EDA Agenda 10-10-2018AGENDA REGULAR MEETING - ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY (EDA) Wednesday, October 10th, 2018 — 6:00 p.m. Mississippi Room, Monticello Community Center Commissioners: President Steve Johnson, Vice President Bill Tapper, Treasurer Jon Morphew, Tracy Hinz, 011ie Koropchak-White and Councilmembers Lloyd Hilgart and Jim Davidson Staff. Executive Director Jim Thares, Jeff O'Neill, Angela Schumann, Wayne Oberg and Jacob Thunander 1. Call to Order 2. Roll Call 3. Consideration of additional agenda items 4. Consent Agenda - Item 4a through 4b a. Consideration of approving Regular Meeting Minutes — September 10, 2018 b. Consideration of approving payment of bills 5. Consideration of 2019 Funding for Arts Program and Comprehensive Plan 6. Consideration of Quotes for Fabricating Signs for Otter Creek Business Park and Block 52 7. Consideration of Repainting West Side of EDA Owned Building located at 112 East Broadway Street 8. Consideration of Downtown Projects Update 9. Director's Report 10. Adjourn MINUTES REGULAR MEETING - ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY (EDA) Wednesday, September 12th, 2018 — 6:00 p.m. Mississippi Room, Monticello Community Center Commissioners Present: Jon Morphew, Tracy Hinz, 011ie Koropchak-White, Lloyd Hilgart and Jim Davidson Commissioners Absent: Steve Johnson, Bill Tapper Staff Present: Jim Thares 1. Call to Order Jon Morphew called the meeting of the Monticello EDA to order at 6:00 p.m. 2. Roll Call 3. Consideration of additional agenda items None. 4. Consent Agenda - Item 4a through 4b LLOYD HILGART MOVED TO APPROVE CONSENT AGENDA. JIM DAVIDSON SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED, 5-0. a. Consideration of anurovine- Regular MeetinLy Minutes — August 8. 2018 Recommendation: Approve Regular Meeting Minutes — August 8, 2018. b. Consideration of approving payment of bills Recommendation: Approve payment of bills through August, 2018. 5. Consideration of 2019 Funding for Arts Program and Comprehensive Plan Update Jim Thares stated that the City Council met to discuss the preliminary budget for 2019. The City Council asked that the EDA consider a cost share for the 2019 Arts Program and the Comprehensive Plan Update. The amount suggested was $15,000 for the Arts Program and $10,000 for the Comprehensive Plan Update. The City Council adopted their preliminary budget with the cost share of the EDA. Jim Thares stated that he would like to schedule a special meeting or to meet during the October EDA meeting for the Arts Consultant to explain her vision for the program. OLLIE KOROPCHAK-WHITE MOVED TO TABLE CONSIDERATION OF THE PROPOSED BUDGET ADJUSTMENT THEREIN FUNDING THE ARTS PROGRAM AND THE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN PHASE ONE TO THE OCTOBER MEETING. TRACY HINZ SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED, 5-0. 6. Consideration of Proposed Signage for Otter Creek Business Park and Block 52 Jim Thares stated that the item was brought forward at a previous meeting. Staff have revised the message and height of the sign for Otter Creek Park and the message for the Economic Development Authority Minutes — September 12, 2018 Page 1 1 3 sign at Block 52. 011ie Koropchak-White suggested that both signs be further simplified. The location of the Otter Creek Business Park sign was discussed, but not a part of the decision for the meeting. TRACY HINZ MOVED TO APPROVE PROPOSED MARKETING SIGNS FOR OTTER CREEK BUSINESS PARK AND BLOCK 52 WITH CHANGES AS DIRECTED BY THE EDA. OLLIE KOROPCHAK-WHITE SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED, 5-0. 7. Consideration of Draft Employer and Employee Survey Results Jim Thares stated that a study was completed by the City to understand employer and employee needs such as housing, workforce development, and amenities. Jim Thares stated that the EDA was asked to only comment on the study and not to make any decisions. 8. Director's Report Jim Thares provided the Director's Report. Jon Morphew asked about the Fagade Grant Improvement Program. Morphew asked for those that hadn't indicated interest the program, if staff would meet with them to encourage applying for the grant. Thares confirmed. Thares gave an update on "Industry of the Year". He stated that four businesses were nominated, but the businesses declined due to schedules. Instead this year, the "Manufacturing Appreciation Breakfast" event would recognize all industry in Monticello. The event is being held on October 3, 2018. Thares stated that the City would like to resume business retention visits in the future. 9. Closed Session — Consideration of recessing to closed session to develop or consider offers or counter-offers for the purchase or sale of real or personal property pursuant to Minnesota Statute 13D.05, Subdivision 3(c)(3). Address: 349 Broadway W., PID #: 155010050011 TRACY HINZ MOVED TO RECESS INTO A CLOSED SESSION. JIM DAVIDSON SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED. 10. Adiourn OLLIE KOROPCHAK-WHITE MOVED TO ADJOURN THE MEETING AT 6:48 P.M. TRACY HINZ SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED, 5-0. Economic Development Authority Minutes — September 12, 2018 Page 2 13 Recorder: Jacob Thunander Approved: October 10, 2018 Attest: Jim Thares, Economic Development Director Economic Development Authority Minutes — September 12, 2018 Page 3 13 EDA Agenda: 10/10/18 4b. Consideration of approvin� pavment of bills (JT) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: Accounts Payable summary statements listing bills submitted during the previous month are included for review. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: L Motion to approve payment of bills through September 2018. 2. Motion to approve payment of bills through September 2018 with changes as directed by the EDA. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends approval of Alternative #1. D. SUPPORTING DATA: A. Accounts Payable Summary Statements � I � � I � 00 � I � � �!, I N � I o � �D N N N ..'7 ..'� O �D � � �� � a a aa a � � �� �� � � � � oo �� � o N � N N N � N N � N � N O (+l M M p \:J �O \D � � � � � � � � � � rt � C� O O O C� C� O O .y�. �-. .y�. R y � � y y Q Q Q Q ,� � .y� � .'C '� y c 'r jj y :C .� z y � � Q � .� � A a �' �° � y y � � � V] b11 J' y p Ci] [i! v] Ci] � � O. 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CONNECT�NG & YNNOVATING C [ � t [ � slNc�.1�i3 B�II�n Statement Page 1 of 3 Member Name and Address Monticello, City Of 505 Walnut Street, Suite #1 Monticello, MN 55362 8821 Account Num6er: 400D1103 Current Balance: � 152,421.00 Minimum Due: 5 152,421.00 Due ilate: �91151201 S 5tatement Date 08f20l2018 Agent Fost�r White Agency 4nc 1 14 W 3rcf 5t I+�onticello, MN 55362-4574 (763) 295-2514 Date Activity Previous Statemert Balance Paymenks Received Total of Transactions and Fees shown on reverse or attached Current 8alance De4ach and Account Number return this 40001103 Payment Coupon with your payment Statement Date 08/20/2018 Member Name Monticello, City Of Account Balance 160,205.00 -154, 481.00 146, 697.00 Minimum Due $ 152,421.00 S 152,421.d0 Due Date Current Salance Miniinum Due 09/15l2018 5 152,421.00 152,421.d0 Amount Encfosed S BfLLING STATEMEN7 - Return stub with paymenk - make checks payable to: Mail payment League af MN Cities Insurance Trust P&C 7 days before c/o Berkley Risk Administrators Company Due Date to 222 �outh Ninth S#reet, Suite 2700 ensure timely P.O. Sox 5$1517 receipt Minneapolis, MN 5545$-1517 CONNECTING & INNOVATING s��cE ��i3 Bill�ng Stafement Page 2 of 3 Thank you for chaosing us as your Coverage carrier. The following information is ta assist you in reviewing your Billing Statement. Billing Inquiries: CONTACT YOUR AGENT FOR QUESTIONS ON YOUR AGREEMENT OR CHANG�S iN COVERAGE. For billing inq�iries, please call 1-612-766-300Q 81LLING PROC�bURES New Agreements and renewals: Ii your Agreement is issued after the date thai coverage began, your first Billing Statement for the agreement may inc9ude mare than one installment payment due. Appli�ation af Payments and Gancellation: If you pay more than the Minimum Due, the extra paymeni will b� applied to your next installment propnrt3onatefy to all agreements on your account. For Aecounts owned on agreements with the same Due Date, the paymenk will be applied proporifonately to all agreements with the same �ue Date. Minimum Due is the amount to pay to avoid any agreements on your account from going into a �ake pay status which cauld cause cancellation o# coverage. If you fail to pay the Min9mum Due by the Due Date, a Direct Notice of Cancellation for Nan Payment may be issued ior one or more agreements an your account. If your account has more than one agreement and you pay less than the Minimum Due, your paymenl will be applied first io amounts owed on agreements with the oldest balance due. If we receive a payment after the canceflation effective date and we elect not to reinstate your agreement, the payment will be applied toward any unpaid earned premium or, your account before any remainder is refunded. After an agreement is cancelled, we will bill you for any unpaid earned premium. If you do not pay, the matter may be reterred #o collections. Audit Premium: Any Aud�t Prerr�iusn owed will be included in both Current Balance and Minimum Due balance shown on the Billing Statemer�t. Payment of Audit Premium is due in full by the Due Date. If Audit Premium is owed, your payme�t may be applied first to Audit Premium owed and ti�en to amounis owed on agreemenis with the earliest ��e Date. li special arrangements are need�d for repayment of audi# premium you MUST coniact the Billing Unit at the number shown above for consideration of any such arrangements. Refunds: Any refund due wilf be mailed irom our ofiice within 15 days after the statement date. Payment address: ALL PAYM�NTS SHpULD BE S�NT TO QUR PAYMEfJT PRQCESSING CENTER ALONG WITH THE PAYMENT COUPON 7he address change from below is prinied on the back of the payment coupon. If needed it may also be sent along with yaur payment to the payment Processing Center at: 222 South Ninth Sireet, Suite 2700 Minneapol�s, MN 55402 . Please do not send any other correspondence to the paymenk processing center. CHANGE OF ADDFiESS A�JD/OR NAME PLEASE FILL IN THE NAME, AGREEMENT NI�MBER AND CHECK APPROPRIATE BOX � Name Ct�ange Only � Name and Address Change L- Address Change Only Former Name Agreement Numb�r: Name: Address: Address: City; PLEASE REFER ALL OTHER CHANGES TO YOiJR AGENT. THANK YOU. State Zip Code: l' r �E �\ C � t J C�� ��� f�,� I N�.! E�t)T�1 CONNECT�NG & INNlJVATING �'ITIf� SI10E1913 Bil�ing Sta#ement Page 3 of 3 - rr Transaction Amount Minirnum Due Package � 003507-1 Agreement Period 07/15/20� 7- a7/1 5120 1 8 07/15/2017 - 07/15/2018 Agreement Previous Balance Payment 09/28/2017 Agreement Ending Balance Package 1003507-2 Agreement Period 07I15/2018 - 07/15/2Q19 Agreement Pre�ious k3alance Renewal - PR 08/14/2018 Agreement Ending Balance Liquor Liability 10D3508-1 Agreement Period 07l15I2017 - 07/15/2018 Agreement Previous Baiance Cancellation - PR 09/15/2D17 Rgreement Enc#ing Balance Defense Cost Reimbursement 1003509-2 Agreement Period 07/15f2018 - 0711512Q 19 Agreement Previous Balance Agreement Ending Balance Total Gurrent Balance Total Minimum Due $ 154,481.00 $ -f54,�481.00 $ 0.00 $ 0.00 $ a.ao $ 152,421.OD $ 152,421.OD $ 152,421.00 $ 5,724.00 $ -5,724.00 � 0.00 �a O.OD $ D,00 $ 0.00 $ 0.00 $ 152,421.OQ $ 152,421.00 City of Montitello Premium $152,421.00 Co�erage Municipal I.iahility Tatal far Municipaf liability Employment fxpendit�res Fireworks Land Use Sewer E&O Actual ExpoSure Limit 78 23,829,714 Municipal Property Tatal for Municipal Prop�rty Mobile Property Scheduled Scheduled Unschedu4ed/Flat 4,911 4,245 l,aaa,aaa 203,830 105,131 1,413,170 Deductible Premium Crime 250,000 Bond 50,000 Data Breach Mitigation 250,aaa Petrofund 250,Oa0 Equipment Breakdown LaCAiION 1- 901 GOLF COURSE RpAD, Monticello, MN 55362 Building 1,750,293 Contents Z81,540 Toial far LOCATIO�f 1- 9Q1 GOLF COURSE �tOAD, Monticello, MN 55362 LOCATION 2- 312 5TH STREET WEST, Manticello, MN 55362 Building 87$,353 Cante nts 225,232 Total for LOCATION 2- 312 5TH STREET WEST, Monticello, MN 55362 LOCATION 3- 215 CE�IAR STREET, Monticello, MN 55362 Building 285,183 Content$ 18,098 Total for LOCATION 3- 215 CEDAR STREET, Monticello, MN 55362 LQCATION 4- 545 PINE STREET, Monticella, MAi 55362 Building 1,200,041 Contents 592,566 Total for LQCATiON 4- 545 PINE STREET, Monticello, MN 55362 $49,281.00 $11, 778.00 $17,514.Q0 $225.00 $11,255.00 a,000 $s,�o9.00 1, D00 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1, OOQ �,00a $92,532.OD $186.00 $176.00 $10.00 $5,44b.00 Included $434.00 Included Inclucfed $8,658.00 1,000 $3,304.00 1,000 $811A0 $4,115.00 1,000 $895.00 �.,000 $306.00 $1,201.D0 1,000 $291A0 1,000 $25.OQ $316.OQ i,000 i,oao $874.00 $575.00 $1,449.00 LOCATION 5- 3401 NART BLVD, Monticello, MN 55362 Building 23,783,573 1,000 $9,304.00 Contents 934,922 1,OOfl $436.00 Total for LOCATION 5- 1401 HART BI.VD, Monticello, MN 55362 LOCATI�N 6- 2Q3 CNELSEA ROAD, Monticello, MN 55362 Building 210,321 Contents 16,899 Total for LOCAl'ION 6- 203 CHELSEA ROAD, Monticella, MN 55362 $9,744A0 1,Q00 $1,877.00 1,000 $151.00 $2,028.00 LOCATION 7- 2a5 PINE STREET, Monticello, MN 55362 Building 35,647 1,(}00 $318.00 Contents $,237 1,Q00 $73.Od Tatal for LOCATION 7- 205 PINE STREEi, Monticello, MN 553fi2 $391.0[3 LOCATIQN 8- 9a1 GOLF COUR$E ROAD, Monticello, MN 55362 Building 12z,627 1,000 $231.00 Contents 11,262 �,000 $32.00 Total for LOCATION 8- 901 GOLF COURSE ROAD, Montitello, MN 55362 $263.00 LOCATION 9- 909 GOLF COURSE ROAD, Monticello, MN 55362 Building 320,827 1,000 $327.Q0 Contents 56,3Q8 1,000 $77.00 Total for LQCATIQN 9- 909 G(lLF COURSE RQAD, MonticeElo, MN 55362 $404.00 LOCATION 10 - 918 GOLF COURSE R�, Manticello, MN 55362 Buifding 39,926 1,a00 $108.00 Contents 56,3f}8 I,000 $232.00 �'otai far LOCATION 10 - 918 GOLF COURSE RD, Monticello, MN 55362 $340.00 LOCATION 11 - 132 BDWY. E., 207 CEDAR 5T., Manticello, MN 55362 Building 1,705,157 1,000 $1,459.00 Contents 9,460 1,000 $1[�AO Total for LOCATION 11 - 132 B�WY. E., 207 CEDAR ST., Monticello, MN 55362 $1,469.00 LOCATION 12 - 205 CH�LSA ROAD, Monticello, MN 55362 Building 852,580 1,000 $730.00 Cantents 9,572 1,000 $10.00 Total for LOCATION 12 - 2�5 CHEL5A R�AD, Mor�ticel�o, MN 55362 $740.00 LOCATION 13 - 120 DUNAS ROAD, Monticello, MN 55362 Building 610,913 �otal for LOCATION 13 - 12(3 QUNAS R�AD, Monticello, MN 55362 LOCATION 14 - 2(}7 CHELSA ROAD, Monticello, MN 55362 Building 1,910,709 Contents �,128 7otal for LOCATION 14 - 207 CHELSA ROAD, Mon#itello, MiV 55362 1,000 $523.00 $523.OQ }., 000 $1,168.00 ]., 000 $1.00 $1,169.00 LOCATION 15 - 5980 JASON AVE. NE, Manticello, MN 55362 Building 958,2Q5 Contents 1,128 Tatal for LOCATION 15 - 5980 JASON AVE. NE, Monticello, MN 55362 LOCATION 16 - 1645 CO. RD 39 NE, Monticello, MN 55362 Building 51,332 Cantents Z2,5�3 Total for LOGATION 16 - 1645 C0. RD 39 NE, Monticello, MN 55362 LOCATIOH 17 - 1645 CO. RD. 39 NE, Monticello, MN 55362 Building 51,332 Contents 22,523 Total for LOCA710N 17 - 1645 CO. RD. 33 NE, Monticello, MN 55362 LOCATION 18 - 505 WALNUT ST, Monticello, MN 55362 Building 13,247,196 Contents 1,539,136 Total for LOCATION 18 - 545 WA�NUT ST, Manticello, MN 55362 1,000 $375.00 1,000 $1.00 $376.00 1,000 $138.0� 1,000 $93.�0 $231.00 1, 000 �,aoa 1,0�0 J.,OQO LOCATION 19 - 835 RIVER STREET WEST, Monticeilo, M�1 55362 Building 1�2,468 1,000 Total for LQCATION 19 - 835 RIVER STREET WEST, Monticelio, MN 55362 LOCATION 2D - 105 RIVER ST�tEET WEST, Monticello, MN 5.�362 Building 112,468 1,000 Total for LOCATION 20- 105 RlVfR STREET WEST, Monticello, MN 55362 LQCATIQN 21 - 8�Q MEADOW 0,4K DRIVE, MonticelVo, MN 55362 Building 21,525 1,a00 Tatal for l.00ATIQN 21- 8d0 MEADOIN OAK DRIVE, Monticello, MN �5362 LQCATION 22 - 325 RIVERVIEW DRNE, Monticella, MN 55362 Building �1Z,468 Total for L�CATION 22 - 326 R9VERVIEW DRIVE, Monticello, MN 55362 1,000 LOCA710N 23 - 317fi CHELSEA ROAD WEST, Monticello, MN 55362 Building 136,413 1,000 Total for LOCATIORf 23 - 3176 CHELSEA ROAD WEST, Monticello, MN 55362 LOCATION 24 - 110 MARVIN ROAD, Monticello, MN 55362 Building 68,206 Total far LOCATION 24 - 110 MARVIN ROAD, Monticello, MN 5536Z 1,DOfl $138.00 $93.00 $z3�.00 $7,253.00 $1,124.Q�3 $ 8, 377.00 $44.00 $44.00 $4�4.00 $44.00 $S.OQ $$.QR $44.00 $44 A(} $53.00 $53.00 $�7.a0 $27.Op LOCA710N 25 - 5D5 WAWUT DRIVE, Monticello, MN 55362 Property in the Open 135,563 1,0[}0 $1,038.00 TQtal for LOCATION 25 - 505 WALNUT DRIVE, Manticello, IVIN 55362 $1,038.00 LOCATIO� 26 - 324 WES7 5�'H S7, Monticello, MN 55362 Building 17�.,515 Contents 13,�5�k Total for LOCATION 26 - 324 WEST 5TH ST, Montieello, MN 55362 LOCATION 27 - 405 RAMSEY ST, Monticello, MN 55362 Building 1,136,772 Contents 6,194 Total for L�CATION 27 - 405 RAMSEY ST, Monticello, MN 55362 L�CATION 28 - 545 P{NE STREET, Monticeilo, MN 55362 Praperty in the Open 33,887 Total far LOCATION 28 - 545 PINE STREET, Manticello, MN 55362 LOCATION 29 - BRIDGE PARK EAST, Monticello, MN 55362 Property in the Open 9,49fi Total fpr LOCATION 29 - BRIDGE RARK EAST, Monticello, MN 55362 �OCATION 30 - BRIDGE PARK WES�, Monticello, MiV 55362 Building 25,828 Total far LOCATION 30 - BRIDGE PARK WEST, Monticello, MN 5536Z LOCATION 31 - BRIDGE PRRK WEST, Monticelfo, MN 55362 Building 23z,452 Tatal for LOGATION 31 - BRIDGE PARK WEST, Monticello, MN 55352 LQCATION 32 - BRIDGE PARK WEST, Monticello, MN 55362 Property in the Open 84,605 �ata1 for LOCATION 37 - BRI[}GE PARK WEST, Monticello, MN 55362 LOCATION 33 - FREEWAY FIELDS, Monticello, MN 55362 �roperty in the Open 88,243 Total for �OCAiIOfJ 33 - fREEWAY FIELDS, Monticello, MN 55362 LOCATION 34 - FREEWAY F1�I.D5, Monticello, MN 55362 Buifding 20,462 Total for LOCATION 34 - FREEWAY FIELDS, Monticello, MN 55362 1,000 $463.