HRA Agenda 08-01-2001 . AGEN A MON'fICELLO HOUSING AND R DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY Wednesday, August ,2001 - 7:00 p.m. 505 Walnut Street - Bridge Room Commissioners: Chair Dan Frie, Vice Chair rad Barger, Steve Andrews, Darrin Lahr, and Bob Murray. Council Liaison: Brian Stumpf. Staff: Rick Wolfsteller, Ollie Koropchak, and Lo i Kraemer. (Tuests: Brad Johnson, Lotus Realty Services, Inc. Barry Fluth, Masters Fifth Avenue, nc. Pat O'Donnell, Smith & Associates Mike Cyr, MLC Building and Rem deling I. 2. ,., -) . . 4. 5. Call to Order. Consideration to approve the July 11,2001 and July 23, 2001 I-IRA minutes. Consideration of adding or removing items from the agenda. Consent Agenda. Consideration to authorize HRA Attorney t draft a Contract for Private Redevelopment Agreement between the HRA and Smith & Associates. (Pat O'Donnell). 6. Consideration to extend the effective date 0 'the Preliminary Development Agreement or to authorize execution of the Contract for P ivate Development by and between the HRA and Masters Fifth Avenue, Inc. 7. Consideration to authorize HRA Attorney t ) draft a Contract fCH Private Redevelopment between the HRA and MLC Building and I emodcling. 8. Consideration of an update on projects within 'I'll" District No. 1-22. 9. Tabled - Consideration to discuss amendin the wage level criteria within the Business Subsidy Criteria of the HRA and calling 1'0 a public hearing. 10. Consideration of authorizing payment of m nthly HRA bills. 11. Consideration of Executi ve Director's Rep( r1. . . . . 12. Committee Reports: MCC - Murray Marketing - ["ahr Mer - Andrews 13. Other Business. 14. Adjournment. 2 . . . MINUTES - SPE IAL MEETING MONTICELLO HOUSING AND R_DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY Monday, July 23, 001 - 6:30 p.m. 505 Walnut Street - CADEMY ROOM Commissioners Present: Chair Dan Frie, Ste e Andrews, and Darrin Lahr. Commissioners Absent: Vice Chair Brad Ba gel' and Bob Murray. Council Liaison Absent: Brian Stumpf. Staff Present: Ollie Koropchak. Guest: Mark Ruff. Ehlers & Associates 1. Call to Order. Chair Frie called the special meeting ofth HRA to order at 6:30 p.m. 2. Consideration to ado t a resolution led i tax increment from TIF District No. 1-22 for a ment of $2 150.000 Taxable Tern oral' G.O. Tax Increment Bonds. Financial Consultant Mark Ruff noted the esolution submitted was drafted following the direction of the BRA on July] 1, 2001, to ecommend the City Council consider awarding Taxable Temporary G.O. Tax In rement Bonds in the amount of $2 million net proceeds. The reasons for the recommend tion were: One, it extends the life of the 5- year rule for the Downtown TIF District b two years or until August 2, 2004 (three years from date of bond sale) allowing time to c mplete projects in the pipeline and future redevelopment projects. Secondly, it provi es protection for the existing internal loans. And lastly. it provides the option to apply r a grant if a shortfall would occur although no anticipated. The resolution authorizes the execution of Pledge Agreement with the City of Monticello relating to $2,150,000 Taxable eneral Obligation Temporary Tax Increment Bonds. Series 2001. Ruff pointed ~ut an a ended resolution and agreement will include the addition to pledge the tax increment fro TIF District 1-23 (Midwest Graphics). The submitted resolution/agreement only pledg s tax increment from Downtown TIF District No. 1-22. The projected cash-flow for deb retirement assumes additional tax increment from new projects. . . . HRA Minutes - 7/23/01 Steve Andrews made a motion to adopt th resolution authorizing execution of a Tax Increment Pledge Agreement with the City of Monticello relating to $2,150,000 Taxable General Obligation Temporary Tax Incre ent Bonds, Series 2001 as amended. Darrin Lahr seconded the motion and with no furt er discussion, the motion passed unanimously. The amendment includes t increment from TIF District Nos. 1-22 and 1-23. 3. Other Business. None. 4. Adjournment. The HRA special meeting adjourned at 6:4 p.m. HRA Chair Ollie Koropchak, Recorder 2 . . . 5. HRA Agenda - 8/1/01 Consideration to authorize HRA Attorn to draft a Contract for Private Redevelo ment between the HRA and S ith & Associates Pat O'Donnell . A. Reference and Back!!round: At the July BRA meeting, Mike Cyr, prop sed builder for the redevelopment projeet of the Smith legal firm, made a concept and fnancial presentation to the lIRA. The lIRA approved the preliminary concept tl1f Proje t I (o1lice building) and Project II (joint parking). No level ofTIF assistance was d fined and it was suggested for the developer refine the numbers. The parking requirem nt issues were referred to the planning staff. Additionally, Cyr submitted a copy of lette s of intent for shared parking and option to purchase storage building. The cash flows elow reflect the new class rates. Summary of Mr. Cyr financial numbers of uly ] ] : PROJECT 1. buildin Ius basement Construction Costs Eli rib Ie TIF Ex ens s $] .329,000 $449,000 PROJECT Il parking $138,000 Revised $138,000 TIF Requested TIF Cashflows $328,000 $124,000NPY $140,000 $127,200 None ************ As this project is related with the Amoeo p oject for parking, here is a recap of those numbers. 5,700 sq ft per floor, second 1100 6 apartment units. Construction Costs Eli ible TIF Ex enses $1,533,000 $225,000 . Parking TIF Approved TIF Cashflows up to $185,000 $ 45,000 $92,000NPY None GAP $138,000 ******** **** At a staff meeting among O'Neill, Johnson, Cyr, and Koropchak, it was determined through calculation of the existing and prop sed building spaee the number of parking . HRA Agenda - 8/1/01 spaces required. The shortage was 23 stal s at $1,400 = $32,200. Assuming the City would allow a cross easement, the parking cvelopment costs including parking f()r Amoco site and contribution totaled $172, 00. $140,000 development + $32,200 defIciency-' $172,200 - $45,000 approved additional request of $127,200 for parking. Lastly, the City prefers the sell the 4,505 s ft lot at a cost of $20,000 or $4.439 per sq ft rather than provide an easement. For com arison, the HRA purchased the Fluth lot (9,608 sq ft) on Broadway in 1997 for $50, 00 or $5.20 per sq ft. At the July meeting, Mark Rutlreminded I embers, the TIF assistance becomes one of policy: Does the lIRA consider the housin T substandard? Is the land price reasonable? Does the City want redevelopment? What s a reasonable price for parking? Also, keep in mind, the TIF cashflow numbers tor the ecent bond sale included the projection of new projects or tax increment. Mike Cyr will be present to inform the HR of refined construction numbers and request. . As you recall, the developer needs to comn ence construction by September. To encourage redevelopment, the HRA needs 0 determine level of '1'1 F assistance for the building project or parking project, both pI' jects, or either project. If the HRA can determine the amount ofTIF assistance, thi ' will aid the developers with their decision to proceed or not to proceed, and allows the d tails within the Contracts to be determined by Legal Counsel. It may be best to direct sta fto place the parking issue on the Council agenda given the decision of Council relati e to the Town Centre project. B. Alternative Action: 1. A motion to otfer TIF assistance for the building project in an amount not to exceed NP pay-as-you-go finance method at _ % interest rate. Subject to developer a 'reeing, authorize HRA Attorney to drall contract. 2. A motion to offer TIF assistance for parking project in an amount not to exceed _ ,.___ N PY up-front fin nee method (upon completion and evidence of payment). Subject to developer a Treeing, authorize lIRA Attorney to draft contract " -) . A motion of no TIF assistance. 4. A motion to table any action relativ to parking assistance subject to Council rev) ew. . 2 . liRA Agenda - 8/1/01 c. Recommendation: Not knowing the developer's refined num ers for the building and request fix TIF, no recommendation is given. It is suggested he City parcel be purchased by Ilamond or the joint property owners and that the parking equirements be submitted to the Council. If the r IRA can determine the level of assista lce given the policy questions and the new projected TIF cashflows, this will keep the project rolling. One suggestion for additional parking: $172,200 - $32,200 (shortage fo given by Council) - $25,000 (garage) - $45,000 (Amoco contribution) = $70,000. Total TIF for parking $115,000. D. Supportinl! Data: New TIF Cashl1ows. . . " -) JUL. 11.20.01 1: 10PM EHLERS & ASSOCIATES NO. 6359 P. 2 ;J t i " . .... .. l I : I ' I Ill!11 \ I~ ~ C!; - \;' 0- J~I!I \ lilt ~ "' E ~ j <i arjlll (I 'Q It: !l! .. '" t E !I 0' I "I 8 e a: ~ u.. I#I~II II i ~ u C 0<00'" "- #~~ - ~ i.;;;.~ ~ .jji ~ ill~l~i : : III :i III 8", ri ~~:i"" e ~......o .. ~ -<I: CIIrg ~~ S b .i Igl~111 i~! 00 ~ ~ ~ i!!: ~~ ... jl! 0 ~. z ~ ~ ~1"llill I~ - II> <:> 0 E-o ~N Z - < i ... = .. ~ i u. >[ III I I ~ 0 .... :;l 0 .i ~ :3 tfJ ~ [III i I (Z, ~ fI'J Z .. ~ 0( - 1 :I: U ~ Ioil i - ~ I I, 'II ;:J l! 