Planning Commission Agenda 11-05-2018 (Joint Meeting)������li�d� ��r�����1��� 4����Oi�4A���dh ���t 4150 Olson Memorial Highway, Ste. 320, Golden Valley, MN 55422 Telephone: 763.957.1100 Website: www.nacplanning.com MEMORANDUM TO: Angela Schumann Mayor Stumpf and Monticello City Council Monticello Planning Commission FROM: DATE: RE: NAC FILE NO: PLANNING CASE NO PROPERTY ID: Stephen Grittman / Ryan Saltis October 30, 2018 Monticello — DSB Ventures (Monticello RV Center) PUD — Concept Review 191.07 — 18.34 2018-047 155125000040 Application and Proiect Description. This memorandum reviews the elements of a proposed concept plan for a Planned Unit Development on outlot D of the Groveland addition, a parcel along Chelsea Road West to the north and abutting the single-family housing of the Groveland neighborhood to the south. East of the outlot is Affordable Storage, a mini storage facility. The proposed development parcel is 5.98 acres and currently owned by Ocello. Ocello has entered into a recent purchase agreement to sell this outlot to DSB Ventures to create a new location for Monticello RV Center. The applicant asks to rezone this parcel from B-3 to a PUD in order to allow for some building size flexibility. This would allow one larger facility to be built in 2019, versus two smaller buildings to be built over a period of time. For the project to proceed, there are a series of further City approvals that will be required: • Development Stage PUD & Preliminary Plat • Final Stage PUD - Rezoning to PUD, Planned Unit Development District and Final Plat The current proposal is for a PUD Concept Plan review, which is not a formal zoning application, but is intended to provide the applicant an opportunity to get City feedback on a potential development proposal prior to more formal zoning review and the extensive supporting materials that such reviews require. The project requires a PUD as certain aspects of site design may require flexibility including building size. The Planning Commission and City Council will have the opportunity to review the project, ask questions of the proposer, and provide comment as to the issues and elements raised by the project. This is not a formal public hearing. This memorandum provides an overview of the project, and will serve as an outline for the discussion. No formal approval or denial is offered for a Concept Review. However, it is vital that Planning Commission and City Council members engage in a frank and open discussion of the project benefits and potential issues. The Concept Review process is most valuable when the applicants have the opportunity to understand how the City is likely to look at the project and the potential issues it presents. In this way, the subsequent land use and development details can be more finely tuned to address City policy elements. To follow is the ordinance information for PUD Concept review. PUD Concept Review Criteria. The first stage for PUD review consists of an informal Concept Plan review which is separate from the formal PUD application which will follow the Concept Review step. The Ordinance identifies the purpose of Planned Unit Development as follows: (1) Purpose and Intent The purpose of the Planned Unit Development (PUD) zoning district is to provide greater flexibility in the development of neighborhoods and non-residential areas in order to maximize public values and achieve more creative development outcomes while remaining economically viable and marketable. This is achieved by undertaking a process that results in a development outcome exceeding that which is typically achievable through the conventional zoning district. The City reserves the right to deny the PUD rezoning and direct the developer to re-apply under the standard applicable zoning district. PUD Concept reviews are to proceed as follows: (a) PUD Concept Proposal Prior to submitting formal development stage PUD, preliminary plat (as applicable) and rezoning applications for the proposed development, the applicant may, at its option, prepare an informal concept plan and present it to the Planning Commission and City Council at a concurrent work session, as scheduled by the Community Development Department. The purpose of the Concept Proposal is to: 1. Provide preliminary feedback on the concept plan in collaboration between the applicant, general public, Planning Commission, and City Council; 2. Provide a forum for public comment on the PUD prior to a requirement for extensive engineering and other plans. 3. Provide a forum to identify potential issues and benefits of the proposal which can be addressed at succeeding stages of PUD design and review. The intent of Concept Proposal review is to consider the general acceptability of the proposed land use, and identify potential issues that may guide the City's later consideration of a full PUD application. The Concept Proposal review includes notice to area property owners, but is not a public hearing. The City Council and Planning Commission meet in joint session to provide feedback to the developer, and may include an opportunity for informal public comment as they deem appropriate. Staff Preliminarv Comments and Issues. For this proposal, the primary considerations evident at this point in the process would likely include the following elements: Land Use. The proposed land use is considered to be generally consistent with the directions of the Comprehensive Plan. The property's proximity to Chelsea Road West would put the parcel in the B-3, Highway Business District. An RV Center would be an appropriate use in this area due to limited commercial and service activities and low volume traffic coming into the establishment. Vehicle Sales & Display is a conditional use in the B-3 District. One aspect of the site use would be service and