City Council Agenda Packet 04-27-1998 . . . AGEN A REGULAR MEI<:TING. MON ,ICELLO CITY COUNCll.l Monday, April 27, 1998.7 p.m. Mayor: Bill Fair Council Members: Clint Herbst, Brian Stumpf, oger Carlson, Bruce Thielen 1. Call to order. 2. Approval of minutes of the regular meeting eld April 13, 1998. 3. Consideration of adding items to the agend . 4. Citizens connnents/petitions, requests, and omplaints. 5. Consent agenda. A. Consideration of annual approval of municipal licenses. B. Consideration of change order # 12 n wastewater treatment plant, Project 93-14C. C. Consideration of authorizing a feasi ility study of the realignment of sanitary sewer between Walnut and Linn Street. D. Consideration of authorizing a feasi ility study for improvements to the flTe hall parking and drive areas. E. Consideration of amendments to th Municipal State Aid s~reet system f, Con $,..1 d P 1cc'Y'1 JfV1 ~ F"'/2l"l'1.r '2 VId PJ'Lf,,jllif 96 ,..OS P Consideration of items removed from the c nsent agenda for discussion. 6. 7. Public Hearing--Consideration of adoption f assessment roll for delinquent accounts and certification to County Auditor. Consideration of an application for a varian'e to allow barbed wire to be installed on top of a 6-ft high chain link fence to be erected as part of an existing commercial storage use in a B-3, highway business, zoning district. Location: 36 Dundas Road; Part of the S 1;2 ofthe NW 114 Section, Twp 121, Range 2 ,Unplatted. Applicant: Glen Posusta, Amax Self Storage, LLC. 8. Consideration of an application of the City f Monticello for a zoning map amendment rezoning various properties in the downto n area of Monticello from R-l, R-2, R-3, B-3, B-4, 1-1, 1-2, PZR, and PZM districts to th CCD, Central Community District. Applicant: Monticello Planning Commissi n. 9. 10. Consideration of bills for the last half of A riI, 1998. 11. A. djournmens ( J \ A ~ r() -~ t}} 1 i~ ~ \. \9-A-')' S>-'\u - Q . . . MINUT S REGULAR MEETING. MONT CELLO CITY COUNCIL Monday, April 13, 1998 - 7 p.m. Members Present: Bill Fair, Clint Herbst, Brian tumpf, Bruce Thielen Members Absent: Roger Carlson 2. A MOTION WAS MADE BY CLINT HERBST AND SECONDED BY BRUCE THIELEN TO APPROVE THE MINUTES OF THE SPECIAL COUNCIL MEETING HELD MARCH 23, 1998. AS WRITTEN. Motion carried unanimously. A MOTION WAS MADE BY CLINT HERBST AND SECONDED BY BRIAN STUMPF TO APPROVE THE MINUTES OF THE REGUL COUNCIL MEETING HELD MARCH 23. 1998. AS WRITTEN. Motion carried unan' ously. 3. A. n The Hospital District is amenable to either option #1 or #2. Staff will work with them to select the best alternative. Refer to 4/13/98 memo from Jeff O'Neill.) 4. None. 5. Consent a~enda. Councilmember Herbst requested that item 5J be removed from the consent agenda and Mayor Fair requested item 50 be removed from the consent agenda for discussion. A. B. in 11 n h r' in i .. for the extension of Marvin Road. Recommendation: Approve resolution to accept petition and authorize prep' ation of feasibility study for the extension of Chelsea Road through the Marvin oad right of way as identified in the Highway 25 plans. SEE RESOLD ION 98~ 12. Pag @ . C. Council Minutes - 4/13/98 D. nffi . i n i r'. L , 121 n Ii . Recommendation: Approve conditional use permit amending Conditional Us Permit 93-017 to allow site improvements including the addition of three new uildings and subject to the following conditions: . . * Site plan must be as depicte * Prior to issuance of a buildin permit, Amax Self Storage must comply with aU conditions of the ori inal Conditional Use Permit 93-017. * Prior to issuance of a build' g permit, the City Engineer must approve the grading and drainage plan. E. * Prior to issuance of a build' g permit, the applicant must specify the species and size of trees to planted. * All areas of the site not pav d or built upon must be sodded to the property lines on the south, east, and west, and to the street on the north. i i i Recommendation: Approve pre' * Power line easement on sou hem boundary of proposed development must be more clearly annotated. * Flood elevation(s) must be dded to the wetland(s) on the site. * Lot sizes below the minimu of 12,000 sq ft must be brought up to standard. * Lots located on a curve mu t have the width of the lot at the building setback line clearly denote . Pag 2 @ . . . Council Minutes - 4/13/98 * Logical system of pedestrian 'orridors must be designed and dearly outlined on the site plan. Ea ements must be aligned to increase the efficiency of the system * Storm water retention/detent on basins must be located such that excess losses of existing woody veg tation are minimized. * A detailed vegetation plan ill strating the location and species of trees to be removed and the location nd species of the replacement trees must be prepared. * Alignment of the westerly ac ess to Meadow Oak Drive may need to be shifted to the south. F. * Reorient the dwelling units, . duding the possibility of reducing the number of units, to provide 8-foot driveway accesses to the internal street and maintain green spaces. * Submit a revised landscape lan that provides intensive landscaping adjacent to all the quad and win home units and center of the cul-de-sac and that provides a variety 0 materials in the open drainage areas. Plan subject to approval by the C'ty Planner. * Applicant provides all propo ed covenants and documents to establish an owners' association. * Applicant provides typical b ilding elevations and floor plans subject to approval of the City Council * A snow storage plan be sub 'tted subject to approval of the City Engineer. * On-street parking is prohibit d on the internal streets and those areas not directly adjacent to a garage stall. * All grading, drainage, utility and easement plans shall be subject to review and approval of the City En ineer. Page o . G. Council Minutes - 4/13/98 H. rln Hr . I z n ih I Pr' conditional use permit for the concep stage of a planned unit development for a 7- unit development subject to the folIo ing conditions: . . * Applicant acquires additional property as proposed. * Submit landscape plan which 'dentifies the location, size and variety of site planting. * Eliminate privacy fence along west and north property lines. * Park dedication requirements in regard to the proposed development will be reviewed by the City. * Approval of grading and dra' age issues by the City Engineer and Public Works. * Preliminary and fmal plats to e reviewed and approved at time of final PUD. I. li' N In h n IF i A n m . . Recommendation: Approve resolution calling for a public hearin on the modification of Central Monticello Redevelopment Project #1 and the e 'tablishment ofTIF District 1-23. SEE RESOLUTION 98-14. J. K. * Submit plan illustrating how the future alignment of 7th Street and Fallon Avenue will affect the surro nding area. Illustrate the alternatives for relocating the Fallon A venu park. Page o . . . L. Council Minutes - 4/13/98 * Provide roadway easements' construction starts prior to platting. * Submit preliminary and final lats illustrating the division of the church property into lots and outlots as required by the City Subdivision Ordinance. * Submit a detailed landscape Ian adhering to requirements outlined in the City Zoning Ordinance. * Submit site plans, including 1 ndscape plans, that are accurately and appropriately dimensioned a d scaled. Should be scaled consistently with one another. * Conditional use permit is co tingent on approval of the angled bridge alignment by City Council. in i i Recommendation: Approve a concept ial conditional use permit. A MOTION WAS MADE BY CLINT HERBS AND SECONDED BY BRIAN STUMPF TO APPROVE ALL ITEMS EXCEPT 5G AND 5J N THE CONSENT AGENDA AS RECOMMENDED. Motion carried unanimo sly. 6. 50. Wright County has requested that a task force be formed for the purposes of redesigning CSAH 75. It was reco nded by Wright County that a counci1member be appointed to ser e on the committee, along with representatives from other groups. Most likely, me tings would occur over the next 6 months about once a month during the day. A MOTION WAS MADE BY BILL F IR AND SECONDED BY CLINT HERBST TO APPOINT COUNCll..MEMBER ROG CARLSON AS A MEMBER OF THE TASK FORCE. Motion carried unanimou ly. 51. The HRA would like the City to sh e the local contribution in a 50/50 split for this TIF district. The maximum H CA penalty could be $70,000 (30% of increment) if there is no local contr bution. Since this would be an advantage to the City, the BRA felt it was in the City's best interest to share the local Pag 5 @ Council Minutes - 4/13/98 . contribution. Councilrnember Clint Herbst questioned whether the HRA should be using their own funds. Economi Development Director Ollie Koropchak explained that the HRA is asking th City to contribute in lieu of being penalized. The options are to accept the HAC penalty, to share in the local contribution, or to ask the HRA to cover the entire ost. Mayor Bill Fair explained that H is using its reserves in purchase of land in the downtown redevelopment district. e was wondering if their reserves might be low right now. Bruce Thielen felt t at it may be beneficial to take the question back to the HRA to itemize reasons why it wants the City to share in the local contribution. Ollie Koropchak exp ined that Ehlers & Associates is waiting for an answer to publish required docume ts for the TIF district. AFfER DISCUSSION, A MOTION AS MADE BY BRIAN STUMPF AND SECONDED BY BRUCE THIELEN T ACCEPT ALTERNATIVE #1 TO SHARE IN THE 10% LOCAL MATCHING CO RIBUTION. Motion was passed with stipulation that this is a one-time co tribution and will not apply to future districts. Council wants to see justification fo sharing costs with the HRA. Voting in favor: Bruce Thielen, Brian Stumpf, Bill F ir. Opposed: Clint Herbst. Absent: Roger Carlson. Motion carried. . 