City Council Agenda Packet 07-27-1998 -. '. .. AGE DA REGULAR MEETING - MO TICELLO CITY COUNCIL Monday, July 2 , 1998 - 7 p.m. Mayor: Bill Fair Council Members: Clint Herbst, Brian Stump, Roger Carlson, Bruce Thielen 1. Call to order. 2. Approval of minutes of the regular meeti g held July 13, 1998. 3. Consideration of adding items to the age da. 4. Citizens comments/petitions, requests, an complaints. 5. Consent agenda. A. Consideration of a resolution appl1 ving plans and specifications and authorizing advertisement for bids for the Mo te Club sanitary sewer extension project. B. Consideration of resolution appro ing plans and specifications and authorizing advertisement for bids for 7th Stre t extension--St. Henry's Church. 6. Consideration of items removed from the onsent agenda for discussion. 7. Public Hearing--Consideration of adoptin proposed assessment roll for delinquent utility bills and certification of assessment roll t County Auditor. 8. Consideration of approval of plans and sp cifications, authorize advertisement for bids for the trunk sanitary sewer relocation, an authorize preparation of plans and specifications for reconstruction of Wain t Street--community center site. 9. Consideration of changes to the recycling garbage programs. 10. Consideration of approving concept plans and authorizing preparation of plans and specifications for parking improvements t Bridge Park at Walnut Street, and consider approving plans for realignment of sanit sewer and replacement of aging lift station at Bridge Park. 11. Consideration of bills for the last half of J ly 1998. 12. Adjournment. . MIN TES REGULAR MEETING - MO TICELLO CITY COUNCIL Monday, July 13, 1998 - 7 p.m. Members Present: Bill Fair, Clint Herbst, Bri n Stumpf, Roger Carlson, Bruce Thielen Members Absent: 2. A. None A MOTION WAS MADE BY ROG R CARLSON AND SECONDED BY CLINT HERBST TO APPROVE THE MIN TES OF THE SPECIAL MEETING HELD JUNE 22,1998, AS WRITTEN. Mo ion carried unanimously. B. A royal of minutes of the re A MOTION WAS MADE BY BRIA STUMPF AND SECONDED BY BRUCE THIELEN TO APPROVE THE MIN TES OF THE REGULAR MEETING HELD JUNE 22, 1998, AS WRITTEN. Mot on carried unanimously. 3. . 4. None. 5. Consent agenda. . A MOTION WAS MADE BY BRIAN STUMP AND SECONDED BY BRUCE THIELEN TO REMOVE ITEM 5E FROM THE CONSENT GENDA FOR DISCUSSION, AND TO ADD ITEM #8 TO THE CONSENT AGENDA. BJL FAIR MADE AN AMENDMENT TO THE MOTION TO LEAVE ITEM #8 AS A DISCUSSION ITEM ON THE AGENDA. BRUCE THIELEN SECONDED THE AMENDMENT. Motion as amended carried unanimously. A. B. Page 1 (j;) . . . Council Minutes - 7/13/98 c. D. Recommendation: E. 6. Consi 5E. Fire Chief Mark Wallen requested dditional time to meet with the City Engineer to discuss changes to the parking a the fire hall. Councilmember Stumpf noted that the Council could approve the lans contingent on the City Engineer, Fire Chief, and himself finalizing the p king details. A MOTION WAS MADE BY BRIA STUMPF AND SECONDED BY ROGER CARLSON TO APPROVE PLANS A D SPECIFICATIONS AND AUTHORlZE ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS FOR IMPROVEMENTS TO THE FIRE HALL DRIVE AREAS CONTINGENT ON THE CI Y ENGINEER, FIRE CHIEF, AND COUNCILMEMBER BRIAN STUM F FINALIZING DETAILS ON THE FIRE HALL PARKING. Motion carried unanim usly. 7. 8C. City Engineer Bret Weiss reported that onl one person attended the informational meeting last week regarding the extension f Chelsea Road between Cedar Street and County Road 11 7. He also noted that one f the property owners who is paying a large share of the project requested that the publi hearing be continued or that Council wait to open the public hearing until the next Coun il meeting. Page @ . . . Council Minutes - 7/13/98 Mayor Fair noted that he should open th public hearing since Council had received a letter from John Lundsten regarding the roject; however, they could continue the public hearing. Mayor Fair opened the public hearing. Tom Hunziker, representing property 0 er Jerry Mathwig, stated that Mr. Mathwig was not able to attend the information meetin and had not had enough time to review the feasibility study; therefore, he had reques ed that the public hearing be delayed. There being no further public comment, ayor Fair closed the public hearing. City Engineer Bret Weiss also noted that e would like to meet with property owners, as there may be an error on the assessment ounts. In addition, the property owner who attended the information meeting request d that the sanitary sewer project move forward even if the extension of Chelsea Road is elayed; therefore, the sanitary sewer extension may be separated from the rest of the proj ct. AFTER DISCUSSION, A MOTION WAS ROGER CARLSON TO TABLE ACTION 0 BETWEEN CEDAR STREET AND COUN MEETING. Motion carried unanimously. 8. DE BY CLINT HERBST AND SECONDED BY THE EXTENSION OF CHELSEA ROAD ROAD 117, UNTIL A FUTURE COUNCIL Deputy City Administrator Jeff O'Neill re orted that U.S. West Communications is requesting approval ofa conditional use p rmit to place a 163-ft tall wireless communication tower within the required etback area. Communication towers are permitted as accessory uses in the industri I zone subject to an administrative permit. Planning Commission recommended appr val of the conditional use permit and also approved a rear yard setback variance base; upon the finding that the property's unique shape justified the variance. O'Neill also noted that the question of add tional carriers on the tower had been discussed. It was suggested that Council c nsider adding a condition to the conditional use permit allowing the City to utilize a po ion of the cell tower for communications. Public Works Director John Simola added hat the tower could be used for the City's pager system. Ken Nielson of U.S. West noted that the to er is designed to hold two additional carriers, one of which could be the City. Page . . 11. . Council Minutes - 7/13/98 Council discussed the proposed extension of Walnut Street, and it was noted that it may be needed if the park area is converted to ommercial; however, ifit remained as a city park, it was suggested that the money pro osed for Walnut Street be used for amenities in the park. Councilmember Bruce Thielen tated that he would like to review the retaining wall area of the proposal, as many of the ity parks need additional funding. AFTER DISCUSSION, A MOTION WAS M DE BY BRUCE THIELEN AND SECONDED BY CLINT HERBST TO SEP ARA TE THE I PROVEMENTS INTO TWO PROJECTS, BRIDGE PARK IMPROVEMENTS AND W LNUT STREET EXTENSION; TO DELAY ACTION ON THE WALNUT STREET EXT NSION PROJECT; AND SEND THE PROPOSED BRIDGE PARK IMPROVEME TS BACK FOR PARKS COMMISSION REVIEW AND RETURN TO COUNCIL ON JULY 27. Motion carried unanimously. Council then discussed whether benefiting property owners should be assessed for the Walnut Street improvements. Mayor Fair uggested that staff prepare alternatives and recommendations to be discussed at the ne t Council meeting. 