City Council Agenda Packet 10-25-2004 Mayor: . AGE DA REGULAR MEETING - MONT CELLO CITY COUNCIL Monday, October 5,2004 - 7 p.m. Bruce Thielen Council Members: Roger Carlson, Glen Posusta, obbie Smith and Brian Stumpf 1. Call to Order and Pledge of Allegiance. 2A. Consideration of approving the minutes of th October 11, 2004 regular Council meeting. ~ ~v B. Consideration of approving the minutes of th October 11, 2004 Budget Workshop. (\. L ~ ~ 3. fJ.1 Consideration of adding iJge . to the agenda. Lt L u'{1 PI (.(1 up bc4L l3 >eLL( (ct- p,,,,- 4. Citizen comments/petitio s, reques,ts and co .-J eJ"-M CL1r.-t+t-'vl. -~ttt\-(\-r- 5. Consent agenda. ( c;;.U~-t tl~ plaints. .' ~i~ . L,~~-,hil/ ~ c A 'T/71<-\ u--t- (;v( c L~~~ lU D\~ A. Consideration of ratifying new hires d departures for MCC. B. C. ~t C?~ .~V' , .' I .~~./E'~) \tJ1ff" V la;; ~</ \V G. H. 1. vC) Consideration of resolution supportin construction of spent fuel storage facility and license renewal at the Monticello Nuc ear Generating Plant. Consideration of a resolution establis . ng an Absentee Ballot Board. Consideration of a request for a condit. onal use penn it for a 41 unit residential concept stage planned unit development in a P M District. Applicant: UP Development. Consideration of a request for a condit' onal use pennit for a residential concept stage planned unit development in an A-O ( griculture - Open Space) District. Applicant: Insignia Development. Consideration of authorizing payroll c anges to allow electronic time recording and establish mandatory direct deposit. Review of bids and consideration of a ard of contract for Jefferson Commons Pond Detention, Project No. 2004-33C. Consideration of adoption of a resolut' on for annexation of the property comprising part of the Featherstone/Gold Nugget Dev lopment. Consideration of authorizing plans an specifications for Chelsea Road West. Review of proposals for the demolitio of the old Kramer house at the intersection of Minnesota Street and 7th Street and co sideration of award of contract. K. Consideration of holding a public info ation meeting for the site plan for the new one .. ~~~ . million gallon water tower located in J fferson Commons. . W" ~ q \N~\\.W \\.(;~~ ~~~\\.I> ~ 6. Consideration of items r&~ved from the con ent agenda for discussion. 7. Public Hearing - Certifying delinquent utility ccounts to County Auditor for collection with real estate taxes. Agenda Monticello City Council October 25, 2004 Page 2 . ,f\C L1;!A~ [t,^T 'LV 13. 14. . . 8. Public Hearing - Certifying delinquent miscell eo us accounts receivable (MARS) to County Auditor for collection with real estate taxes. Consideration of acceptance of draft Monticell Wellhead Protection Plan Part II and authorizing distribution for public comment and considera on of ordering a public hearing for review of the plan on January 10,2005. 10. Consideration of resolution declaring costs to e assessed and setting a date for assessment public hearing for TH 25/School Boulevard Traffic Si nal Installation, City Project No. 2004-19C. 11. Consideration of a resolution declaring costs to be assessed and setting a date for assessment public hearing for 2004 Core Street Reconstruction Pr ~ect No. 2004-06C. 12. Consideration of extending the Joint Fire Boar agreement between Monticello Township and the City of Monticello. Approve payment of bills for October. Adjourn . . . MINU ES REGULAR MEETING - MONTI ELLO CITY COUNCIL Monday, October 1 ,2004 - 7 p.m. Members Present: Roger Carlson, Glen Posusta, obbie Smith, Brian Stumpf and Bruce Thielen Members Absent: None. 1. Call to Order and Pledge of AlIeeiance. Mayor Thielen called the meeting to order at p.m. and declared a quorum present. The Pledge of Allegiance was said. 2A. A rove minutes of Se tember 27 2004 re, ular Council meetin BRIAN STUMPF MOVED TO APPROVE HE MINUTES OF THE SEPl'EMBER 27, 2004 REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING. R( BBlE SMITH SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOlJSL Y. 2B. A GLEN POSUST A MOVED TO APPROVE "HE MINUTES OF TIIE SEPTEMBER 27, 2004 STRATEGIC PLANNING WORKSH P MEETING. ROGER CARLSON SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CA RlED UNANIMOUSLY. 3. Consideration of addin ~ items to the a ~en a. BRIAN STUMPF MOVED TO ADD AGENDA ITEM #7, REVIEW OF BIDS AND AWARD OF CONTRACT FOR THE TIl 25/SCHOOL BOULEVARD TRAFFIC SIGNAL, PROJECT NO. 2004-19C BE ADDED TO T E CONSENT AGENDA. ROGER CARLSON SECONDED THE MOTION. OTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 4. Citizen comments etitions re uests and om laints. Mayor Thielen explained the purpose of the itizen comments portion of the agenda. No one was present to speak under citizen input. 5. Consent agenda. A. Consideration of ratify new hires and departures for MCC and Liquor Store. Recommendation: Ratify hires and epartures as identified. Consideration ofrenewing lease agre ments with Monticello Food Shelf and Christian Social Services. Recommendation: pprove renewal of lease agreements with Monticello Food Shelf and Christian'ocial Services for a five year period. B. ~A Council Minutes - 10/11/04 . C. Consideration of resolution declaring intent to reimburse project costs through future bond sale proceeds. Recommcndati n: Adopt a resolution declaring intent to rei mburse expenditures through a fut Ire bond sale. Resolution No. 2004-75. D. Consideration of a request to rezone rom PZM(Performance Zone Mixed) to PS (Public/Semi-Public). Applicant: Cit of Monticello Public Works. Recommendation: Approve thc req cst for rezoning from PZM to PS iur parcels: 155-500-101415, 155-500-101405, 155-500-10 11 00, 155-500-101106 and 155-500- 101101 based on the finding that the lse meets the conditions in the zoning ordinance for rezoning subject to the following ondition: a) Additional landscape plantings are provided along the east and south pro erty lines to enhance with buffering from nearby residential uses; and b) The roofing aterial for the proposed building consist of asphalt shingles. Ord. Amd. #414. E. REMOVED FROM AGENDA F. Consideration of a request for a eondi ional use permit to allow iur open and outdoor storage for a drywall supply facility i an 1-2 District. Applicant: Wallboard, Inc. Recommendation: Approve the con itional use permit for open and outdoor storage iur a drywall supply facility in an 1-2 istrict based on a finding that the use meets the conditions of the zoning ordinance su jeet to the following requirement: Addition of 15-20 spruce trees, spaced 15 feet on enter, along the fence line east of the building, and along the side property line to war the rear, to complete the screening requirements. . G. Consideration of a request for a condi ional use permit iur a 41 unit residential concept stage planned unit development in a PZM District. Applicant: UP Development. Recommendation: Approve the con itional use permit for a concept stage PUD for UP development based on a finding t at the applicant has proposed a superior project in design an amenities, justifying the se and flexibility ofPUD for this site. This recommendation is subject to comme ts relating to engineering and public works issues to be addressed at the developn ent stage PUD application. H. Consideration of a request for a condi ional use permit for retail commercial sales in a PZM District and a request for an am ndment to the Monticello Zoning Ordinance to alIow limited production as an access ry use in a PZM District. Applicant: Structural Buildings/AST Sports. 1. Consideration of award of contract fo Trinity Lutheran Church storm sewer improvement. Recommendation: Ap rove the proposal from Schluender Construction in the amount of $16,68 .00 fur installation of storm sewer improvements for Trinity Lutheran C urch. . J. Consideration of calling fur public he, ring on the Wellhead Protection Plan Part II for 2 d-A . . . Council Minutes - 10/11/04 the City of Monticello. Recommendation: Order a public hearing for the presentation of the City of Monticell ' s Wellhead Protection Plan Part II for Monday, October 25, 2004 at 7 p.m. K. Consideration of a resolution calling for a public hearing on the issuance of notes by the City of Milaca on behalf of Cent al Minnesota Diagnostic Incorporated for the purchase of hospital equiplnent. Re ommendation: Adopt the resolution calling for a public hearing on a proposal f(x hos ital equipment lease fInancing by the City of Milaca for MRI equipment that will e used at the Monticello Hospital. BRIAN STUMPF MOVED THAT ITEM 5 T BE REMOVED FROM THE CONSENT AGENDA AND TABLED UNTIL THE 0 TOBER 25,2004 MEETING. GLEN POSUSTA SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION C RRIED UNANIMOUSLY. Glen Posusta requested that item #5D be reI oved from the consent agenda f()[ discussion. BRIAN STUMPF MOVED TO APPROVE HE CONSENT AGENDA WITH THE REMOVAL OF ITEMS #5D AND #5G AN THE ADDITION OF ITEM #7. ROBBlE SMITII SECONDED TI-lE MOTION. MC)' 'ION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 6. Consideration of items removed from the consent a enda for discussion. Item #5D - Glen Posusta questioned what th proposed Public Works building was going to be used for. John Simola indicated that thc uilding will be used for storage of water meters, equipment and four stalls for vehicle storage. Basically this building will climinatc outside storagc of cqui pmcnt. Glen Posusta questioned whether there wasn't a bettcr placc for the building such as the Monte Club hill or the new tower site. His 'oncem is that there are houscs on both sides of the site and a proposed development behind he property and hc didn't know if this usc fittcd in with the rcsidential nature of the area. I-Ie also questioned if anyone, other than the City, would be allowed this kind of use. John Simola replied that a building permit 'is granted fe)[ a building on this site and a number of years ago a conditional use permi was granted for this site. According to the City Attorney the conditional use permit is still v' lid. However, stalf felt it would be more appropriate to rezone the property to PS whi h allows public uses. John Simola stated he did not believe the construction of this building ould detract from the adjacent property. Glen Posusta asked if thcre was room across the street at the present Public Warks building site f{)r this building. John Simola stated tl at a needs study is going to be done to look long term at what is required for the Public Work Department. Eventually the Water Department will be located at the reservoir site. lloweve , now because of the sharing of staff and equipment it is more efficient to have the W ter Department close to the rest of the Public . 3 d-h\ Counci I Minutes - 10/11/04 . Works facilities. John Simola indicatcd that because part of the Public Works site was filled in he was not sure how much of the remainin area could be used for building expansion. Brian Stumpf asked if the building was going to have asphalt shingles. John Simola stated that asphalt shingles will be added as per the - lanning Commission recommendation. BRIAN STUMPF MOVED TO APPROVE lIE REQUEST TO REZONE THE PUBLIC WORKS PROPERTY FROM PZM (PERFO MANCE ZONE MIXED) TO PS (PUBLIC/SEMI-PUBLIC). ROBBIE SMIT SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED WITH GLEN POSUSTA VOTIN IN OPPOSITION. Approved with the consent agenda with the r commendation to award the project to Granite Ledge Electrical Contractors from Foreston, in the amount of $157,070.00. in Jefferson Commons - A lebee's 7. Review of bids and consideration of awar in contract for TH 25/School Boulevard Traffic Sie:nal. Proieet No. 2004-19C. 8. . City Administrator, Rick Wolfsteller, provid d background information on the offer from Applebee's to purchase a 1.5 acre site in the ,lat of Jefferson Commons. Rick Wolfsteller briefly reviewed the appraisal report which s pported the price of $9/sq. ft. Provisions of the purchase olTer were discuss d with Rick W olfsteller noting that additional improvements such as sidewalks and decOl"at ve lighting were not included in the purchase price. The purchase offer includes an option for the City to buy back the site at cost if a building is not constructed within a given til e frame. The purchase offer also has clause that would restrict certain restaurants from being ocated in the remaining 2.5 acres the City owns along TH 25. Brian Stumpf felt the restaurant would be a g od addition to the community and since the restriction was only proposed for a portion 0., the Jefferson Commons plat he did not feel that would be a problem. Tom Martin from Appl bee's spoke to the Council clarifying the clause in the purchase otTer that restricted certain re taurants.He stated that the restriction was against restaurants providing the same type 0 'casual dining fare that Applebee's is notcd for and the restriction was limited to the six spec' fie restaurants noted in the olTer. Brucc Thielen asked when construction woul i begin. Mr. Martin indicated if Applebee's decides to proceed construction would likely start in the spring. . Glen Posusta asked who determines what stye oflighting is installed. Rick Wolfstcller stated the lighting would be similar to that 0 Cedar Street and School Boulevard. Although it was noted that Xccl Energy no longer offer' that style oflight they did indicate that if the lights were installesl according to their speci cations XeelEnergy would provide the 4 ~A . . . Council Minutes - 10/11/04 maintenance. 'fhere was a brief discussion 0 the installation of the remaining two lights on Cedar Street. BRIAN STUMP MOVED TO ACCEPT TH LETTER or INTENT FOR TIlE PURCHASE OF A 1.5 ACRE SITE UNDER THE TERM' AND CONDITIONS OUTLINED AT $9/SQ. FT. ROGER CARL,SON SECONDED TIlE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSL Y. 9. Approve pavment of bills. Brian Stumpf asked fen an explanation of the bill for Elk River Bituminous. John Simola explained it was for fines used by the Street epartment. Glen Posusta questioned the bill from Flaherty and Hood for annexation servi 'es and also questioned what work was done under the Edmonson Avenue Street Reconstr lction. John Simola indicated that the Edmonson Avenue bill was likely for the fea ibility report as there has not actually been any construction work done on the street. BRIAN STUMPF MOVED APPROVE PA MENT OF THE BILLS. GLEN POSUSTA SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION C - RRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 10. Adiourn. ROGER CARLSON MOVED TO ADJOUR AT 7:30 P.M. GLEN POSUSTA SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION C RRTED UNANIMOUSLY. Recording Secretary 5 .:l-A . . . MIN TES SPECIAL MEETING - MO TICELLO CITY COUNCIL Monday Oct ber 11,2004 5:30 p.m. BUDGET ORKSHOP Members Present: Roger Carlson, Glen Posusta, Robbie Smith, Brian Stumpf and Bruce Thielen. Members Absent: None 1. Call to Order. Mayor Thielen called the meeting to order at 5 :30 p.m. and stated that the purpose of the meeting was to review and discuss the 2005 udget. 2. 2005 Budl!et. City Administrator, Rick Wolfsteller explain d that the revised budget was a result of direction of the Council given at the prior budget wor shop. The tax levy was set at the same ~mlount as in 2004 which resulted in a reduction of $10 ,000 from the budget initially proposed. In addition the Council directed that $500,000 f expenditures be eliminated from the budget.. Because the tax levy was not increased, the ityis not required to hold a Truth in Taxation Hearing. Rick Wolfsteller listed the items that were eliminated from the budget to arrive at the $500,000 reduction. These items included: eliminating the purchase of a grader, partial funding of a plow truck; reduction in engineering and legal fees reduction of $1 00,000 in the library expansion budget; elimination of the restrooms for Ellis n Park; reduction in landscaping expenditures; reduction in signs for the MCC; reduction in he air handling equipment improvements and other minor reductions for the MCC. Glen Posusta asked how the library expansio budget grew from $450,000 to $700,000. Rick Wolfsteller stated that $450,000 was what w s originally budgeted. However, at a workshop held earlier in the year regarding the library e pansion the architects indicated that the basic expansion including construction fees, demo] tion of the canopy, architect fees would bring the cost closer to $800,000. There had been dis 'ussion about constructing the Phase II shell and possibly bidding that as an alternate but it wa determined only to do the Phase I part of the proj ect. Glen Posusta questioned the reduction for the air handling equipment. He felt since this equipment could significantly impact the life f the building the City should not scrimp on this. Kitty Baltos indicated that they felt fairly con ldent that the work could be completed for the $95,000 budgeted. Rick Wolfsteller also informed the Council th t since the first workshop there were some ~'B . Special Meeting Council Minutes - 1O/11I04 additional adjustments made to the budget rimarily relating to increased cost for insurance. He also noted $2,00 was budgeted fix the C ntral Minnesota Initiative Fund. The consensus of the Council was that this funding should be ulled since the Council did not feel this agency generated much economic activity in this ar a. The Council discussed thc proposed budget mounts for the YMCA Detachcd Workers program and Community Education progra s. The YMCA scnt a lettcr outlining how the funds contributed by the City were utilized i 1 their programs. Duane Gates from the Monticcllo Community Education office wa present to explain the use of the City funds in their program. Duane Gates submitted info mation relating to the programs offered and number of city residents participating in the rograms. There was discussion on what programs wer offered by the Community Education and MCC and what programs wcre duplicated. Bruce Thielen stated when the school district and City entered into the cooperative agreement the CC facilities were not available and that situation has changed. He questioned why the MCC was not allowed to advertise their programs in the Community Education journal. It was the c nsensus of the Council that the programs oflered by the YMCA and Community Education w re important and that the City should continue their support of them. It was suggested that chool district and City meet to discuss issues relating to progranls and other issues. There was also discussion on the replacemen schedule that Public Works had for their equipment. Bruce Thielen stated he would 1 ke to see the equipment replacement schedule and also a cost analysis of replacing equipment 0 a 10 year schedule as compared to a 15 year schedule. Glen Posusta felt there should be I. ore sharing of equipment between departments. Bruce Thielen stated that the City realizes a c rtain cost savings by utilizing the state contracts in purchasing equipment. . There was also discussion on permanent bath ooms in the City parks. Bruce Thielen felt that portable units were more cost effective. Gle Posusta stated he had a hard time seeing the value of restrooms when they were locked all the time. John Simola stated that the restrooms have automatic locks but the problem is peop e are locking the door after using them. Rick Wolfsteller also noted that the bus progr m requires a transportation coordinator which is a $60,000 levy that the City did not have bef,() e. In addition there is a levy for the Shade Tree Program in the amount of$59,000. Bruce T ielen asked what happens to any excess of budgeted monies. Rick Wolfstellcr indicates he excess remains in that fund. Rick Wolf5teller pointed out that as the City c ntinues to grow it will be inevitable that the budget will need to grow in order to continue 0 provide the basic services to the residents. Bruce Thielen felt because of the proposed C. All 18/1-94 Interchange project this was the year to keep the tax levy and budget increase as 10 as possible. . There was some discussion on conducting a tr c sale. This was done in previous years and was 2 d0> . . . Special Meeting Council Minutes - 10/11/04 very successful. John Simola indicated tha the Parks Commission is considering a tree planting event in the spring 01'2005 using f, nds donated by the MCP. John Simola noted two additional budget items. One was $1,000 f r holiday lighting and the other was improvements to Riverside Cemetery to be done as part of the 2005 Street Reconstruction Project. The Riverside Cemetery Committee had drawnlP some long term improvements for the cemetery which is currently being reviewed by the Pa ks Commission. The Parks Commission will make a recommendation on funding and implcme ting the long term improvements. The Council determined that sufficient dire tion had been given for preparation ofthe final budget for 2005 and that no additional budg t workshops would be required. 