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Consideration to extend the effective dae of the Preliminar Develo ment A ~reement or authorize execution of the Contract for Private Develo ment between the HRA and Masters Fifth Avenue lnc A. Reference and hackground: At the HRA meeting, Lotus submitted a Ii" t of comments relative to the draft. copy of the Contract. Most of these are comments onl and things for the developer to tie up. The administration fee increases each time the eveloper changes the Contract. Lotus was present at the] une HRA meeting when th commissioners approved the level of TIF assistance. Typical interest rates are betw en 8 to 9%. You will note the new TIF casht10w runs indicate a reduction in tax i crement from $124,000 to $92,000. Mark Ruff's comment last month relative to Lot s' revised proforma: Given the housing tax capacity didn't change that much, the dev loper's taxes will be less, the mortgage amount should decrease not increase. The Preliminary Development Agreement was executed initially on August 2, 2000, that's one year ago. If the developer doe not have a signed purchase agreement and lease agreement, the HRA might consider he use of TIF with another developer. B. Alternative Action: 1. A motion to authorize execution 0 . the Contract for Private Development between the HRA and Master Fifth A venue, Inc. as is or as amended. 2. A motion to extend the effective d te within the Preliminary Development Agreement from August 2, 2001 t 3. A motion to deny extension of the effective date within the Preliminary Development Agreement with Ma.ters Fifth Avenue and solicit new developer. C. Recommendation: After review and negotiate the applicable comments, recommendation is alternative no. 1. In the future, the. developer should have a purchase agreement in place subject to financial commitment prior to approaching the H D. Supporting: Data: Copy of the revised TIF Cashflows. JUL.26.200111:17AM . .. 11 .f tl w ~ ~ ~ '" j ~ g ~ E5 ~ I ~ ~ fo'" ~ :!: (0:., o ~ U ~ cr i 10. ~g:e l:>tijo 8....2: oci ,0 ....d tIJ Z S! I III ..e t ... '* = tIJ <II( U ~ ,.; ~ ~ ~~* IlZca:; _~e !!UJ~ g~c: .EI-'s EHLERS & ASSOCIATES Hi ...~ ..u~~ ~.. IN ~ !l ~l~ lZJ!~;:j J!l '" (.)CI; <> <> 00 :l: e "'I........ 04'::::ICI)ta ..... N _ 'II"'" G:Ii "" ~ ;; j !: "" ~ > l&l tIJ -<t. =. ! 010 ..,I~ 1!!ii a. . . 0'"' qq ',~ ::g ..... .... I ....i ~ :. 1:::1 I~ i 8 '" on g ~ ti 1l :s &.l- i! ~ jtcZ' jli~ ~Q'15'5 ';5--- lili ?='?=':f.2 .., .,. .., o it 1;1. NO.7113 P.2 '" '" iii' I E co - .. ... .., .., o 0 it i: D.. D.. !!a~'8~ g !e~""~N"" lIS... .... In .... '" :q .... :7; ! .oc6~... t:D "':"":Nr..,;f:tti ~ m ~~- N \D o <> f ~ !. s I] c I ~~~ I i .2-'0 -,g " ~I!..i ~~ !Ii!j~_ !~ ~!!15J~J~i ~~~.. ~..!~ .nolfl.n I-~~oi( ~ . ; ii .~ ~ I l! /' .. ; i!j ~~ ~q ....'" .. OIl ::I ~ ~g :5 :;:. '5~ g" ...: g!" ~ ~ll..; l51!J~ !!~Iji ~A~~~~ JUL. 26. 2001 11:18AM EHLERS & ASSOCIATES . fA ,; ill i j ~ . ~ J: o ) ! ,. s G~~SSg~~~8~~~~~8gg~~~~ ~ ~~~~~222~NN22~222222 c z ..............'l""",....T'"""""...~...,..""""'''!:''''_'I''''";........_... W&OOOOO;~;9900000 ~;qq Q~N=~~N N N~N~N~~ N~ o 00000 e 0000000 00 ~ >-l!!I'~ ~ ~ 8 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ i ~ 8 ~ 8 ~ ~ ~! Q"~N~~M.~~~~~~~cmmo'l""" _ooo~e~Q~o~o~o~o~e~o~ ~ i.o 0 do";' .-: N N (If) ,.; -.i .. d) iii ci .0 ...: ,.,.: cii 0) !~ 0 EJ !>'- ~ 1 _ ..c 6 CI'J (;Iij ~ :i: o ~ lII1 (',,) E= ~ ~ l:L o ~ o .- . .. .-- .... - l"ili 0 0 C) III cD ... CD !!i! S!! ~ !!i! !!i! ~ :!l III III ... 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Need to know estimated administration c sts. l:fV 3. $45,000 for parking is a firm dollar co itment. 4. The $185,000 acquisition cost is paid as "pay as you go" note. Need to establish if it is still viable with real estate tax cha ges. .. See. M4c..tl e.J) ~ t . a..~ 5. Plan approved by HRA, Planning Co 'ssior, DQ.wntoWIl Devdopment <>>-'?l"<7"" ,\.S). 0--- ' Organization and City Council. '7 p 6. Closing and demolition only with all agr emems signed. Constr lction f~ing in place, and bridge loan for acquisition om City to be repaid ~ing. ~ 7. Interest rate on all "pay as you go" note should ~ ~ \~~~~~Q) 7'V ~;/ 551 WEST 78TH STREET. P.O. BOX 235. CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA 55317. (952) 9::4.4538. FAX (952) 934-5472 . . . t:;(~x\:s CONT PRIVATE DEV LOPMENT MASTERS FIFTH VENUE,INC. HOUSING AND REDEVEL IN AND THE CITY OF M Dated as of: This document was drafted by: KENNEDY & GRAVEN. Chartered 470 Pillsbury Center 200 South Sixth Street Minneapolis, Minnesota 55402 Telephone: (612) 337-9300 DJG-199189VI MN190-95 ,2001 . . . ARTIe E III Ac uisition of Pro ertv. Financial Assistance Section 3.1. Status of the Develo mentro ert\!. As of the date of this Agreement. the Developer has acquired or entered into a purchase greement with a third party for the Development Property. The Authority shall have no obligatio to purchase the Development Property or any portion thereof. Section 3.2. Soil Conditions. (a) The D veloper acknowledges that the Authority makes no representations or warranties as to the conditio of the soils on the Development Property or its fitness for construction of the Minimum Improvements or any other purpose for which the Developer may make use of such property. Th Developer further agrees that it will protect indemnify, defend. and hold harmless the Authori y, the City, and their governing body members. officers, agents. and employees. from any claims 0 actions arising out of: (i) the presence. if any. of hazardous wastes or pollutants on the Developme t Property. including but not limited to toxic or hazardous substances or wastes. pollutants. or cont minants (including, "vithout limitation. asbestos, urea formaldehyde. the group of organic com ounds known as polychlorinated biphenyls. petroleum products including gasoline, fuel oiL cn de oil and various constituents of such products, and any hazardous substances as defined in he Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation and Liability Act of 1980 ("CERC A") 42 U.S.c. 99 9601-9657, as amended): (ii) the status of the Development Property as a tre tment. storage, or disposal facility within the meaning of. or other status of the Developme t Property within the ambit of the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act of 1976 ("RCRA" ,42 U.S.c. 9 6901 et seq.. or any similar federal or state law or regulation. or local ordinance; ( ii) a release or threatened release of toxic or hazardous wastes or substances. pollutants or cont inants, from the Development Property within the meaning of. or other status of the Developmen Property within the ambit of CERCLA. or any similar federal or state Imv or local ordinance. (iv) the discharge of pollutants or effluents into any water source or system or the dredging or filling of any waters or the discharge into the air of any emissions. that as the case may be. "vould requ're a permit under the Federal Water Pollution Control Act 33 U.S.c. ~ 1251 et seq.. orthe Clean Air Act. 42 U.S.c. 9 7401 et ~.. or any similar federal or state law or local ordinance: (v) any other claim or cause of action under ReRA, CERCLA. or any other federaL state. or local envi onmental statute. regulation. ordinance. or other environmental regulatory requirement including ut not limited to the Minnesota Environmental Response and Liability Act MinnesotiJ. Statutes. Chapter 115B ("MERLA") and the Minnesota Petroleum and ReleiJ.se Cleanup Act. Minnesota St mtes. Chapter 115C. (b) Agreement. The Developer' s obligations under his Section 3.2 shall survive termination of this Section 3.3. Pa\'ment of Administrative C sts. The Developer agrees that it will pay upon demand by the Authority. Administrati\-e Costs ( s hereiJ.fter defined). For the purposes of this Agreement. the term ".--\dministrati\-e Costs" meal s out-of.pockct costs incurred by the Authority and attributable to or incurred in connection \vith tl e negotiation and preparation of this Agreement and other documents J.nd agreements in connectio \vith the development contemplated hereunder. DJG-I <)9189\ I MNI90-'l5 7 . . . Out-of-pocket Administrative Costs shall be evid need by invoices, statements. or other reasonable written evidence of the costs incurred by the A Ithority. As of the date of this Agreement the Developer has deposited $5,000 with the Authorit - to be applied toward Administrative Costs. The amount by \vhich this deposit exceeds the Auth rity's actual Administrative Costs. if any, shall. upon demand by the Developer. be returned to the Developer, but no earlier than the date on which the Developer receives a Certificate of Completio pursuant to Section 4.4 of this Agreement. Section 3.4. Land Ac uisition and Dem !ition Costs: ParkinlZ Costs. In order to make 'f'\~,).::\ development of the Minimum Improvements eco omically feasible. the Authority will reimburse- , , the Developer, in the manner and amounts set fo h herein, for up to: (i) $185,000 of the "Land ... ~ 0-'0-\ Acquisition and Demolition Costs", hereby defined as the Developer's cost of acquiring the Development Property and demolishing the existin y structure located on the Development Property; _ and ~ii) $45,?00.ofthe "Parking Improv~~t C s~aer,e~v~de~e~s W~J2ey~~er's cost. of makmg parkmg Improvements on and deSigned t serve l'he DevelopmentProjjerty (the "Parkmg Improvements"). Any costs in excess of these amounts shall be the responsibility of the Developer. The Authority shall have no obligation to the Developer or to any third party with respect to any defects in the construction of the Minimum Improv ments. ..,:~ -e.