10. ots 1-5. Deputy City Administrator Jeff O'Neill re orted that Dan Wilson, representing the City of Monticello, and Brad Larson, representi g Arve Grimsmo, have discussed terms associated with City purchase of the Grims 0 property for construction of the community center, which has resulted in a egotiated price of $ I 90,000. This amount is $5,000 higher than the appraised value pre ared by Lake State Realty. Discussions included a land exchange involving the cu ent city hall and the community center site; however, it was felt that it would be simple to separate the two transactions and purchase Grimsmo's property outright. Councilmem er Clint Herbst stated that he preferred that the two transactions be completed as a pack ge. AFTER DISCUSSION, A MOTION WAS MA BY BILL FAIR TO PURCHASE THE GRIMS ORIGINAL PLAT, FOR A PURCHASE PRIC Thielen, Bill Fair, Roger Carlson, Brian St carried. E BY BRUCE THIELEN AND SECONDED o PROPERTY, LOTS 1~5, BLOCK 13, OF $190,000. Voting in favor: Bruce pf. Opposed: Clint Herbst. Motion Deputy City Administrator Jeff O'Neill repo ed that Doug Maser requested that the City consider purchasing his property at Lot 1, BI ck 11, Original Plat, which is located in the area that would needed at such time that an i e sheet is added to the community center. The property was offered to the City at $85, 00. Page 5 (2) . . . Council Minutes - 7/13/98 AFTER DISCUSSION, A MOTION WAS M DE BY CLINT HERBST AND SECONDED BY BRIAN STUMPF TO APPROVE THE CON ITIONAL USE PERMIT TO ALLOW A WIRELESS COMMUNICATION TOWER T THE PROPOSED SITE WITH THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS: 1. THE TOWER DOES NOT ENCROA H INTO THE FRONT YARD AND IS PLACED AS FAR FROM THE FRONT LOT INE AS POSSIBLE. 2. THE EQUIPMENT AREA IS SCRE NED FROM THE PUBLIC RIGHT-OF-WAY. 3. THE TOWER DOES NOT INTERFE E WITH THE FLIGHT PATH FOR THE HOSPITAL'S HELICOPTER SERVI ES. 4. THE TOWER MEETS ALL OTHER RDINANCE REQUIREMENTS. 5. THE TEMPORARY TOWER IS AL OWED FOR A PERIOD OF 90 DAYS 6. A FLASHING LIGHT MEETING MI IMUM F AA STANDARDS MUST BE INSTALLED. 7. THE TOWER MUST HAVE THE A ILITY TO ALLOW TWO ADDITIONAL CARRIERS ON THE TOWER. Motion carried unanimously. 9. Deputy City Administrator Jeff O'Neill re orted that staff met with property owners regarding the Walnut Street extension and ridge Park improvements. Most in attendance did not support the extension 0 Walnut Street, as they felt there would be no benefit to the local businesses. In addition a major concern for adjoining property owners was the potential for assessments, specially since an assessment associated with the cost of developing the parking lot and losing the road had recently been paid. O'Neill also noted that the project would r sult in the loss of31 spaces; however, 21 new spaces would be developed on Walnut Stre t along the park. Most property owners in the area were sup ortive of the park improvements, and it was noted that Walnut Street would remain at o-way street rather than being converted to a one-way as originally planned. The estimated cost to build the road and si ewalk relating to Walnut Street was estimated at $124,700, which would be funded by th general fund unless Council opted to assess adjoining property owners for benefits res ting from adding to the life of the street. Park improvements were proposed for two phas s, with the first consisting of excavation, retaining wall construction, and sidewalk, stimated at $147,700. Adding decorative fencing to the project would be an addition 1 $80,000. Page 4 ~ . . . Council Minutes - 7/13/98 AFTER DISCUSSION, A MOTION WAS ADE BY BRIAN STUMPF AND SECONDED BY BRUCE THIELEN TO AUTHORIZE CITY TAFF TO OBTAIN AN APPRAISAL ON LOT I, BLOCK 11, ORIGINAL PLAT. Motion c ied unanimously. 12. A MOTION WAS MADE BY BRUCE THIE EN AND SECONDED BY ROGER CARLSON TO APPROVE THE BILLS FOR THE FIRS HALF OF JULY 1998 AS PRESENTED. Motion carried unanimously. A MOTION WAS MADE BY BRIAN STUMPF AN SECONDED BY BRUCE THIELEN TO ADJOURN THE MEETING. Motion carried unani ously. Karen Doty Deputy City Clerk Page 6 . . . SA. Council Agenda - 7/27/98 A. REFERENCE AND BA Plans are now complete for extending san tary sewer to the Monte Club. However, the property has not been approved for annex tion; therefore, the plans cannot be executed. B. AL TERNA TIVE ACTIONS: 1. Motion to approve plans and speci lcations and authorize advertisement for bids. Final award will be contingent on e following: 1. Approval of annexation by he MOAA, Township, and City. 2. Completion of an assessme t agreement under terms approved by the City Council in December 1997. 2. Motion to deny approval of plans d specifications. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: The City Administrator recommends alte ative #1. D. SUPPORTING DATA: Bret Weiss will be available to review plan if desired by City Council. . SR. . . Council Agenda - 7/27/98 A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROU The City Engineer has prepared plans and sp cifications as authorized by the City Council. City Council is asked to consider a proving the plans and specifications and authorizing advertisement for bids. Approv of plans and specifications at this time will provide the City with the opportunity to com lete the utility work and get the first lift of bituminous in place prior to freeze-up. Please note that the Church of St. Henry has eposited an amount equal to preparation of plans and specifications, along with the cost f the bidding process; however, the assessment agreement, though near completi n, has not been signed. It is mandatory that the agreement be signed prior to actually aut orizing the work to proceed. John Olson informed me that on Thursday, the committe in charge ofthe church project reviewed the bids and determined to proceed with the roject. B. AL TERN A TIVE ACTIONS: 1. Motion to approve plans and specific tions and authorize advertisement for bids contingent on public works review d approval of the plans and specifications. It is very possible that the public wo s department will be able to have adequate review ofthe plans prior to the COUll il decision on Monday. Ifthis is not the case, then the Council may wish to a prove the plans subject to amendments as requested by the public works depa ent or table the matter to the next meeting. 2. Motion to deny approval of the plan C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: It is the recommendation of the City Admin.strator to move forward on this project by approving the plans and specifications. The necessary deposits are in place to cover the City's cost in the event the project does not roceed past this stage. The assessment agreement will need to be signed prior to ac ual bid award. D. SUPPORTING DATA: Copy of plans and specifications available fi r Council review at the meeting. 2 . . . Council Agenda - 7/27/98 7. A. REFE The City Council is again asked to adopt an ssessment roll for utility billing accounts which are delinquent more than 60 days and 0 certify the assessment roll to the County Auditor for collection on next year's real est te taxes if not paid by November 30, 1998. The delinquent utility accounts that are inclu ed with the agenda are accounts that are at least 60 days past due and include all new d linquents from the last time we certified them. In addition to the delinquent amount, he Council also previously approved the establishment of an administrative fee of $2 per account that is added to each delinquent assessment. The amounts shown on the enc osed delinquent utilities list include the additional $25 administration fee for the pre aration ofthe assessment roll. It is recommended that the delinquent acco ts be put on an assessment roll for certification in 1999 at an interest rate of 80 as allowed by state statute. As in the past, if any accounts are paid within 30 days after t e adoption of the assessment roll, they can be paid without the additional interest. After 3 days, payments will be charged interest and can be accepted up to November 30, 1998. B. AL TERNA TIVE ACTIONS: 1. Adopt the assessment roll for the de inquent charges as presented. 