC ANAL YSIS ON GILLARD AVENUE AND INSTRUCT STAFF TO G T INCREASE PATROLLING OF THE AREA. CLINT HERBST SECONDED THE MOTI N. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. Bret Weiss also presented preliminary infon ation on Oak Ridge Drive. The traffic survey indicated that 97% of the vehicles were traveling at less than 30 mph. Bret Weiss suggested that maybe because of the curve the speed IiI it could be set at 25 mph. Bruce Thielen stated that these numbers show that stop signs don' need be placed there. It was suggested that there be stricter enf()rcement but Bret Weiss pointed out that with 97% complying with the posted speed limit, thcre wouldn't be much to enfor e. The Council directed that a copy of the engineer's report be sent to the property own rs. Another suggestion was to post "Local Traffic Only" signs and there was some discussion 0 how that would be enforced. BRUCE THIELEN MOVED TO ACCEPT l' IE CITY ENGINEER'S REPORT AND DIRECT TI-H-: PUBLIC WORKS DEPART ENT TO INSTALL TI-TE ADVISORY SIGNS. CLINT HERBST SECONDED THE MOTIO . MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSL Y. Jeff O'Neill broke out the items that were reg ested by the developer, which items would be shared as lar as cost and which items Towne entre would pick up. Additionallandscapin!: and rock along the tr ck between Towne Ceflfre and the library. The City would pick up 34% of the cost and 'fown Centre 63% of the cost. 9 2- . . . Council Minutes - 7/23/0 I fllstallation l?la cro.\'swalk lit the same ele ation as curb. Towne Centre to pay the entire cost. Public Works had some concerns about thi ieature because the layout showed the crossing as having 4 different grade changes. Snow re wval equipment may catch the pavers whcn thcy go ovcr thc crossing and the crossing Inay reqL ire some advisory speed signs. Based on the design layout There was also some concern about i ing conditions at this intersection. Parking stalls for Walnut Street This beca ne necessary when a restaurant site was approved for the development. There was discussion n how many stalls were needed and when they would be needed. The developer had agree to pay half the cost but the question was whether the City or Sunny Fresh would pick up the I' mainder. It was suggested that the parking stalls be delayed until it was proven the stalls would e needed. Provisions for this could be written into the development agreement. Additiollal tree plalltings Plantings are pro osed and would be funded from the tree fund. BRUCE TI HELEN MOVED TO APPROV THE PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS FOR TIlE W Al ,NUT STREET SIDEWALK PR .TECT INCLUDING: I) LANDSCAPING ALONG THE TRACK WITH SHARED F DING BY DEVELOPER AND CITY; 2) DEVELOPMENT OF ]6 HEAD-IN PA KING STALLS ALONG WALNUT STREET ON I fOLD UNTIL NEED IS DETERMINED A D THIS PROVISfON WILL BE INCLUDED IN THE DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT AN 3) ADDITIONAL TREE PLANTINGS FUNDED FROM CITY TREE FUND. RO ER CARLSON SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIl-:D UNANIMOUSL Y. 19. Verbal IJpdate - Blil!ht Report. A follow up inspection was done on those bl ght properties that had been referenced at previous Council meetings. A complaint was filed by he City Attorney against those properties not in compliance. Fred Patch noted that not all of he items cited were violations of the ordinance and pointed out that a lack of maintenance do s not necessarily indicate an ordinance violation. Other: Clint Ilerbst asked about the SAC/WAC charges at onticello Ford. 'the dealership had indicatcd that because the car wash was not opcn to the public the c 1argcs should be less. That a car wash is done at the 1ime service work is done is not the same as some ne being able to come in ofT the street for a car wash. John Glomski is researching the question of the mailh)x maintenance and will submit it to the Council. .IeiTO' Neill stated that the City had received an anne ation petition covering 31.52 acres of the Groveland development which is less than the 60 acre maximum allowed by ordinance. Jeff O'Neill indicated this acceptable if the Council operates under the provision of state statutes. This annexation would be by ordinance. It was noted that the entire GlOvc1and development had been approved by thc MOAA but the process f'l1r annexation is different no . If the Council proceeds with this it may bring a 10 f") t~" . . challenge 1/-om the township and bring about a de ennination if there is a valid MOAA agreement. Clint lIerbst felt the City should 1'()]/ow the procec ure they did in the past and that it should come befi:)re the MOAA 8oard. Council Minutes - 7/23/0 I ROGER CARLSON MOVED TO ACCEPT THE PETITION FOR ANNEXATION FOR THE GROVELAND DEVELOPMENT. BRUCE THl LEN SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED WITlI ROGER BELSAAS AND CLl T HERBST VOTrNG TN OPPOSITION. 20. Approve payment of biIJs for July. BRUCE THIELEN MOVED TO APPROV~ PAYMENT OF BILLS FOR JULY. CLINT HERBST SECONDED THE MOTION. M nON CARRIED UNANIMOUSL Y. 21. Adiourn. BRIAN STUMPF MOVED TO ADJOURN AT 10:30 P.M. CLINT HERBST SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UN NIMOUSLY. . Recording Secretary -'-.,-'------.~"-'-^~-'-'~,-,.------.,-~,-,-,_._.,-"~- ._'~~-,- - ] 1 . . . SA. Council Agenda - 8/13/0 I Considcration of ~lpnrovin_ new hircs all( de artur.es for thc.fommunitv centcr. (R W) A. f{.EFERENCE AND BACKGROlJND: The Council is asked to ratil-y the hiring ofn w employees that have occurred recently at the the community center.. ^s you recall, it is r commended that the Council officially ratify the hiring of all new ernployees including part-ti TIC and seasonal \vorkers. B. ALTERNATIVI~ ACTIONS: I. Ratify the hiring of the part-time em _Ioyees liJr the community center as identiJied on the attached list. C. SUPPORTING HAT A: I ,ists of new part-time employees. . Name Scott Johnson Ruth Gantner NEW EMPL 0 YEES Title Department Hire Date Class custodian MCC 7/17/01 PT childcare, slide att MCC 7/17/01 PT TERMINA T1NG En PLOYEES Reason Department Last Day Class voluntary M:C 6/6/01 PT voluntary M:C 6/15/01 PT voluntary M:::C 7/31/01 PT voluntary MJC 4/12/01 PT voluntary M C 7/19/01 PT 1/2001 5P\ . Name Paul Conroy Jessica Smith Marissa Koppy Tom Jones Elizabeth Gantner . employee councillist.xls: 08/0 . . ..-.. ..... 58. A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROLJND: Council Agenda - 8/13/0 1 uor license for St. Henr 's Fall The City has received a request for a temp. rary liquor license for the fall festival for the Church of St. Henry which is scheduled for Septel bel' 15-16, 2001 at 1001 East 71h Street. The fees for the license is the same as last year. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Council could approve the issuance of a tel porary on-sale liquor license to the Church of St. Henry's l(Jr their JaIl festival on September 51h and 16th. 2. Deny the license request. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: D. The City Administrator recommends approv 101' the license as outlined. SLJPPOnTING DATA: Copy of application 5T MN ALe GAMB ENF 6512975259 06/07 '01 12:13 NO.204 01/01 . (W~;. ~r.,f;!~,1: '7 .';'... J\ ; r ' , ~3: ...;. ' .. , .., 1 ., . , . ," . -' ~. ,.., . - ... - ~~~.;~,:~ Il1djI"1?tij~\ Minnesota Departm nt of Public Safety Alcohol and Gambling nforcement Division 444 Cedar S Suite 133 St. Paul, MN 5101-51.33 . Locati (651)296-6439 TD (651)282~6555 APPLICATION ND PERMIT FOR A TEMPORAlty ON. ALE LIQUOR l,ICENSE oj 2- ,ih s.-:- Will .e llpplicant contract for inloll..icllting liquor$ervice~? If SQ, give the ame and addre$s of the liquor 1i~l')sec providing lilt service. Will the appli..:anl carry liquor liability iJ)$urance? If so, the carrier's n me and amount of Coverage, (NOTE: Insurance i~ not mandatory.) . APPROV: L APPUCA'tJON MUST BE t\M"ROVEO BY CITY OR COUN'IY BEFQRE PIT/COUNTY CITY FEE AMOUNT DATE FEE PArD UJJMITI1NG TO ALCOHOL & G^,~,mlJNG ENFORCEMENT DATE APPRQVEO LICENSE DA'ffiS SIGNATURE CITY CLERK OR COUN'lY OffiCIAL APPROveo AlcOhOl &. G:.unbliDl1 Enforcemcnr I);rcetor . Now: Do not vparalil tJ_ two pans. mid both plII1$ to u.... d~ :lboYlI aDd tbe ori~ga/ l'ilP'ftl by thls dil'i$ion wOl be Rtul1lN lit. tho liftn'l/. Submit ro tbl/ eft:" Of ugt,r at 1e35t 30 dllYs before tb., ~L ps-o,O?, (6/98) :>B . . . 5C. Consideration of a) Fall Festival. (R. W.) uest for charitable 's A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: Council Agenda Item - 8/1 3/01 St. Henry's Catholic Church has applied f( I' a permit to conduct a raffle, pull-tab and bingo operation fl1r their Fall Fcstival on S ptember 15th and 16th. In order for the State Gambling Control Board to issue this gam ling license, a resolution by the City either approving or dcnying the application need.' to be submitted with their application. In the past, the City has not opposed these exempt gambling license applications for charitable events. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: C. 1. Adopt a resolution authorizing thc S ate Gambling Control Board to issue the exempt charitable gambling license 0 St. Hcnry's Church for their 17all Festival. 2. Adopt a resolution denying the gam ling license application requcst. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: StafT is not aware of any reason why the Co mci1 would not allow the State to issue this gambling license. D. SUPPORTING DATA: · Resolution approving gambling liccnse. · Application . . . CITY OF M )NTICELLO RESOLUT ON 2001-53 RESOLUTION AUTHO IZING THE ISSUANCE OF A GAMB ING LICENSE WHEREAS, the Church of S1. Henry has subl11 tted an application to the City Council of Monticello fell' the issuance of a charitable gambling license to conduct gambling at their Fal] Festival to be held September 15th and 16th in M nticelJo, Minnesota, and: WHEREAS, upon review of the organization's a tivities, the Council is not opposed to the gambling license being issued by the State Gamb ing Control Board, NOW TIIEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY TI E CITY COUNCIL, that the application of the Church of S1. Henry for a charitable gambling lie nse is hereby approved and the State Gambling Control Board is authorized to process the applic tion. Adopted by the Monticello City Council this] 3th day of August, 2001. ATTEST: Rick Wolfsteller, City Administrator Roger Belsaas, Mayor 5c ,,~' Minnesota Lawful Gambling LG220 .. Application for Exempt Organization Information Organization name Cafhol/C/ Chuf?ch of'.5,-: !-/ffl &reM c~ 1001 E. '7t11 S-r: fv!OI\1TIC Name of chief executive officer (CEO) First name Page 1 of 2 3/01 . Fee.. $25 Fee Paid Check No. Previous lawful gambling ~tjon number . c:::'D rq State/Zip Code MAl 55%2 County WR/ Hr TI fVlOIH C. Last Flame ~UDOLPJ-l1 Daytime phone number of CEO Name of treasurer First name Last name KURt 0J loUISE" r-:-ASE7J Type of Nonprofit Organization 703", 29-':5- 2Lf02- Daytime phone number of treasurer: /?(;J3-aq Check the box that best describes your organization: o Fraternal IE:. Religious o Veteran 0 Other nonprofit organ' ation Check the box that indicates the type of proof your orga ization attached to this application: o IRS letter indicating income tax exempt status o Certificate of Good Standing from the Minneso a Secretary of State's Office o A charter showing you are an affiliate of a pare t nonprofit organization IX) Proof previously submitted and on file with the ambling Control Board . StatelZip Code If Ai '55302- County Gamblin Premises Information Name of premises where gambling activity will be conducted (for r ffJes, list the site where the drawing will take place) CatHOLIC, ChURCH oP S-r: H 12 Address (do not use PO box) City /00/ 1::, j-lj] ST /L10NT/CcL tuR/6Hr Date(s) of activity (for raffles. indicate the date of the drawing) Sr=: PrEVl6o::. 15 . / (P I c).Do Check the box or boxes that indicate the type of gambling activity your organization will be conducting: ~ -Bingo a! Raffles (cash prizes may not exceed $12,000) E>Q -Paddlewheels rgJ -Pull-Tabs -Equipment for these activities must be obtained from a licensed dis ributor. This form will be made available in Your name and and yo r organization's alternative format (Le. large print, Braille) name and address will be ublic information upon request. The information requested when received by the Bo rd. All the other on this form (and any attachments) will be information that you provi e will be private used by the Gambling Control Board data about you until the Bard issues your (Board) to determine your qualifications to permit. When the Board issues your be involved in lawful gambling activities in permit, all of the informati n that you have Minnesota. You have the right to refuse to provided to the Board in the process of supply the information requested; however, applying for your permit wil become public. if you refuse to supply this information, the If the Board does not iss e you a permit, Board may not be able to determine your all the information you hav provided in the qualifications and, as a consequence, may process of applying for a permit remains refuse to issue you a permit. If you supply private, with the exceptio of your name the information requested, the Board will and your organization's na e and address be able to process your application. which will remain public. Private data about you are vailable only to ~ -Tip boards the following: Board members, staff ofthe Board whose work assignment requires that they have access to the information; the Minnesota Department of Public Safety; the Minnesota Attorney General; the Minnesota Commissioners of Administration, Finance, and Revenue; the Minnesota Legislative Auditor, national and international gambling regulatory agencies; anyone pursuant to court order; other individuals and agencies that are specifically authorized by state or federal law to have access to the information; individuals and agencies for which law or legal order authorizes a new use or sharing of information after this Notice was given; and anyone with your consent. -.. ~ J. "" I........,J..-" 5c . . . Council Agcnda - 8/13/01 5D. Consideration of transfer of off sale non-i toxicatin Ii uor license for 1547 East Broadway and 1200 South Hil!hwav 25. R W) A. REFERENCE AND HACKGROlJND: In June the City Council approved the annua renewal of an off-sale non-intoxicating liquor license to A vanti Holdings, Inc. for their site at 1547 East Broadway and 1200 South Highway 25. The property is being acquire by Twin Cities A vanti Stores, LLC and they are requesting that the license be transferred in t elr name. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Approve the transfer of the ofT sale n n-intoxicating liquor license for 1547 East Broadway and 1200 South I Iighway 25 to Twin Cities Avanti Stores, LLC. 2. Not to approve the transfer of the lice c. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: It is recommcnded that the license be transfer d to Twin Cities A vanti Storcs, LLC'. D. SUPPORTING DATA: Applications . . . CITY OF M4 )NTICELLO LICENSE AI PLICATION 11-1~ ;20 0-00 This application is being submitted for thE following license(s): Set-up license On-sale, intoxicating liquor On~sale, non-intoxicating liquor -1L- Off-sale, non-intoxicating liquor _ On.saIe, wine - On-sale, wine/3.2 beer Applicant Name: Twin Cities Avanti Stc res, 1&. t.l.(,Phone: (651) 452-9161 Applicant Address: 2020 Silver Bell Rc ad, 1123 Eagan, MN 55122 Social Security #: N/A Driver's License #: N / A Business Name: "'-Q Hid,ns..t Business Address: 1200 South Highway 21 Monticello. MN Business Phone: 71,J" ;}yJ'- i7f7 . Describe nature of business operation: If Corporation: Date of Birth: N/A r:;:uoc) n hJ e ( 5536 539 d'l ~d, 1\ [N Business ill #: ~ kt-- . . () C'......Lr'! ~ (';. ..J:>.~ ~ J 7 Officers: Scott Steven! , President - - .~~ TT' - .. . . ~TO^ .~. n , :; ~ -- . ~ Directors: RYtlt:!. n....b6fi .... ~.. ~ - . Do you or does your corporation, partnershi}:, etc., currently hold any license allowing the sale of wine, intoxicating liquor non-intoxicating liquor, or set-ups? _Yes ~No If yes: Name of Business: Business Address: Business Phone: Type of License: LIQLIC.APP: 1013/95 Years Held: References: Name Aridrp.s5 Phone Nllmher . Credit References (list at least one bank. ou do business with): Name AdrirP.ss Phon-e Nllmhe~ Amount of investment, excluding land: (only applicants for on-sale, intoxicating Ii uor must provide this information) Have you ever been convicted of a felony 0 of violating the National Prohibition Act or any state law or ordinance relating to ufacture or transportation of intoxicating liquors? No ... ";- ..- . y ~ <;t1r Date of Application I declare that the above information is true and correct to the Surety Bond t afmy knowledge. **************************************** ************************************* Liquor Insurance Certificate Application Fee License Fee Sheriff, Wright County Mayor Date ate . ity Administrator LIQLIC.APP: 10/3/95 . ,~ ; "\\\' \J \~\ . . CITY OF MONTICELLO LICENSE AP >LICATION +.J~ 20,1--0.0/ This application is being submitted for the ollowing license(s): Set-up license On-sale, intoxicating liquor On-sale, non-intoxicating liquor 1L- Off-sale, non-intoxicating liquor _ On-sale, wine - On-sale, wine/3.2 beer ApplicantName:Twin Cities Avanti Stores, ..uC Phone: (651) 452-9161 Applicant Address: 2020 Silver Bell Road 1t2J Eagan. MN 55122 Social Security #: N/A Date of Birth: N/A Driver's License #: N/A Business Name: .q Hi il<T~ q..t. ~oJ h -Ill l Business Address: 1547 East BroadWay Monticello. MN 55362 Business Phone: 7(,,3 - :L 'I.} - '-Ji.o { SJ1J.. 'IS ~~ ~/)-.J~{/ k- ~ / M N Business ill #: Describe nature of business operation: Cor venience Store If Corporation: Officers: Scott Ste, ens President -- - . . . . "1.',,, . ~ ,---- Directors: - . . n . " "' _1 Do you or does your corporation, partnership etc., CUITently hold any license allowing the sale of wine, intoxicating liquor, non-intoxicating liquor, or set-ups? Yes x No If yes: Name of Business: Business Address: Business Phone: Type of License: Years Held: LIQLIC.APP: 1013195 References: . Narn~ Address Phone Nllrnbe:c Credit References Oist at least one bank y u do business with): N;:Ime AddrP.ss Phone Number Amount of investment, excluding land: (only applicants for on-sale, intoxicating liq or must provide this information) Have you ever been convicted of a felony or fviolating the National Prohibition Act or any state law or ordinance relating to ufacture or transportation of intoxicating liquors? No .. ."- "'- . 'f M'f 0/ Date of Application' I I declare that the above information is true Surety Bond Insurance Certificate ***************************************** ************************************ Application Fee License Fee Sheriff, Wright County ayor . Date ity Administrator LIQLIC.APP: 10/3/95 . . . B. 5E. Council Agenda - 8/13/01 Consideration of a roval of a carnival license for Bur A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: The City has received a request for a carni allicense for Sam's Amusements (fonnerly CK II, Inc.) to conduct a carnival on the Burger King property during the period of August 23 to August 26, 2001. The hours of operation are proposed to be: Thursday 3 p.m. - 10 p.m. Friday] p.m. - 10:30 p.m. and Saturday I ( a.m. - 10:30 p.m. City ordinance requires that the City Council approve licenses for any trav ling show, circus or carnival. The license fee for a carnival is currently $ 00 f()r the first day and $50 for each day thereafter. The ordinance also requires ins ranee coverage and a copy of the certificate of insurance is attached. City ordinance also r quires a surety bond in the amount of $5,000. The purpose of the bond is to ensure that th applicant adheres to all f:ederal, state and city regulations and that was submitted with the earlier license request. For example, it could be possihle that during the course of set up or ismantling of the carnival operations that damage could be done in the boulevard area. The b nd would ensure that carnival operator is liable for the repairs. The carnival will be set up on the adjacent I t owned by Burger King so traflic congestion should not be a prohlem. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1 . Approve a license for carnival opera ions on the Burger King property for August 23 - August 26, 2001. 2. Do not approve the license for the c nival operations. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended hy the City Administrah l' that the carnivallieense be approved for Burger King f(lr August 23 - August 26, 2001. D. SUPPORTING DATA: · Application · Certificate of Insurance · Bond . CITY OF M TRAVELING SH NTICELLO W APPLICATION Fee: $100 - 1st day, $ 50 - thereafter Phone: 763-295-2333 Address: 200 East 7th Street Monticello, MN 55362 Business Name: CK I I Inc dba Sam's Am semen t Phone: 763-441-2782 Address: 14389 Northeast 84th Street Otsego, MN 55330 Name of Organization Sponsoring Amuse ent (if any): CK I I Inc. dba Sam's Amusement Location Where Show will be Held: Bu ger King back parking lot . Date(s) of Carnival or Show: Thursday, A gust 23, 2001 through Sunday August 26, 2001 Minimum requirements are: 0,000 - injury, liability 0,000 - each occurrence 0,000 - property damage SURETY BOND REQUIREMENTS: A su ety bond in the amount of $5,000 shall accompany application to ensure that all deral, state, and local regulations are adhered to. ****************************************************************************** Receipt # Approved Denied . City Signature 'l'RA VELING.APP: 3/2]/96 SE ALLIED SPECIAL INSURANCE. INC. 10451 GULF BOULEVARD. EASURE ISLAND. FL. 33706 Toll Free 1- -237-3355 National 1-800-282 6776 Florida Certificate Number: 35 CERTIFICAT OF INSURANCE This certificate neither affirmatively negatively amends. extends or alters the coverage afforded by the p-olicyCie ) described hereon and is issued as a matter of Information and confers no right upon the holder. The policyCies) identified below by a olity number is in force on the date of certificate issuance. Insurance is aff rded only with respect to those COVErages for which a specific l'imit 0 liability has been entered and is subject to all terms of the policy having reference thereto. Nothing herein contained shall modify any proviSIon 0 said policy. In the event of cancellation of the policy. the company issuing said policy will make all reasonable effort to send Notice of Cancellation to the certificate holder at the address show herein. but the Company assumes no responsibilities far any mistake or failure to give such notice. Any insurance made a part of the policy includes as a person insured with respect to an occurrence taking place t a Independent Ride Operators site. (1 Fair or exhibition association. sponso ing organization or committee (2) the owner or lessee there of (3) a municip lity granting the Named Insured permission to operate a(n) Independent Ride ogerators, but onl~ as respects bod injury or property damage caused by or contri uted to by the negligence of the Named Insured while actlng in the cour e and scope of their employment. I I I i I' Otseg 0, MN 55330 ~ NAME & ADDRESS OF CERTIFICATE HOLDER: I I I I NAME &t ADDRESS OF INSURED: Sam's Amusements 14380 NE 87th Street PR IMARV COVERAGE T. H. E. Insurance Company Policy Number: M1MF7839 LIABILITY LIMITS BI/PD oce: $1,000.000 AGG: $10.000,000 Company: Food Products: $1,000,000 Policy periOd: From: 05/01/01 To; 05/01/02 ADDITIONAL INSURED: (J~ CO L-JY)&n~('~ . '-1:f)tfhtc~ ~~~ ~/J ~~~0~ DATES: ~ ~3~ ~(p 1 ~ool Bodily Injury & Property Damage $0 Bodily Injury & Property Damage $0 Excess of $0 $0 Excess of $0 $0 00/00/00 00/00/00 00/00/00 00/00/00 * - COMBINED SINGLE LIMIT Coverage shown herein applies only to those items scheduled on or endorsed to the policlJ. This certIficate is not valid unless n original signature appea~s below. (Copies Not Valid) Ma~ 10. tOOl DATE of" ERTIF tATE INSlmANCE A ALLIED SPECIALTY INSURANCE, IN jl/J~~(}.f~'---- E 5 Western SUfi ty Company ~ ~ . ~ ';;':;':';-;' ~ ., ~ '~ . ~" [] ~ ."~.".~...".""' LICENSE AND ERMIT BOND For County, City, Town or Village Only-Not Valid for onds Required by the State. Not Valid for Contract, Performance, Maintenance, Subdivision, Agent to Sell Hu ting and Fishing Licenses or Utility Guarantee Bond. KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: BOND No. l & p.4 3 0 9 3 6 2 2 A A That we, CK II, INC , of the City of Elk River State of Minnesota , as Principal, and WESTERN SURETY COMPANY, a corporat on duly licensed to do business in the State of Minnesota . ,as Surety, are held and firmly bound unto the City of Monticello State 0 Mlnnesota , Obligee, in the amount (Valid only when a County, City, Tow or Village is named as Obligee) of Five Thousand Dollars & No/IOO-------- ------------- DOLLARS ($ 5,000.00 ), (NOT VALID FOR MO ETHAN $25,000) lawful money of the United States, to be paid to th said Obligee, for which payment well and truly to be made, we bind ourselves and our legal representati es, jointly and severally. THE CONDITION OF THIS OBLIGATION IS SUCH, That whereas, the Principal has been licensed as a Carnival 'Traveling Show and Ind pendent Food Cancessio:1s by the Obligee. NQWTHEREFORE, if the Principal shall faithfull perform the duties and comply with the laws and ordinances (including all amendments), pertaining to th license or permit, then this obligation to be void, otherWise to remain in full force and effect for a pe iod commencing ,on the 7th" day of Ma ,2001 ,andendingonthe 7th day of May ,2002 ,u less renewed by continuation certificate. This bond may bet;erminated at any time by the Suret upon sending notice in writing to the Obligee and to theerincipal; in care ,of the Obligee or at such other addre s as the Surety deems reasonable, and at the expira- tioi1ofthirty.cfi~e (35) days from the mailing of notice 0 as soon thereafter as permitted by applicable law, whicheve(isIater,this bond shall terminate and the Surety shall be relieved from any liability for any subsequent acts or omissions of the Principal. Dated this 7 th day of Ma Countersigned Principal :EST~T;.~~Y Resident Agent y President ACKNOWLEDGME TOFSURETY STATE OF SOUTH DAKOTA l (Corporate fficer) County f innehaha Mk ss 2 01 On this 9ttf day of Y " before me, the undersigned officer, personally appeared Stephen T. Pate , who acknowle ged himself to be the aforesaid officer of WESTERN SURETY COMPANY, a corporation, and that he as such 0 .cer, being authorized so to do, executed the foregoing instrument for the purpose therein contained, by signing t e name of the corpo . n by himself as such officer. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my h nd and official se By +~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~+ I J. RHONE ;~ ~ NOTARY PUBLIC ~'~ ~ SOllTH DAKOTA ~ J : My Commission Expires 6-]2-2004 t Form 849-A - 12-97 ......