City Council Agenda Packet 11-26-2001 . . . 4. AGE DA REGULAR MEETING - MONT CELLO CITY COUNCIL Monday, November 26,2001 - 7 p.m. Mayor: Roger Belsaas Council Members: Roger Carlson, CI int Herbst,. Brian Stumpf and Bruce Thielen 1. Call to Order and Pledge of Allegiance. 2.A B. gr rc C/ ~) 7\ 0 Approve minutes of November 13,2001 bu. get workshop. Approve minutes of November 13,2001 reular Council meeting. .., ~. C<;J.lsideration of adding items to the agend, . v ~WU}}) 5+o@i'A J4J, ~\>vU~~lo,J Citizen c~mments/~etitions, request and co 1plaints. 5. Consent agenda. A. Consideration of ratifying new hires Monticello Conul1unity Center and Hi-Way Liquors. B. Consideration of approving law enfl reement contract for 2002. C. Consideration of accepting bid for s Ie of 1983 Chevrolet 1 ton truck 6. Consideration of items removed from the Cl nsent agenda for discussion. 7. 8. Approve payment of bills for November. g-r 1{G Adjourn \ ~ v'. ~X~",Vv~ \J~~~ - / C{i{VI tv\ V1 *' 'Jo C' ~.+4 -- ( ( 'i1 i\J\ ~ ~I {~ d",-r ( ,~\,,~-t'" /1 Ilf fL../ G~ 70(0-U TV C ~ c Ii"" 0-. 0 tJ ~ C T~r:,.-v \(a+'Q) . . . MINU ES SPECIAL MKETING - MON ICELLO CITY COUNCIL BlJllGET W RKSHOP Tuesday, November 1 ,2001 - 5:30 p.m. Memhers Present: Roger l1elsaas, Roger Carlson, Clint Ilerbst, Brian Stumpf and Bruce Thielen. Memhers Absent: None 1. Call to Order. Mayor Belsaas called the meeting to order at :30 p.m. The purpose of the meeting was to discuss the 2002 budget and levy amount. Don Smith from the Monticello Times was pI' sent to address the issue of the cost of printing the council minutes and hiIls in the Monticell Timcs. He had submitted a letter to the Council several weeks ago urging the Council not to e iminate publication of the minutes. lie came back with a proposal that could save the City ome money on their publication costs. He noted that the City Councillninutcs are e-lnailed to he Times which saves labor costs since the lninutes do not have to be IT-keyed and there )re he could otTer the City a discount. He provided some information on year to date p lblieation costs for the City and hmv that compared to 2000. He is proposing to apply a 20% discount to the minutes portion and if the hills could be e-mailed. the discount would a ply to that as well. Roger Belsaas asked whether the discount would apply to public hearing n ticcs. Don Smith replied that those are required notices and they arc usually on a deadline wit1 the notices but he thought that may be something could be done in that area. It was noted that the full minutes are not required to be published only a summary and it is not requi1"d to publish the hills. 'rhe general feeling was that the minutes should he published in their ntirety hut there was some question if the readers paid lnuch attention to the bills. Brian Stum f felt that since the Times was making a good t~lith cf1l.)l't to help the City keep the cost down, the City should continue with the publication of the minutes and the bills. Roger Belsaas su gested that the City continue publishing as they have done and evaluate the savings periodica ly. 2. Review of Prelimina x Lev City Administrator. Rick Wolfsteller provide some additional budget infonnation. Since the first budget workshop the City has learned th t the City's levy limit is lower than originally anticipated (from $6,540.335 to $6,498,079). There was some other changes that hc noted as well. Brian Stumpf questioned whether the f. RA was providing matching funds /()]' the City's hudgeted amount fl.)!" industrial land acquisiti n. Rick Wolfsteller indicated that initially the liRA had Inatched funds but he was not sure how much had been set aside. Ollie Koropchak indicated that she believed there was ahout $ 50,000 set aside by the HRA. The City had set aside $265.000. . Special Meeting-Budget - 11/13/01 Rick Wolfsteller explained his concern that th Street Reconstruction Fund, based on the current budget would only be about ~2 of what they thought it would be. Initially it was hoped that the $500,000 be set aside for reconstructi n. The current budget would have $250,000 for starting the Street Reconstruction Fund. It w s noted that even at generating $500,000 a year for the Street Reconstruction Fund, it would t ke 2-3 years to accumulate sufficient monies to fund a street reconstruction project without bo ding for it. Rick Wolfsteller noted that the engineer had estimated $7,000,000 worth of sreet reconstruction work so the City should be setting aside $750,000 to $1,000,000 a year. i10hn Simola questioned whether the $7,000,000 was still an accurate figure. John Simola explained that the "core" streets id not have a Class V base so the blacktop would have to be ground up and used as Class V or Jass V would have to be hauled in. John Simola stated that there was no way because of the w y these streets were constructed that you could overlay the "core" streets. Outside the "core" area the streets were of conventional design and they could be overlayed. John Simola noted. hat getting the core streets done is difficult because there are always other priorities that elay this project. Rick Wolfsteller felt that saving up excess funds would not generate en ugh funds to get the project start and felt that bonding process would have to be utilized. . Bruce Thielen asked about equipment bonds. Rick Wolfsteller indicated that although the City hadn't used these bef(xe, it was an option buthe believed that it may not be any more cost effective than a general obligation bone!. Th Council asked about using monies from other funds. It was noted that the sewer fund has a out $2,500,000. John Simola indicated that there are two wastewater treatment projects c ming up so the City would need funds for that. In addition, the City has to look at the Fallon venue and the County Road 18 interchange projects. The City couldn't borrow money 1'0 this unless it was done by referendum. Rick Wolfsteller reviewed