3. Adjourn. The budget workshop meeting was closed at 6:25 p.m. Recording Secretary -~'~-"'_.".'-".~'-~.'- 3 'dB Council Agenda - 10/251/04 . SA. Consideration of a new hires an. de arturcs for MCC . (R W ) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: The Council is asked to ratify the hiring and departures of employees that have occurred recently at the MCC,. As you recall, it is re ommended that the Council officially ratify the hiring of all new employees including part-ti e and seasonal workers. I. Ratify the hiring of the employees a identified on the attached list. B. AL TERNATIVE ACTIONS: C. SUPPORTING DATA: Lists of new employees. . . . NEW EMPLOYEI S Name Title Depa ment Hire Date Class Dullinger, Amanda Lifeguard MCC 10/11/2004 part-time TERMINATING EMPL )YEES Name Reason Depart ment Last Day Class employee council list. xIs: 10/20/2004 y' ::? .- - ~ . . - -- - . 5B. Council Agenda - 10/25/04 Consideration of a resolution su ortin onstruetion of sent fuel stora license renewal at the Monticello Nuclear Generatin A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: Recently local government and business lea ers were informed by representatives of the Nuclear Management Company, the company that 0 erates the Monticello Power Plant, that Xeel Energy has made a decision to seek re-licensing oft e flcility for another twenty years and will be seeking authorization lrom the Public Utiliti s Commission and state legislators to allow them to construct on site storage of spent fuel. The re-licensing process will take a number fmonths to complete and the license renewal is a federal process. As far as constructing dry c sk storage facilities at the local facility, this process is handled by Minnesota regulatory requirem nts, including hearings held by the Public Utilities Commission and an overview by state legisl tors. Submittal of the spent nuclear fuel storage request will be made in early 2005, public he ring processes to be held in 2006 with a fInal decision likcly to be made in 2007. Company representatives have indicated to c'ty officials that whether a license renewal is granted or not for extending the life of the facility, or site storage of waste material would still be needed even for decommissioning the plant. On sit. storage is necessary until a federal depository is constructed, likely to be in Yucca Mountain, evada. Since the present facility has become an imp rtant part of our community and an extension of the license for another 20 years would continue t benefit our community in providing reliable electric power, tax base and jobs, the Council is asked to consider adopting a resolution indicating City support ofXcel Energy's effo ts to obtain relicensure and permission to construct dry cask storage. Support from the local com unity will certainly be beneficial to Xcel Energy's efforts to obtain a certifIcate of need from the Public Utilities Commission and approval from the state legislature. B. AL TERNA TIVE ACTIONS: I. Adopt a resolution supporting constru tion of spent fucI storage facilities and license renewal of the Monticello Nuclear Ge erating Plant. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: D. It is the recommendation of the City Administ at or that the resolution of support be adopted as presented. SUPPORTING DATA: Copy of resolution. , -- - . Resolution No. i\ Resolution Supporting Construction of an In -lcpenc!c::nt Spent Fuel Storage Installation, and License Renewal at the Monticello Nuclear Cenerating Plant Owned by Xcd Energy and Managed by Nuclear Management Compar y. WHER1,:AS, a reliable, low cost and envllonmeltally sound electric supply with a diverse energy mix is critical to economic well-being; at d WHEREAS, the Monticello Nuclear Generatin.' Plant generates 610 megawatts of electricity, pl"<widing approximately 10% of the 'nergy used by Xed Energy customers in the State of Minnesota; and WHEREAS, the Monticello Nuclear Generatin Plant provides nearly 500 full-time jobs and contributes significantly to the local and state ec momy; and WIIEREJ\S, replacement of the Monticello N u lear (~enerating Plant would result in an electric tate increase and significant increased el 'ssions of carbon dioxide, nittogen oxides and sulfur dioxide and ,WJJ),::J\J:L;\~,Jh~~...!\JQ11)j~:Ylh)..Nu~:J.r..;:!r~c.i91~~1.:<lLi.ngJ?hmi>nQ\Y,;HJd~yjJL~;~(i,!,]tiJ1E~L,l(LJi!:,";! >1~Lni.fi(::lnu.'(!1]Jl:iJ)qt.QLJ()Jh5,:..J()Q}11:;I0b;~::;,~> NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the go on record supporting construction of a Independent Spent "ud Storage Installation, and 1 jcense Renewal at the ]\Iomicello Nuclear Generating Pant. , .-- ..... . Council Agenda - 10/25/04 sc. Consideration of a resolution establishin n Absentee Ballot Board. (RW) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: In the current era of technology and rapid co Imunication providing election results to the public in a timely manner is important. In or er to facilitate this, it is felt that some of the duties involved in processing absentee ballot can be completed ahead of time. According to Minnesota Election Laws 203B.13, the City Council can by resolution establish an Absentee Ballot Board. The Council is bing asked to establish the Absentee Ballot Board for the purpose of examining the absentee ba lot return envelopes and marking them as "accepted" or "rejected. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Establish an Absentee Ballot Board a cording to Minnesota Election Laws Section 203 B .13 for the purpose of reviewing absentee ballots and marking them as to whether they are accepted or rejected. 2. Do not establish an Absentee Ballot oard. c. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Because ofthe high number of absentee ball ts already received in the County Auditor's Office for the City of Monticello, it is the recomme dation of the City Administrator that the City Council adopt a resolution establishing an A sentee Ballot Board. By allowing the Absentee Ballot Board (comprised of trained electionj Idges) to review and mark the absentee ballot envelopes, it will ease the work load of the e ection judges in that some of the duties of conducting the election can be done in part p ior to election day thus allowing the judges to focus on all the other duties they must handl on election day. Hopefully this will reduce the length of time on election day that it takes to process the ballots and get the election results to the public. D. SUPPORTING DATA: Resolution Copy of Minnesota Election Laws 2038.13 , .-- .... . CITY OF M NTICELLO WRIGHT COUN . Y, MINNESOTA RESOLUTIO NO. 2004-80 RESOLUTION ESTABLISHING N ABSENTEE BALLOT BOARD WHEREAS, Minnesota Election Laws 203B.13 pro ides authority to a municipality to establish an Absentee Ballot Board in accordance with the provi ions of the law, and WHEREAS, The City of Monticello wishes to estab ish an Absentee Ballot Board to aid in the timely process of absentee ballots, NOW THEREFORE, BE IT HEREBY RESOLV, BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF MONTICELLO that an Absentee Ballot Board be e tablished as provided for by law for the purpose of reviewing all absentee ballots and marking the ab entee ballot envelopes as "accepted" or "rejected. " Adopted by the Monticello City Council this 25th da of October, 2004. A'rrEST: Bruce hielen, Mayor Rick Wolfsteller, City Administrator sc , MINNESOTA ELECTI N LAWS - 2000 provided by the absentee ballot board shall be included in th vote totals on the summary statements ofthe retums for the precinct in which they were received. Subd.7. Names of persons submitting absentee ballots. The names of voters who have submitted an absentee ballot retum envelope to the county auditor or mUll cipal clerk may not be made available for public inspection until the close of voting on election day. History: 1981 c 29 art 3 s 12; 1981 c 185 oS' 2; 198 c 253 oS' 5,6; 1984 c 560 s 6-9; 1987 c 266 art 1 s 18; 1989 c 291 art 1 oS' 5,6; 1990 c 585 s 21,22; 1991 c 3 0 oS' 1; 1997 c 147 s 20,21 NOTES AND D CISIONS 20JB.12 Absentee ballot may not be cballenged after depo~it in ballot box excep [or invalidity on the bce of the ballot, Bell v Gannaway. 227 N.W. 2d 797 (1975). Absentee ballot, which was torn and had been repaired by tape, was pro )('rly allowed on theory that it was lllutilated ballot presunlCd to have been torn after it was received and counted by election officers. Sperl v. Weg crth, 265 Minn. 47, 120 N.W. 2d 355 (1963). 203B.125 SECRETARY OF STATE TO MAKE RUL S. The secretary of state shall adopt rules establishing me ods and procedures for issuing ballot cards and related absentee forms to be used as provided in section 203B.08, subdivision 1 a, and for the reconciliation of voters and ballot cards before tabulation under section 203 .12. History: 1983 c 253 oS' 7 . 203B.13 ABSENTEE BALLOT BOARDS. Subdivision 1. Establishment. The goveming body 0 any county that has established a counting center as provided in section 206.85, subdivision 2, any municipality, or any school district may by ordinance or resolution, authorize an absentee ballot board. The board shall consist fa sufficient number of election judges appointed as provided in sections 204B.19 to 204B.22. Subd. 2. Duties. The absentee ballot board may do a y of the following: (a) Receive from each precinct in the municipality or s hool district all ballot envelopes marked "Accepted" by the election judges; provided that the governing body of municipality or the school board of a school district may authorize the board to examine all return absentee ball t envelopes and receive or reject absentee ballots in the manner provided in section 203B.12; (b) Open and COWlt the absentee ballots, tabulating th vote in a manner that indicates each vote of the absentee voter and the total absentee vote cast for each can idate or question in each precinct; or (c) Report the vote totals tabulated for each precinct. The absentee ballot board may begin the process of ex mining the retum envelopes and marking them "accepted" or "rejected" at any time during the 30 days ben re the election. If an envelope has been rejected at least five days befi . re the election, the ballots in the envelope must be considered spoiled ballots and the official in charge of the a sentee ballot board shall provide the voter with a replacement absentee ballot and retum envelope in place 0 ' the spoiled ballot. The secretmy of state shall provide samples of the replacement ballot and return envelope foru 'e by the county auditor. Subd.3. Compensation of members. The municipa clerk shall pay a reasonable compensation to each member of the absentee ballot board for services rendered uring each election. Subd.3a. Absentee voter list. Ifthe electionjudges of an absentee ballot board are authorized to receive, examine, validate, and count absentee ballots, the county a ditor or municipal clerk shall prepare a list of all persons who have applied for absentee ballots at the clecti n and deliver it to the election judges ofthe absentee ballot board along with the applications for absentee ballot'. The polling place rosters must include an indicator for all persons on the absentee voter list. The county auditor m y provide a supplemental list for use by the ejection judges after the polling place rosters have been prepared. J a person on the absentee voter list appears in the polling place, the ejection judges shall notify the election ju ges of the absentee ballot board. When notified by the precinct election judges that the voter has voted in person, he election judges of the absentee ballot board shall make a notation on the absentee voter list that the voter ha, voted mId no absentee ballot may be counted for that voter. -A 32 5(., , -- . MINNESOTA ELECTION AWS-2001 EDITION Subd.4. Applicahle laws. Except as otherwise pro ;ided by this section, al I ofthe laws applicable to absen- tee ba Ilot sand absenlce voters and all other provisions of the Minnesota elect ion law sh~lIl apply to an absentee ballot board. History: 1981 c 2<) or! 3 s /3; N81 c 185 s 3: I!)'\(j c 444: /987 c 2(j(j orll s 19; 1!)89 c 2<)/ or! / s 7: /<)9() c 585 s 23; /9!)1 c 32() s 2: J()97 c 147 s 22.23 2()~l3.14 COUNTY AlJDITOR OIl MUNICIPAL CI ERK MAY EMPLOY ADDITIONAL HELP. l.-:ach county auditor and cach municipal clerk may Cllploy additional clerical assistance as necessary to dis- charge thc responsibilities imposed on the county auditOr<" r municipal clerk as provided in this chapter. History: /981 c 29 orl 3 s /4 2()3l3.15 ADMINISTRATIVE EXPENSES. L:ach county shal I pay the expenses incurred by its co mty auditor and each municipality or school district shall pay the expenses incurred by its clerk for administering the provisions of sections 203 8.04 to 203B.IS. History: J()81 c 29 or! 3 s 15; } 9ti7 c 266 art / s 2() 203B.16 ABSENT VOTERS IN THE MILITARY R OUTSIDE THE UNITED STATES. Subdivision I. Military servicc; temporal')' residen 'e outside United States. Sections 2038.16 to 2038.27 provide alternative voting procedures for eligible voters w 10 are absent from the precinct where they maintain residence because they arc: ( I) either in the military or the spouses or dependents ofi ldividuals serving in the military; or (2) temporarily outside the territorial limits of the Unitec States. Sect ions 2038.16to 2038.27 are intended to implementthe federal Uniformed and Overseas Citizens Absentee Voting AcC United States Code, title42, section I 973ff. Subd.2. Pennanent residence outside United State'. Sections 203B.16 to 2038.27 provide the exclusive voting procedure for United States citizens who are living] enmmently outside the telTitorial limits of the United States who meet all the qualifications of an eligible voter xcept residence in Minnesota, but who are authorized by federal law to vote in Minnesota because they maintained residence in Minnesota for at least 20 days immediately prior to their departure from the United States. Individuals descri bed in this subdivision shall be pell11itted to vote only for the offices of president, vice-president, senator iT Congress, and representative in Congress. Subd.3. Duties of municipal clerk. The municipal ele.k shall administerthe duties of the county auditorin sections 2038.16 to 2038.27 for municipal elections not held on the same day as a state or county election. 1--IIST: ]981 c 29 art 3 s 16~ 1997 c 147 s 24; ISp2001 c 10 art 18 s 14 203B.] 7 APPLICATION liOR BALLOT. Subdivision J. Suhmission of application. (a) An app ication for absentee ballots for a voter described in section2038.16may be submitted in writing or by clcctr nie facsimile device, or by electronic mail upon determination by the secretary of state that security eonc rns have been adequately addressed. An application for ,lbsentee b,1110ts for a voter described in section 203 B. 16 may be submitted by that voter or by that voter's parent. spouse, sister, brothel', or child ovcr the age of] 8 years. ."or purposes of an application under this subdivision,a person's socia] security llumber, no matter how it is desigl ated, qualifies as the person's military identification numberifthe person is in the l1lilitmy. (b) A n application for a voter descri bed in section 2031 .16, suhdi vision 1 , shall bc suhm itted to the county auditor of the county where the votermaintains residence. (c) An app 1 icat ion I"or a voter described in section 20313.16, subdi vision 2, shall he submilled to the county aud itor ol"thc county wherc t hc voter last m,lintained residencc in Minnesota. (d) An appl icat ion for absentee ba llots fill' a primary sh, II also const itute an app I ieation for absentee ballots for any ensuing general or special election conducted during the .-ame calendar year in wh ieh the application is recei vcd. (c) There shall be no limitation of time for filing and receiving applications f;:)r ballots under sections 2038.16 to 20313.27. 