HRA Minutes 02-19-1997 . . . MINUTES MONTICELLO HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY Special Meeting Wednesday, February 19, 1997 - 7:00 p.m. City Hall MEMBERS PRESENT: Vice Chair Brad Barger, Steve Andrews, and Darrin Lahr. MEMBER ABSENT: Tom St. Hilaire. CITY LIAISON PRESENT: Mayor Bill Fair. STAFF PRESENT: Ollie Koropchak. 1. CALL TO ORDER. Vice Chair Barger called the special meeting ofthe HRA to order at 7:07 p.m. 2. CONSIDERATION TO SELECT A REPLACEMENT FOR AL LARSON FROM THE CANDIDATES INTERVIEWED ON FEBRUARY 5 FOR A RECOMMENDATION TO THE CITY COUNCIL FOR APPOINTMENT. HRA members received a copy ofthe letter of resignation dated February 7, 1997, from AI Larson which was addressed to Mayor Bill Fair. Resignation was effective immediately. Mayor Fair did converse with Larson for reconsideration to remain on the HRA through December 1997. Larson reiterated his resignation allowed an opportunity for qualified, young individuals to become involved in city government. The expiration date of the seat vacated by AI Larson is December 1998. Because ofthe excellent qualifications ofthe resumes received for the February 5 interviews, the HRA reviewed the resumes of the three remaining candidates. Additionally, they reviewed the recorded votes for each of the remaining candidates as cast by the HRA members on February 5. The votes as followed: Frie, 3-2, Erlandson, 2- 3, and Perrault, o. Because of Frie's real estate background and life time residency, Darrin Lahr made a motion recommending the City Council appoint Dan Frie to the HRA. Expiration date of term December 1998. Brad Barger seconded the motion and with no further discussion, the motion passed unanimously. Council to consider appointment on February 24. . . . HRA MINUTES FEBRUARY 19, 1997 It was noted that the HRA lacks representation from the retail sector. Additionally, Paul Thielen, a Monticello resident and manager of Shop-ko, St. Cloud, is a potential candidate for future consideration. 3. CONSIDERATION TO ADD OR DELETE AND RANK THE 1997 BRA PRIORITIZATION WORKSHEET. HRA members received a copy of the prioritization worksheets with the formal agenda packet. Members were asked to independently add or delete and rank the worksheet prior to the meeting for submittal at the meeting. The date of completion of the ranking changed from March 5 to February 19 at the request of City Administration. TIris to allow administration additional time to prepare for the City Council workshop of March 15. Mayor Fair invited the commissioners to a meeting ofthe city commissions and council in April, date to be announced. Koropchak noted that AI Larson had been contacted to submit his ranked priority worksheet but no response was received. Because St. Hilaire was absent and his submitted worksheet ranked projects as either a I or 10, his worksheet was discounted. Members changed the wording of a few project descriptions. Vice Chair Barger asked for a roll call ranking of each HRA project beginning at the top of the worksheet. Beginning with himself and proceeding around the table, the members ranked each project on a scale of I to 10, one being the top or first priority. Following the roll call ranking, each ranked project was totaled. The attached worksheet is the results of the HRA rankings. Projects with rankings of eleven and more received support by the HRA and were not to be removed. Brad Barger made a motion approving the results as recorded on the attached worksheet for submittal to the council workshop. Darrin Lahr seconded the motion and with no further discussion, the motion passed unanimously. 4. OTHER BUSINESS: Members were informed that Bill Grassel, Domino's Pizza, has a purchase option on the Cohen parce1. Bill must renew his current lease in the McCarty building by July I, 1997. The purchase option provides Bill with a future alternative as he felt the Fluth parcel was purchased from under him by the HRA. Mr. Grassel will be invited to the HRA meeting of March 5. The HRA requested Koropchak order an appreciation plaque for St. Hilaire and Larson. Koropchak to check with St. Hilaire, Larson, and Ellison for the best time for a recognition reception. 2 . HRA MINUTES FEBRUARY 19, 1997 Koropchak announced an orientation seminar will be scheduled in April for new HRA members and Council members. Seminar presenters will be Mark Ruff and HRA Attorney Steve Bubul. With all the new HRA members on board April 1 , election of HRA officers will be held. Additionally, HRA members were minded ofthe need to appoint an HRA representative to the EDA and the MCP. Vice Chair Barger requested a copy ofthe joint commission/council meeting oflast year and a copy of the approved HRA budget including the reserve fund for future industrial land. 5. ADJOURNMENT. The HRA meeting adjourned at 9:00 p.m. o~ \L~:ffid~~ . Ollie Koropchak, Executive Director . 3