�0 1,000 $56.00 $519.00 1,000 $973.00 1,00{� $6.00 $979.00 1,Q00 $26D.00 $ 250.00 1,000 $73.00 $73.OQ 1,000 $329.00 $329.00 1,d00 $2,074.00 $2,074,00 1,0{]0 $648.00 $ 648 AO 1,000 $676.QD $676.Oa 1,000 $261.00 $261.00 LOCATION 35 - CITY BAL� FIELQ (XCEL�, Monticello, MN 55362 Building 147,78� 1,000 $1,884.00 Contents 25,339 1,000 $323.00 Total for LOCATION 35 - CITY BALL FIELD (XCEL), Monticello, MN 55362 $2,207.00 LOCATIbN 36 - CITY BALL FIELD (XCEtj, Monticello, MN 55362 Property in the Open 521,946 Total for LOCATION 36 - CITY BALL FIELD (XCEL), Monticello, MN 55362 1,000 $3,997.0� $3,997A0 LOCATION 37 - CITY VIEW PARK, Monticello, M�1 55362 Praperty in �he Open 2,291 Tatal for LOCATION 37 - CITY VIEW PARK, Monticello, MN 55362 LOCATION 38 - CDLJNTRY CLUB PARK, Monticello, MN 55362 Property in the Open 31,49$ Total for LOCATION 38 - COUNTRY CLUB PARK, Monficel[o, MN 55362 LOCATION 39 - ELLlSON PARK, Monticello, MN 55362 Building 24,547 Total fnr LOCATION 39 -�LLfSON PARK, Monticello, MN 55362 LOCATION 40 - ELLI50N PARK, Monticello, MN 55362 Building 129,J.40 Tota� for LOCATION 40 - ELLISON PARK, Manticello, MN 55352 LOCATfQN 41 - ELLISON PARK, Monticello, MN 55362 Building 5�,824 Total for L�CATION 41 - ELLISON PARK, Mon#icello, MN 55362 LOCATION 42 - EL�ISON PARK, Monticello, MN 55362 Property in the Open 116,1.42 iotal for LQCATI�N 42 - ELLISON PARK, Monticello, MN 55362 LOCATION 43 - FOURTH STREET PARK, Monticeflo, MN 55362 Building 53,824 Tatal for LOCATlON 43 - F�URTH STREET PARK, Manticello, MN 55362 LOCA710N 44 - FOUR7H STREET PARK, Monticello, MN 55362 Property in the Oper� 99,473 Total for iOCATION 44 - FDURTFi STREET PARK, Manticello, MN 55362 LOCATION 45 - GROVELAND PARK, Manticello, MN 55352 Praperty in the �pen 72,618 Total for �OCATION 45 - GROVELAND PARK, Montieello, MN 55352 LOCATION 46 - GROV�LAND PARK, Monticello, MN 55362 Building 55,948 �atal for LOCATION 46 - GR�VELAND PARK, Monticello, MN 55362 LOCATION 47 - HUNTER'S CROS51iVC, Monticello, MN 55362 ProperTy in the Open 74,279 Total far LOCATION 47 - HUNTER'S CROSSING, Monticello, MN 55362 1,000 $18.0� $18.00 1,000 $241.04 $241A0 1,000 $3i3.00 $313.fl0 1,000 $1,152.0l� $1,152A0 1,ODQ $686.00 $686.00 1,Q00 $889.00 $889.00 1,000 $686.00 $685.fl0 1,000 $762.OQ $762.04 1,000 $55b.00 $556.00 1,OOd $714.00 $7J.4.00 1,000 $564.00 $569.00 LOCATI�N 4$ - MEA'�OW DAK PARK, Manticello, MN 55352 Property in the Open 36,813 7otal for LOCA�ION 48 - MEADOW OAK PARK, Monticello, MN 55362 LOCATION 49 - MISSISSIPPI PARK, MontiteElo, MN 553b2 Pr�perty in the Open 3,805 Total for LOCATIO'N 49 - MISSISSIPPf PARK, Monticello, MN 55362 LOCATION 50 - DTTER CREEK PARK, Monticello, MN 55�62 Building 9,758 Total for LOCATION 50 - OTTER CREEK PARK, Monticello, MN �5362 LOCATION 5]. - OTTER CREEK PARK, Monticello, MN 55362 Property in the Operr 11,380 Totaf for LOCATION 51- OTTER CREEK PAfiK, Monticello, MN 55362 LOCAT[ON 52 - PAR WEST PARK, Monticello, MN 55362 Property in the Qpen 35,853 Tatal for LOCATION 52 - PAR WEST PARK, Monticello, MN 55362 LOCATION 53 - P�ONEER PARK, Monticello, MN 55362 Building �75,64� TotaE for �OCATION 53 - PIONEER �ARK, Manticello, MN 55362 LOCATfOA� 54 - PIONEER PARK, Monticello, MN 55362 Building 12,173 Total for LOCATlON 54 - PIONEER PARK, Monticello, MN 5536� LOCAT{ON 55 - PIONEER PARK, Monticello, MN 55362 Property in the Open 87,63a Tatal for LOCATION 55 - PIONEER PARK, Monticello, MN 55362 LOCATION �6 - RIVER MILL PARK, Monticello, MN 55362 Building 15,310 Total for LOCATIQN 56 - RIVER MILL PARK, Monticello, MN 55362 LQCATIqN 57 - RIV�R MILL PARK, Monticello, MN 55362 Property in the Open 87,548 Total for LOCATION 57 - RIVER MILL PARK, Manticello, MN 55362 LOCATION 58 - ROLLING WOOD5 PARK, Monticello, MN 55352 Property in the Open 27,606 Total far LOCATIDN 58 - ROLLING WOODS PARK, Monticello, MN 55362 LOCATION 59 - FRONT STREET PIER, Monticello, MN 55362 Property in the Open 17,881 Total for LOCATI�N 59 - FRONT STREET PIER, Monticello, MN 55362 1,000 $282.00 $282A0 1,000 $29.00 $29.00 1,000 $124.00 $124.00 1,000 $87.00 $87.00 1,p00 $275.00 $�75.00 1,000 $1,567.00 $1,567.00 1,000 $155.00 $155.OQ 1,000 $671.Of} $671.00 1,000 $195.00 $195.00 1,000 $670.00 $670.00 1,p0a $211.00 $211.00 1,000 $137.00 $137.00 LOCAiION 60 - CfTYWIDE, Monticello, M�f 55362 Property in the �pen 170,206 Total for LOCATlON 60- CITYWIDE, Manticella, MN 55362 LOCATION 61 - HI�LCREST PARK, Monticello, MN 55362 Building 1,$55 Total far LOCATION 61 - HILLCREST I'ARK, Monticello, MN 553fi2 LOCATIQN b2 - 101 CHE�SEA ROAD, Monticello, MN 55362 Building 1,59g,282 Contents 5,829 Total far LOCATION 62 - 101 CHELSEA ROAD, Moa�ticelfo, MN 55362 1,OQ0 $1,304.00 $i,304.�0 1,006 $5.00 $5.00 1,OOD 1,000 $1,630.Q0 $ 8.00 $1,638.00 LOCATION 63 - 8617 �DMONSON AVE, Monticello, MN 55362 Building 543,324 1,OOQ $733.00 Contents 5,$28 1,000 $12.00 Total for �.�CATION 63 - 8617 EpMONSON AVE, Monticello, MN 55362 $745.Q0 LOCATION 64 - 8770JASON AVE, Manticelln, fNN 553G2 Building 352,046 1,000 $301.00 Contents 145,696 1,000 $149.00 Total for �OCATION 64 - 877d JASON AVE, Monticello, MN 55362 $450.00 LOCATlON 65 - HWY. 75, Monticello, MN 55362 Property in the Open Total for LOCATION 65 - HWY. 75, Monticello, MN 55362 95,359 LOCATfON 65 - RIVERViEW, Monticelfo, MN 55362 Property in the Open 107,440 Total for LOCA710N 66 - RIVERVI�W, Monticella, MN 55362 LOCATION 67 - 6817 94TH STREET, �/lonticello, MN 55362 Buildfng 112,458 Total for LOCATION 67 - 6817 9aTH STREET, MonticelFo, MN 55362 LOCATION 68 - 3692 �CHOOL BLVQ., Monticello, MN 55362 Building 2,273,542 Contents 1,128 Total for LdCATI�N 68 - 3692 SCH�OL BL`V�., Mor�ticello, MN 553fi2 LOCATION 69 - BRIDGE PARK EA5�, Monticello, MN 55362 Building 27,999 Total for LOCATION 69 - BRlDGE PARK EAST, Monticello, MN 5536Z 1,000 $730.40 $73d.00 1,Q00 $823A0 $823.00 1,000 $44.00 $44.00 1,004 $859.00 1,000 $1.00 $890.00 1,000 $357.00 $357Ad LOCATION 7D - BRIDGE PARK EAST, Monticello, MN 55362 Building 2,502 Total �or LOCAT[C7N 7D - BRIDGE PARIC EAST, Monticello, MN 55362 LOCATION 71 - BRIDG� PARK W�ST, Monticello, MN 55362 Building 739 Total for LOCATION 71 - BRIDGE PARK WESi, MonticelEo, MN 55362 LOCATI�N 72 - CITY SALL FI£LD (XCEL), Monticell�, MN 55362 Building 18,188 Totaf #or LOCATION 72 - CITY BALL FlELD (XCEL), Montice[lo, MN 55362 LOCATION 73 - PAR WEST PARK, Monticello, MN 55362 Building 569 Total for LOCA710N 73 - PAR WEST PARK, Monticeflo, MN 55362 L�CATION 7d - HILLCREST PARK, Monticello, MN 55362 Building 4,547 Total for LOCATION 74 - HILLCREST PARK, Monticello, MN 55362 LOCATION 75 - ELLISON PARK, Monticello, MN 55362 Building 569 Tatal for LOCATI�N 7S - ELLISON PARlC, Monticello, MN 55362 LOCATION 76 - SUNSET PONDS PARK, Manticello, MN 55362 Property in the Open 84,527 Totaf far LOCATfON 76 - SUNSET PONDS PARK, Monticello, MN 55362 L4CATION 77 - RIVERSIDE CEMETERY, Monticello, MN 55362 Property in the Open 92,439 Total for LOCATION 77 - RIVERSIDE CEMETERY, Monticello, MN 55362 LOCATION 78- HiLLSIDE CEMETERY, Monticello, MN 55362 Property in the Open 62,582 Total for LOCATION 78 - HILLSIQE CEMETERY, Monticello, MN 55362 LOCATION 79 - RiVERSIDE CEMETERY, Monticello, MN 55362 Buildi�tg 569 Total for LOCATION 74 - RIVERSI�E CEMETERY, Monticello, MN 55362 LOCATION 8[} - 3698 SCHOOL BLVD, Manticello, MN 55362 Building 879,178 Cantents 2,754,787 Total for LOCATION 8Q - 369$ SCHOOL B'�VQ, Montieello, MN 55362 1,000 $7.00 $7.00 1,000 $9.00 $9.00 1,000 $49.00 $49.00 1,000 $7.OD $7.00 1,000 $�2.00 $12.00 1,0(}0 $7.QD $7.00 �,000 $647.00 $ 647.00 s,oao S�os.ao $708.00 1,Q00 $479.00 $479.Ofl �,00a $�.ao $7.d0 1,000 1,OOD $481.00 $2,011.00 $2,492.00 LOCATIQN 81 - 3698 SCHOOL B�VD, Mdnticel�o, MN 55362 Property in the Open 159,747 Total for LOCATIOf� 81 - 36g8 SCHOOL BLVD, Monticello, MN 55352 LOCATION 82 - 118 WEST 6TH ST, Monticello, MN 55362 �uilding 723,505. Total for LOCATfON 82 - 11.8 WEST 6TH 5T, Montitello, MN 55362 LOCATaON 83 - 349 W BROADWAY, Montitello, MN 55362 Building 95,128 Total for LOCATION 83 - 349 W BROADWAY, Monticello, MN 55362 LQCATIQN 84 - 20D 6TH ST WEST, Manticello, MN 55362 Building 8�1,239 Contents 56,778 Total for LOCATION 84 - 200 6TN 5T WEST, Monticello, MN 55362 LOCATION 85 - CARDINAL HILLS PARK, Monticello, MN 55362 Praperty in the Oper� 4,566 Tatal �or LOCATION 85 - CARDINAL HiLLS PARK, Montice�lo, MN 55362 LOCATEON 86 - FREEWAY FIELDS, Monticello, MN 55362 Buifding 16,148 Total f4r LOCATIOAI 86 - FREEWAY ��El.DS, Monticello, MN 55362 LOCATION 87 - GROVELAN PARK, Monticello, MN 55362 Building 16,148 Total for LOCATION 87 - GROVELAN PARK, Monticello, M�f 55362 1,000 $1,220.00 $1,220.40 1,000 $1,054.D0 $1, a54.00 1,00�0 $180.00 $180.00 1,000 $627.00 1,000 $55.00 $682.00 1,OOQ $35.00 $35.00 1,000 $103Ad $103A0 1,aaa $2Q6.pQ $206.00 LOCATION $S - CARDINAL HlLLS TOT LOT, Monticello, MN 55362 Building 5,165 1,000 Total for LOCA710�J 88 - CARDINAL HILL.S TQT LOT, Monticello, MN 55362 $6b.OQ $66.00 LOCATIDN 89 - CARDINAL HILLS TOT LOT, Manticello, MN 553b2 Property ir� the Open 16,318 1,00� $125.00 Total for LOCATIQN 89 - CARDINAL HILLS TOT LO�, Monticello, MN 55362 $125.00 LOCATIO�f 90 - HILLCREST PARK, Monticello, MN 55362 Property in the Open 87,290 1,000 $669.00 Total for LOCATION 9(} - HILLCRE5T PARK, Mont��ello, MN 55362 $669.D0 LOCATION 91 - 200 6TH STREET W, Monticello, MN 55362 Property in the Open 6,769 1,000 $52.40 Total for LOCATION 91 - 200 6TH STREET W, Monticello, MN 55362 $52A0 L�CATION 92 - 901 GC}LF COURSE ROAQ, Monticello, M�I 55362 Praperty in the Open 189,942 1,D00 $1,455.00 Total for LOCATION 92 - 901 GOLF COURSE ROAD, Monticello, MN 55362 $1,455.�0 LOCATIOf� 9� - FiUNTERS CR0551NG, Monticella, Mf� 553fi2 Building 31,424 Totaf for �.00ATlON 93 - HUNTERS CROSSI�IG, Monticello, MN 55362 1,000 $401.00 $401.00 LOCATiON 94 - 707 W BROADWAY (ELLISON), Monticello, MN 55362 Building 147,003 1,OOq $1,267A0 Contents 20,520 1,000 $183.00 Total for LOCATION 94 - 707 W BROA�WAY (ELL150N), Monticello, I'JIN 55362 $Z,450.Od LOCA710N 95 - E�LESON PARK LIONS SHELTER, Monticelfo, MN 5536Z Building 72,240 1,000 $279.00 Total for LOCATIDN 95 - ELLISON PARK LIO�fS SH�LTER, Manticello, MN 55362 $279.00 LOCATION 96 - Featherstane, Monticello, MN 55362 Building 25,000 Tatal for LOCATION 96 - Featherstone, Monticello, MN 55362 LQCATIOlV 97 - 25th & Broadway, Manticello, MN 55362 Property in the Open 8,700 Total for LOCATfdN 97 - 25th & Broadway, A/lonticello, MN 553�2 LOCATfON 98 - Monti�iew, ManticelEo, MN 55362 Property in the Open 5,000 Total for L�CATION 98 - Montiview, Monticello, MN 55362 LpCATIQfU 99 - Featherstone, Manticello, MN 55362 Pro�erty in the Open 45,000 Total for LOCATION 99 - Featherstone, Manticeilo, MN 55362 LOCATION 100 - Rolling Woods, Manticella, MN 55362 Building 25,00a Total for L.00ATION 1QQ- Rolling Woods, Manticello, MN 55362 1,OD0 $319.0� $319.00 1, 000 $ 67.00 $ 67.00 1,OQ0 $46.00 $46.00 1,000 $229.OD $229.Oa 1,000 $127.00 $127.00 A�to Liability Physic�l �amage Hired & Non-Qwned Designated Volunteer 50�,(}Od/1,500,000 500,OD0/1,5b0,000 Total #or Auto VEHICLE 1- 1982 FQRD FIR� TRUCK {8643} Liability Physical Damage Total far VEH�CLE 1- 1982 FORb FIRE TRUCK {8643} VEHICLE 2- 1986 DRESSEN TRAIL�R {G599} VENECLE 3- 1988 AERIAL F1RE TRUCK {3743} Liability Physical Damage Total for VEHICLE 3- 198$ AERIAL F1RE TRUCK {3743} VEHICLE 4- 1974 7REE SPADE TRAILER �1713} VEHICI.E 5- 1986 LGChi SERVICE TRAILER {2828} VEHICLE 6- 1988 DANCQ PLUS TfiAILER {7438} V�HICLE 7- 1995 FORD LS 5000 DUMP TRUCK {8673} Liability Physical �amage Tataf for VEHICLE 7- 1995 FORD LS 800a DI;NGP TRUCK t8673} VEHICLE 8- J.995 CHE551S 1500 PUMPER TRK {2069} Liability Physical Damage Total for VEHICLE 8-].995 CHESSIS 15Q0 PUMPER TRK {2069� VEHICLE 9- 1999 INT'L TRUCK {535D} Liability Physical Damage Total for VEHICLE 9- 1999 11�T'L TRUCK {535�} VEHICLE 10 - 2D01 DODGE RAM PICKUP �8694) Liability Physical Damage Total for VEHICLE 10 - 2001 DODGE RAM PICKUP t8694} VEHICLE i1 - 2001 FORD F350 P[CKUP {9740} Liability Physical Damage 1,0170 $3,9(}0.00 1,000 $6,491.00 $50.00 $167.00 $10,605.00 1,000 1, 000 1,00� �, 000 $20.00 $132.00 $152.00 $20.00 $244.QQ $264.00 1,000 $�24.00 1,OQ0 $116.40 $24Q.00 �,�00 $20.0� 1,000 $275A� $295.00 1,OQ0 $124.00 1, 000 $181.00 $305.00 1,OOd $109A0 1,000 $11�.OQ $219.00 1,000 $109.0� 1,006 $116.00 Totai far VEHICLE 1S - 2001 FORD F350 PfCKUP {9740} VEHICLE 12 - 2003 CHEV SILVERADO {1867} Liability Physical Damage Total for VEHICLE 12 - 2003 CHEV SILVERADO {1867} VEHICL� 13 - 2Q02 FORD �350 CREW CAB {6745} Liability Physicai Damage Total for VEHICLE 13 - 2�02 FORD F350 CREW CAB {6745} V�HICLE 14 - 20Q0 STERLI�kG DUMP TRUCK {791$} Liability P�ysical Damage Tot�l for VEHICLE 14 - 2000 STERLING DUMP TRUCK {7918} VEHICLE 15 - 1998 1`OWMASTER TRAILER {0663} VEHICLE 16 - 2001 BISON TRAILER {9764} VEFiICLE 17 - 2002 STE{�LING DUMP TRUCK {1543} Liability Physicaf Damage Total for VEHICLE 17 - z002 STERLING DUMP TRUCK {1543} VEHICLE i8 - 2000 BUILT-RITE TRAILER {2$$2} VEHICLE 19 - 2d05 STERLWG DUMP TRUCK {0277} Liabifity Physical Damage Total for VEHlCLE 19 - 2005 STERLING DUMP TRUCK {02i7} VEHICL� 20 - 2004 FQRD F450 PICKUP {6166} Liability Physical Damage Total for VEHICLE 2� - 2Da4 FORD F450 PICKUP {6166} VENICLE 21 - 1999 FORD F550 BUCKET TRU {2159} Liability Physical Damage Total for V£HICLE 21 - 1999 FORD F550 �UCKET TRU {2159} VEHICLE 22 - 2003 FQRD F150 PICKl1P {3150} Liability Physical Darnage Tota! fo�-VEHICLE 22 - 2003 FORD F150 PICKUP {3150} $225.Oa 1,000 $�09.00 1,000 $89A0 $198.00 1.,OOQ $20.00 1,000 $13Z.OQ $15�..00 1,000 $124.00 1,000 $139.00 $263.00 1,OOD 1, 000 $sz4.oa $135.O�D $259.00 1, 000 $124.00 1,000 $151 AO $275.00 1,000 $1Q9.00 l,ODd $115A0 $224.00 1,000 $1[}9.00 1, 000 $116.00 $225.00 1, 000 $109, 00 1,Oa0 $80.00 $189.00 VEHICLE 23 - 2003 FOR� F450 PiCKI�P {627D} Liability 1,0�0 $109A0 Physical Damage 1,000 $91.D0 Total for VEHICLE 23 - 2003 FORb F450 PICKU'� {fi270} $200.00 VEHICLE 24 - 2003 CFkEV 2500 PICKUP j2456} Liability Pf�ysical Damage Total for VEHICLE 24 - 20Q3 CHEV 2500 PICKUP {2466} VEHICLE 25 - 2005 FORD F150 PICKUP {1196} Liability Physical Damage Total for VEHICLE 25 - 2�05 FORD F150 PICKUP {1196} V�H�CtE 26 - 2006 KENWORTH 7A�4KER - F{8981} Liability Physical Damage Total for VEHICLE 26 - 2006 KENWORTH TANKER - F{8981� VEHICLE 27 - 2007 FORD F250 PICKUP {564$} LiabiCity Physical Damage Total for VEHICLE 27 - 20Q7 FORD F250 PICKUP {5698} VEHICLE 28 - 2008 CMEV SILVERADO t8267} Liability Physical Damage Total �or VEHICLE 28 - 20D8 CH'EV SILVERADO {8267} VEHICLE 29 - 2007 FDRD F150 PICKUP {1835} Liability Physical Damage TotaC for VEHIGLE �9 - 2007 FORD F150 PICK�IP {1835} VEHICLE 34 - 2008 FORD F450 TRUCK {9707} Liability Physical Damage Total for VEHICLE 30 - 2008 FORD F450 TRUCK {9707} 1, 000 $109.00 i,00a $92.00 $zal.00 1,000 1,q00 1,�00 1,000 $ 20.00 $88.00 $108.00 $20.00 $185.(70 $2Q5.00 1,000 $109.00 1,000 $114.fl0 $223.00 1,000 $109.00 1,000 $95.00 $204.00 1,000 $109.OD 1,Oa0 $81.001 $190.00 1,000 $109.00 1,006 $96.00 $205.OQ VEHICLE 31 - 20a8 FORD FOCUS {5575} Liability 1,OOQ $67A0 Physica� bamage 1,000 $1a4A0 7otal for VEHICLE 31 - 20[38 FORD FOCUS {5575} $171.00 VEHiCLE 32 - 2a�8 STERLING L$S00 {8269} Liability 1,OOQ $124.00 Physical Damage 1,000 $168.00 7otal for VEHICLE 32 - 20Q8 STERLING L85a0 {8269} $292.00 VEHICLE 33 - 2006 FELLING TILTTRAILER {6368} VEHICLE 34 - 1977 HALE TRAILER {7620} VEHICLE 35 - 2008 AG TRAILER {�438} VEHICLE 36 - 1997 QODGE CARAVAN {4586} Liability Physical Damage Total for VEHICL� 36 - 1997 DQDGE CARAVAN {4586} VEHICLE 37 - 2008 SPARTAN FIRE TRUCK {0515} �����i��y Physical Damage Total far VEHECLE 37 - 2n08 SPARTAN FIRE TRUCK {0515} VEHICLE 38 - 20Q4 CHEV SILVERADO {2180} Liability Physical Damage Total for VEHICLE 38 - 2004 CHEV SILVERADO {2180} VEHICLE 39 - 2002 CHEV BLAZER {1316} Liability Physical Damage Total for VEHICLE 39 - 2002 CHEV BLAZER t131b} VEhICLE 40 - 2Q12 MACK HOOK TRUCK {1427} Liability Physical Damage Total far VEHtCLE 40 - 2012 MACK HQOK TRUCK {1427} VEHICLE 41 - 2011 INTERSTATE DECON TRLR {2978} Physical Damage Tataf for VEHICLE 41 - 2011 INTERSTATE DECON TRLR {2978} VEHICLE 42 - 2013 FORD F550 {0258? Liability Physical barr�age Total for VEHICLE 4� - 2013 FORD F550 {0258} 1, 000 $ 67.00 1,000 $128.00 $195A0 1,oaa �zo.00 1,000 $457.00 $477.00 1,Ofl0 $67.00 1,000 $264.00 $331.OQ 1,000 1,000 $67.00 $248.00 $315.00 1,000 $124.00 1,000 $236.00 $360.Oa 1,OOQ $11.