7. City Engineer Bret Weiss presented an altenative alignment plan that would angle the 1- 94 bridge using a 30-mph curve near the R mmele site. Bret identified 6 items of concern: Remmele site impacts ($3000); park conde ation ($20,000+); land costs for remnant parcels ($14,625); increased bridge expens associated with angled bridge ($120,000); retaining wall near Remmele site ($40,000) and utility relocation for NSP poles ($20,000). Total additional costs could ru over $217,000. Councilmember Brian Stumpf asked wheth r the matter should be tabled to consult with Remmele. Bret didn't think it would be a p oblem with them since it affects their property very minimally. Mayor Bill Fair asked who was going to pa for extra costs. Mr. Jon Olson, from St. Henry's Church, explained that the maj r reason for asking for bridge realignment is because the original positioning of the brid e took more ofthe Church's property. They would like to keep as much property as possible to develop a church campus. . Councilrnember Bruce Thielen asked about costs of building actual bridge and whether funding was available or would the City ha e to pay the entire cost. Bret replied that the City and Church will most likely have to fu d the entire project. Bill Fair asked what the cost differential would amount to using the straight-thru approach (parallel to 1-94) versus accommodating the angled bridge. Bret th ught it would be substantially less to use the straight-thru approach. Page @ . . . Council Minutes ~ 4/13/98 Mr. Olson explained that the Church doesn't need a freeway bridge or 7th Street so they probably would not be interested in funding ny part of those additional costs. They are simply looking at fmding an access to their p operty. Mr. Olson also felt it would be a safer design to move 7th Street and angle th bridge. He thought, however, the Church might be interested in doing a land swap if t e park had to be displaced. AFfER DISCUSSION, A MOTION WAS MAD BY BRUCE THIELEN AND SECONDED BY CLINT HERBST TO ACCEPT ALTERNATIVE #2 FOR AN ANGLED BRIDGE ALIGNMENT SUBJECT TO THE FOLLOWING CONDITIO S AND DIRECT THE CITY ENGINEER AND CITY STAFF TO NEGOTIATE WITH ST. HE Y'S CHURCH IN DEVELOPING A PRELIMINARY FUNDING PLAN. CONDITIONS: * Replace or relocate area park with I nd provided by St. Henry's Church at location as determined jointly by Church and Parks Commission. * Develop an agreement between Ch ch and City outlining method for recovering added expense due to angled alig nt of bridge. Agreement could include cash or trade for land areas required for r ghts-of-way. 8. The motion is based on the Engineer's pre' inary report that the alignment will not affect the Remmele property. Motion card d unanimously. Chief Building Official Fred Patch presente the application for a conditional use permit which was approved by the Planning Co . ssion with conditions. City staff felt there were reasons to bring this up for discussio to show that there may be reason for denial. He noted that the east side of the building t the sidewalk is only 25 feet compared to 30 feet as shown on the plan drawing. Also, c rtain items of the ordinance for open or outdoor sales were not met, and the sw' . g pool display does not seem to meet usual use for the downtown area. Counci1member Bruce Thielen asked why lanning Commission approved this item and whether they were given all of the informa ion explained above. Fred Patch explained that the Planning Commission was probably no aware of the difference in the drive space by approximately 5 feet. Scott Rolfe discussed his understanding 0 the drive space concern which he would like to see resolved. He also mentioned that the lanning Commission had asked him to accept the conditional use permit on a I-year tria basis only and to restripe the parking lot area, Pag 7 @ . . . 9. Council Minutes - 4/13/98 which were agreeable to him. Scott provid d a picture of the type of pool that would be put on display. Fred Patch explained that it may present a problem with having such a large item on display at a major intersectio being that it is 7 feet in height. AFfER DISCUSSION. A MOTION WAS MA E BY BRUCE THIELEN AND SECONDED BY BRIAN STUMPF TO TABLE THE ITEM PE ING REVIEW AGAIN BY THE PLANNING COMMISSION SO THEY CAN REVIEW T REQUEST AGAIN WITH FULL INFORMATION REGARDING DRIVE SPAC WIDTH. Motion carried unanimously. commissions. The purpose of the meeting will include an pdate on the City's priority list. commission priorities. city streets. etc. Consensus of C uncil would be a Thursday evening (prior to the end of the school year) for four hours. t was decided to hold a special Council workshop on May 14. 1998. at 6 p.rn. and joint meeting of the City Council and commissions on May 21, 1998, at 6 p.rn. 10. A MOTION WAS MADE BY BRIAN STUMP AND SECONDED BY CLINT HERBST TO APPROVE THE BILLS FOR THE FIRST H F OF APRIL AS PRESENTED. Motion carried unanimously. 11. Other matters. A. Bill Fair reported that the League 0 MN Cities Conference is scheduled for June 16-18 at Duluth, and it was hi hope that other City Council members and City staff can attend. Catherine M. Shuman Computer Support Analyst Page 8 A MOTION WAS MADE BY BRUCE THIELEN AN SECONDED BY BRIAN STUMPF TO ADJOURN THE MEETING. Motion carried unan' usly. @ . . . SA. Council Agenda - 4/27/98 . (RW.) In the past you have renewed the licenses li ted below in a single motion. I believe that the motion has been a contingent motion su h that licenses are approved depending upon successful completion of the application, a roval at the state level, and submission of proper insurance coverage. The licenses submitted for your considerati n are as follows: Intoxicatine Liquor. On-sale (fee $3,750) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Monticello Liquor, Inc. Silver Fox Inn, Inc. - Chin uen Monticello Recreation dba J yner Lanes GAGA RANI Corporation ba Comfort Inn PO River Alliance dba J.P.'s Annex Hawks Sports Bar & Grill, I c. ." ~/ I ' Intoxicatine Liquor. On-sale. Sundav (fee 200--set by statute) Renewals 1. Monticello Liquor, Inc. 2. Silver Fox 3. Joyner Lanes 4. VFW Club 5. American Legion Club 6. lP.'s Annex 7. Hawks Sports Bar 8. Comfort Inn Non-intoxicatine Malt. On-sale (fee $275) 1. 2. 3. Rod and Gun (Steak Fry on y) Pizza Factory Country Club tit) I /r~ ~ / . Non-intoxicatine Malt. Off-sale (fee $75) Renewals 1. Monticello Liquor 2. Maus Foods 3. River Terrace 4. Tom Thumb 5. Holiday Stationstore 6. SuperAmerica Set~up License (fee $275) 1. Country Club 2. Rod and Gun (steak fry on] ) i J ",,. Club Licenses (fee--set by statute based 0 membership) 1. VFW - $500 2. American Legion - $500 . Council Agenda - 4/27/98 A single motion approving these licenses s QuId read similar to, "I move that the following licenses be approved effective July 1, 1998. I D. SUPPORTING DATA: None. . 2 . . . 5B. Council Agenda - 4/27/98 f A Change Order No. 12 involves eleven chang s to the wastewater treatment plant project involving additional cost, one change in the aint system in the head works building that resulted in a credit, and five proposed chang s that were not accepted due to the cost. The description of each one of the changes i enclosed with the documentation for Change Order No. 12. The total value of the twelve changes is an d of $25,074. This brings the total cost of all change orders to $220,792.50, or 1.96% fthe original contract amount. As you may recall, we had allowed a 5% contingency fu d. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. The first alternative is to approve C ange Order No. 12 to our contract with Adolfson & Peterson in the amount f $25,074. 2. The second alternative would be no to approve all or a portion of the change order. C. ST AFF RECOMMENDATION: It is the recommendation ofthe City Admin strator, Public Works Director, and Bob Peplin of HDR that the City Council appro e Change Order No. 12 as presented. D. SUPPORTING DATA: Copy of Change Order No. 12. 3 / ,.......--...... .. ~ .. ,..-..." ... li)~ Change Order No. .