- e- ~ ~ .. c:r . Section 3.5. FinancinlZ of Land Ac isition and Demolition Costs and ParkinlZ Improvement Costs. The Authority will reimbur e the Developer for the Land Acquisition and Demolition Costs and the Parking Improvement C sts in accordance with the following terms and conditions: (a) Subject to the terms and condition of this Agreement, the Land Acquisition and Demolition Costs will be paid with simple in erest thereon at 8.00% per annum, interest commencing to accrue on the date that the D veloper complies with the cost certification requirement described in Section 3.5(h). The Land Acquisition and Demolition Costs will be paid by the Authority to the Developer in semi-annual installments payable on each February 1 and August 1 ("Payment Dates") commencing Augu t 1. 2003 and concluding no later than the Termination Date. These payments will be made fj om Available Ta'{ Increment as defined in this Section 3.5 and from no other source. (b) The term "A vailable Tax Increment' means 90% of the Tax Increment with respect to the Development Property as calculated by the C unty and paid to the Authority during the six months preceding any Payment Date. (c) If on any Payment Date there is avail ble to the Authority insufficient A vailable Ta'( Increment to pay the amounts due on such date. the a ount of such deticiency shall be deferred and shall be paid, without interest thereon, on the nex Payment Date on which the Authority has available to it A vailable Tax Increment in excess of t e amount necessary to pay the amount due on such Payment Date. (d) Subject to the terms and conditions f this Agreement. the Parking Improvement Costs will be paid. \vithollt interest thereon. within th'rty (30) days after the date thar the De\"eloper complies with the cost certitication requirement desc .ibed in Section 3.5(h). This payment \vill be made trom Excess Tax Increment as defined in this S ction 3.5 and trom no other source. DJG-199189v I MN190-95 8 . (e) The term "Excess Tax Increment'" means tax increment paid by the County to the City prior to the date of this Agreement with resp ct to the TIF District, but only to the extent that such tax increment: (i) may hnvfully be used for he purpose of paying the Parking Improvement Costs; and (ii) has noL prior to the date of this Ag eement. been paid or pledged to the payment of any person other than the Developer. (f) The Authority shall have no oblig tion to pay any portion of the Land Acquisition and Demolition Costs or Parking Improvement osts that remains unpaid after the Termination Date. The Authority may prepay all or part of the Land Acquisition and Demolition Costs or Parking Improvement Costs at any time. (g) The Authority shall not be obligat d to make any payment under this Section if: (i) there is an E vent of Default on the Developer' s p rt under this Agreement that has not been cured: or (ii) the Developer has failed to comply with the ayment procedures described herein. (h) At least 30 days before becoming entitled to receive any payment hereunder, the Developer must submit to the Authority: . (i) a payment request certific te signed by its duly authorized representative stating that: the Developer has paid Land cquisition and Demolition Costs in at least the amount of $185.000 and has paid Parkin Improvement Costs in at least the amount of $45,000; that no Event of Default has occu ed and is continuing under this Agreement: and that the Developer has received a Certific te of Completion pursuant to Section 4.4 of this Agreement. The payment request certifica: e must be accompanied by evidence satisfactory to the Authority that the Land Acquis'tion and Demolition Costs and the Parking Improvement Costs have been incurred an paid by the Developer; (ii) Either a No Action Letter, Closure Letter. other similar representation. or some combination of the foregoing (as ap ropriate) from the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency that in the sole judgment of th Authority offers adequate assurance that all pollution and contamination on the D velopment Property has been appropriately remediated. or documentation from a rep table engineer that in the sole judgment of the Authority offers adequate assistance t at all pollution and contamination on the Development Property has been approp iately remediated. such engineering report. if provided. to be accompanied by a reliance letter from the engineer in favor of the Authority: and (iii) Documentation acceptable t the Authority that the Developer has obtained all easements necessary for the constr ction. maintenance. and llse of the Parking Improvements. . (i) The Authority makes no warranties or representations that A \'ailable Tax Increment \vill be sufficient to pay the Land .-\cquisition an Demolition Costs. The Developer agrees and understands that Available Tax Increment is subj ct to calculation by the County and change in State law. and that a significant portion of Land Acquisition and Demolition Costs may remain DJG-199189v I MN 190-95 9 . . . unpaid after the Termination Date. The Develope further agrees and understands that estimates of A vailable Tax; Increment provided by the Auth rity and its agents, officers, or employees are estimates only and not intended for the Developer' reliance. Section 3.6. Use of Tax Increment. Exce t as set forth herein, the Authority shall have no obligation to the Developer with regard to its use f Tax Increment or Excess Tax Increment and may use Tax Increment and Excess Tax Increment or any lawful purposes, whether set forth herein or otherwise. Section 3.7. Leases. At all times during e term of this Agreement, the Developer shall provide the Authority with copies of all leases in e ect with regard to the nonresidential portions of the Minimum Improvements. DJG-199189vl MN 190-95 10 . Construction of Mini rovements Section -+.1. Construction of 1m rovement . The Developer agrees that it will construct the Minimum Improvements on the Development Property in accordance with the approved Construction Plans and will operate and maintain. preserve and keep the Minimum Improvements or cause them to be maintained. preserved and k pt with the appurtenances and every part and parcel thereof, in good repair and condition. The uthority shall not have any obligation to operate or maintain the Minimum Improvements. Section 4.2. Construction Plans. efare commencement of construction of the Minimum Improvements, the Developer shall su mit to the Authority Construction Plans. The Construction Plans shall provide for the construction of the Minimum Improvements and shall be in conformity with the Redevelopment Plan, this Ag eement, and all applicable State and local laws and regulations. The Authority will approve he Construction Plans in writing if: (i) the Construction Plans conform to the terms and con itions of this Agreement: (ii) the Construction Plans conform to the goals and objectives of the edevelopment Plan: (iii) the Construction Plans conform to all applicable federal. state and local I ws, ordinances, rules and regulations: (iv) the Construction Plans are adequate to provide for con truction of the Minimum Improvements; (v) the Construction Plans do not provide for expenditures' n excess of the funds available to the Developer from all sources for construction of the Minimum mprovements; and (vi) no Event of Default has occurred. Approval may be based upon a review b. the City's Building Official of the Construction Plans. No approval by the Authority shall relieve he Developer of the obligation to comply with the terms of this Agreement or of the Redevelopm nt Plan, applicable federal. state and local laws. ordinances, rules and regulations, or to constru t the Minimum Improvements in accordance therewith. No approval by the Authority shall c nstitute a waiver of an Event of Default. If approval of the Construction Plans is requested by the Developer in writing at the time of submission, such Construction Plans shall be dee ed approved unless rejected in writing by the Authority. in whole or in part. Such rejections sh 11 set forth in detail the reasons therefore. and shall be made within 10 days after the date of their eceipt by the Authority. If the Authority rejects any Construction Plans in whole or in part. t e Developer shall submit new or corrected Construction Plans within 10 days after written no ification to the Developer of the rejection. The provisions of this Section relating to approval. rejection and resubmission of corrected Construction Plans shall continue to apply until the Constructi n Plans have been approved by the Authority. The Authority's appro\'al shall not be unreasona ly withheld. Said approval shall constitute a conclusive determination that the Construction PIa s (and the Minimum Improvements constructed in accordance with said plans) comply to the Autlority's satisfaction with the provisions of this Agreement relating thereto. . (b) [1' the De\eloperdesires to make an. Material change in the Construction Plans after their o.pprovo.l by the .