City Council Agenda Packet 11-08-2004 . Mayor: AGEN A REGlJLAR MEETING - MONTI ELLO CITY COUNCIL Monday, Novembe 8,2004 - 7 p.m. Bruce Thielen Council Members: Roger Carlson, Glen Posusta, obbie Smith and Brian Stumpf 1. Call to Order and Pledge of Allegiance. 2. Approve minutes of October 25, 2004 regula '" .J. Consideration of adding items to the agenda. Counci I meeting. 'f} ~( - ~JW-N\V\ Ii>€.. r __ CLdM 7-"- 4. Citizen comments, petitions, requests and co plaints. 5. Consent agenda. A. B. .~~@ ~ f., t{ ~9/ (<~-7'@ \}\ ~~ . Consideration of ratify new hires and departures.. Consideration of a request for a Com rehensive Plan Amendment to allow rezoning from a residential use to a mixed use, rezoning from R-l (Single and Two-Family Residential) to PZM (Performance Z ne-Mixed) and a conditional use permit to allow commercial retail activity in a PZM istrict. - Applicant Don Hickman. Consideration of preliminary and fin I plat for Otter Crcek Crossing, a proposed commercial and industrial subdivisio . - Applicant: Otter Creek LLC. Consideration to review the job and age level report for compliance of the provisions of the permanentjohs within the ame'lded Loan Agreement between the City and Twin City Die Castings Company. D. E. Consideration of purchase ofreplace ent digester transfer and recirculation pumps for the wastewater treatment plant. F. Consideration of approval of charita Ie gambling license for Monticello Youth Hockey Program. Consideration to approve the 2005 S ecifications for Operation of the City of Monticello Hcartland Express and th 2005 Bid Proposal template for the Operation of the City of Monticello Heartland Ex ress and authorization to request bids for 2005 3rd party transit services. H. Consideration of final plat approval fthe First Addition of the Hunters Crossing residential subdivision. I. Consideration offinal plat approval fthe Nathan's Court residential subdivision. J. Consideration of setting a workshop )11 November 22. 2004 for the 2005 Street Reconstruction Program. Agenda Monticello City Council November 8, 2004 Page 2 . 6. 7. 8. 9. /~ c.: ~ \.fY 11. .~ ~vf''< @ vf 13. .~~ cf~ ~([!) ~'><&@ cJr/ . Consideration of items removed from the con ent agenda for discussion. Public Hearing and consideration of adopting assessment for 2004 Core Street Project No. 2004-06C. Public Hearing and consideration of adopting assessmcnt for TH 25/School Boulevard Signal Installation, Project No. 2004-19C. Public hearing on the issuance of notes by th City of Milaca on behalf of Central Minnesota Diagnostic Incorporated for the purchase of ospital equipment. Canvass of 2004 election results. Consideration of award of bid for Monticello Library Expansion. Consideration of resolution declaring intent t1 reimburse project costs through future bond sale. Consideration of an offer to purchase prope y in Jefferson Commons - Outlot A - Cory Kingbay. Consideration of setting a workshop to revie proposed development and assessment agreements for the 1-94/CSAH 18 interchan e improvements. Authorization to proceed with feasibility stu y for the SE Interceptor Trunk Sanitary Sewer Extension, City Project No. 2000-12C. Consideration of authorization to submit En ironmental Assessment Worksheet to the Environmental Quality Board for the Ryan 'ommercial Development. 17. Consideration of an alternate site for the wa er tower in the Jefferson Commons Plat. 18. Adjourn. . ,. '. MINUT S REGULAR MEETING - MONT CELLO CITY COUNCIL Monday, October 5,2004 -7 p.m. Members Present: Roger Carlson, Glen Posusta, obbie Smith, Brian Stumpf and Bruce Thielen 1. Call to Order and Plede:e of Allee:iance. Mayor Thielen called the meeting to order at p.m and declared a quorum present. The Pledge of Allegiance was said. 2A. Consideration of a the minutes of the October 11 2004 re ular Council meetin . John Simola asked that the minutes be clarifi d to state that new building on the Public Works site will reduce, not eliminate, the need for 0 tside storage. Brian Stumpf noted a typographical error on Item #8. BRIAN STUMPF MOVED TO APPROVE HE MINUTES OF THE OCTOBER 11, 2004 REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING WITH T E CHANGES NOTED. ROGER CARLSON SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CA lED UNANIMOUSLY. 2B. Consideration of a rovin the minutes 0 the October 11 2004 Bud et Worksho ROGER CARLSON MOVED TO APPROV THE MINUTES OF THE OCTOBER 11, 2004 BUDGET WORKSHOP. GLEN POSUSTA SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED. 3. Consideration of addin items to the a en a. Brian Stumpf asked that a discussion of the 1 afpickup be added to the agenda and that agenda item #9 be included in the consent agenda. The City Attorney requested that consideration of approving an amendment to the easement gr t and an encroachment agreement with Northern Natural Gas be added to the agenda. 4. om laints. Mayor Thielen explained the purpose of the itizen comment portion of the agenda. Charles Walters, 728 Acorn Circle, spoke to the Council regarding a city employee. Mr. Walters alleged that the building inspector h s been biased in his treatment ofMr. WaIters and has violated his rights. He cited instances 0 this bias as it related to the construction of his house and use of his property. Mayor Thielen asked Mr. WaIters to meet w th the City Administrator regarding this matter. '2 . . . Council Minutes - I 0/25/04 5. Consent aeenda. A. Consideration of ratifying new hires an departures for MCC. Recommendation: Ratify the hires and departures as idenffied. B. Consideration of resolution supporting onstruction of spent fuel storage facility and license renewal at the Monticello Nucl ar Generating Plant. Recommendation: Adopt a resolution supporting construction of a spent fuel storage facility and license renewal at the Monticello Nuclear Generating lant. Res. # 2004-81 C. Consideration of a resolution establish'ng an Absentee Ballot Board. Recommendation: Adopt a resolution establishing an AbSi ntee Ballot Board. Res. #2004-80. D. Consideration ofa request for a condit onal use permit for a 41 unit residential concept stage planned unit development in a P M District. Applicant: UP Development. Recommendation: Approve the cone pt stage planned unit development for UP Development based on a finding that t e applicant has proposed a superior project in design and amenities, justifying the us and flexibility of a PUD for this site, subject to comments relating to planning, engine r, and public works issues as noted in the October 25,2004 Council agenda rep rt and which will be addressed at the Development Stage PUD application. E. Consideration of a request for a condi ional use permit for a residential concept stage planned unit development in an A-O ( griculture - Open Space) District. Applicant: Insignia Development. Recommend tion: Approve the Concept Stage PUD based on the comments from the staff report fo the October 5, 2004 Planning Commission meeting. F. Consideration of authorizing payroll establish mandatory direct deposit. authorize electronic time recording through the city payroll system. hanges to allow electronic time recording and ecommendation: Approve the policies to d mandatory direct deposit for all employees paid G. Review of bids and consideration of ward of contract for Jefferson Commons Detention Pond, Project No. 2004-33 . Recommendation: Approve the award of the contract for Project No. 2004-33, lef erson Commons Detention Pond as bid to Cowan Grading and Excavating, Inc. in the ount of$51,840.75. Res. #2004-83. H. Consideration of adoption of a resol tion for annexation of the property comprising part ofthe Featherstone/Gold Nugget De. elopment. Recommendation: Approve the resolution annexing 100 acres of pro erty; 20 acres lying in Section 23 and 80 acres lying in Section 22, Township 121, ange 25. Res. #2004-82. L . . . Council Minutes - 10/25/04 Consideration of authorizing plans and pecifications for Chelsea Road West. Recommendation: Authorize the pre. aration of a feasibility report, preliminary, surveying and plans and specifications or the construction of Chelsea Road west from 90th Street to CSAH 39 and approximately 1,100 feet of School Boulevard south of proposed Chelsea Road. Res. #2004-84. 1. Review of proposals for the demolition of the old Kramer house at the intersection of Minnesota Street and 7th Street and con ideration of award of contract. Recommendation: Authorize the City to enter into a contr ct with Fyle's Excavating for the demolition of the old Kramer house at a cost of$10,125. O. J. Consideration of holding a public info ation meeting for the site plan for the new one million gallon water tower located in J fferson Commons. Recommendation: Approve scheduling a public information meetin for November 3, 2004 at 6 p.m. regarding the site plan for the new one million gallon hyd opillar located in Jefferson Commons on the two acre site previously approved by the Ci y Council. K. ROGER CARLSON MOVED TO APPROVE THE CONSENT AGENDA WITH THE ADDITION OF AGENDA ITEM #9 AND TH REMOV AL OF AGENDA ITEMS #5D, 5E, 5F AND 5J FOR DISCUSSION. GLEN POSUS ,A SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. Robbie Smith questioned Bret Weiss on why t ere was such range in the bids received for the Jefferson Pond Project. Bret Weiss indicated hat there are contractors who are looking for projects to finish out the construction season. e added that the contractor submitting the low bid had previously worked in the City on the Feath rstone Development. 6. Consideration of items removed from the c 5D UP Development: Brian Stumpf asked ift e reason for going with no driveways on this project was because of density. City Planner teve Grittman indicated that the developer believed this project brought a different kind of housing design to the city. The developer felt by eliminating parking along the alley it would gi e a cleaner look to the development. Brian Stumpf noted that the alley width was at least 28' whic would be large enough to support two-way traffic. Steve Grittman indicated that this was primaril for deliveries. Brian Stumpf stated he had concerns about fire protection and garbage pic up as well as the no driveway design. Glen Posusta stated that although this is a new concept for Monticello this housing design has been used in Brooklyn Park, Maplewood and ther communities. With this type of design vehicles would be in the garages and not in the drivewa s which makes for a neater appearance to the development. He also added that the develope would have covenants that would strictly enforce this regulation. The developer is marketing th se units towards a specific user. Brian Stumpf asked if the streets in the develo ment were private streets. Steve Grittman stated 3 2- . Council Minutes - 10/25/04 that 6 Y2 Street was public and all the internal treets were private. 6 Y2 Street is proposed as a 24' street which staff has indicated is too narrow. Public Works Director, John Simola stated that Public Works and the City Engineer had the s me concerns about this development as Brian Stumpf had. They also had concerns about ac ess to Elm Street from this development but felt these issues could be worked through. Brian tumpf 0 asked about the traffic generated by the proposed 41 unit development. City Engineer Bret Weiss indicated that the average was about ten trips per day per unit. Brian Stumpf felt that t e amount of traffic being generated was another reason to have 7th Street put in. He felt there as already heavy traffic on 6th Street and Elm Street and he was hesitant about adding more witho t knowing when 7th Street would happen. Bret Weiss stated that the right-of-way for 7th Stree has not been acquired. Bruce Thielen stated that road widths has been an issue for several year . Robbie Smith concurred with Brian Stumpf about the traffic on 6th Street and cited instances of esidents complaints about the traffic when previous developments in the area were approved. . Planning Commission Chair Dick Frie said th idea is to provide some variety in the type of housing available in the community. He note that the road width was discussed but emphasized that this was only concept stage approval. Di k Frie felt the concept was acceptable but could be improved upon. Brian Stumpf said he was a are that this was concept stage but felt the developer should be made aware of some of the issues t at the Council discussed. Jeff O'Neill stated that Fire Chief Scott Douglas was with on a tour f a similar development in Brooklyn Park and that he will be part of the staffreview of this develo ment. Bret Weiss stated that the proposal to extend Chelsea Road West, which the Council was . ting on at this meeting, might also impact the amount of traffic on 6th Street. Bruce Thielen suggested having the staff and the City Engineer work with the property owner on getting the right-of-way needed for the 7th St eet roadway. GLEN POSUST A MOVED TO APPROVE HE CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT FOR A CONCEPT STAGE PUD FOR UP DEVEL PMENT BASED ON A FINDING THAT THE APPLICANT HAS PROPOSED A SUPERI R PROJECT IN DESIGN AND AMENITIES JUSTIFYING THE USE AND FLEXIBILIT OF PUD FOR THIS SITE. THE APPROVAL IS SUBJECT TO COMMENTS RELATING T PLANNING, ENGINEERING AND PUBLIC WORKS ISSUES NOTED IN THE CITY S AFF REPORT AND IN COUNCIL DISCUSSION AND THESE ISSUES WILL BE ADDRES ED AT DEVELOPMENT STAGE PUD. ROGER CARLSON SECONDED THE MOTION. OTION CARRIED WITH BRIAN STUMPF VOTING IN OPPOSITION. . 5E Insignia Development: Brian Stumpf as ed about the proposed 705 units and what the time frame was for development ofthis project. The developer indicated it could be five years or more. Brian Stumpf asked about the propos d park area and associated playing fields and what it would take for the City to maintain it. Jeff 'Neill stated that the Parks Commission was looking for a ballfield complex in this area. John Si ola indicated that it may take additional part-time help and possibly additional full-time stafft handle the growth. Brian Stumpf was also concerned about how the 705 units would i pact staff as far as snowplowing, police protection, 4 Z-. . Council Minutes - 10/25/04 etc. Brian Stumpf also asked about the detac ed single family residential (small lots) . Steve Grittman stated that while staff has not done lot analysis it appears that these lots meet the requirements of the ordinance. He noted tha the proposed development includes single family lots, detached single family (small lots), tow ouses, apartments and commercial uses. Glen Posusta said what the developer is asking for t this junction does not necessarily mean it will happen that way and noted that it is proposed to be a phased development. Glen Posusta said the park development will not happen until 3-4 years into the development. He felt the City should go with larger communit parks rather than small neighborhood parks such as Groveland. He felt the larger parks allowed r more efficiency in maintenance and use of personnel. Jeff O'Neill stated that the Parks ommission has been looking for area that could be developed for ballfield use since there is a hi h demand for this. The Parks Commission felt this was a good site because it is on School Boul vard and has good access to TH 25. Glen Posusta said he has been in contact with some of the thletic associations and they have been looking for fields for use. They indicated that if land wa donated, they would maintain it. . Brian Stumpf asked what Phase I would cons' st of. Paul Quarberg and Troy Gamble representing the developer said at this point they couldn't ay what the phasing would be. He felt the first phase would likely be at the east end of the develop ent because utilities are available in that area. Brian Stumpf asked how many phases there ould be and Paul Quarberg indicated probably two phases with the apartments being put in as th need was there. It was noted that a portion of the development site is designated for commerci 1 use for the present Schluender operation. Glen Posusta talked about completion of the ection of School Boulevard extending from the proposed Insignia Development to the City 0 ned land. It was noted that this property is owned by Shawn Weinand. Brian Stumpf asked what kind of dialogue th's generated at the Planning Commission hearing. Dick Frie felt that this proposal was a 5-8 ye project and he also noted the concern oftownship residents about being informed of what is ha pening in the City along the borders with the township. Dick Frie stated he had concerns about the infrastructure that would have to be put in place for this development. This is concept tage and there are still a lot of issues to be worked out and it was pointed out that staff had 19 it ms they wanted to addressed. Brian Stumpf said because there were 19 issues not resolved he didn't feel he could vote in favor ofthis as he felt these issues needed to be worked out before pproval was given. Brian Stumpf asked how much if any of the property had been annexed into th City. Jeff O'Neill indicated that no portion of the proposed development is in the city limits. . GLEN POSUST A MOVED TO APPROVE THE CONCEPT STAGE PUD FOR INSIGNIA DEVELOPMENT WITH THE 19 ITEMS TED IN THE STAFF REPORT TO BE ADDRESSED AND RESOLVED. ROGE CARLSON SECONDED THE MOTION WITH Glen Posusta asked about the price of the ho es and Paul Quarberg indicated the starting prices would be $220,000 to $225,000. 5 2- . . . Council Minutes - 10/25/04 THE COMMENT THAT HE UNDERSTOOD RIAN STUMPF'S CONCERNS BUT THIS IS CONCEPT PLAN APPROVAL AND IT WO D BE COMING BACK TO THE COUNCIL IN THE FUTURE. MOTION CARRIED WITH B N STUMPF VOTING IN OPPOSITION. 5F: Electronic Time Recording/Mandatory Di ect Deposit: Glen Posusta asked which employees were on the clock. City Administrator, Rick W lfsteller stated that part of the request was to have electronic time recording which would allow m re accuracy as far as the work. The Community Center and Liquor Store currently have their em loyees clock in. Glen Posusta asked why this was not being done in all the departments. Cathy Suman, Finance Department indicated that the legislature recently changed the statute to allow the city to utilize electronic time recording and in order for the City to continue this practice it wo ld need Council approval. She noted that a stand alone time keeping system could be costly but i dicated that the ACS is developing a system that could be utilized with the City's current financi 1 system. Rick W olfsteller noted that the City was not planning for other departments to be on the lock at this time. Glen Posusta stated that it is the lower paid positions that are on the clock an he questioned why everyone shouldn't be on the clock. He felt that the electronic time keeping s ould be in all departments. The second part of the item is direct deposit for payroll into an employees checking or savings account. The staff noted the benefits of this t e of system. GLEN POSUST A MOVED TO APPROVE T E POLICIES TO AUTHORIZE ELECTRONIC TIME RECORDING AND MANDATORY D CT DEPOSIT FOR ALL EMPLOYEES PAID THROUGH THE CITY PAYROLL SYSTEM. BRIAN STUMPF SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 5J: Kramer House Demolition: Brian Stumpf sked if there was any consideration given to having the Fire Department bum the house rath r than contract for the demolition. John Simola stated that there was a limited number of times n a year that the Fire Department could do a controlled bum and that was why they looked t have a firm do the demolition. Fire Chief, Scott Douglas stated that the Fire Department could 0 three burns a year. The question was raised whether this building had to be demolished im ediately or could it be done after the first of the year. John Simola stated that the building is a ublic nuisance and should be removed. BRIAN STUMPF MOVED TO REJECT THE IDS FOR THE DEMOLITION OF THE KRAMER HOUSE AT MINNESOTA AND 7 H STREET AND TO DIRECT THE PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR TO WORK WITH THE FIRE DEPARTMENT TO PLAN A CONTROLLED BURN OF THE STRUCTU . GLEN POSUSTA SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMO SLY. 7. Auditor for collection with City Administrator stated the public hearing co ers the proposed assessment for delinquent utility accounts. A revised listing of delinquent acco nts was submitted to the Council. 6 L -- - 8. . . Council Minutes - 10/25/04 Mayor Thielen opened the public hearing. Ther was no one present who spoke for or against the proposed assessment. Mayor Thielen then clos d the public hearing. Glen posusta asked about some ofthe larger Wai er users with delinquent amounts and how the penalty was applied. He felt it was unfair that a delinquent bill of $20 received the same $50 penalty as a delinquent bill of $500. He felt th penalty should be based on the size of the delinquency with the smaller delinquents amou ts receiving a smaller penalty. City Administrator, Rick W olfsteller stated he would have to check if that is allowable under statutes. It was also noted that the $50 fee is the administrative cost to certify the delinquent accounts, which includes publication of hearing notice, mailing costs, pr paration of assessment roll, etc. This cost is the same for processing a $20 delinquent bill or a 200 delinquent bill. BRIAN STUMPF MOVED TO ADOPT THE SSESSMENT ROLL FOR THE DELINQUENT UTILITY CHARGES AS PRESENTED. RO BIE SMITH SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. Res. #2004-78 City Administrator, Rick Wolfsteller stated th t annually the City certifies any delinquent miscellaneous accounts receivable to the Cou ty Auditor. Most of the delinquent amounts relate to nuisance abatement costs such as mowing, tc. Mayor Thielen opened the public hearing. T re was no one present who spoke for or against the proposed certification ofthe miscellaneous ac ounts receivable. Mayor Thielen then closed the public hearing. BRIAN STUMPF MOVED TO ADOPT TH ASSESSMENT ROLL FOR THE DELINQUENT MISCELLANEOUS ACCOUNT RECEIV A LE AS PRESENTED. GLEN POSUST A SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION C ED UNANIMOUSLY. Res. #2004-79 9. Approved with the consent agenda to accept he Monticello Wellhead Protection Plan Part n in draft form and authorize its distribution to 10 al units of government and other interested parties for review and comment and to schedule a p blic hearing for January 10, 2005 at 7 p.m. 10. Consideration of resolution declarin coss to be assessed and settin a date for assessment ublic bearin for TH 25/Scbool Bouleva d Traffic Si nal Installation CiPro.ect No. 2004- t 9C. City Engineer Bret Weiss stated that three a sessrnent scenarios had been prepared for assessing 7 z . Council Minutes - 10/25104 this project. One option was based on 50% pa icipation from MnDOT and the balance of the project cost being assessed. The second option would include 50% participation by MnDot and 10% being picked up by the City. The third opion retains the 50% participation by MnDot and increases the City's contribution to 20%. In or er to meet the statutory requirements, the notices were sent out prior to this meeting using Optio #1 cost figures. The public hearing is proposed to be on November 8, 2004. Bret Weiss stated the project is under construct on and it is planned to assess it this year even though construction will not be completed unti mid-November. The City could delay the assessment until next year but then there woul construction interest charges to include in the project costs. Brian Stumpf asked if there would be any type f informational meeting held prior to the assessment hearing. Bret Weiss indicated that t ere was an informational meeting held prior to the ordering of the improvement but there would n t be one prior to the assessment hearing. . Glen Posusta asked what the rush was to asses this project when some projects such as Cedar Street and Broadway were not assessed for tw years after the projects were started. He questioned the logic of assessing the signal pro' ect now. City Administrator, Rick Wolfsteller stated that the project should be completed by ovember 15th so the project will be completed this year. He added that normally the City tries to et the project assessed the same year the work is done. Delaying the project means that interest cost incurred by City in carrying the construction project cost is added to the totals to be assesse . Bruce Thielen stated the Council needs to sele t one of the options provided for the assessment of the signal project. Roger Carlson felt the City should pick up some of the cost since there was a safety benefit to the City. John Lundsten requested to speak on the prop sed assessment. He stated at the public hearing prior to ordering the project he stated his oppo ition to this proposed assessment. He stated that the land he owns is vacant land that is current! being farmed. It generates no traffic and will not benefit from the installation of the signal. He referenced a previous assessment on his p perty for improvements to Dundas Road. Because of Green Acres his property received a defe ent of the assessment. He stated he has paid this assessment which amounted to $200,000 and e questioned whether his property received that amount of benefit from the improvement. Mr. Lundsten said under the proposed assess ent for the signal, the Wal-Mart site would be assessed at 63% and his parcel which is not d veloped would be assessed at 50%. Mr. Lundsten asked that his parcels be exempt from this ass ssment. . City Engineer, Bret Weiss, responded that the Lundsten property, when developed, was estimated to generate 2000 trips and the Wal-Mart site as estimated at 7000 trips going to the signal. John Z- . Council Minutes - 10/25/04 Lundsten stated he couldn't understand how b e land could generate 2000 trips. Bret Weiss stated that it was unlikely the property would r main vacant and that the City could defer the proposed assessment until such time as the pro erty developed. Glen Posusta questioned why the housing deve opment was not included in the assessment. Bret Weiss indicated that typically residential prope y is not assessed for signals as it is difficult to show the benefit to residential property for this kind of improvement. Glen Posusta felt because it was a safety issue the residential property shou d be included in the assessment. Bret Weiss stated that if the City deemed the signal was a benefit the City may want to pick up some of the cost. Glen Posusta stated that by the City not pickin up anything on this project when they did participate on other projects shows that the Cit is trying to stick it to the businesses of Monticello. He stated the City is treating commercial prop rty differently than residential property. City Engineer, Bret Weiss noted that it is common at residential and commercial property are assessed differently. Bret Weiss stated the Cit has options it can select that allow City participation if the City so chooses. John Lundsten stated that he did not want his arcel assessed for improvements benefitting other properties in the area. Regardless of whether t e City participated in the project or not, he did not feel his property should be assessed. . Bruce Thielen pointed out that this was not th assessment hearing. The Council was being asked to select an option for assessing this project. len Posusta felt the City should pick up 50% of the $176,000 cost and give it to other landowners 'n the area and not specifically the big developers. He felt the assessment cost should be based 0 who was closest to the intersection. Roger Carlson stated he didn't have a problem with the City icking up 50% of the cost as there was a safety benefit in having the signal. He didn't know ow far back from the intersection the assessment should be applied. He added that what is vac nt land now may not be vacant in the future. Bret Weiss stated that benefit is derived at the poi of development and when the Lundsten property develops it will see the benefit of the signal. Bret Weiss commented on using proximity to the intersection as the basis for assessment. He questioned if distance could justify the validit of an assessment. Glen Posusta felt that traffic counts would be a more equitable means than land mass in determining assessment amounts. Bret Weiss said even though the intent of the City as to have development pick up the cost of improvements, if the City felt there was a ben fit that justified a City contribution, the City has the option to do so. Bret Weiss suggested if the ouncil would like to look at additional options, they should let him know what those options are a d he would calculate the assessments based on that. . GLEN POSUST A MOVED TO ADOPT TH ASSESSED FOR THE TH 25/SCHOOL BO CITY TO PICK UP 50% OF THE COST T REMAINING 50% WOULD BE ASSESSE ENGINEER'S PARCEL MAP BASED ON RESOLUTION DECLARING COSTS TO BE LEV ARD SIGNAL AT $176,000 WITH THE OUGH AD VALOREM TAXES AND THE TO THE PARCELS NOTED ON THE TRIPS GENERATED SCENARIO RATHER 7-- . Council Minutes - I 0/25/04 THAN LAND MASS. ROGER CARLSON S CONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED WITH BRUCE THIELEN VOTING IN OPPO ITION AS HE FELT THE DEVELOPERS SHOULD BE PAYING MORE OF THE SIG AL COST. Bret Weiss asked if the Council wanted to re-n tice the affected property owners. The City Attorney indicated that was not necessary as t e City could assess a lesser amount than what was noticed without having to renotify the propert owners. . Again it was questioned why the rush to asses this project when the work was not yet completed. Bret Weiss stated that on the Core Street Proj ct the street costs were known and were calculated based on the City's street reconstruction polic . He pointed. out that the construction cost index was 5.7% and that amounted to a street assess ent of $2,642.50. The storm sewer work cost was not discussed at the hearing prior to ordering t e improvement. Residents have indicated to John Simola that they would prefer to do their own estoration work and that would reduce the storm sewer cost somewhat. The cost of the storm s wer working including sod was approximately $19,000. Having the property owners do the estoration would reduce the cost by $4,000-$5,000. Bret Weiss stated that the drain tile work was ut in place but not everyone has connected to it. The City could collect the cost at the time of onnection to the drain tile rather than assess it. 11. Consideration of a resolution declarin eos to be assessed and settin a date for assessment ubUe hearin for 2004 Core Street Reeons ruetion Pro. eet No. 2004-06C. Bret Weiss also noted that the overlay on San berg Road would be assessed next year. John Simola stated that the road is breaking up pre ty badly and needs to be looked at. BRIAN STUMPF MOVED TO ADOPT TH RESOLUTION DECLARING THE COST TO BE ASSESSED FOR THE CORE STREET RE ONSTRUCTION PROJECT N0.2004-06C EXCLUDING SANDBERG ROAD AND T SET A PUBLIC HEARING DATE FOR NOVEMBER 8, 2004. ROBBIE SMITH S CONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. City Administrator, Rick Wo1fsteUer provide background information relating to the history of the Joint Fire Board and the provisions ofth agreement establishing the board. The agreement had periodically been renewed for 5 year per.ods. The term ofthe last agreement expired December 2000 but had gone unnoticed by t e parties. When it was brought to the attention of the entities involved it was determined to co tinue on the present basis until the issue could be resolved. The Joint Fire Board felt it was ti e to make a decision to either finalize a new agreement or dissolve the board. 