City Council Agenda Packet 09-28-1998 . . '. AGE DA REGULAR MEETING - MON ICELLO CITY COUNCIL Monday, Septembe 28,1998 -7 p.m. Mayor: Bill Fair Council Members: Clint Herbst, Brian Stumpf, oger Carlson, Bruce Thielen 1. Call to order. 2. Approval of minutes of the regular meetin held September 14, 1998. 3. Consideration of adding items to the agen a. 4. Citizens comments/petitions, requests, and complaints. 5. Consent agenda. A. Consideration of appointing additi nal election judges for the General Election. B. Consideration of annual sidewalk i spection report. C. Consideration of accepting bids an awarding contract on Hillside Cemetery fence, Project 98-22C. D. Consideration of adopting a resolut on approving submittal of a Redevelopment Grant Application to Minnesota Tr de and Economic Development. 6. Consideration of items removed from the c nsent agenda for discussion. 7. Public Hearing--Consideration ofresolutio approving plans and specifications and authorizing advertisement for bids - Wildw od Ridge subdivision. 8. Consideration of counteroffer for the purc se ofthe city hall property and adjacent lots and consideration of a separate offer for th purchase of vacant lots. 9. Review of bids and consideration of award for fire hall parking lot improvements. 10. Consideration of approving purchase ofB lington Northern property in the area of the community center site. 11. Consideration to discuss and authorization 0 proceed with interest to acquire the property located at 225 Front Street. 12. Consideration of making an offer to purcha e vacant land adjacent to public works facility. . . . Agenda Monticello City Council September 28, 1998 Page 2 13. Consideration of purchase of 4 acres on th Monte Club Hill near the water tower for park purposes. 14. Consideration of ordinance amendment in egard to garbage/refuse services and rates. 15. Review of proposals for the delivery and i stallation of a new playground unit for Ellison Park and award of contract. 16. Consideration of bills for the last half of S tember. 17. Adjournment. . . . MINU ES REGULAR MEETING - MON ICELLO CITY COUNCIL Monday, September 14, 1998 - 7 p.m. Members Present: Bill Fair, Clint Herbst, Brian tumpf, Roger Carlson, Bruce Thielen Members Absent: None 2. A. A MOTION WAS MADE BY BRUC THIELEN AND SECONDED BY ROGER CARLSON TO APPROVE THE MIN TES OF THE SPECIAL MEETING HELD AUGUST 24, 1998, AS WRITTEN. oting in favor: Bill Fair, Bruce Thielen, Roger Carlson. Abstaining: Clint erbst, Brian Stumpf. Motion carried. B. A r val of minutes of t A MOTION WAS MADE BY CLIN HERBST AND SECONDED BY BRIAN STUMPF TO APPROVE THE MINU ES OF THE REGULAR MEETING HELD AUGUST 24, 1998, AS WRITTEN. otion carried unanimously. c. A MOTION WAS MADE BY BRIA STUMPF AND SECONDED BY ROGER CARLSON TO APPROVE THE M UTES OF THE SPECIAL MEETING HELD AUGUST 31, 1998, AS WRITTEN. otion carried unanimously. 3. A. A MOTION WAS MADE BY CLIN HERBST AND SECONDED BY BRUCE THIELEN TO TABLE DISCUSSIO OF THIS ITEM UNTIL THE NEXT COUNCIL MEETING. Motion carried unani ously. B. Public Works Director John Simol reported that three bids were received ranging from the low bid of $66,363.25 ree ived from Bauerly Brothers, Inc., to a high bid of $1 02,680.25. Pag 1 . . . c. Council Minutes - 9/14/98 A MOTION WAS MADE BY BRUC THIELEN AND SECONDED BY ROGER CARLSON TO AWARD THE CONT CT FOR THE PARKING LOT IMPROVEMENTS TO BAUERL Y BOTHERS, INC., FOR THEIR BID OF $66,363.25. Motion carried unanim usly. Dis Monticello resident Scott Hill reque ted that Council discuss the gravel pit proposed in the township. He state that increased truck traffic and crushing operations near city limits will have a negative impact on city residents and asked that Council consider sending a lett r to the Township stating their opinion and/or concerns regarding the effects ofth gravel pit. A MOTION WAS MADE BY BRIAN STUMPF AND SECONDED BY ROGER CARLSON TO AUTHORIZE CITY S AFF TO STUDY THE PROPOSED GRAVEL PIT AND MAKE A RECOMMENDA ION TO COUNCIL REGARDING POSSIBLE ALTERNATE TRUCK ROUTES. M tion carried unanimously. 4. None. 5. Consent agenda. Mayor Bill Fair requested that items 5D an 5E be removed from the consent agenda for discussion. A. B. c. Page 2 @) ____ 1_ . . . Council Minutes - 9/14/98 D. E. F. Ii he . n ate for ado tion of 1999 bud et and tax levy. Recommendation: Set a sp cial City Council meeting date for Wednesday, December 9, 1998, at p.m., for the public hearing on adoption of the 1999 budget and tax levy, and s t the continuation date for the public hearing for Wednesday, December 16, 199 , at 5 p.m. G. H. Consideration of a resolution callin and storm sewer extensions to the 'ldw d' R llin W ds develo ment areas. Recommendation: Appro e a resolution accepting the petition, ordering a feasibility study, and calling for a ublic hearing on September 28, 1998, on sanitary sewer, water, and storm se er extensions to the Wildwood Ridge/Rolling Woods development areas. SEE SOLUTION 98-37. A MOTION WAS MADE BY BRUCE THIE EN AND SECONDED BY ROGER CARLSON TO APPROVE ITEMS SA, SB, SC, SF, SG, A D SH OF THE CONSENT AGENDA AS RECOMMENDED. Motion carried unanim usly. 6. Consideration of items removed from the c nsent a e 5D. Chief Building Official Fred Patch eported that Cub Foods has requested an amendment to its planned unit deve opment to allow installation of a drive-up window and canopy for its pharmac on the east side of the building. Concerns discussed involved traffic circulation and the elimination of nine parking spaces to accommodate the rive-through lane. The access to the drive- up lane would be from the common driveway for the east area parking and truck circulation; however, because few v hicles would be able to make the 1800 turn from the driveway aisle into the dri e-up lane, the plan anticipated that vehicles Page @ Council Minutes - 9/14/98 . heading from the main vehicle entr ces to the drive-up would proceed south onto the Country GrillIot, cross over, an turn north to the Cub driveway at the south end of the parking area. A revised design, which was recom ended by the Planning Commission, showed a cut in the parking bay near the en ance to the drive-up lane, which would avoid the need for retail traffic to use the ountry Grill parcel and would reduce the temptation to cut through unused p king stalls. However, the Chief Building Official noted that this would not a dress the concern over the location of vehicles exiting the drive-up lane. It was su gested that the traffic flow be reversed, which would require a product delivery sy tern such as the pneumatic tubes used by drive-up banking facilities. AFTER DISCUSSION, A MOTION AS MADE BY BILL FAIR AND SECONDED BY CLINT HERBST TO APPROVE N AMENDMENT TO THE CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT PUD TO ALLOW A D VE-UP WINDOW ON THE CUB FOODS SITE, CONTINGENT ON THE FOL OWING CONDITIONS: 1. THE SITE PLAN IS VISED PER PLANNING COMMISSION RECOMMENDATIO (ELIMINATE PARKING SPACES WITH TRAFFIC FLOWING THROUGH THE DRIVE-UP LANE REMAINING SOUT TO NORTH) TO RESOLVE POTENTIAL TRAFFIC CIRCULA ION CONFLICTS. . 2. THE CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT IS FOR THE USE OF THE DRIVE-UP PHARM CY ONLY. FUTURE PROPOSED CHANGES TO THE USE OF TH DRIVE-UP WOULD REQUIRE AMENDMENT TO T E CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT. Motion carried unanimously. Moti n is based on the finding that the project would continue to meet the objectiv s and expectations of the City's Downtown Revitalization Plan. 5E. Consideration of chan e Proiect 93-14C. Public Works Director John Simola reported that Change Order No. 15 involved approximately 19 changes to the pr~ect for a total cost of $56,041. Previously, A & P requested a blanket contract xtension from October 15 to December 31, 1998, which would require an addit onal $72,000 in overhead costs. However, City staff and HDR did not support he cost increase or the blanket extension. Consequently, the contractor wishe to remove the contract extension and dollar increase for overhead but reserved t eir right to make a claim in the future. . Page Q1) . . . Council Minutes - 9/14/98 AFTER DISCUSSION, A MOTION AS MADE BY BILL PAIR AND SECONDED BY BRIAN STUMPF TO APPROVE HANGE ORDER NO. 15 AS DRAFTED, INCLUDING THE STATEMENT BY A & P THAT THEY DO NOT WAIVE ANY RIGHTS OR FORFEIT ANY TIME E TENSION CLAIMS. Motion carried unanimously. 7. Economic Development Director Ollie Kor pchak reported that TIF District No. 1-25 is an economic district created for a manufact ring company which will lease the building from Blue Chip Development Company. he TIF assistance will be passed to the tenant, Band B Metal Stampings, Inc., which curr ntly employs five full-time positions and projects to hire an additional three to five ll-time employees within two years at an average hourly wage of$14.10. It was not d that the HRA agreed to pay-as-you-go TIF assistance for site improvements in an amo t not to exceed $32,000 Net Present Value over the life of the II-year district. They Iso agreed to make the local match up front, which will eliminate the HACA penalty to he City. Mayor Fair opened the public hearing. There being no public comment, the public hearing was closed. A MOTION WAS MADE BY BRUCE THIE EN AND SECONDED BY BRIAN STUMPF TO APPROVE A RESOLUTION ADOPTING T MODIFIED REDEVELOPMENT PLAN FOR CENTRAL MONTICELLO REDEVELOPME T PROJECT NO.1 AND ESTABLISHING TIF DISTRICT NO. 1-25 AND ADOPTING THE ELA TED TIP PLAN THEREFOR. Motion carried unanimously. SEE RESOLUTION 98-38. 8. Consideration of a r sewer extension. r ct - Monte Club sanita City Engineer Bret Weiss reported that this project was bid on August 21, with the lowest responsible bid from Molitor Excavating 0 S1. Cloud, Minnesota, at a base bid of $23,571.50 and an alternate bid of$8,201.50 for a possible total construction cost of $31,773; however, due to annexation negot ations, the project was not awarded. He noted that Bruce Gagnelius indicated on Fr day, September 11, that he was close to reaching an agreement with the Township r garding annexation. It was suggested that Council could award the project contingent on the Township and Mr. Gagnelius reaching an agreement. Page . . . 9. Council Minutes - 9/14/98 A MOTION WAS MADE BY BRUCE THIE EN AND SECONDED BY ROGER CARLSON TO APPROVE A RESOLUTION ACCEPTIN BIDS AND AWARDING THE CONTRACT FOR THE MONTE CLUB SANITARY SEW R IMPROVEMENT PROJECT CONTINGENT ON AN AGREEMENT WITH THE TOWNS IP AND THE NECESSARY CITY SECURITIES BEING PROVIDED. BASE BID OR BASE 10 PLUS ALTERNATE #1 TO BE DETERMINED BY THE OWNER. Motion arried unanimously. SEE RESOLUTION 98-39. Deputy City Administrator Jeff O'Neill re orted that Marquette Bank has applied for a conditional use permit to allow the constru tion of a new bank building with a drive-up facility on their current property locatd at ixth and Walnut Streets. In order to meet the 40% lot coverage requirement, Marquette ank also requested a simple subdivision of the property. The Planning Commission reco mended approval of the conditional use permit and the simple subdivision. A MOTION WAS MADE BY ROGER CARL ON AND SECONDED BY BRUCE THIELEN TO APPROVE THE CONDITIONAL USE P RMIT FOR A DRIVE-UP FACILITY SUBJECT TO THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS: 1. SITE PLAN AMENDMENTS TO ILLUSTRATE COMPLIANCE WITH THE 40% LOT COVERAGE ST A DARD THROUGH EITHER OR BOTH OF THE FOLLOWING, OR OTHER EANS: A. SUBDIVIDE THE P RCEL CREATING A NEW LOT/SITE THAT MEETS THE 40% L T COVERAGE REQUIREMENT. B. GRANT THE CITY 7-FT ROADWAY, PEDESTRIAN, AND UTILITY EASEMEN ALONG WALNUT STREET. Motion carried unanimously, based on the mding that the project is consistent with the objectives of the Downtown Revitalization Plan and the CCD zoning district. A MOTION WAS MADE BY CLINT HERB T AND SECONDED BY ROGER CARLSON TO APPROVE THE SIMPLE SUBDIVISION RE ULTING IN A PARCEL/SITE MEETING THE 40% LOT COVERAGE REQUIREMENT. otion carried unanimously. 10. Mark Wentzell of Ankeny Kell Architects, ired by a private developer, presented concepts for commercial/retail developme ofthe Ferrellgas/Liquor Store site which would be compatible with the community enter. He noted the proposed development would attempt to continue to develop build ng sites along Walnut, work with the existing Page 6 . . . 12. Council Minutes - 9/14/98 liquor store, and open visibility of the busi esses to Highway 25. Deputy City Administrator Jeff O'Neill noted that in th future, Council may want to direct staff to prepare an RFP for development ofthe site. No Council action was required. 11. Deputy City Administrator Jeff O'Neill re orted that the purchase of approximately 200,000 sq ft of land from Burlington Nort ern extending from Highway 25 to Maple Street, including 10,000 sq ft of land betwe n the railway and the library, is consistent with the objectives established by the City ouncil in previous priority-setting sessions and is necessary for the purchase of the co munity center site. Total price of the land area is $220,029, which amounts to an ave age of$.89 per sq ft. Establishment of the purchase agreement at this time would allo the City to gain permission to enter the site to install the sanitary sewer line along the orthern alignment. Without the agreement, the City would not be able to enter the site ntil after the condemnation process is complete. The sampling of soils for the pu ose of analyzing contaminants is complete but results had not yet been received. O'Neill requested that Council table furthe discussion of this item pending arrival of the City Attorney, who was delayed due to ano her meeting. It was the consensus of Council to table thi item for discussion with the City Attorney later in the meeting. Deputy City Administrator Jeff O'Neill rep rted that the previous agreement approved by the City Council governing the developme t and operation of the community center was contingent on the National Guard approvin an amendment to the right of first refusal language that would allow the City to purc ase the land portion of the National Guard space at the same cost paid by the Guard; h wever, the Guard was not able to amend the language as requested, as it was not consist nt with the normal arrangements that they stablishe with communities. O'Neill noted that it was important to finalize the agreement due to the fact that for every day approval i delayed, the City loses interest on the $1.5 million that will be contributed by the Nati nal Guard. Councilmember Clint Herbst noted that he id not disagree with the right of first refusal portion of the agreement; however, he confnued to oppose the 90/10 split of the maintenance cost. Page @ . . . Council Minutes - 9/14/98 AFTER DISCUSSION, A MOTION WAS DE BY BRUCE TIDELEN AND SECONDED BY ROGER CARLSON TO ADOPT THE A REEMENT WITH THE NATIONAL GUARD AS PROPOSED BY THE NATIONAL GUA . Voting in favor: Bill Fair, Bruce Thielen, Roger Carlson. Opposed: Clint Herbst, rian Stumpf. Motion carried. 13. trunk sanit wer Deputy City Administrator Jeff O'Neill re orted that at the last meeting, Council tabled award of the contract due to the high cost fthe southerly alignment. After additional discussion with the City Engineer, the con ractor, and Burlington Northern, it was determined at the time the agenda informa ion was prepared that it was possible to extend the trunk sanitary sewer along the northe boundary at a considerable savings; however, this alignment would require that the com unity center building be moved lOft toward 6th Street, which would result in a shorter setback on 6th Street and compress the size of the wheelpark and patio area. After further analysis of the north and sou routes, O'Neill reported that staff now recommended the southern alignment due 0 less risk. He reviewed the concerns with the north alignment such as impact to the buil ing location, legal issues relating to issuing a change order which could alter the unit co t, earlier disruption of JM Oil operations, etc. In addition, he noted that the possibility 0 assessing street improvements to Marquette Bank was being analyzed and would requi e that portion of the project to be rebid. AFTER DISCUSSION, A MOTION WAS M DE BY BRUCE THIELEN AND SECONDED BY BILL FAIR TO APPROVE THE SOUT RL Y ALIGNMENT FOR RELOCATION OF THE TRUNK SANITARY SEWER. THE MOTION WAS THEN AMENDED BY BRUCE TIDELEN TO ALSO STATE THAT THE CITY ENGINEER AND CITY STAFF RE AUTHORIZED TO DELETE THE ROADWAY PORTION OF THE PROJECT ND WORK WITH MARQUETTE BANK ON AN AGREEMENT FOR THE COST OF RO OW A Y IMPROVEMENTS. IF NO AGREEMENT WAS REACHED, A PUBLIC HEARING WOULD BE HELD REGARDING ROADWAY IMPROVEMENT ASSESSME TS. City Engineer Bret Weiss noted that City s affhad planned for a November 1 deadline, which would be difficult to meet if an agre ment was not reached with Marquette Bank and the item had to be returned to Council 0 call for a public hearing. BRUCE TIDELEN THEN FURTHER AMEN ED HIS MOTION TO ALSO GIVE CITY STAFF THE AUTHORITY TO CALL FOR PUBLIC HEARING IF AN AGREEMENT CANNOT BE NEGOTIATED WITH MARQ ETTE BANK IN ORDER TO MEET THE NOVEMBER I DEADLINE. Voting in favo of the motion: Bruce Thielen, Bill Fair, Roger Carlson. Opposed: Clint Herbst, B . an Stumpf. Motion carried as amended. Page Council Minutes - 9/14/98 . 14. onsideration of a rovin bids for community center. ec fications and authorizin advertisement for Mark Wentzell of Ankeny Kell Architects eviewed the floor plan for the community center, as well as the building materials, d noted that drawings were planned to be ready for contractors by October 1, with th bid opening on October 22 and work beginning on the site the first week of No v mber. Mr. Wentzell also reviewed the alternate items that will be bid separately s that they can be deleted if the bid cost is too high. It was noted in the staff report that e plans presented for approval were consistent with the concept plans previously reviewe and approved by the City council, and the project remained on budget according to th most recent cost estimate of $9,500,069. Councilmember Clint Herbst noted that he was not opposed to building a community center but was opposed to the process used rather than allowing the residents to vote as requested by petition. A MOTION WAS MADE BY BRUCE THIE EN AND SECONDED BY ROGER CARLSON TO APPROVE PLANS AND SPECIFICA TI S AND AUTHORIZE ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS CONTINGENT ON REVIEW OF HE PLANS BY THE CITY ENGINEER AND PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR. Voting in fa or: Bill Fair, Bruce Thielen, Roger Carlson. Opposed: Clint Herbst, Brian Stumpf. Mo ion carried. . 15. City Administrator Rick Wolfsteller report d that as the community center project evolved, a new city hall was included as p of the project, which opened the door for the potential sale of the current city hall. The ity received an offer last summer of $400,000 from Arve Grimsmo for the purchase of cit hall and all of the property owned by the City in the same block. An appraisal obtai ed by the City indicated an estimated market value of the city hall site at $595,000. A se ond appraisal obtained by Mr. Grimsmo placed the value of the city hall property at $360,000. An offer of $450,000 was recently made by Arve and Jean Grimsmo for city h 11 and the additional property owned by the City on the block. . The two appraisals indicated a very close e timation of market value when utilizing the cost approach; however, when the estimate market values are approached under the comparable sales method, there is a big dif rence in the average square foot value. The City's appraiser used an office building an two bank buildings to arrive at an average square foot value of over $100 per square fi ot; however, the second appraisal used comparable sales consisting of a vacant co rthouse, a vacant elementary school, a vacant telephone equipment building, and two offi e buildings to arrive at a value of $30 per square foot. The City Administrator sugge ted that Council consider splitting the difference between the appraisals for a purc ase price of$477,500; however, he also recommended that the purchase agreement e contingent on the community center project going forward. @ . . . Council Minutes - 9/14/98 Councilmember Brian Stumpf questioned here the building department vehicles would be stored if the parcel near city hall was sol . The City Administrator responded that a garage would need to be built ifthe vehicle were to continue being stored inside. Arve Grimsmo stated that the value of the arcel owned by the City on Third Street was estimated at $50,000, which could be dedu ted from the purchase price of city hall at this time ifthe Council wanted to continue stor'ng vehicles. Since this parcel would be for expansion purposes, negotiations for purch se could be continued in the future. AFTER DISCUSSION, A MOTION WAS M DE BY CLINT HERBST AND SECONDED BY BRUCE THIELEN TO MAKE A COUNTER FFER OF $477,500 FOR CITY HALL AND THE ADDITIONAL CITY-OWNED LAND N THE BLOCK CONTINGENT ON LANGUAGE BEING ADDED THAT THE A REEMENT CAN BE CANCELLED IF THE COMMUNITY CENTER FACILITY IS NOT UIL T. V oting in favor: Bill Fair, Clint Herbst, Roger Carlson, Bruce Thielen, Op osed: Brian Stumpf. Motion carried. 