2. Based on public hearing input, adju t the assessment roll as required. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: It is staff recommendation that the Council adopt the assessment roll as presented. All of the accounts are at least 60 days past due d have been given proper notice of this assessment hearing and ample opportunity 0 pay the accounts in full. All utility accounts were notified that there would be an additi nal $25 administrative fee attached to each outstanding balance if the account was not paid by 4:30 p.m. on July 20, 1998. D. SUPPORTING DATA: Copy of resolution adopting assessment TO 1; Complete listing of delinquent accounts to be certified. 3 . . . RESOLUT ON 98- RESOLUTION ADOPTIN ASSESSMENT ROLL FOR DELINQUENT U ILITY ACCOUNTS WHEREAS, pursuant to proper notice duly given s required by law, the Council has met and heard and passed upon all objections to the propos d assessment for delinquent utility account charges. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY T E CITY COUNCIL OF MONTICELLO, MINNESOTA: 1. Such proposed assessment, a copy of whic is attached hereto and made a part hereof, is hereby accepted and shall constitute the sp cial assessments against the parcels named herein, and each tract of land therein inclu ed is hereby found to be benefited by the assessment levied against it. ' 2. Such assessment shall be payablc in one (1 annual installment payable on or before the first Monday in January 2000 and shall be r interest at the rate of 8 percent per annum from the datc of the adoption of this assess ent resolution. To the first installment shall be added interest on the entire assessment rom the date of this resolution until December 31, 1999. The owner of the property so assessed ma , at any time prior to certification of the assessment to the county auditor, pay the hole of the assessment on such property with interest accrued to the date of payment, to he City Treasurer, except that no interest shall be charged if the entire assessment is paid ithin 30 days from the adoption ofthis resolution. 3. 4. The City Administrator shall forthwith tr smit a certified duplicate of this assessment roll to the county auditor to be extended 0 the proper tax list of the county, and such assessment shall be collectcd and paid ove in the same manner as other municipal taxes. Adopted by the City Council this 27th day of July, 1998. City Administrator Mayor ,,,1 .~ w ~? "" ... is w 3 :>:: ::;:; "" '" ~ I- .~ ~ '-' <.:> :=i -' ~ ." :>- ::;:; ~ l- :=> S w "" .~ ~ w ~ '" '" .' ." ~~2 1-",0 '" '" ~ .... '" "'.$0 -' '-' ~'" .5 '" ~ t;; J;~ ,.. g d) ~~ ~~ E'" ~.5 ~ .... J;~ ,.. '" d) "".5 o .... .... .... '" :> '" 0"- "" "" :?! 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"" ~~ ;; :s~~i!i tilu~~ ~C>U> F :x;:: .... :E~ :!~~:; <"}o Ln ~....- U> ~ '" ..... ~>- w~.....~ ~;z;;ttffi :::l!-~>- .......,lirn...... ... :3~ -' U> "" ~~!:E~ 0",-",-0 ~~ ~ '" """'~~ o--(;j>-~ '" mu> ~l2<;:'2: r--~~O::: E;~~; ~~~g C'oI~ 0- ('t, _ g t'I~ ..- Q ~ ~ _0 c;;JIQ Q...... r-"'" ~~ ....- I.t)O QQ """'U')~~ ~~~~ co ... o e> .... '" ~:: :;~ ... "" '" ...., 0'" ..... Q> ",0 ...", ~ .... g~ ...- - ... ""... ~~ en "" ~ ~ " ~ -.;:- ~ .~ . ~- " .~ '" ..a "' oi ~ -~ ~- .... ... ~ '" .... ~ U> ~ i ..... o >- ~: <..> .. .. .. 0-- .., "'- U> "" .... 0 M ~ 0 .., "" >- U> 0 ~ 7-tf -' -' >- .. < """ "" ~ >- '" .. 00 ..... 0-- o. .. .-....--....- . . . Council Agenda - 7/27/98 8. A. Plans are now complete for the realignme t to the trunk sanitary sewer and are ready for approval. The route follows the south ali nment, which impacts Walnut Street. The action requested for consideration by Co cil authorizes the City to go out for bids for the realignment to the sanitary sewer and Iso authorizes preparation of plan work for reconstruction of Walnut Street. As you know, Walnut Street and portions of Sixth Street have already been identified as roads that are in need of major repair wor . Therefore, such improvements are not included in the community center budget. B. AL TERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Motion to approve plans and speci lcations and authorize advertisement for bids. Motion includes authorization to p oceed with plans and specifications for Walnut Street reconstruction between the ailroad tracks and Sixth Street. Under this alternative, staff will p ceed with development of street plans. The basic design that will be followed ill be consistent with the comprehensive plan, which calls for angled parking. It ill also follow the curved alignment as specified in the community center ite plan. The scope of the Walnut Street project could be expanded to inclu e portions of Walnut in front of the future Marquette Bank building. City sta f expects a site plan to be presented shortly for Marquette that includes provisions for angled parking in front of the Marquette building. Therefore, it may make ense to make the on-site improvements in front of the bank building at this time. If Council wishes to reconsider the angled parking and curved alignment as specified in the comprehensive pI for redevelopment of the downtown area and may wish to discuss the topic at this time. 2. Motion to deny or table plans and pecifications. c. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: The City Administrator recommends alte ative #1. It is important that the sanitary sewer project proceed in order to have the ite ready for development in November as scheduled. Necessary road improvements eed to be authorized as well, as the sanitary 4 Council Agenda - 7/27/98 . sewer project will disturb the existing str et surface and will need to be replaced. Therefore, Council should direct staff to repare plans and specifications for Walnut and Sixth Street reconstruction accordingly. D. SUPPORTING DATA: Copy of community center site plan sho ing curved road; Map showing southern alignment for sanitary sewer system. . . . -. AI LROAl? r~..-.. \ _ I '-'--'....d.,-y-. ", V "0 _..... , ice ) ra 9 e I "I~I- r- uJ \.J (t , 3.000 o o ff lJ s .5 T R E E T "\( - , ._. I--_..L -_..,~. ( -.ll.~'~~..r:-~.,-- ~a I ",,1 ;t;;1 ~] :"'1 1':1 gj ~ TI r- If) ~ J- -U'i:ill:iiili I \ ' . I I' I ' ; " i 1: t '\ I ' I ' , \ I : ,; ,'i l...; i ~_.~~. z :J ::....'.... ...n. ...._...:~.,.,:.......: ~:~~~~~ :~2 ~~~~, -"~~"3:'~~~:::- .~~~:. ~~~~~~~~~ ~:.~~:,_::-::~;.:~~~:::~. ' ~?~~~~ -J (e) e)~) t: "'-' Z-I . . . 