information on annual t x levy requirements if the City bonded ft)r the street projects. The Council discussed the industrial land acq lisition. Ollie Koropchak indicated that the Rain Dance and Construction Five TIr funds coul be reserved it1f industrial development in the future. Jeff O'Neill indicated that the City 11<: s existing industrial property (i.e. Remmle property and Outlot ^, Country Club Manor) that could be sold or traded to accomplish land acquisition. Roger Belsaas didn't feel mone should be taken from the industrial land acquisition reserve but he was comfortable n t funding it for 2002. Rick Wolfsteller suggested that possibly $300,000 could be taken from t. e sewer access fund which has a balance of $2,600,000. John Simola stated that the Riv r Street sewer line replacement would have to come from that funel. Clint Ilerbst stated tha he didn't mind borrowing from other funds as long as the City had a plan to pay it back. It was pointed out that at this time the City still does not have an assessment policy for street reco strllction projects. . The Council reviewed the MCC expenditure especially for capital outlays. $30,000 was budgeted f(x landscaping work. The Public orks Department could do some of the work which . Special Meeting-Budget - 11/13/01 would result in a lower cost but it would meat shifting Public Works personnel from other tasks. $3,500 was budgeted for a washer/dryer for w shing staff uniforms. It was felt the stafl could to their own laundry and that could be cut. It was noted that there was no maintenance fund set up where they could budget f()l" replacing of item such as carpeting, lockers and resurfacing of the parking lot. Park Improvements - John Simola noted that le Park Department budget had been trimmed already. In reviewing the park budget, the co lsensus of the Council was the Community Center park development budgeted at $30,000 could e deferred. Bruce Thielen felt some money should be set aside f(1r some landscaping for the MC . park. There was also discussion of Pioneer Park shelter. It was noted the higher cost for the seIter was because it was required to have bathrooms added since it was a structure whe~ fl)od preparation would take place. John Simola felt this should be looked at by the Parks Con 11issiol1. Bruce Thielen also suggested the City consider renting warming houses for the skati g areas rather than building them. . The Council also discussed the $8,000 budget d for the Information Center improvements and whether any of the improvements could be do le at the same time as the CSAH 75 project. Ollie Korpochak suggested that City defer the impr vements to Information Center until they see what happens on the other side of the street. It wa- suggested that since the ISTEA project costs arc coming from other funds, the City could spre, the payment of these funds back over a greater number of years. The Council questioned the $20,000 budgeted f(n signs for the Community Center. Kitty Baltos explained that it covered a sign and reader bo, I'd to be located at 5 12 Street and raised lettering for on the building itself. The reader board Wi uld be similar to what is at the library. The Council recommended cutting the follow~ng items from the Community Center: Washer & Dry Oilice space Dishwasher-Catering Kitchen Reduce building signs $ 3,500 $12,000 $ 3,500 $ 5,000 $24,000 . $12,000 of the $24,000 cut would be put back as a maintenance fund fl.)r the Community Center to help fund replacements of itenls such as ca eting, etc. I Rick W(~lfsteller suggested leaving the levy f(ir debt as it is. The street reconstruction fund amount IS based on: I $250.000 I.evy ani )unt $ 75.000 Not bud et industrial land acquisition $ 12,000 Cut fron MCC budget $ 87,000 1/2 of ISTEA budget $424,000 '"' -) . . . Special Meeting-Budget - 11/13/01 Using the above funds plus approximately $8 ,000 from other funds, would give the City an estimated $500,000 for the street reconstructi n fund. The Council discussed reconstruction plans. nitially the idea was to split the City into four quarters doing one quarter at a time. Rick W lt~<;teller stated that the City will likely be borrowing to cover the CSAH 75 project, Cecllr Street, 7th Street and Walnut Street. The City's share or these projects would be about $500,0 O. John Simola would like to start the reconstruction work in the southwest quarter i 1 the area of 6th Street. The City could possibly include West Th Street as part of this. John Si1101a will work on a more formalized plan to be submitted to the Council. The revised budget will be brought back to th Council at the December meeting. 3. Adjourn. The budget workshop was adjourned at 6:45 .m. Recording Secretary . . . MINlJ ES REGULAR MEETING - MON ICELLO CITY COUNCIL Tuesday, Novembe i 13,2001 - 7 p.m. i Members Present: Roger Belsaas, Roger Carlson, Clint Herbst, Brian Stumpf and Bruce Thielen. Memhers Ahsent: None I. Call to Order and Pledge of Alle!!iance. Mayor Belsaas called the meeting to order at p.m. and declared a quorum present. The Pledge of Allegiance was said. 2. A rove minutes of October 22 2001 re ul r Council meetin . CLINT l-IERBST MOVED TO APPROVE TIE MINUTES OF THE OCTOBER 22.2001 COUNCIL MEETING AS PRESENTED. B ' UCE THIELEN SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 3. Consideration of addin items to the a end - I Clint Herhst asked that Dundas Road hy Amal Storage be added to the agenda. 4. Citizens comments Charles Dukowitz representing Cinco Corpor tion, owners of the post office building, addressed the City Council on the proposed improveme ts to CSAI-I 75 that would limit the access on Linn Street. He did not feel closing Linn Street wa in the best interest of the people. I-Ie noted that initially they had made changes in order to ge. the post office tratlic off of Broadway and on to Linn Street and this proposal for CSAII 75 Wi uld be taking the traffic ofT Linn Street and putting it back onto CSAH 75. Mr. Dukowitz also tated that they were not notified of the public meetings regarding this project and also quest on cd the traffic count information that was presented. He indicated that there were 500 ars daily turning left on to Linn Street and by closing ofT Linn Street this traffic would have to be directed somewhere else. lie also questioned whether the City would he able to obtain two ay access by the law office. 