16. Deputy City Administrator Jeff O'Neill rep rted that the River Forest plat had been slightly modified by removal of a portion 0 River Mill 4th land area because the developer was able to gain an additional lot with the redesign, and he was not sure he would be able to successfully deal with the iver Mill developer through the platting and development process. Although the modifi ation eliminated a cul-de-sac and created two flag lots at River Mill 4th, the Planning Co mission recommended approval of the modified plat. City Engineer Bret Weiss n ted that he was concerned about the extensive cost to extend utilities to the flag lots, whic would have long private driveways. Mr. Richard Bloom, representing River For st developer John Chadwick, reported that they did try to reach an agreement with the iver Mill developer; however, since they had been unable to work out a fair and equitabl agreement in time to begin development this year, the plat was redesigned without the ver Mill property. He also noted that the best plan for the development would connect th River Forest development to Gillard Avenue and eliminate both accesses to River MilL t was his view that it was not necessary to provide three accesses to a development wi hin a small area. Mr, Rick Murray, developer ofthe River M'll plat, responded that a letter was submitted to Council outlining the negotiations that h d taken place with Mr, Chadwick He noted that after their second meeting, the only offi r received was $25,000 for the entire outlot area. Since the River Mill development su plied streets and utilities to the River Forest area, he requested that the cul-de-sac be ins aIled as originally planned. City Engineer Bret Weiss explained that on of the problems with the River Mill property is the extreme grade, From an engineering tandpoint, it was felt that the property would have to be accessed from the top side, whic was why the original design incorporated the cul-de-sac in conjunction with the Rive Forest development. Page 10 @ . 17. . . Council Minutes - 9/14/98 AFTER DISCUSSION, A MOTION WAS M DE BY BRUCE THIELEN AND SECONDED BY BRIAN STUMPF TO TABLE APPROVA OF THE RIVER FOREST PLAT AND DIRECT THE RIVER MILL AND RIVER FO ST DEVELOPERS TO CONTINUE NEGOTIATIONS AND RETURN TO CITY OUNCIL ON SEPTEMBER 28. Motion carried unanimously. Considerati n f ranti an increase Relief Association members. City Administrator Rick Wolfsteller report d that the Firefighter Relief Association membership requested that the City Counci consider an increase in their retirement benefit from the present $1,575 per year of service to $1,925 or more after 20 years of service on the fire department. The pensio schedule reports provided by the Fire Relief Association Treasurer indicate that the Ass ciation should have sufficient funds to support an increase in the pension up to $1, 50 per year of service. In all ofthe schedules presented for Council consideration, the as umption that there are sufficient assets and earnings from investments to support the p nsion amounts is based on an estimate that the interest earnings on investments would ontinue to earn at a rate of at least 8.935%, which is the past 10-year average. In addit on, it was assumed that the state aid funds received by the Association would continu to be equal to previous amounts. The City Administrator also noted that ifthe City ap roves any pension amount before the Association has sufficient assets to cover t e projected liabilities, a reduction in the interest income or loss of investments coul obligate the Council to use tax dollars to fund the balance. AFTER DISCUSSION, A MOTION WAS M DE BY CLINT HERBST AND SECONDED BY BRUCE THIELEN TO GRANT AN INCREA E TO $1,925 PER YEAR OF SERVICE TO THE INDIVIDUAL PENSION FOR VOLUNTEE FIREFIGHTER'S RELIEF ASSOCIATION MEMBERS. Voting in favor: Clint Herbst Bill Fair, Bruce Thielen, Roger Carlson. Abstaining: Brian Stumpf. Motion carrie . 18. City Administrator Rick Wolfsteller report d that the Police Commission recently met to review the proposed 1999 budget for polic protection and recommended that the City Council consider increasing the level of se ice from the present 24-hour per day coverage by an additional 4 hours per day eginning in 1999. Based on the number of calls for service and the growing populatio , it was the recommendation of the Sheriff s Department that the City consider adding a second officer for part of a day, which would amount to an additional 1,260 hours per ye after allowing for the 200-hour allowance already built into the contract. The additio al cost would amount to $53,655, which was included in the 1999 preliminary budget. Page 1 ~ . . . 20. Council Minutes - 9/14/98 A MOTION WAS MADE BY BRUCE THIE EN AND SECONDED BY ROGER CARLSON TO AUTHORIZE AN INCREASE IN THE L VEL OF SERVICE BY AN ADDITIONAL FOUR HOURS PER DAY AS NOTED IN T E 1999 PRELIMINARY CITY BUDGET AND NOTIFY THE WRIGHT COUNTY SHERIF'S DEPARTMENT OF THE INCREASE. Motion carried unanimously. 19. Consideration f A MOTION WAS MADE BY BRUCE THIE EN TO TABLE DISCUSSION OF PURCHASING 4 ACRES NEAR THE WAT R TOWER SITE FOR PARK UNTIL THE NEXT COUNCIL MEETING. Public Works Director John Simola noted at he was requesting only authorization to negotiate a purchase price on the property ear the water tower for park land in order to install a security fence around the water to er area. The proposal for purchase of the 4 acres would be returned to Council for con ideration at a future meeting. COUNCILMEMBER BRUCE THIELEN TH N AMENDED HIS MOTION TO STATE THAT CITY STAFF IS AUTHORIZED TO NEGOT ATE A PURCHASE PRICE ON 4 ACRES OF LAND NEAR THE WATER TOWER SITE F R PARK LAND AND RETURN TO COUNCIL FOR CONSIDERATION IN THE FUTURE. MENDED MOTION WAS SECONDED BY CLINT HERBST. Motion carried unanimo sly. Consid rati n of bills for the first half f 1998. A MOTION WAS MADE BY BRIAN STUM F AND SECONDED BY BRUCE THIELEN TO APPROVE THE BILLS FOR THE FIRST HA F OF SEPTEMBER, 1998, AS PRESENTED. Motion carried unanimously. 21. Other matters. A. City Attorney Dennis Dalen reporte that since Council had selected the southern route for relocation of the sanitary s wer near the community center site, it was not as critical to make a decision re arding the purchase of the Burlington Northern property at this time. He oted his concern regarding environmental issues and suggested that Council d lay making a decision on this item until the results of the soil borings have been received. He also noted that the City may receive more protection regarding c ntaminated soils using the eminent domain process than outright purchase of th land. Page 12 @ . . . Council Minutes - 9/14/98 A MOTION WAS MADE BY BRU E TIDELEN AND SECONDED BY CLINT HERBST TO TABLE DISCUSSION OF ENTERING INTO A PURCHASE AGREEMENT WITH BURLINGTO NORTHERN UNTIL THE NEXT COUNCIL MEETING. Motion carried unani ously. B. City Engineer Bret Weiss requeste that Council reopen discussion regarding the River Forest plat. A MOTION WAS MADE BY BRUCE THIELEN AND SECONDED BY BRIAN STUMPF TO REOPEN DISCUSSIO OF PRELIMINARY AND FINAL PLAT APPROVAL OF THE RIVER FORE T PLAT. Motion carried unanimously. The City Engineer reported that aft r discussing with John Chadwick options for development of the River Forest pI t, an agreement was reached to modify the plat by placing Block 2, Lots 1-5, s an outlot in order to continue moving forward with development ofthe p at this year. In the meantime, Mr. Chadwick would continue working with the iver Mill developers toward an agreement on development of the outlot. Mr. Ri k Murray, representing River Mill development, also indicated a willi gness to continue negotiations. A MOTION WAS MADE BY ROGE CARLSON AND SECONDED BY BRUCE THIELEN TO APPROVE THE PRE MINARY AND FINAL PLAT OF THE RIVER FOREST PLAT WITH THE MODIFI A TION THAT LOTS 1-5, BLOCK 2, ARE PLACED AS AN OUTLOT. Motion carried unanimously. A MOTION WAS MADE BY BRUCE THIELEN A SECONDED BY ROGER CARLSON TO ADJOURN THE MEETING. Motion carried unani ously. Karen Doty Deputy City Clerk Page 13 @ . . . Council Agenda - 9/28/98 5A. neral Electi . A. REFERENCE AND BACK At the August 10 meeting, Council appoin ed 13 election judges to serve for the 1998 Primary and General Elections. Since that time, I have received calls from three additional individuals who are interested i serving as election judges. In addition, there is one high school student interested in se ing as a trainee election judge. According to State Statutes, additional judges may be ap ointed at least 25 days prior to the election at which they will work, which requires that ouncil appoint additional judges by October 2. Due to the growth of the com unity, I am anticipating a large volume of new registrations in addition to currently regist red voters and would recommend appointment of the following individuals as additional j dges for the General Election: NAME ADDRESS Sandy Suchy Mary Daniels Elaine Nelson Nicole Shepperson (trainee) 2760 Meadow Lane, Monticello, MN 55362 701 East 4th Street, Monticello, MN 55362 512 East 3rd Street, Monticello, MN 55362 1803 W. Broadway, Monticello, MN 55362 B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: I. Motion to appoint the above-recom ended individuals as election judges for the 1998 General Election. 2. Motion to deny appointment ofadd'tional election judges. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: The Deputy City Clerk recommends altern tive #1. D. SUPPORTING DATA: None. . . . 5B. A. E AND BACKGR Council Agenda - 9/28/98 Each year the public works department is r quired to inspect those sidewalks located on public property or boulevards within the co munity. Hazards to the public are to be noted and specific procedures are to be foll wed for the repair or removal of these hazards. Generally speaking, the City of 'onticello will replace up to two panels free per year for sidewalks located on the grid, hich is basically those sidewalks considered to be necessary for city pedestrian travel. I any areas of any specific property owner sidewalk requires more than two concrete p els to be replaced, then the City would hold a public hearing on those specific areas so t at an assessment for a portion of the costs could be made to the property owner. The text of the inspection report is quite Ie gthy. Copies are available at city hall should you wish to read the entire text. For the ag nda item, we have summarized the areas needing immediate attention. They are as fi llows: SIDEWALK:iiSEiCTIQiN Elm Street (west side) From 3rd Street to Railroad Tracks Walnut Street (east side) From 6th Street to 7th Street Maple Street (west side) From 4th Street to Railroad Tracks Broadway East (south side) From Washington S1. to Hennepin S1. 3rd Street (north side) From Pine S1. (T.H. 25) to Walnut S1. 3rd Street (south side) From Walnut S1. to Pine S1. (T.H. 25) Walnut Street (east side) From 3rd Street to 4th Street eplace 40 square feet of sidewalk eplace 20 square feet of sidewalk N/A N/A Thicken (2) sidewalk panels to 6" on each side of approaches Crack repair Blacktop repair N/A otHER HAZARDS (trirl'tlfling t~(f~ttlhrubs) N/A Tree trimming needed Tree trimming needed Tree trimming needed N/A N/A Trim bushes that are presently taking up 1/3 of sidewalk Since our policy requires us to replace up t two panels on any grid sidewalks free of charge to the homeowner, we would reques authorization to proceed to complete that work. We will also be notifying property 0 ers of any conditions we felt that may warrant maintenance on their part. 2 Council Agenda - 9/28/98 . B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. The first alternative would be to ac ept the 1998 Annual Sidewalk Inspection Report, along with recommendatio s for immediate repair of trouble spots and notification to property owners of t e maintenance required. 2. The second alternative would be to ot accept the report or not authorize repairs. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: It is the recommendation of the Public Wor s Director that the City Council approve the annual sidewalk report and authorize City s aff to correct those areas as listed above as soon as possible, and to notify property 0 ers of possible maintenance problems in those areas we found as outlined in alternat ve # 1. D. SUPPORTING DATA: Entire text of 1998 Annual Sidewalk Inspe tion Report available at city hall for your reVIew. . . 3 . Conside i n f ids for ornamental consideration of award of contract. (J.S. 5C. A. REFERENCE A Council Agenda - 9/28/98 for Hillside and Earlier this year the Council authorized us bid out the ornamental fencing project for Hillside Cemetery even though a portion 0 the work is budgeted for 1999. The plans and specifications were based upon three basic oncepts: One would be solid wrought iron fencing with tubular square steel posts with an option for galvanizing prior to painting; the second would be tubular square steel fe cing and posts, galvanized and painted; and the third would be aluminum tubular fenci g and posts, painted. The paint on both the aluminum and steel tubing type fences wou d be long lasting powder coated products. In addition to these basic types of fence, prici g was asked for to add decorative finals or tops on the individual pickets on the fence. The project included two 15' gates on the north south IS' driveway and one gate on t e 6' easterly alley at Cedar Street. A copy of the plan is enclosed for your review. The plans and specifications call out for th completion ofthe project in May of 1999, to be ready for Memorial Day. It is possible at one or more of the contractors may wish to complete the project this year rather than p ase it. The total budget for this project is $51,500. The bids were due at 10 a.m., Fri ay, September 25, 1998. The following is a tabulation of the bids received: . Base Bid A: (6' high wrought iron ornamental fencing a d gates: 1320 linear feet: Including installation and appurtenances): 6' Wrought Iron Fencing (Lump Sum Price) NOBID NO BID $55,930.58 Optional Galvanizing (Lump Sum Price) NO BID NO BID N/A Optional Decorative Finals (Lump Sum Price) NOBID NO BID $4,217.40 Alternate Bid B: (6' high steel ornamental fencing and gates 1320 linear feel: Including installation and appurtenances) 6' Steel Fencing (Lump Sum Price) NO BID Optional Decorative Finals (Lump Sum Price) NO BID $63,675.00 Ameristar $70,475.00 Monumental $85,299.17 $14,500.00 Ameristar $11,500.00 Monumental 4,217.40 . Alternate Bid c: (6' high aluminum ornamental fencing and ga s: 1320 linear feet: Including installation and appurtenances) 6' Aluminum Fencing (Lump Sum Price) NO BID $5 ,536.50 Optional Decorative Finals (Lump Sum Price) NO BID $ ,619.01 4 $49,175.00 $48,227.00 $11,400.00 $17,475.00 Delgard Jerith $67,557.43 Delgard Jerith $4,217.40 Council Agenda - 9/28/98 . As can be seen by the above tabulation, th lowest bid for fencing of the cemetery is the aluminum alternative without decorative nals from Town & Country Fence of Brooklyn Park for a total of $48,227. The next low id looking at different alternates and options would be the wrought iron fencing withou decorative finals from Minneapolis Brass & Glass Design of Roseville for $55,930.58. The third low bid looking at different alternatives would be the aluminum fence ith the brass decorative finals from Authority Fence of Monticello for $59,155.51. The ity could legally award to any ofthe above three options. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. The first alternative would be to a ard the Hillside Cemetery Ornamental Fencing Project to Town & Country Fence ased upon their proposal for aluminum fencing at a lump sum cost of $48, 27. 2. The second alternative would be to award the low bid on the wrought iron fencing without decorative finals to Minne polis Brass & Glass Design for $55,930.58. 3. The third alternative would be to a ard to the low bidder on the Aluminum type of fencing including decorative fin Is to Authority Fence for an amount of $59,155.51. . 4. The fourth alternative would be not to award a project for the ornamental fencing of Hillside Cemetery. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: It is the recommendation of the City Admi istrator and Public Works Director that we discuss the options at Monday evening's meting and pull this item off the consent agenda. Each of the above alternatives hay their own merits. D. SUPPORTING DATA: Copy of drawing of Hillside Cemetery sho ing gate and fence locations; Copy of Jerith and Delgard type fencing. . 5 ..... u Q) 'Q' '- (L 1II U c: If ~ !I!~ ~ gg aJ g~tt ~ i!!!1 ~ U I>; ",; ~ .J til w :Qj~ I ~N- . """ v, ~ <0 ~ Sc. "- ~ olV' ;.r4tt.{ G '!D1S . --~- . c o >,.- 0'" ",,2 :a<n x: I I / '" ~ o '" .0 TI ~ !:.: TI ~ to .0 e ., " .2 8 o ...J '" ; l!l <0 '" u " 1IIi! o :z ~, - --"-------- '-.....,"-- IS "--__ " ./o~.) ~---J ....... CiJ ~ 1\ / I I -/ VI .~ .x '- ., a.. '~ ~-- 5G.;/ ---- . "'"' ~ '" . 0 0 ~ ~ 0.-..2 '" := v "@ ~ ~ ~ ;; 'E '(ji ~ ..s 53 ~ .- ''::'' ..s ~ ~ :;;:. ;::l U ell ..2 I Ol):> rJ'i .;; · ".9 ~ ;;;." 0 '" ~ gj fl 0 c ~ ~~::g5",",:>Sa v ;::058- .. ~~<.j....;ell"Bo-oo_ ~""O"'-o .... - .- - 0 " .- "" 0 ~" 0 on. 0.... 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All Premier Designer Gates are crafted from aluminum extrusions and castings, are welded for added strength and are available in black or white. I~) I 'f] '" <l) ~ 'u -5 '3= <ii 'u ~<h\.'\ I tiry..l <! E 0 u -c 0 't - ~ V'i OPTIONAL ACCESSORIES AVAILABILITY Residential X'tra Commercial Ves Yes Ves ~ Triad Yes Yes Ves Finial t~ Ball Yes Yes Yes Cap j~, Royal Finial No No Ves "f'-'--~ Cap _n" G'~) Butterfly Yes Yes Yes I[::J! I,~,:'J Scroll ~ Estate Yes Yes Yes e; Scroll 0 Circle No No Ves (installed) 6 . . . 5D. Council Agenda - 9/28/98 A. Council is asked to consider submitting an pplication to DTED for funds supporting the cost to redevelop the community center site. The grant application seeks to obtain funding for half of the redevelopment costs associated with the development of the site. Such costs include land acquisition, tank re ocation, parking lot improvements, sewer line realignment, etc. The main requirement fo the City is that it promises to pay at least 50% of the redevelopment expense. The t tal amount for all ofthe eligible grant items is currently being inventoried. There is poten ial for substantial assistance given the fact that eligible expenses are estimated in exce s of $1.1 million. The grant program is a competitive progr . The City may receive all (1/2 of estimated expense) or a portion of the request. Curre tly there is $2 million that must be distributed to out-state Minnesota. It is not known ho well this grant application will do in terms of competing with other applications. Here ar the strong points ofthis grant application: 1. Pollution clean-up and redevelopm nt of an area that is currently producing less than $3,000 per in taxes annually. 2. The fact that the project is ready to 3. The project is in a TIF district and i an integral part ofa redevelopment plan for the area, which is identified in the c mprehensive plan. 4. The project is a cooperative effort b tween two government agencies, National Guard/City. If the City obtains the funds from the grant the money can go toward reducing the City contribution via liquor funds, or it could be used to enhance the project by adding in bid alternates left out when the project was aw rded. There are two other grant programs that w will be looking at in the next few weeks. One is a program specifically for cleaning up p lluted sites, which is due in late October. The other grant program focuses on funding" uth Initiatives" or improvements designed to support programs for children. Items that ould be funded by this program include the climbing wall, child area play structure, aq atic center fixtures, etc. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Motion to adopt the resolution sup orting submittal of a Redevelopment Grant Application to the Minnesota Trad and Economic Development. 6 Council Agenda - 9/28/98 . 2. Motion to deny adoption of a resol ion supporting submittal of a Redevelopment Grant Application to the Minnesota Trade and Economic Development. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: The City Administrator recommends altern tive #1. The City has nothing to lose by submitting this application. Obtaining all r a portion of the grant will serve to reduce the cost to the City or could be used to add qu ity into the project. Staff will do what it can to get a determination on the grant award b fore the project is awarded. Unfortunately, the grant award notice will not likely occur prior to the bid award date. D. SUPPORTING DATA: Copy of resolution. . . 7 . . . RESOLUT ON 98- RESOLUTION APPRO NG SUBMITTAL OF REDEVELOPMENT G NT APPLICATION BE IT RESOLVED that the City of Monticello ac as the legal sponsor for project(s) contained in the Redevelopment Grant Program to be submi ed on September 29, 1998, and that the City Administrator is hereby authorized to apply to the epartment of Trade and Economic Development for funding of this project on behalf fthe City of Monticello. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the City of M nticello has the legal authority to apply for financial assistance, and the institutional, manage aI, and financial capability to ensure adequate project administration. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the sources d amounts of the local match identified in the application are committed to the project identified. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the City of M nticello has not violated any federal, state, or local laws pertaining to fraud, bribery, graft, kickb cks, collusion, conflict of interest, or other unlawful or corrupt practice. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that upon approva of its application by the State, the City of Monticello may enter into an agreement with the S ate of Minnesota for the above-referenced project(s), and that the City of Monticello certifies hat it will comply with all applicable laws and regulations as stated in all contract agreements BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the project is ocated in a TIF district and supports achievement of redevelopment goals identified in t e comprehensive plan. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the project su ports the goal of development a "civic core" of activities in the redevelopment area as identified in the comprehensive plan for the city. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the City Administrator is hereby authorized to execute such agreements as are necessary to imple ent the project(s) on behalf of the applicant. I CERTIFY THAT the above resolution was adopt d by the City Council of the City of Monticello on September 28, 1998. ATTEST: City Administrator Mayor 5*b - J . . . 