~""""~..,..,..,..,..,..,..,........,...,.....,~+ ~ . . ~ ~. ~ .. ~ ~ - .. ~ . . . otary Public, South Dakota W stern Surety Company · 101 S. Phillips Ave. Si ux Falls, SD 57104 . 1-605-336-0850 .............. ..~ 5f . . . B. SF. Council Agenda - 8113/0 I Consideration of acccIltin1r six month Ii or store financial re Ol"t. (R W) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: A fi nancial report comparing the first six m nths of 200 1 with the same period last year has recently becn completed and is enclosed fo Council review. To summarize. sales for the first six months were up $10 I ,000 over the same period last year and the gross profit increased by $14.000. 'xpcnses were also up by $29,000 resulting in an operating income of$145,000 for the first s'x months compared to $160,000 last year. ^ couple of expenditure items were incurre the first six months that are normal include $4,445 for the Grinnstead ] iquor store report and $1,700 for the schematic architect design for the expansion project. ]n addition, $800 wa spent on the security camera system repairs which account for some of the difference in he operating income compared to last year. One final note relates to interest income frO! investments which has not yet been allocated for the liquor fund. While this income has I 0 relationship to the actual operating income of the store, allocation of interest earnings do n t show up until the end of the year when I spread the interest income to all of the funds within the City. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: ] . Council should accept the financial r port f()r the first six months as presented. C. SUPPORTING DATA: Copy of six month financial report. . . . MONTICELLO BAL Current Asset.s: Cash Chang8 Fund Invest.ment" s Accounts Receivable A/R - NSF Checks Inventory Prepaid Insurance TOTAL CURRENT ASSETS Fixed Assets Land & Parking Lot Buildings Furniture & Equipment less: Accumulated Depreciation TOTAL FIXED ASSETS TOTAL ASSETS Liabilities Accounts Payable Due to EDA Fund Sales Tax Payable Salaries Payable Accrued Vacation/Sick Leave Other Accrued Expenses TOTAL LIABILITIES RETAINED EARNINGS TOTAL LIABILITIES AND FUND BALANCE UNICIPAL LIQUOR CE SHEET 167,641.03 2,000.00 959,047.89 (3,328.79) 304,468.57 6,310.99 1,435,967.64 64,587.06 245,694.19 85,178.92 (278,592.79) 116,867.38 1,552,835.02 ===:::!I:~:===-=r=~ 59,535.34 7,694.39 15,457.30 43,390.00 4,264.69 130,341.72 1,422,493.30 1,552,835.02 ==:~~===:::=~= s~ . . . MONTIC'ELI.( MUNICIPAL LIQUOR REVENUE AND EXPENSES COMPARISIN FOR THE YEAR ENDING JUN 30, 2000 AND 2001 ~;AL.ES Liquol Beet- Wine Otlwr Mf'cchandise Misc' Non--'1'axdble Siller, Discounts TOTAL SALj<:S CO~.::iT OF GOODS SOL.D GROSS PROfIT 2000 YEAR-TO.[)ATE AMOUN 316,087 '/07, 800 114,5 (; 44,9 0 6 4 1,183,97 (894,018) 289, <) - <) (,ENERA[, ANn A])M1Nl~oTRATIVE EXPENSE PF!rS()l'ldl ,(;f,~ J"vir'ps ,t3 a 1 d 1" i. f:~ s Pl;;RA FT CA T nsuralH:e Unemployment 13 (': nt" I' i ts SeVf?rall(:c> Pay TO'I'AI. PERSONAL SERVICES Supplif'fJ Of fi (,,_, Supp Ii (-'8 Gf'.'ne l.'a 1 Opc-> l.'a 1 j IFJ Supp 1 i e Olh,->r S\lppli!'~f: TOTAl, SUPPL I I':S 77,1)4 3,7 7 ~), 8 9 5,7 6 :1 5 92, ') - 1 !i 4 3,8' 2 I, (1- 4 5,4_ 9 24.5 7.8 .5 ~001 YEAR-TO-DATE AMOUNT 34:',774 784,150 109,734 44,209 828 1,284,695 (981,053) 303,642 91,200 4,414 6,934 9,~j05 112,052 151 6,020 70 6,241 23.6 8.7 .5 5~ . . . MON'T'ICET.LC MUNICIPAL LIQUOR REVENUE AND EXPENSES COMPARIS(N FOR THE YEAR ENDING JUN 30, 2000 AND 2001 Ut he c ,;e rv i e"~; ,,< ChalJF'i; Pl.'Ofr-Sf{ 'i 011(~l '} .l3p.l.'vicl~f.:; MaintendllCc' Aq (('("ment s Communi cat..i on Travel (\)11 Let'ence -School s Advert. is:Lnq Illsurance ," '1'ax Utilities Ma i ntl""llallcP, Equ iplllent Maintenallce, Buildinq Maintellclnce, Other Deprec:iat'.ion- "Acquit'pd As Mise Sve & C'hqu TOTAL OTJmp .':EFiVICES & ('Ii TurAL C:ENERAt. ,I, ADMIN EXPENS TU1'A I., 0 PERNI' T NG r NC'OME Other IIH:ol\\'-~ (Expense) Int':'t'I'>f;t Ill('ome C'di;h Long/Short Sale.' of Property M ,i ~3 C' I II COIll'-' TOTAL (YJ'IH;I~ 1 NCOME (EX PENSE) NET lNCOMF'; (EXPENSE) Tran:3f'Pl's Ill/Out AD,TU,'3TED NET INCOME (EXPENSE :? OOc YEAR" TO - DATE AMOU '1' 3 , () ~~ 6 612 932 1 1 6 :3 4,4 2 7,9 2 1,9 8 2 0 2 5,1 .4 ~) ,5 J 31, t 8 2.6 l2 () , 1 B 10.9 1C;0, B 1 13.6 -.-, - --...- .,.. n_,______."~_ 26, 'i 8 10 26,404 1B7,225 - - - - -. "... - - - , ----~~~----~~ 187,22::> - .... - - - .~. .- - --. ~ .- - - ~ ,,~ - - -. (224 ) 2.2 15.8 15.8 2001 YEAR."'l'O-DATE AMOUNT 5,942 1,300 637 131 3,165 5,203 6,211 2,688 1,125 6,601 '7,029 40,030 158,324. 14 ~;) , "31 8 -~.." -- - - - -~ -, ~- ,,." ,.- .- - - -- ~- ~ -- (149) (149) 145,169 ,,- - - - ~ ~ ."".- -- ~-----~~~-- 145,1ti9 ~w _ _ _ _ ~ ft'~ ..._ __ ,,-,,~-----~"-- 3.1 12.3 11.3 11.3 11.3 51=- . . . Liqu()c Sa I t:}f: Dj scount.t3 C:ost ()f Selle" cawss PficWJT Bt'el' Sa!c}s ('ust ot Saleto GI<USS PROFIT WilW Sal es Cost of Sellyt, MON'I'H'KLLO MUNICI PAL I, TQUOR GROSS P OFIT BY PRODUCT COMPARIS)N FOR TI-IE YEAR ENDING JUN 30, 2000 AND 2001 LIQUOR HRr,;n C;I\O.sS PROFI'!' - WINE Mise Sdle~-1 Cost of Sal"'G GROSS PROFCT Mn;c: TAXA81,E Mise NOll taxabl,' Seller, Cost of Sa 1 t'to; c;POS,'; PROFJ'I' MISC NON-TAXA 1'()'I' A L ,"; ALE ,"; 'I'O'l'Ar... CO':::'!' ()I<' ,'3A!,ES 'rOTA!, [,'REIGHT COST '['OTl\L GROSS PROFIT 200 YEl\R-TO AMOlJ 316, 87 226,:'47 707,800 536,062 171,'738 114,5 6 iLl ,9 2 1,J83,987 887,918 6,100 289,969 --- - ~- ..- - - -'. .". - - --.,.---~~~-~ 89,540 28.3 24.3 32, ,) 4 28.4 44,9 0 42,8 8 2,0 3 4.0 6 4 24.8 1 24.5 2001 YEAR - TO.. DATE AMOUNT 345,774 264,078 ~-~---~--- 8 1 , 696 23.6 784,150 600, 908 _._--'~."._-~- 183,241 23.4 [09,734 77,953 ^" - - - -- ,.. - - - ,. 31,781 29.0 44,209 33,377 - - - ~, .- - - - - - 10,832 24.5 828 395 ---_'.____w._ 433 52.3 1,284,695 976,712 4,341 303,642 23.6 --~,.,---~~--- ~---~-~--- 5l=- . City COllllcil Agcnda -8/13/01 h. The application is consiste t with the City's Comprehensive Plan. The proposed use is consis c;nt with the character, design, and density of the surrounding uses. The proposed use should n )1 tend to depreciate the surrounding area. a. e. Should the City choose to approve he Cll P/PllD amendment, staiIrecommends that this action be subject to the folIo ing condition: a. The applicant receives app oval of a five-foot side yard setback variance. 2. Motion to deny the amendment to the existing conditional use permit/planned unit development (ClJP/PUD) based 01 the following finding: a. The subject property is not physically connected to the Elm Street Crossing Townhomes and should ha e a separate conditional use permit/planned unit development. 3. Motion to table the application an request more information. . c. STAFF RECOMMENDATION 'fhe Planning Commission and the Ci y Administrator recommend approval of the Preliminary Plat and recommend approv' I of the amendment to the PUO as requested. D. SUPPORTING DATA Staff report to Planning Commission Excerpt from draft. meeting minutes. . . . . 5G. A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROl D: City Council ^genda -8113/0 I an amendment to the existin lanned unit ssociates. (JO) The Planning Commission reviewed this it m on August 7,200 I and recommended approval of all requests including the two variance r quests. There has been no appeal of the Planning Commission action on the variances, ther fore unless a Council Member wishes to appeal the variance approvals by the Planning C mmission, the City Council is free to take action on hoth the Preliminary Plat request and t e amendment to the Planned Unit Development as descrihed in the attached report. P ease review the attached report for complete information. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS Decision One: Preliminary Plat I. Motion to approve the preliminar plat based on the following findings: The subject property is con'istent with the dimensional and size standards for properties in the R-2 Distr ct. The proposed use is consis ent with the Proposed Land Use Map included in the City's Comprehensive Plan as well as the surrounding land uses. a. b. Should the City choose to appro v the preliminary plat, statTrecommends that this action be suhject to the following conditions: a. The applicant submits an receives approval of detailed landscape, grading, drainage and utility plans. I Motion to deny preliminary plat ased on findings developed during the meeting. 3. Motion to table the application a d request more information. Decision Two: CUP/PUD Amendment 1. Motion to approve an amendmen to the existing conditional use permit/planned unit development (CUP/PUD) based n the following findings: AUG-02-20013:04 . . ii~~1 "" ,....: :::' ., ~ . NAC p;"TT ~~ --I iim :r-- -m ~< l> ::1 2 : i ~ ! h i = I ~ ti "'...- l>.J p;r ~$ ~ pI , .:. m ~ , < ~ 'l> ~ .... 2- ~ ~ 612 595 9837 P.07/11 CI \J,l ~it1 :~ ilim .r "'m ot~ -I (5 Z jit'~mtni~!ftn:~ e D I, W!I"!.=li~t.{; ~ 1'.i~.\!t'ir'~tl:>O ~ ~ i~mi!~lI!ri!1 ~ i S0' Don 51rn'?N59N tlO" ~Cl'l TrAt'I ....W..............IiIII~ ....1I"ftI__IIIm"'_t_I........_ . . . Planning Commission Agenda - 08/07/0 I 6. lat an amendment to the existin:J lanned unit develo ment PUD from the minimum 10 foot side ani setback for ro erties in the R-2 District and a v riance from the minimum 40-foot se aration between a eurb cut and an interseetio of two ublic streets. A lieant: Front Porch Associates. (NAC) A REFERENCE AND BACKGRO 1. Application Summary. The applic nt, Front Porch Associates,is requesting approval of a preliminary plat and a COl ditiona1 use permit/planned unit development (CUP/PUD) amendment. In conj nction with these approvals, the applicant is also requesting a five-foot side yard set ack variance and a 31.5 foot curb cut separation variance. These applications are in ended to allow the construction of one twin home unit on the property located at 722 West 5th Street. The suhject property is directly no h of the Elm Street Crossing Townhomes. The applicant plans to inelude the pro osed twin home with the Elm Street Crossings Association. This would allow bot developments to use the open space included in this project and make the Associati n responsible for maintenance on hoth sides of the street. 2. Preliminary plat and CUP/PUD am ndment. The suhject property is an existing lot of record that meets all of the req ired lot size and dimensional requirements for properties in the R-2 District. Prior to final plat approval, the applicant must submit detailed landscape, lighting, and g ading, drainage and utility plans. The CUP/PUD amendment is inten ed to allow the applicant to plat a two-lot zero lot line suhdivision with common open space and include it in the Elm Street Crossing development. The propo 'ed development is directly north across Fifth Street from the Elm Street Crossi g Townhomc CUP/PUD which the applicant developed in 1998. The two new units wiII he part of the existing townhomc association, have similar exterior 1 aterials, and be subject to the same by-laws. Section 22-1 (D) requires the P1anni g Commission and City Council to weigh live l~tctors when considering a conditio al use {()r a planned unit development. These bctars are listed helow. I. Relationship to municipal C mprehensive Plan. 2. The geographical area invol ed. 3. Whether such use will tend t) ar actually depreciate the area in which it is proposed. 4. The character of the surroun lllg area. 5 (;- I . 5. The demonstrated need fo such use. Planning COll1nl ission Agenda - 08/07/0 I In reviewing these factors, staff can mak scveral findings. First, the Proposcd Land Usc Map included in thc City's Comprehensiv Plan guides the subject property for Low-Density Residential use. ThcreJore, the developm nt oftownhomes on this site is consistent with thc City's Comprehcnsive Plan. Second, acnrding to thc City's Existing Land Use Map, this sitc is surrounded by medium and hi h density residential uses. In addition, this development will be consistent in desigl with the properties directly to the south. As a result, this development will bc consisent with the surrounding land uses. Finally, development of residential units on t is vacant property should not deprcciate the surrounding properties. 3. Variance Evaluation Criteria. C apter 23 of the Zoning Ordinance outlines the criteria the City must weigh whet considering a variance request. The Ordinance states that the Planning Commissi n must make a finding that the proposed action will not: Impair an adequate supply oflight and air to adjacent property. Unreasonably increase the congestion in the public street. I ncrease the danger of fi re I' endanger the public safety. Unreasonably diminish or impair established property values within the neighborhood or in any oth I' way be contrary to the intent of this Ordinance. 1. 2. ^l ., . . 4. The Ordinance also states a non-econOl ic hardship should be demonstrated to justify approval of a variance request. After comparing these criteria with the ap licanI's plans, staff offers the following findings regarding the request for a five-foot side yard setback variance. a. The subject property is an rregular shaped lot. The triangular shape of the lot makes it impossible for he applicant to fit the proposed structure within the required setbacks. Mo~over, the structure is a permitted use and is not out of character with the ar a or the Ordinance. b. The subject property lies di ectly south of the Burlington Northern railroad. As a result, the proposed five-foot side yard setback would shift: the structure only five feet closer to the r lilroad line and not cause a noticeable impact on the adjacent property. A ftCI' comparing the variance criteria with t e appl icant' s plans, our staff otTers the following findings regarding the request for a 31.5 fi ot curb cut separation variance. . 2 50~ . Planning Comm ission Agenda - 08/07/0 I a. The applicant could elimin te the need fix the variance by rerouting the driveway onto Elm Street. b. The appl icant has failed to demonstrate the existence of a non-economic hardship. If J~Kt, it would l' quire Icss pavement, and thcrefore cost less, to reroute the driveway onto Em Street. c. Granting this variance wou d significantly reduce the stacking and safety distance between the propos d curb cut and Elm Strcet. The applicant has suggested that a driveway ali rned with Elm Street may confuse drivers. StafT believes this concern could b addressed through design ofthe driveway and landscaping. With regard to this driveway, Public Work. and engineering staff support the variance to minimize driveway access to Elm Street. PI' nning staJfbelievcs that the safety issues raised by the proposed driveway location are greate th~U1 an additional driveway onto Elm. Neither Elm nor 5th Streets arc collector status road ays that would result in a recommendation for no driveway access, although it is fair to pre 'ume that Elm probably has slightly more total traffic than 5th Street in this location. . B ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS Decision One: Preliminary Plat 1. Approve the preliminary plat based n the following findings: a. The subject property is consist. nt with the dimensional and size standards for properties in the R-2 District. b. The proposed use is consisten with the Proposed Land Use Map included in the City's Comprehensive Plcn as well as the surrounding land uses. Should the City choose to approve th preliminary plat, statT recommends that this action be subject to the following COI ditions: a. The applicant suhmits and r ceives approval of detailed landscape, and grading, drainage and utility pans. h. The applicant receives approv I of a five-foot side yard setback variance. 2. Denial of the preliminary plat based 01 Jindings developed during the meeting. . 3 5'(;-3> . Plann ing COIl1m ission Agenda - 08/07/01 ^' -, . Table the application and request 1101T information. Decision Two: ClJP/PlJD Amendment 1. Approval of an amendment to tl e existing conditional use permit/planned unit development (CUP/PUD) based 0 the following findings: a. The application is consiste t with the City's Comprehensive Plan. b. The proposed use is consis ent with the character, design, and density of the surrounding uses. c. The proposed use should n t tend to depreciate the surrounding area. Should the City choose to approve t e cuP/pun amendment, staffrecommends that this action be subject to the follow'ng condition: a. The applicant receives appr val of a five-f()()t side yard setback variance. . 2. Denial of amendment to the e isting conditional use permit/planned unit development (CUP/PIJD) based on the following finding: a. The subject property is not hysically connected to the Elm Street Crossing Townhomes and should hav a separate conditional use permit/planned unit development. 3. Table the application and request m re information. Decision Three: Side Yard Setback Vari nce 1. Approval ofa five-foot side yard set ack variance based on the following findings: a. The subject property is an ir egular shaped lot. The triangular shape of the lot makes it impossible for t e applicant to fit the proposed structure within the required setbacks. 'fhe subject property is an existing lot of record that meets all of the required lot size and dimensional req irements for properties in the R-2 District. The subject property lies directly south of the Burlington Northern railroad. As a result, the proposed five f()()t side yard setback would shiH the structure closer to the railroad line and not cause a noticeable impact on the adjacent propel1ies. b. c. . 4 5G -L( . Planning Commission Agenda - 08/07/0 I Should the City choose to appro e the five-fi)ot side yard setback variance, staff recommends that this action be Sl bject to the following conditions: a. Approval of the prelimin ry plat and conditional use permit/planned unit development amendment. b. The applicant submits at d receives approval of detailed landscape and grading, drainage, and util"ty plans. 2. Denial of a five-foot side yard set ack variance based on the following findings: a. The applicant has failed to demonstrate a non-economic hardship. 3. Table the application and request ore information. Decision Four: Driveway Separation V fiance I. Approval of a 31.5 foot drivewa separation varIance based on the following findings: . a. The applicant has demonst ated the existence of a non-economic hardship. b. Granting the driveway sepa ation variance would not reduce the stacking and safety distance bctween the proposcd curb cut and Elm Street. 2. Denial of a 31.5 toot driveway sep ration setback variance based on the following findings: a. The applicant could elirnina e the necd for the driveway separation variance by rerouting the driveway 0 to Elm Street. b. The applicant has failed to demonstrate the existence of a non-economic hardship. If fact, it would r quire less pavement, and therefore cost less, to reroute the driveway onto E m Street. c. Granting the driveway sep. 'ation variance would significantly reduce the stacking and safety distance between the proposed curb cut and Elm Street. ^' -, . Table the application and request m re information. . 5 oG-S . Plann ing Comm ission Agenda - OS/07/0 I C STAFF RECOMMENDATION Based on the materials included in this app ication and the findings made in this report, staff makes the following recommendations: I. Approval of the preliminary plat, c nsistent with the conditions listed in Decision 1, Alternative I above. 2. Approval of the amendment to th existing conditional use permit/planned unit development for Elm Street Crossing Townhomes to include the twin home unit located on the property at 722 We t 5th Street, consistent with the conditions and findings listed in Decision 2, Alter ative I, above. 3. Approval of the five-foot side yar setback variance request, consistent with the findings listed in Decision 3, Altern live I, above. 4. Denial of the 31.5 foot driveway se aration variance request, based on the findings listed in Decision 4, Alternative 2, a ove. . D. SUPPORTING DA lA Site Location Map Site Plan Front Elevation Foundation Plan First Floor Plan Building Section Landscape Plan . 6 56.-1,p . . . ORA T Plann ing Comm ission M inulcs - 08/07/01 6. Steve Grittman advised that the applican is requesting approval of a preliminary plat and a conditional use permit/planned unit de elopment (CUP/PUD) amendment. In conjunction with these approvals, the ap licant is also requesting a five-foot side yard setback variance and a 31.5 foot curb cut separation variance. These applications are intended to allow the construction of one twin home unit on the property located at 722 West yh Street. The subject property is directly north of he Elm Street Crossing Townhomes. The applicant plans to include the proposed t in home with the Elm Street Crossings Association. This would allow both dev lopments to use the open space included in this project and make the Association respon ible for maintenance on both sides of the street. The second part of the application is for rei iminary plat and CUP /PU D amendment. The subject property is an existing lot of reco -d that meets all of the required lot size and dimensional requirements for properties n the R-2 District. Prior to final plat approval, the applicant must submit detailed lands ape, lighting, and grading, drainage and utility plans. The Planning Commission and City Cou cil are requested to weigh five factors when considering a conditional use for a plann d unit development. These l~lctors are as follows: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Relationship to municipa Comprehensive Plan. The geographical area in olved. Whether such use will tel d to or actually depreciate the area in which it is proposed. The character of the surrounding area. The demonstrated need l' r such use. In reviewing these t~lctors, staff can mak several findings. First, the Proposed Land. Use 2 6G ~l DRAF . Planning COlnmission Minutes - 08/07/0 I Map included in the City's Comprehensi e Plan guides the subject property fc)r Low- Density Residential use. Therefore, the deyclopment oftownhomes on this site is consistent with the City's Comprehensiv Plan. Second, according to the City's Existing Land Use Map, this site is surrounded by medium and high density residential uses. In addition, this development will be consis ent in design with the properties directly to the south. As a result, this development will e consistent with the surrounding land uses. Finally, development of residential units n this vacant property should not depreciate the surrounding properties. The Ordinance also states a non-economi hardship should be demonstrated to justify approval ofa variance request and after c mparing the criteria with the applicant's plans, staff advised the following findings regar ing the request for a five-foot side yard setback varIance. a. The subject property is an rregular shaped lot. The triangular shape of the lot makes it impossible for the applicant to fit the proposed structure within the required setbac s. Moreover, the structure is a permitted use and is not out of character ith the area or the Ordinance. b. The subject property lies d rectly south of the Burlington NOlihern railroad. As a result, the p oposed five-foot side yard setback would shin the structure only five feet -loser to the railroad line and not cause a noticeable impact on the a jacent property. . Aner comparing the variance criteria with the applicant's plans, staff advised the following findings regarding the request f r a 31.5 foot curb cut separation variance: a. The applicant could elimin te the need for the variance by rerouting the driveway onto Elm Street. b. The applicant has i"ailed to emonstrate the existence of a non-economic hardship. If fact. it would equire less pavement, and therefore cost less, to reroute the driveway ont Elm Street. c. Granting this variance wou d significantly reduce the stacking and safety distance between the propo ed curb cut and Elm Street. The applicant has suggested that a driveway a igned with Elm Street may confuse drivers. StatT believes this concern ould be addressed through design of the driveway and landscaping. With regard to this driveway, Public Work' and engineering staff support the variance to minimize dri veway access to Elm Street. lanning staff believes that the safety issues . 3 50 ~ DR1. ".. \~,~': . Planning Commission Minutes - OR/07/0 I raised by the proposed driveway location arc greater than an additional driveway onto L~lm. Neither Elm nor 51h Streets are colI 'ctor s.tatus roadways that would result in a recommendation fix no driveway access, although it is fair to presume that Elm probably has slightly lllore total traffic than 51h Str et in this location. Rod Dragsten asked if the applicant coul have the driveway come out on Elm Street and Urittman stated yes, but Pubic Works sta ed it would be safer not to. Robbie Smith asked if the applicant was proposing the garage driveway coming right out to Co. Rd. 39 and staff noted that they would suggest a turn round driveway. Dick Frie asked about covenants regarding open space and would the City get a copy of it. (i-rittman stated the City would have jurisdiction over eonditi ns of the PUD, but not over the covenants. Clint I Ierbst stated that the Council wish s for the Planning Commission to review covenants for larger projects. Grittman a vised that the Planning Commission would not want to be responsible for too much in re ard to the covenants, but certainly there are issues that would be noted as part of the I UD approval. Frie asked ifprior to final plat approval when applicant needs to submit 11 final items, could staff at that time ask for a copy of the covenants and the appl ieant a vised that he would provide that. Chair Frie opened the public hearing. Mi e Cyr, applicant, noted that it there is actually 31 feet Ii.om street to edge of driveway. egarding traffic from Elm to yl" there is considerably more traffic on Elm St. than n 5th, and that they proposed this option fix safety reasons. . Chair rrie closed the public hearing. Smi h stated he felt this was a good project, but had one issue in question with the driveway se Jaration, feels that Elm St. is a much busier street, and for safety purposes, backing ou Ipulling out would encounter 3 intersections so he agrees with the applicant in the placem nt of the driveway. Richard Carlson noted there was room for turnaround at the garage and it should be squared that off Rod Dragsten concurred. Grittman clarified the staff's reasoning for suggested placement of the driveway in th t they were assuming cars would come out of the driveway forward and would come out a few feet in front of the intersection, the concern being cars coming down Elm and Toing to 5th St, they would be in the car's blind spot therefore that was staff's safety issue. Decision One: Preliminary Plat A MOTION WAS MADE BY ROBBIE S ITH AND SECONDED BY ROD DRAGSTEN TO APPROVE THE PRELl INARY PLAT' BASED ON THE FOLLOWING FINDINGS: . 