City Council Agenda Packet 09-13-2004 . Mayor: AGE DA REGULAR MEETING - MONT CELLO CITY COUNCIL Monday, Septembe 13,2004 - 7 p.m. WORKSHOP- INTERVIEW FIRM FOR WATER TOWER DESIGN Bruce Thielen Council Members: Roger Carlson, Glen Posusta Robbie Smith and Brian Stumpf I. Call to Order and Pledge of Allegiance. 2A. Approve minutes of August 23, 2004 regula Council meeting. B. Approve minutes of August 23,2004 Budge Workshop meeting. 3. 4. 5. . ~(/ ~U G~ Considerationofaddingitemstotheagenda - It,t:!. .f- 6lA.w ct""t, U,tS - (., /A~ G--f,... mplaints. V ~c-;f-;cJ";~> Pu.bCtC 04lrr-S' 1\ ~~ W~ Citizen comments, petitions, requests and c (j~ __ t. t ~ w tJJ;&.. Consent ia et lda. J. ('J?9f) e f: I' A. C nsideration of ratify new hires an Works. /7Ji< departures for MCC, Liquor Store and Public B. Consideration of a simple subdivisi n to create two industrial lots in an 1-2 district. Applicant: Standard Iron & Wire W rks. C. Consideration of adopting annexatio resolution for Rask property - Denny Hecker. D. Consideration of review of six mont Liquor Store financial report. dl (!) V F. C! ;(0 vr~ .( '1 "J Consideration of resolution adoptin 2005 prel iminary tax levy. Consideration of Conditional Use P rmit for a Special Home Occupation for Spiritual/Intuitive Readings and Rei i Healings in an R-l district. - Applicant: Kristin M. Thomas/healing with Spirit. G. Consideration of a request to amend an existing development stage planned unit development for a fence line additio and building expansion in an B-3 district. Applicant: Amax Self Storage. Consideration of items removed from the c nsent agenda for discussion. Consideration of proposed ordinance establ shing a franchise agreement with the Monticello Public Schools for Fiber Optic System. Agenda Monticello City Council September 13, 2004 . Page 2 8. REMOVED FROM AGENDA. 9. Consideration ofa resolution authorizing plals and specifications for 1-94/CSAH 18 Improvement Project including associated Fontage Roads and utilities. 10. Consideration of selection of firm to design nd construct the water tower site in the plat of ] efferson Commons. 11. Consideration of granting an increase to the ndividual pension for Volunteer Firefighters Relief Association members. 12. Consideration of accepting a wetland replac ment application as part of the Area 2 Core Street Reconstruction (City of Monticello Project o.2004-06C) I~, , Adjourn. ~llf.r 5'o-ud'?J f(d e-v,J~ - f~ f(~ · /;'5 ~~ dol Gf~t< 13. . . . . . MINU ES REGULAR MEETING - MONT CELLO CITY COUNCIL Monday, 20 4 - 7 p.m. Members Present: Roger Carlson, Glen Posusta, Brian Stumpf and Bruce Thielen. Members Absent: Robbie Smith 1. Call to Order and P1edee of Alleeiance. Mayor Thielen called the meeting to order at 7 p.m. and declared a quorum present. The Pledge of Allegiance was said. 2A.. Consideration of a the Au ust 9 2004 re ular Council meetin BRIAN S'llJMPF MOVED '1'0 APPROVE "'HE MINUTES OF THE AUGUST 9, 2004 REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING. ROGE CARLSON SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED. C. Consideration of a Workshop. B. Consideration of a the minutes 0 . the Au ust 9 2004 CSAH 18/1-94 Worksho ROGER CARLSON MOVED TO APPROV THE MINUTES OF '1'1 IE AUGUST 9, 2004 WORKSHOP ON CSAH 18/1-94 INTERCH NGE. BRIAN STUMPF SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED. ansion BRIAN STUMPF MOVED TO APPROVE' 'lIE MINUTES OF THE AUGUST 9, 2004 LIBRARY EXPANSION WORKSHOP. R GER CARLSON SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED. 3. Consideration of addin City Engineer, Bret Weiss, asked that consid ration of authorizing an agreement with Trinity Lutheran Church relating to storm sewer and arking lot improvements be added to the agenda. BRIAN STUMPF MOVED TO ADD CONS DERATION OF AUTHORIZING AN AGREEMENT WITH TRINITY LUTlIERA CHURCH RELATING TO STORM SEWER AND PARKING LOT IMPROVEMENTS B:: ADDED TO THE CONSENT AGENDA AS ITEM 5K. ROGER CARLSON SECONDE THE MOTTON. MOTION CARRIED. JA . . . Council Minutes - 8/23/04 4. Citizen comments/ etitions re uests and com laints. Mayor Thielen eXplained the purpose of the citizens comment portion of the agenda. A. Mike Holker - Citizen Watch Gro Mike Holker, 537 East Broadway, J rry Wells 613 East River Street and Dave Wilhelm, 512 East River Street eam before the Council to discuss concerns their neighborhood watch group had conc rning their area. These concerns included speeding along Broadway and East iver Street; blocked views because of shrubs and trees, blights/nuisances as far as unli 'ensed cars, yard debris, etc., enforcement