5. Consent A2enda. A. Consideration of ratify new hires for onticello Community Center and City Hall. Recommendation: Ratify the hiring of new employees as identified. B. COllsideration ofa resolution extendin1 the term of the cahle franchise held by CC VIII Operating Company, LLC dba Charte Communications - Recommendation: Adopt resolution extending the term of the c ble franchise agreement with Chatier Communications until December 31, 002. Res. No. 2001-77. . F. G. . I. 7 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. X 9. . Council Minutes - 11/13/()1 Consideration of layout approval of C unty State Aid Highway No. 75 improvements specifically with limited access at Lin Street. Recommendation: Approve the CSAH 75 layout as illustrated with limited ac ess at Linn Street and authorize Wright County and WSB & Associates, Inc. to procee,- with the final design. H. 2) Consideration of Change Order No.3 0 Project No. 99-01 C, Kjellberg Sanitary Sewer Extension. Recommendation: Appro e Change Order No.3 to Project No. 99-0 I C in a total additional amount of $9,939.45 t the contract with R.L. Larson Excavating, Inc. Consideration of a conditional use per lit and simple subdivision for a new automobile dealership in a B-3 Zoning District. A plicant: Gould Brothers Chevrolet. Recommendation: Move to approve: I) Conditional use permit to allow outdoor sales, display and storage of automobiles an light trucks within a B-3 Zoning District based on the finding that the proposal is consist nt with the Comprehensive Plan, is compatible with existing land uses in the area, wil not have any adverse impacts as outlined in the conditional use permit section of the oning Ordinance and the proposed project will not impose any undue burden upon any p blic hlCilities and services and subject to the following conditions: Plan submissions are revised to meet the minimum lot cover requirement of 15'% via increase in building size or a decrease in buildallc area__ No auto body repair activities shall (ecur on site. The existing building on the propert shall be removed no later than June 15,2003, after the issuance of the occupancy permit fOl thc new building. An adequate off.street parking suppl shall be demonstrated by the applicant. Not less than 53 trees mceting the m nimum size requirements of the ordinance are planted on site. frees shall be panted along the subjct property's cast and west side lot lines. The elevated display ramps along th site's northern boundary shall be no higher than three feet. Access point locations shall be subje 't to comment and recommendation by the City Engineer. The lighting plan shall be subject to'eview and approval by the 8uilding Official who will certify that lights have been installed and p rform according to the submitted lighting plan. Such certification shall occur prior to a ce tificate of occupancy being issued for the proposed dealership building. 10. The trash enclosure shall be relocate to a location less visible from adjacent rights~of-way as shown on ":xhibit K. II. All automobile sales, display and st rage areas shall be hard surfaced and provided a perimeter concrete curb. 12. Debris within the wetland (resulting from previous site construction work) shall be removed. 13. The City Engineer provides a revie and COlnment in regard to grading, drainage ancl utility Issues. 14. ^ maximum of two pylon signs me ting ordinance requirernents are erected on site. 15. All site signage comply with applic, ble ordinance requirements. Approve the preliminary plat consoli ating the five parcels which underlie the subject property into a dealership lot and outl )t reserved for future commercial development based on the findings that the propos< I meets the land use guidelines of the . Council Minutes - 11/13/01 C. Consideration offinal plat approval fo Elm Street Crossing Townhomes 2"d Addition. Recommendation: Adopt resolution a proving final plat for Elm Street Crossing T'ownhonles 2'1(1 Addition. Res. No. 21 01-78. I I Consideration of a development stage lanned Unit Development and preliminary plat for an eight unit townhouse project in an -2 Zoning District. Applicant: Scott Dahlke. Recommendation: 1) Move to approv development stage PUD based on the finding that the proposal is consistent with COlprehensive Plan, is compatible with existing land uses in the area, satisfies the provision of the Zoning Ordinance and is consistent with the City's use of Planned Unit Developnent with appropriate landscaping and architectural design and is subject to th f(JIlowing: D. A. The trail south of the site be construc ed in conjunction with the private drive and at the developer's expense. B. To improve the visual appearance of he rear elevations, the following modifications are undertaken: The optional "clipped gables' are utilized (to reduce the visual scale). Varying finish materials (i.e. a brick veneer base) similar to those utilized on the front elevation are provided. Window treatments similar tl those used on the li'ont elevation arc provided. The gabled clements of the f eade arc articulated (to avoid the appearance of a long, uninterrupted expanse of wa I). Decorative features are provided around the rear patios (i.e. picket fencing) to both dcline the space and visually enhance the rear facades of the buildings. I. 2. . 3. 4. 