City Council Agenda Packet 03-23-1998 . . . AGE DA REGULAR MEETING - MO ICELLO CITY COUNCIL Monday, March 8,1998 - 7 p.m. Mayor: Bill Fair Council Members: Clint Herbst, Brian Stu pf, Roger Carlson, Bruce Thielen 1. Call to order. 2. Approval of minutes of the regular eeting held March 9,1998. 3. Consideration of adding items to the agenda. 4. Citizens comments/petitions, requess, and complaints. 5. Consent agenda. v,'t ~~~ (A.~ 1(;/ Consideration of establishing ark use fees for reserving shelters in West Bridge Park and Ellison Park. B. Consideration of accepting ad pt-a-park policies. C. Consideration of a resolution pproving plans and authorizing advertisement for bids for ext nsion of sanitary sewer and water to the Resurrection Church and Met odist Church sites. D. Consideration of appointing C uncil representative for union contract negotiations. 6. Consideration of items removed fro the consent agenda for discussion. 7. Consideration of reviewing annualli uor store financial report for 1997. 8. Consideration of making appointme ts to the Orderly Annexation Board. 9. Consideration of approving develop ent of a community center design small group and consider appointing City ouncil representative. 10. Consideration of bills for the last h f of March, 1998. 11. Adjournment. A~~o ,~'t \~\ lr' Q f'u>~~ Mar-20-9a 02:0~P P.02 . .. was ~~A . I T. \,;;I SSQtUltes, ~n,. I I 350 Westwoo Lake Office 8441 Wayza Boulevard Minneapoli ,MN 55426 612.54 .4800 FAX 1-1700 H.A. Miu~l~t=:lt. I'.E. 8m A. Wei~~. r.E. l'C',e" R. WillC'nbring, 1'.1::. DUIWd W. SlelnO/,I',t;. RuIl:.LItl H. Bny. 1>..1::. To: Honorable Mayor and Members afthe Ci y Council CityafManticello From: Bret A. Weiss, P.E., City Engineer Re: Added Council Agenda Item Trunk llighway (TH) 25 Improvement Pr ~ect Date: March 20, 1998 Please add the following Council agenda item to t e agenda faT Monday's meeting. Please contact me or Ron Bray at 541.4800 if you have any que tions prior to the meeting. . Thank you for your consideration. run . F;\WPWI]\I'\I O:\3.S0\cm:I-lgn. wpd lnfra.(truaure En inters Plmfners l.:QU...... C)1'1"()~'1'1.' ITY l,;.MI'l.OYJ,;R . . . Mar-20-9a 02:01P P.03 3A(1). Consideration ofa resolution calling for. public hearing tor TH 25 Improvement project. 3A(2) Consideration of a resolution authorizi g condemnation proceedings for the TH 25 improvement. (Prepared by WSB) I A. Reference and Background: The TH 2S improvement project i rapidly moving toward the construction phase. The following issues must be com leted in order to keep the process on schedule. 1) Public Hearing: Monticello is responsible r a share of the project costs associated with Mn/DOT's funding agreem nt. A description of those costs is outlined in the attached memo. In order to assess a portion of the project costs, it is necessary to hold a public caring before plans arc c\pproved. The public hearing would be called for he April 13, 1998 meeting, with notices mailed out to all benefitted parcels. 2) Condemnation Proceedings: The City. Wilson Develop ent Services and WSB havc been working on property acquisitions require to complete the access modifications and side street construction for this p ~ect. Since the appraisals are nQw completed. the property owners notified, in the interest of the construction schedule. we arc requesting the initiation f condemnation proceedings. The propelties can still be acquired prior to completing condemnation; this simply moves the process along and waul aHow for a mid-surruner project start. The Council should understand th t they must follow through on the proceedings once they are started unless oth parties agree to stop the proceedings. A memo from Wilson Develop ent is attached for inConnational purposes. Members of the project team will pr vide a presentation at Monday's meeting and will be available for questions. B. Alternative Actions 3A1 1. Council could adopt a resolution calling for a pUblic hearing for the City's portion of the 25 improvement project. 3Al 2. Do not adopt the resol tion at this time. 3A2. 1. Council could adopt a resolution authorizing condemnation proceedings for parcel located along TH 25 necessary to construct the TH 25 improveme t project. 3A2. 2. Do not adopt the resol tion at this time. Attachment: Cost Participation Memo Land Acquisition Memo 1':1 WI'WINI) OJJ.'Ulcncl'"lIn, "'1Xl Mar-20-9B 02:01P . ,,-~,- . . .. WSS PA04 350 Westwoo lake Office 8441 Wayza a Boulevard Minneapoli ,MN 55426 612-54 -4800 FAX 5 1.1700 R.A. MindsrC2dc. P.E. Brec A. Wdss, P.E. Pertr R. Willr:nhring. P.F.. Dnn:aJd W. Srtrna. P.r.. Ronald B. Bray. P.I\. Cf Associates, Inc. To: Memorandum Mr. Rick Woljsteller, City Admin 'trator City of Monticello B,etA. Weis., PoE.'DJ- City Engineer From: Dllte: Mllrch 20, 1998 Re: Preliminary Cost Analysis and Pa. ment Options uunkHwhw~(TH)2SR~ons~cUon WSB Project No. 1 033. SO This memo is intended to serve as background inti nnation for the Council agenda associated with calling for a public hearing for the above-referenc . project. As you are aware, this project has been in process for several years and is currently nearin the end of the design phase and wiH be moving into the bidding phase in the next few months. Acc rdingly, we are able to more accurately project the opinion of probable project cost. along with th methods of project financing. The bulk of the financing for the project is provided through federal funding and Mn/DOT funding. However, Mn/DOT's funding policy does require s me contribution by the City of Monticello for various portions of the project. This memo will ttempt to summarize those areas, along with potential funding methods for discussion of Coun iL The areas that the City will be required to participate in funding are ~ follows: . Storm Sewe,. System Currently, TH 2S is primarily a rural seeti n roadway consisting of ditches and culvert crossings to accommodate the storm water c trol. The proposed design ofTH 2S from 1-94 to Kjellberg's Park is an urban design con isting of concrete curb and gutter and storm sewer. MnJDOT has developed a storm sewe system within TH 25 and considering that the City had identified a trunk collection line al 11g TH 25 to serve areas cast ofTH 25, it was decided that the systems could be incorpo' atcd together in an effort to provide some economies of scale and reduce the cost of the City's trunk system. In addition to the development of this trunk system, later-dl syst ms on all of the stub streets including School Boulevard, Dundas Road. Chelsea Road, a d Oakwood Drive have been developed to accommodate the lateral stann sewer system in that area, as well as provide for future trunk line extensions from proposed ponding areas to accommodate future <.levelopmenL I1Jfra.~tnu:ture Engin crs Pla"1Jcrs !;(,lUhL Ul'J'OI('I'VNIT I'Mf>I.OYF.n "':\ WI'WINI I o.l.1.sO\/l120'lS."". UIpd Mar-20-ga 02:01P P~05 . Mr. Rick Wolfsteller City of Monticello Marcl. 20. 1998 Page 2 Mn/DOT has not provided a breakdown 0 the estimated costs that would be contributed by them for the overall system. For this mem . we have estimated that Monticello will aSSume approximately 40% of the trunk line costs and 100% of the lateral system improvements. This amounts to a total project eontributio of $943,700. Of this total, for the stann sewer project costs, we have estimated $681,50 is attributable to the City's trunk system and $262,200 would be considered lateral sto sewer project costs. The trunk stann sewer cost wi II need to be advanced from the trunk 5to sewer fuud, which will be replenished as areas in the City develop and pay the trunk stonn ewer fee. We are proposing to spread the lateral costs through the use of a lateral systcm asse smcut to the benefitted properties. Many times, this cost is included with the street improv ent project costs, however, due to the method that Mn/DOT has provided for a cost anal sis, it is easier to incorporate these costs on an area basis to the benefitted parcels. We ha e estimated a proposed assessment amount of $135,800. . Utility System Improvements (Sanitary S er and Watermain) . The development oflhe TH 25 project Creat s an opportunity to complete utility extcnsions across TH 25 using conventional open cut ethods versus augered casings. Additionally, strect improvement projects create locations that require revisions to accommodate the new street extensions. The TH 25 project involv s both of these activities, as well as new utility extensions under proposed new streets. The tility system trunk: inlprovements includc the extension of a trunk watcnnain from the eas to the west across TH 25 along the proposed Chelsea Road alignment. Additional trunk e tensions are proposed on the west side ofTH 25 at the new School Boulevard stub street. School Boulevard is heing constructed on the west side ofTH 25 to accommodate the relo ation of the ''park: & ride" because the street is being constnlcted ~ necessary to extend sani ary sewer and watennain improvements under the street. The utility system adjustment work that is pro osed is located at Dundas Road and Oakwood Drive.to accommodate the new street system . Wc have separated the utility system project osts into the following three areas: Trunk Cost Lateral Assessments System Revisions $36,200 $109,506 $51,958 . The trunk improvements are intended to be pai for out of the trunk system funds, which are paid as each property develops. The lateral s stem costs are anticipated to be assessed to benefitted properties, principally along School oulevard. The system revisions arc typically paid for out of the operation and maintenance funds for the respective utility system. 1':\WPWIN\1 03).50\lll~09......... wpcl Mar-ZO-9B OZ:OlP . . . P.06 M,. Rick Wolf.ttelle, City of Monticello March 20,1998 Page 3 · $t,eet Improvements The street improvement project cost for 's project consists of the following items: · Pathway Improvements: A 10- oot bituminous path is being extended from Kjellberg's Park to 1-94 along the east side of TH 25. Because this is contained within the project limits. MnlDOT has agreed to pay for 60% of the pathway cost, with 40% being paid for by the ity. The cost is typically covered out of the pathway fund or could. if desired, e paid for out of the State Aid Street Fund as an off-system expenditure. Monticello's State Aid Fund does noL currently have enough money in it to pay for all of the prop sed improvements associated with 7th Street and other proposed improvement proje ts. The estimated project cost for Montieello's share of the pathway improvement s $95,200. . Signals: Typically, the signal s stem improvements are split 50/50 betwecn Mn/DOT and the City. However. si ce it is a federal project, the local share is 20% of which MnlDOT has agreed to sprt equally between MnJDOT and the City. The signal system cost is a street impro ment cost that is assessable with an estimated Monticello project cost of$39.000. e School Boulevard signal will be completed at a 50/50 split when completed in e future. . Stub St,eet Const,uctiolJ: MnlDOT is assuming responsibility [or the construction of all streets between Cedar Street d Sandberg Road from the north to the south along the length of TH 25. The rig t-of-way acquisition to Lacilitate these street improvements is being paid for by e City of Monticello. The City ofMonticeJlo is also resp,onsible for any connection outside of these strects, as noted on the plans. We have estimated a street construct' on cost for this project of $131 ,600. . Right-of-Way: Right-of-way irnprov ments for this project, as noted on the attached memo, amount to approximately $ 42,280. These costs are associated with acquisition of right~of-way for the ew Chelsea Road, Dundas Road. and the purchase of the large ponding areajus south of Marvin Road, which has been in the City plan for many years. The large nding area will be charged against the trunk storm sewer system and the right.of. way improvement tor street and access are considered street construction costs Therefore, the tolal street construction associated with this project right-of-w y amounts to $318,700. It is Monticello's policy to assess forn w street improvements to benefitted parcels_ Accordingly, School Boulevard. Dun as Road, Chelsea Road, and Oakwood Drive all involve construction of a new urban street. Because costs can he somewhat higher due to the federal improvement roject and because the right-of-way costs are 1':\ W I'W INII 0J3.