repair, which can raise noise issues for the adjoining residential area, as well as sightlines issues if the property accumulates damaged or undrivable vehicles. In future applications, the applicant should detail the nature of all of the uses on the property, as well as how service vehicles will be stored and screened, where necessary. Accessory Use Vehicle Repair — Minor is a conditional use in the B-3 District. Parking. Parking supply is shown at 25 parking spaces around the perimeter of the building. A parking plan that is drawn to scale and includes dimensions will need to be submitted at a later stage. The parking plan shall follow all rules listed in City Ordinance Section 4.8, Off-Street Parking. iii. Building Height and Architecture. The applicants have provided a conceptual illustration of the building facades, but have not provided details relating to building design dimensions at this stage. Staff would note that the B-3 zoning 2 district regulates building height to not exceed 2 stories or 30 feet in height and that Section 4.11 of City Ordinances also holds regulations for building materials, and overall design for structures. The applicants anticipate construction of a structural metal building with a stucco or "EFIS" like finish. The Planning Commission and Council may wish to discuss building material expectations, as well as roofline and other techniques that would justify both the use of PUD in this location, and overall commercial building requirements for the site. iv. Site Planning. A preliminary site plan is provided as a part of the PUD Concept plan. The site plan does not detail dimensions of the building, proposed access, drive aisles or setbacks. These dimensions are required on future application plans. Staff notes that specific requirements for setbacks apply in the B-3 District. These include 30 feet from the front and rear of the building, 10 feet from the interior side and 20 feet from the street side. If the applicants propose to vary from the base zoning standards, they should provide rationale that supports the variation, and note the additional amenities or elements of the site plan that balance the proposed flexibility. One issue of specific note is the orientation of the building. As shown on the concept plan, the main entrance of the structure would face to the west, a side property line. With this orientation, the side of the building — with a series of overhead garage doors — would be the predominant view of the building from Chelsea Road. Staff would suggest that the building be rotated so the entrance faces Chelsea Road. This rotation would present the building front to the street and orient the garage door faces to the side toward commercial-zoned property as opposed to the street and residential uses. It is further noted that the concept plan includes a complete encircling of the site with recreational vehicles displayed for sale. As a part of re-orienting the building toward Chelsea, staff would suggest eliminating a significant portion of the display vehicles to provide a view of the building from the street. Because of the size of the display vehicles, there would be no such view under the current proposed site plan. While recreational vehicle dealerships commonly load the property with display vehicles, it is noted that the City has previously required much larger buildings, preserving some view to the public. v. Lighting. Because the site abuts a residential neighborhood, it will be critical to ensure that site lighting does not impact the adjoining single family homes. This will require attention to both the buffer as well as lighting design. 3 vi. Access and Circulation. The applicants propose to utilize Chelsea Road West as the access point. This is proposed as the only entrance in and out of the site. More details will need to be provided at a later stage. vii. Signage. There is only one entrance proposed for vehicles to travel in and out of the site. The north side of the property falls under the highway sign designation and the applicant looks to put in a sign that complies with those requirements. The applicants will propose specific signage for the site that may involve flexibility from ordinance requirements under the PUD designation. The City will need to consider the acceptability of such flexibility within the context of the purpose of PUD zoning. It should be noted that sign permits would be required to meet the standards of the district unless specifically addressed as a part of the PUD application. viii. Landscaping. The site currently does not have any landscaping, wetland or trees within the outlot. When Ocello built the Groveland addition, they constructed a berm between the residential neighborhood and the commercial property for buffering. Ocello also planted several coniferous trees for additional buffers. It is the applicant's intention to continue with these trees and add mulch to give a similar look as Affordable Storage which is located to the east of the property. Affordable Storage will install a decorative fence on the eastern border of the outlot to separate the businesses. The applicant has also stated that they would do a rock landscaping on this border. Along the western border of the property, the applicant proposes to landscape a long shallow filtration pond to tie into stormwater facilities provided to the site along Chelsea Road which will then drain to the regional pond. Across the front of Chelsea Road, the applicant proposes to have landscaped green space divided by the pathway. A landscape plan will be provided at a later stage and shall follow the regulations set forth in Section 4.1 of City Code. More detailed landscape plans will be a part of the Development Stage PUD application, and should utilize the standards in Section 4.1 of the Zoning