City Council Agenda Packet 09-27-2004 . Mayor: AGEN A REGULAR MEETING - MONTI ELLO CITY COUNCIL Monday, September 7,2004 - 7 p.m. S'fRATEGIC PLANNING ORKSHOP AT 5:30 P.M. Bruce Thielen Council Members: Roger Carlson, Glen Posusta, R bbie Smith and Brian Stumpf 2A. B. 1. Call to Order and Pledge of Allegiance. ~5 Co. f> Consideration of approving the minutes of the eptember 13, 2004 regular Council meeting.~ c.. g S Consideration of approving the minutes of the 'eptember 13, 2004 Special Meeting. 3. Consideration of adding items to the agenda. J. ~s r . ufMt.... 4. Citizen comments/petitinns, reqnests and com (8 p. 7 ~ 5. {'r\-rrJ-- . ~1D\le, (!) ~~@ ~~@> 'iA"cy 12. . 13. departures for MCC. B. Consideration of approving temporary iquor license for wine tasting event at the Monticello Community Center. C. Consideration of an agreement allowin for City use of Xcel Energy siren system. D. Consideration of appointment of electi n judges for the November 2, 2004 general election. Consideration of authorizing and appro ing plans and specifications and authorizing the advertisement for bids for the construe ion of the Jefferson Commons detention pond. 6. Consideration of items removed from the cons nt agenda for discussion. 7. Public Hearing on changing of street name fro 1 Wolters Way and WoIters Circle to Deegan Court. 8. Consideration of appointments to the Joint PI ning Board as set forth in Joint Agreement OA-I061. Consideration of approving resolution to enter into agreement with MnDOT for the installation of traffic signals at TH 25/School Boulevard.. Review of bids for 1-94 Watermain Crossing, roject No. 2004-10C and Meadow Oak Park Storm Sewer Outlet, Project No. 2004-09C and consi eration of awarding contract 11. Consideration of authorization plans and sped Ications for CSAH 18/1-94 Interchange. Approve payment of bills for September. Adjourn . . . MINU ES REGULAR MEETING - MONTI ELLO CITY COUNCIL Monday, September 13, 2004 - 7 p.m. Members Present: Roger Carlson, Glen P susta, Robbie Smith, Brian Stumpf and Bruce Thielen. Members Absent: None 1. Call to Ordcr and Pled!!e of AlIe~iance. Mayor Thielen called the meeting to order at p.m. and declared a quorum present. The Pledge of Allegiance was said. 2A. A rove minutes of Au ust 23 2004 re ul' r Council mcctin . BRIAN STUMPF MOVED TO APPROVE' HE MINUTES OF THE AUGUST 23,2004 REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING. ROGER CARLSON SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED WITI--I ROBBIE SMIT ABSTAINING. B. A ROGER CARLSON MOVED TO APPROV ~ THE MINUTES OF TlIE AUGUST 23, 2004 BUDGET WORKSHOP. BRIAN STUMPF 'ECONDED TilE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED WITH ROBBIE SMITH AHST A ING. 3. Consideration of addin items to thc a en a. Riek Wolfsteller asked that a discussion ofth League of Minnesota Cities ffimual conference be added to the agenda. Robbie Smith adde to the agenda a discussion of the Rod and Gun Club hours of operation. BRIAN STUMPF MOVED TO ADD AGEN)A ITEM #7, THE FRANCIIISE AGREEMENT WITH TilE MONTICELLO UBLlC SCHOOLS TO THE CONSENT AGENDA AS ITEM #5H. ROGER CARLS N SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 4. Citizen comments etitions re Mayor Thielen eXplained the purpose of the c'tizen comment portion of the agenda. Barry Voight, 3802 Hayward Court South ca e before the Council regarding the proposed location of the water tower. He stated he wa disappointed because he had received no notice of the proposal to locate the water tower in th Jefferson Commons plat which is adjaccnt to the development he lives in. ZA . . . Council Agenda - 9/13/04 Jeff Roiger, 3795 Hayward Court, also expr ssed concern about the placement of the water tower so close to a residential development. He has two boys and he is concerned that the tower will be an attraction to kids and the ki s will be trying to climb the tower. Mayor Thielen explained that prior to regul meeting the City Council met in a special meeting to interview engineering fIrms for t, e design of the new water tower. He assured the residents who spoke that there will be publi informational meetings with the residents prior to construction of the project. The City's 11 'st step in the project is to select an engineering firm which is proposed to be done at this meting. 5. Consent agenda. A. Consideration of ratify new hires an departures for MCC, Liquor Store and Public Works. Recommendation: Approv the hires and depatiures as identified. B. Consideration of a simple subdivisio to create two industrial lots in an 1-2 district. Applicant: Standard Iron & Wire W rks. Recommendation: Approve a simple subdivision of the parcel described a Lots 7 and 8, Block 2, Oakwood Industrial Park to create two parcels as legally descr bed in the revised Certification of Survey dated September 3, 2004 prepared by Tayl r Land Surveyors. Consideration of adopting annexatio resolution for Rask property - Denny Hecker. Recommendation: Approve the res lution annexing property known as the "Rask" property lying in Section I 0, Towns ip 121, Range 25. Resolution #2004-70. C. D. Consideration of review of six mont Liquor Store fInancial report. Recommendation: Accept the Liqu r Store financial report for the first six months as presented. E. Consideration of resolution adopting 2005 preliminary tax levy. Recommendation: Adopt the resolution setting the 2005 preliminary budget tax levy at $6,957,915 and certify this amount to the County Au itor. Resolution #2004-71. Consideration of Conditional Use Pe mit for a Special Home Occupation for Spiritual/Intuitive Readings and Rei i Ilcalings in an R-I district. - Applicant: Kristin M. Thomas/healing with Spirit. Ree mmendation: Approve the Conditional Use Permit for a Special Home Occupati n for Healing with Spirit with the condition that the operation of the home occupatiOI complies with the standards identified by ordinance with retail activity to be Ii ited to purchases made by customers in conjunction with an appointment for service. No retail sales apart from appointments will be allowed. Staff will evaluate t e operation in one year and place consideration of renewal of the special home occu ation permit on the Planning Commission agenda if violations of the terms are observe and/or if neighborhood complaints are heard F. 2 ;}{i . . . Council Agenda - 9113/04 with the Planning Commission havi g the latitude to add additional conditions if so desired. G. Consideration of a request to amend n existing development stage planned unit development for a fence line additio and building expansion in an B-3 district. Applicant: Amax Self Storage. Ree mmendation: Approve the PUD amendment for the expansion of the AMAX Self Sto age facility based on a finding that the proposed improvements are consistent with th previous approvals and meet the City's engineering requirements for stormw ter management in the area. This recommendation is conditioned on al new improvements being consistent with the existing conditions on the site, inclu ing building materials, landscaping and paving. II. Consideration of proposed ordinance establishing a franchise agreement with the Monticello Public Schools for Fiber ptic System. Recommendation: Approve adoption of an ordinance granting th Monticello School District a fiber optic franchise agreement. Glen Posusta requested that item #5E be rem ved from the consent agenda. GLEN POSUST A MOVED TO APPROVE HE CONSENT AGENDA WITH THE ADDITION OF ITEM #7 AS #5H AND TH REMOVAL OF ITEM #5E. ROGER CARLSON SECONDED THE MOTION. OTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 6. Consideration of items removed from the 5E: Glen Posusta questioned whether the pm osed tax levy was $6.9 million or $6.7 million. Rick Wolfsteller indicated the correct figure as $6.9 million. Glen Posusta stated that the $500,000 the Council had asked to be cut fro the budget should be reflected in a reduced levy amount. He didn't feel the City should e putting money away f(Jr future projects that have not yet been determined. Bruce Thiele stated that one of projects the City was looking at financing was the CSAH 18/1-94 Interchan: e. This project will require a significant contribution from the City. 'fhe City could l se the $500,000 of proposed cuts this year as part of this contribution or they could wait an levy it all next year which would increase the levy considerahly. Glen Posusta said he didn t feel there was anything wrong in the city accumulating funds for a given project. It is ore of an ethical issue since it has not been determined whether the CSAII 18/1-94 Inter hange project would be going through. Bruce Thielen said the City needs to set a pre iminary levy at this time. The City can lower this levy before the final levy is set but they c nnot increase it. Rick Wolfsteller stated that the levy reflects what the Council directed at he budget workshop which was to set the levy the same as it had been in 2004 and to cut $5 0,000 from the preliminary budget. Roger Carlson stated that City always retains the rig t to reduce the final levy amount. Brian Stumpf stated he was comf(Jrtable with leaving the Ie y amount the same as it was in 2004. Bruce Thielen added the it was not common that a c ty had no increase in the levy amount. Rick 3 QA . . . Council Agenda - 9/13/04 Wolfsteller said the Council must set a preJi 1inary levy amount which they will not exceed at the time of the final levy. ROBBIE SMITH MOVED TO ADOPT TIl~ RESOLUTION SETTING THE 2005 PRELIMINARY BUDGET TAX LEVY A $6,957,915 AND CERTIFYING THIS AMOUNT TO TIlE COUNTY AUDITOR. BRIAN STUMPF SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED WITH GLEN POSUS A VOTING IN OPPOSITION. 7. reement with the Added to the consent agenda as item #5H. 8. REMOVED FROM AGENDA. 