$U\tl32I>>&-Iw. "'pel Mar-20-9B 02:0ZP P.07 . Mr. Rick Wolfsteller City of Monticello March 20, 1998 Page 4 higher than normally expected, w have developed standard assessments based on an average slreet improvement pro eel. In addition, we have identified which parcels and how many front feet of stTeet an be assessed to determine the total amount of proposed street assessments. M y of these parcels are surrounded by streets, however, the criteria usually is ba ed on which streets the parcels have access to when determining benefit. Some c mer lot adjustments may be required. as well as we may look at extending the depth of parcels assessed for these street improvements. The total street 'mprovements to be assessed is estimated at approximately $100,000. Estimated Cost Sum ary and ,Distribution Trunk System Proposed Total Expenditur Expenditure Assessments .. .. ..-.-----------..-. .., Street Construction (IncI. ROW) $389,200 $100,000 $489,200 . Utility Improvements $52,000 $109,400 $197,600 Stonn Sewer (Incl. Pond ROW) $681,500 $126,400 $135,800 $943,700 Pathway $95,200 $95,200 $717,700 $662,800 $345,200 $1,725,700 We have attached a summary of the proposed right.o -way costs and the overall cost breakdown for your Use. I hope this memorandum addresses many of the iss es associated with the funding program in a general manner that allows us to move forward wi the public hearing. Over the next several weeks, we wi II be fine tuning the assessment pro and finalizing the costs with Mn/DOT in an effort to provide an accurate project cost breakdown 0 you. Please don'l hesitate to give me a call at 541-4800 if you have any questions or COmments egarding this memo. run . iI: I W I'WI NIl Oll.5010120911_rw. WJlIl ..J 51 ":~I~: !Q i2ii: !!l :;'1': ;:; 9:21; ~ ';;j: ..., ~ '1 ...,,, ". i2'i ::;~;: Q rs ~ Ii :. f i~ :;~' l:l ~,' Ii::,' ;; 'c '.'. Co) ~ S ,-" ~ ..J : ~g .... ~ , :-. ~ ..~ ~-~ ~ ~ ~ ~ .':: ::'.:a,. ::; ::;:~:u' ~ ...,,1,. ... 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C> , i; 8 I I 8 ~ ... ! ; i It i :IE '# i ~ 1 8 ; .... s Iii il .. a If ii . .. .# :; 8 .... ~ I I ; ~ I; i i 11th i .. . 0 :I! .10; - - Mar- . . P.09 i o !i: I 5 I I I ~ I .. Mar-Zo-ga oZ:ozP 83/26/1996 l~:~l bl~44~4b(5 W.LL:sl.I'f .lJt;,~Lr'" ~ WILSON DEVELOPM NT SERVICES -HELPING CITIES AND BUSt 'ESSES GROW. M.udz 20, 1998 MEMO TO: FROM: HE: MonticeJJo City Coundl Dan Wilson Hwy. #25 ROW Acquiaition lWquut lDi1:iate The Hwy. #26 improvement projec:t needa to va aita exmtral ill order to B'lIVa:td. the QOMtruction contract.. Thirty three pU't'ea iJ1vo1Y8d.. The amount of utent of the acquisition. yu:y ll'8ar1y. . Total Tab A few p&:n:ele will be acquired totally IJUCb 8B e RV Center. In some cues a new aide meet wiD. CODaume the entire parcel or au . nmlWlt would remain. . Permazaent Ease.lll8llt Moat of the Hwy. #25 ROW is under will coatinlle to OWD the property and. have Z8 eoD.tinue to pay taxea on the property under permanent ea8eJUent i8 the aame as if the pro t easement. Th.e cu.mmt property gwnar . WIll of the property. The,.. will permanent euPment. 'n1e cost of a rty wu acquired in fee. Temporary Eu.meQt MNDoT requires a buDparuy t"uemenc ad;t t any area where CODStruction work is ;Pedolm.ed. Thia p8mUtI tM contractor to cIri'Y on the private pZ'Opll't)' and slope or blend the new C'D.DBt:ruction with the aiatine' CO clition. '!be CODtnctar haa to I'eIton ,the property to'its initial condition. MNDOT requires a 6 year temparl!)" eUIZDIDt. W. will have a 2 year temporary euement OIl the City parce1a. CoutNctioQ w to be campleted in 2 Y8an. We are reqlle8tiDc that the City initiate the Dennis Dalen. in Paw Wem,azden'. o1Bce. 9riJl . "Quick Take" condemnation is required. Tbia parcels ai- ."88m.Dte withiD 90 cIa.1a The am much kmpr pe:riod. CondAnmation ia aleo a w be any. tion pr0ceediDc8 Oll all pamsla. the court })l'OCeediDp. wiD. give the City title to ths t otthe award may be contested. over a to resolve tiI1e problema should there 'I'hi.t action ehauJd not be eonscned to be an ache &rial action Ibr all parcela COIIC8med. It is an iDwranca policy to iDaun avaiIabilis;y of laud 118Qe---Y fDr the p~ in . timely manner. . 510 Chestnut St.. 511ite 200, Office: (612) 448 4630 I. aka, MN 55318 . (612) 448 "'6 P.IO PAGE 82 Mar-20-98 02:02P ~~'LD,~~~g ~~;u~ o~~~~o~o'O .~ . ~ . . 1. City Co1UIcil pueea resob.ltion autho " prn('~l'lp. 2. Fint hearine before court to ..tablieh the.pubIic P\1tPO&8. 3. The Judce appointe S penona mm;l;1\r wi real eatata ia tba area &:0 serve '" ~~. 4. The Com-;a.wnera will view the proper 5. The City must deposit with the Court the U:opl'OYem.enta before the end of 90 day. owners. 6. The Com",l~' make the ._aM de period.. 7. The title p.... 00 tbs Qty in 90 da1L. 8. Both aides have the right to appeal the We fully ezpect to Ilesotiate &be majority of eondemnation action does encourage all p avoid, the coata and J.iaka involved with the CondemaatioD Proce.. The bigreat is8ue in D8IOtiat:ing the price of e matter of IeVera.nce. TbiI rea\alta when we a portion remainin, hu Iuftered 80Dle 1018. &eYera.uce 1088 if their aeoeu had been tamp eatabliahed. preeedent in what is compenlatabJ area of diseuuion.. ...,"'........... ~ .,...,w.......""" ~'w acq\lieiticma Dut:lide of the court. The to nqoti.at6 in &oocl faith in ordezo to deIDDation. ud. take teetimony from both side.. ppraiaed value oftha land and d is theD available to the propercy . tioa, Blast.l:ilrely within the 90 day 8 award to Diatriet Court. en.te Dr acqWaition will likely he the a portion of the parcel and the 8 ia . good example. People aque a State .tatute and court caaes have and what is not, but tbi8 remaina an The appraiaal8 are now complete. WI'1tt.e12 o.fIi will be lent in the amount of the appraisals. The appraiMd values appear very '. so actual..ttlementa should be cloee to the apPraise value. unless an enor hIlS heeD ads. P.ll . II""IrIIoA." '-II"; . . . MIN TES REGULAR MEETING. MO ICELLO CITY COUNCIL Monday, March 9, 1998 - 7 p.m. Members Present: Bill Fair, Clint Herbst, rian Stumpf, Roger Carlson, Bruce Thielen Members Absent: None 2. A. A MOTION WAS MADE BY BR STUMPF AND SECONDED BY BRUCE THIELEN TO APPROVE THE MI UTES OF THE SPECIAL MEETING HELD FEBRUARY 23,1998, AS ITTEN. Voting in favor: Bill Fair, Brian Stumpf, Bruce Thielen, oger Carlson. Abstaining: Clint Herbst. Motion carried. B. A MOTION WAS MADE BY BRI STUMPF AND SECONDED BY ROGER CARLSON TO APPROVE THE MI UTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING HELD FEBRUARY 23,1998, AS ITTEN. Voting in favor: Bill Fair, Brian Stumpf, Bruce Thielen, R ger Carlson. Abstaining: Clint Herbst. Motion carried. C. Councilmember Clint Herbst re uested that some of the public comments be added to the item egarding the community center. A MOTION WAS MADE BY CLINT HERBST AND SECONDED BY BRUCE THIELEN TO APPROVE THE MIN TES OF THE SPECIAL MEETING HELD MARCH 2, 1998, AS AMEN ED. Motion carried unanimously. 3. A. Proposed landscaping and tree panting at the wastewater treatment plant site was discussed. 4. None. Page 1 @ . . . Council Minutes - 3/9/98 5. Consent ag-enda. A. t for i v 1 M n icello 1 A li nt B Approve the conditional use pe allow the Cub Foods store and dditional retail to be constructed with a zero lot line based on the finding that the project would substantially comply with the intent of the Ci y's Comprehensive Plan and Downtown Revitalization Plan. Approval is subject to the following conditions: 1. Revised landscaping pIa reflecting the following changes: a. Additionallandsca ed island along the parking area edge, east of the b ilding and adjacent to the "CK" lot. Additionallandsca ing along the south boundary screening the dock area from view of the freeway ramp. Low shrubs should be considered which retain the view of the building itself. Amendment to the plan reflecting a mirroring of materials in the ex anded island along the main entrance driveway as sugge ted by the DAT. b. c. 2. Incorporation of the DAT recommendations as listed in the DAT minutes of February 12 d summarized as follows: a. The main drive ais e from Walnut Street should be lined with landscaped is ands, with no parking on the east side as shown. b. Ornamental light oles line the main entrance and match those to be used 0 Walnut Street. c. Add a bench to the front of the building to accommodate Heartland Expres riders. d. Landscaping sho d reinforce the Cub Store as an integral "focal poi t" at the end of the Walnut Street vista. e. The building sho d be complemented with a cornice detail similar to t e one used on the Edina store viewed by the DAT memb rs. Page @ . B. C. . . Council Minutes - 3/9/98 r KnIl rzn fr BI k 3 M Kn Alii ni 11 Recommendation: Approve the preliminary and final plat of the Eastwood Knoll 2nd Addition, and approve the rezoning request to rezone Outlot A and Lots 1, 2, and 3, Block 3, Meadow Oak Estates; and Outlot C, Eastwood Knoll from R-PUD to R-l. SEE ORDINANCE AMENDM NT NO. 307. a. b. Modify Lots 4 and 5, BI ck 4, by increasing the size of Lot 5. Modify the intersection by reducing reverse curve. Combine Mill Trail Dri e and Mill Trail Lane into Mill Trail Lane. Mill Trail Lane design ion for road up hill. c. d. D. Con i ration f resol i n r r'nfl n sewer extension. Recomme dation: Approve a resolution accepting petition and ordering feasibili y study and plans and specifications for installation of sanitary sewer service to the KjeIlbergs West Mobile Home Park contingent on Kje lbergs providing a $225,000 escrow deposit. SEE RESOLUTION 8-8. E. F. n h f: ili r' L h r hur h. Recommendation: Approv the conditional use permit subject to a condition which would requir construction of off-street parking in an arrangement similar or supe 'or to the drawing labeled as Exhibit A in the agenda packet, with a de rral of the parking requirement for four years. Pa e 3 @ . . . Council Minutes - 3/9/98 G. Approval is subject to the following 1. Re-orientation of northe st quad unit to require all driveway locations to access the i ernal street. 2. Re-orientation oftwinho e areas to avoid continuous curb cuts of wide driveways. Con ider the combination of some of these units into quad units if nit count is not to be reduced. 3. Landscape front yards i tensively in the twinhome area to reduce the impact of wi e driveways and extensive paving. 4. Provide natural vegetat on of drainage area to avoid the urge to cut and maintain wet! d grasses. This should include a mixture of trees, shrubs, and ground covers or grasses which can thrive in the enviro ment being created there. 5. Provide a pathway con ection between the cul-de-sac and the School Boulevard path ay system. 6. Revise preliminary pIa drawings to correspond with revised development stage PU plan. A MOTION WAS MADE BY BRUCE T IE LEN AND SECONDED BY BRIAN STUMPF TO APPROVE THE CONSEN AGENDA AS RECOMMENDED. Motion carried unanimously. 6. n. 7. h Planninll Commission. Assistant Administrator J eft' Q'N ei reported that the Planning Commission conducted a public hearing regardi g the southwest area planning study, which was recommended for adopti n. A major change to the original plan @ . . . Council Minutes - 3/9/98 calls for development of an industrial rea along the freeway between Oakwood Drive and West County Road 39. This area was previously designated for residential uses. He no ed that feedback from property owners in the area has been received s'nce the Planning Commission meeting, and it was recommended that this item be tabled pending additional study of the area. A MOTION WAS MADE BY BRIAN STU PF AND SECONDED BY CLINT HERBST TO TABLE CONSIDERATION 0 A COMPREHENSIVE PLAN AMENDMENT FOR THE SOUTH AND ST GROWTH AREAS UNTIL THE FIRST MEETING IN APRIL AFTER FUR HER REVIEW BY THE PLANNING COMMISSION. Motion carried unanim usly. 8. A MOTION WAS MADE BY CLINT HER ST AND SECONDED BY ROGER CARLSON TO APPROVE THE BILLS FO THE FIRST HALF OF MARCH, 1998, AS PRESENTED. Motion carried unanimq sly. , I A MOTION WAS MADE BY BRIAN STUMPF D SECONDED BY CLINT HERBST TO ADJOURN THE MEETING. Motion carried u .animously. Karen Doty Office Manager Page 5 @ . . . SA Council Agenda ~ 3/23/98 in The Parks Commission has reviewe the current program for charging fees for use of shelters in these parks an has determined that due to frequency of use and associated cost, it is time to consider charging. Please see the attached information from the Park Commission defining the proposed fee structure. City Council needs to det rmine whether or not it is appropriate to be charging fees for use of the sh ltered areas in the parks. As you know, many communities do charge fees fOl special use of facilities that requires extra maintenance and attention by city staff as a result of semi~private use. Obviously, charging the fees helps t recover some of the City's cost associated with providing facilities. There is also the issue relating to u e of the facilities by city vs. non~city residents. As you can see, the fee st cture charges a higher amount for non~ city residents. It may make sense t have non-residents pay a slightly higher fee for use of the facilities due to th fact that their property tax dollars do not go toward maintenance of our p rk system. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Motion to approve the fee st cture as submitted by the Parks Commission. 2. Motion to deny changes to or doption of the fees for use of the parks. 3. Motion to modify and adopt t e fee program submitted by the Parks Commission. The City Administrator has review d the proposed fee structure and supports the recommendation by the Parks ommission. D. SUPPORTING DATA: Fee structure and information pro ded by the Parks Commission. . . . MONTICE LO PARK RESERVATI N POLICY 1. Reservations A. January through April only c'ty residents can make advanced reservations. In May reserv tions will be open to anyone. B. A list of people and times the helter has been reserved will be posted on the shelter the beginning f each week by the Parks Maintenance Department. The person sch duling the reservations will prepare the typed list for the Parks Main enance Department and place it in the Park Superintendent's mailb x. 2. E.ef:.5. A. B. C. D. City Residents ($50 per 4/hou s) 1.,) t) Non-residents ($100 per/4ho rs) Non-resident commercial ($2 0 per/4 hou~s.) -GhUH.1U:ti ($10 per 4/hours) (""'0 lV~f~ ('( f) .. \ ~ dcth,h~--b ff 3. Exempt from fees A. Organizations that are suppo ted indirectly or directly through annual appropriations. (Examples: Commnnity Educati n, Monticello Community Partners, Senior Center) B. Large community events (Ri~ rfest, Art in the Park) 4. Maintenance The Parks Commission requested t e Park Maintenance department include a person to keep the shelters and re trooms clean on a daily basis. This would include more than one visit 0 the weekends. Iv! y{\ \~ v RESERVE.POL 1/1/98 5A,/ . . . 5B. A f Council Agenda - 3/23/98 (J.O.) Parks Commission submits to the Ci y Council modifications to the existing adopt-a-park policies. The adopt-a-p rk policies are intended to provide organizations and individuals with g idance as to how the City and organizations will cooperate toward evelopment and improvement to public lands within the city of Monticello u ing the assistance of volunteers. The development of this policy stems fro considerable discussion by the Parks Commission, and it represents an im rovement to a policy established by the City Council a few years ago. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Motion to approve or modify a d approve the adopt-a-park policies. Under this alternative, this d cument will become the foundation of future relationships between e City and organizations like the Lions Club, the Rotary Club, and ot , ers that wish to share in the development of our park reso ces. 2. Motion to deny the adopt-a-pa k policies. The City Administrator recommend adoption of these policies. As soon as they are adopted, they will be imple' ented in conjunction with the park being developed in the Klein Farms rea by the Lions and also the Prairie Creek Park developed just west oft e Prairie West development along the pathway. D. SUPPORTING DATA: Copy of adopt-a-park regulations. 2 . ADOPT- -AREA GUIDELINES FOR PRIVATELY FUNDED IMPROVEMENTS TO CITY PARKS, PATHWAYS, 0 OTHER PUBLIC PROPERTY WHEREAS, from time to time, private groups or individuals (volunteers) may recognize an opportunity to improve public park areas, pat ways, and/or a public property and seek to provide free labor and supply materials neces ary to complete an improvement project, and WHEREAS, the City of Monticello appreciate the willingness and efforts made by volunteers to beautify and improve city parks, pathways, public property and WHEREAS, city park improvement projects, aintenance, or activities undertaken by volunteers will be conducted on public lands a d, therefore, need to be coordinated with City park planning and operations, and WHEREAS, a common understanding must b established between the City and volunteers regarding each city improvement p oject in terms of project design, financing, maintenance, etc. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY HE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF MONTICELLO, that the following guidelines hall be followed in regulating city park, pathway, or public improvement projects comp eted by volunteers: . 1. Elieibility. Anyone interested in unde aking a park improvement project is eligible. 2. Project Duration. Volunteers shall com 't to maintaining the project site for a period of two years with renewal each y ar. (See lIB) 3. Plan Preparation. A. A set of plans shall be prepared t t provides detail necessary to understand the scope and design of the projec . B. A maintenance plan providing det ils of maintenance, repair, and appearance. This should also incl de a vandalism plan. 4. Pathway Benches. Pathway benches mu t meet city specifications. Benches shall be placed along the pathway at locations in accordance with the City's Pathway Plan. Anyone interested in donating a b nch can obtain the required specifications and costs at City Hall. A plaque or insc bed message can be placed on the back of the bench stating who donated the bench . C:\OFl<'ICE\P ARK\ADOPT2.POL Page 1 66--1 Guidelines for Adopt-An-Area . 5. Si~ns. The following signs may b allowed after review by the City Staff and the Parks Commission: A. Plant identification signs. B. Area identification sign, directio al signs, informational signs C. Adopt-a-Park signs that state the name of a business, logo, or slogan are allowed. (This will be below the ain park sign) D. Adopt-an-area signs allowed for aintenance projects will be 6" x 8" temporary signs for recognition. 6. Review Process. Park project plans s all be submitted to City staff for review. If plans are complete as defined by City St if and the Park Superintendent the proposal will be submitted to the Parks ommission for review. At the discretion of the Parks Commission and/or City Admi . strati on the project will be reviewed by the City Council. 7. Financint,::. Generally, the total cost in erms of materials and supplies shall be paid entirely by the volunteers; however the City has the option of cooperating financially through separate funding, la or, and/or materials on a case-by-case basis. If City financing is being requeste the amount should be requested at the time the plans are submitted. . 8. Maintenance Projects It shall be the esponsibility of the volunteers to maintain the areas according to the maintenance a eement agreed to at the beginning of the project. 9. Vandalism. A plan for vandalism will be addressed under the main maintenance plan. 10. Termination of Project. A. Since the project is located on publ c property, any labor or materials placed on the property becomes the prope y of the City of Monticello. The City reserves the right to terminate the roject after a 30 days notice without reimbursement ifit is deemed by t e City Council to be in the public interest to do so. B. Each volunteer group shall appoint an individual responsible for coordinating group installation and maintenanc of the project. The responsible volunteer shall also be responsible for unders anding and complying with city guidelines. Each year in January a renewal letter will be sent to the contact . c: \OFFlCE\P ARK\ADOPT2.POL Page ~g -2...- . . . Guidelines for Adopt-An-Area person for each project that has b en "adopted. This will determine if there is still an interest to continue the pr ~ect. The Park Superintendent shall b responsible for overseeing that the maintenance plan is being follow d. Consistent failure to properly maintain the project as defined by the agre d plan may result in the project being deemed abandoned. If the project is found to be abandoned, then the City Administration and/or the Parks ommission may at its discretion remove all or a portion of the improvements .nstalled with the project. c. (Adopted this 9th day of September, 1991. RE ISED Feb. 1998) City Administrator c: \OF'FICE\P ARK\ADOPT2.POL ayor Pag 3 ~g-3 Council Agenda - 3/23/98 . 5C. A The City Engineer has prepared pIa s and specifications for installation of utilities to the Resurrection Luthera Church and Methodist Church sites. Council is asked to adopt a resolutio accepting these plans and to consider authorizing advertisement for bids. he graphic showing the alignment of the utilities, along with the proposed finance plan, is attached for your review. These plans are consistent ith plans already approved by City Council in conjunction with approval of the feasibility study. A deposit is in place in an amount equal to the cost f preparation of plans. Prior to ordering this project, the Cit will establish an agreement with Resurrection Church and Methodist hurch that establishes the assessment amount and waives the Methodist C urch and Resurrection Church public hearing requirement associated with the public improvement project. . Under the finance plan approved at t e feasibility study stage, the Methodist and Resurrection Churches are split ng the cost. The City will pay for project oversizing. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Motion to adopt a resolution a proving plans and authorizing advertisement for bids for exte sion of sanitary sewer and water to the Resurrection Church and Met odist Church sites. 2. Motion to deny adoption of the resolution approving plans and authorizing advertisement for ids. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION . Staff recommends that the Council a opt the resolution. Please note that there are a few details that need to b addressed prior to proceeding on the project. We are still seeking an ease ent from Charlie Pfeffer for land necessary to accommodate the sanita sewer. According to Bret Weiss, Pfeffer has indicated that he will gra t the easement. There is no indication that he will not provide this easeme . It just needs to be done prior to ordering the project. D. SUPPORTING DATA: Copy of resolution; Copy of plan set s eet. 3 I I I I , I I I ,\ :: - ----- -------.+): ~... -- ---~-_.. -.-- -.. - --_. ...... .... - -_.- - - -------------- '" . - ---- -------- -..-........-.-. .. " . . ..-----..-..-...---.-.-.. ~ ~.~ =- ~ =- ~ =- ~ :.~ -= -i' ~_ __~._--__~_______ ~L.4r&M__zr""_-rTr--r-r'Tr:"'ll"'"'r---------"7'"-"'_.._~~ " ., .... ~..-'- \ I, .......... .... , '1'1 "."..... --..-----.-- u-.--n-'1 , , / ;," .~."... I '~" ;' ..... II I ./ I I .... I I .... " i I ' , i I ' I J I ' L._ I _.J I ! I I I , 1\ ' ,. '1\ I" :" I , , I I, 1\ I' r\ ,. II ,. ! !:! II II : .11 t I jll' : "'I' I" I . I I I 11 'I : Ilh ' I :" J i .. n, : I ',' I ! : : II I ' I ,.... ...... ,I- 0 I ! : .... 1 1-;-..;-"-' '-----------_ - ---- . -'-------------1--, ~ .,'",- , I .... ,. ~~ ,.. ..--..-..~ l ~Ii.~/ ).-~------------------ ---.\ 1~------T , 11/ .' " , 'II / \ \ , II I, " : .' 1/1 I \ \ I 'I I, I " , III / \ ll.\ :, I' I #I I / \ \ , ;' /1/ / \ \ ' //1// \~\ \ ,. .' 11'1 ,I ' .'lo, I II I. \ \ : i' 1/1 ,I , ~ I ,1,1/' \ \: '1/1, \ 'I ,I I. I . \. ~\: / 11/ / 1 \ \.,---" ...-----l ~ / ~ I " \ ~ II' ".. ~/I /' ,,--------------.Jj"',.,.----,---------r-------.('-. ______'___n_______._~.L__~ ~__n__..- I I.':'" -------- I : , ---,',' l'r -----:t-------.,T,.. .. ..------1.1:'\-----4 , / //11: I I' '!, II, ~II 11,1 I : ~ \ 0 i . /t I:, ' :, III I,' mn N I.i 1'1 I' , / .' I Ih ' !' 1:1 'I;' I,t-' l'J", e '." ' , I I i .' /I hi" III II 1'1 'Y. .... - -. 1'1 I, .. I ,I I I I 1'1 1.1 III 0; ..-..1.... I I I I " II 1 ' I" . ..(:J,,--......., lJl "':11 I): I ,,1, J't --"lL,..:>':::- V .. ,,~, - - -.. :-..:~:-..:.:-..: - --~~,-;;:.;" / " I I I: - -: .--...--:..... ~..,.,."'" \. -.",!I:lt-:-~- ...._- ---- -~-:.':..t. , I ." I ~.---_..-I'-~ ---- _.- ~:.!"~=-~~- --., lit .t:t'" i , ...........-:.~..._- .-'-..---.- ........__-...-----:r, -:'.... _. _u____.,...________ 1.1 .....~';. I ,<II .,..---",-__---...- I!l ~.. --"'- ;-:--.:._-..:---.--..11 I', ..-;.,.1. 1.............- ....__________.__. Ilr " ,I "'1'" I r ". . .... -..~----.- ---.--:-....... I, I I :' ,.::: IV/,./ ,,,,,...,,.- --.. -- .--.-'- ---"::--~..., __/","/ I~ .. .;:)1 ~'... ..;::" ; III" ";,. .... .....::....::::.....".~" 'I " 1'..- -.... ""."~ , 'A' I . ..- '" 1 I: , II' -". " ....... .., II '. ..... . \ II II '" A, ._ ZO'~~d'1 i I : ! i:U ~C __I "'~~f(./ \~-.. ~ C V6Z:01 86-0Z-~~W '" ~ <..> 'CO '" Q c:> ..... ... llo Po . -..--"---, Co ~ :< III 11 .... 