City Council Agenda Packet 03-09-1998 . . . AGEN A REGULAR MEETING - MO CELLO CITY COUNCIL Monday, March 9,1998 - 7 p.m. Mayor: Bill Fair Council Members: Clint Herbst, Brian Stum f, Roger Carlson, Bruce Thielen 1. Call to order. 2. A. Approval of minutes of the speci. I meeting held February 23, 1998. B. Approval of minutes of the re ar meeting held February 23,1998. C. Approval of minutes of the sped I meeting held March 2,1998. 3. Consideration of adding items to the a enda. 4. Citizens comments/petitions, requests, and complaints. 5. Consent agenda. A. Consideration of a request for a conditional use permit allowing a commercial planned unit develo ment. Location: Lot 1, Block 1, Monticello Mall. Applicant, Ba Fluth. B. Consideration of a preliminary lat and final plat request for a residential subdivision to be kn wn as Eastwood Knoll Second Addition. Consideration of rezo ing request to rezone from R-PUD to R-1. Location: Outlot A, Lots 1 2, and 3, Block 3, Meadow Oak Estates; and Outlot C, Eastwoo Knoll. Applicant, City of Monticello. C. Consideration of approving fina plat and development agreement governing River Mi1l3rd Additi n. D. Consideration of a resolution ac epting a petition and authorizing preparation of plans and specifi ations for the Kjellberg West sanitary sewer extension. E. Consideration of approving cha ge order #11 for Project 93-14C, Wastewater Treatment Plant E pansion. F. Consideration of a request for a conditional use permit within the R-2 zoning district to allow a churc facility and a variance from the front yard setback. Applicant, St. Pe er's Lutheran Church. Agenda Monticello City Council March 9, 1998 . Page 2 G. Consideration of a conditional u e permit allowing a residential planned unit development in an R-PUD zone. Location: Outlot D, Klein Farms. Applicant, E & K evelopment. 6. Consideration of items removed from t, e consent agenda for discussion. 7. Consideration of a comprehensive pI amendment for the south and west growth areas adjacent to the city of M nticello. Applicant, Monticello Planning Commission. 8. Consideration of bills for the first half f March, 1998. 9. Adjournment. . . . MINUT S SPECIAL MEETING. MONT CELLO CITY COUNCIL Monday, February 23 1998. 5:30 p.m. Members Present: Bill Fair, Brian Stumpf, oger Carlson, Bruce Thielen Members Absent: Clint Herbst A special meeting of the City Council was he d for the purpose of discussing annexation issues in a closed session and dis ussing general items as brought forward by Council members. The following terns were discussed. 1. The meeting was closed to the public t discuss with City Attorney Dennis Dalen a potential joint annexation agr ement with Monticello Township. A MOTION WAS MADE BY BRIAN STU PF AND SECONDED BY BRUCE THIELEN TO ACCEPT THE JOINT ANN XATION AGREEMENT AS MODIFIED BY THE TOWNSHIP. Motion carried u animously. A MOTION WAS MADE BY BRUCE THIELEN D SECONDED BY BRIAN STUMPF TO . REOPEN THE COUNCIL MEETING. Motion c rried unanimously. 2. City Engineer Bret Weiss presented i ormation regarding Monticello area transportation improvements. There being no further items to discuss, the eeting was adjourned. Karen Doty Office Manager . 2-1t . . . MINU ES REGULAR MEETING - MO ICELLO CITY COUNCIL Monday, Febru 23,1998.7 p.m. Members Present: Bill Fair, Brian Stumpf, Roger Carlson, Bruce Thielen Members Absent: Clint Herbst Mayor Bill Fair announced that the City Co cil met in a closed session at 5:30 to discuss annexation issues with the City Att rney, after which the meeting was reopened and the City Engineer presented i fonnation on area transportation improvements. City Administrator Rick Wolfsteller also not d that the audio equipment was not working; therefore, the meeting could not be recorded. 2. A A MOTION WAS MADE BY BRUCE THI LEN AND SECONDED BY ROGER CARLSON TO APPROVE THE MINUTE OF THE REGULAR MEETING HELD FEBRUARY 9, 1998, AS WRITTEN. Mot on carried unanimously with Clint Herbst absent. 3. A. Update on small group discussi n regarding community center _ no action taken. 4. None. 5. Consent a2'enda. Councilmember Bruce Thielen request d that item 5D be removed from the consent agenda for discussion. A. n li n and Joyner Lanes. Recommen, ation: Adopt a resolution approving the Lions Club application for ga bling license renewal at Joyner Lanes and Hawk's Sports Bar. E RESOLUTION 98-5. Page 1 2..8 . D. E. . F. G. Council Minutes - 2/23/98 B. r i inE mi D n Partnership ofWri~ht County. Recommendation: Approve continued membership in the conomic Development Partnership of Wright County at a cost of$l, 04.50 as invoiced with the Chamber of Commerce responsible for the 500 balance of the membership dues. C. n I i il' li i D n r n renewals. Recommendation: Formally indicate that the City of Monticello does not waive the onetary limits on tort liability established by Minn H. li li li i n-- ri Countv Ducks Unlimited. Rec mmendation: Adopt a resolution approving the gambling license pplication for the Wright County Ducks Unlimited. SEE RESOL TION 98-6. A MOTION WAS MADE BY ROGER CAR SON AND SECONDED BY BRIAN STUMPF TO APPROVE ITEMS 5A, 5B, 5 , 5E, 5F, 5G, AND 5H OF THE CONSENT AGENDA AS RECOMMENDED. Motion arried unanimously with Clint Herbst absent. . Page 2 ~f; . . . 7. 6. 5D. Council Minutes - 2/23/98 ron Councilmember Bruce Thielen equested information on how the new position would fit into the curre, t organizational structure. City Administrator Rick Wolfst ller reported that the responsibilities of the Development Services Te hnician had expanded, and staff felt it was appropriate to retitle the p sition to Community Development Administrative Assistant. AIth ugh many of the same duties would remain with the Administrative Assistant, this position would also be responsible for city participatio in special projects and community events and would be more heav' y involved in the Parks Commission. Therefore, some of the current ST duties would be assigned to a new position entitled Community De elopment Secretary. Councilmember Bruce Thielen s ggested that the City form a personnel committee to address personnel and organizational structure issues. AFTER DISCUSSION, A MOTION AS MADE BY BRUCE THIELEN AND SECONDED BY ROGER CARLSO TO AUTHORIZE THE CREATION OF THE COMMUNITY DEVELOPME T ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT POSITION AS PROPOSED. Votin in favor: Bruce Thielen, Roger Carlson, Bill Fair. Opposed: B . an Stumpf. Absent: Clint Herbst. Motion carried. A MOTION WAS MADE BY BRUC THIELEN TO ESTABLISH A PERSONNEL COMMITTEE TO P OVIDE INPUT ON PERFORMANCE APPRAISALS, ORGANIZATION STRUCTURE, AND OTHER ITEMS DEEMED NECESSARY OR APPR PRIATE BY STAFF. Motion died for lack of a second. No other action was taken at this time. I n fill n r. Mr. AI Deruyter updated the Council 0 the status of the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency and County oard actions to date regarding the proposed expansion of the Superior La dfill and requested that Council consider voicing their opposition to the Wright County Commissioners. Page 3 tf, . . . Council Minutes - 2/23/98 Public Works Director John Simola al 0 noted his concern regarding the size of the proposed expansion and recom ended that the Council ask the County Commissioners to oppose such a large expansion. After discussion, it was the consensus of the Council to direct staff to draft a letter specifying the City's concerns re arding the landfill expansion for review at the special meeting schedul d for Monday, March 2, at 7 p.m. 8. Mr. Chuck Rickert ofWSB & Associat s briefly reviewed the School Boulevard Traffic Study, which includ d School Boulevard from Highway 25 to County Road 118. The purpose of t e study was to determine the operational characteristics of the road ay, including what recommendations and/or improvements were required to safely and efficiently accommodate vehicular and pedestrian traffic on Sc 001 Boulevard. The study included review of existing conditions, develop ent offuture year traffic projections, and roadway and traffic control analy es. City Administrator Rick Wolfsteller a ded that the Police Commission reviewed the traffic study and recomm nded that it be forwarded to the Council for consideration. He noted t t, although there was still mixed opinion as to the conclusions presente in the report regarding stop signs along School Boulevard, the Police Co mission did support the recommendations as noted with the derstanding that traffic patterns would be reviewed in five years to see 'fthe new high school traffic warranted any other improvements. AFTER DISCUSSION, A MOTION WAS ADE BY BRUCE THIELEN AND SECONDED BY ROGER CARLSON TO A CEPT THE SCHOOL BOULEVARD TRAFFIC STUDY AND RECOMMENDAT ONS AS FOLLOWS: 1. REVISE THE INTERSECTION T FIC CONTROL AT OAKWOOD DRIVE TO STOP OAKWOOD DRIVE, ALL WING SCHOOL BOULEVARD TO BE THE THROUGH STREET. 2, PROVIDE ADDITIONAL POLICE NFORCEMENT DURING SCHOOL START AND END TIMES TO HEL REDUCE THE SPEED DURING THESE TIMES. 3. RAISE THE PEDESTRIAN CROSS NG SIGN AT THE MID-BLOCK CROSSWALK TO MEET THE 7-FT MINIMUM HEIGHT REQUIREMENT. ADD AN ADDITIONAL CROSSW A K AT A MID-BLOCK LOCATION BETWEEN EIDER LANE AND PE ICAN LANE IF NEEDED. 4, Page 4 zh . . . Council Minutes - 2/23/98 5. ADD "STOP AHEAD" SIGNS APP OACHING COUNTY ROAD 118. 6. REVIEW THE INTERSECTION 0 ERATION IN THE NEXT FIVE YEARS TO DETERMINE IF ADDITION LANES MAY BE NEEDED AT THE INTERSECTION OF OAKWOOD RIVE AND FALLON AVENUE. MOTION ALSO INCLUDED DIRECTING STAFF TO FORWARD A COPY OF THE STUDY TO THE COUNTY TRANSPORT TION COMMITTEE WITH THE REQUEST THAT THEY REVIEW THE T FIC COUNTS ON COUNTY ROAD 117 FOR POSSIBLE CHANGING OF STOP S GNS AT COUNTY ROAD 117 AND SCHOOL BOULEVARD. Voting in favo : Bruce Thielen, Roger Carlson, Bill Fair. Absent: Clint Herbst. Opposed: Brian Stumpf. It was Councilmember Stumpfs view that th stop signs at County Road 117 and School Boulevard should be reviewed t the time the Oakwood Drive cul-de- sac is completed. Motion carried. 9. Public Works Director John Simola re orted that Superior Services has requested that the curbside recycling ontract be renewed for two years rather than three years, which would esult in the contract expiring at the same time as the garbage hauling con ract with Superior Services. If the two-year contract is approved, the con ract would increase 5% for both individual and apartment pickup. Simola also noted that Superior was c ncerned about the scanners the recyclers must use to account for recy ing credits and would prefer to use a route sheet similar to that used for ga bage pickup. Staff has worked with Superior Services to establish a route heet with bar codes that could be scanned in the office rather than with hand~held scanners in the field. He reported that if the new in-office scan, 'ng system could not be accomplished by June 1, 1998, Superior Services wo ld raise their price for individual homes to $2 per month, which would i crease the contract by $8,568 per year. AFTER DISCUSSION, A MOTION WAS E BY BRIAN STUMPF AND SECONDED BY ROGER CARLSON TO PROVE A NEW TWO-YEAR CONTRACT WITH SUPERIOR SERVICES BASED UP N A 5% INCREASE ON BOTH APARTMENTS AND SINGLE FAMILY, D AN INCREASE IN SINGLE FAMILY TO $2 PER MONTH IF IN-OFFICE SC NING IS NOT COMPLETED BY JUNE 1, 1998. Motion carried unanimously wit Clint Herbst absent. Page 2~ Council Minutes - 2/23/98 . 10. Public Works Director John Simola re orted that the current irrigation system at the biosolids site (Bohanon f: rm) would need to be upgraded in the near future, which was estimated to co t $35,000. In addition, the well upgrade would cost an additional $6,0 0 to $8,000. The current renter, Ewing Farms, proposed to upgrade the irrigation system to a state-of-the-art irrigation unit valued at $53,169 and i crease the rent paid from $100 per acre to $140 per acre for a total of eigh years, during which time the City would receive approximately $99,000 i rent and at the end of the lease would own the irrigation equipment. AFTER DISCUSSION, A MOTION WAS E BY BILL FAIR AND SECONDED BY ROGER CARLSON TO ENTER INTO 8-YEAR LEASE WITH EWING FARMS, UPGRADE THE IRRIGATION S STEM, INCREASE THE RENT TO $140 PER ACRE, AND UPGRADE THE WELL. Motion carried unanimously with Clint Herbst absent. 11. . Economic Development Director Ollie oropchak reported that the EDA approved the year-end reports and bu get at their annual meeting on February 17, and all Greater Monticel 0 Enterprise Fund (GMEF) loan paybacks are current. She also noted hat the EDA met their objective of becoming self-supporting in 1997 and 998. A MOTION WAS MADE BY ROGER CAR SON AND SECONDED BY BRIAN STUMPF TO ACCEPT THE EDA BALAN E SHEET; STATEMENT OF REVENUES, EXPENDITURES, AND CHANGES IN F ND BALANCE; 1998 CASH FLOW PROJECTIONS; AND ANNUAL ACTIVI REPORT AS PRESENTED. Motion carried unanimously with Clint Herbs absent. 12. A MOTION WAS MADE BY BRIAN STU PF AND SECONDED BY ROGER CARLSON TO APPROVE THE BILLS FO THE LAST HALF OF FEBRUARY 1998 AS PRESENTED. Motion carried una mously with Clint Herbst absent. D SECONDED BY ROGER CARLSON TO animously with Clint Herbst absent. A MOTION WAS MADE BY BRIAN STUMPF ADJOURN THE MEETING. Motion carried . Karen Doty Office Manager Page z-b . . . MINU ES SPECIAL MEETING - MON ICELLO CITY COUNCIL Monday, March ,1998 ~ 7 p.m. Members Present: Bill Fair, Clint Herbst, rian Stumpf, Roger Carlson, Bruce Thielen Members Absent: None 2. f Assistant Administrator Jeff O'Neill ported that the small group charged with establishing a common concept Ii r design and financing of the community and training center agree on many points but did not come to an agreement on the financing program. Following were the areas agreed upon by the small group: 1. The basic design and mix of us s as recommended by the task force. 2. The leisure pool and light fitne s areas are important ingredients to a successful community center. 3. Downtown redevelopment and he comprehensive plan are well supported by the proposed loca ion. 4. Other funding sources such as r quor store revenue and available TIF dollars should be used to defra the tax impact. The concept of establishing a sales tax should e shelved. 5. Reductions in the amount of$5 0,000 could be accomplished without negatively affecting the design. 6. The latest finance plan alterna 'ves included estimated operation expenses not covered by operati n revenue. Two options were proposed by the sm I group for Council discussion. The first option proposed building the core facility using lease revenue bonds and allowing residents to vote on construe ion of a water park using general obligation bonds. The second option as to build the core facility and the water park using lease revenue bonds In lieu of sales tax, both options proposed the use of tax increment fina clng and liquor store revenue. Page z.o . Special Council Minutes. 3/2/98 Assistant Administrator O'Neill repo ed that the City Administrator recommended that because the water park would be vital to development of an active community center and woul add a small percent to the cost of the project when considering operation co tlexpense, from a business and community development standpoint, he best option would be to build the entire project under the lease revenu option. However, it was pointed out that Council may wish to conduct a v te on a portion of the project for legimate public policy reasons. Rusty Fifield of Ehlers & Associates r viewed the proposed financing options, which included building the core facil ty and voting now on the water park, with a total project cost of $9,379,239; building the core facility and delaying the vote on the water park, with a tot I project cost of $6,985,868; and building the core facility including th water park, with a total project cost of $9,379,239. Mr. Fifield also noted th t the information presented in the Monticello Times was incorrect in tha the table included the projected tax impact of the wastewater treatment p ant and the operations costs of the community center rather than just th impact of the community center. . The Council then accepted comments nd questions from the public. AFTER DISCUSSION, A MOTION WAS E BY CLINT HERBST AND SECONDED BY BRIAN STUMPF TO PU THE ENTIRE COMMUNITY CENTER PROJECT TO A REFERENDUM UNDER GENERAL OBLIGATION BONDS. Voting in favor: Clint Herbst, Brian tumpf. Opposed: Bill Fair, Roger Carlson, Bruce Thielen. Motion faile A MOTION WAS MADE BY ROGER C SON AND SECONDED BY BRUCE THIELEN TO REQUEST HRA FUNDIN USING LEASE REVENUE BONDS TO BUILD THE CORE FACILITY AND THE ATER PARK, AND INCLUDE THE USE OF LIQUOR STORE REVENUE AND T INCREMENT FINANCING AS DESCRIBED IN THE FINANCE WORKS EET UNDER ALTERNATIVE #2. COUNCILMEMBER BRUCE THIELEN OVED TO AMEND THE MOTION TO LIMIT THE AMOUNT OF LIQUOR STO E REVENUE USED FOR COMMUNITY CENTER FINANCING TO $200,000 AND ADJUST THE LEASE REVENUE BOND ACCORDINGLY. AMENDMENT WAS S CONDED BY ROGER CARLSON. Voting in favor of the amendment: Bill Fair, oger Carlson, Bruce Thielen. Opposed: Clint Herbst, Brian Stumpf Motion for amendment carried. . Voting in favor of amended motion: B 11 Fair, Roger Carlson, Bruce Thielen. Opposed: Clint Herbst, Brian Stumpf Motion carried. Page zu . . . 3. Special Council Minutes - 3/2/98 Mayor Fair requested that Council c nsider approving a letter to the Wright County Board of Commissioners opp sing the massive expansion of the Superior Landfill. A MOTION WAS MADE BY BRUCE TH ELEN AND SECONDED BY CLINT HERBST TO SUPPORT THE LETTER A DRAFTED AND DIRECT STAFF TO SEND THE LETTER TO THE WRIGHT OUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS. Mr. Wayne Yonak, former owner oft e landfill, noted his concern regarding the City's letter opposing the expansi n. It was his view that many questions remained unanswered and that addi onal meetings between the County and the landfill owners should be held to ddress those questions and concerns. Motion carried unanimously. 4. 'n City Attorney Dennis Dalen reviewed the proposed City/rownship joint resolution regarding annexation and oted that any motion made by Council should be subject to review of exhibits by the City Attorney and City Planner since they were not available at this t me. A MOTION WAS MADE BY CLINT HER ST AND SECONDED BY BRUCE THIELEN TO APPROVE THE ANNEXA ION AGREEMENT CONTINGENT UPON EXHIBITS BEING REVIEWED BY THE ITY ATTORNEY AND CITY PLANNER. Motion carried unanimously. SEE R SOLUTION 98-7. A MOTION WAS MADE BY BRIAN STUMPF D SECONDED BY ROGER CARLSON TO ADJOURN THE MEETING. Karen Doty Office Manager Page 3 ~u . . . 5A. Council Agenda - 3/9/98 The Planning Commission reviewed th application and staff report and recommended approval of the conditio al use request, which included a revised site plan, subject to the conditi ns as noted. Please note that a revised site plan was prepared that mi imizes parking loss while achieving landscaping goals of the DA T and the lanning Commission. The proposal submitted also enhanced the cornices s requested by the DAT on the front corners but did not provide enhanced c mice treatment on the back side as desired by the DAT. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Motion to adopt the Planning C mmission recommendation, which is to approve the conditional use p rmit request under the modified site plan. Cub Foods supports the odified plan and associated conditions. 2. Motion to deny the conditionalse permit. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends alternative #1. D. SUPPORTING DATA: Planning Commission agenda supple ent; Revised site plan (3/5/98); Refer to meeting minutes for more informati n. . . . Planning Commission Agenda ~ 3/05/98 8. A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: Barry Fluth, owner of the Monticello Mall, h s submitted a request for approval of a Conditional Use Permit allowing a Planned Uni Development on the mall site. The PUD would facilitate the demolition of the Mall, and re lacement with a Cub Foods grocery store and 8,900 square feet of leased retail space be een the Cub Foods and K-Mart buildings. The PUD is necessary to accommodate a p oject with zero lot line development - a property line exists between the K-Mart parcel and the Mall/Cub Foods site. The project consists of the demolition of the xisting Mall, some reconstruction of the parking lot surface and overlay of the remaindel , a new loading dock facility on the south side of the building, a seasonal garden center in the parking lot, and the removal of the landscaped island which generally separates th K-Mart parking area from the Mall parking area. Cub Foods has expressed a concern wi h the total supply of parking, both on the same parcel as their building, and near the front ntrance. The subject site and the K-Mart site are covered by an agreement for shared p rking and access. The design of the site provides for truck circul tion to a one half of the dock area which requires access to the property from 7th Street a Walnut, circle around to the rear (south) side of the building, then exit around K-Mart ba k to 7th Street. The rest of the dock area would be accessed in the opposite direction. n the east side of the building, the trucks would be driving between rows of parking, mo t likely used by store employees. One of the concerns of staff is the amountf unbroken paving area surrounding the project, and the objectives of the revitaliza ion plan for a more pedestrian-friendly environment. While most grocery custome s are likely to utilize automobiles, the landscaping in the parking area is important for th aesthetic and environmental reasons. It is suggested that row of parking in this area be redesigned to accommodate a significant landscaping element. This is particularly import nt on this side of the property where most of the local views will be from Highway 25. Also of high visibility is the truck dock area on th south side of the building. Working with staff, the plans have been drawn to illustrate a bl ck screen wall on top of the retaining wall adjacent to the east side of the dock. We ould further recommend a landscaping treatment of the area behind the curb adjace t to the 1-94 ramp. Although this area is narrow, a small planting of low shrubs would elp to screen the view of the dock area, while retaining view of the bulk of the building and the store's south wall signage. The proper plant material selection could also help 0 avoid erosion in this area. 8 SA- J . . . Planning Commission Agenda - 3/05/98 At staff's suggestion, the plans have been dra n to provide a more heavily landscaped entrance into the project from Walnut Street. Th s entrance is intended to reflect the City's interest in developing Walnut as its principal do ntown street. Since the Cub Foods store will form the south terminus of this street, it is i portant to pay attention to how the store fits into that scheme. The Design Advisory Tea has made a series of recommendations to accomplish this objective. Many of these ave already been incorporated into the design. Since the project is the direct recipi nt of City financial assistance, the CCD language relating to OAT recommendations akes those recommendations binding, subject to City Council reversal. The OAT reco mendations are summarized as follows: · The main drive aisle from Walnut Stree should be lined with landscaped islands, with no parking on the east side as sho n. · Ornamental light poles line the main e trance, and match those to be used on Walnut Street. · Add a bench to the front of the building to accommodate Heartland Express riders. · Landscaping should reinforce the Cub S ore as an integral "focal point" at the end of the Walnut Street vista. . The building should be complemented wi a cornice detail, similar to the one used on the Edina store viewed by the OAT embers. The plans reflect the ornamental lighting, and xtend that lighting along the front of the building as well. The parking lot lights will be of more standard height, but as designed, should not interfere with the effect of the orname tal street lighting. The building has also been modified from its original form to include a ised panel at the northeast comer. This comer would be the terminus of the Walnut Stre t view. With the added cornice, the effect of this view would be enhanced in keeping wit the goals of the Revitalization Plan. On the main entrance area which is recomme ded for a broader island with no parking, a reflection of the plant materials opposite the riveway, such as the Black Hills Spruce, would help to frame the intended view. The rem inder of the landscape plan provides for landscaping in the islands adjacent to the d iveway which parallels 7th Street. The landscaping in this area would provide slightly ore than the replacement requirements for the island which is being removed. Th additional landscaping on the east as suggested above would help this project com closer to the intent of both the zoning ordinance and the Revitalization Plan. 9 5*11- 2- . . . B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS Planning Commission Agenda, 3/05/98 1. Motion to approve the Conditional Use ermit for a PUO to allow the Cub Foods store and additional retail to be constr cted with a zero lot line, subject to the conditions listed in Exhibit 0, based up n a finding that as amended, the project would substantially comply with the inte t of the City's Comprehensive Plan and Downtown Revitalization Plan. 2. Motion to deny the Conditional Use Per it, based upon a finding that the project does not meet the requirements of the ity's plans and ordinances. 3. Motion to table action on the Conditi nal Use Permit, subject to additional information. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends approval of the Conditional U Permit PUD with the conditions outlined in this report. Although there can be little rgument that the store is only a small modification of franchise architecture, and would e wholly inappropriate in the heart of the City's downtown, its location at the edge of he downtown, adjacent to the freeway, modifies the concern over architecture somewhat The Revitalization Plan accommodates differences such as these in its breakdown of t e area by block. As a result, we believe that the Cub Foods store would fit reasonably ell in this location. With regard to parking supply, it should be oted that the site is relatively close to Ordinance requirements for off-street parking for retail establishments. However, grocery stores commonly attempt to develop more arking than the Ordinance minimums. Therefore, Cub is concerned about the amount 0 parking available, particularly near their main entrance. We would note that while this is n issue, the aesthetic values of the site, and the objectives of the Revitalization Plan sho Id not be abandoned merely to develop more parking. The K-Mart side of the parking a ea is currently underutilized, and should provide adequate overflow during peak times. As a result, we strongly encourage the developer and the City to maximize the attracti eness of the project. O. SUPPORTING DATA Exhibit A - Site and Landscaping Plan Exhibit B - Grading Plan Exhibit C - Building Elevations Exhibit D - Recommended Conditions of Appro al 10 011- 3 ~. Ilbl~ ~ a id!:!1 ml' I . = ~ II', II I t ~ 11; I I I I I I I I I I !' 1I,IIil I '. ~! <J"<(]'<1~~(]""~ . J ! - . I 'OTl3~ D~ "T1V'V'J 011 8LLNO~ ~ ;;~:J ~ NOll Y ^ 3ld 039QdOl,!d ~ . I . .1 it 1'111, "iI'" I III . II I I I l, I I I t I I'. . i.11 " I , I' I :, f . ,I I '1\ i i ,( I, I t I i Ii! ![i I 'i If} I, f .' f:!. .! I!! I' \ I I' , .'J . J f I I In.! I 1 I '. I" I ',I I" I I , II I Iii . Ii. i' j Ilq!! 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H - ~ ~ .: . I, I I "'~ C\\ 1I ~S (L ~ 5A-'-'(P . . . Planning Commission Agenda ~ 3/05/98 Recommended Conditions of Approval Cub Foods/Barry Fluth Conditional Use Pe it PUD 1. Revised Landscaping Plan reflecting the following changes: a. Additional landscaped island alo g the parking area edge, east of the building and adjacent to the liCK" ot. b. Additional landscaping along the outh boundary screening the dock area from view of the freeway ramp. ow shrubs should be considered which retain the view of the building itse . c. Amendment to the plan reflecting a mirroring of materials in the expanded island along the main entrance dri eway as suggested by the OAT. 2. Incorporation of the OAT recommend tions as listed in the OAT minutes of February 12, and summarized in this rep rt. Exhibit 0... Recomme' ded Conditions of Approval 5h MAR-06-98 FRI 11:18 .=..= ~{fT , . . I . I . . . : . . I . . . I . r- ".. . ". , .. : '- 1........_., . . I . , ~...._ l- I I I I I . . I , I . I . . . . . , . , , . , , r..-..~ I ...oJ itA CD AMCON CORP ""D '" ,~ 56 CARS- \ C) I-.._.._-~.._.._-..... ~ -................-..... -.- - I -L i ---r -r@ \ ~ I I @ FAX NO. 6128900064 P,02 _A =--='.1 2lIl .. ...... u aw-.- ~. _ "2-_"'7 j ,.. '12-81-\1:&' . ........ ' ~ EXHIBIT D1 (\i ui (CO',+- 1-0.- KFC LOT PYLe\. ~ CK LOT 39 CARS /'" / ~ NOTES: 1. ADO LOW SHRUBS PER CI1Y RECO~MENDAT10NS 2. EXPAND LANDSCAPE ISLAND AT SOUTHEAST PA KING AREA. .' ADD 3 LANDSCAPE ISLANDS EAST OF BUILDING . FLIP ISLAND SO THE PARKING 1$ ACCESSED F OM THF KF'C LOT BY' I HE KFC OWNER 5. ADO BUS STOP BENCH 6, ADD CORNICE @ THE CUB _ IJ:' AP~l::!OVE.O ~AIN ENTRY ($IMILA TO THE EDINA cue STORE) SA- -1r' ~ &- ~- &- 8._ &- ~- ~- , &- J::._ A_ C'"'_~' ........ ............ _~..._~_IlI". ~..:I~-C~~ ......~.~....IIIIt...'tI;IIt ~~~-- ~a3IISII:"" , ...J ...J <1: ~ 2 g ~ ...J o W ~ ~ Q ~ fa ~ ~ 0 ~ ~ 0' ::E CERTIfiCATION ,.c"'~-"'TI'wf.~ .....,...0"4!IIIo~ ............., ~rc:::lIII~- . ~~~~~~ --c..... _., .... , ~rr,.':::;.o.l tJiTt 3/5/98 D1 ~~1lO. . . . 8. Staff'report on this item was presented by Seve Grittman. Steve Grittman reviewed a new site plan made available by Dale Sonni hisen of Amcon, developer for Cub Foods. The site plan addressed conditions identifie by both the Design Advisory Team (DAT) and staff: 1. Alignment and site design elements ncluding ornamental light poles and landscaping to coordinate with and xtend future Walnut Street improvements. And elimination of parking stalls ba king into the lane of traffic on the Walnut Street entrance by ''flipping'' the cu b island to the west and parking to the east onto the KFC lot. Inclusion oflight poles and landscaping into the "flipped" curb island area to mirror image the imp. ovements to the west. 2. Addition of a bench in front of the ub Store. 3. Inclusion of additional curb islands nto the parking area just east of the Cub Foods Store. 4. Inclusion of a cornice detail extend' ng along the top of raised parapet at the front entry area, and at the southeast an northeast corners of the building. Chairman Frie opened the public hearing d recognized Mr. Brad Johnson, of Lotus Realty and project Developer. Mr. Brad J hnson introduced the project and Mr. Dale Sonnichisen of Amcon, developer for Cub Foods. Mr. Sonnichisen described the site development in detail and agreed that the ite plan would be redesigned to incorporate the elements described above. He explained t at the cornice detail would be difficult to achieve in the southeast and northeast co ers ofthe building as material changes occur. He added that additional landscaping wou d be provided at the new curb islands and area behind curb to the east ans south of the C b building. Chairman Frie recognized Mr. Dave He 'ng, owner of the Country Grill Restaurant. Mr. Henning had concerns relating to visibilit , signage, lighting and access for trucks serving his business. Staff reassured that additio review would be conducted to insure that the concerns of Mr. Henning would be addre sed. Commissioners generally made comment in favor of the plan. Hearing no other comments, Chairman F . e closed the public hearing. MOTION BY ROBBIE SMITH TO RE OMMEND TO THE CITY COUNCIL THAT A CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT BE LOWED FOR A PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT TO ALLOW THE C FOODS STORE AND ADDITIONAL RET AIL TO BE CONSTRUCTED WI H A ZERO LOT LINE, SUBJECT TO THE CONDITIONS LISTED IN EXHIBIT , SUBJECT TO THE REVISED SITE PLAN AS PRESENTED AT THE MEETING, AND SUBJECT TO STAFF REVIEW AND ~ff -, . POSSffiLE MODIFICATION OF THE PL TO ADDRESS THE NEEDS OF THE COUNTRY GRILL, BASED ON A FIND G THAT AS AMENDED, THE PROJECT WOULD SUBSTANTIALLY COMPLY TH THE INTENT OF THE CITY'S COMPREHENSIVE PLAN AND THE DO TOWN REVITALIZATION PLAN. MOTION SECONDED BY RICHARD C Motion passed unanimously. . . Page 8 ~;.1 -' 10 . . . 5B. CounciIAgenda-3/9/98 A City Council is asked to review the astwood Knoll 2nd Addition, which includes replatting of the original M adow Oak Estates, Lots 1, 2, and 3, Block 2. This requested actio is essentially a housekeeping matter stemming from development of the astwood Knoll subdivision a few years ago. With development of the Eastood Knoll preliminary plat, it has always been anticipated to realign property ines at the entrance to the Eastwood Knoll plat in a manner that would al ow development of lots on both sides of the Eastwood Knoll Lane entering t e Eastwood Knoll subdivision. Essentially, the proposed plat takes ortions of Outlot C, Outlot A, and remnants from Lots 1,2, and 3 to create three new residential lots that meet minimum standards, along with pro . ding formalization of the roadway connecting Meadow Oak Avenue to t e subdivision. The Planning Commission recomme ded alternative #1 below. B. ALTERNATNE ACTIONS: 1. Motion to approve the prelimi ary and final plat of the Eastwood Knoll 2nd Addition subdivisio 2. Motion to deny approval of the Eastwood Knoll 2nd Addition subdivision. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION This is essentially a housekeeping m tter. The design is consistent with the approved plan for the Eastwood Knol subdivision. The lots created will meet minimum standards and provide the pportunity for development of these lots for new homes. D. SUPPORTING DATA: Copy of Eastwood Knoll 2nd Addition plat information. 2 . . .' \;. 1 ~ KNOLJL EA--8 _ OOD D ADDITION ;~..-;:~."':~ ~.:'.t~~ ~'..v:'~:'- . - . - ;,; / ,... 10 ./ /,- /' r~~;;'/ 10 / .// ,... \ ...---/ / '\ - , ,~ --- \ -"<' r - [\ \/ C -1 r~\ r; ,,) I \,.' 3:.:.:..:: .: ;,.-:-: _ ~: F;~~ =.!'-:=-;~s..: /' . ;~:w ~=""~~~ :~~ o ~/~ !N=" :JY' :,( lll,.':- ::;;:"." "':"'...:":,0'':' S!: .t~.::; ,"'.:.=~E: 9'" _t:F:;U: -';:. :,';JS -- ~ ~ -- -- .-- - 2 !"v1EACJO~AV' .-.......- -.............-. - -- - -- - ,- -- -- -- :<' ..1 ~ \ 3 ,/'" \ \ \ .; \ ------- -- -' ,-.'-"1111 tv1 E. t., L..) () V V ! ') -, Co 3 i ~ r-- / eN 8~.52.00. ~ " ~---- - - III , ;,. ~ I ~g , 01' ."'2 I 1>), I ~. I .I ....- -- -- - - - \- -- :<' ..J ~J I ,';-: 0 Lv' ~- ,. r- 1:> <- f1l 2 275.jj -- I I I I ,-- I ,...- 11 (" -T. 1 11 1'-" ......,-. C r-l ,),' V V r ) r ) I ) .. ......... _ 4....".P r) c. /3 f(f\/r)i i ........ L..._ L.._ "\ ~ OR:!NT4;TtoN: ~~~/:vi~r~f:Jje;:t~~~='E~ "'IAIUtES l.c 'EC~$ t.4ST_ ~. .wNICJOf'A. s-a -- / . 5C. . . CounciIAgenda-3/9/98 The City Council is asked to consider dopting a development agreement and final plat governing the development f the River Mill 3rd Addition. The subdivision consists of 17 single famil lots, which received preliminary plat approval a few years ago. Approval 0 the final plat for the 17 lots as proposed does not complete the River Mill proje t area. In the next few weeks, a preliminary plat outlining the develo ment of the balance of the site (River Mill 4th Addition) will be presented to the lanning Commission and City Council. Construction activity this spring will 'nclude both the development of River Mill 3rd and River Mill 4th Additions. Fin I platting of the 3rd Addition today will enable construction to start on lots in iver Mill 3rd. The method of financing will follow tn same program as the 1st and 2nd Additions. The utility and road syste will be installed following a private improvement process. This means th t the City will not be financing the project, but the City will require that nds be set aside in a disbursement fund sufficient to pay project and City insp ction expenses. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Motion to adopt development a eement and approve the final plat of the River Mill 3rd Addition subject to City Engineer and City Attorney review and approval and the following conditions: a. Modify Lots 4 and 5, Blo k 4, by increasing the size of Lot 5. b. Modify the intersection b reducing reverse curve. c. Combine Mill Trail Driv and Mill Trail Lane into Mill Trail Lane. d. Mill Trail Lane designat on for road up hill. 2. Motion to deny approval of the evelopment agreement and final plat of the River Mill3rd Addition. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: It is the recommendation of the Assisant Administrator that Council select alternative #1. D. SUPPORTING DATA: Development agreement; Copy of fina plat. . . . DEVELOPER'S GREEMENT RIVER MILL 3R ADDITION RESIDENTIALUBDMSION THIS AGREEMENT, made and ente ed into this 9th day of March, 1998, by and between the CITY OF MONTICELLO, municipal corporation organized under the laws of the state of Minnesota (th "City"), and RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT, INC., a Minnesota corpoation (the "Developer"). WHEREAS, Developer has requested that City grant final approval to a plat to be known as River Mill3rd Addition (the "Subdivision"), said land legally described as set forth in Exhibit A attache hereto and made a part hereof ("Property") which Subdivision shall consist of 17 single family lots and two outlots; and WHEREAS, Developer intends to con troct, install, provide for, and maintain streets, storm sewer, water main, igns, grading, and drainage activities in accordance with the plans and specificati ns as hereinafter described, all at the sole cost and expense of Developer; and WHEREAS, the City has by resolutio adopted on the 9th day of March, 1998, granted final approval to the Subdivis on provided that the Developer enter into the within Agreement and that Developer faithfully perform the terms and conditions contained herein. NOW, THEREFORE, in consideratio of the premises and the mutual promises and conditions hereinafter contain d, it is hereby agreed as follows: 1. Plat Approval. The City agrees to ap rove the Subdivision as requested by Developer on the terms and condition as hereafter set forth. The Developer agrees that the Subdivision shall be d veloped in accordance with the exhibits attached hereto which are he eby incorporated by reference as if fully set forth herein. The exhibits ar : Exhibit B .. Final Plat Prior to the date of filing the plat and protective covenants, Developer must pay to City any and all outstanding e penses incurred by City for plat and other development purposes includin ,but not limited to, engineering, legal, and other professional staff fees. RIVMILL3.AGR: 3/6/98 s-e -' I Page 1 . . . The final plat and protective coven s must be approved and executed in accordance with City and County or 'nances and filed in the office of the Wright County Recorder at Develope's expense no later than June 1, 1998. Failure to file the final plat and prot ctive covenants by this date shall render this Agreement null and void n its entirety, 2. Representations of Developer, As in ucement to the City's approval of the Subdivision and entering into this A eement, the Developer hereby represents and warrants to the City: A. That the Developer is the fee 0 ner of the Property and has authority to enter into this Agreement, B. That the intended use of the p operty is for single family residential development. C. That the Subdivision complies 'th all city, county, state, and federal laws and regulations includin ,but not limited to, City subdivision ordinances and zoning ordinaces. D, That to the best of Developer's knowledge, the Subdivision does not require an Environmental Ass ssment Worksheet or an Environmental Impact Statem nt, but shall prepare the same if required to do so by City or ot r governmental entity pursuant to law and shall reimburse City for al expenses incurred by City in connection with the preparatio of the review, including staff time and attorneys fees. 3. Develooer Imorovements, The Devel per agrees it shall construct, install, and maintain certain public improve ents ("Developer Improvements") on the Property, at Developer's sole cost nd expense, in accordance with the following exhibits: Exhibit C -- Building and Si e Design Plan Exhibit D .. Construction P an Developer agrees the Developer Impr vements shall be performed in accordance with the plans, specificati ns, and preliminary engineering reports approved or to be approved b the City Engineer and the City prior to commencement of construction and t ereafter, in accordance with all City rules, regulations, ordinances, and th requirements of this Agreement, which shall include, but not be limite to, the following: 1. Street grading, graveling, surf: cing, and stabilizing which shall include curbs, gutter and drive ayapproaches. RIVMILL3.AGR: 3/6/98 6C-,,2- Page 2 . . . 