9. Consideration of a resolution authorizin 1m rovement Pro' ect includin associate City Engineer, Bret Weiss, explained the $2 ,000,000 project cost included trunk sanitary sewer lines in the amount of $3,000,000, tru k storm sewer in the amount of $2,000,000 and the Fallon Avenue overpass in the amount 0 '$3,600,000. The interchange work alone is approximately $14,000,00. The City would e responsible for $7,000,000 of the total project cost not including trunk fees. The Council ad directed staff to work with the property owner of an 80 acre parcel south of the freeway an with the owner of a 50 acre parcel across from the concrete plant. The financing plan calle for the City to receive a commitment of $6,300,000 from the two property owners to help defray the project costs. The property owners to date indicate a willingness to co it to about $5,000,000 in cost. Bret Weiss stated the negotiations are tenuous. The pr perty owners feel the City will want this interchange and the development that will t ' 'e place as a result of it and for that reason will proceed with project. Bret Weiss stated that the commitment from MnDOT is in place but MnDOT is waiting on actual construction c sts and right of way acquisition costs. MnDOT's committed share is $4,000,000 and Wright ounty is committed to $2,000.000. Bret Weiss noted it is a difficult decision 0 whether to move forward with the project or wait. The developer has a target date they 1 eed a decision by the City whether the project is going in but the City also has to have comm tments from the parties involved before they proceed. The Council questioned the differ nee between what the City had expected in financial commitments from the property 0 ners and what the property owners were willing to pay. Bruce Thielen also questioned whet er this was something that should be negotiated in public or at a closed session. Brian Sturn f felt there was a level of commitment that the City needed and he didn't know if the City s; ould negotiate or move trom that number. Rick Wolfsteller stated that the number was estab ished by looking at appraisal information and other data but it is not a number that is cast i stone. Bret Weiss said the $6,300,00 is the objective on the City's part but he didn't wa 1t it to drive the developer away. The developers 4 dA- . Council Agenda - 9/13/04 feel the City needs to have the interc1l<mge. Ithough some development has already taken place in this area there is still undeveloped 13 d to assess for the cost of the interchange. If the City delays the project, development may co tinue to take place without the interchange being constructed, leaving even less land to assess or the interchange cost when it does get constructed. Bret Weiss felt the interchange was a trans po ation improvement as well as a project allowing f()r development. Glen Posusta que' tioned whether there was a transportation need. He didn't feel the traffic in the area was a pr blem and that this is a county road not a major arterial road. Bruce Thielen countered that ri ht now there is no commercial development, like a Kohl's or a Target there and if one was constructed what would that do to traffic in the area. Bret Weiss said the reason the city started thi project was to add the 2 legs but MnDOT said the City had to plan for a full interchange. nDOT asked if the City could move on the interchange early because MnDOT was looki g at removal of the bridge and the interchange project would facilitate the MnDOT project. MnDOT has since decided not to go ahead with their project. If the City does not proceed wi h the project at this time it is unlikely that the City would get the same level of commitmen from MnDO'f on a future project. Also the A VR site would not be any cheaper to acquir at a future date. . Bret Weiss said the developers are waiting to hear something from the Council. Bruce Thielen asked if the city didn't proceed could Glen P susta live with losing a Target or other development on the site. Glen Posusta felt 1'1at if you don't have a developer now, it doesn't mean they won't come back at a future date. Glen Posusta questioned whether the design proposed by WSB was meant to give the Stre ter development more land. Bret Weiss stated the design did maximize the property available for Streeter but also added it was the plan that was most likely to be approved by MnDOT. It was suggested that a number of councilme bel'S could work with staff to negotiate a number f()f the property owners share of the p oject costs. Roger Carlson felt there was a transportation issue for the City but questione whether it was $29,000,000. Glen Posusta felt the key player in the this project was A VR an they have not been involved in the decision process. Brian Stumpf felt the City should sti 'k as close to the $6,300,000 as possible in their negotiation. Robbie Smith noted the difficult he has with this is that residents are expecting developers to foot a cost for this and it would be difficult to tell residents that the developers portion of the bill has come down. Bruce Th elen and Roger Carlson indicated they would be willing to work with staff on determining a d lIar figure for the developers portion of the project cost. BRIAN STUMPF MOVED TO TABLE ACT ON OF AUTHORIZING PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS FOR TI IE CSAH 18/1-94 INTERCHANGE AND TO APPOINT BRUCE THIELEN AND ROGER CARLSON TO we RK WITH STAFF ON NEGUflA TING PROJECT COSTS FOR TIlE PROPERTY 0 ERS. ROBBIE SMITH SECONDED THE . 5 a-Ft . . . 10. MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIM USL Y. Council Agenda - 9/13/04 Consideration of selection of firm to desi n and construct the water tower site in the lat of Jefferson Commons. Prior to the regular meeting the City Co unci conducted interviews with three engineering firms for the design and construction of a w ter tower. These firms were Progressive Consulting Engineers, Bonestroo, Rosene, nderlik and Associates and WSB & Associates. When asked for his recommendation, John '- imola indicated that he, Matt Theisen, the Water Superintendent and City Administrator, Rie Wolfsteller, had extensively studied the proposals. Based on that study and on the resentations made by the firm at the special meeti ng, he was recommending the firm of onestroo, Rosene, Anderlik and Associates. He noted they were $40,000 lower than the next firm and had included in their price the option to bid both types of towers. In addition they w re up front about the moving the tower location away from the residential area. Brian Stumpf indicated that he was impress - d by the presentation given by Progressive Engineering but was also comfortable with t e firm of Bonestroo, Rosene, Anderlik and Associates. Bruce Thielen stated that since all of the firms interviewed were proposing to use KLM for inspection services, he felt that wa a plus. He noted that Bonestroo, Rosene, Anderlik and Associates had experience wit over 40 water tower project so he felt they were the most experienced firm. Glen Posusta fel the experience factor carried a lot of weight for him. Robbie Smith said based on the prese tation and the recommendation of John Simola and Matt Theisen, he felt comfortable with onestroo, Rosene, Anderlik and Associates. Glen Posusta brought up the location of the roposed water tower and whether that shouldn't be looked at again. Bruce Thielen fclt by rei eating the tower it would change the scopc of the project. Bret Weiss agreed it would chm ge it somewhat since there is no water main to the site and no access if the tower was locat d somewhere else within the Jefferson Commons plat. Glen Posusta stated he had questioned why no public meetings were required on the water towcr. Bruce Thielen stated that rath r than having a discussion on the water tower location, the city need to select the engineeri g firm, meet with neighborhood and see if the existing site can be made to work. Glen Po usta asked about extending the road. Rick Wolfsteller indicated the road extension wo Id not be required right away unless the City was to change the location of the water tower sit . ROBBIE SMITH MOVED TO SELECT TI- E FIRM OF BONESTROO, ROSENE, ANDERLIK AND ASSOCIATES FOR Tll, CONSTRUCTION OF THE WATER TOWER BASED ON THE EXPERIENCE OF THE IRM. GLEN POSUSTA SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIM USL Y 6 dA . . . Council Agenda - 9/13/04 11. Consideration of rantin an increase to he individual ension for Volunteer Firefiehters Relief Association members. Rick Wolfsteller presented the background i formation on the request for an increase in the pension for the relief association from $2,225 to $2,625. The calculations submitted by the relief associations shows sufficient assets to cover the proposed increase. Rick Wolfsteller noted calculations were based on interest ea nings of 5% and there is no guarantee that 5% will be earned. Brian Stumpf stated because he is a vested ember of the relief association he would not be voting on this item. GLEN POSUSTA MOVED TO GRANT A INCREASE TO THE INDIVIDUAL PENSION FOR VOLUNTEER FIREFIGHTERS RELl ~'F ASSOCIATION MEMBERS IN THE AMOUNT OF $2,625/PER YEAR OF SER ICE. ROGER CARLSON SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED WITH BR AN STUMPF ABSTAINING. 12. Consideration of acce tin Street Reconstruction Ci art of the Area 2 Core City Engineer Bret Weiss provided backgro . nd information on this item which proposes to remove a portion of wetland from the backards of residents on Oak Ridge Drive and Meadow Oak Drive. Any approval of the etland replacement application should be contingent upon review by the Parks Commission since the replacement wetland will expand the existing wetland in the park. The existi g wetland area is proposed to be filled in. BRIAN STUMPF MOVED TO ACCEPT T -IE WETLAND REPLACEMENT PLAN CONTINGENT UPON PARK COMMISSI N REVIEW AND APPROVAL. ROBBIE SMITH SECONDED THE MOTION. MO' 'ION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. Added Items: Sandberg Road: City Engineer, Bret Weiss brough up the issue of the overlay of Sandberg Road which had been proposed as part of the Core Street roject. Three options are available which include: do the mill and overlay the road; complete he mill and overly construction on Sandberg Road north of Chelsea Road or to el iminate Sandbe g road altogether from the contract. Bret Weiss noted that the MnDOT will not allow a driveway co nection to TH 25 and they could not construct a cul-de-sac without taking additional land so there ar no good options available relating to the access. Glen Posusta felt in order to fix the problem the Ci y helped create, may be the City should look at paying the property owner to relocate and he asked if that had been considered. Ollie Koropchak indicated that this had not been reviewed by the H nor had they been asked to consider it. 7 ~A . . . Council Agenda - 9/13104 BRIAN STUMPF MOVED TO MILL AND OVER A Y THE AREA OF SANDBERG ROAD NORTII OF CHELSEA ROAD. GLEN POSUSTA SECONDED THE MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSL Y. League Conference: Rick Wolfsteller noted that te LMC annual conference is scheduled for Sunday through Tuesday, October 10-12, 2004. Sin 'e there is a regular Council meeting scheduled for October 11, he questioned whether any of the co mCll would be attending the conference and if there was a need to re-schedule the meeting. Indica ion of the Council was that nobody would be attending the conference. Rod and Gun Club: Robbie Smith stated that he h d received a complaint from a resident that shooting at the gun club was taking place at all hour and on Sunday and they questioned if there was something in place to regulate their hours of operati n. Staff will check into this further. 