�0 $11.OQ 1,000 $109.00 1,Ofl0 $127.00 $236.OD VEHICLE 43 - 2a13 FORD F55Q {0370} Liability Physical Damage iotal for V�HICLE 43 - 2013 FORD F550 {0370} VEHICLE �34 - 2013 PJ F8 bECKOVE {5883} Physical Damage Total for VEH�CLE 44 - 2013 PJ F8 [3ECKDVE {5883� VEHICLE 45 - 2014 FREIGHTi.INER FIRE TEND� {7893} Liability Physical Damage Total for VEHICLE 45 - 2014 FREIGHTLINER FIRE TENDE {7893} VEHICLE 46 - 2Q15 �ORD F250 {8599} Liability Physical Damage 7otal far VEHECLE 46 - 2015 FORD F250 {8599} VEHICLE 47 - 2016 FORD F350 {7965} Liability Physical Damage Total for VEHICLE 47 - 2016 F�RD F350 {7966} VEHICLE 48 - 2016 FORD F350 {128�} Liability Physical [}amage Total for VEHICLE 48 - 2Q16 FORD F350 {1282} VEHICLE 49 - 2016 �ORD F35a {1280} Liabiiity Physica! Damage Total for VEHICLE 49 - 2016 FORD F350 {1280} VEHICLE 54 - 2011 FELLING TRAILER {6511} Physical Damage Total for VEhiICLE 50 - 2011 F!ELLING TRAILER {6511} VEHICLE 51 - 1982 SLUaGE TRUCK {8543} Liability Phys�cal Damage Total for VEHICLE 51 - 19$2 SLU�GE TRUCK {8643} VEHICLE 52 - 2015 PJ TRAILER {8800} Physical Damage Total for VEHiCLE 52 - 2015 P1 TRAILEI2 {8800} 1,000 $1d9.00 1,QOQ $124.OQ $233.00 1,000 $?1.OQ $11A0 1,OD0 $20.00 1,000 $263.00 $283.00 1, 000 $109.00 1,000 $122.00 $231.D0 1,000 $109.00 1,a04 $114.00 $223.Q0 1,000 $109.00 1,000 $124.00 $233.00 1,000 $109.00 1,OD0 $124.00 �233.OQ 1,000 $11.00 $11.00 1,{l00 $124.00 1.,000 $139.00 $263.00 1,000 $11.C}0 $11.Od VEHICLE 53 - 2013 DOOLITTLE TRAILER {4382} Physical f?amage Total far VEHICLE 53 - 2a13 DOOLETTLE TRAILER {4382� VEHICLE 54 - 1999 FQRD �350 {3324} Liability Physical Damage Tataf for VEHfCLE 54 - 1999 FORD F350 {3324} VEHICLE 55 - 2003 FELLING TIL7 {911g} VEHICLE 56 - 2016 CHEVY fQUINOX �529} Liability Physical Damage �otal far VEHICLE 56 - 2016 CHEVY EQUINOX {529} VEHICLE 57 - 2016 PJ TRAILEft {1521} Physical Damage Tatal for VEHICLE 57 - 2016 PJ TRAILER {1521} VEHICLE 58 - 2017 FORD �550 {4399} Liabifity Physical Damage Tatal for VEHICLE 58 - 2p17 FORD F550 {4399� VEHICLE 59 - 2017 TYMCO 500 SWEEPER {�982} Lial�ility Physical Damage Total for VEHICLE 59 - 2017 TYMCO 600 SWE�PER {0982} VEHICLE 60 - 2018 FQRD F350 {5603} Liabilfty f'hysical Damage Total for VEHICLE 60 - 2p18 FQRD F350 {5603} 1,000 $11.00 $11.00 1,000 $io�s.aa 1,000 $85.00 $144.(}0 1,OD0 $67.00 1,QQ0 $180.�0 $247.00 1,000 $ii.aa $11. (}0 1,000 $109.00 1,000 $126.00 $235.00 1,OOQ $124.00 1,0[30 $200.00 $324.00 1,Of}0 $109.00 1,000 $120A0 $229.00 Iresurant� GRI�i Tht �lud^:ar• s:liste' re�fJ� ta h�; p�n far �e�lk of c:::l�+rrn r,"ranr��; GENEJ�AL GOYE�iNfNENT �x�n�d Pre�aPd Mayar �nd C�.,.un�il - C,tyA�imir�istraki�n 1.��� 1,T�? 1U1-�`31p-.s361t�Q El�rqipn� , _ Fin�nce �$9 6$3 101-41526°4367[Jb �le'k $�1 S17 1�k1-4141��4361b0 �aadrt - - Gilpl�s�essirw� - - Legal - - Human: R�sa�r�2s Bb 111 �0�,4185]0�3Fs1�D F'la�ning � i�r�ing 4,793 �,71�I 10'�-41910�3Ti1U0 �,Cyllall - - if71-41�4C�-43510+D Rra�r��;f�nk�rF34ai9ding A�fJ 6$3 1�1-449+41�361QF] PI�F�L�C �#FEl'Y - . ���,v F=,t��rcemer.t - - Fire 3 R�sCUe 1.672 2,34t 141�7ZZp�-4367p0 Fir� Reli�f - $U'Iding 'nS�r�dsDns 776 1,�187 1�p1-43�U0-436T(i(i Givil D�fens� - - r�n�m�ICo���1;i:1 9�9 1,31� 1g1-a�7Qp����60 N2tiC�i•�al t�s�.iar��i _ _ PIJBLIC wC}Rr�� - - F'ubhc 4:'vrk5 F�r.�Fflir 1,723 3,$11 447-43� "0-4�Fr1Q0 Er�gu7gern� �� 119 14?-43't1-4a�1�74 �ut�i�c +���or�cs ins�ec�tor�s �o ��� 1 Q1-431 1 5-43� 1 q{J Sireets&Alleys A,277 5.98T 1[71-431�4-43810� ICe 8 Sn�wY 13 5 1�0 1 D1-4317�-436100 �h�P � Garagc $4 89 1p1-�31Z'7-436ti00 �14��rffl�W2liCt - - �a�kl�lg L41S - - 5trc�el ��yr��ing _ _ f��Pus� Gu°1��7ian - - f��C12EJtTIONA:NDCULTL - - L;s;mml.ri� f'�IEbfd�IDl'�.S - . S�r7ipr ��n,er - .. 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In summary, the two invoices in yellow are to be billed to the EDA. The one in green gets coded to the Briggs Properties TIF Application Escrow Account (currently in negative territory). For the invoice in blue regarding Local Option Sales Tax (LOST), please talk to Jeff or Wayne about the coding. Thank you. From: Julie Cheney Sent: Wednesday, August 29, 2018 11:12 AM To: Jim Thares <Jim.Thares@ci.monticello.mn.us> Subject: Kennedy & Graven Invoices (4) Jim Attached are the following invoices from Kennedy & Graven: Inv# MN325-00031 - $817.00 213-46301-430400 Inv# MN190-00156 -$1,691.00 Code to the Escrow Account for TIF #1-40 Briggs Properties ($10,000 escrow — initial deposit) Inv# MN190-00101 - $665.00 213-46301-430400 Inv# MN190-00001 - $1,482.00 213-46301-430400 LOST Okay to pay? Please provide coding. Tha n ks, _Tulie CFiertey Finance Assistant City of Monticello 763-271-3205 Julie.CheneyC`�ci.monticello.mn.us APC�ci.monticello.mn.us L'!Ii' f7F }�`� ����I����' EmQil correspondence to and from the City of Monticello government offices is subject to the Minnesotn Government Data Practices Act nnd may be disclosed to third parties. i Pag� 1 Ker�n+��ly � �r��ren, �f�a�rter��i 200 So�,:h �ix#h �t��e�t. ��+te �70 PU�inne��plis. MN 554D� City �� M+�rti��fC�a July �1. 2L118 MNi�[�-00�}iJ1 Gener�l Th�ou��-r JulS� 31, �(�1$ Fc;r All Leg�l ,5er�ic�s As Fc�ll�rwa: H�u�s Am€�unk 7110��01 � h,�Nl fUi�rnkic�llc� LO�1' �rt��il and �rhe�n� �orr�spc��r��nee wikh 1 70 3�3.�p� UV C��erg �raJ T i�mdal; r��+i�w and r�ul5� r�5o��;i0� 7l�3?�0�8 h+1Nl Err,�i� carr�sp�r�d�nce +�vith V'J ���rg T OmdaP. J J�mni�c 1.40 19f}.Q� re�arding �raft la�gu�ge for LO�T r�s�l+,�zion 7+��f�018 MNI Trau�l f�.1 h�ur� ��� ���ancil w+�rkshap and rn�eting on 5 1� 96�.€]0 L�p�T �esca�uti�n fc�r cossible b�eMot qu�st�ar Tc�t�l �en!ices; $ 1,d�2.�}�} Total �eruices and Elisbur�em�nts; $ 1.482.0{i ���G�' �:`-- I � �L�iJ � ,i L��V 7[�1 ]Ienia Auanus Souih SuiG� 3�D � M1inr�aaFralis, MN ��� � � ��� _.4,�.� _ ��,�.. ,� `' �511� !, 5bd { t�B00 � co�r�tingC�wSbe�ig,C�1 �ity of AAonticella �ugust 2�, 2l�1$ Attn: V�l�yne C7b�rg, Fin�nc�+ Dir�c#or Pr����cUlnvc�ice; 0-Of1�5�6-2�Q - 12 5[J5 �,�V�Inut Street, Suite 1 Reviewe+� by_ Bret �V�iss Montu�ello, MN �53fi�-88�1 Proje�x M�n�g�r; �hik��r�i �issan �pint Hills Tr�il Im�rov�m�ents CP Na 1�C(�{�2 �ity �taff Ftevieurer — M�tt Le�r�ard �L Acct # 229.�5��12,4�3�10 Rr�fessirrnal Sen+ices fr�rn J�uly 1. ��18 tn July 31� �E}1B F�hase �100 ��irit Hills Tr�il Ir�apr�vements F ro�ect Mgm� Bi�son, �hib�ni �'M BiSS[sn, �hib�r�i �� �Ckm�n, EriC proj�ct management Eckman, Eri� project management Eckm��r, �rwc project man��ement Eckman, Eric p��je�� m�n�g�rr�en# E�kman, �nc proj��t man�agereti�nt Totals T�st�l La,bor Dr�wirsc��fL�ypuls �I�Ider, Peter �dit apo H�nga� J�r�mY topr �Ir�nga, Jererny topo Florrc�a, JererrMy t�opo Jewrell, fVleriin Plans ��16f�{�18 ��181��}18 71171� f} 1$ 7 7J18J2D18 7� 9 9f�CM1 � 7��C1f�D18 7��7J�018 7110l2�1$ 71i 7�2'Q� 8 �'J7 8d�f17 $ 717 912C17 $ 7f� �1J��118 Hours 1.pp , �(� ,5Q .50 .5�1 .6�] .�0 �.[}0 F��ur� 2,(�0 1. �}�7 2. �] 2.5� 1 e 5t} Ra#e 1��,Q0 1 �3,(�0 142,0�1 142.Q0 � 4�.[l�] 14�.O�1 1��.L0 Amour�t 1 �E3.�0 81,�0 79.Q0 71.[�0 7�.00 71.0{� 71.001 �'�9. ��J 599 _ 5[} Total fhi� Task $�99.5p Iknrl�i u nt ��4_�70 1 L4_{]� 26CJ_�DO 26J_O[l � 13. �Q f'roaect �7•�4�5��a�Z6� IVIC?t�IT -�piril �iills Trail Irt�pravement5 Invt�i�e � 2 ,I�tiv�ll, M�rlin 7{27J��1i8 �.f}0 142.i�0 426.00 1`r�il �lan Tatal� Ta#al La�or 1--Pers�on �urvey �ee�w Field �enrices BiM�ing 1=P�rsc�n Su�,+�y �re�ru' 7�����] 1$ B�Ilin�gg to D�t� ��bor �ield �erv�ces Ad d-�n T�tal� i�tal Fi+�ld ��nrf�e*� 12_50 1,54i.L�] 1,Sd7_R�i Tpt�l khis T�sk �'1,54T.00 3.4 Hs�urs � 140.0{l 4�0.0� �20.(7Q 4�0,00 T�t�l this Task $�2�_OQ Prior �, 8�7. �C} $T�.O� -5�2.50 1 d],�07_50 TC�tal ths�s Pha�e $2,���6_5� 7atal �his In�r�ice $�,5�,�.�� Tc�tal 1 �,04�.5� 1,233.�7{] -�62.�� 1 �,�'T�4,00� ` � 4-� P�ge 2 �` � 4. CHECK REOUEST CHECI� AMOUNT: � 1 K 7• SD Check to: Harry T. Lantto 907 — 2"� Ave S Buffalo, Ml� 55313 Meetina Warked: REQUEST DATE: S ' Z � ' � � Vendor # Plx�ning Cornmission Date �•`� • I� Time 3• 2S Amount llue� � 2-� � EDA Meeting llate �•�• I 5� Time •� Amount Due �' � City Council Date �• 13� �� Time �� 2S Amount llue � GC � City Cauncil Date S� 2'�' �� Time �- Amount Due �(o � Tot��l Due: � � �� •'� Planning Cammissian: I� !,�} !�f 1 �. � 1�`i t} EDA Cit�� Co�ncil Z I .�# !� o i, 4� l'I �i � ioi• Lf��I�.►-�3���a $L 2_SD �S �(2� Authorized by: Date • 2� - 1� TIME SHEETS AT"I'ACHED NAM E P051TION DATE � CITY�Of �" �%11�10E',i�0 ,�, TIM� SHEET HARRY LANTO PUBLIC MEETING RECORDER - C�NTRACT HOURS TfME IN TIME OUfii MEETIN6 ���-/� �� y� � � �� � �1g�� �_ _ 3=�pw� ��S �v� $1��1� _ �=�� z���� ����1� g �'� P"'� �3�� � z� ct������� 2 G+j��s. M�ETING PAYMENT: $60 FOR Fi'�S7 3 HOURS $14 PER HOUR �O HOUR AFTER MEETING REC� ER: HARRY LA �"O SIGf�ATURE: pATE: �/��/ �� f�� � , , "s, AIJTHORIZED BY: � DATE: � ' � � � � ���' f��i���l! 5�c:c���rit� f���c��ar�.� 1��c: � : �r��� ?��5 �th �t �I F:. �(� S t, �t�lc�, ��il� � � � � 3 �ill Ter � _ .. __ .. (�9f1'�1f� hi[}VG�fCI f.l.l.] ��l� '41 .�l.h�l � I Sl F�i:f..l. '�'ld 1� 1 IC�f�.l.l.(}., ',��li�` ?��fi' ,�11 I�'V� R.c��r7a.�rrlic,i! [Jti�clt}��esi�r�� i � 4�uantity D�sr:ri�iti�n S. �1. hJ a. _] I K�l:N I 141.+ I'ii�c 4tr�:ct �'1l�iIIIL'���V}, k4���.�� ++ �4 1 I{4'L'IYI;if i11�'}IIl'��ti i�iil F�ti4 i '��iartix�: E�;]x' l,t�Ck C�3�linci�: `sC�� [le-' [.:tl'r�n,]rtxl;sll,.ili,ar�rxfiflsi,°r,*.�,,IIIJs'�,.yl'�4.tix��I.11ik�_:'�tiju�9i'i'iLn[at%I.uhri�.,lliab�e In4'lllci�tl 1 , ��;r� i4�c J���:. � ��� Ll�� � ���7 t ���� E�h�ank k[titi iisr�t�ue F�tasin���. F �1.fJ. �1-1�95� lfi �4��;c:ft�:r1� urt 41u� ln h� I':'�311 I`� f�4 l.l._ [7[:I. l:]'()'� R!:(_.I�:II'7 :i Clfiatt�c� :fitir��w i�l" p. �"o az i II �h� ,Itli���41 Ita .11lt �1atit tiut I'�.�lun�i. '�� i-li:aiiiis � I Ifl�lll44' 4�,� _k i�!'�_?ii °'.ti? �r�r�,�[Ir. Ir�Ep��irt h} C.�r�;tli1 f)4h,il C_';pr� �l3'�'�� 1i.ti ot [ht tt?;<51 tiaill I� aisl�iil. �hpf1P �i F�k' � -fii-(,i�'-V'_�3 ?fi�-[iH�-i�li`1 ���{}l�:�! r��t� �n����.� :�+ "� I�:`?IiRk� :�_���si P D Na Rat� SU�]tOt3� S+�les T2�x ��.t7ala) T�t�l 7�rrri� []�i� strr i�,�i:4i�i Arrl��ant l4 �II `.. Julie Cheney From: Jim Thares Sent: Wednesday, August 29, 2018 1:23 PM To: Julie Cheney Subject: RE: Russell Security Inv# A32851 $330.90 Julie, this is okay to pay. Please code to: 213-46301-443990 From: Julie Cheney Sent: Wednesday, August 29, 2018 11:14 AM To: Jim Thares <Jim.Thares@ci.monticello.mn.us> Subject: Russell Security Inv# A32851 $330.90 Jim Attached is Inv# A32851 from Russell Security. Okay to pay $330.90? Please provide coding. Tha n ks, .JuCie Cheney Finonce Assistant City of Monticello 763-271-3205 Julie.CheneyC�ci.monticello.mn.us APC�ci.monticello.mn.us ['1iY C�F �� ��'������� Email correspondence to and from the City of Monticello government offices is subject to the Minnesota Government Dntn PrQctices Act nnd mny be disclosed to third pnrties. i 0 z 0 4 C '3 O � � L �r�. C J 0 0 o t� � -� � � � T � -: � � �n �n t� t� N N ^ N M l� 'J`� 'J` �--� .--� � y' [� --� N N �Y M. M N N N N �!'i �f': �f'� � ��� � ��� a a�a M N � � x b � O O ^ O � N � N N N N � " <C N � N N N � �� � O� � �T 'J�` T � � O � O �. O � Q � y v Q Q ✓] x .y� .� Wl � :C Q O � � � p a, y A � V7 t � �I] i. p '^ .: O � � � � .�. � ai y ,'C v � '� W �i '7 a� v W � G � O y � y �--] ^ �, C Cf� � � � � � N N N � N N N J � � � Q � � H `J� 7 � O m � � N V � zzz 3 3 � wr�w w u: w .� .: a a .: `--� .� .� � U ... J � � � O ^ O :J1 O` T � T T 7 7 7 � � � N N N N N N � � � �o �: � � � � M M. _My N N N -- '� •,.� � �,�y° ,5�. 4 �v � .- ''�-- * ,� I L� �„�..�' Jul�� �heney ' Fram: 8ul�se}�e Pro�ert�l �A�r��g�rn�nt �ma�IC��r�ar�ag��;��ldi�g.�or�r� �entz Tue�sday�, S�pCember 1 �, �C118 3;25 ANl Tv: AP Su�ject: Le��� s�t�#�ement far �rp�dwa�r Parking Easernenk =�ON1MEFtCIAL -� as c�f �/1 �/2C11� � Bullseye �rcapert� �1�n�geme�t P[.}•:��f' T�I��TE: fl[3 :�C7�1� ]tT�.f�1.Y TC} THI� �.MIe!]. :�]�il�:�� �I�h]a �at�klil ��yy��� �X���, �;�f7[ fi�41CI] d f]i}CIIIC�diC�ll-l]i7I�� 7�clrc�ss itrat cann�at �ct��1 in�omin� e�nail. �e�.s� ��a.�e��r�� �� ��` �� 1 ���� 1 � �ity c�f f1�or��Fc�lrv Ec�n�rni� C�evelopm�nt Aukhority 3� La�e �t �uit� 5(l� E�i� Lak�e, �1N �5��� ��te �N�er�� �rior t�afance �1�?1��18 �f 1 !°� �] 18 Payment �omrr�on Area M�inter�anc� r J��J2(��I 8 Payment 8�'�I��D18 �r�rnmc�n Ar�a Nl�int�n�r�ce 8f2�i�p18 Payr�ent �11���18 �vmrr�c,n �tr�� ���nt�n�r��� 1p�1f�(]�8 Car�rn�n �4r�a Maintenance � ;�� , ����� �, ���'� � � � A4�cc�unt #� [}�4�591� Amo�r�t Baf�nce ��i21,��� {�1�1.fi0} � 1 � 1. 6C� $(}. �0 Pa��nzent is due Y��� the ?�t13 �r�`tt�� rm�n��_ !1°�an��� �'our accc,unt unlinr; h�t�:ll�ulls���c�rr��crti�s.m�n:��;��uil[litt�.c��rn �ull��:��� Propert�� ��'lan��ement 7b3-��}5-6�6� admir�;iz?bullsa:�•e.�l ] ,�oni i MEIVI�RA[V�UM �}f�TE; Se�rtemb�r 14, 2018 �� T[�: r uli� �he y t�hanc� Ass�st�nt FRQM: r�� �r�aes�,��Eccar�r�b���elo rnentMana er � � � i � y � SUBJE�CT; ��icac�tic�n 6en�fiQ Claims u�nd�r tf�� Unifcrrr� re��aeati+�n Assistar7c� Act A#tarhed are two Relcreatic�n ��nefii cf�im packets. Thes� paCk�ts hav� b��n pre�ar�cf by #he EDA, r�fncatF�,n �ans4altai�t, Penriy #�ralff �r�nt R�olf of �^JSB & A�s�Ciakes, �n�� I have r�view�d th� claims an�1 �ev�eryit�in� is �n 4rder to pr�ieeet� wit�r payment of ¢he cl�ims. Amo4�r►t of �P�Vmer�a, . I�,Y�� Pur�r�se � 4,C14.5Q �oin� I� Style Eusir��ss H�estahlis�rt7er7� ? �,$��..r�� W_ �iQlf'J� �f5 S�y+�F _ �+10'�Ifl� �.45tS � 8�439���' T�7TA4 The [odir$�! fisr Cl�e t.loi�i� �<, �o hr ��te��'��ir�.�r� ���'ti+�'s���e�� (��� r�;'S�r��f�� R.�tl�li�t��r��r �; it �5 rel�i�[� i� �n� s�m+lar t� tt�� receni ��c��erty �ct�t�isitir�n corT7pl:e�er� by the EI�A. Let me kr�ou�r it yc�u h�ve any qt+�5tipn5.. � i �. �� �° �� �. �--�C �--Ir � � �i � �41�r�#ic�al#o Ec€�nomi� f]eveloprr�ent �4�ut�r�rity �E�'�7�BLISHI��IVT •• Jnn,pBrtanl: See Ovgr fnr D�7Pr�ifdohs r AcJ�now��gevnes�'�I " [�ec��ancv iDa�sl � � �us�r��ss �7 r�on-r�rafit �589 ��9f} 0 Farm C] G�qw�er�rr�e�t �'� ee 9; ���ga Go�r,g in 5tylc, dnc_ alSf. �,F` ��P��� G S. �_ �� Pr�j ID F�d hJ0 _ �[7uf�Cy- 'N'r�qhl r��quiSitip�n: 0 F'�rsdirtg � Accepi�d C7 Em. D�main P�r�el ��ner: ir��m� c� c���o�r INicha�� t+U. �rosJie and FC,�khleen A. F+,�51ie � F';��Ced Addf.: iQ3 F'�ne Slreet i�Ik��r, �t�C� �i�i� I�a1�sr�t;�Ilo���1N �535� - I �`— � — j FtE�C7�ATIC�N CLAIM ELIGIBI��TY � aasplae�€ � - - i � Ne�r�e(s}: Ewirr s Gaang� in Sayi�, �rr�.. ._ 0:Cup�n��+ [�,�te� 9-1-�f7�$ _ C] C)wrn�r � Ter�ant �Eligibi�i#y Da#e� 2-20-�8 Acqui�ifwvn D�te 3-�5-9& jkohcE � II'dE;91 a PW-c��s� O!f[wl fl`6E7it*r5ned. e19E�"�#ndi���" � 3 � ti� 2� i rraa ❑Adwar�ce �+Rartial �JFlnal �r�bmitted Amo:�nk $ . 4,�1A4.�0 'f�l�t'�C� ,��pfOV�f .',yl� �ger�Cy Ap�ar(�v��l: — �.��.� �� D�t� ,�pplicasaon Apprc�ved� y �4+eltt?or No.: _ A#!n Frnance; ll�l����hec�c7o: -- A��r�ssee��s�: �win � �arS in �ty�e, Inc. _ ; M��IIf��Addr.� �1�C�d�rS�re�t Ciky, StaCe �;�y: t�l _�CATIC�N {]� d��fP'�A�EME#�T �ITE 4 � i Fa�d ty N�rne v _ .. _. Iandlbr T�pe: t;omrrlerei�� r�r�tal spa:.c �eF��� a85��f�'ras� �� � �-F.��f �tF���i — - . . 1 �I�]�� �t3�� �J�}' ��n�li,El�{7 '�'i�*i �J��i� .,,�'. . — � _ . � . ... - FkeAairs o� ,m���0u�fher.ts ic� khe re�il���rnent real GtS�e�rty re4u.red trpr law. ;,�c, �ir o-r�drnant� .� ....... .. . . MOd�:icatic�rs .� 1hC rEdl accrrier�[ �r�SP}�rty io aGCO�"il'��6tl�tfl the o�in988 oF�r�ti4u� ......,.... ... � ,�� 4� ..... .. .. GonSYrUCtl�n �n� inslaL'pkl4� �t �xteripr $iy�in� [� a�v�r�l�� Cn� I�vSFyasg .,. ,. . � �� .... . .. ..... ....... ........... Rc�decara[i,�n rsr repl��aem�ni ccast� uf S4ildd nr wpm �,uff�cas �t pFa� r�R•bCer�ni 5�2e .. .. 20�.�7 � .... ........ ...... .... .... �, � `� �kdv�Ris�re9n1 �f 1he regll�t.�mea�t dpe�tr�r1 . ... .... ... . . .. .... . � i - ._ . _.. �s �-- s�ir�aGed in�reased custs of oper$tion dW�ing fir�! 2 yr5 ........ . .. .... ... ... {le2ises, 1axe5. Insurar�ce, cte ;� $ 7 01h�r ik�ar� coSts e56ential, re�ls0+lebl� �nq net.l.SS�ry 4o r�sk��le�h (Pe+n►rts bnd supe�is�Pn} ' .� ICOn�irm e�igihiiRy w� Rhe A9e�yJ Ovethca� d�+d �f�f�14.010.33 '�,Q1� �? --�-- ---- T�3TAL TNIS CLA6M ---.._..._............._......_--- .........._..e,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,�........._.,, -,,,,.,,.._.........., �marMmwn S �4�4d4.��F� � 4,614.5d Totaf Rg�818BIishmenk C�x� P�+Ei-Tn•f��t� ?inc uGinr� lhis �l�rij ' f$ �{� ��A.�6 } Eligible r�m�IMint� Ree51S�'islt:�n�eri �xgy�ng�S claimd�l�' ...... . 5 3,735 9� Residency CePtil}ItiYion: Fed�r�! I�y�� reyuireS CEfidi�t�iwr gf r�s�tle+lty �I�[�;a, Pl�ase cr�eCk 1:ne [�[�gor�� Or cun�leke khe Secti�n b�ICw thal �pplrts la --1 y�p�r�+Ccupane.y StBtus i.nlhe UnifedSl?it�5 fsee v✓e�l�rffa�5nif�an�7. YUut sls�nd[ure c�nsL3utes certificad�n. Sole Pm�ari 40� rsn,� � certi�r khat I ar��: Q a L�n�1e� Slates �i�i��r [] �n ali�n I�wPully pr��1 in ihe UnAGQ Sia125 ❑� Un:ea� $1�1cs n�tional �� np�-I�.S- ������Fl ncC p-�e9ent in Lhe l��i��d 5tale3 ��'S�r�hip' l�CertlFy 4hbl there zr� _ p���#neI'� in 1he pe�l�v�r�hr� ared 1nPR ar� ;iGi��ns ai kh� Uraite� SFes�g, �n�jc�r a�� all��� I�wtully presenk ir. Che LMn�!et1 St�k�s, anc! _ ate n�n,U'.S. titixen3 nol Cr�s�n! wv the Urr,iCec SS�1�S, i Cornara.��h I cerTfiy khat �.yA'I Goin In [ Inc. es eSCablish�d Gy I�ttt and aUlntl�izea 1ci ;A�'9t�Ct �us �5�85 ir� ih� U151'ed �ta[g5 Clalrraanl ACknDwl9dgemen� I, Cht un,derSi���Q. OD her�4y ��r,rFyr tlldt the QbDvb ir��n�m�t�On iB "rue a+� ���ft� an�d Iha1 ��cumenE�kibrs attac�� hereto � 3CS',+rdiia �y eeprg9��kS �1:��41C �xpen5�9. I�I�O .�r[i(�r �h,$! I�at+e nOt pr�Vi4uS ly s�hmitl.Ctl r10r r?ce iv2U ��yment �pr bRy !lxpen3� Su�riikt�d Wi[I1 [h�5� Cld �m {]FFICUkL6JSECJIVLY: �r.am�n���] AU�hOPIZ'Ed �_�- 5i�n3Cure: � } � ` �'_�`��"��,r.—, �_.�.'s.}��, — i fV�f'I'1� �P'��'1' ��� �_.� i }C'� F'_ ��ti.� �� tA.S *��� � I I 7elephan� y�� L}�ke�[�T_ �►+i�$ � . � � - Fle-e€iibli�hmen8 Ga5k5 Cfam�i 5c�e Q�er �fdr �efinhtians P+�clunowletlgementlsj Rage S oi ] RL1L�33 �e-e�Whllehmenl �.65L5 CIa�rtS -- _._. �. a 2U+7��,9 � I�f:[.li��t�i.F �;�E�T.a��I�El�4��°1�I' EX��'tiSF.fi --- �-- — I The foklaur�ng ;s a r�onexcfu��ve li�ting of reest�bl�shment �xpenditur�s nat cansi�dered to be reason�ble. n�ces�ary, or �the�i�e eli��ble� 9. Purch�ase of e�pital aaa�#5, such as, office [urniture, filing ca�inels, machinery, or tr��� #ixtures. I 2. Purchas� r�f manufacturia�g materials, praduc#�orr �upplies, �r+�duct fnw�a,tvey or other iterns �s+�d in khe r��rnra! c€�urss of #he business ��erati�ne . 3, Inter�+st c�r� mo�tey borrowed to mak� th� mav� r,r purchase tFra �placemen! praperdy� 4, Qayrne�� t4 a�ar!-time busJnpss in [hs h�me whicN d�es nat "Ctxntribu �I�teria�l �: to th� haus�h�ld income. �RtnbutelwlakGrt.