City Council Agenda Packet 09-24-2001 . . . AGE DA REGULAR MEETING - MONT CELLO CITY COUNCIL Monday, September 24,2001 - 7 p.m. Mayor: Roger Belsaas Council Members: Roger Carlson, Clint Ilerbst, Brian Stumpf and Bruce Thielen I. Call to Order 2. Approve minutes of September 10, 200 I re 4. Citizen comments/petitions. request and co 3. Consideration of adding items to the agenda 5. Consent agenda. A. Consideration of ratifying new hires CC. B. Consideration of Change Order No.1 to Walnut Street Project, Projcct No. 2000-17C. C. Consideration oftertninating enginee 'ing contract on WWTP Project No. 93-14C. D. Consideration of a request tl..1f a licen e for property encroachment into drainage casement of Lot 12, Block 2, ParWes Addition. E. Consideration of accepting work and pproving final payment, County Road 75, Project No. 98-17C. THIS ITEM ILL BE SUBMITTED ON MONDA Y NIGHT F. Consideration of calling for a supplen ental hearing on Sanitary Sewer Project No. 99-01C. 6. Consideration of items removed from the consent agenda for discussion. 7. Consideration of awarding contract for lightil g on Walnut Street Corridor Improvement Project No. 2000-17C. 8. Approve payment of bills for September. 9. Adjourn. iO,- I)c~( ;1 -rM~ )~W( 01<1 ~J 1k-17-G-t (SS4{ ......~ ,,^-', (.- {ll" 'h z.., I 5 fl( <- - {I/..(, der W4IViJ 7;0 la/tI( ~j ci AJ aJ. s',I-e tF,kc"'<;j- A dd :v fl' jNg J ~.... IV ~. - -"- . . MIN .lTES REGULAR MEETING - MO TICELLO CITY COUNCIL Monday, Septemb. rIO, 2001 - 7 p.m. Melnbers Present: Roger Belsaas, Roger Carlson, Clint Herbst, Brian Sturnpf and Bruce Thielen. Members Absent: None Mayor Bclsaas called the meeting to order at 7:05 p.m. and declared a quorum present. None. 5. Consent A2enda 2.A. A lrove minutes of Au ust 27 200 I re ula Council meetin . ROGER CARLSON MOVED TO APPROVE THE MINUTES OF TIlE AUGUST 27,2001 REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING. CLINT ERBST SECONDED THE MallON. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSL Y. C. BRIAN STUMPF MOVED TO APPROVE TI E MINUTES OF THE AUGUST 27,2001 BUDGET WORKSHOP. BRUCE THIELEN 'ECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. Televising of Planning Commission meetings as added to the agenda. 4. Citizens comments/ etitions re uests and co laints. . I. Call to Order. 2.B. A rove minutes of Au ust 27 2001 Bud 3. Consideration of addin items to the a enda A Consideration ofratifying new hires f()r onticello Community Center and Liquor Store. Recommendation: Ratify the hiring of he part-time employees for the Monticello Community Center and Liquor Store as identified. B. Consideration of a request for amendme t of Zoning Code, Chapter 13, Section 13-4 P15, reducing side yard setbacks to 10 feet - pplicant City of Monticello. Recommend.ltion: Adopt ordinance amendment removing t especial 20 f(Jot side yard setback f(x pet hospitals as considered by conditional us permit in the 13-3 Zone. Ord. Amd. #365. Consideration of a request fiJr a conditio al use pennit allowing a planned unit development in a residential district. A. plicant - Scott Dahlke. Recommendation: ~ . . . Council Minutes ~ 9/10/01 Approve the concept stage PUD subje t to the f(lllowing conditions: I. Prior to Development Plan stage app oval, the following plans are submitted: I) Landscape Plan; 2) Grading and Drainage Plan: 3) 8u Iding Elevations and 4) Preliminary Plat. 2. In addition to the trees shown on the 'ite plan, additional plantings be provided within the interior "garage court" area of the site and al ng the perimeter of the proposed townhome buildings. 3. The City h1gineer provide comment nd recommendation in regard to the acceptability of the temporary private driveway and issues associated with the required licensing requirenlent for such condition. 4. Sidewalk connections be provided on the north and south sides of the eastern town home building. connecting the interior "garage Court' with Elm Street. 5. A mailbox structure (for the eight to nhome units) be erected along Elm Street adjacent to one of the recomnlended sidewalks. Design etails for the mailbox structure shall be submitted prior to Final Stage PU () approval. 6. The City Engineer provide comment nd recommendation in regard to drainage and utility issues. 7 A pathway connection shall be provid d south of the subject property (along West Fourth Street) with a design to be detennined. This proposal is approved based on the finding that the proposal is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan; the proposal is compatible with existing land u es in the area; the proposal satisfies the provisions of the Zoning Ordinance and the proposal is consistent with the City's use of Planned Unit Development with appropriate landscaping and architectural desig 1. D. Consideration of ordinance annexing 6 acre tract of City owned commercial land located north of Kjellberg West Mobile Home ark. Recommendation: Adopt ordinance annexing the City owned property. Ord. Amd. # 65. E. Consideration of bids and awarding con ract Walnut Street Corridor Improvements Project No. 2000-17C. Rccommendation: Ad( pt resolution accepting bids and awarding contract to Marthaler Companies, Inc. in the am unt of $256, 199 with the lighting for the project to be installed under separate contract with Xcel Energy. Res. No. 2001-60. r. Consideration of approval of final plat f r Monticello Travel Center. Recommcndation: Approve final plat subject to review by :ity Attorney and City Engineer and subject to establishment of a plan/method for assUling completion of necessary improvements on lots adjacent to a lot under development. Re'. No. 2001-61. Clint I Ierbst requested that Item #51) be pulled or discussion. Puhlic Works Director, John Simola reqttested Item 1I5E be pulled fiJr discus ion of the lighting for the project. BRIAN STUMPF MOVED TO APPROVE TH CONSI:NT AGENDA WITH THE REMOVAL OF ITEMS #50 AND #5E. CLINT HERBST SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSL Y. 2 l . . . Council Minutes - 9/1 % I 6. Consideration of items removed from the c nsent ~lUenda for discussion. Item #50 - Annexation of City owned land - lint Herbst felt that if the City questions the validity of the MOAA Board, the City should not he t' king any action on annexation requests until the issue of the validity of the MOAA Board is re'olved. Deputy City Administrator. JctTO'Neil1 stated that the land is owned by the City and t 1erefore it is not required to have a puhlic hearing in order to annex it into the City. Since the sew r line for the Kjellberg West Mohile Home Park will need to run through this area it was felt the pa ccl should be in the City limits. The property meets all the criteria of state statutes for annexation. Bruce Thielen pointed out that the Council had discussions on annexation at previous 111eetings and the lm~jority of the Council felt that the MOAA Board was no longer a valid entity. BRUCE THIELEN MOVED TO ADOPT AN ORDINANCE ANNEXING CITY OWNED PROPERTY KNOWN AS THE REMMLE SI