9. Council Agenda - 7/27/98 A. During a workshop a few months ago, th City Council requested that staff look into possible changes in our garbage program in regard to providing garbage services to commercial enterprises such as apartmen buildings and mobile home parks. It was suggested that discussions on this topic b brought up during the preparation for the 1999 budget. We are presenting this informati n to the Council a little ahead of schedule, as we have reached a crossroads with our re ycling program. During our last recycling contract negotiations with Superior Servi es, they indicated that continued scanning of recycling containers in the field would res lt in higher costs. The increase in costs would be $0.34 per month per unit and was to g in effect on June 1, 1998, but was delayed to August I, 1998. These increased costs ount to approximately $800 per month or $9,600 per year. We had discussed the possibility of Superi r Services using route sheets in the field to record recycling information. They agree to do this at no additional cost. The route sheets would then be turned into the City d structured in such a way that they could be scanned in the office with a simple compu er wand. However, the massive printing of route sheets every other week, as well as t e computer program upgrades and staff time necessary, make this alternative less attract ve. We, therefore, felt it was a good time to bring this before the City Council for some direction. As you all know, the City of Monticello ch ges all residents $10 per month per unit for garbage, recycling, and leaf collection servi es. Credits are issued toward the utility bills based upon the number of times and produ ts recycled with the City's program. This can effectively reduce garbage bills to $0 by meting certain guidelines. Under the premise that the more you recycle, the less garbage ou have, we have considered this a volume- based garbage system.. The City has many ptions that can be considered in regard to the garbage and recycling program in the city 0 Monticello. We have a very unique system in this community, and staff feels it's not du licated in any other community in Minnesota. Following are some of the optio s or alternatives to be considered. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. The first alternative would be to kee as possible which would include; ,. Updates to our current progr ,. Replace the outdated operatio ,. Increase in costs from Superi ,. Continue receiving revenue 0 not meeting minimum the program as close to the current system software and scanning system Services of about $9,600 per year $20,000 - $27,000 a year due to residents ecycling requirements MN State statutes require that if you charge for garbage call ction and disposal service that it must be volume based. 6 . . Council Agenda - 7/27/98 2. The second alternative would be t keep the program basically the same but do the scanning in-house with a com uter wand on route sheets as follows: ~ Route sheets prepared by t e City and used by Superior Services ~ No contract increase of $ ,600 from Superior Services ~ Additional computer prog ming costs ~ Additional equipment cost ~ Bi-weekly printing and sc ing of the route sheets 3. The third alternative would be to uit tracking recycling services as follows: ~ Eliminate scanning alto get er ~ Quit billing residents for g bage services and provide the service free ~ Decrease in revenue of $2 ,000 - $27,000 per year ~ Savings of staff time and e fort in monitoring the recycling program 4. The fourth alternative would be to liminate scanning recyclables as follows: ~ Eliminate current credit sys em where garbage is free if resident recycles 9 bins/quarter. ~ Charge residents for garbag related-services at $10 per unit per month ~ Switch program to volume- ased garbage service based upon size of dumpsters for ap ent buildings and number of pick-ups per week, and size of g bage containers for other residential property and mobile home p ks ~ 3-can limit or 90-gallon co tainer picked up weekly may cost $10 per month ~ A 35-gallon container picke up weekly may cost $5 per month ~ System paid entirely by use fees ~ Levy could be reduced by 250,000 5. The fifth alternative would be to qu t scanning recyclables at the curb as follows: ~ Charge all residents, includi g apartments and mobile home parks, for recycling ~ Charge commercial enterpri es such as apartment buildings and mobile home parks for garb ge services on a volume-based system ~ Provide free garbage service up to 90 gallons per week, to the remaining residential properties 6. The sixth alternative would be to eli inate scanning as follows: ~ Charge all residential, apart ents, and mobile home parks for recycling ~ Free garbage service for resi ential, apartments, and mobile home parks 7. . The seventh alternative would be to ~ Charge all residential, apart servIce Free recycling services for re idential, apartments, and mobile home parks liminate scanning as follows: ents, and mobile home parks for garbage ~ 7 .--.. 8. Council Agenda - 7/27/98 The eighth alternative would be t. model our garbage and recycling program after the City of Waite Park's program with a few modifications as follows: ~ Free garbage and recyclin services for single family homes, to include up to four-plex ~ Maximum of 90 gallons g' bage picked up per week ~ Resident must contact ha ' er with additional garbage and will be billed by hauler ~ Recyclables not accepted n garbage and garbage not picked up if recyclables found ~ Recycling mandatory and ree to all residential, apartments, and mobile home parks ~ Organized garbage servic s provided to mobile home parks and apartments for vol me-based fees ~ No scanning of recyclable ~ No credits needed There are a great number of alternatives d probably even more than I have presented here. In order to make a decision on this genda item, one needs to reflect on some basic principles. Should we provide garbage d recycling services and pay for them as a user fee, self-supporting as an enterprise fund, or should we be providing free services for garbage and recycling to the residential p operties, as well as the commercial residential properties? City staff believes that we ar very unique in the way we currently operate and have completed a small survey to sh w you that most other communities consider apartment buildings as commercial ente rises, but mobile home parks are considered residentiaL.. Since we don't provide se ices to other commercial enterprises in the community, maybe we should not be pro iding free services to a select group of commercial enterprises. We have been c iticized for this in the past, not providing those services to other commercial entities like e do for apartment buildings. In addition, we could only find one other community pro iding free services in regard to garbage. Waite Park provides free garbage (up to 60 gall ns per week) and recycling services to residential but prohibits recyclables in th garbage and, if found, the garbage is left behind. The survey is enclosed for your r view. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: July I of this year was the 9th annivers of our recycling program in the city of Monticello. We have maintained this sys em to the best of our abilities, but the scanning system in the field and the software syste used to generate credits has become outdated and more costly. Rather than redo the sc ing system and software programs at city hall and see increased costs, it may be best to ook at a new direction, following more in line with the status of other communities thro ghout the state. Tracking of the recycling in Monticello and its ensuing credits for gar age services has become frustrating at times not only for some residents but also for 0 contractor and for staff at city hall. It is the .~ .. The City of Becker considers mobile home parks com ercial and their parks provide their own services. CITY OF MONTICELLO GARBAGE/RECYCLIN( SURVEY RESULTS JULY]998 ......... <. :c:- DOES YOUR' '" I.... .... . ..... -.