7. Council Agenda - 9/28/98 A. City Council is asked to conduct a public earing and consider approval of a resolution approving plans and authorizing advertis ent for bids for extension of sanitary sewer, water, and storm sewer to the Wildwood idge subdivision. Originally it was anticipated that sanitary ewer service would be provided via Oak Ridge Drive, which is immediately adjacent to t e site. It was later found that service would need to be extended from Oak Ridge Cirel , which is farther to the east. This option requires extension of sanitary sewer throu h the Hermes property. After discussions at the City staff meeting on September 24, 1 98, it may be possible to go back to the original extension location. More informa ion on this to follow. It is not known at this point how difficult it might be to obtain s itary sewer easements from Hermes. Bret Weiss will provide additional information t the meeting. With regard to the distribution of costs to t e three property owners identified, according to the development agreement, the Wildw od Ridge project will pay at least one-third of all of the costs identified. The Hermes and Rolling Woods properties cannot be assessed until they are annexed to the city. The pu ose of the public hearing is to identify the project and potential future assessment for he two parcels in the township. No preliminary assessment roll has been prep ed at this time. Some of the City costs identified may be suited for funding via the trunk fee program. Bret Weiss will provide additional information at the meeting. As an update on a related item, there may b a boundary dispute developing between Wildwood Ridge and the Mack and Schult parcels. It is not known at this time if the dispute will affect the plat or individual lot . Updates will be provided as they become available. At this time, staff views the disp te as a private matter. An additional complication for the develop ent of the site is the need for a utility easement from the Schultz or Mack properties in order to loop water from the development to the water tower. At this ti e, staff is leaving the negotiations on acquisition up to the developer. With regard to the booster station for the wa er system, the City Engineer has been working with John Simola on the design of e facility. Plans and specifications will be provided at the next meeting of the City Co ncil. It is hoped that the design will be established soon with construction to occur i the spring of 1999. 8 Council Agenda - 9/28/98 . B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Motion to adopt resolution appro ing plans and specifications and authorizing advertisement for bids. 2. Motion to deny adoption of resolu ion approving plans and specifications and authorizing advertisement for bids C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: The City Administrator recommends alte ative #1. D. SUPPORTING DATA: Resolution for adoption. . . 9 . . . Council Agenda - 9/28/98 8. A. At the previous meeting, the Council mad a counteroffer to Arve and Jean Grimsmo' s proposal to purchase the city hall property and all parcels located within the same block for an amount of $477,500. This counter roposal amounted to $27,500 more than Grimsmos had proposed in their initial pu chase agreement. As I had noted previously, I had received 'nquiries on whether the City would be interested in selling the two lots fronting 0 Third Street separately. On the Tuesday after our last Council meeting, Mr. Bob Mosfor had again inquired as to whether the lots were available for sale and what the City' asking price might be. Mr. Mosford had been expressing interest in finding a suitable sit for constructing an office/professional building for approximately the past year, d being aware that the City was nearing a decision point on relocating city hall want d to find out the status of these properties. I informed Mr. Mosford that the Council ha made a counteroffer to Mr. Grimsmo's proposal and until Mr. Grimsmo had an 0 portunity to consider the counteroffer, I didn't feel additional discussions on the separate ale ofthe lots was necessary. Mr. Grimsmo has indicated he would be r 'ecting the City's counter proposal at $477,500 but did amend his purchase agreement by roposing an additional counteroffer for Council consideration that would place the total purchase price at $463,250 for the city hall site and the additional lots. With Mr. rimsmo's proposal to reject the Council's counteroffer and present a new counter pro osal consideration, I did notify Mr. Mosford that the City's counter proposal had been r jected and that the Council may want to consider additional offers for the property. As a result, Mr. Mosford feels the two lots could make a suitable site for a new office uilding and has presented a purchase agreement offer to purchase the two lots fo $62,000. While the original purchase proposal by M . Grimsmo nor the counteroffer by the City Council placed a value on the city hall pro erty and the two lots separately, I believe there were general indications by Mr. Gri smo and City staff that estimated the value of the two lots separately at approximately $5 ,000. I believe this number was used as a reference by Mr. Grimsmo when it was no d that an offer to purchase the city hall property without the lots would be $400,00 or $450,000 with everything. When the Council proposed a counteroffer of $477,5 0, likewise the proposal did not breakdown the cost expected between the city hall pro erty and the lots. What the Council is asked to review is agai whether Mr. Grimsmo's counter proposal for purchasing the lots and the city hall pro erty for $463,250 is acceptable or whether selling the properties individually is the ro te to take. If the two lots are sold as a separate transaction, what is an acceptable ount for the city hall property by itself? Is it $400,000 or $425,000 or? Likewise, sin e Mr. Grimsmo's purchase proposal does not 10 . Council Agenda - 9/28/98 separate the parcels, a determination needs to be made by Mr. Grimsmo as to what his offer might be for the property without the two lots. While I was hopeful that this agenda item could have been a simple acceptance fthe City's counteroffer by Mr. Grimsmo, the fact that a counter proposal to a counter pr posal has been made is why Mr. Mosford felt it was appropriate to present his offer for t e purchase ofthe lots only. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Council could accept the counterof er proposed by Arve and Jean Grimsmo for purchase of city hall property and ~acent lots for $463,250. Closing would occur on or after January 1,2000. 2. Council could accept the offer of $ 2,000 for the purchase of the lots only from Mr. Mosford provided an acceptabl offer is accepted by Mr. Grimsmo for the city hall site without the two lots. losing on the lots could occur as soon as possible, likely after January I, 1999. 3. Council could continue negotiation with one or more of the parties as desired. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATIONS: . As I noted, I was hoping that this would be a simple approval of our counteroffer, but the counter proposal by Mr. Grimsmo did ope the door for additional proposals. If it was the Council's intent to offer the property fi $477,500 with an understanding that the lots had a value of approximately $50,000, the a determination has to be made as to how does the counteroffer of $463,250 be split ongst the lots and the city hall property. Is the original counter proposal by the Counc I approximately $425,000 for city hall and approximately $52,000 for the lots? My re ommendation has always been that the two lots purchased for expansion purposes wou d have resale value for commercial purposes and the City should be attempting to obtai fair value for the property. If additional office building construction were to occur n the extra lots, the City would also benefit by creating additional tax base. It appears ifficult to determine which of the offers would provide the best opportunity for the ity without further negotiations and clarification of the purchase offers. D. SUPPORTING DATA: Copy of revised purchase agreement propo al by Grimsmo; Copy of additional purchase agreement from Mosford. . 11 THIS AGREEMENT is made as of Au st~, 1998, by Arve A. Grimsmo and Jean A. Grimsmo, husband and wife, (Buyers) d the City of Monticello, a municipal corporation (Seller). . Seller is the fee owner of certain real pr perty situated in Wright County, Minnesota, legally described on attached Exhib't A (Land), and all easements and rights benefitting or appurtenant to the Land (collecti ely the Property). Buyers desire to purchase.the Property d Seller desires to sell the Property pursuant to the terms of this Agreement. NOW, THEREFORE, in consideratio of the foregoing and other good and valuable consideration, the receipt and sufficie cy of which is hereby acknowledged. Seller agrees to sell the Property and Buyers a ee to purchase the Property, upon the following conditions: 2. Payment of the Purchase Price. he Purchase Price, subject to those adjustments, prorations and credits described i this Agreement, shall be paid in cash or certified funds at closing. 1. Purchase Price. The purchase p . ce to be paid by Buyers (Purchase Price) shall be $450,000.00. s '1b3, ?.5b.o 0 3. Closing. The closing of the tran action contemplated by this Agreement (Closing) shall take place on or after January 1 2000. The Closing shall take place at a location reasonably determined by Buyers. 4. Real Estate Taxes and S ecial A sessments. At Closing, the Purchase Price shall be adjusted as follows: 4.1 Current Year's Taxes. Al real property taxes and assessments (general or special) which have become a lien on the Property and which are due and payable prior to the year in which losing occurs, shall be paid by Seller at or prior to Closing. All real property taxe which are due and payable in the year in which Closing occurs, shall be prorated to the Closing Date and Seller's portion shall be paid by Seller at Closing. . 8' "J . . . 4.2 Assessments. All charge for improvements or services already made to or which benefit the Property, d all levied and pending assessments (general or special) arising out of or in onnection with any assessment district created or confirmed prior to the Closi g Date shall be paid in full by Seller at Closing. 5. Examination of Title. Seller sh I furnish to Buyers an Abstract of Title for the Property between March 1, 1999 and arch 31, 1999, certified to a current date, to include proper searches covering special ass ssments, bankruptcies, state and federal judgments and liens. Buyers shall be allowed enty (20) days after receipt thereof for examination of said title and the making of an objections, said objections to be made in writing or deemed to be waived. Objections ay be made by an attorney's opinion of title or by a commitment for title insurance, at he option of Buyers. If any objections are so made, Seller shall be allowed sixty (60) day from the date of receipt of said objections to make such title marketable. Pen 'ng correction of title, the Closing shall be postponed but upon correction of title and wit 'n ten (10) days after written notice, the parties shall complete this transaction accordin to its terms. If title is not marketable and is not mad so within sixty (60) days, Buyers may terminate this Agreement and all Earnest Mon shall be refunded to Buyers and Buyers shall execute and deliver to Seller a quit claim eed for the Property. If title to the Property shall be made marketable and Buyers hall fail to close this transaction pursuant to this Agreement, then and in that case all E est Money shall be released to Seller as liquidated damages, time being of the essence t ereof 6. Conve ances and Closin Doc ents. Seller agrees to convey title to the Property at Closing by a Warranty Deed, in recordable fonn, conveying to Buyers a marketable interest to the Property subject only to the following exceptions: 6.1 Laws. Building and zonin laws and ordinances, state and federal regulations. 6.2 Easements of Record. Eas ments, restrictions and reservations of record as of the date of this Agreement at do not contain forfeiture provision. 6.3 Mineral Rights. Reservati ns of any minerals or mineral rights to the State of MiIUlesota. 6.4 Taxes and S ecial Assess ents. All real estate taxes and special assessments not specifically to be paid b Seller pursuant to this Agreement. 2 g--)... . . . Sellers shall also present and tender on the Clo ing Date (a) all documents necessary to cure objections to title, if any, and the necess recording fees therefor, (b) a seller's affidavit in customary Minnesota form, and (c) such other documents and things Buyers may reasonably request to convey the Property 0 Buyers as contemplated by this Agreement. 7. Contingency. Except waived by uyers in writing, Buyers' obligation to purchase, the Property shall be subject to: (a) p rformance of Seller's obligations hereunder; and (b) the continued accuracy of SlIer's representations and warranties set forth in Section 9 of this Agreement. 8. Inspection. From and after the d e of this Agreement, Buyers and Buyers' representatives, at Buyers' sole cost and expen e, shall have the right to enter upon the Property for the purpose of viewing the Prope , conducting tests and making such other physical inspections as Buyers deem appropriat . Buyers hereby agree to hold Seller harmless from any and all liabilities of what eve nature arising out of Buyers' presence on the Property prior to the Closing Date. Sell shall provide at its cost an environmental audit or audits and remediate, as necessary, at its cost. 9. Seller's Re resentations and W anties. Seller represents and warrants to Buyers as follows: 9.1 Tanks. Seller to the best 0 its knowledge does not know of any underground or above ground storage t s now located on the Property, or previously located on the Property. 9.2 Wells. Seller does not 1m w of any wells on the Property. 9.3 Sewer and Water. The Pro erty is connected to and serviced by city sewer and water. 9.4 Access. Sellers warrant th t there is a right of access to the Land from a public right of way. 9.5 Environment. Seller does ot know of any hazardous substances or petroleum products having been placed, tored or released form or on the Property by any person in violation of any law. The obligation of Buyers to purch se the Property and to perform the other 3 i'....,3 . . . covenants and obligations to be performed by Buyers shall be subject to the representations and warranties made by Seller being true and correct on the Closing Date with the same force and effect as though such representations and warranties had been made on and as of such date. Seller hereby in emnify and hold Buyers harmless from and against any and all liabilities, damages, c sts, expenses (including attorneys' fees), causes of action, suits, claims, demands or jud ents of any nature whatsoever or whensoever arising from the inaccuracy of Sel er's representations and warranties set forth in this section. 10. Possession. Seller shall deliver ossession of the Property to Buyers on the date of closing. Seller shall remove all debris d personal property not included in this sale from the Property prior to this possession ate. All interest, utilities and rents shall be prorated between Seller and Buyers as ofth possession date. Upon thirty (30) days written notice Seller may extend the closing d te but in no event shall closing date occur prior to January 1, 2000. 11. Risk of Loss. Between the date f this Agreement and the Closing date, the risk of ownership and loss of the Property hall belong solely to Seller. 12. Notices. Any notices, elections ayment or demand, permitted or required to be given or made pursuant to this Agreemen shall be delivered personally or mailed by United States certified or registered mail, with eturn receipt requested, to the parties, as follows: If to Buyers: Arve . and Jean A. Grimsmo P.O. ox 815 Monti ello, MN 55362 If to Seller: City 0 Monticello 250 E st Broadway Monti ello, MN 55362-0245 Attn: eff O'Neill Any party may change its address for the service of notice by giving written notice of any such change to the other p in the manner as specified above. 13. Miscellaneous. 13.1 Successors and Assigns. T e terms, conditions and covenants hereof shall extend to, be binding upon and inur to the benefit of the heirs, 4 ''''If . representatives, successors and assigns of the parties to this Agreement. 13.2 Survival of Covenants. I agreements herein contained shall survive the Closing and shall bind the arties subsequent to the Closing as fully as if new agreements were entere into at Closing, any rule of law to the contrary notwithstanding. 13.3 Entire Agreement. The p . es acknowledge that this Agreement represents the full and complete agree ent of the parties relating to the purchase and sale of the Property and all matters related to the purchase and sale of the Property. This Agreement supersedes d replaces any prior agreements, representations or warranties, either or or written, and any amendments or modifications to this Agreement must b in writing and executed by both parties to be effective. All commitments, promis s and agreements of the parties hereto are set forth in this Agreement and the doc ents related thereto, and no other commitments, promises documents rela ed thereto, and no other commitments, promises or agreements, oral or written, of any of the parties hereto shall be enforceable against such other party. . 13.4 Governing Law. This A eement is being executed and is intended to be performed in the Sate of Minnesot and shall be construed and enforced in accordance with the laws of the State of Minnesota. 13.5 Time. Time is of the esse ce of all provisions of this Agreement. 13.6 Personal Property. Seller hall by February 1,1999, deliver to Buyers a list of personalty and cabinetry to be removed by Seller prior to closing. 13.7 Buyers'Improvements. ter June 1,1999 Buyers shall have the right to commence construction of exte al improvements to the property. Buyers shall post such insurances and guarantee as may be reasonably necessary to protect Seller from any liability for such 'mprovements and keep the property free of the filing of Mechanic's Liens. The p 'es shall execute a "Waiver of TrespasslRight of Entry Agreement" rela 've to said improvements. 13.8 Historical Utility Cost. W thin thirty (30) days of execution of this Agreement Seller shall provide Buyers th the past two (2) years utility costs associated with operating the building. . 5 g---S- . . . IN AGREEMENT, the parties ave executed this Purchase Agreement as of the day and year first above written. Dated Executed: %/9 7' / Date Executed: By: By: 6 o-~ :::;:. OF MONTICELLO William Fair Its: Mayor Rick Wolsteller Its: City Administrator ~--<- ii - . = ! 'i ! ;;; - I i j I " '. i '" I I I j J I- 1 EXHIB T A LEGAL.DESCRIPTION Lots 2 and J, of Dlock 0, except qhe'liesterly 10 feet of Lot 2, TOlin of Monticello, according to plat on file and of ~ecord in the Office of the Register of Deeds in and for said ~right County, Minnesota. Lots 4 and 5 of Block 0 of the Townsite bf Monticello, according to plat by John O. Haven of rec., exc. the S~-ly 75 ft. thereof, more particularly described 8$ fo11oW6: Co~encing at the m06t S-1y ~or. of said Lot 5; thence ~-ly along the H-ly line of Third Street in said Village, 132 ft. to the ~-1y Hn.. of said Lot 4; thence H:-,ly along the ~-ly Hne of said Lot 4, 75 ft,; thence E-ly on a line par. to the S-1y line of Broadway Street in $!lid Village to the E-ly line of said Lo t 5; thence S~-ly nlong said E-ly Hne of said Lot 5, 75 ft. to point of beginning. Lot Six (6) and, the East one-half (Et) of Lot Seven (7), Block D, in the Townsite of Monticello, according to the plat of record. West one-half (wt) of Lot Sever (7), Lot Eight (8), and the Easterly 10.5 feet of lot Nine (9), all in Slock D, Townsite of Monticello, according to the plat 0: record. Lot 10 and West 22 1/2 feet of Lot 9, Block D, in the TOlinsite of Honticello, according to the plat f record. , "!3' I Lot 1::leven (11), and the East Oll~ lial! (;:;,) of Lot Twe:1~e (1-), fOOC: "D", Townsite of l.lonticello, a.ccordirg to the plat on flIe and 0 record in the Office of the Register ot Deeds, in a.nd for sald County and State. g~7 __ MONT_~~ELL~.---_--u--._-' Minnesota __. SEP~EMBER_~____, 19?~_ RECEIVED OF ROBERT W. MOSFORD the sum of ~., ONE -'rHOUSA~D --~~~:=~- -'._ D~lIars ($~ 1, OOO~'_-_'_) by _.__._ CH~J<:__.__. _~ as eamest money to be deposited the ext business day after acceptance in trust account of listing broker (unless otherwise specified In writing) and in part payment for the purchase of he premises legally described as ----~..-~---- __" LOT~_,~_~LOCKI~, EXC_~PT THE:_ WEST~~LY 19" FT. OF_LO.:!.....~_____..__.____ NII,I!i17A MILl,I'~IVI JA V1H C/), M~nn~ll,mlil'l, MN 00 NOT COPY Suhjl~d to COpyrilJht Laws STAND PURCHASE AG . _..__._..__..."~---_.,--_..",._-_..--_.,_..~-_' WIIITI.~-()ffic('" CtlllY YELLOW Buyl"!I'8 Copy GRggN .Hcll~r'A C~)py PINK-Buy~r'lI Re!:eipt. EMENT ..,--"",.,~,,--,..,~._,...._--_.,.._-~.-.- located at (Street Address) _.__, EAST }RD ST~EET __ "-'~-'-"-----~---- , Cilyof~~~.___.~_-,Count of_,,~~___,,-_,,_' State of Minnesota, including all plants, shrubs and trees, all storm windows and/or Inserts, torm doors, screens, awnings, window shades, blinds, curtain- traverse.drapery rods, attached lighting fixtures with bulbs, plumbing fixtures, water heater, heating system, humidifier, central air conditioning, electronic air filter, automatic garage door opener with controls, water soft ner, cable television outlets and cabling, BUILT-INS to il'c1ude: dishwasher, garbage disposal, trash compactor, oven(s). cooktop stove, icrowave oven, hood-fan, intercom, installed carpeting, IF ANY, located on the premises which are the property of Seller and also the following ersonal property: ___,.NONE ---------.----- __~_~__"._.__~.r_'_'_..._________..,'~_...,_~_ ~_,___.,.__~_"__,~~~~r~--~ all of which property Seller has this day sold to Buyer for the sum of: $ 62, 00.00 SIXTY-TWO THOUSAND --_.,~,.,._-~--~.-_.._'_.~.------'" .~'.....-----.........------....----------...------------....,._--~--~ .______,,_____Dollars, _~_.,~__,M'_..-----------._______________"--~-~~ which Buyer agrees to pay in the following manner: Earnest money of $ $ ~,!.POO. OQ____ cash on or before AS AGREED of $ ~'''____.._ by financing as follows:__ ---,-,~~,-~'--------""'" _._.