Il:, BRIAN STUMPF SECONDED THE MOnON, MOTION CARRIED WITH CLI T HERBST AND ROGER BELSAAS VOTING IN OPPOSITION. Item #5E Walnut Street Corridor - Mayor Bels laS noted that hased on the engineer's review of the bid items, the contract amount was lower than )riginally stated. Public Works Director, John Simola provided some inf()l"Jnation on the light"ng f()r the project area, The lighting design has been forwarded to Xcel Energy and the City is waiting cost ligurcs from them. It is estimated that overall costs j()r the lighting will run arolll d $80,000-$90.000. John SinlOla also indicated that the pavers would be going in thc area whe e the wiring and the light bases would he placed which ll1eanS that the placing of the pavers wOlld have to be held up until the lighting work could be done. When the information is received frol1 Xcel Energy this item will come hack to the Council. BRUCE TIIlELEN MOVED TO ACCEPT TH BID FROM MARTHALER COMPANIES, INC. IN THE AMOUNT OF $248,572.71 FOR THE WALNUT STREET CORRIDOR IMPROVEMENTS PROJECT NO. 2000-17C. ROCJER CARLSON SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED lJNANIMOUSL Y. 7. Public Hearin J - Consideration of ado tion fan ordimmce annexin Monticello - Grovehlnd Third Addition. of Jeff CfNeilI stated that under current state statut ~s regulating annexation this parcel required a puhlic hearing. The entire Groveland Developl1ent had received approval from the MOAA Board and this annexation request was the fifth fl.)r the 'roveland area and encompassed the area that would 111ake up the Groveland Third Addition. he property in questions is less than 60 acres and is contiguous to the City and could be annexed i 1to the City by ordinance j()lIowing the puhlic hearing. It was pointed out that the City was in eceipt of a letter from the township attorney addressing the question of the validity of the MC AA Board. Court action would bring the issue to a head. Clint Herbst questioned if the City proc eds under state statutes with the annexation what 3 ~ . . . Council Minutes - 9/10/01 happens to these annexations if the court dete 'mines the MOAA Board is still a valid entity, Mayor Belsaas opened the public hearing. Fr nklin Denn, representing Monticello Township, spoke on the history of the MOAA Board and the efforts of the two communities to make the orderly annexation agreement work. He state that land use plan adopted by the MOAA Board in 1999 was a good plan and that there was noth'ng in the appellate court's decision that disbanded the MOAA Board. He stated the township di not understand why the City was by-passing the MOAA Board on this annexation and he felt a orting the MOAA agreement was not in the best interest of the City or the Township. Mr. Den 1 stated that he felt this was an instance where one community felt it was necessary to dominate t le other. lIe felt joint planning was for the good of the communities. lIe reiterated that the towns lip was objecting to the annexation. Ted I lolker, also representing Monticello Towlship, questioned how the Council members who voted for the MOAA land use plan could now ibandon it. Bruce Thielen clarified that the land use plan was not voted on by the entire Council. ayor Belsaas then closed the public hearing, Brian Stumpf felt there was no reason to delay anne ation of this parcel. BRIAN STUMPf MOVED TO ADOPT AN ( RDINANCE ANNEXING THE PROPERTY COMPRISING OROVELAND THIRD ADD I nON, BRUCE THIELEN SECONDED THE MOTION. In further discussion, Roger Carlson agreed tl1' there was no reason delay the annexation. Roger Belsaas said he didn't disagree with the annexa ion but with the method that the Council was using. Clint IIerbst stated that he didn't feel th process was appropriate. He noted that this property and the Remmle property were ready 0 come in but method the City was using to bring it in was suspect. Bruce Thielen felt that operating under state sta utes on annexation issues would take some of the political wrangling out of the process. Brian St mpf pointed out that certain criteria sti II had to be met bef()fe annexation could take plaee and he elt by going with state statutes it would lessen the headaches t()r both entities. Clint Herbst stated that City has to look at the impact on abutting properties and Bruce Thielen responded that is hy the City adopted a comprehensive plan. Clint Herbst also felt that going outside the MOAA Hoard would open the City up to a lot of press LIre by developers. Bruce Thielen felt it was important for the City to take the role of planning f()r its future. Roger Carlson added that the MOAA Bard created another level of bureaucracy on both communities and he didn't see that as a benefit. He also noted that had there not been disagreement between the City's comprehensiv plan and the MOAA plan this situation never would have come about. UPON VUlE BEING TAKEN, MOTION CARRIED WITH ROGER BELSAAS AND CLINT HERBST VOTING IN OPPOSITION. 4 z. . . . 8. Public Hearin - Consideration of orderin pathw::1V SC2:mcnt. Council Minutes - <)/10101 ecifications for Gillard Avcnue City Engineer. Bret Weiss, explained three pI' )posals that were looked at as far a constructing a pathway along Gillard A venue. I. Widen the shoulder.. This option wou d widen the existing road an additional 6' to provide an on-road path. Estimated cost iiJr th s project is $44.000. Although this is a less expensive option it would not provide a pathway that is separate from the roadway. 2. Separated 8' bituminous pathway - Thi -. option would construct an 8' pathway on the home side of the existing ditch. Estimated c st is $57,000. Estimated cost could be affected by the amount of landscaping involved an I the need for additional easements. 3. 5' Concrete Sidewalk - There would be a 5' separation between the road and the concrete sidewalk. The estimated cost for this option is $60,000. lhis option would have the least inlpact on the property owners and wo Id provide a separation from the road. Bret Weiss noted that no survey work has bee I done in the area and that this could possibly affect the cost estimates although he did feel the cost estimates were close. Roger Carlson asked if any easements would need to be acquired if the sid walk option was pursued. Bret Weiss indicated that no easelnents would be needed. Bruce Thielen felt it was important to look not only at this segment of pathway but also creating the loop. He Ielt the City should look at this project in two parts; one part being the pathway segment on ( illard and the other the ofT-road segment along County Road 39. There was some concern abo t having a trail segment created that was not connecting to another point. It was noted that hile the County may not be adverse to some type of ofT-road trail along County Road 39 it was 1.1 llikely that they would participate in the cost. Brian StUlnpf asked whether any grants such a. the ISTEA funds would be available for this. Bret Weiss stated that there were quite a nUlnber of. pplicants for a limited alnount