12. Consideration of extendin the Joint Fire and the City of Monticello. . If the Joint Fire Board is dissolved, the Tow ship wanted credit amounting to six years of fire protection service. The City Administrator elt based on the figures he had for equipment, 10 2- Council Minutes - I 0/25/04 . building and land, that 3-4 years of fire protectia service would be more in line. Ifthe Joint Fire Board is to continue the City felt there needed t some modification to the agreement that would clarify what is considered capital equipment an spell aut procedures for use of equipment purchased by only one of the parties involved in the agreement. The agreement states that if the board is dissolv d the equipment would be sold at public sale. However since the fire department would still n ed equipment it would be a buyout ofthe Township's interest in the fire department. Ri k Wolfsteller explained how he arrived at the cost for the equipment and noted that the value for t e building was obtained from the Wright County Assessor. Based on these figures he came up ith $260,000 as the number for the buyout of the Township's interest. With the contract price fi r Silver Creek and Otsego at $45/parcel, taking this rate per parcel into the $260,000 buyout ount it would come out to 3 to 3 V2 years of service not 6 years. Rick W olfsteller stated the decisi n needs to be made whether to dissolve the board or continue the board under a modified agree ent. . Brett Holker, Monticello Township supervisor stated the township is in support of the buyout. He didn't want to get into a discussion ofnum ers as he didn't think the Township and the City would agree as he felt the City would have a I wer number than the Township would come up with. He said if the City wants a buyout ofth township's interest the township would be looking for years of service. By using years of service the township would have some assurance as to what their cost would be in the future. He said wit ownership, the township has not been able to control costs. Giving up ownership their cost would go from $30/parcel to $45/parcel. Rick W olfsteller noted the $30/parcel does not inc de any new equipment cost. Bret Holker said as soon as the township is bought out they have 0 control over what the cost is going to be. Brett Holker said the Township was comfortable i still using the current agreement but they would want to discuss any proposed modification w ich includes putting a dollar value on capital equipment items and the procedures for purc ase of equipment by one entity and how the other entity is charged for use of that equipment. Brian Stumpf felt the cleaner the break the b tter. He was comfortable with years of service but felt six years was too high. He' noted that th township paid 33% ofthe cost but had 50% of the say in decision which he didn't feel was app opriate. He also felt having just one governing entity was simpler. Bruce Thielen said he had no problem with the City remaining in the agreement. Glen posusta didn't feel that Rick W olfstell r was giving proper value to the township. He compared it to a divorce where in the separ tion is made but it needs to be done amicably. Rick Wolfsteller emphasized the numbers were c 1culated based on the provisions ofthe agreement. If the Council approved more than that the M nticello taxpayers would be subsidizing the township. Bruce Thielen asked if five years of service would be acceptable to the Township. The township representatives present said it was not acce table. Brett Holker said the first preference ofthe Township would be just to change the date of the agreement but if the City was considering y modifications to the agreement, the Township would want to discuss those. . 11 1- Council Minutes - 10/25/04 ..... ...... ROBBIE SMITH MOVED TO ACCEPT THE ROPOSAL FROM MONTICELLO TOWNSHIP TO TERMINATE THE JOINT FIRE BOARD GREEMENT AND BUYOUT THE TOWNSHIP'S SHARE OF THE JOINT FIRE EPARTMENT IN THE FORM OF FIVE YEARS OF FUTURE SERVICE INSTEAD 0 SIX. BRIAN STUMPF SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOU L Y. 13. Apnrove nayment of bills for October. Glen posusta questioned the purchase of drywa 1 material that was shown on the bills. John Simola indicated that was material used to board up br ken windows on the Kramer house. GLEN POSUST A MOVED TO APPROVE P YMENT OF BILLS. ROGER CARLSON SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CA ED UNANIMOUSLY. Added Items: Leaf Pickup: Brian Stumpf questioned why the falll af pickup couldn't take place later in the year. He said many trees have not lost their leaves yet and he n ted that many homeowners use leaf stuffed Halloween bags as decoration. John Simola indicate that this was something that would have to be negotiated with the Oynx. Northern Natural Gas: The City Attorney explaine that the easement between Northern Natural Gas and the City of Monticello needed to be amended to llow for the relocation of their lines in the Sunset Ponds area. John Simola explained that in the Sunse Ponds it is proposed to fill over the existing line which runs through the park land and the amount of III over the pipe is not acceptable to Northern Natural Gas. They will be bringing in a new line ev ntually and the existing line will be abandoned. The encroachment agreement covers the construction of 4" Street NE which would cross Northern Natural Gas pipeline. . BRIAN STUMPF MOVED TO APPROVE THE A ENDED EASEMENT DOCUMENT AND THE ENCROACHMENT AGREEMENT BETWEEN T E CITY OF MONTICELLO AND NORTHERN NATURAL GAS. ROBBIE SMITH SECONDED HE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 14. Adiourn ROBBIE SMITH MOVED TO ADJOURN AT 9:30 P.M. GLEN POSUSTA SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANI OUSL Y. Recording Secretary . 12 Council Agenda - 11/8/04 . SA. Consideration of a rovin new hires and d artures for MCC Streets Parks and LiQuor Store. (RW ) A. REJ<'ERENCE AND BACKGROtJND: The Council is asked to ratify the hiring and dpartures of employees that have occurred recently at the MCC,. As you recall, it is reeo lmended that the Council otIicially ratify the hiring of all new employees including part-tim and seasonal workers. 1. Ratify the hiring of the employees entified on the attached list. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: C. SUPPORTING DATA: Lists of new employees. . . . NEW EMPLOYE ES Name Title Depart ment Hire Date Class Gueldner, Alyssa Lifeguard MCC 10/18/2004 part-time Norlin, Samuel Slide Attendant MCC 10/18/2004 part-time TERMINATING EMPLC YEES Name Reason Depart l1ent Last Day Class Feidler, Doug season ended Parks 8/24/2004 temporary Flanders, Russell voluntary liQuor 10/15/2004 part-time Nolan, Chris season ended Streets 8/20/2004 temporary Ouelette, Mark season ended Streets 8/13/2004 temporary Paulson, Brian season ended Parks 9/19/2004 temporary Rogers, Cameron season ended Streets 8/12/2004 temporary Thune, Darrin season ended Parks 8/20/2004 temporary Wood, Kim season ended Parks 8/20/2004 temporary employee councillist.xls: 11/3/2004 -s~ ~ ,., . . . . 5B. Council Agenda -" ] ] 108/04 Consideration of a re uest for a Com rehensive Plan Amendment to allow a rezonin from R-2 to PZM and Conditionalllse P rmit to allow commercial retail activi PZM District. Applicant: Don Hickman. (NAC) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND On November 1,2004 the Planning Commission eviewed the request above, analyzed the request in terms of the current ordinance and ree mmended rezoning the Hickman property from R-2 to B-1. The recommendation included ranting a conditional use permit allowing limited retail uses (office supplies sales) andlor L' undromat uses. Both of these uses were identified as allowable by conditional use permit n the zoning code. This recommendation was satisfactory to the applicant. Please note that sub equent to this action, the applicant has focused his efforts on the Laundromat option. N amendment to the comprehensive plan is needed for this action, as B-1 commercial uses ar so limited in scope by the ordinance that it is considered to be appropriate to use this zoning de ignation when imbedded within a residential area. The applicant is the owner ofa building at the corner of New Street and Broadway. The property is zoned R-2, Single and Two Family Residential, and as occupied by a Laundromat and dry-cleaning facility, operating as a non-conforming use. The app icant converted the property into a Servicemaster business, and a residential apartment u it. This use was judged to be "less non- conforming" than the original Laundromat - a requir d finding when considering the re-use of non- conforming property. Under the current zoning, the applicant has two choic s. The first is to re-lease the property for a service-type business, similar to the recently vacated 'ervicemaster. The second would be to convert the entire structure to residential use, consistent with he R-2 zoning of the site. The site is surrounding by other residential uses and residential olllng. The applicant is seeking one of two potential uses for the building. The first would be a limited retail/office use. Such a use would require a zoning t at accommodates limited retail- B-1 or higher. The applicant originally requested a PZM zoning tha allows B-2 retailing by Conditional Use Permit - but it was found that due to the limited scope of the etail, HI zoning would apply. Due to the limited nature of the retail use, a comprehensive plan mendment was not required. The second option suggested by the applicant is rever ion to a Laundromat facility. This would also require a rezoning to a B-1, Neighborhood Business z ne. This district is designed to fit within residential neighborhoods, and is specifically thought f as an acceptable "spot zone" as it is not usually contiguous to other commercial uses. In the Planning Commission and planning stafl's opin on, the preferred solutions would be ordered as f()lIows: (I) rezoning to B-1, Neighborhood Business t allow limited retail and or a Laundromat; (2) continuation of the service business as a non-conformi g use. subject to future conversion; and. (3) rezoning to B-2 or PZM, in conjunction with a Compr hensive Plan Amend.ment supporting the change from residential to commercial uses in this are . ..-r" . . . Council Agenda - I 1/08/04 B- I use is the preferred option since it would allow continued use of the building in a manner consistent with the pattern of residential use along roadway, and be consistent with the current zoning, the Comprehensive Plan, and the existing eighborhood. The previous use of the property as a Laundromat, Ithough non-conforming at the time, would he a reasonable use of this parcel and building. The B-1 District supports this use by CUP, and adequate parking could be provided on the site as shown on t e applicant's site plan. This plan would allow for continued commercial uses, but remove the par ing from the existing street, a problem under the previous service business use. The applicant has the right to continue to put the pr perty to a service type of use, as a grandfathered right. This right docs not run forever, but is foreclo 'ed afler six months, with the requirement that only uses conforming to the zoning ordinance allow d thereafter. Continuation of a service use would not be ideal, and would carryon some of the roblems from the Servicemaster business, including on-street parking, lights, and activity inco patible with the surrounding residential area. However, the applicant is granted this right under th code. Planning stafl and the Planning Commission do not ecommend the fourth option -- rezoning to B-2 or PZM. This would be an intensification of the activity on the site, incompatible with the existing zoning, inconsistent with the Comprehensive Plan i tent to maintain residential uses along Broadway, and problematic for the surrounding neig1borhood. Moreover, such a zoning change would clearly be a "spot zoning" decision, since ther is no nearby commercial zoning. This is differentiated from the B- I district which is specific lIy designed to fit onto small parcels in the midst of residential areas. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS Decision I: Rezoning from R-2 (Single and Two-'amily Residential) to a B- I (Neighborhood Business) District.: I. Motion to approve the rezoning to B-1, Neig borhood Business, to accommodate low- intensity commercial uses in a residential nei hborhood, based on a finding that uses consistent with this district are compatible wi h the area and with the historical use of the property. 2. Motion to recommend no change to the zonin , based on a finding that the continuation of residential uses is the proper objective of the ,oning and land use regulations in this area. Decision 3: Conditional Use Permit I. Motion to approve a CUP allowing limited off ce/commercial sales allowing an oflice supplies shop or a laundromat in a B-1 Oistric , based on a finding that this use is compatible with the neighborhood and the intent of the B- ,Neighborhood Business District. a. Renovation of the lighted can py sign to reduce the amount ofIight emission toward the residential area by painting or other technique. . . . Council Agenda - 11/08/04 b. Signagc for the site consis ent with the requirements of the applicable zoning district. c. Parking layout consistent ith standard dimensional requirements for angled parking. (It appears that th > plan may be a little optimistic in the number of spaces that can fit on the si e. d. Hours of operation are fro 8:00 AM to 6:00 PM. 2. Motion to deny the CUP, based on a finding that only residential uses are appropriate for The site. C. ST AFF RECOMMENDATION Planning Commission and staff recommend rezoni g to a B-1 District and approval of the CUP for the reasons noted in the body of this report. The ap licant has submitted a site plan that would accommodate the parking for the limited commerci lor laundry facility without conllicting with street traffic. If commercial use (of any type) is to be approved, panning staff would recommend the conditions as noted above: D. SUPPORTING DATA 1. Site Location 2. Site Plan 3. Applicant Narrative '. 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T ' -=Fi ~=-rffi-~ I '1--1 il- -1 ,-- ~"L ~,---I- -'.-- - ,--L-t- ---- -- 1- - I L I_~ L I _______,_~--- _ == =::::'::::_:_. 1- .--..... c--"----..--+---.--..----- +flf===I-- ~ ! ..1',' 1 - l,;r-+sLl------ --- ---- ----...- n ,i ' ~____t_ -- ~ l":i--n-:.I="--~:-r:~l= .__"un__ .. l-~' ... 1 I~"l 1-- n ~ ~t :=1:::: = t- : -=~I=r:::: --f--\ui=tr "'-: - i=k ,-=- " -- I 1-~:~, ..--f .~~~. ..., ,,' .. .;/ "~-W'~" l ;Id =~J J. - -- I ~= +-~._ I - ---- .., I ---.. ,.~,., ---"1 1 I .. n.] I --[J "---1' I n____.':.. r- ! .---.-c--- vV -- ,.... I. -==____ _ --- - / 'I,':~';'I" ~ ".': _:;",..", ,.,.' ''-;;.{:.:'' ..~~ h~1 .- . ......; " r. -'. -,-,. .... . - '..,..,- /If . . . To: From: Date: Subject: Whom It May Concern Don & Bonnie Hickman October 19,2004 355 East Broadway Building Due to the need of more space, we bOUglt the 355 East Broadway (on the corner of New 8t. and Broadway) building in 8eptemb r of 1997. At the time of acquisition, the building was occupied as a coin laundry and a ry cleaning service. The building was set up to accommodate the needs of these types of ervices which opened up in the 1970's. Upon purchasing the building, we Imew there were necessary upgrades needed on the building as well as some remodeling to ful II our needs. Our business (8erviceMaster) was a service-based business t at required an office, shop area (heated for equipment and chemicals), and a two-bedro. m apartment that could be used temporarily as living quarters and office space own the road. The business grew from 2 employees to 14 employees and one van to sev n vans in a span from 1997-2004. In May of 2004, we decided to sell our usiness and pursue other goals in our life. This is the point where we started running in to problems. We sold the business and decided to hang on to the building for future oportunities. We decided that we would lease the building out for a period of time whil we take a break to ponder some options. We have been trying to lease the building out s nce May 2004. The leasing of the building turned out to be a learning experience not originally expected. We have been informed by the city that the building can only be used for residential purposes or a service business, which was grandfathered in. The building is not currently set up for esidential purposes and would cost more than what the building is worth to convert it. ince May, we have had four different service-oriented businesses show interest in th building. Each business figured to need shop and office area with three out of the four leeding to store supplies and such outside the building, which was unacceptable to us. Our business required that we keep fa . vehicles inside the building for weather- related reasons. By doing this, most of the par ing (employees, suppliers, subcontractors, customers, etc) was on New 8t. with three or fi ur spaces utilized on the lot. For these reasons, there could be anywhere from ten to t elve vehicles parked on the street on any given day. We wanted to tone that ritual dow when we decided to sell our business. Our idea was to remove the two double garag doors on the building which would give us fifteen angled parking spots on the lot itself. here are two entrances to the lot which allows us to make all the traffic and parking g one way and solidify our idea of a neat and clean operation. 5~ 1 . . . s~ Unfortunately, the service-oriented bu iness does not fit within this scope. We have been looking for the right fit since May 'ld have been unsuccessful. We came up with the idea of putting a coin operated Laund omat (not a dry cleaning service) in the building or a small retail store. The growth of these businesses would be kept within the walls of the existing structure and all the parki g would be limited to the lot and not the street. We have a small retail business wantin to lease the building at the present time. This business would have one to two employe s with a potential of four to five customers in the lot at a time. This company also provid s delivery of its product. With delivery, could this business be classified as a service-or'ented business? Either way, I foresee this as a perfect fit for the building. Again I want t emphasize that a retail store can only grow to building's existing walls where servic business can keep adding vehicles and employees as part of their growth. Our next idea of a Laundromat would b a good fit as well. The building was originally designed for a Laundromat. After re earching this idea and identifying all the equipment involved, there would be room for a maximum of eight customers at a time with an average of two to three customers at a t me. The Laundromat would require one employee on site during business hours. In conclusion, we cannot limit our optio 1S to residential or service~oriented businesses due to the conflicts identified above. We as owners of the building have taken pride in developing and maintaining a quality i 1age since its inception in Sept. 1997. We operated a business that involved over 20 v hicles, with above-mentioned stakeholders, at a time without any complaints hatsoever. At this point, we need to find a good fit for this building as it has been six mo 1ths sitting vacant. With ideas mentioned, we would cut the vehicle traffic in h If and contain it to the lot only. At this time, we would appreciate consideration for rez ning of our property from R~2 to B-2. Thank you for the consideration, Il~: Htc Bonnie Hi~ktRan ~~~ 2 . . . Council Agenda ~- 11/8/04 sc. Consideration of a re uest for Prelimina nd Final Plat for Otter Creek Crossin a ro os cd commercial and industrial subdiv sion. A licant: Otter Creek LLC. (NAC/JO) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUN The Planning Commission reviewed the req est and found that the presented preliminary plat is acceptable under the terms as outlined. he Commission conditioned approval on the applicants' providing an easement across 0 tlot F for future road access through the property. The Planning Commission felt it ritical, based on the information available, for the City to ensure that access rights be maintai ed through that area if needed. Due to ongoing discussions regarding this easement, this ite may need to be pulled from the consent agenda for further discussion. Additionally, in a review ofthe final plat fo City Council approval, it was determined that a drainage and utility easement will need to b shown between Chelsea Road and Interstate 94. The City Engineer will work with the appliant's engineer to determine the placement and size of the easement. A permanent drainage an utility easement to replace the temporary easement currently in place at the southwes corner of the plat, from the Groveland addition, will also be needed. Otter Creek LLC. is requesting preliminary pIa approval of an approximately 184 acre site to be known as Otter Creek Crossings. The site, loc ted northwest of the Oroveland residential development, abuts interstate 94 to the east an county road 39 to the north. A majority of the site is zoned agricultural with the exception of an ap roximately 47 acre strip of B-4 commercial zoned land along Interstate 94. The subject site has b en the topic of much discussion with regards to its use and layout, including the City purchasing a portion of the site for an industrial park. The applicant is proposing to preliminary plat he entire site at this time, including nine outlots and one lot, with the understanding that an amende preliminary plat with in-depth topography, grading and drainage plans will need to he approved 1'0 the remainder of the site as the phased development of the site occurs. Although the report does ad ress general issues and concerns regarding the Moon Motors site, a more in-depth review will be un ergone at the time the future applicant submits a CUP site and building plan application with m re suHicient plans. I_and Use. As previously stated, a majorit of the site is currently zoned Agricultural with an approximately 47 acre B-4 Commercial strip 0 land along the interstate. Moon Motors, a motorcycle/ A TV dealer currently located on th east side of llighway 25 across from the Town Center Retail Center, is proposed to be relocat d to Lot 1 Block I of Otter Creek Crossings. The proposed use is reflective of the City's Comprehensive land use plan and is allowed via a CUP in the B-4 district. A CUP for this use is not be in applied for at this time, rather a simple concept site layout has been submitted for staff's review. At this time, the scope of industrial uses to be evelopecl on the site are not known. As such, the area currently zoned for Agricultural use will r main so until further analysis is carried out. . . . Council Agenda - 11/8/04 Preliminarv Pial. The preliminary plat in ludes Outlot A through Outlot I and Lot 1 of Block 1. Chelsea road is proposed to extend the leng h of the site, connecting the southeastern portion of the site with County Road 39. As previously sated, the area to the north and east of Chelsea Road is zoned 13-4 and the area to the south and wes of Chelsea Road is currently zoned A-O but is designated for future Industrial Use. The folio Ning table illustrates the perf(mnanee requirements of the two current zoning districts; B-4, Re ional Agricultural Business ) ist riet -~" --- ..- Lot A rea Nil 2 Acres ~.-..,-_., -'.~. Lot Width Nil 200 feet .~"'M "'.u_~ ~.,,- Front Setback 0 50 feet -. Side Setback 0 30 feet U~,~_ -- Rear Setback 0 50 feet - Buildinl!: Hcil!:ht 2 stor es N/A ..- The applicant and the City are working on a ph sed transaction of the land south and west of Chelsea Road which is to eventually become th" City's Industrial park. This area is shown on the plat as Lot 1, Block 2. To complement this phasing process, the applicant is proposing to preliminary plat a number of additional outlots 1t this time. As future uses become more apparent, the outlots will be replatted. As such, although Outlot I does not meet the two acre minimum lot area requirement f()r the Agricultural District it . s understood that it will be rezoned to the industrial district in the near future at which point it wi II neet the perf()rmance requirements of the City's Zoning Ordinance. The applicant has submitted a gcneral prelimim ry plat drawing of the enti re site dated October 21, 2004, and conceptual preliminary utility and gn ding plans for a lot I block 1 of the proposed plat. Lot J Block J. The applicant has submitted a c( ncept site plan along with grading and utility plans for the proposed auto sales and display use to tiC' located on I,ot 1 Block I. As noted, this is intended to show a conceptual layout f()r the fu ure Moon Motors facility, and to provide preliminary grading, drainage, and utility inforr:nation for this lot. More detailed inf(lrmation will be presented when the applicant gets ready f(lr I ccupancy of the site. It will be necessary to complete the connection of Chelsea Road from! the cast to provide access to this parcel. Circulation / Access. Otter Creek Crossings is 0 be accessed via the extension of Chelsea Road. The City will need to replat the future Chelsea r ght-of-way on the Denny Hecker site to match that of Otter Creek Crossings. While a concept plan has been prepared for the industrial park that identifies preliminary road and lot design, the ci culation pattern of the future industrial portion of the site will be more specifically determined as Isers of the industrial land are identified. Grodin}! Plan. The applicant has submitted a pI' liminary grading and erosion control plan for Lot I Block 1. The City may determine that this is ac eptable for the purpose of platting the site with the condition that a final grading, drainage, and ero"ion control plan be submitted for review at the time 2 . . . Council Agenda - 11/8/04 of CUP application on Lot I Block I and at t e time ofreplatting each of the outlots. The grading plan is subject to the review and approval oftl e City Engineer. Utilitv Plan. The applicant has submitted pr liminary utility plans for Lot 1 Block 1. The City may determine that this is acceptable for the p rpose of platting the site with the condition that a final grading utility plan bc submitted at the ti le of CUP application on Lot 1 Block 1 and at the time of replatting each of the outlots. The util ty plan is subject to the review and approval of the City Engineer. B. ALTERNATIVR ACTIONS Decision 1: Preliminary Plat 1. Motion to approve of the Preliminary lat of Otter Creek Crossings, based on a finding that the land use pattern is consistent with t le City's Comprehensive Plan, subject to the f()llowing conditions; 1. As future uses become more ap arent, the outlots will need to be replatted. 2. A CUP, including in-depth site lan, building plans, drainage and erosion control plans, a photometric plan, sign ge plan, and landscape plan must be submitted for Lot 1 Block 1. 3. A vailability for access is mainta ned through Outlot F. Potential road acccss to connect to future City property. 2. Motion to deny the Preliminary Plat of tter Creek Crossings, based on a finding that proposed plat is not consistent with the -cquirements of the Subdivision Ordinance or the land use pattern of the Comprehensive Ian. 3. Motion to table the request for further st dy. Decision 2: Final Plat 1. Motion to approve the Final Plat of Ott r Creek Crossings, based on a finding that the land use pattern is consistent with the City's :omprehensive Plan, subject to the f()lIowing conditions; 1. As future uses become more apparen , the outlots will need to be replatted. 2. Availability for access is maintained hrough Outlot f. Potential road access to connect to future City property. 3. A drainage and utility casement is pr vided between Chelsea Road and Interstate 94. 4. A drainage and utility casement is sh wn from the Grovcland addition through the southwest corner of the plat. 5. Annexation of the piece of the plat klown as the "Rask" parcel. 3 . 2. Council Agenda - 11/8/04 Motion to deny the Final Plat of Otter Creek Crossings, based on a finding that proposed plat is not consistent with the requirement of the Subdivision Ordinance or the land use pattern of the Comprehensive plan. 3. Motion to table the request for further study. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION StalTrecommends approval of the Otter Cree Crossings Preliminary and Final Plat with the conditions as listed in the motions. Approval l' the Preliminary Plat and final Plat allows fix the property owner to sell portions of the overall" ite. When future uses, including Moon Motors, are phased in, the developers will need to submit etailed plans. The outlots will need to be replatted and in the case of the agricultural area, rezone, before the process can continue. The City has had numerous discussions on the land use and gen ral layout of this particular area. The proposed plat reflects the intent of those discussions and sho lid meet the City's zoning and subdivision regulations, as well as the Comprehensive PIa D. SUPPORTING DATA . A. Site Location Map B. Preliminary Plat C. Preliminary Plans for Lot 1 Rlock I D. Final Plat . -~~ -_-u -1-] ~ ~~~ p ~ , _..._:::::::11 a': - ~ -.&==~s-:."':.~.:.;; llW_ J " II~; I Ifl"I')U"lIil;i I If PI ill! i Iliml,iitlm11i I ii liIl1 I ill I ~Um,iii~I,) ~ I._ ~ I I:: i [11!Ulij"ji'gl ! I ill! I ';"1 · l'''llfJl!.!t'f'd I ~ iJl; I il ! 11~" J~lh;III" I Illl1j " II,. I 1'.1.))1.)) " J I II I I Ii .1 Jlhl "J! _)1" I I g' i 1\. 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'(- \..\1 ~n '1 ( // /19/ ~Jj/ ~- <" \)'> ~;\ ,,~ \-- r) o ..( \ <:~ o -1 t- .:.( <" No \ ' 1',\ /..... \0 I <II ," ""," ~: /<1'/ ,1/' / ~il v,cf,.r / ~l~1" :i2~i ~ ~; ~30) M~MMION ('SV3.lj M.gL,~N ('SV3/l) oneg (0330) ~'"e .~'Qlig,- - 'y/'-.......... r1'" / I N. \ I 1',\ , ..... -.. c) ~: _- - - -- -,52.1!: _13.. ~ ~s j- i I i ... i Ii l ".I- ~ " "- \"- oos L ~ ...... <... /, ". .. :.) --./ ii / /1 ~ ~ m l I ~ jI; I ! o ~j ltl "I~ 'OJ _ Iff I !li ! ;'-j Hin jJ:!i . 0 L -:r .... ...... '\'- N. \ . 1',\ I ....(</ "'"....-> I N \ . 1'....\ II' MH -Its JO lNl'l !S'Q----- .., _---------,~OI--- SQe'4S':J1"I: i i ) I!/ .lll ~ ~a:! b~,",!i .. u ..'"' , , " . . . 511 City Council Agenda - 11/08/04 A. Reference and background: On January 5, 2000, the City of Monticello as awarded a $500,000 Minnesota Investment Fund Grant through the Small Cities Econo ic Development Program, Minnesota Department of Trade and Economic Development (DTE now DEED), for the Twin City Die Castings Company (TCDC) expansion project. LOW TO MODERATE INCOME On September 23, 2002, the City of Montic 110 and the TCDC entered into a Loan Agreement. The term of the equipment 10m was seven years at four percent (4%) per annum. Because the $500,000 was funded by the St' te from a Federal source, the loan is subject to the fedcral Section 8 guidelines for Low to oderate Income Persons which meant TCDC agreed that at least 51 % of the new jobs wo Id be filled by people who, at the time of hiring, resided in households of "low to moderate i come" (LMI). Family income includes gross wages generated from all family members 1 years and older. The 2003 Section 8 Income Levels are as follows: 1 member = $"'9,550 or less 2 members = 45,200 or less 3 members = 50,850 or less 4 members = 56,500 or less and so on. The advantage of federal dollars to the City is the City retains the $500,000 plus interest. The disadvantage is the additional monitoring required by the Feds. If the company defaults on the LMI requirement, the full $500,000 plus int rest is returned to the State. The last amendment to the Loan Agreemen was approved by thc City Council on July 26, 2003, and adjusted by the State on Septemb r 23,2003. The number of jobs to be created was reduced from 85 to 42 full-time jobs wth at least 22 (51 %) of the new jobs filled by LMI. These jobs to be created by no later than Ju y 26, 2004. The report and LMI documentation submitted by TCnC on S ptember 19,2004, indicates 32 of the 44 new full-time jobs created through July 26, 2 ; 04, were filled by LMI, satisfying the federal Section 8 requirement. Upon receiving a confirmation letter from DEED, the City is entitled City Council A~enda - 11/08/04 . to retain the $500,000 plus interest. No action is required by the City Council relative to this section of the Loan Agreement. BUSINESS SUBSIDY LAW . Also, within the Loan Agreement dated Se tember 23, 2002, was a section called the "business subsidy agreement." This secti n to cover the Minnesota Business Subsidy Act. The last amendment adjusted the wage lev I from 71 new jobs at a wage of at least $8.50 per hour, exclusive of benefits, and 14 new job' at a wage level of at least $12.00 per hour, exclusive of benefits, to 42 new jobs at a age of at least $12.25 per hour, exclusive of benefits. The report submitted by TCD on September 19, 2004, indicates 37 of the 44 new full-time jobs paid a wa~e of at leas $12.25 per hour, exclusive of benefits. Therefore, five new full-time jobs paid I ss than $12.25 per hour, exclusive of benefits, resulting in a default of the business sub 'idy agreement. HOWEVER, IN THE VIEW OF DEED, THE PROJECT WAS "rECHN CALLY EXEMPTED FROM THE BUSINESS SUBSIDY REQUIREMENT BECAUSE F THE SOURCE OF FONDS (FEDERAL). In other words. wage levels are not a require ent of federal funds and the business subsidy agreement was not required by law to be in 'Iuded in the Loan Agreement. Therefore, per DEED and Kennedy & Graven, the enforc mcnt of the non-compliance of the wage level is solely the decision of the City of Monticell ). For your information, TCDC is current wit payback of the loan. The November 2,2004, outstanding principal balancc is $305,661. 6. The last monthly principal and interest payback is due, June 1,2007. H. Alternative Action: I. A motion declaring the job and wa e level report of the provisions of new permanent jobs as submitted by TCDC on Sep ember 19, 2004, as satisfactory and in compliance with the requirements of the Federal Government and the amended Loan Agreement between the City and 'fCDC. 2. A motion declaring the job and wa e level report of the provisions of new permanent jobs as submitted by TCDC on Sep ember 19,2004, in default of the amended Loan Agreement recommending the foil wing remedy: A) Add a penalty f()r each job nd wage level not met by an amount equal to the loan value of each job ($11, 05 per job) or $11,905 x 5 = $59,525. . 2 . City Council Agenda - 11/08/04 " _L A motion declaring the job and wag levcl report of the provisions of new permanent jobs as submitted by TCDC on Sept mber 19,2004, in default of the amended Loan Agreement recommending the folio ing remedy: A) Call the loan. Outstanding rincipal balance 01'$305,661.16. 4. Table any action. C. Recommendation: The City Administrator and Economic Dev lopment Director recommend Alternative No. I. You will note TCDC pays an average annua wage of $18.66 per hour, exclusive of benefits, and paid 2004 property taxes in the amount l' $61,280. TCDC, like other manufacturers, experienced and survived job loss and revenues in the early 2000's due to the downturn in the economy and out-sourcing to China. Yet, T 'DC remained and remains very active in the community participating in Chamber and at er organizational events. In the spirit of business retention and expansion; in lieu of the fact tl. at the business subsidy agreement was inadvertently included in the Loan Agreement; and the fae that TCDC project creates jobs and tax base arc the reasons for recommending Alternative N). 1. . D. SUDDortinl! Data: Copy of the job and wage level report of Sep ember 19, 2004, comments hom Kennedy & Graven, and last amendment to the Loan Ageement.. . 3 .: . '-, " 7,/""'1; ~ ~ ~ W :T Ii2; ~ . Ii> g ~ '---.~ 0;- ~ -g " j". ~-::.~- . ~ ~ e., '....,qa: ~. ,,"i t ~ .. : cij ...g; ~ '-~ 'd ~ l ~ ~ (. ~ 1;: a f "" \~ f i ~ 7\" '\ )~ ~ ~ 1; i ._---:t.,\ g: ~ ~ g ::( ~ "1-1 ~ j \. \,;' S,-ill!'. ~ \ fl~ [ 1 ~ 5-~ r-,' .s 5';; ,\ ~~3:i),. ',\ 5-i>'~~ ~ \,. 3 ~ of:; l ~ [[-"l i t~,,' fm f ~~X~5~ f "~ [ lr ~ . ii ::i ~li13 ..t- ~: ~ _. _U1a;:' ;'1; ~~Q !~g '" m a- 8;-01 'u : 8 ~ -- ~ ~ Ei ::.:::: ~qg: ~ '" " tD 0 3' ~i~ j!:-~ i i-_fl ~ a;; ru !j~ ~~l ;,; ir li 83~ 1ii .. ;:;- ~ Ii> 3 gil~ "l i i~~ ~~~ ~ 2. f ~f;:: ~~c: -; ~ ~ !~ m ~1i3~ = (j ,... =t:'1:l 6 ~;g; ~L;: ~ ~ ~ gg: ii"-" :;-[ 8~ ~~ ~ ~ 1 o " ~ '< 3 !i ~ cr- . 11 l if [1 II i~ ~ ~ iI ~ ;:af ~ tJt:l~ ~ ~ i gfm Ii' . .s f~! i ~ ~i ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 0 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~&~!jif!~~f[jf~!~ filJfftflllff~rffl ~~~0;-~~2~~~mm9i?ono~~n~nQn~~ ff~~ilffilllllf~~~:i"tljg ~ifflfrfffffffiifJffliffrf ~I('~ 1"1 h'il;o."i Itt . ~ fQ ~ =1- ~~affr~i~~i~~~~j~~E ~~~ff~~~~lllI~il~~~~~~~[~~ f~lriiiliIJf;J~iilr~~;~~f~f;fE;fil.f;ifiilllal ~~.. 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M ~ ~ ~ ~ Q. . . ~L' . ~. , . . '. ~'~.,... ~. . . . ~ ~ ~ ~ 0 ~. ,. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ g ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ g ~ ~ ~ g ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ w ~ 0 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ g ~ g ~ ~ f:; - - - ....... - ~ - ~ - ~ ~ - ~ - ~ - ~ - - - - ~ - - - - - ~ - - - ~.. ~ - ~ - - ~ - ~ - ~ - - - ~ - ~ - - ~ - ~ Page 1 of 1 . Ollie Koropchak From : Mercer-Taylor, Beth [bmercer-taylor@Kennedy.Graven , com] Sent: Tuesday, December 02,20034:47 PM To: Ollie Koropchak Cc: Bubul, Stephen J, Subject: Twin City Die Casting Second Amendment Ollie, I left you a phone message just now on the same topic, bu wanted to let you know that Carol Pressley-Olson at DEED has approved the second amendment to the loan a reement between the City and Twin City Die Castings, I've attached the amendment document to this mail, and if I sent it to you earlier, the only thing changed is small typos. As I indicated in my phone mail, EED would not necessarily have approved this second extension if the money had not originally been fro a federal source_ In the view of the state, the project was technically exempted from the business subsi y statutory requirement because of the source of funds_ Give me a call if you need more information about t at, but you can go ahead and get this document executed. I hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving and got to visit the grandkids, or will be able to soon. I've been cross country skiing with our bit of snow_ Beth Mercer-Taylor Attorney Kennedy & Graven, Chartered Phone: 612.337.9283 Fax: 612.337.9310 hmercer. tay I or@kennedy.graven.com . . 12/3/2003 SD . SECOND AMENDMENT TO LOAN AGREEMENT THIS SECOND AMENDMENT TO L AN AGREEMENT is made and entered into as the ~:- day of'Ql..u....,..,,~ ,2003 by and b.. tween the City of Monticello, a statutory city under the laws of Minnesota (the "City") and T in City Die Castings Company, a Minnesota corporation (the "Developer"); WITNESSETH: WHEREAS, on January 5, 2000, the Cit was awarded a Minnesota Investment Fund Grant through the Small Cities Economic Develop ent Program of the Minnesota Department of Trade and Economic Development (now called tl1 Minnesota Department of Employment and Economic Development, "DEED") for the Dev lopeI' with a Grant Agreement Number of CDAP-99-0 122-H-FYOO (the "Grant Agrecment"); and WHEREAS, pursuant to the Grant Agr ement, on June 8, 2000 the City and the Developer entered into an Agreement it)f Loan f Small Cities Development Program (with amendments, the "Loan Agreement"), which cO! tained in its Article 7 a business subsidy agreement (with amendments, the "Business Sub. idy Agreement") pursuant to the Minnesota Business Subsidy Act now codified as Minnesota. tatutes, Sections 1] 6.1.993 through] ] 6.1.995, which Business Subsidy Agreement stipulated the creation of permanent jobs, some of which were required to be filled by low to moderate ine me persons as defined in federal Section 8 . guidelines, and WHEREAS, on September 23, 2002, the ~ity and the Developer entered into a First Amendment to Loan Agreement which modified the Business Subsidy Agreement by extending by more than one year the Compliance Date, as deiiled in the Loan Agreement, for the provision of jobs under Article 7, irom June 30, 2002 to July 6, 2003, so that Sections 7. ] (b) and (c)(] ) of the Business Subsidy Agreement within the L,oan A reement would read as follows: (b) By no later than July 26, 003 (the "Compliance Date") and continuing through at least the Compliance Date, the Developer shall create at least eighty-five (85) new full-time equiv lent jobs (the "New Jobs") on the Development Property. At least seventy-me (71) of the New Jobs must pay a wage of at least $8.50 per hour, exclusive f beneiits. The remaining fourteen (14) of the New Jobs must pay a wage of a least $12.00 per hour, exclusive of benefits. (c) Notwithstanding anythi ng to t e contrary herein, either (]) at least forty-three (43 of the New Jobs must be iiIled by people who, at the time of hiring, reside in households of "low to moderate income" as defined by fede 'al Section 8 guidelines (hereinafter "Low to Moderate Income Persons") . EMT-2397X(,y I MN /90-1{4 sO . . ~ ~ WHEREAS, on July 28, 2003 the City ouncil held a duly noticed public hearing, and approved amending the Loan Agreement for a s cond time through the passage of Resolution No. 2003-54 Amending the Business Subsidy greement Within the Agreement for Loan of Small Cities Development Program Funds Betw en the Twin City Die Castings Company and the City of Monticello; and WHEREAS, on September 23, 2003, the City and Developer received from DEED, as required by the Business Subsidy Act, its approv I of: ]) an extension of the Compliance Date until July 26, 2004 and 2) a decrease in the number of full-time jobs to be created from a total of eight-five (85) to forty-two (42), with 51 % of the jobs to be taken by Low to Moderate Income Persons as defined in the Agreement; and WHEREAS, Section 11.8 of the Loan Ag eement requires that the Loan Agreement be modified solely through written amendments executed by the Developer and the City and approved by DEED (cal!ed the Grantor Agency in t 1e Ll<Ln Agreement). NOW THEREFORE, the City and Devel per hereby agree to amend Section 7(b) and (c)( I) of the Loan Agreement as follows: (b) By no later than July 26, 2004 (the "Compliance Date") and continuing through at least the Complianc Date, the Developer shall create at least forty-two (42) new full-time equiv;: lent jobs (the "New .Jobs") on the Development Property. Forty-two (42) of he New Jobs must pay a wage or at least $12.25 per hour, exclusi ve of benefits. (c) Notwithstanding anything to the contrary herein, either (I) at least twenty-two (2 ) of the New Jobs must be filled by people who, at the time of hiring, reside in households of "low to moderate income" as defined by fed ral Section 8 guidelines (hereinafter "Low to Moderate Income Persons") IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the City has c used this Agreement to be duly executed in its name and behalf and the Developer has caused this Agreement to be duly executed in its name and behalf as of the Jate first above written. HvIT"2397X(,v I MN] 90-84 2 SD CITY OF MONTICELLO · By~()LL Its dCI/ By _ ) "4 ~Lf>--. Its Ct/.,,4ck,IN'S~"'- . . LMT-2J97X()\' J MN 190-X4 '" -, 50 . TWIN CITY DIE CASTINGS COMPANY By_ Its V;ct.. frcQy)~ + Cft> . FMT.239786v J MN /90-X4 4 SD . . . 5E. Consideration of re lacement of di este Monticello Waste Water Treatment fadli, A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: Council Agenda -11/08/2004 urn s at the The 3 existing digester transfer and re-circulation pu 1pS at the Waste Water Treatment plant, which were installed wi th the 1980 W aste Water T reatmen plant, arc no longer capable of transferring and re-circulating the thickened sludge from the disso ved air t1oatation equipment and the recently installed gravity belt thickener. We are temporarily using the smaller moyno gravity belt thickener feed pumps to re-circulate and transfer thickened sludge, but we are unable to send the sludge through the heat exchangers and are worried about perational problems this winter. Chuck Keyes, the Project Manager for Professional Services Group at the Waste Water Treatment plant, has researched this thoroughly and has recom ended we purchase 2 new moyno pumps which would be installed by the existing treatment plant staff. The purchase price of the 2 pumps is $31,058, excluding sales tax and freight. There is approximately 4-6 weeks lead time to get the pumps ordered. We will need to get them ordered uickly so we can get them installed before the extremely cold weather sets in. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: The first alternative is to authorize Protes ional Services Group to replace the existing digester transfer and re-circulation pumps t the Waste Water Treatment plant with 2 new moyno's at an estimated cost of $31 ,058 pi s appropriate freight and sales tax. 1. 2. The second alternative would be not to autl orize Protessional Services Group to purchase and install these pumps and look at an altenate method for replacement. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: It is the recommendation of the Public Works Oil' ctor and Waste Water Treatment plant Project Manager, Chuck Keyes, that the City of Monticcll authorize a replacement of pumps as outlined in Alternative #1. '['he funds are available in the r serve Operational Budget to cover the costs. D. SUPPORTING DATA: Copy of Memorandum from Chuck Keyes, da ed November I, 2004 regarding the pump replacement. 11/03/2004 09:31 7632954779 VE LIA WATER PAGE 01 MEMO To: John Sinlola From: Chuck Keyes Date: November 1, 2004 Subject: Replacement Digester tom,afex' aDd recirculation pumps John, . As we discussed a oouple of weeks ago, I need to replaoe the existing digester transfer and recirculation pumps. These were e:lCisting pumps e used in the old WWTF and with the addition of the DAF (dissolved air floatation) to t 'ckcn sludge and now that we also use the GBT (Gravity Belt Thickener) to thicken slud: e prior to going to the digesters these pumps are no longer able to fC(;irculate or transfi the sludge in or from the digesters. We are temporally using our moyno GBT feed pump to transfer and recirculate our digester, but when we have to use the GBT to thicken sl ge we are unable to transfer or recirculate our digesters through the heat exchangers. Our digesters must be kept at a temperature of 95 to 97 degrees and in the winter time any inab' ity to recirculate the digester through the heat exchanp could result in a temperature loss and digester upset. Attached you will find a quote from Van Bergen & Markson. Inc. (the local Moyna Rep.) fOf the purchase of two (2) new pumps.l chose oyno because: we have had excellent experience with them over the la...q 1.8 years and e City currently bas eleven (11) moyno pumps in service at various locartions 8J'ound the plant. Plant personnel have already removed the old . sting pumps and will install the new pumps so the City won't incur any additional 0 ts. Please let m~ know as soon as possible if it is 0 for me to proceed with the ordering of these pllmps. there is an approximate 4 to 6 we ks lead time to g~ them. If there are any further questions please call me Co: Peg Becker, VWNA Area Manager File VEOLlA WATER NORTH AMERICA OPI!RATINQ SERVICES, LLC '401 Hart Boul.v.,rd, Monticello, MN 55362 . Tel 763-295-2225 x24 F:lx 16~~9!5-4719 WWW.vQollewaterna.com 5~ . . . 11/03/2004 09:31 7632954779 VE LIA WATER ,. ~ A Clear Solutions Technology Company Van Bergen & Maroon, Inc. 8814 Seventh AvenlJe North Mino,.pQIi., MN 6!427 763-.546.4340 Fax: 763-546-0973 Toll Free: 8OQ..4~2-07g1 E-rTlell: ..hayetJ@vbmine,eom Facsimile CO~/er Sheet FROM: AL HAYES DA I"E: September 29, 2004 To: Chuck Company: Monticello. Mn Waste Nater Fax: 763.295.4779 Pages 'ncludlng this cover $hee: 2 ~UBJ~CT: Moyna Sludge PLlmp (200GF M) ChUCk, Here Is the 2F075G1 6~ pump pri.;ing,baseplate, couplng and guard. 10hp premium gearmctor with shaft 51..". .......$ 15,529.00 each. Call with questions. AI- PAGE 02 5E . SF. . . Council Agenda - 11/8/04 A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: The Monticello Youth Hockey Program is req esting renewal of their permit to conduct charitable gambling operations at l-lawks Spo s Bar and Grill. Prior to the State Gambling Control Board is uing a license, the City Council must pass a resolution approving or denying the applicatil n. The staff is not aware o[ any reason why the Council would not allow the state to issue thi license. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: c. D. 1. Adopt a resolution authorizing the Sta e Gambling Control Board to renew the charitable gambling license to the Monticello yO' th Hockey Program for charitable gambling activities at llawks Sports Bar and Gri 1. 2. Do not approve the resolution. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: The City Administrator recommends the resol tion being adopted authorizing the issuance of the license. The City is not aware of any reas n why the license should be denied. SUPPORTING DATA: · Copy of resolution . . . CITY OF MONT CELLO RESOLUTION N . 2004-89 RESOLUTION AUTHORIZI G THE ISSUANCE OF A GAMBLING LICENSE WHEREAS, Monticello Youth Hockey Program has ubmitted an application to the City Council of Monticello for the renewal of a charitabl gambling license to conduct charitable gambling activities at Hawks Sports Bar and Grill in onticello, Minnesota; WHEREAS, the Council is not opposed to the gambl ng license being issued by the State Gambling Control Board. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOL VED BY THE ITY COUNCIL that the application by the Monticello Youth Hockey Program for a chari tab e gambling license at Hawks Sports Bar and Grill, 9697 Hart Boulevard, Monticello, Minneso a is hereby approved and the State Gambling Control Board is authorized to process the pplication. Adopted by the City Council this 8th day ofNovemb r, 2004. ATTEST: ruce Thielen, Mayor Rick W olfsteller, City Administrator S~ Council Agenda - 11/8/04 5G. of . A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROlJND The City Council previously approved continuation f the Monticello lIeartland Express for 2005 and had authorized the Grant Management Plan Applicat on for 2005. In order to secure third party transit service for Heartland Express, the City Counc I is asked to review and approve the 2005 Specification for Operation and bid proposal inform tion. For 2005, Mn/DOT is requiring that the City process all bid proposal infonnation through their Equal Employment Opportunity (FEO) and Contract otTice This requirement ensures that Monticello's process for securing service follows state and federal standards. The need to meet these standards arises from the federal and state funding that has bee 1 requested through the grant application. The Specification for Operation and Bid Proposal form i eluded for Council review follows the recommended templates provided to the City by the . istrict 3 Program Manager. It should be noted that EEO does not playa role in determining who th bid is awarded to. The organization only monitors the process to ensure proper regulations ar followed. -rhe EEO Office is in the process of reviewing this ocumentation and wi Il provide the City with any comments or revisions in the next week. . With City Council authorization, the Community D velopment Department will mail out bid proposal packages to transit ~roviders within Sherb me and Wright Counties. Proposals will be accepted until November 2911,2004. After that tim, the Cit~ Council will have the opportunity to review and award the recommended bid at the Dece 1ber 131 meeting. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS 1. Motion to approve the 2005 Specification f r Operations - City of Monticello Heartland Express and the Bid Proposal form and to a thorize the public notice and mailed bid requests for 2005 third party transit services. 2. Motion to deny the 2005 Specification for perations - City of Monticello Heartland Express and the Bid Proposal form and to deny auth rization for public notice and mailing of bid requests for 2005 third party transit service . 3. Motion of other. C. ST AFF RECOMMENDATION . Staff recommends alternative 1 above. StatT woul like to proceed with requesting bid proposals in order to secure transit service for 2005. . . . Counci I Agenda - 11/8/04 D. SUPPORTING DATA A. B. Specification for Operation - City of Monticel 0 Heartland Express Bid Proposal form . ~uecifications Fo CITY OF MONTICELLO - EARTLAND EXPRESS . . MONTICELLO, INNESOT A Prepare By: Jeff 0' eill Deputy City . dministrator [)ATE: Octo er 51\ 2004 sG . TABLE OF CO TENTS SPECIFICA TrONS FO OPERA TION OF CITY OF MONTICELLO - H' ARTLAND EXPRESS TITLE P AG E ............................ .............................. TABLE OF CONTENTS.. .... ........ ....... ............................. NOTICE TO BIDDERS .................. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . BID PROC,;OSAL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . NON-'iIOLLtlSION DECLARATION. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Jim INSTRlJCiflONS TO BIDDERS ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1. t General".;;;>;,,; . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ~i;.2 Bid Instru\1ti~;~s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Fl, Additional Required Submittals. .. .............................. 1.4 Bidder Protest Procedure. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.0 DESCRIPTION OF TRANSIT SERVICE 2.1 General 2.2 Definition of a Deviated Route Ser ice Definition of a Demand Response, ervice Definition of a Dial-A-Ride Servic Definition of a Special Route Guar ntee Definition of a Subscription/Standi g Order Fleet and Equipment Inventor Estimated Operating Hours . 3.0 GENERAL CONTRACT CONDITIONS 3. t Duration 3.2 Non-Discrimination 3.3 Termination 3.4 Assignment 3.5 Ownership 3.6 Budgets, Routes, Schedules, Fares Promotion 3.7 Performance Bond 4.0 . SERVICES TO BE PROVIDED BY T E CONTRACTOR 4.1 Management 4.1.1 General 4.1.2 Personnel 4.1.3 Garaging 4. t.4 Collection of Revenue 4. t .5 Records and Reports 4.2 Dri vi ng 4.3 Maintenance 4.4 Fuel SG 4.5 Insurance 4.6 Regulatory Assurances . ATTACHMENTS A TT ACH MENT t Existing Major Roadways Fare Rate Sheet ATT AGHMENT 2 Drug and Alcohol Policy .i\\ TT~C,H MENT 3 Fari;;.Box Collection and Handling P ocedures ATT ACHME~14 DisadvanfhgtdBusiness Enterprises (DBE) Special Provisions EEO Mn/DOT Contract - Federal Contra t Clauses EEO contained in contract for Mn/DOT Contract - Certifications nd Assurances for FT A Assistance Program Sample Contract Form ATTACHMENT 6 Passenger Brochure . SG . . . SPECIFICATIONS FO OPERATION OF MONTICELLO HEAR LAND EXPRESS 1.0 INSTRUCTIONS TO BIDDERS 1.1 General The City of Monticello is inviting bids for private t ansportation services necessary to support the Monticello l1eal1land Express. The Contract sh.ll be in effect for a one-year period from January I, 200).lntil December 31,2005. The Cit~ ..... onticello's Deputy City Administr tor, Jeff O'Neill, will represent the City of Monticello il1,~,~~tablishing a contract with a service provider and with the State of Minnesota. A Ci Transit Co~rdinator will be responsible for m nitoring the ongoing operation of the system, the assistance of the Deputy City Administr tor and Finance Department. City staff will assist the Monticello T~,~,~sportation Advisory Committee (MTRAC) and the City Council in development of the M~~l1,Heello transportation ystem operation policy. In addition, the ~onticello Transportatio dvisory Committee will provide marketing and operations support e program in the fo of in-kind contribution. of time. In deter ining the lowest responsible bidder, the C ty of Monticello will take into consideration the low.' and Total Base bid, and the actual cap bility of the bidder to perform. The City of ,~onticell. rves the right to accept or reject any and all proposals, to waive minor i.li,~,~ularities and informalities therein, to reject any and all hid proposals, to award to other than thelgwest bidder, and to award the agreement in th best interests of the City of Monticello. Bidders shall acquaint themselves with, and shall c mply with all applicable federal, state, and local statutes, rules, and ordinances. The City of Monticello may also require the bidder to modify their operations under the Contract if such odifications do not impose any additional costs to the Contractor. The successful bidder shall be req uired to enter int( a Contract with the City of Monticello on a form provided by the City of Monticello. The cont act shall consist of the Specifications and Attachments and the Contract Form. Any questions that the bidder may have in regard t the interpretation of the Specifications shall be submitted in writing to JcffO'Neill at the addre s listed in the Notice To Bidders, prior to November 15th, 2004. Facsimiles to 763~295-4404 will also be accepted until the foregoing date. 1.2 Bid Instructions The bidder shall use the Bid Proposal Form and th Financial Plan Workbook Form included herein. The Base Bid includes the items of work necessary to provide private transportation services to support the Monticello Ileartland Express for the Contract Period from January], 2005 to December 31,2005. The contractor will only be p. id f()r those actual hours in which the buses are operated in accordance with these Specifications. 5~ . Payment at the unit prices per hour listed in the Bid roposal shall be considered payment in full fi)f all costs incidental to the transportation services 'upporting Monticello (--{eartland Express for the Contract Period, including but not limited to ma agement, operation and maintenance expenses, safety inspections, insurance, training, oft ee and storage facilities, and all necessary labor, equipment, and materials required and agreed upon. 1.3 Additional ReQuired Submittals The bidder shall submit the following information ith the bid: 1. Three (3) professional references. 2. Three (3) credit references, including reference from a bank. It is understood that the C,:ity of Monticello may contact ea h reference to solicit information regarding the ch~f~cter, credit, and other inform tion concerning the Bidder. 3. Locationsq,i""resigence during the past five (5) years. Types of dri'ing and operating licens s currently held. If no license is held, explain why. Experience - at least three (3) years e perience in or associated with the ,management of a bus, limousine or ta icab business is desired. shall also submit, along with the bid, a r sume consisting of the following information: 1. How he/she proposes to provide man gerial services. 2. What office accommodations he/she ill provide and the location (within the service area) thereof. 