33 5G . . . Council Agenda - 10/2504 SD. Consideration of a re nest for a Conditio al Use Permit for Conce t Sta e Planned Unit Devclo ment for a 41 unit townhome ro', ct in the PZM district. A licant: UP Development. (NAC/JO) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND The Planning Commission conducted a p bUc hearing on this matter, received no negative comments from the public, discussed and ecommended approval of the concept stage PUD as noted under Alternative #1. In the otion for support of the project, the Planning Commission echoed the concerns in the r port regarding establishment of adequate green space and associated goal of developing a superior product. The recommendation by the Planning Commission is qualified and req ires the developer to make design modifications at development stage PUD addressing plan ing concerns outlined in the request below. It should also be noted that as part of their research on the design of the development. Two of the Planning Commissioners visited a v ry similar project in Brooklyn Park. They both reported that they thought this type of ho sing and the associated layout would provide a positive housing alternative. The applicants are seeking a Concept Stage P D approval for a 41 unit townhouse project. The current plan shows 30 detached units an 11 attached units. Prior to this submission, the applicants had originally a concept plan for C'ty review which consisted of detached townhome units on the site of approximately 6.7 acres, fI rmerly a part of the Ruff Auto property. The site is bounded by 6th Street on the north and Elm Street on the west, and abuts the Vine Place townhomes on the east. An extension of the ubIic 6 Yz Street will be required through the property between the Vine Place project and ]m Street. The applicants have made revisions to their p evious plans. This is the second revision. As noted, there arc still a number of staff coneen s. As a new type of project, the City needs to balance the benefits of the added variety in ho sing choice with the ability to anticipate future development design issues. The primary diff rence between this project and other townhouse projects is the use of an "alley" design with vi tually no garage setback from the alley, and reliance on a consolidated open space that ser es as the "front yard" for a number of the units. Thc changes to this plan from previous versio s include the following: a. The central open space has been expm ded and extcnds the full length of the site, rather than being cut off by rows of units on he north side. b. The detached buildings have been mo ed slightly farther apart to provide for the possibility of temporary parking on 0 e side of the alley. '(,he alley itself is listed at 28 fcet in width - a dimension somctimes used in the housing industry for two-way traHic and parking on one side. c. To provide for the additional open spa e and wider detached building spacing, 11 of the units on the east side of the project are shown in 3 and 4-unit attached clusters Several issues were raised with the original pr ject design that are summarized below, with comments on how the revisions affect those is ues. Council Agenda - 10/2504 . 1. Alley-loaded townhouses leave no dr veway space in front of individual unit garages. This design raises issues of parking a cessibility, convenience of access to individual units, and turning/backing movement' from the garagcs to the aIleyway. The applicants hold to this design based on a lifestyle choice to be made by their future residents. Their conccpt relies on a unit desi n that discourages driveway parking, which the applicants believe results in a cleaner look to the alley. In an attempt to accommodate staff comments, they have added space within the alley areas for temporary visitor vehicle parking. Staff would note that a small parking bay has becn provided in the south portion of the projcct, and similar such bay should be added to the orth. 2. The PUD concept plan and unit desig is intended to create a central "village green" onto which the units have their front, r public, exposure, with back alleys and garages hidden from public view. However,lUch of the project does not have exposure to this area, and most public or visitor expos re would be to the rear of the units, not the green space. The design has bccn modified from previous ersions to create a terminal open space with either pond or lawn and landscaping with vie s from 6 Y; Street in both directions. This change is positive [rom previous versions of he design. It is still noted, however, that fewer than half of the detached units have exposure to the central green. In addition, to accommodate the additional space, the row of units along Em Street appear to be just 20 feet from the street where a 30 foot setback is required. These u its have no exposure to the common green "front yard", and their fronts are now reduced to a 2 foot distance from the street. . 3. Staff had proposed an alternative con ept that mixed detached and attached units in an attempt to add some variation to the uilding spacing, keep the unit count up to accommodate the developer's objecti es, and vary the building style. The revised plan includes 30 detached units and 11 atta hed units in the east portion of the project site. Tn the current design, the attached units serve as a sort of transition from the attached townhouses to the east, and the detached tow houses to the west. Of concern, however, is that the end units in each of the four-unit clusters ill have accessibility issues - the sharp angles prohibit backing out of the driveways in a rea onable manner. Staff continues to have concerns that the LIse f PUD in this design merely results in a denser project without the benefits of open space pre ervation. When PUD is used to lessen the zoning standards, the City's ordinance requir s that a specifIC, tangible benefIt results from that l1exibility. The common open space shown 0 the plan is accessible or visible to only about half of the units in the project and to accomm date the larger space, setbacks for units on Elm (which have no exposure to the common gree ) have been moved to about 20 feet from the street. Planning staff believes that the pursuit of altenative housing opportunities will lead to a richer housing environment for the City, and as suc , believes that the concept has merit. However, the combination of design and density on this site result in a number of compromises that cause engineering and public works staff to questio the viability of the project. . . . . Council Agenda - 10/2504 Planning staff acknowledges that the dimens ons and configuration of the property make it difficult to accomplish all of the following: ]) achieve the developer's density objectives; (2) retain the standard building plan he proposes' and (3) provide view and access to a significant open space worthy of the PUD requirements. However, this conflict should not result in abandonment of the PUD purpose. Instead, he unit style should be changed, or the unit count should be reduced (or both) to fit the dictates of the site, rather than the other way around. It is further noted that a number of issues ha e been raised with regard to development materials and quality that may be important t discuss before Development Stage PUD plans are prepared. The developer's other project i Brooklyn Park has "hardi-plank" siding that is painted to provide a durable, but variable fin shed look. The applicant has suggested that they expect to change to a vinyl siding in this proj- ct. Secondly, the Brooklyn Park project does not inelude curbing along the alley ~ Monticello's standards would require curbing in this area, and staff recommends it to control traffic and dra nage. Subsequent to the initial engineering review, it was noticed that there are three access points on Elm Street. It should be noted that street acc ss points may need to be reduced or located some distance from nearby intersections. Finally, the Brooklyn Park project utilizes an "inverted crown" drainage design in the alleys, flowing stormwater to the center of the alley, rather to a perimeter curb. This type of design is not recommended by the City Engineer. The developer does not object to following design guidelines with regards to drainage design in the alleys. As noted previously, planning staff believes hat this project would be appropriate with just 30 to 35 of the units proposed by the developer, with the narrow alley design as proposed, an open space of impressive and attractive proportion could be accommodated, thus justifying the PUD t1exibility. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS Conditional Use Permit for a Concept Stage UD for UP Development. 1. Approval of the Concept Stage PUD, based on a finding that the applicant has proposed a superior project in design and amen tics, justifying the use and t1exibility of PUD for this site. This recommendation is su . ect to comments relating to planning, engineering and public works issues as noted abo e, which will be addressed at the Development Stage PUD application. 2. Denial of the Concept Stage PUD, ba ed on a finding that the project does not exhibit the required level of design and amen ties required for application of PUD l1exibility. 3. Approval of a Concept Stage PUD th t reduces the number of units to 30, with each unit having exposure on a greatly enl rged common green space. c. STAFF RECOMMENDATION Planning staff and Planning Commission rec mmend Alternative #1. The project, if adjusted motion #1 could fit the site, and keep the inte t of the use of PUD in place. Keep in mind that Council Agenda - 10/2504 . Alternative #1 is likely to result in 30-35 uni s as required under #3. While the applicant has made significant modifications to the plan, s me issues with the project remain that need to be addressed during the development stage PU design process. According to planning staff and the Plmming Commission, there is a definite value in encouraging alternative housing styles in the 'ommunity. Thc proposed units have a traditional look mld would complement the City's resid ntial stock in this area, both in terms of variety and architectural appeal. Although the zero- etback alley design raises concerns for some, the aggregation of common open space to be sha ed by all of the residents of the project could become a valuable amenity. The problem en ountered on this site, as noted above, is that the design docs not accomplish that goal for mos of the units as currently drawn. It is hoped that with a re-design, the goal of the PUD, which is to create a superior product, will be accomplished. SUPPORTING DATA A. Site l...ocation Map B. Site Sketch C. Brooklyn Park Project Images . . j D 5: .~ 1/2 MI L~ , ... . .,~ - ~.~ : '1tf'", '" , c>i€ts~ ~ . .~~ , '~ li'o't '" (,:J g ~ r; ~[tf\ ~~~N~IQ? - '~ ....~ \1\ .0 . . . ~ o . . -z t"'\ ~ ~ ! ~ ~ ~ &:~ K . ~ ~ ,~ - \\.. \Jl. .'0 .\C ..... ~ o ! {) l.-J (.<' .=. ~ # &1 W ~ \j) ~ --'M./ II ---, ,,~ , ~ " , 2 ..... I f'~'O (){2- ~ / . . . City Council Agenda - 10/25/04 SE. uest for a A. Reference and Backaround. The Planning Commission recommended ap, roval of the Concept Stage PUD for Insignia, with the conditions identified in this staff rep rl, as well as comments from area residents and other discussion raised during the public he ring. These comments include the following: a. Area residents were concerned about the transition of land uses to the neighboring rural area, parlicularly the multiple famil residential in the norlhwest corner of the site. There was some discussion relatin to relocating the multiple family area to the northeast, where the current canst uction yard is operating. One of staff's ideas in this regard would be to dramaticall increase spacing and setbacks to increase green space around the multiple fa ily buildings. b. Residents also noted concerns over t .e range of activities on the construction business site, and asked for tighter controls . n noise, outdoor storage, and traffic. c. The comments in the staff reporl will (i quire adjustments to some of the road patterns, which in turn will alter the design 0 I some of the residential lots and blocks. This will need to be addressed during the D velopment Stage PUD plans. d. A Concept Stage PUD does not addre s several areas that will eventually be reviewed closely, including architectural style' building spacing and PUD setbacks, and other development details. It will be imp rlant to review these issues with the developer as they prepare Development Stag plans. e. Planning staff also notes that the R-2A (small lot single family district) was designed to encourage rear or side loaded gara es, with a de-emphasizing of the front-loaded garage design. This will be review d as a parl of the Development Stage PUD. Insignia Development has requested Concept Stage PUD approval of a mixed use development upon a 230 acre site located so I th of 90th Street Northeast on the west side of the City. The subject site is presently zoned A-O, Agric Itural Open Space. ! The proposal includes a mixture of single fami y residential lots, town homes and apartments totaling 705 units. Additionally, 20 acres of co mercial use has also been proposed. To accommodate the propose mixture of usesj the processing of a planned unit development IS necessary. . City Council Agenda - 10/25/04 Planned Unit Development. As previously indicated, the processing of a planned unit development (PUD) is necessary to accomrr odate multiple buildings upon the subject property I i In considering requests for planned unit devE lopment, it is important that the City apply the purpose of the Planned Unit Development al proach - allowing flexibility from certain zoning standards to achieve a higher quality project ,than what would otherwise be achieved through conventional zoning. Examples of quantifiabl e PUD design attributes are superior building I quality, additional open space preservation, c nd extraordinary landscaping details. i I Whether or not the purpose of PUD has beer achieved with this particular project will become more evident as more detailed project inform,3tion is submitted. Land Uses. As previously indicated, the development proposal calls for a mixture of residential units including standard single fan i1y lots, detached, single family lots, townhomes and apartments. Additionally, two commercic I lots have been proposed along 90th Street. The following is a breakdown of the various propo'~ed land uses: I I i i . Unit Type/Use Standard Single Fa~ily Residential Detached Single Family Residential (small lots) Townhouse Apartment Commercial Park Misc. / Outlot Total Area 98 Acres 25 Acres Units 158 69 21 Acres 18 Acres 20 44 Acres 4 Acres 230 Acres 178 300 NA NA NA 705 Generally speaking, the proposed allocation a d arrangement of land uses is considered generally acceptable. One concern which does exist however, relate to an existing excavating business located within the easterly commercial parcel. Such u e is not considered consistent with the long term land use objectives for the area. Thus, q estions exist regarding its eventual relocation. This issue should be addressed by the applica t. Zoning. As part of future processing, the site hould be rezoned from A-O, Agricultural Open Space to the various residential and commercii I zoning districts which correspond to the use locations depicted on the concept plan. . 2 . . . City Council Agenda - 10/25/04 Access. Primary access to the site is prop sed via a westerly extension of School Boulevard (a collector street) and from two points alon 90th Street. Future street extension opportunities have also been provided to the south and w st. The acceptability of the access points shoul be subject comment and recommendation by the City Engineer. Streets I Circulation. The proposed develo ment includes variety of features which influence site circulation. These include limited site ac ess (along School Boulevard), a centrally located transmission line easement, wetlands and th. variety of land uses. Recognizing the existence of these activities, a well-conceived plan for ! ite circulation is both very important and very challenging. In regard to streets/circulation, the following ncerns exist: Commercial Street. Within the easterl most commercial lot (along 90th Street), a street stub has been proposed from the west i The location of such street raises concern as its extension will result in limited lot depth for flanking commercial lots. Lots within the area will average only 80 to 90 feet in epth, very limited for typical commercial uses. With this in mind, consideration should be given to providing a "single loaded" street configuration (or other alternative confi uration). Northerlv Park Access. Another street- elated concern involves the intersection of School Boulevard and the northerly par access drive. Of particular concern is the interrupted traffic movement that reside ts traveling from School Boulevard to the northeast neighborhood will have to en ounter near the northerly park access. It is recommended that the public street be econfigured as an uninterrupted route (with the park access tying into such street). Blocks. Lot 11 includes 5 single family lots. It is believed Blocks 10 and 11 could be combined. Such combination would lessen th amount of impervious surface within the subdivision without compromising project desig Lots. Specific lot size information has not bee provided. As a condition of PUD Development Stage approval, all lots should sa isfy the minimum requirements of the applicable zoning district. In regard to lots the following additional comme ts are offered: Transmission Line Lot. Uncertainty exist in regard to the use of the lot located between School Boulevard and Lot 1, BI ck 13. This should be clarified. ., j . City Council Agenda - 10/25/04 Lots 1 and 3, Block 15. One area of potential land use conflict however, is in the extreme northeast corner of the site where the side yards of two single family residences (Lots 1 and 3, Block 15) border commercial uses. In review of existing site topography, it appears that Lot 1 is' ituated in a relatively low area. With this in mind, consideration should be given to rep acing the lot with a ponding area. Such feature would both fulfill a buffering function and visually enhance what is expected to be a high volume intersection. If Lot 1 is to be retained, it is important that appropriate screening be provided. Lots 17 and 18, Block 5. Lots 17 am 18, Block 5 exist as "flag lots" and are provided only 20 feet of public street frontage. These lots should be reconfigured to meet the minimum lot width requirements of th ' ordinance. An alternative for the City to consider would be the use of the PUD flexibilit to allow for modified lot widths in exchange for larger, R-1A designs in the portion of he project area. The applicants would need to demonstrate how this flexibility would be used to increase the size and value of homes in the neighborhood. . Park Issues. The ordinance states that one :acre of park land should be dedicated for each 75 persons in a subdivision. To estimate the po )ulation, a household size of 3.5 persons per unit for single family homes and 2.5 units for altaI hed housing is used. Using this formula, a total of 28.8 acres of park land should be dedicate::1 as calculated below: Unit Type Number Of Units Pep ons Per Hou sehold Single family Homes* Attached HousinQ Total 405 ! 