5. E. . C. The City Engineer provide comment. nd recommendation in regard to the private driveway licensing requirernent. D. A hard surt:1ce pad (concrete or bituminous) be provided along Elm Street ofa size suitable to accommodate eight trash cans. 2) Motion to approve the preliminary p at (Morning Glory) subject to the f(JIlowing conditions: A. The City approves the developrnent st ge PUD. 8. The City Lngineer provide comment. nd recommendation in regard to drainage and utility issues. C. If covenants are to be utilized, they sh II be subject to review by the City Attorney. D. The applicant provide an appropriate ash contribution for park and trail dedication and trunk fees consistent with City policy. Consideration of a request for an amen ment to the zoning ordinance that would cxetl1pt a governmental agency from the prohibition against barbed wire fencing or other provisions of the fence ordinance to pI' teet public safety. Applicant: City of Monticello. Recommendation: Approve the ordind1ee amendment based on the finding that the ordinance amendment is necessary to h Ip assure that important public facilities remain secure. Ord. Amd. No. 368. 2 . . . Council Minutes - 11/13/01 Comprehensive Plan and the project wi I minimize impacts on the public scrvices and utilities serving the sitc and subject to t le following conditions: I. ^ plat is submitted illustrating a dealc! ship lot and outlot (reserved for future commercial development) both of whieh meet the Illinimum area and width requirements of the ordinance. ^ 20 foot wide easement is provided' long Chelsea Road West to accommodate a future sanitary sewer force main. The City Engineer provide comment. s to whether the site's wetland should be protected via drainage easement or outlot designati n. 7 ~ -' . Brian Stumpf asked that agenda items #5F and 5H be removed from the consent agenda. BRUCE TIlIELEN MOVED TO APPROVE HE CONSENT AGENDA AS AMENDED. ROGER CARLSON SECONDED THE MOT ON. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 6. Consideration of items removed from the c nsent a enda for discussion. SF - Hrian Stumpf stated he is opposed to clos ng off any side streets in the City of Monticello. He felt such an action would push too much tr .Ilic on to the other streets and there is no benclit to anybody by having these streets closed. lie felt the intersection ofTH 25/CSAII 75 needed to be looked at. Clint Ilerbst stated that the City had to look at safety issues and bettering the traffic llow as a whole. He noted that there w re discussions with the post office and they were not opposed to the project once they were assued that their access to Linn Street would remain open. Hecky Ilauschild added that they had c ntacted the owners of the post office building in October to try to schedule a meeting with him to discuss the project and they had sent information on the proposed project but did n t hear back from him until today. Roger Belsaas directed statfto check on wher the notice r(lr the post ottice property was sent and whether it had gone to the tenant rather tl an the owner orthe property. He suggested that in those cases a dual notice be sent, one to the 0 ner and one to the tenant. Bruce Thielen stated that the City had discussed this item extensively and it is necessary in order to improve the safety for traffic on CSAH 75 that there be limited a eesses. As much as the City may dislike limiting access on certain streets, it had to be done. R gel' Carlson reiterated that these closures had to be done f()r the overall betterment of the commUI ity by making trattic flow through the City on CSAH 75 safer. Becky Ilauschild stated that the owner of the post office property had offered to renlOve the parking on CSAII 75 in lieu of cI( sing Linn Street. The Council felt that it was important that parking remained on that porti( n of CSAH 75. Brian Stumpf reiterated his concern about the traffic being dumped onto r'sidential streets such as River Street. He questioned whether the trarfic problems was 1 ore with the intersections ofTH 25/CSAH 75 and TH 25/River Street than it was with CSAI-I 75. Rory Zitur spoke emphasizing his concern ab ut the lack of participation in the process by the people most directly affected, business owner and residents along CSAH 75. He felt that most of the tranic issues dealt with a two block rad us east and west of the intersection of 'TH 25/CSAH 75 and that the proposals to Iii it access to CSAH 75 from certain side streets 4 . . . Council Minutes - 11/13/0 1 would only exacerbate the problem. I Ie state i that no traffic counts were made on Linn Street prior to design of this project. He felt that witl a project of this magnitude those traffic counts should have been in place hefore any discussi 1I1 began. I Ie questioned why other streets such as Walnut Street were not heing closed. His beL efwas that the project was being fl1rced through. Becky Hauschild responded that traffic count' were done in June and noted that intersection could potentially be signalized in the future. he f()Ur block area Mr. Zitur referred to would be looked at a future date. She emphasized that ven with 7th Street and Fallon A venue in place CSAH 75 would be at level F of service if the improvements proposed, including the closures of some side streets, are not put in place. BRUCE TIIIELEN MOVED TO APPROVE IlIE CSAH 75 LAYOUT AS PRESENTED WITI I LIMITED ACCESS AT LINN STREET AND AUTHORIZE WRIGHT COUNTY AND WSB & ASSOCIATES TO PROCEED WITI TI-IE FINAL DESIGN. ROGER CARLSON SECONDED '1'1 IE MOTION. MOTION CA RlED WITH BRIAN STUMPF VOTINCi IN OPPOSITION. 