3. How and where he/she proposes to st re the buses, within the service area. 4. Dispatch service description. No dir ct cellular dispatch will be allowed. 1 .4 Bid Protest Procedure 1. A formal letter of protest must be reeeiv d at the City of Monticello, to the attention of Jeff O'NeilL within ten (10) business da s of the date of the award notification letter. The letter must state specifically the rea on for the protest and include any documentation needed to substantiate th claim(s). . 2. City of Monticello will have ten (10) bu 'iness days from the date of receipt of the protest letter in which to make a written response. The City of Monticello may extend the period for purposes of investigating. he protest, if it is warranted, by notifying the complainant in writing of their intentio s within the above mentioned response time. SCD . 3. If the complainant, after receiving the final written response from the City of Monticello, is not satisfied that the reason or protest has been sufficiently resolved, he/she may file a request for an appeal to e heard by the City of Monticello city council Such request must be written and eceived within the (10) business days from the date of the City of Monticello respons letter. The letter shall be made to the attention of Jeffrey O'Neill, who will sche ule the hearing for the next available City of Monticello council meeting, and infor the complainant in writing of said date and time. 4. City.~f Monticello will not receive any se vice or product described in the bid documell! from the successful bidder unti the protest has been resolved. 2.0ilii,iDESCH!JR,TION OF TRANSIT SERVIC ~ the MOlieello Ileartlan",xpress is intended to s rvice the population residing within the city llf ~"lIt!ccl\P. Monticello I leartland Express is avo ilable to all potential users within Monticello cit1jii::l~,~lits. Transportation is provided to commer ial and church locations directly adjacent to the ei:lJ : : j , ~ : : Of primmi',l~portance is maintenance of a transpo tation service level that will attract citizens of ~Ptlticellq,as the City of Monticello is a major source of local revenue for this program. "f!hQ't~~~re, except for service outside the city note above, extension of transportation service to area~, outside the Monticello city limits will be ph sed in as the service demand and concurrent impact on service delivery becomes better unders ood. Extension of service level beyond city limits will be considered by the City Council an MTRAC when it can be demonstrated that service expansion will not diminish capability of he system to offer a desirable service level to Monticello citizens. . Operator agrees to provide an estimated 2300 hours of transportation service utilizing an operator~owned bus. City agrees to contract for a inimum of 2200 hours annually. The service operates Monday through Friday except for the f 1I0wing holidays: New Year's Day, Memorial Day, Fourth of July, Labor Day, Thanksgiving, Ch istmas Eve and Christmas. The available bus fleet consists of one (1) bus. It is understood that the bus is the primary trans ortation vehicle and that transportation should be provided exelusively by this vehicle if possi' Ie. It is recognized that, from time to time, service demand will exceed the capacity of a'ingle bus. During peak demand periods, the Operator agrees to operate a supplemental vehicle. Operator has the latitude to provide supplementa vehicle service when service demand exceeds the capacity of the primary bus. However, Ope ator-direeted supplemental vehicle use must be coordinated with the City in order to manage hou s budgeted for additional service. . The Deputy City Administrator or Finance Assi tant is authorized to direct the service provider to provide supplemental vehicle service. sG 2.2 Definition Of A Deviated Route Service . Not applicable for this contract period. 2.3 Definition Of A Dial-A-Ride Service A demand responsive service in which either curb-t. -curb or door-to-door transportation is provided to patrons who request service by telephon ,either on an ad hoc or subscription basis. Patrons shall contact the dispatcher, by phone, at Ie st two (2) hours in advance, to schedule a ride. Stand~y appointments will be allowed if possi Ie, thus reducing the need for phone calls. Speci~,} rilteinq.~ntives may be established to encour ge patrons to call a day in advance for sc~ed"led rides;' Thc bus will be required to travel t) the requested pick-up site within the s.!il1rvicearea and foHow the most direct route to the ider's destination. 2.4 Definition Of A SPedal Route Guarantee .~.~,~~:an~"response serviceaddition (i.e. additional time or a route extension) provided sP!il1cilJcally for the benefit of another organization or which a guaranteed revenue minimum has been"~st~""plished. Route must be open to the public and advertise as such. Special Event or Episodi~,~.~..er~,,~ce that is provided occasionally bu not on a regular basis. This service will include se1::jceduring the Monticello community fI stivals of Walk and Roll and RiverFest. ie~i~e f~r <he special events will be established 0 e month prior to the events and arc included in"the:".c9ntractual hours. . 2.5 Definition Of A Subscri tion/Standin 0 der Not applicable for this contract period. 2.6 Fleet and Equipment Inventory The Operator shall provide: 1. One 21 to 25-foot bus with wheelc air lift and secured seating for two passengers in a wheelchair. Bus shall have minimum seating capacity of 19 passengers, including wheelchair passengers. The bus shall have retractable seat belts installed with every scat. All spec'fics of vehicles must meet all federal and state laws, rules, and regulations for op ration and must meet all ADA requirements. Operator shall finance and coordi ate application of paint and stylized markings identifying the bus. Paint and 111< rking design shall be established and approved by the City. Detailed bus specifications shall e reviewed by city staff and MN Department of Transportation. . In order to maintain program and .bus identity, the transit program bus shall not be used f(w private purposes without prior approval from City stafT. sG 2. Operator shall provide onc han icappcd accessible vehicle intendcd to supplemcnt bus service. Special pai ting of the supplemental vehicle as a public transit vehiclc is not required; howe er, a magnetic identification strip placed on the vehicle while in operation as a tr nsportation vchicle is required. . Days of Week _ Mon - Fri Service ours ,_.~~~ ~~ Hours ofS'ervice 8: 15 AM - :45 PM, plus .25 hours/day rep time ---------,..---'.-------- 2.10 Estimated Operatinl! Hours The approximate operating hours for each of the ro Route Dial-a-Ride # hours/day 9 # hours/week .-.,,-,~,-, 45 ~,-,-'~"_. Ap~'rqil<. 2300 hours/year A~ox. 45 hours/week___ 'i> These serv~:;~e::l:.evels are approximate and are subject to the availability of necessary Fcderal, ~tatc, and ~pcal funding, as well as the necds of t e community, and arc subject to change. lii<;t~e ~ours calcul ated do not take into consider, ti on the nom ber of bo urs needed for safety inspc!ittions. . The City will contract for 2300 hours of service b It reserves the right to rcduce total hours below 2300. The City will not reduce hours less than 2 00. In addition, if additional revenue becomes available, sllch funds could be llsed to expand tra sportation hours. Total scheduled hours amount to approximately 300 hours. Surplus hours equal the difference between total contract hours and schedulcd ho Irs. These additional hours may be uscd for special evcnts and to bring a second bus on line d ring peak demand periods. 3.0 GENERAL CONTRACT CONDITIO 3.1 Duration The Contract shall be in cffect for a one-year per' od from January 1,2004 to December 31,2005. 3.2 Non-Discrimination Public transportation shall be available to all per ons, regardless of race, crecd, color, national origin, religion, age, sex or disability. 3.3 Termination . If the Contractor is (I) adjudged to be bankrupt; (2) makes a gencral assignment for the benefit of creditors; (3) has a receiver on account of ins lvency; (4) is guilty of substantial violation of sCo . .' . any provision of the Contract; (5) fails to promptly ay employees or obligations incidental to proper performance of the Contract; or (6) persisten ly disregards or permits disregard by employees of laws, ordinances or instructions of the City of Monticello designated representative, then the City of Monticello may, at i s opinion, terminate the Contract without further obligation on the part of the City of Montice 10 to the Contractor except for the expenses incurred prior to the termination. If the City of Mo ticello or its designated representative believes any action or non-action of the Contractor epresents an immediate threat to public safety, the City of Monticello may suspend service or so long a period as they deem necessary. 3.4 Assiunmcnt This C0l1,~ra~;~.or any part thereof may not be assign d by the Contractor without prior written consel)J of tM! City of Monticello. Huses,!~re boxes, andc~:~l~u,)ication equipment ill be furnished by the 3rd party pubic transit ~?ntrac.~:?r~nd shall remain."jRe property of the 3rd arty public transit contractor The Contractor ipall Dl8'lnt8'in the buses in as good a condition as l' ceived, normal wear and tear expected. 3.6 Bud ets Routes Schedules Fares Prom tion The City o~i:ii:fMclhticello retains the authority to est blish and determine routes and schedules of si,rvice for public transportation in the transit area, the authority to fix and alter fares and any ot'hefi'I::~p<Jrges to be collected in connection with th operation of the transportation system, and the avthority to conduct a marketing and public re ations program to promote the use of the transportation system. 3.7 Performance Bond All bids shall be sealed and accompanied by a cas deposit, cashier's check, bid bond, or certified check in the amount of five percent (5%) of the proposal amount, payable to The City of Monticello. Such amount shall be forfeited to th City of Monticello as liquidated damages, if the bidder, upon letting the agreement, shall fail t enter into the agreement so let. 4.0 SERVICES TO BE PROVIDED BY T E CONTRACTOR 4.1 Manauement 4.1.1 General: The Contractor shall provide the management sevices as arc usual and customary for sound and effective operation ofa 3rd party public transit cOltractor, and to provide but not be limited to the following servi es: I . General Operations. 2. Safety, driving, dispatching and pLblic relations training. sG 3. Operations and maintenance accounti g and office management. 4. Equipment Maintenance. 5. Fare box security/collection and week y delivery o[the fare boxes to the (insert location for drop-off/pick-up] and on he first working day following the last day of the month. 6. Daily interior cleaning and weekly w shing of the buses. 7. O{fice and garage accommodations. Dispatching services from dispatcher to bus (NO CELL PHONE DISP A TCll). Resolving and recording of customer complaints. Lal?o(/employee relations and persOl nel management. 11. Consttltation assistance in schedulin ,promotion, route planning and general operations": Performance/and recording of daily us preventive maintenance check. Provide uniforms as approved by Ci y of Monticello. Adopt and comply with drug and al ohol policies, procedures and testing, as required by the Federal Transit Aut ority (FT A) and/or Mn/DOT provide driver training in dealing ith disabled passengers in accordance with established Mn/DOT Assisting Yo r 'fransit Passenger and Driving Professionally and Defensively guidelines, prior t driving. Training to be scheduled through an approved Mn/DOT Training Progr m. 16. Assist in customer complaints, qu stions, etc. beyond the normal transition between providers of the service, i eluding participation in service start-up activities, promotions and advertis ~ments. 4.1.2 Personnel: . . The Contractor shall furnish qualified, licensed nd responsible drivers necessary for the safe operation of buses used in providing serviee, an shall furnish all other necessary personnel for continued operation of the service, including bu not limited to; maintenance, cleaning and washing, operations and maintenance, and will ssume alllahor and other contractual obligations incident thereto. The Operator shall employ qoalified drivers slfficient in number to operate the service for the hours contracted. Drivers shall be trained by the Operator to ensure proper attitude, courtesy, and safety in transportiog passengers. Driver shall be trained in defeosive driving, use of lift and assisting passengers with disabilities, and mergency procedures. Drivers shall be provided training as follows: 1 hour emergency proced res, 4 hours defensive driving, 6 hours passenger assistance. The provider must comply with driver drug and alcohol testing requirements as defined by the Federal Transit Administration. ~G . Drivers shall be familiar with the geographic area s rved. Drivers must maintain at least a class . "Il" license. Drivers must provide proof of a physiea exam as required by state slatute. All drivers must be screened by the City and Operat r for accident history and driving violations. To the extent possible, drivers shall be screened for criminal history and investigations of reported abuse or neglect involving minors or vulneable adults. The Operator agrees to employ other needed sup ort personnel including, but not limited to, administrative,.",.cl~rical, and dispatch as good busin ~ss judgment may deem necessary to comply with this agreement. Training shall be provided by he Operator. It is slfliffi<l<tl~ ~nderstood that all personnel fornis ed by the Contractor in connection with the perfofilance oti.s~fvice shall be and remain the emp oyees of the Contractor. The Contractor ~ ~ay. all wagi!$'.f1ari es, fri nge benefits, social eeurity taxes, worker's compensation and tinemploymentcompe~s~~ion or other contribution. as required by law. The Contractor shall be considt1fed an "lndepet1q~n.tCsmtractor" as the tern is used under the laws of the State of > Minnesbta. 1'lle':!?pcrator agrees to discuss expectations and p rfonnanee frequently with employees. In the event,,,,pf',,,public complaints to the City regarding perator employees, the City shall provide the OperatoJl, a;;",.written summary of complaints recei ed. The City shall require the Operator to discuss pcnro~mance expectations and any unsati. factory performance with employees and to and have employees sign to document these d' scussions. .. The Contractor shall abide by all federal, state and local laws, rules, and ordinances with respect to its employees. The Contractor shall not discriminate against any mployee or applicant for employment because of racc, creed, color, religion, sex, age or ational origin. The Contractor shall take affirmative action to ensure that applicants ar employed and that employees are treated during employment without regard to their race, creed, color, religion, sex, age or national origin. Such action shall include, but not be limited to the following: Employment, upgrading, demotion or transfer, re ruitment or recruitment advertising, lay- off or termination, rates of payor other forms of c mpensation and selection for training. The Contractor shall post in conspicuous places a ailable to employees and applicants for employment, notices to be provided by the contra ting officer setting forth the provisions of this non-discrimination clause. The Contractor shall, in all solicitations or advert, sements for employees placed by or on behalf of the Contractor, state that all qualified a plicants will receive consideration for employment without regard to race, creed, color, 'eligion, sex, age or national origin. Dri vcr shall: 1. Hold a current Minnesota Commcrc al Driver's License appropriate for the size of . the bus being driver. 2. Be able to read, write and speak the English I,anguage. 5~ fTA exam). Have a police check and motor vehicle record check. Be subject to random drug and alcohol testing throughout employment. AnyCJ!fie convicted within five (5) years prior to cmployment of (a) a crime involving ha~~toaperson or (b) driving while undcr the inil cnce of drugs or intoxicating liquor or non-intoxicating malt beveragcs or careless or r ckless driving, shall not be considered for employment. Thc Contractor shall certify to the City of Monticello that each driver has becn properly trained and licenscd, and is physically, m ntally and legally qualified to operate the vehiclc and to assist passengers. No person shall dive a transit vehicle without this certification. The manager shall not permit a driver to drive if th drivcr has consumed an intoxicating liquor or non-intoxicating liquor or non-intoxicating malt beverages or a drug within eight hours prior to the time he/she begins driving, or if the driver is intoxicated or is under the influence of a drug which would influence driving ability when he/she is to begin driving. " -, . . 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. . Have knowledge ofroads and major ac ivity centers in the City of Monticello area. Have knowledge of and be trained in th use of handicapped I in and security devices. Have knowledge and ability to perform preventive maintenance checks. Keep simple records and make reports. Be neat in appearance. to the special needs of senior citi' ens, persons with a handicap, etc. lingly assist public passengers. Deal courteously and effectively with assengers and the public. II. Be ilformed that they are responsible r the lives of the public passengers. 12. Have Pass a a motor vehicle or vehicle' at least 10,000 miles prior to employment. p4ysical examination p' id for by the Contractor or driver (Mn/DOT 4.1.3 Office: The Contractor shall furnish thc necessary office s acc, equipment and utilities,including telephone and radio dispatching equipment, as ma be reasonably required in order to properly and efficiently pert<mn the required service hereun er. Location of this officc space shall be within the designated servicc area, and is subject t approval by the City of Monticello. 4.1.4 Garaeine: Thc Contractor shall supply garage space for all tr nsit vehicles, and storagc for all parts, cquipment and supplies reasonably necessary for t c operation of the Monticello Heartland Express system. The garage location shall be subj ~ct to approval by the City of Monticello. . SG 4.1.4 Collection of Revenue: All revenues derived from the operation ofthe Man icello Heartland Express system shall be and remain from the initial receipt thereof, the absolute roperty of the City of Monticello, and the treatment of such revenues including the banking at the accounting shall be as directed by the City of Monticello. . The Contractor, on behalf of the City of Monticello; shall receive, co1led and deliver all revenues from the transit operations directly to the ffice of the City of Montice1l0. For security and deposit convenience, the Contractor shall leave all revenues in the fare box, and deliver the fare boxes d~rettlyto the City of Monticello office t least once weekly, and always on the first workday follpwing the last day of the proceeding m nth. The City of Monticello will not providemone~/change to the vehicle operators. 4.1.5 Records and Reports: The Cq~tractor shall pr~v\i,~ t~e City of Monticell with the necessary information to be included in the monthly rei!Drts on or before the te th (10111) day of each month. The Contractor k,~epand maintain re~ords on forms approved by the City of Monticello. Information in these reports shall include, but not lim'ted to, the following items. ., Dial-A Ride Trip logs 2. '!','Customer complaints 3. Daily hus preventive maintenance 4. Daily and monthly patronage, includi g: Total passengers, elderly, adults, students, children, disahled and free ride passe gers 5. Daily and monthly times of lift opera ion 6. Daily and monthly hours of hus oper' tion 7. Daily and monthly miles of bus oper.tion 8. Equipment maintenance, including d tailed shop tickets with a breakdown of parts, supplies and labor costs. 4.2 Drivine The Contractor shall provide driving services reqL ired and as set forth elsewhere in the Specifications. 4.3 Maintenance . The Contractor shall maintain buses and related e uipment. The Contractor shall use maintenance standards as recommended by the m nufadurer and as set forth by the City of Monticello; provided, however, that oil and oil til ers in each bus be changed after every .1.000 miles of operation. The City of Monticello will r imburse the Contractor fl)r used or expended maintenance parts and supplies needed during daily operations of the bus(es). The Contractor shall furnish and pay for maintenance lahor servi es at his/her own expense, and shall schedule SG . such repairs. The Contractor shall provide inspectio s (both daily and Mn/DOT required) of buses. The City of Monticello reserves the right to p riodically take and inspect each bus to determine whether or not it is being properly maintai ed. 4.4 Fuel The Contractor shall provide for the fueling of the b ses and include the costs shall be part of the hourly rate shown on the proposal sheet. Pre-appro ed personnel only will be allowed to pump fuel into the bus!rs after receiving appropriate instru tions. 4.5 Insurluce T~e ~tractd! ~a!l provide workers' compensatio insurance, garage keeper's lcgalliability ~~ge liability~,jn~uranee, and the following eo erage. Sucb insurance shall be in tbe 'amounts and limits as::herein set forth; Garage keeper's'il:il~'~alliability shall be a inimum of $250,000, for the entire Heet. Garage liability shall be a minimum of $ ,000,000/$3,000,000 on bodily injury and $1,000,000/$3,000,000 on property dam ge. 3. $.1 ,Qoo,000/$3,000,000 on hired and non owned auto liability. 4. $1,000,000/$3,000,000 on generalliabili y. 5. $7,500 dishonesty bond. .1 The insurance coverage required above shall cont, in no exclusion for contractually assumed liability, and shall name City of Monticello, State )1' Minnesota Department of Transportation, and the Federal Transit Administration, and their espective officers, employees, agents and board members as additional insured parties. The Contractor shall indemnify and hold harmless, the City of Monticello, the Minnesota Department of Transportation and their agents and employees from and against all claims, damage, I sses and expenses, including attorney's fees arising out of or resulting from any action involvi g the transit operations provided that any such claim, damage, loss or expense is caused in whol or in part by any act or omission of the Contractor or anyone directly or indirectly cmplo ed by the Contractor. City of Monticello will provide automobile liabil'ty coverage, including physical damage coverage on the buses, up to the limits as specific in Minnesota Statutes, Section 466.04. Such coverage is on the buses while in Transit activiti s. City of Monticello will not provide personal injury protection coverage on behalf of the Contrlctor or its employees. The Contractor shall provide personal injury liability coverage for itse l' and all employees. Upon request of the Contractor, City of Monticello will provide the ontractor with any and all information regarding insurance coverage carried by the City of Monticello. The insurance company shall deliver to the desi nated City of Monticello contact, certificates of all insurance required above with a 30-day notic of cancellation, non~renewal or material change provision included, signed by an authori' ed representative and stating that all provisions of the specified requirements are satisfied. The ~ontractor shall not perform any services under the contract for services with the City of Montic ~1I0 until the insurance required by the document sG . has been secured by the bidder and approved by th City of Monticello. The cost for said insurance shall be part of the hourly rate shown on he proposal sheet. . 4.7 Reeulatorv Assurances Thc bidder by submission of his/her proposal assur s City of Monticello that he/she shall comply with, and be bound by all applicable federal, state, nd local laws, rules, and ordinances, including but not limited to those included in these Specifications and shall complete all required reports and subWit them to the City of Monticello ithin ten (10) working days of the end of the reporting mollth. . sc; BID PROP SAL OPERATION OF CITY OF MONTlC LLO HEARTLAND EXPRESS . Proposal of (Name) Street Address City, S tatt ~ii:ZJ::~ p Fax: Phone~ E.-mail: ~'liand pe~ and work in ac~dlmCC with the Cont!" et and Specifications for private 3" party transit serVifF ~nlitpding J>u t not I imi ted~o management, operati n and maintenance expenses, safety inspections, insuraf1!:': !,~ining, office and storage faeilitics, and all ne essary labor, equipment, and materials required to supportl'll~~\re 110 Heartland Express, with service comm ncing on January 1", 2 DO 5 for a peri od of one year, To the City ofM~tlticcllo, Monticello, Minnesota: In aecordan'l""'ith tbe advertisement inviting prop sals for the project bereinbefore named, and in c~if~r~ifywith the contract and specifications pertaining thereto: (i):(!V$},hereby certify tbat (I am) (we are) the only person(s) interested in this proposal as principal ._~__; that this proposal is made and subm'tted without fraud or collusion with any other person, , firm, or corporation wbatsoever; that an ex ami nation has een made of the site of tbe work and the Contract form, together with the Specifications pertaining thereto. (I) (We) understand that the quantities of work sho n berei n are approxi mate only and are subject to Jncrease or decrease; that all quantities of work, whether nereased or decreased, arc to be preformed at the unit prices shown on tbe bid schedule; and that, at the time 0 opening of bids, totals will only be read, but lbat the comparison of bids will be based on the correct summati n of the item totals obtained from the unit prices bid, (I) (We) propose to furnish all necessary cquipmcnt tools, labor, and other means in the manner and at the time prescribed in accordance with the terms of the Cont act and Specifications. (I) (We) further propose to execute the form of Co tract within ten (ID) days after receiving written notice of award. (I) (We) further propose to guarantee all work per armed under this Contract to be done in accordance with the Specifications. (1) (We) further understand and agree that tbis pro osa1 cannot be withdrawn within thirty (3D) days aner scheduled time for receipt of bids. (I) (We) agree to all the provisions of Minnesota 'tatutes, Section 181.59. . Page 1 of 4 sG BASE Bin SC EDlJLE . Line Number Unit Unit Price Amount Item 1 DiaJ-A-'Ride Services Hour 23 0 $ $ ---- ~,--,........._. EIN~b'.L PLAN WORl<~OOK: Our flfm agrees to tlach to this proposal a completed Financial Plan ~rbook, outlining tbe costs;~~ciated with our unit pree proposed. All line items may not be completed, lWY'ever, any line item entered w,ill a narrative expl' ining the costs GRAND TOTAL BASE BID $ -------~-_.--- [THIS SPACE LEFT B_ANK INTENTION ALL Yl . Page 2 of 4 SG PROPOSAL GUARANTY: A (cash deposit), (cashier's ceck), (bid bond) (certified check) in the amount of ($ ) being at least five percent (5%) of the amo nt of proposal, made payable to the City of ~onticello, as a proposal guarantee, which is agreed by the undersigned will be forfeited in the event the form of contract is not executed, if awarded to the undersigned. DISADV ANTAGED BUSINESS ENTERPRISE CERTIF CATION: Our firm will meet a minimum goal of __---% of this c~ntrad to Disadvantaged Business Ent rprises. A bidder who fails to indicate a specific goal above mustflllfill the total goals indicated in the Spe ifications. NON-COLI..liJSIO~ J;,FE'IDA VlT: A Non-Collusion Atfi avit is found in these Specifications, which must be signed ea~h bidder. RE@EIPT OF ADDENDA: 1ll:~ndersig~e<\hereby acknowleulg4fcceipt of and has onsidered the Specificatioos for Operatioo of City of MOIliliq,fllo ij~art\a,ttd Express addendum. Signed EXECUTION OF PROPOSAL: dated the day of -- . .Signed: ____ _, P.O. Addre's _------- as an individual. Signed: __----------' P.O. Addre s _____-------- as an individual. Doing business under the name and style of ---- -,~,_.,-,,.....---,,-,_._~"--'- Signed: -~,,-,._,,-,~'. .' for _ a partnership. Name Business Address _.-,-~,~-,-"-,-,._'--~...----- Name Business ---.---.---.---- .---.---.-.----.-..---.-- Signed: ___-------.-----' for -- _________--- a corporation. Incorporated under the laws of the State of___ .-~"--"_._~'-,._.~~'- Name of President Business Address ~,--~~,-'~-'-'-'-'.._- -----.-..---..-.'.---- .amc of Vice-President ________.__ Business Address -,-,-~.-"-,_.,'_.,-,.-'-_.-'~- Page 3 of 4 - I 5'eo Name of Secretary _______-- Bl siness Address . NON-COLLUSION ECLARATION Name of Treasurer The following Non-Collusion Declaration shall be executed by the bidder: OPERATION OF MONTICELLO HEARTLAND EXP ESS STATE O~'I,,!"fJNNeSOTA WRI G HT<D10 tJ NTY 1, _______ _,_ __,---' do state under penalty (name and tit!e of person signing this d c1aration) lJ.S.C. 1746 of laws of the United tates: I am the authorized representative of l' Ptirson, partnership, or corporation sub litting this proposal) ..---------"_,_J~. authority to make this declaration for an on behalf of said bidder; . (2) that, in connection with this proposal, the said idder has not either directly or indirectly entered into any agreement, participated in any collusion, or other ise taken any action in restraint of free competitive (3) that, to the best of my knowledge and belief, t e contents of this proposal have not been bidding; communicated by the bidder or by any ofhis/her employees or agents to any person who is not an employee or agent of the bidder or of the surety on any bond furnished ith the proposal and will not be communicated to any person who is not an employee or agent of the bidder r of said surety prior to the official opening of the proposal, and (4) that I have fully informed myself regarding th accuracy of the statements made in this declaration. Signed: _,_" __.