4 5GC) DRAFT . Planning Commission Minutes - 08/07/01 a. The subject property is eons' stent with the dimensional and size standards for properties in the R-2 Dis rie~. The proposed use is eonsiste1t with the Proposed Land Use Map included in the City's Comprehensive Plan as well as the surrounding land uses. b. AND SUBJECr TO THE FOLLO ING CONDITIONS: a. The applicant submits and receives approval of detailed landscape, and grading, drainage and utility plans. h. The applicant receives appro al of a five-foot side yard sethack variance. c. A copy of the covenants will be supplied. Motion carried unanimously. Decision Two: cuP/pun Amendment A MOTION WAS MADE BY ROBBIE S ITH AND SECONDED BY RICHARD CARLSON TO APPROVE AN AMENDM ~NT TO THE EXISl'ING CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT/PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT BASED ON THE FOLLOWING FINDINGS: . h. The application is consistent with the City's Comprehensive Plan. The proposed use is consiste t with the character, design, and density of the surrounding uses. The proposed use should not tend to depreciate the surrounding area. a. c. SUBJECT TO TIlE FOLLOWING CONDI IONS: a. The applicant receives appro al of a five-foot side yard setback variance. Motion carried unanimously. Decision Three: Side Yard Setback Varia ce A MOTION WAS MADE BY ROBBIE S ITH AND SECONDED BY ROD DRAGSTEN TO APPROVE A FIVE-FOO SIDE YARD SETBACK V ARIANCI.: BASED ON THE FOU,OWING FINDING ': a. The subject property is an irr gular shaped lot. The triangular shape of the lot makes it inlpossible for th applicant to fit the proposed structure within the required setbacks. . 5 5 G-j t) DAFT Planning Conunissjon Minutes - 08/07/0 I . c. The subject property is an e, isting lot of record that lneets all of the required lot size and dimens anal requjrements for properties in the 1{-2 District. The subject property lies dir ctly south of the Burlington Northern railroad. As a result, the pr posed five-foot side yard setback would shift the structure closer to the r ilroad line and not cause a noticeable impact on the adjacent properties. b. SUBJECT TO 'fHE FOLLOWING CON a. Approval of the preliminar plat and conditional use permit/planned unit development amendment. b. The applicant submits and eeeives approval of detailed landscape and grading, drainage, and utili y plans. Motion carried unanimously. Dccision Four: Driveway Separation V' riance . A MOTION WAS MADE BY ROBBIE .'MITH AND SECONDED BY ROD DRAGSTEN TO APPROVE A 31.5 Fa T DRIVEWAY SEPARATION V ARJANCE BASED ON THE FOLLOWING FINDI GS: a. The applicant has demonst ated the existence of a non-economic hardship. b. Granting the driveway sep' ration variance would not reduce the stacking and safety distance betwecl the proposed curb cut and Elm Street. There was further discussion among the I embers asking the applicant if there would be significant landscaping by the driveway, hich the applicant stated there would be, and adding that perhaps cutting down some 0 'the landscaping may help with visibility. It was advised that the landscaping was sub ect to final approval as previously stated. Robbie Smith also stated that it is his tin ing that 5th Strcet was a safer choice for backing onto versus l~lm Street. There was no fu ther discussion. Motion carried unanimously. . 6 :5 0 "')\ . . . City COLll1ci I Agenda -8/13/0 I 51-1. nned Unit Dcvclo ment in thc PZ-M Zonin District to ermit the ex ansion of in lot facilities. A licant: Monticello-Hi Lake Community Hosnital District. (J( /NAC) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROU D: The Planning Commission conducted a public hearing on this application and recommended approval ofthe request ith conditions identified under alternative 1. Following is the staff report to the PI nning Commission which has been slightly modified to incorporate the Planning C mmission recommendation. Monticello-Big Lake Hospital is seeking a amendment to its Planned Unit Development to allow the expansion of its parking lot on t e west end of the upper parking area, adjacent to Dayton Street. The parking lot would exte d from the existing parking area by removing the curb and continuing the driveways to th west. An additional tier of spaces would be constructed to the edge of the hillside on th north. In all, the new parking lot would remove nine spaces, but replace them with 116 ne spaces, a net gain of 107 spaces. The current PUD approval plans for a mll ti-Ievel parking ramp which would connect the upper and lower parking areas in the locati n of the current dental clinic property. Because the hospital district does not control that sit ,the ramp is not yet feasible. I lowever, hospital staff continue to utilize a "temporary", uni llproved parking area in the lower area near the nursing home entrance. This parking ar a was originally intended to provide overflow parking during a previous construction pro ect. As a part of this PUD amendment, parking in this temporary lot should be terminated, and the area returned to landscaped green space. With regard to the new parking area itself: t le hospital proposes to include adequate planted islands with a combination of Red Maple, Honeylocust, Shrub Roses, and sod. The lot wi II be graded to take the drainage to catch bas ns along Broadway, away from the River. The City Engineer should comment on the drai lage plans. The primary design issue for Planning Sta relates to the access to Dayton Street. The City has long been concerned with west- or nortl-bound hospital traffic utilizing River Street to get to (lighway 25. (faecess is permitted to Dayton, staffwould recommend a design which discourages, or prohibits, right-turn traffic hich would then end up on River Street. Instead some sort of angled driveway whieh forc s exiting trafTic to turn let on Dayton toward Broadway would be the preferred design. T is design would also permit right-turn-in traffic corning from Broadway onto Dayton. Sinc there is a median in Broadway at Dayton, east- bound traffic would need to use the si nalized main hospital entrance for access to Broadway. City COllncil Agenda -8113/0 I . Public Works staff has suggested a prde 'ence for prohibiting access from the Hospital property to Dayton Street. While this op i<?n would function best to eliminate potential traffic onto River Street, planning stall is oncerned about the quantity of traffic forced to utilize the central access point without a s condaryegress. It should be noted that this amendment w uld not affect the expectation of the City that a parking ramp will be integrated into the pI' )jeet at some future time. The City may wish to discuss whether continued replacement 0 housing in this area with surface parking lots should be continued any f~lrther west than the current proposal. A final issue relates to pedestrian access along the Hospital area. Pmiicularly with the extension of the parking area to more tha 800 feet from the main entrance, stall believes that a sidewalk should be integrated into he plan. It should also be noted that the city's planning for Highway 75 includes future edestrian sidewalk in this area. A combination of City and Hospital sidewalk constructi n may be possible to minimize costs for both parties. The funding arrangements wou d have to be worked out. If not possible, the Hospital should be prepared to install sid walk to bendit the staff and visitors that will be using this distant parking lot. . Barb Schwientek has indicated support f, r construction of the sidewalk and she supports Hospital District funding of a signiflcant ortion of the sidewalk. This pathway segment is on the City's plan. According to the Cit policy, property owners pay 25% of the cost to install pathways that are on the plan. At t e same time, if a pathway/sidewalk is needed to support a private development plan, then he full cost is paid by the property owner. This sidewalk seems to fall into both categori s. Council may wish to treat this sidewalk as a unique situation and work with the I ospital District to establish a financing plan accordingly. B. AL TERNA TlVE ACTIONS I. Motion to recommend approval of the PlIO Amendment with the following conditions: . Temporary parking in the ower area be removed and re-Iandscaped; . Access to Dayton Street b redesigned to permit right-tum-in, lcft-turn-out traffic only, discouraging raffle from using River Street; . Installation of sidewalk 0 Broadway along the full length of the Hospital District property; . Establishment of lighting n compliance with City ordinance; . Establishment of a landsc ping plan acceptable to the City Planner. . . 2. Motion to recolllmend denial of th' pun Amendment, based on a concern with surt~lCC parking lot expansions repl' cing housing in this area. City Council Agenda -8113/0 I 3. Motion to table action on thc PUD mcndment, suhjcct to additional information. C. STAPF RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends approval of the PUD Am ndment only with the conditions mentioned in this report, specifically, that the lower tem orary parking is terminated, and that access to Dayton Street is designed to avoid dumping traffic onto River Street. The City has had the objective of minimizing hospital traffic thro Igh the residential and park areas in this part of the community for some time. Both ofthes measures would facilitate accomplishment of that objective. Also as noted in this report, approval is not intended to aftect the previous planning for a ramp serving the hospital c mpus. The Planning Commission discussed options of in/out traiJie from Dayton Stree and discussed whether River Street could be turned into a one-way street. Herbst stated hat particular design would not work with the redesigning of Broadway. The Planning .ommission ultimately recommended that the Dayton Street access be installed. . As a separate item of discussion, the City may wish to consider whether Dayton Street should serve as the western-most boundary for parking lot expansion. Continued replacement of housing with parking lot in this area will have a detrimental eiTect on the neighborhood, and on the visual impression of the Broadway corridor in this area. D. SUPPORTING DATA 1. 2. 3. 4. Site Plan Grading Plan Landscape Plan Draft of the Planning Commission n eeting minutes from 8/7/0 I . 3 ---I -< J~ ~o: ~cn _.1 0 -'1::I: , ".". . ';':g I . ~ Ila= '111~i · I~~ hi. 9;11 lin ~!I I ~ !i!l! I i Htl: II _.1 t I I !h Jiil IU ''''''' v .~, ~f' -......'-.... ~l '" Q\\ ,\ ." I "".J I ; ", .""'" ')", '''-'' II . ~'- '., j / '~"" 1 "'.......i.._ II """'- -"'.... ""'-" \ 'I "'>, "_ / ''''''li,'' \ .~../ II....., \ I',. 1..'\ ", '. "'. ..~~ l' ...r 41' ~ p ,., 1/ ./' /' ./ ./" '~\.: 'h/ '. ,. /, 'i9c~ '(:5:' '. / I) '"f ". -'. 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Ii Ii f" Ii iI t' tI II II il ;/ I, I; i! i' ,( 'I Ii ,~ !! If II 1; # 1/ r' n If // I t Ii! .~.f tI iii" Ii 'i I I J: f ", Ii 6! I l g ? it i ,',' '. '< ! ' ,~, ;" t t ,~ If, lj j~ ,~ I~.I mj ij !i p " .# Ii i: d :1 i' if . . . Planning Commission Minutes - OR/07/01 L Consideration of an amendment to a Planne Unit Develo ment in the PZ-M Zonin 1 District to Jennit the ex ansion of arkin.l lot facilities. A licant: Monticello-Bi:J Lake Community Hospital District. Steve C1rittman advised that the applicant is seeking an amendment to its Planned Unit Development to allow the expansion of its arking lot on the west end of the upper parking area, adjacent to Dayton Street. Th parking lot would extend fi"om the existing 6 5H-4 DR,.. .~ T Planning COlllln ission Minutes - 08/07/0 I . parking area by removing the curb and cont nuing the driveways to the west. An additional tier of spaces would be construct d to th~ edge of the hillside on the north. In all, the new parking lot would gain of ] 07 s Jaces. The current PUD approval plans for a multi level parking ramp which would connect the upper and lower parking areas in the locati n of the current dental cli nic property. Because the hospital district does not contr I that site, the ramp is not yet feasible. However, hospital staff continue to utilize' "temporary", unimproved parking area in the lower area near the nursing home entrance. This parking area was originally intended to provide overflow parking during a previous construction project. As a part of this PUD amendment, parking in this temporary lot s ould be terminated, and the area returned to landscaped green space. With rcgard to the new parking area itself~ t e hospital proposes to include adequate plantcd islands with a combination of Red aple, Honeylocust, Shrub Roses, and sod. The lot will be graded to take the drainage t catch basins along Broadway, away from the River. The City Engineer should coml ent on the drainage plans. . The primary design issue for Planning Staf relates to the access to Dayton Street. The City has long been concerned with west- or north-bound hospital traffic utilizing River Street to get to Highway 25. If access is pe mitted to Dayton, staff would recommend a design which discourages, or prohibits, rig t-turn traffic which would then end up on River Street. Instead some sort of angled d iveway which forces exiting traffic to turn let on Dayton toward Broadway would be the referred design. This design would also permit right-turn-in traffic coming from HI' adway onto Dayton. Since there is a median in Broadway at Dayton, cast-bound traffic ould need to use the signalized main hospital entrance for access to Broadway. Public Works staff has suggested a preferel ce for prohibiting access from the Hospital property to Dayton Street. While this optio would function best to eliminate potential traffic onto River Street, planning staff is c ncerned about the quantity of traffic f()rced to utilize the central access point without a se ondary egress. It should be noted that this amendment wo ld not affect the expectation of the City that a parking ramp will be integrated into the pr iect at some future time. The City may wish to discuss whether continued replacement ( fhousing in this area with surface parking lots should be continued any farther west than t e current proposal. A final issue relates to pedestrian access al( ng the Hospital area. Particularly with the extension ot'the parking area to more than 00 t'eet from the main entrance, staffbclieves that a sidewalk should be integrated into th plan. It should also be noted that the city's . 7 5H-S Drir. . 'r'" ~.\ ' Planning COllHllission Minutes - 08/07/01 planning for IlighVvay 75 includes future p destrian sidewalk in this area. A combination of City and Il0spitaI sidewalk construction may be po.ssible to Ininimiz,e costs f()r both parties. The funding arrangements would ave to be worked out. If not possible, the Hospital should be prepared to install side alk to benefit the stafr and visitors that will be using this distant parking lot. Chair Fric opened the public hearing. Bar Schwientck, Hospital Administrator, was prescnt, as well as Roger Oberg. She note that the temporary parking is being handled with thcir new plans and they are discussin T when to begin construction of the lot. One issue with exiting the parking lot is that pa t of Hart Blvd. is a safety zone fix the hcli- pad, therefore one of the reasons that limit the ability for people to exit the lot is that this safety zone remains until the helicopter ha exited. Another conccrn is for staff parking on River Strcet if the temporary parking 10 is taken away before a new once is built. She did add that the Dental staff is also using tl e temporary parking below which is designated for staff. Frie asked Schwiente were the construction of the parking ramp fits in and she statcd that it is part of the 0 erall master plan. The Hospital Board has not yet made a time line in that regard. Chair trie stated that he feels there is an is ue with the extended parking lot and a potential security issue for staff and visitor' leaving late at night. Frie added that aesthetically the Hospital looks very nice, ut the parking seems to be expanding so far down Broadway. Hc also added that previ usly the Planning Commission and llospital had discussed the building of a 3 level ram and Barb Schwientek stated that they are still considering it but economically it is not fe sible at this time as they estimate it to cost between $4.5 to $5 million. Schwientek also added that she has had no negative comments from property owners on this P' rticular issue. She also noted that they would start the shuttle service once again during his construction which would help with security, as well as having a security constltant come out to advise them. They also work with the Wright County Sheriff's Dept. T ey do not have security personnel at this time, and are not convinced that adding one see rity person would help, therefore the reason for asking the security consultant to comm nt. There is no longer access to all inside facilities after hours either. Schwientek re ninded them that this is a short term option until a ramp could be built. . Oberg added that they solicited concerns fi om employees regarding distant parking, they added 5 additional cameras but do not hav > a security guard on staH. He noted the value of having these cameras in place and also hat their lighting consultant had stated they had the best lit parking lot in thc city. He dvised as well that they are seriously looking into have the hospital shuttle once again at d that they have also added a yd shift maintenance person who would assist pel's nnel to thcir vehiclcs if requested. . 8 5 /--\ - {p DRAFT . Planning Commission Minutes - 08/07/01 Walter Klatt, 924 E. River Street, asked Sc 1wientek what the Hospital was planning long term fOT the area below the hill on River Street and she advised .that they would not be going below the hill with any parking and hat they will be landscaping and installing irrigation further down Broadway which w ndd help to maintain the green area. Robbie Smith added that he would like to 'ee a landscaping plan as well as review the lighting plan to make sure it is not over-lit. Frie asked also if by eliminating houses for installation of parking lots would cause the City to lose tax dollars and Sehwientek did concur that no tax dollars are gained from arking lots. A MOTION WAS MADE BY DICK FRI AND SECONDED BY RICHARD CARLSON TO RECOMMEND APPROV L OF THE PUD AMENDMENT, WITH CONDrrlONS THAT THE TEMPORAR PARKING IN THE LOWER AREA BE REMOVED AND RE-LANDSCAPED; A CESS TO DAYTON STREET BE RE- DESIGNED TO PERMIT RIGHT TURN- N, LEFT TURN-OUT TRAFFIC ONLY, DISCOURAGING TRAFFIC FROM USI G RIVER STREET; DEVELOPMENT OF A LANDSCAPING PLAN ACCEPTAI3L TO THE CITY PLANNER, AND INSTALLATION OF SIDEWALK ON B OADW AY ALONG THE FULL LENGTH OF THE HOSPIT ALDISTRICT PROPER Y. . ROBBIE SMITH AMENDED THE MOTI N ADDING A CONDrrlON THAT THE PARKING LOT LIGHTING BE REVIEW DFOR COMPLIANCE wrnl CITY ORDINANCE. RICIIARD CARLSON S,CONDED THE AMENDMENT. Motion carried unanimously. . 9 5 1--l '- l . . . 51. City Coullcil Agenda - 08/13/01 Public Hearin - Consideration of a re est for a conditional use lermit allowino a reduction in the standard des ion re. uire ents for stall aisle and drivewa " desi2n. A licant: Inte 'rated Rec clin' Techno ooies Inc. (JO) REFERENCI': AND BACKGROUND Integrated Recycling Technologies. Inc..is level oping the parcel located at 9696 rallon A venue. Their developrnent proposes a fut Ire expansion area to the cast of the building. "The expansion would include a driveway 01 the north side of the building to enable vehicles to maneuver around the entire buil ing. Prior to the expansion, the area cast of the uilding will be used as a truck turn around. That area is proposed by the applicant to be left with a gravel sur/lice, without curb, gutter or paving. The City /:oning Code recogniz,s by exception that it is unreasonable to require irnproved parking and drive sur/i.lce' in expansion areas. Such exceptions are allowed by conditional use permit in I-I, 1- A, and 1-2 zones under the provisions of section ]-5, D. 9 (s) Stall Aisle and Drive a Desi 'n Conditional Use Permie subject to the conditions as provided in Exhibit Z (alt' ched hereto). It has been common practice to allow such 'onditionaluse permits when building expansion areas are identified. The Planni g Commission recommended Alternative 1 below. ALTERNATIVF ACTIONS 1. Motion to grant a conditional use pe mit to allow a reduction in the stall aisle and driveway design requirernents for SL rbcing, curbing and landscaping subject to the conditions of Exhibit Z. 2. Motion to deny granting a conditiOlHI use permit as requested. STAFF RECOMMENDA nON Staff recommends that the City Council sel 'ct Alternate 1 above. SUPPORTING DATA Location and Site Plan Exhibit /: - Rec uirements of Conditional Us Pennit to Allow Reduction in Stall Aisle and Driveway Design Requirements. i'l~ If I Jf It; Ii I ., m; 'It~J ",p . ~!~J ~ . a . f !! > I- a: W G.. o g: ~ ~ U w ~ lEI ~ en g '.:a;. ~ ! 1< o - ....... ~ ~ ... ....... i ~ "'" . ~ Q ~ ..... .- ~ "~~" q" ";; o \ \ ; I <:lJ ~f c ., .: e ~ lOo. -;; c _ .. 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"'-'c;,:-- --- ~".:o-S6 --- '" III (Tl i W ~ t- r'0 I ... +-r un II II II II I ~v ! II It:;~! II Ii: =' i II l~;i II II l..L.i 'I <II II ! :: ~ II ! \p11 ~ II ! *11 VlO II ! . II =' II ! II 0>- II ! 'I Z CD II '-' ! " ::li:. I II ::J ! I,ll ~~ II ~! II ! 'III [IJ~ II a..! w 110! II ~j II ~ ! II ;~. II'" : II~I..L."'" I II i 110 .- toll i 111,(1 011 i 110 L{?II III 011 Ilf III , \I I \I _/ _i ------- ...~~~ :-~/~ . ,--...J ~ 'W - > III -< "" ~,,::.~'5...J . ". t ~ . ~-.., Q '.' ~. '--", . '"', --- ' ,;' n _.- 0Z ZO W.................... O:::Of--- ::J..J.......... f--- .......... 0 ::J::JO LLOJ<:( '-' w o .... III (Tl - 1.<:: w > w c:: u 0 > ...- ::.::: a.. 0:: 0:: u ::li:0 ::.::: w =' 40 ...J VlI.JJ c:: 0:0 <( U r--- --1::--- ~ .. ---- Q;,- 0..0 w uJ> 00LD Vl <(..... 0 ....0:: V ::J U 4L.l.l wzm ..... 0 -w Vl ~Vl a:> Z o a.. uJ Lf).......... '" :::;: zo (Tl . <(...J I- 00 II lJ") ::J IVl W (Tl ..... c:: 0.... ---1 u <<) CD Z o.........W 0 v G::::JLL a.. '<l" ::li: N o....OJlL ::J a.. I I I ,- , 0:: I L.- w.J W W .c ..... I Iw- ::: .... I-- t- 'J ::J I ...--: '-' "'fr OVl~ f"I} lp Z Vl ::JLL.Ji- '" Vl OIe III 0 O::.....c (r'I -.;;j c:: <( L- V I..L. Lf) wo- w u ..... ZC::LL WLlJIr I..L...... wc .....:::E>- ...J- -C::L... VluJL a.. = ...J L- ...Jw c.. <(c:: .....->- Vl....._ zz- -LIJ , <D > L VlZ , ,0 ~, Ct....... , ~(~- , t,.iu- , (1'>'" ,- II I; > C,-- U I- o .... lJ") ;.. -.. ': '~:.:,,;.. j.: ..:'!:~~:'. +.: .. Itl o N '" . . . EXHIBI r z TO CONDITIONAL SE PERMIT TO ALLOW A REDUCTION IN STALL AISLI{ AND DRIVI,:W A Y DESIGN REQUIREMENTS FOR INTEGRATED RECYCLING TECHNOLOGIES, INC. The Conditional Use Permit to allow a reduction it stall aisle and driveway design requiretnents lClr Integrated Recycling Technologies. Inc. is subj ct to the following requirements: 1. Final approval of parking and driveway dra nage plans associated with conditional use permit request shall be provided in writing y the City Engineer. 2. No open or outdoor storage shall be allowe on the property without first obtaining separate approval frcHn the City. ") .) . Parking and drive perimeter shall not extenc closer that 20 fect to the property lines or any adjoining parcel. 4. At such time that routine use by the public i observcd, the drive area shall be paved. 5. This Conditional Use Permit shall be revie ed on an annual basis and shall be subject to renewal after 5 years. 5I-3 . . . City Council ^genda - 08/13/0 I 5.J. (.10) REFERENCE ^ND HACKC;ROUND lhe sign ordinances of the City were recen Iy modified to allow projecting signs in the Broadway Downtown District of the Centnl Community District. The Monticello Downtown and Riverfront Revitalization P an encourages the design and installation of projecting signs in the Broadway Downtow 1 District as well as in the Walnut District. When the original ordinance allowing projecting signs was considered, the Walnut District was inadvertently not included. The attached map indicates the extent of th Walnut District. The Walnut District is split by the Civic/Institutional, and the Industrial districts along Walnut Street. Since the time the Walnut District was first identified, the 'Olnmercial Towne Center project has been conceived and development has started. Th Towne Center project is located in the Civic/Institutional District and yet should b included in the area where projecting signs should be allowed. The ordinance amenclm nt proposed by this action designates all of Walnut Street. south of the Broadway Dowl town District as an area where projecting signs may be permitted. By including the entire length of Walnut St eet south of the Broadway Downtown District Sunny Fresh Foods, Monticello P blic Lihrary or the Community Center will be included in the area where projecting signs re allowed; however, it is doubtful that those properties will want to erect projecting sign '. Just as originally considered, the suggested unendments would allow only externally illuminated projecting wall signs. Such sigl s would have to be erected at least 8 feet above grade and must not exceed 6 square f'et in area. (See Ordinance Attached.) The Planning Commission reviewed this equest and recommends approval of this houseliecping matter. ALTERN^TIVE ACTION 1. Motion to adopt the ordinance amen iment allowing projecting wall signs in the CCD District. 2. Motion to deny adoption of the ordir ance amendment allowing projecting wall signs in the CCD District. STAFF RECOMMI':NDATION . Staff recommends that the Planning ConHllission recommends Alternate 1 above. SlJPPORTING DATA . Copy of Map Describing Affected rea of Walnut Street. . Copy of proposed Ordinance with st "ike-out and underlining to show amendments. . . 2 . Districts _ Downtown Monticello will always be a mix of uses, ages and patterns, and the plan recognizes a series of districts fonned around basic uses and character. Therefore, a building near the river will have a character different from a building near the inte state. A uniform building character across the entire downtown will never e achieved and would likely be undesirable for tenants and the community. ~ Jithin districts, however, buildings would have a strong relationship to one an )ther and a consistent relationship to the streets of the district. . -----.. .~ .... ~~ '------~ . ~ "" ......... ;":::..... ~ ~:.'... . L\\\\\ I\Vf;",1I . .l "-\.1\\\\ v. rA' ;:"... " ~ \~~ ~ .... .\ "1~ 'l~\\\\~ ~ '.' . '. '. ~ ~ ~:-.. ;:,.... .': g ~;ol. l; ~r~' :',..: :f.;r ~ ~'/' .~ . $ '" '. , . 'I ~6~ 7l-1Ji A~~~ ;::;,1' \:: I : : : I~ ~ W J71 Pr--.i1..t ~ :::::...... \ I I I I I: i ~ "IT V 4f I, ~ "'+0: r , : : i : : i i: 1 ~ ,,'<!' ;l'f 'Jj r ))f,~~ · h ~ ~Jf ~?/1f{{!j~ ~~0/fJl _:,::::.o..r ~ /' ~~. I '1/ ''1'1 <t'DC.~l;; ~ '"OAll,:,OY: IlOWfffll..,. fJ" I ~ If ~I i- ' :c "'r-:, ~ l ~ :'~~DWOY: WIT AND ~) -Y1l;> "N. ~ WO.HIIT..-__ NAy .r:.~..