��l�y: Tn�eterni'r:[��Lrbu;enrutfaialsy'm�ansihatd�nngih.2taxableyr�raP���ertaah��af..abfe�wrar�nwh��chd�s�';ee�i�cner�ccura,3r d Vf.n,� s�h �i[J� e r k2 rl[Y�7 35� ih� AgenCY d'�[eY.fnines tc 6e m�r�r �qu itai�le, d businRfS t}r {iVrn apt^raSe4n: 1. Had avera�3� �nnual grass rrr�Pi��s oi at leas� SS.00Q; or 3. �a�a4era���nnWa netearning��fat'leasi$1,Ot�Q;aar 3. Lan; rib u Scsi at I�eas; 3�;� �. ai t�e �w a.er's or p�eraka�� ��er�ge anru,rl grr�ss incor,�e +rvr*� all sourt c s -0 +f tF�e� ., f P� ��ati�: n,^f Lh� iho+e rr�ter �a crc�tes an inequ iSY ar hare sL,p ,n a r y�rogn tdse, the Ag�nc4' ma9 a pprnMe [hz „r �S! +akhe r 33P��Rfi31�e [�itXri� Gitizenshfp f Irf�rr�pgration Tarrrqs Del�fr�acf 49 CF� i��_2(aj(2j +�l+r�a rtu! dawJ�rflY pr[�anf Jn rhe Ur�itrd �fartrs. Ta� e Ph�.•a SE ��31iPn nUt '�awi.,lly P°ese r„ ��} [he�� I�'n.ied Sta��y' means an ¢I �rn �Nhc �3 n�ot "IawPulBy present" �n sne U.5 as tl'.efined �r. 8�F A 103.12 e.�� d. �,c�des. �i I A� a�ien present ir g he U. S. svha has .n�at hecn adm�ited or �,+oled in�n the U,S, purbu8nt to Ibr I n�rn�gralwn an� dt�tianarPty ACS 18 u.5. [. 110i er �rr�. I a�a whdse stay in the �1 �. has npS �f'@il 3ylh4+r124{I �'( CMP 4nliRd iS3S�i AS101�4Y CSPrIL'r31, d�, �u] An al+en who �s pr �s+!nt �n klh2 U.S. �l�Cr ih2 E[�i�'�". rPn w F thfi {��rK7d 6i S SdV dulR4rei4d b�"tRP k,Erni1 P� St3t�i M11 pan�y G�tSE R$I 0+ 1M�F� fiSPi CrWISP ut7laki i th2 lC'+f�'S� 311� CUMGI!iGnc nf ��ml5fl4il, p.SrQl� {��r,3q�thOri.xa�i4� i0 Sl3y rn ShL+ L° 5 • Alle+`5� �19ien3 irg PeoP�e wh(r hiwe le'�i (em�rx[��til' d fl]Fe�p [orypnkrl' la SMe Uni'Fe�d SRdI�€. T[ii:k nawc sor�� ef Ihe� samr trce�tlams a�tl Drg3i ��ni€ a�. U 9. [�[i4fi�.ns, h�uk ih¢�yiannnt w�RQ I�I �IPt1iGa�f. ' Res Iden! ,4lirns: +a Fure�g�e� wh� �s a pefinanrn� rp5adpryf O� 7 h� �p�n tP'y � n whith he ar she r�f�des h� t cPaes n�t havr � iRi���sl� �p. 74 i�ll Un�er �h�g CIa53ii�t�db.Frr: �fl tRe U S, 4xsu ne�� i0 [rth�r [vi�en[Ip have a greem t�rd or ha4� n�µ pnc in the 12st €a�endar y[ar Ya� alsq i�ll uncler th� U-5. �I���il���tio� ut e��ident asicn,f ypu ha4e 6een en 9.he U,S. iar 31 �ays oF roar� tl�,rin� the €urc�nS �ear alang x�ith hav�ng I��� irt hlhe � 5 for at I�;r}1 1�3 �By� 4++r� a 1hr��-y��r pgriod L4a� Ir�tlud�y Ihe €urren� ys�r ' Mon,Resident Aqen�: A'nan-U.$. Lil.iaen' wf�o 6a?P4n�'S Pass thg BrC�n [ard test �r 9h� suhstanE�al pr�sen[e tPbt. 14 a nor��C�S�re�r cWrren4N has a gr4�+� [ard �t �5i had a�reer� c:��d in IhQ past cal�n�iar y���, n� aK yhg y�,��ld pagg'he ¢ree� taed�� S[s1 and wou6d be classif���f as a rea��erii al�,�n. H i.h�� ineividua�l has resitlP.� in th� �.�,, fw 3� ��y� �r rnprt �n S�e currenk year �na res�+�d in the S1.S. fflr rr.Qre than lg3 daya ov�! � S�f��-�Pnt p{rjq¢� if1411J��n� the €ur�rnA Yea�, he pr s�+�� arouW p�as Sh�p subslan�ral prasence tesj ar,tl ��las��i�e�tl as � resident ifbtr., ' rue��.�: Ameris.n� N�S,ona1� dre �7[�xes s,f AmeriC3r terntp��i ppssessians TM�� hdYe 3U kh@ IB�AI �€�91`E9�orss wh�ih [�kl2��li fk3vC. b�L th��� el�i no� havF ATr �Uil pa�lk�[al rlgh{i 4tl- US t It,2eri f. • [itl;4�n4� A�csard�ng aci B U S.C. §1A08 �[ ss poss, ble t4 4P 8 U 5. naa,8n.rl ^rriSno�t hP ng �'J �. cit.zen. ,i p�rsan wRGse anly {onoa�d.rivn k� the ll S is ih��yu�eh dlrth in an ouify+n6 Poss�ss�ran [o[ �pGS is i�rniR�d ta �6m�r�can Samoa 3r�d Swains Islandk, �r through nrsaenc fr�,.n n pencn sa h�rrn ac4ur=�c U 5 W3[a8ni lity �Uk nOF U.S. �i1 �72�SFI �p ih�es ,�as �ar�nerlk ^ he c�s.e in athgr U.S. P�ssess•qn�y.. ' G�am �Z89& � 1gadG {C�[wienship gsanteU bT an Ar9 �F CongreSil 'PuertoRites �1�98 1917JPC.�t�xen}Rrpgr�nt�7�yenA,kofC4ngeessl �'U.SYug�rl%fsn�fa 11977��927J[C�tla€�rr�l,io�ranletlbynn&;SaFCan�rr#;;� M�lio+l'al5 �nvhd 8re n�t [IkiFenS t�nnp�t vpie Or hUld' �le[tBd 41NaGP. H,�w[.V�P, the�� maY �e91t�e 3.lid work n shr �J^�ted Ssai�s w�tn�uz rei�dicl�ansa�ci aF�R�l' �ar CiSii[n5h ip vntl eP il5r 5�8m C� fU Ies 85 41 hir r�51de �4t � lil� 5 Hot:,ll U.S. nASi4nals are 9i.S. Lili;en�s: �+o�dr4v�r� all U.S. titi�eni dre US�. naaionapi. i�sdee�, L+.S. passpo�rts n�,rmal�y rnaAa no d�s�krnt[�Pn +�etweer� [hp �wr,. m�nlia��ng �ns� the hearer's �atinndhtY. nat h��'�,er i;SixrnsMrp. Persana bOrr. in th� u.5. ar �t, U.S �itiaens in PPr�i�r iOVIYk^rZi Jrr CItIFPAi Ot [f�q," U�IIQtl SI31C}, PC�54nS GOgn i� (}SF�Pf 40un{r125 whG wdn[ kQ a�C6P+`l' �iTi;sns m�rtit app[y iar 3nd R2ss a clfa2�'ri�hip SC3k �!IO4P wFY4 �f[�f7pP Cisirth$ 1� t�PMIS AYi..irvnp� �{p ��y.u�iai2etl Lltl2�ny ' NaRural Bern Cltixgn,� ' M1rdtYrralired �i#�Q�; A"n.atu ral �arn c�haer��` if a R�n�fl �flr� in 1 h� lerndory pd khe ll.S. trr �o U nif�¢ States ci .�an£rita ci[�;en pa+em�. F.'ash.44r�1e3�d C.il-i2crr" j5 i4�12Q�Lg wh4 WdS� f�G�l G4�r1 On 1.1.5. 54�1� IFYPY �E�f� RCt 3 4i#i2�15 Q� [hC {Ouf7[+'V w'h�n R�C� w�ere b�rr, hut have &nne tkrGugh Sh4 proc�ss Pi 6e[ornln� a CiQSC� I do he�eby a�irars tha[, ia the ��t of r�y kn¢wledge. the �di�plaeee is eJigible [rr qualrf�ed R��sra4�ishrn�r,k reire�burs�rmen[s, �as��� �n, di�pl���e's occ:,p�ra�y v� khe �arcel �5 � pP�ce t�i e;.ar�omic ��kiwmky s9 th� tirr�e �,f khe :nitialir�+, �F n��C�ki�lions arrdl�r ai �he 1ir�� of Ih� par�els acquis�tion. I furin�r eFF+m 1f��t lhe e}ispla�c�� Cj4J�IiF1�& (49 �F�t �'t 24) �5 a'displaeed ��ers€sr�". is a srnalf busirress, iarrn �r n�r,-�rs��1 ��g�rzizai�an, 2nC� a5 IhersFore entitl�tl kr receEa�� Re�stablishmEnl p�ym�n1(��, n€sC !c� �xGEe� �{'�,C10[1 {14f.5. §117 59} f�r �ligible t�xpense5 �clt�ally meurr€d �n rel��king �nd rt?�s:taalishi��g Su�h srn�ll bu5'ness. f�rrt� �r nan-�r€sfil �rg�nix�Ei�n �G a r�pl��emen[ �iie. Si�n�d 1���`e-� �°--�--� � ` � � —�. f221��1 . :�VI9Gf C3�12 Re-�ilS�bli4hment Casis Claim Pag�¢ � flF 2 k41C}33 M�rntic�ll� Economi� D�vel[��m�nt Auth�orl#�' CI�IC71f1�1� �{�S�S •, �rrr�ort�a�t: Sabmi�PromptJy,4Ti'�r,�iove .• �7ccuuanc+� �Daas1 Q R��Idenc� [� Ad, []�vlae ❑ Gavernm�rnt Q[3ther PP ��89 e�?90 � �uslne.ss 17 �mrm C] f4on-Profit �'a ee s; �wi�ngs Going In Style, In�. I)I��, 5.P P�rcel ,�-�� ._ _ �fGf �Q �ed N�. CdUrrty Vti1ri hl Acq�o�sikion; ❑ Pending �Aecep�ed Q Em. Doma�n �I��YC4� �Wd��f. �Narneores�x�,i Mit#wael l�V. F���lae and K�thle+en R. Fros�ie � _ P�r��� A+ddr._ 703 Pine Sdr�eafi �Ity, �Stake �i�: blarsticellp, I�1N ��362 RELO�!#TE�N GLAll41 EL1fsIefL1T`I Drspl�ce� - �l�rne{sJ: Ewirrq� �ain in 5# fe. Inc. �7�cup�nCy Cl�te: 9-7-p8 ❑ C�wFler � Tenan# �ligib�'i:y D�#e: �-2o-�B A�quisi#i€�n l��te: 3-�5-78 {nor+oe Ot InLern ar Purchase Cffer; � {iF Cc��mned, Nx -c+r�drtrq':e ��te(S� �f the hAove: B�gan ��47R 5}FFICIAL U5E ONL'�' �eh�tk ans� �u1i7YIN�G C!DST CiPTfOF�: i- �3�•�a _ �nd: �-10-1� I — - � _, _i J Res�de�niial �c�h��u�e Basis Q,4dvanc� ��'�rtial C�Fin�l �'�bmitt�l' Am�unt � �3,825.07 � DisCriCt A�prav�l; a 6�ie P�genCy Ap�r�+ra�': XJM1mifllVn :Vle Qate Applic�tian �pproved: Vendc�r N�o.: � Attn_ F;n�n�Ge: I Mall Check T#; Addr�6S�e(s�._�win�s �Going �n �tyb�. Ir�c. M�ila�g Addr : �1$ Cedar �treet �1ty� �t�te Zlp: hAonti�•�l'�w, h�1� 5�3�2 LO�ATIClhI PERS�NA�L PI��PERTY MOV F�cilrty hJame an��lor ?y�e: Cryr�n�ner�ial rer�k�l �paGe �tr�ek Addres5: 5�� �edar S#��E �iky. St�"� �ip: A�ontiCell€a, �+Ih! 563�2 IUame af �lc�ver{s): _. �vst I—I N��-Re�i�d��rtial 9��+Es[im�l� ResJd�nc� Carlificatlon: Fetieral law r�qu�res �ert,�ic$tion oi re�ideney �tatus Please �ri�ck Rhe e�te�4ry o�r cr�mpfe[e the secl�n belrr.V tha� aFp i�s i� you o� ybur p��PSncy sladvs �n 7ne Un�tee Ssat�s Ycrur si�naia�re �n�tikules certiFiCativn. I crriify tha� I�m �] a citiren �r nalic,nal o� the Umi�e�i �taRes, crr I fu�th�r �ert;fy tl�ai tnere ar� � p�ersc�n� in my h04��hald, ;check on�) ��n al�n �evh'fulh} prege�! 1�5 CYt�i United Sk�C�es, pr �h�t _ ar� �it��er�s or naE�p�52�15 4f the IJnit�d �Cat�s ,� an 21ie� us�ikh pe'�o�ial propefl+� I�wfully pr�se�lt in �nb _- a�e alien� laxalul.y �resent ;n Che Ur��ted Stales. Bhe Un�ted Sfiates 5a� Prnorietcr�� I certrFy tha� 9 am: C7 � tJ+��;�d S�st�s siEi�:+e� �$,n �I�en lawf;,�ly present �n ;3e U�r���*d SC�te$ Q a Un�eO S"ates naEi�onal � a nan.U.S ciiiz�n not,qresenl �n the llnrked Stat�s P��lnersh�p: I rerti�y 1�at there are Rartners in the p�r�r�$�ship a:�d ihat ara citizens af tne Unite� Sia€�s and�or a�� �I�er�� rawFu+ly pre5enk i�r the l.'nit�q 5tates, anp _ �re norull.S. �ikizens not pr�senk in tha Un�ke�i 5talss. � Carka�ati�n ! C�Mii� CM�t Ewin�s C�oi�50 i� S�[I .� IIfsG. i5 e518b1P3h� 4�f 18'�' �nd �u�h�ardzeb to Gonduci busine55 in th� Uni#ed SCaf�s. Claim�n! AcknQwl�tlg�rrMent: I, SFs2 un�dersigneA. C'O hereby p�rliFy ��,at i:�� a�oue inf�rr^°rali4r. is �iue a�rtl �orreci a.ntl th.at �ac�mank�ki�n attached Me�e�o �scur�tely r�pt�sems �Igible exp�n�e� I als� crrlty ih�k I naue ro1 preu�,�,siyr su�mittatl nvr rece.u� paprr,ent far any ex�,�nse su�rni�ted wi�h this clairr�. ' OFFiCIk�L USE C#hi�Y: (Comc»nksl J'i,lthOflZE� � Si�nature' �'���..������...r�� C��.�'�r�-`;. ��fTi� �print�. ' k C� e �� � � �'• � � C� a' �4 � - Tel�phane:� ��� � 1�ir'��_. ��t�; �l —`��} = 1� +.w��n� co�,� v aaiTroB Moxi+�g C�sts page 1 pF ,� RL1�32 I�I �1�)It'�''f'I �1 :'�Ie���inM1 ( r���� ii� �,;.It II ,el�sti i.�eitl�iiii;_: i}i�ai�r ,,�,;�� � :t, , �rlwtC'L]Ctilai�*; �'�jr� �11I7rni���Il� 4r�lJP C�:�IIll 1[ IIV,°,,I i.�S�T�IJYI:I:II'Ci '�4ilt�l,\Iil,�c.`x,�us,��ll�.,,.,lj,.til�l'Ir I.I,'tlllllitles74:�111,�fin+i.l�;lu'i�C�SIIC��liIS4rLIIII:12�1ti}f7Py.l'�C.;il.l?I�I,I t.i rt;��i�lr.i,r��,tu:l�si I�lf'I1f�7'r1�J7', C�i�auli ,aritt ffir�a-t3ie�;lrl�� cii�rie�s �n�ati�irr� a�t�ti��nc;�ncl n�eEl�tatds sx�ith si.��cJr��a�[ion :sttlt�i.,r�r pj�r�re� �t� i�ir,s�in�, I Pi,: tilaflt t In���.�1 i� inlh�isi',� su�.i I�iri �irsx- .ill4'i ua�,rl ueliiCh Ill;is- �i >IilteEc ;� Jtt?irie- ��so�rnr3�•nl� u. 1�17�r �'� ��nc:� +r�ll �et�l Cuii;;a14�:. ;;as ��� or�.�•hii��: "..,, °.-4l11t711�' 4Io 1.6ci -�.tiy��:! i,7 t�i:c€��'iitis� ;iitriliiin il4 iILI1,�AlI�II1L[I I)kISN��k'II;II�F{� Ill II:,I_ �I.JI�" 15.I �kll �'C:,11i.'. .. f':r3 in4�aits hV� I�c�u9i� �cl�ed�,l4� 4 �l �f;� 5�715 r�1lL�Y6b{I p \'11141`.{ IS ll}I�IC:}SIILSi {7I7 I�IL �'�IIlAL�L'F 4.!� 14��1}I11Y 1- l Ile:;l� I L�ILI':�14.4,_ l'.il��ltil4l �I� �5..,�]I�.<�.. llil!44�it. I}{}�ti I7',.i_ I1:IIYIr..i.�. I\�L��YIS14?I71:1� I�i11I54��=1 `,, L 17f� �����-\ li� �III� 1117II.��171.ti�1ti4� I{Y6FIIj1, {4 `l�4`��,�Il� I�I� I}I�.I�� I74 4.LILYJI4I4�44{I �1114 �454i�1}} {��}I�.�� I� Ij �� �ll'{`�7 �LlF.��s��ti�U IfI�L} Ili�ill�Ii' :{Sll�llk .illl.�} i11. �jL'Ll�{14F1i1� L1F� e� ti � ii i>si i ut ir . I)iilhU�lalicd _s�L�i Is3� _l[rr,_ �'�+ Giur.f'-�`t m,i�� �t?,n r;^ t'tiuiil:sl Ili [�ic ra�uill It,i;iti. � - - . � . -_ Th4 Llc€�� - ----- _ . ._ ---. -- --�,�_. .. �. f�nd.�ravri.�l�s F��r��#ur�re -- -- TMe QCCdrpan# C1oas F1qt Pravid �um�! rp ._ I�e�nm� 1 2 '3 C S _��. r� � t4 ,4J�*i�it�n�l R4t�ms R�om� � -- 9r __ y�. +���04�n+ �575 775 `�25 11�5 132� l��g 1l2� �92.r S�'f:+lk.dt^ �O,�i�.ia��.n.�JF2�canS ----- ---- ---- ---- a-- .-. _�. --- +1�r:aunl �+�5C] 51G��rF��;* I'�rx�r,r.nt� If}� Ftecii��l a,�� �4�4Gi�f C°s��t � liiel�.r !hi, ilielhis�le Llirt wI�114: "71:11 s�I I15t5 i 4inilx�r��.�7'icni I� i I'CR:SilVY1d1IL` ilfiil Ili`{CGS;�I x' Isav {I,l4i �tsie�4d E�}° LI:� z�+v,ti,�S cx�;�nsci i�i�a;ricil rii maiaii�t� .;,ur �ati:�t}i�<il ��i i�;r4rt} liar i{IIkL:II 44' I'I{}L i{1 y�5yi �K: :�is oG �Jc� I I is ir� ii�,� i�y ,d�lji.i ;�ii},��I Ii�f 1J7i[5175 �:191i17s;�ti kYI71iI1 h��ti. �7�411r'f�cl c7r I���i lirric ly$` ,�L xu7qar i����il;�r �.�t.ls�s�ui�tn ��Inxiir�k��i_ ��;�,; u�iil h�: �F�w�si .�4'�4+ii .�.ill��lo.in4�', ti�Klh �,�� li�ll��t4in� iiFr_Irir4Ll�siix. I. 3k`h� �} nis ,frt Yr,i�t����.1 ks} .i Elr�.afrs;iaril�ri z37tia is5t �aari�,yn�.. �i,ly [Pfr �I7 �i s��:x .ina� i,hfa�in .i tiM���ri��i, i�4���,,,�;�1 rc:rii�:rccf h�ll in�ri�til "f'�isi iil I'iilk" �irkil .,._ie� I I7Y el C411YSI)iLIl4' 14�I�LSi�bi kll5'i. I��k.rA'i'i �{II7I II I1� cli�vi�i3ilx �t�iill �v Ii�Isr��aLis,ms :�^isl+i�iir �ralsi� Ra, [:75: I�l�,s�. � I I 3 il�l. ��i�:fb4111°kC �7i�1?I7y.f�5 11 IYlil4'L$I �7i' �{Y[I}L'[7w}L {FII54� I�7:�fi �I �xs�&"yic,�,�l iria,s���a� �,�rrrPsl7"15. '.1511 1}77��1 �ll�'.17111 illl If('I}}i ftiy� �.��p�tllil'lll ti�Y4}551;'ir_ {Ili 17LII11i5L1' {l; �1�li�1�4` �711LQ.I i�qC 121a�4 I;�Y fXl;}{41� �"�itl[�, {i�7LG�ti. {IiY{� 1�72 ItlStill I7S�ilfti ti1.°SSPii�:{I Ii61'i,�fCll lfi4l��SlLlLlii� i113N >.`l' �'4�t"1�11i':L."iL ,.�y^L� t'�4i1}C i�lti4�llb3 Kf![+ nlcllia�il ^«�R� +��ir{y� I�y;I�c��Ll�Ult r�il�•irt`I' �?i ii.:�r Its IlU�iuip4�t� �Ni[� �ri.�lln'pC� �:+.'}Cilti��... �. Yten nlfi•.1 caair��r1��4Lc Ih< hr+l€i,�n��SirrLiaiiS o!' Illti f��e�1i ul' I�I��. f;l.iiin 1=��rrrs ul ies7�. ,+47Cbic�r I�.} Ilic axiL'.il7ail ��I Sh��: I�urni ;111 rtljirilk��:� inl�sri��ali,ic �9�ar 1�Pi:9s�. I{9 }'�?ii� rnairC z7,7cG m�il i�� Rt�c I�cl�is:� tislii r'lllti°i5ili illilYi'GF I}Il E�3L` I{�lt'�P I�!i L`ilffl5�l� U3i I liu I�I'i;n[ n",�t11j5 I�«ri11 �}. li1 Ilsi ����rll x'c��c dYt �in 4i7t.i�h�I4� 4117�aC77t o�t pa�x Ihc: nit�xln� lS?117�1;'l13\'_ S�"fL'L1�II .ui,ultw�lltinl; Illifr I'oi m�'tlti +4�:1h Ihti 3��iala:.l[it�i ;'s:la;tie�a isa ;;,It^�r5 �iiiti.l �i.ia nkn7 ;�r ;fn _i�ls,i a��r ;i�, �n.�iil 4.losi�r� ,. . f' � � I`i.• r.7�,�y„ I,t tiuri 4. aat�� in citla �aii��: 4}I� IhL ii:t"o�iii, :Icil�•. °�i�.���-[�l" �l��'.�i A �F�l �L{p►'lll�'�S}ti�S I-k�,li� �I�is�: � il;iiis��sv ;.IlisSy' ���i i i' ,_; i; �f�S�l�tL��r�I1S f�r ���irnll[Ifl�, ��i]lJfi tlJi�i11 - : II .'1 .�:: :! L�..lilI.144 � 54�1i L 1. .::.11 ' I Illli�:'�ISP �.� !�.I _'.1171 F�:t7f3 rl Y.�..(i [i�I .elti�Ll:l� 465. �.� lilt,�:. �l�i� IIl I�i:54111�_ ��{,' ` �lll:l3 . 5 �6 E I{7itilrll 1.4, fl{}� .'I 1.���L _`k{I 5�1 IYII{_4�_. � �1}L%4�441 14i!{I�il�.4}Il�ti ti�25 lli}� il�l{}5i i.lfl .� . �� f2: i. ,,i�:,tn„t�nl I�t�� t�irih��. �.�iUviit� �:.�iq;�,n,�. +tii' b: �n.is.lc u,iin 41Fi�7 �lia�7kt� �.silli Ilr,, � intia���cwrn,�:iii;, t��iiil� ����.� iis:::ii� �,r I��:,r ,:ii�ii,t.•. ,iii��_ I.�•.i .. - f ] li, I itti°��7�_ ir�yln,��l�to-ns. 1141 f'(11���:11�°"i�° �C'r,rGs�i lr .97ACI CII[�f"i111�I� I5' SIICt �6ti� iTlc7�'IFFI� [J�IILdllk� �311iI iiMc�tla���,ls w�itf� � rcar.Fexlinn ;�ilti i.krar• ��rirar ��� ,nci+�i�i�;. I Si Ild' �i kl}I�II _t':4'.i<il i; iis L'��� i-t c�rn�rlaF'��`cl, III� i�al•yin-: l:{Fylti;ll�ti Nr ha ft,licl ;iib�. �! �Ie�[;til��l it'�c,�,Fc.l sk;ItCitrt-nl �,I}':��iic��. � I�I l��,c ys4'u..L s�su ts•Itih ka�;a� r� �ufal' en,. �� . � � Plt7tt�; u� I'lzik� 9Jsu �1'ic�x�i,/qI i� rtt�«q 4v LII�;': 'i t}LI I1:�511}I L 1Y �k 41k111�1.i.i r�.t� i•:I t+,� t{ul�:,, i.:lilw t�t,rl.�tL ,��iitl r7fi}4�{PI114 I7�:{� [{r ;I�� �Stil�.-t}Ilti �}EE1�tilpij��i' �7 IfIICoj}il�lll� II} �Ili 17��5�'y`, k,rj[IL�L�k I{}g �k. {FI �:{a{:r�,ifPIL'll{� �055'lli��� (y'S ��'IC f]�itiII1CX'+ Illri}' I1C �I:IIik54�s{� ��9J� S�I.yl�1 I� {.i�in�h•;51�1�• ln lftlir� i;�l�sch q'��c� hx' J[7��i1 rwill��l x4cai�°ie:�. . +. Y�su ksa.s tilcs L i�i uG�s;�:�aa R]3C I{164ti1' ik� �i5'L} (�'I �,Lim1-0�. fifr �s7�lx�iiSR ��YI [F�qn�: ircrtitara;ll pr�f�.r[k. �ic�:;;_ cai�k �5lrnl��L�;, stiifl �� urhl���i_��a.l jr; Iht� :�"-�i �; �III:I �51,�4�tlf�{#� Li} k�41�� �iti i1i� tk�3[iaral 'ti�' ilf� �17is iii�ll�{:�4P. �i�k i7llli�i' iluox'lllg c[rk.l u�[�iiiiiw�ll�iti��n i; ,�C�:ivk,cv . �J Y'Aiaa �1leasl ��ssin�zl�•L� Ihc hcskr�.,�a, �,tarkl„n t�f I}lc f¢-�snl u1�3haw ��I�li� I�+�iiMt in iirl,. r4ll�ic`r lr, �PaC i.rii�in�sl <,I th�, �'�arm �PI r�i�,e°.r�:�� iiil��srm;�ln�it p�i LoSrlllllt C#P :ity�gf IllifS'�' qldS{f 111;9y1 It, 9�r� ��r,.IL}L:l�lllli :'4CC5'Itiy}I :illiias n t>i'i Ih� lslxrci 1�11 4�tti n�.r ,ri1 ihw Is-t��at 1f1� Ihiw lisrrr, !'Is� �i�4�i�_ asil� �s1Fl �e,n�,i41�:i_ ��is�'��r c�imL'u�'tik fi�raisL�r41n1� c'i4;�rg�;i C�tifs�il III �1�1L,�Y�4.�IL�1' *II{I<ILlilfhl. sI� 4�LILI1}IIII.LI I7'S' �IIL� a�il�i�.. �¢il...11lvl ; tl}laLS .5i�{} �i i1]�i1s44:<� ii} ��jti E914�114�1' lFI � tS{}f7P:f��:{I �{A15111tiS1 {}I.' �;1f177 4)I]ff't77C7: Pal, �i4I{I's7I ft;tw'45ese1}YIL` 4.\jJ4:IlS�*� li7 w�k5F4ll�ill�+ �GI� 1 J4��7�aIti�J1}S:PiI SII�, il;il 63i �:.���;{i �3 ]?lil.dldl ��iil7 C�li�n�w�,� iii�hi� il7if41.{Ii. LLzlliti�]i61�Li]LI{IIl i;.i7llti. <IS:�I.11sll Liai1�.. iro�il �CT�.iii7 ['�:�"7C: i.�:alti�niw.ti :�{-14i�h�Ik ii74aq'f2Cl iiM sw;1��Ciinr,�.. ,_'� S.I=w1�,1ILd'I. �'t,l I.I�Ii;� Sli��l.l'111�114 4kI 4�sIi4�FPR91. C\']k`II:tiC:� f�ASLti9 �u,'��nin�lzuay Ille CJ.�iin - _ i cic� her�Esy afflrrr� Ihai Ir Ih� Gesr ;�" ��,y� ,sn;yv�lerls�e, d�s�)It�Gec �� �I��eb�� fvr re�rrtbur�emerrt �f �I Gihsl� Mo�.�ir�r� Cos;'�. ba�eri on di�F�d�cc��5 staius �nr� I�ftrrn 1Y7�k. io thrr b�.sl �i my �,�r��v�€ed�e, ali �c�raur�als°y c��up�nc�y� oi fh� p�rc�� al ifx� t.rne �:rf Ihe i�-�itr�:l�ors wF n�goladk+on5 �nUipr al �rlcfud�n� all ha��rdaus and e�viror7�t��ntatiy IFi� ki�r,� of 1,h� ,a� Is ac :i#YtSltl°JC' 1T13CL`[12I�4 5[ICiS 35 k}�t�EfRG`S� tirc�s, �a�n#s, � C'� quisi[aon. I� iurthcr �iFirrn �'rt�k dis�il�G�e. qu<�I,_f�es ;��> solver�ts, irr riti�cid�s, fcrt�lizers, fluvr�scer3t lig.hks� �e��. Slarym �rr; g and re�al��l�exf��r�5 s�1 r� res�id4n� ai lor n�n-r� �d�nk��l et�. a�ti ��. ���i7 ��,.rl h�rv� re�r��. _��d fr��rn th[: ���rc�l. .�r r�h���� (�}°� C9 1� F';. ?e�,, �s in�i�te,� �Ise�rfiere �n 1.P��s torrtr ,�,�:� . x � � � " �.Jr.t_:����-�-s��.�,�.�.�� c.� f �� fi `_ � �� �v- � .�1� G�_a�lacee S��n�YJre �'.. l -.�..,c�,,,.- �;�.-��'��Z_�-C r �� -� - �,,, ua;r, I�gIU�d�ian A.tl�S:;i�rih,� . � _ � lialc P'r1,ryIPIY, ���315 �'a�'�� � 6� L h'P..]L55f Jruli� Ch�er�e F ro rr,: *�en#: Tcr: �ubject: At���hrn�nts: Jirn Th�r�s Th:�rsd�y. Se�te�rn��r 13, �i71�3 1'�1 Po-�t J�I'ie �C�ren�y 1�3 Pine 5tre�t - Froslie Prar�erty - Rel�catiaP� Ben�f�t �laims �vlem�a #4 r� Rel�catic�n g�nefit Clairns.pdf; RRE Clairr} #. �.pdf; M�ove C�sts �6��df Julie. pl��se �ee �tt�ched. Le� �e kno�ne i�yt�u h�ve an+�,�uest��ns, P��eas�e rri�k� the che�k out �s ir�dicated in the �laim form_ Thank y��u, IVIEh+��Fk�f�[}UM �ATE: S��Cernber 18. �01$ T0= ulie Ch�r�e� ae��e Assi �nt C�,.