---------- (bi der or his/her authorized representative) . Page 4 of 4 5~ . . . Council Agenda- 11/8/04 5U. Consideration of final lat a roval of the First Addition of the Hunters Crossin residential subdivision. (JO) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND City Council is asked to consider granting final plat approval orthe First Addition of the Hunter's Crossing subdivision. The first addition consists 0 27 single family home lots out of the 252 lots identified in the preliminary plat. There are no tow homes proposed for development with the first addition. Please note that grading of the site is likely to exce d the boundary of the platted area. Restoration deposits will be place in the event the project does ot proceed to the second phase in a timely fashion. Park grading will occur with the first pha e, however actual park development is not included in the program for 2005. At the staiTmeeting on Wednesday, November 3, s me minor problems with the plat document were found which need to be corrected prior to sign tures being placed on the plat. The modifications needed to the plat are identified as no es on the copy provided to Council. You may have noted that grading activity has alread started. It is standard practice for the City to allow grading to commence prior to final plat appro al if a restoration deposit is provided and if the grading plan is approved by the City Engineer a d consistent with the approved preliminary plat. Street and utility construction will be completed on private basis and funded accordingly. A complete summary of the financing plan incorporat d into the agreement can be found on the attached worksheet. The development agreement i not attached but is available upon request. If any Council member would like to review the deve!. pment agreement in detail please contact me. B. AL TERNATIVE ACTIONS 1. Motion to approve the Final plat of the First ddition orthe Hunter's Crossing Subdivision. Motion contingent completion of minor changes as required by the City Engineer and upon execution of the develop ent agreement and the provision of associated securities. 2. Motion to deny approval orthe Final plat of he First Addition of the Hunter's Crossing Subdivision. c. STAFF RECOMMENDATION City staff recommends alternative I. D. SUPPORTING DATA A. B. Final plat with revision notes Finance plan - Drafi Development axreemen, available upon request __.__.J HUNTER'S CROSSING 15t Addition v7 SUMMARY OF EXPENSES/FINANCE PLAN Four phase development November 2nd, 2004 - Based on CC Approved Preliminary Plat . Acres In Development 94.63 gross 64.3 net Total Acres In Phase 17.66 gross 10.14 net Total UnIts In Development 252 170 Single Family 82 Townhome Total Unlta In Phase 27 Single Family o Townhome Park Dedication Requirements Total Park Dedication Provided Total Park Dedication Required Park Dedication Deficiency Park Dedication Deficiency - Percent of total Prevailing Park Dedication per Unit Net Park Park Dedication Required per Unit Prevailing Pathway Dedication $1,200 $504.00 $238 Other Improvement Charges 85th Avenue Reconstruction Fallon Avenue Edmonson Avenue $834 $877 $1,152 Sanitary Sewer Watermain Storm Sewer (net acres) $2,142 $1,685 $5,902 .t Charge based on units City Fee ( General overhead and Admin) Erosion Control Escrow Legal Planning En ineerin 2.00% $500 2.00% 2.00% 7.00% Sanitary Sewer Watermain Storm Sewer Roads, Driveways and Sidewalks $2,591.08 $2,828.69 $3,977.91 $4,426.18 5.52 9.46 3.94 42% 27.00 27.00 27.00 17.66 17.66 10.14 Lot Corners/Iron Monuments $300 27 Total Construction Cost for the purpose of calculating LOC Maximum allowable reduction prior to acceptance and bond ITIONAL LETTER OF CREDIT/ESCROW DEPOSIT Credit includes .54 acres for trail outlots 27 27 o $13, 8.00 $6,4 .00 $22,5, 8.00 Per linear foot charge at $173 (See attached spreadsheet) $23.6, 9.00 Per linear foot charge at $173 (See attached spreadsheet) $31,1 4.00 Per linear foot chaff}e at $173 (See attached spreadsheet) o ? ? $37,8 7.72 $29,7 7.10 Credits to be determined $59, 6.28 Credits to be determined 27 27 27 27 27 $69, 59.03 Based on 1st/2nd phase total cost of $207,286 $76, 74.56 Based on 1 st/2nd phase total cost of $226,295 $107, 03.63 Based on 1st/2nd phase total cost of $318,153 $119, .73 Based on 1 st/2nd phase total cost of $354,094 5)-\ C!J Z - U) U) o a: (.) 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J' <?" 4)" 4" I- W U) Z J> ~. .g .<V .~ if ,~ ..,- - ",<. ,{ CD " r; t-.I ,,' '~~L .fi',~ - '" " , ' " I m IT ,,9\;,6..6\; N ~ ... y.,\ '. ," \ \ ~ -.; .. '5 -5 E .E: g ~ c - '" " ~:;3 g .c '" .~ u..-- " .\i; , c I 0 ~ N '" 2 :::,.. ~ .. M" -E-E~ ij ij '"' o 0 D I I .0 ;!; ~ M .... " " ... o E " Q. 'ii c .e " '" .,aw .cD:, _ 0 --..:!!, ON '" -..., " . c: ,9-- "'az ..,,- "60 ..... '" .. ." .c.,.,';:: -N 0 lig.8 .- II ~ 1: E ;J~ ~ .. 00 15 t: c _ 0 i 0 .. o ~ " ~o..c: -s:; .. M u g>i):C ,~~ It ~~ ..; O>ZN ... ... lil1 v/~ ... . '/ '" '" - i ;. ~I~ , , I I , , , I , I - ....... I ," -- 3:0.."$.~ z 0'-' ~~ ~,"'5 ;/: ~ :-J "'''' Do> . " , , :;l~ :' '" '" \ ' ..., '" o '\( 1J~ L I" -- '", .n\'~ U) . . . \....,,:..,;,," 51. ro al of the Nathan's Court residential subdivision. .10 A. REFERENCE AND BACKGRO ND City Council is asked to consider granting mal plat approval of the Nathan's Court subdivision. The subdivision, which is a single phase develo ment, consists of 8 single family home lots located contiguous to the Hunter's Crossing plat. rading and development of the area will be occurring simultaneous to the Hunter's Crossing plat. Similar to Hunter's Crossing, you may hav noted that grading activity has already started. It is standard practice for the City to allow grad ng to commence prior to final plat approval if a restoration deposit is provided and if the gr ding plan is approved by the City Engineer and consistent with the approved preliminary pat. This development will be paying the stand rd park dedication tee because the park for the area is located in the Hunters Crossing plat. How ver, a significant area within the power-line corridor will be provided to the City for major storm wa er ponding serving the general area. It is projected that this open space will also provide a benefit 0 the area as passive open space and possible trail corridor. However, it is not being credited as park land because of the presence oUhe storm water ponds and power lines. Seeding and restor tion of this area will be completed by the developer which will result in a low-maintenance nat ral area similar to what it is today. Due to the size of the area, potential benefit to the neighborhood -nd potential of problems associated with multiple owners of a large area (junk storage, neighbor cont icts, tresspass etc), it is proposed to be established as public land. Please note that over time, th City has accumulated a variety of similar land areas that need attention from time to time. Litter pi k-up, erosion and weed control add demand on staff that will need to be addressed eventually throu h additional manpower and or utilization of volunteer resources. Street and utility construction will be com leted on a private basis and funded accordingly. A complete summary of the financing plan in orporated into the agreement can be found on the attached worksheet. The development agr ement is not attached but is available upon request. If any Council would like to review the developn ent agreement in detail please contact me. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS 1. Motion to approve the Final plat of athan' s Court Subdivision. Motion contingent upon completion of minor changes as required by the City Engineer and upon execution of the development agreement and the pr vision of associated securities. 2. Motion to deny approval of the Fin 1 plat of the Nathan's Court Subdivision. c. STAFF RECOMMENDATION City staff recommends alternative 1. D. SUPPORTING DATA A. Final plat B. Finance plan - Drcdt Development greement avai/ahle upon request NATHAN'S COURT - 151 Phase v4 SUMMARY OF EXPENSESlFINANCE PLAN November 2, 2004 - Based on CC Approved Preliminary Plat eAcnl. In Dev.lopment Acnl. In Ph... Total Unite In Development 11.07 gro.. 9.16 N/A gro.. N1A Total Unite In Ph... 8 Slngl. F.mlly o Townhome N1A Slngl. F.mlly N/A Townhome (Net I. acnl.g. wlo ROW, pondlng, parkl.nd) Total Park Dedication Required Park Dedication Provided Park Dedication Required Park Dedication Deficiency Prevailing Park Dedication Fee Prevailing Pathway Dedication 0 0.373 0.373 $1,200 8 $238 8 $865 8.00 $938 8.00 $1,232 8.00 $2,142 7.4 $1,685 7.4 $5,902 2.9 Other Improvement Charges 85th Avenue Reconstruction Fallon Avenue Edmonson Avenue Sanitary Sewer Watermaln Storm Sewer (net acres) -" Per Lot Charge based on (8) units 2.00% $500 2.00% 2.00% 7.00% Sanitary Sewer Watermaln Storm Sewer Roads, Driveways and Sidewalks i<<it! - Lot Comers/Iron Monuments $300 Total Construction Cost for the purpose of calculating LOG Maximum allowable reduction prior to acceptance and bond ADDITIONAL LETTER OF CREDITIESCROW DEPOSITS o Park Dedication based on density as follows; 3.5 persons per 8 units = 28 persons 28175= 37.3% (1 acre required per 75 persons) 37.3% of 1 acre", .373 acres $9,600.00 $1,904.00 N1A $7,016.00 Per linear foot charge of $1 731See attached calc sheet $9,216.00 Per linear foot charge of $1 731See attached calc sheat $15,850.80 TBD $12,469.00 $17,115.80 8 $2,900.67 Flat rate; no reconclllaUon at project completloo $4,000.00 Cash escrow requlnldlPortlon held until last lot built out $2,900.67 Reconciled al project completion $2,900.67 Reconciled al project complellon $10,152.35 Inspector /Engineer cost reconclled at project complelion $31,236.35 $33,860.20 $17,021.20 $62,915.80 Needed from Developer 8 $2,400.00 90.00% $165 862.73 $33 210.00 Pd. 10.18-Q4ICsn be reduced but heldatdlscret/orl of S Ineer $8,000.00 Based on 8 lots x $1000 per lot for rear yards $3 200.00 Based on two trees per 101 x $200 (4 per double.lronllot) w z .~ ,/ 1~ 3: '~<;i!.. - - - - -.. -.. ""- --..Ul~- - - __ ~, \f\ 1\ :;J ~ I , / , I " VJ --..------.---- '" '" :1 tJ :1ntJ:1\,;, tJ [) ") -1 ';' _1 r---_______""-_ I I I I I I ........-_" L-__J \ \ I ----" / '-'-/ ~.-------l.&J l?:J(J[J:) (C';':U:;/'/?:J';'.1 t I ~ z;o: 9~ "<.!" ..,;p '" 0" ",Vl ;; 6'0 " .....,. i o C 'C E " " ,S;; " E -.., " "'2 E ~E 15~ &~ -c ,~,.. " " 1 ~? " C :S " c 15,f li ..." E >'v; -c " " ..,. ".<; Ii ""Ii 11 " -"li E .!i~ i!!E C ~i ,,0 .g 0 ~t:: i< II :0 "iE 0 ...e 0 ix Ii C-c "ii'i " C 0 0" .n I , . 0 01... ~ ;~ ""0> a:> (fJ ~ "' ~ I ilj 0> C '" l' c '" :;---j ~ " :9, '" " 0 ~ ~ I " E c ~ ~ ~ 0 .t. w .c ..J .j.,J' ~ "J <t " &' u ~: T I V1 0 c, b ::; z ;; !l! " I ",' c If.i 'i-_ : ::! o ~ I ("'-J j ~ ",5 ~, ", 0>.' ~ o c '" c . 1.-j .S;.i. "22 '" ~ ,-,,,, 01 " o ::' 15 ~- o --~ ~~ ON ~t: .....a:> (.II I Ii! .51 NOO'57' 40. NOO'57' 40. 4.5 - l I I I . . . Council i\genda - ] ]/8/04 5J. Consideration of callin for a works 0 on November 22 2004 for the 2005 Street Reconstruction Program. (WSB) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUN The attached memo provides the back round for this request for a workshop on the 2005 Street Reconstruction Project. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Set November 22, 2004 as the date for a workshop on the 2005 Street Reconstruction Project. 2. The Council may select anoth r date for the workshop meeting. C. SUPPORTING DATA: Memo Memorandum . To: Honorable Mayor and ity Council Members City of Monticello From: Bret E. Weiss, P.E. City Engineer Date: November 8, 2004 Re: Requestfor a Novemb r 22ml Workshop 2005 Street Reconstru tion Program The proposed 2005 Street Reconstruct on Program has been identified as the Ilillcrest Area streets. Because this area is somewhat different from other street reconstruction areas within the City of Monticello, City Co meil authorized preparation of the feasibility report to be completed in 2004. The feasibili y report is ready to be presented to the City Council at the November 22nd meeting. There are some issues, however, that will need to be addressed related to street widths, pon ing and ponding locations, and the assessment policy for this area. Because the area as mostly rural designed streets, the assessments will be impacted by what improvemen s are added. . We would like to take forty-five minu es to an hour to discuss these issues prior to the Council meeting on the 2211d of Nove ber, in conjunction with the CSAH 18 workshop that is scheduled. This will give the C uncil an opportunity to dis,cuss some of the issues that arc contained within the feasibilit report and to olTer direction prior to the public hearing that would be scheduled for th ~ first meeting in December. If this is acceptable, we would request that the workshop fi r November 22, be started at 5:00 p.m. so that both the CSAII 18 interchange financing is'ues and the 2005 Recon issues can be addressed in one workshop. We will also be sched ling a neighborhood meeting sometime between the November 22'"1 and December 13th C\ uncil meetings to receive feedback from the property owners. If you have any questions prior to the eeting please don't hesitate to contact me at (763) 287-7190. tsh . s~ Council Agenda - 11/8/04 7. Public Hearin and consideration 0 ado t assessment roll for Public 1m rovement No.2004-06C Area 2 Street Reconstruction. (WSB) . A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROU D This project covers the second phase of the City's long range core street1reconstruction program. The project area includes f ur areas within the City. Area A represents the Fairway Drive area, while Area B re resents the Meadow Oaks area at the cast end of the City. The project also includes a bit mill()Us mill and overlay on Sandberg Road and micro-surfacing of School Boulevar between CSAH 18 and Fallon Avenue. The work on the project includes the reconstruction of bituminous pavement and spot repair of the existing concrete curb a d gutter. In addition, the work includes the installation of a trunk watennain to t e north side of CSAH 75. The street reconstruction and watermain installation is comple e. The work remaining on the project entails some trail reconstruction along the watermain trench through Meadow Oak Park and reconstruction of the trail between th Mcadow Oaks subdivision and the Briar Oaks subdivision. There is also some rest ration work to be completed. As a result, the final costs for the project have been estim ted based on the work completed and the work remall11l1g. . The total project cost is estimated to be $1,146,700.00 with $487,195.00 proposed to be assessed against benefiting propertie '. This cost includes a final construction contract in the amount of $970,000 with indirec costs in the amount of 19.90%. The indirect cost represents 8.1 % for engineering cost, and 10.8% for City costs relating to the project. The assessment is proposed to be assesse over a 1 O-year period. The watermain installation and remaining costs will be covered y City funds set aside for the street and utility improvements. The adopted assessment policy for r sidential properties is a fixed rate assessment, essentially independent of the final c mstruction amount. As a result, it is proposcd to levy the assessmcnt at this time ofycar to begin collection oUhose funds with the 2005 taxes. The assessments proposed to be coll cted relate to following items. Two of the items previously proposed for assessment ave been modified since the assessmcnt notices wcre mailed to affected residents. . Residential Assessment: Th Core City Street Reconstruction Project in 2003 was the first year of the overall st eet reconstruction program and the individual residential assessment was stat $2,500/parcel with the future year's amount to be set by the construction cost i dex. The index to date is an increase of 5.7(1'0, which increases the amount to $2,6 2.50, which is the amoLlnt proposed in the assessment roll. . . Storm Sewer: 'rhe Council' uthorized storm sewer improvements in the rear yard of lots adjacent to Meadow ak Drive at the homeowners' request. The amount of assessment has been modifie based on negotiations with Public Works Staff and the homeowners. The propo ed rate of assessment is $30.00 per front foot. (":',nU! 'f '\/F../I,/U fl ,\ I (;}~(),J( i( ".II..\" /1/"11I1,',1 /().~'()III.\!('Ndli il('1I/ - ,'1/"1'.'1.1' .101 . . . Council Agenda - 11/8104 . Draintile: The assessment roposed on draintile will he collected as a user fee and the time of connection by t e individual residents. It will not be levied as an assessment for this project. . Overlay: The bituminous ( verlay of Sandberg Road will not be completed as part of the Area 2 Street Recon truction Project. The assessments have been removed from the assessment roll. . Driveway: Two residents i the project area chosen to have their entire driveway reconstructed as part ofthi, project. They have agreed to have the cost added to the assessment roll for the proj ct. following the public hearing, the ity Council will he asked to adopt the assessment roll hased on input from affected resid nts. B. \t \'--;2 oP? '\ d ~,}L 4-L \) C\: ~ Do not adopt the assessmel t roll as proposed. b ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS I. Adopt the assessment roll' s proposed. 2. c. STAFF RECOMMENDATION It is the recommendation of the Ci y Administrator, Public Works Director, and City Engineer that the assessment roll b adopted in order to meet the Novemher 30, 2004 certification deadline for co]]ectiOJ with 2005 taxes. ("",1l0i"f",I/I-:-/\/.l.III,\.f (;NO\/(/( .II's. 1',hlllli'/ff!\'Ii-l(i,L".'!/I"Jil('lllo \'I/"('I'/I'd/!/ I ~ ~ 010 I 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ~10 0 0 0 gig 0 0 0 000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 gig 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 oc 0 0 0 0 0 C! 0 0 L(} L(} L(} lq lq L(} L(} L(}L(} lq lq L(} lq lq lq L(}L(}L(} lq lq L(} L(} lq lq lq lq lq L(} ll"1 ll"1 L(} L(} L(} L(} L(}L(} L(} L(}!i ~ ci ci ci ci ci ci ci N N N 'I . N NN NNN N N NN N N ~ N NN N NC' 0 N N N ~ NN N N N N N N N ;;! N N N ;;! 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I.() ~ ~ 1-"'1-'" NNN'" 0000 ~~~~~~~~~08~b8~~~~~~~~~~ NN"'N"'NNN_NNNNNNNNNNNNNN~ ooooooooodOdodOodododOdo - - --- --- - -- ---- -- ---- ,---- --- ~ V) ~~>~~>>~ ~ ~ > e;e;e;e;>:< ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 1- -- o '"'! ~ '" ..., r-:' 00 .",. ~ o o d '" N r-: ~ ~ an en N .... ""'" r-: N ! 0 N .,.; 00 N .,f' ~ V) 0 ~ ~ ~ '" ~ .,.; V) l- V) .",. ~ ~ ~ V) -< .... -< ~ 0 ~ o 00 - .... , '-' .S:!, e ~ 8 o <l:: "0 0) td .::: :g ri3 .... -< ~ o ~ . . . To Monticello city council L I am writing this letter in response to your notice 0 assessment of my property at 1120 Meadow oak Dr. Assessment#l 55-080-00 10 10. I would like to protest e amount of my assessment on the grounds that at no time up until receiving this letter was I asked or told y the city that the work being done on my property was going to cost me any thing. I was not conta ed to see if the work was something I wanted done. My neighbor "Gary Croft" told me that due to the ct that the original contractor for Meadow oaks had mest up the drainage that the City of Monticello was oing to repair the-problem. I was also told that you were going to bring in culverts and attach it to the st sewer on the other side of my property. TIlen since you were continuing the project on the bike path tha is eased on my property you would use the dirt from that project to cover the culvert. TIlls would save yo the expense of hauling it off. I as a property owner would only be responsible for possible bringing in orne black dirt and seeding or sodding my property. Because of this conversation and the constant p esence of City employees coming and going from Garys residence I did not question your presence on y property. A few days after the culvert and clay appeared in my back yard I caught Gary out side so I asked him what he was going to do about his yard. He told me not to worry about it, that the city was g ing to sod it for use. But it would probably not be until the spring of 2005, since it was so late in the year. At that time I asked him how much that would cost. He told me not much since everyone in Meadow 0 s would benefit from such drainage you were going to roll the hole project into the road assessment so i would be spread out to every body. Then to my surprise this letter comes from you telling me I owe you $ ,021. 00 We have tentatively come up with what" given the circumstances" John Simola and I feel is more reasonable amount. I am more than willing to do my part. John Simola will on my behalf be ntering a verbal objection and discuss our tentative agreement at your meeting on 11/08/04 due to th fact that I have to work and will not be able to attend. This is your written notice of my intent to dispute e assessment of my property Meadow oak Block I LotI. Sincerely Steven M Hagedon Council Agenda - 11/08/04 . A. REFERENCE ANn BACKGROUND: ssessment roll for Trunk I Pro 'ect No. 2004-19C. (WSB) 8. Project No. 2004-19C covered the installation f a fully actuated traffic sigual system at the intersection of Trunk Highway 25 with School B ulevard. The estimated total project cost is $240,881, ac ual costs cannot yet be determined as the project is currently under construction. The Ci y has entered into a signal agreement with Mn/DOT and the State's contribution is $64,881. The City Council passed a resolution at their October 25th, 2003 council meeting to det rmine the amount to be assessed. It was decided that the balance of the $176,000 woul be split 50/50 between the City and assessments; therefore, the City's share of this roject is $88,000 and the City will assess $88,000. . B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Adopt a resolution adopting the asses ment roll for the Trunk Highway 25 at School Boulevard Project No. 2004-l9C as Ol tlined in the final assessment roll. The total amount to be assessed under this proj ct would be $88,000. 2. The Council could adopt a modifjed ssessment roll depending on the results of public hearing comments. . C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: It is the recommendation of the City Adminis rator and the City Engineer that the assessment roll be adopted as proposed. D. SUPPORTING DATA: . Assessment Roll . TABLE 4 _ ASSESSMENT SCENARIO 4 (50% Project Assessed) TRUNK HIGHWAY 25 AT SCHOOL BOULEVARD TRAFFIC SIGNAL (BY ITE TRIP GENERATION) .' A1 1~]OO.!i240Q..-:-~-_-:- ACREAGE ~- _-7~9 ;.:< ~"55QQ!42~- _ -~ - .~--':'~.!.~59 B 15s~14.~05 _ -__ -~ -_-:-.1:550 c 15~00i~:jjj2_-~-,- _--:-._T5~ D 1~OO~30C _~-:-- ~ - _ 1,676 E ~"55QQ.i423~ - _ --.".- - ~~ F1 165~gol1.1?9 ,- -- 155157001'010- --. _.~- ~~ F2 1~:OQ11~10Q _~- _~~ f----- 15~57,~'02Q.... - - --,--'-- F3 1 u~.r1121Q8 155'57001030 -~~'-~6B8 - ~~5,~ F4 ;5550Iil1J;i09- .- "- f-- 155~70qlQ.40-~- - - - -- _ _. '.~7 _ L041 F5 15~091U~gp' 155"57001050 G ~50~0001Q-:- ~--:-._--:- _- _-3038 I 15~96000020~~_ _:_1-- __-:-_~1-C;~ ~ J1 j~i5ooojjOjQ:-_ -_- _- __2~0 ~w J2 ~51~001Q!O-_ -~- 1,610 K ,,"~5001fi11F -.- 15515700"20'10- .- - - ~I67! ,-,,- ,_.-- __',,~.Q9. 55184001010 055e98000060 N' 15~480QQ010_ 1,51'1 ~----- N2 ~148.QQ'01Q._ _ _ l--- __ 2_?70 ~ N3 1551~01~- _-- _ -__- _ - .102'10 ~,&e(lQ8OOOOOO N4i5~50~:jO_---:~-~l---~ - _2::i7Q o illo~.illIo050~~-:-----: ;=--:-~, 2!~O Monti Bus Ctr 3rd Add Pl r~~~!o;Aiiiis!!iii[~-:-~ -_-_4:500 ~~~t1Bu~,9..!!..,~~~Ad?",_...,._ - --. - P2 PI~~tV~AlI!Ill!1e~-,,----.,-,,-- -- - Lot 2. 'filock 1 o 15550015"00-' -, - 155164000010 - .- 4.270 R "iiti13~Q"f1~11gg- 155164000020 s 155001i1..,0i)- -:-~-:-- 1551'64oo2o~ci .- T '!i"ii50"ij1fiii-gQ'- ,-" '155164002010--"-' 2,830 2.000 8,870 U 155'001~OO-' .-.- 155'64000030' - -, V i50~gOW10if~-:-~-----:~ 155184000070 7.360 0,160 W~$-- 155184000070- -. 1-870 x '5~500,~'i1ilo - -. - 1"55184000050 .-. - V ,.550Qi-fi 11Q<l -- - -=~-- ~-~~ I TOTAL 2,140 10,420 '2,900 182.155 1000 SF GROSS FLOOR AREA 20% ACREAGE 69,43 124.22 '3.50 13,20 14.60 5,94 13.45 14,53 13.71 12,17 17.78 274,76 102.74 24,83 '4.03 32,04 13.07 13,33 19,78 19,78 19.78 240.89 39.20 37,20 24.66 17,42 77.28 64,12 '6,29 ITE TRIP GENERATION USE (814) Specialty Retail Center (814) specialty Retail Center (150) Warehousing ('50) Warehousing (814) Specialty Retlilil Center (150) Warehoul!llnll (814) S~clalty Retail Center (814) specialty Retail Center (814) Specialty A.etail Center (8'4) SpecialtY R,eb;lil Center (814) specialty Retail Center (614) specialty Retail Center (814) Specialty Retail Center (814) Specialty Reti!il Center (814) specialty Retail Center (8'4) Speclattv Retail Center (934) Fast~Food:A.est wI Drive Thru (814) Specialty Retlilil Cerner (8'4) Specialty Retail Center (8'4) specialty Retail Center (814) Specialty Retail Center ... EAW .... .. (814) Specialty Retail Canter TRII SI 1000 SF Gross FI or Area 44.2 44. 2 4,6 4.'6 4432 4'96 ,32 4 .32 ,32 .32 4,32 >4,32 4,32 4.32 44.32 44,32 96,12 44.32 44,32 44.32 44,32 44.32 (8'4) specialty Retail Center (443) I Movie Th8atl;lr'withOl,Jt Matinee I " " 78;06, 44,32 1:39 (443) Movie Theater W!thQutMati:oee: TOTAL TRIPS 3.077 5,506 67 65 847 29 596 844 608 539 788 12,177 4.553 1,100 822 1.420 61483 591 878 876 676 11,297 ... 1.738 44,32 44.32 1,849 (814) Specialty Retail Center (814) Spl!licialty Retail Center Relocate P $; R. (814) specialty Retail Center .. Pondinp Area 18.84 Ponding Area 44,32 78.06 .. 44,32 44.32 Parcel 0 account!;! tor proposed WalMan and Gas. Station (flips per ~W) Parcel P accounts for acreage remaining from Parcel 0 Gross f'loor Area i!;l estimated at 20% 01 parcel BcreaQe Parcel H waS dMded into Parcels M, O-Z Parcell was platted Into Parcel K AssEtsSment was included in agreement. (parcels M, 0, S, T, & V) Monticelle Bu.;ness Centa, 3rd Addititien _ On<o pl.t I. finalod, lots ne.d to "" measured .nd ..sossmont >p1~ ""teon Ble k 1 Lots 1 & 2, (parc.ls P1 & P2) 90.78 (814) Specialty Retail Center 112,39 (8'4) Speclattv Retail Cente! -I % TRIPS TO SIGNAl.- 50% 10% 10% 10% '0% 10% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 63% 63% 63% 63% 100% 100% 63% 63% 63% 63% 63% 63% 100% 100% 772 6,032 2,842 '00 4,023 4.981 75,587 TOTAL TRIPS TO SIGNAL 1,539 55' 65 596 844 808 539 788 7,672 2,869 893 1,420 6,483 100% 100% 100% 100% .. '00% 100% '00% 100% % TOTAL TRIPS 0.028 0,010 0.000 0-000 0.00' 0.000 0,011 0.012 0,011 0.010 0,0'4 0,138 0.052 0.0'2 392 0,007 0,026 0.117 ... 372 0,007 552 0,010 552 552 7;117 1,095 1,649 772 6,032 2.842 ,09 .. 4,023 4,981 55,523 ReVised Oct. 26, 2004 ASSESSMENT Signal TH 25 I Scllool Blvd $2,438,70 $872.6' $10,62 $10.38 $'02,55 $4,67 $944,88 $1,020,77 $963.24 $854.92 $' ,249,03 $12,159.20 $4,546,89 $' ,098,79 $820.72 $2.250.63 $10,275,63 $589.88 $875,18 0.010 $875,18 0,010 $875.18 0,128 $11,280,14 0.020 $1,7$4'.94 I I $OJlO 0.030 $2,8'3,11 0,000 $0,00 0-014 $1,223;94 0.100 $9,560,54 0,051 $4,504,10 0.002 $172.46 0.000 $0.00 0.000 $0,00 0,072 $6,376.73 0.090 $7,894.41 1.000 $88000.00 ~ ._ - _,.'_ n_ _ .. .. . October 29, 2004 Honorable Mayor and City Council City of Monticello 505 Walnut Street, Suite 1 Monticello, MN 55362 Re: Notice of Assessment - Traffic Signal at Schoo Blvd. And TH 25 Gentlemen: Please refer to Table 2, "Funding Scenario", in the easibility Report dated luly 22,2004 presented to you by WSB & Associates. The uum ers in this table demonstrate that the proposed assessment of our parcel is unfair and in qui table on its face. Compare parcel Al with Parcel N in that table. Parcel AI, our Par el, is bare ground located over 600 feet (as the crow flies) from the intersection; Pare I N is a fully developed parcel on the southeast corner of the intersection where the traf IC light is being installed. To confirm that, please refer to the map described as Figure 3 in the WSB report of July 22. Parcel Al is put in the same "trip-generation" cat gory as parcel N, even though Parcel Al is farm land continuously farmed for over 30 ears and Parcel N is fully developed. In the "Total trips to signal" column Parcel Al isassigned 1,539 trips while Parcel N is assigned 203\. Stated differently, Parcel A I is a sumed to generate 75.8% of the trips to the signal generated by Parcel N. No reasonable erson would conclude that a bare parcel of ground that has been continuously fa ed for over 30 years will generate 75.8% of the signal trips generated by the fully develop d Parcel N. Next look at Parcel 0, the Wal-Mart Site; that P reel is in the same trip generation category as Parcel A. Per square foot our Parcel A is presumed to generate 75.8% of the trips generated by Wal-Mart! Parcell is a fully developed service station/car wash complex, ENTIRELY dependent upon vehicula traffic for its success. Our bare farm land is assessed at 75.8% of the trip generation capacity of that parcel. In conclusion, we maintain that your plan to asess our Parcels A and B is unreasonable and inequitable as a matter of fact and as show in your own study. We therefore object to the proposed assessment of $6,618.01 propo ed for two parcels of land owned by us and identified as parcel 155-SOO-142400 in the Notice of Hearing on Proposed Assessment. Furthermore, we object to the ass ssment of any amount against our land for this project. We objected to this assessment on July 26, 2 at the hearing on the proposed improvement. We also objected at your meeti g of October 25, 2004. At both those meetings we raised the points raised in tbis Ie er and at both meetings you advised that our objectious could be cousidered at an asses ment hearing. We will be out of the State on the date of the assessment hearing and will not to be able to attend to present my . . ~ . objections in person. Therefore, we request that 0 r objections be entered in the minutes of the November 8, 2004 Assessment Hearing Your project engineer and the City Administrator ave argued that the assessment formula recognizes that the signal will add some 'value" to our property and that therefore were are benefited and should pay for th benefit. Their argument assumes that our property value will increase because of the si nal. We have 25 years of experience to the contrary with another City improvement proje t. In 1979 the City of Monticello assessed our property for a street, sewer and wate. project that bisected what was a single farm field of about 35 acres. We paid over $200, .00 in assessments and interest for that project and have seen no benefit from it. In f ct, the so-called "improvement" made the field more difficult to fann. We certify to you that there is no pending sale or iscussions of sale or development of our property. If in fact our property increases in alue from the installation of the traffic signal and the property is sold and/or developed, he City will gain from an increase of the real estate taxes assessed against the property Before any benefit accrues to us, the property must be sold and developed. Since we ill have to wait for any benefit, it is only fair that the City wait with us. Sincerely yours, · t~~~ Mary Ellen Lundsten 1804 Hillside Lane Buffalo, MN 55313 . 