-\uthority. the Developer shall submit the proposed change to the Authority for its o.pproval. If the Construction Plans. as modified by the proposed change. conform to the requirements of this Section -+.2 of this Agreem nt with respect to such previously approved Construction Plans. the .-\uthority shall approve th proposed change o.nd notify' the: De:\'eloper in . D-'G.19l) 189" I MNI<)O.l)5 I I . writing of its approval. Such change in the Co struction Plans shall. in any event. be deemed approved by the Authority unless rejected. in whol or in part. by written notice by the Authority to the Developer, setting forth in detail the reasons t erefor. Such rejection shall be made vvithin ten (10) days after receipt of the notice of such change. The Authority's approval of any such change in the C onstmction Plans will not be unreasonably wi hheld. Section 4.3. Commencement and Com I tion of Construction. Subject to Unavoidable Delays. the Developer shall complete demolition of the existing gas station on the Development Property by August 31. 2001. Subject to Unavoidable Delays. the Developer shall complete the construction of Minimum Improvements by . 20_ All work with respect to the Minimum Improvements to be constructed or p ovided by the Developer on the Development Property shall be in conformity with the Constru tion Plans as submitted by the Developer and approved by the Authority. . The Developer agrees for itself, its success rs and assigns, and every successor in interest to the Development Property. or any part thereof, that the Developer. and such successors and assigns. shall promptly begin and diligently prosecute to c mpletion the development of the Development Property through the construction of the Min mum Improvements thereon. and that such construction shall in any event be commenced an completed within the period specified in this Section 4.3 of this Agreement. The obligatio to constmct the Minimum Improvements in accordance with this Section touches and concerns the land, and shall run with the property. and be binding upon all successors and assigns to the evelopment Property. After the date of this Agreement and until- construction of the Mini urn Improvements has been completed. the Developer shall make reports, in such detail and a such times as may reasonably be requested by the Authority. as to the actual progress of the Developer with respect to such constmction. Section 4.4. Certificate of Completion. a) Promptly after completion of the Minimum Improvements in accordance with those provisi ns of the Agreement relating solely to the obligations of the Developer to construct the Mi imum Improvements (including the dates for beginning and completion thereof). the Authorit. will furnish the Developer with a Certificate shown as Exhibit B. Such certification and such determination shall not constitute evidence of compliance with or satisfaction of any obligation 0 the Developer to any Holder of a Mortgage. or any insurer of a Mortgage. securing money loaned to finance the Minimum Improvements. or any part thereof. (b) If the Authority shall refuse or fail to provide any certification in accordance with the provisions of this Section 4.-1- of this Agreement the Authority shall. vvithin thirty (30) days after written request by the Developer. provide the De :eloper with a written statement. indicating in adequate detail in what respects the Developer has failed to complete the Minimum Improvements in accordance with the provisions of the Agreeme t. or is otherwise in default. and \vhm measures or acts it will be necessary. in the opinion of the A lthority. for the De'v'eloperto take or perform in order to obtain such certification. (c) The construction of the 0.-1inimum mprovements sho.ll be deemed to be complete upon Issuance of a certificate of occupancy b) the City for all portions of the Minimum Improvements. . DJG-1991891'1 MNI9().<J5 12 . . . ARA Agenda - 8/1/01 7. Consideration of authorizin HRA Attor e to draft a Contract for Private Develo ment A reement between the Hand MLC Buildin and Remodelin A. Reference and Backeround: This item is related to the two above items nd may be irrelevant if items one and two are not authorized. It appears if the level of as.. istance are determined and agreed upon by the developers, an independent Contract with ike Cyr would guarantee the construction of the parking lot in a timely manner. This a reemcnt would outline the joint parking agreement, cross easements, need to acquir the storage garage and city lot, and is ticd to the development of the Amoco and Smith ites. B. Alternative Action: 1. A motion authorizing HRA Attorn y to draft a Contract for Private Developmcnt Agreemcnt between the HRA and LC Building and Remodeling. 2. A motion to deny authorizing HRA Attorney to draft a Contract for Private Development Agreement between he HRA and MLC Building and Remodeling. .., -) . A motion of other. 4. ^ motion to table any action. C. Recommendation: None. D. Supporting Data: None. . . . HRA Agenda - 8/1/01 8. ithin TIF District No. 1-22. a) O'Connor - July 26, Helvey - Talked wit Attorney Peterson yesterday. Peterson not eager to bring to trial, has meeting with 0' ~onnor on July 27. Now that in legal proceedings, the HRA will require more d( cumentation about business. Helvey will call on Aug 1 iCncw information. b) lTans Hagen meeting - It is our goal to h ve a Contract executed with i-lans by October 10, 2001, as this is thc date the Preliminar Agreement expires. It was decided given the eminent domain process, the we wait and 0 out for plans and specs for the water/sewer/road replacement in Decembe /January. People thought we'd get better prices. A PUD would be required. Hans refers and thinks overall costs will be lower if the entire site can be cleaned-up and broug t up to 100% compaction (pad finished site) at one time. Need to call American Testin or Braun for cost estimates. Will be a spring 2002 project. Approximately 1,800 sq ft l'vable space, selling price $185,000. Expected build-out time one year. c) Fire Department - Fire Chief Douglas a ked if the HRA would consider reimbursing the Fire Department for heverages and piz.a following the test burn. See attached invoices $192.90 and $86.26. He also me tioned cost of straw bales but haven't received invoices. Additionally, the HRA is reque.ted to reimburse Bob Warner for window pane damaged during test burn. House next to 30stic. d) One year from now, the Carlson's will ave vacated the house along the river. e) Once the HRA gets the Amoco, Smith, Hagen projects off the ground, we'll need to see what dollars are left, if any, prior to b ginning discussions with Steve Johnson. . . . HRA Agenda - 8/1101 9. Tabled - Consideration to discuss amen Business Subsid Criteria of the HRA a A. Reference and Background: At the July HRA meeting, the commission rs were advised of the IDC's question: Why does the city use tax payer's dollars to assi t a business who pays non-livahle wages? Because orthe long agenda and lack of in rmation, the commissioners tabled the item and requested further research of other cm munity's wage level criteria. The S1. Cloud newspaper reported $12.25 average per ho II' without benefits. "fhe Wright County Partnership as least $10.00 per hour witho t henefits. Currently, Monticello is at $9.00 per hour without benefits. Generally spea ing, the wage levels for local funding applications do exceed the local wage leve criteria. Attached is the wage and job survey results of 2000. Perhaps one needs to defi e "livable wage",? Chair Frie can inform the HRA on income levels needed to qualify f I' mortgages. Will Monticello remain competitive in the market for industrial de elopment'? Also attached are the comments and criteri' from surrounding communities resulting fl:om the research conducted by Lori. B. Alternative Action: I. A motion to amend the wage level riteria within the Business Subsidy Criteria of the HRA and calling for a public h aring of September 5, 2001. 2. A motion to deny amending the w, ge level criteria within the Business Subsidy Criteria of the HRA. 3. A motion to table any action. C. Recommendation: Although leaving the wage level criteria at $9.00 per hour does allow for more flexibility, it is a concern to use TIF for bringing in h sinesses paying marginal wages and than turning around to use TIf for affordable h using. In addition and at one time, it was the goal of the City to increase the value of th homes heing constructed in Monticello. You will note the S1. Cloud wage level states $ 2.25 per hour on an average. Our's states at least $9.00 per hour. At the EDA meeting in July, the wage level criteria was mentioned and the immediate reaction from the group was leave the criteria as is. HRA Agenda - 8/1/01 . D. Suoportin2 Data: Wage survey of 2000, criteria of surroundin communities, and copy of criteria. . . 