~ _ "{l I ~r : .~~lHf "- .,~ ",i/ p.' ....:' eg:::::n-A - y'~~.'ll7/ ~ 'I . ~t ", c=J !<e'OM'D"HOOD ~-- Z ~ \\....... I.....i"'--.. C ~"'O,UIT"". --~ 1,1 ~_M"__' " hl'-.- ~J lIB C,VICIINnlTUTIDH'" IN'/',,, '''",,.. "---.... I \ I 1 I ~ ~.. land uses ... downtown wlll be defined aa:ordlng to eleven dlstrtds, with ::paUbll y and character being the pr1mary amslderaUon for each deslgnaUon. '''' .a A New Bridge 'a.~ Rrvtlall1Jng MonUct1lo's Downtown and RIverfront Pagt):12 -'~Z:.,~,..:~.;, ; '. .':";.':~~>,- ';'," " 1-;-, . .l''( . , , :~:..:'''~' ", ~1. ... ~ I". "\ '" I . ~~,: It, 'l- ..... ft1~~~ ~^ T, _ . ,-' 5J-I . . . ORDINANCE O. CITY OF MO TlCELLO WRIGHT COUNT , MINNESOTA AN ORDINANCE AMENDING TITLE 10, C1IAPTE 3, SECTION 3-9, rrEMS lEJ 6: OF THE MONTICELLO ZONINCi ORDINANCE BY ESTABLISHING SIGN REGULATIONS. HIE CITY OF MONTICELJD I)CH::S ORDAIN: Title] 0, Chapter 3, Section 3-9, Item lEJ 6. of the City Code is hereby amended to read as follows: 6. Projecting Signs: Witl in the CCD District but only in the "13roadway Downtown District"' th 'reof as defincd hy the Monticello Downtown and Riverfront Revitalization Plan, and a lOll!..!: that portion of Walnut Street extendino south lfthe "Broadwa Downtown District." projecting signs shall be permiUe .. Such signs: 1. shallllot excee six (6) square feet in area, 11. shall be consid'red a wall sign for the purposes of maximum allowable sign area, III. shall be attach d to a building facade fronting on a public street IV. sh(lllnot exten more than 12" beyond the plane of the bu i Id ing filcade to whicl it is auched, and v. slwll be at leas 8 feet but not more than 12 feet in height above walking Surt~lC s or sidewalks. This Ordinancc shall bccomc ctTcctive irnrnediately UP( nits passagc and publication according to law. ADOPTED by the Monticello City Council thi' ATTEST By: Rick Wolfsteller, City Achninistrator AYES: NAYS: day of 2001. CITY OF MONTICELLO By: Roger Belsaas, Mayor 53-~ . . . SK. City Council Agenda - 08113/0 I Consideration of a re uest to extend th Heartland Ex ress fixed deviated route another 60 days. (JG) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROl D The fixed deviated route went into affect t the beginning of June. It's too early to realistically say what type of affect this ro Ite has had on our numbers. Numbers have dropped some tram the previous month. b numbers me up when compared to last June. This drop in June numbers can be attribut d to the end of the school year and the beginning of summer. Stail feels that wit a 60 day extension, we can properly address the issues we are working on such as incr ased advertising, more visibility on the routes, and articles in the city newsletter. Totals ()f July are being complied at this time. B. AL TERNA TIVE ACTIONS 1. Motion to approve a 60 day extens' on to the fixed deviated route trial period. 2. Motion to deny request of a 60 da extension and terminate the deviated route project. c. STAFF RECOMMENDA nON Staff believes that the deviated route is th best way to meet our goals and the transit needs in the city, and that with time and i provements (benches/bus stops), people will adjust to the system. It is the goal of this ffort to improve ridership numbers while keeping mileage at a constant in an expan ing city. Staff has ideas on improving the system and feels that these improvements an be made within a 60 day extension. The eity is currently in the process of dete mining the feasibility of adding a guaranteed route to the city's bus service. This route ould transport approximately 1 O~ 12 Monticello residents to and from Function I Industries in Buffalo. This route would not affect our current route system or service I vels and would be funded largely by outside sources. A presentation will be made to tl e council in the near future. D. SUPPORTING DATA Revenue, expense, and statistical compari on . . . 1'- '-= o QO 'It 7: o rJl ;: f- ~ Q., ifJ:; Zo <'/' u Ii f-.J rJl ~ rJlU ~E= :C::rJl e:.E= "'-l<'/' 0"'; rJl Zo ~ .JZ f-~ :c:: ~ "'-l X o ..J .J "'" u 1= Z o ~ "'" o ... f- U ..s rJl Z "'" Q., ~ "'" ..s ~ Z "'" >- "'" a: >- -' <" r <( z " o ~ '" <( C" >- '" ~ ~ >- W a ~ '" >- " " ;:;; 8 ::; 0 :0 N <Il W I- " C 0'" I- " .... o w z ~ ~ ~ >- " ::; ~ ...J i2 n. " "-~-' ~ ~ ". <> ~ tti '" ,.., '" ~ ~ ~ '" '" ..; ;!: ~ f--' :<: ..; ". <> ,..,- ... ~ -'-" <> 00 .... ,.., ~ cD '" '" Q ~ ~. tit- ... ~ f--I-- ". ". E .,; ... ::2 ~ :i '" <> :oj '" :i ,.., ~ ;1; :i ~ <> ,,; 00 '" ~ --'," 00 ". ,..: ;l, :i <> 00 ..; '" 00 :i -, -- " :l: " e w '" ". ~ ",- ;;; ~ "1 :g 00 ;;; .... '" ~ E Q 00 ..; :<: :i ~ 00 '" '" ,.., ..; ;! .,; ... '" .... ~ 00 '" '" M '" ~ ;:1; a ~ ,.., '" 00 00 :;; ~ ~ .:: ... '" ..; '" 00 '" 00 '" .,; '" '" '" 00 00 .,; ::' ... ~ g 00 '" '" '" ~ .... ... '" <> .,; ". .... '" ~ ~ .... 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((I og'l:t"l:J' en 'lltNN ,.., ". a :i co........~.. ~.-~~f.1 ~ '" ". ~ Q .,; '" re~~3N "''''''' : ~::1~!;i~ g N~ I'--NN '" '" ----.~~'3~ ~m'~Ji;g i ~ccn B ~ ~ :0 c.. <> gj '" ~ <> ~ 00 .,; :;: " "" '" 0: 1! '~ <Il <> 00 ~ '" ~ '" 00 ~ Q ..; ~ '" M ~ :;; '" ". Q ..; r;; <> ~ 00 .,; 00 '" 00 ,..; 00 '" <> gj ~ '" <> .; ~ <> 00 ~ <> .,; Q '" '" "': ~ <> ~ '" '" Q ::j ~ <> ;:( '" '" '" ,,; g '" ., " ::;: " :i '" '" .,; ~ Q ~ .... <> '" ;! Q ci 00 00 ~ ". ,..; '" ::l <> ~ '" <> :;j ". '" <> ~ '" ;;; '" '" '" <> ;:; :::: <> ~ '" '" '" ~ :i ~ '" .... ..; '" ~ ,,; .., ~ :i '" 00 .,; '" I ~ " Q. ti o o '" '" ..; '" ::' ci ... '" '" ;'! ci '" ". '" ,,; '" 00 00 .,; ... g :i .... g 00 '" i. ,.., 00 g '" '" ~ ,.., .... .,; ... '" 00 :.i 00 .... .,; '" g: ..; '" r;: ci ... 00 '" j. r: g '" .... :i 00 00 .,; '" '" .... ,,; '" 00 '" .,; .., '" ". ci '" '" .,; '" :;;i ci 00 00 g '" '" ". '" o .n '" 00 .,; .., '" ". .,; '" .... .,; ... '" "': <> '" 00 .,; '" ~ <> '" '" ci ... 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Council Agenda - 08/13/2001 Consideration of a roval of cont act with Ra Glunz Construction for burials at Riverside Cemetery. (1. .) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: When the City of Monticello took over Riverside C metery from the Masonic Lodge, we continued the agreement with Ray Glunz Construction of Buffalo for burials at Riverside Cemetery. The contract had been a verbal one and s time went on it was determined that we needed to establish some basic requirements in writ ng, including performance expectations. A contract was drafted in June, approved by the River ide Cemetery Committee, and signed by Ray Glunz, the owner of Ray Glunz Construction. A co y of the contract is included for your review. The fees charged for burials Monday through Frida, effective April 23,2001, is $400. The burials for Saturday/Sunday is $430. The City curre tly charges $375 for weekday burials and $405 for weekend burials. City staff requests and th Cemetery Committee concurs that we should raise our rates immediately to cover our cost . B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. The first alternative would be to approve a 3 year contract with Ray Glunz Construction of Buffalo, Minnesota, for burials at Riversi e Cemetery, as well as increasing our burial rates from $375 to $400 for weekday burials, and increasing the rates from $405 to $430 for weekend burials. 2. The second alternative would be not to approve the contract in its current form. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: It is the recommendation of the City Administrator, ublic Works Director and Riverside Cemetery Committee that the City Council approve e 3~year contract with Ray Glunz Construction and increase the burial rates as outline in alternative #1. D. SUPPORTING DATA: Copy of the contract with Ray Glunz Construction. . SPECIFIC TIONS FO EXCAVATIONS ND BURIALS AT RIVERSIDE C . CITY OF MO WRIGHT COUNT , MINNESOTA . Prepared By: The City of Monticello C:\BETH\WORDPROC\RIVERSIDE\EXCA V A TORS. SPEC-CONTRACT: 04/12101 - PAGE 1 - . SECTIO I SPECIAL PRO ISIONS 1.01 DESCRIPTIONS a) These specifications cover the excavations d burials at Riverside Cemetery, Monticello, Minnesota, all as herein specified. a) b) c) 1.03 . a) b) c) d) . e) 1.02 DESIGNATION OF PARTIES The word "Owner"and "City" as used in these specifications, refers to the City of Monticello, Minnesota. Where the term "Contractor" appears, it refers to t e prime contractor having direct contact with the Owner. The word "Subcontractor" refers to any individu 1, firm, or corporation who has, with the approval of the Owner, contracted with the Contractor to xecute and perform in his stead all or any part of the contract of which these specifications are a p INSURANCE No Contractor nor Subcontractor shall commenc work under this contract until he has obtained at his own cost and expense all insurance required y this Article, such insurance to be approved by the Owner and maintained by the Contractor until final completion of the work. Workman's Compensation Insurance: The Cont actor shall take out and maintain for the duration ofthis contract statutory workman's compensati n insurance and employee's liability insurance as shall be required under the laws of the state 0 Minnesota. If the Contractor is exempt from providing such insurance he or she shall provide vidence of such exemption. Public Liability Insurance: The Contractor shall t e out and maintain during the life ofthis contract such public liability and property damage insura ce as shall protect him from all claims for bodily injury, including accidental death, as well as fr m all claims for property damage arising from operations under this contract. The minimum Ii its which are required are: $500,000 for injuries including accidental death to anyone person, and 1,000,000 for injuries including accidental death resulting from one accident; property damage in t e amount of not less than $500,000 per accident and the same amount in the aggregate. Automobile Insurance: The Contractor shall carry automobile insurance on all automotive equipment owned, rented, or borrowed in the min mum amounts of$500,000 for injuries including accidental death to anyone person and $1,000,0 0 for injuries including death resulting from any one accident. This policy must also provide $1,0 0,000 property damage coverage. Contractual Liability Insurance: The Contractor grees to hold harmless and indemnify the Owner, the engineer, and their agents from every claim, ction, cause of action, liability, damage expense, or payment incurred by reasons of any bodily inj ry including death, or property damage resulting from the Contractor's operations on this project. C:IBETHIWORDPROCIRIVERSIDEIEXCA VA TORS-SPEC-CONTRACT: 04/12101 t'-. ~'" . - PAGE 2 - .) ~~I ) " 1) Insurance: The Contractor shall provide owner's in the name ofthe Owner, insuring against bodily injury and property damage liability, in the limit set for above for which they may become legally obligated to pay as damages sustained by any persons caused by accident and arising out of operations performed for the name insured by ndependent contractors and general supervision thereof. . g) Insurance certificates evidencing that all the abov information is in force with companies acceptable to the Owner and in the amounts required shall be submitted to the Owner for examination and approved concurrently with the execution of the contract. In addition to the normal information provided on the insurance certificates, they shall specifically provide that: 1. A certificate will not be modified exce t upon ten (10) days prior written notice to the Owner. 2. Coverage is included for collapse and un erground hazards. 1.04 COMPLIANCE WITH LAWS CODES AN REGULATIONS a) The bidder is assumed to have made himself fa iliar with all codes, state laws, ordinances, and regulations which in any manner affect those eng ged or employed in the work, or the materials or equipment used in or upon the improvement, or 'n any way affect the conduct of the work, and no plea of misunderstanding will be considered on ccount of the ignorance thereof. The provisions of such codes, laws, or ordinances are deemed to e a part of these speci fications, and the contractor will be bound by the provisions thereof. . b) If the Contractor shall discover any provisions in he contract, specifications, or any direction ofthe City or the City's representative which is contr to or inconsistent with any such law, ordinance, regulation, or decree, he shall forthwith report it inconsistence to the City in writing. 1.05 SAFETY a) The Contractor shall take all necessary precauti ns to protect life, limb, and property during the progress of the work and shall comply with all ew and existi ng safety and health standards and laws. b) The Contractor shall use every precaution to prote t the public from personal harm. The Contractor shall erect suitable barriers to prevent people from falling into holes or being struck by falling debris. 1.06 CLEAN UP a) Upon completion of the work listed herein, the Co tractor shall remove all tools, equipment, debris, and unused materials from the site and the entire remises shall be left in a clean and workmanlike manner to the satisfaction of the City of Montice 10. . 1.07 PROTECTION a) This Contractor shall make all necessary arrange ents, and perform all other services required for the care, protection, and maintenance of all cemete appurtenances including graves, markers, trees, C:\BIOTHIWORDPROC\RIVER$IDEIEXCA V A TORS-SPEC.CONTRACT: 04/12/01 - PAGE 3 - ~J:l\l\ . b) 1.08 watering spigots, and all other items of this haracter on and around the site assuming all responsibility and paying all costs for repair, rep acement, or restoration. The Contractor shall provide and maintain barri ades and railings at all trenches or pits. APPROVAL AND FINAL ACCEPTANCE a) 1.09 Upon the completion ofthe work herein specifie , the Contractor shall notify the City or cemetery caretaker that the work is ready for inspection. A er final inspection, the Contractor wi 11 be notified of final acceptance or of additional or corrective ork required for final acceptance. CONTRACT DURATION a) 1.10 The contract shall be renewed from year to year or a period of three (3) years beginning April 23, 2001, and ending April 22, 2004, pending successful negotiations as to fees no later than ninety (90) days prior to each anniversary date. This contract may be canceled on the annual anniversary date by either party without cause with a ninety (90) ay advance written notice. This contract may be canceled by either party for a breach of contract pon a thirty (30) day written notice. METHOD OF PAYMENT a) . . Full payment will be made within thirty (30) day upon completion and acceptance of each portion of work. S L:~ 1'1'\ - PAGE 4 - C:\B"TH\WQRDPRDC\RIVERSIDE\EXCA VA TQR$-$PEC-CQNTRACT: 04/12101 . 2.01 SECTIO II EXCAVATION A D BURIAL GENERAL Cemetery Description: Riverside Cemet ry is an 18 acre wooded parcel located in a northwesterly are' of Monticello on the Mississippi River. This cemetery was esta lished in 1883. There are various stone types in the cemetery incl ding large monument style stones in an older portion of the cern tery, while the newer section of the cemetery hosts flat (ground level) markers. 2.02 SCOPE . 2.03 a) . b) c) a) Work includes the routine excavation 0 graves and burial of vaults containing human remains. The resulting excavations shall b carefully filled and compacted ASAP after burial using existing site materials. The top sur ace shall consist of suitable black dirt a minimum of 3" thick. Black dirt shall be furnished by the City at a stockpile within the cemetery as necessary. b) All excess material and debris, and other like materials shall be removed from the site and properly disposed of. c) The Contractor shall smooth out and see the graves with seed provided by the City. d) Winter burials will require the Contractor 0 return the following spring to re-compact, place black dirt and seed the graves prior to M y 15th. The Contractor shall notify the caretaker prior to those operations so a City repres ntative may be present. e) The Contractor shall use designated alley outes between graves for access and avoid passing over existing grave sites. The Contractor shall promptly repair any damage to the cemetery grass, surface, trees or markers, etc. caus d by their actions. f) The Contractor shall respond to excavatio requests with forty-eight (48) hours of receiving the call. g) All graves shall be staked prior to e cavation by the cemetery caretaker or a City representative and clearly marked. FEES EFFECTIVE APRIL 23.2001 Monday thru Friday burial including compaction, leveling, placing black dirt and seed: $ 400.00 Saturday and Sunday burial including compactio , leveling, placing black dirt and seed: $ 430.00 Fees may only be increased on the annual rene al day pending agreement by all parties as per section 1.09. C:IBE THIWOROPROCIRIVERSIDEIEXCA VA TORS. SPEC-CONTRACT: 04/12/01 . PAGE 5 - 5LfIY,\ . . . ( . , J ~ J AGREEMENT F EXCA V ATIONS A D BURIALS AT RIVERSIDE EMETERY MONTICELLO INNESOTA tXtA+ltJJIt MONTICELLO THIS AGREEMENT, made and entered into as of this th day of June , 2001 ,by and between the City of Monticello, Minnesota, a municipal corpo ation under the laws of the State of Minnesota, hereinafter called the "Owner", and Ray Glunz Constro tion of Buffalo, Minnesota, hereinafter called the "Contractor", WITNESSETH: That in consideration of their mutual covenants and agre ments as hereinafter set forth, the Owner for itself and the Contractor for itself, its successors and assigns, ovenants and agrees as follows, to wit: 1. The Contractor agrees to furnish all the necessary aterials, labor, use oftools, equipment, and every other thing necessary to perform the work design ted and referred to in this contract, including the Contractor's superintendence and to furnish e erything necessary for the completion of the improvement which is the subject of this agr ement (except such things as the Owner has specifically agreed to provide according to the Sp cifications), and agrees to perform and complete the work shown in the Specifications for Ex avations and Burials, prepared by the City of Monticello, Minnesota, and dated June 1,2001, d to conform in all respects with the provisions and requirements of the specifications. 2. The Contractor agrees that performance shall be in accordance with the terms, requirements, and conditions of this instrument, and laws of the st te of Minnesota, and the said Specifications for Excavations and Burials for the Owner. Each and all ofthe aforementioned contract docu ents are hereby incorporated into this agreement by specific reference, and the terms and provision thereof are and constitute a part ofthis agreement as though attached hereto or fully set forth herei . 3. The Owner agrees to pay the Contractor for the p rformance of this agreement, and the Contractor agrees to accept in full compensation therefor the sums set forth within the aforementioned Specifications for each unit and each type of unit of work to be performed. It is understood and agreed that the said proposal is for excavations a d burials on a unit price basis in accordance with said Specifications. It is further understood that his contract is not to be considered all inclusive. Unless canceled according to the Specifications, t is contract will remain in effect until June 1,2004. C;\8ETHIWORDPROCIRIVERSIDEIEXCA V A TOR$-$PEC-CONTRACT: 04112/01 - PAGE 6 - S L-- -\-1'", . IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have here nto set their hands and seals as ofthe day and year first above written. RAY GLUNZ CONSTRUCTION Buffalo, Minnesota THE CITY OF MONTICELLO Monticello, Minnesota By: By: (OWNER) (PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR) Date: Date: . . t. I ....1 "!', "~, \.-"" I ~ \ C:IBETHIWORDPROCIRIVERSIDEIEXCA V A TORS. SPEC-CONTRACT: 04/12/01 - PAGE 7 - 5N. Consideration of authorizin funds for devel ment of a land sea e Ian for the Walnut Street Plaza. (KB) . A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: The Monticello Community Partners at their July 2001 eeting voted to donate to the Community Center, a large swan sculpture, which they have commissioned a ocal artist Parker McDonald to create. They would like to see it placed on the Walnut Street side ofthe building. They have stipulated that they would want the landscaping be finished in that area to create a site orthy of this sculpture. During the Community Center project design, a concept plan was laid out for the plaza area by Northwest Associates, Steve Grittman, which could possibly still b used with some adjustments for the sculpture. This original design was reviewed by the DA T committ e in 1999. The cost for this design was quite high and therefore has not been implemented as yet. You may feel that a new plaza design is in order to acco modate this sculpture and our budget. We are requesting that you authorize funds to develop a concep design, which could include modifying the current design plan, for implementation to begin in the spring 0 2002. We believe that a cap of $1 ,000 would be sufficient to get this done. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Motion to approve the funds to create a concept esign for the Walnut Street Plaza of the Community Centers, not to exceed $1,000. . 2. Motion to table or deny approval the funds to cr ate a concept design and discuss alternative options for the Walnut Street Plaza at the Community C nter. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATIONS: The Community Center Advisory Board and the City A ministrator have recommended alternative number one. The request from the Monticello Community Pa ner's Board to donate the sculpture with an approved landscape plan A pencil sketch of the sculpture from the artist 0 the sculpture The original plaza landscape concept plan D. SUPPORTING DATA: . . . . . Community Center Advisory Board, July 24, 200 I At the last monthly meeting ofMontic lIo Community Partners a vote was obtained for donation of a large swan sculptur , commissioned by local artist Parker McDonald. The $12,000 investment piece will be donated to the community center, for placement on the Walnut Street side of the cen er, provided the community center landscape the surrounding area. Monticello Community Partners is in f1 vor of public art at this location, and finds the piece the appropriate size and structure for beautification project. The three swans are life-size, approximately seven foot wing sp n apiece, made of stainless steel and stand approximately 15-17 foot tall. The co . ssioned piece will remain a part of Monticello for perhaps centuries. A site plan for landscaping around the culpture would need to be reviewed by the MCP Board of Directors before Mr. McDonald begins the piece. Feel free to call Susie Wojchouski with any further questions at 295-2700 or 295- 2923. . Board of onticello Community Partners . t...... '. \ " , i" l ~\ \ . " \., ,- 1. -i :~.. /""""" , {,I ~- -~---.... , ~I/ " / ( I / .' I I . ( , ) i - (r t W(y, __ ~ (~~~\" "~~=- C<'0::", "" ~~ '-ii~~'~;I' ~A/ - "- '':: j1 i-I/ "'0- '{ , :/' ! '; '---. ~~, ~ ~"""~ ' i'" ;! - :"", " _ _~~, ' ", ,'. ~-'" 't i ! 'I_-'~____, ~/_ I,' ~ If/'" 'J , : --/ ~-. --------- ~, ( /,--:~~,;::, ~ _. 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Public Hearin - Consideration of ado tion f an assessment roll for Cedar Street Improvements. Project No. 2000-18C. (RW) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: The Cedar Street Reconstruction Project was pr mpted by the petition from Dan Mielke in response to his proposed development. The bi s have been received and the project is proposed to be assessed to the Mielke Development, To Thumb and the Silver Fox Motel. As has been previously discussed, a portion of the street im rovement specifically benefits the Mielke Development and this cost will be borne by the development. The remainder of the cost will be borne by the benefitted property owners located adjacent to Cedar Street. Because this project involves assessments to t ee property owners, we are proposing to assess the costs at the start ofthe project. By followin this process, the City must approve the assessment roll and then wait the 30 days prior 0 awarding the Cedar Street project. The bids were received last Thursday and will e checked and split to the benefitted property owners with the totals provided at the Council eeting. It should be noted that the City must decide ho much to contribute to the project. We will be providing some options for contribution at the ouncil meeting. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. The Council could adopt the resolution dopting the assessment roll for the Cedar Street Reconstruction Project No. 2000-18C i the amount to be determined at the public hearing held by the City Council. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: It is the recommendation of the City Administr tor and the City Engineer that an assessment roll be adopted. D. SUPPORTING DATA: None. . ~~ '>. <7,': ~. ~ ~> C /'" d ,.., "t:" _ "ti ." ." ." ." e:::; d. 0 t'Jj ~ o-j ~ ." >-j '7./. ..1z. ~u V ~ 0 (5 0 6 0 ~~~ ~ m ZZZyZ - "' Q' (- UJ ,J::;. 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Council Agenda. 8/13/01 Consideration of acce tin bids and awardi contract for Cedar Street 1m rovement Pro.ect No. 2000-18C and 7th Street 1m rov ments Pro"ect no. 2001-7C. (WSB) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: Bids for the above referenced project were rece'ved at 10 a.m. on Thursday, August 9, 2001. Two bids were received with the apparent low idder being Bauerly Brothers in the amount of $552,078.60. The 7th Street and Cedar Street p ojects were bid at $384,364.86 and $167,713.74, respectively. This compares to the feasibility r port estimates for 7th Street and Cedar Street of $418,000 and $195,000 respectively. Because the Cedar Street project is proposed to be assessed prior to the project award it is recommended that the 7th Street project be awa ded at this time, with the Cedar Street Project awarded following the assessment process. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. The Council could award the 7th Street roject and delay the Cedar Street Project. (!) The Council could award both projects. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: ~4~.