2. Storm sewers, including all ne essary catch basins, and appurtenances. 3. Water main, including all app 4. Sanitary sewer, including all a purtenances. 5. Setting oflot and block monu 6. Surveying and staking. 7. Site grading, berming, and Ian scaping consistent with landscape and the City Erosion Control Polic Residential Lots regulation. 8. Establishment of post office cl ster box stands with groups of four or more in the single family resid ntial area, provided that each group shall be no closer than 200 feet from any other group. Post office cluster box stands in the twinh me area shall be in groups of eight or more. 9. The City shall install street na e signs, stop signs, and other traffic control signs at all locations de med necessary by City, at Developer's cost and expense. 10. Sidewalk grading and paving a described on approved plans. 11. Boulevard tree plantings. 4. Permits. Upon execution of this Agre ment, Developer and other necessary parties shall promptly apply for all pe mits, approvals, licenses, or other documents from any and all necessa governmental agencies (which may include the City, Wright County, PCA and DNR) so as to enable Developer to construct the Developer Improvement as herein contemplated. Developer shall use its best efforts to obtain the ame as soon as reasonably possible. In requesting building permits from C'ty, Developer acknowledges and agrees that a per unit lift station, tru water main, and sanitary sewer fee shall be incorporated into each buildi g permit issued by City in an amount of$475/SF, which Developer agrees is fair and reasonable. No grading or building permit shall be issued by Cit unless the plans or application are in conformity with the City comprehensi e plan, this Agreement, and all local, state and federal regulations. The Ci shall, within fifteen (15) days of receipt of plans or building per applic tions, review such submittal to determine whether the foregoing req rements have been met. RIVMILL3.AGR: 3/6/98 s-c ,- 3> Page 3 . . . If the City discerns said plans or app ications are deficient, it shall notify the Developer in writing stating the defi encies and the steps necessary for correction. Issuance of a grading or b ilding pennit by City shall be a conclusive determination that the pI s or applications have been approved as to the requested activity by Develo er and satisfies the provisions of this section. The City shall issue building permits rior to City acceptance of the Developer Improvements provided th t the party applying for the building pennit agrees to withhold requests fo occupancy until necessary Developer Improvements have been installed, w ich include operational and tested sewer and water systems, installation of sod in the front yard, and roadway development sufficiently completed to support access by emergency vehicles, snowplows, and garbage trucks, to be etermined by the City Engineer in his sole but reasonable discretion. Until uch approval is granted, no dwelling may be occupied on either a temporar or permanent basis, except that model homes may be occupied by sales perso el for marketing and related purposes. Notwithstanding this provision, if the eveloper is in default of this Agreement, as hereinafter defined, in ddition to any other remedy provided by this Agreement, City may refuse toissue a certificate of occupancy for any lot or parcel in the Subdivision until eveloper cures the default as provided herein. 5. Pre-Construction Activities. The Deve oper or his engineer shall schedule a pre-construction meeting with City to eview a proposed schedule for construction of the Developer Improve ents. 6. mm em n f n t ti n f D I r 1m r em n . Upon obtaining all necessary govemmental approvals, licenses and pennits, subject to Unavoidable Delays, Developer shall c romence construction of the Developer Improvements within ten (10) days. 7. F' h1i P rn n f n r ti n f 1m r em nt . Developer shall install, construct, and maintain the Su division Items and Developer Improvements in accordance with the t nns of this Agreement. Developer guarantees and warrants the workm ship and materials respecting such Subdivision Items and Developer Impr vements for a period of one year following City's acceptance of the same ("Guarantee Period"). The Developer shall repair or replace, s directed by the City and at the Developer's sole cost and expense, any ork and/or materials that become defective, in the sole but reasonable opinion of the City or its Engineer, provided that City or its Engineer give otice of such defect to Developer within three months following the end f the Guarantee Period. The Developer, or Developer's contractors, s all post maintenance bonds or other security acceptable to City to secure th se warranties. 5' C ' tJ RIVMILL3.AGR: 3/6/98 Page 4 . . 10. . 8. Inspection of Imnrovements. Develo er authorizes the City Inspector and City Engineer to inspect construction of the Developer Improvements as required by City and grants to them license to enter the Subdivision to perform all necessary work and/or in pections deemed appropriate during the construction of the improvements until final certification of acceptance is approved by City for all Developer I provement items and expiration of any applicable warranty period. Inspecti ns by the City are to be logged and reported weekly to Developer. Construction and installation plans s all be provided to City and shall be reviewed by and subject to approval 0 the City to insure that the construction work meets with approv d City standards as a condition of City acceptance. Developer shall cause its contractor t. furnish City with a schedule of proposed operations at least five (5) d ys prior to the commencement of the construction of each type of Subdivisi n Item and Developer Improvement. The City shall inspect all such work i ems during and after construction for compliance with approved specificati ns and ordinance requirements until final certification of acceptance is app oved by City and expiration of any applicable warranty period. 9. Accentance of Improvement. Upon no ification by Developer that any of the Developer Improvements have been c mpleted, within ten (10) days City Engineer shall inspect the Developer mprovement and, at his sole discretion, determine if the Developm nt Improvement(s) has been completed in accordance with the plans, specific tions, and exhibits attached hereto. If the City Engineer determines that he Developer Improvements have been completed in accordance with said re irements, the City Engineer shall give the Developer written notice of the Ci y's acceptance of the Developer Improvements within seven (7) days e ective as of the date of the inspection. If the City Engineer determines that e Developer Improvement(s) is not completed in accordance with said req irements, the City Engineer shall notify Developer in writing of the defi . ency and provide a reasonable date upon which to cure the deficiency. F lure by the Developer to cure within the stated time period shall constitute an Event of Default. 1 i n f D v 10 r I rov . Developer agrees to complete the Subdivision Items and Developer Imp ovements on or before June 1, 1999. The Completion Date as provided her in is subject to Unavoidable Delays as hereinafter defined, in which event th completion date may be extended by the period of such Unavoidable Delay . For the purpose of this section, Unavo dable Delays means delays which are caused by strikes, fire, war, road weig t restrictions, material shortages, weather that renders construction pro ess impossible, causes beyond the RIVMILL3.AGR: 3/6/98 ~ e ''S:age 5 . . . Developer's control or other casualty .0 the Developer Improvements, or the act of any federal, state, or local gove' ment unit, except those acts of the City authorized or contemplated by t . s Agreement. In the event Developer believes an ex ension is warranted, Developer shall request such extension in writing to t e City Engineer and specify the requested length of extension and the reason therefore. The City Engineer shall determine the length of the exte sion, if any, in his sole but reasonable discretion. 11. Ownershin of Improvements. Upon t e completion of the Developer Improvements required to be constru ted by this Agreement, and the acceptance thereof by the City, the D veloper Items lying within the public easements and public right-of-ways a shown on the Subdivision plat shall become City property without further notice or action. Within thirty days thereafter, and before any security as herein required is released, Developer shall supply City with a complete set freproducible "AS BUILT" and "DEVELOPMENT PLAN" plans in a rm acceptable to the City Engineer, without charge to City, which docume ts shall become the property of City. 12. Clean Un. The Developer shall prope ly clear any soil, earth, or debris on City-owned property or public right~o way resulting from construction work by the Developer, its agents, or assigns. 13. Main n n f ds Befi r A e ta e. Developer shall, at its expense, prepare any streets located in the Su division for snowplowing and other maintenance that Developer wishes C ty to undertake prior to formal acceptance by City of such streets. T is preparation shall include, without limitation, ramping any manholes as ecessary to avoid damage to snowplows or other vehicles used in s reet maintenance. Should damage occur to City snowplows or other vehi les during the course of snowplowing or other maintenance procedures prio to formal acceptance of the street by City, which damage is caused by Deve oper's failure to properly prepare or maintain the same, Developer shall p y all such damages and shall indemnifY and hold City harmless for 11 such damage, cost, or expense incurred by City with regard thereto. 14. Erosion and Draina~e Control. The D veloper shall provide and comply with erosion and drainage control provisio s in the landscape plan and City policy requirements as described in paragra h 3(8) and as otherwise required by City. As development progresses, the ity may impose additional erosion and drainage control requirements if, n the sole but reasonable opinion of the City Engineer, they would be usefi and appropriate in controlling drainage and erosion. Developer shal promptly comply with such erosion and drainage control plans and with s ch additional instructions it receives from City. RIVMILL3.AGR: 3/6/98 ~c.., ~age6 . 15. Hold Harmless AlITeement. Develope acknowledges that its failure to implement the plans and exhibits as ontained herein may cause flooding and/or damage to adjoining property wners. In such event, Developer agrees to hold City harmless and inde 'fY City from claims of all third parties or Developer for damages aris ng out of such flooding and/or damages. The parties recognize that time is of t e essence in controlling erosion, In the event of an emergency situation requi 'ng immediate action to prevent loss or damage to persons or property, to be etermined at the sole discretion of City, the notice and cure provisions of para aph 21 shall not apply and City is authorized to undertake any correctiv action it deems necessary to prevent or minimize any such flooding and/or amage. In such event, Developer agrees to hold City harmless and inde 'fY City from claims of all third parties for damages arising out of sai corrective action by City, and agrees to reimburse City for all out-of-pocket expenses incurred by City arising out of the corrective action including, but ot limited to, any costs necessary to re-Iandscape disrupted soils located 'thin the Subdivision. 16. Insurance, A. The Developer will provide and maintain or cause to be maintained at all times during the process of onstructing the Developer Improvements until six (6) mon hs after acceptance of all Developer Improvements and, from time t time at the request of the City, furnish with proof of payment 0 premiums on: . (i) Comprehensive general I ability insurance (including operations, contingent li bility, operations of subcontractors, completed operations an contractual liability insurance) together with an Owner' Contractor's Policy with limits against bodily injury, including eath, and property damage (to include, but not be limited to da ages caused by erosion or flooding) which may arise out of e Developer's work or the work of any of its subcontractors, Limits for bodily injury 0 death shall not be less than $500,000.00 for one pers nand $1,000,000.00 for each occurrence; limits for pro erty damage shall not be less than $200,000.00 for each occ rence. The City, City Engineer, and Developer's Engineer sh 11 be an additional named insured on said policy. Developer s 11 file a copy of the insurance coverage with the City upon reque t. . (ii) Worker's compensation i surance, with statutory coverage. RIVMILL3.AGR: 3/6/98 5"c..,'7 Page 7 . . . 17. Securitv for Cost of Improvements. F r the purpose of financing the construction, installation, and mainte ance of the Developer Improvements, and to pay all associated costs and ex enses of City as described in paragraph 18, Developer shall, upon e ecution of this Agreement, execute and deliver to Century Bank National Association ("Lender") a Note and Mortgage encumbering the property i an amount not less than $70,000 (includes amount 15% above construct' on cost plus trees). The proceeds of this loan shall be escrowed by Lender nd disbursed only in accordance with the terms and conditions of a certain isbursement Agreement attached hereto as Exhibit H and incorporated y reference herein. No work shall be commenced under t 's Agreement until the Note, Mortgage, and Disbursement Agreement have b en executed and certified copies filed with City. 18. ResDonsibility for Costs. The Developer shall pay all cos s incurred by it or City in connection with the development of the Su division, including but not limited to construction of Developer Impr vements, legal, planning, engineering, and inspection expenses incurr d in connection with approval and acceptance of the Subdivision p at, the preparation of this Agreement, and all reasonable costs and ex enses incurred by the City in monitoring and inspecting dev opment of the Subdivision. A. The Developer shall pay in full all bills submitted by the City within thirty (30) days after receipt. I the bills are not paid on time, the City may halt all plat development ork until the bills are paid in full. B. C. The Developer shall hold the C ty and its officers and employees harmless from claims made by tself and third parties for damages sustained or costs incurred res lting from Subdivision plat approval and development. The Develo er shall indemnify the City and its officers and employees for all c sts, damages, or expenses which the City may payor incur in conse uence of such claims, including reasonable attorneys fees, pro ded that nothing herein shall require Developer to indemnify the Cit , its officers or employees from any violation of law or from the consequences of their own negligence. D. The Developer shall reimburse the City for its costs incurred in the enforcement of this Agreement including engineering and reasonable attorneys fees. RIVMILL3.AGR: 3/6/98 s-~",cr Page 8 . . . 19. Required Tree Plantin~ ./ The Developer shall be responsible fi r installation of boulevard tree plantings as required by the city ord'nance. Required subdivision trees must have a trunk diameter of at least tw inches (2") at one foot (1') above ground. Required trees must be protected an supported by approved tree guards. Not less than two (2) or more than tree (3) species of trees shall be planted in any block, and neither less than t enty percent (20%) nor more than fifty percent (50%) of the total trees plant d in a block may be of the same species. On lots with a single frontage or for orner lots with double frontage on two minor streets, two trees to be plante per street frontage. Trees must be planted at a location between 4 feet nd 10 feet from the curb. The Developer shall take into account th presence of utility systems when establishing the precise location wit 'n the stated acceptable range from the curb. In areas where sidewalk is bei g installed, trees shall be planted between the curb and the sidewalk 4 5 feet behind the curb. On lots with frontage on a minor street and School Boulevard, two trees planted per the requirements in the aragraph above on the minor street frontage and two trees planted in th School Boulevard boulevard at a location determined by the City. The Developer is free to direct builde s to plant trees as required under the ordinance and this development agre ment; however, the Developer is ultimately responsible for complianc with the tree planting requirement. This expense shall be incorporated i 0 the disbursement agreement. 20. Miscellaneous. A. This Agreement shall be bindi g upon the parties, their heirs, successors or assigns, as the c se may be. B. Third parties shall have no rec urse against any party under this Agreement. Future residents f the plat shall not be deemed to be third-party beneficiaries of thi Agreement. C. If any portion, section, subsect on, sentence, clause, paragraph, or phrase of this Agreement is fo any reason held invalid, such decision shall not affect the validity oft e remaining portion of this Agreement. D. So long as the City uses its bes efforts to review plans and inspect improvements, the Developer hall have no cause of action for damages attributable to delays in the construction and completion of said Items. RIVMILL3.AGR: 3/6/98 5"c - 'I Page 9 . . . E. No one may occupy a building r which a building permit is issued on either a temporary or permane t basis until sanitary sewer and water lines have been installed, hook d up, tested, and approved by the City. F. The action or inaction of the Ci y as to the exercise of any of its rights or remedies upon an event of d fault shall not constitute a waiver or amendment to the provisions 0 this Agreement as to future events of default. To be binding, amend ents or waivers shall be in writing, signed by the parties, and appr ved by written resolution of the City Council. The City's failure to p omptly take legal action to enforce this Agreement shall not be a waive or release as to any event of default. G. This Agreement shall run with he land and shall be recorded in the office of the Wright County Rec rder. After completion of all of Developer's obligations hereun er, at Developer's request City will execute and deliver to Develope a release of this Agreement in recordable form. H. Both parties to this Agreement cknowledge that they have been represented by counsel, or are ware of their right to counsel, and have entered into this Agreement fre ly and voluntarily. 