2 ~i~ ~t. - {,J.I{ (dJL 0'~ - '8irn ~ - 1>0 nDt Spt~ \;J~ !1J)~. VVu..t J{XciJJlcM) 0il<fl/ .. VlOr NJ\)tn' ditJ . S+,~iUtQL,1 - No POltCiLS - ~r- . ~ fhtir EDA 8. /s SDm(lIJi~ ~ ~ ~~ +1Jt~ Implement' S k ~\\N' - /ISo :.pt.u-!t: U 0~ L J bur fA) " ( W ON- ~ ~ ~ Ck~' .7\wngLS Mm ~DO i-br0-. S EDi1:\loOt.( fOr cWuJ't tuwrt N U i' iwJim. ~ L D 00 fh In . {iy J)'ld>>Jfn'al - W;1l ~~; L peA MDJ-d~--/ A~i~~t.- - ~+ IJDictrnoi() l'L0 . . 01/19/01 13:28 tt4411425 CI /ELK RIVER 141 002 .. . City of Elk Riv r, Minnesota Tax Increme, t Financing Policy & A plication Adopted: A gust, 1991 Revised: M rch, 2000 . . 07/19/07 13:28 ft4417425 /ELK RIVER 141 003 T . .,.. 1. Policy Purpose 3 II. Objectives of Tax Increment 3 ID. City of Elk. River Policies for he Use of TIF 4 IV. Qualifications 0 v. Subsidy Agremnent & Report g Requirements .0 VI. Application Process 7 VIT. Application 8 Applicant Information 8 Project Information 9 Public PlJ:t'pose 9 Sources & Usee 10 Checklist & AdditionallDfol' 11 VIII. Application Review W orkshe t 12 . IX.. Exhibits 14 A Corporati on/Partner p Description B Project Description C Shal"eholders D But-for AnalY!:lis E Prospective r .essees . 2 07/19/07 13:28 '6'4417425 I CI /ELK RIVER @004 . I. POLICY PURPOSE For the purposes ofthit; dOClJ.m~l,t. the term · City" sh.all include the Elk Riuer City Council, Economic De(JelCJpment Aurhority, nd Housing and RedlweIQPm.en.t Authority. The purpose of this policy is to estab ish the City of Elk River's position relating to the use of Tax Increlnent inancing (TIF) for private development above and beyond the r quirements and limitations set forth by State Law_ 'l'his policy shall be u.8 d at:; a guide in the proce~sing and review of applications requesting- t increment assistance. The fundamental purpose of tax wcreme t financing in Elk River is to encourage desirable development or , edevelopment that would not otherwise occur but for the assistanc :provided through TIF. The City of Elk River is granted the ower to utilize TIF by the Minnesota Tax Increment Financing Act, as am ded. It is the intent of the City to provide the minimum amount of TIF at the shortest term required for the project to proceed. The City reserves the right to approve or reject projects on a case by case basis, taki g into consideration established policies, project criteria, and demand on. city servicl;~s in relation to the potential benefits from the project. cting policy criteria does not guarantee the award of TIF to the pr oect- Approval or del1ia,1 of one project is not intended tn set precede t tor approval or denial of another project. . u. OBJECTIVES OF TAX INO FINANCING As a matter of adopted policy, the Cit will consider using TIF to assist private development projects to achi e one or more of the following objectives;: · To retain local jobs and/or in ease the number and diversity of jobs tha.t offer stable amplo nt and/or attractive wages and benefits. . 1'0 encourage additional unsu sidized private development in the area. either directly or indi,rec ly thro'ugh "spin off' development. · To facilitate the developn"1ent rocess and to achieve development on sites which would not be de eloped without TIF assistance., · To remove blight and/or enco 'age redevelopment of commercial ' and industrial areas in the cit that result in high quality redevelopment and private re' vestmeot_ . To offset. increased costs of red velopment (i.e. contaminated site clean up) over and above the c sts normally incurred in development. . . To create oppurtunities for affo dable housing. 3 07/19/07 13:29 . . . 'lt4417425 IELK RIVER raJ 005 . To contribute to the impleme tation of other public policies, as adopted by the city :Eron" tim to time, such as the promotion of quality urban or architectur. design, energy conservation, and deCl"easing capital and/or ope ating costs of lucal government. .,. ID. POLIcms FOR THE USE F TIF a. When possible, TIF shall b used to finance public improvements associated 'th the project. The priority for the use ofTIF funds is; 1. Public improveme t.s, legal, anm;n;strative, and engineering costs. 2. Site preparation, s te improveolent,land purchase, and demolition. 3. Capitalized intere t, bonding costs. b. It is the City's policy to es blish the following types ofTIF districts: 1. Economic Develop ant Districts . It is desired tl t the project result in a minimum creation of on :full time job per $25,000 ofTIF. 2. Redevelopment Di tricts . The market v ue of a redeveloped site shall increase by a "nimum of 50% of the current market value. Other types of TIF district . along with specific criteria, may be considered on a case by cas basis. C. TIF a.ssistance will be pro ded to the developer upon receipt of the increment by the City, therwise referred to as the pay-CLS- you-go method. Requests fi r up front financing will be considered on a case by cas basis. d. A maximum of ten percent 10%) of any tax. increment received from the distl-ict shall be r tained by the City to reimburse administrative costs. e. Any developer receiving T assistance shall provide a . minimum of twenty percen (20%) cash equity inVeSDllent in the project. f. TlF will not be used in cire UDstances where land and/or property price is in excess ffair market value. g. Developer shall be able to emonstrate a market demand for a proposed project. TIF shalll10t be used to support purely speculative projects. 4 07/19/07 13:29 '5'4417425 CI IELK RIVER I4J 006 . h. TIF will not be utilized in ases where it would create an unfair and significant competitiv financial adva.ntage over other projects in the area, ,.. 1. TIF shall not be used for p ojects that would place extraordinary demandr:; on city serv1C'.es 0 for projects that would generate significant environmental pacts. J. The developer m.ust provi adequate financial guarantees to ensure completion of the p oject, including. but not limited to: assessment agreements, Ie ters of credit, personal guaranties, etcetera. k. The developer shall adequ tely demonstrate, to the City's sole satisfaction, an ability to c mplete the proposed project based on past development experien e, general reputation, and credit history, among other facto $, including the size and scope of the proposed project. L For the purposes ofunde .ting the, proposal, the developer shall provide any requeste 1 market, financial, environm.ental. Or other data requested by th City or its consultants. . IV. PROJECT QU~'ICATIO S All TIF projects considered by the Ci of Elk River must meet each of the following requirements: a. To be eligible for TIF, a pr dect shall result in: i. The new constructio of a minimum of 25,000 square feet; n. A min;mum incrcas of $25,000 per year in property. taxes; and, 111. Have a market valu of at least $1,000,000 upon completion. b. The proj~ct shall meet at 1 ast one uf the objectives set forth in Section II and satisfy all e provisions set forth in Section In of this document. c. The developer shall demon trate that the project is not financially feasible bu,t-for ' e use of TIF. d. The project must be cansis nt with the City's Comprehensive Plan, Land Use Plan, and oning Ordinances. . 5 07/19/07 13:30 'Z!'4417425 141 007 . e. The project shall serve at I ast two of the following public purposes: . Creation of jobs wit livable wages and benefits. . Increase of tax base. . Enhancement. or div rsmcation of the cit;ys economic base. . Industrial develop" nt that will spur additional private investment in the ea. . Fulfillment of the C'ty's Strategic Plan for Economic Development. . Removal of blight or the rehabilitation of a high profile or priority site. v. SUBSIDY AGREEMENT & PORTING REQumMENTS All developerSlbusinesses receiving increment financing assistance from the City nf Elk River shall be ubject to the provisions and requiremen.ts set forth by state stat te 116J.993 and summarized below. All developers/businesses receiving IF assistance shall enter into a subsidy agreement with the City of lk River that identifies: the reason for the subsidy, the public purpose erved by the subsidy, and the goals for the subsidy, as well as o1J:ltlr crit ria set forth by statute 116J.993. . The developer/business shall file a aporl annually for two years afoor the date the benefit lS received or until 1 goals set forth in the application and performance agreement have een meet, whicbever is later. Reports shall be completed using the fonnat drafted by the State of Minnesota and shall be filed with the City ofE k River no later than March 1 of each year for the previous calendar year. Businesses fulfilling job creation requirements must file a report to at effect with the city within 30 days of meetil1g the requirements. The developer/business owner shall maintain and operate its facility at the site where TIF assistance is use for a period of five years after the btloefit is rtlctlived. In addition to attaining or excee the jobs and wagtlS goals set forth in the Subsidy Agnemen.t, the applic t shall meet the qualifications set forth in Section IV of this document Developers / Businesses failini" to c mply with the above provisions will be subject 'to fines. repayment requi ements, and be deemed ineligible by the State of Minnesota to receive y loans or grants from public entities for a period of five years. . 