0:. ... \Q \Q ~ o "" ..... '" IN IN z ,..., -t :t: 8 VI --4 n ~ n ::t c: %I n :z: ..... .... CD n ~ MONTICELLO MIODL~ SCHOOL ". , , , , , , .. , ". ;' ;' , ". ,,, ~,.G - ...... . 5D. . . CounciIAgenda-3~3ro8 A. REFERENCE AND BACKG The public works employee union co tract covering nine public works employees will be expiring Aprill, 998, and I will soon begin negotiation sessions with the union representat ves concerning an extension of the contract for an additional two years. In the past, I have normally conducted negotiations with the union stewar and union representative and brought back to the Council a contract exten ion recommendation. The last two times the contract was negotiated, the Co . ncil appointed Clint Herbst to be a Council representative to be part of he negotiating team. It is anticipated that the first negotiating session wi I likely occur during the week of March 23. While I have not yet received any co tract proposals from the union, I do expect their demands will be provid d at the first negotiating session. I have prepared a summary of a number 0 issues that the City will be proposing as changes in the union contract and '11 also be submitting that to the union representatives at the first meeting. If the City Council would like to again have a representative be involved th the negotiations prior to a contract being proposed to the full City COUll il, a representative should be appointed at this meeting. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Council could reappoint Coun ilmember Clint Herbst to be the Council representative to the union c ntract negotiating committee. 2. Council could appoint a cliffe nt Council representative to the negotiation committee. 3. Do not appoint a representati e from the Council and authorize the City Administrator to procee with negotiations. Most of the major contract issues h e been ironed out in the past regarding the union proposals, although the ion membership continues to request improvements to their contract pac age. It is anticipated that the negotiations this year will also inc1 de discussions on establishing some form of on-call status for responding to e ergencies in addition to the standard wage increases. From my standpoi t, I do not have a problem with a Council representative being involved in the negotiating sessions, nor do I have a 4 . Council Agenda - 3/23/98 problem with the Council simply aut orizing staff to conduct negotiations and present the contract proposal fo Council ratification. If the Council wants to continue having input in th negotiations, I would recommend alternative #1 since Mr. Herbst has ad past familiarity with these negotiations. D. SUPPORTING DATA: None. . . 5 . . . Council Agenda - 3/23/98 7. r A Liquor Store Manager Joe Hartman '11 be in attendance at the Council meeting to review the 1997 year-end financial report for the liquor store operations. As you will note, the financial report indicates the liquor operation again has had a good year, returning a net ope ation profit of $245,853. The operating income is approximately $4,800 mor than last year. Total sales increased 5.3% to $1,952,000, and our gross pr fit also increased by 7.5% to $484,800. After considering our operating expe ses of$239,000, our result is an operating income of $245,800. With the Council's recent decision to use liquor store revenues as part of the financing for the new community ce ter complex, there is no reason to believe that we will not be able to co tinue generating the same amount of revenue annually from this location. Our sales have steadily increased in the 3-5% range and should exceed the $ million mark in 1998 for the first time. Likewise, it is anticipated our opera 'ng income will continue to be in the $225,000 to $250,000 range as our cmmunity grows. No specific action is necessary by th Council other than to review the annual report with Mr. Hartman. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Accept the 1997 financial repd I I I as presented. D. SUPPORTING DATA: Copy of liquor store financial statem nts. 6 I I I MONTICELLO Md ICIPAL LIQUOR GROSS PROFIT BY PRODUCT . COMPARISON FOR THE YEAR ENDING DEC 31, 1996 AND 1997 1996 YEAR-TO-DA E AMOUNT 1997 YEAR-TO-DATE AMOUNT Liquor Sales 516,935 557,372 Discounts Cost of Sales 375,781 389,409 ------~-- -----~---- GROSS PROFIT - LIQUOR 141,155 27.3% 167,963 30.1% Beer Sales 1,065,242 1,107,999 Cost of Sales 819,896 839,325 ~~~----~- ------.........----- GROSS PROFIT - BEER 245,346 23.0% 268,674 24.2% Wine Sales 206,631 210,553 Cost of Sales 152,833 166,702 ~........~-~---- -----~--~~ GROSS PROFIT - WINE 53,798 26.0% 43,851 20.1% .c Sales 59,890 71,266 Cost of Sales 42,854 58,9:36 ----~.......~-- -~~---~~-- GROSS PROFIT - MISC TAXABLE 17,036 28.5% 12,330 17.3% Misc Non-taxable Sales 3,900 4,889 Cost of Sales 2, ;:63 4,293 ~~-----~-- ~---~-~~~- GROSS PROFIT - MISC NON-TAXA 1,637 42.0% 596 12.2% TOTAL SALES 1,852,598 1,952,078 TOTAL COST OF SALES 1,393,627 1,458,665 TOTAL FREIGHT COST 8,281 8,617 ----~-~--- --------~- TOTAL GROSS PROFIT 450,690 24.3% 484,797 24.8% . 1-'1 MONTICELLO MqNICIPAL LIQUOR REVENUE A .0 EXPENSES . COMPARISON FOR THE YEAR ENDING DEC 31, 1996 AND 1997 SALES Liquor Beer Wine Other Merchandise Misc Non-Taxable Sales Discounts TOTAL SALES COST OF GOODS SOLD GROSS PROFIT tlJERAL AND ADMINISTRATIVE Personal Services Salaries PERA FICA Insurance Unemployment Benefits Severance Pay TOTAL PERSONAL SERVICES Supplies Office Supplies General Operating Supplie Other Supplies TOTAL SUPPLIES . 1996 YEAR-TO-DATE AMOUNT 516,935 1,065,242 206,631 59,890 3,900 1,852,598 (1,401,908 --------- --------- 450,690 24.3% EXPENSE 115,943 5,062 8,798 8,965 10 1,892 140,671 1,239 7,456 282 8,977 7.6% .5% 1997 YEAR-TO-DATE AMOUNT 557,372 1,107,999 210,553 71,266 4,889 1,952,078 (1,467,282) ---------- ---------- 484,797 24.8% 126,786 5,514 9,347 9,001 30 150,678 879 9,230 534 10,643 7.7% .5% 7 ... z. MONTICELLO M NICIPAL LIQUOR REVENUE A D EXPENSES . COMPARISON FOR THE YEAR ENDING DEC 31, 1996 AND 1997 Other Services & Charges Professional Services Maintenance Agreements Communication Travel-Conference-Schools Advertising Insurance & Tax Utilities Maintenance, Equipment Maintenance, Building Maintenance, Other Depreciation--Acquired As Misc Svc & Chgs TOTAL OTHER SERVICES & CH tIlAL GENERAL & ADMIN EXPENS TOTAL OPERATING INCOME Other Income (Expense) Interest Income Cash Long/Short Sale of Property Misc Income TOTAL OTHER INCOME (EXPENSE) NET INCOME (EXPENSE) Transfers In/Out ADJUSTED NET INCOME (EXPENSE . 1996 YEAR-TO-DATE AMOUNT 2,656 2,210 6,285 12,255 13,485 1, 071 5,175 13,711 3,177 60,026 3.2% 209,674 11.3% --------- --------- 241,017 13.0% 16,582 (288) 63 16,357 .9% ---------- ---------- 257,374 13.9% 257,374 13.9% 1997 YEAR-TO-DATE AMOUNT 2,859 2,716 306 4,805 12,170 14,322 3,547 6,926 651 14,926 14,396 77,623 4.0% 238,944 12.2% 245,853 12.6% ---------- ---------- 24,451 ( 41 ) (243) 24,167 1.2% 270,002 13.8% ---------- ---------- 270,002 13.8% 7--3 . MONTICELLO UNICIPAL LIQUOR BALA CE SHEET 31Dec97 Current Assets: Cash Change Fund Investments Accounts Receivable A/R - NSF Checks Inventory Prepaid Insurance 179,452.26 1,600.00 522,428.37 (761.31) 224,660.27 2,965.74 TOTAL CURRENT ASSETS 930,345.33 Fixed Assets Land & Parking Lot Buildings Furniture & Equipment less: Accumulated Depreciation . TOTAL FIXED ASSETS 46,591.03 234,104.13 87,824.87 (255,738.38) 112,781.65 TOTAL ASSETS 1,043,126.98 ------------ ------------ Liabilities Accounts Payable Due to EDA Fund Sales Tax Payable Salaries Payable Accrued Vacation/Sick Leave Other Accrued Expenses 39,830.02 70,000.00 18,582.29 9,770.94 26,527.16 2,388.98 TOTAL LIABILITIES 167,099.39 RETAINED EARNINGS 876,027.59 tlJAL LIABILITIES AND FUND BALANCE 1,043,126.98 ----------.......- ------------ 7-~ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . -l -l7.l;:UAlL7.l 7.l30;:uOOAl. -l>> C1l (fl OJ 0 0 i I i I I ! i i I I I I W \D 0 0 w;:U -l -l --' --' -' 00 0000000(0 -,J f.D C '0 );> );>OOO(DCO -,JC1lO1-l>>WI\) -' lD 01 ::0 I\) , rOOOWO OWO-' -' -' -l>> 0 011 .. --' -' -'0-' -,JO-'(D -J-l>> --' m ,....... (D(D(D(D(D l.D(Dl.D(D (Dl.D l.D I (DZ 3:: r -J-,J-l-,J-l -J-l-l-,J -,J-,J -l3 r 3:: L CO)> C ....... I I i I I I I I I I I I .... ....... C m z z D 1\)1\)1\)1\) -' 0 -' 000 l.D CD(,/) D Z I 0 ....... C -' -' -' 0 W CD 0 -l>>O1--' -l>> l.D(1 C ....... ....... -' ....... 0 0 -l>> -l>>-l>> -l I\) 01 -l W-'W 0 I\) 0 0 0 01 );> ....... ::0 0 Xl ....... .. , -0 0 CD CD -l l:.J < 0 )> (D 0 0 0 :I: )> m W (fJ r 0 0 0 0 m , Z .. -< a -l>> f\) -' 0 :::0 0 0 W (fJ , l:.J CD -..... -' -l>> -0 , 0 -,J -l ....... m CD l.D CO \D m m ....... ::u m D ::u X XI D , 3: C J> I ~ m-l "tI J> C 0 0 -l (fJ ....... ::u z~ m -I 0 C ::u ....... -l I ....... Z....... Z ....... XI (fJ 0 ~(j) ....... Z (,/) a -l 11 Z Z J>I (fJ m Z 11 0 C (fJ OJ -<-l 0 (fJ C 3: Z 0....... Z m 0 J> r 0 )>-1 0 XI 0 ....... 0 rn...... ""- L DC .......m m CZ Z (fJ x 0-1 m -0 XI-< -l .,.., r (fJ (fJ (fJr )> m J> ""-J> z -0 C LG) J> -l 0 ....... -l H 3(fJ ...... 11 (D -l 0 0 !l 0 -l 0 C Z ...... ::u ::0 ::0 Z I 0 J> -l -l m ::0 r I ::0 m m -' -' ..... 11 co --' ..... --' 0 00 0 (DO 0 o. ""- C -0 0 0 00 0 CD -l -' -l --' -' 00 ::0 0 J> m 0 0 -' -' 0 0 0 \D l.D 01.0 1.0 00 m G)z ::0 0 0 00 f\) -l -l U1 -l>> "'"W W 00 0 mz ....... f.Dl.D l.D 1.0 1.0 I\) f\) -'01 --' o. , -lC 0 0 0 -l-,J -l -,J -l W 0 -,J-l>> \D --' 0 0 )> 0 0 0 0 I r r..m L ^ (fJX )> '-""0 Z m W ....... Z L (j) Z (") )> c 0 < C Z -'. m 0 3: 0- l:.J ....... co 0 m 0 m -' m ::0 -'. 0 0 0 m :l 0 -' m 0 0 0 1.0 0 0 0 f.D ~ -J -'. I )> )> rt I Z 0 :r -0 I 0 -l -l I I 0 0 I ....... :3: ::0 m I z -l art I 0 COI 11 I -0 (j) ....I. I ::0-0 I ~ zz -JZ 1.0 I 00 0 0 0 I O(fJ I m-l 0 0 0 0 I (fJm m 0 0 0 I (fJ0 0 )>)> W ZO O-l )> 3: ....... -< -' --' ..... 0 Z -l CD 0 0 0 -' .--' 0 C 0 CD Z -0 -J U1 U1 0 0 0 --' ..... U1 -l ::0-0 -' U1 0 -' 0 0 -l>> CD ()1 -l>> ..... 00 -J -l O1f\)()1 00 0 0 f\)f\)1\) 0 CD ...! O(fJ m~ CD CD owo 00 0 0000 0 U1 lD (fJm -l>> -l>> 000 00 0 00000 C1l 0 ~ (fJo I 11 Lr AZUl ::0 C....... mm> ::u 0 rD -<~r com :3: -< )> )>3 (fJ ::U11 ;:u ,)> In ,-, '" --' h ...- -<' If.. " b ~ . . . Council Agenda - 3/23/98 8. i n A As you know, the Orderly Annexation oard established by the City Council and the Township requires a total of fi e members. Two of the members must be appointed by the City Counci. This Board will be making land use decisions for the orderly annexation a ea and will be influential in determining whether or not lands bei g annexed to the city are being annexed in a fashion consistent with e adopted land use plan for the orderly annexation area and the city 0 Monticello. Council has the optiDn of appDinting twO' members frDm the Cit CDuncil, Dr perhaps a member from the Planning Commission, Dr a memb r cDuld be appDinted frDm the cDmmunity at large. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Take nDminatiDns frDm City CD ncil and appoint twO' members frDm the City CDuncil. 2. Appoint a member frDm City C uncil and/or appoint someDne frDm outside the City CDuncil. At this time, we have nO' volun ers fDr the pDsitiDn from the community at large. Perhaps ity Council would like to send this to the Planning CDmmission fDr v lunteers. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recDmmends City CDuncil nomi ate and appDint twO' members to' the Orderly AnnexatiDn BDard. We hope to wDrk with the TDwnship to have this BDard fDrmed as soon as possible bec use there are a number Df plats that are currently Dn the board that need 0' be reviewed by the Board priDr to' fDrmal annexation. The plats includ development by Farr DevelDpment CDrporatiDn at the Art AndersDn prO' erty, the Harold Shermer plat known as East Oaks MeadDws has been pre ented fDr preliminary plat review, and there will be Dthers soon that this ne BDard will need to' deal with. D. SUPPORTING DATA: Copy Df annexation agreement. 7 . JOINT RESOLUTION OF AND THE TOWNSHIP OF ORDERLY ANNEXA Co E CITY OF MONTICELLO ~'- ONTICELLO AS TO THE r ON OF PROPERTY RESOLUT ON 98-7 WHEREAS, the City of Monticell ("City") and the Township of Monticello ("Township") desire to enter into an agreeme t allowing for the orderly annexation of certain property, pursuant to Minnesota Statute ~ 414. 