of funds and since the City had already received two ISTEA grant', he did not believe the City's chances of getting funding for this project was very good. lhe stuTwill check into other possible sources of funding sources however. without linn figures it will be difficult to know what to apply fix. Mayor Belsaas stated that he was not comfortab e with placing this segment of trail on the grid systenl and with the 75/25 cost participation. H stated that in other areas the developer picked up the cost of the trail. Brian Stumpf felt the City hould participate in the cost but thought a 25% cost by the City would be more appropriate. Brct Weiss stated that there may be a possibility that there could be room for 8' pathway and still maintain 5' separation but this wouldn't be kno n until the survey work is done. Bret Weiss felt option #3 would be the best and that option wou d face the least opposition by the homeowners. There was additional discussion on whether this 'egment should be placed on the City's grid system. Some Councilmembers felt that when tl e connection was made to a pathway along 5 L . . . Council Minutes - 9/1 % 1 County Road 39 is when it should be placed n the system. Without a connecting point, it is only a local trai I. Jeff O'Nei II stated that in most i lstances provisions for pathways are made at the time of development. In this case it is a retro It, which makes it unique but also more difficult to construct. lie suggested that the City pay for . ny extraordinary cost, that is, any cost over the normal cost of pathway construction. Roger elsaas felt this was something that should be studied further by City staff. Mayor Belsaas hen opened the public hearing. Colleen Nelson, 9721 Gillard A venue. comm nted that since being annexed into the City they have already been assessed twice; once fix se er and water and once fex storm sewer. They did not want to look at a third assessment for the athway. They moved out here because they wanted the rural location and they were not in favor 0 'the pathway. Sharon Schocrs, 9741 Gillard Avenue, questio led the location of the trail. They had heard that it was proposed le)r the back of the houses and sl e was not in favor of that. Bret Weiss indicated that option was suggested but was not given s rious consideration because the homeowners did not favor that option. Kevin Pair, 9681 Gillard Avenue, asked ifit WIS a set rule to have the 5' separation. He thought that lnight be dilTicult to Inaintain on Gillard venue because of the topography. Bret Weiss replied that the 5' is not a set rule but if the anl unt of distance gets too narrow there is no separation. Mr. Fair questioned whether the.' sidewalk would accomplish the purpose as far as pedestrian traffic. Bret Weiss reiterated that th exact alignment ol'the trail would not he determi ned unti I the survey work is completed nd that if the work was authorized, they would be checking into the possibility of whether an 8' p thway could be constructed. John Simola also added that the 5' separation was necessary for s lOW storage. .IelTNelson, 9721 Gillard Avenue, questioned hy this wasn't considered when other improvements were done to Gillard ^ venue. Bet Weiss responded that a pathway was discussed when the street inlprovement was considered b t the property owners did not want it at that time. The City is now considering it because resident' had petitioned for it. Karl Eiden. 9601 Gillard Avenue, expressed his concern that if nothing is done the situation will only get worse, especially with the additional d ve]opment taking place to the south and to the east. He felt that options II I and #3 were the mo.t appealing. Les Langanki, 6597 Osprey Circle, staled that h did not want to see a pathway along the back of the homes as had originally been proposed. David Schoers, 9741 Gillard A venue, felt the issue was safety citing the speed of vehicle traflic in the area. He suggested that a stop sign be placed at Gillard Avenue and 97th Street. The Council responded that the placement of stop signs had b en discussed earlier and the intersection did not meet the warrants necessary for installation of tr flic control devices. Mr. Schoers was given information on the recent patrols of the area by t e Wright County SheriW s Department and the inle)l'J11<Hion they had collected on vehicle speeds. 6 2 . . . Council Minutes - 9/10/01 John Gray, 9691 Gillard Avenue, questioned the tramc count and speed information that was presented. The Council stated that the traffic speeds was not the issue hefore the Council but the type of pathway to he considered. John Gray stated he would he in favor of the 5' sidewalk or if it would fit the W pathway. I-Ie also felt this se ment should he included in the City's grid system and get it looped as soon as possible. Bruce I"hielen suggested that the engineer look at taking the trail to River Forest Drive and completing the balance of the trail to County Road 39 at the time there is some plan for an ofT-road trail along ~ounty Road 39. Mayor Belsaas stated that if the Council auth< rized the plans and specilications it would he unlikely that anything would be constructed t is year. Bret Weiss agreed noting that if the project was hid over the winter it could be set up for onstruction in early 2002. Mayor Belsaas also stated that the Council would not he making a decision on the amount of City cost participation at this time. Finalized cost figures and assess me lt amounts would he presented at the assessment hearing. BRUCE THIELEN MOVED TO AUTHORIZE WSB & ASSOCIAfES, INC. TO PREPARE PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS FOR THE :ONSTRUCTION OF TI-IE TRAIL SEGMENT AND TO LOOK AT STOPPING THE P ATHW A Y AT RIVER FOREST DRIVE RATHER TIIAN RUNNING IT ALL Tl-IE WAY TO C UNTY ROAD 39. CLINT HERBST SECONDED TilE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNAN MOUSL Y. There was further discussion on the trail and h w it should be looped. Bruce Thielen felt this was sOlllething the Parks Commission should look' t and comc hack with a recommendation. 9. Consideration of authorizin Monticello. stud on extension of force main servin Southeast Information was presented to the Council regal' ing sanitary sewer capacity for the southeast area. In light of the recent annexation petitions, there is a certain amount of pressure for development in this area. Prior to proceeding with any develop lent it is important to determine what sewer capacity existed and what was needed to serve t le area. Based on preliminary intl)j'mation, it would appear that the area proposed for develo ment could be served by extension of a flJree main along CSAH 75 from approximately Ilawk's B r to the wastewater treatment plant. This option would also provide a backup to the Mississippi rive sewer line, which presently is near capacity. In looking at authorizing a feasibility study, the Council also discussed the area that was proposed f()r development. While the comprehensive plm suggests that development take place in the southwest, the area that is suitahle for "step-up" housing is in the southeast and the Council has identified a need 1()l' this type of housing. The Council questioned whether the f()rce main ould be a temporary solution and whether the existing system would be replaced. Bret Weiss indicated that the force main would not be temporary and the sewer line on Mississippi Dri e would remain. He also noted that some improvements would have to be made to the Me dow Oaks lift station. 