21. nt. Developer represents and agrees that (except for associating wit other individuals or entities), prior to the completion of the Developer Impr vements as certified by the City: A. Except only by way of security or, and only for the purpose of obtaining financing necessary t enable the Developer or any successor in interest to the Property, or a y part thereof, to perform its obligations with respect to the onstruction of the Developer Improvements nnder this Agre ment, and any other purpose authorized by this Agreement, he Developer (except as so authorized) will not make or create, or suffe to be made or created, any total or partial sale, assignment, conve ance, or transfer in any other mode or form of with respect to this Agr ement or any interest therein, or any contract or agreement to do an of the same, without the prior written approval of City. B. In the absence of specific writte agreement by the City to the contrary, no such transfer or ap roval by City shall be deemed to relieve Developer from any of it obligations. In the event that City approves a substitute developer and the Property is transferred to said substitute, the City agrees to re ieve the Developer ofliability from performance as described in thi contract. Said substitute shall assume all responsibilities and . ghts of the Developer under this contract. RIVMILL3.AGR: 3/6/98 S-c _/0 Page 1 0 . . . 22. Events of Default Defined. The follo 'ng shall be "Events of Default" under this Agreement and the term "events f default" shall mean, whenever it is used in this Agreement (unless the co text otherwise provides), anyone or more of the following events: A. Failure by the Developer to obs rve and substantially perform any covenant, condition, obligation r agreement on its part to be observed or performed under the terms 0 this Agreement, or the Disbursement Agreement by and between Cit , the Developer and Lender. B. If the Developer shall admit in riting its inability to pay its debts generally as they become due, r shall file a petition in bankruptcy, or shall make an assignment for t e benefit of its creditors, or shall consent to the appointment of a receiver of itself or of the whole or any substantial part of the property C. If the Developer shall file a peti ion under the federal bankruptcy laws. D. If the Developer is in default der the Mortgage and has not entered into a work-out agreement with the Lender. E. If the Developer shall fail to be 'n construction of the Developer Improvements in conformance 'th this Agreement, and such failures are not due to unavoidable dela s as defined in this Agreement. F. The Developer shall, after co en cement of the construction of the Developer Improvements, defa t in or violate its obligations with respect to the construction of th same (including the nature and the date for the completion thereof) or shall abandon or substantially suspend construction work, and such act or actions is not due to unavoidable delays as determin d by the City Engineer in his sole but reasonable discretion and any s ch default, violation, abandonment, or suspension shall not be cured, e ded, or remedied within the time provided for in this Agreement. 23. Notice/Remedies on Default. Whenev r any Event of Default occurs, the City shall give written notice of the E nt of Default to Developer by United States mail at its last known address. If the Developer fails to cure the Event of Default within fifteen (15) da s of the date of mailed notice, in addition to any other remedy provided in this Agreement, and without waiver of any such right, City may av '1 itself of any or all of the following remedies for so long as the Developer i in default: A, Halt all plat development work nd construction of Developer Improvements until such time a the Event of Default is cured, RIVMILL3.AGR: 3/6/98 ~c.,,1I Page 11 . . . 24. B. Refuse to issue building permit or occupancy permits as to any parcel until such time as the Event of Default is cured. C. Apply to a court of competent j risdiction to enjoin continuation of the Event of Default. D. Exercise any and all remedies vail able to City pursuant to the Disbursement Agreement. If t e Event of Default is the failure of Developer to complete, constru t, install or COITect the Developer Improvements in accordance th the plans and specifications and this Agreement, City may perform t e construction or work and apply to Lender pursuant to the Disbur ement Agreement to reimburse City for its expenses. This provision sh II be a license granted by the Developer to the City to act, bu shall not require the City to take any such action. Developer consent to such action by City and waives any claim Developer may have agai st City for damages in the event City exercises its rights in accordan e with this provision. E. Terminate this Agreement by .ritten notice to Developer at which time all terms and conditions a contained herein shall be of no further force and effect and all obligati ns of the parties as imposed hereunder shall be null and void. Miscellaneous. A. This Agreement shall be bindin upon the parties, their heirs, successors or assigns, as the ca e may be. B. If any portion, section, subsecti n, sentence, clause, paragraph, or phase of this Agreement is for y reason held invalid, such decision shall not affect the validity of t e remaining portion of this Agreement. C. The action or inaction of the Cit shall not constitute a waiver or amendment to the provisions of this Agreement. To be binding, amendments or waivers shall b in writing, signed by the parties, and approved by written resolution fthe City Council. The City's failure to promptly take legal action to nforce this Agreement shall not be a waiver or release. D. Future residents of this Subdivi ion shall not be deemed to be third party beneficiaries of this Agree ent. This Agreement shall run with he land and shall be binding upon the Developer, its successors and as igns. The Developer shall, at its expense record this Agreement 'n the Office of the Wright County Recorder. After the Developer as completed the work required under this Agreement, at the Develope's request the City will execute and deliver to Developer a release in recordable form. E. RIVMILL3.AGR: 3/6/98 5C -;a!e~ . . . F. All parties to this Agreement a knowledge they have been represented by counsel and have entered illj 0 this Agreement freely and voluntarily. I 25. Notices. Required notices to the Dev loper shall be in writing and shall be either hand delivered to the Develope, or mailed to the Developer by United States mail, postage prepaid to the fo lowing address: 15 Choctaw Circle, Chanhassen, MN 55317, Attention: r. Rick Murray. Notices to City shall be in writing and either hand deliver d to the City Administrator or mailed to City by United States mail, po stag prepaid to the address: 250 East Broadway, PO Box 1147, Monticello, N 55362. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, City and Develo er have signed this Developer's Agreement the day and year first written a ove. CITY OF MONTICELLO CITY OF MONTICELLO By: By: William Fair Its: Mayor Rick W olfsteller Its: City Administrator STATE OF MINNESOTA) )ss. COUNTY OF WRIGHT ) The foregoing instrument was ackno ledged before me this day of , 1998, by William Fair an Rick Wolfsteller, the Mayor and City Administrator of the City of Monticello, a M nnesota municipal corporation, on behalf of the corporation. Notary Public RIVMILL3.AGR: 3/6/98 5"c:. -13 Page 13 . . . RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT, INC. By: Its: STATE OF MINNESOTA) ) ss. COUNTY OF WRIGHT ) The foregoing instrument was ackno ledged before me this day of , 1998, by its of Residential Development, Inc., a Minnesota corporation on behalf of the corporation. Notary Public This Instrument Drafted By: Olson, Usset, Agan & Weingarden 6600 France Avenue South Suite 590 Edina, MN 55435 '5 c ...1 'I- RIVMILL3.AGR: 3/6/98 Page 14 . . . EXHIBI A Legal Descl'ption Outlot D of the River Mill subdivision RIVMILL3.AGR: 3/6/98 s-c... ' , S Page 15 . . . EXHIB B Plat of River Mill 3rd Additio Residential Subdivision See attach d plat S-c "lip RIVMILL3.AGR: 3/6/98 Page 16 . . . EXHmITS C AND D Exhibit C Building and Site PI Exhibit D Construction Plan Exhibits C and D are available and on file t the office of the Monticello City Engineer, WSB & Associates, Inc., 350 Wes wood Lake Office, 8441 Wayzata Boulevard, Minneapolis, MN 55426. RIVMILL3.AGR: 3/6/98 5"C ,. 17 Page 17 . . . EXH IT E Disbursemen Agreement See att ched 6~ " /fjf RIVMILL3.AGR: 3/6/98 Page 18 . DISBURSEMEN AGREEMENT THIS AGREEMENT, is made and e tered on March 9,1998, by and between I I I Residential Development, Inc., a Minnesot . Corporation ("Developer"), Century Bank National Association ("Lender"), and he City of Monticello, a Minnesota Municipal Corporation ("City"). WHEREAS, the Developer is the 0 er of the real property described in Exhibit A attached hereto, commonly know as River Mill 3rd Addition ("Subdivision"); WHEREAS, on March 9, 1998, the D eloper and the City made and entered into a Development Agreement, a copy of w . ch is attached as Exhibit B, . ("Development Agreement") concerning the onstruction of certain improvements to the Subdivision as described therein ("Devel per Improvements"); WHEREAS, on , 1998, the Developer and the Lender made and entered into a Loan Agreement (" oan Agreement") wherein the Lender agreed to loan the sum of $270,000 to the De eloper for the purpose of constructing the Developer Improvements and other relat d development costs; WHEREAS, on , 19 8, the Developer, as maker executed and delivered to the Lender, as payee, a pro . ssory note in the sum of $270,000 with interest thereon payable as described th rein, and said note was secured by a Mortgage executed and delivered by Develope , as mortgagor, to Lender, as . Mortgagee, encumbering the Subdivision; an RIVMILL3.DSB: 3/6/98 6"c ....'9 Page 1 . . . WHEREAS, the parties desire to es blish procedures concerning the ! disbursement of the funds under the Loan greement. NOW, THEREFORE, in consideratio of the mutual covenants herein and ! other good and valuable consideration, the eceipt and adequacy of which is hereby I ! acknowledged, the parties hereby agree as ollows: 1. Security. The City hereby acc pts this Disbursement Agreement as Security for the construction of the Develop r Improvements, including I establishment of required tree plantings, u ! der the Development Agreement. The liability of the Lender to the City under thi Disbursement Agreement shall automatically be reduced to the extent of a . ances made by the Lender under the Loan Agreement for the Developer Improve ents, provided that said advances are approved in writing by the City. In the event of improper disburseme t, Lender shall be liable to City for any damages arising from any improper disburs ment up to the amount of such improper disbursement. 2. En . . Sathre-Bergquist, Inc. ("Private Engineer") shall certify in writing to the De eloper, the Lender, and City the progress of construction of the Developer 1m rovements at the conclusion of each stage of construction. Such certification sh I set forth the quality of workmanship, the stage of construction according to the pI ns and specifications, the dollar amount of the Developer Improvements com leted to the date of such certification, and the dollar amount of the disbursement ecessary to pay for the certified Developer Improvements. RIVMILL3.DSB: 3/6/98 5"c,,2D Page 2 . . . 3. Anproval by City. Mter recei t of the certification by the Private I I Engineer, the City shall give written notice: to the Developer and the Lender whether the City approves or rejects the D eloper Improvement relating to such certification. The City will use its best efro s to notify the Developer and Lender within ten (10) business days after receipt f such certification by the Private Engineer. The City may perform its own in ependent inspection of the Developer Improvements. 4. Disbursements and Retaina2"e.' If the City approves a certification of the Developer Improvement by the Private ngineer in writing, the Lender may rely upon such approval and, if so instructe by the City, advance no more than Ninety-five percent (95%) of the sum certifie by the Private Engineer for the Developer Improvements. Five percent (5% of all certified sums of the Developer Improvements ("Retainage") may be retaine until the final inspection by the City. The Retainage shall be disbursed after the City completes its final inspection, accepts all Developer Improvements and De eloper provides the necessary maintenance bond to City. If the City reject any item of the Developer Improvement in the certification by the Priv te Engineer, the Lender shall not advance any funds relating to that item ofth Developer Improvements until the 5. n . The City has given its written consent. Certifica . ons not relating to Developer Improvements as referenced in the Develop ent Agreement shall not require the 5% retainage pursuant to this paragraph. City may suspend or terminate the certificati n of the Developer Improvements by the Private Engineer. In such event, the City shall give written notice to the 5"' Co, - 2.1 RIVMILL3.DSB: 3/6/98 Page 3 Developer and the Lender of such suspensi n or termination. Such suspension or . termination shall not affect any certificatio; issued by the Private Engineer prior to the receipt of such notice to all parties. Su:h suspension or termination shall be i prospective only. In the event of such susp I nsion or termination, the City shall I I inspect the Developer Improvements compl ted, certify to the Developer and the Lender the dollar amount of the Developer .mprovements completed to the date of such certification and the amount to be adv nced to pay for the certified Developer Improvements. 6. Final Inspection by the City. ursuant to the Development Agreement, the City Engineer of the City sh 11 make a final inspection of the Developer Improvements. The Private Engi eer shall have no authority to make . the final inspection on behalf of the City. T e City Engineer may object to any construction defects discovered during the fi al inspection regardless of when such defects occurred. The failure of the City to 0 dect to a prior certification by the 7. r . If the Developer commits an Private Engineer shall not be deemed a wai er of the City's right to demand the correction of any construction defects discov red during the final inspection. event of default upon its obligations as impo ed by this Agreement, or pursuant to the Note and Mortgage executed by Develop r, or as defined within the Development Agreement with City and does ot cure the event of default within the time proscribed within the Development Agr ement, the City may give the . Developer notice of the City's intention to te 'nate the private installation of the Developer Improvements and the City may p oceed to let contracts to complete the RIVMILL3.DSB: 3/6/98 5 C, --- '2- 1.--- Page 4 ;", . --".- Developer Improvements. The cost of said ontracts, pI us other obligations of the . Developer under the Development Agreem nt, may be drawn from the remaining unadvanced amount of Lender under this isbursement Agreement. In the alternative, upon default by t e Developer of its obligations under the I Development Agreement following the ab01 described notice, the City may request I the Lender to advance the remaining unad 'anced funds under this Disbursement , Agreement directly to the City, which fund1 the City shall hold in escrow for the exclusive purpose of completing the Develo .er Improvements and satisfying the other obligations of the Developer under th Development Agreement. Upon final completion of the Develop r Improvements, the City shall pay any remaining funds to Lender to be applied as payment on Developer's behalf. The . notice of uncured default shall be signed by he Mayor or the Clerk of the City. Copies of said notices shall also be served 0 the Lender. In the event City does not recoup its c sts in completing the Developer Improvements under the provisions of this p ragraph, as an additional remedy, City may, at its option, assess the benefitted property in the manner provided by Minnesota Statutes ~429.01 et seq. 8. Terms of A2Teement. This Agre ment shall expire on August 1, 1999. This Agreement shall automatically be exten ed for successive six month periods unless Lender gives written notice to the Cit 30 days prior to any expiration date. If the Lender chooses not to extend the Agree ent, and the City desires continued . financial security for the Developer's obligati ns under the Development Agreement, the City may request the Lender isburse to the City the remaining unadvanced amount of this Disbursing Agree ent which funds the City shall hold RIVMILL3.DS8: 3/6/98 6c."L,~ Page5 I in escrow for the exclusive purpose of comp eting the Developer Improvements or . other obligations of the Developer under th Development Agreement. Upon final completion of the Developer Improvements ,and satisfaction of the Developer's I obligations under the Development Agree lent1 the City shall pay any remaining I funds to Lender to be applied as a paymentl on Developer's behalf. i 9. Any request by the City oftheiLender1 which is authorized by paragraphs 7 and 81 shall be honored by th' Lender within three (3) business days after demand is made by the City. 10. Notices. Any notice provided fi' r in this Agreement may be delivered or mailed as follows: Lender: 1145 Viking Drive Ede Prairie1 MN 55344-7247 I Atte tion: Ken Brooks . Developer: 15 C octaw Circle Cha hassen1 MN 55317 Atte tion: Mr. Rick Murray City: 250 : ast Broadway PO B x 1147 Mont cello1 MN 55362 Atte tion: Rick W olfsteller Such notices shall be deemed to have een given when received by all parties. 11. Governinl!' Law. This Agreeme t shall be governed in all respects by the law of the State of Minnesota. 12. Assirnment. The rights of the ity under this Agreement cannot be . assigned. 5C'~'f RIVMILL3.DS8: 3/6/98 Page 6 . . . 13. Bindine- Effect. This Agreem nt shall inure to and bind the parties hereto and their successors and assigns. 14. No Third Partv Rie-hts. This greement is made for the sole benefit of the parties hereto. No other person shall h ve any rights or remedies under this Agreement. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the partie have made and entered into this Agreement as of the first day and year abo written. CITY OF MONTICELLO By: William Fair Its: Mayor By: Rick W olfsteller Its: City Administrator RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT, INC. By: Its: CENTURY BANK NATIONAL ASSOCIATIO By: Its: RIVMILL3.DSB: 3/6/98 6 C,; ..:Z., S- Page 7 ~068S ~ - 0/:08 -< o '" Vi .... III :::J ;: ~::l~ iE r1~ .:l;'li'~"" ~ ~:I:<:S I z . o 0"" ll- :l: I ::J~~j ::E~IIl"J III I ....m ll- l ~j!; '" g ZLaJ .... ~;1;~f!! !1( iTI Cl :::J~ I z'" " ~ "4-tt~oC( ~ ~;;t3t5 __C\lZC I ~ fa d:i~J '" I ""~5i zoiE i3 ::.=b~- I 51 ">- 0 ~ nwt-'-~ti ~ <>@~ili ZCfH.!) UJ -~ri-==~ f;l ~ffiz",~ 5 ~<'.i...Vl C'4UOLl- I ~~~: ~::J~~", ~ I <~ ~!'" I :r:lll~f!! ID < Vl 0 ~ I ;!;!i"'~ ol~~~ '" ~n IDffi~~ z j!;'" ~ I j!z- lhlIJil~ I oi'J'" 0 ~ I W'l)d~ 0 ~~<ffi wz~j!; <0::><0 - .... " ~"" Q ~I?(>; ",,"~ ~ ~ o '" o ,., <> g "" -6'.(' .6'c'" "i'$, 1-" " " o~ I VI '" '" " \ I "1 " /,"( - " J I ""-&> .9 <:r~ ~" 0' ..~, .911; ::) _" I " -<'/;---I " iv '<. \...... k: .s- ..,<:l \.} I <f'~4' ('l J .....4' -"/~ :::.<~ "'.... '<.1 V~I ~ <:. "'.... '~91>~ ~11'" ~r<, ~ ~0'.9. ~ ' ," \ '" ~ '2 ~ ~ :;! ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~1. , -..) -.l st: F m v' I-- .......J 'i- "'" ... O").'f... ~9r '1> "" ""1 \ o~~._ 'h"'< " o --.J f- .~~ I '< -- ~::. .- o \ \ \ \ \ \ ~ \ \ '" ~\ \ f..,c.'!\ \ N""\ ..., "> \ \ , . J o~ \ \ 1- \ \ \ \ \1~.:!J:._">' "...-- __~---./l _ _ _ .:::--:::; _ _~ -\7.0 .Ill! '< I _----.-, r S1~O'9'\!;"'Il I Iln I ~ I I I f'!811 I Ill) " I ~:Q' ! ..- \~ I r ':} l'l '" z ., I I I o "! . . CounciIAgenda-3/9/98 5D. (J.O.) A City Council is asked to consider orderi g plan work in preparation for installation of the sanitary sewer line e tending from its present position at School Boulevard to the northwest edge of the mobile home park. Initiation of the project is consistent with the agre ment recently approved by the City Council; therefore, this item is essential y a housekeeping matter. According to the agreement, the City will install t e utility line once the agreement is executed and a $225,000 escrow deposit is established. At this point in time, the agreement has been signed and we re waiting for the funds. Please note that the alignment for the s itary sewer will likely serve to establish the future road alignment for chool Boulevard extending westerly from Highway 25 through the 60-acre ci y property. The City Planner will be working with the City Engineer in estab ishing a utility/road alignment that results in the best potential for develop ent. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Motion to approve resolution acce ting petition and ordering feasibility study and plans and sp cifications for installation of sanitary sewer service to the Kjell ergs West Mobile Home Park contingent on I\jellbergs providing a $225,000 escrow deposit. 2. Motion to deny ordering feasibility study and plans and specifications for installation of sanitary sewer s rvice to Kjellbergs West Mobile Home Park. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends alternative #1. D. SUPPORTING DATA: Petition for improvements. 4 . PETITION FOR LOCAL IMPROVE NT AND FEASffiILITY STUDY TO THE CITY COUNCIL OF M NTICELLO, MINNESOTA Address: I (We)1 the undersigned owner(s) of the prope y described below petition for a feasibility study pursuant to . 1 Chapter 429 (Local Improvements1 Special Assessments)1 for the Howing improvements: Please indicate with an "X11 the improvements equested: x Sanitary Sewer Bituminous Surfacing . Water Curb and Gutter Storm Sewer Street Lighting I (We) agree to pay 100% of the cost of the feasi ility study. I (We) understand the City Council may pro-rate the cost of the feasib lity study attributable to my property if the scope of the study pertains to ot er benefiting property owners. Description of Property: ;)-~/~/g Date Date Date IMPFEAS.PET; 12/10/97 Sb-J rtkf) , (~s;, ~ . . . 5E. A. rP (J.S.) Council Agenda - 3/9/98 Among other items, Change Order No. 11 involves a change in the location of disinfection of the wastewater using s dium hyperchloride or liquid chlorine CPR #89. The original project propose converting the primary clarifier tank (TK4100) and the intermediate clarifie (TK4200) to chlorine contact tanks. After some additional study, it was de ermined by City staff, HDR, and PSG that the future operation of the plant ould be better served by having chlorine contact in a single tank and a lowing for future demolition of the tanks TK4100 and TK4200 to provide dditional room on site. It was determined that the north final clarifi r, which was to be used as a thickened sludge holding tank, would make an i eal chlorine contact tank and would allow us to bypass the chlorine contact tank operations during the winter months when we are not required to d'sinfect our wastewater. The original design would not allow us to bypass. ith this change, tank 6200 is proposed to be used for the new chlori e contact tank, and tank 6100, which was to be the gravity thickener, would be converted to the thickened sludge holding tank. When going through these changes, w had hoped that the change would not result in a significant cost; however, s me of the bypass piping and valves, which cost up to $6,000 a piece install d, did increase the cost of this change, the total of which is $38,210 (CPR No. 89). The following is a list of all CPR's incl ded in Change Order No. 11: CPR # 47 Underground Plumbing lan, System 7000 Class A Heat Pasteurization . . . . . . .. ....................... $5,145.00 CPR # 59 Add 12" plug valve on W S line outside of TK6000E . $8,183.00 CPR # 82 Extend valve stem on B 3108 for access ......... $2,691.00 CPR # 75 Condensate removal equi ment on the blower intake, R329 .................................. $374.00 CPR # 89 Use TK6200E for chlorin contact, delete work in TK4100E and TK4200E ................................... $38,210.00 CPR # 90 Revise pipe support type ear grid E3 on 24-SDL .... $849.00 5 . Council Agenda - 3/9/98 CPR #92 Add support bracket for SBR ORP cleaning solution tanks ....... ........................ $3,070.00 CPR #97 Insulation of HWS & H for HE8200 on MX82000 for 2nd Stage Digester Tank. ............................. VOID CPR #102 Blower training . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $679.00 CPR #110 Administration Building - gutters. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. VOID Total . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. $59,201.00 B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. The first altemative is to appro e Change Order No. 11 in the amount of $59,201 regarding the chang in disinfection tanks at the wastewater treatment plant, an those other items as listed above. . C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: 2. The second alternative is not to pprove this change. It is the recommendation of the Public orks Director, HDR, and PSG that the City Council approve Change Orde No. 11 as outlined in altemative #1. This change brings the total dollar val e of all changes to date to $195,718.50, leaving approximately $3 8,441.50 in the contingency fnnd. D. SUPPORTING DATA: Copy ofletter from Adolfson & Peterso ; Copy ofC.O. #11 from HDR; Copy of WWTP Site Plan. . 6 Adolfson & Peterson Construction 6701 West 23rd Street Minneapolis, Minnesota 55426 (612) 544.1561 March 6. 1998 HDR Engineering, Incorporated 300 Parkdale 1 Building 5401 Gamble Drive Minneapolis, MN 55416 Attention: Bob Peplin RE: Monticello WWTP Expansion HDR Project No. 08124-004-164, Ci Adolfson & Peterson, Inc. Letter of CPR #89 - Change Location of the Project No. 93-14C ebruary 13, 1998 hlorine Tank. Gentlemen, 8 Mailing Address: P.O. Box 9377 Minneapolis, Minnesota 55440 FAX (612) 525.2333 . We have reviewed CPR#89 and have worked 'th the Owner to coordinate the yard piping modifications. Some oftms work has een performed to accommodate use of tank TK6100E as a temporary chlorine tank and w' 1 have to be paid for, even if this change is not accepted. The additional cost involved with making this hange is $38,210.00. This cost includes a variety of added changes and deletions to our ontract as listed on the attached cost break dO\\tl1 sheet and the included subcontractor's q otes. The Bloomington Electrical price included in his cost of $6,425.00 was provided to A&P by BEe as a lump sum quote and is not to be ater run on a T&M bases. The concrete portion of the change resulted' additional work, adding material and labor, with the cost item including the adds and ded cts for this work. We did not include fillingileveling of the sludge hopper in the ceo er of the existing tank floor. A&P has not included any dollars to perform y coating removals and or any recoating of the existing structures, walls, slabs, etc.; ifthi is required then this will be an add to this quoted price. . 5"€ .., I . . . 03/06/98 A&P #3458 Monticello WWTP 2 Per verbal direction from John Simola we are n t performing the following work items. Removal of the Outlet box outside oft e southwest comer ofTK4000E (TK6200E) by saw-cutting (Drawing D 5, exhibit 89-0-5). This will change the lay-out of the 8" drain line and the 18" ftluent line. These lines will be rerouted to enter the tank on the north side of this ox, the 8" closer to the center of the tank and the 18" just exterior of the box, still keeping it in the effluent discharge area. Demolish all concrete weir troughs in T 4000E by neat saw-cutting as close as possible to the face of wall (Drawing D 6). A&P is to hand form concrete wall over and around these areas. We did n t apply any type of drill-in anchors, rebar, bonding or chipped-in keyways around hese troughs where we pour around. A&P did allow drilling the bottom ofth se weir troughs with 1 1/2" holes, 12 each, see the breakdown sheet. Existing railing was not used, the price i eludes all new railing to meet the code and the specifications. The reinforcing was figured to be a sing e curtain or mat in the new tank walls, typical. The electrical quote does not include th reinstallation of the light pole that was removed to allow for the install the 18" iping along the north side ofTK4000E, TK6200E). The electrical quote does not inelude an cost or work by Automatic SysteIl)s Co.. We removed the existing baffles in the d chlorination tank and did not replace with any type of baffle system. Receiving direction on this change is extremely mportant to our schedule. A&P needs to either start the demolition work items per the 0 ginal contract or, with an approval of this work change, start on these items immediately. Either way this change is holding up work items that will effect the final completion dates fthis contract. Please forward direction as soon as possible. @ 5~-,~ -~..... c 03/06/98 A&P #3458 Monticello WWTP ~ ~ ~ Final approval of this change will be by Clyde erwey, who will be available next week for revIew. Thank you, ADOLFSON & ETERSON, INC. n/ Bob Sykes, Project Supt. cc: file Clyde Terwey John Simola faxed 271-3272. Copy faxed to Bob Peplin ~ 5€ .....3 _.~-- -~. -.. --. --... -.. -- Ado'fson & Peterson, Inc. Change Order Pricing Page: Date: . Project: Monticello WWTP CPR #89 Subject: Chlorine Tank changes Revised Mar 5, 98 Yard Piping - Landwehr Is 1 0 0 36,613 Reinforcing Steel Material - Ambassador 0 1,B32 0 Reinforcing Installed - Bald Eagle 1 0 0 295 Steel/Alum Matis" Std Iron Is 1 0 2,805 0 SteeVAlum Install - KMH Is 1 0 0 1 ,400 Eliminate Cover Termacon Is 1 (2, 00) 0 (14,725) Mechanical - Harris Is 1 0 0 (16,012) Electrical - BEC Is 1 0 0 6,425 Concrete Work Net Change Is 1 11, 13 5,351 0 Drill 1 1/2"holes Weir Trough ea 12 25 00 10 120 0 Remove Clarifier Eq Int. & Prima~s 2 -1200 (2 400) 0 0 Remove Clarifier Eq Final Is 1 1200 1200 0 0 Demo Baffles @ Declorine Tk Is 7 320 2240 50 350 0 Demo Concrete Intermediate Is 1 (2,000) 0 (1,500) Demo Concrete Primary Tks Is 1 (320) 0 (500) Plug piping Is 2 -35 (70) (15) (30) 0 Is 1 0 0 0 Is 1 0 0 0 Field Engineer mh 16 35 560 0 0 Superintendent mh 24 60 ,440 0 0 SUBTOTAL 1 ,763 10,428 11 ,996 Small Tools (7% Labor) 753 Safety As BL!i1t D_rawings e;UBTOTAL 11,516 10,428 11,996 H & P (15% on Lab & Mat, 5% on Subs) 1,727 1,564 600 Permit Fee (1%) Nonei eluded Assumed not required Bondllnsurance 1% 378 TOT AL ESTIMATE 3,244 12,371 12,596 ,c' A TIME EXTENSION of x DAYS WILL BE REQUIRED . (00.'\ ~ 1 of 1 06-Mar-98 36,613 1,B32 295 2,805 1,400 (16,725) (16,012) 6,425 17 ,164 420 (2,400) 1,200 2,590 (3,500) (820) (100) o o 560 1,440 33,187 753 o o 33,940 3,891 o 378 $38,210 5'E-tf . . . MI=F1 06 '98 11: 44 FR HIR ENGI lEER I NO INC 61 ~ 591 5413 TO 92713272 P.01/02 H)~ ~ Change Order No. i1~ I'roject Name: Wastewater Treatment Plant Expansion ~DR PI'Cjeet No.: 08124.01)4.164 Project QlM'1er: City of Monticello, MN OWner's Project No.: 93.14C Date of Issuance: 31G198 Pi'oject Contractor: AdoIfson and Peterson Date of Contract 12/18/96 Period; 12/18196.10115198 It is agreed to modify the Contract referred to above as to I owa: tern No. Item and Description of Changes Contract Price Contract Time Decrease Increase Decrease Increase 1 CPR No. 47 0 $5 145 o days o days 2 CPR No. 59 0 $8. 183 Odave o davs 3 CPR No. 75 0 $2691 Odavs o daYs 4 ....PA No. 82 0 $374 o days o days 5 PR No. 8Q 0 $38210 Odavs o days 6 PR No. 90 0 $849 OdaVS o days 7 PR No. 92 0 $3.970 Qdays o days 8 PR No. 97 VOID VOID VOID VOID 9 PR No. 102 0 $679 o days o days 10 PR No. 110 VOID VOID VOID VOID Sut Tolal 0 $59.201 o days o days Dilferenc :e Net Odavs o dayS Summary: h Is agreed to modify the Contract referred to I bon .a follows: Contract Price prior to this Change Order Contract Time prior to this Change Order [1,419,717.50 Interim Completion Dates: February 1,1998, March 1,1998 and April 1. 1998 Final Completion Dale: October ]5, ]998 Net Increase (decreaSe) of this Change Order Net Increase (decrease) of this Change Order 1$ 59 201 0 I Revised Contract Price with aN approved Change Orders Revised Contract Time with all approved Change Orders ~ 11,478,918.50 Interim Completion Oates: febltlary 1,1998, March 1,1998 and Aprilt. 1996 Final Completion Date: October 1.5, 1998 The changes Included In this Change Order are to be lece mpllshed In accordlllnee with the terms. stipulation. and condltkm8 of the original Contract as though Included the 'eln. I I Accepted for Contractor by: Date L I Recommended for Approval By (HDR Engineering, Inc.) Date I I I I Approyed for Owner by: Attest Date Distribution: LJowner L-jCootracto LJofflce L-field L-Jother FORM 1II.5()20-2(V<nion 1.00.:' '10) To" ~20 m.S020-2 COPl'Tish11991 HDR ""Ii....ring. 'AC. ~ ---s- . . . MRR 06 '98 11:45 FR HDR ENGINEERING INC 61 591 5413 TO 92713272 Item 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 CPR No. 102 110 Change Or r No. 11 Wastewater Treatmen Plant Expansion Monticell , MN 47 underground Plumbing Plan, System 7 59 ptlon Add 12' plug vdve on WAS loa outsld of TK6COOE 82 Extend v(j.je stem on BTV31 08 for ace ss Condensate removd eqlip't on the war ~take, R329 75 89 Use TK620QE for chlorine contact. dele e work In TK41 OOE md TK4200E 90 Re\llse pipe support type near grid E3 92 Add support bracket for S8R ORP d 97 solution tanks P. 02/02 Amotm $ 5,145 $ 8,183 $ 2,691 $ 374 $38,210 $ 849 $ 3,070 InSlJaflon of HWS & HWR for 1-11:8200 on MX8200 for 2nd Stoge Digester Tank. VOID $ Blower Training Administration Bldg. - gutters - VOID Original ContnMll Amount: 01... Order No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9R 10 11 $11.263,200.00 $0.00 ($4,687.00) $4,839.00 $10,376.00 $10,635.00 $12,682.50 $39,982.00 $25,643.00 $0.00 $37,047.00 $ 59,201.00 $185,718.50 Revised Contraot Amount: 11478918.150 Total CO No. 11: 1.73% of original c tract amount Page 1 of $ 679 $ $ 59,201 3/6/96 ** TOT~L PAGE.02 ** 5E" -lD @"~"""'='i... "\ ," '~ ;:..," .; I ) 4" SEWER &.,/. u~/ ------. /- ~---- \ " ~,~ ,..---~._~~- ~,,--/ -------.-- /-~-- c::J/ _/ ..... J r-r r I""""'-'--- _________ ~ ~ ~_ . . -- ~' CounciIAgenda~3/9/98 5F. A The Planning Commission reviewed t is item at its regular meeting and recommended (4-1) approval of the re uested conditional use permit. There was no neighborhood opposition to th plan. No Council action is needed on the associated variance request unles there is an appeal of the Planning Commission decision. B. AL TERNATIVE ACTION~: 1. Motion to accept the Planning C mmission recommendation and finding, which is to approve the onditional use permit request (alternative #1 under decision # of the Planning Commission agenda staff report). 2. Motion to deny the conditional u e permit. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends alternative #1. D. SUPPORTING DATA: Planning Commission agenda suppleme t. 7 . . . Planning Commission Agenda -3/05/98 6. A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: Variance St. Peter's Lutheran Church has requested a va 'anca to allow an expansion of its church facility at 413 E. 3rd Street. The current building i' not handicapped accessible, and it has become difficult to accommodate the entrance and exit from the current building. The building expansion would extend to within 2.7 fe t of the public right of way. The request for the variance raised the issue of the lack of Co ditional Use Permit for the church use _ a requirement in an R~2 District. As an existing u e, the church would be "grandfathered" in to the zoning district in its current conditio s. The CUP is necessary to allow the expansion of the facility. Variances are considered where a property can not be put to reasonable use under the existing zoning standards. Staff views a m dification to meet ADA handicapped accessibility rules as being reasonable use. e issue would relate to other potential options for the modification which would avoid t e need for, or lessen the amount of, the variance. The architect for the building has in luded a statement which describes the design process which was used to establish the proposed plan. Additions to either side of the existing church w re considered and rejected for various reasons. An addition to the east was technically ossible, but interfered with the ability to provide off-street parking, planned for a future project. An addition to the west was considered but had technical problems in accom odating the interior use of the existing building. Coupled with these problems were ar; hitectural concerns which would have severely compromised the aesthetic value of the uilding - an important consideration for a church in a residential neighborhood. Conditional Use Permit As noted above, churches require Conditional U e Permits in R~2 zoning districts. The primary issue related to the approval of a CUP ~ r this facility would be the issue of off- street parking. Currently, the church relies entirel on street parking for its needs. A site plan which illustrates a plan for off-street parking of over 30 spaces is attached. The church has requested a deferral from the require ent for immediate construction of the parking area. Due to limited funds, and the need t construct the ADA-compliant access, the Church is not in a position to undertake the pa ing lot at this time. Staff has discussed a deferral of this project with them, and is sugg sting a four-year deferral, or at a time when the Church undertakes additional site impr vement and/or construction projects. 3 S-F --I . . . B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS Planning Commission Agenda -3/05/98 Decision 1: Conditional Use Permit for a Ch rch in an R-2 Zone. 1. Motion to approve the CUP, subject to a ndition which would require construction of off-street parking in an arrangement imilar or superior to the drawing attached as Exhibit A, with a deferral of the parki g requirement for four years. 2. Motion to deny the CUP, based on the i ability to strictly comply with setback and parking regulations as provided for in th zoning ordinance. 3. Motion to table action on the CUP, subj ct to additional information. Decision 2: Variance from the front yard setb ck requirement of 30 feet. 1. Motion to approve the variance for a setb ck of 2.7 feet, based on a finding that the expansion is necessary to comply with A A and make reasonable use of the site. 2. Motion to deny the variance for a setback of 2.7 feet, based on a finding that there should be alternative solutions which wo Id require no variance, or less variance. 3. Motion to table action on the variance, p nding additional information. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends approval of both the CUP a d the setback variance. The CUP has become an issue for the Church due to its attempt to comply with handicapped accessibility regulations. The deferral of the park ng should not impact the neighborhood, since the Church has no off-street parking at t is time, and will be working toward this project at a later date. With regard to the variance, staff believes that the design as presented is positive in maintaining the "urban" character of the traditional Monticello neighborhoods. While it may be technically possible to construct an addition hich avoids the need for a variance, it would compromise both the interior utility of the existing building and the exterior architectural aesthetics. D. SUPPORTING DATA Exhibit A - Site Plan Exhibit B - Building Elevation 4 hibit C - Floor Plan SF --2- 0" 0 IIiIl =\I\t-lII -n/ ~.