-:!2 Project Name: Wastewater Treatment Plant Expansion HDR Project No.: 08124-004-164 ~(Jh~ Project Owner: City of Monticello, MN Owner's Project No.: 93-14C ~ Date of Issuance: 4/21/98 Project Contractor: Adolfson and Peterson Date of Contract: 1 2/18/96 Contract Period: 12/18/96 - 10/15/98 It is agreed to modify the Contract referred to above as foil ws: Item No. Item and Descriotion of ChanQes Contract Price Contract Time Decrease Increase Decrease Increase 1 CPR No. 73 0 $2,164 o days o days 2 CPR No. 83 VOID VOID VOID VOID 3 CPR No. 88 VOID VOID VOID VOID 4 CPR No. 94 0 $2,791 o days o days 5 CPR No. 95 0 $2,205 o days o days 6 CPR No. 96R 0 $5,445 o days o days 7 CPR No. 99 0 $3,612 o days o days 8 CPR No. 100 VOID VOID VOID VOID 9 CPR No. 101 $2,110 0 o days o days 10 CPR No.l06R 0 $7,075 o days o days 11 CPR No.1 07 0 $375 o days o days 12 CPR No. 108 0 $1,226 o days o days 13 CPR No. 109 VOID VOID VOID VOID 14 CPR No. 111 VOID VOID VOID VOID 15 CPR No.113 0 $802 o days o days 16 CPR No.114 0 $533 o days o days 17 CPR No. 122 0 $956 o days o days Sub Total $2,110 $27,184 o days o days Differen e Net $25,074 o days o days Summary: It is agreed to modify the Contract referred to bove as follows: Contract Price prior to this Change Order Contract Time prior to this Change Order $ 11,478,918.50 Interim Completion Dates: February 1, 1998, March 1, 1998 and April 1, 1998 Final Completion Date: October 15, 1998 Net Increase (decrease) of this Change Order Net Increase (decrease) of this Change Order 1$ 25,074 I 0 I Revised Contract Price with all approved Change Orders Revised Contract Time with all approved Change Orders $ 11,503,992.50 Interim Completion Dates: February 1, 1998, March 1, 1998 and April 1, 1998 Final Completion Date: October 15, 1998 The changes included in this Change Order are to be acco l1plished in accordance with the terms, stipulations and conditions of the original Contract as though included the e in. I .- I I htt"~v ID'''t) 7 2 2-/7~ I I ~ ..,tV~ f.eco~~ndedfr Approval By (HDR Engineering, Inc.) Date -, / I I I I I Approved for Owner by: Attest Date Distribution: L-JOwner L-JContra tor L-JOffice L-jField L-JOther FORM Ill-S020.2 (Version 1.0 OCl 90) ask 5020 56.., J 1II.S020.2 Copyrigh. 1991 HDR Engineering. Inc. - ....--- .'-- -- ...-- - Change Order No 12 Wastewater Treatment Pia t Expansion Monticello, Mt ~em CPR No. Dese ptlon Amount . 1 73 Revise location of inlet I~S and pipe P-5 S2,164 PUrpO$8: To avoid conflict with the electrical d ct ban. 2 83 Add ultrasonic level senSor to TK4300 SO Purpose: Effluent flow measurement The proposed change was. not accepted. 3 88 Add additional air dryer for air compressor 50 Purpose; To provide backup air dryer The proposed change was nOt accepted. 4 94 Add support for submersible pump guides S2.791 Purpose; Add structural support for submersi Ie pump guides in Influent wet well 5 95 Removo and roplaco AHUl 2000 52,205 Purpose: Replace air conditioner in Control Ro m of the Headworks Building 6 96R Miscellaneous electrical modifications 55,445 Purpose: Provide electrical circuits for lab equi ment in the Admin. Bldg_ and miscellaneous modifications in the Headwork! Bldg. 7 99 Relocate autodialer from Influ!!nt Bldg. to Hea works Bldg_ electrical room S3,612 Purpose: To allow PSGiClty personnol to recelv alarm status of equipment In Headworks Bldg. 8 100 Add additional lighting in lower 'ovol of Ho.dv or.s 6ldg. SO Purpose: To provide additional lighting in low r level of Headworks Bldg. The proposed change was not accepted. 9 101 Delete coating (paint system no. 3) for FRP d ctwork in Headworks Bldg. (S2,110) Purpose:: FRP ductwork does nOt. require pain ing 10 106R Influent Bldg_ wet well changes S7,075 Purpose: To eliminate areas within existing pll nt reQuiring e)(plosion~proof wil'ing 11 107 Admin_ Bldg. Lab fume hood revi:sions S375 Purpose; Add compressed air and vacuum pi ing connections . 12 108 Tomporary piping to TK6200E 51,226 PUrpO$8: To provide piping connections and t nk modifications to use TK6200E as a temporary chlorination tank. 13 109 Relocate existing engine generator pow!!r an control circuits SO Purpose:: To remove the power and control ircuits out at the Influent. Bldg. hoist room The propose:d change was not accepted_ 14 111 Headworks Bldg. Pipe paif'tting SO Pul'pose: To delete painting reQuirementS fo bituminous coated B'xposed piping The pl'oposed change was not accePted. 15 113 Add 4BOV power for overhead dool' operato S802 Purpos!t: To add power for overhead door 0 erator in Headwotks Bldg. 16 114 Landscape plan changes. 5533 Purpose; To modify landscape plan near Adm A Bldg. 17 122 Ropaint COiling In Administration Bldg. 5956 Purpose: To provide an additional coet of son i-9loss paint to Admin. Bldg. ceiling Tota' CO No.1 2: S25,074 Ol1gina' Contract Amount: Change Order No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9R 10 11 12 . Revised Contract Amount: S1 1 ,283,200,00 50.00 (S4,687.00) 54.839.00 510.376.00 S10,635.00 512,682,50 S39,982.00 S25,643.00 SOOO S37,047.00 559,201,00 S25,074.00 5220.792.50 511,503.992.50 1.96% of oMginal co tractamount paga 1 of 1 4/22196 5~-~ . . . SC. Council Agenda - 4/27/98 A As you know, in conjunction with develop nt of the community center, it is necessary to relocate the existing sanitary sewer line tha is currently located underneath 5 Y2 Street extending from Walnut Street to Linn Stre t right-of-way. The purpose of the study is to identify the proper location for the sanitary sewer and to project costs accordingly. In order to keep the project on schedule, the construction of the utility system needs to precede the development of the site. The p oject will occur after the City has purchased the site. Appraisal information relating to the values of the properties considered for exchange or purchase are now in place, and negotiation resulting in City acquisition of the necessary land area are set to begin. It is our hope th t this process will be culminated in the next few weeks. As a reminder, the community presentation on the latest revisions to the plan will be held on Monday, May 4, at 4:30 p.rn. at city ha . Progress is being made on the project as follows: 1. Design. Refmements to the plan h ve been made resulting from additional input by user groups, the small group, Na ional Guard, and task force. Formal presentation will occur at the co nity presentation on May 4, 1998. 2. Financing. The developmentllease agreement between the City and HRA has been drafted and will be reviewed s ortly. A schedule for acquiring funds via the lease revenue bond process is near ompletion. 3. Land Acquisitions. The BN prop rty appraisal is nearly complete. Negotiations between Grimsmo's representative nd Dan Wilson have commenced. Bulk tank operators have found a potential sit for relocation. Soil investigations have been completed. 4. Management. The small group co tinues to study options for operating the facility. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Motion to authorize completion of t e feasibility study for realignment of sanitary sewer between Walnut and Linn Str ets. 2. Motion to deny authorization to co plete a feasibility study for realignment of sanitary sewer between Walnut and inn Streets. 4 Council Agenda - 4/27/98 . c. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: It is the reconunendation of City staff to m ve forward and prepare the feasibility study as proposed. This is an essential step in the p ocess of development of the community center. D. SUPPORTING DATA: None. . . . sd. . . Council Agenda - 4/27/98 A In order to properly plan for full and efficie t operation of the fire hall site, it is important that site improvements be completed prior t construction of the community center. Council is asked to authorize preparation of cost estimates to complete roadway and drive improvements that are intended to help ma" tain independent operation for the fire hall facility. The feasibility study will look at co ts associated with the slight widening of the parking lot and drive aisle areas, which will ive fire trucks greater ability to use the parking lot as a drive access to the rear gar ge door and provide larger parking stalls for fire department personnel vehicles. In addit on, adjustments will be made to curb lines to allow for easier turning movements on site or fire trucks. It is also proposed that the current grade change between the parking I t and 5 12 Street be adjusted so that the steep drop at the street line is reduced. The chan es as proposed are in part a result of the loss of Locust Street as a main access point to 5 12 Street from the east. Locust Street will no longer be available to fire trucks for access 0 the rear of the fire hall. This access, as noted earlier, will be replaced by the drive 'sle within the fire hall parking area. The ideas to enhance access to the site hav come from meetings between the architect, Mark Wallen, Scott Douglas, and Brian St mpf. Additional project ideas that will be proposed to enhance response time will be corp orated into the budget-setting process for 1999. They include: 1. Development of a warning s stem identifying a fire call in progress for the area of the fire hall. This sy tern would alert passersby that a flIe call has been made and that firefight rs will be arriving at the site and leaving in fire trucks. 