~---"._-,_.~-_., ~,~-~---~,,~_..---------.................-- OOO~_._and ._"'_ , the date of closing, and the balance -"-~~..----------.",~-_.."~ ANached are _.,,_._ addendums which are made a part of this agree men . SUBJECT TO performance by Buyer, seller agrees to execute and deliver a" _ __"_ Warranty Deed, to be joined in by spouse, if any, conveying marketable title to the premises ubject only to the following exceptions: (1) Building and zoning laws, ordinances, State and Federal regulations. (2) Restrictions relating to use or improvement of the premises without eflectlve forfeiture provision. (3) Reservation of any minerals or mineral ri hts to the State of Minnesota. (4) Utility and drainage easements which do not interfere with present improvements. (5) Rights of tenants, if an . REAL ESTATE TAXES Selier agrees to pay _...11.. /12ths and Buyer a rees to pay .____...Q.../12ths of faxes due and payable in the year 19 _91\_ Seller agrees to pay ~..._ / 12ths and Buyer agrees to pay Q_ / 12ths of annual installment of special assessments due and payable in the year 19 ~ . .~~ agrees to ~_ on the date of closing all special assessments levied and pending, Buyer shali pay taxes due and payable in the year 19 'l!L and any X1M~I{JliKMX~!l:XK special assessments payable ~tf1 ~ thereafter. Seller warrants that taxes due and payable in the ye r 19 ,~_~ will be __.~_-_-".- homestead classification_ Neither Seller nor Selier's Agent makes any representation co cerning the amount of future real estate taxes. WARRANTIES Seller warrants that buildings, if any, are entirely wifhi the boundary of lines of the premises, Selier warrants that all appliances, heating and air conditioninQ, wiring and plumbing used and loc ted on the premises are in proper working order on date of closing. Buyer has right to inspect premises prior to closing, Buyer shall satisfy hi self/herself at his/her expense that all appliances, heating and air conditions, wiring and piumbing are in proper working order before closi g. Selier warrants that the premises are connected to: city sewer Diyes __ fJ nn; city water (Jiyes - []no. If the premises are destroyed or substantially damaged by fire or any other cause before the closing date, this agreement shall become null and void at Buyer's option, a d the earnest money shall be refunded to Buyer, POSSESSION Seller agrees to deliver possession not later than _____ closing. All interest, city water and sewer charges, electricity and natural gas charg s, fuel oil and liquid petroleum gas shall be pro-rated between the parties as of ....DAY..JIT._CLQS.lNG......______.... _ Seller agrees to remov all debris and all personal property not included herein from the premises before possession date. TITLE & EXAMINATION Seller shall, within a reasonable time after accept nce of this agreement, furniSh an Abstract of Title, or a Registered Property Abstract, certified to date to include proper searches c vering bankruptcies, State and Federal judgments and liens. Buyer shall be allowed 10 business days after receipt for examination of title an making any objections, which shall be made in writing or deemed waived. If any objection is so made, Seller shall be allowed 120 days to m ke title marketable. Pending correction of title, payments hereunder required shall be postponed, but upon correction of title and within 10 days after written notice to Buyer, the parties shall perform this agreement according to its terms. If title is not corrected within 120 days rom the date of written objection, this agreement shall be null and void, at option of Buyer, neither party shall be liable for damages hereunder to the other, and earnest money shall be refunded to Buyer. DEFAULT If title is marketable or is corrected within said time, and Buyer defaults in any of the agreements herein, Seller may terminate this agreement, and on such termination all payments made hereunder shall be tained by Seller and Agent, as their respective interests may appear, as liquidated damages, time being of the essence hereof. This provision shall ot deprive either party of the right of enforcing the specific performance of thiS agreement, provided this agreement is not terminated and action to enforce specific performance is commenced within six months after such right of action arises. In the event Buyer defaults in his performa ce of the terms of this Agreement, and Notice of Cancellafion is served upon the Buyer pursuant to MSA 559,21, the termination perlo shall be thirty (30) days as permitted by Subdivision 4 of MSA 559_21. ACCEPTANCE Buyer understands and agrees that this sale is subject t acceptance by Seller in writing. Agent is not liable or responsible on account of this agreement, except to retum or account for the earnest m ney. AGENCY DISCLOSURE _N.~___ ._ stl ulates he or she Is representing the ---,,---- In this transaction. The listing agent or broker stipulates he or she is r presenting the seller In this transaction. . . I, the owner, of the premises, accept this agreement and the sale hereby made. SELLER ...E_!!:' OF M~..!'lCELLO_", SELLER ___ Delivory of all papers and monies shall be made at the office of: Company ______ Address I agree to purchase the premises for the price and on the terms and conditions set forth above. BUYER _~_ ROBERT W. MOS~~_. BUYER __. ~ w, /11.tJ~ ~::Og",,",~=-__~_Z'" r ~A LEG A !.J,. y BINDI~I'fIRACT. IF_NOT UNO~RST QQ, SEEK C,QMPETI;NJ ADVICE:~ . . . Council Agenda - 9/28/98 9. R view of bids and consid r tion of awa d for (J.S.) A REFERENCE AND B The plans and specifications for the fire all parking lot improvements were recently completed by WSB and advertised for bids. The bids are due Monday, September 28, 1998, at 10 a.m. The project as designed does n t include additional lighting or outside outlet requested by the fire department. Consequ ntly, City staff is working with NSP and local electrical contractors to complete this porti n of the work. In addition, the extension and relocation of the sprinkler system will be p rformed by City personnel. Since the bids will not be available until M nday's Council meeting, and since there is no Engineer's estimate available at this time, ity staff withholds its alternative actions and recommendations until Monday evening's eeting. Enclosed is a plan of the parking lot impro 12 ... . . . Sup-2B-9B 16:25 wWSB St Cloud 320-252-3100 P.02 ... WS8 i 606 25th Ave. S · Suite 101 St. Cloud, N 56301 B.A. Mittelsteadt, P.E IIrel A. WeIss, r.E Peter fl, Willrnhring. r.E. Donald W. StcrJllI. r. E. RnnaJd B. Bray, P.E. & Associates, Inc. September 28,1998 Mr. John Simala Director of Public Works City of Monticello 250 E. Broadway P.O. Box 1147 Monticello, MN 55362-9245 RE: City Project No. 98.09C, Fire Hall Paklng Lot Improvements Dear John. The bids for the above referenced project ere opened at 10: 00 am today and tabulated. Three bids were received and e low bidder i$ Bauerly Company, Sauk Rapids, MN. In the amount of $35,6 1.20. These prices were somewhat higher than nticipated. I feel this is in part due to the time of year and the potential of havi" to wait for the Community Center Sewer project to be substantially complete before the east portion of the parking lot can be completed. I recommend awarding the bid to Baurely ompanies in the amount of $35,611.20. If you have any questions in this regard, pI ase call me at 320.252-4900. Sincerely, WSB & Associates, Inc. ~.~ Michael J. Nielson, P.E. Office Manager Mi,,"elll'olis · St. Cloud Infrastru&ture Engin ers Planners rQUAL OI'I>()RTUNI I:::MI'I.OVf:R / . . ~ 00 o U d.) .........c ..0 ro ,.0 o $-4 ~ ~ o ~ o . ....-4 = . ,...... c . ~O'd CI) f- :.c ~ ~ OJ >- o cG ~ :E ...... t- O ....:l ~ ;.c ~ <:~ p..,~ -1 ~ ~. :r= .~ ::: ~ ~ ~ ~:iE:: ~ C .~ > ~ ti .:..: .~ 3 .~ ~ ~ 13 c.. e3 .~ ~ Et:~ii:: o 0 000 Q 0 0 000 0 0 0 0 O'~ I~ ~ ~.~ ~'~ ~ ~I'ri ;;,~ D:.Vl Dj'Vl ~ VI ~,~li~I~I~ i~I'~I'~ U~UVl ~. ~ ~ ~ -. . . ;:- ; , I' . . .< . ~ . ~ " . :> ;z 0; ,.. ~I ~ ~ i ' III~~I~ I: /. ~ ~ ~I ~I~i < ~ ~I ~ ~ ~ I~~' I .~ ~ ~'~ < < ~ u 9 I~'~ ~I~ ~ 5.5 ~ ~ ~ ~ Iffi'~I~ ~ ~ I' j 2 ~ ~ 8'S ~ I~ < > ~ ~I z > ul~ @I~ ~'~ ~ '~I~ ~ ~I'~~ 5 Q el'~ ;,~ ~'~I~ ~ , ......~' Il:l. ....!-<~u:zzou"Ji:2IO~. 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"1 ______.'-....~__..__________.___.n._ .-------.--. ---Ii" II II II II II II II II II 1\ , I, '====== ===;;:::~ nrr ---I II II II II II II \\ '~I II II II ........ )1 II II II II II II II II II II II II I -___.~__.O I ----\ I I + [ 0) E 0)+ L L ,- 0 4-0. 0) \J , ~ 11-------- ==2====~,1 w III is ....,. :o- W ...'" ....w ll:!~ ~~ woO ~~ II II II II II II I! . . . 10. Council Agenda - 9/28/98 he area A. D: Council tabled this item at the previous meting pending completion of the soils reports and pending development of a process for btaining clear title on the property prior to bond sale. Information on both topics is n w available and, therefore, Council is asked to take action accordingly. With regard to the soils report (funded via rant program), the level of pollution at the site does not appear to require major remo al of materials from the site; however, there will be some guidelines that will need to b followed when working the soil. Pollution that was detected amounted to trace amoun s of paint and other pollutants typically found at railroad yards. Also, there is a petrole release area near the bulk tanks that will produce soil that can be incorporated into e driveway area. The main remediation activities are as follows. 1. The topsoil (4") on the east side oft e site between Walnut and the tanks will need to be scraped off and will be s read below the class five material in the parking lot. The main clean-up acti ity is limited to scraping the surface of the site. The material will then be place in a thin layer below class five layer of the parking lot. 2. Soils excavated in the area of petrole pollution cannot be removed from the site and will need to be placed under the parking lot or under the building pad. If areas rich in oil product are found ou side of the test areas, such areas will need to be excavated. The added cost of this clean-up activity could be covered via a separate grant program. 3. The Ferrellgas site contained a paint pill area. The soil affected will need to be placed below parking areas. With regard to the problem of obtaining cle title before the bond sale, due to the presence of a number of mortgages against th property, it is impossible for Burlington Northern to produce clear title in time for the bond sale. To remedy this situation, the City will need to purchase title insurance in t e amount of $8,500. The other option is to follow through with the condemnation proces . Condemnation is not desirable because it could result in the City paying a higher amou t for the land, and the Ferrellgas site at $2/sq ft would not be included in the condem ation action. 13 Council Agenda - 9/28/98 . B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Motion to approve purchase agree ent. 2. Motion to deny approval of purch se agreement. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: The City Administrator recommends alte ative #1. D. SUPPORTING DATA: Letter from Dennis Dalen to Council; Cop of purchase agreement; Addendum to agreement; Updated spreadsheet showing I d acquisition cost. . . 14 SEP. -24' 98 (THU) 12: 06 OLSON USSET & WEINGARDEN P. L. L. P TEL:612 925 5879 P. 002 . . . OLSON, USSET & W INGARDEN P.L.L.P. PAUL A. WJ:INGARPli:N" Di\. V1D J. USSET THOMAS II. OUON.. DENNIS E. DALEN "MiDA C'l:RTJ1IRD 1lUt. lIaoreJlrv IPCct\UaT UMII1IA C'l:IlTIII'I'ID cnrn. TlII410 DCCI4t.ln OlJR FILE NO, 7975 (119) Septolllber LEGAL ASSISTANTS SHIRLiE ALLIN DEBRA BAKKE JaM F01l11N KJT..r.v OUON DOmrrn TRONNKi ROCKFORD OPFlCE TELEJ'JIOl'(E (611)477-5010 VIA FAX City of Monticello 250 East Broadway P.O. Box 1147 Monticello, MN 55372 Attn: Mayor and Members Re: Burlington Northern ~ro Dear Mayer and Council Members: This letter will serve as a staff report concerning the contents of the purchase agree ent regarding the Burlington Northern property, including the proposed addendum. Burlin~ton Northern's property manager has or lly agreed to the modificat~ons as set forth in the addendum. ~ appraised value of the a r11ngton Northern property was $150,000. The purchase price ~ der the purchalile agreement is ~zzn,~. In reviewing this the council must remember that the appraisal did not include certain vacated streets which, when the appraisal ~as made, we thought had not been vacated. In addition, the purchase agreement includes a ditional property which is not included in the condemnation nor w S it included in the appraisal. ~aragraph 2 of the Furcha e agreement allows Burlington Northern 45 days to accept the p oposal. Mr. Opp, the property manager, advises it would take s stantially less time than that. Paragraph 3 is simply a tax easure designed to protect the railroad. It has no impact on th City_ Under paragraph 4 we have a r ght to survey the property if we are not sat~Bfied with the legal description contained in the deed. Under paragra~h 6 if the Cit fails to perform by closing on the property, Burl~ngton Northern oan either keep the $22,000 and deolare the purchase agreement nu 1 and void or can sue the Citr for apecific performance. ~roviai na such as this are not unusua in real estate transactions. /0 --I ........... SEP. -24' 98(THU) 12:06 OLSON USSET & WEINGARDEN . L. L. P TEL:612 925 5879 P. 004 . . . September 24, 199B Page 3 Under paragraph 14 the City w uld pay any transfer taxes. The only transfer tax in Minnesota is the deed tax which in this case would be $726.00. In addition, th re would be a $24.50 filing fee. extension of time in case At this point I am not aware Paragraph 16 allows for a governmental approvals are necesaa of any governmental approvala. Paragraph 23 was of some con to delete it. The only other paragraph tha is bothersome is paragraph 27 relating to hazardous materials. This paragraph saddles the City with all the risk of contamin tion. In an eminent domain proceeding the City can protect it elf a~ainst that liability since the City, in an eminent domain tak'ng, ~s not a responsible party. It is alao possible to get tha protection where a purchase agreement is given in lieu of a pe ding eminent domain action, such a.s this. Thus, I have added th language as set forth in the addendum hoping to give the Cit that protection. Burlington Northern would not, nowever 1 del te the original paragraph 27, thus, it is my opinion that inte retation of the agreement and addendum would probably result in the City taking responsibility for contamination. and the railroad has agreed One of the reasons we reques ed the Council delay a decision on this purchase agrel!lment was he fact that an environmental report was due. The results of the environmental report will assist the City Council in making its decision. I have not seen a copy of the report but I am advised that it reports minimal pollution that wau d not require extensive cleanup. Assuming this to be the case, the isk of the City is substantially less. It is my opinion that, in the absence of environmental exposure, the City is better off to close on a voluntary basis rather than under eminent domain I do intend to continue the eminent domain proceeding until c oaing if the council decides to proceed with the purchase agreeme t. The purchase route 9i vee u several advantages. For one thing, we will be acquiring mar land than just the Community Center land. secondly, it will be easier to get clear title. Through the eminent domain proceed ng it would be difficult to give the National Guard assurance of go d title within a short period of time. I have also added a paragra h 32 to the purchase agreement which will prohibit Burlington No them from entering into any new leases with regard to the propert . ,0 tI' ., SEP.-24'98(THU) 12:07 OLSON US SET & WEINGARDEN . L. L. P . . . September 24, 1998 Page 4 TEL:612 925 5879 P. 005 I will be in attendance at th City Council meeting to answer any questions you may have. DED: sa E. Dalen , 0 ,., If FORM APPROVED BY LAW THE BURLINGTON NORTHERN AND SANTA FE ILWAY COMPANY . REAL ESTATE PURCHASE D SALE AGREEMENT September 4,1998 BUYER'S OFFER Catellus Management Corporation 4105 Lexington Avenue North, Suite 200 Arden Hills, MN 55126 1. The undersigned, hereinafter called "Buyer", oft; rs to purchase from The Burlington Northern and Santa Fe Railway Company hereinafter called "Seller", II of Seller's right, title and interest in and to that parcel of land situated in or near the City of Monticello County of Wright and State of Minnesota, shown outlined red on map marked Exhibit "A", dated July 16, 1998, attached hereto and made a part hereof (said parcel of land being hereinafter called "the Property") t the price and upon the terms and conditions as follows. PURCHASE PRICE AND PAYMENT .. Seller may approve or disapprove this Agreeme t for any reason whatsoever, in Seller's sole and absolute discretion, whether reasonable or unreasonabl or whether arbitrary or capricious, subject to the approval of this Agreement by Seller, Buyer agrees to ay to Seller the purchase price of $220,000.00 for Property, of which the amount of $22,000.00 hereinaft r called the "deposit", is paid to Seller, or Seller's assignee, to be applied on the purchase price. Said depos t check shall be forwarded to Catellus Management Corporation in Irving, Texas, and then forwarded to the Seller's account. Said deposit shall be refunded to Buyer if this offer is not accepted by Seller within fo -five (45) days from the date of said offer. The balance of said purchase price shall be paid in cash or b certified check to Seller or wire transfer to Seller's account as designated by Seller at the time Seller' deed to said. property is delivered to Buyer. Notwithstanding anything set forth herein to the contr , the balance of the purchase price shall be due ten (10) days from notice that Seller's deed is ready for deli ery. Delivery of said deed shall be made at Seller's above stated office. TAX-DEFERRED EXCHANGE 3. Seller reserves the right to assign this Agreement to Apex Property & Track Exchange, Inc. ("Apex"). Apex is a qualified intermediary within the meaning of ection 1031 of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended, and Treas. Reg. ~ 1.1031(k)-1(g), for the pose of completing a tax-deferred exchange under said Section 1031. Seller shall bear all expenses associa ed with the use of Apex, or necessary to qualify this transaction as a tax-deferred exchange, and, except as therwise provided herein, shall protect, reimburse, indemnify and hold harmless Buyer from and against y and all reasonable and necessary additional costs, .expenses, including attorneys fees, and liabilities which Buyer may incur as a result of Seller's use of Apex or the qualification of this transaction as a tax-deferre transaction pursuant to Section 1031. Buyer shall 1 "~~ cooperate with Seller with respect to this tax-deferred exc ange, and upon Seller's request, shall execute such documents as may be required to effect this tax-deferred e change. .CONVEYANCE 4. Seller shall conveyor caused to be conveyed, all f Seller's right, title and interest in the property, if any, to Buyer by Quitclaim Deed subject to the exceptio s and reservations, whether or not of record and in accordance with the other terms, conditions and reserv tions contained herein. Buyer shall, as soon as possible after acceptance of this offer, advise the Seller f Buyer's intent to have the property surveyed. In the event the Seller's description of the property used in t e Deed and the use of an Exhibit map for reference in the Deed is not acceptable to the Buyer, the Buyer s all so advise the Seller of their objections of said description and within fifteen (15) days thereof, the Buye shall, at their expense, arrange for a survey of the property to be furnished to the Seller. ACCEPTANCE CONSTITUTES AGREEMENT 5. This offer of the Buyer to purchase the property hen duly accepted and signed by the Seller shall constitute the entire agreement between the parties for th sale and purchase of the property and shall bind and inure to the benefit of the Seller, the Buyer, and th ir heirs, executors, administrators, successors and asSIgnS. LIQUIDATED DAMAGES AND SPECIFIC PERFO 6. Time is of the essence of this contract. If the Buy r shall fail to perform this contract within the time limits herein specified, Seller may retain the deposit as liq idated damages, not as a penalty or forfeiture, and .eclare this contract terminated, or Seller may proceed to ave this contract specifically enforced. SUCCESSORS IN INTEREST 7. Wherever referred to herein, the term Buyer shall i ply, mean and apply to the Buyer, its successors, assigns, heirs, executors, administrators, or designees, w shall be severally and collectively liable for any and all performance hereunder. Wherever referred to her in the term Seller shall imply, mean and apply to the Seller, its successors, assigns, heirs, executors, admi . strators, or designees, who shall be severally and collectively liable for any and all performance hereunder. THIS OFFER IS AND THE CONVEYANCE OF TH PROPERTY SHALL BE SUBJECT TO THE FOLLOWING TERMS, CONDITIONS AND RESER ATIONS. 8. Easements--A reservation of the necessary right of way, to be determined by Seller, for the continued maintenance, operation and use of all existing driveways, roads, utilities, tracks, wires and easements of any kind whatsoever on the Property whether owned, ope ated, used or maintained by the Seller, Seller's Licensees or other third parties and whether or not of ecords, and for the installation, construction and situation of facilities necessary to or beneficial for, the op ration of Seller's railroad, with reasonable right of entry for the repair, reconstruction and replacement theeof, without limitation as a result of any further enwneration herein. In addition, reservation of a non-ex lusive easement for the construction, maintenance and operation of one or more pipelines or fiber optic lines presently located or may be located in the future .nProperty. . 