13. Adjourn. ROBBIE SMITH MOVED TO ADJOURN T 8:25 P.M GLEN POSUST A SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UN IMOUSL Y. Recording Secretary 8 ~A . . . MIN TES SPECIAL MEETING - MO TICELLO CITY COUNCIL Monday, Septcm er 13,20045 p.m. Members Present: Roger Carlson, Glen osusta, Robbie Smith, Brian Stumpf and Bruee Thielen. Members Absent: None 1. Call to Order. Mayor Thielen called the meeting to order d explained the purpose of the special meeting was to interview firms to be considered f()r t e design of the City water tower. 2. Interviews: 5:00 p.m.: KLM Engineering, Inc. Jack Kollmer, representing KLM gave a pres ntation on their firm and the role they would play in the design and construction of the water tower. KLM would be providing the inspection services regardless of which of three enginee ing firms interviewed is selected. Mr. Kollmer reviewed the services his firm p ovides at the various stages of the process from preparation of plans and specifications, revie of shop drawings, shop inspection of welding, surface preparation, primer application and p jnting. They also would be providing field inspection during the construction process. e emphasized that good inspection services at all stages of the project can save money as error or flaws can be detected sooner and corrected. Mr. Kollmer emphasized the hands on appro' ch his firm uses. Mr. Kollmer also discussed shop priming -vs field preparation. Since field preparation requires containment, he felt that shop primi g would be the way to go. John Simola asked what type of warranties ar acceptable. .Jack Kollmer said two year warranties are typical. John Simola also aske about cathodic protection. Jack Kollmer stated that if you have cathodic protection and there is a failure, there is protection against corrosion. If you don't have cathodic protection you sho ld monitor the surface on a three year basis and there is likely to be more spot maintenance. Brian Stumpf asked if Kl..M inspectors team p with city staff for inspections. John Simola indicated that for the most part KLM would b - doing all of the inspections and city stalT would be involved only on certain occasions. Matt 'heisen asked about KLM's work load and if they have sufficient number of inspectors for the .ork load. ;<0 Council Minutes Special Meeting - 9/13/04 . 5:30 p.m. - Progressive Consulting Engin Naeem Qureshi and David Brown made the resentation for Progressive Consulting Engineers. Mr. Qureshi indicated that the water tower i a fairly standard project but pointed out there are a number of items to consider in order to have a successful project. One is the public acceptance of the location of the tower in or near a resid ntial area. He suggested locating the tower to minimize opposition from residents and to p ovide proper screening of the site. He also discussed computer model simulation of the xisting system and the future system. This would allow them to see how the new tank would ork with other storage facilities in the system and to see if the new tank fills as it is meant to. 'he third item is selection of the type of tank desired, composite or steel. Mr. Qureshi no ed that the standards are not in place for composite tanks as there are for steel tanks. lie thought that steel tanks were easier to add antennas or additional openings on to. Other factors he f1lt important were making sure the design allowed for ease in operation of the facility and that t e project would have quality inspection. The inspection would ensure conformance with t c specifications which would increase the operating life of the tower. It is proposed to bid clear coating as an alternative. If selected for the project, PCE had a time IiI e of September 2004 through July, 2006 for project completion. . John Simola asked about dctermining cost dj, ferences between composite tower and steel towers and how PCE would make a recomm ndation to the City. Mr. Qureshi stated that the cost of steel is going up. He indicated that ill st of the projects PCE has worked on reccntly have been steel rather than composite but the r firm has constructed composites. John Simola asked about change orders. Mr. Qureshi statcd that change orders occur only about 2%. When specifications are not clear is when you end up with change orders on a project. Dave Brown added that KLM is giv n a copy of the design plans for their review which he felt helped give them a good projec . John Simola asked what they would do to en ure that there was a good quality painter for the project. PCE indicated there would be a pre qualification document which would eliminate thosc less experienced people from the proje t. John Simola asked ifthere was any benefit to a pre-bid conference. Mr. Qureshi felt a pre-bid conference was a must since it helps eliminat s ambiguities in the plans and specifications. Glen Posusta questioned the 90 hours on pre I minary design while other firms had 300 hours or more. Mr. Qureshi stated that the project is f: irly standard and the design is relatively simple. 6:00 p.m. - Bonestroo, Rosene, Anderlik & Associates . Tom Rashard and Mark Rolfs made the prese tation for Bonestroo, Rosene, Anderlik & Associates. They discussed the type of tower noting that there is not the structural design codes for composite towers as there is for ste I towers. Mark Rolfs emphasized that public 2 ~(!) Council Minutes Special Meeting - 9/13/04 . acceptance of the project is a key factor and s ggested a neighborhood meeting to keep nearby residents informed of what was taking place. Plus he felt computer renditions of how the tower wil1look in a given location will go a 1: ng way to alleviate residents concerns. Mr. Rolfs also discussed ways to minimize the impact f the tower location in a residential area and in this case he would suggest that the building Id tower be switched around on the site. BRA would propose bidding both a composi e and steel tower as they felt that would get a better price as well as more bids. He also n ted the volatility of steel prices. Mark Rolfs discussed computer modeling an if an altitude valve would be needed. Mr. Rolfs indicated they customize their design stands 0 match KLM inspection methods. Mr. Rolfs also covered placement of antennas, etc. on the to er and provided some examples of how that was done on various towers they constructed. H also addresscd the hydraulic imbalance in the City's system. . John Simola asked what could be done to sp ed up the shop drawing approval process. Bruce Thielen asked about the mczzaninc and the a tenna placement. Mr. Rolfs stated that if the City knew the requirements of antennas that woul be placed on the mezzanine this would be incorporated into the tower design. Glen Po usta asked what the thickness was of the concrete wall on a composite tower. Mr. Rolfs indica: ed 9"-11". Matt Theisen asked about bleeding rust in the winter. Robbie Smith asked ab ut the number of hours thcy showed and if this was because they were bidding both types 0 . tank. He also asked if their not to excccd price was guaranteed. Mr. Rolfs stated that if the cope of the project did not change the price would not change. 6:30 p.m. WSB & Associates, Inc. Nancy Ziegler and Bret Weiss gave the pres ntation for WSB & Associates. Bret Weiss stated that WSB does have the stall who can climb the tower and make sure the project is done correctly. Bret Weiss went over the stalTmembers from his firm who would be working on the project if WSB was selected and noted that ; LM would be providing the inspection services for WSB on this project. Nancy Ziegler reviewed the various phases (f the project from preliminary study to post construction operation. She went on to di cuss other items such a sizc and type of tower, layout of the tower on the parcel, design iss es, cost and public acceptance of the project. She noted that thc rising cost of steel made looki.lg at a composite tower worthwhi Ie. She felt it was important that the city got the tower the wanted with the life expectancy that was specified. She stated construction manage I ent is very important as is inspection ofthe work. Bruce Thielen asked how many tower proje ts she had been involved with. Nancy Ziegler indicated that there were two locally and an mber of them in Venezuela. . Nancy Ziegler indicated the design work co Id he done by January 2005 and construction would run through August 2006. ;2b . . . Council Minutes Special Meeting - 9/13/04 John Simola asked her opinion about antenn s on the tower. Nancy Ziegler said there isn't a problem with putting antennas on the mezza line but she did recommend separate entrances. Tom Perrault asked about public acceptance Bret Weiss said that once an engineering firm has been selected that firm could begin to look a ways to mitigate the impact of the water tower. I:Ie also notcd that puhlicinformational mee ings would help create a bcttcr acccptancc of the project. 3. Adjourn Thc meeting closed at 6:55 p.m. Recording Secretary 4 ~b . . . SA. Consideration of a A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: Council Agenda - 9/27/04 artures for MCC. (RW) The Council is asked to ratify the hiring and epartures of employees that have occurred recently at the MCC,. As you recall, it is ree mmended that the Council officially ratify the hiring of all new employees including part-ti e and seasonal workers. B. AL TERNA TIVE ACTIONS: 1. Ratify the hiring of the employees as dentified on the attached list. C. SUPPORTING DATA: Lists of new employees. . . . NEW EMPLOYE 5 Name Title Depar ment Hire Date Class Peterson, Andrea Lead Guard MCC 9/10/2004 part-time TERMINATING EMPL :>YEES Name Reason Depar ment Last Day Class Hohlen, Mitch voluntary MCC 8/1/2004 partMtime Hook, Angela voluntary MCC 9/1/2004 part-time Jude, Jason voluntary MCC 8/10/2004 part-time Schaffer, Julia voluntary MCC 9/1/2004 part-time Shoen, Ellen voluntary MCC 8/17/2004 part-time Watters, Elizabeth voluntary MCC 8/27/2004 part-time employee councillist.xls: 9/21/2004 SA -.