'b . . . 9. Public Hearin on the issuance of notes b Minnesota Dia nostic Incor orated for th A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: Council Agenda - 11/8/04 The Council at their October II th meeting ad pted a resolution calling for a public hearing on November 8th on the above notes. Central 'innesota Diagnostic, Inc. is intending to acquire and install a scanner and related equipmcnt i the hospitals at Monticello, Milaca and Princeton. It is proposed that the City of M'laca, Monticello and Princeton enter into a joint powcrs agreement which would allow the Ci y ofMilaca to issue $3,500,000 in tax exempt bonds. The bonds will be designated as "ban qualified" and will not count against Monticello's obligations issued in 2004. In order for the City of Milaca to issue the b nds, the City of Monticello would need to hold a public hearing and enter into a joint powers greement with the cities of Milaca and Princeton. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: I. After the public hearing, the City Co meil could adopt a resolution approving the issuance of bonds by the City of Mil ca. Cs. ~ ~C/ 2. Do not adopt the resolution. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: It is the recommendation of the City Admin' strator that it is appropriate for the City of Monticello to adopt the rcsolution. The Cit 's approval merely allows the City of Milaca to proceed with the issuance of tax exempt bot ds for the hospital equipment. There is no financial obligation on the City's part. D. SUPPORTING DATA: Resolution and joint powers agreement , (If not included in packet, will be available' n Monday night) . . . Counci I Agenda - 11/8/04 10. Canvass of 2004 election results. (R W) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUNIl: State election law Section 205.185. Subd 3 aIls 1"1..)r the City Council to canvass the election results within seven days of the gelli ral election. By canvassing the election results as part of the regular meeting. the Ci y meets this requirement. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Adopt the resolution declaring the r suits of the 2004 General Election for the municipal o11'ices of Mayor and Co cil. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: The City Administrator recommends adopfon of the resolution in order to comply with the provisions of state statute. Il. SUPPORTING DATA: Resolution . . . RESOLtJTION NO. 2004-88 RESOLtJTION CANVAS ING THE ELECTION AND DECLARING THE RESlJLTS (November 2, 2004) WHEREAS, the City Administrator has duly presen ed to the City Council the summary statement of ballots voted in the November 2, 2004 Municipal lection; and WHEREAS, said statement has been sworn to by th Judges of the Election; and WHEREAS, the total of votes cast for the offices vc ted upon are as follows, to-wit: Clint Herbst Bruce Thielen Write-Ins 16 -No individual rec For Council Membe Tom Perrault Wayne V. Mayer Steve Andrews Todd Banek Jim Howard Write-Ins 49 - Write-Ins. 2590 2539 1751 671 610 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY HE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF MONTICELLO, that the totals listed above are de med to be correct, the election is deemed to be val id, and the official winners of the election are de lared to be as follows: For Mayor (2-year term): Clint Herbst For Council (4-year term): Tom Perrault and Wayne V. Mayer. DA WN/WOR I )/RESHlRMS/)-llcCTION C AN V ASS \C:::> . . . Adopted this 8th day of November, 2005. Bruce Thielen, Mayor ATTEST: -,.. Rick Wolfsteller, City Administrator IMWN/WORI)/RI-SFORMS/ELEC liON C^NV^SS \0 ell. . . City Council Agenda - November 8, 2004 Consideration of Bids and Award of the Contr~ ct for Construction of the Monticello Public Library Exoansion Proiect. (RW) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: Bids for the Monticello Public Library Expansion I>roject subject project were publicly opened and reviewed on Thursday October 28,2004 at 2:00 p.m. at City Hall. Representatives from Kodet Architectural Group and the City were present. T e City received fourteen (14) total bids. Of those bids, only one [Rochon Corporation] failed 0 receive and bid all addenda. The tally of bids was as follows: American Liberty Construction Arkay Construction Broadview Builders, Inc. Cottonwood Construction Ebert Construction Gopher State Contractors Greystone Construction Hunerberg Construction Company Lund Martin Construction Maertens-Brenny Construction Company Merrimac Construction Prestige Builders Rochon Corportation W. Gohman Construction Company $699,500.00 $792,000.00 $720,000.00 $797,000.00 $698,400.00 $694,669.00 $649,725.00 $681,800.00 $703,000.00 $808,300.00 $712,785.00 $722,000.00 [$743,000.00] incomplete bid $674,335.00 Greystone Construction submitted the lowest bie at $649,725.00. Kodet Architectural Group has confirmed that Greystone Construction Compan understands and is prepared to meet our construction schedule. Kodet has recommende( that the Contract for the Monticello Public Library Expansion Project be awarded to Greyst ne Construction Company for the amount of their bid. On October 11, 2004 Kodet provided the City w'th a construction estimate of$534,000.00. The lowest bid exceeded the Architect's estimate by ~ll5,725.00. While the lowest bid exceeded the Architect's estimate by nearly 22%, the number of bids received and absence of extreme variation between bids indicates that the City would obtain fair value. City Council Agenda - 11/8/04 The City has experience with Greystone Construct on, as they constructed the addition and remodeling of the Monticello Liquor Store. Greys one was notably cooperative. . Estimated cost of the Monticello Public Library E pansion Project is as follows: Architectural and Engineering Fees Demolition Cost - Canopy Construction Cost Furniture, Fixtures and Equipment Landscaping, Paving and Curbs Site Lighting - Repair & New $ 68,225.00 $ 12,850.00 $649,725.00 $ 12,000.00 $ 10,000.00 $ 6.000.00 Estimated Total Project Cost $758,800.00 As part of the 2004 budget, $450,000 had been pr posed for future Library expansion and an additional $250,000 was added during the 2005 b ' get discussions bringing the total budget commitment to $700,000. The total project cost a this time is estimated to exceed the budget by $58,800. Since the budgeted funds were propose' to be taken from fund balance reserves, increasing the budget based on the bids received ould not require any change to our proposed 2005 tax levy. The General Fund would have suf cient reserves to cover this increase. B. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: A. Motion to: Accept the bids for the Mo ticello Public Library Expansion Project; award the contract for constructio to the lowest confirmed bidder, Greystone Construction Company in t e amount of$649,725.00; and authorize the City to enter into a Contract wit Greystone Construction Company for Construction of the Montic 110 Public Library Expansion Project. . ~1\ ~4 B. Motion to: Reject all bids, return all bi sureties [and take some other action to be determined by City Council. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: The City Administrator recommends that the Cit Council move Alternative Action A. above. D. SUPPORTING DATA 1. Draft copy of construction contract, betwe n Owner and Contractor . 11/04/2004 10:34 6123771331 DET PAGE 02/13 . AlA .,:, , ~~~ Document A 01111 -1997 ;:) : ',:: ::,:::::;-:::':\:,:,l:i',<<:$'f~hlard Form of Agreement Between wner and Contractor ,.., ,:',:' '':::, ::>;'t:;i:';:!:::~f.e~lthe basis of payment is a STIPULATED SUM I d" . ".,n " ,. .:, ,:\\1"; :::~:::; ': ~1"" II ' .': L . ::-:::::,"'" ":, ::!~:;:i;%I::::i~~EEMENT made as of the Eighth day of November ,: yn words. indicate dClJf; :moltt/l and year) '''::::,!,:L:i;:::i<j;:!;:~~EEN rb:e::OWDCr.,' :: , ": .,....'".,," ",. ""~ ." .':'01": ,i':!~ :'~'"I~II" "~ .I ",...;, ,;:". .'::{I;',~ . ,'..' ,: ":: ': i":"',;;:(:,,, ' adl'f:.M~'and:Q,th8',;Vlformation) ,:':.'::'::;-:: ',' 'i,:""~l~V of ~~~~~110 :::: ;":' " :::':::t" ::l;i ~ 'l(\;j~~". \ II '''1 I I ::'~::':::':!:l:: I ::':~IJl"Jtinbce~llQ~~ Hila: i l"" :.:"~~' :::":':'; ::';;:;$05 w~:iijlt;$ttccf"::!:::,:::':' ':" :', " ' .. , ", :' :::;;M;j)nticeUo:Mill.\]Ub~ 55,,;;G2.~8831 , ,'I' :.:.\\:~~ :;1 '; .).,. . I ' II ' , : ....... i:.:,;:!,,~~~~~~_) ,'" I'il"'''' "'''~ ~iM:""'"'''''''''''' ,,~,,'1 . '::, :::::;,::;S~San~!:: ~~~:~o.~':,,';;:::'::," '" ''''is,~tikopee.,Mdml::!lQta ??~~~::"': .< ;\i;j;H1+~~" ':::'~~\~~:;~I)' '. ::(:.;~;:;::i'" '~~ ::';,:>::::,:'i. ~ ':~ '.': tThi'Kd1OC:t is"' . .:::: " . 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An AdditiOns and Deletions Ffeport lh;l notel added information ac well u revisions to the standard form text is avellabl. fl'Ol'l'l the author and should bill ,aviillWlld, A vertical line In the lert margin 01 this docum.ntlncli~tes where the author has addad necessary Inlormallon and where the author hIS added to or deleted from the original AlA text. This document l'IlIS Important legal consequences. Consultation with an attctl\ey ie encouraged with ''''Pllet to its c:ompletlol'l or modlticatiofl. AlA Document A201.1 997. General Conditions of tho COntract for CQI'1stTUctlon. Is adopted In this documeOlt by refer.nc:o. Do not u.. with other general condition. un/HI this document II mocllllecl. This clocument has balln approved and endorsed by The Associated General Contractors of America. ""'" ' ", :';",:1,'" . AlA DolNmlnl "'01""'.11117. Copyrtght II 111111,1918,1925,113'1', '851 19M. 11lln, 1913, H167. 111'1''1. '11". 1911G, 1987, 1981 and '"7 by The Am.rlcan InclltUNl 01 AI'CMIC:ls. All r1ghll raHfWlI. WAflNINGl Tnll AlA'" ooumo;nt III ptOltQl.1I by U.S. Copyrlghl Lnw lV'd InltrnlltloMI nlllllfllilll, U".ulllorl.:ec1 rotlrodUl;llo" lOr clfslrlbullnn ot ,"Ill ~". Oocum,nt. ar My orlfon allt, mllV I9lun '" 1_'111 el\lll ""0 ~"ml"., ptn_IIIM, ,,"d will blt prDlI!W1/ld IOlho "llul/mUm e:ltltlll pOKlblo ,,"dill' II'tto Illlll/. Thl. doCumlln wu produC'Sd by AlA !tOHw;tfl!l at 09;1":32 on 1110412004 undor Order NO,1 0001 06032..1 which llXpl.e~ on 311612005, anclllllllll for l'O$lIJo, Us.. Hllllte: (2SlS2191883) 1 \\ 11/04/2004 10:34 6123771331 K DET PAGE 03/13 . ARTICLE 1 THE CONTRACT DOCUMENTS The ContracT- DocumentS consist of this Agreement, Condition of the Conlract (General. Supplementary and other . ..Y}::!i::j!:' ..:~ .' ::i':;:~~~ditlijD:s). Drawings, Specifications. Addenda issued prior e~ecutjon of this Agreement, other documents lil\ted . :':.':' ::. '\;::;,:::!j..:.,i: .::lij~~!~reement and Modifications Issued aCter execution of III Agt'eement: these form the Contract., and are as :'::. .,..... '.:"'0::::;:::,: .ftj:i'Y:;~:~tit oflbc ContraCt as if attached to this A&n:emeDt or epeared herein. The Conlract represenu the entire : :;:.::::.~,,~~tcd agreement betweco tbe PuUe.ll hereto and sup des prior negotiations. reprcsentatioDll or ... ;:;:!:~~entS. either written or 0Ta1. An enumeration of 1he Cont ct Documents, other 1han Modifications, appears in AfflC!e 8. .'1""....'......,'''''. .. ",,"\" ::::,!,,;;:i :,:::i.P.i:::::>':::' '}:::i::,;:':iiiii....CLE 2 'l:HE WOR';"l'l~ THIS CONTRACT . ,II',',!,.III,,"/'II..I ',II~I'I .,,; I:\,Vr. .:t.,.,... "'::;':;:::i'':!:':'. '.: .!.~~ ContraC~~llha11 ~~1~:~llecute the Work de5Cribed i.n the ntrac:t Document$, except to the extent spedfically ;1:;:::;:.. .' .':': :;;::JmU'cated itj:tb~:ConltiC.tOOcumentS to be the responsibility 0 others. i \: ~ i ::: :; :; : " ',', ~ i \; \;:; i: i ;: ; \ I;' ,:".: I ; ~:' :: ': ' ,;., ;:':;.:: ::!::.:::,y.j!,!l: '.::::~i~itiICLE~:::ltlije ~i~~MENCEMENT AND SUBSTANTIAL C MPLeTlON Ii!!::!:;:':': :.:::~:,'! !il:i:'I~~..1 nv:,:~ati!:~~ cc?~m.~~'lt ofthc: Work shall be 1he de: of this Agreement unless a different date is stated )!::;,:i::i: i:i!:::,:~: :';i:!~lbw .!)t:pj;~ol1 jj'$ad~:fbr.the date to be fixed in a notice proceed issued by the Owner. .::';::;: i:::l:::Ui;::!:':::(l1ill-e~!~n~:~lNe .~.t~~~ri.c,~nf if it differ: from the dote of this Agreem.ent Df', if applicable. Jta~ that the date .,.' .:' ',::',i::':: i '.: .~lU'fk~;d in"ai/i'idee,:ttJ,:prrt1ceed.) :, ; ~:i .,'" ! I ' . '. '.. ' I I .\" . 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'::iF:'Sii;~:~:Contt'accor:i~baIi;r&:ieve Substantial Completion of e entire Work not later than daYII from the date of : 'ii:i!:Hi.i::;:::. ..::~ih'ient, or.a$rfA)j!O;NS: \ :::::,'::i':i!!::;i\i.!)\i::;:::;)fJ,~i~~e~ '!l~~t:'!dtIf:...~.f. Allt:mat~"'ely, a calendar d r~ may b.~ used when coordillarld with t.~ date of . . '." "":'!:ii::H:'om~n&:~mM~.,Uiilt:.f,f":J~d els~h~l;(',," 1M Contract Do~ eftU, If&,fert tJ1'Iy requlremt.ntsforl!:arlter Substontial :'::;i:::,i",::;::::;U:.~ ,,:: ,:\;\~~~pl~rit>>i:~:ce~.~~:fflons ~.t1~'~#k.) ;."i;'ij~I;{:ii3~ii"~;':';"'W'il")!~':~~:W~;~';'\;~" ~. ::%:U;:::~~::.:Y( " . . . , , 'I' ' , .. ,,,,.,,,'.'" .:: ::::::;;::~~fCt'td' adjustmei'itB of this' Contract Time loll providccl in Contract Documents. ,. . ' ''';':!(lnr''n'pTO~!s.ifns, ,j('I:I1l;V,;~":i~~uidated damage. relDliltg 10 illlre to complete Dft tim~ or for bonus paym~nr: fDr .. .::;:.,.. ea~~y'compz.etJi:m of~':~~~i'; i I.' ,~.. ' I , , : ~ I ;: :: :" , " , I $u gntl;!1 CompleUon Date "'''' .011,1,/.". .,;''''i\ '(':\:::\::;,:), ... ',', ',:::i(::~::r: '" '" i: ' ":':":';:: ::~!ICLE 4;':!GONt~GtSUM . '1""'1 The Ownet:~lt.pay the Contractor the ContraCt Sum i current funds for the Contr2ctOr', performance of the Contract. The Contract Sum shall be Sbt.hun4ted.forty-Din _thouland-seven-hundrcd-twenty.:f\ve Dollars ':::'::1: .;;,:' :";:(.$6:49,;'7ZS.oo, .). subject to additions and deductions as pr vidccl in the ContraCt Documellts.. ,..','.. ,::;;;d:;.,'\,." ,~::::::~!~~::.;::~ ~:,:;:" :.: ' : "'.:' ': ::::. '; ::;i:~' .l2::.:rii~ '.con~tt Sum is based upon the following altern_ s. if any, which are described in the Contnlct :': '.::i::i~~~Cf1,~,6l'td:are hereby accepted by thli: Owner. ::.: .;.' '1:S~:ime;.7tumb!!7:'3' or other idt!!n.tificalion. of accepted altem res. I! decisions on orher altemales art!! to be made by the Owner .fUh.fequent to Ihe execunon of this Agreement, a ch a .fchl!:duJ~ of such orher alre1'1ltlte.f .fhowing the amount/or each aM the date when rhat amount f!!;cpi~s) : : ~ 'I~'! '::, . AlA Cooull'lln' A101" ..1"7. OGpyrIght .'118,1'1" 1825, 1137, ,ee, 11M. 1M1, ,.oa, lH7, 1874, '177, ,;eo, 111117. 199' &I'Icl 1997 by Tne Amorli;M Il'\slItu. 01 ArchIMCilB. All rlllll" rlMN8d. WARNING: Thill AtAII lIt'lm""tls PfOlectld bV U.s. Copyright ~ ,,"d Imemollonal T",1I110"- UnllUll'lQfl~...:l roprodlJClIOn or dlslrlllullon 011'>19 AlA" Document. 01 Qny orllon or II, mill' resun In sevllte llMlllnd crrmlnDI pl!rtel\le9, ,nd Will bO plO$flCuttod 10 Info I'llllllllTlun\ lI~nl pOIl",I!)'. und" tnel8W, TnlS dDaumo Will produc.d by AlA SOfrwllfG III 09,'oil:3~ on 1110412004 under Ordflr No.1000Ioa032_' whlCtl ellplrns on 3/1612005, and I. nOllor ro~:lIfl. user NoIM: (2B321 g1SS3) 2 \\ 11/04/2004 10:34 5123771331 ODET PAGE 04/13 .. ,,",., """."""," "f ~JJnit prices, if any. arc as follows: : :,:: ;,:j:::;;::ii!l\!i!\;~/::i:\!:\l::\i!i\:i:::::':':':: :I,:::i:: ::::;~IS'~Ptlon Uni Prir;e ($ 0.00) I.::;:,:;;:'i~:"':::': :':: !j:~ii:;: :":~':':~'~::':::~~Cr.',' i~:::::,:,::,:~:"':':ii':i,);:,::::"':':""'rtt1 ,LE 5 PAYMENTS ::::::"::,:::',:i:':::, :~,::!:!l::i:::ih ,f5't:fPROGRESS PAYMENTS , " I ":":i' ::ii:.: .1 !,:,:,1:;:::111,:~1.1 Baed upon App'I~,car.ions for Payment submitted to the Arc.!I;tecl by the Con~tor and Ceniflca.te$ for '" , . " ::\1::>:';: '": ";: ::!:~nc isslJed by th~"l'\Nhitcc:t. the Owner ,hall make pro IS payments on account of the Contract Sum to the :: :::i:: ":::::;:::;:::': ">t€optractor aa:poovided:,bil1C:lIII and elsewhere in the Contract ocumenu, . :;;<~~:? '::::\~~1~mi~!~ "(1:':"::',::.:': ",;:'.I::,:1~, :;:) ,::~~}: ,;:ii::;:i:: I::::: :;1:,::::: ii:ii::i1~1.2 Th~'~Qd c~~~:by each Application for Payment s all be one ca1endar month cndina on the last day of :;::::::,1 i::::;.;,:;:: !l:!i::t~!:tnonth~ ~::as::folrows:::", ;i l!~:i !lil~i~' ,..:i"<',:'.~ /:;/ :j::i::,!\:t Y<;;i!!jiii!::i~i1i;~~i~ided:tb.~ri,'~~i~~inon for Payment is received y the Architect Tlot later thall the first day of a """:i::! i::.t:!:i;!:i :i!::jh1q~::tlie O~~al1:'iIiI,~~';aymcnt to the Contractor not 1 tel'than thc last dray of the same month. If an :!::!i:':',::,: 'ii"~ Ap'p.l'.icatjoI\'f!?f:;p.~ i~:~eived by the ArcbileCt after th application date fixed above, payment shall be made 'Yili::i, ::i!;;,:::':! ;1h;dk,:~!~bt latl:'r.iSn:" .~wcnty-ci.ght (28 ) days. the Architect receives the Application for ',"'~":':,i\:::'::\::::::' ;::::: :::: :i;/~~~!~:': ::,,",:::: '. :::::,:.::!::i:::U:::::::' ,': ,::i:,~:~ ") :;:::i:: :,1:::rt' i:,iiiUi i:i!:liij~!~"..(':eaCh ~~tlo~:,ij!;:~~yment lIhan be based on the m st recent schedule of values submitted by the ::;:i::!!::l!:I!:!l::': ':::,; i:!!i::II~~Ilftc.t:or j~::~or~t..,_,thc Couttae! Documents, The c:hedule of values shall allocate the entire Contract ,:::;k:!j:!!i!!iiik ',: \!lil!ii!~~~;~~~:~'t v.~~l~~~;ofthe Work. The s~hedule fvlll~ .ha1.1 be prepared in such form and .upported ;,"~~!;:::q;+",:,::;:.:,':>.';tiy ,sW!J!;i:I,ltl to' ,.6_tlatc' ~$;,~curacy II the Archuect may requltc. This schedule, unle"s objected to by the " .. ,""'" '";::;:1,,,,: :k:;:':::~~~~~::!$hall,:~!ri~efl;~;:~:'b.sis for reViewing the Contra r', Application, for Payment, .',. '....\.11:..1\11'.' '::" ,.,,\,::,1;\::: .'" " ," ::'. " .' 'n,:: '/~I:.,:I: . ..;' "'::::::\::::;::::!li:ilj\: "li:!,i$1'~:^ppjlcad~:;io~i~~~cnt shall indicate the percentag of completion of each portion of Ihe Work as of the , ",,',:::i! ~:i1;:::,' ,I', ;;:~~ o];~!~ciic;4,!=Cl~~'bY the APplication fot Payment. ~ :'\~r!:t\jf!l;n!!!;r:';::;.:: ,:::: ".,:::~':._' '.'; \;~':i:i';:'" " :'~I:"II,::.,~;:': II..:. ~ ,'. i::)/;:;>;::,::!\!i\;!i\i!!j\!jl' ,::i::li~~~i:S~bj~i~~:~~:a::~W~Sions hi~b~H)1\[ract Documcn . the amount of each progress "a~cllt shall be ::::ti::::;:!:ii:i!:J,: ::,::;:' i:!li:l~p~~:~ .f~1l0~'r,:,:<:::" '::J!':i:::(;:'~':> ,,, , ','!::;:;!!;;;:!::ii:!ii::;:::; , .;:,Il::"~ :/,; ';::, ,'~;,:r-:, 1:~;~i.t 'PaxtiOI1 of the Contract Sum properl allocable to completed Work as dc.tcnnincd by ;:,':.;':.':;,:::;:,:.::::~}!:li:l;"':ii,!,!,::.;;",':.:'.:.!:'\:,:.i,;,:"":,;:!~,:,;:ii',,,';::;:,,:.:,,::,':':::':::,,:.:::::,!i'>::': ': :,:~~=n~~I=~J ~~:~ ~~:~ P:~o;t:~eI~:= ~~a:~ of th~ Co~~;c~~:: 'H"'"'''' ' : ,: ~nal:,~~enrlii'RI.~~~:pr~ost to the Owner ofch ngu in the Work, amounts not in dispute shall be '~:~~;;,~;llii:;;I;i\:;:' 1 dJl:d 'd::'..1' S . 7311 f ATA t ...",01 1997 """,,' ',:':' :'::::',":: ' jnc u ~,:,,:~ prov!' '~' an ectlon . .0;> 0 ~ cumcn n.&. : , I " . : I I ~ . " , ""' I ,_ . ,2 ':::::Addithi~!'p~l!lW:~ft1:le Contract Sum properl sllitab1y::ltor.eaiat:tli- site for subsequent ine ':", !hJi:~yatlee:'byHie'owner, suitably lltorad off rdliri" 15 of ( ), '::;/ ~ ' ,', i~ ~:l;: :::~~~ ::;; 1;~;:;, '::',\;/::~::!~n::;: . ': :.;: I ,~. ':: ::j; :\ 1.,1 11,\ ,i "I'U','", .." 11111',,1.""" ~: ':: :: :;" '~ ,: ,,; :; ,. :: ",,"',I!:,:::',,:, .) "::S~~~I:the aZ2tCgatt of previous payments allocable to materials and equipment delivered and tion in the completed constrUCtion (or, if approved e site at A location alIad upon in writing), 1~ ::~ ;~ : ~ ~; :i ; " ,~~: :' ':' .:\:j~~;};::\ . ,',1 ., : '::1 "' ~ I " ,," ", ' .. ' . , ",A', $ubt'l'act amounts. if any, for which the Nelli t has withheld or nullified a Certificate fOf Payment " "::',::1",,., ' , ,: ,. 'ded' S . 95 fAlAD 2011997 , " ' .:" :'i:' 'r': ,:: ',,:, 'I, " , ~:proVl 1n ectlQn . 0 ocument . . "' ,.: /:'::J/,:~:'~:I: '''I':' ,I I:' ' : ' ': , .., I':' J:;' :,,' .'::::y;'::n~:t1.~,ne,~gres$ payment amount determined in accorda ce with Sc.c:tion 5.1.6 shall be funher modified under ': ,::: :'::::i:::/I::;,::'.:;'" .tfif'fb1.1oWblg dJ'Q1mstan.ecs: . ,1 Add. upon Sub!;tantial Completion oftbc Wok, a sum sufficient to inCt'ease the total payment! to the full amount of the Contract Sum, less such ounts M the Architect l'hall dctcmninc for incomplete Work, retain age .applicable to such work and nsetrled claims: and ,. AlA D_~t A1D1111 -1lHl7. OOSlY'lvhl Cl '015, '918, 1925, 1937, 1951 958,1961, 1~.1987, 1874. 1977. 198G, 1967,1991 ,nd 1997 byThg AmeriClln 111$1iMe of An::hltllc18. All rights _II. WARNING: Thill AlAI\. aCUmD"lls IH'OIl'Clo!tI by US, Capyrighl L_ Md 1"'",,8tl~"al Trull.... Unl:lUlhclrl~d rlllprgductlon Ilr CllstrlbUUO" ollhl, AlA" Oocum"nl, or IIny mon 0111, mllll I'llsulll" _~ eMllInd crlminlll ,",n.llles, line! \VIII be prQllcclIl...d tlllh. mulmum .lllenl po..lblet under the low. 'Tl'I1. doCIllm.n wu pror:!llc.d by AlA ~1lw'fO al 09;14;32 on 11/0412004 under OlOIr No.100010$O!'-' Which 'Ilpll" on :tI11!12OO5, alld i' ntltfl'lr,...I.. UHI' NDllI'~ (2932191883) 3 \ \ 11/04/2004 10:34 6123771331 K DET PAGE 05/13 ':;:::":':;::;l~iiii::i;::::::;::::::::;i:!:,',' <'~:.t :.: "1':"",.\", ,I. ',::: :!;".:,!,\:i,:,;,!,:,~,:.~: :., :,:,::',::',:":,,.",:' ':;':,',:::,'" ': :\:':':~~ :. >~~.::::::: (Section 9.8.5 of AlA Docume11t A201-1997 Nq ,irlt.t nllt'W4 01 applicable refainage Up01J Substantial Complerion of Work with CQn,tent o[s14rety, ifa y.) "': lii;: I. .;' ',: .::~ ::.::~ ~i;l i~~:;:i :i~~;~; :~:! ~~)fH]H: ~:' y . , ;-;:';; :;: , :::, :, ,:,,":,i::;:::i::!::i! :!;~~~~[8 Recluction or limitation ohetainage. if any. shall be as ; " ' ;;::1",' :,,,',,, ',', ',,,''',,' ',(J,ftt is intendt!d, pri()T:,f(J. Subsrantial Compulion ofthl! entire' or/c, to redu<< or limit the nl!taill/1.ge resul,ing from " ::. ,,:::::::)i :::;:;::::;::-.:: ::;:';,:):;)~1Pol!rcentq~ in",.~iil:~ SI!t:IWII$ and $.1.6.2 above, Dnd thi.t U Mt uplaiMd elsewMre in thtl Con.tract '.',;:::,,' ::: :~i!::;ii::" "';:i::!i~tumltnt$. ,ihi~rt hert:pn,ylsioJu!or such "ductio" or ltmit ion.) .. ii. :i~~r; ::\'i:;1':ilH~j:;t!;;,. "::':::. "':!,::!;!ii' :i!:!ii!,~t9 :~~~~:Witl1iiPilt;()Vm&~i~ prior approval. the Contractor hall not matc:e advance payments to suppliers for '::!: ;:,: ::..::",::,:"lii::: ::!::!!i.iltui ,: ,~!~~bi~w~cb'~vC not been delivered and lito d at the site. . , ".:11. ","1' t,1 ',::::r ;:;:: t:::it::;;:. ::~:',>~:' ,:':'~ ::::~:::.::[::., "::.~1:;~~~l;:": ',': :'/1'::,:::':" " ",.."t.,5,:Z"F.lN..,(,~"...:tMENf "",',',.',',..,,,,,'" ,11"11.,:, 111113 II' ~"' ....111 " ::::,':,'!!!iiii:,:,: Uil ~l~:!~ ~.t",,~~~ting the entire unpaid blllance of the Contraet Sum. ,hall be made by the Owner to the . "{!:I;" "', .~: :~,~:~,:, ~~' COn~t ~lMjl"!" :;~t:.:::: '~:';:;":II' I I '~I;;:;,';:;::il;;::::i I I":':"':,,~:': It '>.',i::i:~,'~ ',::~:::::; ,..:' ;',.;', ::;iU!~;,:,,, ' j" , ',"'" ,::::::iiliiiiU:;:::: .'~1>::,:" 'lh~;~~CtoIii~' fully performed the Contract I cept for the Contractor's responsibility to correct ": ',::::;:!:!::;:" ': J:!:" :!Hi;i:!i!l!:!;:::; !:::::Hii>::' ~~~~i~' p,~~~ in Scction 12.2.2 of AlA D ent A20H 997, and to sati!d'y other requirements. ::::i::':',,',:"':,:' i'::!:: ::::::;!;::,:::':, ' ::;::, ,:ilf:MY; wh~~;d'tend beyond final payment; and ,::;\:1!:I,"'\:~/"\ '.:;,' ,:;:.~~.:,',,',::,:':..,:'~ ",,',:,:,:':':':::'!':"::"!':':::'. . :.<~>~: :,: .',' ',;,:,~,!,;:r,;:i1:',:ti;!,:~r~\~' " . ' ,,:'~:~::i!:";:;: <~~ ':;': . ", """".''',,' '," ;,' ,::;',,:;' :::::~:::::: :~": " a,,~::C~fi9~~~:.for Payment hall Deel). ~ssucd ::. '.:j':,:~~:ii.;\i!:;H;:;, ;::.'.:,,::.:' 1'::;':1::;.::.: ,;,: ;..i',,' ;'<"~"i';i ~;' , . :::<:~:;I~;~ "":,,.'!"i;:' ::""::,,:,,,,:!U~\i. ~~~~;iPvi~i~i;;ii~;~t to the ContractOr $haIl be '.):"':~. :'; ::':;:::ii::i. !::!~ Al!tJij,.X~'lnfual ~lOr Payment. or as follows: .;:; 1ii~:iiiii:':iii!;:i!:i: "'i'i~ii;E,:li!;~lili~-':'i '" ... ,'. . . :',,::;;:,,';' i!:'/,!~!::,:i;:!!l!:iJ :!!!!~~tL,~ "~':TE~NA\l!c)fl!OR ~:~,.~~I,~N .' ;',:::::::;,,: : :,,' ":':,:: ~"'~U~'1 t1\C;CR"'tn,~,!,!,ay be ternnDa~'~Y' the Owner or the Co :!::",:'i:::;:i!:(!::'~:\i;::ii' ,,:::,':::~~:,l,~~~~~::j[:,,:ll':;:::;!:!!:::;i::,;:~" ::~,' : ~i,;::,:',":'''''' ; ':,:' ,,';:',;::':;:i'I:111: ::i~!::' ":.$:~~"Wotk:maY'be sus~~~f~l1:!~ OW'l'lCl:' as provided i Article 14 of AlA Document A201~1997, : . : , '. ,::t i(:~ /'\:! !..... ',\:::,:;;;;' "" ',' ::"., .; 'ii,,:: :,::"\:' ":,:: Ili;":;II:::r ;:;,,'.: .. " :;:T}':::;:~'~iJa~~:i::M,~$CEL~NEO(J.:~~~iJdNS "!i::::H~:~~!1:'WbcR:'meren~'~lI,1l:!,* in this Agreement to 11 pl'Ovllllon of AlA Document A201-1997 or anolher Contract ,,,:::i HOIijCon,t, the rcf~~_Uo that provision as amendcd 0 ; supplemented by other provisions of the Contract ...;'., .' :;!:~ ~1~entS_ ' : ,~::::,'" ~~;,~~: ::~:~~:~iY\j~>~':,., ,'111,11' ,',1'1"",1..",' ""::':;i::~::i, '" ":::;:::,:1, 7~2'Pa~<<i!~e.~nd unpaid:h~der the Contract shall bear I ..: ':::::,:..:::: ;;: ;';.;:i:!;;:;~~low, o'dn;t6C:ib.CJa;c thereof. at the legal fale prevalli1'll fr :;;:::':':::.::tOC:l\tcd. ,'.' .,," ;", "" "'(1nien rate I>li~~test agreed upon, if any.) Add. if final completion of the Work ill therea "materially delayed through no fault oithe Contractor, any additional amounts payable in cordance with Section 9.10.3 of AlA Document A201-1997. de no later than 30 days afcet the issuance of the actor a.5 provided in Article 14 of AlA Document rest from lhe date payment is due at the rate (ltated lime to time at the place where the Project is ..,'" Ii., ,", : <::i:':!::":<i;!::ii::II,::: i~!:!::;:::<(' ',-:::~:,~:~um " ,-:,',' ':':::~>:;:~\,,:::'(tiijMdYkms.'Bnd::,requiremen.tS Wlder tile Federal Truth in un. ing At:t, similar state aJld local consumer credit UtWS >:, :;': :(,:" '<:'; :',~!::,cuJtt:iiiht~:te_fiol1S' at 1M Owner's and Contractor's prind . at places of bu.dlle$,~, the location of thtl Project and " o;<:::,::;::;i(;: ::;: ,:;~:::j::i~~~,~;tiffect,he 'IICIltdtty of this provi.1ion.. LcB,d advi e should IN! obtained with respect to deletions or modifications, aIld also regarding requirements such as wriLft disclosures or waivers.) f 7.3 The OWnct's reprc:Renlativc is: (Name, addru,t and other information) . AlA DlleIIImllllt A10'''' - '"7. Cepyrlll'" ilIl 1&15, '918,1925,1937,1851,111 , , 1&61.11183.19117.1974, 19n, 1980, '887. '99111nd ,99711yTha AmaricBn InB1llUlB Dr ArehllllCIS. AlIl'IOhtI I'8MM1d. WARNING: thill AIA~ 0 . umOIl'ls Ilrolected by u.s. eapyr!llh, Law "lid In'lIrnllllonl'l T.....lie.s. Un~ull'terIUCl,.preduclloll or 1l1".1l)u.10ll or Ihls "tAll' Decum."I, Dr An!! pe lien o. It, "'IIY .......1'11" n...,. l:'MI Hnd criminal ~"1l11~5, IIlId will '"' ptOlll'l'CUIp.d 10 The _Xlmum elltelll poll5lb" und.r 11'191_. Tnla docum*l1 pI'Odl,lCOd by "IA oliOMI1l at 09:14;32 an 1110412004 undllt QtdIr No.100D106032_,1 wl'1lc:l'1l1llplres en 311612005, and I, /lOt tar renTe. U.. NClln; (2932191 BlI3) 4 \\ 11/04/2004 10:34 6123771331 KO ET PAGE 06/13 _::::i,<::' , :' ',::":' ::::,Mt;~;~rg:~~~110 , ,",::!i:i!i::;::<,:,:'::: ,;,SQS::w:81Ji.Ut Street ;:'< ;:::: :;\;:,\'::::i :,:::(M~tii:enlJ, Minnesota 55362-8831 "" :':: 'i :::,T~~);lpne: (763) 271-3214 ':",,::1 . '"'''' " "'i:1A.'the Contractor's representative is: <", ,.:":::::::":::::':>n{~r'"e, add~f!.!:~~"~,,(J .M orrr information) ,''1',:,'..', ' .11:- W O~.. '::"":.',',,1,,,", ',' ,'~8V1, n . R'l.en ,',"",,: ,:i:',:,1 ",','" ,','".', ..~:..~ : . ",,:'. :: :;~:l"R5idcnt ,:, "..:>, ;: ;: : ::;;::' ,,"" :!I':;>;l\;!:: :;:i:ijiystont;:c:o~'~lc~6ri:b,mpany ,,' '<:'500 South::M~hatt1~ "d ,,' ~','i' ""'0;;:;,;", '''''';Ui;i.' ,j" """ ',: :~J:lako~~:l".Prn'l,ei9~tiil~:;o 79. :i::,::, ! i! it : f \:j;,:.' j' ')':';.f Ill}: ~~.j':) iG'! ",,:.. ," ' ,r' ;:':i 7:i5i~~,~~j!~~~:~lbe Contraetor'8l'cpresentative :":,:,,,,\~,',', .', ..!tl\IJl:1~""" il,.",II",I"., ,1"";.,1,.:,:,, "~!:::::'~i: "1,' : ",J ,I " Ql!IJeF.',~,;~. "1,,,.1 "';";'" ;"~\I' ~h~" ,~I" , ":"\::!",, :::: <\::;i:l:i:', ,(:::,t'f',:"" ..:' ?~:iHit" i:::,\\i';:i:'::,1\,:,:';; ",:::::!::,~::: :',:'::: I', ,'. '"IJI.6':Qthet:pf:QV1.fo~~::::.::',::::::'::::':" :: f ,\'i::t, ,'l,:I;~ \l~i! ;;;; ~,[, :':~!1~\)jf i;' .;! :ii~1;;: . '.<::::';:C::\:\. 'I::' :: ,i\,:#R1~~:\,,~NO:~~~~N~6~,PONTRACT DOCUMENTS '(::"", '" ,,;,:!;:HS' 8.~~;i~~i~Tri~~tiJm~:.:iexcept for Modifications issu .' ':::::;H .!;::,:ii{:ii:i::i:':':, '::i::!\:iao~~s:: .''''''';:'::'' :;<:i."~::':'~:i;j;i::..;:\!\:H!.:::::'::::: ", ::i::F:::" :::': :: ': ;i:Ji~;~i:~iA~tiiiU:this executed 1997 edition of the S , ,'," ,,,',,, ,:',":,: "::\~!l!n,,,~~,,:::L; AI""'.. T'In.-' "'-'t,,:'A:'101 1997 \ "".',,',,'" I'" ""~ W~WE., (',.,.~~U".LWAA'IAI .. . ,:";:::,;.,;::,,;;l:,::iil~:.,!::i:;i~ :1;;:::;:::::::':,,':--", ;::::::\'j;:::i:;!i:j;,; ,i:'.:',t:iii!F' ..' " '. ",';:,':ii::\::I:I:;::II:,: :1': ;:::;, ':,i:'I(t.;1;:2' TheJ1Qtteti:mattt ~: .::i:997 ed"d f th ::i;r:'~'::'; ;;\~riImi!'~i\~~:;, ""'}'\if/ I .. 0 · : i.::;::.;';;:::;:!;::::::,:::;: I. ":'~'II~~:;~.,,::~;Siip'pl~~:I\\d, o.thc,r Conditions of the Can : ':.':~::::;i\i:Ii'\'..::' "J", ~.~~!~2M4::'" . and ~~!((ll1o,ws, :;;;';':::;',;;,:\;; :/: ::):()\\:!,i::i::':': ',~: :'U"~'~~Wht ;:;:;i:,: ): :\,i::,:.....::\,i:~;;{):; "::':' ':';':':',::::i,;!!i' '::'" DiviSion 0 .', ,'H 'I" 1"'\ 1:::,:. "1,' :' .~ ;: hall be changed without ten days wrinen notice to the after elC,ecution of this Agreement, are enumerated l!lll ndard Form of Agreement Bctween Owner and 1 Conditions of the Contract for ConstrU~tion, MA t arc those lXIntained in the Project Manual dated '1'." Title Bidding and Co traCt RC'luircmcnts General Requi meats Pages Pages 1 through 64 .', ,', I. :::~ ': ." :,::::.'; Pages 6S through 11 S ,.'.",1. ':,i::~::~k,,;:;:'i:I'. 1.::1::/.::,: "..". ::-, ".' ,'. ,:.'