( It is the recommendation of city staff that the 7t Street project be awarded with the Cedar Street project awarded following the assessment procedure. D. SUPPORTING DATA: Bid Tabulation . CEDAR STREET RECONSTRUCTION & 7TH STRE T RECONSTRUCTION CITY OF MONTICELLO, WRIGHT COUNTY, MIN CITY PROJECT NO. 2000-18C & 2001-07C BIDS OPENED AUGUST 9, 2001 -10:00 A.M. Contractor Addenda Total Bid 1 2 3 4 . BAUERL Y BROS INC X X X X X $552,078.60 2 BUFFALO BITUMINOUS INC X X X X X $582,708.50 ENGINEER'S ESTIMATE $548,165.65 I hereby certify that this is a true and correct tabulation of the bids as received on August 9, 2001 Andrew J. Bratzer, P.E. ** DENOTES CORRECTED FIGURE . <-j ( .: F:\WPWIN\1338-01\EXCEL\bidtab1.xls\Bid Summary . Council Agenda - 8/13/01 9. Consideration of acce tin bids for sanitar ewer and water main relocation for the Mielke Development. Project No. 200l-09C. WSB) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: Bids for the Cedar Street Sanitary Sewer and W termain Improvement Projected were received at 10 a.m. on Friday, August 3, 2001. Seven bids were received. The bid tabulation is attached. The low bidder is Sch1uender Construction in t e amount of$1l3,315.50. The feasibility report estimate was $92,436.50. The City's share was estimated at $16,962.50 and with the bid would be $26,567.45. The Mielke's share was estimat d at $75,474.00 and with the bid would be $85,723.05. The above numbers do not include indirect costs. It is likely that the bid price would be lower ifr bid in the spring of 2002. However, this would require stubbing utilities out of Cedar Street. T e rebidding process would also involve some cost. Consequently, following discussions with the Mielkes, it is recommended that the project be awarded and be completed in conjunction wi h the street project. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: . 1. The Council could approve the award 0 the contract to Schluender Construction in the amount of$113,315.50. 2. The Council could reject all bids and au horize rebidding in the spring. This would also require the authorization of receiving qu tes to stub out utilities from Cedar Street. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: It is the recommendation of the City Engineer a d the Public Works Director that the project be awarded to Schluender Construction. D. SUPPORTING DATA: Bid tabulation. . . . . CEDAR STREET RECONSTRUCTION MONTICEllO, MN 1303-00 Bids Opened: Contractor 1 Schluender Const. Inc. 2 Rolstad Const. Company 3 WipperBackhoe & Bobcat 4 Fyles Excav & Honey Wag 5 Redstone Const Co Inc. 6 R.P. Utilities Inc. 7 R.L. Larson Excavating x X X X X X X Engineer's Estimate Total Bid $113,315.50 $117,013.50 $117,697.00 $119,414.75 $147,227.31 $129,503.80 $138,082.00 $0.00 I hereby certify that this is a true and correct tabulation f the bids as received on May 26, 1999. Bret A. Weiss, P.E. F:\EXCEL\bidtab.xls\Bid Summary ** Denotes corrected figure ~ . . . 10. Counci I Agenda - 8/13/01 A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: ort for River Count Bike Trail. (RW) I n May of this year M r. Don I lemming came efore the Park Commission to discuss a proposal for a regional trail extending from St. Cloud t Clearwater and possibly to Montissippi Park. lIe was requesting Park Commission support of t e concept of a regional bike trail plan. Mr. Hemming was also in contact with the Wright County Park Superintendent to gain County support for the plan as well. The Park Commission informed Mr. lIcmmin that they could not offer financial support as park funds were committed for the maintenance an development of parks within the City but they did support the idea of a regional bike trail. Mr. emming stated that he would be requesting the City Council to approve a resolution supporting th concept of a regional bike trail. lie felt this type of support by various entities would aid in obtai ing grant funds for the regional trai I concept. 1 ~ &t4fA. 0 f ~o"1 lal~ ~ G-t~e:J . . . 12. Council Agenda - 8/13/01 Consideration of rantin an increase to th individual cnsion for volunteer Firefi hter Relief Association members. (R W) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: The Firefighter Relief Association membershi is requesting that the City Council consider an increase in their retirement benefit from the pI' sent $2,085 per year of service to $2,175 after 20 years of serviee on the fire department. The following is a summary of the previous b nefit increases that have been approved: YEAR 1987 1988 1989 1990 1992 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 BENEFIT AMOUNT $ 875 per year of service $ 975 $1,(n 5 $1,175 $1,225 $1,300 $1,325 $1,375 $1,575 $1,925 $2,025 $2,085 (Originally approved at $2,125 but reduced due to error!) By August 1 sl of each year, the Fire Relief Ass ciation must present to the City Council a schedule of the proposed benefits and totallia ilities associated with the proposed benefit in comparison to the assets of the Association. T pically, it has been past policy of the Council that they would only consider increases to oeeur in the yearly pension amounts if the Association had sufficient income projected to cover the increa e. In other words, the state aid and interest earnings on investments needed to be projecte at a level sufficient to cover the normal annual cost of the pension calculations based on the r quested $2,175 per year or higher amount. In the past, the City Council has not supported any b nefit level that would require a contribution from the City as a tax levy. As you may recall, a few months ago, the Fire Relief Association Treasurer informed me that the an error had been made on the schedules that ere prepared last year and that the previously approved benefit of $2.125 per year would req lire a City contribution, unless the amount was modi lied lower. Since the Council had made ts decision based on erroneous infonnation. we were able to lower the benefit to $2,085, whic did not require a City contribution. Normally the City is not allowed to modify any previously a proved benefit level, except in these cases where the Council is not provided with correct infornation. The pension schedule reports provided by the ,ire Relief Association Treasurer indicate that the Association would have suJ1icient funds to su _ port an increase in the pension up to $2.175 per . . . Council Agcnda - 8/1 3/0 1 year of service. Irthe projections are correct the Association's inCOll1e should he $3, 150 more than the annual liability increase. One item t at should be noted is that the projected income assumes the Association would earn approxi lately a 8.6% return on their assets, which has heen their typical average over the last ten years. s we are all aware, interest earnings on investments have hcen reduced substantially, and if some or the investments are in mutual funds and other stock market products, the last twelve months have bcen especially difficult for those investors. Although the Association is not in csted heavily in mutual funds, they did only earn a little over 3% last year, not 8% or 9% as they use in their projections. If the same 3% earnings occurred in the year 200 I, their projections w uld be wrong and the City would be very likely required to contrihute tax dollars to support t cir pension increase. If the Relief Association only earned 5% on t eir assets, rather than 8.6% as projected, there should still be enough income to support the 2,175 pension, but the surplus is only $800 rather than $3,100. If for Some reason their interest arnings were only 3% (like last year) and the City approved the $2,175 pension, approximately 475 would need to be contributed by the City to support this pension. I have no reason to belie e they will only earn 3% this year, but J am sure they didn't expect to only earn 3% last year ei her, so that the possihility always exists. Any pension benefit approved by the City Council obligates the City to continue whatever support is necessary to maintain that bcnefit level, regal' less of thc economy or the interest earnings from the investments. If the City Council chooses not to endorse a s ecifie pension level, the Association cannot increase their benefits until they have at least 10% of their liability covered by assets. At the present $2,085 per year benefit, the Associatio would not have more assets than liabilities and they would meet the 10(% surplus that is requi ed to change their pension on their own. It would likely take a few more years before they woul have sufficient surplus to do their own pension modification, and the increase would certainly be limited to smaller increases. Based on the example provided, if the Council approved the $2,175 per year, this would give them a $95 per year increase over their current pension. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Grant an increase to $2,175 per year. q...U \\: This increase, according to the relief as ociation schedule, would not require a City contribution and should be able to fund d through anticipated state aids and other interest earnings on investments, although there is not a guarantee. The schedules indicate there is a $3, I 50 cushion, but as I noted, inteIest earnings to achieve this surplus are bascd on a 8.6% return, which may be higher than 'an be realistically obtained. 2. Do not grant an increase in benefits at t is time and only allow the increase to occur when the association has more assets than Iia ilities. At this time, it would still take a few m re years for the Association to have enough assets to equal I ] 0% of the liability and to be allowed to increase the benefits on their own. . " .-'. Grant an increase in bene/its to an am unt somewhere between the current $2,085 per year and the $2,175 per year schedule. c. STAFFIU:COMMENOATION: Council Agenda - 8/13/01 Based on the relief association financial comp tations, it does appear that the pension level of $2,175 per year could be obtained without reg iring any City contribution. Even if interest income drops to 5%, my calculations show th re would still be a $800 surplus. The actual interest earnings would have to drop to 4% or less for the City to be required to contribute any funds to maintain this pension level. Based 01 this information, I have no reason to object to an increase being granted to the $2,175, as long' s the City Council realizes there are no guarantees that state aids or other investment earnings wi I continue at the present level or that some other catastrophic event wouldn't cause the need 1'0 a City contribution in the future. D. SUPPORTING DATA: Computation ofbene1i.ts for each member at t e $2,175 per year level. . . . FO'rm SC~01 Page 1 SCHEDULES I & II FOR LUM :J SUM PENSION PLANS REPORTING Fe RM YEAR 2001 DETERMINATION OF PLAN LIABILITIES & REQ JIRED MUNICIPAL CONTRIBUTION IN 2002 Firefighters' Relief Association: MONTICEllO County of : WRIGHT SCHEDl. LE I Estimation of relief association Special Fund pension liabilities for all IT embers based on years of active service with the fire department, with the regular per~year-of~service pension set at $ 2,175 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 -------------------------------...-....--......-..+-~-------- -----~~-~-~....--- --------------- ------------------ ....~~---------------------------- - -...---_....~---...+~------------------ Name Age Fire Dept. Leaves of 2001 2002 Date of on Date of Absence thru To End of This Year To End of Next Year Birth 12/31, Entry 12131/01 Years of Accrued Years of Accrued Last, First, Middle Initial mm-dd-yy 2001 mm-dd-yy Yrs. I Mos. Service Liability Service liability 1. Farnum, Ted H, 01-24-47 54 03-01-73 29 63 075 30 65,250 2, Morrell, Jav C. 09-03-42 59 05-01-75 27 58 725 28 60,900 3. Doualas, Scott N. 02-13-51 50 03-01-76 26 56,550 27 58.725 4. Wallen Mark S. 12-05-54 47 05-01-77 25 54.375 26 56,550 5. Wein, Jerry G 01-21-53 48 12-15-79 . 22 47,850 23 50,025 , 6. Johnson, Mike V. 09-02-56 45 03-01-81 ! 21 45 675 22 47,850 7. Theisen, Matt J. 11-03-56 45 05-01-82 . 20 43,500 21 45,675 . . Liefert. Tom G 02-27 -59 42 11-01-83 18 36,931 19 40.107 g, Fvle. Brad E. 06-17-57 44 05-01-84 18 36,931 19 40 107 10. Stumpf. Kevin C. 01-07-60 41 05-01-85 17 33 930 18 36931 11. Host, Gary J. 01-17-62 39 1 Q...01-85 16 31 059 17 33 930 12. Simoson Marc A. 02-24~56 45 01-19-87 15 28,362 16 31,059 13. Larson Lvndon L. 02-02-61 40 01-19-87 15 28,362 16 31,059 . 14. Kranz. Neil B. 04-06-66 35 05-01-87 15 28.362 16 31,059 I 15. Samuelson, Steve S. 06-30-63 38 11-22-87 14 25 752 15 28 362 16. Stumpf, Brian K 06-14-62 39 07 -25-88 13 23.272 14 25,752 17. Michaelis, Jeff E. 08-02-63 38 01-03-90 12 20,924 13 23,272 18. Sonstebv, Gerald J. 12..12-64 37 05-01-93 9 14.486 10 16530 , 19. Lvmer, Rick T. 04-29-63 38 05-01-93 9 14,486 10 16,530 20 Kranz. Jeff D. 05-31-62 39 05-01-93 9 14,486 10 16530 21. Johnson. Todd M. 02~07-66 35 05-01-93 : 9 14,486 10 16.530 22. Joera, Steve W. 05-24-63 38 10-17-94 7 10.701 8 12.528 23. Dahlheimer Luke G. 08-3Q...72 29 05-01-96 : 6 8,917 7 10,701 24. Hanson. Steve A. 06-08-67 34 05-01-96 6 8.917 7 10,701 25 Dahlheimer, Nick M. 04-26-74 27 01-15-99 3 4,132 4 5,655 Subtotal of Regular Pension Liability 754,246 812,318 Fractional Years of service must be calculated to nearest full year. Do not enter data here for any person to receive their pension during thi year. Enter instead on Schedule II, Sec. 1, Line g. A copy of these schedules must be presented to the City Council beforE August 1 each year. \~, - .- - n.n ... ..---.- - Fonn SC~1 SCHEDULE I .. AODITIONA .. ACTIVE MEMBERS \ Page 2a . 1 ----------..------....-......----... Name 2 3 4 5 6 7 ----~- --~-f_---~~ Age Fire Dept. Leaves of 2001 Date of on Date of Absence thn To End of This Year Birth 12/31, Entry 12/31/01 Years of Accrued mm-dd-yy 2001 mm-dd--yy Yrs. T Mos. Service Liability Last, First, Middle Initial 26. Baloun. Steve C. 27. Ackerman, Tim W. 28. Gillies, Darvl 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 47. 48. 49. SO. 51. 52. 53. - 54. 55. 56. 57. 58. 59. 60. 61. 62. 3. 64. 65. ;...Subto~.,:C)f,.ReglJl8r':P.niion',.I....i.billty 06-10-68 33 07-3lJ...72 29 11 ~02-68 33 01~15-99 ~ 15-00 04-15-00 ! : (pag.2a) .. .,' .; ,;:,:",<:i::':i>:',::.:''''::'~'.::''; 8 9 2002 To End of Next Year Years of Accrued Service Liability I 3 5,655 I 4,132 4 , I 2 2,697 3 4,132 I I I 2 2,697 3 4,132 , I ; , , , I I , ! , i ! ! , , I ! I I : , ; ! T : i . ""', , ' : , ,I :: ",: :',:, y::, ~: ;,: ::,:': , 9,526 13,919 \.) 0 0 -I CD CD 0 a;' CD' Qi ~ .... CD S. . 0.. 0.. - - :;:0 "'TI "'TI ~ ~ CD (Q !to !to c: ar -0 iJ .... Q) lD "'C ::l. ::l. CD ~ ~ :3 (II ~ < 0' CD :3 (II CII r- eD ...... CD iii' ~ 0. g; ...... c:i c ;:;0; CD' (l) :::l (II :::h "C a :;:s Q) (l) a: Q. 3 Q ~ -0 Q) :;:s ~ <0 ~ CD tJ) t::: to ..... a: (l) Q) :;:s ~ :::l ~ 0.. i :::h I'\J ..... Q) ""0 CD en ~ ~ r- :::l = iii' CII C" n " ~ 0' .... 2 2 :::l ; ft) ft) CD' r- n 0. Q. iii' .... CII g; r r- .... ~ ;:;0; S' Ai" ir .... (6' ft) ~ g; <a CII - to ~ ~ 8 ...... :T a a. (ij' -f ~ (II "'C 3 =r ~ Q) a a (Q r- = = @ (1) :;- (Q (Q Q) CD =r =r :::l () CL. > -f Z I'\J - =r CD Q. (") z iii' ~ CD ::0; 0 ~ -< II :::l ... CD 3 l>> ft) ,; (1) !. ... l>> ~ 0.. ... 0 CD (") .... 0.. 0 ...... en .5 .... - co -...J g W (}'J I'\J 0) co 0 (}'J to) fD :.". ~ ..... 0 0 ..... I'\J -...J .. I'\J 0 '" <D co h) ~ C) (}'J I'\J N 0 W '" (}'J 0) 0 CD 0>> O'l a N N ...... ...... ..... '" w ... (,JI CD 0 -...J q~ aBed \ Ol130l.lNOW OJ CD 3 CD ..... -I 0 ::J '< ~ ..... I\.) I I\.) m I 0) I\.) ...... I\.) 6 ...... I co U1 ...... r:-> ...... U1 I 0 0 ..... 0 r:n -< ;::0 0 ~ <> ...... (J1 0 .1\.) 0 co (J1 co 0 '$. I\.) (J1 '0 I\.) 0 I\.) (J1 ~ 0 " s: 0 "'TI '$. 0 0 I\.) w (J1 .!'oJ ...... I\.) (J1 ..... ..... ..... ..... 8 0 0 0 8 0 0 0 0 0 '$. :R ::>R ::>R ::>R ::>R <> <> <> <> <> r- Q) OJ CD .CD ~ ~ <1l ;J> ~ !4. . ." ~' - . z ~ III ..... 3 CD ! ~ ID I i :N ID ~ ! 1 , I m , 0 I AI ::s w - Ii' -< 0 Il1 fC - IlJ cr "2 ~ if ::s ';" Early Vesting : or Retirement !Ot I ROIl.. ! T Vesting Sched ! (Jl I I Service- Credit j "'-J Interest Rule ! '(Xl ! I I "')::oor- -<I iill ~ g' : I r---; C //I < (0 I .CDID 3:1 _::Sl/l o' -, n 0 l/J ii CD ..... -< Z iiJ "'fell ---iiil~.... ....... Co _. ~ 0 3!: -, n o -co l/J - lG r- IF AI ID - ~ ..... cr 'tJ ::s Il1 CD ..... ::s ';" a ;j! ID -: ~ 'T'I:tl ;t a l/J ..... ~ Q. ID if I\.) " ::s Co .. - :tl m ID~ ..... !4. Gl Q. ~ r- + Q' ~ Aj' ..... Xl 3 .... W - g; ~i- 0 .... ;:;: " '< m ..... !I:. ~ r- (,) Aj' ..... .... ~ C3 g; N ;:;: '< z ):to (') -t <: m == m s: l1J m :;D QO -t o ~ r- " m z en o Z r- j: l1J r= :3 m C/J o co r:., '? U1 U1 o 01 I o -' I "'-J "'-J o I ...... 'l' o o (J1 o U1 9 ..... ..... I\.) R1 m ..... co \a- Fonn SC-01 \ Page 3 Schedu e II . Section 1 Determination of Projected He Assets for the year ending December 31, 2001 Special Fund Assets at December 31, 2000 1 $ 646,959 (See Ending Assets in Reporting Form - 2000) Projected Income to December 31, 2001: a. Minnesota State Aid. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46,321 (Use 2000 amount, exclude Supplemental Benefit Rei bursements) b. Municipal (independent fire) Contributions . . . . . . . . . .. .. c. Donations (list ) . . . . . . . . . %) d.lnterestandDividends................. ........ 55,650 (15,.{"1.,(n-1E5 8". t;,o() ~~JI.AItN. e. Net appreciation (depreciation) in fair market value of investments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . f. Other income (Include Supplemental) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2,000 Total 2 $ 103,971 Projected Assets plus Income December 31,2001 Projected Disbursements through End of Year: g. Pensions (If listed here, don't include on Schedule I) . . . h. Other benefits. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . i. Administrative. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Total 3 $ 750,930 2,500 Projected Assets (gross) at End of Year 4 $ 2,500 5 $ 748,430 Section 2 Detennination of Proj Surplus (Deficit) as of December 31, 2001 Projected Assets 2001 Accrued liability Surplus or (Deficit) 6 $ 748,430 7 $ 838,904 8 $ (90,474) DefiCit Projected for 2001. Table on sheet l beleel Entries 2 must be completed. Section 3 Dete ination of Municipal Contribution (if Surplus) 9 $ 10 $ Normal Cost Calculated Administrative Expense = (RF-OO Admin. Exp. less: j. Minnesota State Aid. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . k.5% of Line 5. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I. 10% of Surplus . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Total Subtractions Municipal Contribution 11 $ 12 $ . complete Section 5 now if you aven't already done so \~ . Form SC..o1 MONTICELLO \ Page 4 Section 4 Determin ation of Municipal Contribution (if Deficit) Amortization of Deficits. Column 1 Column 2 Column 3 Year Incurred Amt Retired 12/3 Left to Retire 1/1 Orioinal Amount 2001 2002 1992 1993 1994 25,803 23,759 2,044 1995 2,386 1,432 954 1996 1997 20,513 8,204 12,309 1998 53,678 16,105 37,573 1999 3,713 742 2,971 2000 7,203 720 6,483 m. 90,474 (Sec. 2, line 8) 1,"< ,~""", ..'.'". ,',-'7~~ ,..,' ". ~ c,', 0f, ))V 0 (Col. 3 Subtotal) n. New add'l Deficit 2001 28,140 1<.',' 28,140 o. 90,474 (m. minus n.) Totals 141.436 50,962 90,474 Step # 1 If fine 0 is positive, enter line 0 in columns 1 and 3 of lIaw additional Deficit (2001) fine. (This is your New additional Deficit for 2001.) Step # 2 If line 0 is negative, reduce columns 2 and 3 accordin to Deficit Reduction in the instructions. Amortization of Deficit (Total from Column 1) ................. ...... . 141436 13 $ 14,144 Total from Schedule I, Page 2b, Une C - Nonnal Cost 14 $ 64,971 Calculated Administrative Expense (2000 Reporting Form Admin E p) . . . . . 1428 15 $ 1,478 ubtotal lines 13+14+15 16 $ 80,592 Less: p. Minnesota State Aid. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ...... . 46321 q. 5% of Line 5 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ...... . 37422 Total Subtractions (Subtotal of Lines p and q) 17 $ 83.743 Municipal Contribution (line 16 minus line 17 18 $ .3,150 ..._--.... ...-,-.............. You must certify to the municipality before August 1, 2001 even if no contribution Is due. Section 5 Test for Maximum Benefit Allowed Calculation of Average special fund income per meml er ^ Received or Receivable A B C 0 E ......n................ .......................... ....--.-... .-..................... ........................ ............................. State Municipal 1C % of Active Per Year Aid ^ Support Su plus Members Average Last year 2000 > RF-OO 46,321 0 sc-oo 1 0 30 1,544 2 years ago 1999 > RF-S9 44,927 0 SC-9S j 0 29 1,549 3 years ago 1998 > RF-S8 43,954 0 SC-S8 ~ 0 30 1,465 F. Average available financing per active member tor the most rece ,t 3-year period = 4558 / 3 = $ 1,519 G. Maximum benefit level per statutory schedule effective through 1 '.30-01 . . . . . , . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 2,800 Maximum benefit level per statutory schedule effective 12.31-01 hrough 12-30.02. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 2,800 Lines G and H reflect your maximum benefit level for the periods ited. You may not establish a hiQher benefit level. These figures will be identical in all cases except where average availab Ie financing yields a maximum at the statutory cap. \ .--- .- --,.,_._- it) . . Form SC-01 MormCELLO \ Page 5 OFFICER'S CE TIFICA TION . (Form must be provided to municipal cI< 'It on or before August 1, 2001) We, the officers of the MONTICELLO Firefighters' Relief Association, state that the accompanying schedules have been prepared in accord nce with the provisions of Minn. Stat. ~ 69.772, subd. Further, benefit levels have been established in accordance with the average amount of available financing, as required by Minnesota law. We certify that based on the financial requirements of the R liet Association's Special Fund for the calendar year 2002 the required municipal contribution is SO . If the bylaws of the Association have changed in the most recent year, we have attached a copy of the am ndment. If municipal approval of said amendment is requir~cf l,lnder Minn. $t~t: ~ E?9-77~, ~Lll:lcf. 6, w~ h~ve al~o . nclo~ecf ~_ CC?Py of th~ municip~1 r~tifi~tion. Signature of President Date Signature of Secretary Date Signature of Treasurer Date . CLERK'S CER IFICA TION ( For Municipal Fire De rtments Only) I am the clerk of . I received n ~~_ , the completed Office of the State Auditor Schedules I & II from the MONTICEL 0 Firefighters' Relief Association. I have reviewed Sec. 2, line 8, Sec. 3 line 12, and Sec. 4, line 18 f Schedule II. If line 12 or line 18 reflect a required municipal contribution, I certify that I will advise the governin municipal body at its next regularly scheduled meetir Signature of Clerk Date ( ) Business Phone WARNING: This document must be fully completed, certified by t e relief association officers, forwarded to the municipal Clftr1<, and fi/~ with the Offi~ of tht} State Auditor as required by 'nn. Stat. 569.771, subd. 3. Failure to file this document, whether or not a municipal contribution is due, will result in ineligi ility for state fire aid. as required by Minnesota state law. . Office of the 8ta e Auditor Pension Oi ision 525 Park S, reet Suite 4 0 St. Paul, MN 55103 Fax number: (65 ) 282-2391 I). . . . Counci I Agenda - 8113/0 I 13. Consideration to a rove the recommen ation of the HRA to waive the arkin(J deficienc fee associated with the red eve) ment of the northerl ortion of Block 36. (OK/JO) REFERENCE AND BACKGROU IIOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT At THORITY As part of the Monticello Comprehensive Plan and Downtown and Riverfront Revitalization Plan, the HRA has been app oached by developers who have been interested in redevelopment of Blocks 36 a d 52. All three times, the issue of parking stall requirements becomes a stumbling blo 'k. The HRA recognizes that determining parking stall requirements is not their role. However. in order to lllove the projects along, the HRA recornmends the City Council wa've the parking deficiency fee associated with the redevelopment of the northerly portion f Block 36. The following is a brief summary of the tw proposed projects for the northerly portion of Block 36 and the amount ofTIF commit ed by the HRA Although the projects are proposed by two independent developers/b lilders, the parking plan proposed is ajoint parking agreement among the property OWl ers of the northerly portion of Block 36 and agreed upon by both developers/builders. ou will note in the attached letter of intent, the property owners will maintain the parki 19 lot. Even with the joint parking, there is a parking deficiency 01'23 stalls for the O'D< nnell project or $33,350. Amoco site The HRA approved the use of TIF in the aJ ount of up to $185,000 for acquisition and demolition of the Amoco site. The up to $1 S5,000 from the tax increment generated by the new proposed project (5,700 sq ft resta rant/office space with second 11001' apartments.) Additionally, the HRA comm"tted $45,000 fi'om the TIF District No. 1-22 Surplus Funds for costs associated with par "ing development oIT-site. O'Donnell site The I IRA approved the use of TIl" in the al ount of up to $124,000 for eligible redevelopment costs associated with the tW) structures in the 200 block along Walnut Street. The up to $124,000 from the tax in rement generated by the new proposed project (4,500 sq ft office building, first and secon floor.) Additionally, the HRA committed $45,000 from the TIF District No. I -22 Sur Ius Funds for costs associated with parking development off-site. . COlll1ci I Agenda - 8/1 3/0 I The City ofMontieello owns the parcel be ween the Kopy and f-Iamond parcels, the City Administrator prefers to sell the lot and no be a party to the joint parking agreement. That subject is being addressed by the dev topers or the HRA. In order to move the projects along, the H A approved and recormnends the following uses and sources for these reasons: The H A agrees that the use of the public parking lots are not maximized, the lIRA agrees th t the parking stall requirements within the CCl) do not encourage downtown redevek pment (inconsistent with Revitalization Plan), and the HRA supports including on-street arking as part of the parking stall requirement Il.lt"ln u la. USES OF FUNDS FOR PARKING $90,000 Construction $50,000 Acquire Storage (i-arage $33,350 Parking Deficiency $20,000 City Lot -',,,..--. .__....___n _",.._ $193.350 Total . SOURCES OF FUNDS FOR PARKING $45,000 TIF No. 1-22 Surplus (Amoco) $45,000 TIF No. 1-22 Surplus (O'Donncll) $33,350 Parking Deficiency (City Waive) $20,000 City Lot - Developers negotiate or I IRA reimbursement $50,000 Garage - Developcrs ne1!otiate $193.350 Total The Chair of the HRA, Dan Frie, plans to a tend the Council mccting to answer questions. The Planning Commission reviewed parkin J capacity in the area and with the input of the City Planner, agrees that there is sufficient n-strect and municipal parking available to ofT-set the 23 stall deficiency. If the City C uncil desires to waive the cost to the deve topment. it should recognize that event tally, if developnlent conti nues in the area, the deficiency will need to be accounted Il.)!" with new stall development somewhere. Thcrell.)!"e. the City should consider transfer ing general fund dollars to the parking stall development fund to account for the "waivi g" of the parking stall deficiency fee. 11 ALTERNATIVE ACTION 1. A motion to approve waiving develo _ er payment of the $33,350 parking stall deficiency fee associated with the re evelopment of the northerly portion of Block 36 and transfer same anlOunt from g neral fund to parking development fund accordingly. 