-......OOES'(OUR --,-- ..... AR " ARE CITY PROVIDE '. IS THERE APARTMeNTS CITY PROVIDE IS THERE A APARTMENTS ORGANIZED A FEE TO AND Me BILE ORGANIZED RECYCLING FEE TO AND MOBILE NAME OF CITY GARBAGE COLLECTION RESIDENTS HOME P RKS COLLECTION RESIDENTS HOME PARKS INCLU ED INCLUDED ANOKA YES YES NO YES YES APTS ONLY NOT M.H. .. BECKER NO --- --- YES YES NO BIG LAKE NO --- --- YES NO UNKNOWN BUFFALO YES YES M.H.O LY YES YES M.H. ONLY NOT AF TS NOT APTS ELK RIVER YES YES M.H. or LY YES YES M.H. ONLY NOT AF TS NOT APTS MAPLE GROVE NO n_ --- YES YES YES SARTELL NO --- --- NO --- --- AITE PARK YES tJQ M.H. m LY YES NO M.H. ONLY NOT AP S NOT APTS ST. LOUIS PARK . C:\OFFICElGARIlAGE\SUflVRES.7ll8; 07n3lllfl '1-1 . APARTMENT REVENUE MOBILE HOME REVENUE Quarter Revenue Quarte Revenue QI,96 $3,510 QI,96 $1,920 Q2,96 $1,768 Q2,96 $800 Q3,96 $728 Q3,96 $1,530 Q4,96 $1,161 $7,167 Q4,96 $1,830 $6,080 QI,97 $1,071 QI,97 $2,320 Q2,97 $983 Q2,97 $1,630 Q3,97 $631 Q3,97 $770 Q4,97 $2,151 $4,836 Q4,97 $1,870 $6,590 QI,98 $1,574 Q2,98 $1,264 ESTIMA TED LABOR - Annual costs ($30/hr avg) PK-$28.51/hr CS-$3 I . 15/hr Hours Est Cost Create route sheet file = 200 $6,000.00 Maintain/print route sheets 20 X 10min X 26 = 85 $2,550.00 scan route sheets 16 hrs X 26 = 416 $ 12,480.00 phone caIls/recycling 200 X IOmin X 4 = 135 $4,050.00 verify recycling final bills 6 hrs X 12 = 72 $2,160.00 ad j ustm ents/recyc ling 150 X 20min X 4 = 200 $6,000.00 exemptions/recycling 10 min X 350 = 60 $1,800.00 move-in & move-out/recycling 20 X 20min X 12 = 80 $2,400.00 weekly recycling* 3hrs X 26 = 78 $2,340.00 quarterly processing/PC 24 hrs X 4 = 96 $2,880.00 quarterly processing/ AS400 9hrsX4= 36 $1,080.00 new/replacement bins 15X20minX 12= 60 $1,800.00 delq certifications/recycling accts 50 X 5min X 4 17 $510.00 misc = 100 $3,000.00 $0.00 $0.00 TOTAL I $49,050.00 *EX. Prep scanners, upload scanners, upload to computer, proble TIS, send to Telxon, recordkeeping IN-HOUSE SCANNING COSTS Est Cost New scanner $650-900 $650.00 software/programming $7800- I 0,400 $10,400.00 batteries 125 X .30 $37.50 laser paper for route sheets 12 reams X $5 $60.00 toner cartridge $200.00 maintenance contract for printer $215.00 $0.00 $ I 1,562.50 -- ."-'-. ~.. - - . . . 7~6-8: . ~-9 . end shall be authorized to cal upon the Planning Commission for assistance in making inspections. He sh 11 notify any permit holder who is violating the provisions of this chapter of t e specific manner in which the chapter is being violated. Unless said violatio is corrected within twenty-four (24) hours after notice in writing to the ermit holder by the inspector, the inspector shall notify the Council of an violation of the provisions of this chapter that the Council may, after a publi hearing to which the violator shall have been invited, suspend or revoke an permit for noncompliance or violation of any of the provisions of this chapt r or when satisfied that the landfill or dump constitutes a real menace and nuisance to the health, safety, and welfare of the immediate residents in th neighborhood in which it is located. In the event the permit holder refuses to correct the violation within twenty-four (24) hours after notice in writ" g by the inspector, the inspector may, ifhe deems it necessary in the inte est of public health, enter upon the premises of the dump or lan,dfill and, ei her with the equipment and by employees of the license holder, or with the ity-owned or leased equipment and City employees, do such work as is ecessary to correct any condition violative of this chapter, and which in his pinion ifleft uncorrected may be hazardous to the public health. The cost to he City of correcting such condition in privately owned dumps or Ian Is shall be assessed against the permit holder who shall be required t pay all the costs and expenses of the City in correcting said conditions. REVOCATION: Any permit 0 license granted hereunder may be revoked or suspended at any time~for any ailure to pay the license fee or the cost of correcting hazardous condition as hereinbefore set forth or whenever, in the opinion of the inspector, the co tinuance of the landfill or other means of final disposal of refuse would e danger the health, welfare, or safety of the public, provided that no such p rmit or license shall be revoked or suspended except for to pay the fee, or the cost of correcting hazardous conditions as herein provided except after p blic hearing before the COWlcil after the notice of said hearing, and the urpose thereof shall have been sent to the permit holder at least ten (10) ays prior to the date of said hearing, at which hearing any person interested i said landfill shall have the right to be heard. (A) A service charge for garb ge/refuse collection, special processing fees, and disposal, including r cycling service and leaf collection service, provided to residential its within the city shall be billed at the rates as established by City Co cil. A recycling credit as esta lished by City Council shall be deducted from the quarterly servic charge for garbage/refuse collection for any residential units which p rticipate in the recycling program as per the MONTICELLO CITY ORDINANCE TITL~r::rz;e 6 . . . 7M6-10: City's requirements un er the City of Monticello Recycling Plan approved and adopted y the City Council on February 13, 1989, including any amendm nts thereto. Charges for garbage/re use service shall be a charge against the owners of the propertie served. When requested by the owner, the City will send billings t the leasee or occupant of said premises. This in no way removes the esponsibility from the owner of the property to see that the bills are p . d. Garbage/refuse bills wil be mailed to the owner, leasee, or occupant for each quarter year se . ce period at the rates established by City Council. The proceeds om the collection of these bills shall be placed in the general fund to 0 set the cost of garbage/refuse service, special processing and disposal fees, operation of the City's recycling service, and the leaf collection s rvice. A penalty shall be added to the amount due on any bill if not pa d within 30 days after the billing date. PaYments received or p stmarked on or before the 30th day after billing shall be deemed s paid within said period. (8/27/90, #195) (B) DELINQUENT GARBA EIREFUSE ACCOUNTS: All charges for garbage/refuse service s all be due and payable within 30 days after the billing date. Accoun s shall be considered delinquent when not paid within 30 days. Ac ounts more than 90 days past due shall be certified by the City Ad 'nistrator, who shall prepare an assessment roll no less than twice e ch year providing for the assessment of the delinquent amount agai st the respective property served, which assessment roll shall be ubmitted to the City Council for adoption on or before November 300 each year and for certification to the Wright County Auditor for colle tion as other taxes are collected. (10/28/91, #214) The City reserves the ri ht to discontinue service to any customer for nonpaYment of charges r bills whose account is more than 90 days past due. Such discont" uance of service shall not be made without written notice. If servic is disconnected, it shall not be resumed except upon payment of he charges or bills accrued together with interest and penalty the eon. (C) REVISION OF GARBA EIRE FUSE RATES AND RECYCLING PLAN: The City Council reserves the right to adjust the rates charged and the recycling credits given from time to time and to amend the City's recycling policy. OWNERSHIP OF RECYCLAB E MATERIALS SET OUT FOR CURB-SIDE COLLECTION: The intent of t is