~.":': aI I · 0l:I 'I"" ..... 'I"P .;r,..., j, .. . -- , :.;:... '"= ... . ::r i N N ~...J w...J - i! ;!till -j t...J --L gtn -j Q ~ 'i \D :u -j ~ --J :.t :::> '/) q: ~ :.:: ...: -j ~~ -~ -- -:/ ~, .J ~ --1 >- q: n: ,10 ,9 ,91 -j --- -j ~~ -~ !~ ~ \ -j in . :", .-;-'"......... "J.~I'" 'O".?IJ.NO\i H~? ~:JKIJ11 ....?I'."""^" ~.."-'-"-' '.~ If ,Le,aO.Le S IE: '99 I "a]cJnStI]W 00 'f;9 I " 1 tl7d ~ "<. :~::'.~</:\: --. .'... '-': '.', '. ~ .....:-. '.-.-' ':J. .;...... '..i~ . 'l.- . ..<.... w~ .' 9\1:1 . . IflX ;Ow -H N Z..... if f>) 15 ~ i5 I-- tj ...: Ct: IflZIl'l' - III )- r--- ~T'1 H. ~ ~ Hi - ~ r: Ii N EJ [l-: ~ )tM3alf JJ. :w.:;, 'J.J Ii ,L.9'(,j ~::.. ~ L5. ~?G: ~- \0 If) ~g ! o::,Cu 0::,\0 "<i<: ~~ ; \0 ru '" >- .. ~ .. n: '"1.1 ~ -' <' i. z -.., QoSl : ~~g 1 ~~Ifl y-~/ ...... I ~'-.~ : \0 -l---'-- I -.::--..:. 1 ',...;---' - I I I I I I I I I I I I _....l "<t ! ;, t: ~ l1) --.- ;Dt1J mM It< ,'re .. - n l! ~ ' 're H" Mt JtCJ U l. t5 ~ ... ~ l! ~ :; ~ .., "'. ~ ..... .... " ~ ~ Ii ~ i l: .. '" - ~ .. .. Ii: .. l! ..f'llttjt/i Jl:H:l1 'J..J, Iv '99 I :: (JJ~nSVJH 00 'f;9 I :: 1 V7d ] ,oc,or.g N 1JJ~lS N01N]f! SV (J]11 tl7d \/ 133CJ1S 113N ,. ....;) bilWI"'iJi w.:,Jo'\l'~-,l1f u, Ll.\'II-\o'\'~,HII ~4 ,W.., . ~'"' ......;:~~= If! . ."" "W1lIIl;JiT . . . .-.. . 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"w ~Oll"',\;n~ 'tI():laJ..XI1 . . (, -~ ?if u. . l~ J.. \J ~ ~ \U ~: -:l irr ~. i1 r-11 . . . . 5G. CounciIAgenda-3/9/98 A Planning Commission reviewed this atter at a public hearing on March 5, 1998, and voted to recommend approv I of the conditional use permit/PUD and requested that the preliminary pI t for the development be tabled until such time that modifications to the pr liminary plat could be made which would incorporate conditions of condit onal use permit approval. Attached for your information is the report from Steve Grittman describing the development proposal along with an 0 tline of conditions for approval of the planned unit development concept. PI ase note that the developer has reviewed the conditions of approval a d has indicated a willingness to change the plan accordingly. Due to t e fact that the changes to the PUD concept may impact the preliminary p at, it was determined by the Planning Commission to table the preliminary p at approval until such changes could be made. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Motion to adopt the Planning C mmission recommendation, which is to approve the conditional use p rmit with conditions as outlined in the Planner's report and table a proval of the preliminary plat. 2. Motion to deny or table approva of the conditional use permit and deny or table approval of the pr liminary plat. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends that the conditional use permit allowing the planned unit development be approved with the con itions as noted. The developer has indicated a willingness to adjust the pI n as outlined in the conditions as noted and expressed by the Planning ommission. D. SUPPORTING DATA: Planning Commission agenda staff rep rt; See meeting minutes for additional detail regarding discussion. . . . Planning Commission Agenda -3/05/98 7. A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: E&K Development has submitted plans for t e proposed development of Klein Farms Estates 3rd Addition. This project is locate between Farmstead Drive and School Boulevard, adjacent to Edmonson Avenue (Co. Rd. 117). The single family development of Klein Farms 2nd Addition abuts the east b undary of the project area. The proposal consists of 34 twin home and quad units - 8 in home buildings and 5 quad buildings. The project is zoned appropriately for this use, ut requires the approval of a PUD due to its design utilizing a private street and townho e lots without direct street frontage. The gross density of the project is listed at 3 96 units per acre. However, a significant portion of the project site is encumbered by th power line easement adjacent to School Boulevard. That area would also include a larg ponding and drainage control area. If the drainage area on the south side of the project is excluded, the net density is approximately 4.92 units per acre. This calculation is impo ant in that the Klein Farms Estates 2nd Addition project (which did not get approval) wa~ evaluated for density excluding a similar drainage area. That project was proposed in he neighborhood of 7 units per acre. The City's Comprehensive Plan considers projects nder 5 units per acre to be low or low/mid density. The plans propose a single cul-de-sac privat street to provide access to the buildings, with the exception of the northernmost qua building. For that structure, two of the buildings are shown to access Farmstead Driv . Since one of the concepts of PUD is to provide for designs which create superior, cohesive neighborhoods, we would not recommend this proposal. Moreover, this desi n results in a driveway for two of the units which is less than eighty feet from the prima street access for the rest of the project. Although the density is reasonable for projl cts of t.his type, the project should be redesigned to accommodate all unit drivewa s on the primary street, or these end two units should be dropped from the project. The plan illustrates buildings setbacks which m et the perimeter setback requirements on all sides. Internal setbacks have been designe to provide common access drives for the quad units, and a minimum of 25 foot setbacks from the curb line for the twin home units. Due to the mix of buildings, however, this proj is likely to feel somewhat more "spacious" than the first Klein Farms Estates project. In the twin home section of the project, there a e some concerns due to building spacing and garage orientation. The design of the unit results in a 44 foot wide paved driveway 5 ~b--I . . . Planning Commission Agenda ~3/05/98 for each building. This expanse of paving can e unattractive, and problematic in the cul- de-sac area. Around the cul-de-sac, four of he buildings would result in a continuous "curb cur' with small triangles of green space se arating the driveways at the building lines. These extensive pavement areas should be mitil ated in some fashion. One concept may be to consider quad units in this area as well. his would have the effect of reducing the impact of a streets cape made up of garage d ors, and could also reduce the amount of paving at the curb line. In any event, we wouldecommend extensive landscaping in these areas to mitigate the domination of pavement n the cul-de-sac area. Other landscaping issues relate to the treat ent of the drainage area, and pedestrian access in and through the development. Sin e the project is a relatively short private street, it would appear unnecessary to requir sidewalks in the development. However, a pathway connection to School Boulevard fro the cul-de-sac area would be important. In landscaping the drainage area, the developer should consider the use of natural wetland tolerant plant materials which would not req ire mowing. The area would look more attractive as a "wild" area with appropriate plantings, rather than attempting to mow a grassy area which is otten too wet to use acti ely. The primary constraint in this regard would be the power lines, and the need to utili e low-growing materials in that area. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS 1. Motion to approve the Concept Stage PUD and Preliminary Plat, subject to the conditions as described in Exhibit B, ased upon a finding that the zoning and density are appropriate for the project. 2. Motion to deny the Concept Stage PUD nd Prelim inary Plat, based upon a finding that the design of the project does not re ect the intent of the City's PUD regulations or the area in which it is located. 3. Motion to table action on the Concep Stage PUD and/or the Preliminary Plat, subject to additional information and alt rations to the project design. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION Staff believes that the project can be approved i concept. The land use is generally a low density design, and should be compatible with it location adjacent to two major roadways and a low density single family neighborhood. ere are design changes which we believe would improve the project's appeal, particula Iy from the street view, however. These include a reduction in the number of driveways and width of continuous pavement) in the twin home portion of the project. This could be elped by leaving a planting strip between the driveways of the common wall units, or com ining some of the twin home buildings into 6 S-~ -2... . . . Planning Commission Agenda #3/05/98 quad buildings. There are also some chang s which we believe are necessary for the project to qualify for the flexibility granted undel a PUD. These include the elimination of the driveway onto Farmstead, intensive Ian scaping in the areas where twin home driveways result in more pavement than gree area (e.g. around the cul-de-sac), a well thought-out landscape plan for the drainage rea, and a pathway connection to School Boulevard. With these changes, the PUD Con ept Plan would meet the requirements for design which is superior to standard subdivision and development, a PUD minimum criterion. If the Planning Commission and Cit Council agree with the recommendation which would convert some of the twin homes i to quad buildings (assuming no increase in unit count) it may be appropriate to approv the PUD with conditions, but table action on the preliminary plat. D. SUPPORTING DATA Exhibit A - Preliminary Plat Exhibit B - PUD Conditions 7 S-G-3 FEB-27-199S 09:51 'I ~l .... ~..~\ ti ~l . .I. I \I ~ . z 0 - E- - ~ A -< 0 z '" ...J " ll... C":l ,.. .. t- ::; i- f:: ';:l en :'. :::> i: :;;:. ~ Q .,. E-o z (; ~ 0( ..,~ < 1- =C:::i E:-o ~ i- ' ll. ~ ~ en ... ,.. F ~ Q: :r. 0{ c: z ;::; . en s: ::i - ..... ~ '" c:: ll. -< ~ Z - ~ ....J ~ :' :f ! ;~,: ~'! l:ti. . ;" ;\~ ~ : !.\~ 1 ; '''l.'~lll:l' i ~ g I .' ,.,'.11," '.',. -~ ~. /:"':~~~' f7'i ~~ '1 . ". '..( I' . 612 595 9S37 P.02/05 I n~~ I; r:.~~ij I, _{. I .h'! .n." . I ..; ji ...:-- ~ '" .. ~3 .... ,- Ei I i I I 1 I I I' I I I I I. I I.. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I \ I I I I I I I I I NAC I ,.J I : .-l ' , ------- '." I ~Il I f: v ,I .!~ ~ ~ _...1. ri _........~::;.",.. \: I.,,~w.'. t ",7.'0'.'" ,l',';\ . ~ It \ ~ I . '.: .....- .-.' -rl- v~, .~,..". ...'I\'---~~ /.... I P 0 ,~.<.. .~~., ., ....-4" I'./! SG_I..4~~' ~o~ " ).7.1 .... l lI' ...... '>"'f .;,.. ,.1' \ . -'..~'.-;'>:':~'~" ..~- ':._'- __~. 0- ~ ~'1'1-jt,'1"".' :...1 ..J' .: ":"" . . . .... \ ......., IN' ~I '.._:......... 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I~" r. ~ ~ ~i ~ t~ :;:; ~~ . I" ,'. :... "T, \oJ :.: ~ .' ! ., to ..:: · i ~ ! i!; f .. , I ~.. I, ~ ~~ ;H w,.:.tI!~.d .s : !! = '6 'ti: ~ ~ r.t.\. !. .."!., "':i i~ ! ~. \. 1"" ;; II~ ~;..;~ ~.o:~ ~..i. '':~ :;.,. J' ~ "'" ~ ...-... .; fIi'" . ... ~ b]~' :':"~" ti .., !. ". t!. ".' ~ .' '.:. ' 0;' , . ~ ~ ~l ~. 0.2 ~ ~ " ~~j? ~'jJ.~~: , . , ,I~ .: . -.....~ . I ,. .. I l' .J.nIJ.U ZJ.,.i/IIJ ;, . J. ~.. :~.,= !~:g 1f;':.~~ ",.I'I::~:' c:~.::~ I~: 1;1 1~:1 ~:. w iii ~1.1II. ., ti~H" ~ .....,:;;;~ i:'.=:;'III..:r. .li ~ ! ~ ~ :i! I: t ';) ~ II' i ~. p ;-,!; ,= t; (~..~ ' ~ o1.J.,., '" '1 II; . . 3 .!'~. !: ~ Exh bit A - Preliminary Plat --- 'I l' .' . . . FEB-27-1998 09:52 NAC Conditions of PUD Concept Approval 612 595 9837 P.03/05 Planning Comm;ssion Agenda ,3/05/98 1. Reorientiation of northeast quad unit to r uire all driveway locations to access the internal street. 2. Reorientation of twinhome areas to avoid continuous "curb cuts" of wide driveways. Consider the combination of some of th e units into quad units if unit count is not to be reduced. 3. Landscape front yards intensively in th twin home area to reduce the impact of wide driveways and extensive paving. 4. Provide natural vegetation of drainage rea to avoid the urge to cut and maintain wetland grasses. This should include a ixture of trees, shrubs, and ground covers or grasses which can thrive in the envir nment being created there. S. Provide a pathway connection between the cul-de-sac and the School Boulevard Pathway system. 6. Revise Preliminary Plat drawings to co espond with revised Development Stage PUD Plan. Exhibit B - Conditio' s of PUD Concept Approval ../1- ,-:. -' MAR-06-1998 10:34 MIDWEST LS &. CE 612 786 9208 ) ~T :! .1 ~ ;~-li ..( :z o - ~ .......... Q ~ <r. .<: ~ ... ~ 3 ~ CF) ~ .; ~ ~ UJ is ~ ;;i ..", Cf.:l .... :::&l !:f ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ M "" ,. ~ ! u - :!l ~2!:8 23 l:S ,: ,.... i z - :::3 r:::::> ~ '\' ... --.L W <t) 1lI 0-..... ~ '\ I U 6 j 0.... a.. ~ v < -+' 0 . - \t e , ~ I ~ ; ~~ ~ :! i JI S! S~. -s II iWi d ~= ;~ ~~: ~ - .. ~ i i ! I ! 'I ~ i . "''1 ~ ill ~5 !S H u !~ ;i ~ ~; ~; ~ II ,- ,.. ~I...ii i .." ,.\ : \ j'; '.'\ "S".. '. ..', t~: '." " - \..~ ~ ~ ~ . ~;"'4Iir ~';o. -~ J'I! .,. ~"""\. :": j _--------e.~ ~~ oj._.~.. }~, ~. ~:~ i .... ~\ I" ~,. " . ,,~- ~. .' ',). \'\ ::J ". " -- \ "'\ '-. ':..... ,'*- .. -:,", ~. ~'. " .. iid \',~ Ii _; ::I ~ ~~;!! i .llj"; ~. ~ ~ l'! H Ii ! ii, n.~ j-!. ..., 01 I' 1,.~.B_i .~. i; ,,"'an :;"i i; :!!ji-;;' j~=!~ ~~ii il!~gl!!- 8t~ ~ _~o~ '" '" '" i i ~ i a i ~ i: f.>: i ~~ :1 !! I i ~ ~ II i ~ i i i ~Ib ~ ~~ !!Ii U 'I "'J(....r l!i :: :: ~ . .' ~ n < 5C,.-./P i :" !ii~ '.. ~.. r::- i I ~ r I I I I l .Ii I ". I I .,. I I I ::> I ,- I I I I I I I r ," <01 ~ P.02/02 'i : I .r:,.-E I' ~ig I ~ ~.~.: l: ~' . - ~ c ,,~I:>. '" h~); ..1'~ iI!,~; 1: t ii~.sE ~1~; :: ~.~.J; ~ _ ..--~ = - !HH i ii ~' "b];' '. .~'; !!! f ~ iii ' - t - - ~ ... . '"", i1 ~ s; ~ . l!l:.! ~ ~ 'I ,.. ~U "1 ~I;ii -1* i.:i \~ ~ ..~ . t - ia i ;~I~ ,~i iiji I SKi I"IIC'II .J~' U Iii lW\:adt" ml la.~.liIUaii' ~.:. 001 ..:....... ..; t.- :1: ~::, :1: ! . Ii \' *2\ ' iii ~'I.\\ ~ '-\\. iii \,~ \ \ \ \ ' oil ~J ! ~i I " ~ :; 'P ! I ~ I ~I i d! II~ ~; .. ;ll~.:,J :>I .:!I!o<.2 ~o t}) TOTAL P.02 . 7. Staff report on this item was presented by Seve Grittman. Mr. Grittman described the proposed housing development as Klein Fa s Estates 3rd Addition, a planned unit development (PUD) being considered unde a Conditional Use Pennit within the R-PUD zoning district. The project site is located etween School Boulevard and Farmstead Drive, adjacent to Edmonson Avenue (Co. d. 117). Grittman stated the development meets the equirements for low density residential development in accordance with the Comp hensive Plan of the City. Mr. Grittman identified his concerns with t e project as: 1. 2. 3. . 4. 5. 6. . Driveways serving residences along Farmstead Drive should be accessed off of the private street internal to the project The driveways and curb cuts along he cul-de-sac should be re-oriented to avoid the appearance of continuous curb uts. Additional landscaping should be p ovided in the twin home area to reduce the impact of wide driveways and exte sive parking. Drainage area should be provided ith natural vegetation including a mixture of trees and other plant materials appr priate for their planting location. A paved pathway connection betw en the cul-de-sac and the School Boulevard pathway system should be created. The preliminary plat drawings mus be revised to correspond with revised Development Stage PUD Plan. Mr. Grittman advised the Commission tha it would be appropriate to recommend approval of the Concept Stage PUD; how ver, he recommended that action on the preliminary plat be tabled pending a final I t arrangement and revised plan. Chairman Frie opened the public hearing d recognized John Anderson of Midwest land Surveyors, representing E & K land devel pment. Mr. Anderson responded to the concerns raised by Grittman: 1. 2. Drives would be moved off of Fa stead Drive and access the internal street. Drives off of the cul-de-sac are no easily rearranged, cause floor plan problems and drives that would extend arou d the buildings into what would otherwise be back yards. Additional landscaping would be dded to mitigate the crowding of driveways and parking. Natural vegetation will be added t the natural drainage area 3. 4. S"--7 . 5. A pathway will be added per the sk tch presented by Grittman. Mr. Bill Gleason and Mr. John Gleason de cribed their project in detail. Hearing no other comments, Chairman Fri closed the public hearing. Commissioners generally spoke in favor of the project. Rod Dragsten questioned the mix of uses in the area of this development. ttman responded that the use is allowed and consistent with the Comprehensive Plan fo development in the area. MOTION BY ROD DRAGS TEN TO RE OMMEND TO THE CITY COUNCIL THAT THE CONCEPT STAGE PLANNED UN T DEVELOPMENT BE APPROVED SUBJECT TO THE CONDITIONS DES RIBED IN EXHIBIT B FROM THE STAFF REPORT, BASED ON A FINDING THA THE ZONING AND DENSITY ARE APPROPRIATE FOR THE PROJECT. MOTION SECONDED BY DICK MART E. Motion passed unanimously. . . Page ~~ -- 'j' . . . CounciIAgenda-3/9/98 7. A Planning Commission conducted a p blic hearing and reviewed comments by Dick VanAllen, Dan Goeman, and J hn Chadwick regarding the southwest area planning study. After discussi n, the plan was recommended for adoption by the Planning Commissi n. The details of the amendment are povided in Steve Grittman's report. Please note that a major change to t e original plan calls for development of an industrial area along the freewa between Oakwood Drive and West County Road 39. Under the previou plan, this area was guided for residential uses. Given the contigui y of this area to the city and close proximity to city services, it is an ar a ripe for industrial development. The IDC would like more industrial land Attached are comments from Dick VanAllen, representing the IDC, wh'ch request greater levels of industrial zoning which, if accepted, would dis lace commercial and residential uses at I-94/Highway 25. B. ALTERNATNE ACTIONS: 1. Motion to recommend approv . of the amendments to the comprehensive plan as propos. d in the "Southwest Area Plan." 2. Motion to defer amendment 0 the comprehensive plan at this time pending additional discussion nd/or information. C. STAFF RE Staff recommends alternative #1. D. SUPPORTING DATA: Staff report to Planning Commission Letter from Dick VanAllen on behalf of IDC; Map. ! f, . . . 10. Oon of areas a Monticelloo (NAC) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: Planning Commission Agenda - 3/05/98 The City's Comprehensive Plan includes land u e planning for areas south and west of the current City boundaries. As you may recall, a significant concept of the Comprehensive Plan is to direct future growth to the south and est of the City by investing in infrastructure improvements which would serve growth in that direction rather than to the east. Over the past several months, staff has conducted a mor detailed study of the issues which would affect land use patterns in that area, including t ansportation, utility corridors, physical lay of the land, existing land uses, and Goals and Policies from the current Plan. A concept land use plan was developed with these issues n mind, and which has been discussed at staff level, with other City organizations, and a a public open house. The purpose of the plan amendment is to allo the City to plan for both long- and short- tenn infrastructure improvements which would b needed to serve the area. Although the plan would have no legal effect as things now st nd, a component of the proposed Orderly Annexation Area agreement with Monticello T wnship would include the adoption of the City's land use plan in the revised OM. As a esult, the City's Comprehensive Plan and its component "SouthlWest Area Plan" would rm the basis for any land use decision in the OM, preserving the various properties fo the City's long-term intended use. This OM agreement has been tentatively approve by both parties as of this date. Since the OM agreement in not in final form, there is still a slight possibility that some event could interfere with final approval. In the vent the agreement failed to be finalized, the Land Use Plan for the area is still important r the City. It could serve as the basis for the City's request of the OAA Board for an a endment to its land use plan. Even as infonnation for that Board, and the Board's admi istrator (County Planner Tom Salkowski), the land Use Plan would provide important gu dance for land use decisions in the extra- territorial areas adjacent to the City. Finally, it n provide direction for future development of land in those areas when land owners are s eking annexation. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS 1. Motion to recommend approval of the a endments to the Comprehensive Plan as proposed in the "SouthlWest Area Plan. 2. Motion to defer amendment of the C mprehensive Plan at this time, pending additional discussion and/or informatio . 12 --I .- . . . c. STAFF RECOMMENDATION Planning Commission Agenda - 3/05/98 Staff recommends approval of the Compreh nsive Plan amendment for the South and West growth areas. We believe that this plan best reflects the policies and objectives of the Comprehensive Plan, and City's future gr wth. The plan permits the City to grow in a manageable fashion, and allows for the logi I, incremental extensions of infrastructure to accommodate the natural growth and de lopment of the community. Moreover, it provides clear guidance for development pr posals in the extra-territorial area. This guidance is important both to direct land use in reas scheduled for future annexation, and to direct development proposals-from land ow ers seeking annexation to the City. D. SUPPORTING DATA Exhibit A . SouthlWest Area land Use Plan 191.06-97.19 13 ...2.- . . . SOUTH/WEST AREA LAND USE PLAN BACKGROUND The City's 1996 Comprehensive Plan includes a land use plan which reflects the various goals and policies of the City. Included in the land use plan element is a specific plan and discussion of the City's southwest area (within orderly annexation area). The southwest area of Monticello overlays that portion of the City lying south of Interstate 94 and west of TH 25. Generally speaking, the area is characterized by farmlands and wetlands. Some pockets of rural residential development have been established, particularly to the west. As noted in the Comprehensive Plan, incremental growth in this area is encouraged both for financial and social reasons. This amendment to the City's Comprehensive Plan is intended to build on the foundation established in the 1996 Plan. The plan amendment itself identifies conceptual street layouts, including westerly extensions of Chelsea Road and School Boulevard. While the Comprehensive Plan provides generalized street and land use depictions, a refinement of the plan taking into account more detailed information (Le., wetland boundaries, power line locations, soil conditions, etc.) is necessary to achieve eventual plan implementation. SoulhlWesl Area Land Use Plan Page 1 LAND USE PLAN Design Parameters. A variety of area features serve to influence the street and land use depicted upon the refined southwest area land use plan. These include Interstate 94 visibility and accessibility, existing and planned interchange locations (accessibility), existing land uses, property lines, and street patterns, wetland and drainageway locations and finally overhead power line routes. Street System. As shown on the land use plan, a major collector street has been proposed which would parallel Interstate 94. The street also follows an existing overhead power line route. The collector street would serve to link a future interchange at County Road 75 (l20th Street) with the existing interchange at Highway 25 and would provide connection to existing Chelsea Road. In addition to the Chelsea Road extension, a westerly extension of School Boulevard has also been proposed. This extension would link 90th Street and Highway 25. The land use plan makes note of a future interchange at County Road 75 (l20th Street) and Interstate 94. It is envisioned that the interchange would be utilized by the majority truck traffic associated industrial uses in the vicinity. Monticello Comprehensive Plan Amendment ~ 1998 _. .... . LAND USE Low Density Residential. As shown on the attached land use plan, a substantial portion of the study area is shown as low density residential use. It is anticipated that single family growth in this area will be comprised of residents who have few natural ties to the community. The area's street system (and arrangement of land uses) is such that area residents will be "funneled" into Monticello's commercial areas by virtue of their routine use of Highway 25 and/or County Road 39. . To the extent possible, low density residential uses have been located or oriented such that the incompatibilities with higher intensity uses will be minimized. Specifically, features such as wetlands, power lines and transitional uses have been used to mitigate adverse impacts. The majority of the lands south of the current City boundaries (generally the north halves of Sections 22,23, and 24) are programmed for low density residential land use. It is expected that this will consist of single family development, with a possibility of limited twin-home or low-density townhome development mixed in. Mid-Demity Residential. In addition to low density residential uses, mid-density residential uses have been proposed within the study area. Specifically, these uses are proposed along the School Boulevard extension east of 90th Street. Mid density residential uses overlay approximately 90 acres of land and are expected to have densities of generally 4 to 8 dwelling units per acre. This translates into over 500 . South/West Area Land Use Plan Page 2 medium density units within the study area. Commercial. As shown on the land use plan, commercial development has been proposed directly south of Interstate 94 and west of Highway 25. This use designation is intended to reinforce Highway 25 as a commercial service corridor of the community and supplement the downtown commercial area. It should be noted that immediate "infilling" of the 173 acres of commercially designated lands is not anticipated. In fact, it is the intent of the plan to designate "long term" locations for commercial development and confine such uses to the Interstate 94/Highway 25 interchange area, and the Highway 25 corridor south of the Interstate. There has been some discussion of extending commercial uses to the west along the freeway frontage. However, this plan attempts to follow the direction of the 1996 Comprehensive Plan in preserving commercial land for the development of locally oriented retail and service uses as opposed to highway oriented commerce. Too many of the highway oriented uses would compete with downtown revitalization efforts, particularly in the areas of food and lodging. As a result, the commercial areas shown are intended to encourage a long term supply of general/regional business locations. Industrial. The industrial land use designations shown on the land use plan are intended to take advantage of visibility associated with the interstate corridor and coincide with the future construction of a west Monticello interchange at 1-94 and MonticeUo Comprehensive Plan Amendment ~ 1998 .& I . County Road 75/0rchard Road. Industrial uses have purposely been guided in the northern portion of the study area to avoid the interspersement of industrial truck traffic with residential/commercial traffic at the 1- 94/Highway 25 interchange area. In total, the land use plan designates approximately 310 acres of land as industrial use. . An area of industrial land use is planned for the freeway frontage just west of 90th Street along the westerly extension of Chelsea Road. This area would be quickly accessible due to the location of streets and utilities. U ntH the street connections and the Orchard Road interchange are completed, this area would add industrial traffic to the 1-94ffH 25 area. It is anticipated that the improvements along TH 25, and the signal at Chelsea Road, will help to manage the impacts of this traffic until the west interchange is a reality. Public/Semi-Public. The land use plan illustrates a large area of park and open space between 90th Street and Highway 25. Of the approximately 100 acres, about 60 acres is wetland. Aside from the obvious active (Le., ball fields) and passive (walking trails) recreational opportunities offered by the park, the use is intended to serve as a unifying element for abutting low density residential, mid-density residential and commercial land uses. The park has been located such to provide a visual connection from Highway 25, a transition from uses of differing intensity, and finally to provide direct active recreational opportunities to abutting residential uses. It is anticipated that the more active spaces will be able to utilize . South/West Area Land Use Plan Page 3 power line corridor as parking area, with athletic fields flanking the parking. The more passive areas would be located around the ponds and wetlands, with pathway connections to the Chelsea Road and School Boulevard areas. Also to be noted is the existing Cemetery located along 90th Street and the proposed Chelsea Road extension. The cemetery's proximity to adjacent low density residential, commercial and industrial uses allows it to serve as a highly visible "green area " (due to street corner location) which will provide visual relief to the area. Monticello Comprehensive Plan Amendment - 1998 ;!,., - '-:'. . . . Thursday, March 05,1998 IDC befare the City PI nning Cammissian First af all I want to. make sure that l hen we think indnstrial we are nat thinking smake stack and rust belt. Last Sa urday a 30 minute taur af the Ramsey and Anaka Industrial Parks revealed this p~ rtiallist af accupants, all added within the last two. years. ANOKA I lAMSEY 300 + Acres LUNDS j ccent Hame Kitchen Center Una Clad Capper Sales I eritage Millwark Reliant Engineering & Manufacturing ). utamated EDM Incarparated ( 8:lectrical Discharge Machining) Carbide Taal Services , valf And Assaciates, Architects Rayal Engineering and Manufacturing Artam Inc. Precisian Machining First Team Sparts Pianeer Printing and Packaging Internatianal Building Cancepts Central Pawer Distributars Rainbaw Signs 1- IDC recammends Planning cansider a do. g leg af industrial zaning beginning to. the west alang I 94 as has been prapased; cantinuing to. 25 and I 94 and then heading sauth alang 25 to. include the "0.1 Remmele praperty". Alang with that recammendatian we suggest hat: a) Area set aside far the prapased 83 acre industrial site be expanded to. encampass the pawer lines that ru 1 alang ane side and enaugh land to. pravide a raw af industrial sites to. the sauth af the pawer line b) That we need to. be very sensitive t [) needs af cammercial property awners at the carner of I 94 and 25 provid . ng reasonable access to. their places af business. c) The "Old Remmele Praperty" no~ owned by the City shauld be zaned Industrial, praviding; 1) Easy land access 2) Immediate availability < f larger parcels far same industries 3) the potential to. use land under pawer lines an this property far Industrial Parking 4) a natural runoff callect< r and drainage to. the pond adjacent to. paved industrial area . 5) Beneficial use of this civ owned parcel. ""- i A:IDCplng , ."", .. -- --". --.-- -- ,.. ----.... - ft; . . . d) We believe this is a beginning an brings the need for the Planning Commission to consider the following ques .ons 2- QUESTIONS a) How much Industry do w want? b) How much will it take? c) How soon? d) If property is zoned Indus rial can you build commercial? A:IDCplng ~7 SOU DWEST AREA CONCEPT PLAN , NaG November 1997 o 1000 2000 3000 r.;... SCALE IN FEET -rr . "..,... _ w ~ _ _ .... _ ... . D Low Den5ity Re5idential _ Medium I High Den5ity Re5idential _ Commercial _ Indu5trial Public! Semi Public ~ Future Street 1-'1 .NANCIAL SYSTEM .,98 13:34:30 CITY OF MONT CELLO GL050S-V05.20 COV RPAGE GL540R Schedule of 8ills {eport Selection: RUN GROUP... 0226 COMMENT... 2/26 CKS OATA-JE-IO DATA COMMENT -------------- ------------------------ 0-02261998-346 2/26 CKS Run Instructions: Jobq 8anner Copies Form Printer Hold Space LPI Lines CPI J 01 Y S 6 066 10 . . ---- - - -,- - -- -- -... --, -.. .. -,- ---- ---, "'--, -'.._, ,,- BIlllfNANCIAL SYSTEM CITY OF MONTICELLO 0< '98 13:34:31 Schedule of Bi 18 GL540R-V05.20 PAGE 1 VENDOR NAME DESCRIPTION AMOUNT ACCOUNT NAME FUND & ACCOUNT CLAIM INVOICE PO# F/P ID LINE A T & T WIRELESS SERVICE RICK-CELLULAR 12.02 TELEPHONE 101.41301.3210 346 00001 JEFF-CELLULAR 26.34 TELEPHONE 101.41910.3210 346 00002 GARY-CELLULAR 27. 16 TELEPHONE 101.42401.3210 346 00003 65.52 *VENDOR TOTAL ADCO PUBLISHING COMPANY LIQUOR-ADVERTISING 49.80 ADVERTISING 09.49754.3499 346 00004 BELLBOY CORPORATION BAR TAX MISC 672.90 MISe TAXABLE 09.49750.2540 27169800 346 00005 GEN OP 14.00 MISC OPERATING SUPPLIES 09.49754.2199 27169800 346 00006 686.90 *VENDOR TOTAL BERNICK'S PEPSI COLA COM BEER 263.20 BEER 609.49750.2520 346 00009 MISC TAXABLE 49.40 MISC TAXABLE 609.49750.2540 346 00010 312.60 *VENDOR TOTAL CAMPBELL ABSTRACT COM PAN .OF TITLE 675.00 PROF SRV - LEGAL FEES 4 0.49201.3040 346 00007 CENTRAL MINN INITIATIVE CCIF GRANT REIMB 1,100.21 ' GRANT REIMBURSEMENT 2 3.46501.6601 346 00008 DAHLHEIMER DISTRIBUTING BEER 2,069.13 BEER 609.49750.2520 346 00011 NON ALCOHOLIC 45.35 MISC TAXABLE 609.49750.2540 346 00012 2,114.48 *VENDOR TOTAL DAY DISTRIBUTING COMPANY BEER 309.70 BEER 60 .49750.2520 3.6 00013 DUANE'S TRACTOR PAINTING SAND BLAST BRIDGE RAILS 300.00 MISC PROFESSIONAL SERVIC 10 .45201.3199 346 00014 ~CONOMIC DEVELOPMENT PRT EC DEV-MEMBERSHIP DUES 1,004.00 DUES, MEMBERSHIP & SUBSC 10 1.46501.4330 346 00015 -IRSTAR BANK GO WATER SYS BONDS 260.00 FISCAL AGENTS' FEES 354.47001.6201 AGENT FEES 346 00016 GO INSPR BONDS 1991A 185.00 FISCAL AGENTS' FEES 326.47001.6201 AGENT FEES 346 00017 GO TAX INCRE BOND 1990C 260.00 FISCAL AGENTS' FEES 382 47001. 6201 AGENT FEES 346 00018 GO TAX INCRE 1989A 260.00 FISCAL AGENTS' FEES 380 47001. 620 1 AGENT FEES 346 00019 GO IMPR BONDS 1989B 262.00 FISCAL AGENTS' FEES 377 47001.6201 AGENT FEES 346 00020 ~X INCRE 1985 262.50 FISCAL AGENTS' FEES 323 47001.6201 AGENT FEES 346 00021 PR BOND 1992A 185.00 FISCAL AGENTS' FEES 327.47001.6201 AGENT FEES 346 00022 GO TAX INCRE BONO 19900 260.00 FISCAL AGENTS' FEES 382.41001.6201 AGENT FEES 346 00023 1,934.50 *VENDOR TOTAL B~NANCIAL SYSTEM CITY OF MONTICELLO o 798 13:34:31 Schedule of Bi 15 GL540R-V05.20 PAGE 2 VENDOR NAME DESCRIPTION AMOUNT ACCOUNT NAME FUND & ACCOUNT CLAIM INVOICE POll F/P ID LINE FLESCH'S PAPER SERVICES, OP SUPPLIES 178.80 MISC OPERATING SUPPLIES 609.49754.2199 1010750 346 00024 FOSTER-FRANZ EN-CARLSON A WWTP-BOILER & MACH INS 2,603.00 MISC GENERAL INSURANCE 436.49201.3699 346 00025 GCR MN TRUCK TIRE CENTER FIRE-TIRE & LUBE 670.21 REPAIR & MTC - VEHICLES 101.42201.4050 67678 346 00027 GLUNZ/RAYMOND J (5) GRAVE SITES 1,655.00 PROF SRV - EXCAVATION 651.49010.3115 346 00026 GRIGGS, COOPER & COMPANY FREIGHT 106.00 FREIGHT 09.49750.3330 346 00028 LIQUOR 6,385.18 LIQUOR 09.49750.2510 346 00029 WINE 1,151.06 WINE 09.49750.2530 346 00030 MISC TAXABLE 50.75 MISC TAXABLE 09.49750.2540 346 00031 7,692.99 *VENDOR TOTAL GROSSLEIN BEVERAGE INC. . TAXABLE 16,935.45 BEER 09.49750.2520 346 00032 144.00 MISC TAXABLE 09.49750.2540 346 00033 17,079.45 *VENDOR TOTAL HDR ENGINEERING, INC. *FY* WWTP - DECEMBER 38,402.32 PROF SRV - ENGINEERING F 36.49201.3030 346 00034 HOLIDAY CREDIT OFFICE FIRE-MOTOR FUEL 45.73 MOTOR FUELS 101.42201.2120 346 00035 HOMETOWN EYE CARE, INC WATER-EYECARE SERVICE 156.00 CLOTHING SUPPLIES 101.43120.2111 346 00036 JOHNSON BROS WHOLESALE L FREIGHT 50.96 FREIGHT 6 9.49750.3330 346 00037 LIQUOR 3,540.65 LIQUOR 6 9.49750.2510 346 00038 WINE 717.23 WINE 6 9.49750.2530 346 00039 4,308.84 *VENDOR TOTAL K MART STORE PW-ADM OFFICE SUPPLIES 86.21 MISC OFFICE SUPPLIES 1 1.43110.2099 346 00040 FIRE-CRIMPING TOOL 5.31 SMALL TOOLS & EQUIPMENT 1 1.42201.2410 346 00041 91. 52 *VENDOR TOTAL L 'N' R SERVICES - LOCKS ~AN SHELTER-DOOR SUP 308.22 BUILDINGS 1 1. 42701. 5201 346 00042 LARSON'S ACE HARDWARE STREETS - VEH REP PARTS 22.63 VEHICLE REPAIR PARTS 1 1.43120.2211 346 00043 WATER-OP SUPPLIES 8.52 MISC OPERATING SUPPLIES 6 1.49440.2199 346 00044 LIQUOR-OP SUPPLIES 47.03 MIse OPERATING SUPPLIES 609.49754.2199 346 00045 ._." - _n __._ _." ._._ ._ _ B~NANCIAL SYSTEM CITY OF MONTICELLO o ~98 13:34:31 Schedule of Bills GL540R-V05.20 PAGE 3 VENDOR NAME DESCRIPTION AMOUNT ACCOUNT NAME UND & ACCOUNT CLAIM INVOICE PO# F/P ID LINE LARSON'S ACE HARDWARE BLDG-REPAIR & MAINT 313.62 REPAIR & MTC - BUILDINGS 01.42201.4010 346 00046 AN SHELTER-REP & MAINT 24.19 REPAIR & MTC - BUILDINGS 01.42101.4010 346 00041 LIBRARY-CLNING SUPPLIES 10.61 CLEANING SUPPLIES 11.45501.2110 346 00048 WATER-SMALL TOOLS 14.29 SMALL TOOLS & EQUIPMENT 01.49440.2410 346 00049 SHOP-EQUIP REPAIR PARTS 53.20 EQUIPMENT REPAIR PARTS 01.43121.2210 346 00050 PARKS-VEH REPAIR PARTS 1.41 VEHICLE REPAIR PARTS 01.45201.2211 346 00051 PARKS-OP SUPPLIES 48.50 MISC OPERATING SUPPLIES 01.45201.2199 346 00052 CH-MISC OP SUPPLIES 8.51 MISC OPERATING SUPPLIES 101.41940.2199 346 00053 618.51 *VENDOR TOTAL LITTLE MOUNTAIN FLOWERS FIRE-PLANT/LABREE 18.64 MISC OTHER EXPENSE 101.42201.4399 346 00054 MN DEPART OF NATURAL RES WATERCRAFT TITLE 258.00 DNR PAYABLE 1 1.20811 346 00056 WATERCRAFT REG 512.00 DNR PAYABLE 1 1.20811 346 00051 SNOWMOBILE REG 49.00 DNR PAYABLE 1 1.20811 346 00058 ATV REG 112.00 DNR PAYABLE 1 1.20811 346 00059 931. 00 *VENDOR TOTAL MN~ OF TRADE & ECON SCERG GRANT REIMB 2.483.45 GRANT REIMB - AROPLAX 2 2.46501. 6602 346 00055 MN STATE FIRE CHIEFS ASS FIRE-MEMBERSHIP DUES 80.00 DUES. MEMBERSHIP & SUBSC 10 1.42201.4330 346 00060 NATIONAL BUSINESS FURNIT *FY* AN SHELTER-OFF FURN 556.85 FURNITURE & FIXTURES 101.42101.5601 346 00062 NORTHERN STATES POWER CO WATER 1.414.98 ELECTRIC 60 .49440.3810 346 00063 SEWER 292.56 ELECTRIC 60 .49490.3810 346 00064 STREET LIGHTS 5.483.96 ELECTRIC 10 .43160.3810 346 00065 DEP REG 63.05 ELECTRIC 10 .41990.3810 346 00066 PARKS 884.83 ELECTRIC 10 .45201.3810 346 00061 CIVIL DEFENSE 9.42 ELECTRIC 10 .42501.3810 346 00068 SHOP/GARAGE 121.30 ELECTRIC 101.43121.3810 346 00069 FIRE DEPT 358.13 ELECTRIC 101.42201.3810 346 00010 LIBRARY 823.03 ELECTRIC 211.45501.3810 346 00011 CITY HALL 619.49 ELECTRIC 101.41940.3810 346 00012 PARI\!NG LOTS 82.35 ELECTRIC 101.43140.3810 346 00013 10.219.10 *VENDOR TOTAL ~ILLIPS WINE & SPIRITS .~T 29.81 FREIGHT 609 49150.3330 346 00014 1.201.68 LIQUOR 609 49150.2510 346 00015 WINE 131.25 WINE 609 49150.2530 346 00016 1.968.80 *VENDOR TOTAL -" _.,,- -~.- - -..-. - B~NANCIAL SYSTEM CITY OF MONTICELLO Oc 798 13;34;31 Schedule of Bil ls GL540R-Y05.20 PAGE 4 VENDOR NAME DESCRIPTION AMOUNT ACCOUNT NAME UNO & ACCOUNT CLAIM INVOICE POll F/P 10 LINE PHOTO I BLD INSP-FILM DEV 31. 