2. A motion to take a wait and see appr ach to the parking stall deficiency fee associated with the redevelopment of the northerly portion of Hlock 36. . 2 . Counci I Agenda - 8/13/0 I ~ -, . A motion to deny waiving the $33,350 parking stall deficiency fee associated with the redevelopment of the northerly portion of Block 36. 4. A Inotion to table any action. c. STAPF RECOMMENDATION To encourage this project along, the City dministrator supports the waiving of the $33,350 parking stall deficiency fee and a count for the cost using general fund dollars. Although independent projects, the joint p rking agreement must proceed in order for both projects to proceed. The number one question asked of the Economic Developlnent Director is "When is the City going to do 'omething about the Amoco site". It has been the desire of the HRA to work with a deve opel' for redevelopment of the Amoco site rather then to acquire and demolition with ut a project to generate tax increment. With the proposed changes in the commercial/in justrial classilication rates, the financial consultant has advised the HRA to look 1'0 projects which generate tax increment along with spending the TIF District No. 1-22 S rplus Funds. . D. SUPPORTING DATA For additional information, see aerial phot< under agenda item 138. . <> .J ;f;l~ "t;I~rg ~::so a 0 c:l "t;I 0 Iv ~ g~ 1~~ ...... -.0 ~~ ~ .~ 0 r g 80 .~ -.o('>l ClO . ~.~ . . tl a '-l p .....~'" P-4 ~ . ~ ~ d;; ~ ~ ~A ~ .~ [1 . <U $ -.o~ 0 ~ E ...... 6 c:l ij ~ 1 .~ tl 8.~ ~ B 1 p ~ J @"!",[ HU ~ ~ p.., ~ ~ l~ {l en ~ ~ g-1 g ~ ""5 o lh&' ~~ ~'81 g -- ~~ ( en 0 ~u&J:g ~'3~ ~].~.~ I..: 1 8 p .s< .~S ~j P-4 -< IXitJCl~f-I z8e.~ JlS IU I ' -----~j Pi "om &. ~ -- ~ j 8 ~: o~~ I I !! ~ ~lf 1- -- I -- f~" - L._ ,___ I .- - - - --."--- I 1-- -- r- ~~ ..- --- .. '----1 : JQ --- -.-. -l -- -i c___=i__ j , i on _. '",.._~__'. ..._ ..t_ , .... - r ... , , r .. "'I"'. h. m !_ J ~1 C m--i --li :(:~: , Itt~\l I \ i ;) I SMITH, PAULSON, O'DONNELL ASSOCIATES, P.LC. ATIORNj::YS AT AW PHONE (763) 295-2107 FAX (763) 295-5165 GREGORY V. SM TH' GARY L. PRINGLE (1 0-1987) GERALD S. PAUL ON" PATRICK M. O'OON ELL'" MELANIE A. FL RES ELK RIVER OFFICE JACKSON SQUARE BLDG. 400 JACKSON AVE. N.W. SUITE 103 ELK RIVER. MN 55330 PLEASE REPLY TO: MONTICELLO OFFICE 207 SOUTH WALNUT STREET . P. O. BOX 668 ONTICELLO. MN 55362-0668 PHONE (763) 441.3990 BARBARA J. SCH RSING SHEILA K. ROU AND LEGAL ASSISTA TS &~ July 3, 2001 Monticello Housing and Redevelopment Authority City Hall 505 Walnut Street Monticello, MN 55362 Re: Subject: Block 36 in the City of Monti eel 0 Shared Parking Letter ofIntent . Dear Committee Members: The undersigned represent the property owners and potential property owners of the northern half of Block 36. The purpose ofthis etter is to memorialize our agreement that we support the concept of shared parking for t e northern half of Block 36, and also state our willingness and intention to enter into cros property easements, construction easements, and a long-term maintenance agree ent upon such terms as the parties may agree to in specific and particular negotiations. The conceptual drawing attached hereto as Attachment 1 provides a rough graphic repr sentation of the common scheme reviewed by the undersigned' r ching this eement. . 'CERTIFIED REAL PROPERTY LAW SPECIALIST "ALSO A MITTED IN NORTH DAKOTA on ALSO ADMITTED IN TEXAS "QUALIFIED NEUTRAL UNDER RULE 114 OF T E MINNESOTA GENERAL RULES OF PRACTICE Quolit!! regal Be, ices SiNce 1965 1~ ~.f . , ~,ll (XI I MLC Building & Remodeling Design - Construction - Project Management Residential - Commercial MN Lic. # 20054618 Ph: 763. 95.0717 Fax: 763.295.3227 Cell: 612.366.0717 722 West 5th Street Monticello, Minnesota 55362 9 July 2001 John Koppy 109 Oak Circle Big Lake, Minnesota, 55309 Re: Option to Purchase Storage Building John Koppy agrees to sell an option to purchase to LC Building & Remodeling, for the purpose of removal in order to develop shared parki g, the storage building located at the rear of the lot at 230 Broadway West, Monticello, Mi nesota, 55362. It is understood that this option will be exercised by I LC contingent upon approval of funding for the shared parking project by the Monticello Hou ing and Redevelopment Authority and .the Monticello City Council. It is further understood that an agreement between the property owners affected by the sharing parking developmen project must be completed before this purchase can close. That agreement is described i a "Letter of Intent" drafted by Smith, Paulson, O'Donnell and Associates and signed by t e affected property owners. MLC agrees to pay Mr. Koppy $1.00 for the option t purchase the building and $50,000.00 to purchase the building if the option is exercised. To xercise this option MLC will send written notice of its intent to do so to Mr. Koppy, Mr. Koppy agrees to sign a purchase agreement drafted by MLC or their agent within 30 days of ML 's notice to exercise this option. Closing to take place on or before March 31, 2002. This option is to remain in effect for 180 days from t e date at the heading of this document, at which time it will expire. This option can be renewe upon mutual agreement of the parties. In the event this option is exercised by MLC, MLC a rees to allow Mr. Koppy and his tenant to continue to occupy the 0 ge build' until March 1, 2002. John Koppy __ ~{da1j) ~ WMichael Cyr (MLC) '7- ?-D / Date 7~ r; -- () I Date 1 of 1 Id. . . . Council Agenda - 8/13/01 13A. Consideration of an offer to urchase Cit 0 ned land in Block 36. (RW) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: As you know, the HRA has been working with t 0 developers on redevelopment projects within Block 36, mainly the removal of the Amoco gas station building and development of a new officelrestaurant retail facility and also has been discussing a proposal from Mike Cyr on behalf of Smith and Associates for the construction of an w office building on the Walnut Street side of this block. The recent proposal being discussed by Smith and Associates indicates the development of a new parking lot between Loc st Street and Walnut Street that would be used by the two new projects and also other property ow ers along Broadway in that same block. The intent would be to have each property owner ha e a cross easement for parking purposes, and the assumption of the developers was that another a cess would be provided off of Broadway across property owned by the City. Enclosed is an aerial photograph of Block 36 w ich indicates where the City owns a 27.6' x 165' parcel that was formerly the old senior citizens uilding back in the early seventies. Since the mid-seventies, the property has been used as a ublic grassy area and has also been used by Mr. John Koppy to provide access to the back of his property for parking. The City has allowed Mr. Koppy to cross over the city parcel for a numbe of years, but no formal easement has been granted to Mr. Koppy. In the past year or so, Mr. Bruce Hamond, the 0 ner of a building adjacent to our parcel on the east side has expressed an interest in someday quiring this property from the City. No formal offer has ever been made and no price has been discussed with Mr. Hamond, only his indication of a desire to purchase it. As I noted, the deve! pers of the Amoco site and also the Smith and Associates office building have both assumed t at the City would simply donate this property to their development cause. It was noted during recent HRA meeting that the City had hoped to be reimbursed for the value ofthe property eith r through the devclopers who are going to use it as an access or by the HRA reimbursing the Cit through TIP revenues that might be generated from any redevelopment in the block. As note in an earlier agenda item regarding the parking deficiency question, the estimated value of the arcel was placed at $20,000, assuming other properties were valued at around $4.40/sq. ft. Mr. Barry Fluth, part of the Amoco redevelopment project, has proposed to purcha e the property from the City for $15,000, less than our $20,000 initial valuation. The purchase a eement proposal indicates that the property would be used for another commercial development, lthough no proposal has been submitted. The purchase agreement is also requiring the City t certify the property as a buildable site, free of environmental issues and also is requesting the City to provide a survey of the property. While there does not appear to be a need for th City to retain ownership of this parcel in the long term, I am a little hesitant to recommend the i mediate sale of the property without any contingency being attached concerning how th entire block may be developed. I would hate to see the City sell this parcel we have owned for 30 years and then find out that the sale has become an obstacle to redevelopment in the block. 0 the other hand, the potential sale to a private party may actually enhance the ability of the t 0 developments to occur. It appears that in surveying the property we own, John Koppy w uld not have access to the rear of his property without obtaining cross easement rights from joining properties. The garage at the rear of Mr. Koppy's property would be inaccessible by a v hicle unless he could cross over the City's . Council Agenda - 8/13/01 property or other adjacent parcels. Since both d velopments feel that the removal of a garage from the back ofMr. Koppy's property is essenti I to creating a nice parking area for the entire block, private ownership of the City's parcel ma help encourage an acceptable resolution to that Issue. As noted earlier, Mr. Bruce Hamond had indicat d an interest in acquiring the property although no formal offer had been made. Mr. Greg Smit has also recently inquired about the availability of this property. If the offer is considered by th Councilor a counter offer is made to Mr. Fluth, I would still recommend that some type of conti gency be added to the sale that allows the City to sell the property only if an acceptable redevelop ent plan can be agreed to by all parties in Block 36 affected by the redevelopment issues. B. AL TERNA TIVE ACTIONS: . . D. 1. Counci I could indicate a wi llingness to s 11 the property to Master's Fi fth Avenue as outlined in the purchase agreement. Council could indicate conceptual appro al of the sale at a price of$20,000 and with a contingency that the sale would only occ r upon an acceptable redevelopment project commencing in the north half of Block 36. The purchase agreement would also have to be modified to clarify that approval of any ommercial building construction is not automatically granted by the sale of the roperty and would need the proper approvals and permits from the City including proof 0 adequate parking requirements, etc. 2. 3. Council could indicate a willingness to ell the parcel, but formally offer the property to other parties who have also expressed in erest in ac~~~itionf ,,. ~ STAFF RECOMMENDATION: o~~e Other than to help facilitate an acceptable devel pment plan for the north half of Block 36, there isn't any reason why the City would need to co tinue to own this 4,500 sq. ft. Based on other sales that have occurred along Broadway in the downtown area, I feel the property value is closer to $20,000 than $15,000, especially if we are as ed to do an environmental report and also provide a survey. While I feel private ownershi is acceptable, I would hate to see the City sell this property if it was somehow detrimental to development occurring within the block. As I noted earlier, it is possible that private ownersh p may actually enhance the ability to have an agreement reached by all parties that would pro ide sufficient parking for the area and also encourage new development to occur. If the C uncil agrees private ownership is beneficial, I would recommend a counter offer for $20,000 nd a contingency on the sale occurring only upon a redevelopment plan being proposed for the n rth half of the block acceptable to the City Council and HRA. c. SUPPORTING DATA: Copy of purchase agreement Map of block Letter of Intent . . . REAL ESTATE AGREEMENT THIS AGREEMENT is made effectiv this _ day of , 200 I, between the City of Monticello, Minn sota, a municipal corporation under the laws of the State of Minnesota ("Seller"), and Mas er's Fifth Avenue, Inc., a Minnesota corporation, or its assigns ("Buyer"). In consideration of the mutual coven ts and agreements hereinafter contained, and in consideration of the sum of Five Hundr d and No/IOO Dollars ($500.00) (the "Earnest Money") in hand paid by Buyer to Se ler, the receipt of which is hereby acknowledged by Seller, it is hereby mutually greed by Buyer and Seller as follows. Upon acceptance and execution of this Agreement by Seller, said Earnest Money shall be held in trust for Buyer by Seller, witho t interest. If the sale of the Property is closed pursuant to this Agreement, the Earnest Money shall be applied to the purchase price owing to Seller. If the sale of the Prop is not closed owing to failure of satisfaction of a condition precedent to Buyer's obligations, the Earnest Money shall be refunded to Buyer, and neither party shall have any further liability hereunder. If the sale of the Property is not closed by the Closing Da e owing to failure of performance by Seller, the Earnest Money shall be refunded to uyer (without prejudice to Buyer's other rights or remedies at law or in equity). If the s e of the Property is not closed by the Closing Date owing solely to failure of perform nee by Buyer, the Earnest Money shall be forfeited by Buyer and paid to Seller as liquidat d damages and as Seller's exclusive remedy. 1. SE OF LAND Seller shall sell to Buyer and Buyer shall purchase from Seller, in the manner hereinafter described, a parcel of land (the "Pro erty"), which is legally described as the West 27.6 feet of Lot Nine (9), Block Thirty-si (36), in the town or townsite of Monticello, according to the plat of record ther of, County of Wright, Minnesota, subject to easements, covenants and restrictions of reco d. 2. PURCHASE RICE The Purchase Price shall be Fifteen Thou and and Noll 00 Dollars ($15,000.00), and shall be payable as follows: Five Hundred and Noll 00 Dollars ($500. 0) Earnest Money paid herewith; and \jJ\ . Fourteen Thousand Five Hundred an NollOO Dollars ($14,500.00), the balance of the Purchase Price, in cas or guaranteed funds on the Closing Date" CLOSING DATE POSSESSION The Closing Date shall occur on thirt (30) days written notice by Buyer to Seller. but no later than 120 days from execution he eof, whichever shall first occur (the "Closing Date"). Seller shall deliver possession of the roperty to Buyer on the Closing Date, clear of all debris. After the date hereof until pas ssion is delivered to Buyer, Seller shall keep and maintain the Property in a neat and order y condition and shaU not alter or damage any part thereof Seller shall not remove any dirt, trees, shrubs, or other natural growth except as is necessary to keep the Property in a neat nd orderly condition. . Buyer's obligation to perfonn hereund is expressly conditioned upon the following: (01) Buyer shall cause soil and engi cering tests and studies (the "Tests") to be perfonned upon the Property, he scope, purpose and results of which shall be acceptable to Buyer in Buy r's sole discretion. If the results of the Tests are not satisfactory to Buyer, uyer shall so notify Seller in writing within ten (10) days following deliv of such results in writing to Buyer, but in no event less than thirty (30) d ys prior to the Closing Date, whereupon the Agreement shall be voidabl in writing by Buyer, in which case a11 Earnest Money shall be return to Buyer and neither party shaH be further liable to the other hereunder. eIler hereby grants Buyer and its agents permission to go upon the Pro erty for purposes of making the Tests and the Survey (as defined below). Buyer shall fully and forever indemnify and save hannless Seller from any laims. liens. and expenses arising from Buyer's entry on the Property f1 r Tests purposes. Buyer shaJ1 pay 1000.10 of the costs of these tests. (02) Buyer obtaining from the City fMonticello, Minnesota (the "City") and all other local, state and federal 8 ernmental authorities having jurisdiction thereof and any other applicabl entities, prior to the Closing Date, aU necessary permits, licenses, co itional use permits, and approvals for the contemplated construction and peration of a commercial building and all other improvements deemed n sary by Buyer or required by any governmental authority in conn ion therewith on the Property (the "Improvementsll), including, bu not limited to: . 13f) . . . (a) Buyer obtaining writt evidence satisfactory to Buyer that the Property and aU impro ements to be located on the Propeny and Buyer's intended use 0 the Property confonn and comply in all respects with all appli ble land division and zoning laws, rules, regulations and ordin es, no later than thirty (30) days prior to the Closing Date~ and (b) ApprovaJ by the City 0 the preliminary site plan proposed by Buyer for the Construction an operation of the Improvements. (03) SeUer providing, at SeUer's ex se, by not later than September 30,2001, evidence satisfactory to Buyer hat adequate sewer, water, gas and electric services are installed to the lot nes of the Property and can be made available to serve the Property. (04) Seller shall deliver to Buyer, at eller's expense, not later than forty-five (45) days after the date hereof, environmental audit, assessment or report ("Report") acceptable to uyer in Buyer's sole discretion stating that there are no hazardous, toxic or other life threatening materials, substances or wastes, and no underground torage tanks and no other substances regulated under any applicable I w within or upon the Property and that the Property is in compliance with I applicable environmental laws, rules, regulations and ordinances. Ifu derground storage tanks do exist, said Report shall identify the locatio and use of each such underground storage tank. Seller agrees to remove, a its expense, any underground waste storage tank on the Property an will clean up, correct or remove any contamination existing on the Pr perty and will indemnifY and hold Buyer harmless of any costs, expenses r damages to Buyer, including attorneys' fees, resulting from any conditio identified in such Report. (05) Seller, at Seller's expense, shall p ovide to Buyer a Survey of the property prepared by a Minnesota register surveyor and provide the same to Buyer within thirty (30) days oft e date hereof. certified to date to Buyer and any other entity desired by B yer, following such guidelines and specifications as required by Buy (the "Survey"). Such Survey shall be prepared in accordance with the urvey Requirements set forth on Exhibit A attached hereto and shall be ac table to Buyer in Buyer's sole discretion. 6. 1 Within thirty (30) days after the d te hereof. Seller shaJJ furnish to Buyer a currently certified abstract of title and a title insu ce commitment covering the Property, together with searches for taxes, bankruptcies, ju gments, tax liens and probate matters. Seller shall promptly order a commitment for tid insurance. Buyer shall be allowed 1St . . . twenty (20) days after receipt of the title insu ce commitment, abstract and Survey (the "Title Objection Date") for examination of d commitment and Survey and making of any objections thereto, which objections shalJ be ineffective if not made in writing. Buyer shall be the sole judge of whether any easem nts, encroachments, boundary line problems, or any defects disclosed by said Survey are s fficient to make title unmarketable. If any objections are so made, Sener shall, within si y (60) days of receiving such objections (the "Title Clearance Date"), make title to th Property marketable of record or correct objectionable items revealed by the Survey. ending correction of title defects, the closing required hereunder shall be postponed. Upo correction of title as provided above, and within ten (10) days after written notice by S er to Buyer, this transaction shalJ be closed as herein provided. If title is not made marlce Ie of record by Seller within said sixty (60) day period, this Agreement shall be void ble at the option ofDuyer, and, if SO voided, the Earnest Money shall be returned to Buyer and neither Seller nor Buyer shall be liable to the other further under this Agreement. 6.2 If Buyer elects not to void this Agreement after said sixty (60) day period as above provided, Buyer may, at its option: (0 I) Postpone the Closing Date uot J ten (10) days following notice from Seller that such title objections are c red~ or (02) Consummate the transaction ntemplated by tbis Agreement in the same manner as if there had been no title objections, but withholding from the cash to be paid at closing the r nable costs, including reasonable attorneys' fees, as estimated by Buyer's counsel, of curing such objections, in which event the transaction ntemplated by this Agreement shall consummate upon such electio by Buyer. If Buyer elects to proceed under clause (02) a ve, when such title objections are cured, an appropriate adjustment shall be made betw the parties hereto to the end that Buyer shall be reimbursed Buyer's costs, including r sonable attorneys' fees, of curing such title objections. If the funds withheld by Buyer at he time of closing are greater than necessary to cure such title objections, the exc s funds shall be returned to Seller after the title clearance is completed. 6.3 Seller shall pay the cost ofupd ting the abstract and issuing the title insurance commitment. Buyer shall pay the tit e insurance premium for Buyer's owner's and lender's policies. Seller shall the title insur 's fees for closing this transaction IES As an inducement to Buyer to enter into this reement, and as part of the consideration therefor, Seller represents and warrants to Bu er to the best of Seller's knowledge and belief that: ',:2.~1 . (01) Seller is, or will be on the Closi g Date, the fee owner of record of the Property; (02) There shall be no liens or encu branees against the Property as of the Closing Date; (03) There is immediate and direct a ess to the Property from an existing constructed, public road; (04) Water and sewer lines, power Ii es for electricity, and gas lines are available immediately adjacent t the Property so that Buyer may, at any time, have any improvements w . ch may be placed upon the Property connected to said existing lines; (05) There are no private restriction which affect the uses which may be made of the Property, including but n t limited to size or cost of buildings; limitations on use or restriction in regard to fences, roofs, garages, and heights of buildings; agreement to submit architectural plans to an association or other group; pro . sions requiring improvements; or provisions requiring the joining . th others in group actions, except covenants and restrictions of r ord prohibiting the use of the Property for a restaurant which sells hambur ers~ . (06) There are no applications, ord' . ces, petitions, resolutions, or other matters pending before any gov rnmental agency that would affect in any manner the Property; (07) No condemnation proceedings re pending or threatened against the Property, and there are no appli tions, ordinances, petitions, resolutions or other matters pending before any governmental agency in regard to access routes, curb cuts, medi strips, or other contemplated actions of public agencies which in the ex cise of either Buyer's or Seller's reasonable judgment might tend to diminis or curtail the full flow of traffic by the Property and access thereto; (08) Seller has executed no options t purchase, rights oftirst refusal, or any other agreements giving any pe . son or other entity the right to purchase or otherwise acquire any interest i the Property, and Seller is unaware of any options to purchase, rights of fi st refusal, or other similar rights affecting the Property; and (09) There are no pending lawsuits, dministrative or arbitration hearings, governmental investigations or roceedings and no violations of any statutes, ordinances, regulatio , judicial decrees, or orders affecting the Propeny and the use thereof o the best of Seller's knowledge, no toxic . or hazardous 51Jbstances or wa es, pollutants, or contaminants (including. without limitation, asbestos, ur formaldehyde, the group of organic \ "..' I ", I; ') r compounds known as polyehlo . nated biphenyls, petroleum products including gasoline, fuel oil, eru e oil, and various constituents of such products, and any hazardous s bstance as defined in the Comprehensive Environmental Response, Com sation and Liability Act of 1980 ("CERCLA"), 42 U.S.c. ~ 1-9657, as amended) have been generated, treated, stored, released, or di osed of, or otherwise placed, deposited in, or located on the Property, no has any activity been undertaken on the property that would cause or c ntribute to (a) the Property to become a treatment, storage, or disposal ility within the meaning of, or otherwise bring the property within the bit of, the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act of 1976 (liRe "),42 U.S.c.!i 6901, et SQ,., or any similar state law or local ordin ce, (b) a release or threatened release of toxic or hazardous wastes or s bstances, pollutants, or contaminants, from the Property within the meani of, or otherwise bring the property within the ambit of CERCLA, or any imilar state law or local ordinance, or (c) the discharge of pollutants or uents into any water source or system., the dredging or filling of any wat S. or the discharge into the air of any emissions that would require a pennit under the Federal Water Pollution Control Act, 33 U.S.C g 1251, ~ SQ,., or the Clean Air Act, 42 U.S.C. g 7401 ~~, or any similar sta e law or local ordinance. To the best of Seller's knowledge, there are n substances or conditions in or on the Propeny that may support a cl . m or cause of action under RCRA, CERCLA, or any other federal state, or local environmental statutes, regulations, ordinances, or oth environmental regulatory requirements, including, without limitation, t e Minnesota Environmental Response and Liability Act, Minn. Stat. Ch. t 15B ("MERLA H), and the Minnesota Petroleum Tank Release CI p Act, Minn. Stat. Ch. 115e. To the best of Seller's knowledge, no abo ground or underground tanks are located in or about the Property or ha e been located under, in or about the Property and have subsequentl been removed or filled. To the extent storage tanks exist on or unde the Property, such storage tanks have been duly registered with all approp . ate regulatory and governmental bodies and otherwise are in complian e with applicable federal, state and local statutes, regulations, ordinan , and other regulatory requirements. Seller certifies that the Seller does n t know of any wells on the described real Property. The warranty deed om Seller to Buyer shall include the foregoing well statement. Sell shall defend, indemnify and hold harmless Purchaser from any claim, co , loss or damage incurred by Purchaser due to any of the foregoing being ntrue or incorrect" . . REAL EST ATE TAXES SPECIAL ASSESSMENTS Real estate taxes due and payable in d for the year of Closing shall be prorated between Buyer and Seller on a calendar year asis as of the Closing Date. Seller shall pay on the Closing Date all installments of special assessments certified for payment with the . \?J\ . real estate taxes due and payable in the year 0 Closing. Seller shall pay on the Closing Date all other special assessments levied as of the Closing Date and all special assessments pending as of the Closing Date for improvem nts that have been ordered by the City Councilor other governmental assessing auth rities. (Seller's provision for payment of pending assessments shall be by payment into scrow of one and one~half (1 ~ 1/2) times the estimated amount of the assessments or such eater amount as may be required by Buyer's lender.) As of the date of this Agree ent, Seller represents that Seller has not received a Notice of Hearing of a new public i provement project from any governmental assessment authority, the costs of which proj may be assessed against the Property. ARTI E 9. Subject to perfonnance by Buyer of th covenants herein contained by Buyer to be performed, Seller shall execute and deliver to uyer at Closing a warranty deed in recordable fonn, together with the Owner's plicate Certificate of Title or the certified abstract described above, if applicable, CODV Dg marketable title to the Property subject only to the following exceptions: (01) Building and zoning laws, ordi ces, state and federal regulations~ . (02) Utility and drainage easements shown on the Survey and approved by Buyer~ and (03) Easements, covenants, restrict; ns and maintenance agreements of record_ At Closing, Seller shall provide Buyer . th affidavits, executed by Seller, stating that: (01) There are no unsatisfied judgm nts of record, no actions pending in any state or federal courts, no tax Ii ns, and no bankruptcy proceedings filed against Seller and that no labor r materials have been furnished to the Propeny in the preceding one h ndred twenty (120) days for which payment has not been made, an that there are no unrecorded interests relating to the Property; and (02) The Seller is not a foreign per n for purposes of the Foreign Investment in Real Property Tax Act and stati g Seller's United States Taxpayer Identification Number. . PLACE OF LOSING \ ':- \ . The delivery of all papers and monies to be made at the Closing shaU be at a Title Company, or such other place as is mutually greed to by the parties hereto in writing. BROKE Each party represents to the other tha they have not engaged the services of, used or otherwise involved any broker or real estat agent in this transaction. Each party will indemnifY and hold the other harmless from aJ claims, demands, actions, and/or judgments for fees, commissions, or other compensation of any real estate broker or agent in connection with the purchase of the property y Buyer which may be claimed by any such broker or agent through them or as a result 0 any action taken by them. SELLER'S REMED SON DEF AUL T . Notwithstanding any other provisions fthis Agreement to the contrary, it is specifically agreed that Seller's sole remedy u n default to Buyer hereunder shall be to terminate this Agreement and retain the Earn t Money as liquidated damages. Seller shall have no remedies for specific performance, no any action for damages, nor any form of personal recourse against Buyer. 