6 07/19/07 13;30 '0'4417425 CI IELK RIVER 141 008 . VI. APPLICATION PROCESS 1. Applicant submits the campI ted application along with all application fet!s. 2. City staff reviews the applic ion and completes the Application Review Worksheet. 3. Results of the Worksheet are submitted to the appropriate governing authorities for pre iminary approval of the proposal. 4. If preliminary approval is gr ted, the Tax Increment Financing Plan, along with all necessa. notices, resolutions and certificates are prepared by City staff an or consultants. 5. Notices are published and se t to the county and school board. 6. Public hearing{s) on the prop sed project are held. 7. The EDA or lIRA recommen s approval or denial of the project to the City Council. . 8. The City Council grants fmal approval or denial of the proposal. . 7 07/19/07 13:30 . VII. APP A. APP Name 0 Addres Primary Addres Phone On a se . B m E . B . . L fi E . A Attome Addres,s Phone Account Address Phone Contrac Addl-ess Phone Enginee Adw'ess Phone . Architec Address Phone I 'B'4417425 CI l'Y IELK RIVER I ..- .. I LICATION }4"OR TAX INeli EMENT FINANCING LlCAN'r INFORMATION f CorporationIPartnersmp s ... Contact s Fax Email parate sheet, please prO\7ide ~ he following: rief des en po on of the corpor tion/partnership's business, eluding hioStory~ principal pr lduct or service, etc... Attach as xhibit A . riet description of the pt'opos ~d project. Attach as Exhibit B. ist names uf officers and sha eholderslpartners with more than ve percent (5%) interest in th e corporation/partnership. Attach as :x:hibit c. but-fo1' analysis. Attach as Exhibit D. y Name Fax Email ant Name .. Fax Email tor Name Fax Email r Name -",..- Fax Email -t Name Fax Email 8 ....--.- .-.-- u_ tal 009 07/19/07 13:31 tt4417425 CI lEU RIVER Igj 010 . B. PROJECT INFORMATION The project will be: _Industrial Greenfield: _Commercial Redevelopment: _Industrial Redevelopment: _Other ':'" New Construction _ Expansion N ~w CU11.iiItructiOJl _ Rehabilitation ew Construction _ Rehabilitation The project will be: _Owner Dc upied _Leased Space If le~ed lSpO:Lctl. pleWle O:LUach O:L lilSt names d addresses of future lessees 8..1ld indicate the status of commitments or lease aereeme ts. Attach as Exhibit E. Project Address Legal Description Site Plan Attached: No Amount of Tax Increment Requeste Land Pw-c ase $ Public Improve ent $ Site Improve nt $ . Current Real Estate Taxes on Froje Estimated Real Estate Taxes upon $ Phase I $ Phase II $ Construction Start Date: Construction Completion Date: If Phased Project: % Completed % Completed C. PUBLIC PURPOSE It is the policy of the City of Elk Riv r that the use of Tax Increment Financing should result in a benefit 0 the public. Please jndicate how this project will serve a public purpo e. . _Job Creation: Number of Number of jobs Average hourly _N ew industrial development investment in the area, _Enhancement or diversificati n of the city's economic base- _'l"he project contributes to the fillment of the City's Strategic Plan for Economic Developn'le t_ _Removal of blight or the reha ilitation of a high profile Or priority site. _Other: jobs _ ated by project age or jobs created hich will result in additional private 9 07/19/07 13:31 ft4417425 eI IT IELK RIVER NAME . nt ering Fees ction 10 -.... . D. SOURC~S & USES SOURCES Bank Loan Other Private Funds Equity Fed GrantJLoan State GrantlLoan EDA Micrn Loan Tax: Increment ill Bonds '!'OTAL . USES Land Acquisition Site Development Con,structioD. Machinery & Equipme Architectural & Engine Legal Fees Interest During Constru Debt Service Reserve Contingencies TOTAL . 141011 AMOUNT $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ AMOUN'l' $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 07/19/07 13:31 tl'4417425 ra! 012 . E. ADDITIONAL DOCUMENTATIO Applicants will also be required to p ovide the following documentation. A) Written business plan including a description of the business,ownershipl anagement, date established, products and services, and fut\.1I'e plans B) Financial Statements or Past. Two Years Profit & Los Statement Balance She t C) Current Financial St.- tements Profit & Los Statement to Date Balance She t to Date F) Personal Financial 8t tem.ents of all Major Shareholders Profit & Los Current l"ax D) Two Y car Financial . G) Letter of Commitmen from Applicant Pledging to Complete During the Pl"oposed roject Duratiol1 H) Letter of Commitmen from the Other Sources of Financing, Stating Terms and Co ditions of their Participation in Project I) Applica.tion fee of $500 (to be returned upon project completion.) Note; All Major ~areholders will be re uired to sign personal guarantees if up front financing of the project is requ' ed. - The undersigned certifies that all infonnatinn _ nvided in thi!i application is true and correct t.o the best of the undersiiDed's knowledge. Th undersigned authori~e.s the City of Elk River to check credit references and verify :6JJ. cia! md other information- The undersigned also a.arees to provide any additiollal informati llS may be requcsted by the City afLer the :fi.li.ng of this application. Applicant Name Date By Its . 1 141 013 07/19/07 13:32 'C4417425 CI /ELK RIVER . TAX INCREMENT FINANCING P OPOSAL REVIEW WORKSHEET 1. The project meets the criteria se forth in Section III of the CitY's Tax: Increment Financing policy. a) Meets minimum threshold for size, value, and tax capacity_ b) Maets at least one oft.he 0 dect.ives in Section. III and satisfies the provision set forth in S ction IV. Demonstrates need for TJ with the but-fm' a.nalYf;if;_ Consistent with all city pI. s and ordinances. Serves at least two public urpose as defined in Section IV. ___ c) e) f> 3. Job Creation in. the City of Elk. ver: Number of new jobs as a result 0 the project. Number of Axisting/retainedjobs divided by 10. Total 2. Ratio of Private to Public Invest $ Private investment $ Public Investment Ratio Priva.te: Public . 4. Ra.tio of TIF to new jobs created: $ TIF request Number of new jobs create $ of TIF per new job crca. cd 5. Wage Level of jobs created: Average hourly wage of jobs created: 6. Project size: The project will result in the constructio of square feet . 12 ent in Project; Point.s:_ 5:1 5 4:1 4 3:1 3 2:1 2 Less than 2:1 1 Points:_ 40+ 5 30+ 4 20+ 3 10+ 2 Less than 10 1 Points:_ $15,000 or less 5 $20,000 or less 4 $22,000 or less 3 $25,000 or less 2 Over $25,000 1 Points:_ Over $211 hour 5 $18-211 hour 4 $14.-17 / hour 3 $10-13/ hour 2 Undtlr $10 1 hour 1 80,000+ 65,000+ 50,000+ 35,000+ 25,000+ Points: 5 4 3 2 1 07/19/07 13:32 '5'4417425 CI IT/ELK RIVER I4l 014 . 7. Type of Project: 100% Owner Occupii:!d Mix Owner Occupied & Investm, nt lnvesbnentFToperly Points:_ 5 4 3 8. Use: Manufacturing Research & Development Commercial Redevelopment WarehouseIDistribution Housing Points;_ 5 4 3 2 1 9. The project will pay anJ1ual property taxes in the first fully assessed year of $__ Points:_ 85,000+ 5 70.000+ 4 55,000+ 3 40.000+ 2 25,000+ 1 . 10. Likelihood that the project will JesuIt in unsubsidized, spin~off development. Points:_ 5 High Moderate Low 3 1 Sub.. Total Points: o P a possible 45 points. 9. Bonus Points Bonus Points: The project will be 100% Pay-as.you-gu TIF. The project contributes to the goa s of Energy City. . Product promotes sensible us of energy, OR . Project utili:i\CS significant en argy efficient design &/OT: materials in construction. 3 points 2 points Total Points: Overall project analysis: High Moderate Low Not Ehg bIe 45..38 points 37-29 points 28M20 points 19-0 points . 13 07/19/07 13:32 . '5'4417425 ~015 CI IELK RIVER EXH IT A Description of the corp ration or partnership EXH IT B Description of the proposed project ITC Names of officers and sharehold slpartners with more than five percent (5%) interest in the corporation/partnership. . . EXH But-for EXII IT E Prospectiv Lessees 14 o 7/19/07 13:32 fl'4417425 CI IT/ELK RIVER IgI .- -,.