7 2. . . . 11. Council Minutes - 9/1 % I BRIAN STUMPF MOVED TO AUTI-IORIZ ..~ THE COMPLETION OF A FEASIBILITY STUDY ANALYLING METHOD, COST A D DISTRIBUTION OF COSTS ASSOCIATED WITH PROVIDING ADDITIONAL SANIT RY SEWER CAPACITY TO THE SOUTIIEAST AREA. BRUCE THIELEN SECONDED T E MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 10. etitions and call for a uhlic hearinJ on Cit limits in Southeast area. Petitioners: Ken The City has received a number of petitions r questing annexation into the City. The staff is recommending that action on these petitions b~ tabled until the feasibility study on the sanitary sewer for the southeast area could be complet d and to allow the City time to update their comprehensive plan. BRUCE THII:LEN MOVED TO TARLE CO SIDERATION OF TIlE REQUESTS FOR ANNI-:XA TION FOR THE SOUTHEAST A EA PENDING COMPLETION OF THE FEASIBILITY REPORT AND IF IT IS DET RMINED THE AREA CAN 8E SERVED BY UTILITIES, THE ANNEXATION REQUES S fOR TIllS AREA WILL BE CONSIDERED ON AN INDIVIDUAL BASIS. ROGER CARLS )N SECONDED TI IE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. Consideration of Chelsea Rmld Wcst/Sandb'r Road Traffic Stud and consideration of Challl!C in traffic control. Public Works Director, John Simola and Chuc Rickert of WSB & Associates provided background information on the traffic control s gnals that were placed at Sandberg Road and Chelsea Road as part of the improvement proje 't constructed last year. The signs were left in place over the winter but now the recommendation, based on the traffic study, was to renlOve the signs. Chuck Rickert reviewed data looked at n their analysis of the intersection. He noted that the intersection docs not meet the traffic warran s for a four way stop. It was also pointed out that inappropriately placed stop signs may be the ca Ise of accidents. The City received letters from the Plumbery an Playhouse ChildCare requesting that the intersection remain a l(wr way stop. Gould Bro hers and D&D Bus felt the stop signs should be removed. Ron Childs from General Rental felt he stop signs should remain. Dave Peterson fl"om Monticello ford thought the City should look at putting rumble strips on the road. He didn't feel the City could solve the problem of people runn ng the stop signs and he Jelt the stop signs should remain. Brian Stumpf expressed his concern th~ t removing the stop sign would create the potential for more accidents. Andy Duncanso fronl Dunlo noted the congestion on Sandberg Road and felt that removing the stop signs woul compound the problem. BRIAN STUMPF MOVED TO LEAVE TIlE E ISTING SlOP SIGNS IN PLACE AND TO TAKE ADDITIONAL MEASURES TO ASSU E THAT THE EASTBOUND DRIVERS ON 8 2- . . Council Minutes - 911 010 I CHELSEA ROAD STOP AT SANDBERG DAD. This motion died for a lack ofa second. BRUCE THIELEN MOVED TO REMOVE I"HE EXISTING STOP SIGNS ON WEST CHELSEA ROAD AT SANDBERG ROAD'RF~AIING TWO- W A V STOPPING CONDITIONS FOR SANDBERG ROAD A D ALLOWING CHELSEA ROAD WEST TO FLOW FREEL V AND TO INSTALL FLAG _' AND"CROSS TRAFFIC DOES NOT STOP' SIGNS AND TRAFFIC CONTROL CHANC E AHEAD SIGNS AS RECOMMENDED BY TI IE CITV ENGINEER. CLINT HERBST SECO DED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED WITH BRIAN STUMPF VOTING IN OPPO _'ITION. 12. Consideration of a Remodeling. and Economic Development Director, Ollie Korop'hak provided background on this agenda iten1 noting that the HRA had reviewed the request ii'om Mike Cyr f()r Tl F assistance at their September meeting. "fhe I IRA approved the prelilninary concept for a TIF Housing District but did not commit to any dollar amount. Mike Cyr revi wed his proposal with the Council. The proposal contains two phases. Phase I consists of 3-4 t in homes along West 61h Street and Phase J[ would include an additional 13-14 twin units. TIF as, istance is only being requested for Phase I. As part of the proposed development. Mike Cyr W'IS also requesting that the Vine Street right-of-way be vacated. "l'he staff had recommended not v lcating the right-of-way because of concerns about access to the Ruff Auto site. The Council and Mike Cyr discussed options as far as access to the site. The Council also discussed the use ofTI . assistance for this type of project. Bruce Thielen felt if it initiated the beginning of improving a lighted area it would be a good use of funds. Ollie Koropchak noted that the TIF assistance would he used to buy the house and demolish it. The Council discussed the access to the RutT Auto site and it was felt that this was a matter that should come before the Planning Commission, The g neraI consensus of the Council was that they were not opposed to using TI F assistance once it was known how much assistance was being proposed and also if there was an approved concept plan. BRUCE TI IIELEN MOVED TO APPROVE T IE PRELIMINARY CONCEPT FOR ESTABLISHMENT OF I lOUSING TIF DIST ICT. ROGER CARLSON SECONDED TilE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOU'LY. 13. Consideration of vacatin a ortion of Vine Street. BRIAN STUMPF MOVED TO TABLE THE REQUEST FOR V ACA TION OF A PORTION OF VINE STREET. BRUCE THIELEN SECOND D TI IE MOTION. MCrnON CARRIED UNANIMOUSL Y. Added Item: . Deputy City Administrator, Jeff CfNeiII suggested that the Planning Commission meetings he televised. Brian Stumpf asked about the cost of doing this. Since t lis is part of the Planning Technician position 9 2 Council Minutes - 9/]0/01 . there would he no over time lahor costs. The Counc'l suggested that it be tried and then evaluated. 14. Approve p~'vment of bills for September. BRUCE THIEl J-;;N MOVED TO APPROVE PAYMENT OF BILLS FOR SEPTEMBER, ROGER CARLSON SECONDED TIlE MO'ION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 15. Adiourn. BRIAN STUMPF MOVED TO ADJOURN T 9:30 P.M.. CLINT HERBST SECONDED THE MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSL Y. --..''''--'..-., -- --"'.'--.,,- Recording Secretary . . 