14. 1 If, prior to the Closing Date, t entire Property is taken as a result of the power of eminent domain, condemnation proc ings, a conveyance under threat, or in lieu of such proceedings or other like proceed' s (the "Proceedings"), this Agreement shall cease and come to an end and Seller shall refund all Earnest Money paid hereunder to Buyer. 14.2 If, prior to the Closing Date, a ortion of the Property is taken by the Proceedings, Buyer shall, at its sole discretion, either: (01) Tenninate this Agreement, whe eupon all Earnest Money paid hereunder shall be refunded to Buyer~ or (02) Allow this Agreement to remai in full force and effect and pay the full Purchase Price for the Property in which event Buyer shall be entitled to (and SeUer shal1 immediately u n receipt thereof deliver to Buyer) the full award made by any condemnin authority under the Proceedings. . ARTIe 15. -Z \ ) . The fonn of the warranty deed and aU other documents shall be subject to approval by counsel for Buyer and counsel for Seller, hich approval shall not be unreasonably withheld. Seller, at Seller's sole expense, shall, 0 or before fifteen (15) days after the date of acceptance of this Agreement, deliver to Buy r the following: . (01) A copy of any and all rights-of. way, reservations, building and use restrictions and covenants, rest 'ctions, easements and developer's agreements and any other agr ents or documents which affect the Property or Buyer's intended U of the Propeny. Buyer shall have until the Title Objection Date to rai reasonable objections to the provisions of any such documents, and Sell shall have until the Title Clearance Date to satisfy the objections raised by uyer. If Seller is unable to satisfY Buyer's objections and Buyer does not aive said objections, Buyer may, at its option, declare this Agreement null and void, in which event the Earnest Money shall be returned imm iately to Buyer. TIME OF T (02) Copies of all environmental as sments, audits. reviews or repons Seller has in its possession or has revi wed in connection with the Property. (03) Copies of all maps, surveys and site plans of the Property that Seller has in its possession or that are avail Ie to Seller. The time ofpetfonnance by Seller and. uyer hereunder is of the essence oftbis Agreement. ARTICLE 18. BUYER'S REMED S ON DEFAULT If Seller shall default in any of its dutie or obligations hereunder, Buyer shall have the right, in addition to the remedies hereinbefi re mentioned, to any other remedies provided by law. . "~ \ <', . NOT CES All notices required or permitted to b given under this Agreement shall be in writing and shall be deemed to be given whe deposited in the United States mail in a sealed envelope with registered or certified stage prepaid thereon, addressed to the parties at the following addresses: With respect to Seller: City of onticello Attenti n: 505 W nut Street Monti 110, MN 55362~8831 With respect to Buyer: Master' Fifth Avenue, Inc. Mr. B Fluth th 19577 180 Avenue Big L , MN 55309 Such addresses may be changed by either pa hereinabove provided. upon notice to the other party given as . SE AGREEMENT The tenns, conditions and warranties f this Agreement shall not be merged into the warranty deed hereinabove provided for b t shan, where applicable, survive the delivery of such warranty deed from Seller to uyer. MISCELL This Agreement shall be binding upon d shall inure to the benefit of Seller and Buyer and their respective successors, heirs a d assigns. . The headings used herein are for conv 'ence only and are not to be used in interpreting this Agreement. Buyer may assig its interest in this Agreement without Seller's consent to any entity fonned by Buyer provided that Buyer shall not be released from its obligations and liability hereunder. T . s Agreement and any exhibits attached hereto contain the entire agreement of the part. es, and it supersedes all prior understandings and agreements of the parties 'th regard to the subject matter hereof. ~<) \ . . . Any reference herein to this Agreement shall deemed to include the exhibits attached hereto. ADDITIONAL BUYER'S CONT GENCIES AND CONDITIONS The obligation of Buyer to perfonn its undertakings to be performed on the Closing Date under this Agreement are furth conditioned on the following beill8 fulfilled or waived in writing by Buyer: (a) within thi (30) days of the date hereof, review and approval by Buyer, in its sole discretion, of all inspections, investigations, reports, surveys and evaluations of the Property, including, but not limited to, the title matters pertaining to the Property, and the environmental condition fthe Property~ and (b) the due performance by Seller under this Agreement t be performed by it and the validity of each representation and warranty made by Seller in his Agreement as of the Closing Date. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the partie hereto have executed this Agreement on the above date. SELLER: City of MonticeUo By Its BUYER: Master's Fifth Avenue, Inc. By Its The certificate of survey to be submitt to Master's Fifth Avenue, Inc., the Title Company, and any lender involved in financing he purchase of the Property by Buyer pursuant hereto must meet the folJowing requir ents: ) . Be prepared by a registered land survey r, and be signed, sealed and dated within thirty (30) days of the Closing Date; 2. Include the full legal description of the 3. Identity all perimeter property lines, po' ts referred to in the legal description, and the dimensions of each lot; 4. Identify all roads adjacent to the Prope and all right-of-way lines; 5. Show aU curb cuts, driveways, fences an access to and from the Property; \ 3, ~~ . . . 6. Show all easements reserved or desc bed on the plat and aU recorded easements affecting the Property and identify th m by book and page or document number of the instrument, the dimensions of the ecorded easements and all other easements affecting the Property visible to the s eyor or otherwise known to the surveyor; 7. Show the location of all buildings and other structures or improvements, including sidewalks, paved and unpaved, and p king areas, identifying the square footage of aU structures and the number of storie of all structures; 8. Show an encroaclunents on, to or fro the Property or make a positive statement that there are no encroachments; 9. Indicate whether or not the property Ii s within a designated flood plain; and 10. Contain the following certification: "The undersigned hereby certifies to ster's Fifth Avenue's, Inc. and that the print of survey correctly shows the premises described on this Survey and the location of any and all buildings, structures and ot er improvements situated on the said premises, all applicable setback lin s and all easements. rights--of-way and other encroachments on or from th premises that are known to the undersigned. that are visible on the pr . ses or that afC of record. " \stl Project:#: 200105 Work Paper #: Project Desc: 216 Broadway City of Monticello Vac nt Lot Org Date: 8/11/2001 Rev Date: Document #: Subject: Purchase Agreement Specifications Description Target Rick Wolfsteller City Administrator City of Monticello Monticello, MN 55362 Dear Rick, As you are aware I submitted a letter of intent on J ne 12, 2000 to acquire the vacant lot next to my building (see attached). The letter identifies wh t I believe to be the best usage of the property and the benefits to the City. As you know would like use this lot for: . common parking and access for both build ngs( Hamond and Kopy) or a sit-down garden area for eating (similar t the MCP sit down area) or adding on to my existing building at 214 B adway and leaving the driveway access for both buildings (Hamond and Kopy). Since June 12, 2000 there have been two projects proposed by Mike Cyr of MLC Building and Remodeling and Brad Johnson of Lotus Realty wit a common re-development concept project for the block between Walnut and Locust streets p esented to the HRA board. . . . I know there are some issues with the new project or the current property owners with the parking, easements, and buildings in the back of b th of the lots. I support proceeding with this project. Mike Cyr ha been updating me on the progress with the HRA board. He has also informed me that Barry luth made a verbal offer to the city administrator for the lot that the city owns next to y building. He believed the asking price to be $20,000 (see attached). Best Property Usage Recommendation The following is my recommendation to the City C uncil for the best usage of this property. 1. The city should support the re~development con ept project presented to the HRA and not sell this property at this time. It is my belief that if this concept project receiv s all the proper approvals by the commissions, boards, council, and property owners the best u age for this property will be clearly identified in the approved project design. . 2. If the City Council feels that they should proce d to sell this property independent of the re-development concept project then I believe hat my letter of intent to acquire this property identifies the best usage for this property. If this recommendation is acted upon, I have ached a purchase agreement with my offer of $14,500. Enclosed is an escrow check for $ ,000. Although this check is presentable to the bank, it only represents my position commitm nt to purchase this property and is not to be deposited into an escrow account until the pur hase agreement is signed by both parties. Look over the specifications and give me a call to discuss this. I will look forward to hearing from you. L Bruce Hamond President Visicom Inc. 763-295-5049 Home 612-432-8100 Cell . . Project:#: 200105 Work Paper #: Project Desc: 216 Broadway City of Monticello Va nt Lot Org Date: 8/11/2001 Rev Date: Document #: Subject: Purchase Agreement Specifications Description Property Description: City of Monticello Vacant ot Lot 3, Block 1 216 West Broadway Monticello, MN 55362 Agent: Rick Wolfsteller City Administrator City of Monticello Monticello, MN 55362 763-271-3211 Work Purchaser: Bruce Hamond VisiCom Inc PO Box 488 1021 West River St Monticello, MN 55362 612-295-5049 . Purchase Price: $ 14,500 $ 1,000 Earnest Money: Purchase Date: On or before November 1 ,2001 Purchase Agreement Contingent on: Inspection of Environmental condition. Land survey and certified appraisal. Wright County validation of commercial p operty zoning Validation of Clear title Seller assumes taxes assessed on the bui ding after closing. Purchaser securing bank financing. Purchaser assumes insurance coverage 0 the building effective closing. ;;;;Jd~wm ~~elo~em. Bruce A. Hamond President Visicom Inc. . Target Project:#: 200003 Project Oase: 216 West Broadway Commerical P Org Date: June 12, 2000 Rev Date: Document #: Work Paper #; DOC Subject: letter of Intent to purchase Vacant Lot a 216 West Broadway Description Target Rick Wolfsteller City Administrator City of Monticello Monticello, MN 55362 Dear Rick, This document constitutes a letter of intent to pu hase the vacant lot to the right of 216 West Broadway. Property Usage and Benefits . We have a lease tenant, The SWeetest Things 0 Broadway, planning to open their business In July. We would like to purchase this property for he followIng usages: Sit down garden area for eating and rei Ing. Similar to the MCP sit down area. Parking for business usage. Add on to the existing building at 216 W st Broadway For the city the following benefits would accrue: Re-engage property on the tax roles as roperty is developed. atlon ofth downtown area. Bruce A. Hamond President VisiCom Inc. Date . .~j rM ~Lv tU.~JIG~ & n~MV~~~ rfl./\':Ulf.l'i))i.,1 .I. ~... l.J.w ~ Bundinl'" R-.nodeling Delign .. Conlb'Uc:tton .. Project Manag.ment Ruicllntlll . Commerdat MN Lie. . 200_18 .".0717 Fax: Cell; 612.386,0117 722 West .tJ1 Street Monticello, Minnesota "'2 6 August 2001 Bruce Hamond :r;" .~ ., :> 2() ,) 1021 West River Street I ~ ; (, ..1 ( (~ , (7 Monticello, Mlnnesotl!l. 55362 Bruce. Re: HRA board decisions affecting Block 36. Th se still have to be approved by council, but chanC&8 are 90% plus, In my opinion. 1. HRA agreed to fund the full amount of Tax In ment generated by the office building project. . 2. HRA agreed to fund $46K of shared parking d velcpment. Thi, is "excess Increment" from the existing T.I.F. di.trlct to be added to the $45K lready approved for the developers of the Amoco site, giving us $90K to work v.'tth. We uk d for $1401<, Including the amount that Koppy~ wanted for their garage. The board wou not fund the fuU amount. In addition, It Is likely thai the city wUl not release the money unl all 01 the shared parking is developed. In fact neither proje.ct Is likely to be approved unlete.a shared parking agreement is in place and signed by all of the participant.. This is because e parking shortage is not resolved 'Mthout the 9hared parking. Shared parking should be e\l ryans's concem on the north aide of the block. No buainesa owner will be able to expend "haut agreeing to some sort of shared parking agreement. 3. It is my opinion that no projeCt movea forward nle,s the $hared parking issue is resolved. This lneans that there Will have to be further nego ietiona with the Koppy's. I'm not sure vmat direction those will take. I am sure that without <:rosa property easements in place In the very near future. it will be difficult to move any of 8 projects forward. 4. Berry Fluth made a verbal offer to the city administrator for the fot that the city owns next to Bruce Hamondl building. The asking price teem to be S20K. S;nl~elY. !~~ fy--. Michael Cyr . 1 of 1 . . . Council Agenda - 08/13/01 14. Review of bids for annual street sealcoati ll! nroiect and consideration of award of contract. (J.S.) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: This year's sealcoating involves portions of the Kle n Fanns development, Gillard Avenue, River Mill, and River Forest, for a total of 48,632 square ards. The following is a list of the actual street segments to be sea1coated: STREET STREET BITUMINOUS SEGMENT CULDESAC SQUARE STREET NAME WIDTH LENGTH DIAMETER YARDS CHEYENNE COURT 28 135 98 1,258 COBBLESTONE COURT 28 477 98 2,322 COUNTRY AVENUE 30 500 N/A 1,667 COUNTRY AVENUE 30 950 N/A 3,167 DIAMOND DRIVE 30 690 N/A 2,300 FARMSTEAD AVENUE 30 1,530 N/A 5,100 FIELDCREST CIRCLE 30 435 N/A 1 ,450 FIELDCREST CIRCLE 30 870 N/A 2,833 GILLARD AVENUE 24 975 N/A 2,600 GILLARD AVENUE 24 978 N/A 2,608 GREYSTONE AVENUE 28 928 N/A 2,887 PEBBLEBROOK DRIVE 30 150 N/A 500 PEBBLEBROOK DRIVE 30 870 N/A 2,900 MILL TRAIL LANE 32 328 N/A 1,166 MILL TRAIL LANE 32 360 N/A 1,280 MILL TRAIL LANE 32 857 N/A 3,047 MILL TRAIL DRIVE 28 523 N/A 1,627 RIVER RIDGE LANE 30 347 N/A 1,157 RIVER RIDGE LANE 30 538 N/A 1,793 OSPREY COURT 30 85 96 1,087 OSPREY CIRCLE 30 289 96 1,767 RIVER FOREST DRIVE 30 145 N/A 483 RIVER FOREST DRIVE 30 289 N/A 963 RIVER FOREST DRIVE 30 801 N/A 2670 TOT AL SQUARE Y At( J:-> 48.632 .- -- .". ~.~,.._,""'" _.. -- . . . Council Agenda - 08/13/01 In preparation for the annual seaicoating project, w eannarked $30,000 from the General Fund in the 2001 Budget. Bids were received at 10 a.m. on Thursday, August 9, 2001. Two bids were received prior to the bid opening. One bid was received 24 minutes late and was returned to the bidder unopened. The following is a tabulation of the two bids receiv d: Asphalt Surface Technologies Corporation of St. C oud, Minnesota Square Yard. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .............................. $0.797 Total Bid .......................... ........................... $38,789.30 Allied Blacktop Company of Maple Grove, Minnes ta Square Yard. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .............................. $0.719 Total Bid .......................... .......................... $34, 966.41 The increase in bids over the budget represents the ncrease in oil from July of2000 when the 2001 Budget was prepared. There are adequate fu . s in the General Fund to cover the additional $4,966.41 above budget. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. The first alternative would be to award the roject to Allied Blacktop Company based upon their low bid of$0.719 per square yar , with a total bid of $34,966.41. 2. The second alternative would be not to awa d the project. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: It is the recommendation of the City Administrator Public Works Director and Street Superintendent that the City Council authorize aw rd of the contract to Allied Blacktop Company of Maple Grove, Minnesota, based upon their low bid of$0.719 per square yard as outlined in alternative #1. The completion date of he project is September 14,2001. We have used Allied Blacktop Company in the past and are amiliar with their work. D. SUPPORTING DATA: None. .~".._,.,~..~,' ~-,_..._. -~ -..- ~ -- . . . Council Agenda - 8/13/0 I 15. Considcration of cstablishin J date for bu et worksho l. (RW) A. REFERl,:NCE AND BACKGROUND: Staff is currently in the process of putting t get her a preliminary budget for next year for Council review. As in other years, Septem er 15th is the final deadline f'(lf the City Council to adopt a preliminary 2002 budget and tax Ie y. Because of the late legislative session and the resulting property tax changes that will occ r next year, the City will not be required to hold a Truth in Taxation hearing in December, but a preliminary budget must still be adopted by September 151h. All departments were instructed to turn in t eir budget requests to me by Wednesday, August 81\ so that I could begin compiling a prelimina y document during the week of August 131h. It is unlikely that I would have completed preli inary budget available until the week of August 201h f(lr the Counci I to review but I will try to w rk with any dates you want to schedule ror our first workshop. In the past, we have tried to me t a few times to iron out a preliminary budget and have met in special sessions starting at 5 p. 1. or 5:30 p.m. I would like to have a prcliminary budget adopted by Priday, September 71h, s hopefully one or two budget sessions could be scheduled prior to that date. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Council should select a date for the 1rst workshop session during the third or t()urth week of August. ~~ ~~ . . . Council Agenda - 08/13/01 16. Consideration of bids for standb erner 'enc oenerator for the Chestnut Street lift station and consideration of award of c( ntract for urchase. (.I.S.) A. REFI':RENCI~ AND BACKGROUND: In the past few years we have been in the process oJ budgeting for emergency generators for the key lift stations throughout the community. Last year, as you know, we replaced a generator down in the West Bridge Park at the new lift station and scr ened it fi:onl view of park users. That is one of our key lift stations. Another key lift station is the Chestnut Street lift station which handles all of the sewage from the western portion of the commu lity. This lift station pumps into the interceptor sewer over by Ruffs Auto Parts. In the future it wi 1 be redirected and pumped easterly down River Street into the West Bridge Park lift station due to the interceptor sewer nearing its capacity. In preparation for this purchase we have earmark d $33,000 in the 2001 budget. The bids for the generator are estimated to come in between $27, 00 - $30,000 plus sales tax. The generator is similar to the one placed in West Bridge Park, h wever, will have a slightly lower profile as the double lined fuel tank has been slightly modified. In addition to the purchase of the generator, it ill be necessary to pour a slab and install the interconnecting wires and the automatic transfer witch. as well as do some modifications to the pump starters and the main control panel. This w rk could be between $10,000 - $13,000. There are adequate funds in the Sanitary Sewer Access und and Sewer Collection System Maintenance Fund budget to cover these additional costs, whi 'h is where the emergency generator funds are earmarked from. The bids for the emergency generator are due on Monday, August 13,2001, at 10 a.m. The bid tabulation will be placed in front of you for Mond' y evening's meeting. It is assumed that the low bid will be in the $27,000 - $30,000 range and un er $33,000 including sales tax. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. The first alternative would be to make the' ward to lowest responsible bidder as outlined on the bid tab provided for Monday evening' . meeting. 2. The second alternative would be to remo e the item from the consent agenda for further discussion ifthe bids are significantly high l' t(W the generator portion itself than the $27,000 - $30.000 previously estimated. C. STAFF lU:COMMENDA TION: It is the recommendation of the City Administrctor, Public Works Director and Sewer & Water Superintendent that the City Council award the c( ntract for the emergency generator to the lowest responsible bidder based upon the bids being n the $27,000 - $30,000 range as outlined in alternative #1. . . . Council Agenda - 08/13/0 1 D. SlJPPORTIN(; DATA: The bid documents and tabulation will be provid. d. at Monday evening's meeting. . . . PROPOSAL ABULATION 100 KW PORTABLE PA MOUNTED GENERATOR AND DISTRIBU ION EQUIPMENT FO THE CITY OF MO TICELLO, MN August 13, 2001 .'.'0":':':-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:':':.:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:':-:.:-:<<'>:-:->;".'.'. ,.. ".,.., ,,',", .....................TQm~~,..:'.. '..'