- SAMPLE BUT-F OR ANALYSIS WITH ND WITH T AX INCRE~ ENT TAX INCREMENT SOURCES ANI USES SOURCES AND USES SOURCES SOURCES Mortgage 9,600.000 8,667,000 Equity 2.400.000 2,400,00 Tax Increment Financing 0 933,000 TOTAL SOURCES 12.000,000 12.000.000 USES USES Land 1.500.000 , .500,000 Site Work 300,000 300,000 Soil Correction 468,000 468.000 Demolition 100.000 , 00,000 Relocation 65,000 65,000 Subtotal Land COAtA 2.433.000 2.433.000 Construction 6,750,000 6,750.000 Finish Manufacturing 250,000 250.000 Subtotal Construction Costs 7.000.000 7.000.000 Soft Costs 350.000 350.000 Taxes 35,000 35,000 Finance Fees 650,000 850,000 Project Manager ~,OOO 542.000 Developer Fee 540,000 540,000 Contingency 250.000 250.000 Subtotal Soft Costs 2.567,000 2,567,000 lOT AL USES 12,000000 12.000.000 Income State nent Income Statement Sq. Ft. Per Sq. Ft. Sq.Ft. PerSq.Ft. Rent-Space 1 100.000 $B.OO 800.000 , 00.000 $8.00 600,000 Rent-Space 2 25,000 $6,50 212,500 25,000 $~t50 212,500 Rent-Space 3 25.000 $9.00 225,000 25,000 $9.00 225,000 Other 0 $0.00 0 0 $0.00 0 1.237,500 1,237,500 Mortgage 20 ierm ',051.646 20 Term 949.439 9.00% Interest 9.00% Interest 9.600,000 Principal 8,667,000 Principal Net Income 185.854 288,061 Total Return on Equity 7.74% 12.00% 15 .. -.--.---- u_____ 016 . . . . 8 0 t B ... ~ ! ~ . 8 8 8 8 tAL ~ cO I ~ g ~ g iii ... u. .... CO i= W ..... 0 ;{ UJ 8 ~ li{a 8888 ~ 8 d 8. 8 8 ~ ~ j!! ~~ ~@Jt ~ ~ i ~ ~ r-- ~ lB . ~ ~ ~~ s.1 ~i ~ ~ a a Ii ~ u. a ... F W 0~ ..... ..... UJ M UJ UJ w 888 8 8 8.8. ~ 8. . ~ ~ 8888 8.8. 8 8 fa u. ~~~ i i e~ ~~ _m. i~~g n i ~ ~ F ~~~ ~ ~ II l a~ag ~ '<f '<f z ....i!i w N 0 ... ... z ::~a ~ ~ ... UJ ~ UJ UJ ... . 8:;l 1Q....8~ oomN~~....~OoO~O"'N~O.....r--8O OOIO....CO....N::OOON m -'r- ... 1-0 n..l-- ID8 fii N Cli Q . -.10 .... I-w n.. ^ g~ .....~ N co .... .... 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SHOP ON LINE AT WWW.MAUSFOODS.COM 763-295-2634 AMBER 0001 05 05254784 06/26/01 S:02pm 260 $ SUAVE LOTION $1. 79 "I SUAVE LOTION $0. 10- ~ I $ SUAVE LOTION $1. 79 T SUAVE LOTION $0.10- T DR PEPPER $3.99 TF DR PEPPER $3.99 TF KLARBRUN mlON $1. 89 TF 5 @ $3.99 EACH CHERRY COKE $19.95 fF 4 @ $3.99 EACH CLASSIC CJi\E 515.96 .,' 2 @ $3.99 EACH $ BARQS 12PK $7.98 TF BAROS 12PK X 02 $1. 40- TF 2 @ $3.99 EACH DR PEPPER $7.98 TF 2 @ $3.99 EACH SPRITE 12 PACK $7.98 TF 2 @ $3.99 EACH . DIET COKE $7.98 TO" . , 2 @ $3.99 EACH $ DT MM ORANGE $7.98 TF DT ~1~1 ORANGE X 02 $1.40- TF ITEM SUBTOTAL $89.26 EXTRA CARD SA TOTAL $3.00-5, SUBTOTAL $86.26 TOTAL $86.26 INSTORE CHARGE $86.26 GARY HOST MONTICELLO FIRE DEPT. CHANGE $0.00 EXTRA CARD SA APPLIED SUAVE LOTION X 0002 $0.20 BARQS 12PK X 0002 $1. 40 DT ','M ORANGE X 0002 $1.40 ****-h.**w",*** wwwwwwwwww"ww~ " YOU SAVED; $3.00 " ****....."'***.",.**.;,,* *****"Itr******__/ .---. 1/ OF ITEMS; 24 . . 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(II) Irlll~~ (IIJ 1111 r~] I~ m 019885 DATE; 0 ORD~~ CU"=::~J:_~N' . -~-==--=-==-- BI TO ~H'::LPF-~.R STARTING r)~T~ OFH)ER TAKEN BY -L_ -~'~''"------._,~~-- ~"'~---'--,."_._-.------.._._-~.,"-,--_.,~"'~--~,~-"'"'-"'"-""..--.. "~~",,----,.,,------..~ -.-.--.--....--.Code:-.-..-.---.- --"---'- ----...--..--.-.~ -"'.............._~._-'~.,~-""_.,~..._,._-.,._,.,'_..,---~-''''-, '---"'-"'~.. --~"'-~~"_."-----'~ ----.-----..---~.-Iflitia~... "-------."_."~"_._.""""------' _.,--"--'--"'~'~,._-.~--"'-,-,-~.~.,' -.'-., --""-"'._-""~ -'--.%.'-------.-...L...--...."._"~_..,__ -.'._-".'-'._."-"-"'-"~""-_."'-'" '-.--."-."--"..-"'--.",--.",.--.,.. TOTAL ABOR . ?- Of.) -3-_ _.__ - k <?_~_ 57 _~o. -~-. "_.'~..~- --"'-.""--..-.'.---... -.. .-..-...-.. .'.-""'-'''--''-.''.''-'.'. ---?-~ ~ '-'.._~.------"._~".__."-~"'._"._--' .__.'n_ .-"'-'--"_"_n.",.__,..._.. TOTAL MAT RIALS . D'ATF-C02 ''0 iJ-----yo;>;<(-~iiRY------ -- TOTAL AM U~T $ S..< . ~:::,,_.t----,:- ifd-=:/=.=---"'---="-'---."'-----cc:::==:'-"--cc----======--"=:=:.:.=...--c;'.... '---:C:"-... U-"'--.== U No <)IH) Ilolno 0 ~;;t<:~Il;~'~~)l~%r~.J~r 0 i)gt<:;);11;i~;~'1Iig, .--'.--. '--.".'-"'."- completion 01' work fAX Sh~lldtllre __."._"'~_".__ ,JWOCC-870 .3 PRINTED IN V.SA. I h8reby dtkfl()wl~rJ.~[) th~~ ";atl:.ifactory cOf'llplelloll of ttle :lboVi'~ rJe'.~I~nbed wor k \ ft City of Monticello . . 505 Walnut Street, Suite #1 lIIIJ Monticello, MN 55362 ~ 763 295-2711 WATER/SEWER BILL 10.00 ATTN: OLLIE KOROPCHAK HRA 505 WALNUT ST STE #1 MONTICELLO MN 55362 4% Pen~ity Add~d After Due Date AMOUNT PAID DETACH AND RETURN THIS PORTION WITH VOUR PAVMENT. RETAIN THIS PORTION FOR VOUR RECORDS. CITY OF MO TICELLO 505 WALNUT STREET, SUITE #1 - MONTICEllO, MN 55362 3 WALNUT 8T 6/21/2001 - 7/01/2001 001-0043-00-00 Previous Balance Penalties PAYMENT - THANK YOU - djustments Meter ReadinJ ~f OjlicOblei Period: 6 1 2 0 0 Meter Seria 0: 7/0'1/2001 # 50319804 "Gallons of Water Per Day = USAGE X 7.5 = [Gal. Per Olr) divided by 90 days" WATER - Res M i see '1'1 arH30lJS Current Char'ges 34490 34490 H 10.00 10.00 AMOUNT DUE NOW - 1 0 .0 0 __~'_.._~_., _ THIS STATEMENT REFlECTS ~~YMENT~. AS OF__ 7/24/2001 ater Availability charges have increased to $24. VISA & MASTERCARD are now accepted for utility payments. Electronic payment is also available. If you are interested in any of these payment OPtions. please call 271-3203. '~'_'_N"---------....~__...""".~~ BILLING INQUIRIES CAL (763) 295~2711 . '-'''Y VI IVIVIIUlit:HIU . 505 Walnut Street, Suite #1 [I;j Monticello, MN 55362 ~ 763 295-2711 WATER/SEWER BILL 10.00 ATTN: OLLIE KOROPCHAK HRA 505 'I'IALNUT ST #1 MONTICELLO MN 55362 4% Penalty Added After Due Date AMOUNT PAID DETACH AND RETURN THIS PORTION WITH YOUR PAYMENT. RETAIN THIS PORTiON FOR YOUR RECORDS. CITY OF MO TICELLO 505 WALNUT STREET, SUITE 111 . MONTICELLO, MN 55362 Previous Balance Penalties PAYMENT - THANK YOU - djustments Meter Readi, (if ajPlicablei Period: 6 2 1 2 0 0 Meter Seria 0: 7/01/2001 :# U9990010040 "Gallons of Water Per Day" USAGE X 7,5 " (Gal. Per Otr,) divided by 90 days" WATER - Res Mi see '1'1 ElneOLJS Current Charges '183050 ') 83050 H 10.00 10.00 AMOUNT DUE NOW ..---.l9 . 0 q.~_ ,. Water Availability charges have increase ISA & MASTERCARD are now accepted for u payment is also available. If you are i options, please call 271-3203. THIS STATEMENT REFLECTS PAY0ENTS.~..~ 7/24/200 1 to $24. ility payments. Electronic terested in any of these payment BILLING INQUIRIES CALL (763) 295-2711 . . f.- ,;(~"/y) '7.' y....}. ..' 1(." ."....7 "') -,/j r .1 , .. .J /V; jJf2'Ti (; ~ D h1'r; / ~s "7....-C7 -A --ji A 7'/'>:>- ,.1-'- (;:" ff .,.. rX r- 1/;/ jeL:. ;:::;qg/lS.- ? t;/~ ::,~ . \ I / . . . HRA Agenda - 8/1/01 11. Executive Director's Reoort: a) Quik TIF Reports - The annual rep rts are due at the State Auditor's Office on August I. Almost done. A balanc sheet has been added to the report and a few other changes. Good checks and b lance between Rick, L and City Auditors. Summarized version printed in the Monticello Times, August 9, by law. b) Semi-annual 2001 pay-as-you-go ayments due August 1,2001 - For your information, copy of the checks m iled. c) Tax increment for July 2001 the H A received per district. Raindance, Lake Tool, and Aroplax were latc on pa ment so no increment. All three are now paid in full. d) Aroplax - Last month I reported I' check with Aroplax relative to the latc payment of the TIF Deficiency. T e 2001 deficiency was paid and Paul Schoen requested the HRA considcr not re uesting the payment in 2002. I believe 2002 would be their last payment. As y u rccall, the HRA just decertified the district. Whcn I finish the Quik TIF Report., I will bring it back to the HRA for a decision, if no shortfall exists. e) MCC - Although, Murray is a repr sentative on the Community Center Advisory Board, the attached is the second q arter 2001 report as presented by Kitty to the Council on July 23. t) EDMA Company - SBA application submittcd for approval. EDA loan approved for $30,000. No TIF. 10,000 sq. t, north of Lake Tool. g) Production Stamping on hold. Ne d to check about Red Wing Foods. h) Good 60,000 sq ft industrial lead f om Olson General Contractors. 50/50 chance company will relocate from curren location. i) Good lead for H-Window facility. j) Marketing Committee met July 26. To call Lecy Design for meeting relative to brochure update and costs. Decide, the IDC Luncheon not meeting it's objective. Will write objective and plans for business rctcntion and expansion visits by IDC beginning October. I ecided MOAA decisions long-way ofl. Will get update from Chamber on Fall anquet date and speaker at August I DC meeti ng. k) On vacation August 7 through 14. . . . '"' ~ .Q = '"' C-' ~ r.. ...... ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ '" .- "" ~::;':N E-< .; ~ ~ .s ::l :;= ~ t> c = o U '" = - OIl = o ~ .... .c 01) .;: ~ ~ Q) u ..c: d ~ o ...... o .,... 0 UN Q)m ~~ .. --. ~ d Q) E Q) ";j ... Q) 00 ~ ~ i U ~ .J:: ~ '" ... o '" .. 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Q) E o U E en C ~ro-;: oC:~ ....Q)- o...D:::O (Y (Y)~0'<tC'\l'<t ~ONI.!)I"-O lX)O'lO'lO(O(Y) ri,,--MN(O-"": N ,,- NI.!)~O,,-N'<t N~I.!)MI"-CO~ -.:fericri""':cri""":eri 1"-1.!)~I"-COI"-O> MI"-"-I.!)COOCO - r:0 cO '<t- ai '<t- Lli '<t,,-~ 0(0(0 I.!)~~ cericri I"-O'l,,- ~,,-C'\llX)1,l) -00"": 00 cO 1,l)~1.!) III I.. s .~, Q..... ,/ . INFORMATION COMPLIMEN' SALARY VERSES SALES PR HOURLY ANNUAL CLOSING MAXIMU WAGE WAGE COSTS DEBT $9.00 $18,720 $4,800 $125.00 $10.00 $20,800 $5,300 $138.00 $11.00 $22,880 $5,700 $152~00 $12.00 $24,960 $6,200 $166.42 $13.00 $27,040 $6,700 $180.30 . 