10 2 . . . SA. Consideration of a liquor store. (R W) A. REFERENCI;~ AND BACKGROUND: Council Agenda - 9/24/0 I arturcs for the communit center and The Council is asked to ratify the hiring Orl ew employees that have occurred recently at the the community center and the liquor store. As you recall. it is recommended that the Council officially ratify the hiring of all new employ-.es including part-time and seasonal workers. B. AL TERNA TIVF: ACTIONS: 1. Ratify the hiring of the part-time en ployees fiJr the community center and liquor store as identified on the attached list. C. SUPPORTING DATA: Lists of new part-time employees. . Name Sweeter, Jim Kemp, Kelli NEW EMPL< Y EES Title Department Hire Date Class Custodian I'vC C 8/25/01 PT Clerk Lq Store 9/7/01 PT TERMINATING EM )LOYEES Reason Department Last Day Class voluntary Me C 9/1/01 PT voluntary MC C 8/31/01 PT vOluntary MC C 8/24/01 PT voluntary Me C 8/31/01 PT vOluntary MC C 8/31/01 PT voluntary Me c 8/20/01 PT voluntary MC C 8/31/01 PT voluntary MC C 8/31/01 FT end of season Pa r s 9/11/01 temp 3/2001 5 - -- -- - -- - . Name Johnson, Scott Larson, Paul Kelly, Paul Peterson, Amanda Liljedahl, Angela Kruger, Stephanie Hamond, Steve Broman, Kate West, Dennis . employee councillist.xls: 09/1 A . . . c. D. 5B. Council Agenda - 9/24/0 I Consideration of Chan e Order No. I to alnut Street 1m rovement Proiect No. 2000-17C. (RW) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: At their September 10. 200 I meeting the COll lcil approved awarding the hid for the Walnut Street Improvements, Project No. 2000-17C t Marthaler Company, Inc. As noted in the City Engineer's letter there was an error in the uni price tor the geotextile weed barrier. Change Order No. ] covers the change in the contract price trom the bid amollnt of $19.00/sq. yd. to $0.19/s'1. yd. resulting in a reduction 01'$18,189.27 in the contract amount. If the change order is approved the revised contract amount is $230,383.44. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Approve Change Order No. ] on the alnut Street Improvement Project No. 2000-17C reducing the contract amount by $18,1 _ 9.27. 2. Do not approve the change order. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: It is the recommendation of the City Administ .ator and City Engineer to approve Change Order No.1 to the Walnut Street Improvement Proje t No. 2000-17C decreasing the contract amount with Marthaler Company. Inc. by $18.189.27. SUPPORTING DATA: Letter li'om City Engineer. . . . 606 25 th Ave. S. · Suite 101 St. Cloud, M 56301 320-252-49 0 FAX 252-3100 B.A. Mittelsteadt, PE. Bret A. Weiss, PE. Peter R. Willenbring, P E. Donald W Sterna, rE. Ronald H. Bray, PE. & Associates, Inc. September, 11 2001 Honorable Mayor and City Council City of Monticello PO Box 1147 Monticello MN 55362 Re: Downtown Sidewalk and Landscaping I provements City of Monticello Project No. 2001-17C WSB Project No. 1315-002 Dear Mayor and Council Members: Bids were received for the above-referenced proje tat 11 :00 a.m., September 7,2001 and were opened and read aloud. A total of two bids ere received. The bids were checked for mathematical accuracy and tabulated. Please fin enclosed the bid tabulation indicating the low bidder as Marthaler Companies, Inc. of Bee er, MN, in the following amounts: Total Bid $ 248,572.71 The Engineers estimate for this project was $ 25 The Marthaler Company, Inc. bid had one particu arly large error. The unit price bid for 967 S.Y. of Geotextile Weed Barrier was $19.00 and lcpricc extension was 184.00. M:arthaler's intention was to bid $0.19 per square yard. I have contacted Marthaler' and they have agreed to execute a change order to reduce the unit price $0.19. After the change order is executed the project cost will be lowered to $230,383.44. Sincerely, WSB & Associates, Inc. ~J~~~ Michael J. Ni~n, P.E. Office Manager SB Minneapolis · St. Cloud Infrastructure Engin ers Planners EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER F:II JIJ-1I011,..cmtmJ.ltr..Jvn,.. >>pd . . . Council Agenda - 9/24/0 I 5C. 'on tract on WWTP Pro'cet No. 93-14C. (RW) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: The City contracted with HDR to dcsign a w stewater trcatment facility expansion that was to include additional capacity and also a Etcility that would produce Class A biosolids. Sincc the project was to have been completcd on Septe lbcr 30, 1998, it is recommcnded that the City Council proceed with termination of our engi ecring agrcement with HDR on this Llcility. According to thc contract documcnts, the Cit Council should authorize thc City Administrator to terminate the contract per the provisions of the contract effective inllllediatcly. H. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: I. Authorize the City Administrator to tc minate thc City's contract with HUR on thc wastewater trcatment plant Project No. 93-14C. c SUPPORTING DATA: None. . . 50. Consideration of a re uest for a license fo of Lot 12. Block 2, ParWest Addition. (R A.REFERENCE AND BACKGROIJND: Council Agenda - 9/24/0 I encroachment into drainaoe casement Kacey Kjellberg of Northland Rcalty, repres nting Doug and Michelle Dehmer has requested a license from the City to allow an existing ho 1se to encroach into a six foot side yard drainage easemcnt on their property along Jerry Lic1'et Drive in thc Par Wcst subdivision. This home was built in 1987 and the rear corner ofthc garag was built within 3.721'eet of the side property line which places 2.28 leet within the side yard d ainage easement. Doug and Michelle Dehmer arc in the praces' of selling their home and in order to obtain title insurance, the title company is requesting a d )cument or license from the City stating that the City would not require the home to be remov d from the drainage easement area and that the City would allow it to exist in its present con ition along with allowing normal maintenance of the building. The license could indicate that he property could not be expanded or cnlarged and that if and when the house or garage were reb lilt, they would have to conform to all current setback requiremcnts. Although the City is not aware of any immedi'lte needs to use this drainage easement area that would interfere with the house or garage loca(on, there does exist an 15" concrete storm sewer pipe that is adjacent to this six foot drainage e sement area. If the storm sewer pipe needed to be replaced or repaired, it would have been bene lcial fix the City to have as much easement area as possible, but it is likely that if repairs arc nece 'sary in this area, construction could work around this minor encroachment. In checking the building permit liles, and our ariance files, we can find no record that this property received any type of setback variance and it is assumed that an error was simply made when the house was staked liJr construction th, t was not caught by the builder or the City. In 1987 the City did not require as-built eertificat of surveys, which would have caught the problem in the early stages. This is now some hing that is required of all new construction, but was not a City requirement in 1987. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: . I. Council could approve issuing a license to this property indicating that the encroaelllnent into the drainage casement area is acce table by the City and that the City will not require the building to be removed. The licens' granting the encroachment would also indicate that the no expansion would be allowed unless the property conlonned to proper setbacks. Motion should also require t e property owner to pay for all legal costs, if any, to record such a document. ) The Council could deny granting a lieen 'e. Under this alternative, the City would c ntinue to allow the property to exist as it has for . . . Council Agenda - 9/24/0 1 many years, but reserves the right to equire huildings to be relocated ifnecessary tor utility construction purposes. This al ernative would likely cause diffIculty t<.1r the Dehmers in reselling their home. c. STAF~' RECOMMENDATION: It is the reconunendation of the City Admindrator that the license be approved allowing the encroachment into the drainage easement arc as shown on the certificate of survey. D. SUPPORTING DATA: Certi licate of Survey showing encroac l!11ent ',,-. ~. ~~ .....~ PROP. '"U'tlCR .. . '.oJ.. L S ON lIE r.c -"" 8AR. Ar lIlY' ~ /J rofLEr I I s _ 6~. - '\ 08 . So .:)";>0.. . ...r<? C' . i?6 '-.. 7 - --- /s / / / I I ~ / ~ I ....... / I 11 I ~ . I " .~ / ~ 10. ....... I . c.o if; I Ct) I ,J J$ j 6 , I W Q ") 13 / / / 2 12 .... t.l~:: SLAB . '>0 GAR EX/Sr/M; HOUSE /-- -- 70 i:- f ; ~ I w 8 '-.. ...... ':': \:., ") -----.. ------ -, JERRy ~ SJRt. ~ DRIVE ~" ~ ---- ..... ~ ..... ---- -- .-- .'~D :~:V.EYDRS. //llNESDTA ,~ 5-3388 FAX "6,3-295-3408 INC. SD -,... J .P5' }..-- ~ CONSTRUCTIO PAY VOUCHER ESTIMA TE VOUCHER NUMBER: .WSB PROJECT NUMBER: 8 DA TE: September 20, 2001 110911 PERIOD ENDING: June 1, 2000 PROJECT: SAP. 86-675-12, CITY PRC J. NO. 98-17C MONTICELLO, MINNESOT,II CONTRACTOR: RL LARSON, EXCAVATING, INC. 2525 12TH STREET SE S1. CLOUD, MN 56304-9705 CONTRACT DA TE: June 29, 1999 WORK STARTED: WORK COMPLETED: July 26, 1999 COMPLETION DATE: November 15,1999 June 20, 2000 ORIGINAL CONTRACT AMOUNT $ 1,856,518.88 $144,38019 $31,21380 $ 1,969,68527 TOTAL ADDITIONS TOTAL DEDUCTIONS TOTAL FUNDS ENCUMBERED TOTAL WORK CERTIFIED TO DATE LESS RETAINED PERCENTAGE LESS PREVIOUS PAYMENTS 5.00% $1,980,182.13 $0 $1,857,42911 . TOTAL PAYMENTS INCL. THIS VOUCHER BALANCE CARRIED FORWARD $1,980,182.13 $-10,49686 APPROVED FOR PAYMENT THIS VOUCHER $122,753.02 APPROVALS WSB & ASSOCIA TES, INC. In accordance with field observation, as performed in accordance with industry tandards, and based on our professional opinion, the materials installed are satisfactory and the work properly performed in accordance with the plans and pecifications. The total work is estimated to be JQ~ completed as of September 20, 2001. We hereby recommend payment of this voucher. Signed: M ichaeTj :!\iTelson',' ProjectManageriE'nQT neer RL Larson Excavating, Inc. This is to certify that to the best of my knowledge, information, and belief, the qua tities and values of work certified herein is a fair approximate estimate for the period covered by this voucher. Contractor: - ,...-- -.- - ---- .__u ____ ._..__ .__. ._._n ..._ Signed: Title: ---- - -- ----.,. -.---- . ---- --..- .-- .--.-- ..-- Date: -- '._,,--.- .--.- - -.-.. -- ---'.'.'--. ---.--- .-- .--- --- --..'..----...".---.- CITY OF MONTICELLO Checked by: Signed: Tom Bose, City of MonticeiTo-conslrudion observer --- - Approved for Payment: Signed: . Authorized Representative --. -----... ,..--. ..-... ..-. ,,-- .__.. ___n ___. ___no _ _. .___ Date: .--. --". .-.." 'u_ ----. __ __.... __. __., n_. _._ Jate: -- .-..-.--." ,.-.-.-- ----- .-- ,..-. ...__ _n. .___ . .__.. ('\\'I;q)O\\'S,IT~II'\I'A \' \'OITH[o1{ ~O, ~DO( ..i.;!k.. __ ~.. . WSB Project: County State Aid Highway 75 Improvement Project Project Location: Monticello, MN Client Project No: SAP 86-675-12; City Project 98-17C WSB Project No: 110910 Change Order Summary of Items Paid Change Change Change Contract Amount Order No. Decrease Increase Increase Paid 1 $ 20,296.69 $ 20,29669 $17,932.59 2 $ 6,605.00 $ 17,672.00 $ 11,067.00 $16,320.00 3 $ 61,99468 $ 61,994.68 $61,994.68 4 $ 1,765.17 $ 1,765.17 $1,76517 5 $ 27,282.09 $ 27,28209 $27,282.09 6 $ 21,167.90 $ 9,48800 $ (11,679.90) $9,488.00 7 $ 3,440.90 $ 5,881.56 $ 2,44066 $5881 56 $ 31,213.80 $ 144,380.19 $ 113,166.39 $140,664.09 . . -~ .~ --- --."'-."-- ".-.--- Counci I Agenda - 9/24/0 I .- ... SF. lementa hcarin A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: In July 1999, the City advertised for bids and 'lwarded a contract to R.L. Larson out of St. Cloud to construct a sanitary sewer extension throug 1 the Remmle property owned by the City to connect Kjellberg's West Mobile Park, As y u know, this project has been delayed due to Kjellberg's unauthorized mobile home park e pansion, and now that we have arrived at a resolution of the legal matters regarding this i legal expansion, we arc in the final stages of authorizing the contractor to begin construeti n of the sewer extension. --.. As part of the Tl-I 25 project, access closures. nd storm pond acquisition was needed by the City and obtained through condemnation of prope ty owned by Mel Wolters, As part of this condemnation settlement, the City will be tra lsfcrring approximately six acres of land to Mr. Wolters along the north side of School B ulcvard within the Remmle property. Our engineer, WSB. is now recommending that e consider realigning the sanitary sewer along the south side of the property being transferred t Mr. Wolters which could provide future benefit to this property. Since there is now a new prop rty owner involved, it is recommended that we hold a supplemental public hearing on this impro ement project revision and notify the new property owner of a potential assessment for the impr vement. '-. 8ret Weiss of WSB is working on finalizing the redesign of the project and would have an estimate at the public hearing of project cost that may be assessable to this property. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: I. Council could call for a supplementa public hearing on projcct No. 99-01 C. Kjellberg West Sanitary Sewer Extension, pub ic hearing to be held October 8, 2001. C. SlJPPORTING DATA: Resolution ~, 4 ...::J r----- . . . I CITY OF MOl TICELLO IU:SOLUTIO NO. 2001-64 SETTING HE RING FOR K.JELLBERG'S WEST SANI ARY SEWER EXTENSION PRO.JECT O.99-0tC WHEREAS, the City of Monticello received a peti ion requesting extension of sanitary sewer service to that property known as Kjellberg's We t Mobile Home Park and have prepared plans and specifications covering the proposed improve llent and awarded a contract for the work, WHEREAS', it is necessary to realign the sanitary ewer line which may provide benefit to properties not previously notified of the proposed improvement, NOW J'HI,'REFORE, BE IT HEREBY RESOL VE BY TIlE ('ITY COUNCIL OF MONTICELLO, MINN/~S'OTA. I. The Council will consider the improvemel t of such area in accordance with the report and the assessment of abutting property fo all or a portion of the cost of the improvement pursuant to Minnesota Statutes. Chapter 4 9 at an estimated cost of $153.625. 2. A public hearing shall be held on such pro osed improvement on the 8th day of October. 