article is to prevent the unauthorized collection of materials that are esignated as recyclables and set out as part of the City of Monticello's curb~ ide recycling program. The theft of these MONTICELLO CITY ORDINANCE TITLE q: 3e 7 . . . materials will deprive the cont actor of their market value and forces overall costs to go up. These costs wil eventually be passed on to the citizens of the city of Monticello. The City wi also be deprived of credit for recycling tonnage reported to Wright Co ty and the State of Minnesota. (A) For the purposes of this article, the following words and phrases will have the meanings resp ctively ascribed to them: CONTRACTOR: Any p rson/firm that has entered into a written contract with the City 0 Monticello for the collection of garbage, rubbish, recyclables, an yard waste. CURB-SIDE RECYCL G PROGRAM: The organized collection of items designated as rec clable by the contractor in accordance with the City of Monticello's plan ITEMS DESIGNATED S RECYCLABLE: Items agreed upon by the City and the contractor 0 be collected in the curb-side recycling program. SET OUT FOR COLLE TION: The placing of materials designated as recyclables by the reside ts of Monticello at curb side for collection by the contractor. UNAUTHORIZ~D COL ECTION (SCAVENGING): The collection by any person(s) other than the contractor or his authorized representative of materi Is that are designated as recyclables and set out for collection by the esidents. (B) PROHIBITION OF UN THORIZED COLLECTION OF MATERIALS SET OUT OR THE CURB-SIDE RECYCLING PROGRAM: 1. The materials des' gnated as recyclable shall be the sole property of the City of Mon icello from the time of set out for collection by the resident or wh n placed in the designated containers in the case of multiple 'ts until collection by the contractor. At the time of collection, terns designated as recyclable shall become the sole property 0 the contractor. 2. The designation 0 recyclables shall be accomplished by mutual agreement betwee the City of Monticello and the contractor. MONTICELLO CITY ORDINANCE TITLE V9r:-,6/ e8 . . . 3. MONTICELLO CITY ORDINANCE It shall be nnla I for any person(s) other than the authorized contractor or his representative to collect any items that are designated as re yclables and set out for collection as part of the City of Monti cell 's curb-side recycling program. Any violation of this section sh 1 constitute a misdemeanor punishable by a fine of not more han $700 and by imprisonment of not more than 90 days. .~. - TITLE (10/23/89, #182) e9 . . . 10. Council Agenda - 7/27/98 A. At the previous meeting of the City Counci on this topic, Council directed staff to review the Bridge Park plan with the Parks Comm'ssion. The cost and project element phasing were concerns of the Council at that time, hich were to be addressed by the Parks Commission. Subsequently, the Parks Co mission reviewed the plans and now requests that the Council proceed with authorization to complete the relocation of the lift station and installation of the sanitary sewer line d also complete the head-in parking improvements along Walnut adjacent to the park. It is the view of the Parks Commission that the parking and sanitary sewer work m st be completed under any scenerio and that time is wasting; therefore, we should get thi portion of the project started immediately. Please note that the parking improvements s proposed by the Parks Commission would be simply an extension of the existing road urface, and there would be no major reconstruction of Walnut Street; therefore, 0 assessment to adjoining property owners would be necessitated by this simple project. With regard to the park improvements, incl ding the retaining wall, sidewalk, and railing, the Park Superintendent is working with the Public Works Director and the City Engineer on design alternatives for the retaining wall nd railing, which will be reviewed at the upcoming special meeting of the Parks Com ission. A recommendation from the Parks Commission should follow for review by C uncil at the regular Council meeting on August 10. The plans for the sanitary sewer improveme ts call for realignment of the sanitary sewer line along the perimeter of the site, thereby 1 aving the middle of the park open for future development. It also calls for placing the Ii station at the northerly end of the new parking bays, which will allow the parking b ys to provide a dual purpose for parking and for staging area for maintenance, thus reduci g the amount of paving needed in the area. On Friday, July 24, Brad Johnson met with ity staff and the Mayor to discuss redevelopment plans for the Front Street/Bri ge Park area. Johnson noted that his concepts, if followed, would not be consiste t with the current parking, sanitary sewer, and park design concepts. Investments made today in Walnut Street parking/sanitary sewer relocation, etc., could be lost if Johnso 's concepts are followed. This information was not available to the Parks Commission hen it made its recommendation. 10 Council Agenda - 7/27/98 . B. AL TERNA TIVE ACTIONS: 1. Motion to approve sanitary sewer/li station plans and head-in parking plan and authorize advertisement for bids. Please note that under this alternativ , the fire hall driveway plans and the Walnut/Bridge Park parking plans w 11 be combined into one project. 2. Motion to deny approval of the sanit sewer/lift station plans and head-in parking plan. 3. Motion to table action on the sanitar sewer/lift station plans and head-in parking plan. c. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: . The City Administrator recommends altern tive #3. Given the uncertainty with regard to development design in the area, it may mak sense to stall park development until a City/developer design is developed. Howe er, the down side is that it could be some time before such plans are implemented. H w long does the Council wish to stall? Ifwe wait for a redevelopment plan to take shape it could be some time before the park is developed. Such issues could be reviewed y the Parks Commission at the special meeting scheduled for next Thursday. D. SUPPORTING DATA: See previous meeting's agenda item regardi g design of the head-in parking. . 11 BRC FINANCIAL SYSTEM 07/15/98 14:43:10 Schedule of Bills . Report Selection: RUN GROUP... 0715 COMMENT... 7/15 CKS OATA-JE-1D DATA COMMENT ....-----....------- ----.......--....--------------- 0-07151998-539 7/15 CKS CITY OF MONTICELLO GL050S-V05.2 COVERPAGE GL540R Run Instructions: Jobq Banner Copies Form Printer Hold Space LPI Lines CPI J 01 Y S 6 066 10 . . --,-~-,,-- .- -----.-. .-.,.- --'_.~" - ..-. .- BRC FINANCIAL SYSTEM CITY OF MONTICELLO 07/15/98 14 :43; 12 Schedul of Bills GL540R-V05.20 PAGE 1 .ENDOR NAME . DESCRIPTION AMOUNT ACCOUNT NAME FUND & ACCOUNT CLAIM INVOICE POI F/P 10 LINE AMERICAN TEST CENTER FIRE-TEST & INSP 1.040.00 REPAIR & MTC - VEH C LES 101.42201.4050 9801384-IN 539 00001 ANDERSON/RICK 28.50 HRS @ $27.50 783.75 1991 STORM DAMAGE XPENS 101.42501.4401 6/29 TO 1/10 539 00002 100 MILES (j) .28 28.00 1997 STORM DAMAGE XPENS 101.42501.4401 6/29 TO 7/10 539 00003 811.15 *VENDOR TOTAL ANOKA ELECTRIC COOP FIRE-SAFETY DEMO 100.00 CONFERENCE & SCHOOL 101. 4220 1. 3320 AEC1806 539 00004 ARAMARK CH-SUPPLIES 195.00 MISC OPERATING SUPP IES 101.41940.2199 831447,.82678 539 00005 J !).~cl 733.00 ~ 230.00 0001 ::/' 963.00 BROCK WHITE COMPANY, LLC WWTP- TUBE 41. 