2 10-'1, .OTHER TERMS AND CONDITIONS 9. Title Defects--If, within the ten (10) day period fo lowing Seller's notice to Buyer that Seller's deed is ready for delivery, Buyer notifies Seller that Buyer has requested evidence of title to the Property, Buyer shall furnish to Seller at Buyer's expense such evidence f title within thirty (30) days of said notice from Buyer in the form of an abstract of title or a title commit ent, and a written statement specifying the matters or defects other than said permitted exceptions and r servations and other than such usual exceptions contained in Owner's policies and the matters to which t 's sale is subject by the terms hereof, the time of payment of the balance of the purchase price shall be exte ded for a period of sixty (60) days after the receipt of said evidence of title and statement. If Seller is unabl or unwilling to cure such matter or defects within said sixty (60) day period, and Buyer is unwilling to acc pt the deed subject to such matter or defects then either party may terminate this Agreement by serving 'tten notice of termination upon the other party within fifteen (15) days thereafter and all further rights d liabilities under this Agreement shall cease and terminate except that Seller shall return the deposit to Bu er and Seller shall reimburse Buyer for the actual amount paid by Buyer, if any, to an abstractor for an abs ract of title or to a title company for a title report (but not for title insurance), provided that said abstract or title report shall be delivered and assigned to Seller. Otherwise, Buyer shall remit to Seller, or Seller's ssignee, the purchase price within ten (10) days or at closing, whichever is earlier, 10. Real Estate Commissions--If any real estate b oker or agent can establish a valid claim for commission or other compensation as a result of Buyer aving used their services in connection with the purchase of the Property, all such commission or other co pensation shall be paid by Buyer. Seller shall not .e liable for any real estate commissions or finders fees t any party with respect to the sale of the Property, except a commission to Catellus Management Corporatio ("Broker") pursuant to a separate agreement. On and prior to the Date of this Agreement, Broker has advis d, and hereby advises, Buyer, by this writing and by other means, and Buyer hereby acknowledges that Bu r has been so advised, that the Broker is acting as the agent of the Seller, with the duty to represent Seller's i terest, and Broker is not the agent of the Buyer. If a policy of title insurance is to be obtained, Buyer shou d obtain a commitment for title insurance which should be examined prior to closing by an attorney 0 Buyer's choice. Prior to the execution of this Agreement, Broker has advised and hereby advises the p 'ncipals of this transaction, that this Agreement is binding on them, and the principals hereby acknowledge t at they have been so advised. 11. Liens of Seller's Mortgages--Seller shall deliver to Buyer, who shall place of record, good and sufficient releases of the liens of Seller's mortgages, wher required under the terms of any mortgage on the Property, within one hundred eighty (180) days after th first meeting of Seller's Board of Directors held after the conveyance contemplated herein. In the event SIler shall be unable to obtain said releases for any reason, Seller shall have the right to terminate this Agre ment upon serving written notice of termination upon Buyer within fifteen (15) days thereafter, and both arties shall thereupon be released and discharged from all liabilities and obligations hereunder, except th t Seller shall repay to Buyer any and all sums therefore paid by Buyer to Seller upon a reconveyance f title to the Property to Seller free and clear of defects or objections to the same extent as if no conveyanc had been made to Buyer hereunder. .12, Other Liens--Any judgment against Seller which ay appear of record as a lien against the Property shall be settled and satisfied by Seller if and when it is j dicially determined to be valid, and Seller hereby 3 I"~? indemnifies the Buyer for all loss arising out of Seller s failure to have a judgment lien so settled and .satisfied. All outstanding assessments levied or due in the year the deed is delivered shall be paid by Buyer. 13. General Real Estate Taxes--Real estate taxes or a sessments payable or paid in the year the deed is delivered shall be prorated by Seller and Buyer as of the ate on which the deed is delivered on the basis of the most recent ascertainable taxes assessed against the su ~ect Property, or as may be equitably apportioned thereto by the Seller if the Property is not separately sessed or unless the payment of same has been assumed by a tenant under an existing lease to be assigned to Buyer. 14. Transfer Taxes--Buyer agrees to purchase, affix d cancel any and all documentary stamps in the amount prescribed by statute, and to pay any and all requi ed transfer taxes, excise taxes and any and all fees incidental to recordation of the conveyance instrument. the event of Buyer's failure to do so, if the Seller shall be obligated so to do, the buyer shall be liable for II costs, expenses and judgments to or against the Seller, including all of Seller's legal fees and expenses and same shall constitute a lien against the Property to be conveyed until paid by the Buyer. 15. Notices and Demands--All notices, demands, pa ents and other instruments required or permitted to be given or served by either party shall be in writing and d emed to have been given or served by either party if sent by registered or certified mail, addressed to the oth r party at the address shown herein. 16. Governmental Approval--If the approval of any g vemmental agency is required for the sale of the Property, it is understood and agreed that this Agreemen is subject thereto and that both parties shall use their best efforts to obtain such approval. The closing ate shall be extended for such period as may be Acquired to obtain such approval. In the event said appro al cannot be obtained, either party may terminate ~is Agreement without liability to the other, except that SIler shall return the deposit to Buyer. In the event a city, county, or other governing au hority wherein said Property is located requires a surveyor plat or has a subdivision ordinance, the Buyer hall obtain such surveyor plat, all at Buyer's sole cost and expense. The surveyor plat shall be submitted y Buyer to Seller for review and approval prior to recording and within a period of forty-five (45) days after he date of Seller's acceptance of this offer. 17. Deposit Authorization--Buyer hereby authorizes Seller to cash any checks that may be delivered to Seller as a deposit or option payment, and to take the am unt of any such deposit or option payment into its accounts, with the understanding that it will not constitut acceptance of this offer; provided, however, that such authorization is given with the understanding that in he event the offer is not accepted the Seller agrees to refund the amount of any deposit in full. 18. Rail Service--Nothing in this Agreement shall pr vent Seller from discontinuing service over any railroad line or lines by which rail service may be provide to the Property. 19. Leases and License Prepayment Limitation--Sell r shall not refund any prepaid or unearned lease rentals unless such prepaid or unearned rentals for each Ie e exceeds the sum of $500.00. 4 10 "" r 21. Leases Other than Buyer-Lease(s) 216441,248 86, 545485,545838 and 776659 being in the name of other than Buyer, shall be assigned to Buyer upon da e of conveyance of the Property and will he subject to apportionment of prepaid rental, payable to Buyer, as f date of conveyance. 22. Complete Agreement-- This Agreement contains e entire Agreement between Seller and Buyer with respect to the Property and, except as set forth in thi Agreement, neither Seller, nor Seller's agents or employees, have made any agreements, covenants, w anties or representations of any kind or character, express or implied, oral or written, with respect to the Pro erty. ADDENDUM PROVISIONS 23. This Agreement relates only to land. Unless therwise herein provided, any conveyance shall exclude Seller's railroad tracks and appurtenances thereto, Seller's buildings and any other improvements on the Property, all of which may be removed by Seller wi in ninety (90) days fOllowing conveyance of the Property, and if not removed, shall be deemed abandoned y the Seller without obligation on the Seller's part and shall thereafter be and become the Property of the Buy r in place. 24. A reservation to Seller of all coal, oil, gas, casing ead gas and all ores and minerals of every kind and nature inclUding sand and gravel underlying the sur ce of the Property, together with the full right, ,.frivilege and license at any and all times to explore, or drill for and to protect, conserve, mine, take, remove wnd market any and all such products in any manner whic will not damage structures on the surface of the Property, together with the right of access at all times to ex rcise said rights. 25. Seller is not a foreign pellion as the term is used an defmed in Section 1445 of the Internal Revenue Code of 1954, as amended and the regulations promulgated thereunder. Seller shall, upon request of Buyer, complete an affidavit to this effect and deliver it to Buyer 0 or before closing of said sale. 26. It is specifically agreed and understood by the partie hereto that the Bnyer shall, before October 15, 1998, accept and sign this Real Estate Purchase and Sale Agreement and return same together with the $22,000.00 deposit named herein to Seller. Failure of the B yer to perform within the time restrictions will render this Agreement nuIl and void in its entirety. 27. Buyer has been allowed to make an inspection of the roperty and has knowledge as to the past use of the property. Based upon this inspection and knowledge, Bu er is/are aware of the condition of the property and BuYER IS AWARE THAT BuYER IS PURCH SING THE PROPERTY ON AN "AS-IS, WHERE IS" AND "WITH ALL FAULTS" BASIS WIT ANY AND ALL PATENT AND LATENT DEFECTS, INCLUDING THOSE RELATING TO T E ENVIRONMENTAL CONDmON OF THE PROPERTY, AND THAT BuYER IS/ARE NOT LYING ON ANY REPRESENTATION OR WARRANTIEs, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, OF ANY KIN WHATSOEVER FROM SELLER AS TO ANY MATI'ERS CONCERNING THE PROPERTY, in luding the physical condition of the property - and any defects thereof, the presence of any hazardous substan es, wastes or contaminants in, on or under the }roperty, the cundition or existence of any of the above gro d or. underground structures or improvements -in, of or under the property, the condition of title to the roperty, and the leases, easements or other agreements affecting the property. Buyer is aWare of the ris . that hazardous substances and contaminants 5 /D,1 may be present on the property, and indemnifies, holds h less and hereby waives, releases and discharges .orever Seller from any and all present or future claims r demands, and any and all damages, loss, injury, liability, claims or costs, including fines, penalties and ju gments, and attorney's fees, arising from or in any way related to the condition of the property or allege presence, use, storage, generation, manufacture, transport, release, leak, spill, disposal or other handling of any hazardous substances or contaminants in, on or under the property, Losses shall include without li itation (a) the cost of any investigation, removal, remedial or other response action that is required by an Environmental Law, that is required by judicial order or by order of or agreement with any govemmen al authority, or that is necessary or otherwise is reasonable under the circumstances, (b) capital expendi s necessary to cause the Seller remaining property or the operations or business of the Seller on its re aining property to be in compliance with the requirements of any Environmental Law, (c) Losses for i 'ury or death of any person, and (d) Losses arising under any Environmental Law enacted after transfer. e rights of Seller under this section shall be in addition to and not in lieu of any other rights or remedies 0 which it may be entitled under this document or otherwise. This indemnity specifically includes the 0 ligation of Buyer to remove, close, remediate, reimburse or take other actions requested or required by y governmental agency concc;;rning any hazardous substances or contaminants on the property. The term "Environmental Law" means any fede aI, state or local statute, regulation, code, rule, ordinance, order, judgment, decree, injunction or comm n law pertaining in any way to the protection of human health or the environment, including without Ii tation, the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act, the Comprehensive Environmental Response, Com ensation and Liability Act, the Toxic Substances Control Act, and any similar or comparable state or locall w. . The term "Hazardous Substance" means any haz dous, toxic, radioactive or infectious substance, material or waste as defined, listed or regulated under any Environmental Law, and includes without limitation, petroleum oil and any of its fractions. 28. Buyer agrees, prior to June 30, 1999, to install an five feet) along the boundary line as shown green on the entire length of the proposed parking area which proposed new community center. The deed of convey assigns install and maintain said fence. This coven assigns aJ.1d benefit the Seller, its heirs, successors and maintain a chain link fence (minimum height of xhibit "A". Said fence is considered to be along s to be built by the Buyer in connection with its ce shall provide that the Buyer, its successors and t shall bind the Buyer, its heirs, successors and signs. Said covenant shall run with the land. 29. Buyer agi-ees, in connection with the construction 0 any improvements on the Property, to provide proper drainage so water does not flow toward the Sel er's railroad tracks. The deed of conveyance shall provide that the Buyer, its successors and assigns pro ide proper drainage, This covenant shall bind the Buyer, its heirs, successors and assigns and benefit e Seller, its heirs, successors and assigns. Said covenant shall run with the land. 30. Sale of the Property shall include Seller's remaini g interests, if any, within those portions of 5-1/2 and Walnuts Streets as shown on Exhibit "A". .1. The parties agree the terms, conditions, and adde dum provisions of this agreement shall survive closing. 6 10 ., /fJ UYER MUST CLEARLY SET FORTH FULL D CORRECT NAMES OR PARTY OR PARTIES TO WHOM TITLE WILL BE ONVEYED, THEIR ADDRESS, THEIR RELATIONSHIP, IF ANY, AND WHETHER CONY YANCE IS TO BE IN JOINT TENANCY OR OTHERWISE, AND IF A COMPANY, WHETHER T IS A PARTNERSHIP, TRUST, TRUSTEE OR CORPORATION, ADDRESS OF PRINCIPAL OF CE AND STATE OF INCORPORATION This offer consisting of7 pages and by said Exhibit "A" att ched hereto, is made a part hereof, has been made, signed and sealed in duplicate by the Buyer this day of , 1998. Buyer's name as it is to appear on deed: (PRINTEDfTYPED) By: NAME(PRINTEDfTYPED) SIGNATURE . TIlLE (OR 2ND SIGNA TI1RE IF P ARlNERSHIP) STATE OF INCORPORATION ADDRESS OF BuYER CITY, STATE AND ZIP CODE TELEPHONE NO. (INCLUDING AREA CODE) The foregoing offer is Accepted by Seller this day of 1998. The Burlingt n Northern And Santa Fe Railway Company BY: TITLE: 7 10 tl'I I (() '..: l't') ,~ tb -,! ': ~- , ....." ~" , (:)""'::- ~~SJ .-.~ ~ fQ~.ti .:::. " -- :Q., ... 'i? ... ~ I ' - 40t" Spir~I'" 4 ~Ql!B' 3()" . : i ~'- ~~ ~~ .)1">1 ~lt.~ ~ ~~ .-..: 10 9 8 "i E. ~~ ";I.,, t.:'~ :. ).(. (~: dtJ iii ",I ~Q.: 19 1--- ~. - :; - ," .... , , I f " 'j ~ I ~: ;'1", I ...- ~ -- ,.. ., ".-1;. '-r" .. cD ~ co -.~.,~ a .... ... ... .. ..... ,,'Ce'ntr;, Sot., CO-DP So B/( DKT Nt /470 ~ ':A to "D"- ~lJ- ow ... . ()'- ""'/.f''7j:u ::: m<~ l>, ~q SPJ'.3-S i 8X,nr ~S;:I -<~ II' , ~t- __uv J , -c I l I f "' I- I- I .,"_"a.'~~'400" _~...--' A. '..u..-a.... _""U I .-..... -.;. ~{ '-~~~ [:;$,,",,"t ~yrr~,;-';j-r~"ll~~f."'-''''''!~~~ :~_ _ /I~'_ m-'Sd's,."rJ.41 5""1.. &tlr1:'1f'fWt~m", , rs',~- ,'~.... --':-::-"t"-:::~;::.o:;_~.'";_:~=;~: r~- ---.--- I I I I~ , : /----------, ___L I I 'en,.,1 I I ,~~, \ 'G; I ,...~:j~------- 1 I'~~" , '\. -t- .. 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Addendum to that made and entered into the --- day of , 1998, between the Burlington Northern & Sante Fe Railway Company ( "Sel er" ) and the Ci ty of Monticello {"Buyer" J, for the sale and p rchase of certain real property located within the City of Monticello, County of Wright, State of Minnesota. The Agreement ie hereby ame ded as fOllows, I, Paragraph 8 of the Agre ment is deleted in its entirety, .2. 3 . follows: Paragrapb 23 of the Agr ement is deleted in its entirety, Paragraph 11 of the A reement is amended to read as The Ci ty of Monticello intends to purchsse title insurance on th property, If the property is enCumbered by mortgages I Seller shall issue a letter 'n the form attached hereto as Exhibit A 1 sting all mortgages identified by the title insurance Company as enCUmbrances on the pro erty in the bOdy of the letter. If the title insurance Company is Willing to exclude the mortgages from the exCeptions in ite policy and insure the BUyer against SUch mortgages, then Buyer shall proceed to Closing withe t objection to the mortgages, If the titl insurance company refuaes to insure against the mortgagee, then the BUyer may, upon wri ten notice to the Seller, declare this Purc ase Agreement null and void and all money the etofore by BUyer to Seller shall be refunded. 4, Paragraph 27 of the Agree ent is amended by adding the fOllowing language: It is acknowledged that Buy r has commenced an eminsnt domain proceeding ith respeot to the land which is subject f this PurChase Agreement in Wright County istrict court and, had the parties not negoti ted the purChase and sale of the property, B yer represents it WOuld have proceeded with condemnation and proceeded to exercise its POwer of eminent domain to acquire the prop rty accordingly, This Agreement is in lieu 0 proceeding with the eminent domain procee ings within the meaning of Section 1033 of he United States Internal Revenue Code and M'ooesota Statutes . 10 fIII/J . ~ ~ .)r.r, -,Ul' Y81THUj 12:07 OLSON USSET & WEINGAR EN p, L, L. P p, 007 TEL:612 925 5879 . Chapter 117. Upon cl sing the Seller shall be dismissed from the af remantioned action. 5. The Agreement is amen sd by adding a paragraph number 3. as follolA1s: - Seller shall not, a ter the date ot this Agreement, enter into ny leases or any other agreements relating to or affecting the property without the c nsent of the Buyer. WHEREFORE, the parties have executed this Addendum on this day of _, 1998. B LINGTON NORTHERN & SANTE FE RAI WAY COMPANY I:ly ta crT OF MONTICELLO By W lliam Fair I s: MaYor By Rick Wolfeteller It: City Administrator muni\mont\?975119.20 10 ""Y 0 m (") m ro m . 0 N to lO m V 0 0 N m (") to 0 6 m- 1.0 ...... tO~ m N lO to I"- 0 ...... N f:fl f:fl f:fl to ro f:fl f:fl f:fl ..... 0 ~ 0 0 0 0 0 f:fl f:fl 0 0 0 c 0 0 0 ~ 0 6 0 6 :.;: (") (") to ro ffl f:fl f:fl Z 0 0 :=10 Q) <( ~w ~ W ~~ ~ 0::5 0 1.0 (") m l"- e I"- 0 (") <( e to to 1.0 ro 0 ro 0 ...... (JW e v N 0) to 0 to 0 (") c.9 >-~ C 0 6 m- 1.0 I.O~ ro ri 6 tO~ Z ....J~ 0 0) m N (") v f:fl ...... N 0 Z ~w :0::; ...... f:fl f:fl ffl (") V 1.0 ...... '00 f:fl f:fl ffl ffl f:fl 0 (J~ :J ...., O:::Z 0" 0 ~w :l. <( (f)(J 0 0 0 Z C 0 0 <( 0 0 0 :.;: v~ v~ w ~fi:l ro (") (") t: 0 f:fl ffl 0 (f) -~ Q) 0::: ~::5 0::: W ~w 0 v 0 0 ro ~ 0 .~ ~o::: C f:fl to ffl ffl m 0 0 1.0 (") m 0 00::: E m- I"- to N () ()w .~ N (") to ...... ~ Z~ ::J ...... f:fl ...... f:fl oas 0" ffl f:fl 0 Z Z() <( :=I C 0 0 0 0 0 0 ~ 0 f:fl f:fl 0 0 0 0 :2 :.;:; 0 0 0 0 0 ro 6 0 v ..f 0_ (") (") (") () o ro f:fl f:fl ffl 0 me ~ o:::~ c.9 0 0 0) (") m ro ill c 0 N to 1.0 m Z Z 0 0 0 N m (") ~ OJ :e 0 o~ m- 1.0 I"-~ en ~ ::J- 0) N N (") (") ....J ff~ ...... N ffl f:fl f:fl ill 0 f:fl f:fl 0::: () <(~ w e m (") 0> ro 0 m (f) 0 ~ to 1.0 m 0 v Z 0 N m (") 0 to W 0 6 0) 1.0 ...... 0 to- o. ro 0) N lO to l"- N N X ...... N ffl f:fl f:fl ffl to - f:fl f:fl f:fl W 0 0 ~ z ......... C <( "- en 0 Q) ....J ,~ - ..... u. "- ~ C Q) 0 Q) () E o 0 .~ '0 0 ......- ro en ..... -Q) >. ro '0 en en "- - 0 e Q) "c :2 c.9 ro Q) 0'0 Q) ~ E "m Q)'O ()C ::J_ 0 en ~ ~ ..c ::J _ro E Q) C ~ E ~ 0 "- - EO> Q) Q) 0 ro'O ro IO""~ => "L: Z :E > Q) > c - C o-g m (f) c.9 OJ c:: u. 0:::::- o ro ()aJ al ...., ~- . Council Agenda - 9/28/98 11. A. REFERENCE A ire the In the Council agenda packet of Septem er 14, 1998, Council members received an update relating to the property located at 225 Front Street. The Council requested the update be placed on the agenda of Septe ber 28 for discussion and consideration. As you recall, the update noted the Septe ber 2 motion of the HRA: Not to proceed with purchase of the property located at 225 Font Street. The HRA elected not to proceed because of the lack ofHRA funds and ag eed the counteroffer price of$179,500 was unacceptable. They felt due to the existi g condition of the area, if the property were placed on the open market, it would not s 11 for $179,500. The Parks Commission made the followi g motion at their September 17 meeting: Recommended the HRA and/or City conti ue the process of purchasing Lot 64. The Parks Commission is interested in river p perty; however, they do not have the funds available through the budgetary process at this time. . At the staff meeting for preparation of the eptember 28 agenda, staff members endorsed the Downtown/Riverfront Plan and the TI Plan which both identity the said property for redevelopment. It appears both the HRA d Parks Commissions are interested in the property; however, neither have the availa ility of funds at this time. At the conclusion of the discussion held by staff members, st ff agreed with the rationale of the HRA: Due to the existing condition of the area, if the roperty were placed on the open market, it would not sell for $179,500. In a conversation with Brad Johnson, Lotus Realty Services, he expressed an interest to purchase the property once he had a propos d redevelopment project for the area. The September 14 update was provided to a low the City or the Parks Commission the oPportunity to consider or to plan for acquis tion of the said property if so desired. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Offer three-year option at purchase p ice of $ . Annual non- refundable option fee of $ IdentifY in future city budget. 2. Offer a contract for deed at a price of $ . Contract for deed . Earnest amount of number of years. . 3. Offer a Right of First Refusal. 8-r C~;j{;OD ..j, l{t. C\'\- 15 . 4. Cash buyout at purchase price 0 $ 5. Not interested to acquire at this t me. 6. Wait and see. Add to 1999 city udget. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Council Agenda - 9/28/98 Staff endorsed the rationale of the HRA, nd the City Administrator recommends alternative #5 or #6, thereby allowing ti e to assess the activity resulting from the approved redevelopment projects within he TIF Redevelopment District. D. SUPPORTING DATA: Update of September 14. . . 16 . Consideration of an update relating to t by Ollie Koropchak, Econo September property located at 225 Front Street ic Development Director 4, 1998 The purpose of this update is to inform the Counci of the September 2, 1998 lIRA decision relating to the 225 Front Street property currently wned by Rich and Marian Carlson. The update provides the Councilor Parks Commission he opportunity to consider or to plan for acquisition of the property. The following is a brief history of the lIRA actions and considerations of the property: HRA appraisal of 225 Front Street: HRA offer to purchase: lIRA offer became null and void Redevelopment TIF District No. 1-22 created. HRA appraisal of 225 Front Street: HRA option to purchase Seller counter-offer October, 19, 5. January 10, 996, $163,000. No response from seller - house fire. March, 1997 November, 1 97. November 5, 1997, $130,000. July 24, 199 , $179,500. Offer of sale ithdrawal date August 10, 1998. To not proc ed with purchase of the property located at 225 Front St oot. Please note the September 8 lIRA letter. HRA motion September 2, 1998 . Enclosed are copies of correspondence between th HRA and John Peterson, Attorney representing the Carlsons. In a September 10 tele hone conversation with Mr. Peterson, he indicated the August 10 withdrawal was intended s a closure date and Carlson would be open to other opportunities prior to listing the property on he open market. Restaurant development update. A City delegatio met with Brad Johnson, Lotus Realty Services, and the London Development Corporati n of Duluth in August. The Duluth firm was scouting Monticello as a potential site for develop ent of a restaurant. The restaurant, Blackwood's, is a family restaurant perhaps a notc above an Applebee's or Champ's. It was my understanding, the Monticello delegation was impr ssed with the photos and menus of existing Blackwood Restaurants. Hutchinson, MN; Marqu tte, MI and Monticello were the three communities the developers were scouting. The d velopers appeared excited about the proposed Monticello site along the river but had concerns ab ut the lunch draw. The next step planned was a visit by Monticello delegates to the Blackwood's restaurants. The September 19 trip to Duluth has been put on hold at the recommendation ofBr d Johnson. At this time, Monticello is not ranked number one as the site selection for the ne proposed restaurant by the London Corporation. Ramsey, MN has entered the playin field with a larger population and relatively no restaurants. . Prior to London Corporation's visit to Monticello, the Parks Commission delayed proceeding with the redevelopment of West Bridge Park until id-October for further exploration ofthe proposed site by the Duluth developer. The prop sed site for the restaurant was the southerly 11../ . side of West Bridge Park along West River Str t. Brad Johnson proposed a concept for exchange ofland. The Carlson property (Block 64) in exchange for a portion of West Bridge Park At the last Parks COmmission meeting, it is my understanding a local Realtor infonned the commissioners of a second interested Party for d velopment of a restaurant. It was suggested if poblic land is sold for development, perhaps the ity should seek request for proposals. The Parks COmmission will continue discussion for d tennination of the best use for West Bridge Park. 225 Front Str"ltl The Comprehensive Plan eann ks the said property for redevelopment but for no specific Use. The Pad's COmmission Plan ide tmes the said property for increase Use of the riverfront. According to the City Administrator, urchase of the 225 Front Street property has not been identified as a 1998 or 1999 budget item. Regardless of the outcome of a proposed restaurant in West Bridge Park, this update provid s the Council or Parks COmmission the oPportunity to consider or to plan for acquisition 0 the property if SO desired. Following are some suggestions for consideration: L Request the update be added to this agenda or discussion. a) Offer three-year option at purchase price f_ option fee of . IdentifY in future c ty budget. b) Offer contract for deed at purchase price f Earnest amount of -' Contract for deed number of years. c) Cash buyout at purchase price of d) Wait and see. e) Add to 1999 city budget. Request staIf to put this on the Council agend of September 28, 1998. Recommend the Parks COmmission review an identifjl it's priority with a recommendation to the City Council. Annual non-refundable . 2. 3. Block 54 or North Anchor The HRA now owns the Hawkins, Reed, and Schlief p perties. The HRA will accept bids for demolition ofthe Hawkins property and hold a pubJic h ating for lease ofthe ScWiefhouse on September 23. It appears the HRA needs to replace th furnace in the ScWiefhouse prior to Jeasing. At the September 2 HRA meeting, the commis ioners made a motion to offer an option to purchase the O'Connor property. The oller and tena Were submitted to the potential seller. A resPOnse is anticipated prior to the next HRA meeting of October J 4, 1998. 11-- ~ . 12. Council Agenda - 9/28/98 A. E AND BAC As you may recall, the City purchased a I A-acre parcel of land which included a 30' x 60' pole shed from IDS Telecom last Decem er for $48,500. This parcel is located across the road from our public work's property n County Road 39 West. Directly east of the above parcel is a l-acr vacant parcel that has been for sale for awhile. The real estate agent, Tom Brenn of Edina Reality, inquired as to whether the City of Monticello had any interest in purc asing this property since it Was adjacent to the property we had recently acquired and is a ross the s!reet from our present public works facilities. While our immediate plans for 0 current public works facility is to expand the office POrtion and connect to the existin facilities as part of Phase III, and the need for additional property south of County Ro d 39 is not immediate, the fact that this parcel is adjacent to property We recently acquired seemed to Warrant further investigation. . While it is very likely that the need for this roperty would not exist for ten years or longer, likely eXpansion of building facilitie in this area could include a new water department office and storage. If that were t OCcur, an additional I acre of land would certainly be beneficial at that point. Current sking price for the property is $65,000, but the real estate agent indicated the estate wouI consider offers. When comparing the price we paid for the IDS property, which ounted to $.80/sq ft, this would translate into a comparable value for the one acre at $3 ,000. Whether an offer in this range Would be acceptable, it is hard to detennine. If our P ice was adjusted for one year, possibly an offer in this price range with an agreement to OVer the real estate agent fees above that amount might be considered by the seller. ile this property was not included in our I 999 budget or capital improvement program, ufficient funds would be available through our water access fund if a purchase ag eement was accepted. Although the need is not immediate, the Opportunity doesn't alwa s arise to purchase vacant land adjacent to property you already own. B. AL TERNA TIVE ACTION~ I. Council could authorize stalf to present offer for the purchase of the property at a price similar to what We paid for the ad'acent property one year ago. 2. Authorize stalf to propose a purchase agr ement similar in value to what we paid for the IDS property plus covering the re I estate agent's fees or adjusting the cost for a year's inflation. 3. Recognizing that the property is not need. by the City for ten years or longer, Council could decide not to offer to purch se at this time. 17 . Council Agenda - 9/28/98 C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION~ From the staff's standpoint, there are pro and cons to the purchase of this property at this time. As was noted, the need for the prop rty will not likely exist for many years, if ever, but it is a I-acre vacant site next to prope y we already own; and if we could acquire the property for a fair price, maybe the purch se is worth it. Therefore, it's the recommendation of the City Administrato and Public Works Director that an offer be made similar to the price per square foot t at the City paid for the adjacent parcel plus an amount sufficient to cover all closing cost , including the real estate agent fees estimated at $3,000 - $4,000. If this offer is not acce table, considering their asking price of $65,000, we may receive a counter propos I to consider. D. SUPPORTING DATA: Map outlining location of parcel. 5\1.." . - - 18 / (.I.J ['\"; " ]". ..... ...:;>. r~. 0 I ~ \<~\~J- -"- 7~ ! I ! <) !'.' ..J , 0'....1 ~ ill / "/ -- . . . 13. Consideration of for park purposes. A. REFER NCE AND BACK Council Agenda - 9/28/98 Hill near the water r At the September 14 Council meeting, er discussion about the possible purchase of 4 acres from Kenny Schultz on the Monte lub Hill near our water tower for park land, staff was directed to contact Mr. Schultz n an attempt to negotiate a purchase price some place between $12,000 per acre for whic the Methodist Church property was purchased, to $20,000 per acre for which Mr. Schult indicated is his asking price. After discussions with Mr. Schultz, he indicated the minim purchase price for this property would be $16,500 per acre for a total of $66,000 fo the 4 acres, with the payments to Mr. Schultz spread out over a mutually agreed period of time. The purchase would be funded from park dedication funds from The Forest & Wildwood Ridge, with the balance coming from reserves until such time they are re laced with park dedication funds. chase the property from Mr. Schultz for the >-1., The second alternative would be t counter Mr. Schultz' asking price with a lower offer. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. The first alternative would be to negotiated asking price of $'.," 2. 3. The third alternative would be no to purchase the property at this time. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: It is the recommendation of the Public W rks Director and City Administrator that the City Council approve the purchase of the acres from Kenny Schultz to be used as park land at a purchase price of $66,000 as out ined in alternative #1. It should also be noted that the Parks Commission has unanimou ly voted in favor of this purchase. D. SUPPORTING DATA: Please refer to the supporting data provid d at the September 14 Council meeting. . . . Council Agenda - 9/28/98 14. A. REFERENC At the July 27 meeting, the City Council pproved changes to our garbage and recycling program whereby we would stop tracking recyclables, provide free recycling services to all residential property, and start charging commercial residential property such as apartment buildings 4-plex and above and mobile home parks for garbage services. The remaining residential property, tri-plex t single family homes, would not be charged for garbage service; but if recyclables are oticed in the garbage, the garbage would be left at curbside until those recyclables wer removed. The City Council directed staff to prepare an ordinance amendment regardin garbage/refuse service rates, maintaining organized collection, and to continue prov ding recycling service free for all residential property. The first thing we did was go back into 0 system and establish rates using all available data, including 1999 expected landfill incr ases. Based upon this information the rates are as follows: Per Unit Per Month Apartment Units: Four-plex and above (including all taxes) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. $6.85 Mobile Home Parks: 60-Gallon Roll Around Cart (including al taxes) 90-Gallon Roll Around Cart (including al taxes) . . . . .. .. . . . . . .. . .. . . . . . .. . . . $6.94 $8.43 . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . .. . The above numbers are subject to slight ch ge by rounding when they go through the computer calculations. We feel these rates e fairly competitive. We found a nearby mobile home park which is paying approxi ately 19% more than our proposed 90-gallon rate. A copy of the proposed ordinance ame dment is included for your review. The actual rates which are not set within the bod of the ordinance but are to be set by City Council separate action would not go into e ect until January I, 1999 . We will need time to notify the apartments and mobile ho es, and especially for the mobile home parks to have them choose whether they wan to have their park served with the 60-gallon or the 90-gallon carts. Also, you will find a copy of the recycling pi which has also been changed to reflect updates and free recycling services to all resi ential property. 20 . B. AL TERNA TIVE ACTIONS: Council Agenda - 9/28/98 1. The first alternative is to approv the enclosed amendment to the City Ordinance 7-6-9: Garbage/Refuse Service ates. Then to set the rates beginning January 1, 1999, for commercial residenti property at $6.85 per apartment unit per month (four-plex and above), and for obile home parks at $6.94 per unit per month for a 60-gallon cart, and $8.43 per u it per month for a 90-gallon cart. As a third part of this alternative action, to appr ve the new recycling policy as drafted and enclosed for your review. Free f charge to all residential property. 2. The second alternative would be 0 approve the ordinance rates and recycling policy with amendments as prop sed by the City Council. 3. The third alternative would be no to approve one or all of the ordinance rates or amended recycling policy. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: It is the recommendation of the City Ad inistrator and Public Works Director that the City Council approve the ordinance amen ment, new rates, and amended recycling policy as outlined in alternative # 1. . D. SUPPORTING DATA: Copy of proposed ordinance amendment; Copy of new recycling policy; Copy of summary of proposed garbage rate breakd wn for apartments and mobile home parks. . 21 . . . LlKI-\r I continuance of the landfill or ot er means of final disposal of refuse would endanger the health, welfare, or safety of the ublic, provided that no such permit or license shall be revoked or suspended except fo to pay the fee, or the cost of correcting hazardous conditions as herein provided except after ublic hearing before the Council after the notice of said hearing, and the purpose thereo shall have been sent to the permit holder at least ten (10) days prior to the date of said he ring, at which hearing any person interested in said landfill shall have the right to be heard. 7-6-9: GARBAGE/REFUSE SERVIC RATES: The City operates an organized garbage collection and disposal progra for all residential properties within the city of Monticello under the authorit of Minnesota State Statute 433. The City hereby establishes a service charge for arbage/refuse collection and related services for all commercial residential property within the city of Monticello. Commercial residential shall be all mobile homes located 0 rented lots or land in mobile home parks and multiple housing units, four-plex and a ove. (A) A service charge for gar age/refuse collection, special pi oVl;'ssing fl;'es, and disposal, and container rental' . ., provided to commercial residenti I units within the city shall be billed at the rates as established by City Council. Non commercial reside tial property, considered all single family thru tri-plex, whether rented or not, hall not be billed directly for garbage/refuse service but must not place recycJab es in the garbage or the garbage/refuse may be left at curbside until the recyc abies are removed. Recyclables are considered those materials recycled with the City's Recycling Plan. eted nom tI,e qualtedy Recycling services are provided for any all residential units in the city of Monticello as per the Cit 's requirements under the City of Monticello Recycling Plan approved and adopted by the City Council on February 13, 1989, including any amendments thereto. Charges for garbage/refu e service and container rental shall be a charge against the owners of the properties erved. Wilen Iequested by the OWllet, tile City will selld bit. Garbage/refuse bills will b mailed to the property owner, lessee, 01 occupant fOI each quarter year service eriod at the rates established by City Council. The proceeds from the collection of the e bills shall be placed in the gel.el al rubbish disposal fund to offset the cost of garba fe/refuse service, special processing and disposal fees, and container rental' " ,. set vice. A penalty shall b added to the amount due on any bill ifnot paid within 30 days after the billing date. Payments received or postmarked on or before the 30th day after billing shall be deem d as paid within said period. MONTICELLO CITY ORDINANCE (#195, 8/27/90) ,.., - I TITLE VIIIChpt 6/Page 6 (B) DELINQUENT GARB GEIREFUSE ACCOUNTS: All charges for garbage/ refuse service shall be due and ayable within 30 days after the billing date. Accounts shall be considered delinquent when not paid within 30 days. Accounts more than 90 days past due shall be certifie by the City Administrator, who shall prepare an assessment roll no less than twice ea h year providing for the assessment of the delinquent amount against the respective pro erty served, which assessment roll shall be submitted to the City Council for adoption on or before November 30 of each year and for certification to the Wright County Au itor for collection as other taxes are collected. (#214, 10/28/91) . The City reserves the righ to discontinue service to any customer for nonpayment of charges or bills whose ace unt is more than 90 days past due. Such discontinuance of service shall not be made ithout written notice. If service is disconnected, it shall not be resumed except upon P yment of the charges or bills accrued together with interest and penalty thereon. 7-6-10: (C) REVISION OF GARBAG !REFUSE RATES AND RECYCLING PLAN: The City Council reserves the right t adjust the rates charged and tIle 1 eCyclino ....J c;d;u. g; vt:Jl from time to time and to a end the City's recycling policy . OWNERSHIP OF RECYCLABL MATERIALS SET OUT FOR CURB-SIDE COLLECTION: The intent of this rticle is to prevent the unauthorized collection of materials that are designated as recyclables a d set out as part of the City of Monticello's curb-side recycling program. The theft of the e materials will deprive the contractor of their market value and forces overall costs to go up. These costs will eventually be passed on to the citizens of the city of Monticello. T e City will also be deprived of credit for recycling tonnage reported to Wright County nd the State of Minnesota CONTRACTOR: Any perso firm that has entered into a written contract with the City of Monticello for the col ection of garbage, rubbish, recyclables, and yard waste. (A) For the purposes of this artic e, the fOllowing words and phrases will have the meanings respectively ascrib d to them: CURB-SIDE RECYCLING ROGRAM: The organized collection of items designated as recyclable by th contractor in accordance with the City of Monticello's plan. ITEMS DESfGNATED AS R CYCLABLE: Hems agreed upon by the City and the contractor to be collected in t e curb-side recycling program. SET OUT FOR COLLECTlO : Tbe placing of materials designated as recyclables by the residents of Monticello at c rb side for collection by the contractor. . UNAUTHORIZED COLLEC ION (SCA VENGING): The collection by any person(s) other than the contra tor or his authorized representative of materials that are designated as recyclables an set out for collection by the residents. (B) PROHIBITfON OF UNAUTH RIZED COLLECTION OF MATERIALS SET OUT FOR THE CURB-SIDE RECY LING PROGRAM: --... MONTICELLO CITY ORDINANCE TITLE VIIIChpt 6/Page 6 . . . 1. The materials d signated as recyclable shall be the sole property of the City of Monticello from the time of set out for collection by the resident or when placed in the des gnated containers in the case of multiple units until collection by the contracto. At the time of collection, items designated as recyclable shall become the sole property of the contractor. 2. The designation f recyclables shall be accomplished by mutual agreement between the City of Monticello and the contractor. 3. It shall be unlawfi I for any person(s) other than the authorized contractor or his representative to collect any items that are designated as recyclables and set out for collection s part of the City of Monticello's curb-side recycling program. Any vi lation of this section shall constitute a misdemeanor punishable by a fi e of not more than $700 and by imprisonment of not more than 90 days. (#182, 10/23/89) MONTICELLO CITY ORDINANCE ,-I - 3 TITLE VII/Chpt 6/page 6 . . . .