511 - Brian Stwnpf questioned whether the co ditional use permit for Gould Brothers contained any provision prohibiting outside storage ofv hicles. Jell O'Neill stated that auto body work would not be allowed at this site. There is no 'mpound or storage area at this location. Roger Belsaas felt that a contingency should be adde- that if the current site is cluttered there is some provision for screeni ng. Jeff ()' Nei II stated tIut since there was no outside storage proposed for the site, there was no need to put in a provisiol for screening. Jeff O'Neill stated that statT could send the applicant a letter stating that no outsi e storage is included in this site and if any outside storage is proposed it would require a conditi _ nal use permit. Brian Stumpf felt that no outside storage should be added to the list of eontinge lcies. Clint I Icrhst asked about the lot cover requirellent. Jeff O'Neill reviewed the factors and how they came up with 12%-15% lot cover require nent. Clint Herbst noted they are building right to the property line and he questioned how they ould expand the building. Jeff O'Neill stated that they could expand on the north building wall. BRIAN STUMPF MOVED TO APPROVE T-IE PRELIMINARY PLAT' FOR GOULD BROTIIERS AND TI-lE CONDITIONAL U" E PERMIT TO ALLOW OUTDOOR SALES. DISPLA Y AND STORAGE OF AUTOMOB LES AND LIGlrr TRUCKS WITHIN A B-3 ZONING DISTRICT SUBJECT TO TIlE CO DITIONS NOTED AND ADDING #16 STATING THAT NO OUTSIDF STORAGE OR STORAGI~ OF VEHICLES BE ALLOWED. BRUCE THIELEN SECONDED TIlE MOTI,)N. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 7. Puhlic Hearin J - Consideration of ado tio, of ro Jused assessment roll for delin uent accounts receivables and certification of as essment roll to Count Auditor. City Administrator. Rick Wolfstellcr, stated tl at the proposed assessment roll covered delinquent accounts receivables. The affected parties 11' ve been notified of the proposed assessment. 5 . . . Council Minutes - 11/13/01 While there is no service charge, interest will e charged on the delinquent amounts. Mayor Belsaas opened the public hearing. Tlrre was no one present who spoke for or against the proposed assessment. Mayor Bclsaas the closed the public hearing. CLINT IIERBST MOVED TO ADOPT THE RESOLUTION FOR TlIE DELINQUENT CI IARGES AS PRESENTED. BRIAN STU, PF SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. Res. No. 200 -76. 8. Consideration of reaffirmin the use of the Meadow Oak Park arkin J lot for a commuter arkin J lot and minor amendments to the, now Plowin IRemoval Polie . The Council discussed the plowing of the Me dow Oak Park parking lot and its use for commuter parking. Public Works Director, ohn Simola, stated the area should be signed so that vehicles are limited to the amount of tim they can park. He indicated that normally they try to plow the lot by 4:00 a.m.- 4:30 a.m. an usually there is no problem with vehicles in the lot at that time. Clint Herbst asked about snow plowing the al ey by the City's parking lot ancl Flickers. The City is going to plow the alley and try to have the lowing done by 8:00 a.m. There are no easements of record for the alley. BRUCE THIELEN MOVED TO CONTINU TI IE USE OF THE MEADOW OAK PARK PARKING LOT AS A COMMUTER PARK NG LOT BUT PROllIBIT PARKING BEYOND 18 HOURS AND SIGN IT ACCORDINGL AND ADDITIONALLY MAKE MINOR CHANGES TO THL.: SNOW PLOWING/SN W REMOVAL POLICY AS NOTED. CLINT HERBST SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSI,Y. 9. Consideration of third uarter financial r ort for the Monticello Communi Center. Kitty Baltos, Community Center Director, re iewed the third quarter financial report fl1f the Community Center with the Council. She n ted that the third quarter is a slower time for the Community Center. Hrian Stumpf question d the jump in the utility bills. It was thought that the air conditioning of the bui ILling accounte for that. Labor costs were high because of the skate park being manned and the pool being pen 12+ hours a day. Kitty Baltos reported that they are doing a m rketing campaign and the MCC Advisory Board is looking at other things that can be done to ge lerate revenue. The Council noted that the Community Center is being used and that th yare comrnittecl to keeping it going. BRIAN STUMPF MOVED TO ACCEPT T IE FINANCIAL FACILITY USE AND PASS INFORMATION FOR THIRD QlJARTER 001 FOR 'rHE COMMUNITY CENTER. ROGER CARLSON SECONDED THE MOTION. OTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. . . . Council Minutes - 1]/13/01 sale of Vine and 7th Street 10. Consideration of establishin right-of-wav. At a previous meeting, the City Council vacat d a portion of the right-or-way of Vine Street and 7'h Street as part of a PU D for a town home de elopment. The Council did not at that time set a price for the sale of the vacated right-or-way. rior practice has been for the City to sell the vacatcd property at fair market valuc. The H A will be considering a requcst fiJr TIf assistance for this project at their November ]4th meeting. The developer wants to know if there is a cost fi)t" the property and if so what is the amount. I Based on cost information supplied, sale of property in the area ranged hom $1. 7 5 to $4.0, / sq ft. It was noted that the price of the units was $1 '5,900 which was less than the $]69,00 that was used in the lIRA's initial approval of the conc pt plan. Ollie Koropchak, Economic Development Director indicated that the I-lRA had allowed $]05,000 to cover acquisition of the propcrty with the house, demolition of the hOl se and a reduction of $5,500 deposit. The Council discussed whether the land eost for th right-or-way could be included in the TIF assistance. Ollie Koropchak indicated that thi' land cost could be included but it would mean more units would be in the TI F district. The I vel of TI F assistancc the HRJ\ would provide would be determined at their November 14th n eeting. Mike Cyr, developer, statcd the developmentould create a tax base of $35.000 when fully developed. The developer was asked if the l11' rketability ofthe units would he affected by its location to an auto body site. Mike Cyr noted there would be screening and vegetation planted to butTer the area and none of the units are facin in the direction of the auto body site. CLINT HERBST MOVED TO SET A PRIC OF $2J)0/SQ FT FOR THE RIGIIT OF WAY OF VINE AND 71"11 STREET TIIAT WAS V AC TED. BRIAN STUMPF SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMO JSL Y. Added Items: Clint Herbst indicated that he traveled on Dundas Ro;: d in the area of Amax Storage and thought the condition oCthe road was bad. He asked if that could be looked at. This is one of two arcas in the City limits that is not blacktopped. It was noted that usual y improvements to the road are driven by development. The use of calcium chloride was discu 'sed as well as other methods of reducing the wash hoard effect. It was suggested that maybe this could be looked at when Th Street is put in. Clint Herbst requested that a cost study be done and brougl t hack to the Council. He also brought up the Illct that there is some debris on City owned land across fnm the Goodyear site that should be cleaned up. Hrian Stumpf indicated that he will he serving on the andscape Committee for thc CSAH75 project and the first meeting is schedule fiJr November 28th at 3 p.m. 7 . . . Council Minutes - 11113/01 11. Aporove oavrnent of bills for November. BRIAN STUMPF MOVED TO APPROVE P YMI':NT OF BILLS FOR NOVEMBER. CLINT HERBST SECONDED THE MOTION. MO ION CARRIED UNANIMOlJSL Y. 12. Adjourn. ROGr':R CARLSON MOVE.]) TO ADJOUR AT R:25 P.M. CLINT HERBST SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNA IMOUSLY. Recording Secretary R . . . SA. Consideration of a liuuor store. (R W) new hires an A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: Council Agenda - 11/26101 artures for the communit center and The Council is asked to ratify the hiring of ew employees that have occurred recently at the the community center and the liquor store. As you recall, it is recommended that the Council officially ratify the hiring of all new emplo ees including part-time and seasonal workers. B. At,TERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Ratify the hiring of the part-time e lployees for the community center and liquor store as identified on the attached list. C. SUPPORTING DATA: Lists of new part-time employees. . Name Chandra McCormick Richard Fisette Karin Andersson Amanda Scholl . Name Ruth Kryduba Laura Schmidt Gregg Engle . employee councillist.xls: 11/0 NEW EMPL PT PT Title Department Hire Date Class Clerk 10/15/01 10/29/01 uors CI k H'W L' er l- ay Iquors Lead Guest Svc IV CC 11/1/01 PT Guest Svc IV CC 10/22/01 PT TERMINATING En PLOYEES Reason Department Last Day Class voluntary termination rv CC 10/18/01 PT voluntary termination rv CC 10/20/01 PT voluntary termination Parks 10/26/01 FT 9/2001 51~ --..-.-------- -.- .. . . . Name Angela Pullen Amanda Graning Name Chandra McCormick Karin Andersson Christopher Reder Don West Gerry Barthel NEW EMPL Title Guest Svc AU Child Care AU TERMINATING E Reason terminated volunta voluntar tem ora seasonal tem ora seasonal employee councillist.xls: 11/19/2001 Department Hire Date 11/9/01 11/13/01 Last Day 11/2/01 11/6/01 11/19/01 11/6/01 10/29/01 Department Store Class PT PT Class PT PT PT tem tem i\ 5,-" 9. This contract shall be extended automat'cally for successive one year periods at a rate to be . established by the County, unless the County or Munici ality shall notify the other of termination, in writing, prior to August 15 of each year. 10. The number of hours of service to be pr vided pursuant to this contract are as follows: and shall provide 24-hour call and general service. The unicipality shall notify the County in writing prior to August 15 regarding any change in the numb r of hours for the subsequent year. 11. The County shall provide for all costs an prosecution efforts with respect to violations charged by the Sheriff in the performance of this agreement. Al fines arising from such prosecutions shall accrue to the County. Violations of municipal ordinances excl ded from enforcement by this agreement shall be prosecuted by the Municipality at its expense. All fi s arising from city prosecutions shall accrue to the . Municipality unless otherwise provided by law. 12. Pursuant to law, the County Auditor/Tre surer shall remit to the Municipality its share of all fines collected. The Municipality shall return to the ounty within 30 days all fine money attributable to prosecutions initiated by the Sheriff in accord with Parag aph 11 of this contract. The Municipality shall keep and retain any fine money submitted by the Auditor/T easurer attributable to prosecutions initiated by the Municipality. 13. For the purpose of maintaining cooperati n, local control and general information on existing complaints and problems in said Municipality, one me ber of the Municipal Council, the Mayor or other person or persons shall be appointed by said Council to act as police commissioner(s) for said Municipality and shall make periodic contacts with and attend meet ngs with the Sheriff or his office in relation to the contract herein. . 3 r', __)1..... . L..... 14. The County shall save, hold harmless and defend the City from any and all claims arising from the acts or omissions, inc1nding intentional acts and negligence, committed by employees or agents of the. County or Sheriff while in the performance of duties in furtherance of this contract. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, The Municipality, by resolution duly adopted by it governing body, caused this agreement to be signed by its Mayor and attested by its Clerk; and the County of Wright, by the County Board of Commissioners, has caused this agreement to be signed by the Chairman and Clerk of said Board, and by the Wright County Sheriff, effective on the day and year first above written. Dated: Mayor ATTEST: Clerk WRIGHT COUNTY COMMISSIONERS: Dated: Ken Jude, Chairperson . ATTEST: Richard W. Norman County Coordinator Dated: Gary Miller W right County Sheriff Approved as to form and execution: Tom Kelly, Wright County Attorney C:\DA T A \ WPWIN\LA WENFCO\LA WENFMO. . 4 Sb . . . 