., . ':: :')~"1.4 ~::$j~:i~on8 are those contained ;n the project anuBl dated as in SectiQn 8.1.3. and arc lI.! follows: )!' i::: ::~ither Hsttlie;~P~,~~tions here or ref'8t to an exhibit an ed to this Agreement "''See'Exhibit A:,.MQiiti.t'tllo Library Expan~ion Project Man al, Section OOOlC).Tab1e ofConccnts. Pages 5 & 6 for listing of Specification. ,:\,,,',:,'..:,: :,:::,f, :,:;:::i/::j;'!ii:~i~,~::~::~t&gs are as {ollows. and are dated Octo ,.:,":' :.:. ''":-: . ''(~f'~f~th:e,:.j}'rQwjng.J h~'" or ref,,. to Q1I u:hlbil atrach ,:""J:::..,:$~~:~tlil?i~~:::~ontiOCllO Library Expansion. Sheet n, , "',...\,dlh'awmgs; ':":::: 6. 2004 ~n]cs5 a different date is sbown below: to zhi.' Agre,ment.) awing Index. Legends Be Location Map for listing of t 8.1.6 The Addenda, if any. are as follows; . AlA DoculMl'll A10'''' _ ,111. CopvrtGM tl '915,1918,1926. ,1I3T,1151 18M. 11181.1963, 196T, 1974. 19no ,980, 1187,1991 and 1997 tIY TIlt ^",otiCan (nJtllute 01 ArcI1I110111. All rIGlIIIl'IMI'Yed. W"RNI~IG; TIll" A'" OllOlolfl\Clnl t. p."'tlCl~ by lJ.$. eo",IlM I.4IYI "nd Il'lICmllllon..' 1r.lIll911- Ul\:IUIl'lO.IUcI reproducllan or cllslrlbullDl'l ot tllla AlA" DocIllMnl, llr In porll,," 11111. mlllY ,"ullln MYI'''' CiVil Ii'll! erlrnlllllll plI'""ltl.', 'lld will ~ p.llll/ilCUllId 10 IlIe m:>lllmum OlltC'n1 pgAlbr. ul'\Gl!r IllelIlW. 11I1l dOCum fll was Il~d by AlA 8OI\W1l.18 a1 09~14::J2l1t1" /0412004 under Order No.1000108032_' w11ICII fl~plr.. on 3/1612005, and II nOI lor IllUIl!. USlI\' NoIClS: (2932191883) 5 \, PAGE 1217/l.:l 11/1214/201214 10:34 6123771331 KG ET ."".",,,,, ,:,,, 'I"" ~~::~um # 1 " ;:: .:,:,:::::;:::,l::::),:t ':: :'::" :, ::" '\. :,' , "Addendum # 2 :,,:,,":::::;i..~',:::::':"',,~:,::;:\'\!i'.::,::::'?:I:: ::.'.,:.: .::::~ddemd~m # 3 Date October 10,2004 October 22. 2004 OetoVer 28. 2004 PaglS Pages ] throuah 21. pages 1 through 12. Page 1 tbtough I , ,: :~: :1 :: l:'~::;' ': ;: I' :.'~:'" '",';")", '1",,'1 ..., I' . ,:",.::<"::i:::: 1"111''''1'1101.1:, "'1'..":" :. :~~" ,I: . .~, -,I'" I,' 11," I IIp",'n,' 111',111"11" .I,\II,',ln, '\"',:;. ,.... .\1',1 ; ~; ~I\ :': ;l)~ : ~ ':~\:, .:, ,.: ,I.:. ,,'.. .1"',' ,;-,:::::",,:',:: I. ," :".~ l . .'\\1'" ," ,"', ~;;:~~:~\~i: ,,"1"'- ",,'..11.' , ' ",1 : " i~: ',;: ;\: '.~ ".,,,,,"'11". \,'l.l~ (llill'l ",Ii, ,II; .. '"I',;'i", . 'Ilj'~ '" . "t\ ::: :; ~I I....!:: ,:" . I,' I', I. . ~ ' " :' \; ,1\ \;;'1\;":';: ::;;:;!:\:n:l ... ;,::m:~,~i~):: ,:, "~;l:' , ,~:: ' :':,1'),'.';:::;;:;;,:;':,. ""1':'1,1/".1:',1''''',' ;:: \: ::' 1\;: :1: ~I:.: ' :".~ :~~:;~\ ~~~:'," ~;.'/ I:~ (I ., ~'", ":"1'1'" ,.;:\\;;::::,,::<:::H::;;::'::iJ.:\i"'"'''' i'l:l.',I",",,, ~':~iW:!;;~;;~::;: l:t;\ ~~~j.~:~:~ r', :':, \:: ' :: ;:, :: :' I'~:~~'~' :il:I;:ii:\~i:i~ ::;, :i;:;\:\);::i?:,:?:;::":: (:;: ,","""""'" \~ </.::~ \/;.!::: \::.':' 1"",,/,\.11 ,~~ :: i;: :' ',: ~ ",..,I""" " ,:::.\:,~" ". . " .~~ns of Addenduelatina to biddina requirements arc not p It of the Contraet Documents unless the bidding . fC4y~ntS are also enumerated in T.hill Article 8. ",' .._:" ,.4:&,.1.7 Other documen~;,.if any. formine pm of the Contract D cuments are as follows: . 'i,':i\;::':(List here aN*:additio~'docum~Nts thdt are intended to form art (If the Contract Docum.,"t~. ALA Doc~"t A201- ".' '::S~~~7 providss:thal bid4i1:fl, requirements such as od~rtiseme to,. invitation to bid.lnmuctiol'l$ to Bidders.. samp'#! ::.".~mrs and. ~;~pn~r.r;t:bid (J.~ not part olth#! CONtract cwments unIt$s 'nu~rated tn tht.~ Agreement. They i\'::!~ii/illd be,.zil~~.'hf!~i~~"i:'ifint.nd.d to bs parr ofth. Cmtfra Documents.) , " ~, , ~:, ::~: ., I ,': ;~:\ , ' \' i~' :" , ~,: ,'.i " ",', III " :: :;:" Ivi . : I~\:~;;;~:\;:~i~~:;' .'.! I \:::;~~,~,~~\:E I,: ,1'," . i:, ',,,~~: ;~,: X:i:~:ti:;;~ ",','.'~ill ,~~~~,::~~ci:~~,.:.s of the dilY ilIId year first wri ten above and Is executed in at least three original ,:ii:~bpi~~iOf\vhic~.('ijfl~'.1S .to'ibei;~ivered to the Contractor. one the Architect for use in tbe administration of the ":':Co~ij.~:::m4:imh~;,~~ittJ:'the OWnG'. " ,,:;1:: '",11\/,1,', . I; ~l, ~\~ ,,,.' ,'.::, ..'\;~:;:;;~.: n ".~,~~;\I,';': :; ::\ ~~ ~.l :: :: II' ,. ""II ,I \ ,,;11 'I' :,,~~:;:(~'," .:.,;::'.;':,;,:!:i:)",:+:?:i:" . . ,::'.; ,".,~:,: !,~ 'Ii ,:i .. .... ' "" II' :,: '. ;' ;~ ; , \\:::::;:~~:::~ :::;"~~~~.;;(:,' "II" I' "I""!' ;;::"" -""'i,~"; ;i~;~iF': ::: ~~I ~; :.: I: ':! ::1 ',I',! I.::::: ,.,:.' i::::\::\ii:}::~~i:::.::.: .,' . "I"~ ':, ,::,:; J ::' :"" :,' , : ~':', \::\~:;l\~;,:;i~:il;;Hl\~F' , ,I , '," \ . '; :.~. , ~I ", .1' ,. , i~, :: ~~ .' .,.,.",..".,,',:, ,I \\::-f,~\:~;~;;+~:',.: 'I ,'" .,,~ :.::::;: Ii .II ,.' ;': '~':,~':: ;:::. i:}\ i:~:;)~~~ ': :;::t ;;~;;~~::\::;~ ,\l: " " ,,' . " i."II, flo\l' '!::i. ::,"" II" "11, I" ." '.~ ' .:~, ;. ~ 1, "I, ,~ :' ,I,~ ' '; ~ i\: ;', ::,:t::;\' ;':'.:'i::)i;\::::::~' , ',' :,11111," ' .;~, ~;i, ~;~' ~;,:~,',. :' ..::<:\ :{~~:,:. ': . " " . , ",;""" "", ::::'-.! ,~,:I ':;:~:: <,' ~' ' 'I" "<. :' ~ I : .: ' ~ I' , ":., . " .,. .. ':~;y:\,' ,',>'.: ",:::::i,':" ".,',1;":"'" . " ',11,,'1" ..:.,...," ';:'1' ,. . :: ,": ~" ~ ,':; :{ ,i ".' " \ ' ,::::::>I'h':' II" ',' , ",,/.1, AlA OllCUll*lt 0\101" _1"". Qclpyrtght I>> 1815.191', '925,1937.1 1 1&5B.1iS1. '1lN, 1967. 1174, 1m. lieD. 19117. 1991 and 1997 by The A"*ICIloII IlIslllUtI Of ArchItec:Ill. All "Ill" rMIlWd. WAf\MIMG: ThlJ Al J. DOl;umMt" ",otec~ by U.s. copyrlghll.llw ,,"d '"lltl'T111l1onlll T",,,ti<l$. U...ulhorl","d notJfOdu<l11011 or dlStrlbutlo'" III !tit'll AlA" ooeumenl. or ny pOrllon 01 It, mllll .....ulll" ,_rCl ciVIl ..nd enmln..' p..nellle'l, IInd will bel Pfo,eeutl!d 10 the m~lllll1um .n....1 po"lble ul\der tho 'DW. ThI8 daCU enl wu ptlldutF.I~ by AlA ,oI\wIre II 09:14:32 on ,'Ill4lao04 under Order No.1 CICIO' 08ltol2.,1 wllle/l ..plres QI'I 3I'l6l2llll5. "nd '$ nQt lor ....Ie. U..r "01"': (2~'911183) 6 \\ 11/04/2004 10:34 6123771331 DOET PAGE 08/13 . Additions and Deletions Report for . '" AlA Document A101 -1997 ',";,'1 ",_",' ,,'..II .'1' I ,,' I .,,11',11 :i' 11111 ;:,' ',';,;':, :,:::,,::,;', ',:',::,:J;:' :;':T~~~~~d~~,~$ and Dllletions FI.,port, as doflned on page 1 of tho alii 'ate<! document. I'9procluces below all tQlCl the author has " " ':':':,: "':, ,,:, :'",,: ;::~Od,tcI,th'e standard form AlA document In orelar to complete It, as II as any text the author may have added to or deleted from , " "" , , 1I:!~,,~,rt,gl."1al, l,\IA text. Addlld telCt is shawn underlined. Deleted telCtls I leated with . horliilomalllne thl'1)l,Illh the original AlA text, , 'I I"" ',\,..', .' .,1 I :,;'11:;',::"( :"::'::::<::,:;::,:i;;ii::::~,~~:::TIils Addltlons and Deletions Alport is provided lor Informatio PUrpOIQS only and is not incorporated into or constl!ut8 any ",'"'''''' ""'I'II'\"tff'1he usoeiated AlA document Thill AddItiOns and OeleliOnll A rt and IIli assoCiated document were generated ,,,,,::':-.<:-;:: :::" , ::'::: ,,8imuttaneous;ly byAIA sorl\ri~, at 09:14;32 on 11/0412004. :.':>;',' ::', >:'i::!::"::;':'::::::::::):',::::::, ,:::'::':': PACF;;2. 'II ,:'11:': ':: I,,;, I ' I':: "I,' :.~:.: , . :);:;::: :;-:: ", ,,',' . " ",' ", ':':; :i: .:~ork SubSta~1f.illd3N:~mDieted by Mav 1. 2ooS, ,t1 ~ I' : :' :;" ,:'"::",,,:;.: \:,' ... .':' ; : '~~:, i; :::: ':; '.':: r , :,:_:4'4~he Owtl~:~~,i~y..the Conrra.ctor the ConUilCt Sum in ourrent fund, for the ContractOr'. performance of the COnl'tl\ot. The; dmtractiSum shall be . . ..' .,ousand.seven.hundred-t\\Ientv-five Dalllll'l (5649.72$.00 ), subject to additions and deductions as 'ded in the ContraCt Documents. '::::-::::::, ,::::i:pj~~:~::," .,. :';,,:,,:;: iIoiI,u~:"'oIii',',1 1:::,.\:;:::;: /: r.".AUJI:' : .~:~~~::~,:~" ,:1::;:':'; '~: . ~~~MEtf.t::,ri1atle aa:;~:~~::'EiJhth i:,i::~:i"',:'''': ,,:::: :/~;~V,.,.' ::::~:;:'::::<i:::; /':::;;;:' .' 'o'Clt.'yH:)f ~nticeilo,: """" ,I" 'I'''''', " '::!:;!,;):! ~"':'!:::'!: ": ",:W::::,!:;::: :,/:::Ii::;:::,:" ,,/:,;::;:;'::::;:: " Mtintic:tlld City BiN.: ,"':: ,: ,:", " I 'j. :: ,: :::.. :\: '. ' "f1, I . ,I,; ,::, l: ;,:," :~ ::~ ;'i', ;" :. ~,~ '," :: :;"1 ~"I,'," :p;;?;g~ 5~~o~:~:~i;~:;i~"s~~~'::':U::". . ',"',", "'i' . II .. J.'ft,aJJl. ' "1'",.1,,: ~:', ,. .. '. :,.,.. n.::;:: :d::.:.:1 ;'.:::' ,'I: d ~ :'::,:,~,' ..::ilj",,::i::':;:l:>" ,I: :::\f: H:ii::>:! ;<V}: "'":;il:': tidri~J~lto;::M~~ti;~~62_~~~1 'I \, '" ..:.:,;:I;;:~ :~~'~';:':::";:::' ,'" i: " . 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Iiitt" " ' :;, :.~ .<!}:~j~~:H:","': ,:~::i;:;~~,," ::'(";::>::;!l~\' ~.:'\,' I' . '. ':" ,.:; "I~:><j''', ;.1' :ii;(,::::;:::::':!,:'" 'I" ":' ..U GroV'e"atl411~ce, """, " ::::" ";:'~:i:~:;'., "'l~~;;';'" I" ,~'::; I,: ,,",," :~: ".": . "::ii;~tm~lmalis. Mi nnes~t8. s.?:~,3. " .:..\'":.:..",, ,,'., II ~i ,.;:. ' ~ :; : I .' '.. .:,: '", !' t:~);':;i::~: . I ,..\, , ::' I ;. ! :;~ ;;~: i: ;:~:: ~: ;:: .' ':'1, .' ... ,I, . , ,01"..,,1 1...1..... . ". . . ~ dayof~ in the yeBl:' of Two thousand anll four. .' .t. \" 'j:' . .' ,',' :' '::;":-'::::: ::':i',:s~~~a'~~itJodftblt an Application for Payment iI; received the ArchiteCt not la~ than the first day of a , ' ;, month, ,me:Owner'snall make payment to the ContracroT not) tcr than the ~ day of the ~ month. If an Application fur Payment is received by the Al.-chitect aftc'l' the application d\1te fixed above, payment shan be n:mdo . Adlllllonll8nG DelBllons AOIilDl't lor AlA DClCUIMI'lI A101.... - HIt? Copyrlg C 1915, '918.1825. 1137. 195', ,eS8, 196',1963, 1967. 1974, 1977, 1980,1987. ,M1 and 1997 by Thlil Amlll'lcan IlICt"UI. of Art:t"\8CI9. All r1gllttl Md. WARNING: Thill AlA" O."",mQnlls proltlC,ed by U.s. CDIl'fl'I!;JI1' l._ And I"~rrmtlon'" Tr~OII.:!'. Un"ulhorllll>d .....rollul'tlon 0< dlstrlllll1lant ,hili AlA" OOCII",'!"l, or limy pDr\ID" 011'. """Y result In =ellell: civil ltnd crlml"e! penllllll!~. ~nd will be proseCUled to 'N ,"lIxlmum ~enlllOsslble '''de'\" t~ lEl..... Thll doalmonlwas prodUClld by AlA ao/lWvo :si 09:14:32 on , , fOol/2004 under Ord8r No, 1 0001 08032_1 whlr:1l ,:<pi"" on 3/1612005, 3ncl i$ 10"8881_. Uhr' Notes: (2932191883) 1 11 11/134/213134 113:34 6123771331 KG ET PAGE 139/13 by the Qwnc.r not later than 1....:';,:...,.".;;:,::.. .P:~;,.t~ . II . .,. , 1',1"',1' ::.;:,:: ~;?,.~;!;';:;;:i;;i;:;i.::\!:,:,;:;'.:::::'~:'l~~~~:fi;: :,: .:.! 1';!~~!n\ll"" .II II: ,i: J: I ,.",:t\;:.,) per annum :\i::.::;\::\::::,'~?~::;i! ~:;;:'::\:i'::::!':" :'~ic'!'5 twentY-eight (61 ) days the Architect receives the Application for :!:i.!!.:.:.,::,l!:.;,l':..\,.:,:.:':,f:;:';::,:,'.i'.!.\..:.:ji::~i.[:!,i:::.:;::::,:>f,~:.:..:,;:..~.',".i.:l~.:~:.:':.:~.::.~ Fred P.8~h.::,,:.., ",', . I~~~~\\>~:;"I ...'.i.:;'::. "I",,' '!;iii:~t.V of Mollti'G:I1Uo 'i"" I, ''''I. II :~,;;~~~:;;( 'j,l,' "I. ,.' ,"" .. -1'.:'1,'.".' ;;i~i. 1j!"1' iii~Wal~,;l;{:p'";? :, 'IV' :~: ';1:::::::::':: . '. ,,~nucWlUa::!iYt1DIl~t~!553M~:fI8:U :i\:!\!ii;ij 'ii;,:'::.:?:: ;::::>~,;.:,. .:' :,';:.:, ::::;iiili:'''::;:::::::!': i'i.::," .',:'1,,'::'.:>:. :i:.',.",,:':i if::!!::;::;\:;: .:..:'IIlie1~tl~, nl!i~),~t-l~ID~::i;i::: ;:~~~\m;i;:!;;;, ,~1~'.~;~,~~jl\:iJ1':,:,:j;" ;:::\!!:\:\\l;:;;:h,,:';;':/;;: . :::i:::i~YSfcin~\~ns~60gti~'11V !i'W!~r~;:,:"" if;~~~i~~~!f~~,;':; i:::i;;!,:':SJ1~It\;:M~eso'f.a s~!!~~;i:;;: ,~ ; ~;:'I ~ .~,:: :I~ II ,:W;::; ;:;~\ t;!:' .,', . . II'" ~f:::~:l;:;i:: :':~. :,' ... ,. .<:J:~,~~~~~su.~iind other Conditions of the Colttr :!!\i~~~'~~ 200~.:')\:li:".,:~d'.~ as follows i;:;;::7~,:,,::.::.::;i::':~~~~~o\i:\\ :>.:., . :" :'.':\\:<.' . I 1.1 ,.. . . ............:.,..i,.'......... :': 1: :~:\ :.~' I' , " ::::::~:,~'.,l.',,:.~..',.:,...~~~il"'::i'"'' . "", :.:..... 'II :' II. " ,'..,' ,I : i:::: ~: 1: ' .1 ". II . I . 1l:\~i:~::L~::;~I;~~}1 . "',, I '; ~;~." . {,';:::";:':::::::.,j,,, ..;;,!:: ';:i" (Ei~r,~..~'specjficatiOn~!ti,~.ot ~er to an exhibit auac . !:::(';:i:ii~:i '.. :::::.::.' :. ,".':":i" .:..:~i:',: :'.i:~" .WtieA .bit A:. listiIu! of Soccifical:l!orir:" ... :. ::: ~,l \\. i: Ii ili .:\i:~i;;:::'i:;:"" '.1""""'1"'" ,.... . ..1,,:",,'1)' ~\~;i~,lt:: ,:....:~.. 'l~:l.:::1: !:~\\~~~~\;;\:: [ ate tho. contained in the Project Manual dare<} PalZes 1 throuj.'J'h 64 rues 65 thro~ ro thil ApeMlI!lA\)AJ~ +lie 6 for ,," '~ :: ~: i: ;; :' ~ .,\ ,:::!~ ,'.: '.1.'" l::i~~ 111." II . ,..' ~ :;/ , '." '''', : ~, ,,::i.::/' '::.:":~:::;:;::;iS':(5 Thei~lIis ~~~::t611~~s. and are dated ':::i.<.: !:::;~! ~..~:':.":,.."..,:. :.~\.i',~~"... ;: ::!:'~'~;:"':". ' :8& Exhlbi"" ;; :" ..,,,~, . ., Drawings, unless a different date is ,hown below: I; ':,: ::~":: i; ,: .' ~ ::~ :, ..' ::\~:!~~~Si~n~~~ ~ 0. :\:;,:::.,:. " . >t!~:;:;~:;~ {:~C: ~", ':;: :,:; ::: \' ,: i:;~.);,,::. " ,+,1':": ;pj~!~:::":" ':: ':~:~t"I:::~;:::~:~~l;i:;.:~"" '. ,,': ,,,' . ~: ' :::.1.:. ....., In .....AiCJd~m # 1 A~~~\1m # 2 ~ PaRes 1 through 21. Palles 1 thTOUS!h 12. Paie 1 t!lroulZi), 1 ,'I,' ,,:"'/ ,. "".", . Addltlllllll "nil De/811onll Repon lOr AlA DOC\Im8n' A'O'''' -19lJ7. COpyrlhl C11111S, 1918. 19l!5, 1931. 111S1, 1959. 111B1, 1SN, 1967. 1914, 1917. 11180,1987, 1l1e1 ll/'ll! 19S7 ~TIMl Am8'1can lnalllu..llOl ^~hltl-*- All rlllhUi l'lI.....,.lL WARNING: 1'11\8 AIAIO Dllcu_nl Is prvloc\ed by U.S. Cllpyrl!llrt t,ll>'l and Inle~lll",,1 T."..tION;. lInBulharl=~ ."p.aducotlon II' dlslrtbulIlln af thl.. AI"'''' Ooc;U",,,nl. II. M1Y pa.tlOn ",fh. ....y ,"ulIl" "''Ie'" eMllllld crtmln..! pfllaltll!'S. and will tM> proMoutl:d IOltw ...,,,elmum "",,,1"'1 po!lslbl unlll!' Thll hI"" This llocumlnt wu pl'OlIucell by AlA ,oltwBrII:IlI Dll~14:32 on 1111)41201)4 under O/Cillr NO.1 0001 06032..' WhICh llllplteC on 3/16/2005. and I nOl for .osala. UIIlI' Nlllel: (29321S18831 2 ( I 6123771331 K DET PAGE 10/13 11/04/2004 10:34 , A PI C' I .f L , MODticello Library ExpansioD City of Monticello, Minnesota e~h;b:+ SECf[ON 00010. TABLe OF CONTENTS ))[VISION O. BIDDING AND CONTJlA.CI' REQUlllEMENTS - I I I: 01010 01027 I 01028 0104S 01200 01300 I 01400 OJ4JO 01420 Ill', 01500 01$69 01600 01631 I 01700 01732 01740 I I I I I t .' : ;'1 06100 RouJh Carpeatl')' re06402 lDtortor AIdl1tecQl,.. Woodwork ??oo1 00007 00010 00030 00100 OQl(JOR 00300 00320 00500 00600 00700 00800 Tide PlIie CcttificatioD Page Table of Contents AdVertIsement For Bids IDscroctiODS to Biddel$ Request for Prior ApproVll Form Bid Porm Geotechnical Data Fonn of Agr1;cment Bonds General Cooditicm$ Supplemeowy Conditions IVISION 7- THERMAL AND MOISTURE KOTECnON Self-Adhering Sheet Warerproofing Building Insulali.OD BIPS-O_ PB Metal SidinJ Paau:ls EPDM Membrane Roofing Sheet Metal F1uhiDg and Trim Joint ScalBDts 04810 DMSION 4. MASONRY Unit Muoary Asscmblia I \ St3IIdud Steel noon aDd Pr8IIIQ flush Wood Doon AlumiDll.lll EIltnDccs aad SEOI'dnmts PinithHcd~ Glap and Gluing DMSXON 1. GENERAL REQtmtEMENTS SI1mtlWy orebe Worl; Appli.calioQ for Pl.)'ZDCIlt CoDI1'8CC MocIificIIion Proc:echues Olttinl wi PaldU.ng Project Mcctinp Subminals Qwility Cofttrol Servkell Special SQUcturaJ Testil\g and. JnspedtoD Roofing JDSpcctioDS Servicz& Temporary Paci1ities CoostnIcciOn Cleaning Material and Equipment Subltirutions Contnct Close-Out Selective Demolidon Wuranties and Bonels Gypsum Boed Assemblies Ceramic nle AcouticalPanclClriliDp Resilient 11Ie P100ring ResiJient WaD Base aac! Acceuorte5 Carpet Plintiq Diteclories md BulletiD Boards SIps Fim Prorection Specialties Milc:ellIllCOUlI Spcc:ialties DIVISION.2 - SITE WORK 02300 Eanhwork 02370 BroIion and Sediment CoD.lrol 02751 Cemeot Conaete Pa\linC 00920 LawDslDll Grallel No SediOD& Under Thil Divisjoo DMSlON 3 - CONCUm 12491 Horizontll LouvCI" BUIlds 03300 Casla'1'I-Place Concrete No Scccions Under 1his Division DIVISION 5. METALS No Sec:dona UDder Thi. DlvilioD 05120 SlNctura1 Steel 05400 Cold-Fonned Metal Pramins 05500 Metal Fabrications Basic Med1mical RequircmtDl$ Firestoppins ExpBllstOD Compensation Suppons ADd Anchors Motors Medwlical IdlDtidcItion Pipiq lDsuladon Ductwork lnsulatioD DIVISION 6. WOOD AND PLASTICS Table of Contents 5 00010 - 1 1- 11/04/2004 10:34 6123771331 K DET PAGE 11/13 PClJ I! J. or .:L I I I I - l1 II I II - II II II b - II II II 00010 ~ 2- II J 1 Kodet Architedural Group, Ltd. Minnea lis, Minnesota. E.j,l~~+ A '. )5410 15430 1S440 1 S450 15510 15S15 15835 15870 15890 15910 , 15930 15936 15948 15975 15976 1S985 15990 Plumbil'll Piping Plumbiq S.-a.hics PlumbiDg FlXtureIl Plumbing EquipalcDt Hydropic Piping Hyd:ronic Spocia1lics Termi.nal Hue Tnnsfcr Uniq Power VCIltiIatOrs Ductwork Ductwork Accessories ADd EqllipmMlt Air TenDiJlal UDi,ts Air IDJeu And Outlets Hydnmic &: Air Plow lIUilDlmmlllioa Meuunmcut Direct DiJital Coatrol SyMIID EIecIroDic CoDlI'Dl Sysrcm Ac:ca1Odat SequCDal Of 0peraIi0D Testina. Adjusdng And Balmc:iIl& DIVISION Ui. ELECTRICAL '. 16010 16C120 16050 16060 16070 16111 16112 16123 1612.7 16130 161'1 16170 16190 16195 16510 lca72t 16780 Basic meccrica1 Rcquiremaltl Tcwporuy light ADd. Power CuUiq ADd PatcbiDa MiD<< Elcc:tricIl DcmoUtion Por Remoddi.:oI Fire6toppiug _ Conduit SufaQ:; R.a&:eways BuildiQg W'm: ADd. 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May r.lIlull II' 'WOTO clitlllnd orlmlnll petglllt"lnd "Illllt p'O..oll1~ 10 hI msrlmu,n ,,",n' po"lbfl! unlllll' '"l) lew, TIlle documon' UQtj procluClld Dy AlA. ICltrwlll'll I' 09:14:32 on 11..0./2004 undtr Order NO.1 0001 Ol!lOS2...' will Clllfllr. on 311612005. ;wi I.t. root lor r&slllll. U.., Not..,; (2$!2191B83) 1 11 . . . Council Agenda - 11/8/04 12. Consideration of resolution declarin inten to reimburse ro' ect costs throu h future bond sale proceeds. (R W) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: IRS regulations require that before a City can' ssue bonds to reimburse itself for project expenses it has already paid, a resolution nee s to be passed indicating that it might be the City's intent to sell bonds in the future to cov r those costs. This resolution should be adopted prior to incurring such costs as design fees, fc sibility reports and actual construction expenses. The resolution being proposed covers the Ch lsea Road West Extension, Project No. 2002-01 C This resolution will allow the City to finance his improvement with a future bond sale, but adoption of the resolution is not authorizing bond sale at this time. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Adopt a resolution declaring intent to reimburse expenditures through a future bond sale for this project. 2. Do not authorize a resolution. c. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: It is the recommendation of the City Admini trator that the resolution be adopted as proposed, thus enabling the City to sell bonds to financ the interchange project if it proceeds on schedule. D. SUPPORTING DATA: Resolution. . . . RESOLUTION 2004-87 RESOLUTION DECLARING THE FFICIAL INTENT OF THE CITY OF MONTICELL TO REIMBURSE CERTAIN EXPENDITURES FR M THE PROCEEDS OF BONDS TO BE ISSUE BY THE CITY WHEREAS, the Internal Revenue Service has issue Treas. Reg. S 1.150-2 providing that proceeds oftax-exempt bonds used to reimburse pri r expenditures will not be deemed spent unless certain requirements are met; and WHEREAS, the City expects to incur certain expen itures which may be financed temporarily from sources other than bonds, and reimbursed from he proceeds of a bond; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY TH CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF MONTICELLO (THE <<CITY'~ AS FOLLOWS: 1. The City reasonably intends to make expendi ures for the projects described in Exhibit A (the "Projects"), and reasonably intends to rei burse itself for such expenditures from the proceeds of debt to be issued by the City in t e maximum principal amount described in Exhibit A. 2. The City Administrator is authorized to desi ate appropriate additions to Exhibit A in circumstances where time is of the essence, a d any such designation shall be reported to the Council at the earliest practicable date an shall be filed with the official books and records of the City as provided in Section 3. 3. This resolution is intended to constitute a dec aration of official intent for purposes of Treas. Reg. ~ 1.150-2 and any successor law, egulation, or ruling. Adopted by the City Council this 8th day ofNovemb r, 2004. ATTEST: Rick W olfsteller, City Administrator ruce Thielen, Mayor \~ Resolution No. 2004-87 . Page 2 . . EXHIBIT A TO OFFICIAL INTEN RESOLUTION ADOPTED NOVE BER 8, 2004 11/8/04 Chelsea Road West Improv ments Project No. 2002-01C $3,085,000 \0. Council Agenda - 11/8/04 . 13. Consideration of an offer to Kine:bay. (RW) in Jefferson Commons Outlot A - Co A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: An offer has been received from a developer, Cory Kingbay, for the purchase of an approximately 2.7 acres of land remaining al ng TH 25 just south of the proposed Applebee's restaurant site and north of the City's new co muter parking lot. The offer has been made in the form of a non-binding letter of intent, but outlines the proposed purchase price and additional details of a purchase. The planned use for the property would be to construct a 15,000 sq. ft. retail strip center with the possi Ie addition of a 6,000 sq. 1'1. restaurant site. Recently the City accepted an offer from Ap lebee's adjacent to this site in the amount of $9/sq. ft. The same conditions regarding fut Lre sidewalk construction requirements, street lighting improvements to be paid by the buy r, a one year reversionary clause if the property is not developed, are being proposed in the lett r of intent. In addition, a provision has been added regarding the potential to allow for thi development to utilize a small portion of the commuter parking lot fi.x overflow parking r quirements that would result in additional compensation to the City of $.40/sq. ft. AI:,>, if the restaurant site is developed, the City would also receive an additional $.05/sq. 1'1. t cover a portion of the traf1ic signal being constructed at the School Boulevard and TH 25 intersection. . A basic concept plan is enclosed for your reiew that generally shows the layout of proposed buildings and the letter of intent also address s that the City would also have to approve any design considerations as part of the sale. If 15,000 sq. ft. retail structure along with a 6,000 sq. ft.. restaurant was to be built on this site, ur current ordinances would require approximately 180 parking stall and the site ppears to support 163 at this time. It is proposed that up to 17 stalls eould be utilized on the c mmuter parking lot site since it is very likely the restaurant property would create extra dema d in the evenings and weekends when the commuter parking lot would not see its high st use. Staff is supportive of trying to maximize building area on this remaining 2.7 acre parcel and allow for some shared usage of parking that is already available in the area. By ma imizing the building size on this property, the developer will see a benefit and also the Cit in creating a higher valuation for the property. The proposed offer is in line with the sugge. ted marketing price that our appraiser, Jason Messner has established for this area. Mr. essner felt in today's market that if this property was subdivided into two parcels, the pro pert closest to the Applebee's site could have a value of approximately $8.95/sq. ft. while he wou d suggest the parcel adjacent to the commuter parking lot would have a value of$8.75/sq. t.. As a result, since the letter of the intent is to purchase the entire property, the purchase p ice had been recommended at $8.90/sq. ft. . I have received a number of inquiries conce ning our property along TI I 25 and have also received a note from Mike Krutzig, develop r of the strip buildings directly across TH 25 to the east (Edina Realty, AE Michaels and Hi shfield's) who expressed an interest in also purchasing our property. I did contact Mr. rutzig about month ago to let him know that other parties were interested in our property and that a letter of intent would likely be I ___ '. . . B. Council Agenda - 11/8/04 submitted to the Council in the near future. s of this time, 1 have not received any proposal from Mr. Krutzig other than his letter express ng interest in acquiring it some day. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Council could accept the letter ofinte t for the purchase of the 2.7 acre site under the terms and conditions outlined at a bas of $8.90/sq. Ft. Under this alternative, if the property s developed as proposed in the concept plan, the City would receive an additional $.45 sq. ft. for signal and parking charges. 2. Council could negotiate different ter s or conditions and pricing. 3. Council could decide not to sell the p operty at this time. c. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Based on the recommendations from our app aiser, the proposed offer from Mr. Kingbay is in line with our marketing plan and is in accord nee with our development plan previously approved by the Council. The idea of maxil izing the site with huilding area and allowing some of the excess parking to occur on our c mmuter parking lot should be encouraged if the uses are compatible with commuter use whi h staff feels is appropriate for this project. The additional funds received for excess parking requirements should be retained by the general fund f(Jf future maintenance of the commute parking lot including striping, seal coating and eventually overlay costs. With the City reta ning ultimate approval of the design, I would recommend accepting the letter of intent an authorizing staff to prepare a purchase agreement for the site along with directing the develop r to prepare more detailed plans. D. SUPPORTING DATA: Copy of letter of intent Concept Plan WOODBURY. 651-739-2600 WWW.WEAI:I1ISPRINGMOR'[C;AGE.CO . Wea lthSpring'M MORTGAGE City of Monticello Attn: Rick W olfsteller 505 Walnut St. Suite 1 Monticello, MN 55362 COM MITMENT Dear Rick, ECSIJ\'I'IC Enclosed is a letter of intent for the remaind r of "Outlot A of Jefferson Commons." We have an architect in place ready to start reliminary drawings once city approves letter. Then we can work towards purchase agreement. FREEDOM RAVING . Sincerely, SMILE Cory Kingbay . 525 Commons Drive Woodbury, MN 55125 . Fax 651-73 -26(H '3 . . . November 3,2004 LETTER OF NTENT Addendum to Letter of Intent on November 1, 2004 City of Monticello 505 Walnut Street Suite #1 Monticello,:MN 55362 Property: Outlot A, Jefferson Commons Dear City of Monticello: Please accept this non-binding letter of intent to pur hase the above referenced property according to the following proposed terms. Buyer: Seller: Purchase Price: Deposit at Contract: Financing Contingency: Co City of Monticello $8.90 square foot -An additional $.40 s uare foot would be added to purchase price if buyer where to dev lop a restaurant and would need use of additional parking in ity commuter lot. -Due to a higher asse sment assigned for a new traffic signal city is building at Hwy 25 d School Blvd: if a restaurant were to be developed buyer wo ld add $.05 square foot to purchase price. -Buyer is responsible for streetlights at $28.50 foot. -Buyer is responsible for city sidewalk along Deegan Ave. $10,000.00 Purchase is continge t on the buyer obtaining acceptable financing. 1.3 . . . Description: The site will consist of one level steel and masonry retail center, L shaped, with 14'-0" t 16" ~O" clear interior height with approximately 15,000 ross square feet in size. The retail center will be a moderate to h' gh~class type of construction with brick, block, cultured stone, d exterior insulated finished system. The site will also consi t of a stand-alone one level steel and masonry retail center/r staurant with 14'-0" to 16"~0" clear interior height with approximat ly 6,000-8,000 gross square feet in size. The retail center/ resta rant will be a moderate to high-class type of construction with br' ck, block, cultured stone, and exterior insulated finished syste . City would sign off on he approval ofthe architectural design. Other: If buyer did not perfo construction on Jefferson Commons Outlot A with in one y ar of signed purchase agreement, seller (City of Monticello) w uld retain property and any down payment received from buyer. Should your Seller accept these terms then we will ove very expeditiously to enter into a formal Purchase and Sale Agreement prepared by th seller. Very truly yours, ~~~ BUYER ACCEPTED B SELLER: Date 1. i I . \ -\-1 -- II,) \ . N) - ;;'\4 I ....q,~ ,61 --- ~. ~~1fe:J - I ~l rf\1 t-\I \ I ',,"' ~I\.... fJ ~~ Mo~ "8L,~ MtJ. ~ , L_-. ._.,..-..._...,...._..._.._.._'..... .."" ",.....__---.-J ~~. - -- - """) I ~: 1.& t ~ ~ \; t: ~ q , '1&/ , j . , . I I' , ! -+_ n' _~__.. , ...... ' --.. - ---.;..-....-.. : 1'110 0 (.'F" ... , I \o1..e ~\ l... ~r-~-- s-~ I I -' . ; AR.CHITECTURAL WORK! VILLARD, IN C J'l4J.1....~p"iI.I~..... '......I1...Ji-11t4.)SN JJD.ri TJ~. .,t...JItUII ..,*,..~bL.vW.,~~ ,~"'aRlP'f'ln.tr'TI"~"~jl:.rffOO4'OII ~~JU:II.4.4I..r..M:l.lt\ttlu........u",1IU 1/l1.aU'll"II;JI4""""DIoII1'J_...mar~n~~ ~D.7JG'''''''''c;,,--.IToIl'1l''''8NIISI'IlI'-'l 1J<> ~i I I i I I , . t I ! I' I J..o.o.....t,.......l ~~Mlllrt.i;Dh ....--- , l~: .~ .