2. Due to the traffic congestio on Highway 25 and Broadway, it was noted that the City of Monticello hould look at purchasing a traffic light control system that allows emergen y control vehicles to control lights on Highway 25. One of the jor problems expressed by the flIe department is difficulty in getting acces to Highway 25 during periods of heavy use. It was suggested that respons times could be enhanced by installing signal control devices in fire truck so that trucks could get immediate access to Highway 25 at 7th Street. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Motion to authorize cost study for development of site improvements to fire hall parking and drive area. The City Engineer will have the st dy ready for review by May 25, 1998. Authorization to proceed with pIa s and specifications will also occur on May 25. 6 Council Agenda - 4/27/98 . 2. Motion to deny authorization for a c st study for development of site improvements to fIre hall parking an drive area. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends alternative #1. It is our v ew that the site improvements requested by the fITe department are reasonable and neces ary. It could be argued that the site could continue to operate under the current confIg ration without the improvements being made; however, improvements do appear to be reasonable and will allow the fIre hall traffic to circulate to flow in a more efficien and safe manner. Therefore, it is our view that the project should be allowed to procee . However, due to the fact that the improvements may not have been necessitat d entirely by the development of the community center, it is our view that the fu ds necessary to pay for the improvements should not be derived from the community enter budget. It is important that improvements made to t e rITe department site occur before the beginning of major construction activity sla d for November 1998. D. SUPPORTING DATA: . Copy of community center site plan with pr posed site improvements noted. . C.Il ~ -r~ l=i ",-L:= 0 .\-J .\-J tfl U . -"" C.Il (]) Of) C.Il C.Il (]) ,... .I.. '1j (]) l=i bO l=i cO 0 -,-l ,... .\-J P. ,... 0 rl rl l=i 0 C.Il rl -,-l 'n .\-J tJ.lJ cO rj r:: l=i ::r: H S (]) .,-l rl ,... S .!:<: (]) cO (]) ,... ,... U 0 ~ cO -,-l 4-4 0 P. ~ (]) S S ~.. r:: 4-4 -,-l (]) tJ.lJ (]) 0 4-4 .\-J l=i (]) C.Il .,-l ) (]) cO :>-. l=i .\-J '"d C.Il ,... (]) .,-l bO H ;j ,.0 C.Il r:: .\-J .,-l 0 (]) .\-J :>-. ,... H bO C.Il 4-4 .\-J (]) l=i (]) .,-l r:: .. .,-l (lj ) .\-J 0 C.Il ,.d r:: u ... cO u r:: (]) .\-J ... (]) 0 '1j ,.d (]) -,-l It: ,... '"d C(j tJ.lJ 0 C(j (]) S -,-l t- 4-4 ,... ,... (]) H w bO cO .\-J U (]) C.Il 0 l=i .\-J tJ.lJ ;>, -,-l .,-l l=i l=i C.Il 4-4 0 :z: 4-4 Il rl (]) .,-l .. ,... .!:<: bO cO :( ,.0 ,... ,... l=i ,... . ,... ;j ell .,-l E-< ;j U p. l=i .0 u ,... .\-J '1j cO (]) '1j C.Il l=i ) ~ l=i ;j ,... cO ;j 'l;J . -n P. '"d '1j ~ '"d .\-J <C r.:J <C ;j ~ . 0 l1") .. Jl . . 0 I> . Q. C i ..ill . ~ .. .t; a. >> .-i J"'" ~ I I I I .0 .0 I C . I I ~i I I "'0 "'t I I " I I I I I I . I I I I I I -- -I I \:01) ~ I * I I I I I I -n- I I J I . . '. 5.E Counci~ Agenda - 4/27/98 A. ;F City Council has asked to approve the resol ion adding the following street segments to the Municipal State Aid Street System: . West River Street (Elm Street to Was ington Street) . West Sbcth Street (Elm Street to Mi esota State Highway 25 [Pine Street]) . Elm Street (CSAl-175) to West Rivcr Street ,.. Washington Strcet (CSAH 75) to W st River Strect The Municipal State Aid Street System equires designation of streets as a method of determining total construction needs whic is how the State Aid funding i~ distributed. The designation of these streets will maximize ur system at this time and does not involve any cost to the City. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS. 1. Motion to approve the attached res lutiol1 updating the Municipal State Aid Street System adding the following street s gments: c. . West River Street (Elm 8t cetto Washillgton Street) ,.. West Sixth Street (Elm Str et to MilUlesota State Highway 25 [Pine Street]) ,.. Elm Street (CSAH 75) to ,.. Washington Street (CSA 75) to West River Street 2. Motion to deny the resolution upda ing Municipal Slate Aid Street System. The City Engineer recommends Altemaf ve No. 1. D. SUPPORTiNG DATA Resolution lor updating the MWlicipal S 1C Aid Street System for the City of Monticello. 8 . . . RESOLUTIO 98- A RESOLUTION PDA TING MUNICIPAL STATE AID STREET SYSTEM FOR THE CITY 0.' ONTICELLO WHEREAS, as a requisite to qualify for state aid, it s necessary that the City Council designate certain streets within the city of Monticello to comp jse a Municipal State Aid street system; and WHEREAS, the Council has reviewed the recomme dations of the City Engineer and has approved certain streets within the city to become a art of said system. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the C"ty Council of the City of Monticello as follows: 1. That West River Street from Elm Street to ashington Street shall be included as a part of the City of Monticello State Aid street sy tem. 2. That West 6th Street from Elm Street to M' nesota State Highway 25 (Pine Street) shall be included as part of the City of Monticello State Aid street system. 3. That Elm Street from Broadway (CSAH 75 to West River Street shall be included as a part of the City of Monticello State Aid stre t system. 4. That Washington Street from Broadway (C AH 75) to West River Street shall be included as a part of the City of Monticello tate Aid street system. 5. That the City Administrator/Clerk provide certified copy of this resolution (by May 1, 1998) for transmittal to the Commissioner f the Department of Transportation. Adopted by the Monticello City Council this 27th Mayor City Administrator be- - J Please add the following Agenda Item: . fA CONSIDERATION OF ACCEPTA CE KLEIN FARMS 2ND ADDITION City Project No. 96-05P (B.W.) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUN Klein Farms 2nd Addition involved the develop ent of approximately 36 residential home sites in the area north of School Boulevard and just east of Oakwood Drive. This project was constructed privately through the use of a isbursement agreement with E.K. Development LLC. The Contract has been fulllled and all punch list items addressed adequately. We therefore recommend the City ccept the project and initiate the warranty period. B ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. The first alternative is to accept the pro ect as constructed and initiate the warranty period. 2. The second alternative would be to not accept the project. C STAFF RECOMMENDATION: . It is the recommendation of the City Engineer hat the project be accepted as constructed. bjf . F:\ WPWIN\1 02S.00\addldon.agd.wpd . . . Council Agenda - 4/27/98 7. A The City Council is again asked to adopt a assessment roll for utility billing accounts which are delinquent more than 60 days an to certify the assessment roll to the County Auditor for collection on next year's real es ate taxes if not paid by November 30, 1998. The delinquent utility accounts that are inet ded with the agenda are accounts that are at least 60 days past due and include all new elinquents from the last time we certified them In addition to the delinquent amount, the C uncil also previously approved the establishment of an administrative fee of $25 per account that is added to each delinquent assessment. The amounts shown on the en losed delinquent utilities list include the additional $25 administration fee for the pr paration of the assessment roll. It is recommended that the delinquent acco nts be put on an assessment roll for certification in 1999 at an interest rate of 8 0 as allowed by state statute. As in the past, if any accounts are paid within 30 days after t e adoption of the assessment roll, they can be paid without the additional interest. After 0 days, payments will be charged interest and can be accepted up to November 30, 1998. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Adopt the assessment roll for the de 'nquent charges as presented. ~5 B-"( 2. Based on public hearing input, adju t the assessment roll as required. C. STAFF RECOMMENDA nON: It is staff recommendation that the Council dopt the assessment roll as presented. All of the accounts are at least 60 days past due a d have been given proper notice of this assessment hearing and ample opportunity pay the accounts in full. All utility accounts were notified that there would be an additi nal $25 administrative fee attached to each outstanding balance if the account was not aid by 4:30 p.m on April 20, 1998. D. SUPPORTING DATA: Copy of resolution adopting assessment ro ; Complete listing of delinquent accounts to be certified. 9 . . . RESOLUT ON 98- RESOLUTION ADOYflN ASSESSMENT ROLL F'OR DELINQUENT U ILITY ACCOUNTS WHEREAS, pursuant to proper notice duly given s required by law, the Council has met and heard and passed upon all objections to the propos d assessment for delinquent utility account charges. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY T E CITY COUNCIL OF MONTICELLO, MINNESOTA: 1. Such proposed assessment, a copy of whic is attached hereto and made a part hereof, is hereby accepted and shall constitute the spe ~ial assessments against the parcels named herein, and each tract of land therein indud d is hereby found to be benefited by the assessment levied against it. 2. Such assessment shall be payable in one (1) annual installment payable on or before the first Monday in January 2000 and shall be interest at the rate of 8 percent per annum from the date of the adoption of this assess ent resolution. To the fITst installment shall be added interest on the entire assessment om the date of this resolution until December 31, 1999. The owner of the property so assessed may at any time prior to certification of the assessment to the county auditor, pay the hole of the assessment on such property with interest accrued to the date of payment, to he City Treasurer, except that no interest shall be charged if the entire assessment is paid ithin 30 days from the adoption of this resolution. 3. 4. The City Administrator shall forthwith tran mit a certified duplicate of this assessment roll to the county auditor to be extended on the proper tax list of the county, and such assessment shall be collected and paid over in the same manner as other municipal taxes. Adopted by the City Council this 27th day of April 1998. City Administrator Mayor 7,{ '" '" ...... "" ~~~ ~. ~ 2l '" _~ 6 ;;;- "" ~ C)O "" ...... '" '-- '" :>- o. <::> 5~ "-~ 0 "" ...... J;~ ""' ~ ., ~~ <,. 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Council Agenda - 4/27/98 8. A Mr. Glen Posusta of Amax Self Storage is a pealing the April 7, 1998, Planning Commission denial of a variance that would allow the installation of barbed wire on top of a chain link security fence. The fence is pro osed to be constructed in locations as described in Exhibit C, at the Amax Self Sto age facility in the B-3, highway business, district. On March 14, 1998, the City of Monticello dopted an ordinance amending the City Zoning Code, Section 3-2 [F], as related to ences. That ordinance prohibits fences constructed of barbed wire, razor ribbon, e ectric fences, and the like. (See Exhibit A.) Such fencing materials represent blight, are ot aesthetically compatible with the desired image for developed areas of the city, and y present a hazard to the health, safety and welfare of the public. The ordinance respec s the need for additional security on commercial and industrial properties by ailo ing chain link fences up to 10 feet in height. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Motion to approve the variance, fin ing that approval of the variance will not: 1. Impair an adequate s pply of light and air to adjacent property. 2. Unreasonably increa e the congestion of a public street. 3. Increase the danger f fire or endanger the public safety. 4. Unreasonably dimini h or impair established property values within the neighborhood or in any other way be contrary to the intents of the comprehensive p n or zoning ordinance. 5. (Other findings as s ecified by the City Council.) 2. Motion to deny the variance as su cient findings cannot be made to warrant a variance. C. STAF:F RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends that the City Council ve to deny the variance according to alternative #2 above. D. SUPPORTING DATA: Exhibit A - Exhibit B - Exhibit C - Copy of Chapter 3, Sectio 2, [F] 9. Location Map. Copy of Site Plan for 36 0 ndas Road as submitted by applicant with the proposed fence highlighted o . . . 9. Electrified wires, b bed wire, razor ribbon, and the like are prohibited on fence. 10. All swimming pool, hot tubs, spas, and other water tanks exceeding 24 inche in depth must be completely fenced in. a. Residential wimming pool fences shall be constructed as follows: 1. Resi ential swimming pool fences must be at leas 48 inches in height. The fence must not pe 't the passage of a 4-inch sphere through ope 'ngs in the fence. Fences must be cons ructed of durable, corrosion- and decay- resi tive materials. Openings below the fence to gra e must not exceed 4 inches. 11. Wh re an above-ground pool structure has walls that are at least 4 feet in height, the pool wall ma serve to meet the fencing requirements; how ver, the access to the pool must provide eq . alent protection to prevent unauthorized ent . Hi. Fen es for swimming pools must include a self- clos ng, self.latching device on all gates. Latches mu t be installed at least 3 feet 6 inches above gra e. Gates must not exceed 4 feet in width and mu t meet the same construction requirements as fen es. You must provide temporary fencing d g installation if your yard is not fenced. Bu' ding permits are required for fences exc eding 6 feet 6 inches in height. b. Commercia swimming pool fences shall be not less than 5 feet in heig t and constructed as required by the . Minnesota epartment of Health. (1J12/98, #305) [G] REQUIRED FENCIN ,SCREENING, AND LANDSCAPING: The fencing and screening equired by this subsection shall be subject to Subsection [F] above d shall consist of either a fence or a landscaped planting pI n. 1. PURPOSE AND BJECTIVE: The purpose of this policy is to establish minim requirements and standards relative to landscaping, buffi ring, and screening to be implemented concurrently wit site plans approved by the City; the standards , --lent, ~ MONTICELLO ZONING ORDINANCE 3/8 L ,- .. .. I .~. ....~ :..: l. "-+ 2- . _ ":../n____ ---- - ---- -----..,,, . j Consideration of an appLication variance to allow barbed wire to installed on top of a six foot h link fence to be erected as par existing commercial storage use Highway Business. zoning district APPLICANT: Glen Posusta CIIELS~/I ~. ~\ \~ oQ ~o o .1.... .t' .,\~CC o~'f,~", ... . \~- I'fl,.R'f. :; I . .. .. o .. .. o .. RO u J~' .=J.l- ..... ~ ~ l~dTi "" " " " "" '~"" " " " " ......, ',~,.""",,, "" '~'" , , , , cain.O,....~ " , , " .~', , , , " '.....: ' , ", ~ -' .. .. . \ \ t \ \ \ \ ........ .... .. ....~:.......... \. .................~ \.. +' /".::~' , ' (" ................ .........~ OJT\,Qt D 't .. i ... ... ... '" o ... I 1 I I 1 ~ r' t-' If 3-il., . CITY OF MO ICELLO COMMUNITY DEVELOPM NT DEPARTMENT 250 E. Broadway, 0 Box 1147 Monticello, M 55362 (612) 295- 711 Plannin~ () _ 00 (0 Case 1# 6 Check Requested Action: PUBLIC HEARING PLICATION X CONDITIONAL USE - $12 .00 + all necessary consulting expenses. _ ZONING MAP/ TEXT AM NDMENT - $250.00 + necessary consulting expenses'" _ SIMPLE SUBDIVISION - 50 _ UPECIAL PLANNING CO MISSION MEETING. $250 _ SUBDIVISION PLAT - $30 + $100/acre up to 10 acres; $25/acre after 10 acres + expenses. ity will refund excess of per-acre deposit. .:L.. VARIANCE REQUEST. $ 0 for setbackl$125 for others + nec. consult. expenses'" OTHER - Fee $ · NOTE: Necessary consulting fees include cost to have City Planner analyze variance, rezoning, & conditional use permit requests at the rate of $75/hr. e need for City Planner assistance is determined solely by City staff. Applicant Name: Address: Phone: Home: 'perty Address: .3 ~ al Description of Property: Lot: ; Block: Other: S'5" - 'S-CO .- Current Zoning: 3-J- Information provided by the applicant on this fonn is true an . I ;j.A.;L l : J 6.1he 6 2--20--98 Date ~~~ ;2-2o-3Y Date . VCUSSAM.APP: V06fi95 Date ReceivedIPaid: 3';r~ R Receipt Number: <?J?OS 7t:' S- Public Hearinll Date: <l~~ (CONT NUE ON BACK...) FOR ZONING MAP AMENDMENT ONLY: Proposed Zoni .R SIMPLE SUBDIVISION ONLY: Size of parcel to be vided: FOR SUBDMSION PLAT ONLY: Size of Parcel to be Pia ted: Name of Firm Preparing Subdivision Plat: Street Address: City: State _ Acres Zip: Phone: FOR VARIANCE ONLY: Please identify the Wlique proper .************************~**********~t.******************** *****************************************~ ~********** COMMENTS: . ~~1 VCUSSAM.APP: 2/06//95 .. --.----.--.--- --- -~j.-- -::/ -7,: -- '. "'"'-'"t-/ ""-"'~::~!.;.;"':'.:::' -.; I --~-~.~_ -- ~_ "--"i'if_/~~~ JIiil N 1I10Uuu," '9 .1111<; II/I 10 hnt Dl'f'" If., II , -"-. ~,., -f -: ~ . I .~ ,.11 ,~utI 1....nt/lIl PI'''I.ifI~ .n_... . ~.. .r ~~,qlll ;1I:,"o,.nl] ""I~Ol -:)1, 1j.;IL -- 'tI~'~I;III')ISja ~'"'" II wll t 1fM.j1 "ylt I,JI)'I"'.JM'" oil,..-., ""'... ""--"t' --r.~....., ....., NQ1ldlll:J!>](1 I ~l'o'O I ':'JI~ I ----,.rn~ ']1'1'(] P:;: ~~ ':.",,~ 1';::1 .;::1':~ ~~.:'~ 'f)UI '119/_pO.,V , leA a" uyor VlsnSOd N3~ \ """ ~ H" 'Ol1):)'!HO" \ 011 '3nvl;lO!S .:I1JS x.,..,.,. ; - ! I' Iii I Uq I li _'" . i ( 1f-~.5 ~.l.\ i .. AU.." ..., -, .' 1--..,_ Ilfi I !>'r>:m I~,=,:? . 1~~~t;::2:J i~ /"~ :-.ww '11 -w:- d ,,' r~ ~ : I I , j o ~ I ~H - /bll- 0; -~- f-l' f 'li Ii "i J'i 1 ~ ! 11 ! j c - 1 I I ~-:- -;i: T t. _ ,-'l_ - - 'I --1 __ " : , H. '~ - 5 i /1 ~; =~ f. '-,,- t" J ~ ~ ; I J ) I ! U ~; ":'i/ :::~= _U J 1 \ I' I o/t~I~' 'f1! H ~ --; I---, I, ,~ I ~ } ~' , l{ -:~' ,1_ t--~ -- ---' .. 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'-..... --- ------------- . ! f : J J d I J ,j t ! } 'I < , I l .j ..;; Ii: do ~ ... ~ ~ : i~ ~ '" it f' "I '1 'lI'.. -... <l~ - ~~ ":! ~~ ~ '- HHH' ! I ~ . f : > I i ~ J I I 1 j ~ t- ..., f- - ~ ,,?, Elfhibii- C!. . . il,) :J :c 'a S =:l ;J.... 0 ~ 0(1) lQ~ ~an ~ N '00 I"'l :::l ~i Cl . ~~ o l,j . .., ~ Cl Cl ~ Nr-- an.., ,...100 ff'lll'l . . an II) Cl'>Cl'> NN 8 ~ ~~ '3i ~ ~ J~ ~: ~~ lQ = .... il,) \.:l_ \.:l r "~'h .I ":>' -r:;:, ~~ J - -..