* �` FFkO1v1; � � Thares. E�anvmic ��uela�mer�[ f�lan��er i � SUB�ECT: er C�tian Benefiii Ciaim und�r the lJrsiforn, r�It�catior3 A�ssistan�e Rct fi,tta�hed is � f��locatfo�r Benefit clairr, �ae�et, The pac.ket w�s prepared k�y #h� E€]A� relo�atiorr consul#�nt, �er�ny R�aIf,�Br�nt Ra�f c�t L�+SB � Associ�te�, Gr7r. I I�ave reviev,�Pe� th� r€�lm and �weeythin� A� ir� ard?r to proc�ed +,�ith �aym�rit ofi th� �la6rr�. AonauntofF'��;m�nt Pave� .. _ — _ P�,rpvse __ _ — 5�.7"35.�4 _ zw,r��� �oira� Iri Styde . Dusine�s I�ee�t�b6isi�ment $ 3,7�5.9� "fOTAL Thf r:[��iiri�; f�r tl7e Clsgirn as l;9 Ue G�terrr.in��i Uy 4'4'd�,�:�C� �.��er�`$�rail 4�a[111 5�[rgCr 63� it i; r�Is3l�C1 lc] �r}Cs sirrtilar t�a th� recent property acqu�sitic�n �ompl�x�ed t�y the E�A. Let me know if y�u ti�ve any qu�stions. �'� �� � �-��� ��. �� :� ��� Mont���lla E�p�c�rni� C�evel�pm�nt �4.uthc��it� R��ST►4BL��HM�NT •• �11T�01°6�AY+1. S�� Over f�,r De/i�rrCi€rras ; iickrrn►v!$dgerreer�if5) •• l7c�up3nCir {D�IYsi � 0 gusiness C7 FJan-Profi# �— ❑�89 :>_90 C F�rrn 7 G�v�rnmerrt P� �ee 5_ �wings Going in Styl�. I+nG. ;Qi�t. �.F'. s — Parc� �..�. �f�� .� F�t� N�. �C+��r�ty 4Vriqht }�CC�uISItiDfl: ❑ Pcsnd�nc� � Ar.�.ept�d � Em, D�iR1�l�+ 'F'�r��l CJwneF' ,:�,,.��:n�!�,���n�, F.�1��P�ael N+. �r�sslAe �rd Kalhleen A. Frasli�_, F SubrrtiaCted Amc��nt $ Dissrict #��prov�at_ _ Agency Approval, Parcel Addr.. �03 Pin�e �lre�et- -- .- �iky, �t2;e �1�7 h.�r_snticr�ll:�, h,�N 55:3�i2 , F��LO�ATIClN CLAI� ELpGI�ILMTY ---, q L�ispl�,;�e �I�a+rr�[s;: Ew�n�� ��iny �r� �I�, InC. QCCup��tCy ��i� �-1-�OC�� Ll Dwner � Ten�nt v Elsgib�lity [?�te. �-�0-18 F�cqui�aii�n D�te 3-15,�8 �BCe ,4ppal�Ei�r: r�p�roved: Vent#or N�,: Attn. Fin�n���. w ���"�ca �lAd�aa7ce OPart�al +�Fina� �,735.94 ¢� � ����iK.�:aitin - oar, a Mai9 �Ch�ack T�- A�idres�2�(5�: Ewiri�s C�r�ia�q i€� �tyle, inc. � h�l�lin[� A�idr.: 518 �Ced�r Stre�t --- I - __ _�_ , �i# ', �#�t� �i : f4'oniiccllo, F,�h� 553b2 i LilCAT90N �F REPI,,AaCEM'ENT �N�E � Facll�ly N�me i and?�r Typc: Ccar�rrn�r4��1 r�rit�l ��ac� _ Strf:�t Addre55: �1B Cc:�iar 5tr��*k �'.�ti01e::r. Q' I�ilr.nl �x+^ux:l�;iil C°Pe�rf i.if pnS�'minn�,j. �ILd ���'�tl��p"'� �It}+. �CBt� LI�� fkti4�111�€�I10, �4N 5`a352 -� 1. Rg�r�,irs �sr ir-7provem�-�k51t� Che fep�,�Cement r�21 �yr[a�aBrYy r(�C�uireci br la�r�, �ode or ordinan�r� . � $ - 6- --. 2. f�ladefet�ki�n5 t� Lt�e repl�cemenl �roperly 10 �&+�'4�nm4C8k� kh� kaUSln��� �P�F�;�il�'i ............................... ... .... .$ 3.7:35_�4 3. �ansl�ur.Lion and in��all�lion �af E�teri4r S���rnr� krr �€7ti�e�ki5� 1�1� bU&iY�a�s& ... ................................ $ :l IRedecAr�li�n pr repldCem,eni ��st� �f sir�le� ar w�rn 9u�f�cs5 3k tlie re�rar.er*rert �iCe ,, ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,_..� ........ $ 5. kCa�erli s,rnent of ihe ; gpaaC�n�nC IpCai6ion �, .. ...................... _ ........................ _ . . 6. Esur�r�kcYi r��f��3r� C[�Sl'3 �if Ope•dtion Curing tirs, 2 yrs ....... . {leas��. �ax��. iribu.ance, et� ;. � _ 7 Q'Y1�.r itt�m Cos�� ���enU�l. re�s[an�3�ke and neces�ary to rPe�r�bl�4h I.perrnil5. &n� �uP��'+�is�€iMj � .::::�7f rrr� � �y�[��Ir.} wi1h tP�� Ag�rt�[y� C��e�rhead and ar�fil.3 U � p'i;i TiG]TAL THIS CLJUAi .---��----------------------------�_.,,.,,,..,... e...,,, ... ,,,,,,,,,e.,,,,�,,..........-----...,.......... (maximum b SiJ,0�4D.04� � 3,735.8� To4al Reesi��GsY,nlc�1t C[�iins F':��d-Tu-b�9� fmrludin� thi� r.l3iml' K5 a".5G0 a � �ligibl� rema�r,in,g Re�t&bl�,shm�ni exL��s�s Cla�rtt267e . ........................5 � Q �- __- �---- -- - - - _ � RUslberlty C�rrti}ication: Fed�ral Ilaw r�quir�, ��rtjfir�kipn a! re5�i��r�Cy s1�1ug, �le�se GI�eCk Ch� c3teg�ry ar �r�rpleke Ch� �ecaiora belcrv.� 1F�at appaies Ba y�:;�• �Lc+�panGY s[�tus �n the Llrai0rvl Sr�l?5;'S��r7v�r tpr Ck:•.fn�+rp.,*�l, Yoe�rsigrg�tur��r�gtdules �rtificalian. 0 �c,�� Pavr�ielc�rsh[a: I c�rriFy �ha1 I,�m� ` a L�n��e[] Slat�s c�iRzen � an alien 4�wfuelyr presend in thc Unil¢� �i�1es �� Unilc� �aa[e& r�aisr�rtal �] � non-U 5. �kizer �9 qresenk m I.�,� Uryilec Sk�tes ��r�n.�rshi� I cefl��y i31�1 If�Br� �re F;�ftr!ers irn th�e �arin�effshi� $r�d th�sk �re v162C�n5 af 1M� Unilec 5t�ies. �nt7��ir are �lien5 " I2v�i,1lly �Sre&�nl in 1fit� 41�iptetl �13r,�s and 8�re nOn-U�S. viqlZ�nS not ptesenl �� itl� Uniie� Ststes. I Cvrporatnsn: i e�eri+fy th�1 E'1�'j+1Si� �+41r1� I�u S[yl�. FR:U. i5 �SC8hIi5h�d b3� 18�v 8nd &UkhQ�iF@{� tc c�n�u[C bUSin�SS cn 4h� Uni1�� St�reS Cl�imant JlckncrwE�d�am�rr�: f. tri� un�i�r���ned, dc� hereby ��rtiPy tha� 1.he akro++e �nfarmaUa+ti o,:s 9rue �nd r�r�ect and iha: r1�cu:�en1$ti�, 3l+.acnec herer€r �Cru��,kelp r�, r�5e�11� el�r��ble ex�aenSes. I�l�o C�r`�fy� fhat I hati�� not preuously 5uhmikked +��sr reCeixe� ��y+51�Y�[ for a�ny expen5e 5^,+bm,tl�d with this �lairri. I„ � �FFICIAL 11�E'�}NiV. ��:omrnems�~ ~ F�1L1t�10rIZ�[i ' - _ -- - - Si�naCu��� ��IT1E (prinll: „� Telephone: -�_�� ._— C�ate. �- ---.__.� -- � - - -� .__ _ See avr.r fnr Qrfinixi�cay j p{f��wled�ement{s� Rc establishm�nt Casts Claun P.+�� 1 ul � �L1i133 Rz��7s�atihr±�4n[ COSIS �Id�� u ;C' . ,`�� �_ _ _� I1�1ELI�EI�I.F� }��:�'�T�►[3C.:.1�H�1L'��E, I�:'y►�'F'�`SE� �---- �__. �.. I � The folaa�ring is a nonexCiusiVe listang o# reestabli�hment sxpendrturss n�r# �or��i�t�red t� b� r�ra5on��rle, nec�s�s�ry, �r � � otherwise ellgibl�: 1. PS�rGh�se df ��pital aas�#5, �uG�1 ds� o#fice fiurraiture, Fiiing Gabine#s, ra�achinery� or tC�de #ixture�. �. Pur�hase �af m�nuf�cturing materials, pr�due#ior� s�pplies, Pr�duct in,reMit�rq a�r cr#her itam� u�etl in th+� n€�ranal ��ur�e c�f th� busineas operati�n. 3, fnt�r�st on rn�n�y b�arr-awed to make t#�ff mave [�� �iurchase t�re replaCemerlt pr�perty. G 4. P�ymenks to a paet-tirne b�,sin�se in the Faarr�e which do�a n�t `"Ga�nk�ibu#�e �Aat�eri�llv" tD tl�e ho�rs�hald income. ; �ontri6ute MateriadlM: TI��, rk,:m "co.ilri�ut� +�^�teri�qy" means vh�m purir�y, qhe : tax�ble ye�rs prior ta th� ld��bl� yea� �7 w��ch d�,�,Iri:ti"rrrnt UL{�f5, Af 41{��i'p: �UC�� €}[ryE'f pQriBe� e5 [hi A�,['M�`-.Y d{'i.l'rni�nES `.�7 G�+riBt� C�IJILdhCC. �31�u�,in�y:s 4r fdfRl flRPtdtiOrl: � 1. H3tl 3vtir.�ge �nn�ai gr053 rp�pipt5 4f ,�t dgd57. $�.`s,�4; Or 2 H ad aver�ge annUai n�pt fiarr�in�; �f e l I�*�sl S i,4q�; �ar #. �pnLribu4etl �+t lea�1 33:,•: %of the ac�c��pr`� 9.t 40�*�4or's average annu�I;qrocs er�cc�me from all sdur�es. a It khe ap�licat��sn cf rhe... a���a�e e•i".�na creates �e7 �cr�r��,�l.v rn��ar�s�i,� in anv geve�!. cas.r, rh��. ANk.-:�ry n,a�v �aR:�rcoF 11w� �.�s�.�� C�f �a!he�.�.��p.,c-pr�,�i�• s�:lt°r�.. Citiz+ensh�p � Irnrvrigrati�n�, Terrns Defi�ec� A� cFa xa,z�a�tal �+r�n �r ����w�rx �res���,� ts� um;rsd sr����, T�r,�nra4N ��,����ar� nr�i :,�hFuUs� �r�wtnl �^ ih? Un�ir+e °sr.��t..�' :rcans a�7 al�en w,�t� �s not'°la��.lvli�, �r=_sei7t" v7 kn� U.S. as d�fir,r�i in g�Fp 10�.12 an�i �nclud€•,� ;:} I;v� ali�M1 present in ��r �1.�. wh� h;�� nr�k bee+a admitied ar parul�i an#g SI,� �,� pursuant to the I�nm graqir�n ��tl F�at+onality Fct �� I�.S.�. y�@� e: aeq j ar�a wh�sc stay in the U.S. has npt bpe�i aushprr���y I�y tht aJnirted States At�ptn�y �,�'itral; and, y �j p.�r al.�n w��i ��, ar�§�nt m th� U.S. aNa� �Isg px��r�GC�n �eP lhe pe£iod cf stay awth�ri;�� �y fh� Unite+3 5kates Atrnrn�py C,�ntr�Y ar vi� akherwi5p vr�l��ky 9�e ;errns and �or7�i��pr« p! d,7miss�on, Rarcle c�r aut�huri�aL��vn S� SR:V in She U,5 ' Aliens; A �ens are peapYr w�h� tw�,��� Itfs (E�i�r�4�7 a for��r7 cnun#�y �p thr� 9Jneted States. Tdeey h�s�p �pm� pf lh�e sam� tree�oi77� anp Ig�al sights as U.i. t�t�rt�sr but thfy �a�anoi t�oig �M �Ipc�ipn� ' Resudent Rl��n}��: A foreipner who ��s a yermaa�ent rg;..,q�ng �E� 4h� E��ntry in �rh�.vh hF u� �r�t r���qe� but do�es nc+p h�t�� ��[a;�r�yhip, To iall under IhA� .�assifi�ak!an in !he u.5 , y�su hCi[I ko erther c.uvrer�tay hawe 3 gr��n ��rc or have iead one in dh� I�yi E�ltn.dad wear Y.�u als�p I�11 un,��r ihe U.S. rtl�ks�fi{at�on o0 resident alien if ypa h,����+ bc�n �n the U.S. ia€ 3i rJa�,�+; or �n��r�+�urin� 4�e tu�rent y?ar ,�IperY v,riSh haain� �ern �n 7h� U 5. Fnr ai le.�sf 121; dtr; 5 s+ver a tkrrc�e-yeaa penod th a t �ncl�etlC s 6�e c urren! Vear. 'Nvn-ResidentAliens: ,s'���n�l,�,tr�i��n'�t�hodaes.n't�ass117rqr�rnt�rdtestor�h,es,rhstanT�aprg�gnct-S�s[.1lanon-ci=.izp,�rturriml�'7as�green.arri as ha3 had a greer� rartl Pn 1.h� N�sl tdl�n��r year: he or she wtsul[� p�yy �M� �r�n €ar� kest and w4ul� F�� �I���ified as a rEs�tlen[ �Ittn iP tha in�ia�iduel -;��: �e��der1 on khe U.S. for 31 ddy� Ur mowe in khp [urrerth ya ar aiir� rCSitl� �rl the U.S. i�r mc�r� Iho"� 1�R� d�Yg ouer a threr qe�a �riod ,ncl�d�r�� �F��� curr[�n1 Yrar, he or stte ��ro�ld pass tha;ulsi�onti�l yresence t� 9t hn�! �e c�a;s�iied ��, ;i risident alien. ' PEa�lonal�: Amerl[dn hJdL4n,115 ar� nagiti�P� o� hmerit3� tE��rdp�i�l �y���ki�ns. TiG�� h�x��,�ll khe Ig,��l �fbS�ttion� whi:li t.ok+��ns have, bu4 chry �I�s n�t �rave the iull pplri_i��l ru��it� oM I�5 €itirens. �cro*d+"n� io 8 U.S.t. §14�5 �1 �S C�S��bk 4� b� a U 5. national w�th�ul htio�� a U S uLiaem�. A P�rsoa w1s95fi t�nza eannec[ian tca thP 1;.5 �s Lhraugh h�rlh �n �ry outly�r;� passesseon �oF 2r5U5 cc I,m�tcd tC� A.-ner�tan Samaa �nel Sw.�,r75 IiE3ndL flr through a�esc�rrt irpm ,� p�rson so b�rn acqu�r�� U S. ftiat�c�na.ny �au+ n�,t il.S- C�lizinship. This wa� fprmerly lhe t, $L` in 4Sllef U S. PUSSL'SSIOIIi ''�'��^' 118�6 1954F �CitiF�enship gr3rn€�ai, ny �,�; ��t vf �aragress} ' Pt,�•.ko Rit� �1ti;AFt ] 9j7� fCi9izemshi� grantetl by 3w A[l �f ��,e$r�essF ' U.S�. L'I�'�in ISl�ir,�y �f917- 1'�'�?� ICliit�u4hi�y g��urllecl ksV� s^ �ct of Co��gY�.iif NatianaSswh�arr�7pk�,t�rtny€�nn�pt++ateorhofdeFet�ed�aff��� FFryw�Qy�r;theymapre�itlrv�n�l�w�rkintheilnitedStalrsw�Sh�yuRr�stritii�nsan{! �pply f�r til �Fe+�sh,p under th e sa�np r,�l�� ,�� pt��er resident a�ie ns_ NC�k �311 LI.C. i53Li4ne}IS dr�k U.S cili�ens; howevea. all U.S. i�S+t�+�s are U S. nationals. Indeed. U�S. �assper;�s n,armally nsak€° no �is.t.n�aian 6�Sw��.°rn lY�� kw�,�.. ment�onin�. anly tlh� q�., t�r k n�seQr�ali:ty, n�t �*isjher cwixen��aip. ' Citiaer�s: P�r�.;�n} �arn in the V.S, or 1a U_S. eetraFns ir� R�rei�n cauntries a�e citis2n5 uf �h� Ur7iied Stakes: P�rsons bC�+�+ur OSher �ceuniries wh0 wdn; lc k;�cQme clt�xen s r�� u�,q � p�=IY lq�r a+�d Rass a[ iki�enshap te � t. Th�SP wh# be€a�me citi3��ss �n Th� c mdunL+�+ are na9ura I�:�d C�:#+Z�r55. • Itiatural �prn Citi�ens; r� "+�:atural d�orn [�l+sen" is � R�rsan �iorn in� the ���rw[�ry $f i.h� U.S. or kc+Unded StatC�� oi Amtr�ca dtazen pawent� ' IVaturali�rd Cisiter�s; +1 "nalu�aleaE�d c�[i�P�u" r5 sf�leone who was nfft b4r�3 pes U.S. 5oil the�+ were r�at a cr.�{�r.•, o' ;ht• .�u;�trv whe�. th�y �res!•e �7r�, ber � i� ut �3one t�+roug�r th� �rote�v af �ier;orrsi„H a�iti aen ! d�a herehy ��irr'n �h�t, t� the best cif m}� kn�wl��g�, fhe dasplace� i� ehgible fo{ y�.alifie�d f���sl�r�lishrnervt reimh,ars�rne�ts. b�sed �sn di������e`� occu�ar�cy ssf thc p�°�rr,Pl �� d pl�ye of econarnic ac�avi#y �t tPi� Cime oi the initi�#ipn pf ne�c,ti�tion� �n�rnr �s ih� tirr,e of th� ��:�els �cquisition. I�.+rther �,ifirr�r ihal lhie d�spl��Q �u�lifi�S f49 CFi� I�t. 2fi} �s �'°�aSp��C�d person'. i:� �i Srit�ll business. f�r�1 O�r non-pr�afi! arr�ania�lipn, �ntfi e5 khereFcare �enti[le� tr� r�r�ive R�e5iablishm�nt paye�rr2nCi�i. nUt to exc�eed $5�7.0�[1 (ft�1.�. �117.5: ), f�r �����a�e �xpens�s acivally Encurrq� �n r�Ic�G2�l+ng �n� reesta�lishing SUGh sm311 bus�n�ss, farm �r npn-�rt�f�l organiz�ti�n a� � r�p����meni site. �ign�d� �eIGCA1i4n +d��a�r�ar abl,�. Re-estahlishm��nk Ces�#5 Lla�m Page 2 ci 2 RLicJ33 Julie Chen� F�om: Jir°� Thares �ent; Tuesday. S�pt�mtaer 1 S, 2p18 1�}:1 � Ah�l Tv: J�die �h�ney� S�u��ect: 1{�3 P-�n� S#reet - Frc�sl�e Praper#y - Reloeation �enefit C!�im Attachm�n#s: �eloeati�n 6�nefit �IaMm ��eket - E.pdf JuPie, �tt��h�e�i is � Rel�icatiort Benefit �laim ��ckei fvr Ewings �abir�g �r� Siyle. E+rer�+#hin� is i� �ard�r �r� proceed wrth pr�cessi�ng th� �Raim. L�t me kna�t+ if �+c�� h�ve any questions_ 0 z 0 4 C 6 O � � C O .� L U 6� a � a J N I N dJ Y YJ I � r I r r I r I � I I � 00 0o m m m o� o� in in 7 7� M .-�. .-�. .-a-i .<T- 7 � m, N � � x b � � � O O ^ O O O � N � N N N � N � N � � " if' M if' V^. if' M if' M i!' M rj 'G �O � �D �D �O w '� O� � �.T 'J` T � �.T � O� � id `� O � O ._. O � O � O � � � Q Q Q Q V� (1�..i .� .� � .� � i~�. '.~V' � i~'C. � 'J 'J ' O 'J � � p A 4�-� � � � V7 �I] � CI] !I] � �..i � r7 � � O Gli � � � .> u: � � o a � � y ai M' �' v a a�i a� ai � 3 3 n � a > v � � � � y 8 � y � � � > � W m c� cd :� �"'� ; � �" M N -� p � P" '� %C r� �r: � T y � O : O � � �". 'V �:. 'V [] A � � � Q � � � � U V] V] V] `✓' '). '`✓' � � � r��,+' 'r^ r��,+' /a � /a a 0. a H O ^ � � H � W Ci W 0.� � � U ., J 0. O � ozo v � � ��� :� � � a�a a � � 'r 'r � � � cn F F F-� cn cn '� U :: J .� � O M � 0 m � � N O � O O ^ � N N N m x x� � � � 0 0 0 M M M �O l.^. 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Auto payment is setup for this customer account, do not pay. 1 Cons 0 $0.00 $6.95 ($1.00) ($0.50) $8.75 $0.18 $14.38 $14.38 $14.38 $0.00 $14.38 $14.38 Debbie Davidson From: Sent: To: Subject: Attachments: City of Monticello, MN 505 Walnut St, Ste 1 Monticello, MN 55362 763.271.3228 8 AM to 4:30 PM Account Information Accou nt: Name: Service Address: Service Period: Billing Date: Due Date: Meter Reading Serial 38298301 Current Charges noreply@merchanttransact.com Tuesday, August 7, 2018 8:35 AM AP Your bill from City of Monticello, MN is ready. 8118WEBINSERTS.pdf Previous Reading Date Reading 7/1/2018 1518440 Water: Water: CITY WATER - NON-TXBL Water: ACH Credit - Auto Pay Water: E-Bill Credit Sewer: SEWER - COM/MONTHLY Sewer: SW DISCHRG FEE - COM MONTHLY 2% Total Current Charges: BiIlSummary Previous Balance: Payments Received: Adjustments: Current Charges: * Total Amount Due by: 9/1/2018 * This was the amount due at the time of billing. 007256-005 MONTICELLO EDA (213-46301) 255 BROADWAY E 7/1/2018 to 7/31/2018 (31 days) 8/6/2018 9/1/2018 Current Reading Date Reading 8/1/2018 1518440 To view your amount due at the current time and make a payment click here. Auto payment is setup for this customer account, do not pay. 1 Cons 0 $0.00 $6.95 ($1.00) ($0.50) $8.75 $0.18 $14.38 $14.38 $14.38 $0.00 $14.38 $14.38 Debbie Davidson From: Sent: To: Subject: Attachments: City of Monticello, MN 505 Walnut St, Ste 1 Monticello, MN 55362 763.271.3228 8 AM to 4:30 PM Account Information Accou nt: Name: Service Address: Service Period: Billing Date: Due Date: Meter Reading Serial 68621907 Current Charges noreply@merchanttransact.com Tuesday, August 7, 2018 8:35 AM AP Your bill from City of Monticello, MN is ready. 8118WEBINSERTS.pdf Previous Reading Date Reading 7/1/2018 21428 Water: Water: CITY WATER - NON-TXBL Consumption Water: CITY WATER - NON-TXBL Water: ACH Credit - Auto Pay Water: E-Bill Credit Sewer: SEWER - COM/MONTHLY Consumption Sewer: SEWER - COM/MONTHLY Sewer: SW DISCHRG FEE - COM MONTHLY 2% Consumption Sewer: SW DISCHRG FEE - COM MONTHLY 2% Total Current Charges: Bill Summary Previous Balance: Payments Received: Adjustments: Current Charges: * Total Amount Due by: 9/1/2018 * This was the amount due at the time of billing. 007256-006 MONTICELLO EDA (213-46301) 112 RIVER ST W 7/1/2018 to 7/31/2018 (31 days) 8/6/2018 9/1/2018 Current Reading Date Reading 8/1/2018 21896 To view your amount due at the current time and make a payment click here. � Cons 468 $0.00 $0.00 $6.95 ($1.00) ($0.50) $0.00 $8.75 $0.00 $0.18 $14.38 $14.38 $14.38 $0.00 $14.38 $14.38 Auto payment is setup for this customer account, do not pay. �1eTl�OT 'i'_ �; � r � _ 7 ? � --�.G' (� �,+' .€ L�l . Date of �'ransaction V � � � � CfTY OF MONTICEL�O City Hali Card Transaction Please attach the in�oice/receipt and any ather available documentatiQn to this form. To be completed by purchaser: r' �-7 Amaunt $ ! `� . � � Circle purchaser name: Julie Cheney Tracy Ergen Vicki Leerhaff Matt Lear�ard Rachel Leonard 1eff O'6Veili � Wayne Oberg . 5arah Rath�isberger Jennifer Schreiber Angela S�humann Jim Thares lacob Thunar�der ''J. � ��'- Date app oved. Special Project # or Description � \�✓� �iy�1 L�Iiv�"�, LGi. �'L"L �1 �`,Y i�� 'v�+ � L��ti� �.�. �'b�lrt is'I�i �}� �4� vi�:�l ti.t�l,:�'Sj� „��� �1,�, ;"�ti.� c �,��,�� Circle department code: 101-41110 101-413�0 101-4 �41� 101-41520 103.-418Q0 101-41910 101-41920 101-Q1940 � - 50 213-46301 Cirele expens� tode: 421990 431950 431990 432200 0 443300 443990 Other ��'{ ����.�ti�' City Council Admini5tration City Clerk Finance H�rnan Resources Pfar�ning and Zoning Data Processing City Hall Economic Deveiopment HRA General Operating Supplies Newsletter Serviees Miscellaneous ProfServices Postage Tra�el/Training Expense Dues Membershi� & Subscrip Licenses and Permits Misc. Other Exp+ense � � � � q 1� r�s Wayne OUer�, thanlc you tor your order. - Rachel Leonard 17ttps://3nontiniail.ci.ri�ontice][a.mn.us/awa/#viewmodel=ReadMessate... Wayne Oberg, thank you for your order. GoDaddy <donotreply@godaddy.com> FF� a�za�za7 $ s:3o ,ann ro:Certifications <cert@Ci.monticello.mn.us>, Order number 1357$Q0562 Fs comp9ete. Open this email to re�iew your receipt and collect a special discount 25% of( your next order of $1.00 or more." 2417 Su or#: +1 480 505-8877 Wayne Oberg — Customer Number: 166677188 Set m Su ort Plf� Gobaddv Thanks for your order, Wayne. Here's your confirmation for order number 135780�?562. Review your rec�ipt and get started using your products. Access All Products �?rder fVumber: 1357800562 Product Quant�ty .COM Domain Renewal 9 Domain buildinqbusin...onticello.com Manage Subtotal: Tax: 1 of 3 Term Price 1 Year $'i 5.17 $15.17 $O.flO 8;?4;'2018. 8:34 AM Vendor Date of Transaction � ��� �� CITY OF MONTICELLQ City Hall Card Transaction Please attach the invoice/receipt and any other available d�ocum�ntatian to this form. Ta be completed by purchaser: Amaunt $ � �-1 .