5B. Council Agenda - 11/26/01 Consideration of a law enforceme t contract for 2002 and 2003. (R W) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: The Council is asked to approve a new two y ar contract for police protection services with the Wright County Sheriffs Department for the ears 2002 and 2003. Although the contracts are for two year periods, the contract is automati ally extended each year unless either of the parties notifies the other of termination, in wr ting, prior to August] 5 of each year. The new contract hourly rate has increased fr $43.50/hour in 2003. This would amount to for the second year of the contract. These ne Wright County Board for all contract service m $40/hour to $41.75/hour for year 2002 and 4.38% increase next year and a 4.19% increase rates have been recently established by the provided by the County. As part of our 2002 budget, we had assumed contract coverage increase of 1,460 hours or an additional four hours per day next year. This would bring the total contract to 15,016 hours at a total cost of $626,918.00. This is the amount that has been included in our budget discussions so t:'lr. I t should be noted that if the coverag level relnains as budgeted, the contract hours will be modified to rct1ect the additional 1,460 ho Irs of coverage. H. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: I. Approve the law enforcement contrac renewal with the Sheriffs Department for the year 2002 at 15,016 hours, or $626,918.00. 2. Approve the contract renewal at ClUTe t hourly coverages of 13,556 hours only. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: It is the recommendation of the Police Conl1 ission and the City Administrator that the hours be increased as budgeted to ] 5,cl 16 hours tot.) and that the law enforcement contract renewal be approved. The 2002 budget proposal includes sufticient dollars for this contract. D. SlJPPORTING DATA: Copy of proposed law enforcement contract. . THIS AGREEMENT, made and entered into th s day of , 2001, by and between the COUNTY OF WRIGHT and the WRIG T COUNTY SHERIFF, hereinafter referred to as "County" and the CITY OF MONTICELLO hereinafte referred to as the "Municipality"; WITNESSETH: WHEREAS, the Municipality is desirous of ntering into a contract with the County for the performance of the hereinafter described law enforce ent protection within the corporate limits of said municipality through the County Sheriff; and WHEREAS, the County is agreeable to renderi g such services, and protection on the terms and conditions hereinafter set forth; and WHEREAS, such contracts are authorized and rovided for by the provision of Minnesota Statutes .471.59 and Minnesota Statutes 436.05; NOW THEREFORE, pursuant to the terms of the 'aforesaid statutes, and in consideration of the mutual covenants herein contained, it is agreed as follows: 1. That the County by way of the Sheriff agr es to provide police protection within the corporate limits of the Municipality to the extent and in the manne as hereinafter set forth: a. Except as otherwise hereinafter s ecifically set forth, such services shall encompass only duties and functions of the ype coming within the jurisdiction of the Wright County Sheriff pursuant to Minne ota Laws and Statutes. b. Except as otherwise hereinafter p ovided for, the standard level of service provided shall be the same basic level of ser ice which is provided for the unincorporated areas of the County of Wright, State of innesota. c. The rendition of services, the sta ard of performance, the discipline of the officers, and other matters incident to the pe formance of such services and control of personnel so employed shall remain in and u der the control of the Sheriff. . 1 r -, ~\!~ d. Services purchased pursuant to this contract shall include the enforcement of MiIUlesot. State Statutes, including but not limited to the Traffic Code and the Criminal Code, as well as all local ordinances enacted in conformance therewith. Statutes and ordinances which prescribe enforcement by a different authority; i.e., the State Electrical Code, the Uniform Building Code, etc., shall be excluded from this agreement. Ordinances pertaining exclusively to purely local city management matters; i.e., sewer and water collection, etc., shall be excluded from this agreement. The Municipality shall be responsible for enforcement of the Municipal Zoning Code, except that the Sheriff will enforce nuisance ordinances conforming to State law; i.e., junk cars, etc. and traffic ordinances; i.e., parking and erratic driving. 2. That it is agreed that the Sheriff shall have full cooperation and assistance from the Municipality, its officers, agents and employees so as to facilitate the performance of this agreement. 3. That the County shall furnish and supply all necessary labor, supervision, equipm~nt, communication facilities for dispatching, cost of jail detention, and all supplies necessary to maintain the level of service to be rendered herein. 4. The Municipality shall not be liable for the direct payment of any salaries, wages, or other. compensation to any persoIUlel performing services herein for said County. 5. The Municipality shall not be liable for compensation or indemnity to any of the Sheriff's employees for injuries or sickness arising out of its employment, and the County hereby agrees to hold harmless the Municipality against any such claims. 6. The County, Sheriff, his officers, and employees shall not be deemed to assume any liability for intentional or negligent acts of said Municipality or any officer, agent, or employee thereof. 7. This agreement shall be effective from January 1, 2002 to December 31,2003. 8. The Municipality agrees to pay to the County the sum of $41.75 per hour for law enforcement protection during the calendar year 2002 and $43.50 per hour during the calendar year 2003. If salaries of Deputy Sheriffs are increased at any time during the term of this contract, the hourly rate of this contract shall not be increased. . 2 s r; . . . Council Meeting - 11/26/2001 5C. Consideration of sale of 1983 Chevrolet truck. (J.S.) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: Last year the City of Monticello Parks Departmentordered a new I-ton truck to replace the 1983 Chevrolet. The new I-ton Dodge was ordered thro 19h the state bid and, therefore, we did not have a trade-in allowance for the 1983 Chevrolet. he 1983 Chevrolet was used by the Water Department. Street Department and Parks Departm ~nt for the remainder of 2000 and part of the 2001 season. We have now decided to put it up fa sale due to its age and rusting body to the public for the highest bid. The City has the right t reject any or all bids. The bids are due at 2 p.m. on Wednesday, Novem er 21,2001. Consequently, they will not arrive in time for this agenda packet. They will be delivered to you at Monday evening's meeting for review and consideration of sale. NOV-21-01 WED 3:54 PM PUBLIC WORKS FAX NO, 16122713272 P. 2/ 2 . CITY OF MONTICELL() BID TABULATION 1983 CIIEVROLET 1- TON. DUMP BOX -.. 2:00 I).M. .......'..---- N()V. 21, 2001 f~-.,;,.~::.~;,~.~]i~::::~:;~~!:~~~~~!,~~~~:.-~l' i Big Lake, MN 65309 ' 1___ .-. -.....- -.- --~-_........-..--.~~! I Craig Green 12121 BlaCkWood Avenue NW (763) 878.1513 $1,707.00 ~ I Monticello, MN 55362 I I"'~-' ..---. --------,-~.-.-...--; I Notthland Landscaping c/o Darin McMullen (320) 261-4948 $1,500.00 , 1052 . 3611I Avenue Non ... i St. Cloud, MN 56303 ~.. .. ~~1 Moores - Monticello, MN 55362 I r" ..-:;~~;~.~~;. I.... .. ----.-" ..--. I Danton WlIIandor . ! l--.-. ...-.--- i Vern Anderson 2761 Meadow Lano Monticello, MN 55362 (763) 295-3126 I I 1 --- -----... -........---' I i -- ---_._._-~._j ! I '~-1 $1,000.00 I --- ----.----~i (320) 963-6022 $850.00 I ____._l $1,357.00 (612) 685.1098 (320) 963.6657 $1,306.00 6423 . 85m Street NW Maple Lake, MN 65351 rln:, will be brought before the Monticello City Council at their regular scheduled meel'mg UJ1 Monday, November 26,2001. Upon their acceptance, the tmck will go to the high h1dder, Corey Flagg, in the amount of$1,775.0). Please contact the Monticello Public Works DEpartment at (763) 295-3170 with any questions. . . 0.... f""lNI'""I'I:'u'I\,Or--a)Q"I 0 .... Nrf'l~ltll.Dt""'" O'IO...-l('>lI""l~U1l"D ...",,,, 0.... 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I""fNNN~.~~..~'I!fI~.~~~ I-< C> ....,.,_.'~ . COUNCIL PDA TE November26,2001 Rick \V 01 steller Danner Trucking-Dundas treet Property Purchase With the recent settlement of condemnation issues re ating to the Dundas Road extension to Highway 25, the City was in position to determine the cost the City had incurred in acquiring property that was used for the Dundas Road extension that could also e used to determine the value of the property to be sold to Bob and Sherie Danner per our purchase agre men1. On October 4, I sent a letter to the Danners outlining how I had arrived at establishing the value of the property to be sold to them, and indicated that the va ue was at least $3.50 per sq. ft., and could even be higher. Since $3.50 had been a number that was iscussed with the Danner's legal counsel during the time they were obtaining their building permit an had agreed to the purchase agreement terms, I indicated that this amount would be acceptable to th City so that the closing could occur. To date. I have not heard from Mr. and Mrs. Danner n completing this transaction, that was required as part of their building permit process. The Danne s have utilized the Marvin Road right~of-way and the balance of the property the City owns (16,255 sq f1.) for storage of their trucks and trailers, but it is recommended that if closing does not occur in the n ar future, the City should require the trailers and . equipment to be removed from our property until su h time as the closing is completed. Unless the Council directs otherwise, my intention i to inform Mr. and Mrs. Danner that unless a closing date is established to complete this transacti n, all trailers, trucks and other equipment located on our property will need to be removed. . -" . . . . Economic Devel pment Update Ollie Koropchak N ovem ber 26, 2001 Front Street - If you haven't noticed, the north rly one-half of Block 54 between Walnut and Locust has been prepared as a clean site. he HRA has offered the site to Hans Hagen Homes, Inc. for $300,000 which includes the site prepared as a finished pad site, water/sewer hook-up fees, park/trail dedicatio , water/sewer and road replacement, and 10 stubs. Site preparation costs were estimated b WSB, Inc. and the Chief Building Official. An option to purchase for $225,000 was offere in which the developer would prepare the site as a finished pad site. The Preliminary De elopment Agreement with Hans Hagen Homes, Inc. had expired the end of October, 2 01. The site is less than 1.25 acres. The developer must develop 10 single-family, owne -occupied homes at selling prices of at least $190,000 plus. Proposed Vine and Minnesota Street Cyr Deve opment - The HRA approved pay-as-you-go TI F assistance (interest rate negotiable) in the mount of $ 163,()()() ($105,000 for acquisition/demo of Grubbs property and $58, 00 for acquisition of vacated Vine/Minnesota Street). The selling price of t e vacated Vine/Minnesota Street was determined to be $73,000 by Administrator W lfsteller. The developer will finance the $15,000 gap. The life of the district will be 15 ears and the district boundary to include 18 units (9 townhomes) at an estimated market va ue of at least $148,410 based on a selling price of$164,900 per unit. Built-out of the 18 nits by December 2004. The Private Redevelopment Contract will most likely inclu e the total build-out of all 26 units (13 townhomes) much the same as Prairie West or iver Mills. Rllte of Return to the developer 9.141%. Upon execution of the Preli inary Development Agreement by the developer and the $5,000 deposit, the HRA is p epared to begin the process for establishment of a TIF District. ~_.