- -....r .. ~ t'\ ...... ~~ "\~ 1'\ oHH - - - - - - - - - - i- - - - - - - - - - - oHH - - '. - - - - I- - - - : - -. - I -' - i -; I -\ -\ - oHH ~ - . - , - - i - - - ! - I - =J - - - J. _i - - I - - oH.H I- ~ g; \ . . . Council Agenda - 4/27/98 9. m The Planning Commission reviewed the foll wing report and recommended approval of the district boundaries for the CCD district ased on the [mdings identified in the Planner's report. There was some discussion and co ern by riverfront area residents of encroachment of negative effects of comme cial use on residential property. The Planning Commission viewed potential negative imp' cts as being manageable via the conditional use permit process stipulated in the CCD di trict regulations. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Motion to adopt proposed CCD dis rict and PZM boundaries as proposed by the Planning Commission. 2. Motion to deny the zoning map a d S /l.<" . 600 \)s~ ~ c \-\ n ment. ~ v I .- \\ 4 ~ I C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff supports alternative #1. D. SUPPORTING DATA: Planning Commission agenda supplement om regular meeting in April. . . . Planning Commission Agenda 4/07/98 5. he of A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: The City has adopted the text of a new zoning dist ict intended to implement the objectives of the downtown revitalization plan. At this ti e, staff is requesting that the Planning Commission consider rezoning a portion of the gr ater downtown area to the new district, called the "CCO", Central Community District. Recently, an open house was held for property owners in and near the downtown to r view proposed district lines and provide comment to the City regarding the impacts of th district on the area. The most commonly heard comment was in r gard to the residential portions of the proposed district near the transition line between CD and (typically) R-2 neighborhoods. The concern reflected in these comments was t e CCO district's language which places commercial uses above residential uses in term of ease of administration. As a result, the boundaries reflected in the riginal discussions of CCD have been tightened somewhat, with PZM District areas ad ed as transitional zones near the edges of the downtown. The PZM District permits R-1 nd R-2 uses by permitted use, and R-3 and B-2 uses by Conditional Use. With the under ying Revitalization Plan as the controlling Comprehensive Plan for the area, an effective tra sition which protects the neighborhoods from inappropriate encroachments should be p ssible. Overall, the revised zoning pattern in the downto n area should reflect a more traditional downtown pattern than the current B-4 dominat d zoning. The 8-4 district is essentially a suburban commercial zoning district with little ccommodation for the mix uses, shared parking and pedestrian orientation of the Do ntown Revitalization Plan. The CCO, combined with appropriately place PZM areas, hould better implement the objectives of the Plan. . B. AL TERNA riVE ACTIONS 1. Motion to approve the rezonings to C 0 and PZM as proposed on the map attached as Exhibit B. 2. Motion to table action on the rezonings, 5 bject to additional information and public review. 1 'I-I . . . C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION Planning Commission Agenda --4/07/98 Staff recommends approval of the rezonings as su mitted. As noted, we believe that they are consistent with the Comprehensive Plan, as a ended by the Downtown Revitalization Plan. D. SUPPORTING DATA Exhibit A - Current Zoning Exhibit 8 - Revised Zoning 2 &j.,;L 595 9837 612 P.04/05 . ..... - ... -. . , . .. -~- ...- \:~-" ..;.'0. ;.: .........."~"'n ..__.. "'. '. vO/\ ...... I . .....~ ~..\ /. ...'.....:>~~J;il '. . ;.,. ...... L . "'\\j $"/ ! \ f--- ~ , I I "1 'W' ,. I a: ... - u ,.. ..- i ; . I :'. .~_..L_~. .. ,_ ___ __. - . u.-::: ..... .._-;-_... ROAD-~'- ! ',. \ j \. . . ..; o' F' ~ I Existing zoning 4 - I . , . i . , ~ i ... \ . I 1 Exhibit A · 612 595 9837 P.05/05 ,y --- -.........> ~.., ==-- T \' .' . . 7~' \ ',,' "'~ . ",.u, I'.: "" ~ '; '.~ '-.. .i.. ;.~.- ;..:.... . '_" ~~ . a: .:.'.. ..... , u' LQ." ", , 'ed Zoning. I hibit B · Propos '~:' I . I . ....,. ,.. . ,.,!.. I . ... I ~ I' .... . . I " ( . no. .--- . .I 8RC FINANCIAL SYSTEM 04/17/98 09:47:10 . Schedule of Bills CITY OF MONTICELLO GL050S-VO .20 COVERPAGE GL540R Report Selection: RUN GROUP... D416 COMMENT... 4/16 CKS OA TA-JE- ID DATA COMMENT 0-04161998-432 4/16 CKS Run Instructions: Jobq Banner Copies Form Printer Hold Space LPI Lines CPI J 01 Y S 6 066 10 . . ---.-..---., '~---~-"--~._._~--~---- --".,- BRC FINANCIAL SYSTEM CITY OF MONTICELLO 04/11/98 09:41:12 Schedule 0 Bills GL540R-V05.20 PAGE eENDOR NAME DESCRIPTION AMOUNT ACCOUNT NAME FUND & ACCOUNT CLAIM INVOICE POll F /P 10 LINE A E MICHAELS PARKS-STAIN,ROLLER COVER 85.18 MISC OPERATING SUPPL ES 101.45201.2199 32888 432 00002 ADCO PUBLISHING CO., INC LIQ-ADVERTISING 49.80 ADVERTISING 609.49154.3499 MAY 432 00001 ASSOCIATED VETERINARY CL AN SHELTER-SYRINGES 14.85 MISC OPERATING SUPPL ES 101.42101.2199 31225 432 00003 BERNICK'S PEPSI COLA COM BEER 1,135.85 BEER 609.49150.2520 432 00005 MISC TAXABLE 49.85 MISe TAXABLE 609.49750.2540 432 00006 1,185.10 *VENDOR TOTAL CENTRAL MINN INITIATIVE CMIF GRANT REIMB 1, 100.21 GRANT REIMBURSEMENT 223.46501.6601 432 00004 CULLIGAN RENTAL 23.86 RENTAL HOUSE EXPENSE 240.49201.4381 APRIL 432 00001 DAHLHEIMER DISTRIBUTING BEER 3,162.35 BEER 609.49150.2520 432 00008 ~NON ALCOHOLIC 111. 50 MISC TAXABLE 609.49150.2540 432 00009 3,213.85 *VENDOR TOTAL DAY DISTRIBUTING COMPANY BEER 313.30 BEER 609.49750.2520 432 00010 DRIVERS LICENSE GUIDE CO LIQUOR- I D GU I DE 22.95 DUES, MEMBERSHIP & USSC 609.49154.4330 268256 432 00011 DUERR'S WATER CARE SERVI SHOP-SALT 8.63 MISC OPERATING SUPP IES 101.43121.2199 432 00012 ELK RIVER PRINTING & PAR INSP-INK 8.95 MISC OFFICE SUPPLIE 101.42401.2099 6660 432 00013 FLESCH'S PAPER SERVICES, LIQUOR-BAGS 87.44 MISC OPERATING SUPP IES 609.49154.2199 1033390 432 00014 GRIGGS, COOPER & COMPANY FREIGHT 53.00 FREIGHT 609.49150.3330 432 00015 LIQUOR 6,431.53 LI QUOR 609.49750.2510 432 00016 WINE 1,016.01 WINE 609.49150.2530 432 00017 MISC TAXABLE 41.25 MISC TAXABLE 609.49150.2540 432 00018 1,553.85 *VENDOR TOTAL 4111fOSSLEIN BEVERAGE INC. BEER 1,943.85 BEER 609.49150.2520 432 00019 BRC FINANCIAL SYSTEM CITY OF MONTICELLO l 04/17/98 09;47;12 Schedule of Bills GL540R-V05.20 PAGE 2 _ENDOR NAME DESCRI PT ION AMOUNT ACCOUNT NAME FUND & ACCOUNT CLAIM INVOICE PO# F/P 10 LINE HARRY'S AUTO SUPPLY PARKS-VEH REPAIR PARTS 0.53 VEHICLE REPAIR PARTS 101.45201.2211 432 00115 STREETS-OP SUPPLIES 45.78 MISC OPERATING SUPPLI ES 101.43120.2199 432 00116 STREETS-EQUIP REPAIR 1. 98 EQUIPMENT REPAIR PAR S 101.43120.2210 432 00117 STREETS-VEH REPAIR PARTS 645.56 VEHICLE REPAIR PARTS 101.43120.2211 432 00118 SHOP-SMALL TOOLS 432.92 SMALL TOOLS & EQUIPM NT 101.43127.2410 432 00119 SHOP-OP SUPPLI ES 67.65 MISC OPERATING SUPPLI ES 101.43127.2199 432 00120 1,194.42 *VENDOR TOTAL HERMES/GERALD T LIBRARY-CLEANING 227.50 PROF SRV - CUSTODIAL 211.45501.3110 4/16-4/30 432 00020 HOGLUND COACH LINES LTD HEARTLAND EXPRESS 5,771.44 PROF SVR - HEARTLAND BUS 610.49801.3060 MARCH 432 00021 HOME JUICE TAXABLE MISC 17.55 MISC TAXABLE 609.49750.2540 432 00022 J M OIL COMPANY FIRE-FUEL 45.21 MOTOR FUELS 101.42201.2120 432 00023 STREETS-FUEL 240.42 MOTOR FUELS 101.43120.2120 432 00024 ~HNSON BROS WHOLESALE L 285.63 *VENDOR TOTAL LI QUOR 1,623.69 LIQUOR 609.49750.2510 432 00025 WINE 6.84CR WINE 609.49750.2530 432 00026 1,616.85 *VENDOR TOTAL KENNEDY & GRAVEN, CHARTE COMM CENTER 546.00 PROF SRV - LEGAL FEE 461.49201.3040 FEBRUARY 432 00027 TIF 1-22 DWNTWN REVIT 1,229.42 PROF SRV - LEGAL FEE 213.46522.3040 FEBRUARY 432 00028 HRA-GREEN ACRES 2,588.50 PROF SRV - LEGAL FEE 213.46301.3040 FEBRUARY 432 00029 HRA-GENERAL 297.48 PROF SRV - LEGAL FEE 213.46301.3040 MARCH 432 00030 TlF 1-17 FAY MAR 67.00 PROF SRV - LEGAL FEE 213.46517.3040 MARCH 432 00031 COMM CENTER 2,203.94 PROF SRV - LEGAL FEE 461.49201.3040 MARCH 432 00032 TIF 1-22 DWNTWN REVIT 122.03 PROF SRV - LEGAL FEE 213.46522.3040 MARCH 432 00033 HRA-GREEN ACRES 502.66 PROF SRV - LEGAL FEE 213.46301.3040' MARCH 432 00034 HRA-GEN 120.60 PROF SRV - LEGAL FEE 213.46301.3040 MARCH 432 00035 EDA-GMEF #014 34.32 PROF SRV - LEGAL FEt 250.46501.3040 MARCH 432 00036 7,711.95 *VENDOR TOTAL KOROPCHAK/OlIVE OLLIE-TRAVEL EXPENSE 50.23 TRAVEL EXPENSE 101.46501.3310 432 00037 KRAEMER/WANDA COMM CENTER-WHEEL PARK 70.00 MISC OTHER EXPENSE 461.49201.4399 PIZZA & POP 432 00040 4111JAMBER & ASSOCIATES INC FINAL-1998 ASSESSMENT YR 2,548.00 PROF SRV - ASSESSING 101.41550.3125 432 00038 BRC FINANCIAL SYSTEM CITY OF MONTICELLO 04/17/98 09:47:12 Schedule f Bill s GL540R-V05.20PAGE 3 .ENDOR NAME DESCRIPTION AMOUNT ACCOUNT NAME FUND & ACCOUNT CLAIM INVOICE POll F/P 10 LINE LAKE STATE REALTY SERVIC HWY 25-APPRAISALS 525.00 MISC PROFESSIONAL SE VIC 450.49201.3199 432 00039 LARSON'S ACE HARDWARE STREETS-OP SUPPLIES 51.94 MISC OPERATING SUPPL IES 101.43120.2199 432 00041 STREETS-VEH REPAIR PARTS 11. 