�� I Circle purchaser name: 7racy E�e_n _ �c�Ci Leerhaf�� ac e eonard Jeff 0'Neifl Wayne Oberg Sarah Rathlisberger Jennifer Schreiber Angela Schumann Jim Thares Jacob Thunander Employee 5ignat �' 5upe+visor S , 3� , Date approved Special Project # ar Description Cirrle department code: 101-41110 City Council �.01-41310 Acfministration 101-41410 Elections 101-415�0 Finance 101-41800 Human Resaurces 101-41910 Planning and ZnnFng 10�-41920 Data Pracessing �01-41940 �3-455{�.� Economit aeveEoprr�nt—� 21 463� --�q---__ _..� —__��' Circle expense code: 421990 General �perating Su�plies 43195fl Newsietter 5ervices 431994 Miscellaneous Prof Services 43220Q Pastage 433100 7raueE/Training Expense 443300 Dues Membership & Subscrip 44370p __ ___ _______ _ _Licenses and Permits __ _ _ 44399fl ` Misc. Other Expens i� Other r� 3 , ��.[ S �. ����� Il � �' '��) !1 IL���II�II ��III��� 1'I��� � �II � .. i' ( I��"' I� li �1, � �'� f,,�.�� �� ,,,,�..�� ]'� l�`1. ,� � , � � �. ll�l���;�l�l;l���i��'i ��,'�! ., rt I,r'� ;4 AF'�t u c,c:� E'ir..�i�� i . i� � ll �I� •� �::�i: ��� r[,�"fi ,:ll;:.:..! �r�. `j':i(1�.�i `.•.',,; �,�-_E. ,il I � ,.�(: �..1' : f�kcd'i: _ _ � . � f:C-� : -; �_ �'�: �.-ir Cf;'.:i�,��l,' ,_,. ���";'��v:'..v i i';�.�i�-)�...�E.. t- ; Ff2'J.[1 ( ,�`.' �:IF ��Ia��a:!3;<;L 12,�#y F ' �4�.���'..���':�I� 11r;1 Cl1l)',JIT1 I!t i_`.-� �1 I i�lI:! 27�-fL,i �i.�i� � �1.� I.l�i:y'�.YI I��.i.l��.�/ �1�.Y"1'�.�.!-.�.[�.�� �i.��l F'� I. �la� �\.I T I�,�_ �.�i .�] I I}Tr"<< f 0;1 .E)' T �:)..,..f�,q�. L��u . <;�7 i�,�� �il�Psi;�lE��.l�; 1�.�i it >Ct N I(!1 r; i;�; ii �I't) 7;.�yr. >F��71. ;.0��: '��';���f��l:;, is I,E: ti {# :;'. i :; ��.I �,I i :�-li� 1'�1C;E. h,It'i"IL�E � ��`f� 11 �_`I�, [!1 ,�D C�:�t:si _._, 1 �:�r��7. 1�� 5t�are: � � � �: ��8 : OE� � i"� � i., u�: ,� :r..i �I'� �� •:.I :� ��.,_� � i r � rtt C�i.il � f=:r`�ds 3?Ci::if. �C.>_.}i ?vlfE:l 4�'_ilLi� �.=t' �"I EI"it+"i =�rr;,� 1 1 � `�dil.1 t.'Si�ICI '1Fl ��:1�..�1'�f�.i� {�Ib' ..aV� I�;E^��Ja—��<; H:;I ���=��.' f,.i_�1 ::li �.cr_��i�it�. .:.:,,s� :�y :�G ��,�� ,; �;,i 1 �� � �<<��eh t i mc: ;rs; i.a t:i� �::.:iir��.� I �:i t��: '� 1( �C� i� ����.�al i f�, i i,�;�i �:a��- ��1,t:�e-e��, . Fu�- �.iet��� 4s., �+�� ��-t �_ �.a�'� . c ���� i ��o ��r r �� r�N :�a~�;:Is� EDA Agenda — 10/ 10/ 18 5. Consideration of approving Funding for Arts Program Initiative in the amount of $15,000 and Comprehensive Plan Update Phase One in the amount of $10,000 from the 2019 EDA Budget (JT, AS, WO) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: This item is to request the EDA consider participating in funding two of the City's 2019 work -program initiatives. The initiatives are: #1) the Art's Program and, #2) the Comprehensive Plan Update Phase One. The EDA is being asked to consider funding the Arts program in the amount of $15,000 or 50 percent of the total proposed cost of $30,000 in conjunction with the City Council (General Fund). During the first 9 months of 2018, the Arts Program has been a contributing factor in raising the vibrancy and profile of the downtown. The activities that the Program has sponsored and/or participated in include: Walk n' Roll, Riverfest Party in the Park, Riverfest Parade, Shimmer Wall - creation and unveiling, Banner Poster Contest, and Music on the Mississippi events. The Arts Program consultant has also provided input into the EDA's Facade Grant Program discussion and also offered ideas to businesses at the Downtown Round meetings. The swan sculpture completed and placed at the corner of MNTH 25 and Broadway in 2017 was coordinated by and the artistic creation of the consultant. The second funding initiative is related to completing the first phase of the Comprehensive Plan update. As the EDA is aware, a Comprehensive Plan is the guiding document for a City's growth and development, providing strategic and policy direction for the City. The Comprehensive Plan for Monticello was last updated in 2006-2008. Cities typically update their plans every ten years, and more importantly, as changes occur - in land use, transportation or the broader community, it requires the City to evaluate future goals for growth and development. Given changes in the northwest area of the City (Silver Springs and Bertram), as well as the need to plan for additional industrial development and residential growth, there is a definite need to update Monticello's plan. City staff would like to complete the Comprehensive Plan update over a two -to three-year period. The first phase would occur primarily in 2019. The first phase is proposed as a strategic planning and visioning component to help the City identify the major challenges and opportunities which will impact the community over the next 20 years (possible Xcel Nuclear Generating Plant transition, location of a new interchange and river crossing, etc.) The goal will be to identify these items and develop a strategic approach to inform the balance of the Comprehensive Plan. The total cost of the first phase is estimated at $45,000. Phase two of the Comprehensive Plan work will include more traditional components such as Land Use, Transportation, Parks & Trails, and Economic Development, and would be completed in 2020 and 2021. While the Comprehensive Plan covers the entire City, it also includes a chapter on Economic Development as a focus of future visioning and development goals. In both components of the planning process, EDA participation is highly recommended. EDA Agenda — 10/ 10/ 18 With that background, the EDA is being asked to consider a $10,000 cost share (22.3 percent) for the strategic planning component of the Comprehensive Plan update. If the EDA approves the funding proposal, this too would mean a new line item within the EDA General Fund designated for Comprehensive Plan expenses. If the EDA chooses to fund either of these initiative in 2019, it will not increase the overall budget, but rather will mean a reallocation of dollars within the existing line items. Specifically, staff proposes that the Redevelopment Activities line item be decreased by the amount of the funding approved by the EDA not to exceed a total of $25,000. Al. STAFF IMPACT: The staff impact due to presenting consideration of funding the two cost -share initiatives to the EDA is estimated to be approximately 7 hours (includes time during the EDA meetings). Staff involved in the discussion and preparation of the report includes: Community Development Director, Economic Development Manager, Finance Director, Parks Director and City Administrator. A2. BUDGET IMPACT: The 2019 budget that was adopted by the EDA at the August 8t', 2018 meeting sets the total expenditures at $350,498 (see attached budget). The proposed funding of the arts programing and the comprehensive plan would not increase the budget. It would instead reallocate the funds within the existing line items with the Redevelopment Activities line (land acquisitions, demolition, environmental mitigation) being decreased by the amount of funding for the two initiatives that is approved by the EDA, not to exceed $25,000. This means there is a potential for the Redevelopment Activities line item to drop to $123,250 from its previously approved amount of $148,250. The cost of presenting the two cost -share initiatives to the EDA for review and approval is minimal. The 2019 EDA General Fund Budget will be adjusted as noted above if the EDA approves a portion or all of the proposed funding cost shares. In December, the City Council will consider the final proposed 2019 HRA levy of $348,000. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: Decision 1 1. Motion to approve 2019 funding for the Arts Program initiative in the amount of $15,000. 2. Motion to approve 2019 funding for the Arts Program initiative in an amount determined by the EDA. 3. Motion to deny 2019 funding for the Arts Program initiative 4. Motion to table consideration of 2019 funding for the Arts Program initiative for further research and/or discussion. Decision 2 1. Motion to approve 2019 funding for the Comprehensive Plan Update Phase One in EDA Agenda — 10/ 10/ 18 the amount of $10,000. 2. Motion to approve 2019 funding for the Comprehensive Plan Update Phase One in an amount determined by the EDA. 3. Motion to deny 2019 funding for the Comprehensive Plan. 4. Motion to table consideration of 2019 funding for the Comprehensive Plan for further research and/or discussion. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Decision 1 - Staff recommends Alternative #1 wherein the EDA would approve 2019 funding for the Arts Program initiative in the amount of $15,000. Decision 2 — Staff recommends Alternative #1 wherein the EDA would approve 2019 funding for the Comprehensive Plan Update Phase One in the amount of $10,000. If the EDA approves funding of the two initiatives, it would mean that the line items in the 2019 Budget approved by the EDA at the regular August 8, 2018 meeting would be reallocated. Depending on the EDA's action, the Redevelopment Activities line item could be lowered by $25,000 to $123,250. D. SUPPORTING DATA: A. Adopted 2019 EDA Budget B. Information - Arts Impact on Economic Development C. Excerpt, Comprehensive Plan Presentation to City Council 2019 Budget Draft EXPENDITURES: 5-29-2018 SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS SPECIAL REVENUE FUND _ EDA (Consolidated) EXPENDITURES _ 2015 2016 i 2017 _ 2018 ACTUAL ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET 2018 PROJECTED 2019 % BUDGET CHANGE _ 213-46301-410100 213-46301-410200 -46301-411100 213-46301-412100 213-46301-412200 SALARIES FULL TIME - REG $ 7,173 $ SALARIES, FULL TIME - OT 363 SEVERANCE PAY _ PERA CONTRIBUTIONS _ �_ 565 FICA CONTRIBUTIONS 545 50,622 26 262 3,771 3,756 $ 75,652 $ 80,351 $ 80,351 $ 85,796 32 - - - 5,676 6,026 6,026 6,435 5,603 6,147 6,147 6,563 6.78% 6.790% 6.77% 213-46301-413100 HEALTH/DENTAULIFE INSURAN 1,899 10,440 _ 17,033 17,506 _ 17,506 18,111 3.46% 213-46301-415100 Workers Compensation Insurance 80 _ 378 640 640 683 6.720/o _ 213-46301-421990 GENERAL OPERATING SUPPLIES 65 81 79 100 100 100 0.00% _ _ 213-46301-430300 PROF SRV - ENGINEERING FEE - 2,737 3,063 2,000 2,000 2,000 0.00% 213-46301-430400 PROF SRV - LEGAL FEES 9,130 25,322 15,247 11,000 11,000 14,000 27.27% 213-46301-430910 PROF SRV - Market Matching 48,000 - - 9,000 9,000 9,300 3.33%_ _ 213-46301-431990 MISC PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 49,150 56,597 82,708 22,000 22,000 18,000 -18.18%_ 213-46301-432100 Telephone 585 780 1- 213-46301-432150 213-46301-432400 IT Services DELIVERY MAIL SERVICE (UPS _ _ 1,416 _ 10 1,409 345 3,2121 10 3,486 150 3,486 150 3,486 200 33.33% _ _ _ 213-46301-433100 Travel/Training Expense - 709 2,033 1,600 1,600 1,700 6.25% _ 213-46301-434990 ADVERTISING _ 5,650 2,500 250 20,000 20,000 21,750 8.75% _ 213-46301-435100 LEGAL NOTICE PUBLICATION 5,360 311 72 600 600 650 8.33% _ 213-46301-436100 Insurance - Liability/Property/Vehicle 1,937 1,867 1,824 974 974 974 _ 213-46301-437100 PROPERTY TAXES _ 1,356 1,318 2,786 1,300 1,300 1,300 0.00% 213-46301-443300 DUES, MEMBERSHIP & SUBSCRI 4,696 4,846 5,763 9,500 9,500 9,700 2.11% 213-46301-461500 REDEVELOPMENT ACTIVITIES - - - 14_4,000 144,000 148,250 -2.95---- 213-46301-443990 213-46301-451010 213-46301-472030 MISC OTHER EXPENSE LAND (or value adjusted) -IMPROVEMENTS IMPROVEMENTS TRANSFER OUT - TRUNK FEES 11,072 _ 732,900 -! - 3,585 96,100 - 111,618 _ _ - -TT 2,620 _ - 2,620_ -213-46301-453010 1,500 -42.75% 1 v 1 rrL IZAr-MMU! 1 UMM lz� 00 I'Zo I [b 339,00() $ 3` 2019 Budget Draft REVENUES: 5-29 7 7 7 EDA Consolidated SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS 2015 2016 2017 2018 2018 2019 % ACCOUNT NUMBER 'REVENUES ACTUAL ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET PROJECTED BUDGET CHANGE 213-00000-310110 WWRRENT AD VALORE $ - $ 279,421 $ 279,567 $ 323,000 $ 323,000 $ 348,000 7.7% 213-00000-310210 DELINQUENT AD VALOREM TAX - - 600 - - _ _-- 213-00000-310310 Mobile Home tax 428 213-00000-347110 Rental of City Property 90L 1,250 1,000 1,000 _ 1,100 1,100 500 -54.5% 213-46506-31_0500 TIF #6 - RAINDANCE (decertified_) --- 213-46519-310500 TIF #19 - MISSISSIPPI SHORES 21,222 30,972 _ 31,693 31,334 31,334 31,334 0.0% 213-46520-310500 TIF #20 - PRAIRIE WEST 17,173 17,592 18,074 17,967 17,967 - -10_0.0% 213-46522-310500 TIF #22 - CCD/DOWNTOWN 2_89,299 281,330 264,228 262,214 262,214 262,214 0.0% 213-46522-347110 Rental of City Property _ __ - - - _ ___ 213-46524-310500 _ TIF #24 - ST BEN'S CENTER 39,494 1 _ 41,634 42,782 42,782 42,782_ 42,782 0.0% 213-46529-310500 TIF #29 - FRONT PORCH 20,480 22,590 24,242 25,032 25,032 ! 25,032 0.0% 213-46530-310500 TIF #30 - CMHP 8,801 9,120 10,032 10,032 10,032 10,032 0.0% 213-46534-310500 TIF #34 -194 INTERCHANGE _214,364 208,243 203,857 203,862 203,862 20_3,862 0.0% 213-46536-310500 TIF #36 - DAHLHEIMER DIST 58,241 - - - _ --- 213-46537-310500 TIF #37 - KARLSBURGER FOODS - 213-46538-310500 TIF #38 - WALKER IN-STORE 11,757_ 11,421 10,668 - - - --- 213-46539-310500 TIF #39 - Suburban 46,786 45,450 42,455 42,455 42,455 42,4.55 0.0% 213-00000-319100 PENALTIES & INT - TAX - - - - 213-00000-334020 Intergovernmental _ 11,875 _ - 213-00000-362110 INTEREST EARNINGS - Gen EDA 17,140 20,454 27,396 14,900 14,900 12,500 -16.1% 213-00000-362110 INTEREST EARNINGS - CMEF 15,625 15,544 15,844 15,000 15,000 15,000 0.0% 2_13-00000-362110 INTEREST EARNINGS -TIF 19,267 _ 24,_530 26,772 19,000 19,000 10,000 -47.4% 213-00000-362400 SALE OF PROPERTY j - _ _ ___ 213-00000-362990 OTHER MISCELLANEOUS REV _ 624 - _ 338 899 122,125 - - - --- 213-46626-362150 INT EARNINGS - HOGLUND #026 - - - -- 213-46627-362150 INT EARNINGS - PET HOSPITAL #027 213-46500-362200 TIF Intrafund LOAN REPAYMENT - PR 114,918 49,397 46,238 46,238 - -100.0% 213-46500-362220 TIF Intrafund LOAN REPAYMENT - IN- 28,921 20,525 18,814 19,012 19,012 - -100.0% 213-00000-392000 TRANSFERS FROM OTHER FDS 94,900 - TAL REVENUES $ 1,032,1371W 1,418,122 $ 1,140,577 $ 1,073,928 $ 1,073,928 $ 1,003,711 REGION 7W: CENTRAL MN ARTS BOARD Counties: Benton, Sherburne, Stearns, Wright THE ANNUAL ECONOMIC IMPACT OF ARTISTS & NONPROFIT ARTS & CULTURE ORGANIZATIONS IN THIS REGION IS NEARLY $46 MILLION: ARTISTS & CREATIVE WORKERS SPENDING BY FULL-TIME ARTISTS AND CREATIVE WORKERS IN REGION NONPROFIT ARTS &CULTURE �% �� ORGANIZATIONS L Ll TOTAL SPENT BY $12'8®2'360 NONPRLTUEFITARTSORGANzaTioNs $10,183,436 SPENDING BY PART-TIME TOTAL SPENT BY ARTS AND ARTISTS AND CREATIVE $8,842,132 CULTURE ATTENDEES $13,9769164 WORKERS IN REGION $112.30: economic impact per capita in this region ARTISTS AND CREATIVE WORKERS: Includes creative workers employed full or part time by others, as well as the self employed. Does not include student, retired, or hobbyist artists. 82% OF THIS VOLUNTEER COMPARED O: 25% OF ALL AMERICANS 3500 OF ALL MINNESOTANS TOP 3 CREATIVE JOBS: NUMBER OF CREATIVE JOBS 23 PER 1,OOU JOBS IN THIS AREA PHOTOGRAPHER GRAPHIC DESIGNER SINGER (Total regional population is 407,864 of whom 211,913 are employed) PARTICIPATING NONPROFIT BY DISCIPLINE ARTS AND CULTURE ORGANIZATIONS: BY BUDGET SIZE There was an overall increase of 25 participating organizations since the last study in 2015, which accounts for some of the new audience. ATTENDANCE creativeMN.org Creative Minnesota 2017 REGION 7W: CENTRAL MN ARTS BOARD Counties: Benton, Sherburne, Stearns, Wright STATE AND LOCAL GOVERNMENT REVENUES: T.1 I I I I I FIT COMPARISONS TO OTHER MINNESOTA REGIONS The third largest region by population, this region is also third just 2 percent. Other good news is that Stearns county has in total artists and creative workers, and has the second the 14th highest average creative worker wage in the state at highest coverage of artists with retirement plans among the $19.43/hour, and Sherburne county comes in at 18th with eleven arts regions 82%. It also ties with two other regions for $19.29/hour, with Wright county at 25th at $19.09/hour, the lowest percentage of artists with no health insurance at compared to the other 87 Minnesota counties. ORGANIZATIONS PARTICIPATING IN BOTH 2015 AND 2017 STUDY Buffalo Community Orchestra, Buffalo Community Theater, Central Minnesota Arts Board, Chamber Music Society of St. Cloud, City of St. Cloud, Cokato Historical Society, College of St Benedict Fine Arts Programming, Command Performance Choirs, Delano Arts Council, Elk River Area Arts Alliance, Elk River Community Theatre, Granite City Folk Society, Great Northern Theatre Company, Great River Chorale, Great River Educational Arts Theatre, Lake Sylvia Flute Institute, Land of Lakes Choirboys of Minnesota, Millstream Arts Festival, Minnesota Center Chorale, Minnesota Dance Ensemble, Monticello Strings, Munsinger Clemens Botanical Society, Paramount Arts Resource Trust, Paynesville Area Community Theater, Pioneer Place Theatre Company, Sherburne County Historical Society, Sinclair Lewis Foundation, St. Cloud Downtown Alliance Foundation, St. Cloud Municipal Band, St. Cloud Symphony Orchestra, St. John's University Fine Arts Programming, The St. Cloud Area All Star Jazz Band, United Arts of Central Minnesota, Wirth Center for the Performing Arts, Wright County Historical Society, Wright Ringers Community Handbell Ensemble, Youth Chorale of Central Minnesota, Youth Theatre Workshop ORGANIZATIONS NEW IN 2017 728 Cadets Marching Arts, Benton County Historical Society, Buffalo Art Guild, Buffalo Rotary Foundation, Buffalo -Hanover -Montrose Early Childhood Family Ed., Central Minnesota Youth Orchestra, City of Howard Lake/History Project, City of Rockford/History Project, City of Sartell, Community