3. per unit Total Persons Acres Required (1 per 75 persons) 1,418 18.9 -- 300 2.' per unit 750 10.Q~ 28.8 * Includes Townhomes As shown on the concept plan, a 44 acre park' as been proposed in the central area of the site. The majority of the park land however, lie within the transmission line easement. The amount of park land, excusive of the transmissi n line easement, be clarified. According to the subdivision ordinance, the Citywill not give park dedication credit for land encumbered by utility easements. The City ma, at its discretion however, accept such land if it deems the dedication to be of public benefit. As noted, it has not been indicated how much of the 44 acre park lies within the easement area. . 4 .~ - - - - ~ -".. . . . City Council Agenda - 10/25/04 Generally speaking, the use of the ease me t area as parking area for adjacent park activities appears to be a logical use of the land. The City should however, determine if land within the transmission line easement may be put tow: rd the required land dedication. The park area includes four SOccer fields, tree baseball fields, a playground, a tot lot, a concessions building and an off-street parki g area. The acceptability of the proposed park improvements should be subject to comme t and recommendation by the Park Commission. Some preliminary Park Commission comme ts include the need to move the active playfield uses off of the power line easements, since he City does not have assurance that the utility will not need to remove the park facilities or dd power transmission equipment. In addition, the Park Commission is seeking a design w . ich will accommodate at least four fields of each type to be able to accommodate tournament play. To facilitate these changes, it would appear he fields could be moved away from the power line easement in each direction, moving the sidential area to the northeast, and School Boulevard to the southwest. Planning staff h s suggested that maintaining the park edge along School Boulevard will have a significan value to the community in terms of open space views and interruption of the continuous roof~ op impression of large subdivisions. i Trail Issues. As shown on the concept plan,! a series of trails have been proposed throughout the site. While well-intended, some concern: xists regarding the trailway proposed within the interior of Blocks 6 and 8. Of particular conc rn, is a feeling of neighborhood "intrusion" the trail user may have being in such close proxi ity to the adjacent rear lot areas. The inclusion of such trail link may wish to be reconsidered. The concept plan illustrates a berm on the so th side of soccer fields 1 and 2. While this is considered desirable for ball containment and general buffering purposes, it is believed a School Boulevard trail crossing should be con idered between the two fields in alignment with the nearby T -intersection. Trail-related issues should be subject to comnlent by the Park Commission. I i Setbacks. While the PUD may allow interior s tback flexibilities, periphery structure setback requirements of the base district are considere applicable. This issue is of particular concern with the townhouse areas adjacent to the west ide of School Boulevard. It appears that the garage fronts in this design are just 50 feet aP9rt. The City requires at least 80 feet for private streets, and prefers a modified public street de. ign which includes a 52 foot street right of way and 25 foot setbacks. 5 . . . City Council Agenda - 10/25/04 This issue, as with all lot size and setback i sues, will be addressed in further detail at the PUD development Plan stage. Building Architecture I Design. As a PU ,the City has the ability to impose design related conditions. As part of the PUD Development Stage su mission, building elevations of the various building types (excepting those upon the standard sngle family lots) should be provided. Off-Street Parking. A determination of off street parking requirements for the commercial uses will be conducted at such time when derailed plans are available for review. Landscaping. As a condition of Developm nt Stage PUD approval, a landscape plan must be submitted. Such plan should indicate the I cation, size and variety of all site plantings. It is further suggested that the applicant co sider a landscape feature at the intersection of 90th Street and School Boulevard. As presently designed, School Boulevard is to be a modified parkway of sorts being flanked by park / op n space on the east side. The extension of this "greenway" feature to the north (to 90th Str et) would be considered a positive development feature giving passersby an feeling of the p; rk being extended the entire length of the project. Signage. Details regarding site signage h ve yet to be submitted. As a condition of Development Stage PUD approval, all site ignage must comply with the applicable requirements of the Sign Ordinance. Wetlands. The subject site includes three etland areas. Wetland-related issues should be subject to review and comment by the City ngineer. Grading Drainage and Utilities. As part f the Development Stage PUD, a grading and drainage plan and a utility plan must be su mitted. Such plans will be subject to review and comment by the City Engineer. B. Alternative Actions. Decision: 1. Motion to approve the Concept Stag PUD based on the comments from the staff report for the October 5, 2004 Planning Co mission meeting. 2. Motion to deny the Concept Stage PUD based on a finding that the submission of additional plans is necessary to comply with the requirements of the City. 6 . . . City Council Agenda - 10/25/04 3. Motion to table action on the Conce t Stage PUD subject to submission of revised plans consistent with approved conditions. c. Staff Recommendation. Based on the preceding review, the propos d mixed use development is considered generally well conceived. Provided the concerns cit d within this report can be satisfactorily addressed, planning staff believes that the various pro osed uses can compatibly exist upon the subject property, and that the plan is consistent wit the land use plan providing for a mixed use pattern for the area. It is therefore recommended that the following items be addressed as part of the forthcoming Development Stage PU submission: 1. An application for a rezoning of the roperty, consistent with the proposed uses, be submitted. 2. The applicant address issues assoc ated with the long term viability of the existing excavating business use (within the easterly commercial area). 3. The acceptability of the proposed a cess points shall be subject comment and recommendation by the City Engine r, including extension of roadways and developability of adjoining land at th southwest corner of the development site. 4. To avoid lot depth concerns, a "sing! e loaded" street configuration (or other alternative configuration) be considered within he easterly commercial parcel. 5. The public street which provides no herly access to the park be reconfigured as an uninterrupted route (with the park a cess tying into such street). 6. Blocks 10 and 11 be combined into a single block. 7. The use of the lot located between chool Boulevard and Lot 1, Block 13 be clarified. 8. Consideration be given to replacing the Lot 1, Block 15 with a ponding area. 9. Lots 17 and 18, Block 5 be reconfig red to meet the minimum lot width requirements of the ordinance, or a PUD rationale is generated that includes a broader area of R-1A design and lot size flexibility. 10. The amount of park land, exclusive he transmission line easement, be clarified by the applicant, working with staff. 7 . . . City Council Agenda - 10/25/04 11. The City determine if park land wit in the transmission line easement may be put toward the required land dedicatio 12. Reconfiguration of the park area to move fields off of the power line easement, consistent with the comments in thi report. The acceptability of the proposed park improvements and other park and t ail related issues be subject to further comment and recommendation by the Park Com ission. 13. Due to a feeling of neighborhood "i trusion", the inclusion of a trail link within the interior of Blocks 6 and 8 be reconsidered. 14. A School Boulevard trail crossing b considered between soccer fields 1 and 2 (in alignment with the nearby T-interse: tion). 15. The applicant consider the indusio of a landscape feature at the intersection of 90th Street and School Boulevard. 16. As a condition of Development Sta e PUD approval, a landscape plan be submitted. Such plan shall indicate the locatio ,size and variety of all site plantings. 17. All site signage comply with the ap licable requirements of the Sign Ordinance. 18. The City Engineer provide commen and recommendation in regard to wetland issues. 19. As part of the Development Stage UD, a grading and drainage plan and a utility plan be submitted. Such plans will be s bject to review and comment by the City Engineer. D. Supportinq Data 1. 2. Site Survey Site Plan 8 ''^, 0 .-1 a ~ ....J W W Cl u .> ""-, f= "7 _.. 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"'02 IInl of g township rO(]d: t"em::e Northcr:Q.tl!!lrly olong thl!!l ~~~l~r f:~\:c: C;~~~Oo1B:reE~,~tt~f '~~~ o,:o:t~:e~~S~o: Weet along the sold North lint:! 552.50 feet to the poln PARCEL ", The Weat Half of tho Southwest Quarter and th. Nortt) Quarter of th!! SQuthweet QUlJrter of Section 15, Tow",; 25 W..t. EXClUDING Th(lt part of tho North Half of th~ Northeast OIJart.f 0 Ouartor of Section 15, Township 121, Rang!! 25. Wright . desc;rlbfJd 0$ follow:!II: CommenclnQ at the Southeast (:<;: Holt of the Northe<lst Quart&*' of th" SOi.Jthwest Quorter. the South line of said North Halt of the NorthMst QUOr Quorter a dl:!llhJf1ce of 286.01 feet to the point of be91n described: thl!lnce Northweut deflecting 40 deQfees 37 I' right, 0 dIstance of 2J5.82 feet: thence West parallel w the North H(Jlf of the Northealt Qu~tter of the Southwe ~:C:~d~61~;t~t;a t~:~~c~0~:hr6e;.~~~e~~fl~:t~a'd 7~O~~~r"; of thll Northeast Quarter of tho Southw~at Ouartel1 the. loulh line. a distance of 326.15 feet to the point of b. AND EXCEPT: The south 434.14 fe~t of the Southwtllst Southw..t Quarter of Section 15. Townehlp 121. Range ~ line d'!U!I(:rfbed oe follows: Cornm.ncln9 ot the Gouthwel Southwt:!lIt Quort~r of thl SouthWllt CNl'Jrter: thlllnce I(I=- line of said Southwest QU(Jrter of the Southw!!st Quartor ~~i~~~'n~'~o tde~r:o~e~f4n~~U~~IIB~~ I~~:o~~&bre~~'::I: to th. north Un. ot aold South 434.14 teet of th. Sout: Southwest Quarter (lf1d said line there terminating, (ICCOr Government Survey thereof, Wright County, MInnesota. CERTlFlCA TlON, To Insignia OeYBloprnont. LLC. an'd ChICQgo nUe Insl 1111, ,. to certIfy that this mop or plat Q"nd the l!Iu bnaed wert r'nlJde In accQrdanc. with "Minimum Sta R.qufrol!lrnentl for AlTA/ACSM land TItle Survl!I)'8." ; 5~Q:.t~~ ~~. ~~T~~:1~M Q~ntob~:p~ t~.~::f~; o~~d pl~;" clC::c;:uracy .tandordl (QS adopted by Al TA and ACSM .- the dot. gf thl. i::.-tlfJeQtlon) of GI~ urbcn ~UN.y. The posltlQnol uncertolntles resulting from the surv.: made on the t1Urvor do not exceed the allowable pc '01 ~. ~I " il Ootod: July lB. 2003 Ander.on [ng'nllrln by. ~"'Joek- Mlnnel!lota UC:e NOTES, . . . Council Agenda - 10/25/04 5F. and A. REFERENCE AND BACKGRO ND: City COlillcil is asked to authorize two chan es to the city payroll process by adopting a policy allowing the use of electronic time recordin and establishing mandatory direct deposit. In the 2004 session, the Minnesota state legislatur authorized cities to establish policies for these processes. Chapter ]65 amends MN Statute 412.271 to allow cities to use electronic time recording systems to capture employee time records. The City currently utilizes electronic time recording at the community center and the liquor store. The ystems are very efficient and allow timekeeping to the minute. rt is very easy for employees to 'heck in and out as often as necessary within a shift to record time worked in different jobs or to ake a break. Chapter 292 establishes MN Statute 471.42 authorizing cities to mffildate direct deposit for all employees being paid by its payroll system ( neluding collective bargaining units). The City has been using direct deposit for several years n w with approximately 85 out of 155 employees currently signed up. The processing of direc deposit is done online within a secure enviromnent through Wells Fargo internet banking servic . The employees on direct deposit receive their money] to 2 days ahead of those receiving a check, and, by having the funds deposited directly into their bank account, employees have im ediate access to their money. Employees do receive a stub showing their payroll check details. T is procedure saves the city money compared to processing paper checks. The bank processi g fees are a lot less for electronic banking, city staff does not have to spend time accounting for 0 tstanding payroll checks, and there is no worry about lost or stolen checks. Direct deposit is the electronic transfer of a p yment into the checking or savings account of an employee. The payment can be divided amo g several different accounts or even different banking institutions, provided they are memb rs of the ACH Network. Among thc benefits to the City would be; quicker, safer transfer of p yroll deposits; savings of up to $.50 per payment with direct deposit versus checks; little or no mployee time needed to reconcile outstanding payroll checks each month; minimal chance 0, errors or fraud in depositing employee payroll funds (i.e. no signature verification needed; Ie s handling required); do not have to store paper checks. Benefits to employees would include receive their money quicker; minimal risk of fraud and no lost checks; do not have to leave work to get to the bank with their check; ability to deposit funds in multiple accounts or banks at one time; do not have to wait for payroll check when out of the oflice on vacation; preserve c nfidentiality (a check passes through many more hands). Please read the attached payroll policy for exa t details. . B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: Council Agenda - lO/25104 1. Approve the policies to authorize electronic time recording and mandatory direct deposit for all employees paid thro gh the city payroll system. 2. Deny one or both policies. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: It is the recommendation of the City Admi istrator and the Finance Department to authorize both policies for electronic timek eping and mandatory direct deposit for all employees of the city. The benefits for the ity and its employees far outweigh any possible drawbacks. D. SUPPORTING DATA: Proposed Payroll Policy for the City author' zing electronic time recording and establishing mandatory direct deposit for al employees paid through the city payroll system. . . (jR ~~ City of Mont cello MN PAYROLL P LICIES A. ELECTRONIC TIME RECORDING . The City allows use of electronic time recording s stems for employees to check in and check out of their work shifts. Such systems must be approved y data processing staff and the City Administrator prior to purchase and installation. Such systems s all be operated within a secure environment that requires employees to sign in with a password and hall record time in hours and minutes for each check in and check out; such time may be rounded to the revious quarter hour. System shall be designed to prevent employees from overriding previous check in or check out times or making adjustments. Only the department head (or designated alternate) shall have security clearance to override the system to correct errors and make adjustments. If a corree ion is necessary, department head should note in a log book the employee name and correction made, nd sign and date the entry. The department head (or designated alternate) shall retrieve employee timesheet records prior to each payroll and provide them to the payroll department in a timely manner and in a format approved by the payroll department. For those departments using electronic time reporti g, department head can elect to pay employees for time worked to the exact minute. Such election ne ds to be made in writing to the payroll department and approved by the City Administrator. If no elce ion is made, time worked wi 11 be rounded to the previous quarter hour. This policy shall go into effect with the next payrol after council approval. B. . MANDA TORY DIRECT DEPOSIT The City requires all employees paid through the ci y's payroll system to enroll in direct deposit at the time of employment with the City. All department heads are provided with enrollment forms or they can be obtained from the payroll department (samp e attached). Enrollment forms must be completed and signed as instructed and must be turned in at Ie st seven working days prior to the next payroll (check) date in order to be paid for the current payr II period. This time allotment allows the payroll department to submit a pre note test to the bank(s) nvolved to ensure that deposits can be made to the account(s). If enrollment is turned in less than sev n working days prior, any hours worked in the current pay period should be submitted to be paid ith the next payroll processing. The City allows employees to designate payroll de osits to be made to checking or savings accounts, to designate multiple accounts within a bank, and/or t designate accounts at multiple banks. The number of designations shall be limited to the number allo ed by the city's payroll system. The City shall submit direct deposit files through a secure site provided by the city's designated bank. Files shall be submitted at least two days prior to t e actual pay date and shall