97 VEHICLE REPAIR PARTS 101.43120.2211 432 00042 SHOP-OP SUPPLI ES 38.71 MISC OPERATING SUPPL IES 101.43127.2199 432 00043 SHOP-BIDG REP SUPPLIES 87. 70 BUILDING REPAIR SUPP IES 101.43127.2230 432 00044 PW INSP-BATTERIES 6.91 MISC OPERATING SUPPL ES 101.43115.2199 432 00045 PARKS-OP SUPPLIES 6.90 MISC OPERATING SUPPL IES 101.45201.2199 432 00046 WATER-OP SUPPLIES 10.74 MISC OPERATING SUPPL ES 601.49440.2199 432 00047 FIRE-R & M VEH 20.03 REPAIR & MTC - VEHIC ES 101.42201.4050 432 00048 LIBRARY-CLNING SUPPLIES 21. 76 CLEANING SUPPLIES 211.45501.2110 432 00049 SHADE TREE-SMALL TOOLS 63.88 SMALL TOOLS & EQUIPM NT 224.46102.2410 432 00050 UQUOR-LOCK 4.12 REPAIR & MTC - BUILD NGS 609.49754.4010 432 00051 WWTP-THERMOMETER 10.64 MISC OPERATING SUPPL ES 436.49201.2199 432 00052 INSP-BRACKETS 24.58 MISC OFFICE SUPPLIES 101.42401.2099 432 00053 359.88 *VENDOR TOTAL LEAGUE OF MN CITIES INS GEN-LIABI LITY 29,757.00 GENERAL LIABILITY IN URA 101.49240.3610 432 00054 GEN -PROPERTY 9,669.00 PROPERTY INSURANCE 101.49240.3620 432 00055 .GEN-AUTO 5,199.00 , VEHICLE INSURANCE 101.49240.3630 432 00056 GEN-MISC 588.00 MISC GENERAL INSURAN E 101.49240.3699 432 00057 LI BRARY-LIAB 382.00 GENERAL LIABILITY IN URA 211.45501.3610 432 00058 LIBRARY-PROPERTY 389.00 PROPERTY INSURANCE 211. 4550 1. 3620 432 00059 FIRE-LIAB 3,861.00 GENERAL LIABILITY IN URA 101.42201.3610 432 00060 FIRE-PROPERTY 528.00 PROPERTY INSURANCE 101.42201.3620 432 00061 FIRE-AUTO 4,905.00 VEHICLE INSURANCE 101.42201.3630 432 00062 SEWER WWTP-LIAB 172.00 GENERAL LIABILITY IN URA 602.49480.3610 432 00063 SEWER WWTP-PROPERTY 3,050.00 PROPERTY INSURANCE 602.49480.3620 432 00064 SEWER WWTP-AUTO 1,182.00 VEHICLE INSURANCE 602.49480.3630 432 00065 SEWER ADM-LIAS 1,714.00 GENERAL LIABILITY IN URA 602.49490.3610 432 00066 SEWER ADM-PROPERTY 24.00 PROPERTY INSURANCE 602.49490.3620 432 00067 SEWER ADM-AUTO 403.00 VEHICLE INSURANCE 602.49490.3630 432 00068 WA TER-LIAB 3,944.00 GENERAL LIABILITY IN URA 601.49440.3610 432 00069 WATER-PROPERTY 190.00 PROPERTY INSURANCE 601.49440.3620 432 00070 WATER-AUTO 212.00 VEHICLE INSURANCE 601.49440.3630 432 00071 U QUOR-PREPA I D 2,170.00 PREPAID INSURANCE 609.15502 432 00072 68,339.00 *VENDOR TOTAL MARCO BUSINESS PRODUCTS, CH-DEV/COPIER 185.31 DUPLICATING & COpy S PPL 101.41301.2020 1739902 432 00073 MARTIE'S FARM SERVICE SHOP-LAWN SPRAY 33.33 MISC OPERATING SUPPL ES 101.43127.2199 238649 432 00074 SHADE TREE-STRAW (BAL) 7.31 MISC OPERATING SUPPL ES 224.46102.2199 238682 432 00076 .PARKS-BAGS 6.39 MISC OPERATING SUPPL ES 101.45201.2199 270080 432 00075 47.03 *VENDOR TOTAL BRC FINANCIAL SYSTEM CITY OF MONTICELLO 04/17/98 09:47:12 Schedule of Bills GL540R-V05.20 PAGE 4 .NDOR NAME DESCRIPTION AMOUNT ACCOUNT NAME FUND & ACCOUNT CLAIM INVOICE PO# F/P ID LINE MICHELS TRUCKING, INC LIQ-FREIGHT 36.00 FREIGHT 609.49750.3330 586133 432 00077 MICROBIOLOGICS, INC. WATER-COLIFORM 30.00 MISC PROFESSIONAL SE VIC 601.49440.3199 432 00078 MN DEPART OF NATURAL RES WA TERCRAFT TITLE 417 . 00 DNR PAYABLE 101.20811 432 00082 REGISTRATIONS 1,732.00 DNR PAYABLE 101.20811 432 00083 2,149.00 *VENDOR TOTAL MN DEPT OF TRADE & ECON SCERG GRA~T REIMB 2,483.45 GRANT REIMB - AROPLA 222.46501.6602 432 00081 MN FIRE SERVICE CERT BOA FIRE-CERTIFICATION TEST 35.00 CONFERENCE & SCHOOLS 101.42201.3320 432 00084 MONTICELLO PRINTING PvHETTERHEAD 508.82 PRINTED FORMS & PAPER 101.43110.2030 '432 00079 CH-LETTERHEAD 508.81 PRINTED FORMS & PAPER 101.41301.2030 432 00080 1; 0 17.63 *VENDOR TOTAL ~NTICELLO VACUUM CENTER 16.93 CLEANING SUPPLIES 101.43127.2110 19381 432 00099 SHOP-FILTERS LIBRARY-VACUUM REPAIR 27.26 REPAIR & MTC - MACH & EQ 211.45501.4044 19444 432 00100 44.19 *VENDOR TOTAL MONTICELLO/CITY OF PW-SPROCKET CHAIN 7. 37 SMALL TOOLS & EQUIPME T 101.43127.2410 432 00085 AN SHELTER-SMALL EQUIP 43.84 SMALL TOOLS & EQUIPME T 101.42701.2410 432 00086 PW-FAX/PHONE REIMB 4.00 TELEPHONE 101.43110.3210 432 00087 RES CHURCH-RECORD EASEM 19.50 MISC OTHER EXPENSE 459.49201.4399 432 00088 PLANNING-COPIES 9.50 MISC OPERATING SUPPLI S 101.41910.2199 432 00089 CH-POSTAGE 16.62 POSTAGE 101.41301.3220 432 00091 CC-POP 16.00 MISC OTHER EXPENSE 101.41110.4399 432 00092 CH-CHRISTMAS DECOR 5.52 MISC OTHER EXPENSE 101.41940.4399 432 00093 PLANNING-LUNCH MEETING 7. 00 MISC OTHER EXPENSE 101.41910.4399 432 00094 PLANNING-POP 2.00 MISC OTHER EXPENSE 101.41910.4399 432 00095 SHADE TREE-LUNCH MEETING 23. 08 MISC OTHER EXPENSE 224.46102.4399 432 00096 SHADE TREE-BOOK 9.53 BOOKS & PAMPHLETS 224.46102.4350 432 00097 PW-POSTAGE 2.04 POSTAGE 101.43110.3220 432 00098 HRA-EARNEST MONEY 1. 00 LAND 213.46522.5101 TIF 1-22 432 00090 167.00 *VENDOR TOTAL MTI DISBTRIBUTING CO. PARKS-VEH REPAIR PARTS 686.06 VEHICLE REPAIR PARTS 101.45201.2211 205217 432 00101 ~TIONAL BUSHING PARTS & STREETS-VEH REPAIR PARTS 255.03 VEHICLE REPAIR PARTS 101.43120.2211 432 00112 STREETS-EQUIP REPAIR 51.94 EQUIPMENT REPAIR PARTS 101.43120.2210 432 00113 PARKS-VEH REPAIR PARTS 18.64 VEHICLE REPAIR PARTS 101.45201.2211 432 00114 -- ._-,~-,_.,--_..- ~-,--~-- BRC FINANCIAL SYSTEM CITY OF MONTICELLO 04/17/98 09;47: 12 Schedule 0 Bills GL540R-V05.20 PAGE 5 .ENDOR NAME DESCRI PT ION AMOUNT ACCOUNT NAME FUND & ACCOUNT CLAIM INVOICE PO# F/P ID LINE NATIONAL BUSHING PARTS & 325.61 *VENDOR TOTAL NATIONAL BUSINESS FURNIT WWTP-FILE CABINETS 1,193.95 FURNITURE & FIXTURES 436.49201.5601 X21657 432 00121 NORTHLAND ELECTRIC SUPPL REFUSE-BATTERIES 66.17 MISC OPERATING SUPPL ES 101.43230.2199 206710 432 00122 NORTHWEST ASSOC CONSULTA CCD DISTRICT 238.85 MISC PROFESSIONAL SE VIC 101.41910.3199 432 00105 OAA EXP 1,036.45 MISC PROFESSIONAL SE VIC 101.41910.3199 432 00106 SW AREA STUDY 1,330.51 MISC PROFESSIO~AL SE VIC 440.49201.3199 432 00107 ANNEXA nON 595.50 MISC PROFESSIONAL SE VIC 101.41910.3199 432 00108 E/W BRIDGE PARK 180.55 MISC PROFESSIONAL SER IC 101.41910.3199 432 00109 GENERAL 979.32 MISC PROFESSIONAL SER VIC 101.41910.3199 432 00110 HOSPITAL 997.75 MISC PROFESSIONAL SER Ie 101.41910.3199 432 00111 GENERAL 1,200.00 MISC PROFESSIONAL SER IC 101.41910.3199 JANUARY 432 00102 PARKS PLAN 720.07 MISC PROFESSIONAL SER IC 101.41910.3199 JANUARY 432 00103 CCD DISTRICT 189.68 MISC PROFESSIONAL SER IC 101.41910.3199 JANUARY 432 00104 7,468.68 *VENDOR TOTAL eTCH/FRED 28.00 TRAVEL EXPENSE 101.42401.3310 432 00123 FRED-TRAVEL EXPENSE FRED-CELL PHONE REIMB 33. 06 TELEPHONE 101.42401.3210 432 00124 61. 06 *VEN DOR TOTAL PHILLIPS WINE & SPIRITS FREIGHT 2.54 FREIGHT 609.49750.3330 432 00128 LIQUOR 176.85 LIQUOR 609.49750.2510 432 00129 WINE 14.51 WINE 609.49750.2530 432 00130 193.90 *VENDOR TOTAL PHOTO I PW INSP-FILM PROC 38.10 MISC PROFESSIONAL SER IC 101.43115.3199 432 00131 PIPELINE SUPPLY, INC. WATER-HEAD ASSEMBLY 45.76 EQUIPMENT REPAIR PART 601.49440.2210 S1225520 432 00132 PITNEY BOWES CfHANCEL M/A (RENTING) 7.95CR MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT 101.41301.3190 432 00133 CH-INK CTG 29.37 PRINTED FORMS & PAPER 101.41301.2030 432 00134 21.42 *VENDOR TOTAL PLANT & FLANGED EQUIPMEN WWTP-PLUG VALVE 5,850.05 PROF SRV - CONSTRUCTIO 436.49201.3025 17774 432 00135 4IIIIEUSSE/JAMES L CITY HALL 460.00 PROF SRV - CUSTODIAL 101.41940.3110 CLEANING 432 00125 DEP REG 120.00 PROF SRV - CUSTODIAL 101.41990.3110 CLEANING 432 00126 PUBLIC WORKS 150.00 PROF SRV - CUSTODIAL 101.43110.3110 CLEANING 432 00127 BRC FINANCIAL SYSTEM CITY OF MONTICELLO 04/17/98 09:47:12 Schedule of Bills GL540R-V05.20 PAGE 6 .NDOR NAME DESCRIPTION AMOUNT ACCOUNT NAME FUND & ACCOUNT CLAIM INVOICE POll F/P ID UNE PREUSSE/JAMES L 730.00 *VENDOR TOTAL QUALITY WINE & SPIRITS C U QUOR 585.24 U QUOR 609.49750.2510 432 00136 WINE 536.20 WINE 609.49750.2530 432 00137 1.121.44 *VENDOR TOTAL RON'S GOURMET ICE ICE 394.00 MISC TAXABLE 609.49750.2540 432 00138 SALZWEDEL/PATRICIA AN CONTROL CONTRACT 2,259.40 PROF SRV - ANIMAL CT L 0 101.42701.3120 432 00139 SHERBURNE COUNTY CITIZEN PET AD 30.00 ADVERTISING 609.49754.3499 432 00140 SILVERFOX ARTWORKS REFUND-OVERPMT OF UTIL 7. 62 ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE 601.11501 432 00141 STAR TRIBUNE CH-RECEPT 220.50 GENERAL PUBLIC INFOR ATI 101.41301.3520 432 00142 ~PARKS-SUPER. 