Legacies, Dassel- Cokato Community Education, Dassel-Cokato Community Theater, Downtown St. Cloud Art Crawl Collaborative, Great River Regional Library Arts Programming, Hillside Adult Education, Howard Lake-Waverly-Winsted Community Education, Inaccurate Vernacular, Kimball Community Playhouse, KVSC- FM St Cloud State University, Legacy Foundation of Big Lake, Mississippi Strings Camp, North Ballet Youth Company, North East Wilson Park Neighborhood Association, NorthStar Family Theatre, Pinecone Central Park Association - Arts Programs, Rockford Area Historical Society, Rooftop Theatre, Saint Cloud Arts Commission, Saint Cloud Film Festival, Saint Cloud Rotary Club's Summertime by George, Saint Cloud State University, Saint Cloud State University/ History Project, Saint John's Boys' Choir, Sauk Centre Arts Council, SOAR Regional Arts, Stearns County Historical Society, Visual Arts Minnesota, WACOSA, Wicked Sister Dance, Women's Writing Program of Advisory Task Force on the Women and Juvenile Female Offender in Corrections ORGANIZATIONS IN 2015 ONLY City of Elk River, City of Otsego, Cold Spring Area Maennerchor, Dassel-Cokato Arts Association, Kimball Community Education, Mother of Mercy Campus of Care, Sauk Centre Area Historical Society, Two Rivers Community Theatre Find much more at: creative * Minnesota Citizens for the Arts creativemn.orgC1V1C1B MCA 661 LaSalle Street #220 MINNESOTA St. Paul, MN 55114 c �«� nan n , e<,: "' CITZNSknrKARTS 651-251-0868 artsMN.org staff@artsMN.org SAINT CLOUD CENTRAL MINNESOTAARTS BOARD This city benefits from over $12.4 million dollars in economic impact from the nonprofit arts and culture. IMPACT ON ECONOMY AND EMPLOYMENT TOTAL DIRECT EXPENDITURES BY ORGANIZATIONS $5,345,355 + STATE GOVERNMENT REVENUES: $1,043,000 EMPLOYMENT TOTAL ARTS AND CULTURE RELATED SPENDING BY AUDIENCES $7,088,986 = TOTAL ECONOMIC IMPACT $1254343341 + LOCAL GOVERNMENT = TOTAL GOVERNMENT REVENUES: $250,000 REVENUES: $1.3 MILLION FTE jobs supported: 338 Resident household income generated by arts and culture sector: $7,750,000 VOLUNTEERS Of 4 participating Organizations in CDP itW Total number of volunteers: 487 Total volunteer hours: 5,191 Estimated aggregate value of volunteer time at $22.55/hour: $117,057 TOTAL AUDIENCE: 327,947 PEOPLE ANNUALLY Over 45% of attendees have an Annual Household Education range of attendees: Income of under $60,000: High school or less Less than $60,000 2 or 4 year college degree $60,000 Masters or doctoral degree $100,0000 oor r 99 /° more 18.8% Non -local attendees to arts and cultural events in this region spend 14% more than local attendees. LOCAL 74.2% of this region's audiences are local NON -LOCAL 25.8% of this region's attendees are non -local (attending event in same region where they live) who are (attending event in a region where they do not live) who are spending spending an average of $20.85 above the cost of their ticket. an average of $23.82 per person. 66.7% of non-resident survey respondents reported that the primary reason for their trip was "specifically to attend this arts/cultural event," bringing dollars to the region that would not have otherwise been spent here. Number of participating arts and culture organizations = Participating organizations by BUDGET SIZE Participating organizations by DISCIPLINE $1M -5M: 2. 8% $100K-25OK: 6 •24% Performing Arts: 14 Arts Multi-purpose: 2 $250K -1M: 2 • 8% Under $100K: 15.60% Literary Arts: 1 Humanities: 1 Media and Communications: 0 History and Historical Preservation: 0 Visual Arts/Architecture: 2 For more information, please visit creativeMN.org. Other: 5 creat■ ive The Impact and Health of the Nonprofit Arts and Culture Sector in ST. CLOUD, MN Released: October, 2015 Local Economic Impact: $12.4M City's 2010 Population: 65,842 Arts and Culture Economic Impact Per Capita: $189 Participating Arts and Culture Organizations: Saint Cloud Downtown Council, Stearns History Museum, Wirth Center for the Performing Arts, Chamber Music Society of St. Cloud, Pioneer Place Theatre Company, St. Cloud Downtown Alliance Foundation, St. Cloud Municipal Band, Visual Arts Minnesota, Great River Regional Library Arts Programming, Creative Minnesota As the most comprehensive report ever done of the creative sector, Creative Minnesota is a new effort to fill the gaps in available information about Minnesota's cultural field and to improve our understanding of its importance to our quality of life and economy. It kicks off a new centralized, concentrated and long term endeavor to collect and report data on the creative sector every two years for analysis, education and advocacy. Our first Creative Minnesota report, released in 2015, is a snapshot of the health and impacts of nonprofit arts and culture organizations in 2013 and looks at their spending and their audiences as well as other indicators of the sector's health and impact on the economy. It leverages new in-depth research made possible by Minnesota's participation in the Cultural Data Project (culturaldata.org). The 29 state, regional and local studies done to date show substantial economic impact from the arts and culture in every corner of the state, from the Arrowhead to the plains of Southwest Minnesota and from the Red River Valley to the river lands of the Southeast. Downtown St. Cloud Art Crawls, St. Cloud Rotary Club's Summertime by George, Mississippi String Camp, and Youth Chorale of Central Minnesota Local Sponsors: United Arts of Central Minnesota, Central Minnesota Arts Board, GREAT Theatre, and St. Cloud Arts Commission Creative Minnesota was developed by a collaborative of arts and culture funders in partnership with Minnesota Citizens for the Arts (MCA). The Creative Minnesota team includes Minnesota Citizens for the Arts, The McKnight Foundation, the Minnesota State Arts Board, the Forum of Regional Arts Councils of Minnesota, Target, the Bush Foundation, Mardag Foundation, and Jerome Foundation with in-kind support from the Minnesota Historical Society and others. We hope that arts advocates, legislators, local government officials and arts and cultural organizations will use this report to find new ways to improve their lives and economies with arts and culture. Find more at: credLivemn.org Eaecr�ve l�'�.erXoz esota Citizens for the Arts I w.mncitizeri.,„, Lnearts.orq I L,_„4Citizen I - A-251-1,_ - - EDA: 10/10/18 6. Consideration of Approving Marketing Signs Fabrication Quote for Otter Creek Business Park and Block 52 (JT) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: This item is a request to consider approving the marketing signs fabrication quote for Otter Creek Business Park and Block 52 in the downtown. Three quotes were solicited and two quotes were received for fabricating the new signs. Mustang Graphics provided quotes with three different media while Affordable Signs quoted the most efficient material for the sign structures, Alumacore. The quotes are shown below: Mustang Graphics, St. Cloud, MN Block 52 - 12' x 71" Alumacore: $974.00 x 2 = $1,948.00 Bebond: $655.00 x 2 = $1,310.00 Polycarb: $836.00 x 2 = $1,672.00 Otter Creek Business Park - 12' x 8' Alumacore: $994.00 Bebond: $675.00 Polycarb: $856.00 Total quote with delivery charge added = $3,007 Affordable Sign, St. Cloud, MN Block 52 —12' x 71" Alumacore: $1,000 x 2 = $2,000 Otter Creek Business Park 12' x 8' Alumacore: $1,198.00 Total quote (includes delivery) = $3,198.00 Al. STAFF IMPACT: The staff impact due to gathering and presenting the sign fabrication quotes is modest. Community Development Department staff contacted the sign companies for quotes and prepared the staff report for EDA consideration. A2. BUDGET IMPACT: The impact to the EDA's budget will be a total of $3,007.00 (presuming the best quality sign is selected) which includes delivery charges of $65.00. EDA: 10/10/18 Funding is still available in the 2018 Marketing line item to cover the fabrication costs. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Motion to approve the fabrication quote for the marketing signs at Otter Creek Business Park and Block 52 from Mustang Graphics in the amount of $3,007 including delivery. 2. Motion to deny approval of the fabrication quote for the marketing signs at Otter Creek Business Park and Block 52. 3. Motion to table consideration of approval of fabrication quote for the marketing signs for Otter Creek Business Park and Block 52 C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends that the EDA select the lowest quote for fabricating the complete set of signs. Mustang Graphics provided the low quote and will deliver the signs to Monticello. The Public Works Department will install the signs. Installing the signs will help in the marketing efforts of EDA owned property. D. SUPPORTING DATA: a. Mustang Graphics Quote — Email format b. Affordable Signs Quote 2 Jacob Thunander From: Roxanne <roxanne@mustangsignsmn.com> Sent: Monday, October 1, 2018 4:15 PM To: Jacob Thunander Subject: Re: Signage 12'x71" sign • Alumacore: $974.00 • Bebond: $655.00 • Polycarb: $836.00 Thanks, Roxanne Mustang Signs & Graphics 320-202-9607 1539 Hwy 23 NE St Cloud MN 56304 On Oct 1, 2018, at 1:50 PM, Jacob Thunander <Jacob. Thunanderkci.monticello.mn.us> wrote: Hi Roxanne, My apologies but our measurements of the "Block 52" sign were off by about a foot. The width of the sign should be 71 inches instead of 7 feet. Does that change the quote any? If so, could you please send me a revised quote? Thank you, Jacob Thunander Community and Economic Development Assistant City of Monticello www.ci.monticello.mn.us 763-271-32o6 Email correspondence to and from the City of Monticello government office is subject to the Minnesota Government Data Practices Act and may be disclosed to third parties. From: Roxanne [mailto:roxanne@mustangsignsmn.com] Sent: Monday, September 24, 2018 12:02 PM To: Jacob Thunander <Jacob.Thunander@ci.monticello.mn.us> Subject: Re: Signage Follow up I have 3 media options for you. 1 1. Alumacore: 2 sheets of aluminum sandwiching a corrugated plastic core (sturdiest material) 2. Bebond: 2 sheets of aluminum sandwiching a plastic core (not as sturdy as alumacore but if you are installing the signs flat onto wood this will save you money and you don't need alumacore) 3. Polycarb: we could make the signs in 1 piece rather then in panels, This would be very heavy to work with. Pricing below does not include tax but we will need an ST -3 form for tax exemption. We will also need a print ready file for the 7x13' sign, If you could outline the font and send a PDF like you did with the other sign that would work. 13'x7' sign with contour cut top (2 single sided signs priced per each:) • Alumacore: $1,145.00 • Bebond: $790.00 • Polycarb: $990.00 12'x8' sign • Alumacore: $994.00 • Bebond: $675.00 • Polycarb: $856.00 Delivery • Alumacore: $65.00 • Bebond: $65.00 • Polycarb: $120.00 Thanks, Roxanne Mustang Signs & Graphics 320-202-9607 1539 Hwy 23 NE St Cloud MN 56304 On Sep 24, 2018, at 8:56 AM, Jacob Thunander <Jacob. Thunanderkci.monticello.mn.us> wrote: Thank you! Jacob Thunander Community and Economic Development Assistant City of Monticello www.ci.monticello.mn.us 763-271-3206 4 Email correspondence to and from the City of Monticello government office is subject to the Minnesota Government Data Practices Act and may be disclosed to third parties. From: Roxanne [mailto:roxanne@mustangsiensmn.com] Sent: Monday, September 24, 2018 8:53 AM To: Jacob Thunander <Jacob.Thunander@ci.monticello.mn.us> Subject: Re: Signage Follow up Jacob, I will get you the quote as soon as it is given back to me. There are not questions at this time. Thanks, Roxanne Mustang Signs & Graphics 320-202-9607 1539 Hwy 23 NE St Cloud MN 56304 On Sep 24, 2018, at 8:20 AM, Jacob Thunander <Jacob.Thunander(a ci.monticello.mn.us> wrote: Hi Roxanne, I just wanted to follow up on our request for quote for the signage we are looking to purchase. Please let me know if you have any questions. Jacob Thunander Community and Economic Development Assistant City of Monticello www.ci.monticello.mn.us 763-271-32o6 Email correspondence to and from the City of Monticello government office is subject to the Minnesota Government Data Practices Act and may be disclosed to third parties. From: Jacob Thunander Sent: Thursday, September 20, 2018 3:30 PM To: 'Roxanne' <roxanne@mustangsignsmn.com> Subject: RE: Signage Follow up Hi Roxanne, The first sign is 12 feet by 8 feet and one sided. It is attached — "Final Otter Creek Sign v4" The second sign is a flat silo shaped sign that is 13 feet by 7 feet - dimensions attached and artwork attached "Block 52 sale sign final" This sign need to be double sided. Please let me know if you have any questions. Thank you for your time in preparing the quote. Jacob Thunander Community and Economic Development Assistant City of Monticello www.ci.monticello.mn.us 763-271-3206 Email correspondence to and from the City of Monticello government office is subject to the Minnesota Government Data Practices Act and may be disclosed to third parties. From: Roxanne[mailto:roxanne@mustangsignsmn.com] Sent: Thursday, September 20, 2018 12:05 PM To: Jacob Thunander <Jacob.Thunander@ci.monticello.mn.us> Subject: Signage Follow up Hello Jacob, To recap what we talked about: you are looking for qty 2 single sided non lighted sign to be produced and delivered. You will be suppling the art. One of the sign frames has a rounded top to look like a silo so the top of this sign would also have to be rounded 1. 12' tall x 8' wide 2. 13' tall x 7' wide Delivered to: 909 Golf Course Rd, Monticello, NIN 55362 I will watch for the art and photo of the signs. Thanks, Roxanne Mustang Signs & Graphics 320-202-9607 1539 Hwy 23 NE St Cloud MN 56304 <Block52-sale-sign-final-7x13-o.jpg> til_ Cloncl& & :AIr�an<I ria e 71"'x13' 4 panels single sided durable rigid 6 mil. alumacore $1100 per side For Sal • Redevelopment Site • City Owned Parcels 763.271.3254 FINANCIAL INCENTIVES AVAILABLE! top view ALEXANDRIA 320-762-9933 ST_ CLOUD 320-774-3333 All designs 8 concepts are legal property of Affordable Sign Service until released. Designs altered or stolen will result in a $1000.00 fee plus court costs. 71"'x12' 3 panels single sided durable rigid 6 mil. alumacore AdN $1000.00 per side • Redevelopment Site • City Owned Parcels 763-271=3254 FINANCIAL INCENTIVES AVAILABLE! T top view Install on existing I -beams $720000 8'x12' Single sided 6 mile rigid alumacore (3- 4'x8' sheets) $1198. 00 (no stringers needed) INDUSTRIAL LAND FOR SALE CITY -OWNED LOTS NEGOTIABLE PRICE 763-271-3254 It 11 8'x 10' (2- 5'x8'sheets) single sided durable 3 mil, alum faced material $798.00 6 mil . (need stringers behind faces) Option 2: rigid alumacore (2.5- 4'x8' sheets) $998.00 (no stringers needed) INDUSTRIAL LAND FOR SALE CITY -OWNED LOTS NEGOTIABLE PRICE 763-271-3254 Install not included Tax, Permits & final elect. hook-up not included where applicable. A 3% processing fee will be added to all credit card payments Acceptance signature Date All material is guaranteed to be as specified, and the above work to be performed in accordance with the drawings and specs submitted for above work and completed in a substantial workman like manner with payments to be made as follows' Deposit 112 DOWN REMAINDER ON INSTALLATION Payment on completion. Payments over 30 days past final invoice date, subject to ALL collection costs & 1.5% monthly interest rate. "If not payed within 120 days, signs can be removed by Affordable Signs at customers expense plus original bill EDA: 10/10/18 7. Consideration of Authorizing painting of EDA Owned Building Located at 112 East Broadway (JT) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: This item is a request to consider approving repainting the entire west wall of the EDA owned building located at 112 East Broadway. The building, where the Shimmer Wall Art is mounted, is at the very visible intersection of MN TH #25 and Broadway. The idea to repaint the wall - to change the background tan color to a more integrated pale grey or blue color so it blends with the Shimmer Wall Art picture - was raised as an idea earlier this past summer in an EDA review and discussion of the Arts Program results and objectives. The City Arts Program Consultant has obtained sample color chips that will be available at the EDA meeting. The Shimmer Wall Art picture has created a vibe and positive spatial imprint regarding the creative arts in the community. It's possible that the Shimmer Wall will remain at the site for sometime and could be incorporated into new development that may occur at this location in the future. Al. STAFF IMPACT: There is minimal staff impact due to consideration of authorizing repainting the west wall of the building located at 112 East Broadway. The effort involves coordination of the Parks Department, Arts Consultant and Community Development Department staff. A2. BUDGET IMPACT: The cost to repaint the west wall of the building located at 112 East Broadway is estimated to be approximately $450.00 +/-. The EDA has funds in its budget to cover the costs A3. STRATEGIC PLAN IMPACT: The proposal to repaint the west wall of the building located at 112 East Broadway is related to Strategic Goal #1. "Create and Preserve Sustainable Living" by adding to the quality of life. The Shimmer Wall art beautifies a major intersection in the community and adds to the quality of life. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Motion to authorize repainting the west wall of the EDA owned building located at 112 East Broadway. 2. Motion to deny authorization to repaint the west wall of the EDA owned building located at 112 East Broadway. 