60 PROF SRV - CONSTRUCT ON 436.49201.3025 1087401 539 00008 CENTRAL MINN INITIATIVE 4111rMIF GRANT REIMB 1.100.21 GRANT REIMBURSEMENT 223.46501.6601 539 00009 CONSTRUCTION MARKET DATA RESURRECTION-SAN SEWER 108.15 LEGAL NOTICE PUBLICA ION 101.41910.3510 ADV 539 00010 DAHLHEIMER DISTRIBUTING NON ALCOHOLIC 103.85 MISC TAXABLE 609.49150.2540 539 00012 BEER 1,376.00 BEER 609.49750.2520 28188, 28187 539 00011 1,479.85 *VENDOR TOTAL DAY DISTRIBUTING COMPANY MISC TAXABLE 34.40 MISC TAXABLE 609.49750.2540 539 00014 BEER 182.60 BEER 609.49750.2520 37828 539 00013 211.00 *VENDOR TOTAL DAYTON'S OFFICE SOLUTION CH-FURNITURE,FIXTURES 100.35 FURNITURE & FIXTURES 240.49201.5601 189124,188712 539 00015 DYNA SYSTEMS SHOP-SUPPLI ES 335.37 MISC OPERATING SUPPLIE 101.43127.2199 642272 539 00016 ELK RIVER PRINTING & PAR BLDG-PRINTED FORMS 133.13 PRINTED FORMS & PAPER 101.42401.2030 7041 539 00017 FAEGRE & BENSON LLP .I.m-LEGAL 612.50 PROF SRV - LEGAL FEES 436.49201.3040 558835 539 00018 -. ..- - -..- - - - - -. -. - .- - ,,- - BRC FINANCIAL SYSTEM CITY OF MONTICELLO 07/15/98 14:43:12 Schedule f Bills GL540R-V05.20 PAGE 3 .ENDOR NAME DESCRIPTION AMOUNT ACCOUNT NAME FUND & ACCOUNT CLAIM INVOICE POll FIP 10 LINE KEN'S 66 SERVICE INSP-VEH MAINT & PART 44.50 REPAIR & MTC - VEHI LES 101.42401.4050 539 00040 INSP-OIL CHANGE 20.70 REPAIR & MTC - VEHI LES 101.42401.4050 6700 539 00039 65.20 *VENDOR TOTAL KENNEDY & GRAVEN, CHARTE HRA-GENERAL 73.70 PROF SRV - LEGAL FE S 213.46301.3040 MAY 539 00041 GREEN ACRES 2,710.31 PROF SRV - LEGAL FE S 213.46301.3040 MAY 539 00042 PRAIRIE WEST TIF 1-20 141. 70 PROF SRV - LEGAL FE S 213.46520.3040 MAY 539 00043 COMM CENTER 1,491.00 PROF SRV - LEGAL FE S 461.49201.3040 MAY 539 00044 REVEVELOPMENT 61.00 PROF SRV - LEGAL FE S 213.46522.3040 MAY 539 00045 ST BEN'S TIF 1-24 325.50 PROF SRV - LEGAL FE S 213.46524.3040 MAY 539 00046 ALLIED CO TIF 1-23 965.43 PROF SRV - LEGAL FE S 213.46523.3040 MAY 539 00047 5,174.70 *VENDOR TOTAL LAKE STATE REALTY SERVIC COMM CENTER-GRIMSMO 15.00 MISC PROFESSIONAL S RVIC 461.49201.3199 80114 539 00048 LARSON'S ACE HARDWARE SHADE TREE-EQUIP REPAIR 4.12 EQUIPMENT REPAIR PA TS 224.46102.2210 539 00049 WATER-MISC OP SUPPLIES 12.52 MISC OPERATING SUPP IES 602.49490.2199 539 00050 WWTP-MISC OP SUPPLIES 7.42 MISC OPERATING SUpp IES 436;49201.2199 539 00051 WWTP-MISC REPAIR 4.25 MISC REPAIR & MTC S, PPLI436.49201.2299 539 00052 ~WTP-OP SUPPLIES 9.73 MISC OPERATING SUPP IES 436.49201.2199 539 00053 WATER-OP SUPPLIES 4.02 MISC OPERATING SUPP, IES 601.49440.2199 539 00054 WATER-BLDG REPAIR SUPPL 6.38 BUILDING REPAIR SUP LIES 601.49440.2230 539 00055 WATER-EQUIP REPAIR PARTS 16.35 EQUIPMENT REPAIR PA' TS 601.49440.2210 539 00056 FIRE-OP SUPPLIES 17.55 MISC OPERATING SUPP IES 101.42201.2199 539 00057 FIRE-BLDG REPAIR SUPP 14.36 VEHICLE REPAIR PART 101.42201.2211 539 00058 CH-BLDG REPAIR SUPPLIES 3.18 BUILDING REPAIR SUP LIES 101.41940.2230 539 00059 PARKS-SMALL TOOLS 78.77 SMALL TOOLS & EQUIP ENT 101.45201.2410 539 00060 PARKS-OP SUPPLIES 213.63 MISC OPERATING SUPP IES 101.45201.2199 539 00061 SHOP-SMALL TOOLS 36.69 SMALL TOOLS & EQUIP ENT 101.43127.2410 539 00062 SHOP-BLDG REPAIR SUPP 6.16 BUILDING REPAIR SUP LIES 101.43127.2230 539 00063 STREETS-SMALL TOOL 114.91 SMALL TOOLS & EQUIP ENT 101.43120.2410 539 00064 STREETS-OP SUPPLIES 36.06 MISC OPERATING SUPP IES 101.43120,2199 539 00065 STREETS-VEH REPAIR PARTS 1. 69 VEHICLE REPAIR PART 101.43120.2211 539 00066 AN SHELTER-R&M-BLDG 29.54 REPAIR & MTC - BUlL INGS 101.42701.4010 539 00061 LIBRARY-'CLEANING SUPP 14.81 CLEANING SUPPLIES 211.45501.2110 539 00068 PW-PAINT, SEAL 59.01 BUILDINGS 265.49201.5201 539 00069 691. 27 *VENDOR TOTAL MARCO BUSINESS PRODUCTS, CH-COPIER SUPPLIES 482.45 DUPLICATING & COPY UPPL 101.41301.2020 539 00070 CH-M/A 4,633.21 MAINTENANCE AGREEME TS 101.41301.3190 539 00071 PW-COPIER SUPPLIES 138.45 DUPLICATING & COPY UPPL 101.43110.2020 539 00072 DEP REG-COPIER SUPPLIES 96.28 MAINTENANCE AGREEME TS 101.41990.3190 539 00073 DEP REG-MIA 224.89 DUPLICATING & COPY UPPL 101.41990.2020 539 00074 . 5,575.28 *VENDOR TOTAL - .-. - - --- -_.- BRC FINANCIAL SYSTEM CITY OF MONTICELLO 07/15/98 14;43;12 Schedule of Bills GL540R-V05.20 PAGE 4 .NOOR NAME DESCRIPTION AMOUNT ACCOUNT NAME FUND & ACCOUNT CLAIM INVOICE POll F/P 10 LINE MAUS FOOOS PLANNING 37.89 MISC OPERATING SUPPLIES 101.41910.2199 539 00075 CH-SUPPLI ES 4.65 MISC OPERATING SUPPLIES 101.41940.2199 539 00076 CH-CLEANING SUPPLIES 11. 66 CLEANING SUPPLIES 101.41940.2110 539 00077 AN SHELTER-SUPPLIES 43.22 MISC OPERATING SUPPLIES 101.42701.2199 539 00078 CC-MEETING 5.00 MISC OTHER EXPENSE 101.41110.4399 539 00079 LIBRARY-CLEANING SUPP 40.77 CLEANING SUPPLIES 211.45501.2110 539 00080 WATER-SUPPLIES 7.04 MISC OPERATING SUPPLIE 601.49440.2199 539 00081 OEP REG-SUPPLIES 11.32 MISC OPERATING SUPPLIE 101.41990.2199 539 00082 161 .55 ~VENDOR TOTAL MEDTOX LABORATORIES STREETS-DRUG TESTING 92.00 MISC PROFESSIONAL SERV C 101.43120.3199 539 00083 MN COpy SYSTEMS INC COPIER MAINT 63.90 MAINTENANCE AGREEMENTS 101.42201.3190 539 00084 MN OEPART OF NATURAL RES WATERCRAFT TITLE 237.00 DNR PAYABLE 101. 20811 539 00085 REGISTRATIONS 781.00 ONR PAYABLE 101.20811 539 00086 1,018.00 *VENOOR TOTAL ~DEPT OF TRADE & ECON CERG GRANT REIMB 2,483.45 GRANT REIMB - AROPLAX 222.46501.6602 539 00087 MN STATE TREASURER BLDG PERMIT SURCHARGE 4,137.88 BUILDING PERMITS 101.32211 2ND QTR 1998 539 00088 MONTICELLO ROTARY JEFF-DUES 225.00 DUES. MEMBERSHIP & S BSC 101.41910.4330 539 00089 MONTICELLO SENIOR CITIIE CONTRACT 2.833.33 SENIOR CENTER CONTRI UTI 101.45175.3136 AUGUST 539 00156 MONTICELLO TIMES LEGAL 1.530.20 LEGAL NOTICE PUBLICA ION 101.41601.3510 539 00090 BLOG PERMITS 122.50 GENERAL PUBLIC INFOR ATI 101.42401.3520 539 00091 PLANNING-WANT AO 229.26 GENERAL PUBLIC INFOR ATI 101.41910.3520 539 00092 INTERNET 350.00 GENERAL PUBLIC INFO MATI 101.41910.3520 539 00093 2.231.96 *VENDOR TOTAL MUELLER/ROBERT J COMM CENTER-BURLINGTON 242.00 MISC PROFESSIONAL S RVIC 461.49201.3199 539 00094 HWY 25..0&E. COPIES 62.00 MISC PROFESSIONAL S RVIC 450.49201.3199 539 00095 304.00 *VENOOR TOTAL NATIONAL BUSHING PARTS & STREETS"VEH REPAIR PARTS 251.09 VEHICLE REPAIR PART 101.43120.2211 539 00105 4111fHOP-SMALL TOOL 93.80 SMALL TOOLS & EQUI ENT 101.43127.2410 539 00106 344.89 *VENDOR TOTAL ---.--~.- _.~-- aRC FINANCIAL SYSTEM CITY OF MONTICELLO 07/15/98 14;43;12 Schedule of B 115 GL540R-V05.20 PAGE 5 .NDOR NAME DESCRIPTION AMOUNT ACCOUNT NAME FUND & ACCOUNT CLAIM INVOICE PO# F /P 10 LINE NORTH STAR CHAPTER GARY,FRED-MEMBERSHIP 45.00 DUES, MEMBERSHIP & SUBS 101.42401.4330 539 00096 NORTH STAR TURF, INC. PARKS~18"8-18 2,047.02 CHEMICAL PRODUCTS 101.45201.2160 164,360,165,05 539 00107 NORTHWEST ASSOC CONSULTA COMM CENTER 42.15 MISC PROFESSIONAL SERVI 461.49201.3199 APR 539 00110 HOSPITAL PUD 343.10 MISC PROFESSIONAL SERVI 101.41910.3199 APR 539 00114 KLEIN FARMS 3RD 417. 00 MISC PROFESSIONAL SERVI 452.49201.3199 APR 539 00115 ST PETER'S CHURCH 209.50 MISC PROFESSIONAL SERVI 101.41910.3199 APR 539 00116 MN STREET MOTEL 570.50 MISC PROFESSIONAL SERVI 101.41910.3199 APR 539 00117 ST HENRY 349.50 MISC PROFESSIONAL SERV IC 101.41910.3199 APR 539 00119 PARKS PLAN 1,432.61 MISC PROFESSIONAL SERV IC 101.41910.3199 APR, MAY 539 00109 OAA PROCEEDURE 1,953.08 MISC PROFESSIONAL SERV C 101.41910.3199 APR,JUNE 539 00112 SW AREA 2,266.54 MISC PROFESSIONAL SERV C 440.49201.3199 APR,MAY,JUNE 539 00111 GENERAL 352.80 MISC PROFESSIONAL SERV C 101.41910.3199 APR,MAY,JUNE 539 00113 FRONT PORCH 1,096.50 MISC PROFESSIONAL SERV C 101.41910.3199 APR,MAY,JUNE 539 00118 E OAKS MEADOWS 576.10 MISC PROFESSIONAL SERV C 101.41910.3199 APR,MAY,JUNE 539 00120 RIVER MILL 4TH 507.00 MISC PROFESSIONAL SERV C 101.41910.3199 APR,MAY,JUNE 539 00121 STAR CITY eLDERS 924.00 MISC PROFESSIONAL SERV C 101. 