325, Subdivision 1; and WHEREAS, City and the Township e in agreement to the procedures and process for orderly annexation of certain lands descri ed herein for the purpose of orderly, planned growth; and WHEREAS, the City and the Towns 'p desire to establish a joint plaluLing board to administer planning, zoning and subdivision gulations within the Orderly Annexation Area; and . WHEREAS, the parties hereto de sir to set forth the telTIlS and conditions of such orderly annexation by means of this Resoluti. n; WHEREAS, it is in the best interest of the City, the Township and their respective residents to agree to an orderly annexation in erance of orderly growth and the protection of the public health, safety and welfare; and 1. The City and Township hereby modify e existing Orderly Annexation Area ("OAA.") established by order of the M. esota Municipal Board in file no. A. 2467(OA) to include those properties s own on the attached Exhibit A and legally described on the attached Exhibit B. 1 properties within the OA.A shall remain in the Township until aimexed to the City in accordance with the tenns of this agreement. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RE, OL VED by the City of Monticello, Wright County, iV1innesota, and the Township ofMo ticello, Wright County, Minnesota, as follows: 2. Pursuant to Minn. Stat. ~414.0325, Th City and Township hereby establish a Joint Planning Board ("Planning Board") co sisting of five members, two appointed by the City, two appointed by the Township, d a fifth member appointed by the Wright County Board. All appointments shall e for staggered two year terms, with one City and one Township term expiring each ear. The City and Township shall make their respective initial appointments by Apri 1, 1998, and shall each initially appoint one . .1 <[---( Reso1ution 98-7 . member for a one year term and one mem er for a two year term. The Planning Board shall have exclusive planning, zo . g and subdivision jurisdiction over all lands in the OAA so long as said lands remain .thin the Township. Funding for the Planning Board shall be split between the City and Township on the basis of their assessed values. The Wright County PI . g and Zoning Administrator shall act as Planning and Zoning Administrator for th lands within the jurisdiction of the Planning Board. . 3. The Planning Board shall adopt a land us plan, and zoning and subdivision ordinances within one year of the date of . s agreement, and, as soon as practicable shall place a moratorium on 1) subdivisio s of less than 40 acres, 2) rezoning and variance requests, and 3) conditional use equests with said moratoriums to be terminated upon the adoption by the PI . g Board of said land use plan, zoning and subdivision ordinances. If the Pla...-ming Board fails to adopt a land use plan within one year of the date of this agreement, thi agreement shall be null and void. The existing land use plan, zoning and subdivision controls within the OM shall remain in force for a period of one year after the ate of this agreement or until the adoption of a new land use plan, zoning and subdi . sion controls, whichever occurs first. During said one year period, but prior to ' e time a new land use plan is adopted, annexations of land pursuant to this agree ent may occur according to the terms of this agreement, except that the requireme t of paragraph 7(B) that the proposed use of lands annexed be consistent with the PI . g Board's land use plan shall apply only to property shown on the City's Southwe t Area Concept Plan until the Planning Board adopts the new land use plan requ' ed by this paragraph, at which time all property annexed must then be consistent with the new land use plan. The land use plan will incorporate the City's Southwes Area Concept Plan attached as Exhibit C. The Planning Board's zoning and subdivi ion ordinances may be modeled after the City's own zoning and subdivision ordin ces. The Planning Board ordinances shall specify interim land uses and zoning clas ifications, and future land uses and zoning classifications, the method of future land se authority transition within OAA, and the method in which the subdivision process ill occur within the OM. The Planning Board shall update the land use plan peri dically. The Planning Board shall consider amendments to the land use plan upon pe . tion of a landowner under the Planning Board's jurisdiction, upon request of the ity or Township, or upon the Planning Board's own initiative. 4. Properties within the OM may be annex d only by request of all landowners of the parcel to be annexed or upon request of e Township. 5. All annexed parcels must be contiguous t the City's border and consistent with the land use plan adopted by the Planning Bo d. Property annexed prior to the adoption . ~ ... '2- / . Reso1ution 98-7 . of the land use plan must be consistent wi the Southwest Area Concept Plan, where applicable. Contiguous shall mean that e properties have a common, overlapping boundary of at least 66 feet. Said bound shall be considered common if said overlapping would otherwise touch along the length of said common area but for the presence of an intervening roadway or rai oad. Areas which the City serves with sanitary sewer service pursuant to a Minn sota Pollution Control Agency ("MPCA") order to serve said properties need not meet the definition of contiguous set out in this paragraph. 6. At least 50% of each parcel of property exed by the City must be served with sanitary sewer service and municipal wat r service within three years of annexation to the City. Wetlands which remain unfille shall be excluded from said 50% service requirement. If any annexed property is ot so served within 3 years of the date of annexation, no future annexations of any ropeny from the Township to the City may occur until said sanitary sewer service an municipal water service are extended to 50% of said annexed property. The restri tions of this paragraph shall not apply to any property meeting any of the followin conditions: . A. Extension of sanitary sewer service or municipal water service to a particular parcel of property is rendered impossi Ie due to a regulatory impossibility outside of the City's control. (e.g. MPCA will not allow the annexed property to be sewered within 3 yr. time period). B. The cost of installing sanitary sewer 0 municipal water service exceeds 150% of the City Engineer's good faith estimat of the cost of installing sanitary sewer service and municipal water service t said property (being the same estimate as that used for determining the amount f letter of credit or other surety required of developer). C. Cemeteries and parcels used primaril for water towers or wastewater treatment plants. D. Kjellberg's mobile home park (prope 154401), provided it is fIrst served wi property, in which case no municipal PIDs #213100-154402 and 213100- sanitary sewer service over 50% of the ater service requirement shall apply. 7. All property annexed from the OM shal be annexed only in accordance with the procedures detailed in the paragraph, un! ss the Township waives the requirements of this paragraph via a separate joint resolu on for the orderly annexation of a particular parcel of property. The procedures belo are listed in the chronological order in which they must occur: A. One hundred percent of the landowne s of the parcel to be annexed shall fIrst submit an annexation petition to the ity (said petition shall detail the intended use . ~"3 . . . Resolution 98-7 of the property once annexed to the City) along with the following documentation: (i) If the proposed use of the land to be annexed requires a subdivision of the land before development, the I downer shall submit to the City all data required by the City's ordinan e for the proper processing of a preliminary plat requirements; (ii) If the proposed use of the land oes not require a subdivision of the land before development, the lando er shall submit a site plan detailing the proposed use of the land as de eloped. B. The City shall forward this informatio to the Planning Board at least 10 days prior to the Planning Board's next sch duled meeting. The Planning Board shall make a fmding directed to the City th t the proposed use is consistent or not consistent with the land use plan adop ed by the Planning Board and that the property to be annexed is contiguous r not contiguous with the City's borders according to the definition of contiguo s set out in paragraph 5 above. The Planning Board shall make its finding d communicate that fmding to the City within 40 days of receipt of said info ation from the City. If the Planning Board makes no fmding within 40 days of re eipt of said information from the City, then the parties may proceed as if a fmding had been made on the 40th day and each party may exercise their respective ri ts Wlder paragraph 7(C), (D) and (E) below. Property which the Planning Board has found to be not contiguous to the City or has found its intended use to b inconsistent with the land use plan may not be annexed by the City unless the Wlicipal Board specifically finds to the contrary pursuant to paragraph 7(D) blow. C. After receiving the Planning Board's fi ding of consistency with the land use plan and contiguity of the property to the Cty's border, the City may grant the substantial equivalent of preliminary p at approval (or site plan approval if platting of the property is not required for its. ended use). The City shall then enter into a development agreement with the Ian owner (or developer of the land), said development agreement to require the evelopment of the land in a manner substantially similar to the proposed us presented to the Planning Board and consistent with the land use plan adopt d by the Planning Board. Said development agreement shall require e developer to agree to install sanitary sewer service and water service to the roperty to be annexed and require the developer to put up a letter of credit or ther security guaranteeing payment of the costs of the installation of said sanitary sewer service and municipal water service. The City must also fmd that the prope is capable of being served with sanitary sewer service and municipal water se ce by the City within a three year period, 4 't--tf / Reso1ution 98-7 . and the City must estimate the cost 0 the extension of such services. D. If the City and the Township disagre on the consistency of any proposed development with the Planning Boar's land use plan, or if the City and Township disagree on the contiguity of the Ian to be annexed with the then-existing City boundaries, the parties shall submit ese disputed issues to the Municipal Board (or its successor agency) for a dete . ation of whether said property proposed to be annexed is consistent with the PI . g Board's land use plan and/or is contiguous with the then-existing Ci boundaries in accordance with the definition set out in paragraph 5 abo e. Said appeal shall be made within 30 days after the Planning Board makes its fi ding or fails to make a fmding on either the contiguous or consistency issues wi . the 40 day time period allowed in paragraph 7(B) above. . E. Upon the completion of all requirem nts set out in subparagraphs 7 (A), (B) and (C) (or if the Municipal Board or its uccessor agency makes a determination that the property to be annexed is consist nt with the land use plan and contiguous with the City's borders), the City may the annex, and the City and Township authorize the Municipal Board to order the exation of said property to the City. The City may then grant fmal plat approval (0 site plan approval, if appropriate) to the property. If the proposed developme t is a multi-phased development which has received the equivalent of prelimin plat approval under the terms of this paragraph, future phases of the prop sed development shall remain in the Township until the installation of s . tary sewer service and municipal water service to at least 50% of the particu ar phase to be annexed can be accomplished within three years of the date of ann xation. 8. This Orderly annexation agreement shal remain in force and binding upon the City and Township for 10 years from the dat of its execution by both parties. At the beginning of the tenth year, the City and Township shall meet to discuss the renewal and/or modification of this agreement. at any time during this agreement, the City has annexed 75% of the original vacant and within the OAA (as measured at the time of the execution of this agreement) and I such annexed lands have been served with sanitary sewer and municipal water in a cordance with this agreement, the City and Township shall have six months to rene otiate the terms of this agreement. If a new or revised agreement is not adopted by e City and Township within said six month period, this agreement shall terminate at the end of said six month period. 9. Land owned by the City and located . ediately west of and abutting Minnesota State Highway 25 (PID # 213100-15410 ) may be annexed by the City pursuant to paragraph 7 above or upon installation 0 sanitary sewer service through at least 500 . 