---... -.. ,,--.--.. ... . -".-."....--. . . . Council Agenda -9/27/04 58. uor license for winc tastin event at the A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: Hi- Way Liquors is proposing to hold a win tasting event at the Monticello Community Center on October 29, 2004 from 7 p.m. to p.m. State statutes require a non-profit organization conducting a wine tasting even to obtain temporary on sale license for the event. B. AL TERNA TIVE ACTIONS: 1. Approve temporary on-sale license f r Hi- Way Liquors for a wine tasting event on October 9, 2004 at the Monticello C mmunity Center. 2. Do not approve the temporary on-sal license. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: D. It is recommended that the City Council app ove the temporary on-sale liquor license for the October 29,2004 wine tasting event. SUPPORTING DATA: Copy of application SEP-13-2004 11:22 FROM:HIWAYLIQUORS 97632958891 TO: 92954404 P:2/2 :;;&Of~ .~ Minnesota Ocpartme t of Public Safety ALCOHOL AND GAMBLING NFORCEMENT DIVISION 444 Cedar Street Suire 133, t. Paul MN 55101-5133 (651) 296"6979 .fax (651) 297 5259 TIV (651) 282-6555 WWW.DPS.STTE.MN.US ,-2tt..fE OR l"R,[NT TJNFORM .0 Nt\MI:;. Of ORGA NI7.A nON Hi-Wa Li uors S.'J:'IU~I:T ^'Jr>R,I;:'<::S 545 Pine. PO Box 845 NAME OP I"F.RSON MAKING APPf..J:CA'nON Joe Hartman Mana er lJA TF.s I.IQUOR WILt. BE StJI,D 0 10'" dn,-s:) October 29 2004 ())Wl\Nll.ATIC.),,\l O'!-l'ICER,'S NAMI'; Al'PUCAnON D P.ERMIT FOR A 1 '1'0 4 DAY TEMl"ORARY N~SALF;. LIQUOR UCENSE (~ntl(lO or ~lio. Jiml1acl1o 3 ',~ ill. I. 12 mOIllD perJocl) Olt(IANI7A'nON O!",..lCwt'S NA.Ml! en Monti ello aUsrN.;., S j'HONg rl6 95-5222 TYr/: OJ' OR,GAN'lJ\TTON [jI CUm u CHARlTABLB QJ REUGJOtFS II: Oll'JlliR NO)llPROFrT ADJ)RJ::::S ' 545 ine Abl>RES 0]l.trANJZA'I'ION OI'I~(;'I:;.R'~ AM:I~ Loc.atiOD "'hu:l.l , an o..rclOln~~, ~ b.~ ' C Cen . Will r.bC' :rpl;'lio,1111 ~t1tTll'\'lr rar ib&OlllCflnap: lll):llQ( I1Cr\tj~? If 110, ~~.'c lhe t: .m:! .d~ offlllD tiC/11m' l:ktlmc PI"(\'\rn:tiDj/' tbo e-vice. QI,y/COtlNTy Monticello Wi\[ !be ~ppJ;.,,,O! o.~' Uqnor Jillbili". ilt.o;JI[l'IQ(;(l? If_c" tile CM'iet'" lI.nme (Norm: W:otlblQO j" 1I0! nmmlnIOJi)_ APPROV AmJ:CAl.',rON M VST ~nt AJ>PRO'VE~ BY CI1Y OR CO UNIT BEFORE SVB~'rnJNG TI) UQIJOR CON1'Ror~ CrTY FEE AMOUNl'_. $10 _ O~,____ DATE fEElJoATD SIGNA 1't.1'kE CITY CtRRK OR COUN'lY OF"';lC~AT~ NOTE: Del .."t 'f.:plIIr""~ tho.c, hro fI'.1"h, scnd bldl. pllN to tbe Ilddl'th ~Il' "lid 'ho M'1~1"al' .lfltlted I~' fl.", df\lhhJn ,"'m Ix- l'l:hlrned'... 1:t1~ 1m.W1Cl. Suflmft' Co l:h~ City or CouJlIly atklbt 3D daY' bd'ell'\'. (he "vem.. Ps..oll13190l19$) . . . . c. D. SC. Consideration of an a reement allow in System. (R W) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: Council Agenda - 9/27/04 use of Xcel Ener Xcel Energy (NSP) is asking the City Counc'l to enter into a license and permit agreement specifying that the City of Monticello can ut lize the existing emergency siren system for non-nuclcar emergencies. Although the eme gency siren system has been used for years for other warnings, such as tornadoes, the syste was constructed and is owned by Xccl Energy. The agreement would generally grant the Cit right to use it for other emergency purposes and noted that Xcel Energy is not liable for any d mages should the system ever be inoperable. B. AL TERNA TIVE ACTIONS: 1. Approve entering into a license and p rmit agreement allowing the City to continue using the emergency siren system for other non-nuclear emergency events. ST AFF RECOMMENDATIONS: It is the recommendation of the Civil Defens Director and City Administrator that the agreement be approved. A license agreemen does not actually change how the system is being used but simply clarifies that NSP is not liabl should the sirens be inoperable for non-nuclear emergency events. SUPPORTING DATA: Copy of license and permit agreement. . LICENSE AN FOR US NUCLEAR EMERGEN This License and Permit For The Use Agreement ("Agreement") entered into this Northern States Power Company d/b/a Xcel E Minnesota (hereinafter "City"). PERMIT OF Y SIREN SYSTEM f The Nuclear Emergency Siren System day of , 2004, by and between ergy ("NSP") and the City of Monticello, WHEREAS, the United States Nucle r Regulatory Commission ("NRC") has required by regulation that NSP instal1 a "publi notification system" to alert the public in the event a nuclear emergency occurs at its Mont"cello Nuclear Generating Plant; and WHEREAS, pursuant to such NRC req irement NSP has constructed and instal]ed a public notification system (utili7,ing sirens) on property located in the City and which is legally described and identified on attached Exhi it A hereto; and WHEREAS, the City is required to use nd operate such public notification system for nuclear emergency purposes as directed by he State nuclear emergency plan, and may desire to use and operate the system for other e ergency purposes as it deems appropriate; and WHEREAS, NSP is willing to allow th . City to use the public notification system within its jurisdiction. . NOW THEREFORE, in considerati n of these premises and other good and valuable consideration, the receipt in sufficiency vhereof is hereby acknowledged, the parties hereto covenant and agree as follows: I. NSP hereby grants City a nonexclusive lice se and permit to use and operate the public notification system constructed and inst lled by NSP within its jurisdiction and identified on Exhibit A attached hereto for the Monticello Nuclear Generating Plant, as well as for any other non-nuclear related e ergency conditions designated by the City. 2. The public notification system constructed nd installed by NSP shall be and remain the sole property of NSP and the City shall not by reason of this Agreement acquire title or ownership in or to said public notification s stem.. 3. NSP shall be responsible for all necessary aintenance and upkeep so that the system remains in operable condition in accordanc Witll the requirements of the NRC. 4. NSP shall use its best efforts to coordinate with the City any inspections, maintenance, repairs and testing of the public notificatio system which may be required by the NRC. 5. NSP shall defend, indemnify and save larmless City from and against all costs, liabilities, claims and damages, whether 0 account of bodily injury or death and/or property damage sustained by any person r thing which is caused or contributed to by the design, construction, installation, tnaint nance, repair or NRC-directed testing of the . SG public notification system; or the use or operation of the public notification system solely as a result of a nuclear emergency at the Monticello Nuclear Generating Plant, and NSP shall, at its sole expense, defend any and all actions based thereon and pay all reasonable attorneys fees, costs and expe lses including settlements arising therefrom. City shall tender to NSP the defense of an action arising under this Section. . 6. City shall defend, indemnify and save SP harmless from and against all costs, liabilities, claims and damages, whether n account of bodily injury or death and/or property damage sustained by any person )1' thing which is caused or contributed to by the use or operation of the public notifica 'on system for any other purpose or situation not identified in Section 5, the City shall, . t its sole expense, defend any and all actions based thereon and pay all reasonable atorneys fees, costs and expenses including settlements arising therefrom. NSP shall t nder to City the defense of any action arising under this Section. 7. In no event shall NSP be liable to City fo' any loss or damages caused by or resulting from the unavailability of the public noti cation system due to maintenance, repair or testing; or due to system shutdowns (r interruptions which are beyond NSP's reasonable control. 8. The provisions of Sections 5, 6 and 7 sha apply notwithstanding any other provisions of this Agreement or of any other agr ement, and shall apply to the full extent permitted by law and regardless of fault; a d shall survive the expiration or termination of this Agreement. . 9. No provision of this Agreement shall in an way inure to the benefit of any third person (including the public at large) so as to constitute any such person a third party beneficiary of this Agreement or of any 01 e or more of the terms hereof, or otherwise give rise to any cause of action in any perso 1 not a parry hereto. 10. All notices, requests, demands and other ommunications required by or necessary to this Agreement shall be in writing. Notic shall be deemed to have been given when delivered by hand or deposited in the Unied States Mail, certified with return receipt requested, postage prepaid, addressed to t e appropriate party at its respective mailing address as set forth below, or elsewhere as ach may direct by prior written notice. To: City of Monticello To: Northern States Power Compan 414 Nicollet Mall Minneapolis, Minnesota 55401 II. NSP may assign this Agreement without the prior written consent of the City. . 2 ,SG . . . 12. This license and permit shall continuc in t rce and effect until terminated by eithcr party by not less than 90 days prior written otice to the other party. 13. In the event any words, phrases, clauses, s ntences or other provisions hereof violate any statutc, ordinancc or law, such shall be ineffective to the extent of such violation without invalidating the remainder of the - greement. 14. The Agreement constitutes the entire a d sole agreement between the Parties concerning the subject matter herein an all prior negotiations, representations, understandings or agreements are not part f the Agreement and shall have no force or effect. Any waiver by either Party of y provision or condition of the Contract must be in writing and signed by the Pa y to be bound. No such waiver shall be constmcd or deemed to be a waiver of any other provision or condition of this Agreement, nor a waiver of subsequent breach of the same provision or condition. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have caused this license and permit agreement to be duly executed as of the day < nd year fUst above written. NORTH:RN STATES POWER COMPANY By: Its: CITY OF Monticello, MINNESOTA By: Its: 3 SG . . . 