~ DRAFT CURB-SIDE R CYCLING PLAN FOR THE CITY F MONTICELLO The City of Monticello will establish a curb-side r cycling program to comply with Wright County's mandate for recycling, reduce the City's dependen y upon landfilling, and recover valuable resources from the solid waste produced in the communi y. It is the intent to contract curb-side pickup of recyclable materials every other week throughout the years beginning on July 6, 1989. As part of our plan, City staff will renegotiate the current thre -year contract or draft a request for proposals for curb-side recycling to be reviewed by the City Cou cil at such time as is needed to continue this plan. All such negotiated contracts or proposals shall e ratified by Council action prior to award. The City of Monticello's curb-side recycling pia will consist of the following: 1. A curb-side recycling contractor shall be esponsible for pickup of at least four (amendment #1,2/11/91) materials every other wee. If the pick up day is a holiday, the previous or preceding Saturday (whichever is closer to the scheduled day) may become recycling day for that pickup only. The contractor shall pick up glass, aluminum and bi-metal cans, newspaper, and plastics (amendment # 1, 2/11191). 'he contractor shall be responsible for the pickup, storage, and marketing of all recyclable m terials. As an option in the proposal, the City will request costs for the pickup of recycled 0 ce paper at selected locations throughout the city. The plan shall remain flexible to allow fo changing markets. 2. The City shall provide three containers w'th the City logo to each resident who lives in a 4- plex or less. The estimated cost of the tree containers is approximately $ 18 per set. The City will pay for 50 percent of the contain r cost; the property owner shall pay for the other 50 percent, which will be billed to them on a quarterly basis for a period of two quarters. Should any property owner lose his cont iner or have it stolen, he shall be able to purchase a new container from the City at full cost. The City will provide roll-around container tor apartment complexes. Three containers shall be provided per apartment building betwee 4 and 18 units. Six containers shall be furnished to apartment buildings above 18 units. he City will pay one-half of the initial cost of the containers for apartments also. The cost i approximately $50 per container. The remaining 50 percent shall be billed to the apartment owners over a period of two quarters through the quarterly water and sewer billing. The City will establish a longevity date tor containers, at which time the City would again cover half the cost of new containers. 3. The fees for the recycling program, if any, hall be reviewed annually as the cost of recycling Increases. C:\OFFICEIRECYCLlNGlR ECYCLlN. PL N: 09/24/1998 ,.., ., t.J Page 1 "I"~ ~ . 4. The City will also recycle at each of its facilities in the city and encourage other governmental institutions to do the same. The City ill continue to work toward having recycling opportunities available to industrial and co mercial establishments in the city. They will be encouraged to contract individually with re yclers. Iffeasible, the office paper pickup could be expanded to include commercial and in ustrial establishments in the city. 5. The City of Monticello will continue its a vertising campaign (consisting of news articles, radio announcements, government access n cable tv, and one or more mailouts, as well as handouts at city hall and posters on local b lIetin boards). As adopted by the Monticello City Council on Feb uary 13, 1989, and amended by the Monticello City Council on February I], 199], and Septembe 28, 1998. . C:IOFFICElRECYCLlNGIRECYCLlN. PLN 09/24/1998 Itf.",~ Page 2 . . . , DRAFT MONTICELLO RECY LING PLAN ADDENDUM Adopted by the M nticello City Council on Septe ber 28, 1992 1. Additional Container For Apartment Buildings: An additional 90-gallon container should be issued to the apartments. As in the pas, the apartment owners would be asked to pay for one-half the container, or $25. The contai er would be used for sorting glass by color at the apartments. The existing glass bin would r; main for colored glass, and the new bin would be for clear glass. The glass at the apartm nts is often broken when placed in the 90-gallon drums, and it becomes unusable, as our r cycling contractor cannot sort it once it's broken. If it is pre-sorted by the resident, some bre kage can be allowed, and the recycling contractor can still market the glass. Prior to the delivery of the containers 0 the apartments, a letter will be written to the apartment managers and owners eXplaini g the need for another container and the charges and will also explain the need for additional attention to the recycling program and the possibility of a n.lture modification for partment recycling. This will also give us an opportunity to go in and do minor rep irs to the 90-gallon containers existing at the apartments, as some of them need new de als, and a couple are missing a wheel. 2. Dumpster Decals: The recycling commit ee felt that there should be a reminder placed on the dumpsters that no recyclables should be placed in that container by using an easy-to-read decal stating "THIS RECEPTACLE IS FO NON-RECYCLABLE WASTE ONLY." This last-minute reminder may increase the a ount of recyclables from current residents and apartments and also remind new tenants tha they must have to place recyclables somewhere else. 3. Red Stickers: When the garbage contra tor is emptying the garbage, they often notice recyclable materials in the trash from resi ellts. Such things as cardboard, milk and water jugs, and glass jars are usually easy to spot ithout any searching. Our recycling committee feel that some type of notification process hould be set up for letting these residents know that they are putting recyclables in their tra h. These red stickers are approximately 3" x 2" and oval in shape, that say "PLEASE RECYCLE. YOU ARE THROWING R CYCLABLES A W A Yi ANY QUESTIONS? CALL CITY HALL." Whenever the garbag contractor notices recyclables in the trash, they would place one of these stickers on the garb ge can. The stickers would be very economical with a minimal amount of sticky back so that they could be removed by the resident without significant effort. They would, however, let the resident know that they are throwing recyclables away, and it would also let the neighbor know that that individual is throwing recyclables in the trash If the individual has a question on what he or she is doing wrong, a simple call to city hall can straighten out the problem. The garbage contractor sUpp0l1s the idea and will place a sticker on any garbage ontainer they observe to have recyclables in it at no cost to the City. They will not be searc ing through garbage for recyclables. It is only the obvious ones that will get a sticker. C;IOFFICEIRECYCLlNGIRECPLAN.ADD: 09/24/1998 11./ "'/(J Page 1 . . . ... Any homes from single family thru tri-plex 'hall have the garbage left at curbside if it is found to contain recyclables normally recycled wi h the City's program, The garbage will be picked up on the next normally scheduled pick p day for that area if the recyclables have been removed. 4, Separated Recycling Newsletters: Th recycling committee felt that there are enough differences between recycling at apartm nts and single family residents that the individual packet of information going out to he two separate groups should be different. Consequently, this fall when residents eceive the new calendar, the new brochure or information will be different for residents f apartments than it is for single family residents, I'I~ 7 C:\OFFICE\RECYClINGIRECPLAN ADD: 09/24/1998 Page 2 . . . CITY OF M NTICELLO PROPOSED GARBAGE RATES FOR 1999 SUM ARY 1. Apartments/unit/month Pickup, Disposal & 10% Overhead $6. 0.56 (9.75% tax)* $6.85 2. 60-Gallon Container Pickup, Disposal & 10%Overhead $5. 1 + 0.46 (9.75% tax)* = $5.87 Garbage Container Rental Fee $1. 0 + 0.07 (6.5% tax) = $1.07 $6.94 3. 90-Gallon Container Pickup, Disposal & 10% Overhead $6. 6 + 0.54 (9.75% tax)* $7. ]0 Garbage Container Rental Fee $1. 5 + 0.08 (6.5% tax) $1.33 $8.43 4. Recycling Service Free of Charge to all R sidential Property. *N(Jn~': 9.75% tax not charged Oil top (llal1(!{i, city, coullty and state taxes and surchmxes. ,'I."r C:\OFFICE\JOHN\FORMS\GBGRA TES .FRM: 09/23/1998 - PAGE 3 . .. ----- 15. Council Agenda - 9/28/98 A. The proposals for the delivery and install tion of a new playground unit for Ellison Park were due Tuesday, September 22, 1998, t 10 a.m. A total of four proposals were received and the tabulation of these is as ollows: 1. Bob Klein & Associates 2. Minnesota Wisconsin Playground, Inc. 3. S1. Croix Recreation 4. Flanagan Sales TYPE OF UNIT Miracle BAS:I5:::BIDPROl'OSAL $30,031.15 $35,000.00 $35,000.00 $35,056.95 Game Time Burke Little Tikes Although Bob Klein & Associates had th lowest proposal at $30,031.15, the Parks Commission and Park Superintendent are not requesting to contract with this firm. Their design notes a high column, which would take away from the appearance of the nearby log shelter. Also, this design didn't appe to have the creativity for the younger age group of2 thru 5 years. Nor did the prop sallist a clear description of the installation of the play surface. It was the opinion of the Parks Commissi n and Park Superintendent to contract with Minnesota Wisconsin Playground, Inc. in the amount of $35,000. This company represents Game Time equipment. Game Time is a reputable manufacturer of playground equipment throughout the state of Minnes ta. They carry $50,000,000 product liability insurance and feature a lifetime warranty n all materials and workmanship, excluding vandalism. This unit is preferred for its u iqueness, appearance, and proven method of installation of the fiber system with drain ge barriers. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Based upon the above proposals, i is recommended that the City award the delivery and installation of a new layground unit for Ellison Park to Minnesota Wisconsin Playground, Inc., base upon their proposal of $35,000 for the Game Time playground unit. 2. The second alternative would be t award the contract for the playground equipment to Bob Klein & Associ tes based upon their low proposal of $30,031.15 for the Miracle playgr und unit. 2 . LLli ~~ ~I -~ ~; tIIIIIl:; ~ a:: 1:1 -'...~::;'I 1I1['.~ . "~..r' .. : ". ....011 . . Design .Submitted By: Bob Klem & Associates $30,031.15 x::>d'91v VP::> IS- .." I . J ~ .. to A. ~. C .- - - ..... ] ... ~ II CQ .~. 8= ~: o~ tn:t- Vc 2.... :EL ~ :/~ ....~~. - n Submitted By: eSlg d Inc. NIWI Playgroun , $35 000.00 REFERRED DESIGN* Design Submitted By: St. Croix Recreation $35,000.00 /s-...!. . . . i' CJ') :E w :n ~ >-00 CJ')ZCJ') >-~UJ <(02 >-...JO:::~ mD..CJ:a: CJ') ...J >- ~ 0:::<(<(0 UJU;rj OO:::~lU :::!UJ""'U :::>:2:....j:: m:E~Z OOZO -UO:a: ::S::CJ')(/)u. UJ:JO ~...J> ~UJ~ W - ...J U ~ ~ ...J Design Submitted By: Flanagan Sales $35,056.95 1~-'1 8RC FINANCIAL SYSTEM Q9/~~/98 10:59:22 . Schedule of Bills CITY OF MONTICELLO GL050S-VO 20 COV[RPAGE GL540~: Report Selection: RUN GROUP... D914 COMMENT... 9/14 CKS DATA-JE- ID DATA COMMENT 0-09141998-609 9/14 CKS Run Instructions: Jobq Banner Copies Form Printer Hold Space LPI Lines CPI J 01 Y S 6 056 10 . . 8RC FINANCIAL SYSTEM 09/14/98 10:59:23 . VENDOR NAME = DESCRIPTION ANKENY KELL ARCHITECTS, COM~ CENTERO-ARCHITECT B& D PLUMBING & HEATING ANSHELTER-CK KENNEL A/C BELLBOY CORPORATION BAR TAXABLE MISC BERNICK'S PEPSI COLA COM MISC TAXABLE BEER BRAUN ENGINEERING WWTP-MATL TESTING KLEIN F,~RMS 4TH BRe - ASSIST CENTER COMPUTER M/A .CHAMPION AMERICA INC. PARKS-op SUPPLIES CONTINENTAL SAFETY EQUIP FIRE-VEH R & M D JIS MUNICIPAL SUPPLY PARKS-LEVER BINDERS STREETS-OP SUPPLIES DAHLHEIMER DISTRISUTING BEER NON ALCHOLIC DAVE PETERSON'S FORD-MER STREETS-VEH REPAIR PARTS DAVIES WATER EQUIPMENT C WATER-FIRE HYDRANT DAY DISTRIBUTING COMPANY BEER .DAYTON'S OFFICE SOLUTION CH-FURNITURE FIXTURES -. - -. -. - - - 78,255.16 AMOUNT 75.00 ACCOUNT NAME Sched le of Bills FUND & ACCOUNT PROF SRV - ARCHI ECTS' F 461.49201.3020 REPAIR & MTC - B ILDINGS 101.42701.4010 397.20 MISC TAXABLE 124.20 866.90 991.10 703.00 1,050.75 1,753.75 5,454.00 69.35 293.88 55.98 155.34 211.82 10,887.85 402.10 11,289.95 MISC TAXABLE BEER *VENDOR TOTAL 609.49750.2540 609.49750.2540 609.49750.2520 MISC PROFESSIONAL SERVIC 436.49201.3199 PROF SRV - ENGINE RING F 458.49201.3030 *VENDOR TOTAL PROF SRV - DATA PR CESSI 101.41920.3090 MISC OPERATING SUP LIES 101.45201.2199 REPAIR & MTC - VEHICLES 101.42201.4050 CLOTHING SUPPLIES 101.45201.2111 MISC OPERATING SUPP IES 101.43120.2199 *VENDOR TOTAL BEER MISC TAXABLE *VENDOR TOTAL 609.49750.2520 609.49750.2540 435.72 VEHICLE REPAIR PARTS 101.43120.2211 1,393.38 EQUIPMENT REPAIR PAR S 601.49440.2210 1,404.70 BEER 609.49750.2520 566.95 FURNITURE & FIXTURES 240.49201.5601 CITY OF MONTICEL GL540R-V05.20 PAGE CLAIM INVOICE PO# F/P 10 LIN: JULY 609 0000 24218 509 0000 609 0000,. 76545, 79984 79985,76546 609 00014 609 00013 104891,0104897 509 00006 106148 609 00007 21511,216184 216513 P 609 00005 353380 509 00012 198637 609 00015 1326 509 00022 1326 609 00023 609 00016 609 00017 119162 609 00018 97907 509 00019 40956,41604 609 00020 192025,193172 609 00021 BRC FINANCIAL SYSTEM CITY OF MONTICELLO 09/14/98 10;59:23 Schedul e of Bi 11 s GL540R-V05.20 PAGE 2 ~VENDOR NAME DESCRIPTION AMOUNT ACCOUNT NAME FUND & ACCOUNT CLAIM INVOICE PO# F/P 10 LINE DAYTON'S OFFICE SOLUTION CH-FURNITURE FIXTURES 83.07 FURNITURE & FIXTU R S 240.49201.5601 193192 609 00024 650.02 *VENDOR TOTAL DEHMER FIRE PROTECTION FIRE-VEH REPAIR 208.11 REPAIR & MTC - VE H CLES 101.42201.4050 6434 609 00025 DOTY/KAREN TRAVEL EXPENSE 25.48 TRAVEL EXPENSE 101.41301.3310 609 00026 CC MEETING MEALS 39.49 TRAVEL EXPENSE 101.41110.3310 609 00027 CITY-PLAT BOOK FOR CH 18.00 PRINTED FORMS & P A ER 101.41301.2030 609 00028 82.97 *VENDOR TOTAL DOUBLE D ELECTRIC WATER-NEW BLDG REPAIR 953.25 REPAIR & MTC - BU ILDINGS 101.45201.4010 609 00030 PARKS-BALLFIELD LIGHTS 330.00 REPAIR & MTC - MAC & EQ 101.45201.4044 3125, 3126-1 609 00029 1,283.25 *VENDOR TOTAL EARL F ANDERSON & ASSOCI STREETS-OP SUPPLIES 987.48 MISC OPERATING SU PLI ES 101.43120.2199 11371 609 00031 EHLERS & ASSOC,INC PUBLI ~ TIF 1-24 ST BENEDICT 1,732.50 MISC PROFESSIONAL SERVIC 213.46524.3199 MC100-26 609 00032 ELECTION SYSTEMS & SOFTW WATER-METER READING CARD 91.49 PRINTED FORMS & P PER 601.49440.2030 306055 609 00033 EMERGITEK CORPORATION FIRE-EQUIP R & M 83.07 EQUIPMENT REPAIR ARTS 101.42201.2210 3752 609 00034 FAIR/WILLIAM TRAVEL EXPENSE 11.44 TRAVEL EXPENSE 101.41110.3310 609 00035 FIRSTAR BANK GO IMPR BONDS 1991A 112.00 FISCAL AGENTS' FE S 326.47001.6201 609 00037 GO IMPR BONDS 1990C 222.00 FISCAL AGENTS' FE S 325.47001.6201 609 00039 GO TAX INCRE 1989A 187.00 FISCAL AGENTS' FE S 380.47001.6201 609 00040 GO IMPR BONDS 1989B 222.00 FISCAL AGENTS' FEES 377 .47001.6201 609 00041 GO TAX INCRE 1985 224.00 FISCAL AGENTS' FEES 323.47001.6201 609 0004;: GO IMPR BOND 1992A 112.00 FISCAL AGENTS', FEES 327 .47001.6201 609 0004:~ GO WATER SYS BONDS 224.77 FISCAL AGENTS' FEES 354.47001.6201 AGENT'S FEES 609 0003f GO TAXABLE INCRE BOND 222.00 FISCAL AGENTS' F ES 382.47001.6201 19900 609 0003r 1,525.77 *VENDOR TOTAL FLESCH'S PAPER SERVICES, GEN OP SUPPLIES (SACKS) 135.50 MISC OPERATING S P PLIES 609.49754.2199 1119970 609 0004' ~CRONTLINE PLUS FIRE & RE FIRE-FIRE HOODS 682.20 CLOTHING SUPPLIE 101.42201.2111 6144 509 0004' -- -- -- -~- -,~-,-'--"-'- ---,.._-- BRC FINANCIAL SYSTEM CITY OF MONTI CELl 09/14/98 10:59:23 Schedu le of Bills GL540R-V05.20 PAGE ~ VENDOR NAME DEseR I PT ION AMOUNT ACCOUNT NAME FUND & ACCOUNT CLAIM INVOICE PO# FIP 10 LINt FYlES EXCAVATING & HONEY WATER-HYDRANT REPAIR 344.50 REPAIR & MTC - 0 THER 601.49440.4099 8311 609 ooo~ GARTNER'S OFFICE PRODUCT CH-OFFICE SUPPLIES 747. 04 MISC OFFICE SUPP LIES 101.41990.2099 609 0004 GENERAL RENTAL CENTER PARKS-TILLER REAR TINE 87.33 EQUIPMENT RENTAL 101.45201.4150 609 0004 WWTP-COMPACTOR JACK 71.32 PROF SRV - CONST UCT I ON 436.49201.3025 24242,24221 609 0004 158.65 *VENDOR TOTAL GRIGGS, COOPER & COMPANY LIQUOR 7,238.61 LIQUOR 609.49750.2510 609 0005 WINE 715.25 WINE 609.49750.2530 609 0005 MISC TAXABLE 262.42 MISC TAXABLE 609.49750.2540 609 0005 FREIGHT 104.25 FREIGHT 609.49750.3330 609 0005 8,320.53 *VENDOR TOTAL GROSSLEIN BEVERAGE INC. BEER 7,697. 75 BEER 609.49750.2520 155238,155620 609 0005 HAWKINS WATER TREATMENT . WATER-T/POTABLE 24.00 MISC PROFESSIONA SERVIC 601.49440.3199 609 0005 WATER-CHEMICALS 61.49 CHEMICAL PRODUCT 601.49440.2160 609 0005 SEWER-CHEMICALS 796.31 CHEMICAL PRODUCT 602.49490.2160 609 0005 881.80 *VENDOR TOTAL HEARTLAND APPRAISAL PLANNING-APPRAISAL FEE 310.00 MISC PROFESSIONA SERVIC 101.41910.3199 63998 609 0005 HERMES/GERALD T LIBRARY-CLEANING CNTRACT 227.50 PROF SRV - CUSTO IAL 211.45501.3110 9/15/98 609 0005 HOGLUND BUS COMPANY FIRE-VEH R & M 252.73 REPAIR & MTC - V HICLES 101.42201.4050 34807, 34857 609 0006 HOGLUND TRANSPORTATION PLANNING-BUS TRIPS 206.60 MISC PROFESSIONA SERVIC 101.41910.3199 83236, 83257 609 0006 IDEAL SYSTEMS, INC WWTP-INS & COATING 8,800.00 PROF SRV - CONST UCTION 436.49201.3025 98804 609 0005 INDUSTRIAL MAINT. SUPPLI STREETS-OP SUPPLIES. 40.07 MISC OPERATING S PPLI ES 101.43120.2199 1728A 509 0006 INNOVATIVE SOFTWARE DESI DATA PROC-ANNUAL DOMAIN 49.00 MISC OTHER EXPEN E 101.41920.4399 63847 609 0006 .INTERNATL SECURITY PRODU PARKS-RAIL ENDS 171.47 MISC OPERATING S PPLI ES 101.45201.2199 5545 509 0006 BRC FINANCIAL SYSTEM CITY OF MONTICELLO 09/14/98 10:59:23 Schedul e of Bills GL540R-V05.20 PAGE 4 ~VENDOR NAME DESCRIPTION AMOUNT ACCOUNT NAME FUND & ACCOUNT CLAIM INVOICE POll F/P 10 LINE JOHNSON BROS WHOLESALE L LIQUOR 1,323.89 LIQUOR 609.49750.2510 609 00066 WINE 3,908.84 WINE 609.49750.2530 609 00057 FREIGHT 210.07 FREIGHT 609.49750.3330 609 00068 5,442.80 *VENDOR TOTAL KEN ANDERSON TRUCKING 14 ANIMALS 77.00 MISC PROFESSIONAL SERVIC 101.42701.3199 609 00069 KEN'S 66 SERVICE INSP-VEH MAINT & PARTS 297.02 REPAIR & MTC - VE ICLES 101.42401.4050 6846 609 00070 KING/JAMES W FIREHALL 127.80 MISC PROFESSIONAL SERVIC 101.42201.3199 LAWN MAINT 609 00008 LI BRARY 127.80 MISC PROFESSIONAL SERVIC 211.45501.3199 LAWN MAINT 609 00009 LIQUOR 95.85 MISC PROFESSIONAL SERVIC 609.49754.3199 LAWN MAINT 609 00010 RIVERSIDE CEMETARY 559.13 PROF SRV - LAWN S RVICE 651.49010.3105 LAWN MAINT 609 00011 910.58 *VENDOR TOTAL L & L ASPHALT, INC. COMM CENTER-PATCH RR 1,830.40 MISC PROFESSIONAL SERVIC 101.41910.3199 609 00071 .ITTLE MOUNTAIN FLOWERS CH-BALLOONS 10.65 MISC OTHER EXPENS 101.41301.4399 609 00072 MCDOWALL COMPANY CH-AC REPAIR & MAINTE 148.92 REPAIR & MTC - M CH & EQ 101.41301.4044 2223 609 0007:: MELROSE NORTH PYROTECHNI LIQUOR-FIREWORKS FOR 4TH 8,000.00 609.49754.4399 609 0007' MENARD, INC PARKS.OP SUPPLIES 43.58 MISC OPERATING S PPL! ES 101.45201.2199 91958 609 0007' MN DEPT OF TRADE & ECON SCERG GRANT REIMB 2,483.45 GRANT REIMB - AR PLAX 222.46501.6602 609 0007 MN FIRE SERVICE CERT BOA FIRE-LYMER 35.00 CONFERENCE & SCH OLS 101.42201.3320 609 0007 MONTICELLO PRINTING BLDG JNSP-PRINTED FORMS 150.17 PRINTED FORMS & APER 101.42401.2030 609 0008 PLANNING-COPIES 42.60 PRINTED FORMS & APER 101.41910.2030 609 0008 CH-PRINTED FORMS 1,118.73 PRINTED FORMS & APER 101.41301.2030 609 0008 FIRE-PRINTED FORMS 41.39 PRINTED FORMS & APER 101.42201.2030 609 OOOS 1,358.89 *VENDOR TOTAL ~MONTICELLO SENIOR C!TIZE GL YDYS BITZER 500.00 SALARIES, TEMPORA RY - RE 101.45172.1040 CHAMBER HELP 609 OOOt --- -- - -,_._-,~,-_.-~- BRC FINANCIAL SYSTEM CITY OF MONTICELLO 09/14/98 10:59;23 Schedule of Bills GL540R-V05.20 PAGE 5 . VENDOR NAME DESCRIPTION AMOUNT ACCOUNT NAME FUN 0 & ACCOUNT CLAIM INVOICE PO#: F/P ID LINE MONTICELLO TIMES LEGAl. 463.90 LEGAL NOTICE PUBLI A TI ON 101. 4 1601. 3510 609 00085 NATIONAL BUSHING PARTS & SHOP-OP SUPPLIES 51. 12 MISC OPERATING SUP PLI ES 101.43127.2199 609 00086 NORTHERN STATES POWER CO WATER 1.956.49 ELECTRIC 601.49440.3810 609 00089 NORTHWESTERN POWER EQUIP WATER-VALVE 195.03 EQUIPMENT REPAIR ARTS 601.49440.2210 980786TE 609 00087 NOVAK FLECK, INC REIMB TREE ESCROW 250.00 ESCROWS - COND OC UPANCY 101.22013 9168 FIELDCRST 609 00088 PATCH/FRED FRED-TRAVEL EXPENSES 38.80 TRAVEL EXPENSE 101.42401.3310 609 00091 CELL PHONE REIMB 19.03 TELEPHONE 101.42401.3210 609 00092 NFPA SOFTWARE-FIRE CODE 500.00 TELEPHONE 101.42401.3210 609 00093 557.83 *VENDOR TOTAL PAUSTIS & SONS . WINE 437.02 WINE 609.49750.2530 95382 609 00090 PHILLIPS WINE & SPIRITS WINE 3,329.57 WINE 609.49750.2530 609 00094 LIQUOR 9,979.70 LIQUOR 609.49750.2510 609 00095 FREIGHT 171.60 FREIGHT 609.49750.3330 609 00096 13,480.87 *VENDOR TOTAL PINNACLE DISTRIBUTING MISe TAXABLE 356.80 MIse TAXABLE 609.49750.2540 994262 609 00097 PRECISION MEASURING SYST PW INSP-MISC OP 35.15 MIse OPERATING SU PLI ES 101.43115.2199 4005 609 00098 PREFERRED AMERICAN TOOLS WATER-HAMMER & SCREWS 41. 00 SMALL TOOLS & EQUI PMENT 601.49440.2410 14565-8 609 00099 QUALITY WINE & SPIRITS C WINE 974.00 WINE 609.49750.2530 635685,635694 609 00100 RECREATION, SPORTS AND P PARKS-SWING & SEAT 218.99 MIse OPERATING SU PLI ES 101.45201.2199 609 00101 RED'S MOBIL FIRE-GAS 24.70 MOTOR FUELS 101.42201.2120 609 00102 . RON'S GOURMET ICE ICE 524.23 MIse TAXABLE 609.49750.2540 22202,21512 609 00103 BRC FINANCIAL SYSTEM CITY OF MONTICELlC 09/14/98 10;59;23 Schedu 1 of Bills GL540R-V05.20 PAGE 6 .VENDOR NAME DESCRIPTION AMOUNT ACCOUNT NAME i=UND & ACCOUNT CLAIM INVOICE PO# F/P 10 LINE SALZWEDEL/PATRICIA TRAVEL EXPENSE 56.00 TRAVEL EXPENSE 101.42701.3310 609 00079 AN CONTROL-CONTRACT 1,197.50 PROF SRV - AN1MAl C TRl 0 101.42701.3120 SEPT 15 609 00078 1,253.50 *VENDOR TOTAL SCHARBER & SONS, INC. PARKS-VEH REPAIR PARTS 223.49 VEHICLE REPAIR PA TS 101.45201.2211 609 00105 STREETS-EQUIP REPAIR PRT 161. 07 EQUIPMENT REPAIR P RTS 101.43120.2210 188929, 190326 609 00104 384.56 *VENDOR TOTAL SENSUS TECHNOLOGIES, INC WATER-PROGRAM SUPPORT 500.00 MAINTENANCE AGREEM NTS 601.49440.3190 609 00106 SIMONSON lUMBER COMPANY STREETS-OP SUPPLIES 154.21 MISC OPERATING SUP LIES 101.43120.2199 609 00107 PARKS-OP SUPPLIES 108.04 MISC OPERATING SUP LIES 101.45201.2199 609 00108 PW INSP-OP SUPPLIES 22.47 MISC OPERATING SUP LIES 101.43115.2199 609 00109 PW REMODELING 155.69 BUILDINGS 255.49201.5201 609 00110 RENTAL HOUSE EXPENSES 40.30 RENTAL HOUSE EXPEN ES 240.49201.4381 609 00111 490.71 *VENDOR TOTAL ST CROIX RECREATION CO, . PARKS-GRILL 221.42 MISC OPERATING SUPP IES 101.45201.2199 10828 609 00114 ST. CLOUD RESTAURANT SUP MISC OP SUPPLIES 35.76 MISC OPERATING SUPP IES 609.49754.2199 418228 609 00113 MISC T.4XABLE 105.54 MISC TAXABLE 509.49750.2540 42215R,418227 609 00112 141.30 *VENDOR TOTAL STEVE'S ELK RIVER NURSER PARKS-LANDSCAPE FABRIC 479.17 MISC OPERATING SUPP IES 101.45201.2199 9904, 9902 609 00115 TDS DATACOM CH 276.99 TELEPHONE 101.41301.3210 609 001'16 THIBODEAUX/SUE TRAVEL EXPENSE 71. 