5 1-6" Resolution 98-7 . linear feet of said parcel in the event e City installs sanitary sewer service in said parcel as a means of serving all or p of Kjellberg' s mobile home park (Pills #213100~154402 and 213100-154401 with sanitary sewer. 10. The City will not annex, attempt to ex. or support the annexation of any land outside of the OAA while this agreem nt is in force. In the event property from outside the OAA is annexed to the Ci (either via the Municipal Board, its successor agency or board, or any other agency ith the authority to annex property) without the written consent of the Township. e City agrees that it shall not provide sanitary sewer service to such annexed properti s during the term of this agreement. In the event the City violates this provision 0 the agreement, the City shall pay the Township all taxes collected from said lands annexed from outside the OAA without the Township's written consent for the duration of this agreement. 11. Paragraphs 4. 5. 6. 7 and 10 shall not a ply to land upon which the MPCA orders the City to provide sanitary sewer service, rovided the City provides sanitary sewer service directly to said properties. Any such lands. whether inside or outside the OM may be annexed by the City purs ant to any procedures allowed under then~ existing law, notwithstanding the terms contained in this agreement. . 12. All Taxes payable in the year of annex 'on will go to the Township for all properties annexed to the City. In addition, for all property annexed during the term of this agreement (except the Kjellberg mobile home park. Pills #213100-154402 and 213 100-154401). the City shall. at the . e of annexation, pay the Township taxes equal to three times the amount of taxes due to the Township from the annexed property during the year of annexation. If the City annexes the Kjellberg mobile home park during the term of this agree ent. the City shall. at the time of annexation. pay the Township three times the amo t of taxes due to the Township solely from the land and attached buildings (exc1ud' g the mobile homes) during the year of annexation. The City need not pay the ownship any taxes generated by the mobile homes or other personal property locate in Kjellberg's mobile home park. 13. Upon approval by the respective govemin bodies of the City andthe Township. thisjoint resolution and agreement shall confer juris . ction upon the Minnesota Municipal Board ("Municipal Board") so as to accomplish e orderly annexation of the lands described in the attached Exhibit A in accordance with e terms of this joint resolution and agreement. 14. Having designated the area described on E 'bit A as in need of orderly annexation, and having provided for all of the conditions 0 its annexation within this document, the parties to this agreement agree that no consideration by the Municipal Board is necessary. . 't ---t, . . . Reso1ution 98-7 15. The City and the Township mutually state that no alteration by the Municipal Board to the OM boundaries as described on Exhibit is appropriate or permitted. ADOPTED BY THE CITY CO THIS il.4 DAY OF MARCH, 1998. CIL OF THE CITY OF MONTICELLO 11.)~~' Mayor ~(?Y1u (I;) cf . Administrator C He. r...., <0 ) ADOPTED BY THE MONTICEL 0 TOWNSmP BOARD Tms.5ti DAY OF MARCH, 1998. ~.?-Jf~A?~.P4'~ auman ~ f1Y~ ~4 Cerk cg~7 ReSOlution 98-7 JI'~~ ~,K~~~l~. ~;~~ MONTICELLO ,~~: "~SIl€~8u""(' ;; ~~-'l! l~ ~'l~~ '=-.. '~~i. 'lIIlliiioJ."", D ~~h~ I ~:~ ~~~ ~,~:A.i S~1:;;I::h':""~\\ r. ., ~... YltI ~ --~: "j ~~'::'.:." ~~:""~.1t~:.. iU . 'J' I - . ~ ~~ II':';'::::,",.... ',:",' .'::::::::::~::::::,,:' '\; "'''''' .:. !~;,.,'u". tr,,~~ .;: _-'~, :'S.},:;;" ".-:~;,::,::':;::::::'?f:rr~,::::,:,: ':':':'.;"''''", ,,~\' r. .r.~_... ~,::.;'t7;:. "'('1 ~ .r~ """:,:,;"",, ",:,...", i~~2) J.' I-~.r,.. ~... r::",," _ t "'',4''- ~.~:. ""'"",' :~'::: , '''i' .;;"'-.., -J 1,,; /~. ~:;-;'f:--;;..... ~~, a-... ". .;~ ~:.i',l:"': .'::;:.,,: ,~~""/'t;..,, ~,--:.. t-~i r,,"::::...): -^"" ~;I "j""\ ~... ~'R ~':;2S;:Nt' ~:'l~""" \. - ~ ',~,,-, '4 t----i: l" .',%;-w.<" Y :,: \ . 0 . '~J """""-j" ~i .".,~ ,m "",. 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I..,'''''''.. ~~. ~ct' \,--..1t ".U .:.,' .i,l"j v',,',. ..~ t'- :::;: L:.. ~l _A IOJ '.'Yl.~-' '....',"'7'/...._ , ~~.... ,;.,!~ . :...." '.:' , ""_--~ ';;-'.;:~" '.'~__L ',: '. ",,,' ;..~ ";",", .... ,~, ~:,..,::, ....,,;,...,,-'--- '~,~,";.:,... .~'-.. . ...' ..~,"f'fr, ' .,.., '.. 'f"" :"1''<'''' ,., s 0, " I... ,", """"'''/'''' ".""..".~4' , 0, U IJOHTICe".. TWp.-i T /2/-1 22N:-R25W <"<>" .......... MONTICELLO S""(".DSU#N!' COI.INr,. . Exhibit A - Monticello Or jerly Annexation Area ''''~ .. '. Resolution 98-7 . . Beginning at a point on the Mississippi that marks the i tersection with the North-South centerline of Section Thirty-two (32), Township 122 North. Range 25 West, right COWlty, Minnesot~ thence South on said line to the northeasterly right-oi-way of Interstate Highway No. ; thence northwesterly along said northe:lSterly rigbt-of- way of Interstate Highway No. 94 to the west line of th East Half of the Northeast Quarter of Section 31, said Township ]22, Rm1ge 25; thence southerly along said t line of me East HaJfofthe Northeast Quarter of Section 31 to the northwest comer of the Northeast Q of the Southeast Quarlef' of said Section 31; thence southerly along the west line of said Northeast Quarter f the Southeast Quarter of Section 31 to the southwest comer of said Northeast QWD:ter of the S<lutheast Q of Section 31; thence east along the south line of said Northeast Quarter of the SoUlheast Quarter of Section 3 to the nonhwest comer of the Southwest Quarter of the Southwest Quarter of said Section 32; thence south y along the west Hne of said Southwest Quarter of Section 32 to the nortbwesl comer of tb.e South Half of e West Half of the Southwest Quarter of the $.)uthwest Quarter of said Section 32; thence westerly along the w erly extension of the north line of said South Half of rhe West Half of the Southwest Qlli.lrter of the Sauiliwes Quaner of Section 32 it distance of 82.85 feet; theoce southerly, parallel with the east line of the Southeast of the Southeast Quarter of said Section 31 a distance of 264.30 feet.;. thence easterly, parallel with the south line of the Scuth Haif of the West Half of the Southwest Quarter of the SoU1bwest Quarter of said S on 32 a distance of 130.85 feet; thence southerly a distance of 400.10 reet to a point on the south line of the outh Half of the West Half of the Southwest Quarte.. of the Southwest Quarter of said Section 32 distant 56.00 Ii t east of the soulftwest comer thereof; thence easterly along the south line of said Section 32 to the nonhwest c mer of me East Half of the Northwest Quarter of Section 5, said Township 12], Range 25; thence souther! along the west line of said East Halfofthe Northwest Quaner of Section 5 to the southwest comer of said East f of the Northwest Quarter of Section 5; thence easterly along the south line oftne Northwest Quarter of aid Set:tion 5 to the northwest comer of the East Half ofNonheast Quaner of Southwest Quarter of said Sectio 5; thence southerly along the west line of the East Half of the Northeast Quarter of the Southwest Quarter d the west line of the East Half of the Southeast Quarter of the Southwest Quarter of said Section 5 to the orthwest comer of the East Half of the Northeast Quarter of the Northwest Quarter of Section 8, said To hip 121, Range 25; thence southerly along the west line of said East Half of the Nonheast Quarter of the No west Quarter of Section 8 to the southwest comer of said East Hal f of the Northeast Quarter of the Northwest wuter; thence easterly along the south line of said NorthC3St Quarter of the Northwest Quarter of Section 8 t the southeast comer of smd North~l QWlrter of the Northwest Quarter of Section 8; thence East along COUll, Road No. 39 to the Eastern bOWldary of section Nine (9), TO\VT1ship 12l North, Range 25 West thence southed along the east line of said Section'} to the nonheast comer of the Southeast Quarter of the Southeast Quarter of s.aid Section 9; thence westerly along the north line of said SoU1henst Quarter of the SouJ.he:lSt Quarter of Section C) to the northwest comer of said Southeast Quarter of the Southeast Quarter of Section 9; thence southerly along the west line of said Southeast Quarter of the Sourheast Quarter of Section 9to the north line of the No ~ Quaner of Section ]6, said Township 12], Range 25: thenc~ westerly along said north line of the North~.st uarteT of Section 16 to the nonhwest comer of s.aid Nonheast Quarter of St:Ction 16; thence southerly along th west line of said Northeast Quarter and the west line of ;he Southeast Quaner of said Section 16 to the c::lnterlin of 90th Street N .E.; thence soutbwt::ltt:rly and southerly along said centerline oflJotll Street N.E. to !.he no line of the Northwest Quarter of Section 21, said Township 121, Rnnge 25; thence easterly along said north ine of the Northwest Quarter of Section 21 to the northwest comer of the North~t Quaner of said Section ., 1 ~ thence soulfterty along the west line of said Northe:lSt Quaner of Section 21 to the southwest comer of . d Nonhenst QUC1l1er of Section 21; thence easterly along the south line of said Northeast Quaner of Section 21 to the southwest comer of the Northwest Quarter of Section 22,. said Township 12 f, R.mge 25; thence East on t e East-West centerline through Section Twenty-two (22), Twenty-three (23), and Twemy-four (24), all in To hip 12] North, Range 25 West, and continuing East on the same linr.: through Section Nineteen (19) and 3/4 ofTw nty (20), in TQ\vnship /21 North, Range 24 West to the Township road: thence Ncrth to the Mississippi River; encc northwesterly along the COU1S~ of the Mi:;:;issippi Ri...er to the poine of beginning. \vith the except on of the Village ofMonticeilo as now pla.tted. . Exhibit 8-Le al Description 1,? . so: THWEST AREA CONCEPT PLA1~ ~ NIl\e November 1997 o lCOO 2COO 3000 SCALE IN FEET i... -.,.;;, ~l:'~ ~:>) "".. .,. '::. '-.~ ~ ~ - - Low Density Residential _ Industrial Medium / High Density Resid ntiU Public / Semi Public Commercial ~ Future Street <Z - /D Exhibit C - South est Area Concept Plan . . . Council Agenda - 3/23/98 9. r (J.O.) A City staff requests that the City Cou cil review a plan for developing a community center design small grou using assistance from a member of the HRA, MCP, and City Council. As yo can imagine, the design of the facility will require many relatively small an large decisions along the way. The purpose of this small group is to prov de the architect with direct input on design decisions as plans are develop d. Please note that the input and "approvals" from this group will requ re subsequent approval from the full bodies of the HRA and City Council. t is expected that this group will meet on a weekly basis during portions of he planning and implementation phase of the project. As an update, a special meeting ofth City Council is being scheduled for May 4, 1998, at which time a refined ersion of the project will be presented to the community. Council will be as ed at that time to consider approval of the schematic and will be asked to co sider authorizing preparation of plans and specifications. Prior to this date, the architect will be meeting with various user groups to verify and refi e concepts. The small group will meet at least two times to review schemati s, and the task force will be reconvened again to review the plan ten days or 0 before the meeting of May 4. With regard to land acquisition, appr isals have been ordered and negotiations are underway regarding the purchase of properties. Bulk tank operators have been updated on the roject and are aware of relocation benefits. No decision making is requ sted at this time regarding land and relocation issues. Soil testing will be ordered in the next few days. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Motion to form community celli er design small group and make Council appointment. Council may wish to add mem ers to this small group. It is our view that this small group should n t include representatives from user groups, as specific user group i put will be obtained for the separate spaces occupied by each user g oup. This small group will work best if it is as small as possible. If Council selects this option, s air will contact the HRA and MCP accordingly. 8 . 2. CounciIAgenda-3/23ros Motion to deny development f a community center design small group. The City recommends formation of he small group as proposed. D. SUPPORTING DATA: None. . . 