Ordinance as a baseline. ix. The City's consulting engineer has provided a comment letter regarding matters of grading, drainage, utilities and site access. x. Platting: The development site is Outlot D of Groveland and will be required to be replatted as part of the proposed development. The concept plans illustrate the proposed platting of three parcels, the development lot, Lot 1, Block 1, and two outlots. Lot 1, Block 1 is proposed at 5.98 acres and the two outlots at 5.39 and .10 acres. The smaller of the two outlot parcels is a remnant originally intended as a trail connection should it be required with 0 development. The City will comment on the process for subdivision and combination of this outlot with the required preliminary and final plat. Conditional Use Permit Requirements of Vehicle Sales: The applicant is applying for a PUD process, so the specifics of the B-3 District regulations for such use are included here for reference. Vehicle Sales lots are allowed in the B-3 District by Conditional Use Permit. The zoning ordinance applies both general performance standards — applicable to all uses — and specific standards applicable to this conditional use. As with all Conditional Use Permits, there is a presumption that the use is allowed in the zoning district, subject to conditions necessary to mitigate specific aspects of the proposed activity. Future applications will be reviewed per conditional use permit review procedures and requirements under section 2.4 subsection (D) of City Code along with the specific requirements for vehicle sales lots as listed below: Requirements for Vehicle Sales Lots in the B-3 district by Conditional Use Permit: (31) Vehicle Sales or Rental (a) The minimum building size for any vehicle sales or rental use shall comply with the standards in Table 5-3: ■ • . . Less than 2 acres 5% 2,500 square feet 2 a�cres to less than � aeres 7% I �,�Of} square feet 4 acres to less than 8 acres 9% 20,04a square feet $ acres or mar� 9%Q 4p,Df}(} square feet -, . (b) When abutting a residential use, the property shall be screened with an opaque buffer (Table 4-2, Buffer Type "D") in accordance with section 4.1(G) of this ordinance. (c) All lighting shall be in compliance with Section 4.4 of this ordinance. (d) The outside sales and display area shall be hard surfaced (paved). (e) The outside sales and display area does not utilize parking spaces which are required for conformance with this ordinance. The site includes separate customer and employee parking exceeding the ordinance requirements. (f) Vehicular access points shall create a minimum of conflict with through traffic movement and shall be subj ect to the approval of the Community Development 5 Department. The plans show a single access point from Chelsea Road. The City Engineer may comment on the location. (g) There is a minimum lot area of twenty-two thousand five hundred (22,500) square feet and minimum lot dimensions of one hundred fifty (150) feet by one hundred thirty (130) feet. The lot area is 5 acres and more than 400 feet in width, exceeding the requirements. (h) A drainage system subject to the approval of the Community Development Department shall be installed. The City Engineer will review drainage plans. It is the City's understanding based on discussions with the applicant that the building is proposed at 18,000 square feet. This size falls beneath the required minimum building size noted above and is therefore one of the areas for which PUD flexibility is requested. As previously noted, the applicant is seeking flexibility allow one larger facility to be built in 2019, versus two smaller buildings to be built over a period of time on the subject parcel. Summary. As noted, the Planning Commission and City Council provide comment and feedback at the Concept Review level. City officials should identify any areas of concern that would require amendment to avoid the potential for eventual denial, as well as any elements of the concept that the City would find essential for eventual approval. Specific comment should address the following potential issues: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10 Overall Land Use. Density. Building Orientation. Site Lighting. Parking Supply. Building Materials and Architecture. Landscaping, green space, setbacks, Circulation and Access. Street Construction and location. and other site plan improvements. Engineering comments and recommendations. The notes listed above acknowledge that a significant amount of detail will be added as the project proceeds to a more advanced stage of review. SUPPORTING DATA A. Aerial Site Image B. Applicant Narrative C. Proposed Lot Configuration D. Site Concept Plan E. Proposed Elevations F. Engineer's Letter, Dated 8/31/18 0 0 � u c O � 0 � U T � � °� � U G N C7 C7 G G sfl N �o � ��`�'��� � � , � � � � c�w r ` � �'' — — �; + - • �'A�` � . , _,� �. � . 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October 5, 2018 Ms. Angela Schumann Community Development Director 505 Walnut Street Monticello, MN 55362 'E � Re: Replat of out lot D Groveland addition and PUD for DSB Ventures (Monticello RV Center) narrative OCello and DSB Ventures has entered into a purchase agreement to sell DSB ventures 5.98 acres on the eastern portion of outlot D Groveland addition PID # 155125000040, 260,488 square feet. This would be the West border of Affordable Storage presently is zoned B3. It would be the intention of DSB to develop the site into a second location for Monticello RV Center. They desire to do this by requesting to rezone from B-3 to a PUD which will allow some flexibility with building size. It would allow one larger facility be built in 2019, versus 2 smaller buildings to be built over a period of time. The goal would be to break ground in early spring of 2019 with a