200 I in the Council Chambers of City Hal at 7 p.m. and the clerk shall give mailed and published notice of such hearing and impr vement as required by law. Adopted by the Monticello City Council this 241h ay of September, 2001. Roger Belsaas. Mayor ATTEST: Rick Wolfsteller. City Administrator 5F . . . Council Agenda - 9/24/01 7. Consideration of ro osal from Excel Ii: cr for the Walnut Street Ii (.I.S.) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: As part ofthe Walnut Street improvement, the City ngineer has laid out pole and conduit locations fi)r 29 ornamental street lights located on Walnut Street between 7th Street and 3rd Street. Upon receiving a set of plans fi'om WSB on September I ,2001, I forwarded them to the street lighting division at Excel Energy and asked them for a pro osal for installing the street lights. Under the Excel Energy proposal, as was the case in the East CSAH 75 lighting project. Excel would install the lights, conduit, wiring, outlets for Christmas tre lighting, and mounts for banners. They would warranty the system for 25 years and do all of the I aintenance, including replacement of fixtures, bulbs and damaged poles at no additional cost to tl e City during that 25-year period. The poles will be the same 15' ornamental poles l sed on the CSAH 75 project. The City has a choice of aluminum or fiberglass, as they are the s< me price. We will probably choose aluminum poles. In Excel's catalog they do not have a fixture hat is similar to the one located on the cast side of Walnut Street between 3rd Street and Broadway, which was the fixture that most resembles the old lighting fixtures used in Monticello at the turn 0 'the century, In order to prepare their proposal they used the Vernon fixture which is supposedly a I igher cost fixture. We should see a credit whcn we substitute with the fixture that we arc looking fo '. We have quotes coming on the fixture at this time. Based upon completing the underground work within three weeks and the installation of poles and fixtures in six to eight wceks, Excel Energy's roposal was $145,000, or $5,000 per pole and fixture. The City Engineer's estimate was based Ipon $3,000 per pole and fixture or $87.000. assuming 29 fixtures and poles. I have been in discussion with Bob Rapacz. Excel En. rgy' s outdoor lighting consultant, to try to find ways to lower the cost. The fixture change would 10 er the cost some, however, we do not have that number at this timc. In addition, Excel has not COI pleted the design for the underground work at this time and, consequently, they feel their number i.' on the conservative side. With the complction of the design of the underground system wc should ee a cost reduction as well. Although we feel we may not get close to the $87,00 figure estimated by the City Engineer, we feel that we can reduce the cost by working with Excel Fnergy on the fixture and the conduit locations. We have located three in place conduits already tha can be used and eliminate three crossings for Excel Energy. We would ask that the City Council' uthorize the project at a not to exceed price of $145,000 and make every Cftl)ft to reduce that cost, ignificantly. We are also looking at another option of having a 10 al electrical contractor install the conduit and possibly screw in light bases so that we can get thi work in quickly to allow the concrete paver contractor to complete his work on time. We will cx lore evcry option to speed the project up and reduce costs. . . . B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: Council Agenda ~ 9/24/0 I I. The first alternative would be to award a c mtract to Excel Energy at a not to exceed price 01'$145,000 for 29 fixtures and lights as la d out by WSB in the Walnut Street project. D. SUPPORTING DATA: ) The second alternative would he not to a ard the project at this time and look at other options for the I ighting system. This woul" delay the contractor doing the concrete pavers and we may not be ahle to finish the job th' s year. " -'- The third alternative would be to drastically reduce the number oflighting fixtures along the corridor, however, this may not yield the I'ght and design that we were looking for at the Walnut Street corridor. c. STAFf' RECOMMENDATION: It is the recommendation of the Puhlie Works Diree or that we proceed under alternative #1 iffunds arc available to keep the project moving and to ma '.e every effort to reduce the costs by working with Excel Energy on not only the fixtures but the onduit locations and crossings, etc. Copy oflighting layout; Copy of proposal from Excel Energy; Copy of the proposed fixture typc and pole lype. . (l Xcel Energy'. OUTDOOR LIGHTING 1Jl9 t(- ~.. !j ",.if" /1 ' t:() 0 ,IV" ". 0/ () r 1S September 19, 2001 Mr. John Simola City of Morutcello 505 Walnut Street, Suite 1 Monticello MN 55362 Dear Mr. Simola 1971 Gateway Boulevard Arden Hills, Minnesota 55112-2750 Xcd Energy Outdoor lighting is pleased to have an 0 portunity to submit a proposal for the lighting project located in the city of Monticello. Our goal is 0 provide you with the necessary information to assist you in your decision making process. We ar confident we can provide you with a comprehensive package that will meet all of your nee s. . This proposal includes all underground facilities inst ed using the plowing and boring method for conduit and wire and the installation of the following material: 29 ea. - 100 or 150 watt Vemon fixtures 29 ea. - 15' green fluted fiberglass Washington poles /GFI's 29 ea. - Screw-in anchor bases 29 sets - Banner arms 1 - Feed point cabinet The preliminary estimated project cost, without det ed design work, and assuming boring both sides of Walnut Street from the railroad tracks to yu s reet will be $145,000. As I understand, the desired fIXture is not one that Xcel Energy currently 0 fers. We have obtained pictures of your existing system, and will work with our design engine rs to see if we can match your fixtures. Xcel Energy Outdoor lighting looks forward to war . g with the City of Monticello on this project. Please feel free to call me with any questions, and I . pursue with our engineers a fIXture that could match your existing fixtures. Sincerely, · t!~OL Xcel Energy Outdoor Lighting Consultant I EXCEL'S PROPOSED FIXTURE . . - ...... ,..,...- ~- DESIRED FIXTURE . 18 3, A traditionally styled lantern with a high tec optic system, This large 18" wide by 40" hig fixture hides a high wattage lamp, mounted ho zontally, in its solid roof The lamp/reflector sys em cuts otflight pollution The light is ref ected downward and seems to shine through the optional frosted chimney giving much more lig t than wOllld normally be available in a fixure with this design element. Shown here wi h clear seeded acrylic lens. Other lenses and op ic systems may also be specified. Consult fa tory if higher wattage than listed is required l ....~ . . . ~I 3 ~ n a~ ::il ~ . :!~ El'! en ffi "1 !i1 ;; en I '" ~ '7 :~'f ---- --...... .........""*'-.... ....., !ii~ ...... 16~ "''' 7TH STREET ~ ~ i!i ~ -----_.__u__ -------u---____.__u; 11~ i] i~p --_..,...