4191 0.3199 APR,MAY,JUNE 539 00122 sueD ORDINANCE 309.10 MISC PROFESSIONAL SERV C 101.41910.3199 JUNE 539 00131 ~ONWAY OFFICE 106.85 MISC PROFESSIONAL SERV C 101.41910.3199 JUNE 539 00132 ONDHUS 305.25 MISC PROFESSIONAL SERV C 101.41910.3199 JUNE 539 00134 GROSSNICKLE 239.25 MISC PROFESSIONAL SERV C 101.41910.3199 JUNE 539 00135 MEETINGS 3,300.00 MISC PROFESSIONAL SERV C 101.41910.3199 MAR,APR,MAY 539 00108 BULK TANK 134.70 MISC PROFESSIONAL SERV C 101.41910.3199 MAY 539 00123 UNIlED METHODIST 276.75 MISC PROFESSIONAL SERV C 101.41910.3199 MAY 539 00127 CHADWICK LAND USE 173.25 MISC PROFESSIONAL SERV IC 101.41910.3199 MAY 539 00129 MI ELKE SITE PLAN 222.95 MISC PROFESSIONAL SERV IC 101.41910.3199 MAY,JUNE 539 00124 TINDLE LOT 480.75 MISC PROFESSIONAL SERV IC 101.41910.3199 MAY,JUNE 539 00125 WILDWOOD 1,097.25 MISC PROFESSIONAL SERV IC 101.41910.3199 MAY,JUNE 539 00126 ROLLER RINK 645.75 MISC PROFESSIONAL SER IC 101.41910.3199 MAY,JUNE 539 00128 GOLD NUGGET 1,262.25 MISC PROFESSIONAL SER IC 101.41910.3199 MAY,JUNE 539 00130 ST BENEDICTS 346.50 MISC PROFESSIONAL SER IC 101.41910.3199 000003 JUNE 539 00133 19,940.98 *VENDOR TOTAL OLSON & SONS ELECTRIC, I LIQUOR-R&M, MACHINE 115.87 REPAIR & MTC - MACH & EQ 609.49754.4044 539 00136 STREET LIGHTING-R&M 1.640.81 MISC REPAIR & MTC SUP LI 101.43160.2299 539 00137 PARKS-R&M, BLDG 68.50 REPAIR & MTC - BUILDI GS 101.45201.4010 539 00138 PARKS-BLDG REPAIR 33.28 BUILDING REPAIR SUPPL ES 101.45201.2230 539 00139 AN SHELTER-BLDG REPAIR 216.13 BUILDING REPAIR SUPPL ES 101.42701.2230 539 00140 RIVERSIDE-R&M 34.85 MISC REPAIR & MTC SUP LI 651.49010.2299 539 00141 DEP REG-R&M BLDGS 122.19 REPAIR & MTC - BUILDI GS 101.41990.4010 539 00142 FARM-REBUILD PUMP 1.421.96 BIOSOLIDS FARM IMPROV ME 602.49480.4385 539 00143 3,653.59 *VENDOR TOTAL _ON, USSET & WEINGARDE HWY 25 340.00 PROF SRV - LEGAL FEES 450.49201.3040 539 00144 KJELLBERG 178.50 PROF SRV - LEGAL FEES 101.41601.3040 539 00145 BRC FINANCIAL SYSTEM CITY OF MONTICELLO 07/15/98 14:43: 12 Schedule of ills GL540R-V05.20 PAGE 6 .NDOR NAME AMOUNT ACCOUNT NAME FUND & ACCOUNT CLAIM INVOICE POI FIP 10 LINE DESCRIPTION OLSON, USSET & HEINGARDE ANN EXA TI ON 497.25 PROF SRV -LEGAL FEES 101.41601.3040 539 00146 COMM CENTER 25.50 PROF SRV - LEGAL FEES 461.49201.3040 539 00147 GEN-LEGAL 1,075.25 PROF SRV - LEGAL FEES 101.41601.3040 539 00148 2,116.50 *VENDOR TOTAL ONE CALL CONCEPTS, INC. LOCATES 900.00 MISC PROFESSIONAL SERVIC 601.49440.3199 539 00149 PHOTO I BLDG INSP 74.64 MISC PROFESSIONAL SERVIC 101.42401.3199 FILM DEV 539 00150 WHTP 267.89 PROF SRV - CONSTRUCT I N 436.49201.3025 FILM DEV 539 00151 PLANNING 167.35 MISC PROFESSIONAL SER IC 101.41910.3199 FILM DEV 539 00152 NEWSLETTER 32.38 NEWSLETTER 101.41301.3195 FILM DEV 539 00153 542.26 *VENDOR TOTAL QUALEX, INC FIRE-FILM DEV 7.98 MISC PRINTING 101.42201.3599 539 00154 RON'S GOURMET ICE LI QUOR-I CE 619.13 MISC TAXABLE 609.49750.2540 539 00155 ~WAAB, INC. EP REG-RUBBER STAMPS 24.38 MISC OFFICE SUPPLIES 101'.41990.2099 539 00158 SHERBURNE COUNTY CITIZEN LIQUOR-PET AD 30.00 ADVERTISING 609.49754.3499 JUNE 539 00159 SHERBURNE TITLE GUARANTE EASTWOOD KNOLL 2ND 325.00 MISC PROFESSIONAL SER IC 101.41601.3199 ABSTRACT 539 00160 SIMONSON LUMBER COMPANY SHADE TREE-EQUIP REPAIR 73:06 EQUIPMENT REPAIR PART 224.46102.2210 539 00161 WHTP-HAMMER 16.71 MISC REPAIR & MTC SUP LI 436.49201.2299 539 00162 STREETS-OP SUPPLIES 161.45 MISC OPERATING SUPPLI S 101.43120.2199 539 00163 PARKS-DRILL 226.83 SMALL TOOLS & EQUIPME T 101.45201.2410 539 00164 PARKS-OP SUPPLIES 123.29 MISe OPERATING SUPPLI S 101.45201.2199 539 00165 PW-REMOOEL 1.516.75 BUILDINGS 265.49201.5201 539 00166 2,118.09 *VENDOR TOTAL STAR TRIBUNE COMM DEVWANT AD 768.50 LEGAL NOTICE PUBLICATION 101.41910.3510 539 00167 PLANNING-WANT AD 821.50 LEGAL NOTICE PUBLICAT ON 101.42401.3510 539 00168 1,590.00 *VENDOR TOTAL SUPERIOR FCR LANDFILL. I LANDFILL CHARGES 1,043.54 MISC PROFESSIONAL SER IC 101.43230.3199 JUNE 539 00169 .E TRUST HADE TREE-SHOVEL 44.00 SMALL TOOLS & EQUIPME T 224.46102.2410 539 00170 BRC FINANCIAL SYSTEM 07/15/98 14:43:12 .NDOR NAME DESCRIPTION UNITED LABORATORIES STREETS-LUBS PARKS-SUPPLIES STREETS-MAINT UNOCAL FIRE-FUEL VIKING COCA COLA LIQUOR-TAXABLE MISC WATSON COMPANY, INCITHE MISC TAXABLE WOLFSTELLERIRICHARD RICK-LMC CONFERNCE WRIGHT COUNTY AUDITOR-TR SCERG GRANT REIMB SHERIFF PATROL eIGHT HENNEPIN SECURITY WATER TOWER WATER TOWER-EQUIPMENT WSB & ASSOCIATES, INC. MONTI/BL HOSPITAL TH25 CHELSEA/SHCOOL BLVD TH25 RIVERMILL 3RD ADDT FARR DEV MONTE CLUB SANITARY e --. .--., ----.- ,-~,~_. AMOUNT 787.10 179.77 184.97 1,151.84 103.54 Schedule of Bills ACCOUNT NAME LUBRICANTS & ADDITI ES MISC OPERATING SUPP IES REPAIR & MTC - VEHI LES *VENDOR TOTAL MOTOR FUELS 313.80 MISC TAXABLE 305.21 MISC TAXABLE 382.55 TRAVEL EXPENSE FUND & ACCOUNT 101.43120.2130 101.45201.2199 101.43120.4050 101.42201.2120 509.49750.2540 609.49750.2540 101.41301.3310 2,760.51 ,GRANT REIMBURSEMENT 222.46501.6501 27,716.40 PROF SRV - LAW ENFOR EME 101.42101.3050 30,535.91 *VENDOR TOTAL 39.90 MAINTENANCE AGREEMEN S 501.49440.3190 402.54 OTHER EQUIPMENT 601.49440.5801 442.44 *VENDOR TOTAL 180.00 521. 50 362.00 55,413.50 181.00 362.00 210.75 68.230.85 PROF SRV - ENGINEERI G F 101.43110.3030 PROF SRV - ENGINEERI G F 101.43110.3030 PROF SRV - ENGINEERIN F 101.43110.3030 PROF SRV - ENGINEERIN F 450.49201.3030 PROF SRV - ENGINEERIN F 101.43110.3030 PROF SRV - ENGINEERIN F 101.43110.3030 PROF SRV - ENGINEERIN F 101.43110.3030 *VENDOR TOTAL -.- --,~- -.-. - -. '--~ CITY OF MONTICELLO GL540R-V05.20 PAGE 1 CLAIM INVOICE PO# F/P 10 LINE 2145440 520281 TRAVEL EXP JULY MONITORING MON ITOR I NG APR APR APR FEB. APR MAR MAR MAR 539 00171 539 00172 539 00173 539 00174 539 00175 539 00176 539 00181 539 00177 539 00118 539 00179 539 00180 539 00186 539 00187 539 00188 539 00182 539 00183 539 00184 539 00185 BRC FINANCIAL SYSTEM 07/15/98 14:43:12 eNDOR NAME DESCRIPTION REPORT TOTALS: . . Schedule f Bills AMOUNT ACCOUNT NAME 183,222.23 RECORDS PRINTED - 000189 FUND & ACCOUNT CLAIM INVOICE CITY OF MONTICELLO GL540R-V05.20 PAGE 8 PO# F/P ID LINE eRC FINANCIAL SYSTEM 07/15/98 14;43:15 .UND RECAP; FUND DESCRIPTION 101 GENERAL FUND 211 LIBRARY FUNO 213 HRA FUND 222 SCERG (ECON RECOVERY GRANT) 223 CMIF (CENT MN INIT FUND) 224 SHADE TREE FUND 240 CAPITAL PROJECT REVOLVING FD 255 WATER ACCESS FUND 435 93-14C WWTP EXPANSION PRJ 440 95-01C SOUTHWEST AREA 450 95-04C HWY25/MNDOT IMPR 452 97-03P KLEIN FARMS 3RD 458 97-04C KLEIN FARMS 4(LION'S) 451 98.'03C COMMUNITY CENTER 501 WATER FUND 502 SEWER FUND 509 MUNICIPAL LIQUOR FUND 510 TRANSPORTATION FUND 651 RIVERSIDE CEMETERY ~TAL ALL FUNDS BANK RECAP: eANK NAME GENL GENERAL CHECKING LIQR LIQUOR CHECKING TOTAL ALL BANKS Schedule of Bills 01 BURSEMENTS 80,539.61 283.14 4.283.70 5.243.96 1.100.21 346.18 100.35 1.575.75 1.753.10 2.265.54 66.815.60 417. 00 230.00 1,815.65 1.618.72 1.656.98 7.473.15 5.667.73 34.85 83.222.23 01 BURSEMENTS 75.749.08 7.473.15 83,222.23 THE PRECEDING LIST OF BILLS PAYABLE WAS EVIEWED AND APPROVED FOR PAYMENT. DATE ............ ~ APPROVED BY ... ..... .............t........ ..... CITY OF MONTICELLO GLQ60S-V05.20 RECAPPAGE GL540R