completion date as soon as possible. It would be our intention to build a quality building similar to the buildings in the neighborhood with finishes acceptable to the business district requirements. This is one large site zoned B 3 made up of approximately 11.75 acres (see drawing for exact size) this was developed with the Grove land addition some years ago as outlot D. As you can see the property fronts Chelsea road and backs up to the Grove land neighborhood. There are no wetlands and no trees. It's presently being farmed for hay or beans When Ocello built the Grove Land addition, they built a berm between the residential property and the commercial property. The portion of the berm that is on the commercial property is approximately 40 feet by 640 feet (25,600) square feet of buffer space that is not usable for parking or lot development. Ocello did plant pine trees at the top on the residential property that have developed into a very nice buffer between the residential and the commercial properties. It would be our intention to continue with pine tree plantings and mulch just as affordable storage has done to extend the buffer and the continuity to the projects. It is our understanding that Affordable Storage is doing a decorative fence on the East border of this property. It would be our intention to do rock landscaping on this border. On the West border we would landscape a long shallow filtration pond to tie into one of the hookups provided to this site on Chelsea road which ties to the regional pond. Across the front Boulevard on Chelsea road we will have landscaped green space divided by the regional trail. Currently we anticipate only one entrance in and out of the site. The front part of this lot falls under the highway sign designation, so are plans are to put a sign the complies with those requirements. We have not finalized our other signage plans, but do not anticipate any extra sign requirements. As the signage portion of the project develops we will communicate with the city. We understand we will need a CUP to operate. Should we decide to fence any portion of the property we would continue with the decorative design of the metal on the East border or similar product. We feel our project is a good fit to the neighborhood. It's a acceptable use in a 63 zoning with a CUP. The property is presently zoned B3. There is a good buffer between uses and very little impact to the area, low traffic and a quiet operation, and brings a good tax base to the city while adding numerable well-paying jobs. �� � � � ; _ . � � ,,� o �� . � � ,� � , _ �� . i � - �: a F ��y , N' , �s, � .. �• . .,�� i� —�—°R, � .. 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I ���� �• �� ��v+�i ' � � 41 � � �� Z O F�— � h Z U • � //�/ ` C► WZ Y� Qw J� � o� V Cn m �� � W f�l '�, � � m Ca a ` �� mq m.� �� oy _� �� ow I � � ��� Z O � � � Z � • � � � C� WZ Y� Qw J� � �, � �� z O � ¢ > w J � W r � � W � N z O � Q > w � J W S � � � �Z ' �. ar � Q � �.L� J � W � Q L.LJ i «r N � q {� � � �� '�Q �x °` �� Ay _� N z O � Q > w J W S � � � � N O October 31, 2018 Ms. Angela Schumann Community Development Director City of Monticello 505 Walnut Street, Suite 1 Monticello, MN 55362 Re: Lakes Region RV Concept Plan Review City Project No. 2018-047 WSB Project No. 012967-00 Dear Ms. Schumann: 701 Xenia Avenue South Suite 300 Minneapolis, MN 55416 Tel: 763-541-4800 Fax: 763-541-1700 We have reviewed the conceptual site plan dated October 7, 2018, provided by DSB Ventures and offer the following comments: 1. The applicant has indicated one access point will be provided off of Chelsea Rd. It is preferred that the access line up with one of the existing useable access points on the north side of Chelsea Road to minimize turning movement conflicts accessing the site or have a minimum 250 foot spacing between usable access points along Chelsea Road. The applicant indicated they will be reviewing the building orientation and circulation within the site and should consider the access location from Chelsea Road with their review. 2. Multiple sanitary sewer and watermain services are extended from the mains within Chelsea Road to serve the site. The civil plans should identify which services will serve the sites. 3. The applicant has indicated that the infiltration basin will located on the westerly property line of Lot 1. A stormwater maintenance agreement will be required to be signed by the property owner for the basin. 4. The applicant will be required to submit a stormwater management plan for the proposed development. Criteria and City design standards can be found in the City of Monticello Design Manual (February 2018). 5. The proposed development discharges to a regional basin to the east along Chelsea Road. The regional basin is designed to provide rate control for this site based on a CN of 80. 6. There are three existing stormsewer connections to the site that are shown on the submitted survey. This is consistent with the City's as-built information. The civil plans should identify which services will be used for the sites. 7. Water quality and infiltration is to be provided on site as it is not provided with the regional pond. If 1.1 "over the new impervious area is infiltrated on site, then the water quality standards will be met. 8. A more detailed review of the development plans will be completed when the applicant submits complete civil plans, stormwater management report and final plat. Please contact me if you have any questions or comments regarding this letter. Equal Opportunity Employer wsbeng.com K:�ozs9e-am�nd m���oo��ososv s�em�m i Lake Region RV October 31, 2018 Page 2 Thank you. Sincerely, WSB & Associates, Inc. . / ' .�, ��s� Shibani K. Bisson, PE Senior Project Manager K:\012967-000\Admin\Docs\Ltra-schumann LakesRegion RV ConceptReview_103118.doa