~I; . ~.. ".. . . /,\'Q"~\lfi+\\ ......, ) _..... - f'-1 II (I ( - .. "j,~~ A~ 2-- . . . Council Agenda - 11/8/04 14. Consideration of settin a worksho to rev ew ro osed develo ment and assessment a reements for the 1-94/CSAH 18 intereha e im rovements. (R W) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: At the September 2Th Council meeting, autho ization was given to begin preparation of plans and specifications for the I-94/CSAH 18 inter hange project. This approval was contingent upon the City obtaining developments agreements and/or assessment waivers from the two major property owners abutting this intersecti n, i.e. Ryan Companies (Dahlheimer site) and Shawn Weinand, property owner south of the reeway. The cost participation summary that was reviewed by the Council in September had estimated the City's contribution towards the $25,000,0 0 interchange and related improvements at $4,127,000. Thc City's participation in this roject assumed approximatcly $5,000,000 in assessment contributions from the two largest land owners in the area. A number of meetings and negotiating sessio s have taken place with Ryan Companies representatives and property owner Shawn W inand that havc resulted in basic agreements on cost participation in all of the improvements, "ncluding 7th Street construction, Chelsca Road improvements, Meadow Oak A venue extcnsi n to County Road 18 along with the interchange construction that should be reviewed by the C uncil so that final development agreement and assessment arrangements can be prepared by I gal eounsel for approval. While the authorization to begin design work only pertai ed to the interchange project, the development agreements and the assessment agreements ae ually relate to not only the interchange but all of the improvements planned for this area descri ed above. As a result, it is recommended that the Council set a workshop session to review the general scope of the development agreements as nego iated in anticipation of approving the final agreements in early December. With a new I ayor and two councilmembers coming on board in January, I would suggest that the newly ele ted official be invited to attcnd the workshop session with the present Council to review the status of the interchange, including the financing plan and development agreements. As you know, this project is one of the largest that the City has or will be involved with in th upcoming ycars and I think it would be an appropriate time for thc current Council to rec ive any input on this project that the newly elected officials may have. The entire intcrch nge project and related improvements will likely span over a two to four year time fi'ame nd it is important for the new Council to also be on board with supporting this project. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Set a workshop session to discllss the i tcrcbange project prior to the regular meeting November 22,2004 at 5:30 or 6:00 p.1 It is suggested that the Council invite t e newly elected mayor and council members to attend tbis workshop session. . 2. Do not a hold a workshop at this tim. C. STAFF RIi;COMMENDATION: Council Agenda ~ 11/8/04 With the land owner and developer meetings being completed, the City Attorney is preparing draft development agreements and assessme t agreement related to this project i()f Council review. Because of the magnitude of this pr ject and its impact on our community for years to comc, it is the recommendation of the Cit Administrator that a workshop be held to go over the proposed agreements and to allow t e newly elected mayor and councilmembcrs be involved in the ultimate approval process for this project. D. SUPPORTING DATA: None . . . . . B. 15. Authorization to Proceed with Feasibili Sewer Extension Cit Pro'ect No. 2000-1 A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND tor Trunk Sanita Proposed development in the Southeast Service Area in the City is driving the need to evaluate potential alignments for a trunk sani ary sewer extension from the waste water treatment plant (the stub is currently located outh of CSAH 75 near the Bondhus plant) to the south side of Interstate 94. It is critical to ev luate the alignment at this point due to possible future expansion by Mr. Bondhus and propos d development by Ryan Companies between the BNSF Railroad tracks and Interstate 94. he feasibility report will need to set an alignment that will not adversely impact the. evelopment potential for those sites. The study will also need to evaluate the maxi lUm service area that will be served hy this trunk facility. As part of the study, the potenial for removing the Reservoir Lift Station and replacing it with a gravity line will be evaluat d. This would potentially eliminate annual operating and maintenance costs associated ith that lift station. With the development that has been approved on the south side of Monti clio, this lift station is reaching maximum capacity. In addition, the study will investiga e and determine how much of the newly annexed area can potentially be served by a n w trunk line. This will serve to determine the capacity requirements needed in the pipe in a dition to impacts to the City's wastewater treatment fltcility. The potential construction of any facility resu ting fl-om the completion of this study will need to be completed and in place to provide sewe availability to the development area along the proposed ih Street corridor between the BNS Railroad Tracks and Interstate 94 as there is no sewer availability in the area. Following t e completion of the feasibility report it is likely that an EA W will need to be completed due t the size and capacity of the proposed line. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS 1. Authorize the feasibility study as requ sted. 2. Do not authorize the feasibility study' t this time. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION Currently there is no sanitary sewer availabilit to the area between the HNSF Railroad tracks and Interstate 94 east of existing ih Street. F rther, development pressure in this area is driving the need to construct the pipe at this ti e. As the extension would need to be constructed from CSAH 75, it becomes neces" ary to correctly size and locate the facility to eliminate costs in the future to upsize or reloC' te. It is the recommendation of the City Administrator, Public Works Director, and Ciy Engineer that the feasibility study bc authorized to allow staff and WSB & Associat s to start the project analysis. (. ',/.l()( 'f '1/1,,, I',l) Iff ,\ .,f (;jN)I,/.f)(",l!.S.. /',hlll,.I! !08IJ.J 1lt;('lllliI ill.'/II,r/p,' . . . D. kk/tsh SUPPORTING DATA Attached is a letter from Mr. Ken Steeter, re resenting John Bondhus, which addresses their willingness to work with the City by providi g the necessary casements. ( . ',.1)1 J(.r '.III', I ',/l.l H"\ -I. (iJU J''/'()( ". r/.,\ . I', '/('111/",_ I f().~I).J 1I.I:nrdu il('I!! ,/.11 NDU-04-2004 11:34 WSB & ASSDCIRTES IN . 7632877170 P.02/02 .STREETER COMPANIE IN · 6900 WfIUI..tka CJrde BJlOOKL YN P.uK. MN PHONE: 763-566-4151 FAX: 763-566--0716 November 3, 2004 Brett Weiss WSB & Associates, Inc. 4150 Olson Memorial Highway, Suite 300 Ooldan Valley MN 55422 Be: llolldhltf / CIt1 0/ MOlltkeJlD MIltUI Dear Brett: . Following my rec:eot COD-venation with yeu, I talked .th Iohn Bondhus reprdins the easement being requested by tho City ofMonticcllo. this will that, in my conversation with him. John Bondhus said that his Iamily and his business cooperate with the City of Monticello as to a slDituy sewer and utility casement to be granted.' favor of tho City by the Bonc1hus family. John understand.s that the casement premises arc to b placed. aIon,s the bOundary line between the property where his business is located m Mantico ,ano the Bondhus pxopcrty which 1$ currently wbject to a Purchase Agreement with R.yan, Companies. lohD &aid that he will cooperate with the City .in this regard on the condi; . that there will be a written casement agreement 'which is mutu.a11y sui,factory to aU pU1i concomed. On bcbalf of John, his family and his business. we look forwud to workiD.g witb. u and the City in reaebing an acceptable solution to the CitY'- needs for this ;&i=nellt. Sincerely, ~c =:> --.. Kcl:m.etb. a. Streeter KRShp 72U66v' ... . \S 100 flI SIINVaCl:) IIJ.DI,ts 8IL08iSll, yV~ at:91 a3i tD/CO/tt TDTRL P.02 . . . Council Agenda _.- 11/8/04 A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND 16. Consideration of Authorization to submi Environmental ualit Board for the R Due to the size of the Ryan Commercial Developm nt, state law requires completion of the Environmental Assessment Worksheet review proc ss. Utilizing funds on deposit from Ryan Companies, the City Engineer has completed the E vironmcntal Assessment Worksheet, which is now provided to the City Council for review. Cou eil is asked to review and authorize publication in the EQB (Environmental Quality Board) Monito. Please note that in order to maintain time- lines as requested by the developer, staff submitted the document to the EQR on November 1, 2004 in anticipation of authorization. This is the first st p in the Environmental Assessment Worksheet reVIew process. Subsequent to publication of notice of the project and associated documentation, the City Engineer will be submitting the document to a number of ag ncies for review and comment. At the December 13,2004 meeting of the City Council, C uneil will review comments and questions submitted by the various agencies along with associated responses by City Staff. Also at this meeting, the City Council will be asked to conside making a negative declaration of impact. In other words, Council will be asked to make a dete ination whether or not an environment impact is needed in order for this project to proceed. In a dition, on December 13,2004, it is anticipated that the Council will be reviewing the preliminary lat and development stage requests Approval of the EA Wand associated authorizatio does not imply approval of the project financing. Consideration of financing and other i sues relating to the project will be addressed under a separate agenda item. 8. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS 1. Motion to accept the Monticello Retail De elopment (Ryan) Environmental Assessment Worksheet and authorize publication in the EQB Monitor. 2. Motion to deny acceptance of the Monticel 0 Retail Development (Ryan) Environmental Assessment Worksheet and to not authoriz publication in the EQB Monitor. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION The City Administrator recommends Alternative 1. D. SUPPORTING DATA A. Copy of Environmental Assessment Work heet . . . Counci I Agenda - 11/08/2004 17. Consideration of an alternate site for the water tower in the Jefferson Commons Plat. (J.S.) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: At the regular council meeting on September 13, 2004, the city selected the firm of Bonestroo, Rosene, Anderlik & Associates for the design and c nstruction engineering ofthe water tower. Mark Rolfes, the representative from Bonestroo, has bee up at the site several times and worked with a professional photographer to photo somc of the ho ses in Groveland and the spruce tree screening at the public works building and put together simu ations of what the watcr tower would look like at the proposcd 2.3 acre site north of school boule ard. A basic site plan was put together and a presentation for the puhlic was developed. A notice ofthe public informational meeting was ublished in the Monticello Times. In addition, all property owners within a 350' radius of the b( undaries of the Jefferson Commons Plat were notified. This included 59 home owners in the Gr veland Plat north of the water tower site along with Kjellberg's Mobile Homc Park and the Prairi Ponds Development. The notice placed in the paper as well as the notice mailed directly to nea by proper owners told property owners of the proposed location of the new watcr tower in the icinity of the lar!1:e 24' square foot sign in the northern part of Jefferson Commons on our proposed water tower site. The neighborhood public informational meeting was set for 6 p.m. on Wednesday evening, Novemher 3, 2004. Four residents of the Grovela d Development to the north and Mr. And Mrs. Cardinal who live to the south of our new commut r parking lot on Highway 25 showed up for the meeting. In addition, Council Member Posusta, ayor Elect Herbst and Council Member Elect Perrault were also in attendance. Of the four prop rty owners from Groveland, three of them abut the proposed tower site. 'l'he fourth individual's h me is located to the north on the other side of Ilayward Court South. In addition, we received a p one call from another property owner abutting our site to the north. The property owners in atte dance at the meeting generally expressed the f()llowing concerns. 1. llaving to look at a water tower out their b ck windows. 2. Possible shadows from the water tower cas ing across their properties. 3. The two year construction period it would t ke to build the water tower. 4. A perceived loss in value to their property or having to livc next to a water tower. 5. The possibility of lightning hitting the wate tower. Council Member Posustaand Council Member Elec Perrault questioncd the possibility of relocating the water tower to another site. We discussed the amifications of moving the water tower which could include lack of the water tower to functio which would then include the installation of expensive altitude valve equipment which could easily be up in the $50,000 range. We also discussed if the tower were kept within the JetTerso Commons Plat on property already owned by the city where we would move it. Moving it to the est was ruled out as it did not get it any furthcr away from the existing residential homes. Movin it across School Boulevard to the prime city's property north of thc theater also did not seem t move it far enough away from the existing residential properties. Consequently, the only pi ce left was the property to the south near the . . . Counci I Agenda - 11/08/2004 Kjellberg Mobile Home Park. One Groveland property owner expressed his desire to move it down near the mobile home park. The area suggested is tel 0.42 acre site called Outlot [) to the south of the new Jefferson Commons drainage pond. Ass ming that we would try to keep a clearance of ISO' from the adjoining residential property and 10 'from any power line easements, the available land in Outlot D gets smaller. Putting it to the east l' that site on the least valuable land and using reasonable clearances would take up about 3.3 acre of land Another 0.33 acres of land would be taken up in providing a 40' access drive back into t e property. There are several concerns staff has in regard to reloc ting the water tower to this location. The first, of coursc, is thc expensive altitude adjustment equi ment to keep the towers functioning together. The tower is significantly further down a dead end ine for the foreseeable future and operational problems could be present. In addition, we have to uild lines to get there. Instead of an 80' water stub to the tank from School Boulevard we would h ve 600' of large diameter water main from the road to the tank. In addition, we would be splitting p the 10.42 acre lot leaving about 6.8 acres for development, making it less desirable to some prop sed uses. We would just be moving the tank from one residential area to another residential area Some of the benefits of relocating the site would be t at the tank would be moved further away from those four individuals to the north concerned about iewing the tank. In addition, the total value of the 3.63 acres used for the alternate water tower. ite would be similar to the 2.3 acres of land currently proposed for the water tower site. T e existing site would then be available for development such as restaurants, retail, of1ices or ther allowable uses in that zone. The council at this time is being asked to consider delaying the project for a short time until the alternate site can be studied further to see if it will tl netion as a water tower site and what costs are involved to develop that site. I have indicated to t e four individuals in attendance at the public infi..)fmational meeting that they would be allowed to speak on this issue if they attended the council meeting. Care must be taken not to delay the projcet too far. There is probably a reasonable window to do some additional study. However, any significant d lays could cause the completion of the water tower project to be delayed until 2007 due to time c nstraints with the painting. In addition, there are some constraints within the Bonestroo proposal hich could lead to additional costs if the project is unreasonably delayed. City staff is also concerne about getting the project done on time so that we may refurbish the coatings on the water tank on top of the Monte Hill as we are starting to get some delamination both inside and outside of the ta k. B. AL TERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. The first alternative is to authorize City stafT 0 work with WSB and Bonestroo to determine whether or not the new tower location is suit ble for the placement ofthe water tower from an operational point of view, and to detern ine whether or not an altitude valve and its complex operational equipment is necessary and, further, to determine the additional costs in infrastructure, etc. for locating the water t wer at that site. My guess is that we're in the $5,000 - $6,000 range to do a small feasibilit study for the location of the tower at that new site, and probably two to four weeks to co plete the cost studies and analysis. The city . . . Council Agenda - 11/08/2004 could determine whether or not they wanted 0 relocate the tower at that time and we would back to square one then and ask Bonestroo t prepare another puhlie informational meeting which could take another two to four week to put together and another cost of $3,000 - $4,000. We would then be probably six to ei Tht weeks down the road and the council would then receive public input from the next mee ing. Thesc costs are just basic estimates. 2. The second alternative would be to move for ard with the project at its current location and authorize Bonestroo to begin completing t e site plans and plans and specifications t()f approval by the city council. 3. A third alternative could he to scale down th studies or feasibilities included in alternative # I to try to shorten up the time frame as muc as possible or make assumptions on the worst case conditions. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: As Public Works Dircetor I would like to see this pnject movc forward as soon as possiblc. Often onc delay causes another. Just for example, soil bor ngs are scheduled thrce weeks out and it takes time to get the soil borings done and prepare an anal sis. Ifwe haven't determined a site by then we would have to rcschedule and one thing leads to an ther. My main goal is to get thc new towcr up and operating as soon as possihle so that we can t, ke thc old tank out of service for six to eight weeks and refurbish thc coatings inside and out. A elay of this project can affect thc watcr quality for the entire city. Ifwe are going to re-analyze thi and look at this alternative site, it needs to be done quickly to lessen the chance of any complicati ms with the project and uncontrollable delays and increased costs. The Watcr Superintendent a1d the City Administrator concur with these thoughts and await your direction. D. SUPPORTING DATA: Copy of the basic site plan for the original site; A rou h sketch of the new water tower alternate site; Minutcs from the 9/13/2004 council meeting; Wate tower site meeting attcndance sign up sheet. '1' / / / 1"'-"'. / / A1f?cA1 / T </. jpf:" ::- > <() V( or J6 ' . .s19 " i I I I : I 1/ I U 'I Ii II 1\ r,'l/ Nov 04 2004 10:40AM HP LASERJET 3200 . - "t"".;-. ,.....,...,J -m2 - -.. .. ) /' ..... / ./ ...- I x I >< I -"-, J ....-- 3J!tr' I 3802 j 44 11 __ .t... /' ...- -- ./ /' ..... / / ..... ...... ..... ..... /' ...- ./ ..... ,/ / / / // / / ././,/ ...'" / .,... p.2 HAYWARD CT. / \ / / \ I / / /...../ --=--..:~~'-)' T:"""L '...... '1 ,,- - - /'......- _i \ ./ ---. ___ ( 146~ _ -- -- / E,..... '\ / -- \ :) -- \ l. ~,........"- /--\~ I __ I _\ I > y '-' <..'i/7/ r ...,....... - ./ """-., "'" .......__If ___...- ...... '-- - -- I I __~ --- ~ -f -- -.. ....:- "'\ x r" ----. \ '- '\. --- - '" '/ , 1 I \ \ \ - J ~ '" ~-------'~----- EX'~Gl- ...... l ~ - SIGN. "- -1 l 160 ---, -, I I I I ) I / I /' ~ I \ ! \ '- - --- ...-1---- .... - I I I I I 10 10) I I I I / XROP SED/WATER TOWER ...- / / .-/ -- "- .-- ....... ".,.... L .,It. ---- --'--- _ -;.- .,,;: wL... WM-- W- /' .....""':'~ - ~...:--- f <-SS?'---<-ss ~ ~ - t,...~ ;-......-- - SCH~ SOULEVjRO';::; ~ ~\..- ......~ /. /./ , ./ / ,/ /' _/ / - - .......- r ,{ j ~ 50 1 ~O Scale In feet ....- ,/ / ,/ I / ,/ SITE PLAN - I ~, /--~-~ " - ..~ ..... ..,- TII- -- ----~-----"w._~)_: WM........!. wu....- WM-- ~ ___ > =.-.::::::::- c 'oJ ss <_$5 _---' --r----~--------.",.,... / -" -- .-- - / ",' /' ..-" /--------- ...- ~ ./ /' ..... ....- / / / / .....- /' / / / / / --, r , ....- " ....- I .- -. UTLcrT C ./ ....- / / / .............. ,/" "- \ I \-..... ~~ /' / ....- ....- ./ /' / * - CONIFER TREE CITY OF MONTICELLO . MONTICELLO 1 MG WATER TOWER FGURE 1 ".11. Bonestroo ~ Rosene G Anderfik & '\J' Associates Englneel'15 It. An:hltects 136604101JIG1.DWG DATE: 10-15-04 COMM: 136 -04-101 JI . . . Water Tower ite Meeting November rd 2004 Name Address Telephone # 79s- - q 3~-7- '7",3-'1S~- l'll..l 11 ... . . . 3. 4. r. .L.I'~ Members Present: NUTES REGULAR MEETING ~ M . NTICELLO CITY C Monday, Septe her 13, 2004 - 7 p.m. Roger Carlson, G en Posusta, Robbie Smi . Bruce Thielen. Members Absent: None 1. Mayor Thielen called the meeting to ord r at 7 p.m. and declared a quorum present. The Pledge of Allegiance was said. 2A. BRIAN STUMPF MOVED TO APPRO E THE MINUTES OF THE AUGUST 23, 2004 REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING. RO ER CARLSON SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED WITH ROBBIE S ITH ABSTAINING. B. ROGER CARLSON MOVED TO APPR VE THE MINUTES OF THE AUGUST 23, 2004 BUDGET WORKSHOP. BRIAN STU PF SECONDED THE MOTION. ManON CARRIED WITH ROBBIE SMITH ABS AlNING. Rick WolfsteUer asked that a discussion 0 'the League of Minnesota Cities annual conference be added to the agenda, Robbie Smith a ded to the agenda a discussion of the Rod and Gun Club hours of operation. BRIAN STUMPF MOVED TO ADD AU NDA ITEM #7. THE FRANCHISE AGREEMENT WITH THE MONTICEL 0 PUBLIC SCHOOLS TO THE CONSENT AGENDA AS ITEM #5H. ROGER CA SON SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. Mayor Thielen eXplained the purpose of citizen COmment portion of the agenda. Barry Voight, 3802 Hayward Court South amc before the Council regarding the proposed location of the water tower. He stated he as disappointed because he had received no notice of the proposal to locate the water tower in the Jefferson Commons plat which is adjacent to the development he lives in. 11 ~ . . . NOV 04 '04 08:27AM P.2/3 Council Agenda - 9/13/04 JeffRoiger, 3795 Hayward Court~ also expre sed concern about the placement of me water tower so close to a residential development. He has two boys and he is concerned that the tower will be an attraction to kids and the ki s will be trying to climb the tower. Mayor Thielen explained that prior to regul meeting the City Council met in a special meeting to imerview engineering firms for th design of the new water tower. He assured the residents who spoke that there will be public informational meetings with the residents prior to construction of the project. The City's fiT: t step in the project is to select an engineering firm which is proposed to be done at this me ting. 5. Consent alenda. A. Consideration of ratify new hires and departures for MCC, Liquor Store and Public Works. Recommendation: Approve the hires and departures as identified. B. Consideration of a simple subdivisio to create two industrial lots in an 1-2 district. Applicant: Standard Iron & Wire Woks. RecommendatioD: Approve a simple subdivision of the parcel described as Lots 7 and 8, Block 2, Oakwood Industrial Park to create two parcels as legally descri ed in the revised Certificalion of Survey dated September 3,2004 prepared by Taylo Land SW'Veyors. c. Consideration of adopting annexation resolution for Ra$k property - Denny Hecker. Recommendation: Approve the reso ution annexing property known as the "Rask" properly lying in Section 10, Township 121, Range 25. Resolution #2004-70. D. Consideration of review of six month Liquor Store financial report. Recommendation: Accept the Liquo Store financial report for the first six months as presented, E. Consideration of resolution adopting 005 preliminary tax levy. Recommendation: Adopt the resolution setting the 2005 reliminal'Y budget tax levy at $6,957,915 and certify this amount to the County Aud'tor. Resolution #2004-11. F. Consideration of Conditional Use p. it for a Special Home Occupation for Spiritual/Intuitive Readings and Reiki Healings in an R-l district. - Applicant: Kristin M. Thomaslhealing with Spirit.. Reco mendation: AppTove the Conditional Use Permit for a Special Home Occupatio for Healing with Spirit with the condition that the operation of the home occupation ompties with the standards identified by ordinance with retail activit.y to be Ii ited to purchases made by customerS in conjW1ction with an appointment for ervice, No retail sales apart from appointments will be allowed. Staffwill evaluate e operation in one year and place consideration ofrcnewal of the special home occup' tion pemlit on the Planning Commission agenda ifviolations of the terms are observed and/or if neighborhood complaints are heard 2 ) 'I .. . . . MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UN NIMOUSL Y. Council Agenda - 9/13/04 10. t . d construct the t Prior to the regular meeting the City C uncil conducted interviews with 1llIce engineering firms for the design and constnlction 0, a water tower. These firms were Progressive Consulting Engineers, Bonestroo, Ros ne. Anderlik and Associates and WSB & Associates. Whe~ asked for his recommendation, 1 hn Simola indicated that he, Matt Theisen, the Water Superintendent and City Administrator Rick Wolfstellet. had extensively studied the proposals. Based on that study and on. the presentations made by the firm at the special meeting, he was recommending the fi of Bonestroo. Rosene, Anderlik and Associates. He noted they were $40,000 lower tha.n th next finn and had included in their price the option to bid both types of towers. In addition th y were up front about the moving the towel' location away trom the residential area. Brian Stumpf indicated that he was im ressed by the presentation given by Progressive Engineering but was also comfortable ith the firm of Bonestroo. Rosene, Anderlik and Associates. Bruce Thielen stated that ince all of the firms interviewed were proposing to use KLM for inspection services, he felt th was a plus. He noted that Bonestroo, Rosene, Anderlik and Associates had experienc with over 40 water tower project so he felt they were the most experienced firm. Glen Posus felt the experience factor carried a lot of weight for him. Robbie Smith said based on the p esentation and the recommendation of John Simola and Matt Theisen, he felt comfortable ith Bonestroo, Rosene, Anderlik and Associates. Glen Posusta brought up the location onIle proposed water tower and whether that shouldn't be looked at again. Bruee Thielen felt b relocating the tower it would change the scope of the project. Bret Weiss agreed it would bange it somewhat since there is no water main to the site and no access if the tower was 1 catcd sOlllewhere el~ within the Jefferson Commons plat. Glen POSliSta stated he had questi ned why no public meetings were required on the water tower. Bruce Thielen stated that ther than having a discussion on the water tower location, the city need to select the engi cering firm, meet with neighborhood and see if the existing site can be made to work. Gle Posusta asked about extending the road. Rick WoJfstel1er indicated the road extension ould not be required right away unless the City was _ to change the location of the water tOwel site. R08J3IE SMITH MOVED TO SELECT THE FIRM OF BONESTROO. ROSENE. ANDERLIK AND ASSOCIATES FOR HE CONSTRUCTION OF THE WATER TOWER BASED ON THE EXPERIENCE OF TI E FIRM. GLEN POSUST A SECONDED THE MOTTON. MOTION CARRIED UNAN MOUSL Y 6 Il . . . Consideration of holdin a ublic information ' million allon water tower located in Jefferson A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: Council Meeting - 10/2512004 Ian for the new one The firm of Bonestroo Rosene Anderlik & Associat s have completed their field work necessary for the development of a site plan for the new one millio gallon hydropilar to be located on the two acre site in Jefferson Commons. Although the site plan is not complete, a draft copy shows the water tower being located further south toward School Bo levard and east than was originally proposed. They have been photographing the area, including e homes in the Groveland Addition, and will show how each of the two types of hydropilars ill look when viewed from the homes in the Groveland Addition. Staffis asking the City Council to authorize the pubr c informational meeting to be held at 6:00 p.m., Wednesday evening, November 3,2004, after the el ction results meeting. This way the Mayor and Council could also attend the meeting if they so de ire. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: The first alternative would be to schedule a public informational meeting at 6:00 p.m. November 3, 2004, regarding the site plan Ii the new one million gallon hydropilar located in Jefferson Commons on the two acre site reviously approved by the City Council. 1. 2. The second alternative would be not to hol a public informational meeting. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: It is the recommendation of the City Administrator, Public Works Director, Water Superintendent and Consultant Mark Rolfs, the project manager epresenting the consulting firm of Bonestroo Rosene Anderlik & Associates, that the City Cou eil approve holding the public informational meeting at 6 p.m. on November 3, 2004, in the cou cil chambers as outlined in alternative #1. The notice for this informational meeting, ifappro ed, will be published in the Monticello Times. Furthermore, although not required City Staff will follow the same direct notice procedure as we would for a conditional use permit. D. SUPPORTING DATA: None. Jt. O..-i ..-i~M '<1' O'\O..-l~U'1I.Ot"-CO M'<I' U1 ~MI.Ot"-CO<1\O..-l U'1'<1' I.OCOt"- ..:! IOJ 000 0 0..-1..-1..-10000 ..-I..-i ..-I NN.-!.-!.-!.-!NN ~~ ~~~ ..:! Z 000 0 00000000 00 0 00000000 00 000 Ul H 000 0 00000000 00 0 00000000 00 000 U ..:! 000 0 00000000 00 0 00000000 00 000 HCzl ~0 Cl CO <Xl CO CO CO CO CO CO CO CO CO CO 0000 <Xl 00000000 CQOO moo COCO COCO CO Z.o: H U'1U'1U'1 U1 U'1U'1U'1U'1U'1U'1U'1U'1 U'1U'1 U'1 U1U1U'1U'1U'1U'1U1U1 U1U1 U'1U'1U'1 00. U'1U'1U'1 U'1 U'1U1U'1U'1U'1U1U'1U'1 U1U1 U'1 U'1U'1U'1U'1U'1U'1U'1U'1 U'1U'1 U'1U1U1 . :z 0. 0 ....... 0.0.0. 0. o.p.,p.,o.p.,p.,p.,p., p.,o. 0. p.,p.,p.,p.,p.,p.,p.,p., p.,p., p.,p.,p., "'-<\0 "'-< 0 \0 :><0 ~:> 'Ilo HI 0 UO:: 0. 0 <l' IJ1 ..:! 0 ~ ..-I 0 ~...:1 '<1' 0::0::0::0::0::.0: riI 0000U'1U'1U'1U'1 .-! 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