3. Motion to table consideration of repainting the west wall of the EDA owned building located at 112 East Broadway. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommend Alternative #1. Repainting the west wall a color that blends with the Shimmer Art picture will enhance the art. The Arts Program Consultant and Parks EDA: 10/10/18 Department staff will take the lead in repainting efforts. Due to the onset of fall weather and the coming winter season, the repainting, if approved by the EDA, may not occur until spring 2019. D. SUPPORTING DATA: a. Photo of Shimmer Wall PA EDA Agenda: 10/10/18 8. Update on Downtown Monticello Project Efforts (AS) REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND To follow is an update on various projects occurring in the downtown area funded by the EDA or City Council. A similar update will appear in the upcoming City newsletter. In support of the Downtown Monticello Small Area Plan's goal to "Shift the center to Walnut & Broadway", the City has initiated the following: • Launched the Music on the Mississippi series, a summer concert series at West Bridge park. From June — August, three well-known local bands drew crowds into the downtown on a Thursday evening. The goal will be to increase the number of Music on the Mississippi events next summer. • Designed and distributed the new "Summer Happiness Guide" highlighting activities and events in the downtown, many of which occur along the Walnut and Broadway corridors. These great summer events included the brand new Music on the Mississippi concert series, Brewfest, Taste of the Towns and much more. • The Monticello Arts Initiative, as well as Community Development, Communications, and Public Works staff supported the City's first ever streetlight banner contest. The contest invited the community to submit art designs for the new banners, which will replace the existing streetlight banners along Pine, Broadway and Walnut Streets. Nine designs were selected to move forward and the new banners will be going up along the corridors before the end of the year. • The streetscape downtown will also see the painting of streetlights themselves, as well as the decorative bridge rail elements scattered along the corridor in Mississippi Bronze color. In addition to the new paint treatment, the streetlight fixtures along Broadway will be updated to match the lantern style along Walnut Street. • The City approved development of a Walnut Corridor Concept Plan. The plan focuses on Walnut Street from 5th Street (at the MCC) to River Street, and looks at the connection between Walnut and River Street. The plan provides recommendations for art space, pathway and sidewalk improvements, street improvements, and event space which respond directly to the investment and implementation strategies called out by the Downtown Small Area Plan. The plan can be implemented in phases as traffic (both pedestrian/cycle and vehicle) increases in the downtown, as reinvestment and redevelopment offer opportunities to make improvements, and as funding is available. The City Council and EDA held a workshop on the plan in summer 2018 and the Council held a follow-up workshop in September. The plan will be brought forward for acceptance in October or November, 2018. • In concert with the recommendations of the Walnut Corridor Plan and Small Area Plan, the proposed 2019 City budget includes funding for curb extensions at Walnut & Broadway, the realignment of the curb at the southeast corner of the EDA Agenda: 10/10/18 Walnut & Broadway intersection (to provide additional plaza space near the Cornerstone Cafe property), and completion of a pedestrian ramp from the Walnut Street parking lot to River Street with new crosswalk and sidewalk into West Bridge Park. Staff attended the Music on the Mississippi events over the summer, engaging participants on their ideas and suggestions for the area and gauging support for the proposal. To encourage reinvestment in downtown buildings, spur new economic growth, and keep existing business properties looking their best, the Economic Development Authority authorized a pilot Downtown Fagade Improvement Grant program in August. All property owners within the geographic focus area have expressed some level of interest in the program, with seven of the ten submitting letter of interest to date. Meeting between the property owners and the Cuningham group on design will occur in mid- to late October. The goal is to plan over the fall and winter months for spring construction projects. The Monticello City Council and Planning Commission have held two joint workshops for the purpose of input on development of the Central Community District ordinances, which are required to be amended to provide regulations in support of the Downtown Plan. It is anticipated that the ordinances will be presented for hearing at Planning Commission in November. The Planning Commission and City Council have made it clear in the workshops that they would like to see a parking accumulation and utilization study and better public parking signage to help address parking issues in the downtown. The Monticello Arts Initiative, buoyed by the efforts of City Arts Consultant Sue Seeger, was successful in securing a grant which resulted in the "Shimmer Wall" at the southeast corner of T25/CSAH 75, as well as the first-ever Creative City Celebration held on Walnut Street. Ms. Seeger has also been working to build relationships in the Monticello arts community, with local organizations, businesses, and schools. Her work has helped to drive the interest in the re -use of the Fred's Auto building for the Arts Initiative, and the display of student photography in the downtown businesses. Also initiated over the summer was the "Downtown Rounds" roundtable forum. The purpose of the Downtown Rounds is to encourage conversation amongst property owners and businesses in the downtown and help create a space for questions and answers regarding downtown activity, The first Round was held August 91h at Lucille Murray's School of Dance. There were almost 40 people in attendance, with great discussion on Art, Block 52 and other EDA properties downtown, and public improvement projects. September 20th's event was less well -attended, but participants provided valuable feedback regarding Block 52 redevelopment. In 2019, the plan will be to host these events quarterly. Staff also hopes to prepare a downtown news update that will summarize the Rounds and provide additional activity updates. EDA Agenda: 10/10/18 The EDA will note that many of these projects support other of the four main goals of the Small Area Plan: "Improve the Pine Street Experience for Everyone", "Make Small and Medium -Sized investments" and "Become a Rivertown Again". Staff will continue to work to bring to the EDA and City Council projects and initiatives consistent with the Downtown Small Area plan in the coming months. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS No action required. EDA Agenda: 10/10/18 9. Economic Development Report (JT) A. 103 Pine Street (Froslie Property) Relocation Expenses — Claims are still being processed so there is not yet a final tally. There are just a couple more claims expected to be submitted in the coming weeks and that will complete the current relocation costs. There is a chance that there could be additional eligible relocation expenses coming in the future since the files cannot be totally closed out for 18 months from the notice issuance. The total amount of the relocation claims to date is $218,321.93. B. FaVade Grant Improvement Program — Following an informational meeting held with Block 35 property owners, several letters of intent to participate have been received by staff. The next step is to arrange meetings with the architect and the property owners to discuss specific details of fagade improvements. C. Proposed Sign Grant Program — No action since the last EDA meeting. Focus has been on a successful launch of the Facade Grant Program and follow up meetings with business and property owners. Plan to bring Proposed Sign Grant Program to the EDA for consideration at an upcoming meeting. D. Bondhus Expansion Project Update — Bondhus is making progress on their expansion project. The attached pictures show re -siding of the north and west building faces are nearing completion. The building expansion component on the east end of the property along with grading adjustments and creation of a new curb cut and driveway accessing Broadway will be the next phase of construction activity. A crane is expected to set wall and second -level floor panels beginning about October 8, 2018. Mike Blackston, Bondhus, reports that they are also making good progress in their new hire goals (required to add 15 new FTE). Tom Washa, MN -DEED, the state agency which provided a Job Creation Grant of $175,300, will be conducting an on-site inspection of the project on or about October 25, 2018. Please see photos. E. I-94 West Corridor Coalition — St. Michael to Albertville Groudbreaking The date of the groundbreaking ceremony is Friday, October 12, 2018 at 10:00 a.m. The site of the event will at the Albertville Premium Outlet, 6415 Labeaux Avenue, NE, Albertville, MN 55301. Please see flyer. F. Manufacturers' Week Appreciation Breakfast Event Update — Follow up Conference in Hutchinson, MN on November 15, 2018. See attached flyer regarding Conference. G. Prospects — See attached A spread sheet with the active prospects is attached. H. Restaurant Recruitment Effort by Tangible Consulting Services — Attached is an update from Tom Leighton regarding efforts to reach out and recruit a restaurant for Block 52. L' Www r � ,- Np ,H CpRP�RA TIpN �i -, V ` k.. r; j h G� �'' TJ 6 +___ �_r�s�', i e +. � (. � .� - �.ti.. -�.. -. ..__.. ~-!.;� R' „' � ` r t y �t Ypr kaa _ !oip tLi y �t Ypr kaa _ !oip air'.. .. ,✓v _ _ _Tom,..,a - - NIIIVOIT- IA w .., .. VITT," _ sr - v - ..x _ r I� fn's. -_ T4f %•:. - -r _ _ - 'r. ' - .r •- - —..._ -. ITO air 6 -IA mA ... Ilw AII_ - Is IT MA jp Illlk �.. ..-M ,tIIi, _ O yj,, r94.-, t::wsS.,.,... '. ♦ ..:.:•,r.,. F - -r sy. _ •O^ �=` yN.» .I� y at IT I ,. r ...-.'Ill Imm'� ,.� AlIF �� .:. Yom. ,.., .' - Alk ,�?:� � x,.; '�. - 1 %? 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Various transportation leaders and elected officials will be speaking at the event. Food and beverages will be provided. An Education and Economics Skilled Workforce Conference aw Vk PATHS Innovative Approaches to Career Readiness WHOSHOULD ATTEND: School Administrators & Staff Educators Economic Development Professionals Chamber Professionals Business Leaders Elected Officials HOW TO REGISTER Register online http://bit. Iy/2018TigerPathConference Cost: FREE Pre -Registration is required to attend. �j Sponsored By: SOUTHWEST INITIATIVE FOUNDATION PATH ACADEMIES Discooerinry Talent, Deoeloping Skills, Building Careers The Forum • Hutchinson High School 1200 Roberts Rd SW • Hutchinson WHY YOU SHOULD ATTEND: Get information to persuade Be inspired Learn about successful programs Discover funding options Talk with experts Get questions answered Make contacts Start your action plan CONFERENCE SCHEDULE 9am Registration 9:30 Welcome The Demographic Realities How to build a student -run manufacturing business in your school 12pm Lunch is Provided Secrets of the TigerPath Initiative Workshop: Determining YOUR next steps Tour Center for Technical Excellence 3:15 Adjourn One community, one shared vision, one student at a time— building a brighter future. PROSPECT LIST 10/5/2018 Date of Contact Company Name Business Category Project Description Building -Facility Retained Jobs New Jobs Total Investment Project Status 11/12/2016 MN DEED Prospect Metal Mfg. Exist Facility+ Equip 65,000 sq. ft. 0 55-100 $2,500,000 Active Search 11/17/2016 Project Novus Precision Machining New Facility Constr. + Equip 105,000 sq. ft. 0 99-105 $10,000,000 Active Search 6/22/2017 Project #6580 Metal Mfg. New Facility Constr. 80,000 to 100,000 sq. ft. 0 80 $6,500,000 Active Search 6/26/2017 Project Basil Bio -Ag. New Facility Constr. + Equip 165,000 sq. ft. 0 77 $11,000,000 Active Search 10/4/2017 Project Shepherd Tool Mfg. Facility Expansion 18,000 sq. ft. 60 ? $1,350,000 Concept Stag 10/17/2017 Project Ted Equipment Mfg. New Equipment N/A 45 ? $650,000 Concept Stag 11/7/2017 Data Center #1 Data Center w LM New Construction + Equip. Bldg.? - Needs 15 ac. 0 ? ? Active Search 4/3/2018 Project Hawk-FBN Wholesale Dist Facil New Construction 35,000 sq. ft. 17 7 $3,905,000 Active Search 5/10/2018 Retail Prospect CW Retail New Construstion 4,500 sq. ft. 0 ? $1,750,000 Active Search 5/22/2018 Karlsburger Foods Food Products Mfg. Facilty Expansion 20,000 sq. ft. 49 3+/- $1,500,000 Concept Stag 7/3/2018 Project Synergy Office New Construction 15,000 to 20,000 sq. ft. 15 $3,000,000 Concept Stag 7/18/2018 Project Thunder Metal Mfg. ? ? 30+/- ? Concept Stag 7/30/2018 Project Saturn Plastic Products Mfg. New Construction 5,000 +/- sq. ft. 4+/- $830,000 Active Search 8/10/2018 Project Jupiter Metal Mfg. New Construction 5000 sq. ft. +/- 3 $800,000 Active Search 8/14/2018 Project Reindeer Mfg. New Construction 120,000 sq. ft. +/- ? $7,200,000 Active Search Site decision to occur by 11-15-2018 TANGIBLE Consulting Services City of Monticello - Signature Restaurant Search Memorandum: Update on work to date DATE: September 14, 2018 TO: Jim Thares, Economic Development Manager FROM: Thomas Leighton, Tangible Consulting Services The purpose of this memo is to give you an update on where things are at with this project, including information on specific restaurant groups and restaurateurs that are on our list to reach out to. As we've discussed, this project has been on our project menu for several months. We've done some work & outreach over that period, but we haven't made a sustained effort before now. That doesn't mean we have less enthusiasm for the project, and the location you have to offer. I'm convinced it's a unique opportunity for a restaurant group that wants to make a big splash in a highly visible location in Greater Minnesota. Over the previous few months, we've reached out to three restaurant groups, and had a strategic conversation with one additional individual in the restaurant industry. We connected with: • Bartmann Group. Bartmann Group is led by Kim Bartmann. They own Barbette, Bryant Lake Bowl, Red Stag Supper Club, Tiny Diner, Bread and Pickle, Gigi's, Pat's Tap, The Bird, Book Club (54th and Penn). Most of these restaurants are buzz -worthy and successful. Some are a little offbeat. On the other hand, they are all in core city locations, so we knew Monticello might be a stretch for them. The reason we reached out to them is they are one of a small number of restaurant groups in the Twin Cities that continues to grow and seek out new locations and concepts. We reached them, and provided them some information about the Monticello location and opportunity. They let us know that they are not interested. • Blue Plate Restaurants. Blue Plate Restaurants include the following restaurants: Edina Grill, Longfellow Grill, Highland Grill, 3 Squares (Maple Grove), The Freehouse (downtown Mpls.), The Lowry, Groveland Tap, Mercury Dining Room and Rail (5th and Marquette, Mpls. in the Soo Line building) and Shindig Event Center (adjacent to the Mercury). They are another local group that creates distinctive well -loved restaurants, which includes one location that is a restaurant/brewery (Freehouse). Like Bartmann Group, all of their restaurants are pretty urban oriented, although they include a successful location in Maple Grove. And they have added new restaurants in recent years. We reached their CEO, and provided information about the Monticello location and opportunity. The other restaurant group we reached out to is Red Cow. But we haven't followed up with them. The following is our candidate list for restaurants to reach out to. Some of them we don't know much about. We'll do some additional preliminary research on them, and then make contacts. • Red Cow. Upscale hamburger place/American Food. They're growing like gangbusters in Minneapolis & St. Paul, are creating a buzz, and are an appropriate size. As noted above, we sent an introductory email, but haven't followed up yet. • Restaurateur Leslie Bock. Her restaurant concepts are kind of off -beat (one has a ferris wheel and miniature golf course!), but they've been really successful. She's an entrepreneur with continued growth ambitions, and Psycho Suzies in Northeast Minneapolis is currently the largest patio on Mississippi River in Minneapolis. The food is the right quality of food, and her preferred establishment size would be right for Monticello. • Travail. Tremendously successful restaurant in Robbinsdale, which put that working class suburb on the map. Recently spun off a pizza place called Pig Ate My Pizza. • The Freight House, and Dock Restaurant. These two American food restaurants in Stillwater are the right size. They have large patios, and face the St. Croix River. • 6Smith Restaurant. This is a lakefront steak and seafood restaurant on Lake Minnetonka in Wayzata. Its large patio seats 330 people. • Lola's Lakehouse. This is a lakefront American food restaurant that offers patio seating facing Lake Waconia. Its large patio seats 200 people • Main Street Farmer. This has been a successful chef -driven farm -to -table restaurant in St. Michael. It might be a little more specialized, and a little more pricy, than what Monticello is looking for. If you've got thoughts or reactions to any of these candidate restaurant businesses, please let me know. K