9 BRC FINANCIAL SYSTEM J3/13/98 13;45:19 . Schedule of Bills CITY 0 MONTICELLO GL050S-V05. 0 COVERPAGE GL540R Report Selection; RUN GROUP... 03/12 COMMENT... 3/12 CKS oATA-JE-ID DATA COMMENT -------------- ------------------------ 0-03121998-379 3/12 CKS Run Instructions; Jobq Banner Copies Form Printer Hold Space LPI Lines CPI J 01 Y S 6 066 10 . . -- .- ,.-. -- ~,-,---- -" ,.-. -- -. - - -'- - -~--~-'~-'- .-. .- - - ---'~. .-- ..- - .-..- --- ..-.. -- .-.- 8RC FINANCIAL SYSTEM CITY OF MONTICELLO 03/13/98 13:45:20 Schedule of Bill GL540R-V05.20 PAGE 1 VENaME DESCRI PHON AMOUNT ACCOUNT NAME F NO & ACCOUNT CLAIM INVOICE POll F/P 10 LINE A E MICHAELS AN SHELTER-BRUSHES 199.99 BUILDINGS 101.42701.5201 379 00158 ~ 16HB MI~E OTME~ EXPE~sr V Qtcl .....31-Q 9 9 e S 2 - A T & T WIRELESS SERVICE AN SHELTER-CELLULAR 17.59 TELEPHONE 01.42701.3210 379 00155 ADCO PUBLISHING CO., INC LIQUOR-ADVERTISING 49.80 ADVERTISING 609.49754.3499 APRIL 379 00156 AGASSIZ ENVIRONMENTAL CONTRACT PAYMENT 1,200.00 MISC PROFESSIONAL SERVIC 101.41910.3199 379 00154 ALBINSON, INC. PW-OP SUPPLI ES 7. 55 MISC OPERATING SUPPLIES 101.43110.2199 379 00153 ANKENY KELL ARCHITECTS, ARCHITECTS' FEES 36,088.74 PROF SRV - ARCHITECTS' F 101.41910.3020 379 00152 ASSOCIATED VETERINARY CL AN eTER 0.51 MISC OPERATING SUPPLIES 101.42101.2199 333360 379 00157 AUTOMATION SUPPLY CH-PAPER 261.02 DUPLICATING & COpy SUPP 101.41301.2020 802074 379 00151 BAILEY NURSERIES, INC SHADE TREE 1,547.50 TREE REPLACEMENT 224.46102.091 366384 379 00148 BELLBOY CORPORATION BAR MISC TAXABLE 290.10 MISC TAXABLE 609.49150.2540 27254400 379 00147 BERNICK'S PEPSI COLA COM BEER 116.25 BEER 609.49750.2520 94727 379 00137 MISC TAXABLE 13.73CR MISC TAXABLE 609.49750.2540 94728 379 00138 102.52 *VENDOR TOTAL BRC - ASSIST CENTER COMPUTER AGREEMENT 645.71 PROF SRV - DATA PROCES I 101.41920.3090 214363 379 00149 C J BROWN BUSINESS SERVI NEWSLETTER-WINTER 1,072.72 NEWSLETTER 101.41301.3195 379 00145 NEWSLETTER-RECYCLING 1, 118.89 PROF SRV - NEWSLETTER 101.43230.3195 379 00146 2,191.61 *VENDOR TOTAL CAMPBELL ABSTRACT COM PAN TIWORK 75.00 PROF SRV - LEGAL FEES 450.49201.3040 379 00144 -.-.-'.- .-.'- -...-...-.--..----..- -.-....-.-.'-- -. - -. -~ - BRC FINANCIAL SYSTEM CITY OF MONTICELLO 03/13/98 13:45:20 Schedule of Bil s GL540R-V05.20 PAGE 2 VEND.ME DESCRIPTION AMOUNT ACCOUNT NAME FUND & ACCOUNT CLAIM INVOICE POll FIP 10 LINE CENTRAL MCGOWAN, INC. STREETS-MISC OP SUPPLIES 383.51 MISC OPERATING SUPPLIES 11. 43127.2199 379 00139 CENTRAL MINN INITIATIVE CMIF RElMB 1.100.21 GRANT REIMBURSEMENT 2 3. 46501. 6601 379 00140 CENTRAL MN REFRIGERATION GARAGE-CIRCUIT BOARD 663.36 MISC PROFESSIONAL SERVIC 101. 43127.3199 53696 379 00141 CLARK FOOD SERVICE, INC. FIRE-CLEANING SUPPLIES 121.87 MISC OPERATING SUPPLIES 10 . 42201.2199 379 00142 CH-CLEANING SUPPLIES 121.86 MISC OPERATING SUPPLIES 10 . 41940.2199 379 00143 243.73 *VENDOR TOTAL ~OMPRESS AIR & EQUIPMENT FIRE-REPAIR KIT 179.40 REPAIR & MTC - MACH & EQ 101. 42201.4044 45305 379 00136 :ONSOLIDATED PLASTICS AN SHELTER-MATS & SUPP 203.37 BUILDINGS 101 42701.5201 379 00135 ONTINENTAL SAFETY EQUIP FIRE-VEH R & M 909.11 REPAIR & MTC - VEHICLES 101 42201.4050 184140 379 00134 ILL. MARCH RENTAL 23.85 RENTAL HOUSE EXPENSES 240. 49201.4381 379 00133 ~LHEIMER DISTRIBUTING BEER 2,603.70 BEER 609. 9750.2520 379 00129 NON ALCOHOLIC 134.50 MISC TAXABLE 609. 9750.2540 379 00130 2,738.20 *VENDOR TOTAL vIES WATER EQUIPMENT C 'JWTP MUN I BALL 380.23 MISC OPERATING SUPPLIES 436. 49201.2199 379 00131 ' DISTRIBUTING COMPANY ISC NON TAXABLE 2,200.70 MISC NON TAXABLE 609. 4 750.2550 26777, 28182 379 00132 TON'S OFFICE SOLUTION Y-OFFICE FURNITURE 839.96 FURNITURE & FIXTURES 101. 4 940.5601 379 00083 ~OUNT PAPER PRODUCTS, 'QUOR-OFFICE SUPPLIES 131. 99 MISC OFFICE SUPPLIES 609. 49754.2099 128581 379 00127 , SYSTEMS REETS-OP SUPPLIES 112.12 MISC OPERATING SUPPLIES 101. 43 27 .2199 615869 379 00128 GITEK CORPORATION ~lISC REPAIR 161.86 MISC REPAIR & MTC SUPPLI 101. 42 01.2299 3297, 2564 379 00124 ~CH & EQUIP R & M 138.64 REPAIR & MTC - MACH & EQ 101. 42 01.4044 3297, 2564 379 00125 - 300.50 *VENDOR TOTAL 8RC FINANCIAL SYSTEM CITY OF MONTICELLO 03/13/98 13:45:20 Schedule of 8; s GL540R-V05.20 PAGE 4 VEND.ME DESCRIPTION AMOUNT ACCOUNT NAME UNO & ACCOUNT CLAIM INVOICE PO# F/P 10 LINE HAKANSON ANDERSON ASSOC. WWTP 927.00 MISC PROFESSIONAL SERVIC 436 .49201.3199 379 00096 MEADOW OAKS ESTATE 287.50 PROF SRV - ENGINEERING F 434 .49201.3030 379 00097 1,214.50 *VENDOR TOTAL HAMCO DATA PRODUCTS LIQUOR-LA8ELS 22.35 MISC OFFICE SUPPLIES 6 9 .49754.2099 83994 379 00095 HAWKINS WATER TREATMENT WATER-T/POTABLE 108.00 MISC PROFESSIONAL SERVIC 6 1 .49440.3199 379 00090 WATER-CHEMICALS 95.00 CHEMICAL PRODUCTS 6 1 .49440.2160 379 00091 203.00 *VENDOR TOTAL HDR ENGINEERING, INC. WWTP 46,165.78 PROF SRV - ENGINEERING F 43 .49201. 3030 JANUARY 379 00092 HERMES/GERALD T CLEANING-LIBRARY 227.50 PROF SRV - CUSTODIAL 21 .45501.3110 3/16 TO 3/31 379 00089 HIGH TECH ROOFING VEH STRG,PUMP HSE,PW OFF 4,775.51 1997 STORM DAMAGE EXPENS 10 .42501.4401 379 00088 :OGL.US COMPANY ST -VEH REP PARTS 68.18 VEHICLE REPAIR PARTS 101 .43120.2211 379 00094 :OISINGTON KOEGLER GROUP COMM CENTER-PLANNING 2,620.00 MISC PROFESSIONAL SERVIC 101 .41910.3199 379 00093 OME JUICE MISC TAX 81. 15 MISC TAXABLE 609 49750.2540 10325 379 00087 KON OFFICE SOLUTIONS LI 8RARY- TONER 155.57 DUPLICATING & COpy SUPPL 211 .45501.2020 379 00084 LI BRARY - MIA 63.21 MAINTENANCE AGREEMENTS 211 .45501.3190 379 00085 218.78 *VENDOR TOTAL 'DUSTRIAL MAINT. SUPPLI STREETS-OP SUPPLIES 124.37 MISC OPERATING SUPPLIES 101 . 3120.2199 5728 379 00086 CRAFT, INC. SNOW & ICE-SNOWPLOW 10,381.62 HEAVY MACHINERY 101 . 3125.5401 20588 379 00080 ~ 0 I L COMPANY . IRE-FUEL 78.23 MOTOR FUELS 101 . 2201.2120 379 00081 ;TREETS-FUEL 237.50 MOTOR FUELS 101 .43120.2120 379 00082 315.73 *VENDOR TOTAL '.NTICElLO WING 125.00 MISC PROFESSIONAL SERVIC 450 .4 201.3199 JANUARY 379 00079 -" -.-._ on. __ __ ._. ___ __.. .._.. ._ ._'._ 8RC FINANCIAL SYSTEM CITY OF MONTICELLO 03/13/98 13:45:20 Schedule of 8; 115 GL540R-V05.20 PAGE 5 VENeAME DESCRIPTION AMOUNT ACCOUNT NAME FUND & ACCOUNT CLAIM INVOICE POll F/P 10 LINE JOHNSON BROS WHOLESALE L FREIGHT 18.65 FREIGHT 609.49750.3330 379 00076 LIQUOR 1,619.66 LIQUOR 609.49750.2510 379 00077 WINE 256.42 WINE 609.49750.2530 379 00078 1.894.73 *VENDOR TOTAL K MART STORE SHADE TREE-PENS 2.67 MISC OFFICE SUPPLIES 224.46102.2099 379 00072 WWTP-CLOCKS & BATTERIES 35.00 MISC OTHER EXPENSE 436.49201.4399 379 00073 STREETS-OP SUPPLIES 13.99 MISC OPERATING SUPPLIES 101.43120.2199 379 00074 CC-VIDEO TAPES 15.94 MISC OTHER EXPENSE 101.41110.4399 379 00075 67.60 *VENDOR TOTAL KAREN BRION SNOW & ICE-MAILBOX REIMB 11.70 MISC REPAIR & MTC SUPPL 101.43125.2299 379 00150 KEN ANDERSON TRUCKING (18) ANIMALS 99.00 MISC PROFESSIONAL SERVI 101.42701.3199 379 00071 KEN'S 66 SERVICE INSP-VEHICLE 152.91 REPAIR & MTC - VEHICLES 101.42401.4050 379 00070 KENNIIIIt GRAVEN, CHARTE Tl 2 971.50 PROF SRV - LEGAL FEES 213.46522.3040 379 00159 TIF 1-22 3,427.20 PROF SRV - LEGAL FEES 213.46522.3040 379 00160 COMM CENTER 9,357.56 MISC PROFESSIONAL SERVIC 101.41910.3199 379 00161 HRA-GENERAL 316.20 PROF SRV - LEGAL FEES 213.46301.3040 21599, 21579 379 00069 14,072.46 *VENDOR TOTAL KLM ENGINEERING INC WWTP-FIELD INSP 1,042.50 MISC PROFESSIONAL SERVIC 36.49201.3199 330 379 00068 KOLLES SAND & GRAVEL SALT/SAND 408.50 SAND 01.43125.2170 379 00067 KOTZENMACHER/GORGINA COMPUTER TRAINING 32.60 TRAVEL EXPENSE 01.41301.3310 379 00066 L 'N' R SERVICES - LOCKS AN SHELTER-KEYS 88.90 BUILDINGS 101.42701.5201 6997 379 00065 LEAGUE OF MINNESOTA CITI CH ADM-DIRECTORY 51.64 DUES, MEMBERSHIP & SUBSC 1 1.41301.4330 379 00064 LITTLE FALLS MACHINE INC :C~ & SNOW-EQUIP ~EP PRT ~33.24 EQUIPMENT REPAIR PARTS 1.43125.2210 379 00062 ICE & SNOW-VEH REP PARTS 39.10 VEHICLE REPAIR PARTS 1.43125.2211 379 00063 . 472.34 *VENDOR TOTAL ----__ _n _"_'~,~___. BRC FINANCIAL SYSTEM CITY OF MONTICELLO 03/13/98 13:45:20 Schedule of Bi ls GL540R-V05.20 PAGE 6 ~ VENC:/9~AME DESCRIPTION AMOUNT ACCOUNT NAME FUND & ACCOUNT CLAIM INVOICE POll F/P 10 LINE LITTLE MOUNTAIN FLOWERS HRA-E ELLISON 37.28 MISC OTHER EXPENSE 213.46301.4399 379 00061 MACQUEEN EQUIPMENT INC. ICE & SNOW-EQUIP REP PTS 3,164.32 EQUIPMENT REPAIR PARTS 101.43125.2210 379 00057 MICHELS TRUCKING, INC FREIGHT 112.00 FREIGHT 609.49750.3330 379 00056 MINNEGASCO AN SHELTER 260.91 GAS 101.42701.3830 379 00053 LI QUOR 360.16 GAS 609.49754.3830 379 00054 621. 07 *VENDOR TOTAL MN COpy SYSTEMS INC FIRE-M/A COPIER 31. 95 MAINTENANCE AGREEMENTS 101.42201.3190 65618 379 00060 MN DEPT OF TRADE & ECON SCERG REIMB 2,483.45 GRANT REIMB - AROPLAX 222.46501.6602 379 00055 MONTICELLO PRINTING AN SHELTER-BUSINESS CRDS 49.52 PRINTED FORMS & PAPER 101.42701.2030 379 00058 Vl'l"" 13.58 PRINTED FORMS & PAPER 609.49754.2030 379 00059 LI~LABFWARNING SIGN 63.10 *VENDOR TOTAL MONTICELLO TIMES LEGAL 5,092.55 LEGAL NOTICE PUBLICATION 101.41601.3510 379 00044 SNOW PLOWING 171.50 GENERAL PUBLIC INFORMATI 101.43110.3520 379 00045 BLDG PERMITS 416.50 GENERAL PUBLIC INFORMATI 101.42401.3520 379 00046 RECYCLING INFO 62.40 GENERAL PUBLIC INFORMATI 101.43230.3520 379 00047 LIQ-ADVERTISING 178.25 ADVERTISING 609.49754.3499 379 00048 COMM CENTER 2,121.13 ADVERTISING 101.41910.3499 379 00049 INTERNET-PLANNING 4,025.00 GENERAL PUBLIC INFORMATI 101.41910.3520 379 00050 12,067.33 *VENDOR TOTAL NATIONAL CHILD SAFETY CO DONATION 75.00 MISC OTHER EXPENSE 609.49754.4399 908835 379 00043 OHNSTAD/ELMER ELMER/SCHOOL 56.56 TRAVEL EXPENSE 436.49201. 331 0 WWTP 379 00042 PATCH/FRED TRAVEL EXPENSE 58.51 TRAVEL EXPENSE 101.42401.3310 379 00039 TELEPHONE REIMB 27.61 TELEPHONE 101.42401.3210 379 00040 REIMB CITY FOR POSTAGE 24.50CR POSTAGE 101.42401.3220 379 00041 61.62 *VENDOR TOTAL PET1~~S MONT FORO-MER S', NDO -EQUIP REP PARTS 35.23 EQUIPMENT REPAIR PARTS 101.43120.2210 379 00036 STREETS-VEH REP PARTS 534.75 VEHICLE REPAIR PARTS 101.43120.2211 379 00037 569.98 *VENDOR TOTAL NANCIAL SYSTEM CITY OF MONTICELLO 98 13:45:20 Schedule of Bills GL540R-V05.20 PAGE 7 ,;AME RIPTION AMOUNT ACCOUNT NAME FUND & A COUNT CLAIM INVOICE POll F/P ID LINE PS WINE & SPIRITS 3HT 9.75 FREIGHT 609.4975 .3330 379 00034 OR 754.80 FREIGHT 609.4975 .3330 369781 379 00035 764.55 *VENDOR TOTAL E/JAMES L HALL 460.00 PROF SRV - CUSTODIAL 101.4194 .3110 CLEANING 379 00031 REG 120.00 PROF SRV - CUSTODIAL 101.4199 .3110 CLEANING 379 00032 IC WORKS 150.00 PROF SRV - CUSTODIAL 101.4311 .3110 CLEANING 379 00033 730.00 *VENDOR TOTAL CROP CONSULTANTS, R-CONSUL TING 1,075.00 PROF SRV - PSG, INC 602.4948 .3080 379 00030 EMPLOYEES RETI RE DELQ BILLING 10.00 MISC OTHER EXPENSE 101.4152 .4399 6360-00 379 00029 RVICE iEL-CLEANING SYSTEM 67.50 SMALL TOOLS & EQUIPMENT 101.4270 .2410 1140 379 00038 ~ LABS, INC. ~BELS 148.20 MISC OFFICE SUPPLIES 101.4311 .2099 92597 379 00028 _ DATA CORPORATIO ~Y CH I PS 479.25 COMPUTER EQUIPMENT 101.4192 .5702 379 00022 ~E 1/26 TO 1/28 1,530.00 PROF SRV - DATA PROCESS I 101.4192 .3090 379 00023 ~Y ,UPS,HUBS 964.89 COMPUTER EQUIPMENT 101.4192 .5702 379 00024 ::S, MOUSE, MISC 510.13 MISC OTHER EXPENSE 101.4192 .4399 379 00025 ICE 2/6 TO 2/11 2,520.00 PROF SRV - DATA PROCESS I 101.4192 .3090 379 00026 H /WIN 95 1,194.53 SOFTWARE 101.4192 .3091 379 00021 7,798.80 *VENDOR TOTAL JEL/PATRICIA :L EXPENSE 81.20 TRAVEL EXPENSE 101.4270 .3310 379 00019 JM CLEANER 79.84 SMALL TOOLS & EQUIPMENT 101.4270 .2410 379 00020 .IES 115.08 MISC OPERATING SUPPLIES 101.4270 .2199 379 00021 ~ACT 2,259.40 PROF SRV - ANIMAL CTRL 0 101.4270 .3120 379 00051 2,535.52 *VENDOR TOTAL I I LLMAN ~D-OVERPD INAL BILL 17.02 ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE 601.1150 379 00016 _ECOM ING-CAT5 1,528.00 REPAIR & MTC - BUILDINGS 101.4194 .4010 379 00017 ~AUX!SUE )W 95 INTERMEDIATE 29.63 TRAVEL EXPENSE 101.4152 .3310 379 00018 .STRIBUTING COMP 2,133.90 BEER 609.4975 .2520 127533, 95846 319 00015 BRC FINANCIAL SYSTEM CITY OF MONTICELLO 03/13/98 13:45:20 Schedule of Bills GL540R-V05.20 PAGE 8 VENO.AME DESCRIPTION AMOUNT ACCOUNT NAME FU o & ACCOUNT CLAIM INVOICE PO# F/P 10 LINE USA WASTE SERVICES, INC REFUSE 2,116.03 PROF SRV - REFUSE COLLEC 10 .43230.3100 THROUGH 1/29 379 00014 VIKING COCA COLA LIQUOR-POP 190.15 MISe TAXABLE 60 .49750.2540 379 00010 PW-POP 127.37 MIse OTHER EXPENSE 10 .43110.4399 379 00011 LIQUOR-TAXABLE MISC 93.75 MIse TAXABLE 60 .49750.2540 379 00012 CH-POP 78.38 MIse OTHER EXPENSE 10 .41940.4399 379 00013 489.65 *VENOOR TOTAL WATSON COMPANY. INC/THE MIse TAXABLE 97.85 MISC TAXABLE 60 .49750.2540 511403 379 00009 WRIGHT COUNTY AUOITOR-TR SCERT REIMB 2.760.51 GRANT REIMBURSEMENT 22 .46501.6601 379 00006 SPEC ASSMT LISTING 31. 