- j."".,;/ ! i \ ~~\\ \ . !kl~ : I@, 1- ~ i)-I :(;t \ \\ \\ '\ \ , ~c: i~'l,/ !, i i / i 1/ i r - I ! . i -"--'-"~I ! " --.---____u u_u____.__.._..___"\ 0' \.:/ ='~~;;:::::::;:'~:;::::'~~~~~~;,~,~...::~:.~:::::::::::::,~.~~" (~\ \. \ \ . ) V ~j 6TH STREET ... 11)~~W~;: WSB S~CIoud.MNM301 ~~.htt. ~a:~: rNFltMmUCTuRE - INOINEEItS . P~I".iI ,",,~~ fI' >;cb II' . .--()-..----.--..--.--- I ! i i n i ~ ~ ,:~~,)r"~l . - ! ~ i I' ._r.\! -'~ ,-)J rr-" \~'~J) i _ i J';~~'~'" I l,..) iL..-.,_--c [ "AI .; /J'~'~""', (-/\ ,.r" "Jc=::==::= '~r-ifr"~~"=~'rll ;liilijl 1/ ~.... II ~$ 1,,_, -~,~I), 1'/ II ~ i .~~) t.~ I ~2 I -- I !1 I, If s II r-II I 1.-___"._ -.-1 " ' II 9-------- r >~Q~~~ I Downtown ~:;7~:~~:==Z::E:.=~;:::r :1:1'" '~"I~I'!Il' ..~. '..... --pt' . . Sidewalk and Path Construction , f~ 'N~, ,,,:. MONTICELLO, MINNESO~I_ _ "'" o::::~'~' "':::. .,,';,, t[i]~9@e ~~ ~ ~~i~~E~ z "'c:~",:.."'''' :i ;:;1'T1~"":r:"ll~ 0 : ~ ~~~Bt~g I'Tl ':;!~!:~""--l %I 1TIr'_rOOn ~~ ~ ~~~-~;~ I:) :10 -g~.:lJ ~i ;:: ~:~ _G:~ ~ ~ J: ~ .. ~ ~ l ."ll~ ., "".".. 1 . . . '" ~! !;;~ 8~ t;!1 ;iJc: c~ <"J. g~ z_ '" '" m Q !i1 ih s: m III fl'I]IS-CO~\l:ad\IJI!i.ll_ O,,",.d :~ \ ,~ f ~ ~ 6rn S1REET I SEE SHEET 81 ~')o-"_oo"_ ,.:/jF~'- f:~)-=:=:~~~~(~~t,\.. ~ "_U_uq u -iu ..) . tm _ I~ I . __,,_~_ ----1 ~. ~-~-- ;A!l a :~: ~b ~.'~ !;~ ~q~ :. 2~ :~ ~~ ~f<- '" i!' .., .., c .., .. - ~ ~I ~~---=-."'"==:--..:....-~.~ .- 5 1/2 TH S1REET ~---'.._"---_..,.~~-_._- ~1:I:C".l:"'""""~ , .. 111~~S::: WSB "'0...........' -=- "~h.:. ",IJ(~11;lIl INFRASfRUCTUR! - eNGINE.ERS - PlANNSlS Downtown Sid.",.lk .nd P.th Construction ~'~ ~ ~~,,~ MONTICELLO, MINNESOTA 1~15-o.:tl ... tfijll]@@)8 ::~ ;: tlI~~Vi~~i ~g ~ ~~!:~~ra~ e5 ~ n ;JIlOUllil'~~:J:I :;;~ ~ :~:~0l~5 :~ ~ ~~~~a~~ ~~... : -o!:;:Q n ~ ~~~ ~ ~ . . '" 5 H "'~ ~~ ~~ ::;(/ :> . :i~ . ~~ In '" "' !!i :: !il .. In '" "' !!i In i , I 'l :~ 'f .... WSB 1Il~.hrc. INFJlAsTRUC'ruR( ,,'. .,':,<-'---,....-"'==~~-'='"4'-=.~-""'" t- I SEE SHEET 6/ : ~; @ t9 e '-'r : ~~2~Ji:8 ~'m.g ~ -TTl~~~'i~ : ~ ;~iQ~t~i ~::::: ", ~~,,"~~i"1-1 :~ g ~~~:R2~ ""-1f"1 1=: ~rffl ~~ ~ ~-~ ~= : ~ a '" '" ~ ISEE SHEET 151 i I ! ! i i@ i i i@ ! i !@ ! i -"--._ i @ ~...... I I::::.' '--"-1 i i i i i ! ~.~._------- .., '" -. -......~-~.......~ ~-......~ i ""-l ~ \ \ \ \( \ i ! i i ! i i i ! i ! i i i i ! ! -------------- -.--------.--u-u_n.J \ \ \ \ v ) (-..,\ ""/\ ( . [ \ -~------). .IV ~-_._--:~.~~ I 1 '" ~'::"~"::~.;;;::,::,:,:::~,;::::::=::;;;.~~":!.'!."..". ... ~-:::~:~' 4TII SmEET 1D1R~otI'at.tp'.rII; eoa ~Ih .wen.. 1iI0Y1h St Cbud, MN M301 Downtown Sidewalk aQd Patb Construction .1'IIIftt'~1lI",", fMAr ""-I'LNr,lII"IgrDto:Iol~.,"""T IId""D'IIIIllI"'lIIIoH;ItIIlI~ Ntl;T AllChoIDo_ ....I. :~'~'- ~ Nil, l;It-lJ-tll ,,~..., unl "".'~J1;'IoII. lllljl;, ~" :'Z~1kilI ~AX2SM1/ll - ENGlNl;lfls _ PlNaoi~&" MONTICELLO, MINNESOTA nl~-cNl} I , I I L ~ . I . . p , ., f,'. ~- ---- .............,~~."' 4TH STREET ---.,.--,-------..."------o.".~"~." --.-..-------~ -.~~..----.~-..--.-~-__r i ; i i i i i i i ! i ! 1 i i i i \ \ \ \ \j 1 i ! i i i i i i ! i i i ! ! ! i i .-_.---~---- -.------.--.-.--..--.J <" ., ., \ \ \/ ) ~-;:~~~,:", 3RD STREET -..-.-..-r..-----..-.~-!l) :~ \~ 4- WSB ~:l-411K'O d.";~I.iIIt, fM.~,:',U1 INfI'RA.STlI.IJC'ruAi . E~NI!ERB .. 'lANNERII 1D'tot~10IIDP... eoo :iI!51h "'~n~ 5~ St. CIoLlli, UW~1 .---"\- \ iffl ~~ a'" "'.., "", ..." :!'" ~, "0 " " ~i !~ ---a~_ _ i ~ r--r- ...., Downtown Sidewalk and Path Construction MONTICELLO, MINNESOTA .\~, ".'""."'.__.~.._~-~_._'--'~-~"_.._,-~---"",._-"',..,_ ~""--=:=-n::C'__',rr:---...".,~~,,,,,--= .1) o~;. '.~f'~---~~..~-._--_.~-..~- -..--.___~.__ i ~r-"-'- i \~ i I 9: I ,jj I; 11~; /""'. I r '" ( I "-,;;: \_,,''\ / .' i ~~ ) , "-i--.:~:r-- 1/ ' ; I I " j- I I I I , I ! I r " t """ril ~~~ i 'I'~H i ~= -'"'-lj VI .-... J, I ",8 I"" '-'1 (r i ~ '-0.) i i i i i ()I i i.~.__-_.._.._______.. ____.____.__.__ A~~~ .'\.~~~,.,==.": ""ill i:!5 "0., ~~ ..." (';~['~; II i, :1r---------..--.---1------u-..----. t- gJ RIa @) @ e . ~~ I l.1fl ~ m i o~ i~ ;: ~~~~~:i - 111;:7; ~ ~1'I'I~,.,~l!i"... ~ -;---j r;; Rl;I~o;: ;; 0 rl:l:l' > "".I"I"I:J;I ~ :;;~ ~ :=p.):tII ~ ~! g a: rrr~", ~" ~i ~,,!; . ;~ ~ a ~ I~ UIIJlr. .....r _ ,."....P'I[~IU'-IIII ..-r f~~9f~:"~ - J./~ .. ~". L J UllN. ~.~. .~~: lIt"t~..~\ ~I~:, ~' U~,~! '~ ..,~,,~. UI5-.aol .--. . . . J~ , City COllncil Agenda - 09/24/01 Consideration of constructin -,. athwav se Jment between ISTEA trail and Red Oak Lane neilJ:hborhood. (.TO) REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND The City Council is asked to consider ord ring change order to the pathway project by adding a short connecting pathway segme t between the Red Oak Lane neighborhood and the new pathway extending along the powerline. The City owns the 3D' wide outlot between two residential properties throug which the pathway will be extended. The connecting pathway has been in the path ay plan for years but was missed when the ISTEA plans were put together. Fortunat ly. this oversight was caught in time to be completed with the ISTEA project. Ther will be cost savings if done in conjunction with the current project. The adjoining property owners have been contacted. The property owners to the west request were that the project be complete with as little impact to the outlot as possible. The property owners to the east have bee contacted by voice mail. The cost to clear grub and pave the pathw y is $ /1, 33tt,. It is proposed that the City utilize the pathway fund to pay for this m' ni-project. Staff will attempt to add this to the ISTEA project with the hopes of having 8 % of the cost paid via the grant. If it is not possible to have this additional work paid via the grant. the City would then need to use the pathway fund generated by new devel pment or utilize general 1lmds. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS 1. Motion approving a change order xtending a trail segment through the outlot as proposed. 2. Motion to deny approval of deve! ping a connecting segment. STAFF RECOMMENDATION City staff recommends alternative 1. Eve1 though it is a short segment it is an important section of trail because it provides direct. ccess to the trail and Meadow Oaks Park for about 8 - ! 0 homes. By providing direct ccess the problems associated with people cutting between properties will be avoide . The~ to complete the trail ~ will be ~heaper than if it is done in the future, an funds are available. /4;s l1.utcls Ie, "e ,/e~,z, t.. ~ d u...-, t:" C ':0 SUPPORTING DATA /=""5' 'fNe l Area trail map - -~---~~ L)J. =-, ~'.l---'l'-~ --- "'-.. ___...\."/ ""./ -----...00_.._.._ \-:1"',.". ~ :t s- ~i 'tI& CD CD ~U) ~ a: co QJ .... <( "0 QJ o .~ QJ en ot ~ tG o ~~ ~~~j ~I\jUJt;:\;l /" \ // --( \/---\---\ \Z ~\ }~:~--=- .~~ y,=;:J~C;)/ . /\__ ~(Il~;- ~-~~ ~~-I(/ ~{~f(\\/~ - '/ J . - -i ~<~. ,H 111/ ../ _V~~ '0 II'/;- - --- -- o .c:: / (,)1 ' ; { I -- ~.~..::.;... -----.-.-- . . 0'" ,..,0 ,..,..; "'''' UQ: ....'" f-::> zo au :>: 0 "'.. 0 -D :><0 t:~ u"'Q: ....0 00 "'.... 111.. 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