5D. Council Agenda - 9/27/04 Consideration of a ointment of election 'ud (RW) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROlJND: The City Council is asked to approve the jLl ges to serve at the general election on November 2, 2004. This basically the sam' list of judges that were appointed for the primary election. Adair Alexander Joan Brandon Janet Bromberg Edith Custer Kristi DeMarais Kay Gauthier Lori Kraemer Judy Moody Richard Quick Patricia Sonju- Thielman Diane Wefel B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: Fred Anderso Donna Brauc David Carlso Rosemary Da J an Doucette Lynnea Gillh m Wanda Krae er Robert Nelso Randy Smith Opal Stokes Lorraine W 01 f C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Gregory Ashfeld Ron Broekemeier Lucille Clausen Mary Daniels Jeanette Holt J an Irvine Arlene McIntire Merri Jo Nesland Rita Soltau Sandy Suchy 1. Appoint the individuals listed abov to serve as election judges for the Novemher 2, 2004 general election. It is a req uirement that the Counei I approv the appointment of election judges. The judges listed above have all completed the raining required by the Secretary of State and are qualified to serve as election judges. D. SUPPORTING DATA: None . . . Council Agenda - 9/27/04 7. Public Hearin on consideration of ado t n an ordinance chan in the street name from W oUers Wa and W oUers Circle in the at of Prairie Ponds to Dee an Court. (R W) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROtJND: The City Council is being asked to approve hanging the name of the streets in the plat of the Prairie Ponds Addition from Wolters Way ald Wolters Circle to Deegan Court. This is requested so that the street names in the Pra'rie Ponds plat conform to the County's grid system. The City became aware of the discrepancy i the street name when the Jefferson Commons plat was recorded. Since the Prairie Ponds prop rty has not yet been developed, it was felt now would be an appropriate time to change the treet names so that they do conform to the County's grid system. As part of this process, a public hearing has een called for so that the Council can address any concerns the property owner may have. M' iled notice has been given to the property owner. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Move to adopt an ordinance changin T the street names in the plat of Prairie Ponds from Wolters Way and Wolters Circle to eegan Court. 2. Move not to adopt the ordinance effi cting the street name change. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: The City Administrator recommends Altern tive #1 as it will bring the streets in the Prairie Ponds plat into contc)[mance with the Count's grid system and since the property is basically non-developed at this time, the street name hange can be done with minimum inconvenience to the property owner. D. SUPPORTING DATA: Map showing roads affected. . 126~.;O' . <::-, ~ ~ <J . .l~.~ ;.,"'1' ~ ~~"J i-' '-~; ~f.' f, -, G Ii " . . _n "--- i -, .. ~ 8 ~ e2~._ ~~; . ~E~ ~ ~~!::l ~ >-~~ ..;:j~-- ~ ~ ; ~ .~ ~ ~ U> ~ '"' >oj I'D -. ~ I'D '"' tn if -- g. f- ~ ~ ! lJQ ro =- , , m , N --, . ....~!1~:,~ }z.. r: " \~~~~""")- "'>-- ....~ ''''':0- (I. . - - '--' {-' .- 3 __~_ . "----"e .. ;~ -Il: ~ - .,~ '~- '- -',- J --J.= 'f=-l- .............--. ...tr~ ""'.1' ~~ ~ ..\.-"-"VV'" >-d !: H ~ - t<l- - ~- I ~_~I . 8. Consideration of a ointments to the .Joint PI OA-I061. (RW) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: . Council Agenda - 9/27/04 Board as set forth in Joint Arcement The Joint Agreement between the City of Monti ello and Monticello Township that has been recently approved calls for the creation of a join planning board to deal with various zoning and planning issues within the orderly annexation ar a. The five member joint planning board (.IPB) shall consist of two memhers appointed by the t wnship board, two members appointed by the City Council and one member of the Wright County oard, appointed jointly by the City Council and Township Board. The .IPB shall serve as the governing body and oard of appeals and adjustments within the OAA with the Wright County Planning and Zoning 0 fice serving as staff and advisors to the JPB. Since current uses within the orderly annexation area must comply with current Wright County zoning and planning regulations, there isn't an i lmediate need for the creation of a JPB but is possihle that the need could arise in the future f I' the JPB to review conditional use permits or special request that may require modifications t the County's zoning ordinances. In order to be prepared for the future, the agreement calls for t le City Council to appoint two city representatives to the .lPB. With Mayor Thielen and Councilm mber Stumpf being the two representatives who were most involved in the mediation sessions to arrive at this agreement, the Council may want to appoint these two individuals to continue as the city representatives on the .lPB. Once the township board has appointed their tw representatives, the JPB could continue discussions on who should serve as the County oard representative. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: ~ ~u 1. Council could appoint the two represent - tives who served as the mediation committee for the annexation agreement to be member of the JPE. Under this action, Mayor Thielen and C uncilmember Stumpf would be appointed as city representatives. 2. Council could appoint other individuals to represent the City on the JPB. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: . D. It is the City Administrator's assumption that t e Council would want to continue with the two representatives who were involved in the negot ations establishing the .lPB, but it is entirely the Council's decision as to who should be the app inted representatives. SUPPORTING DATA: Portion of joint resolution discussing the JPB. 3. Zoning and Planning. For any areas of the T wnship in the OAA that are not annexed pursuant to this Joint Resolution, planning an zoning authority as specified herein within the OAA shall be governed by a 5-member J int Planning Board (JPB) described as follows: . ..~ . . a. The JPB shall be made up of two embers appointed by the Township Board, two members appointed by the Cit Council, and one member of the Wright County Board appointed jointly b the City Council and Township Board. If the City and Township cannot agr e on the County commissioner member to serve on the JPB, the City and To nship shall alternately strike members serving on the County Board until only one County Board member remains. The remaining County Board me ber not stricken shall be the member appointed to serve on the JPB. b. The JPB shall serve as the "gove ing body" and "board of appeals and adjustments" for purposes ofMi esota Statutes, sections 462.357 and 462.358 within the OAA and shall have all of the powers contained in sections 462.351 to 462.364, except as otherwise p ovided by this Joint Resolution. c. The Wright County Planning and oning Office shall serve as staff and advisors to the JPB, unless othe ise determined by the JPB. The JPB may, at any time, also consult with City s aff as it deems necessary to effectively carry out its duties and responsibilities. The costs of administration of the JPB shall be paid equally by the City and T wnship. Any remuneration (per diem) paid to members serving on the JPB 0 retaining consultants to provide services to the JPB shall be approved and eq ally paid by the members' respective governing bodies. d. The JPB will set the schedules fo necessary zoning and planning fees in the OAA. The fees shall be consiste t with the fee structure used by Wright County, unless otherwise determi ed by the JPB. e. Except as otherwise provided, an action of the JPB to exercise its authority as specified herein must be precede by a majority vote (at least 3 out of the 5 members) of the members of the PB voting on the prevailing side. f. As soon as practicable after exec tion of this Joint Resolution, the JPB shall review the area included in the 0 , existing comprehensive plans in the City, Township and County, and dete ine whether the JPB should develop a joint land use plan for the OM. If a j int plan is developed, the City and Township shall thereafter review and com ent on the plan. The City and Township shall consider incorporating the devel ped plan or plan elements into the City's and Township's respective comprehe sive plans. g. The JPB shall require that the ex sting Township zoning or Wright County zoning, whichever is applicable d more restrictive, in effect within the OAA on the effective date of this Joint Resolution, remain in full force and effect and unchanged during the term ofthi Joint Resolution, unless said area or portion thereof is either first annexed or aid zoning change is otherwise approved by a 4 <j, . supermajority vote (4 out of5 me bers) of the JPs. Any decision by the JPB to zone or rezone portions ofthe 0 shall be subject to review and comment by the City and Township prior to uch zoning or rezoning becoming effective. The JPB shall give the City and T nship at least 30 days to review and comment before making a zoning r rezoning decision. The City or Township shall waive its right to review and omment if it fails to review and comment within the specified period provid d herein. The JPB shall not approve a subdi ision within the OAA unless first approved by a supermajority vote (4 out of 5 members) of the IPS. The Township shall not zone, rezone, plat, re-plat, sub ivide, or re-subdivide within the OAA between the time of development fthis Joint Resolution and the effective date of this Joint Resolution, unless ot erwise agreed to in writing by the City. For the purposes of this paragraph, "s division" shall not include building entitlement transfers for agricultur I lot splits and property transfers between family members under the current right County Zoning Ordinance, as adopted by the Township. . h. Failure of the JPB to exercise any fits authority as described herein shall not render this Joint Resolution or an other provisions contained herein invalid or unenforceable, and the terms and onditions contained in this Joint Resolution shall otherwise remain in full fore and effect and binding upon the parties hereto. 