80 PRINTED FORMS & PAPER 10 .41550.2030 379 00008 SHERIFF PATROL 27,776.40 PROF SRV - LAW ENFOReEME 10 .42101.3050 MARCH 379 00007 30,568.71 *VENOOR TOTAL WSB & ASSOCIATES, INC. MONTI COMP WATER RES 181.00 PROF SRV - ENGINEERING F 10 .41910.3030 JANUARY 379 00001 KLEIN FARMS 2ND 45.25 PROF SRV - ENGINEERING F 44 .49201. 3030 JANUARY 379 00002 HIIIIIJHOOL TRUNK 359.74 PROF SRV - ENGINEERING F 45 .49201.3030 SEPTEMBER 379 00003 KL ARM 3RD 7.249.53 PROF SVC-ENGINEERING REI 10 .43110.3035 1997 379 00004 7,835.52 *VENDOR TOTAL Y.M.C.A. OF MINNEAPOLIS CONTRACT 625.00 MIse PROFESSIONAL SERVIe 10 .45177.3199 MARCH 379 00005 . BRC FINANCIAL SYSTEM 03/13/98 13:45:20 VEN.AME DESCRIPTION REPORT TOTALS: . . AMOUNT 228,217.24 Schedule of Bills ACCOUNT NAME RECORDS<PRINTED - 000160 FUND & ACCOUNT CITY OF MONTICELLO GL540R-V05.20 PAGE 9 CLAIM INVOICE PO# FIP ID LINE BRC FINANCIAL SYSTEM 03/13/98 13:45:23 . Schedule of Bills CITY OF MONTICELLO GL060S-V05.20 RECAPPAGE GL540R FUND RECAP: FUND DESCRIPTION ---------------------------- DISBUR EMENTS 101 GENERAL FUND 211 LIBRARY FUND 213 HRA FUND 222 SCERG (ECON RECOVERY GRANT) 223 CMIF (CENT MN INIT FUND) 224 SHADE TREE FUND 240 CAPITAL PROJECT REVOLVING FD 434 93-13C MONTI FORD STORM SEW 436 93-14C WWTP EXPANSION PRJ 448 96-05C KLEIN FARMS 2ND 450 96-04C HWY25/MNDOT IMPR 453 97-07C HIGH SCHOOL TR ST SEW 601 WATER FUND 602 SEWER FUND 609 MUNICIPAL LIQUOR FUND 148, 33.40 46.28 4,752.18 5,243.96 1,1 0.21 1,5 0.17 3.85 2 7. 50 48,6 0.89 5.25 200.00 359.74 42 .34 1,21 .81 15,61 .66 TOTAL ALL FUNDS 228,21 .24 . BANK RECAP: BANK NAME ---------------------------- DISBURSEM NTS ;ENL GENERAL CHECKING IQR LIQUOR CHECKING 212,602.58 15,614.66 OTAL ALL BANKS 228,217. 4 THE PRECEDING LIST OF BILLS PAYABLE WAS REVIEWED AND APPROVED FOR PAYMENT. DATE ............ APPROVED BY +. ......... +. +.. ................. '+.. +. .... ..... .......... .......... .. ...... ... ....... "..... ".+ +. ... . .- ,,~- -. --- -,-- - -. -- -~. .- - - - -- -. --. - BRC FINANCIAL SYSTEM 03/19/98 14:39:47 . Schedule of Bills CIT OF MONTICELLO GL050S-V 5.20 COVERPAGE GL540R Report Selection: RUN GROUP... 0319 COMMENT... 3/19 OKS OATA-JE-ID OATA COMMENT -------------- ------------------------ 0-03191998-385 3/19 CKS Run Instructions: Jobq Banner Copies Form Printer Hold Space LPI Lines CPI J 01 Y S 6 066 10 . . -.----.- BRC FINANCIAL SYSTEM CITY OF MONTICELLO 03/19/98 14:39:47 Schedule of Bills GL540R-V05.20 PAGE 2 VE.AME DESCRIPTION AMOUNT ACCOUNT NAME FUND & ACCOUNT CLAIM INVOICE POll F/P ID LINE FRONTLINE PLUS FIRE & RE FIRE-FLOW NOZZLES 839.98 SMALL TOOLS & EQUIPME T 101.42201.2410 5862, 5879 385 00018 GREEN/ELIZABETH TRAVEL EXPENSE 15.54 TRAVEL EXPENSE 101. 4311 0.3310 385 00019 COMPUTER TRAINING MEAL 5.94 CONFERENCE & SCHOOLS 101.43110.3320 385 00020 21. 48 *VENDOR TOTAL GRIGGS, COOPER & COMPANY LIQUOR 1,933.24 LIQUOR 609.49750.2510 385 00021 WINE 420.04 WINE 609.49750.2530 385 00022 MIse TAXABLE 47.00 MISC TAXABLE 609.49750.2540 385 00023 BEER 21.40 BEER 609.49750.2520 385 00024 2,421.68 *VENDOR TOTAL GROTTA/DAVE LIQUOR-HUMIDIFIER 140.63 MISC OPERATING SUPPLIE 609.49754.2199 385 00025 I HARRY'S AUTO SUPPLY WWTP-MISC R & M 57. 12 MISC REPAIR & MTC SUPP I 436.49201.2299 385 00110 SEWER-LUBS & ADDITIVES 5.94 LUBRICANTS & ADDITIVES 602.49490.2130 385 00111 SEWER-OP SUPPLIES 10.60 MISC OPERATING SUPPLIE 602.49490.2199 385 00112 PIIIIIVEH REPAIR PARTS 63.13 VEHICLE REPAIR PARTS 101.45201.2211 385 00113 F MALL TOOLS 27.36 SMALL TOOLS & EQUIPMEN 101.42201. 2410 385 00114 FIRE-R & M - VEH 11.94 REPAIR & MTC - VEHICLE 101.42201.4050 385 00115 WATER-OP SUPPLIES 2.04 MISC OPERATING SUPPLIE 601.49440.2199 385 00116 WATER-EQUIP REPAIR PARTS 7.57 EQUIPMENT REPAIR PARTS 601.49440.2210 385 00117 WATER-VEH REPAIR PARTS 21.68 VEHICLE REPAIR PARTS 601.49440.2211 385 00118 STREETS-OP SUPPLIES 35.63 MISC OPERATING SUPPLIE 101.43120.2199 385 00119 STREETS-LUBS & ADDITIVES 9.57 LUBRICANTS & ADDITIVES 101.43120.2130 385 00120 STREETS-EQUIP REPAIR PRT 349.88 EQUIPMENT REPAIR PARTS 101.43120.2210 385 00121 STREETS-VEH REPAIR PARTS 521.10 VEHICLE REPAIR PARTS 101.43120.2211 385 00122 SHOP-10 TON 2,203.49 OTHER EQUIPMENT 101.43127.5801 385 00123 SHOP-SMALL TOOLS 14.37 SMALL TOOLS & EQUIPMEN 101.43127.2410 385 00124 SHOP-EQUIP REPAIR PARTS 12.39 EQUIPMENT REPAIR PARTS 101.43127.2210 385 00125 SHOP-OP SUPPLIES 275.85 MISC OPERATING SUPPLIE 101.43127.2199 385 00126 3,629.66 *VENDOR TOTAL HEARTLAND ACOUSTICS AN SHELTER-HYPALON 1,802.18 BUILDINGS 101.42701.5201 980103 385 00026 JOHNSON BROS WHOLESALE L LIQUOR 97.77 LIQUOR 609.49750.2510 385 00028 WINE 1, 178.45 WINE 609.49750.2530 385 00029 1,276.22 *VENDOR TOTAL LASER SHARP, INC. C.ER 47.93 DUPLICATING & COPY SUPP 101.41301.2020 19802 385 00030 -- '---_."..~--'--"'---,.._._,~- BRC FINANCIAL SYSTEM CITY OF MONTICELLO 03/19/98 14:39:47 Schedule of Bills GL540R-V05.20 PAGE 3 VE.AME DESCRIPTION AMOUNT ACCOUNT NAME FUND & ACCOUNT CLAIM INVOICE PO# F/P 10 LINE LOCH JEWELERS PARKS-SMITH-PLAQUE 59.46 MISC OTHER EXPENSE 101.45201.4399 987117 385 00031 MARCO BUSINESS PRODUCTS, CH-COPIER SUPPLIES 65.42 DUPLICATING & COPY SUP L 101.41301.2020 385 00032 CH-M/A TYPEWRITER 107.61 MAINTENANCE AGREEMENTS 101.41301.3190 385 00033 PW-COPIER SUPPLIES 69.23 DUPLICATING & COPY SUP L 101.43110.2020 385 00034 242.26 *VENDOR TOTAL MAUS FOODS SHADE TREE-MUFFINS 3.98 MISC OTHER EXPENSE 224.46102.4399 385 00035 EC DEV-COOKIES 12.06 MISC OTHER EXPENSE 250.46501.4399 385 00036 LIBRARY-CLEANING SUPP 29.71 CLEANING SUPPLIES 211.45501.2110 38500037 WATER-CLEANING SUPP 3.66 CLEANING SUPPLIES 601.49440.2110 385 00038 WWTP-FILM DEV 50.09 PROF SRV- CONSTRUCTIO 436.49201.3025 385 00039 CH-CLEANING SUPP 2.53 CLEANING SUPPLIES 101.41940.2110 385 00040 CH-MASKING TAPE 2.38 MISC OPERATING SUPPLIE 101.41940.2199 385 00041 CH-COOKIES 3.19 MISC OTHER EXPENSE 101.41940.4399 385 00042 CC-COOKIES & CHIPS 10.52 MISC OTHER EXPENSE 101.41110.4399 385 00043 PW-COFFEE 27.30 MISC OPERATING SUPPLIE 101.43110.2199 385 00044 145.42 *VENDOR TOTAL MCD. COMPANY C TERS 289.92 MISC REPAIR & MTC SUPP I 101.41940.2299 18797 385 00047 CH-CK TEMP CONTROL 196.00 REPAIR & MTC - MACH & Q 101.41940.4044 18815 385 00048 CH-MOTOR REPAIR 697.90 REPAIR & MTC - MACH & Q 101.41940.4044 18852 385 00049 1,183.82 *VENDOR TOTAL MCNEILUS STEEL, INC. PARKS-PIPE, TUBING 3,570.84 MISC OPERATING SUPPLIE 101.45201.2199 385 00046 MICROBIOLOGICS, INC. WA TER-COLI FORM 15.00 MISC PROFESSIONAL SERV C 601.49440.3199 129677 385 00050 MINNEGASCO CITY HALL 263.99 GAS 101.41940.3830 385 00051 DEP REG 44.76 GAS 101.41990.3830 385 00052 AN SHELTER 54.17 GAS 101. 4270 1. 3830 385 00053 PARKS 78.23 GAS 101.45201.3830 385 00054 WATER 42.01CR GAS 601.49440.3830 385 00055 FIRE HALL 171.42 GAS 101.42201.3830 385 00056 SHOP/GARAGE/MAINT 1.444.13 GAS 101.43127.3830 385 00057 LI BRARY 198.17 GAS 211.45501.3830 385 00058 2,212.86 *VENDOR TOTAL MN DEPART OF REVENUE STREETS-WASHER SOLVENT 169.00 MISC OTHER EXPENSE 101.43127.4399 385 00059 MO.LO TIMES TIMES-SUBSCRIPTION RENEW 30.00 DUES, MEMBERSHIP & SUBS 101.41301.4330 385 00062 BRC FINANCIAL SYSTEM 03/19/98 14:39:47 VE.AME DESCRIPTION MOON MOTOR SALES. INC. SHADE TREE-MOTOR FUEL SHADE TREE-SMALL TOOLS MPI, INC WWTP-INSUL & JACKING NATIONAL BUSHING PARTS & STREETS-OP SUPPLIES STREETS-VEH REPAIR PARTS STREETS-EQUIP REP PARTS SHOP-OP SUPPLI ES SHOP-BLDG REPAIR PARTS WATER-OP SUPPLIES PARKS-VEH REPAIR PARTS SHOP-SMALL TOOLS STREETS-LUBS & ADDITIVES NETSOURCE CH-COPY PAPER NOR~ STATES POWER CO WATER SEWER STREET LIGHTS NORTHLAND ELECTRIC SUPPL WWTP-CONSTR COST WATER-BATTERIES PHILLIPS WINE & SPIRITS FREIGHT LIQUOR WINE PINNACLE DISTRIBUTING TAXABLE MISC PWR SERVICE AN SHELTER-SPRAY NOZZLE RON'S GOURMET ICE I. AMOUNT 10.63 396.12 406.75 1.918.00 49.83 729.95 423.42 122.75 370.42 83.03 96.50 59.88 16.49 1.952.27 497.96 15.89 23.96 5.342.88 5.382.73 493.00 43.16 536.16 10.34 295.95 378.15 684.44 Schedule of Bil s ACCOUNT NAME UNO & ACCOUNT MOTOR FUELS 24.46102.2120 SMALL TOOLS & EQUIPMENT 224.46102.2410 *VENDOR TOTAL PROF SRV - CONSTRUCTION 436.49201.3025 MISC OPERATING SUPPLIES 101.43120.2199 VEHICLE REPAIR PARTS 101.43120.2211 EQUIPMENT REPAIR PARTS 101.43120.2210 MISC OPERATING SUPPLIES 101.43127.2199 BUILDING REPAIR SUPPLIES 101.43127.2230 MISC OPERATING SUPPLIES 601.49440.2199 VEHICLE REPAIR PARTS 101.45201.2211 SMALL TOOLS & EQUIPMENT 101.43127.2410 LUBRICANTS & ADDITIVES 101.43120.2130 *VENDOR TOTAL DUPLICATING & COpy SUPPL 101.41301.2020 ELECTRIC ELECTRIC ELECTRIC *VENDOR TOTAL 601.49440.3810 602.49490.3810 101.43160.3810 PROF SRV - CONSTRUCTION 436.49201.3025 MISC OPERATING SUPPLIES 601.49440.2199 *VENDOR TOTAL FREIGHT LI QUOR WINE *VENDOR TOTAL 609.49750.3330 609.49750.2510 609.49750.2530 405.75 MISC TAXABLE 609.49750.2540 156.75 SMALL TOOLS & EQUIPMEN 101.42701.2410 54.00 MISC TAXABLE 609.49750.2540 --_.~--~,_. - -,~ CITY OF MONTICELLO GL540R-V05.20 PAGE 4 CLAIM INVOICE PO# F/P ID LINE 267196. 267220 2634 7575. 7130 970136 1123 7268 385 00061 385 00060 385 00045 385 00066 385 00067 385 00068 385 00069 385 00070 385 00071 385 00072 385 00073 385 00074 385 00063 385 00075 385 00076 385 00077 385 00064 385 00065 385 00078 385 00079 385 00080 385 00081 385 00082 385 00083 ~-- ..- --- -. ..-- .- BRC FINANCIAL SYSTEM CITY OF MONTICELLO 03/19/98 14:39:47 Schedule of B 11s GL540R-V05.20 PAGE 5 VE.AME DESCRIPTION AMOUNT ACCOUNT NAME FUND & ACCOUNT CLAIM INVOICE POll F/P 10 LINE ROYAL PRINTING & OFFICE CH-OFFICE SUPPLIES 219.74 MISC OFFICE SUPPLIES 101.43110.2099 385 00084 CH-COPY SUPPLIES 116.38 DUPLICATING & COPY SUPP 101.43110.2020 385 00085 336.12 *VENDOR TOTAL SALZWEDEL/PATRICIA PATTY-SUPPLIES 110.45 MISC OPERATING SUPPLIES 101.43110.2199 385 00086 SETON NAME PLATE CO AN SHELTER-SIGNS 176.40 BUILDINGS 101.42701.5201 944887-01, 02 385 00087 ST. CLOUD RESTAURANT SUP MISC TAXALBE 58.00 MISC TAXABLE 609.49750.2540 385 00088 MISC OP SUPPLI ES 39.99 MISC OPERATING SUPPLIES 609.49754.2199 385 00089 97. 99 *VENDOR TOTAL ,SUCHY/ SANDRA M SHADE TREE-PENS FOR PROJ 2.33 MISC OFFICE SUPPLIES 224.46102.2099 385 00090 TDS TELECOM PARKS 117.85 TELEPHONE 101.45201.3210 385 00091 CITY HALL 1,562.30 TELEPHONE 101.41301.3210 385 00092 ~.LTER 47.78 TELEPHONE 101.42201.3210 385 00093 38.78 TELEPHONE 101.42701.3210 385 00094 WATER 25.76 TELEPHONE 601.49440.3210 385 00095 WATER 436.24 TELEPHONE 101.43110.3210 385 00096 OEP REG 176.89 TELEPHONE 101.41990.3210 385 00097 PW INSP 10.20 TELEPHONE 101.43115.,3210 385 00098 COMPUTER 10.20 TELEPHONE 101.41920.3210 385 00099 LIQUOR 232.95 TELEPHONE 609.49754.3210 385 00100 2,658.95 *VENDOR TOTAL THEISEN/MATT WATER-SCHOOL 28.27 CONFERENCE & SCHOOLS 601.49440.3320 385 00101 THORPE DISTRIBUTING COMP BEER 5,714.45 BEER 609.49750.2520 385 00102 MISC TAXABLE 23.40 MISC TAXABLE 609.49750.2540 385 00103 5,737.85 *VENDOR TOTAL USA WASTE SERVICES. INC REFUSE THROUGH 2/12 2,245.91 PROF SRV - REFUSE CaLL C 101.43230.3100 385 00104 VIKING COCA COLA PUBLIC WORKS-POP 58.79 MISC OTHER EXPENSE 101.43110.4399 385 00105 LIQUOR-TAXABLE MISC 127.51 MISC TAXABLE 609.49750.2540 385 00106 CITY HALL -POP 58.79 MISC OTHER EXPENSE 101.41940.4399 385 00107 . 245.09 *VENDOR TOTAL BRC FINANCIAL SYSTE~ 03/19/98 14:39:47 VEeAME DESCRI PTION Schedule of ills AMOUNT ACCOUNT NAME WATSON COMPANY, INC/THE MISC TAXABLE 157.93 MISC TAXABLE WRIGHT-HENNEPIN COOP ELE BOHANON FARMS 12.46 MISC OTHER EXPENSE . . FUND & ACCOUNT 609.49750.2540 436.49201.4399 CITY OF MONTICELLO GL540R-V05.20 PAGE 6 CLAIM INVOICE PO# F/P 10 LINE 511842 385 00108 385 00109 BRC FINANCIAL SYSTEM 03/19/98 14:39:47 VE.AME OESCRIPTION REPORT TOTALS: . . AMOUNT 69.426.50 ACCOUNT NAME RECORDS PRINTED - 000125 Schedule of Bills FUND & ACCOUNT CITY OF MONTICELLO GL540R-V05.20 PAGE 7 CLAIM INVOICE POU F/P 10 LINE ~--~-----'- -- ".-- BRC FINANCIAL SYSTEM 03/19/98 14:39:49 . FUND RECAP: Schedule of Bills FUND DESCRIPTION ---------------------------- DISBU SEMENTS 101 GENERAL FUND 211 LIBRARY FUND 213 HRA FUND 224 SHADE TREE FUND 250 ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AUTH FD 436 93-14C WWTP EXPANSION PRJ 601 WATER FUND 602 SEWER FUND 609 MUNICIPAL LIQUOR FUND TOTAL ALL FUNDS BANK RECAP: BANK NAME 40,300.99 799.25 2,047.50 8,103.06 12.06 2,904.57 204.05 40.50 15,014.52 69, 26.50 DISBUR EMENTS ---- ---------------------------- GEN~NERAL CHECKING LIQR LIQUOR CHECKING TOTAL ALL BANKS 54, 11.98 15, 14.52 69, 26.50 CITY OF MONTICELLO GL060S-V05.20 RECAPPAGE GL540R DATE ............ THE PRECEDING LIST OF BILLS PAYABLE WAS REVI WED AND APPROVED FOR PAYMENT. APPROVED BY ..... ............ .... .......... ...... ...... .................. .............. .. .... ...... ............ ..... ........ .' -'-~-,------,- --- -'-..--..