58 MISC PROFESSIONAL SERVIC 01.42401.3199 345 00078 PITNEY BOWES PW-POSTAGE MACHINE RENT 129.47 EQU I PMENT RENTAL 01.43110.4150 1/25 TO 5/15 345 00077 PREUSSE/JAMES L CITY HALL 460.00 PROF SRY - CUSTODIAL 01.41940.3110 346 00079 PUBLIC WORKS (LESS $15) 105.00 PROF SRY - CUSTODIAL 01.41990.3110 346 00080 PUBLIC WORKS 150.00 PROF SRY - CUSTODIAL 01.43110.3110 345 00081 715.00 *YENDOR TOTAL PROFESSIONAL SERVICES GR WWTP - MARCH 37,563.50 PROF SRY - PSG, INC 02.49480.3080 346 00082 QUALITY WINE & SPIRITS C LI QUOR 209.95 LIQUOR 609.49750.2510 346 00083 WINE 143.00CR WINE 609.49750.2530 346 00084 66.95 *YENDOR TOTAL R~E DATA CORPORATIO DEP REG COMP TO ST 433.00 PROF SRY - DATA PROCESSI 101.41920.3090 20980 346 00085 RIYERSIDE OIL STREETS - FUEL 1,758.44 MOTOR FUELS 101.43120.2120 346 00086 RON'S GOURMET ICE ICE 37.00 MISC TAXABLE 609.49750.2540 6298 346 00087 ROWEKAMP ASSOCIATES, INC PW INSP-ARCCAD SEMINAR 550.00 CONFERENCE & SCHOOLS 101.43115.3320 9800020 346 00088 SALZWEDEL/PATRICIA AN SHELTER-FACE PLATE 75.00 BUILDINGS 101.42701.5201 346 00061 SCHARBER & SONS, INC. ICE & SNOW-OP SUPPLIES 750.09 MISC OPERATING SUPPLIES 101.43125.2199 346 00089 ICE & SNOW-BLOWER&PLOWS 800.85 EQUIPMENT REPAIR PARTS 101.43125.2210 346 00090 PARKS-YEH REPAIR PARTS 578.44 YEHICLE REPAIR PARTS 101.45201.2211 346 00091 ICE & SNOW-SKID STEER 34,070.41 HEAYY MACH INERY 101.43125.5401 346 00092 36,199.79 *YENDOR TOTAL SIMONSON LUMBER COMPANY STREETS-OP SUPPLIES 27.57 MISC OPERATING SUPPLIES 101.43120.2199 346 00093 AN SHELTER-SUPPLIES 133.89 BUILDINGS 101.42701.5201 346 00094 . 161.46 *YENDOR TOTAL SIMPSON/CYNTHIA R FIRE HALL CLEANING 50.00 PROF SRY - CUSTODIAL 101.42201.3110 FEBRUARY 346 00095 -.-- -.. - -.- -. .-.-.. .."- .-.- B~NANCIAL SYSTEM CITY OF MONTICELLO o. 798 13:34:31 Schedule of Bills GL540R-V05.20 PAGE 5 VENDOR NAME DESCRIPTION AMOUNT ACCOUNT NAME UND & ACCOUNT CLAIM INVOICE PO# F/P ID LINE ST. CLOUD RESTAURANT SUP MISC TAXABLE 171.89 MISC TAXABLE 09.49750.2540 346 00096 SUPERIOR FCR LANDFILL, LANDFILL CHARGES 1,052.71 MISC PROFESSIONAL SERVIC 10 1.43230.3199 JANUARY 346 00097 TDS TELECOM LI BRARY 68.52 TELEPHONE 21 1.45501. 3210 346 00098 THORPE DISTRIBUTING COMP BEER 6,511.85 BEER 6 9.49750.2520 346 00099 MISC TAXABLE 48.25 MISC TAXABLE 6 9.49750.2540 346 00100 6,560.10 *VENDOR TOTAL UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA SHADE TREE-TOM&JEFF G 145.00 CONFERENCE & SCHOOLS 2 4.46102.3320 346 00104 UNOCAL *FY* FIRE-FUEL 18.84 MOTOR FUELS 10 1.42201.2120 346 00105 U1IIII{ER-WATERPRO -METERS 581. 24 METERS & VALVES FOR RESA 60 .49440.2271 384488 346 00101 US WEST DIRECTORY ADVERT LIQUOR-ADVERTISING 33.60 ADVERTISING 60 .49754.3499 346 00102 JSA WASTE SERVICES, INC REFUSE THROUGH 1/15 1.780.30 PROF SRV - REFUSE COLLEC 10 1.43230.3100 346 00103 lIKING COCA COLA LIQUOR-TAXABLEMISC 395,40 MISC TAXABLE 60 9.49750.2540 346 00106 I S DARLEY & COMPANY *FY* WWTP-SUPPLIES 97,57 MISC OPERATING SUPPLIES 43 6 49201.2199 227243 346 00107 ATSON COMPANY, INC/THE MISC TAXABLE 157,93 MISC TAXABLE 60 9 49750,2540 346 00108 iIGHT COUNTY AUDITOR-TR SCERG GRANT REIMB 2,760.51 GRANT REIMBURSEMENT 22 2,46501. 6601 346 00109 TAX-CARDINAL HILLS 4TH 255.95 MISe OTHER EXPENSE 10 1.45201.4399 346 00111 SHERIFF PATROL 27,776.40 PROF SRV - LAW ENFORCEME 10 1. 2101.3050 FEBRUARY 346 00110 30,792,86 *VENDOR TOTAL IGHT COUNTY MAYOR'S AS ~-DUES 150,00 DUES, MEMBERSHIP & SUBSC 10 1. 1110.4330 346 00112 .,., IGHT-HENNEPIN COOP ELE 30HANAN FARMS 8.79 MIse OTHER EXPENSE 43 6. 9201.4399 346 00113 B.NANCIAL SYSTEM o~ 798 13:34:31 VENDOR NAME DESCRIPTION WSB & ASSOCIATES, INC. *FY* TH 25/CHELSEA ROAD *FY* TH 25/CHELSEA ROAD ZEP MANUFACTURING COMPAN OP SUPPLIES ZIEGLER, INC. ICE & SNOW-MISC OP SUPP STREETS-EQUIP REPAIR . ~ ..... Schedule of Bflls AMOUNT ACCOUNT NAME 32,279.50 1,251.47 33,530.97 - --'-. -'--'-._. ---- --- - -'-- FUND & ACCOUNT PROF SRV - ENGINEERING F 450.49201.3030 MISC OTHER EXPENSE 450.49201.4399 *VENDOR TOTAL 48.69 MISC OPERATING SUPPLIES 09.49754.2199 1,142.36 42.06 1,184.42 MISC OPERATING SUPPLIES EQUIPMENT REPAIR PARTS *VENDOR TOTAL 01.43125.2199 01.43120.2210 CLAIM INVOICE 57688326 CITY OF MONTICELLO GL540R-V05.20 PAGE 6 PO# F/P 10 LINE 346 00114 346 00115 346 00116 346 00117 346 00118 8.- NANCIAL SYSTEM Q 798 13:34:31 VENDOR NAME DESCRIPTION REPORT TOTALS: . 223 Schedule of 8; 15 AMOUNT ACCOUNT NAME FUND & ACCOUNT 253,241.26 RECORDS PRINTED - 000118 ~---;:n;1Ooni\-l o1:UiTiI'i \ - o7iri'1"li'",,-- CLAIM INVOICE CITY OF MONTICELLO GL540R-V05.20 PAGE 7 PO# F/P 10 LINE .NANCIAL SYSTEM o ,98 13:34:33 Schedule of Bi ls FUND RECAP: FUND DESCRIPTION DISBURSE ENTS 101 GENERAL FUND 211 LI BRARY FUND 222 SCERG (ECON RECOVERY GRANT) 223 CMIF (CENT MN INIT FUND) 224 SHADE TREE FUND 323 1989-1,-2,-3 G.O. BOND FUND 326 1991A- 1,-2,-3 G.O. BOND FD 327 1992A CHILLS/SCHOOL BLV BD 354 1988 WATER SYSTEM BOND FUND 317 TIF 1985 (VEIT) BOND FUND 380 TIF 1989 (ELDERLY) BOND FUND 382 TIF 19900 (REM/TAP) BOND FD 436 93-14C WWTP EXPANSION PRJ 450 96-04C HWY25/MNDOT IMPR 601 WATER FUND 602 SEWER FUND 609 MUNICIPAL LIQUOR FUND 6~IVERSIDE CEMETERY TOTAL ALL FUNDS 84,72 .74 902.16 5,243.96 1,100.21 145.00 2 2.50 1 5.00 1 5.00 2 0.00 2 2.00 2 0.00 5 0.00 41 ,1 1. 68 34,2 5.97 2,1 9.03 37,8 6.06 42,2 0.95 1,6 5.00 253,21.26 BANK RECAP: BANK NAME DISBURS MENTS GENL GENERAL CHECKING LIQR LIQUOR CHECKING 211,0 0.31 42,2 0.95 TOTAL ALL BANKS 253,2 1.26 THE PRECEDING LIST OF BILLS PAYABLE WAS REVI WED AND APPROVED FOR PAYMENT. DATE ............ APPROVED BY ..... ............... ......... ++++ . ............ ............+...... >. ....... +... +. .............+....... . CITY OF MONTICELLO GL060S-V05.20 RECAPPAGE GL540R --_.'-'-~._' .---.- 8RC FINANCIAL SYSTEM 03/02/98 10:48:30 . Schedule of 8ills Report Selection: RUN GROUP... M228D COMMENT..- 2/28 MANUAL CKS DATA-JE-IO DATA COMMENT ------~---~--- ------------------------ M-02281998-329 FE8 MANUAL CKS CITY OF M NTICELLC GL050S-V05.20 OVERPAGE GL540R Run Instructions: Jobq Banner Copies Form Printer Hold Space LPI Lines CPI J 01 Y S 6 066 10 . . _.'_ - ____n_ BRC FINANCIAL SYSTEM 03/02/98 10:48:31 .OR NAME DESCRIPTION ADAMS NUT & BOLT CO *FY* AS-ANCHOR VOID ALLERGY FREE AIR FILTER VOID CK ANDERSON/DONNA *FY* WWTP-PAYMENT #10 WWTP-PAYM~NT #11 BARRETT MOVING & STORAGE ESTIMATE FEE CARLSON/ROGER IOC BANQUET REIMB *FY* IOC BANQUET REIMB FROSLIE/KATHLEEN A EDA-DMRF #101 & 103 .RNMENT TRAINING CENT ANN lNG-WORKSHOP (4) PLANNING-(ADDT) SEMINAR GWASHY'S PllZA SUBS & MO CC-EARLY CC MEETING IRWIN HAWKINS TIF 1-22 EARNEST MONEY KOROPCHAK/OL I VE TRAVEL EXPENSE LOCH JEWELERS *FY* EC DEV-PLAQUE *FY* EC DEV-PLAQUE MARQUETTE BANK MONTICELL 4M FUND TRANSFER FEE GMEF #014-AROPLAX SMITH BARNEY WIRE CHARGE . Schedule of ills AMOUNT ACCOUNT NAME 410.40CR BUILDINGS FUND & ACCOUNT 101.42701.5201 42.95CR REPAIR & MTC - BUILDIN S 609.49754.4010 624,107.13 296,943.93 921,051.06 PROF SRV - CONSTRUCTION 436.49201.3025 PROF SRV - CONSTRUCTIO 436.49201.3025 *VENDOR TOTAL 100.00 MISC PROFESSIONAL SERVIC 450.49201.3199 75.00CR MISC OTHER EXPENSE 75.00 MISC OTHER EXPENSE J.OO *VENOOR TOTAL 3,000.00 GRANT REIMB - 250.46501.4399 101.46501.4399 250.46501. 6602 320.00 CONFERENCE & SCHOOLS 101.41910.3320 111. 00 CONFERENCE & SCHOOLS 101.41910.3320 431 .00 *VENDOR TOTAL 23.96 MISC OTHER EXPENSE 101.41110.4399 100.00 LAND 213.46522.5101 81.46 TRAVEL EXPENSE 101.46501.3310 49.46CR MISC OTHER EXPENSE 250.49501.4399 49.46 MISC OTHER EXPENSE 101.46501.4399 0.00 *VENDOR TOTAL 300,000.00 INVESTMENTS 955.10401 15.00 BANK CHARGES 101.41520.4398 87,500.00 LONG TERM REC-TJ MARTI 250.18310 103,500.00 INVESTMENTS 955.10401 15.00 BANK CHARGES 101.41520.4398 491,030.00 *VENDOR TOTAL CITY OF MONTICELLO GL540R-V05.20 PAGE 1 CLAIM INVOICE PO# F/P 10 LINE 329 00001 329 00039 329 00015 329 00048 329 00012 329 00030 329 00035 329 00009 329 00010 329 00038 329 00045 329 00002 329 00023 329 00033 329 00037 329 00021 329 00022 329 00044 329 00046 329 00047 BRC FINANCIAL SYSTEM 03/02/98 10:48:31 eOR NAME OESCRI PT ION MAUS FOODS tFY* OLLIE~PASTRY *FY* OLLIE-PASTRY MINNEAPOLIS VAN TRANSPORTATION CHARGES MN DEPART OF NATURAL RES WA TERCRAFT TITLE WATERCRAFT REG SNOWMOBILE REG ATV REG WATERCRAFT REG SNOWMOBILE REG ATV REG WATERCRAFT REG SNOWMOBILE REG ATV REG MN MUNICIPAL BOARD .LING FEE MONTICELLO CHAMBER OF CO tFY* IDC BANQ TICKETS *FY* IDC BANQUET TICKETS MONTICELLO DEPUTY REG #0 FEES-98 TOWMSTR TRAILER MONTICELLO RV CENTER LAND PURCHASE NATIONAL BUSINESS FURNIT *FY* AN SHEL -VOIO~ NORTHWEST MINNESOTA CHAP FES 6 MEETING PREUSSE/JAMES L CH CLEANING VOID CK DEP REG CLN VOID CK PUBLIC WRKS CLN YOlO .WINE COMPANY .NE YOlO #19231 AMOUNT Schedule of ills ACCOUNT NAME 27.67CR MISC OTHER EXPENSE 27.67 MISC OTHER EXPENSE 0.00 *YENOOR TOTAL 'UNO & ACCOUNT 250.46501.4399 101.46501.4399 100.00 MISC PROFESSIONAL SERV C 450.49201.3199 42.00 609.00 1,541 .00 126.00 770.00 887-00 72.00 352.00 621.00 166.00 5,186.00 DNR PAYABLE DNR PAYABLE DNR PAYABLE DNR PAYABLE DNR PAYABLE DNR PAYABLE DNR PAYABLE ONR PAYABLE DNR PAYABLE DNR PAYABLE *YENDOR TOTAL 15.00 MISC OTHER EXPENSE 375.00CR MISC OTHER EXPENSE 375.00 MISC OTHER EXPENSE 0.00 *YENDOR TOTAL 390.13 LICENSES & PERMITS 16,250.00 LAND 556.85CR FURNITURE & FIXTURES 10.00 CONFERENCE & SCHOOLS 460.00CR PROF SRV - CUSTODIAL 120.00CR PROF SRV - CUSTODIAL 150.00CR PROF SRY - CUSTODIAL 730.00CR *YENDOR TOTAL 144.00CR WINE 101.20811 101.20811 101.20811 101.20811 101 .20811 101. 20811 101.20811 101. 20811 101.20811 101.20811 101.41910.4399 250.46501.4399 101.46501.4399 101.45201.4370 450.49201.5101 609.49754.5601 101.42401.3320 101.41940.3110 101.41990.3110 101.43110.3110 609.49750.2530 CITY OF MONTICELLO GL540R-Y05.20 PAGE 2 CLAIM INYOICE PO# F/P 10 LINE 329 00029 329 00034 329 00013 329 00005 329 00006 329 00007 329 00008 329 00018 329 00019 329 00020 329 00024 329 00025 329 00026 329 00003 329 00032 329 00036 329 00028 329 00011 329 00027 329 00004 329 00041 329 00042 329 00043 329 00040 BRC FINANCIAL SYSTEM 03/02/98 10:48:31 .OR NAME OESCR I PT ION WRIGHT COUNTY AUDITOR-TR HRA-PROPERTY TAX WRIGHT COUNTY RECORDER EASEMENT-MEADOW OAKES ES EASEMENT-MEADOW OAKS EST . . AMOUNT Schedule of 8.11s ACCOUNT NAME 644.25 PROPERTY TAXES 19.50 19.50 39.00 FUND & ACCOUNT 213.45301.3710 MIse PROFESSIONAL SERVI 439.49201.3199 MISC PROFESSIONAL SERVI 439.49201.3199 *VENOOR TOTAL CITY OF MONTICELLO GL540R-V05.20 PAGE 3 CLAIM INVOICE PO~ F/P 10 LINE :329 00014 329 00015 329 00017 BRC FINANCIAL SYSTEM 03/02/98 10:48:31 .OR NAME DESCRIPTION AMOUNT REPORT TOTALS: 1,436,577 .66 Schedule of ills ACCOUNT NAME FUND & ACCOUNT RECORDS PRINTED - 000047 . . CITY OF MONTICELLO GL540R-V05.20 PAGE 4 CLAIM INVOICE PO# F/P 10 LINE - _..~. -- ~.. -- ._-" ..-. --- BRC FINANCIAL SYSTEM 03/02/98 10:48:32 . FUND RECAP : Schedule of 8ills CITY OF MONTICELLO GL060S-V05.20 RECAPPAGE GL540R FUND DESCRIPTION ---------------------------- DIS URSEMENTS 101 GENERAL FUND 213 HRA FUND 250 ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AUTH FD 436 93-14C WWTP EXPANSION PRJ 439 93-12C M.O. TRUNK STM SEWER 450 96-04C HWY25/MNDOT IMPR S09 MUNICIPAL lIQUOR FUND 955 INVESTMENT HOLDING FUND 5,554.28 744.25 8 ,972.87 92 ,051.06 39.00 1 ,460.00 743.80 CR 40 ,500.00 TOTAL ALL FUNDS l,436,577.66 BANK RECAP: BANK NAME ---------------------------- DISBUR EMENTS . GENERAL CHECKING LIQUOR CHECKING ~,437, 21.46 43.80 CR TOTAL ALL BANKS 1,436, 77.66 THE PRECEDING LIST OF BILLS PAYABLE WAS REVIE ED AND APPROVED FOR PAYMENT. DATE ............ APPROVED BY ........ ....... -............ ..,........................ . .............. .+.........,.. +.... - - B~NANCIAL SYSTEM 03/04/98 14:28:25 Schedule of Bills CITY OF MONTICELLO GL050S-V05.20 CO ERPAGE GL540R Report Selection: RUN GROUP... 0304 COMMENT... 3/04 GEN CKS DATA-JE-ID DATA COMMENT 0-03041998-356 3/05 CKS Run Instructions: Jobq Banner Copies Form Printer Hold Space LPI Lines CPI J 01 Y S 6 066 10 . . B~NANCIAL SYSTEM CITY OF MONTICELLO 03/04/98 14:28:25 Schedule of Bil 15 GL540R-Y05.20 PAGE 1 YENDOR NAME OESCRI PTlON AMOUNT ACCOUNT NAME F NO & ACCOUNT CLAIM INYOICE POll FIP 10 LINE ABM EQUIPMENT & SUPPLY I REFUSE-GARBAGE CARTS 14,077.97 MISC OPERATING SUPPLIES 1 1.43230.2199 42104 356 00001 AMERICAN PAGING OF MINNE JOHN M & RICH C 18.38 TELEPHONE 6 1.49440.3210 PAGERS 356 00002 MATT 27.24 TELEPHONE 6 2.49490.3210 PAGERS 356 00003 PATTY 15.92 TELEPHONE 1 1.42701.3210 PAGERS 356 00004 JOHN S 9.19 TELEPHONE 1 1.43110.3210 PAGERS 356 00005 GARY A 9.19 TELEPHONE 1 1. 42401. 321 0 PAGERS 356 00006 JOHN L 9.19 TELEPHONE 101.45201.3210 PAGERS 356 00007 TOM 8 9.19 TELEPHONE 101.43115.3210 PAGERS 356 00008 ROGER 9.19 TELEPHONE 101.43120.3210 PAGERS 356 00009 107.49 *YENDOR TOT AL BELLBOY CORPORATION BAR TAXABLE MISC 672 .90 MISC TAXABLE 09.49750.2540 27169800 356 00011 GEN OP 14.00 MISC OPERATING SUPPLIES 09.49754.2199 27169800 356 00012 686.90 *YENDOR TOTAL BEIIIIt'S PEPSI COLA COM 946.85 BEER 09.49750.2520 356 00017 CELLULAR 2000 OF ST CLOU TOM B 3.69 TELEPHONE 101.43115.3210 CELLULAR 356 00013 FIRE DEPT 0.86 TELEPHONE 101.42201.3210 CELLULAR 356 00014 GARY A 15.84 TELEPHONE 101.42401.3210 CELLULAR 356 00015 MATT T 5.92 TELEPHONE 601.49440.3210 CELLULAR 356 00016 26.31 *YENDOR TOTAL DAHLHEIMER DISTRIBUTING BEER 12,168.99 BEER 609.49750.2520 356 00018 NON ALCOHOLIC 261.20 MISC TAXABLE 609.49750.2540 356 00019 12,430.19 *YENDOR TOTAL DAY DISTRIBUTING COMPANY BEER 1,022.70 BEER 609.49750.2520 356 00020 FIRST TRUST CENTER 96B 125.00 FISCAL AGENTS' FEES 385.47001.6201 ADM FEES 356 00021 96C 125.00 FISCAL AGENTS' FEES 360.47001.6201 ADM FEES 356 00022 96A 125.00 fISCAL AGENTS' fEES 330.47001.6201 ADM FEES 356 00023 375.00 *YENDOR TOTAL FOSTER-fRANZEN-CARLSON A ~SCHEOUlE BONO 195.00 MISC GENERAL INSURANCE 101.42201.3699 3300 356 00024 GAT AY 2000 COMPUTER EQUIP 12,798.13 COMPUTER EQUIPMENT 101.41920.5702 356 00025 - -'- --- - - -. - -.'-' -.. ... :.NANCIAL SYSTEM CITY OF MONTICELLO 3/04/98 14:28:25 Schedule of Bills GL540R-V05.20 PAGE 2 IENDOR NAME DESCRIPTION AMOUNT ACCOUNT NAME FUND & ACCOUNT CLAIM INVOICE POll F/P 10 LINE ,RIGGS, COOPER & COMPANY FREIGHT 226.00 FREIGHT 60 .49750.3330 356 00026 LI QUOR 5,685.07 LI QUOR 60 .49750.2510 356 00021 WINE 510.47 WINE 60 .49750.2530 356 00028 MISC TAXABLE 249.50 MISC TAXABLE 60 .49150.2540 356 00029 6,671.04 *VENDOR TOTAL GROSSLEIN BEVERAGE INC. BEER 13,208.10 BEER 60 .49750.2520 144491 356 00030 MISC TAXABLE 131.25 MISC TAXABLE 60 .49750.2540 144491 356 00031 13,339.35 *VENDOR TOTAL HERMES/GERALD T LIBRARY CLEANING 227. 50 PROF SRV - CUSTODIAL 21 .45501.3110 3/1 TO 3/15 356 00032 HOGLUND COACH LINES LTD HEARTLAND EXPRESS 5,234.11 PROF SVR - HEARTLAND BUS 61 .49801.3060 FEBRUARY 356 00033 HOME JUICE eISC 17. 55 MISC TAXABLE 609.49750.2540 92013 356 00034 JOHNSON BROS WHOLESALE L FREIGHT 128.12 FREIGHT 6 9.49750.3330 356 00035 LIQUOR 3,152.31 LIQUOR 6 9.49750.2510 356 00036 WINE 2,911.20 WINE 6 9.49750.2530 356 00037 6,191.63 *VENDOR TOTAL KENNEDY & GRAVEN, CHARTE EC DEV-LEGAL FEES 564.25 MISC PROFESSIONAL SERVIC 1 1.46501.3199 356 00038 KOROPCHAK/OLIVE TRAVEL REIMB 35.08 TRAVEL EXPENSE 1 1.46501.3310 356 00087 MACQUEEN EQUIPMENT INC. STREETS-SWEEPS CLINIC(2) 80.00 CONFERENCE & SCHOOLS 1 1.43120.3320 356 00039 MIDDENDORF/JOHN SAFETY BOOTS REIMB 90.00 CLOTHING SUPPLIES 6 1.49440.2111 356 00040 MONTICELLO SENIOR CITIIE CONTRACT 2,833.33 SENIOR CENTER CONTRIBUTI 10 1.45175.3136 APRIL 356 00041 NORTHERN STATES POWER CO WATER 813.86 ELECTRIC 01.49440.3810 356 00042 .T LIGHTS 887.21 ELECTRIC 02.49490.3810 356 00043 128.52 ELECTRIC 01.43160.3810 356 00044 CIVIL DEFENSE 4.85 ELECTRIC 01.42501.3810 356 00045 SHOP/GARAGE 524.34 ELECTRIC 01.43127.3810 356 00046 PARKING LOTS 25.16 ELECTRIC 01.43140.3810 356 00047 LI QUOR 809.56 ELECTRIC 09.49154.3810 356 00048 3,193.50 *VENDOR TOTAL -----..-- --,--'~- -~-'..'- .._,._.~-' ,-,,-~ -_._-~-" .-- B~NANCIAL SYSTEM CITY OF MONTICELLO 03/04/98 14:28:25 Schedule of Bill GL540R-V05.20 PAGE 3 VENDOR NAME DESCRIPTION AMOUNT ACCOUNT NAME F NO & ACCOUNT CLAIM INVOICE PO# F/P 10 LINE NORTHWEST CARPET & UPHOL LIQUOR-CARPET CLEANING 308.85 MISC PROFESSIONAL SERVIC 6 9.49754.3199 356 00088 FIRE-CARPET CLEANING 153.36 MISC PROFESSIONAL SERVIC 1 1.42201.3199 356 00089 462.21 *VENDOR TOTAL OHNSTAD/ELMER WWTP-TRAVEL REIMB 22.96 TRAVEL EXPENSE 4 6.49201.3310 356 00049 PAUSTIS & SONS WINE 1,554.54 WINE 6 9.49750.2530 356 00050 PHILLIPS WINE & SPIRITS FREIGHT 80.80 FREIGHT 6 9.49750.3330 356 00051 LIQUOR 4,172.97 LIQUOR 6 9.49750.2510 356 00052 WINE 2,302.52 WINE 6 9.49750.2530 356 00053 6,556.29 *VENDOR TOTAL QUALITY WINE & SPIRITS C LIQUOR 254.33 LIQUOR 6 9.49750.2510 356 00054 e 1,935.63 WINE 6 9.49750.2530 356 00055 2,189.96 *VENDOR TOTAL RON'S GOURMET ICE LIQUOR- ICE 84.00 MISC TAXABLE 6 9.49750.2540 6796, 5817 356 00056 SHUMAN/CATHY TRAVEL REIMB 37.96 TRAVEL EXPENSE 1 1.41520.3310 356 00057 TRAVEL REIMB 24.64 TRAVEL EXPENSE 1 1.41920.3310 356 00058 62.60 *VENDOR TOTAL ST. CLOUD RESTAURANT SUP MISC TAXABLE 129.64 MISC TAXABLE 609.49750.2540 356 00059 THORPE DISTRIBUTING COMP BEER 22,280.70 BEER 609.49750.2520 356 00060 U SLINK CITY HALL 69.08 TELEPHONE 101.41301. 3210 356 00061 FIRE DEPT 0.29 TELEPHONE 101.42201.3210 356 00062 AN SHELTER 2.55 TELEPHONE 101.42701.3210 356 00063 WATER 1. 09 TELEPHONE 601.49440.3210 356 00064 WATER 3.44 TELEPHONE 10 .43110.3210 356 00065 LI QUOR 8.29 TELEPHONE 60 .49754.3210 356 00066 84.74 *VENDOR TOTAL WAe COMPANY, INC/THE MISC TAXABLE 208.28 MISe TAXABLE 60 .49750.2540 510837 356 00067 WRIGHT HENNEPIN SECURITY PARKS 15.98 MAINTENANCE AGREEMENTS 10 .45201.3190 356 00069 B~NANCIAL SYSTEM CITY OF MONTICELLO 03/04/98 14:28:25 Schedule of Bill GL540R-V05.20 PAGE 4 VENDOR NAME DESCRIPTION AMOUNT ACCOUNT NAME F NO & ACCOUNT CLAIM INVOICE POll F/P 10 LINE WRIGHT HENNEPIN SECURITY DEP REG 19.12 MAINTENANCE AGREEMENTS 1 1.41990.3190 MONITORING 356 00068 35.10 *VENDOR TOTAL WRIGHT-HENNEPIN COOP ELE STREET LIGHTS 9.00 ELECTRIC 1 1.43160.3810 356 00010 WSB & ASSOCIATES, INC. GEN ENG SERVICES 487.25 PROF SRV - ENGINEERING F 10 1.43110.3030 JANUARY 356 00071 ST AID NETWORK 343.00 PROF SRV - ENGINEERING F 10 1.43110.3030 JANUARY 356 00072 RESURRECTION CHURCH 207.25 PROF SRV - ENGINEERING F 10 1. 4311 0.3030 JANUARY 356 00073 SR HIGH 422.00 PROF SRV - ENGINEERING F 10 1.43110.3030 JANUARY 356 00014 MAPS 247.75 PROF SRV - ENGINEERING F 10 1.43110.3030 JANUARY 356 00075 ST HENRY'S 45.25 PROF SRV - ENGINEERING F 10 1.43110.3030 JANUARY 356 00076 BIG LAKE HOSPITAL 90.50 PROF SRV - ENGINEERING F 10 .43110.3030 JANUARY 356 00077 BIG LAKE HOSPITAL-DEC 3,592.75 PROF SRV - ENGINEERING F 10 1.43110.3030 JANUARY 356 00018 POST OFFICE REVIEW 45.25 PROF SRV - ENGINEERING F 10 .43110.3030 JANUARY 356 00079 ANNEXATION 316.75 PROF SRV - ENGINEERING F 10 .43110.3030 JANUARY 356 00080 COMM CENTER 1.151.25 PROF SRV - ENGINEERING F 10 .43110.3030 JANUARY 356 00081 . OAKES 2ND 432.00 PROF SRV - ENGINEERING F 44 .49201.3030 JANUARY 356 00082 FARMS 3RD 3,024.00 PROF SVC-ENGINEERING REI 10 .43110.3035 JANUARY 356 00083 SCHOOL BLVD TRAFFIC 133.00 PROF SRV - ENGINEERING F 10 .43110.3030 JANUARY 356 00084 TH 25/CHELSEA 37,502.75 PROF SRV - ENGINEERING F 45 .49201.3030 JANUARY 356 00085 48,040.75 *VENDOR TOTAL ZEE MEDICAL SERVICE GEN OP 22.10 MISC OPERATING SUPPLIES 60 .49754.2199 54128370 356 00086 . ~NANCIAL SYSTEM 03/04/98 14~28;25 VENDOR NAME DESCRIPTION REPORT TOTALS: . . AMOUNT ACCOUNT NAME 162,886.75 RECORDS PRINTED - 000088 Schedule of Bill F ND & ACCOUNT CLAIM INVOICE CITY OF MONTICELLO GL540R-V05.20 PAGE 5 PO# F/P 10 LINE ~NANCIAL SYSTEM 03/04/98 14:28:27 Schedule of B lls FUND RECAP: FUND DESCRIPTION DISBURS MENTS ---------------------------- 101 GENERAL FUND 211 LIBRARY FUND 330 1996A G.O. IMPR BONO 360 1996C SEWER INTER REFUNO BD 385 TIF 1996B G.O. REFUNDIND BD 436 93-14C WWTP EXPANSION PRJ 447 96-02C BRIAR OAKES 2ND 450 96-04C HWY25/MNDOT IMPR 601 WATER FUND 602 SEWER FUND 609 MUNICIPAL LIQUOR FUND 610 TRANSPORTATION FUND TOTAL ALL FUNDS . BANK RECAP: 41.7 0.31 2 7. 50 1 5.00 1 5.00 1 5.00 2.96 4 2.00 37.502.75 929.25 14.45 75. 58.42 5. 34.11 ---------------------------- DISBUR EMENTS BANK NAME GENL GENERAL CHECKING LIQR LIQUOR CHECKING TOTAL ALL BANKS 87. 28.33 75, 58.42 162. 86.75 THE PRECEDING LIST OF BILLS PAYABLE WAS REVIEWED AND APPROVED FOR PAYMENT. DATE ............ APPROVED BY . ... ..... ..... ..... ........ ......... .. ... ..... ... .... .... ...+... ..... .. . ...... ....... ........ .... .... CITY OF MONTICELLO GL060S-V05.20 RECAPPAGE GL540R