1. Each member serving on the JPB hall serve a period of one year ending December 31. Members shall se e at the discretion oftheirrespective governing bodies and members m y be removed at any time prior to the expiration of their term, or altern ; ively a term on the JPB may be extended, by action of a member's respective g verning body. Notwithstanding the foregoing, the county commissio er member serving on the JPB remains subject to Paragraph 3.a. of this J int Resolution. J. The JPB shall meet monthly or as needed as determined by the JPB members. k. Arbitration. Notwithstanding Par graph 14 of this Joint Resolution, the City or Township aggrieved by a decisio of the JPB may require that a determination of the JPB, or any action or inacti n by the JPB inconsistent with or otherwise in violation of this Paragraph 3 b submitted to binding arbitration. . The aggrieved party shall contact the Bureau of Mediation Services for a list of five (5) qualified arbitrators and t e City and Township shall, within ten (10) days of receipt of said list, altern tely strike from the list until only a single arbitrator remains. The City and ownship may alternately jointly agree to an arbitrator. The City and Townshi shall be the parties to any arbitration related 5 " ,~:. . . . Coum;il Agenda 9/27/04 9. Trunk Hi hwa 25 at School Boulevard Monticello Project No. 2004-19C) (WSB) A. REFERENCE ANn BACKGROUNn: A traffic signal is proposed at the intersecti n of Trunk Highway 25 with School Boulevard. 'fhe State of Minnesota require a Traffic Control Signal Agrcement, which identifies the funding share of construction nd also maintenance responsibilities. This agreement is typical of an agreement f r a tratlic control signal system at an intersection with a Trunk Highway. The St te will pay 50% of the traHic signal system and interconnect cost minus the lump sum c tate-furnished materials plus cight percent teJr construction engineering. The City will pa the remaining 50% of the traflic signal system and interconnect, 100% power, mai tain the luminaires, relamp signals and street lights, clean and paint the system and maint in crosswalks. The State will maintain the signing and interconnect and perform all ot er traffic control signal and street light maintenance. This signal agreement needs to be signed b all parties prior to awarding the contract. The bid opening is scheduled for October 6, 2004, with a potential award date set for October II, 2004. These dates are essential to attempt to have the traffic signal opcrational by Thanksgiving. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: I. Approve Traffic Control Signal Agr cment No. 87072, per attached rcsolution. 2. Deny agreement. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: It is the recommendation of the City Engine r that the City Council pass a resolution entering into Agreement No. 87072 with th State of Minnesota. D. SUPPORTING DATA: Copy of agreement for signal installation an rcsolution. (-.I,/,)()( '{ /A II,.'., 11/)..1 J1iN. I.(;W )I,U)( 'Arg-!I Ji..'m/}lagllikmOi)] -O-l.d!( . The City and the State ill participate in the cost, maintenance and operation of the ew Traffic Control Signal Interconnect and EVP System. 1. The City will prep necessary plan, specifications and proposal, (Pre iminary Engineering). The City will also perform all necess ry construction inspection, (Construction Engineering). The S will have the right to periodically inspect the Construe work. 2. The Cost of Constr (Construction Cost) consists of the contract cost of the work or, if the work lS not . contracted, the actual cost of all labor, materials, and equipment rental required to complete the work. Construction Cost does not include the cost of providing the power supply to the service pole or pad. 3. The City, with its own resources or by contract, will install a new Traffic Control Signal, Interconnect and EVP System pursuant to the plan and sp cifications for State Project No. 8605-47 and City Project No. 2004-19c. Estimated Construction Cost is $144,030.00. State's share is 50 percent. City's share is 50 percent. 4. The State will furn'sh materials to be installed with the City work provided in Par graph 3. The lump sum cost . 87072 -2- for State-furnished Materials for Paragraph 3 is $36,920.00. State's share is 50 percent. City's share is 50 percent. 5. Upon execution of this agreement and award of the Construction Contract, the State will pay to the City its share of the bid prices for the Construction Costs minus the City's share of the lump sum amount for the State-furnished Materials as specified in Paragraph 4, plus eight(8) percent Construction Engineering. The State's lump sum obligation under this agreement is $57,839.40. 6. The State will promptly pay for City's Construction Contract after the City submits an invoice, itemizing the bid prices of the Construction Cost minus the lump sum State-furnished materials costs plus Construction Engineering. The invoice must be signed by a responsible City official certifying that the work will be completed in compliance with this Agreement. The City's books, records, documents, and accounting procedures and practices relevant to this contract are subject to examination by the State and/or the State Auditor or Legislative Auditor, as appropriate for a minimum of six years from the completion of the construction of this proj ect. 7. If the City solicits bids for all or part of the work in Paragraph 3, the City will submit to the State a certified copy of the low bid received and an abstract of all bids received by the City. The City must request and obtain the 87072 -3- . . . . . . State's written concurrence prior to awarding a construction contract. 8. The City will be r sponsible for the cost and application to secure an adequate power supply to the service pad or pole. Upon completion of this project, the City will thereafter pay all monthly electrical service expenses necessary to operate the Traffic Control Si nal, Interconnect and EVP System. 9. Upon completion of this project, the City will, at its cost and expense: (1) maintain the luminaires and all its components, including replacing the luminaire when necessary; (2) relamp the new traffic control signal and street lights; (3) clean and paint the new traffic control signal, cabinet and luminaire mast arm extensions; and (4) paint and maintain the pedestrian crosswalk arkings. The State will, at its cost and expense, maintain the signing and interconnect and perform all other traffic control signal and street light maintenance. 10. The EVP System will be installed, operated, maintained, or removed in accordance with the following conditions and requirements: a) All maintenanc of the EVP System must be done by State orces. b) Emitter units ay be installed only on authorized erne gency vehicles, as defined in 87072 -4- Minnesota Statutes Section 169.01, . Subdivision 5. Authorized emergency vehicles may use emitter units only when responding to an emergency. The City will provide the State's District Engineer or his/her designated representative a list of all vehicles with emitter units. c) Malfunction of the EVP System must be reported to the State immediately. d) In the event the EVP System or its components are, in the opinion of the State, being misused or the conditions set forth In Paragraph b above are violated, and such . misuse or violation continues after the City receives written notice from the State, the State may remove the EVP System. Upon removal of the EVP System pursuant to this Paragraph, all of its parts and components become the property of the City. e) All timing of the EVP System will be determined by the State. 11. Each party will be solely responsible for its own acts and omissions and the results thereof, to the extent authorized by law. The State's liability is governed by the Minnesota Tort Claims Act, Minnesota Statutes Section 3.736. 87072 -5- . . . . Each party will be solely responsible for its own employees for any Workers Compensation claims. 12. All timing of the n w Traffic Control Signal will be determined by the State, and no changes may be made except with the approval of the State. 13. By signing this agr ement, the City authorize the State to enter upon the City publi right of way to install and maintain the new Traffic Control S gnal, Interconnect and EVP System. 14. Any amendment to th's Agreement must be in writing and will not be effective ntil it has been executed and original Agreement, or their sors in office. approved by the same parties ecuted and approved the 15. If the State fails 0 enforce any provisions of this Agreement, that failure does not waive the provision or its right to enforce it. 16. This Agreement contains all negotiations and agreements between the parties. o other understanding regarding this Agreement, whether written or oral, may be used to bind either party. 17. Minnesota law gove ns this contract. Venue for all legal proceedings arising out of this Agreement, or its breach, must be in the appropriat state or federal court with competent jurisdiction in Ramsey ounty, Minnesota. 8707 -6- 18. This Agreement is effective on the date the State obtains all required signatures under Minnesota Statutes 16C.05, Subdivision 2, and will remain in effect until terminated by written agreement of the parties. The State may immediately terminate this Agreement at any time if it does not obtain funding from the Minnesota legislature, or other funding source, or if funding can not be continued at a level sufficient to complete the work under this Agreement. 87072 -7- . . . . . . By: Date: STATE ENCUMBRANCE VERIFICATION Individual certifies that fun( s have been encumbered as required by Minn. Stat. 55 161.15 and 16C.05. CFMS Contract No. A- 87072 -8- CITY OF MONTICELLO APPROVED AS TO FORM: City Attorney DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION RECOMMENDED FOR APPROVAL: District Engineer COMMISSIONER OF ADMINISTRATION As delegated to Materials Management Division By: Date: 87072 -9- By: Mayor Date: By: City Administrator Date: DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION By: State Design Engineer Date: As to form and execution: By: Contract Management Date: . . . . . . RESOLD ION BE IT RESOLVED that the City of Monticello enter into an agreement with the State of Minnesota, Department of Transportation for the following urposes, to wit: To install a new traffi control signal with street lights, emergency vehic e pre-emption and signing on Trunk Highway No. 25 at School Boulevard; and install interconnect on Trunk H'ghway No. 25 from School Boulevard to Chelsea Ro d in accordance with the terms and conditions set fort and contained in Agreement No. 87072, a copy of wh'ch was before the Council. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED be and hereby are authorized to e amendments, and thereby assume fo of the contractual obligations co hat the proper City officers ecute such agreement and any and on behalf of the City all tained therein. CERTIFI ATION State of Minnesota City of Monticello I hereby certify that t true and correct copy of a resolu by the Council of the City of Mon meeting thereof held on the as shown by the minutes of said m Cit (Seal) e foregoing Resolution is a ion presented to and adopted icello at a duly authorized day of, 2004, eting in my possesslon. Clerk . . . 10. A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: Ci of rovcmcnts At the August 23, 2004 City Council meetil g, the City Council approved thc plans and specifications and authorized the advertise ent for bids for the Meadow Park Storm Sewer Outlet and 1-94/Sunset Ponds Waten ain Improvements. The storm sewer portion of the project consists of constructing a stor sewer outlet pipe from the Meadow Oaks Park Pond across CSAH 75 to the Mn/DOT drainage ditch and culvert that outlets to the wetland in the Sunset Ponds development. he watermain portion of the project consists of thc extension of trunk watermain across I 94 from the Meadow Oaks development to the Sunset development to complete a loopd watermain system. Bids were received on Tuesday, September 1, 2004 at the Monticello Community Center. The low bidder is Yolk Sewer & ater in the amount 01'$175,257.93. The Engineer's Estimate was $209,723.00. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Consider award of the project as rec mmended by the City Engineer. 2. Do not award the project at this tim C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: It is the recommendation of the City Admin strator, Public Works Director, and City Engineer that the contract is awarded, in its ntirety, as identified in Alternative Action 1. The project will be completed by the end of2004. D. SUPPORTING DATA: The Letter of Recommendation and Bid Ta ulation will be available at the City Council meeting. '. IJ)()( '( fA1V-1 l/)A WN- 1.( ;W)\/l.H 'A/..\'---I \ hmp\()1.)2 -O-l-Prnjix" A ward AXI:.'IIda Ilem.du( __.~:::... .c.. . WSB & Associates, Inc. .. . 763.54.1 '<1700 ,FAX September 27, 2004 Honorable Mayor and City Council City of Monticello 505 Walnut Street, Suite 1 Monticello, MN 55362-8822 Re: Meadow Park Storm Sewer Outlet ' d Appurtenant Work and 1-94/Sunset Ponds Watermain Impr vements and Appurtenant Work City of Monticello Project Nos. 200 -09C and 2004-lOC WSB Project Nos. 1488-61 and 148 -64 Dear Mayor and Council Members: Bids were received for the above-reference project on Tuesday, September 21,2004, and were opened and read aloud. A total of 11 ids were received. The bids were checked for mathematical accuracy and tabulated. The ngineer's Estimate was $209,723.00. Please find enclosed the bid tabulation indicating he low bidder as Yolk Sewer & Water, Inc., Brooklyn Park, Minnesota, in the amount $175,257.93. We recommend that the City Council cons' der these bids and award a contract to V olk Sewer & Water, Inc., based on the results f the bids received. Sincerely, WSB & Associates, Inc. ~~ Bret A. Weiss, P.E. City Engineer Enclosure cc: Yolk Sewer & Water, Inc. srb Minneapolis. St Cloud. Equal Opportunity Employer . I .F:\WPWIM1488-Mwcmmdtn Itr.doc PROJECT: Meadow Park Storm Sewer Outlet and Appurtenant Work nd 1-94/ Sunset Ponds Watermaln Improvements and Appurt nant Work City of Monticello Project Nos. 2004-09C and 2004-10C LOCATION: Monticello, MN WSB PROJECT NO.: 1488.61 and 1488-64 Bids Opened: Tuesday, September 21, 2004 at 9:00 a.m. Ad endum No.1 Contractor Rec'd. Bid Securit 1 Volk Sewer & Water, Inc. X X 2 Burschville Construction, Inc. X X 3 Northwest Asphalt, Inc. X X 4 Dave Perkins Contracting, Inc. X X 5 LaTour Construction, Inc. X X . 6 G. L. Contracting, Inc. X X 7 Friedges Contracting Company, LLC X X 8 Three Rivers Construction X X 9 Lametti & Sons, Inc. X X 10 J. R. Ferche,lnc. X X 11 Barbarossa and Sons, Inc. X X Engineer's Opinion of Cost Total Bid $175,257.93 $195,369.00 1...il\$l'~~~$$~;~Oii..........'.'...... $197,976.00 $203,040.90 $210,130.12 $221,253.43 $225,432.94 , '~i/$:':":2:':":':4:::"':0"::,:u'::::3:"':9"'''''0:', ':"O'''':'Q: ~:::,\,::::' ,"'. ',. ,." :'/>'\:;.::< .:" ,,:<:, ""., ::~',,: "::,~:,, .,' :":':,!:. ':"':::':'~::)~::::>;: $245,811.50 $249,754.00 $209,723.00 I hereby certify that this is a true and correct tabulatio of the bids as received on September 21, 2004. . ~l{^~ Denotes corrected figure . F:IWPWINl1488.64IExceIl1488-64 Bid Tab Summary.x/s ~I~ ...~ ! c C!l I:: 'C ~ I:: :J ctI ... 0. (!lO>o. =~< :J:J'C Cenl:: .....~C!l 0>0) III ?: I ... (!l- I:: en'CO> E @ ~ o~€; ... 0 ..... U):>o. .:.:::>E Cijc~ a.. C!l ,- ?: I:: C!l o~E ~:J$~ o>o.ctI0 ::2 ~:s: ~ Q; ~ z 1:5 0> '0' ..... n. 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I: ';:: '0 I: ::J W - - - t-- ?; C <ll ::> ..Q. - !!l ';:: r2 - en Cl cii l- I: Z 'iij I- W <n cii z e ::a; !z w w 0 ::a; > I: W W 0 'Cij ::a; > CI: E w 0 0.. > CI: ~ Cl.l 0 0.. ca CI: ;; CI: s:: 0.. W Ol; ~ z ~ '<t W < ~ >. ~ ::a; (f) cD ;:: CI: ::a; cD J: W '<t ~ CI: ~ II: '<t 0 ~ (0 Z ::J cD ~ 0 (f) <Xl ::a; .... 'e- o <( lD 0 0 0.. ~ W W ~ ~ .E ...J ...J <Xl ::J ::J ::J "e- m cD 0 0 0 ca '<t W W UJ 0.. 0 ::c: ::c: ::c: .2 ,s 0 0 0 iij '5 (f) en (f) .!!! W E CI) Cii "Cii "Cii <ll "0 "e- O 0 ~ 0 $ 0.. l- I- .!:.. '#. t-= - I-- ci z E $ 00 ....... o 00 ci "0 Z ~ c OJ 0 u :; ~ ... .... U) .!!! "0 C) :c CI) ex: '0 c 0 :g ::::J "0 0 ... Co CI) ... - () ca >< CI) c ca .! en :2 - .... ca .c - >- - :.;:; ... >- lJ) CD () >- 't:l .c CI) CI) ;: .. ... .- CI) CD t:.... .c: CI) CO ()C . . . A. Council Agenda - 9/27/04 11. e ifications for the 1-94/CSAH 18 interehan e. Consideration of authorizin (RW) REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: At the previous meeting, Council tabled actio) on authorizing the City Engineer to begin preparation of plans and specifications [or the -94/CSAH 18 interchange project pending further discussions with property owners on cost sharing arrangements. Mayor Thielen along with Councilmember Carlson were asked to meet ith stafT and the developers' representatives to get a better handle on the total finance plan for this nterchange improvement and to nail down the contribution levels from all parties involved. his information was then to be brought baek to the Council for determining whether to proceed w th the project based on revised finance plans. A meeting was held last week with stan~ coun il representatives along with Ken Streeter of Streeter Companies and Ryan Companies repr sentatives to review the construction cost numbers and anticipated participation by all parties to d te. Although Ryan Companies had not agreed to meet the level of participation we had original y expected, the meeting did result in an increased level of participation by Ryan Companies to tl e point where we now believe we have a fairly good handle on the total project costs, the amount that would be assessed to benefitting properties, MnDOT and Wright County participation alon with the end commitment necessary from the City to make the entire project work. City Engineer, Bret Weiss has put together a 1 emorandum that outlines the project in more detail and in addition summarizes the basic project c sts along with expected cost participation by all parties. As you will note in the summary, it is xpected that City participation in this $25,000,000 project would amount to $4,127,000. AlthouTh this is not a firm number, this is the best case scenario at this time. Although final numbers will not be known until the project is actually bid and all land acquisition has been completed, C uncil should look at this funding program as being anywhere from $4,000,000-$6,000,000 as the ~ity's ultimate share. When you look at it even if the total City participation was $6,000,000, th Council will need to determine whether this is still a good investment in our infrastructure and tra sportation needs of the community considering that we would be getting over $25,000,000 in impr vements. As a reminder, the Fallon Bridge Overpass has not been included in this number as it would likely be a project that would have to be completed in the future, adding another $3,500,000 to $4,000,000 to the City's cost. Although we have a verbal commitment from oth Ryan Companies and Shawn Weinand f())' their share of the improvements, a written waiver of assessment has not yet been received. In addition, some of the cost associated with the South Fro tage Road and the Chelsea Road improvement are based on our projections of cost benefit to adjo'ning property owners and would also need to be verified. That is why the Council needs to be ware that the $4,100,000 amount of City participation could vary depending on final ne otiations f()r all of the project improvements. On a flnancing level I have had conversations ith Mark Ruff with Ehlers & Associates. our financial advisor, regarding bond financing for this large project. Of course it would depend on the actual amount of the improvement that wo ld need to be paid by ad valorem taxes, but at $4,000,000 being the City's share, this would. dd about $400,000 per year over ten years to our taxes. This would be about a 6% increase in 0 r current tax levy for 2005. In the future, bonding Council Agenda - 9/27/04 . for the Fallon Avenue Bridge would also add another $300,000 to $400,000 to our annual bond levy, but we need to remember that the spino I development from a new interchange at this location will certainly increase our tax base a d help support any additional taxes needed because of these improvements. At this point in time, if this project is to keep on the schedule we had anticipated, Council will need to determine whether the financing plan seems reasonable so that authorization can be given to the City Engineer to begin design work. If a firmer commitment is needed from the bene1itting property owners, i.e. Shawn Weinand on the outh side of 1-94 and Ryan Companies on the north, possibly authorization to begin design work c uld be given subject to written commitments being provided by these property owners. B. AL TERNA TIVE ACTIONS: l. J<<U B> rC1 ., .). . c. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Council could authorize the engineer to begin preparation of design for the interchange project as outlined in his memorandm . Council could authorize the preparati n of plans and specifications subject to written .waiver of assessments from Ryan Co panies and Shawn Weinmld. Council could determine to not author ze preparation of plans and specifications at this time. It is certainly the City staff's opinion that this improvement project is a key element in setting up the City for future growth in the southeast cor er of the City along with addressing needed transportation improvements in this area. For years we have been planning for the construction of the missing on and off ramps in this location t provide all traffic movements on the east side of the City comparable to Highway 25. There ar certainly concerns by staff on the amount of funding that may not be available from MnD( T or Wright County in the future along with the knowledge that there are development pressur s today that would help contribute a substantial amount of money to this project. Stall is als( concerned about the total costs that the City taxpayers have to pick up f()r theseimprovem nts, but we do feel there is an overall benefit to the community to have this interchange construct d and it will never get cheaper as time goes on. While we would a] I like to see 100% of our in provement projects paid for by other property owners, reality is that the City as a whole will need to be responsible for some of the costs. Counci I has to determine whether a City parti ipation of $4,000,000 to $6,000,000 in a $25,000,000 overall project is a reasonable co tribution on the City's part. If that is the determination, authorization should be given so that the design work can proceed. D. SUPPORTING DATA: Copy of engineering memorandum . SEP-23-2004 09:52 WSB & ASSOCIATES IN . 76.5287' (1" (Ia t""' . ~.:::/~;:) Memorandum . To: Honorable Mayor & City Council City of MonticeUo From: BretA. Weiss, P.E. City Engineer Date: September 27, 2004 Re: CSAH 18/194 Interchange City Project No. 2004-01C . In an effort to provide more detailed backgro d information on the proposed 1-94/CSAH 18 interchange, we have prepared this memo dum. Due to continued growth in the City of Monti 110 and limited access to IR94, congestion is anticipated on TH 25 unless improvements made to the City's transportation system. To accommodate growth and minim1?p. congesti several key transportation and municipal improvement projects are under development' eluding: . CSAH 18/1-94 Interchange . South Frontage Road (Meadow Oak venue to CSAH 18) . 7"lI. Street extension to CSAH 18 . North/South Road eonnecting propo 7m Street to CSAH 75 . Chelsea Road reconstruction (urban ction between Fallon Avenue and CSAH 18) . Construction of a tnmk sanitary sewer system south between the waste water treatment plant and the reservoir lift non . CSAH 181I-94lnterehange The CSAH 18 interchange project is a signifi ant transportation improvement that benefits multiple jurisdictions. The City of Monti cell , in conjunction with MnlDOT, and Wright County, has been evaluating the construction f a full interchange for IR94 at CSAH 18 for several years. Reasons to continue advancin the CSAH 18 interchange are: 1. This interchange is included in many gency planning documents as an important part of the regional traIlSportation sys m including: . This interchange is identified. the Monticello Transportation Plan as one of the transportation improveme t projects to improve mobility and reduce the congestion for the motoring p blic. . Wright County Transportation Plan "Small Study Area" for Monticello. The purpose of this study was "to valuate problems in and around the TH 2511-94 corridors and develop a conce t plan that would benefit tra.ftic operations for both TH 25 and local tra.:ffic. '0 M:\Ol S46-oo\DOC\m040922council.dClC SEP-23-2004 09:52 WSB & ASSOCIATES INC '(b.j'=::I:I'('(l'(1!:l t-' .1!1..:S/I!:l::> Hono,able Mayo, and COllncil Members September 27, 2004 Page 2 . . The MnlDOT Inter~Regional Co . dor (IRC) Plan since the Federal Highway Administration approved an In state Access Request (JAR) for an interchange at this location in 2 00. 2. MnlDOT, FHWA, and Wright County ent! agree to the construction and configuration of this interchange. 3. MnlDOT and Wright County have co 'tted to contributing funds toward the construction of the interchange at this . 4. Currently there are developers who are illing to contribute funds toward the construction of this interchange. S. Fenning Avenue has been identified as future minor arterial by Wright County. 1ms proposed interchange complemen the COWlty'S vision for Fenning Avenue. Some of the benefits of constructing the CSAH 18 interchange include: 1. Reduction of congestion at TH 2S by th addition of westbound on and off ramps at CSAH 18. It is anticipated that with no transportation improvements in the City of Monticello, the capacity ofTH 2S woul be exceeded by as much as 56% in 2025. A full access interchange at CSAH 18 ould reduce this number by 15% (an estimated 5000 vpd). 2. Increased tax base due to higher prope values from commercial, industrial and residential properties inside and outsi of the current City limits. 3. Even without this interchange, traffic v lumes on CSAH 18 are anticipated to increase by 300% by 2025- Recons . g CSAH 18 as well as building an interchange, accommodates the projec traffic demand on CSAH 18. . Cost Breakdown The cost of acquiring land for and constructing. transportation projects will continue to escalate as time passes. Currently the City has an understanding with both MnlDOT and Wright County for cost participation for the C AH 18/1.94 Interchange project. If this project is not constructed in the near future, funding sources from these agencies may not be available for the City to use. The table on the following page delineates the reliminary cost participation for each of the proposed transportation improvements. . M:\O 1 S46-00\DOC1m040922coUllCil.doc SEP-2 . . . 3-21211214 1219:53 WSB & RSSOCIRTES INC. . (b..5<:::l::f (' (1' (~ 1-'.~4 HOllorable Mayor and Council Members September 27, 2004 Poge 3 CSAlIlIJI.94 Soutb Frootage f1'Street aDd Chelsea Trunk Intercbanlle Road Vertical Road Road I Sanitary Sewer Wrillht County $1,857,427 MDIDOT $2,130,076 Assessments $3.991.5'4 $586,046 $2,092,831 52,060,330 $30,000 Citv Funds 52,160,207 5146,512" $192,2773 Trunk Fees $953,138 $474,827 $545,819 $2,970,000 Total Estimated 511,092,362 $732,558 ($2,867,658Y' $2,798,426 $3,000,000 Funds 52,567,658 Notes: 1 This project includes 5486,426 of imp 'Ovements required by the interchange consbUction_ The remainder oftbe street project is I ot necessary to be constructed unless requested by the de\'eloper. 2 Expected savings of $300,000 for inle est and bonding costs due to cash payment by developer. $300,000 moved into Intel hange assessments plus additional $200,000 in trunk fees. 3 Includes $83,477 offrontfootqe cost . 4 Assumes 20% contribution by the Cil:) . Not included in the above table is the cost ofla [ld acquisition. The City should consider investing in land needed to meet future transpa rtation needs since the cost ofland will only go up. Currently, much of the land proposed n :cessary for these projects is undeveloped and therefore is less expensive than developed and. The table below summarizes the preliminary right-of. way expenses anticipated or all of the above listed transportation projects. Total Cost Asse$smel t City MnlDOT Right-oC.Way 54,758,750 51.453,100 $1.628,750 $1,676,900 We have estimated the potential assessments aJ d costs based on the best information available. While it is likely that the final cost J articipation will be different than shown, the changes should not be appreciably different. I:l right.of-way costs increase, the increase will be shared with our partners. Cost Participation Summary Based on the above information, the anticipate< total cost to each of the funding participants are summarized in the table below I Wriaht ..u _ T Asseslment I City Funds Trunk I CounlY Fees Estimated Co~t Participation 51,857,427 $3,806 976 S 1 0,213,82 1 $4,127,746 54,943.784 Proposed CSAH 18 Interchange in relation 1 o a future Orchard Road Inter~bange Much of the preliminary work such as an EnviI onmental Assessment, Staff Approved Layout, Traffic Modeling, and the Interchange ~ccess Request have proven to Mn/DOT that there is value to building the CSAH 18 interch~ nge on their interstate (1.94). However, if another future interchange, such as the one heir g considered at Orchard Road begins study before the construction of the CSAH 18 interch ange, MnlDOT and FHW A expressed M;\OlS46..oo\DOC\m040922counllil.doc: --- - -- --- -- --- -- /~::> . . . SEP-23-2004 09:53 WSB & ASSOCIRTES IN . 7632877170 P.05/05 Honorable Mayor and Council Members September 27, 2004 Page 4 concern regarding the accuracy of the enviro ental documentation and traffic modeling completed to date. The City would have to ure Mn/DOT that there is value for constructing both interchanges, while maint . . g the integrity of the interstate. The work for the CSAH 18 interchange that has been co pleted thus far would be injeopardy and constrocting CSAH 18 could be delayed si . candy. Fallon Avenue Overpass: The Fallon Avenue overpass remains a plann d transportation improvement. however, for the purposes of this improvement, it is not co idered. The City will need to consider this improvement in the future as traffic needs die ie. Summary The interchange and other related City impro ement projects are key elements for accommodating and promoting growth in the it)' of Monticello. The City Council's support to make these projects a reality is ess tial for obtainini these goals. Constructing these projects at this time is fiscally rcsponsi e since agencies and developers are willing to contribute fmancially. In addition, construc' g a full access interchange on I~94 at CSAH 18 will encourage development in the City w . ch in turn provides additional revenue by improving the tax base. M:\O lS46-OOIIXlC\m040922counro:il.doe TOTAL P.05 . Orl ..:J ..:J W U HU:1 E-<C'J Z<<: Op., ::;: o !:<.\O o \0 :><0 E-<:> H r Uo:: o '<l' l.I1 ..:J " rl o rl o l.I1 o N 00 00 0'\ rl N o 00 rl rl rl C'l '<l' 0'1 rl rl rl rl o o o o C'l 00 '<l' 0. N o o o o C'l 00 '<l' 0. t"l o o o o Ltl"l' 00 00 00 00 C'lC'l 0000 "l'''l' 0.0. \Or-OOO'lOrlNC'l OOOOrlrlrlrl 00000000 00000000 00000000 C'lC'lt"lC"1t"lC'lC'lC"1 0000000000000000 "l'''l''<l'''l' "l'''l' "l'<:I' 0.0. p.,p., 0.0. o.p., U:1 Z H ..:J Cl H C"1 00 <:I' p., 0. ....... !:<. '*" o 0. 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