10 TRAVEL EXPENSE 101.41520.3310 GFOA SEMINAR 609 00117 THORPE DISTRIBUTING COMP BEER 30,481.25 BEER 609.49750.2520 609 00118 MISC TAXABLE 78.80 MISC TAXABLE 609.49750.2540 609 00119 30,560.05 *VENDOR TOTAL U S POSTAL SERVICE CH-POSTAGE FOR METER 2,000.00 POSTAGE 101.41301.3220 ACCT#26272021 609 00122 UNITED LABORATORIES . STREETS-LUBS 297.88 LUBRICANTS & ADDITI VES 101.43120.2130 51354 609 00127 - -. ----- BRC FINANCIAL SYSTEM CITY OF MONTICELLO 09/14/98 10:59:23 Schedul of Bills GL540R-V05.20 PAGE 7 . VENDOR NAME DESCRIPTION AMOUNT ACCOUNT NAME FUND & ACCOUNT CLAIM INVOICE PO# F/P ID LINE UNIVERSAL LIGHTING CO LIQUOR-CLNING SUPPLIES 75.02 MISC OPERATING SU PLI ES 609.49754.2199 41167 609 00124 US FILTER-WATERPRO WATER-METERS FOR RESALE 1,133.99 METERS & VALVES F R RESA 601.49440.2271 450464 609 00120 WATER-UTIL SYS MAINT 267.74 UTILITY SYSTEM MT E SUPP 601.49440.2270 450464 609 00121 1,401.73 *VENDOR TOTAL US WEST DIRECTORY ADVERT LIQUOR-YELLOW PAGES 64.00 ADVERTISING 609.49754.3499 609 00125 USA WASTE SERVICES, INC REFUSE 7/20 TO 7/31 2,914.10 PROF SRV - REFUSE COLLEC 101.43230.3100 14455 609 00126 REFUSE 8/3 TO 8/13 2,979.49 PROF SRV - REFUSE COLLEC 101.43230.3100 15056 609 00123 5,893.59 *VENDOR TOTAL VIKING COCA COLA CH-POP 128.87 MISC OTHER EXPENS 101.41940.4399 609 00129 LIQUOR-TAXABLE MISC 223.75 MISC TAXABLE 609.49750.2540 2160198 609 00128 352.62 *VENDOR TOTAL WATSON COMPANY, INC/THE . MISC TAXABLE 605.52 MISC TAXABLE 609.49750.2540 524433 609 00130 WRIGHT HENNEPIN SECURITY DEP REG 19.12 MAINTENANCE AGREE ENTS 101.41990.3190 MON ITORING 609 00131 PARKS 15.98 MAINTENANCE AGREE ENTS 101.45201.3190 MON ITORING 609 00132 WATER TOWER 21.25 MAINTENANCE AGREE ENTS 601.49440.3190 MONITORING 609 00133 56.35 *VENDOR TOTAL WRIGHT-HENNEPIN COOP ELE STREETS LIGHTS-GILLARD 9.00 ELECTRIC 101.43160.3810 609 00134 ZEP MANUFACTURING COMPAN STREETS-OP SUPPLIES 135.48 MIse OPERATING SU PLI ES 101.43120.2199 57726348 609 00135 . BRC FINANCIAL SYSTEM 09/14/98 10:59:23 .VENDOR NAME DESCRIPTION REPORT TOTALS: . . AMOUNT 223,681.86 Schedul of 8ills ACCOUNT NAME FUND & ACCOUNT RECORDS PRINTED - 000134 CITY OF MONTICELLO GL540R-V05.20 PAGE 8 CLAIM INVOICE PO# F/P 10 LINE BRC FINANCIAL SYSTEM CITY OF MONTICEl 09/14/98 10;59;26 Schedu le of Bills GL060S-V05.20 RECAPPt . GL540R FUND RECAP: FUND DESCR I PTI ON DISBURSEMENTS -------~-------------------- 101 GENERAL FUND 29,244.86 211 LIBRARY FUND 355.30 213 HRA FUND 1,732.50 222 SCERG (ECON RECOVERY GRANT) 2,483.45 240 CAPITAL PROJECT REVOLVING FD 690.32 265 WATER ACCESS FUND 165.69 323 1989-1,-2,-3 G.O. BOND FUND 224.00 325 1990C G.O. BOND FD (E.SAND8) 222.00 326 1991A- 1,-2,-3 G.O. BOND FO 112.00 327 1992A CHILLS/SCHOOL BLV BD 112.00 354 1988 WATER SYSTEM BOND FUND 224.77 377 TIF 1985 (VEIT) BOND FUND 222.00 380 TIF 1989 (ELDERLY) BOND FUND 187.00 382 TIF 19900 (REM/TAP) BOND FD 222.00 436 93-14C WWTP EXPANSION PRJ 9,574.32 458 97-04C KLEIN FARMS 4(LION'S) 1,050.75 461 98-03C COMMUNITY CENTER 78,255.16 601 WA TER FUND 6,030.36 602 SEWER FUND 796.31 .609 MUNICIPAL LIQUOR FUND 91,217.94 651 RIVERSIDE CEMETERY 559. 13 TOT AL ALL FUNDS 223,681.86 BANK RECAP: BANK NAME ---------------------------- o SBURSEMENTS GENL GENERAL CHECKING LIQR LIQUOR CHECKING 132,463.92 91, 217.94 TOTAL ALL BANKS 23,681.86 THE PRECEDING LIST OF BILLS PAYABLE WAS EVIEWED AND APPROVED FOR PAYMENT. [J!..IE ............ APPROVED BY ... "0+. +... ..+.... +.............. +,.+............ 0................ . ........... +. -.. +. .... +. 0.'.0... ----=--------- - -- - - -- BRC FINANCIAL SYSTEM ~22/98 09:24:30 Schedule of Bills CIT. OF MONTICELLO GL050S-V 5.20 COVERPAGE GL540R Report Selection: RUN GROUP... 0922 COMMENT... 9/22 CKS OATA-JE~ID OATA COMMENT 0-09221998-646 9/22 CKS Run Instructions: Jobq Banner Copies Form Printer Hold Space LPI Lines CPI J 01 Y S 6 066 10 . . --/ BRC FINANCIAL SYSTEM CITY OF MONTICELLO 09/22/98 09:24:30 Schedu 1 of Bills GL540R-V05.20 PAGE 1 41111wENDOR NAME F/P 10 LINE DESCR I PTI ON AMOUNT ACCOUNT NAME FUND & ACCOUNT CLAIM INVOICE PO# A E MICHAELS STREETS-OP SUPPLIES 111. 20 MISC OPERATING SU PLIES 101.43120.2199 646 00003 PARKS-OP SUPPLIES 39,18 MISC OPERATING SU PLIES 101.45201.2199 646 00004 PARKS-BLDG REPAIR SUPP 154.67 BUILDING REPAIR SU PPLIES 101.45201.2230 646 00005 305.05 *VENDOR TOTAL A T & 1 WIRELESS SERVICE AN SHELTER 28.48 TELEPHONE 101.42701.3210 CELLULAR 646 00001 AAA STRIPING SERVICE COM STREETS-MARKING PAINT 3,125.20 STREET MAINTENANCE MATER 101.43120.2240 91657 646 00002 AFFORDABLE SANITATION PARKS-TOILET UNITS 359.50 MISC OTHER EXPENSE 101.45201.4399 9801657 646 00006 AMCON DESIGN COMM CENTER-SANDFILL 7,000.00 PROF SRV - CONSTRU nON 461.49201.3025 533-100-1 646 00007 ARAMARK CH-SUPPLI ES 65.00 MISC OPERATING SUP LIES 101.41940.2199 6013,.846397 646 00008 BARTON SAND & GRAVEL CO. . LIQUOR-SW3/4ASTM67 72 .21 REPAIR & MTC - BUI DINGS 609.49754.4010 6147 646 00009 BERGSTROM'S LAWN & GARDE STREETS-SLEEVE 7. 65 MISC OPERATING SUP LIES 101.43120.2199 33995 646 00010 BERNICK'S PEPSI COLA COM BEER 640.50 BEER 609.49750.2520 83565 646 00023 BRAUN ENGINEERING WWTP-MATL TESTING 524.50 MISC PROFESSIONAL ERVIC 436.49201.3199 109143 646 00011 KELIN FARMS 3RD 167.50 PROF SRV - ENGINEE ING F 452.49201.3030 109144 646 00012 8IOSOLIDS MONITORING 10,603.50 BIOSOLIDS FARM IMP OVEME 602.49480.4385 109150 646 00013 11.295.50 *VENDOR TOTAL 8RC - ASSIST CENTER COMPUTER M/A 1,818.00 PROF SRV - DATA PR CESSI 101.41920.3090 1200070 RI 646 00014 BROCK WHITE COMPANY, LLC WWTP-HOLE PATCHING MATL 402.93 PROF SRV - CONSTRU TION 436.49201.3025 SP11297301 646 00015 C J BROWN BUSINESS SERVI NEWSLETTER-FALL 848.32 NEWSLETTER 101.41301.3195 646 00016 CEDRUS CREEK CRAFTSMAN REIMB-TREE ESCROW 250.00 ESCROWS - COND OCC PANCY 101.22013 646 00017 ~LULAR 2000 OF ST CLOU TOM B 83.06 TELEPHONE 101.43115.3210 CELLULAR 646 00018 FIRE DEPT 0.85 TELEPHONE 101.42201.3210 CELLULAR 646 00019 BRC FINANCIAL SYSTEM CITY OF MONTICELLO 09/22/98 09:24:30 Schedule of Bills GL540R-V05.20 PAGE 2 eENDOR NAME DESCRIPTION AMOUNT ACCOUNT NAME FUND & ACCOUNT CLAIM INVOICE PO# F/P ID LINE CELLULAR 2000 OF ST CLOU GARY A 126.42 TELEPHONE 101.42401.3210 CELLULAR 646 00020 MA TT T 36.04 TELEPHONE 601.49440.3210 CELLULAR 646 00021 246.37 *VENDOR TOTAL CENTRAL MINN INITIATIVE CMIF GRANT REIMB 1,100.21 GRANT REIMBURSEMEN 223.46501.6601 646 00022 CITY BUSINESS OLLIE-SUBSCRIPTION 139.00 DUES, MEMBERSHIP & SUBSC 101.46501.4330 6~6 00024 CULLIGAN RENTAL HOUSE-RENTAL 13.63 RENTAL HOUSE EXPEN ES 240.49201.4381 646 00025 DAHLHEIMER DISTRIBUTING BEER 4,012.25 BEER 609.49750.2520 646 00026 NON ALCOHOLIC 33.00 MISC TAXABLE 609.49750.2540 646 00027 4,045.25 *VENDOR TOTAL DAVIES WATER EQUIPMENT C WATER-UTIL SYSTEM SUPP 137. 68 UTILITY SYSTEM MTCE SUPP 601.49440.2270 15129 646 00028 ~Y DISTRIBUTING COMPANY BEER 1,945.70 BEER 609.49750.2520 42200 646 00029 ELECTION SYSTEMS & SOFTW ELECTIONS-MAINT AGREE. 920.00 MAINTENANCE AGREEME TS 101.41410.3190 306924 646 00030 FRONTLINE PLUS FIRE & RE FIRE - FIRE HOODS 113.70 CLOTHING SUPPLIES 101.42201.2111 6144 646 00031 GENERAL RENTAL CENTER WWTP-JUMPING JACK 55.38 PROF SRV - CONSTRUC ION 436.49201.3025 24242 646 00032 GLUNZ/RAYMOND J MELIN 355.00 PROF SRV - EXCAVATI N 651.49010.3115 646 00033 GOVERNMENT TRAINING CENT GARY-SPRING SEMINAR 30.00 CONFERENCE & SCHOOL 101.42401.3320 646 00034 GRIGGS, COOPER & COMPANY LI QUOR 2,658.71 LIQUOR 609.49750.2510 646 00035 WINE 312.24 WINE 609.49750.2530 646 00036 MIse TAXABLE 53.58 MISC TAXABLE 609.49750.2540 646 00037 FREIGHT 32.25 FREIGHT 609.49750.3330 646 00038 WINE 498.70 WINE 609.49750.2530 646 00107 LI QUOR 276.95 LIQUOR 609.49750.2510 646 00108 . FREIGHT 8.58 FREIGHT 609.49750.3330 646 00109 3,841. 01 *VENDOR TOTAL BRC FINANCIAL SYSTeM CITY OF MONTICELLO 09/22/9B 09:24:30 Schedule of Bills GL540R-V05.20 PAGE 3 .ENDOR NAME DESCRIPTION AMOUNT ACCOUNT NAME FUND & ACCOUNT CLAIM INVOICE PO# F/P ID LINE GROSSLEIN BEVERAGE INC. BEER 5,76B.45 BEER 609.49750.2520 646 00039 HERMES/GERALD T LIBRARY-CLING CONTRACT 227.50 PROF SRV - CUSTODI L 211.45501.3110 9/30 646 00040 HOGLUND COACH LINES LTD CONTRACT 5.362.14 PROF SVR - HEARTLA o BUS 610.49B01.3060 AUGUST 646 00041 IKON OFFICE SOLUTIONS LIBRARY-M/A COPIER 58.00 MAINTENANCE AGREEM NTS 211.45501.3190 207414 646 00042 JOHNSON BROS WHOLESALE L LI QUOR 4,353.06 LI QUOR 609.49750.2510 646 00043 WINE 227.55 WINE 609.49750.2530 646 00044 FREIGHT 45.50 FREIGHT 609.49750.3330 646 00045 4,626.11 *VENDOR TOTAL KEN'S 66 SERVICE INSP-VEH MAINT & PARTS 17 .00 REPAIR & MTC - VEH CLES 101.42401.4050 646 00046 KOROPCHAK/OLIVE e EC DEV- TRAVEL 14.56 TRAVEL EXPENSE 101.46501.3310 646 00047 KRA-P IZZA 34.72 MISC OTHER EXPENSE 101.46501.4399 646 00048 49.28 *VENDOR TOTAL KRAMBER & ASSOCIATES INC ASSESSING SERVICE 1,948.50 PROF SRV - ASSESSI G 101.41550.3125 OCTOBER 646 00049 LARSON'S ACE HARDWARE SHADE TREE-SPRAY PAINT B.50 MISC OPERATING SUP LIES 224.46102.2199 646 00050 DEP REG - OP SUPPLIES 4.24 MISC OPERATING SUP LIES 101.41990.2199 646 00051 STORM-SHOP 43.39 1997 STORM DAMAGE XPENS 101.42501.4401 646 00052 WWTP-OP SUPPLIES 2B.21 PROF SRV - CONSTRU nON 436.49201. 3025 646 00053 WWTP-OP SUPPLIES 8.61 MISC OPERATING SUP LIES 436.49201.2199 646 00054 WATER-OP SUPPLIES 18.36 MISC OPERATING SUP LIES 601.49440.2199 646 00055 WATER-BLDG REPAIR SUPP 53.73 BUILDING REPAIR SU PLIES 601.49440.2230 646 00056 WATER-REPAIR PARTS 10.23 UTILITY SYSTEM MTC SUPP 601.49440.2270 646 00057 FIRE-SMALL TOOLS 28.70 BUILDING REPAIR SU PLIES 101.45201.2230 646 0005B CH-BLDG REPAIR PARTS 42.02 BUILDING REPAIR SU PLIES 101.41940.2230 646 00059 PARKS-SMALL TOOLS 33.40 SMALL TOOLS & EQUI MENT 101.45201.2410 646 00060 PARKS-OP SUPPLIES 709.15 MISC OPERATING SUP LIES 101.45201.2199 646 00061 SHOP-BLDG REPAIR SUPP 133.55 MISC OPERATING SUP LIES 101.43127.2199 646 00062 STREETS-SMALL TOOLS 4.7B SMALL TOOLS & EQUI MENT 101.43120.2410 646 00063 STREETS-OP SUPPLIES 19.35 MISC OPERATING SUP LIES 101.43120.2199 646 00064 RENTAL HOUSE-REPAIR 19.77 RENTAL HOUSE EXPEN ES 240.49201.4381 646 00065 LIQUOR-FILTERS&BATTERIES 50.76 MISC OPERATING SUP LIES 609.49754.2199 646 00066 eLIBRARY-CLNING SUPPLIES 12.95 CLEANING SUPPLIES 211.45501.2110 646 00067 LIQUOR-R & M BLDG 79.28 REPAIR & MTC - BUI DINGS 609.49754.4010 646 0006B 1,30B.98 *VENDOR TOTAL BRC FINANCIAL SYSTEM CITY OF MONTICELLO 09/22/98 09:24:30 Schedule 0 B; 115 GL540R-V05.20 PAGE 4 .ENDOR NAME DESCRIPTION AMOUNT ACCOUNT NAME FUND & ACCOUNT CLAIM INVOICE PO# F/P ID LINE LEAGUE OF MN CITIES INS PARKS-WC INS 13,188.00 WORKER'S COMP INS PR MI U 101.49240.1510 646 00069 FIRE-MISC GEN 3,279.00 MISC GENERAL INSURAN E 101.42201. 3699 646 00070 WATER-MISC GEN 4,022.00 MISC GENERAL INSURAN E 601.49440.3699 646 00071 LIQUOR-PREPAID INS 1,465.00 PREPAID INSURANCE 609.15502 646 00072 21,954.00 *VENDOR TOTAL LOCH JEWELERS IDC- PLAQUES 150.90 MISC OTHER EXPENSE 101.46501.4399 890825 646 00073 M.B. P. FIRE 41. 14 MOTOR FUELS 101.42201.2120 FUEL 646 00091 STREETS 237.50 MOTOR FUELS 101.43120.2120 FUEL 646 00092 278.64 *VENDOR TOTAL MARTIE'S FARM SERVICE PARKS-OP SUPPLIES 45.78 MISC OPERATING SUPPLI S 101.45201.2199 646 00074 STREETS-OP SUPPLIES 52.66 MISC OPERATING SUPPLI 101.43120.2199 646 00075 98.44 *VENDOR TOTAL MAUS FOODS AN SHELTER-SUPPLIES 44.52 MISC OPERATING SUPPLIE 101.42701.2199 646 00076 . CC-MEETING 17. 08 MISC OTHER EXPENSE 101.41110.4399 646 00077 PW 10.41 MISC OPERATING SUPPLIE 101.43127.2199 646 00078 WWPT 10.87 PROF SRV - CONSTRUCTIO 436.49201.3025 646 00079 PW-ADM 15.30 MISC OPERATING SUPPLIE 101.43110.2199 646 00080 EC OEV-CAKE/GRDBRKING 38.70 MISC OPERATING SUPPLIE 101.46501.2199 646 00081 136.88 *VENDOR TOTAL MINNEGASCO CH 6.39 GAS 101.41940.3830 646 00083 OEP REG 17.25 GAS 101.41990.3830 646 00084 AN SHELTER 10.86 GAS 101.42701.3830 646 00085 PARKS 9.59 GAS 101.45201.3830 646 00086 FIRE DEPT 32.76 GAS 101.42201.3830 646 00087 SHOP/GARAGE 118.96 GAS 101.43127.3830 646 00088 LIBRARY 15.98 GAS 211.45501.3830 646 00089 211. 79 *VENDOR TOTAL MN OEPT OF PUBLIC SAFETY LIQUOR-BUYER'S CARD 20.00 LICENSES & PERMITS 609.49754.4370 646 00082 MONTICELLO COMMUNITY PAR CH-WINDOW PAINTING 25.00 GENERAL PUBLIC INFORMAT I 101.41940.3520 646 00093 MONTICELLO SENIOR CITllE CONTRACT 2,833.33 SENIOR CENTER CONTRIBUT I 101.45175.3136 OCTOBER 646 00094 ~ON MOTOR SALES, INC. 27.64 EQUIPMENT REPAIR PARTS 101.43120.2210 646 00095 STREETS-CHEISEL BLADE PARK-VEH REPAIR PART 35.96 VEHICLE REPAIR PARTS 101.45201.2211 646 00096 BRC FINANCIAL SYSTEM CITY OF MONTICELLO 09122/98 09:24:30 Schedule 0 Bills GL540R-V05.20 PAGE 5 .ENOOR NAME F/P 10 LINE DESCRIPTION AMOUNT ACCOUNT NAME FUNO & ACCOUNT CLAIM INVOICE POll MOON MOTOR SALES, INC. PARK-EQUIP REPAIR PARTS 92.53 EQUIPMENT REPAIR PAR S 101.45201.2210 646 00097 PARK-CLEAN PUMP 47.03 REPAIR & MTC - MACH EQ 101.45201.4044 646 00098 203.16 *VENOOR TOTAL MTI OISBTRIBUTING CO. PARKS-OP SUPPLIES 27.22 MISC OPERATING SUPPL ES 101.45201.2199 1244314 646 00099 NEENAH FOUNDRY COMPANY STREETS-FRAME 211.77 MISC OPERATING SUPPL ES 101.43120.2199 646 00100 KLEIN FARM 3RD-GRATE 197.99 MISC PROFESSIONAL SE VIC 452.49201.3199 646 00101 409.76 *VENDOR TOTAL OLSON & SONS ELECTRIC, I LIQUOR-R&M, MACH & EQUIP 93.38 REPAIR & MTC - MACH EQ 609.49754.4044 646 00102 STREET LIGHTING-R & M 206.31 MISC REPAIR & MTC SU PLI 101.43160.2299 646 00103 WATER-PUMP & WELL REPAIR 86.65 REPAIR & MTC - MACH EQ 601.49440.4044 646 00104 SEWER-PUMP & WELL REPAIR 53.00 REPAIR & MTC - MACH EQ 602.49490.4044 646 00105 439.34 *VENDOR TOTAL ONE CALL CONCEPTS, INC. LOCATES 508.00 MISC PROFESSIONAL SE VIC 601.49440.3199 AUGUST 646 00106 .OTO I WWTP-FILM DEV 69.83 PROF SRV - CONSTRUCT ON 436.49201.3025 646 00110 NEWSLETTER 17.68 NEWSLETTER 101.41301.3195 646 00111 87.51 *VENDOR TOTAL PIONEER PARKS-QUIK STRIPE 303.54 MISC OPERATING SUPPL ES 101.45201.2199 646 00112 PITNEY BOWES CH-QTRLY POSTAGE MACH 477.09 EQUIPMENT RENTAL 101.41940.4150 RENTAL 646 00113 PRESTIGE BUILDERS REFUND OVERPAYMENT 108.05 SALE OF WATER METERS 601.36241 646 00114 BP 98-4186 A 7.03 SALES TAX PAYABLE 601.20810 RECEIPT 23270 646 00115 115.08 *VENDOR TOTAL PREUSSE/ JAMES L CH 460.00 PROF SRV - CUSTODIAL 101.41940.3110 OCTOBER CLNING 646 00116 DEP REG 120.00 PROF SRV - CUSTODIAL 101.41990.3110 OCTOBER CLNING 646 00117 PUBLIC WORKS 150.00 PROF SRV - CUSTODIAL 101.43110.3110 OCTOBER CLNING 646 00118 730.00 *VENDOR TOTAL RELIABLE CORPORATION/THE CH-OP SUPPLI ES 48.21 MISC OPERATING SUPPL ES 101.41940.2199 891000 646 00120 eVERSIDE OIL 1.424.00 MOTOR FUELS 101.43120.2120 646 00121 STREETS-FUEL ~ .-- --._.~ ------..'-----.- ._~~--- - BRC FINANCIAL SYSTEM CITY OF MONTICEl/ 09/22/98 09:24:30 Scheduile 0 f Bills GL540R-V05.20 PAGE ~ENDOR NAME F/P ID LINE DESCR I PTI ON AMOUNT ACCOUNT NAME FUND & ACCOUNT CLAIM INVOICE PO# SALZWEDEL/PATRICIA AN CONTROL CONTRACT 1,197.49 PROF SRV - ANIMAL CT RL 0 101.42701.3120 SEPT 30 646 000ge SCHARBER & SONS, INC. STREETS-EQUIP REPAIR 223.49 EQUIPMENT REPAIR AR TS 101.43120.2210 188929 646 00122 SERVICE SALES CORPORATIO LIQUOR-OP SUPPLIES 74.96 MISC OPERATING SU PL IES 609.49754.2199 109669 646 00123 SHERBURNE COUNTY CITIZEN LIQUOR-PET AD . 30.00 ADVERTISING 609.49754.3499 17747 646 00124 LIQUOR-WANT AD 54.00 ADVERTI SING 609.49754.3499 17801 646 00125 84.00 *VENDOR TOTAL SIMPSON/CYNTHIA R FIRE OEPT 50.00 PROF SRV - CUSTODIAL 101.42201. 3110 SEPT CLNING 646 00126 sr. CLOUD RESTAURANT SUP MISC TAXABLE 156.50 MISC TAXABLE 609.49750.2540 646 00127 MISC OP SUPPLIES 59.50CR MISC OPERATING SUPP IES 609.49754.2199 646 00128 87. 00 *VENOOR TOTAL ~UPERIOR FCR LANDFILL, I LANDFILL CHARGES 16.20 MISC PROFESSIONAL SE VIC 101.43230.3199 646 00129 WWTP-SW ITCH OUT 1,805.75 MISC PROFESSIONAL SE VIe 602.49480.3199 646 00130 STREETS-DEMO 220.00 MISC OTHER EXPENSE 101.43120.4399 646 00131 WWTP-DEMO 50.00 MISC OTHER EXPENSE 436.49201.4399 646 00132 2,091.95 *VENDOR TOTAL TOS TELECOM PARKS 124.91 TELEPHONE 101.45201.3210 646 00133 CH 1,626.26 TELEPHONE 101.41301.3210 646 00134 ANIMAL SHELTER 38.71 TELEPHONE 101.42701.3210 646 00135 WA TER 31.06 TELEPHONE 601.49440.3210 646 00136 PUBLIC WORKS 477.47 TELEPHONE 101.43110.3210 646 00137 DEP REG 174.38 TELEPHONE 101.41990.3210 646 00138 PW INSP 10.20 TELEPHONE 101.43115.3210 646 00139 COMPUTER 10.20 TELEPHONE 101.41920.3210 646 00140 LIQlJOR STORE 239.06 TELEPHONE 609.49754.3210 646 00141 2,732.25 *VENDOR TOTAL THORPE DISTRIBUTING COMP BEER 6,767.85 BEER 609.49750.2520 646 00142 MISC TAXABLE 121.60 MIse TAXABLE 609.49750.2540 646 00143 6,889.45 *VENDOR TOTAL U SLINK .CH 239.54 TELEPHONE 101. 4130 1. 321 0 646 00145 - - -.- ~_.- -..... -_._.._--~.- - -~._.- ..- ~._._- eRC FINANCIAL SYSTEM CITY OF MONTICELLO 09/22/98 09:24:30 Schedul e of Bills GL540R-V05.20 PAGE 7 .ENOOR NAME DESCRIPTION AMOUNT ACCOUNT NAME FUND & ACCOUNT CLAIM INVOICE POll F/P ID LINE US FILTER-WATERPRO WATER~METERS FOR RESALE 485.81 METERS & VALVES FO RESA 601.49440.2271 461262 646 00144 VIKING COCA COLA LIQUOR-TAXABLE MISC 334.15 MISC TAXABLE 609.49750.2540 646 00146 VOSS LIGHTING STREETS-TRAFFIC LGT SUPP 439.76 MISC OPERATING SU PPLI ES 101.43120.2199 646 00148 CH-LI GHT BULBS 180.20 MISC REPAIR & MTC SUPPLI 101.41940.2299 2023470 646 00147 619.96 *VENDOR TOTAL WARNING LITES OF MIN COMM CENTER-BARRICADE 285.88 MISC PROFESSIONAL SERVIC 461.49201.3199 646 00149 WATSON COMPANY, INC/THE GEN OP 79.92 MISC OPERATING SU PLI ES 609.49754.2199 646 00150 MISC TAXABLE 77 2.46 MISC TAXABLE 609.49750.2540 646 00151 MISC NON TAXABLE 0.70 MISC NON TAXABLE 609.49750.2550 646 00152 853.08 *VENOOR TOTAL WRIGHT COUNTY AUDITOR-TR SCERG GRANT REIMB 2,760.51 GRANT REIMBURSEME T 222.46501.6601 646 00153 . KRAMER HOUSE 1,537.00 GRANT REIMBURSEME T 222.46501.6601 PROPERTY TAX 646 00154 PARKS 1,051.00 MISC OTHER EXPENS 101.45201.4399 PROPERTY TAX 646 00155 WATER 1,217.00 PROPERTY TAXES 601.49440.3710 PROPERTY TAX 646 00156 HWY 25-RV CENTER 1 ,701. 00 PROPERTY TAXES 450.49201.3710 PROPERTY TAX 646 00157 BOHANON FARM 2,006.00 PROPERTY TAXES 436.49201.3710 PROPERTY TAX 646 00158 SENIOR CENTER 44.87 PROPERTY TAXES 213.46301.3710 PROPERTY TAX 646 00159 HRA 134.33 LAND 213.46500.5101 PROPERTY TAX 646 00160 10,451.71 *VENDOR TOTAL WRIGHT-HENNEPIN COOP ELE BOHANON FARMS 26.38 MISC OTHER EXPENS 436.49201.4399 ELECTRICITY 646 00161 WSB & ASSOCIATES, INC. MONTICELLO MAPS 375.00 PROF SRV - ENGINE RING F 101.41910.3030 646 00162 CR 118,1-94 INTERCHANGE 1,066.50 PROF SRV - ENGINE RING F 101.41910.3030 646 00163 GEN ENGINEERING 1,472.25 PROF SRV - ENGINE RING F 101.41910.3030 646 00164 RESURRECTION CHURCH 1,942.50 PROF SRV - ENGINE RING F 459.49201.3030 646 00165 KLEIN FARMS 2ND 1,371. 75 PROF SRV - ENGINE RING F 448.49201.3030 646 00166 THE FOREST 588.00 PROF SRV - ENGINE RING F 101.41910.3030 646 oom FRONT PORCH 595.00 PROF SRV - ENGINE RING F 101.41910.3030 646 0016E WILDWOOD RIDGE 2,701.75 PROF SRV - ENGINE RING F 101.41910.3030 646 0016'. 5T HENRY'S 711. 50 PROF SRV - ENGINEE RING F 101.41910.3030 646 0017( CUB FOODS 316.75 PROF SRV - ENGINEE RING F 101.41910.3030 646 00171 KLEIN FARM 226.25 . PROF SRV - ENGINEE RING F 101.41910.3030 646 0017; RIVER MILL 3RO 271.37 PROF SRV - ENGINEE RING F 101.41910.3030 646 0017: RIVER MILL 4TH 271.38 PROF SRV - ENGINEE RING F 101.41910.3030 646 0017' . MONTICELLO COMP WATER 177 . 75 MISC PROFESSIONAL SERVIC 262.49201.3199 646 0017: MONTI-BL HOSPITAL 971.25 PROF SRV - ENGIN E RING F 101.43110.3030 646 0017f BRIAR OAKS 2ND 316.75 PROF SRV - ENGIN E RING F 447.49201.3030 646 0017' -- ...._.,,-_.~- ---.- .--.- .-..-- ~-~--~.._~-~-_. BRC FINANCIAL SYSTEM 09/22/98 09:24:30 .ENDOR NAME DESCRIPTION WSB & ASSOCIATES, INC. KLEIN FARMS 3RD ROLLING WOODS ELM STREET CROSSING SW AREA SANITARY SEWER LYMAN DEV ST AR C!TY BLDERS THE FOREST TH 25/CHELSEA ROAD Y MeA - NW SEPTEMBER CONTRACT . . AMOUNT 45.25 90.50 90.50 9,648.12 226.25 90.50 45.25 9,986.00 33,598.12 625.00 Schedule of Bills ACCOUNT NAME FUND & ACCOUNT PROF SRV - ENGINEERI G F 101.43110.3030 PROF SRV - ENGINEERI G F 101.41910.3030 PROF SRV - ENGINEERI G F 101.41910.3030 PROF SRV - ENGINEERI G F 101.41910.3030 PROF SRV - ENGINEERI G F 101.41910.3030 PROF SRV - ENGINEERI G F 101.41910.3030 PROF SRV - ENGINEERI G F 101.41910.3030 PROF SRV - ENGINEERI G F 450.49201.3030 *VENDOR TOTAL MISC PROFESSIONAL SE VIC 101.45177.3199 CITY OF MONTICELLO GL540R-V05.20 PAGE 8 CLAIM INVOICE PO# F/P 10 LINE 646 00178 646 00179 646 00180 646 00181 646 00182 646 00183 646 00184 646 00185 646 00186 --~- - -. .-.- BRC FINANCIAL SYSTEM 09/22/98 09:24:30 !ENDOR NAME DESCRI PTlON REPORT TOTALS: . . AMOUNT ACCOUNT NAME 149,959.34 RECORDS PRINTED - 000185 Schedule of Bills FUND & ACCOUNT CLAIM INVOICE CITY OF MONTICELLO GL540R-V05.20 PAGE 9 pon F/P ID LINE .___ - __.,_._.__,~.__.. _.u_ BRC FINANCIAL SYSTEM 09/22/98 09;24;34 Schedule of ills FUND RECAP: FUND DESCRIPTION DISBUR EMENTS 101 GENERAL FUND 211 Ll BRARY FUND 213 HRA FUND 222 SCERG (ECON RECOVERY GRANT) 223 CMIF (CENT MN INIT FUND) 224 SHADE TREE FUND 240 CAPITAL PROJECT REVOLVING FD 262 SANITARY SEWER ACCESS FUND 436 93-14C WWTP EXPANSION PRJ 447 96-02C BRIAR OAKES 2ND 448 96-05C KLEIN FARMS 2ND 450 96-04C HWY25/MNDOT IMPR 452 97-03P KLEIN FARMS 3RD 459 98-01C RES CHURCH SS & WM 461 98-03C COMMUNITY CENTER 601 WATER FUND 602 SEWER FUND 609 MUNICIPAL LIQUOR FUND 610 TRANSPORTATION FUND ~51 RIVERSIDE CEMETERY ~OTAL ALL FUNDS 61, 85.88 14.43 79.20 4, 97.51 " 00.21 8.50 33.40 77.75 3,182.71 16.75 1, 71.75 11, 87.00 365.49 1,942.50 7,285.88 6,721.64 12,462.25 31,209.35 5,362.14 355.00 149,959.34 BANK RECAP; BANK NAME DISBU SEMENTS GENL GENERAL CHECKING LIQR LIQUOR CHECKING 118 749.99 31 209.35 TOTAL ALL BANKS 149 959.34 THE PRECEDING LIST OF BILLS PAYABLE WAS REV EWED AND APPROVED FOR PAYMENT. DATE ............ APPROVED BY .. ... .... ...... ........... ...... ......... .......... ... ... ........ .. .... ...... ...... ....... ........ . -,-,-~--,-,~---_.~.----- -- CITY OF MONTICELLO GL060S-V05.20 RECAPPAGE GL540R