~Ail~$....... Pf{t)PQ$APtAX> 1. Ziegler Power Systems 8050 State Highway 101 Shakopee, MN 55379 (952) 4 5-4292 $28,906.00 $1,878.89 2. Cummins North Central 3030 Centre Pointe Drive, Suite 500 Roseville, MN 55113 (651) 6 6-1000 $29,666.00 $1,928.29 10:00 A.M. $30,784.89 $31,594.29 tahul tion of the proposals as received on August 13, 2001. C:\8ETH1WORDPROCIJ0HM8IDTABS\031301-100KW-GENERATDR-PROPOSIILS 17. Bike Park des n la out and cost estimates. (KB) . A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: As reported to you in an update in your last agenda pa ket, TrueRide, Inc, the company that designed and built our skate park ramps in 2000, is installing a Bike Park at the State Fair and has offered us first option on purchasing the "used" ramps after the fair at a disc unted rate. Ifwe were to purchase these ramps, they would advertise them as sold to the Monticello Comm nity Center Bike Park to the fair goers. This would give us a huge marketing boost. The Council allotted $40,000 in the 2001 budget to go towards the Bike Park with the hope that additional funding could be received from grants, foundations, et . As you know, I have not been successful securing additional funding as yet, but felt that based on the qu lity of the TrueRide equipment, the discount being offered and the advertising we would get at the fair thi opportunity is too good to not consider. The original concept design proposed by TrueRide was $5 ,000 before delivery, installation and tax so they are working with us to get our bike park in. I've put together some very rough estimates for cost 0 the bike park above and beyond the cost of the ramps. Site Prep (identified) $ 1 ,200 (Trees & bike rack moved, unknown is the cost to move or cap irrigation lines.) . Concrete Work Bike Ramps Fencing (l0' high with 2 gates) Lights Unknown $29,050* $45,123 $ 7,500* (See attached for detail) (Chain Link, could most likely go with an ) Estimated Total $82,873 *This figure is an estimate using outside contractors. could be reduce by 40% * *This is for a 10' high fence, we most likely can get quite a bit - however, I was unable to get and estimate f the Public Works schedule permitted, this figure The Bike Park is installed at the State Fair now and I' hoping to see it this weekend. On the detail for the Bike Park it shows two features that are 12" high. Aft r getting an estimated cost of liability insurance for a park of that size, I requested that the features be cut do n to 8' which TrueRide said that would be able to do for us. with an 8' high fence which would reduce the cost n time. TrueRide would like to open their Bike Park at the fai with a firm commitment on the ramps. If we choose not to purchase them, they will be marketing them as vailable for purchase. They want to sell it as a complete park and not in pieces. They have requested an answer on purchasing the ramps by Tuesday, August 14th. . After speaking with John Simola, we know that the c ncrete work can not be done this year by our Public Warks department. Their schedule is very tight for th next year based on the condition of the roads and may require use of outside contractors. We would lik to open the Bike Park spring or early summer 2002. lfwe purchased the ramps now we would need to inve tigate storage ofthe ramps over the winter. They require 850 square feet of storage space. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: . I. Approve the purchase of the ramps from True ide this year ($45,123), store them for the winter and discuss at the budget workshop allocating the alance in 2002 2. Not approve the purchase of the ramps from T eRide with a recommendation as to how to proceed with this project. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATIONS: The City Administrator and Deputy Administrator wo Id recommend alternative number one. D. SUPPORTING DATA: Quote from TrueRide for the ramps for the Bike Park ith supporting design layout. . . AUG-08-2001 13:29 P.03/03 . StJIte Fair Monticello Bike P Attraction Price J RoII"'n, 8' tall x 4' de S 2,411.26 I Piano, 7'6" tall x 10' 'de $ 3,963.95 H WadgllLedge, 7'6" II x 6' wide S 2,341.53 G Quarter Pipe, 6' tall 10' wide $ 3,951.32 ElF Com Box, 4' tall Wi I & Ledge $ 7,731.00 elD QuarterIWall,12' tall x 8' wide $ 5,168,06 BID BankIWall, 12' taU x 8' wide S 4,532.52 A Tom Thumb Mini, 5 tall x12' wide $ 10,737.72 . Enclose S 1,812.50 Benches $ 1,024.00 Equipment Total: ---~ $ 43,673.86 15% Stale Fair Equip nt Discount $ (6,551.07) Equipment Total: $ 37,122.78 Delivery: $ 1,696.00 I....tallation: $ 3,990.00 Grand Total: $ 42,808.79 . t()if 1- 4(Z-,q~ , ~ 46, 121- .1'1 . TOTAL P.03 . "'-4CUJ~ I: P ru c ......---, ~~~c~) ~ ^<'+ -rul\)'j'wr -CD~ ttl~ iOQ)'"'~"m K" ..., zoO I V " UJ'" C II) VI I\) -. ""7'1 . ru (,/I (,/I Ul /U n U1 UJ .+-. g riJ ~ ~ ~Q.. Q)/VA8m g! c..n Q_' V ""'""""'"' :s n ~ (/) -- <+ :s :s p ru <+ lfl ro 0 'l n- O p -- ") --0 p """5 ^ <r -. P '1:1,< :JS 0 _!: c+ ~12Vc0 . d ~~alf ~,;!~ ~iiS; ,,::s' c- o,::s- llD'< lA" , UI UI ... :I .... UI IO"J,~ s: !.~a.o....~ e.~ '7fD ... ~ ii' ~ ., III ~ ~ ;) , ...:7' C2. Cl~~ ~p UI .... o. g, -.0 0 ~ !. ,., l'\l ..... :+ s:: 1Il.a ::J · ;t~.5 ~ c ~'O U __0,,< 111 ....... U19~ogO::J"* 't:) ~ ~ 1110 O"~~ .,.....f6 ...,.,111,< in'.,,< :r~ <";0 0;' 0 111\:_.....,. ::snlll....~O Q,l1lii o..O~ ::s' .= '" "ijr"+'nl1lp Q:_. ~ '+cr~o'C c:: s- Ill~,'<.,~.,."p.+..... n--" iQ.....,:s'O -' ....00 ..., 0., J ......cn~O~c:J " 11;,-"0 "....'0 " ~.~'C .... -.... .,a.ii'I1I"1'1N_. Q, C2.0~O . ., Q.::J !!:~~ 1:1."'''' 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(~ n - III ~ D. ~ !iii" ? 6c:~t t00c-80-8n~ . ~ ~ ~ ~o ~ rJ') ~ (D ~o.. to _. ~ (D n ~ (D a r.n ~ e (D ~ ~ ~ o o I---" ~ e _. o .' .z . . . INFORMA ION ITEM CHELSEA ROAD REMNAN PARCEL COUNTEROFFER August 3,2001 Based on the Council action at our last meeting, lint rmed Mr. Greg Smith that the City would be willing to sell the remnant parcel for $14,900 to Dr. ohn Erlandson. As you may recall, this price was arrived at by attempting to determine the amount of roperty that would be usable (approximately 6,300 square feet out of 13,250 square feet) and multiply in it by the price the City paid, $2.36/sq. ft. Mr. Smith indicated that Dr. Erlandson would offer $12,000 for the property, not $14,900. Based on the Council action at the last meeting, if M . Erlandson was not agreeable to the $14,900 purchase price, the City would make the parcel avail ble to other property owners in the area. Unless the Council wants to reconsider this item, I will assu e the City can make the property available to the general public with an asking price of $14,900 and I hould inform Mr. Erlandson that the counteroffer is rejected. SMITH, PAULSON, Q'DON ELL 8: ASSOCIATES, P.L.C. ATTORN S AT LAW . PLEASE REPL.Y TO: MONTICEL.L.O OFFICE 207 SOUTH WAL.NUT STREET P. O. BOX 668 MONTICELLO. MN 55362.Q668 GREGORY V. SMITH" GARY L. PRING E (1940.1987) GERALD S. AULSON" PATRICK M. 0 DONNELL'" MELANIE . FLORES ELK RIVER OFFICE JACKSON SQUARE SLOG. 400 JACKSON AVE. N.W. SUITE 103 ELK RIVER. MN 55330 PHONE (763) 29~2107 FAX (763) 295-5165 PHONE (763) 441.3990 BARBARA J. HERBING SHEILA K. OULAND LEGALAS ISTANTS July 30, 2001 Mr. Rick Wolfsteller City Administrator City of Monticello 505 Walnut Street Monticello, MN 55362 Re: Chelsea Road Remnant Dear Rick: . Thank you for your letter of July counter offer of $14,900. After square feet, with the setback req consideration, in addition to the easements, Dr. Erlandson offers $ Thank you for your cooperation. GVS/bas File No. cc: Dr. 24068 John C. Erlandson . f2/JJ1/itU -Cql1/ S. 25, 2001, which contained your careful review of the usable irements taken into drainage and utility 2,000 for this remnant. SiNce 1968 'CERTIFIED REAL. PROPERTY LAW SPECIAUST '-ALSO ADMI D IN NORTH DAKOTA "'AL.SO ADMITTED IN TEXAS "QUAUFIED NEUTRAL UNDER RULE 114 OF THE M NNESOTA GENERAL RULES OF PRACTICE . . . To: Mayor and City Council From: Jeff O'Neill Re: Planning Commission Discussions - Housing Standards and Gold Nugget Planning Project Date: August 10, 2001 The following report is provided as an update to t e City Council on issues that the Planning Commission is aware of and working on. Housing Standards and Development of "Step-up" housing. At the Planning Commission meeting on 8/7/01 th Planning Commission discussed two Im~jor issues relating to housing development. The first i 'sues relates to regulation and control of housing that meets the minimum standards of resid ~ntial districts. The Commission reviewed the ability of the city to control manufactured hous ng and discussed the possibility increasing the minimum house size. The discussion regardin manufactured housing and maintenance of a higher standard for single family homes stemmed t om complaints from the Wildwood Ridge neighborhood regarding installation of a manufactl red home. The issue regarding minimum standards for single family homes has been brew-in this summer due to development trends seen in the Wildwood Ridge, Rolling Woods and River 'orest subdivisions. In summary. the Planning Commission is leaning toward taking a t\ o-prong approach in addressing the issues above. Regarding minimum standards for single family co struction, the Planning Commission will not introduce any ordinance that regulate manufactured housing. State Statutes wi!1 not allow such regulation and in many cases manufactured housing is equal to or better than stick built housing. However. the Planning Commission is considering ncreasing the minimum house size from the current level of 840 square feet with 400 sq t1 attac ed garage. Please see Steve Grittman' s report for additional information. Regarding development step-up single family housi g. We know through the experiences this summer at Rolling Woods, River Forest and the Wildwood Ridge subdivision that the marketplace drives home construction value and tha there is no way for the City to guarantee development of a "step-up" neighborhood under our current city codes unless the higher standard is a requirement of a Planned Unit Develop ent. The Planning Commission will be examining the possibility of modifying our zoning 0 dinance by developing a specific zoning district for step-up housing. This district would the be applied to specific areas where significant natural amenities exist. Rolling wooded reas. areas near wetlands or adjacent to golf courses or parks could be slated for step-up housing y district designation. This strategy would preserve such areas for a time when the market for st 'p-up housing in this area matures. Please see Grittman's repol1 on this topic as well. . . . Gold Nugget Planning In response to the City Council's request a works op session has been tentatively scheduled for September 18, 200 I at 7 :00 PM to discuss the Go d Nugget land use and to discuss the City's comprehensive plan in general. The goals of the eeting will be to identify land use issues and concerns and set out a process for decision makin . . . . lb Planning Commission Agenda -8/07/01 Consideration of reoulatorv 0 Citv of Monticello. (NAC) rovidc for hiuher value housinu. A licant: A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROU D: The City has been discussing options by w ich higher valued housing can be encouraged in Monticello. A general concern has been expressed in this context that the great majority of the new housing in the community is of 10 er or moderate values. and higher-end. move up housing oppommities are generally not av ilable. The Comprehensive Plan makes note of this issue in the encouragement of housing . tyles throughout the range of value and lifestyle. It is important to the life of the community that a full range of housing options is available. otherwise, various aspects of the commun'ty's economic development goals become too difficult to achieve. There has been much written recently about the difficulty of constructing affordable housing units in the Twin Cities area. Rising Ian -I costs (among other reasons) have made new metro-area housing construction under $2 0.000 a virtual impossibility. In areas such as Monticello. ho"vever. the problem is revers d. Although real estate values have been rising rapidly, they still lag far behind the near s Iburban areas. As a result. communities on the fringe of the Twin Cities area. \vith good co 1muter access to suburban employment centers. have become the primary suppliers of tl e most affordable housing - even though the definition ofnaffordableu has changed dm 1atically in the past five years. To encourage higher valued housing. the C ty may consider a number of zoning regulations that increase the costs of housing constru,tion. Most of these relate to larger lot and/or building sizes. As an example. a zoning l' gulation for single family lots of 1 R.OOO square feet and 100 feet of width would increase t e land per unit (reducing single family density), and would also incrementally increase the ost of providing streets and utilities - both on an overall per-acre basis. and on an individua lot width basis. By increasing the minimum house size. th City would automatically increase the resulting valuation of housing built on those lots - in eneraL an increase ofabout $1 00 per square foot would result. This can be a tricky regulati n. however. since most housing is already built in excess of the City's minimum size. Hou -ing in the 1.600 square foot to 2.000 square foot range is most common. To have a significa t effect. a regulation for minimum housing sizes of more than 2.500 square feet would be n'cessary. At issue for Monticello is the existence or strength of a market fiJr homes of $300.000 or more. Housing in the Twin Cities suburbm area commonly costs this much. "vith buildings and lots of typical suburban size. The num er of home buyers seeking housing in this price range in Monticello is relatively small. B cause of this lower demand. prices in this range Planning Commission Agenda -8/07/01 . havc not escalated as quickly. and the options are grcater. Buyers in this price market have choices of country or wooded acreage. riv I' frontagc. lakeshorc. and small acreage rural development not to mention suburban nei( hborhoods 15 miles closer to the metro core. Staff has been working with a developer w 0 shared lot costs and pricing as an example of the market issues present. Lot development costs (including hard and soft costs) for a single family project reached about $40.000. with raw land costs totaling about 15% orthat figure. This developer claimed that lot prices were about the same. meaning therc was no profit in the development. They typically seek profit margins of around 20% over cost meaning lot prices would need to increase to $50.000 to meet their tinancial pro forma. By comparison. most single family lots in Twin Cities subL rban developments exceed $100.000. . As a general approach. planning statf w uld suggest that the City will not be able to artilicially create a market for expensive he meso Ho\vever. there are some areas around the City that would lend themselves to higher v, lued neighborhood development. including river frontage or wooded lands. The City could nventory those areas. then zone to protect them for future development. allowing the m, rket to "catch up"". We would also suggest discussions about the potential for rural clu tel' development. This model is most commonly used in rural areas where traditional mUl icipal utilities are not provided. In the larger Monticello area. acreage developments ar capturing the bulk of the upper end housing market. There is no reason that this ty e of development should be only located in unincorporated areas. The City could desi 'natc certain areas for this type of development. making a conscious decision to provide its tinite utility service capacity to other areas. B. ALTERNA"rIVE ACTIONS 1. Motion to call for a public hearing on changes to the Zoning Ordinance relating to lot and/or building sizes. 2. Motion to recommend that the City ~ouncil direct staff to develop draft amendments to the City's Comprehensive Plan elating to future upper-end housing areas. 3. Motion to tahle action on these issu~s. requesting additional information for a future meeting. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION Staff has no speci tic recommendation at tl is time. . :2 . . . li Planning Commission Agenda -8/07/01 Discussion Item: Issues relatino to the r oulation of manufactured housino in sinole family zones. (NAC) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROU Staffhas become aware of concerns over the construction of manufactured housing in single family developments in the City. Neighhor have asked City Staff whether it is possihle to prohibit this type of building. It is staff s u derstanding that some of these neighbors may be in attendance at the August Planning C mmission meeting to raise the issue with the Planning Commission. As a general rule. the City has extremel limited authority to regulate the erection of manufactured housing in single family areas The state's planning statutes require that Cities may not adopt regulations that have the effect of prohibiting manufactured homes when such homes meet other zoning regulations appliC' ble to single family construction. Together with subsequent case Imv, this means that any I' gulation the City adopts must apply equally to site-built and manufactured housing, and th t the regulation may not be discriminatory. An example of the first type of illegal regulation 'ould be one that requires manufactured homes to meet a standard not required of site builtomes, such as minimum width, An example of the second type of illegal regulation would ne that has the effect of discriminating, such as requiring all homes in a single family distri 't to be at least two stories, It is also important to remember that any egulation must have some basis in legitimate concern for puhlic welfare, Examples of I gal regulations include requirements for fulL perimeter foundations and/or basements: single family homes (:2:2-24 reet is most co and requirements that all structures meet housing codes. The one regulation that requirement that homes being moved into t the moving process. This allows the City to and avoids non-compliant homes from c livahility. inimum width requirements applicahle to all mon); minimum roof slope (J: 12 is common): he applicable state building or manufactured 1any communities also have and apply is a e community have a conditional use permit for 'erify compl iance with codes prior to the move. ming in and sitting vacant due to a lack of Whi Ie these regulations arc good standards t have, it should be pointed out that the statutes, and subsequent court rulings. have heen d signed to eliminate the discrimination against manufactured housing. The regulations m ntioned above have been integrated into most manufactured housing construction. As result the regulations manage the type of manuhtetured housing, hut do nothing to pI' hihit (or even discourage) it All of this is due to a very vigilant and effective, lohbying l:ffort on the part of the Manufactured Housing Association. Planning Staff has participat. d in meetings in communities wh:re plans to adopt regulations were \vell attended hy the ^ssociation' s representatives, . Planning Commission Agenda -8/07/0 I B. AL TERNATIVE ACTIONS 1. Motion to call for a public hearing 0 regulations relating to minimum standards for single family housing. 2. Motion to table action on the issue, ending additional information. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION Stan" has no specific recommendation at thi time. D. SUPPORTING DATA None . . 2 . To: Mayor and City Council From: .Tefl O'Neill Re: River Mill Final Plat Connecting P thway Segment Date: August 10. 2001 The following update is addressed to the City Cou cil and copied to property owners interested in two projects that will be affecting a portion ofth River Mill and River Forest neighborhoods. The first project update is the River Mill 6th Additi n and the second project is the construction of the connecting patl1\vay through Outlot A. River l'vfill 6'11 Addition. . Some months ago the City approved the final plat. The plat calls for development of three lots and provided space for a potential pathway betwee two of the parcels. An important aspect of the development included construction of a small d ainage basin along with a storm sewer facility that will solve a drainage problem that now exists. The storm sewer constructed along the boundary of the northerly most lot will intercept w ter that currently runs down the side hill onto adjoining properties resulting in erosion, etc. Pleas see the attached grading plan for details. The plan also includes a provision for a pathway al ng the rear lot lines of the three new parcels that wi II be created. At a recent meeting some neighbors indicated cone rn about potential tree loss. They were worried that the value of the homes to be construct d would not match the neighborhood and they were also dismayed over the prospect of three omes at this location when they had been told by realtors that the vacant area was to remain aeant. With regards to the potential loss of trees, of the th ee lots to be developed, one lot has a significant number of trees including one nice oak tee. Under the development grading plan, the lot with the trees will not be touched. However, wi en the custom building pad for the treed lot is created, it is likely that some trees will be lost. It is hoped that the big oak can be saved. Rick Murray (the Developer) has indicated that he will ake every effort to save as many trees as possible. With regards to the value of the new horn s, Murray has indicated that he will strive toward home development that meets or exceeds th value of the homes in the neighborhood. Please note that the city can not hold the developer 0 this statement. With regards to neighbor's expectation that this area would remain vacant. Th initial development plan sho\ved lots at this location but when the original final plat was establ shed, Outlot A was created to allo\v for tlexibility in matching a future unknown plat desig (River Forest). If Outlot A is not developed. the land would likely revert to the City and become an ongoing maintenance responsibility. This is why the Public Works Department has never bee supportive of leaving Outlot A . undeveloped. . At this point in time the final plat has already been approved but it has not been signed. Unless staff is directed othenvise, vve will be accepting th plat as submitted and process it accordingly. A copy of the plat is attached. Please note that it sows that Outlot A is unsubdivided and intended to be donated in its entirety to the City. he City at its option could re-subdivide the outlot in the future and deed portions of it to adjoi ing properties in the future if it so desires. Connecting PathH'ay Segment . At a recent meeting of the City Council, the City ouncil tabled action to remove the pathway through Outlot A from the pathway plan and requ sted that StatT. Parks Commission and City Council members visit the site to see what impact he pathway would have on existing trees and adjoining properties. Larry Nolan and Earl Smith ave already visited the site and continue to recommend installation of the pathway as identified under the plan. Along with all of the other reasons for supporting a pathway through Outlot ,they felt the pathway would have minimal impact on freeway noise and could be constructed without harming adjoining property values by reducing privacy. Bruce Theilen. John Simola an Gregg Engle visited the site and noted that there is sufficient space between the freeway fenc and the large oak (23') to allow construction of the pathway without threatening the oak. John 'imola noted that there is sufficient space between trees to allow the pathway to be construe ed without removing even the smaller trees. Grading and filling activity will be minimal which will keep the area disturbed inside the tight trail corridor. Jeff O'Neill and John Glomski met ith Brian Butler to discuss the trail. Butler owns the lot that is adjacent tot he trail at the rear orner of the lot. Although Mr. Butler was not enthused about the prospect of the trail. he understood that the chances were good that it would be installed and requested that a few pine trees be lanted when the trail was constructed that would increase privacy between his home and the rail. I noted that his request was reasonable and that I would support applying trail or tree fun money for planting of 4-5 six foot pine trees. There is new information on pathway developme t through Outlot A. Along with the donation of land. Rick Murray has indicated that he will bl ild the pathway through Outlot A sometime this fall. Since this is not a requirement of the pia, it can be considered as a donation to the City. This is good news to the City because we had pia ned on using trail dedication fees to pay for this important segment. In summary, the site visits reveal that the pathway can meander around any significant tree in the area and minimal grading is needed. thus preservi g the character and tree cover in the area. The pathway will be installed by the developer this fal at no cost to the City. The decision to remove the pathway from the plan was tabled at the previ us meeting. If after receiving this information the City Council would like to remove the pathwa from the plan. then a motion should he made to take the item off the table for further discussio . If no action is taken by Council. then the pathway remains on the plan. Copy of River Mill 6th Addition final plat is attael ed. . 2 ~~~I I ~ I L- mhi 1'2 II I ~ !~i~ I I ~ I _J:_ ~ Ii L__ I !;li: r l'" I ~~ ~ I I ~~~I I I ~;"-~ 1'2 ~ \ I !Ii~ - t- ~ I ~ ~~ I ~ I ~ -n , "', ~ /- Irl I < ~ r'l -l -n -- -- /- I .. I C- ---1 -11 L...I\I "t L... 0 ---- -n /~ ~'" r'l ""'1...,/),.,. (/) IIIO~ --I , .' '- Ui -i I ~ JI:r Ij 1( (, "I h ,0: , , ~I ~J z (') . I I ;i , " I I f q ri I I t " 'J I .. f J i . ( 1 .. , .. r f 9 ! " .. .. .f I .. I~ I [ t r .. ~ , i I I. I I , I Ii , \ \ \ 1)\ 1), -1) L"i\ <...} ~1) \ \ \ \ )~1 ~/... S\, \~ ~~~ . S86015'JO"W '-;~~ 177.04 · ft~/1 "" .. <::1]') ,. "'''Y N88.25'39"[ --- 0 . g: ~n~1 i l!l "''''''r' B ~ .. ~=~ ~ ~ E"f~ ~ H I I Ii! l!l "~!~~ ~ g: ... ;~I~ I Ir:..~ NORTH ...... !:l ~ , /' I, ) 1'1"1_ I ~ I /" ~L-' ~ - -- IfiliI ~ (f>> n = ~ - 1M ~-~) _._~-:---:::. ~ :3 t .. . -" ~ 'HI II f. ~ II il"l _fl JHi Jl~ , l..il IIi! f,lr 'sh on t(rl fli f [' .... I p J 1 J . f !:t j" l .... f I' 400.00 -.---- ')()"l <""'/~')..J' 'O~ '.' ...:: <1 D-r .,. 80.70 S89.0Z'08"W ~ t ~ ~ lla I I f r~ J J nil! [ It i i r J 1 I ! ! [ r r f I i II r ...., f f I i I f r t I [ , i 1 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ '" ~ = ~ = ~ ~ ~ o :2 ~.J -7 ""- CJ )> CJ ~ S.2~~ J --I\ii.... -f'o;. ~-~i ~. OF'" '" -7~~ "'- e ~6 '" "'.... ~ Ii,.. '" 1 o ;' ./ 261 EAST BROADW Y · P.O. BOX 962 MONTICELLO M N 55362 4t ~ .:> A ~CJ ..:> } CJ ,. 1- "11$1 1$1 TQ ~ .A -s..~ '11 "1-t. ;to TE CHIROPRACTIC & M ELLNESS CENTER CHIROPRACTIC PHONE/FAX: ( 63) 295~0303 TEAMCHIROPRACT CWELL@MSN.COM August 7,2001 Re: Restricting Access at Palm Street To Mayor, Council Members: I am writing to you regarding my concern abo t restricting access to Palm Street off of East Broadway for eastbound traffic. As a fai ly new business in Monticello I do support the expansion and development of the city of onticello. However, I feel very strongly . that the proposal of the meridian at Palm and roadway would greatly affect my patients' access to my office. Location and accessibili are very important factors to my current and future patients when choosing a chiroprac . c office. I feel the proposed meridian would definitely have a negative economic im act on my business at TEAM Chiropractic & Wellness Center. Please let me know the current status of this atter and how I may provide any assistance. Thank you, LvT/Q""L<)~~. . Dorothy Saunders, DC FEEL BETTER! Do MORE! P P P P P ::: P P P P " " -- '" '" '" <) :;:; "' n '" n ~ P I::: '" "' '" "' ttl -J '" " Z ...."f) -J :;:; '" 0 r-' 0 OJ " - H P '" oJ '" P ^' '" :~ CJl 0 ~, ., ;0- n '" '" Ie' '" 0 '" t:l "< n en r. '" '" ,~ 0 '" :J> -J co '" " -i ~ Cl c:: "l '" '" H Z c. H 'U "' r-' '" ;0- ." ~ " '" 7. n 0 '" H '" -J H i n H -~ '" '" r-' H '" -J H OJ C t.:) OJ 01 en 0 -r, . '" 0 Z :J> r-' <.. 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