1) Assumes annual real estate taxes of 1,500 annually and homeowners insurance 2) Based on 5% down, conventional fi ancing at 7%, 30 year 3) Qualifying housing ratio of 28% of ross monthly income. Maximum debt is b. 'S OF: COMMUNITY LENDERS LLC . I_CE COMPARISON WORKSHEET ---1______ M I HOURLY ANNUAL SALES CLOSING MAXIMUM PITI WAGE WAGE PRICE COSTS DEBT I 9.00_J 37,440 $103,500 $9,100 $249.62 $873.58 I - $10.00 $41,600 $117,550 $10,000 $277.36 $970.64 1--$11.00 $41,600 $131,550 $11,000 $304.96 $1,067.74 r- $12.00 $49,920 $145,500 $12,000 $332.81 $1,164.79 r--$13.00 $54,080 $159,500 $13,000 $360.56 $1,261.84 . of $360 sed on 36% of gross monthly income , , <<I (\\ \ lc- '-" Front Porch Associates, Ltd. - Michael Cyr 722 West 5th Street Monticello, Minnesota 55362 Phone: 763.295.0717 Fax: 763.295.3227 1 August 2001 HRA Board NlonticeUo City Council 505 Walnut Street South Monticello, Minnesota, 55362 Re: 1. Request for Concept Approval for Redeve opment and Construction 2. Request for Funding Approval for Redevelopment and Construction Project: West Village Commons Market rate townhome development 0 6th Street West at Vine Street. Greetings, 1. We have a purchase option on 1WD lots on 6th St ~et west of Minnesota. 2. We have a purchase option on a blighted home n the east side of t~~se two lots. .. There is an unused city street right of way that I uld hope to purchase, at least half of it. W1ave discussed this with Mr. WOlfstellar, who has i dicated that it may be a possibility. 4. With the above three properties we would build twinhomes, 6 market rate dwellings with a sales price of $150K - $170K. 5. My question: Would the board spend up to $10 K for the purchase and demolition of the blighted home. The purchase price is $120K and I uld expect to spend between $5K and $10K for demolition and cleanup. I need to act in the ne 60 days on the option on the home. . 1 of 1 . ~ u I ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ z ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ rJ'J Z ~ ~ ~ 0 u 0 ~ u 0 ~ 00 u ---,_..._.- --- r- S2 Z ~ ~ rJ'J ~ ~ ~ ~ 0 rJ'J U rJ'J Z ~ 0 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 0 ~ z ~ ~ rJ'J 00 ~ "'1' ~ "'1' r-.. ~ ~ It'l r..: t t: ~ = ~ I,C) I,C) r-.. r-.. ~ ~ "1 Q.4 00 c:I'\ .; Vl Vl ~ ~ Vl ~ Vl ~ Ii M I,C) I,C) ~ I,C) I,C) ('t') c:I'\ It'l a\ r..: ..,; M = "'1' r-.. Q ('t') I,C) N N ('t') ('t') ('t') Vl Vl Vl Vl Vl ~oo Q Q Q Q Q ~~ Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q 0000 ~ " " M ~ 00 a\ Q ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~u Vl Vl Vl Vl (1't U oo~ Q Q Q Q Q Q It'l It'l Q Q ~u It'l It'l It'l It'l "1 ~~ ~ r-=' " " ~ It'l c:I'\ Q ~ ('t') "'1' It'l ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Vl Vl Vl Vl Vl ~~ Q Q Q Q Q Q Q N 00 ~~ "'1' I,C) ~ c:I'\ Q "'1' ..; a\ ..; " ~ r-.. "'1' ~ ~ It'l ('t') Vl Vl ~~ Q Q Q Q Q Q ~ Q Q Q = M ~ a\ ~ o~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Vl (1't Vl Vl ::r:l ~.. Q Q Q -- ~-- Q Q = = ('t') ~~ .,) 00 M ..c = N ('t') It'l I,C) 00 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Vl Vl ~ ~ Vl ~oo = = Q = ~~ Q Q = Q 0000 00 ('t') N r-.. 00 it .n I~ " " I,C) I,C) ~u Vl Vl Vl U oo~ Q 0 I;; 0 <= ~~ = <= 0 = I,C) I,C) \1, " I,C)" I,C) " ~ " = I. ~ 00 ~ ~ I,C) I,C) 00Q.4 Vl Vl ~~= Q ~ 0 = ~~~ = I,C) "'1' 00 c:I'\ 0 <00 " ~ ..; r-=' <= >~ ~ t! N LA . Q,l a 0 u = .... :a- d a rIl rIl 0 6iJ ..... 0 ":1e. <:> \C 0 ff'l \C = ~ 0 "Cl ..... Q,l 0 ~ - -;v- - ----- - - -- u ,/:l = rIl .... .... .... = i rIl .6 "Cl rIl a t S = ~ .~ Q,l C'S a ~ 0 .... .l:l C'S as "Cl Q,l a = ~ 0 C'S 0 u =i ff'l .s -:i. :a- g <:> r- .... = 1; = 0 tlJ) a 0 .s = rIl I/'l U rIl ..: = 0 l;A ~ t., ..... ..... 0 0 ~ -; ~ = = 0 oc .... +:l "" Q,l = ..... 1; Q,l 0 ~ 0 ~ ~ Q,l 0 c; u .... Q,l ~ tlJ) .... l:! G\\{~ -"~ . ML Building & Remodeling Design. Construction. Project Management Residential. Commercial MN Lic. # 20054618 Ph: 76 .295.0717 Fax: 763.295.3227 Cell: 612.366.0717 722 West 5th Street Monticello, Minnesota 55362 1 August 2001 HRA Board Monticello City Council 505 Walnut Street South Monticello, Minnesota, 55362 Re: Project Summary Projects: 1. Office Building for Investor Group - Developer 207 Walnut Street South 2. Shared Parking Development - BI ck 36 Interior of Block 36 . Building Have developed two options: 1. The two story building, 4500 square feet per flo r that was presented last time 2. A one story building with about 4500 square fe . One story building Total Project Cost $650K - $700K $950K - $1 M Investor Return -9.27% Two story building 9.46% Shared Parking This develops parking in the interior of the block to be shared by all of the commercial businesses and upstairs residential tenants of com ercial buildings. Total Project Cost $140K Investor Return None Note: The other $45K is assumed to be coming fr m the HRA funds already committed to .parking development as part of the Amoco site proj' ct. 1 of 1 .~ . MLC Building & Remodeling Design - Construction - Project Management Residential - Commercial MN Lie. # 20054618 Ph: 763. 95.0717 Fax: 763.295.3227 Cell: 612.366.0717 722 West 5th Street Monticello, Minnesota 55362 1 August 2001 HRA Board Monticello City Council 505 Walnut Street South Monticello, Minnesota, 55362 Re: 1. Request for Funding Approval for Redev lopment and Construction 2. Request for Funding Approval for Shared Parking Development - Block 36 Projects: 1. Office Building for Investor Group. Developer 207 Walnut Street South 2. Shared Parking Development - BI ck 36 Interior of Block 36 .reetings, Building Have developed two scenarios: 1. The two story building, 4500 square feet per f100 that we discussed last time 2. A one story building with about 4500 square feet Due to the extra costs involved in redeveloping a pr perty, the developer is seeking T.I.F. assistance to cover eligible costs. Those costs incl de but may not be limited to: Utility right of way relocation Cost of temporary quarters for the current oc pants of one of the existing buildings Cost of moving occupants to temporary quart rs Perimeter fencing of construction site Excavation and removal of basements and ot er below grade obstacles to construction Relocation I upgrading of hookups to City of onticello services Curb and sidewalk reconstruction adjacent to Walnut Street Patch and repair work on Walnut Street right of way Curb, sidewalk, concrete, paving and lands ping construction Interim financing costs . 1of2 ~- ~hared Parking .0 address parking availability on Block 36, MLC pr poses to develop shared parking areas within the interior of Block 36. The objective is to 0 tain cross property easements, construction easements and a long-term maintenan e agreement amongst the affected property owners. These agreements would allow d molition, grading, paving and landscaping of the affected properties to allow construction of pa king that will be shared by all of the participating property owners. To achieve this objective, MLC has discussed the is ue with all of the existing and potential property owners on the north half of Block 36. Atta ed to this document is a letter of intent drafted by Smith, Paulson, O'Donnell & Associates nd signed by all of the affected property owners. This is attached as Exhibit E. One of the p operty owners, John Koppy, owns a storage building that is situated next to the back pro erty line of his lot. This building will obstruct Project 2 if not removed. Mr. Koppy has va ued this building at $50,000.00. This amount will compensate him for constructing a new uilding of similar size, loss of rental income from a tenant that currently leases part of th building, and the costs of relocating the property that is currently stored in the building. ML has an option to purchase and remove the building contingent on HRA approval of funding or Project 2. The option document is included and is identified as Exhibit F. The area affected by Project 2 is from the West pro erty lines of Project 1 and the area immediately adjacent to Project 1 on its North boun ary, westerly to the East property lines of _he project currently known as Amoco Away. Parkin within the boundaries of the Project 1 wand Amoco Away projects is addressed within the s pe of those projects. In exchange for the cross property easements and t e construction easements, the owners of the affected property are requesting 100% coverag of costs for the development of the shared parking through T.I.F. and City of Monticello parking development funds. The affected owners will form an association to take care of main enance once the project has been completed. MLC will administer the project but will eed to be paid in full for all costs associated with the shared parking work. Those co ts include but may not be limited to: Building acquisition and demolition or remov I (Koppy storage building) Utility right of way relocation if needed Relocation of City of Monticello utility service if needed Curb and sidewalk construction Patch and repair work on city or county right f ways Curb, sidewalk, concrete, paving and lands ping construction Construction financing and carrying costs Builder Overhead and Profit Sincerely, a,ichael Cyr 2of2