636.00 GENERAL PUBLIC INFOR ATI 101.45201.3520 432 00143 856.50 *VENDOR TOTAL THORPE DISTRIBUTING COMP BEER 3,557.30 BEER 609.49750.2520 432 00144 MISC TAXABLE 127.95 MISC TAXABLE 609.49750.2540 432 00145 3,685.25 *VENDOR TOTAL TWIN CITY SUPPLY, INC SHADE TREE-TREES 196.65 TREE REPLACEMENT 224.46102.4391 44878 432 00146 U S POSTMASTER CH-BOX RENTAL (6 MONTHS) 26.50 MISC OTHER EXPENSE 101.42201.4399 432 00147 UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA KAREN-SEMINAR 595.00 CONFERENCE & SCHOOLS 101.41301.3320 432 00148 VIKING COCA COLA TAXABLE MISe 416.94 MISC TAXABLE 609.49750.2540 432 00149 CH-POP 48.99 MISC OTHER EXPENSE 101.41940.4399 432 00150 465.93 *VENDOR TOTAL WATSON COMPANY, INC/THE MISC TAXABLE 396.44 MISC TAXABLE 609.49750.2540 432 00151 4111rIGHT COUNTY AUDITOR-TR SCERG GRANT REIMB 2,760.51 GRANT REIMBURSEMENT 222.46501.6601 432 00152 BRC FINANCIAL SYSTEM 04/17/98 09:47:12 .ENDOR NAME DESCRIPTION AMOUNT Y.M.C.A. OF MINNEAPOLIS CONTRACT PAYMENT Schedule 0 Bills ACCOUNT NAME FUND & ACCOUNT 625.00 MISC PROFESSIONAL SE VIC 101.45177.3199 ZARNOTH BRUSH WORKS, INC PARKS-BROOM REFILL 275.84 MISC OPERATING SUPPLIES 101.45201.2199 . . CITY OF MONTICELLO GL540R-V05.20 PAGE 7 CLAIM INVOICE PO# F/P 10 LINE 063383 63383 432 00153 432 00154 BRC FINANCIAL SYSTEM ~/17/98 09:47:12 ~NDOR NAME DESCRIPTION REPORT TOTALS: . . AMOUNT 141,021.92 ACCOUNT NAME RECORDS PRINTED - 000154 Schedule 0 Bills FUND & ACCOUNT CITY OF MONTICELLO GL540R-V05.20 PAGE 8 CLAIM INVOICE PO# F/P 10 LINE BRC FINANCIAL SYSTEM ~/17/98 09:47:15 FUND RECAP: Schedule f Bills FUND DESCRIPTION DIS URSEMENTS 101 GENERAL FUND 211 LI BRARY FUND 213 HRA FUND 222 SCERG (ECON RECOVERY GRANT) 223 CMIF (CENT MN INIT FUND) 224 SHADE TREE FUND 240 CAPITAL PROJECT REVOLVING FD 250 ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AUTH FD 436 93-14C WWTP EXPANSION PRJ 440 95-01C SOUTHWEST AREA 450 96-04C HWY25/MNDOT IMPR 459 98-01C RES CHURCH SS & WM 461 98-03C COMMUNITY CENTER 601 WATER FUND 502 SEWER FUND 509 MUNICIPAL LIQUOR FUND 610 TRANSPORTATION FUND 5,263.53 1,047.52 4,928.69 5,243.96 1,100.21 300.45 23.86 34.32 7,054.64 1,330.51 525.00 19.50 2,819.94 4,440.12 6,545.00 4,573.23 5,771.44 4111iTAL ALL FUNDS 1 1,021.92 BANK RECAP: BANK NAME DIS URSEMENTS GENL GENERAL CHECKING LIQR LIQUOR CHECKING 1 6,448.69 4,573.23 TOTAL ALL BANKS 1 1,021.92 THE PRECEDING LIST OF BILLS PAYABLE WAS R VIEWED AND APPROVED FOR PAYMENT. DATE ..... ....... APPROVED BY . CITY OF MONTICELLO GL060S-V05.20 RECAPPAGE GL540R BRC FINANCIAL SYSTEM 04/23/98 10:04:23 . Schedule of Bills CITY OF ONTICELLO GL050S-V05.20 COVERPAGE GL540R Report Selection: RUN GROUP... 0423 COMMENT... 4/23 CKS OATA-JE-ID DATA COMMENT 0-04231998-438 4/23 CKS Run Instructions: Jobq Banner Copies Form Printer Hold Space LPI Lines CPI J 01 Y S 6 066 10 . . 8RC FINANCIAL SYSTEM CITY OF MONTICELLO 04/23/98 10:04:23 Schedule of Bi l1s GL540R-V05.20 PAGE 1 .OR NAME DESCRIPTION AMOUNT ACCOUNT NAME FUND & ACCOUNT CLAIM INVOICE POll F /P 10 LINE A T & T WIRELESS SERVICE RICK 15.35 TELEPHONE 101.41301.3210 CELLULAR 438 00002 JEFF 27.73 TELEPHONE 101.41910.3210 CELLULAR 438 00003 GARY 26.34 TELEPHONE 101.42401.3210 CELLULAR 438 00004 AN SHELTER 26.34 TELEPHONE 101.42701.3210 CELLULAR 438 00005 95.76 *VENDOR TOTAL AOCO PUBLISHING COMPANY PW-(3) TRI CO BOOKS 15.00 TELEPHONE 101.43110.3210 438 00006 ASPLUNOH TREE EXPERT CO STORM P/U REIMB BY NSP 3,834.00 REFUNDS/REIMBURSEMENTS 101.36290 307670 438 00001 BELLBOY CORPORATION BAR FREIGHT 4.72 FREIGHT 609.49750.3330 438 00008 TAXABLE MISC 45.00 MISC TAXABLE 609.49750.2540 27447000 438 00007 49.72 *VENDOR TOTAL BERNICK'S PEPSI COLA COM BEER 491. 20 BEER 609.49750.2520 438 00009 MISC TAXABLE 26.20 MISC TAXABLE 609.49750.2540 438 00010 517.40 *VENDOR TOTAL .TERWORLD PW ADM-SUBSCRIPTION 29.95 DUES, MEMBERSHIP & SUBSC 101.43110.4330 438 00011 DAHLHEIMER DISTRIBUTING BEER 5,131.45 BEER 609.49750.2520 438 00012 NON ALCOHOLIC 65.00 MISC TAXABLE 609.49750.2540 438 00013 5,196.45 *VENDOR TOTAL DAY DISTRIBUTING COMPANY BEER 429.60 BEER 609.49750.2520 438 00014 FLESCH'S PAPER SERVICES, LIQUOR 82.79 MISC OPERATING SUPPLIES 609.49754.2199 438 00015 GARTNER'S OFFICE PRODUCT CH-OFFICE SUPPLIES 260.21 MISC OFFICE SUPPLIES 101.41301.2099 438 00016 GLUNZ/RAYMOND J CEMETARY 975.00 PROF SRV - EXCAVATION 651.49010.3115 438 00017 GRIGGS, COOPER & COMPANY FREIGHT 244.50 FREIGHT 609.49750.3330 438 00018 LIQUOR 12,465.25 LI QUOR 609.49750.2510 438 00019 WINE 2,621.39 WINE 609.49750.2530 438 00020 .C TAXABLE 89.69 MISC TAXABLE 609.49750.2540 .438 00021 15,420.83 *VENDOR TOTAL BRC FINANCIAL SYSTEM CITY OF MONTICELLO 04/23/98 10:04:23 Schedule of ail 15 GL540R-V05.20 PAGE 2 aR NAME DESCRIPTION AMOUNT ACCOUNT NAME FUND & ACCOUNT CLAIM INVOICE POll F/P ID LINE GROSSLEIN BEVERAGE INC. BEER 5,851.80 BEER 609.49750.2520 438 00022 MISC TAXABLE 41.70 MISC TAXABLE 609.49750.2540 438 00023 5,893.50 *VENDOR TOTAL HOME JUICE TAXABLE MISC 70.20 MISC TAXABLE 609.49750.2540 14018 438 00024 INNOVATIVE LABORATORY SY WWTP-POLISH 26.92 MISC OPERATING SUPPLIES 436.49201.2199 1266 438 00025 JOHNSON BROS WHOLESALE L FREIGHT 103.94 FREIGHT 609.49750.3330 438 00026 LIQUOR 451.46 LIQUOR 609.49750.2510 438 00027 WINE 1,998.10 WINE 609.49750.2530 438 00028 2,553.50 *VENDOR TOTAL KURILLA/DAVE DEBRIS REMOVAL 1,000.00 SALE OF CITY PROPERTY 438.36240 EASTWOOD KNOLL 438 00029 MN U C FUND it OOER 4.58 U. C. BENEFIT PAYMENTS 101.45201.1420 438 00030 N ERN STATES POWER CO WATER 1,458.52 ELECTRIC 601.49440.3810 438 00031 SEWER 320.78 ELECTRIC 602.49490.3810 438 00032 STREET LIGHTS 7,024.45 ELECTRIC 101.43160.3810 438 00033 DEP REG 70.53 ELECTRIC 101.41990.3810 438 00034 PARKS 469.92 ELECTRIC 101.45201.3810 438 00035 CIVIL DEFENSE 3.14 ELECTRIC 101.42501.3810 438 00036 PARKING LOTS 70.62 ELECTRIC 101.43140.3810 438 00037 9,417.96 *VENDOR TOTAL OHNSTAD/ELMER P/U TEFLON PADS 20.72 MISC REPAIR & MTC SUPPLI 436.49201.2299 438 00038 PAUSTIS & SONS WINE 414.25 WINE 609.49750.2530 89889 438 00039 PC MAGAZINE PW ADM-SUBSCRIPTIONS 26.97 DUES, MEMBERSHIP & SUBSC 101.43110.4330 438 00040 PHILLIPS WINE & SPIRITS FREIGHT 46.80 FREIGHT 609.49750.3330 438 00041 LIQUOR 5,493.60 LIQUOR 609.49750.2510 438 00042 WINE 390.65 WINE 609.49750.2530 438 00043 5,931.05 *VENDOR TOTAL ~TY WINE & SPIRITS C LIQUOR 1,462.01 LIQUOR 609.49750.2510 438 00044 WINE 1,295.56 WINE 609.49750.2530 438 00045 aRC FINANCIAL SYSTEM CITY OF MONTICELLO 04/23/98 10:04:23 Schedule of ail ls GL540R-V05.20 PAGE 3 .OR NAME DESCRIPTION AMOUNT ACCOUNT NAME FUND & ACCOUNT CLAIM INVOICE POll F/P 10 LINE QUALITY WINE & SPIRITS C 2,757.57 *VENDOR TOTAL SHERBURNE TITLE GUARANTE LEGAL-UPDATE ABSTRACTS 275.00 MISC PROFESSIONAL SERVIC 101.41601.3199 438 00046 STAR TRIBUNE SUBSCRIPTION RENEWAL 52.00 DUES, MEMBERSHIP & SUBSC 101.41301.4330 438 00047 SUPERIOR FCR LANDFILL, I LANDFILL CHARGES 296.59 MISC PROFESSIONAL SERVIC 101.43230.3199 438 00048 TDS TELECOM PARKS 122.85 TELEPHONE 101.45201.3210 438 00049 CH 1.668.59 TELEPHONE 101.41301.3210 438 00050 FIRE DEPT 61.64 TELEPHONE 101.42201.3210 438 00051 AN SHELTER 38.78 TELEPHONE 101.42701.3210 438 00052 WATER 31. 58 TELEPHONE 601.49440.3210 438 00053 PW 429.88 TELEPHONE 101.43110.3210 438 00054 DEP REG 174.63 TELEPHONE 101.41990.3210 438 00055 PW INSP 10.20 TELEPHONE 101.43115.3210 438 00056 COMPUTER 10.20 TELEPHONE 101.41920.3210 438 00057 _OR STORE 244.95 TELEPHONE 609.49754.3210 438 00058 RARY 45.07 TELEPHONE 211.45501.3210 438 00059 2.838.37 *VENDOR TOTAL THORPE DISTRIBUTING COMP BEER 7.281.65 BEER 609.49750.2520 438 00060 MISC TAXABLE 81.20 MISC TAXABLE 609.49750.2540 438 00061 7.362.85 *VENDOR TOTAL USA WASTE SERVICES. INC REFUSE THROUGH 3/12 1.920.11 PROF SRV - REFUSE COLLEC 101.43230.3100 438 00062 VIKING COCA COLA LI QUOR-POP 143.00 MISC TAXABLE 609.49750.2540 2125155 438 00063 WATSON COMPANY. INC/THE MISC TAXABLE 79.77 MISC TAXABLE 609.49750.2540 514096 438 00064 WRIGHT-HENNEPIN COOP ELE BOHANAN FARMS 16.84 MISC OTHER EXPENSE 436.49201.4399 438 00065 . BRC FINANCIAL SYSTEM 04/23/98 10:04:23 aR NAME DESCRIPTION REPORT TOTALS: . . AMOUNT 68,008.46 ACCOUNT NAME RECORDS PRINTED - 000065 Schedule of 8ills FUND & ACCOUNT CITY OF MONTICELLO GL540R-V05.20 PAGE 4 CLAIM INVOICE PO# F/P ID LINE .__._,~_.:- _._,~_._-_._- --- BRC FINANCIAL SYSTEM ~/98 10:04:25 FUND RECAP: Schedule of Bills CITY OF MONTICELLO GL060S-V05.20 RECAPPAGE GL540R FUND DESCRIPTION DISBUR EMENTS 101 GENERAL FUND 211 LIBRARY FUND 436 93-14C WWTP EXPANSION PRJ 438 94-02C EASTWOOD KNOLL 601 WATER FUND 602 SEWER FUND 609 MUNICIPAL LIQUOR FUND 651 RIVERSIDE CEMETERY TOTAL ALL FUNDS BANK RECAP: 16,965.60 45.07 64.48 1,000.00 1, 90.10 320.78 47.147.43 975.00 68,008.46 DISBUR EMENTS BANK NAME tA GENERAL CHECKING L~ LIQUOR CHECKING TOTAL ALL BANKS 20,861.03 47.147.43 68,008.46 DATE ............ APPROVED BY THE PRECEDING LIST OF BILLS PAYABLE WAS REVIEWED AND APPROVED FOR PAYMENT. . .'- e- . COUNCIL U DATE 4/24/9 Inti The applications for the Park Superintendent positio closed on March 18, 1998, and 72 applications were received. Each member of the revew committee, consisting of the City Administrator, Councilmember Thielen, and the Pub'c Works Director, independently reviewed the 72 applications and narrowed the field to 12 for dditional study, then finally down to 5 for the interview process. At the completion of the inte view process, the review committee selected a primary and secondary choice. Mr. Greg Engle of Anoka, Minnesota, was offered the position at Step 5, Grade 11, at a salary of $40,562 per year. Mr. Engle has been employed by the City of Anoka arks Department for the past 12 years and is currently a Park Maintenance Supervisor. He has a AAS Degree in Parks and Recreation Management from the University of Minnesota, Cro kston, and also attended the University of North Dakota, Grand Forks, in studies centered aro nd public administration. Mr. Engle is also the current president of the Minnesota Parks Super isors Association. Mr. Engle is scheduled to commence his employment with the City of Montie 110 May 11, 1998, pending successful completion of the required physical. It is expected t at Mr. Engle will be introduced to the City Council at one of the regular meetings scheduled in ay.