be deposited at least one day prior to the actual pay date with funds to be av ilable to employees at least one day prior to the actual pay date. If a situation would occur that would require an ex eption to this policy, approval shall be granted through the payroll department and City Administr tor. This policy shall go into effect as ofJanuary I, 200 . . .............................................. . ........................................... payroll policies. doc: 10/20/2004 5"- . ...... .......... ..... ... .......... ............. ............... ...... ..... ..... ..........., This payroll policy is adopted by the City Council of Mont'cello this _"_ day of. , 2004. Attest: Bruce Thielen Mayor Rick W olfsteller City Administrator . payroll policics.doc: 10/20/2004 2 5t- DIRECT DEPOSIT - CI Y OF MONTICELLO ENROLLME T FORM Direct Deposit will help you in many ways. Save trips to your financial institution. Save time depositing your checks - no waiting in long Ii es on payday. Eliminate the possibility of lost, stolen, or forged or destr yed checks. Deposit your money faster - reducing the possibility of 0 erdrafts. Deposit your money, even if you are on vacation, sick or away on business. Here's how Direct Deposit works: On payday you'll receive an earnings statement (check sub) which shows gross pay, taxes, other deductions, and net pay. The net pay will be deposited in your acco nt at least one day prior. The amount of the deposit will appear on your bank statement. We believe yo '11 like the convenience of having your net pay automatically deposited for you. Direct Deposit is safe, co venient, and easy. The authorization form below gives the City of Monti ello and your financial institution the authority to deposit your pay to your account. Simply complete t e form, sign and attach a void check. Then turn the form into the Payroll Department at city hall. 1_ Mark the account-type box to indicate whether our pay should be deposited to your checking or savings account. Fill in your name, name and location of your finan ial institution, and the date. ATTACH A VOIDED CHECK for verification of all financial institution information. If you are unable to attach a voided check, please fill in your transit/ro ting number and account number (below). Be sure to sign the form! .: 4. Employee's Authorization - Please fill out and return to th Payroll Department. I authorize my employer, the City of Monticello, and the financial institution listed below to initiate electronic credit entries each payday to my (check one): _ch cking acet _ savings aeet If necessary, I also authorize debit entries and adjustm nts for any credit entries which were incompletely funded by my employer or for any credit entries otherwis needed. This authority will remain in effect, until I cancel it in writing (or leave employment with the City). Your name (please print) Branch Name (Please Print) City, S ate of Branch Your Signature Date Transit/Routing (ABA) Nr of Financial Institution - flour Account Number at Financial Institution - : payroll policies.doc: 10/20/2004 ,., _1 5't- . . . Council Agenda - 10/25/04 5G. Consideration of ro' ect award for Jeffe son Commons Detention Pond Gradin Cit of Monticello Pro' ect No. 2004-33C (City/WSB) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: At the September 27, 2004 City Council meting, the City Council authorized the Jefferson Commons Detention Pond Projee. The proposed project includes the excavation and embankment to create a det ntion basin for storm water for the Jefferson Commons subdivision including the Muller 'rheatre. The excess material from the pond will be placed on the adjacent property to p epare that area for future sale and development. The project also includes lini g the pond bottom with excess clay soils from the 2004 Street Reconstruction Progra . This lining will improve the appearance of the pond by creating an open pool of sta ding water. The project is being coordinated with the construction of the Muller Family heatre and the proposed public improvements for Jefferson Commons. Bids were received on Wednesday, October 20,2004 at the Monticello Community Center. Fourteen bids were received for the project, ranging from a low bid of $51,840.75 to a high bid of$178,895.00. T e low bid was submittcd by Cowan Grading and Excavating, Inc. The Engineer's Estim te for the project was $155,000.00. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Consider the award of the project as bid to Cowan Grading and Excavating, Inc. in the amount of$51,840.75. 2. Do not award the project at this time. c. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: It is the recommendation of the City Admin strator, Public Works Director, and City Engineer that the contract is awarded, in its ntirety, as identified in Alternative Action No.1. The project can begin serving its int nded purpose by the end of 2004 and be completed by the end of May 2005, with the added benefit of placing the excess soils on a future lot to ready the property for develo ment. D. SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS: The Letter of Recommendation and Bid Ta ulation will be available at the Council meeting. ';If )()( 'f fA/F. 1\/)A WN.I UI<U\/J)( ',.41...\',,,/'1 Ji.:ml'l,.U;N !lA.I- prr~ii'L"' illl'irrd - f()J50./.d){ . . . SH. Consideration of ado tion of a resolution ofthe Featherstone property. (.10) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROlJ Council Agenda 10/25/04 The City has received a petition from orst Graser requesting annexation into the City of Monticello of approximately 100 a 'res of property that will be part of the Featherstone Development. The re eipt of a petition requesting annexation from 1 00% of the property owners of a par el of land that is contiguous or abutting the City is a triggering event for annexation. This annexation request is being proe ssed in accordance with the provisions of the approved annexation agreement betw en the City and Monticello Township. The property in question does lie within th annexation area agreed to by the City and the Township. A resolution has been pre ared that needs to be approved by the Council and a letter has been sent to the Town hip noting that the City is processing this annexation request per the terms of th recent agreement. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: I. Approve the resolution mmexi g 100 acres of property; 20 acres lying in Section 23, Township 121, Range 25 a d 80 acres lying in Section 22, Township 121, Range 25. These requests meet the criteri set forth in the annexation agreement between the City and the Township. S ould the Council approve the annexation requests the resolution will be forwarde to the state who may review and comment on the annexation but is required 0 order the annexation within 30 days of the receipt of the resolution. 2. Do not approve the annexation request. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: It is the recommendation of the City A ministrator and staff that ths annexation petition be approved and the resolution forwar ed to the state. D. SUPPORTING DATA: Petition __.._~ii..:..:_...._J,.__. . . B. 51. Authorize the re aration of a feasibilit and s ecifications for the extension of C 39 and School Boulevard from Chelsea south (WSB) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: Council Agenda - 10/25/04 The City of Monticello is in the process of ompleting the purchase of 120 acres of industrial park from John Chadwick and Ji Bowers located south of 1-94, west of 90th Street and east ofCSAH 39. As part of the urchase agreement for the property, the two parties have agreed to extend Chclsea Road from 90th Street to CSAH 39, with the stipulation that the construction contract be executed prior to May 1,2005. In an cffort to achieve this schedule, it will be necessary t start the feasibility report, preliminary surveying, and design of this project at this ime. It should be noted that this project will involve the reconstruction of the 90th Street Chelsea Road intersection near the Denny Hecker property to allow Chelsea Road to e tend parallel to 1-94 and realign 90th Street into a tee intersection. Other items include in this design package will be the installation of a trunk sanitary sewer lift station near C 'All 39 to accommodate this property as well as properties to the west of this site. Force ain will be constructed within the project limits and ultimately along Chelsea Road c nnecting to the future sanitary sewer trunk line at Fallon Avenue. This project would valuate the need for extension of the foreemain to that point in the future and wo 1d make accommodations for a temporary connection near 90th Street with this project It should be noted that the agreement with the Chadwick/Bowers group requires that tl ey pay 79% of the project cost and the City pay 21 % of the project cost, not including t ,e trunk improvements. The School Boulevard extension is tentative at this poin depending on possible sale of property along that alignment. The need for School oulevard will be evaluated closer to the bid date. The cost of School Boulevard, if cons, ructed, would be borne by the City of Monticello. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: Authorize the preparation of a feasi ility report, preliminary surveyin~, and plans and specifications for the constructi n of Chelsea Road west from 901 Street to CSAH 39 and approximately 1, 100eet of School Boulevard south of proposed Chelsea Road. 1. 2. Do not authorize the preparation of feasibility report, preliminary surveying, and plans and specifications at this time. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: D. . It is the recommendation of the City Admin'strator, Economic Development Director and City Engineer to select Alternative No.1. SUPPORTING DATA: Preliminary Concept Map (::',f)()( "(,:HV ../I/M r-VN-I.(dU )\1.()( ';lI.S.../\ 'fi....,I/pl/l(;N J/:-\.J-chelsL'i1 ),()dd-J0150-l.d/)L ! /'l j I i I I ~ ~@ ~ ~(QI ~ I ... "'e> 1'; i I I I I q ~1 0\ , ",-,,'-,='7-'--' cu1x 4150 Olson Memorial Highway Suita 300 Minna.polis. MN 55422 City of Mo ticello Otter Creek Busi ess Campus WSB Projact No. 01488-92 October 21. 2004 City of Monticello Planning Project No. 2004-069 763-541-4800 FAX 763.541.1700 Figure Number 1 .1~I:I=H..ooi!Il=-I.IIII..I=~_ _::I~lttl~I::II::I:"'__ _:I"~'~I~I::II:"''' Prop. Chelsea R . Alignment M:\01160-17\Acad\Alignment Alternative 8-27-04 JlA.dwg 5:5- ''':' -. . . . 5J. Council Agenda -10 /25/2004 Review of ro osals for the demolition 0 the old Kramer house at the intersection of Minnesota Street and 7th Street and cons deration of award of contract. J.S. A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: At a previous direction of the City Council, City taff prepared plans and specifications for the demolition of the old Kramer house. We then sub, itted them to local contractors and advertised for proposals in the Monticello Times. On Thursda October 21,2004, we received 3 proposals for the demolition. They are as follows: 1. Fyle's Excavating 2. Schluender Construe ion 3. Veit Companies B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: $10,125.00 $10,450.00 $10,896.00 I. The first alternative is to recognize Fyle's E cavating as having the lowest cost proposal for the demolition of the old Kramer house at cost of $1 0,125.00 and authorize the City to enter into a contract with Fyle's Excavating for the demolition. 2. The second alternative would be not to aw d a contract to Fyle's Excavating. c. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: It is the recommendation of the City Administrator d Public Works Director that the City Council move forward with the demolition ofthe old Kram r house as outlined in alternative #1 and award a contract to Fyle's Excavating to accomplish the d molition. D. SUPPORTING DATA: None, copy of the plans and specifications for th interested party. demolition are available at City Hall to any G~ .--t. ~) r' i 1\ _ frt~ n ~ ~~} \l~' ~ . . . Council Agenda - I 0/25/2004 5K. Consideration of holdin a ublie informa ional meetin for the site Ian for the new one million allon water tower located in J, fferson Commons. (1.S.) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: The firm of Bon est roo Rosene Anderlik & Associates ave completed their field work necessary for the development of a site plan for the new one million allon hydropilar to be located on the two acre site in Jefferson Commons. Although the site plan i not complete, a draft copy shows the water tower being located further south toward School BOli evard and east than was originally proposed. They have been photographing the area, including t homes in the Groveland Addition, and will show how each of the two types of hydropilars wi I look when viewed from the homes in the Groveland Addition. Staffis asking the City Council to authorize the public informational meeting to be held at 6:00 p.m., Wednesday evening, November 3,2004, after the ele tion results meeting. This way the Mayor and Council could also attend the meeting if they so desi e. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. The first alternative would be to schedule public informational meeting at 6:00 p.m. November 3, 2004, regarding the site plan for the new one million gallon hydropilar located in Jefferson Commons on the two acre site p eviously approved by the City Council. 2. The second alternative would be not to hold public informational meeting. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: It is the recommendation of the City Administrator, ublic Works Director, Water Superintendent and Consultant Mark Rolfs, the project manager r presenting the consulting firm of Bonestroo Rosene Anderlik & Associates, that the City Coun il approve holding the public informational meeting at 6 p.m. on November 3, 2004, in the coun il chambers as outlined in alternative #1. The notice for this informational meeting, if approv d, will be published in the Monticello Times. Furthermore, although not required City Staff will How the same direct notice procedure as we would for a conditional use permit. D. SUPPORTING DATA: None. . . . Council Agenda - 10/25/04 7. Auditor. (RW) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROU D: The City Council is again asked to adopt an ssessmcnt roll for utility billing accounts which are delinquent more than 60 days and 0 certify the assessment roll to the County Auditor for collection on next year's real est' te taxes. The delinquent utility accounts that are inclu ed with the agenda are accounts that are at least 60 days past due and include all new de inquents from the last time we certified them. In addition to the delinquent amount, he Council also previously approved the establishment of an administrative fee of $5 per account that is added to each delinquent assessment. The amounts shown on the encl sed delinquent utilities list include the additional $50 administration fee for the pre aration of the assessment roll. It is recommended that the delinquent accoUl ts be put on an assessment roll for certification at an interest rate of 6% as allo ed by state statute. As in the past, if any accounts are paid within 30 days after the ad ption of the assessment roll, they can be paid without the additional interest. After 30 day, payments will be charged interest. B. AL TERN A TIVE ACTIONS: 1. Adopt the assessment roll for the deli quent charges as presented. 2. Based on public hearing input, adjust the assessment roll as required. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: It is staff recommendation that the Council a opt the assessment roll as presented. All of the accounts are at least 60 days past due and have been given proper notice of this assessment hearing and ample opportunity to pay the accounts in full. All utility accounts were notified that there would be an addition I $50 administrative fee attached to each outstanding balance if the account was not p 'd by 4:30 p.m. on October 4,2004. D. SUPPORTING DATA: · Copy of resolution adopting assessmclt roll · Complete listing of delinquent accoul ts to be certified. . . . CITY OF MON ICELLO RESOLUTION O. 2004-78 RESOLUTION ADOPTING ASSESSMENT ROLL FOR DELINQUENT IJT LITY ACCOUNTS SECOND QUA TER 2004 WHEREAS, pursuant to proper notice duly given a required by law, the Council has met and heard and passed upon all objections to the propose assessment for delinquent utility account charges, NOW, THEREFORE, BElT RESOLVED BY TH CITY COUNCIL OF MONTICELLO, MINNESOTA: 1. Such proposed assessment, a copy of which s attached hereto and made a part hereof, is hereby accepted and shall constitute the spec' al assessments against the parcels named herein, and each tract of land therein include is hereby found to be benefitted by the assessment levied against it. 2. Such assessment shall be payable in one (1) limal installment payable on or before the first Monday in January 2005 and shall bear nterest at the rate of 6 percent per annum from the date of the adoption of this assessm nt resolution. To the first installment shall be added interest on the entire assessm nt from the date of this resolution until December 31,2005. 3. The owner of the property so assessed may, t any time prior to certification of the assessment to the county auditor, pay the wh Ie of the assessment on such property with interest accrued to the date of payment, to the City Treasurer, except that no interest shall be charged if the entire assess eot is paid within 30 days from the adoption of this resolution. 4. The City Administrator shall forthwith trans it a certified duplicate of this assessment roll to the county auditor to be extended on t e proper tax list of the county, and such assessment shall be collected and paid over i the same manner as other municipal taxes. Adopted by the City Council this 25th day of Octob r, 2004. ATTEST: Bruce hielen, Mayor Rick Wolfsteller, City Administrator l . ~~"~) "''' ;j ~ t'1O ....,. t;; ~ " "' ~t;; '" '" ~ >< 53:? 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REFERENCE AND BACKGROUN City Council Agenda - 10/25/04 ent roll to Coun Auditor. (C.S.) The City Council is asked to adopt an assessm nt roll for accounts receivable bills which are delinquent more than 60 days and to certify the assessment roll to the County Auditor for collection on ncxt 2005 real estate taxes ifnot aid within 30 days of this public hearing. It is recommended that the delinquent accounts be put on an assessment roll t()[ certification in 2005 at an interest rate of 6% as allowed by sta e statute. As in the past, if any accounts are paid within 30 days after the adoption of the as essment roll, they can be paid without any additional interest. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Adopt the assessment roll for the delinq ent charges as presented. 2. Based on public hearing input, adjust th assessment roll as required. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: It is staff recommendation that the Council ado t the assessment roll as presented. All of the accounts arc at least 60 days past due and have een given proper notice of this assessment hearing and ample opportunity to pay the acco nts in full. D. SUPPORTING DATA: Copy of resolution adopting assessment roll; C )mplete listing of delinquent accounts to be certified. . . . CITY OF MONTICELLO RESOLlJTIO 2004-79 RESOLUTION ADOPTING ASSESSMENT ROLL FOR DELINQUENT AC 'OUNTS RECKIV ABLE WHEREAS, pursuant to proper notice duly give! as required by law, the Council has met and heard and passed upon all objections to the propo ed assessment for delinquent accounts receivable charges. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOL VED BY 'HE CITY COUNCIL OF MONTICELLO, MINNESOTA: 1. Such proposed assessment, a copy of whi h is attached hereto and made a part hereof~ is hereby accepted and shalI constitute the sl ecial assessments against the parcels named herein, and each tract of land therein incl ded is hereby found to be benefitted by the assessment levied against it. Such assessment shall be payable in one ( ) annual installment payable on or before the first Monday in January 2005 and shall b ar interest at the rate of 6 percent per annum from the date of the adoption of this asses ment resolution. To the first installment shall be added interest on the entire assessment from the date of this resolution until December 31,2005. 2. 3. The owner of the property so assessed ma , at any time prior to certification of the assessment to the county auditor, pay the hole of the assessment on such property with interest accrued to the date of payment, t the City Treasurer, except that no interest shall be charged if the entire assessment is pai within 30 days from the adoption of this resolution. 4. The City Administrator shall forthwith tr nsmit a certified duplicate of this assessment roll to the county auditor to be extended n the proper tax list of the county, and such assessment shall be collected and paid ov I' in the same manner as other municipal taxes. Adopted by the City Council this 25th day of Oc ober, 2004. ArrEST: Rick Wolfsteller,City Administrator Bruce Thielen, Mayor '2 . ..- J \ Q) Ol rn 0... 00 t--. "<t t--. ~ t--."<t "<to> (OC") t--.t--. Q) :j::: Q) :J e- rn :2 c: Q) Ui .J:: rn u E ..... a::: ~ Q) <C Q) c. :E (9 S2 0 0 ~ c: U w Q) ..J "0 E m rn ..... .J:: rn rn :; u~o jjj (,) . w a::: t/) I- Z ::J 0 (,) (,) <C I- Z w ::J a z "<t :J 0 0 W N C 00 -- LO 'It .- -- 0 0 0 ..- N (f) (0 0 N >< t--. "'! N (Jj t--. ..- r.....: a:: co ..- C") <C N LO :2 I CI) co ::> 0 ...J W 0 0 0 0 LO ..- co ~ 0 0 0 co C") 0 0 0 0 ..- N 0 0 0 >- I I I ell . (0 N N C. ..- N C") ..- ..- "<t I I LO LO 0 LO LO 0 ..- N t><7 . . . Council Agenda - 10/25/2004 9. Consideration of acce tance of draft Mo ticello Wellhead Protection Plan Part II and authorization for distribution for ublic comment and consideration of orderin a ublic hearin for review of the Ian on anua 10 2005. (1.S.) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: Originally I had scheduled a public hearing for M nday night for review of the draft Monticello Wellhead Protection Plan Part II. I was mistaken, ho ever, about the procedure. The public hearing ofthe plan comes after a 60-day public comment p riod. So, consequently, the public hearing has been canceled. Monday night we are asking yo to simply accept the plan and authorize the distribution of the draft plan part II to local units f government and other interested parties for review and comment. After distribution of the pI we will allow 60 days for public comment and then hold a public hearing at the first meeting in J uary 2005. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. The first alternative is to accept the Monticel 0 Wellhead Protection Plan Part II in draft form and authorize its distribution to local units of government and other interested parties for review and comment, and to schedule a p blic hearing for the 10th of January, 2005, at 7:00 p.m. 2. The second alternative would be not to acc pt or distribute the draft plan or hold a public hearing. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: It is the recommendation of the Public Works Dir ctor and members of the Wellhead Protection Committee that the City Council accept the plan authorize distribution, and schedule a public hearing as outlined in alternative #1. D. SUPPORTING DATA: Copy of draft Monticello Wellhead Protection PI Part II under separate cover. For City Staff, Committee, or Commission Members not receivin a copy with their agenda packet, a review copy is available at city hall. ..'~. __ I . . . 10. A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: The Council is being asked to adopt a resol tion declaring the cost to be assessed and setting an assessment hearing date for the runk Highway 25 at School Boulevard Traffic Signal project. The project was awarded on October 11,2 04 and has a substantial completion date of November 15,2004. Although the project s not complete, the parameters of the project are in place and unexpected additional cost are not anticipated. Wright County requires that assessments b certified to the County Auditor for collection on next years taxes by November 30th. Thi deadline cannot be fully met. However, to allow the affected property owners the opti n to pay without interest, an assessment hearing should be established by the Cityouncil for consideration of adopting the assessment roll at the November 8th Counc 1 meeting. The City could then provide the assessments not paid by November 30th to right County. If additional persons pay December 1 through December 8th, the Cit could then notify the County to delete those assessments. The City Engineer has completed the prop sed assessment roll for the Trunk Highway 25 at School Boulevard Traffic Signal project ith three (3) options. Notices to each property owner affected by the project wer mailed on Friday, October 22,2004 utilizing the highest assessment amount. The three assessment scenarios are as folIo Assessment Scenario One utilizes Funding Scenario One from the Feasibility Report. This option includes 50% participation fro MnlDOT and the city assessing the remaining costs. It should be noted that M DOT contributes 50% of the construction cost and 8% of that amount for constructio engineering. The total assessment for this option is estimated at $176,000. Assessment Scenarios Two and Three still include 50% MnlDOT participation; however, City Funds would be utilized for the differ nce between the assessed amount and the actual estimated costs, which would be red ced by 10% or 20%. It should be noted that the City takes on annual costs with the inst llation of the signal system. The City pays the power cost and the cost to re-Iamp the uminaries and signal heads. Assessment Scenario Two reduces scenari one by 10%. The total assessment for this option is estimated at $158,400, which wo ld leave $17,600 to be paid by the City. (': IDO( 'UMF-/I/JA WN-.l. (iROILOCA1,S../', 'l1'MP!A(iN177M 1025114./ JO(' . . . Assessment Scenario Three reduces scenari one by 20%. The total assessment for this option is estimated at $140,800, which wou d leave $ 35,200 to be paid by the City. As indicated above, actual project costs hav been estimated at $176,000 since construction is in progress. It is requested that the City Council select t e costs to be assessed and set the assessment hearing for the assessment roll adoption at e regular meeting of November 8th. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Adopt the resolution declaring the c st to be assessed and setting the date for the assessment hearing for November 8t . 2. Do not adopt resolution at this time. c. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: It is the recommendation of the City Engine r and the City Administrator that the public hearing be set for this date to ensure that as essment roles can be certified to the county auditor by the November 30th deadline. We have provided options for reducing the assessment amount to account for citywide enefit. The determination of how much citywide benefit is realized is somewhat arb trary but is estimated at 10%-20% ofthe overall cost. It is requested that the Counci set the amount since it will be used on future similar projects. D. SUPPORTING DATA: Assessment Roll Parcel Map 6~ / '1 ~. rU C/ ~ ~ ~~I'I c: II JoeIIMI,"-.I\I)A WN-.l, (jROIL(I( 'AIS"I I'UMI'iAnNITr,M I0250UJO(' TABLE 1 _ ASSESSMENT SCANARIO 1 TRUNK HIGHWAY 25 AT SCHOOL BOULEVARD TRAFFIC SIGNAL (BY ITE TRIP GENERATION) ~:',,~--=-c^-~~ A2 ~550014246o----=---=~ ~1~ 1000 SF GROSS FLOOR AREA 20"10 ACREAGE 69.43 124.22 8 ~~50014i305 .__----=-= --i:@: 13.50 C 1EE500142302-~__'--:~' '1.~1.E 13.20 o ili5mli42302=-----".=_==--,.6?~ 14.60 E ~~0142304 =__:= _=:-~'055i 5.94 F1 ~.iiOo142)Qll- -=.- --~- 1 ,5~.1 155157001010 F2 d-~"QQ"iiOo=-=--I--'--1~ _~)5700)020--. F3 1".6001121';9 == =__"~ 155157001030 F4 ~.'9014:!309----=---:-__ ---==-_ 13'97 _1551570010'!!L-._ --' ~,.-._.-_.-"--"-' F5i~~~~~~~~~~6----- ~0.1! ----.---- ---.. G 155095oo0_0~_,-. _----1~ 13.45 14.53 13.71 12.17 17.75 274.76 I ~.o95000020 ~__~ ---=-~11 T93 16&008000010 J1 ~50~0----: _~f-::- ___2.5~ ~Q J2 1E.5150001010 .....::.....- ..- 102.74 24.53 14,03 U10 K ~_=-. .-:r-__ 3678 155157002010 ~"..",~"'".''' .' . '~.c. .':;,.,~ ".. . ~..,,}\--\\\\\\}.. J!i5ooS()OOOI5O _ - -- -- Nl ~i"OOOO'-"-- .._.__ -- ----',~'!!! 15699S0000"0 N2 &514500HI10.~ - ---: -=-----=----2l:1Q ~SQ98()OOO15O .- -- N3 ~4_5oo102.<!..--- _ ~2!Q 32.04 0.57 13.33 19.75 19.75 ITE TRIP GENERATION USE (514) Specialty Retail Centet (514) Specialty Retail Center (150) Wl;lrehousing (150) Warehousing (514) Specially Retail Center (150) warehousing (514) specialty Reta~ Center (514) spl!tclalty A.etllit Center (514) Sp&ci~lty Reta~ Center (514) specialty Retail Center (814) Specialty R.etall Center (514) specialty Retail Center (5141 specialty Ret~i1 Centet (514) specialty Retail Center (814) Specialty Retail Center (5141 specialt)' Retail Center (514) specialty A.eta~ Center (814) SpeCially Retail Center (814) Specialty Retail center (514) specially Retail Center 1 ~6Qfl8000""Q (814) N4 15S148~Q1030,_, _'_ _. .f2''fQ 19.78 SPflcialty Ret'ilil Centet ~~2:....~I~5o"..'lii,:,',:."~~;u..j,r,::ce\i~il'! li(:;;;,111Ji.I-.::~W:I!iiil-jjill,e. P1~~=_1Jj ...:....--=-_ 4.500 39.20 Speclally(~~~~il Cenle' lOl1 610ck 1 M:'-\.~tr3n;1~I'm!IIFI,-I---' _._ (514) P2 ~2 BI~~. ~".,,:JIW!LJ' _.__ ___ specielly Relail Conle, Q ',.,",00',---.---,,-.. . -:-::: 4.270 37.20 SpeCi'ily(~~~~! Cenlo, 155164000010 I R .ll~fi'JO'1~ ._'_ -"~ 155184000020- . '.' S:~;I"~ .,/Ieii'-- ,455t84002020 ~ i:\~ :'l~;~i~~;~~~~.t- U 1Ti'QQ~-'-- 155164060030'- -. Ji__~i;~ ~~O-;~O ~;ii1!>1 W WfiOQ1iliOO ,,-,,-- '55164000070'---'- X 15519Q1il1"~~_"':"" 155164000050 ~~....= 2.830 24.86 . .,..' '. 2..~ ......'. 8.8 . ..~ .' c; I. . 7.360 54.12 1.870 16.29 2.140 18.64 10.420 90.75 12.900 112.39 TOT All 182.255 R,elocl;lte ~ & R 'EC Iii i'i'.i ,:~:~.i .., -:;Ai( ~ iii . ."'", '..' '. .. ,(.. ,\', 1",/ (514) specialty Retail Center >>(4~3) ~~r w~h9,~t Pancilng Area pondlng Area (814) Speclalt)' Reta~ Cl!Inter (814) Specialty Retail Center TRI, SI 100 SF Gross FI or Area ... 32 4 ,32 495 4.95 .32 .95 .32 4.32 4.32 4.32 4.32 4.32 ....32 44,32 .......32 ....32 44.32 44.32 44.32 44.32 ....32 liC...." i 78;. .., TOTAL TRIPS 3.077 5,500 647 87 65 29 595 644 805 539 788 12,177 4.553 1,100 622 1,420 591 % TRIPS TO SIGNAL 50% 10% 10% 10% 10% 10% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 63% 63% 63% 63% 100% 39 100% Pal'Cel 0 accounts for ptopn~d W~IMart and Gas StatiOn (Trips per EAW'J Pa~' P accounts rOt acnllage rernalninQ from Parc;:el 0 GrO!iS Floot All;ta is estimated at 20% of parcel acreage parcel H was c1i~ed into Parcels M, Q-Z Assessment was includecl in agreement. (ParCelS M, O. S, T, & V) (Montlcf;!lIO Business Center 3rd Adaitllion _ Once plat i5 finalliKl, lots n~l!Id to be mea$ured and a$sessmenl 5plit beteen Blo k. 1 L.ots: 1 & 2. (ParCelS P1 & ~2) 63% 876 63% 576 53% 876 63% :,IIII!/ i:'li ."lllfj'~~["ii, l':H 44.32 44.32 ....32 ,iil) 1!"/< i'i.:1 ....32 44.32 44.32 1.735 63% 1.649 100% )11<- }I). "" "', ,", ,<I!!'.~I cIi 2,542 4.023 4.951 75625 TOTAL TRIPS TO SIGNAL 1.539 55' 65 595 644 608 539 788 7.572 2.869 Fle",," Ocl. 21, 2004 % TOTAL TRIPS ASSESSMENT Signal TH 25 I School Blvd 0.028 $4,874.01 0.010 $1,744.00 0.000 $21.22 0.000 $20.74 0.001 $204.97 0.000 $9,34 0.011 $1.558.45 0.012 $2,040.11 0,011 $1.925.14 0.010 $1,705.86 0.014 $2.495.33 0.135 $24,301.49 0.052 $9,087.05 693 0.012 $2,196.06 392 0.007 $1,240.55 1.420 0.026 $4,498.52 39 0.001 $122.31 372 0.007 $1.175.'4 552 0.010 $1.749'.14 552 0.010 $1,749.14 552 0.010 $1,749.14 a,' ',IH~ ~''i;:')'IIF.'''II -I'liI~ 'XiXT,11Jia. ~j:iY1"".-:;}K' "SK<!I'!I'II' '. 100% 1.095 0.020 1.849 0.030 $5.222.59 0.000 $0.00 )i 111.jn~ 0T ~:i!i:: f ::::11' ~}~i)i:: 0; ii, nllri~I' ",-I 'X",>I Ux 'i ''iF F "iI: 'ji -,IX i) 100% 2,542 0.051 $9,001.94 ~ 100% 100% 100% 100% 0.000 $0.00 0.000 $0.00 4,023 0.072 $12.744.59 4.951 0.090 $'5.777.88 55561 1.000 $176000.00 TABLE 2 _ ASSESSMENT SCANARIO 2 Re'lil!ied Oct. 21, 2004 TRUNK HIGHWAY 25 AT SCHOOL BOULEVARD TRAFFIC SIGNAL (BY ITE TRIP GENERATION) ~'" ACREAGE 1000 SF ITE TRI SI % TOTAL % ASSESSMENT GROSS FLOOR AREA TRIP GENERAl10N 100 OSF TOTAL TRIPS TRIPS TOTAL Signal 20% ACREAGE USE Gross FI or Area TRIPS TO SIGNAL TO SIGNAL TRIPS TH 25 I School Blvd 1555QQ1!2400 ---=- _ -,,- e---- (814) ___7~ 69.43 Specialty Retlilll Centor 44 2 3.077 50% 1.539 0.029 $4,386.61 "1s5500i42400 .=----=-~ -:- ~---:-'4,~~ (514) A2 124,22 Spel;:ialty Retail Center 44, 2 5.506 10% 551 0.010 $1,559.60 1--..-..--- (150) 4. III B .)55500142305"~~ ___ ._ ~550 13.50 Waret'lOusinQ 57 10% 7 0.000 $19.09 ,- -_..-.-"'-- -::- ----:-- 1 ,~~ (150) C 155~00142_302__"._ 13.20 Warehousing 4, 8 65 10% 7 0.000 $16.66 _____ 1678. (514) 0 J25500142-~__-"'::::::- -,,~ 14.60 specialty Retail Center 4 .32 647 10% 65 0.001 $154.47 iillQh4iW=-_ ,,-- -_.- (150) E 1--_----'!55~ 5.94 W~rehousing .96 29 10% 3 0,000 $6.40 ---'-- (814) Fl ~..5001121n9-____- _._.~~4 13.45 specialty Retail Center 4 ,32 596 100% 596 0.011 $1,699.61 155157001010-'- -,,- k-.----.--. (614) F2 18fi~l;I911J'1g9 --=--.---:- i6~ 14.53 specialty Rellall Center ~ ,32 844 100% 544 0.012 $1,836.10 - ~157001~ ---'- (514) F3 16~.00i12309--=-- __ ~--::-. , ,~zi 13,71 Specialty ~6tai' CentE!t .32 605 100% 605 0.011 $1.732.83 '55157001030 ~142aOo -,--- ---..= (514) F4 _.._1.397 1Z.17 specialty Retail Center _32 539 100% 539 0,010 $1,537.79 - ~'57001040__=~ (814) F5 U"QOI4<!>O\l---" ____- --::- 2,041 17.78 Specialty Retail Center 4.32 755 100% 758 0.014 $2.245.69 Ts'S157001050- -- 1---- (514) G i _~5098000030-----'--:"'--=-- _._....Jl.538 274.76 SpeCialty Retail Centl;l'l' 4.32 12.177 63% 7,572 0.138 $ZI,871.34 f- _____ ,1793 (814) 14.32 I ~5095006020--=--=-_____~ 102.74 Specialty Retail Cental' 4.553 63% 2,569 0.05Z $5.175.35 ~ f- --=-:"'ZS50 (514) Jl 155i50~00010'-~ .-: 24.53 Specialty Retail Center 44.32 1,100 53% 693 0,012 $' ,976.45 1 ~(QQ@99OO1 0 (514) J2 ~51S000"010____ -- 1.610 14.03 Specialty Retail Center 44.32 622 53% 392 0,007 $1,116.52 ~",--- (514) K ,--.-~j678 3Z.04 specialty Retail C~nter 44,3Z 1,420 100% 1,4Z0 0.026 $4,048,67 1551570OZ010"-'-- &Di >.--.,-.- (814) .___._QJOO 0.57 specially Retail Center 44,32 39 100% 39 0.00' $110.08 ~ ' ,)1Ii JIll - "1++" ,)1+' ','ili---:ITl!i'il!! 1"!;',I!ll!!' I 01) Ii ;-,++11,.+); W;,,+)':!'!! I'll)' .}I}4+U>'lii'ilil'iI! ~ ".,--- (514) toI1 js'5145000010 -_ -- I--_~O 13.33 specially Retail Center 44.32 591 63% 37Z 0,007 $1.061.04 ill\aGG8(lOO(JM ." (514) toI2 '55'~~~__----._-- ~__' 2.27.0 19.75 specialty Retail Center 44,3Z 576 63% 552 0.0'0 $1.574.23 ~-,- --..--.-- (514) N3 ~~~----- __,_..n7O 19.75 specil;llty Retail Center 44,3Z 576 63% 552 0.0'0 $' ,574.23 ~ :-- 2,:;1Q (814) N4 '155148001030---':'__- __ 19,75 specialty R8ta~ Cl!Inter 44,3Z 876 63% 552 0.010 $' ,574,23 ~~UBusc.tr~~i~'~= ,,,,,,,,,, '::)'I'! ,,:':!'~~'/'UJ!I"il!i!' ~lil' ,il!l , 'gEl' -UI/i -EiI'liii!HJ i. .>>i"iiii,i, -:))'-:>.,---:'Ii/ --;;:'0i--"'i~ "27.0~U 11:11!:",liI??l!!r'j'.I,':11 ii,I!li ,.'il" u);" '?i!1!! i@IIJ!;;iI I'll ..-=.. 450.Q (514) .,...,. Pl F:~~ "i',"'"",.,,} 39.20 Speciplty R.eta~ Center 44.32 1.738 53% 1.095 O,OZO lot 1 Block 1 ~I BU$c.tr3'" A~~ -.-.-- (814) "~-",..,, ,m' ",I}i P2 ll"'~~~ -.-.-' sp@c~lty Retail Center 44,32 Lot 2 Block 1 ~1,..;.iQQ'-'-'- (8'4) Q 4,Z70 37.20 Speclalty Retail Center 44.32 ',649 100% 1.640 0,030 $4.700.33 Ts'S164000010---- ~ Z.530 24.66 ReloGCIte P & R 0 100% 0 0,000 $0,00 "2.~ . 'I', -" -~ .~?? .';8,57 II:. !':> i l.z, .. ii / (814) U 16S1;001 ,4100--- .-- 7.360 64.12 Specialty t{eta~ Centl!tt 44.32 2,84'2 100% Z.84Z 0,05' $5,101,75 !~j' 1iF- """":- '"" ... !':::!i:.!'!~I'~JC ....... il 'Jr~ ~Ij ~i:']ii,; m mJ:;' 1Ii;1f',il Pi:.::-~,Oo~;!i';) ~'1; -:;m---:,:) -c'>~, ):;)1 . ~"'Jq i5ii'6 )"" :) ~':. I',. ""/,, '-,:,,''''TlV./;: .,,/".) '/'" " i!!I,,! )I:,:/Ii W To-S,oo'-i 11 oli --.- 1.570 16.29 Pondlng Mea 0 100% 0 0.000 SO.OO 155154000070 -- X To-S~00H1100 --"- 2.140 15.84 Pondlng Atea 0 100% 0 0.000 $(1.00 155164000050 ,- (814) 10.420 90.75 specialty R~tall Center 44,3Z 4.023 100% 4,023 0.072 $11,470,13 ~,.- . (814) Z ~1_--- 12,000 112,39 SpeCialty R8ta~ Centet 44,32 4.981 '00% "',981 0.090 $14.200,07 155164000060 - - .- I TOTAL: 182255 75 625 55,561 1.000 $158,400.00 Parcel 0 accounts for pmposed walMart and Gas Statton (Trips pet EAW'J pamel P accounts for acreage remaining from Parcel 0 Gross Floor Area is estimatE!O at 20~,b of patcel acreage Pl'U'cel H was clivlded into pa,tcels M. a~z As.sB$Sment was included in agreement. (parcl!l'lt. M, 0, S. T, & V) ','.'" g Mont~1I0 Business center 3m Additll:itlfl _ Once plat is flrulled.lots need to be measured and assessment 5p1it. bateen Blo k 1 Lots 1 & 2. (P8rcel~ P1 & P2) - TABLE 3 - ASSESSMENT SCANARIO 3 TRUNK HIGHWAY 25 AT SCHOOL BOULEVARD TRAFFIC SIGNAL (BY ITE TRIP GENERATION) 1110# ~00142400 -~ ____- - 7y70 ACREAGE A2 ~~Oih42~.0<i'~~--- _ ,,-. 142~ a 15~500'4p05_____~'-f- -. __.'-~550 C '1s5500'42302.~.--':'=::-im o Cjs5500!42302~. -=-= e-:--. ",676 E '-5550-"'4230~ ---==----==~",. ," 0,662 -..--.--.-- F' ~~~66~~j6 ..- f-._-----L5~ F2 1:iis6001 moli__:__.n . --= f-------' .1668 _~,5700102~.-.-. F3 -~;~:~~~6~=~--....:-' "'~ F4 cill,oOii ~,n9 "'-=-. '_____ =-:.::_" '1~ _ 155'57001040_ F5 ~~oo, 1~1"" ----=-- ---: ~ -=-iiiT1 '55'57001050 G '}s5og8900030~----=- -----:- " ~~ I , 55098900020.- __ ..--= ----:". ,iffi 155Q9S0GgQW J1 :ll150000610 ._..----.::f--- ,_~ ~ J2 ~5000101.L-..::...--:--..-----: K "lii~o01il1~.--. -----:i678 ~570020'0-- -- L r,s-5500\54101. "-....:. -----:-----:'" "'~ 1,810 1000 SF GROSS FLOOR AREA 20% ACREAGE ITE TRIP GENERATION USE (814) SpeL.ialty Reta~ Cents!' TRISI 100 SF GroSs FI or Area TOTAL TRIPS 3,077 5.506 87 65 647 29 598 844 608 539 788 '2,177 4.553 1,100 ',420 % TRIPS TO SIGNAL 50% 10% 10% '0% 10% 10% 100% 100% 100% '00% '00% 622 39 ";':,, ,', ":!::'!I~::':;~tlLUL1l:',jii!'jjij ~QSQOOOOQ __ _ _ (8'4) N1 155'480000'0 _!.,51Q 13.33 spoclalty Rota! Conter 4.32 59' 63% ~ N2 ~5_'48001010- ,," -.---:- ..i.:...._.2,27_0 ~ N3 iill480l'10iO '._ -~_2,:rrQ -- Q ~5001i4-1ili1---'-- 4270 155164000010'---- R ~QG ,,,-..- 2.830 1ffi,64000020-.-- "'iC,;l~( ~",f5 S}f "" :!8:J~ ., 1551'6\("'/ '" 2.'40 '0,420 12,900 69.43 44. 2 44,32 ': 44,32 44.32 Parcel 0 accounts for proposed WeiMan and Gas Slation (flips per EA.'M Parcel P accotlnts fOr acreage remaining ftom Pal'Cel 0 Gro5S Floor Area is estiml'lted at 20% of par(;el acreage Paf'C81 H was divided into Parcel$ M. Q., As!6ssment was inCluded in agreement. (Parcel$ M. O. 5, T. & V) :: Monticello Business Centl!lr 3ro Addititlon. Once plat is tlnaled.lots need to be rneasur8l1 and usessment split beteen alock I Lots 1 & 2. (Pan::els P1 & P2) 124,22 (8'4) Specialty Retail Centl!lf 44. 2 '3,50 ('50) W,arahousing 4, 6 13.20 (150) wal'shousing 4.''' 14.80 (614) Specialt~ Retail CentElr 44,32 5,94 ('50) WarehOuslna 496 '3,45 (814) Specialty Retail Centl!lr 4 .32 14,53 (8'4) specialty ~elail Center 4 ,32 13,71 (6'4) Speclalty Retail Centet 4 ,32 12.17 (614) SpeCialty Retail Center 4 .32 17.78 (614) Specialty Retail Center 4 ,32 274,76 (814) specialty Rl!lta~ Cl;tnler 4 ,32 '02.74 (614) SpeciallY Retail Center ,32 24.83 (814) Specialty Retail Center ,32 14.03 (614) Spec~ny Retail Center 4,32 32,04 (814) specialty Retail Center 14,32 0,87 (814) Specialty Retail Cl!!lnter 4.32 19.78 (814) Specialty RI;!~all Cent@!it :44.32 19.78 (8'4) Specialty Retail Center ! 44.32 (814) Spel;lalty Retail Centet 44.32 37.20 (814) Spl!lclalty Retail Center 44,32 24.66 Relocate P & R .il:~!l::;: ___JUL. :, ..:. ,ii1rC,-" ..... ~ (814) spl!lclalty Retail Cl!Inter 18,29 pondlng Atea 16.64 pondlng Mea 90.78 (814) Specialty Reta~ Center 112,39 (8'4) specialty Retail Center 878 876 1,649 lin< '.li!!li:' Iii:;:': 2,642 63% 63% 63% 63% 100% 100% 63% 63% '00% '00% '00% TOTAL TRIPS TO SIGNAL 1,539 551 65 598 844 608 7,872 2,669 % TOTAL TRIPS 0.028 0.010 0,000 0-000 0.00' 0.000 0-011 0.012 0.011 539 0.010 786 0,0'4 0.138 0.052 803 0.0'2 392 0.007 ',420 0,026 39 0,001 Revi:sed Oct. 21, 2004 ASSESSMENT Signal TH 25/ School Blvd S3,699,21 S1,395,20 S16.97 S16.59 S163,97 S7.47 $1.510.76 $1,832.09 Sl,540." SI,366,92 Sl ,997 .06 S'9,441.19 S7,269,64 S1,756.85 S092.46 S3,596.82 SOH5 ~ 372 0,007 ~___._ -'.,,_,._ (814) N4 '~514800!.9~_.,_~.--~P.o '9.78 Sp..,;o"yRot.'Centot 44.32 876 63% 552 0,010 $1,390,31 ~~cc-~~. '.~ I _~C.~. '<<. II ,m !I '.~ j ,_ I """ 1----, Lot 1 Block 1 ~~K~ Ctf 3!!, Add p2 ~~!ot:M.lOn Lot 2 Block 1 u ~~1i110a_ ----==- 7360 64,12 ,---.,--~;~ III 1.....................< 1</..' --:.i::',i!"Jd'::li\l.i.i,.u( ""''7lilT ........':1.'..1.,.. Ili'.I. ~ w ~r511Q0 -----::-- 1.870 155'64000070 x ~li~l~O-----: ~':~~::::::~: . ,,- Z l~&mlii'-go---"'-'-- ti 55184000060.-.'- TOTAL: 182.255 552 0,010 55~ 0,010 1,649 2,642 f,-i':'::"", -cT/I.. -C;.'! bi. C;} i::' -ii.. ~.%. "11;lllOO~'-;1 ... i'i'lll!i~~'JI:! 4,023 4,96' 75,625 100% 100% 100% 100% 4,023 4,081 55561 $943.'5 Sl,399.31 S1,399.31 " '".." 0.030 $4,178,07 0-000 $0.00 il 0,051 S7,201,55 ~~l:':i,~~~g,+.~<i,!!!!'i i~,1 0,000 SO,OO 0,000 SO.OO 0,072 $10,195,61 0.090 $12,622,28 1.000 $140800.00 ~ Ol co -~ co ... ~ ~~ C U OlCO ..J u;ca ,... 0'0 :-~ Q. ... ... ~ ~E ytI 0 ts .- 0 ... ... ~ a ~ t"") ....~ . . ~ 'S-g - ~ ~ ...... at; - Q.J ::J ~co t"\ tit) "'l:J'" a U 0- Q~:S '" i '- La.. g -1;:J ('\i 'i>Een 0 ts U.- co cu Q. ...-~ co en ... I Cl.w<( 0 --- I I a <(=~ ;, - -~ . . . Council Agenda - 10/25/04 11. of Monticello A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: The City Engineer is in the process of com leting the proposed assessment roll for the Area 2 Street Reconstruction Project, City · roject No. 2004-06C. Wright County requires that assessments be certified to th County Auditor for collection on next years taxes by November 30th. This deadline c . not be fully met. However, to allow the affected property owners the option to pay ithout interest, an assessment hearing should be established by the City Council for con ideration of adopting the assessment roll at the November 8th Council meeting. The City ould then provide the assessments not paid by November 30th to Wright County. If addit onal persons pay December 1 through December 8th, the City could then notify e County to delete those assessments. The total project costs and a rresentation of all information will be provided at the assessment hearing on November 8t . The project is currently under constructio and nearing completion. The adopted assessment policy for residential propertie is a fixed rate assessment, essentially independent ofthe final construction aIDO nt. As a result, it is proposed to levy the assessment at this time to begin collection of those funds with the 2005 taxes. The assessments proposed to be collected elate to the following items: . Residential Assessment: Last ye was the first year of the street reconstruction program and the individual reside tial assessment was set at $2,500/parcel with future years' amounts to be set by he construction cost index. The index to date is an increase of 5.7%, which incr ases the amount to $2,642.50, which is the amount proposed in the assessme roll. . Storm Sewer: The Council author' zed storm sewer improvements in the rear of lots adjacent to Meadow Oak Dri .e at the homeowners' request. This project included storm sewer installation, ackyard filling, and sod restoration. The total cost is proposed to be spread on a ineal foot basis. . Draintile: Draintile was added to he project to allow for connection of individual property sump pumps to discharg directly to the storm sewer. While the cost of $716.49 per unit is shown in the a sessment roll, the Council could choose to charge this as a connection charge once individual properties actually connect. . Overlay: Sandberg Road, north 0 Chelsea Road, was overlaid with this project. The policy is to assess 50% of the cost to the benefited property owners. . .- . Council Agenda - 10/25/04 At this point the Council is asked to set the ublic hearing for the assessment roll adoption at the regular Council meeting of ovember 8th. Two weeks published notice is required along with mailing individual prop sed assessments to each property owner affected by this project. In order to meet th s deadline, the Council would need to set the hearing date Monday night. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Adopt the resolution for the improv ment project declaring the costs to be assessed, and setting the public he ing for November 8th. 2. Do not set the public hearing date a this time. C STAFF RECOMMENDATION: The preliminary assessment roll has been c mpleted and is included in the Council packets. It is the recommendation of the C ty Administrator, Public Works Director, and City Engineer that the public hearing be se for this date to ensure that the assessment rolls can be certified to the County Auditor by the November 30th deadline. D. SUPPORTING DATA: Preliminary assessment roll -~'. 8,. 8'.8 88,' 8 $1'.. :il.' :ill g,.. :il:ili. g,. :ill.. :ill:ill. ~.l,:il: ~!. ~ :il'I:il'I:il1 ~I, :illgl g if. :ill 5':1. gT ~ gl ~T~\ gl, gl ~T ~\ g.l, g::il~ :g: 5':' ~". ~ ~ ~o v 0 0 o,NINNNN'N'NIN~NN NIN'N N N NIN'N NIN N!NININ1NI, N'11N NIN N,N NINN N\NIN' 1'$ ."'$'.""'" w'.~ 1:~.$:.I\.I,~IIII'\..~:I'li~ $1.1\~'$:~ II~ $,~\II~ ~:i- 11~,$I~,III'~I$i~il I ~~, j"" " ~'" '1~1~\~'I.~\~,~~i~\~i~I~:I.~\~ ~:~ ~ ~\~ ~\~ ~\'~\~\!~ ~\ ~\~\~\~!~\~\~I\.~\~\'~\~l~ U\' , ,I: I ' ! ii, i ; i \ \ I ,I I I i I ' " I I 'I I, -I.' , I I \ I , '\ , ! 'I I I ' I : I ! ' i I I, i '" ' ! I: I I ! I il \ , ~il g!, ~\ ~I ~II ~1~:~. 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Consideration of extendin the Joint Fire Board a reement between Monticello Townshi and Citv of Monticello. (RW) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: In about 1975, the City and Township entered into an agreement creating a Joint Fire Board for the purpose of jointly assuming the cost, ma'ntenance and operation of the Monticello Fire Department, including the purchase of new re tighting equipment as needed. 'fhe joint agreement originally was established for a te year time frame, and had been renewed for five year increments, the last of which expired D cember 31,2000. Neither party realized that the agreement had technically expired Decembe 31,2000 until last summer during annexation negotiations, and at that time it was decided 0 continue on with the present arrangement until a new agreement could be formalized. As part of the 2005 budget preparation, the.J int Fire Board met in August to review the preliminary hudget for next year and during hose discussions, the 'fownship had proposed some ideas on a buyout ifthe agreement was to be terminated. The previous agreement had outlined that if the agreement was terminate at some future date, the remaining capital equipment jointly acquired would be sold at. reasonable price on competitive bids with the proceeds divided amongst the owners as thei interest appears. What this meant was that if this agreement was terminated by either party, w; atever share of the capital assets that were purchased by the entities involved would be ispersed based on the percentage they contributed towards the initial cost. The Township rcpre entatives had proposed that they would consider a buyout from the City, if the City chose to ter inate the agreement, equal to six (6) years of future tire protection service. This initial pr posal had been simply based on what the Township felt they had paid over the years to ards capital equipment cost divided by an average annual cost they had paid in the prev ous years for fire protection services. Since the City ffild Township has been operat'ng with an agreement that expired four years ago, the Joint Fire Board felt it was time to: 1. Execute a new joint agreement simila to the previous agreements or 2. Determine the appropriate buyout am unt in accordance with the agreements terms and conditions if the Township wants to d'ssolve the agreement. As one of the City's representatives on the Jo'nt Fire Board, I am also of the opinion that a new agreement needs to be established or a buyou of the Township's interest should take place. These are two separate issues that need to be ddressed and if it is decided to continue with the Joint Fire Board arrangement, the present agr ement would be adequate with a couple of changes needed to clarify some issues. If it is the decision of the Township and/or Ci y to terminate the agreement, a buyout amount needs to be estahlished. This would be the fi st step in terminating the agreement and how the Council Agenda - 10/25/04 . amount is paid can be negotiated further in terms of years of service credit or a lump sum payment. The years of service credit canna be establ ished unless we first determine the appropriate amount that the Township shotld be paid according to the agreement. The Township's proposal of accepting a bu out that would equal six years of service credit does not seem supported by any of the cost information I have available. Based on our financial records, I have prepared a listing of the cap tal equipment vehicles that the City and Township have acquired under this contract including the Township's original contribution, the Township percentage paid towards this equipment an the Fire Department's estimation of current value for these used vehicles to arrive at an estim tion of the Township's share of these vehicles if they were sold at auction. The vehicle and quipment amount to approximately $96,000. The Township has also contributed 23% of the t tal building cost used for the current fire hall (without land) and using the assessor's mar et value of $575,000, the Township would have an additional $132,000 to add to their equipmnt buyout. This brings our total buyout amount estimation to $228,500. . One item that was discussed in length at a J int Fire Board meeting is how to we divide up all of the other miscellaneous equipment that h s been purchased over the years including items such air compressors, clothing, helmets, ho es, nozzles, air tanks, etc. and it was debated whether this is actually considered capital e uipment or general operating supplies. Most of these clothing items, for example, do not ha e much value after a few years and could easily he considered general operating supplies, but e en if you assume that all of these items together had a value of$IOO,OOO today, the Townsh'p is averaging a contribution of32% over the years would give them another $32,000. Based 0 these schedules, the total Township share of the trucks, equipment and building, according t the agreement, would amount $260,500. While I am not sure if the Township represntatives agree with this dollar amount, if a buyout amount cannot he agreed upon by both parti s, a solution would be to use an outside third party who could value the capital equipment for d termining the appropriate buyout amount. The agreement is clear in how the proceeds are t be divided, once a value is determined. . Assuming we can arrive at an appropriate a reeable buyout amount, if it is not going to be paid as a lump sum payment to the Township, w need to determine the appropriate number of years of service credit in lieu of a cash payment. nder our current contract arrangements with Silver Creek Township and the City of Otse 0, the Joint Fire Board is charging them $45/per parcel/per year based on the number ofparc Is served by the fire department. In Monticello Township's case, there are currently about 1 50 parcels times $45 equals $74,250. This is the amount of cost the Monticello Township w uld incur if they were to contract with the Monticello Fire Department like Silver Cree and Otsego do. Dividing my estimated township buyout amount of $260,500 by $74,250 equ Is a service credit of 3 Y2 years, far less than the six years requested by Mon icello Township. As a reminder, the joint agreement doesn't indicate upon terminatiOl that the buyout would be given as a credit for future service, but the likely reason the Tow ship prefers years of service is that they would hope to lock in the current rate they have ex erienced in the past ($30/per parcel) for another Council Agenda - 10/25/04 . SIX years. If the concern of Monticello crownship is to keep their average per parcel rate near its present level of approximately $30/per parcel, the J int Fire Board agreement should be continued with the Township participating in the operating. ost and capital equipment purchases in the future like they have done in the past. If the TOWI, ship wants a buyout and termination of the agreement, the buyout proceeds can be used by the Township to subsidize some of the increased cost they will incur under new co tract arrangements. There would be no financial benefit for the City of Monticello taxpayers to buyout the Township's interest in the Joint Fire Board and then continue contracting with t e Township at a low rate as if they were part owner in the fire department. It has to be one way or another, either continue with the joint agreement and the Township can continue to experien e a lower rate or buyout the Township's interest and offer the Township contract services at rate similar to what we charge other jurisdictions we serVIce. IUhe general consensus of the Township an lor City is to continue the joint agreement, a few modifications do need to be made to a new greement as follows: I. We need to establish what a capital quipment purchase is and 2. We need to clarify what happens if ne of the parties does not agree to participate in the purchase of a new piece of equipme t or building. . Currently the agreement is very vague in de cribing what a capital piece of equipment is and it is suggested that we establish a dollar amoult i.e. $5,000 for example, as the threshold for any piece of equipment to be considered capital. This is the amount used by the City's auditing firm for GASB 34 accounting as they recog ize items of less than $5,000 as non-capital equipment. The second issue relates to describing what lappens if one party buys a piece of equipment and the other party doesn't participate in its cost. While the current agreement allows for this to happen, it doesn't say how the other party c ntributes funds for usage of that equipment. For example, the fire department is currentl out for bids on a new tanker truck, which is estimated to cost $130,000, and will be pri arily used in rural fire calls. If the City decided not to buy this piece of equipment but Mon icello Township felt it was necessary to protect their residents, they could buy this individu I truck themselves, but the agreement doesn't indicate how or if the City has to pay for th fact that this piece of equipment is available for use in the city. It would seem unfair that onticello Township would have to buy one piece of equipment and the City of Monticello could use it free of charge, so I have added some terminology to the agreement that would in icate how each party would have to contribute towards the cost of a vehicle depending on i s number of fire calls. This was outlined in more detail in Appendix "B." . . . . B. Council Agenda - 10/25/04 Recognizing that the fire department will be faced with a number of new vehicle purchases in the next five years including a new tankers nd a new pumper, and also the possibility of a second satellite fire station or even a new fi e hall in the ncxt ten years, 1 bclieve it is important to make these clarifications in any new agre ment that is established. These are only necessary if it is decided to continue the joint agree me t and would not affect a contract arrangement if the Township was bought out for their sharc of the joint fire departmcnt. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Accept the proposal from MonticeIl Township to terminate the agreement and buyout their share of the joint fire departme t in the form of six years of future service. 2. Accept the proposal to terminate the agreement by making a direct payment for their interest. The buyout amount could be establi hed based on schedules prepared by the City, negotiated with the Township or est blished through a third party appraiser. 3. Council could offer to continue to t e Joint Fire Board arrangement for an additional live years with modifIcations clarify ng definition of capital equipment purchases and procedures for allocating cost if an i em is purchased separately by one entity. 4. None of the above.-*" I &J ( ~~ 12-> C. ST AFF RECOMMENDATION: From the Joint Fire Board's position, dissol ing the current arrangement will likely make it easier in the future to manage the fire depar ment as only one jurisdiction has to be making approvals for purchases and how the depart lent is operated. I think the Township sees this also as a benefIt by being able to receive a 1 rge lump sum payment and also in trying to lock in future years of service. From the City Adm nistrator's standpoint, a buyout is certainly feasible, assuming we can arrive at the appropriate a ount, but if we are to accept years of service as the form of payment, we have to use the annual cost the Township would incur without being a joint owner, and not what they have paid in the past. In other words, I would certainly not support their request of six years, as J feel t e cost valuations would only support 3 Y2 , possibly 4 years. The difference between 4 and 6 ye rs is approximatcly $75,000 a year, which would amount to the City taxpayers subsidizing th Township's llre protection services by $150,000 over the next six years. If 3 Y2 or 4 years is not acceptable for the T wnship, I would suggest continuing the joint agreement as modilled for another five yeas. This arrangement would have each party continuing to pay a fair cost for fire protecfon services without the City subsidizing Township costs. 4 . . . D. SUPPORTING DATA: Modified Joint Fire Agreement Capital Equipment Cost Summaries Council Agenda - 10/25/04 5 . . . AN AGREEMENT PURSUANT TO MINNESOTA STATUTES 471.59 CREA TING A JOINT FI E BOARD BETWEEN THE TOWN OF MONTICELLO A )) THE CITY OF MONTICELLO By this instrument the CITY OF MONTIC LLO, a municipal corporation of the State of Minnesota, hereinafter referred tos the City, and the 'rOWN OF MONTICELLO, a corporate subdivision, Sate of Minnesota, hereinafter referred to as the Town, agree with each other as indic ted by the following articles. ARTICLE I: Ex 1 [A] The City and the Town presently ow firefighting equipment both jointly and separately. The City owns a fire hall. The City operates an effective and efficient fire department with volunte r firefighters including a chief It is assumed that, collectively, the CITY nd the TOWN are more financially able to provide firefighting equipment and protection. [B] The respective City Council and 'row Board hereby find it advisahle to jointly assume the cost, maintenance, and operation of the fire department, and to jointly purchase new firefighti g cquipment, as may be deemed necessary. The purpose of this contra t is to provide for ajoint sharing of costs and purchases essential to the ef ecti ve operation and maintenance of a volunteer fire department. [C] This contract has been authorized by t e City Council for the City of Monticello and the Town Board tor th Town of Monticello pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, Section 471.59 (J int Exercise of Powers). ARTICLE II: Joint [A] A Joint Advisory Fire Board, created ursuant to the fire contract between the City of Monticello and the Township f Monticello dated April 26, 1976, and executed June 3, 1976, is hereby exten ed to facilitate the performance of this contract throughout its life. Such Boa d shall have the powers specitically given to it in the articles of this Agreel ent, and shall have the power to make recommendations to the City Council' nd to the Town Board to improve cooperation and efficiency in carrying ut the intent of this Agreement, and to make recommendations for amendmen s and supplements to this Agrcement. [B] The membership of said Board shall c nsist of one member from the City, one member trom the Town, and one ember trom the volunteer fire department. The member from the Cit shall be appointed hy the City Council; the member from the Town s all be appointed by the Town Board; and the member from the Volunteer Fi Department shaH be clected by the members of the Voluntecr Fire Depart cnt. DA WN/WORD/RICK/JOINT FIRE AGREEMENT \ ;; Page 1 . . . [C] Said Board shall have two regular eetings each year. Thc tirst quartcrly meeting shall be held on the first Tuesday in March of each year at 7 p.m. The second quarterly meeting shall c held on the first Tuesday of August of each year at 7 p.m., at the city hall i the city of Monticello, unless such Board tlxes a different place for sai meeting. [Dl In every calendar year prior to the onth of March, the City Council and the Town Board shall name the membe s to the Joint Advisory Fire Board. In every calendar year prior to the mon h of March, the volunteer fire department shall elect its member to the Joint A visory Fire Board. [E] Such members shall hold office fro the tIrst Tuesday in March until the tIrst Tuesday in March of the following ear. If the City and Town fail to make such appointment in a timely manne or the volunteer tire department fails to elect its member, the previous incu bent shall continue in office until such successor is named. fFJ The Board may adopt rules and byla s not inconsistent with this Agreement for the purpose of carrying out their uties hercunder. ARTICLE UI: Duties of oint Advisor Fire Board [A] The Joint Advisory Fire Board shall, with the aid and advice of the Monticello V oluntecr Fire Departme t, preparc a budget prior to September I of each year for the maintenance, op ration, and purchase of equipment for the following year. Such recommen ations shall be submitted to the City Council and Town Board on or befo e September 1 of each year. [A] The City and the 'rown agree to ann ally, prior to the commencement of each calendar year of this Contract, mutually approve the budget of the operating expenses for the cnsuing calendar ye r as may be recommended by the Joint Advisory Fire Board. [Bl Contributions of the City and the To n shall be paid to the City Treasurer of the City of Monticello who shall kee the same in a departmental account to be known as the "Joint Operating Fir Account." The City Council for the City of Monticello shall approve all xpenditures at their regularly-scheduled Council meetings. All other expendi ures f()f the purchase of supplies, maintenance, and equipment which ere not part of the operating budget shall be approved by both the City Counci and the Town Board before said expenditures are made. ARTICLE V: Contributions to Joint 0 [A 1 The City and Town shall jointly cont ibute to the Joint Operating Fire Account for the maintenance, operati n, and purchase of equipment of the DAWN/WORD/RICK/JOINT FIRE ACiRFLMENT 1 1'-. ! <:.:} Page 2 . . . V oluntecr Fire Department. The co Operating Fire Account for each cal to the following f(xmula, known as tribution by each party herein to the Joint ndar year shall be calculated according e "Fair Share Formula": Total Costs x % of Total Use + % fTotal Value = Fair Share Costs 2 See Appendix "A" for definition ofi ems used in Formula. [B] The City and Town shall deposit in dvanee to the Joint Operating Fire Account the quarterly contributions fthc accepted budget for the volunteer fire department. Said quarterly cont ibutions shall be made on February 1, May 1, August 1, and November 1 i the year in which the budget was approved. All contributions shall be made in money and not in material or equipment. [C] Credit toward the quarterly contribut on requirements for the following year's budget shall be granted on the basis fpercentage contribution for any balance remaining in the Joint Opera, ing Account as of December 31 of any year. ARTICLE VI: Revenu from Ad.acent Areas [A] Revenue from contracts for fire prot ction to adjacent areas as mentioned in Article IX [A] 3 and revenue from fi e calls to these areas shall be deposited in the Joint Operating Fire Account. rBJ Allocation of revenue to the .Joint Board participants from contracts and fire calls shall be granted on the basis of percentage contribution from each party, except that a party's percentage of contribution wil be reduced to account for any capital purchases uscd by the .Joint Fire Board n generating revenue that was not purchased jointly by both parties. The non-participating party's percentag shall be reduced to reflect the smaller contribution made by that jurisdiction t the total equipment values used in contract services (See Appendix C for a example). ARTICLE VII: Purchases [A] The City Council and the Town Boar shall jointly agree upon any expenditures made for the purchase 0 - additional firefighting capital equipment. They shall agree upon all specifications for any and all joint purchases of capital equipment, pursl ant to the recommendation of the Joint Advisory Fire Board. Pursuant to sai specifications, the City Administrator and the Town Clerk shall jointly issu a call for sealed bids to be prepared and published. Said call shall refer to the specifications and to this Agreement as basic data binding upon each and eve bidder. The right to reject any and all bids shall be reserved by either the Ci y Councilor the Town Board. DA WN/WORD/RICK/JOINT FIRE A(jREEMFNT Page 3 . rB] At the time and place of opening bids, the City Administrator and the Town Clerk shall tally the bids in the presen e of the Joint Advisory Fire Board. The Joint Advisory Fire Board shallt ake its recommendations to the City Council and to the Town Board as to ither accepting or rejecting the bid or bids. The City and Town shall not be bound unless both the City Council and the Town Board accept the bid or bids. If either the City Councilor Town Board rejects a bid or bids, and either oard deems the purchase of said capital equipment necessary, either p ty may accept the bid and purchase and pay for the capital equipment outside he agreement herein. Said property shall be the exclusive property of the espective governmental unit. leI If one of the parties accepts a bid and pu chases a capital equipment item outside of the agreement, the purchasing party ma establish an usage fee that can be charged as an additional cost to the other party t at did not participate in the initial purchase. A formula that takes the total cost of the item, including any finance charges divided by the uscfullife in years of the equipme t purchased to arrive at an annual amortized cost. This annual cost is the divided by the number of times the equipment is used in a year by the Fire epartment to arrive at a per time usage fee. The non-participating party would be r sponsible for this additional cost above that party's share of the joint fire board costas determined under Article V. (See Appendix B for an example) - [D] If both parties purchase the equipme tjointly, the seller of such joint equipment shall execute duplicate bil s of sale revealing the interest of the City and the Town so that each has a signed copy. ARTICLE VIII: Main aratus LA] The present fire fighting equipment a set out in Exhibit" A" shall be that contribution of each respective govenmental body. It shall remain the sole and exclusive property of each of the respective governmental unit. It shall be maintained and insured pursuant to t is agreement. [B] The jointly-purchased equipment sh 11 be maintained and insured by the agreement herein. The control ofth purchased equipment shall be retained by the City and the Town. [C] The cost of storage, maintenance, an insurance of the respective fircfighting equipment and the jointly-purchased firefighting capital equipment shall be paid out of the Joint Operating Fire ccount. rD] The cost of the maintenance and ins rance of the city fire hall shall be paid out of the Joint Operating Fire Acco nt. . DA WN/WOIH)/RICK/JOINT FIRE AGREEMENT Page 4 ~ :' [C] In the evcnt of any fire call to which hc fire department will respond, sufficient personnel and cquipment s all remain at the city fire hall in order to respond to any subsequent call for fir protection, whethcr such call is or is . not located within the same jurisdicti n of thc first call. ARTICLE XII: Life [A] This agreement shall expire Decemb l' 31,2009, or at an earlier date when, for sufficient cause, the City or Town sh 11 notify the other in writing at least 180 days of the desire to terminate the A reement hercin. [B] On any termination, the remaining c pital equipment jointly acquired shall be sold at a reasonable price on competi ivc bids and the proceeds divided among the owners as thcir interest ap ears. Non-capital equipment, such as miscellaneous supplies, office suppli s, and perishables, shall be considcrcd the property of the fire department a d shall be considered to be conveyed, without further compensation, to the urisdiction which assumes the authority and responsibility for the fire depart ent. A schcdule for all fixcd assets purchased shall be maintained, and p oceeds from their sale shall be distributed on the basis of the origina contribution percentage for the fixed asset in question. The City and thc Town, respectively, may be the bidder at any such sale. . [C] On any termination, the balance of '- y remaining monies in the Joint Operating Account shall be distribut d based on the perccntage contribution fIX that year. IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, thc parties of the Agrcement have hereunto set their hands and scals this day of ,20__ TOWN OF MONTICELLO CITY OF MONTICELLO Chair Mayor Town Clerk City Administrator (SEAL) (SEAL) . DAWN!WORD!RICK!JOINl FIRE AGREEMENT Page 6 L'(";.:' . . . APPENDI "A" Total Costs: The total annual costs of fire dep -rtment operation, in dollars, including fixed costs, operating costs, man hour costs, and capital costs amortized over expected life of equipment, vehi les, and buildings. Capital Equipment: Total Use: For the purpose of this agreement, apital equipment shall mean any individual truck or equipment ite purchased at a cost of $5,000 or more. The use of the fire department se vices by each party expressed as a percentage (%) of the total use 0 fire department services by all parties. The percentage (%) is based on 1 an-hours spent in each area averaged over the past five (5) years. Total Value:The market valuation of each pa y expressed as a percentage (%) of the sum of the valuations of all parti s using fire department services. Fair Share: Each party's share of total annua costs expressed in dollars. Page 7 DA WN/WORD/R1CK/JOINT I'IRF. MjREEMF.NT ., i"""', '\ .,;. . . . EXHIBIT A Fixed Asset'chedule CITY OF MO TICELLO Fire boots an Survival air e Resuscitator Tire generato Fire clothes Smoke eject Centrifugal 2-way radio ystem - 1975 Alarm syste - 1975 NTICELLO 1l:G.Lm''WtRdj,@IC:K/JOINT FIRE AGREEMENT \ "......'1 , d'" Page 8 APPEN IX "'B" . FORMULA TO DETERMINE AD ITIONAL FEES TO BE CHARGED FOR EQUIPMENT PURCHASED UTSIDE OF .JOINT AGREEMENT BY ONE 1) PARTY IF: Cost of capital item, including any finance charges (i.e.: pumper true ) $300,000 Expected useful life = 25 years = $12,000/yr. Annual # of fire calls where truck is used 300 Average cost per fire call = $40.00 THEN: Non-Participating Parties Additio al Annual charges above Joint Fire Agreeme t Costs outlined in Appendix "A" (Ex: If that party's annual tire cal s were 80 the 80 x $40.00 = $3,200.00 . If non-participating party's annu I fire calls were 100 then additional charges ouId be = $4,000.00 . II:GlhNV'WtR?B'@k'K/JOINT FIRE NjREEMENT \ J. Page 9 . . . IX "C" FORMULA TO ADJUST REVEN E ALLOCATION PERCENTAGE The following is an example of determining how revenue form outside contracts and fire calls may be allocated to account for individually owned capital fire equipment used in generating revenue: IF: Total cost of equipment and buildi: gs purchased that are used in generating revenu from fire contracts $1,450,000 Cost of an item purchased outside f joint agreement by (1) party (i.e. pumpe truck) Jointly owned equipment Percentage of total equipment REVENUE ALLOCATION: 250.000 $1,200,000 82.8% Non-participating party's contribution percenta e as determined by formula in Appendix "A" (x) times 82.8% = % of revenue to be credited to on-participating party for that year. !tQlm'iVtlkll@IcK/JOINT FIRE MiREEMENT Page 10 \--:J . FIRE OEPARTM NT Under old formula, the 2005 budget would have t wnship paying a total of = $48,777 If we assumed a 3% increase in operataing costs ver the next 4 years, Township's share in 2006 = 2007 = 2008 = 2009 = $50,240 $51,747 $53,300 $54,899 $258,963 In addition, if Fire Department buys (1) new tanker truck @ $130,000 and township paid 30% (= $39,000). After (5) years value of truck might be $80,OOOx 3 % (Twp share) = $24,000 credit, so township would incur under curr nt agreement an additional net cost of ($39,000-$24, 00) $15,000 TOTAL $273,963 . Average CostNear x $54,792 4 yrs. $219,168 equivalent = @4 1/2 yrs = $246,564 Equivalent @ 5 yrs = $273,960 Equivalent . DAWN/XCEL/RICK:FIRE DEPT1Q/21/2QQ4 ~'.,r' . . 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IJ'I ~ <I; CI) ZIll~<I;O:::iSo::o..f-<OOf-<3;~ ....:1 <I; ~ ....:1 00 U t:iI r<!H :I:<l:0<I;";";00";1'<1 ....:1 U t:iI ....:1 UN IJ'I 0 CJ,...:):I:CI)n.Uo..U3;NN3;CI) f-< ..; I'il t'J ..; U...... 0:: 0:: <I;'<l' ....:1 ....:1 rl ~ 0 <I; ~ ~ ....:1 <I; OJ...... S rlrlr<1'<l'lf)I.OO\Olf)aJr<1rlNO\O f-< ~ ~ Z f-< Uo OrlrlNNNN'l'\DaJO\OOOrl 0 1'<1 0 ";rl i:I. i:I., rlNNNNNNNN'<l''<l'I.O\D\D1.O f-< "' "' t'J f-< Mayor and Council: I There will be a request /I'om the City Attorney to add to the October 25,2004 agenda the following item Consideration of approval of amended document. with Northern Natural CJas to allow the relocation of their lines. John Simola and Mall BraId can provide background information on this item.