of the dog ordinance; vandalism, multi-far ilies living in single family structures and drugs. Brian Stumpf suggested that items r lating to speeding be forwarded to the Wright County Sheriff's Department, direct d city staff to look into the issues relating to code enforcement and instructed John Si ola to check the intersections where the residents had indicated problems with trees a d shrubs blocking the view of traffic. Jerry Wells noted that their neighborhood group has been working with the Sheriff's Department but they also wanted to make the Co' ncil aware of their concerns which is why they were at this meeting. No one else spoke under citizeninp 5. Consent agenda. A. Consideration of approving plans an specifications and advertising for bids for thc Meadow Oak Storm Sewer Outlet, ity Project No. 2004-09C. Recommendation: Adopt a resolution approving plans' nd specifications arld authorizing advertisement for bids for the Meadow Oak Storm ater Outlet Project No. 2004-09C. B. Consideration of approving plans an specifications and advertising f(x bids for the 1-94 Watermain Crossing at Meado Oaks, City Project No. 2004-1 OC. Recommendation: Adopt a resoluti n approving plans and specifications and authorizing advertisement for bids f r the Sunset Ponds/Interstate 94 Trunk Watermain Crossing Project No. 20 4-10C. C. Consideration of approving plans an specifications and authorizing advertisement for bids for TH 25/School Boulevard Si fnal installation. Recommendation: Approve plans and specifications and authori' e advertisement for bids contingent on MnDOT req uirements. Consideration of adoption of resolu ion for annexation of the Otter Creek property. Recommendation: Adopt a resoluti m annexing the balance of the Otter Creek property lying in Scction 10, Towns ip 121, Range 25. D. 2 d-.A Council Minutes - 8/23/04 . F Review of bids and consideration of ward of contract Klein farms Storm Sewer Outlet, Project No. 2004-18C. Recommend tion: Award the contract to Northwest Asphalt of Shakopee, Minnesota in the amount l' $222,831.77. F. Consideration of amendments to sub ivision ordinance relating to park dedication, topographic survey, and time limit fo recording final plat. Recommendation: Approve the ordinance amendments s prepared based on a finding that new subdivisions need to be able to demo strate compliance with the City's zoning regulations and Comprehensive Plan d that the proposed amendments support this objective. Ord. Amd. #412. G. Consideration of approving Change ( rder NO.1 to 2004 Core Street Reconstruction Project No. 2004-06e. Recommend tion: Approve Change Order No. 1 to the 2004 Core Street Reconstruction Project N . 2004-06C with a net increase in the contract of $10,471.55. H. Consideration of authorizing installat'on of street lighting on west side of Walnut Street at corner of 3rd and Walnut. Recom endation: Approve the installation of lights at an estimated cost of $12,000 with 801)10 0 the cost to be funded by the City and the balance by the property owner, contingent up n property owner signing a waiver of public hearing on the proposed assessment. . I. Consideration of Change Order # 1 to riar Oak Pond Restoration, Project No. 2003- II e. Recommendation: Approve C ange Order # 1 in the amount of $2,091.00 to Sunram Construction Inc. for the Bria Oak Pond Restoration, Project No. 2003-11 e. J. Consideration of final payment and a . ceptance of work on the Briar Oak Pond Restoration Project No. 2003-11C. R commendation: Authorize final payment in the amount of $18,219.69 to Sunram Con truction for the Briar Oakes Storm Pond Restoration Project No. 2003-11 C su~ect to receipt of the final paperwork and to accept the work done under Project No. 200 -lIe. K. Consideration of authorizing an agree nent with Trinity I _utheran Church with regard to storm sewer and parking lot improve ents. (Added to consent agenda) Recommendation: Authorize city sta fto enter into an agreement with Trinity Lutheran Church to construct the storm sewer t West River Street and allow for a gravel parking surface until 2006. Glen Posusta requested that items 5B and 5/ e removed from the consent agenda. . BRIAN STUMPF MOVED TO APPROVE HE CONSENT AGENDA WITH THE ADDITION OF ITEM #5K AND THE REM V AI, Of ITEMS #5B AND #51. ROGER CARLSON SECONDED THE MOTION. anON CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. ,., :> d-.A . . . Council Minutes ~ 8/23/04 6. Consideration of items removed from the consent a enda for discussion. 5B - Glen Posusta questioned Bret Weiss if he cost of the watermain crossing at 1-94 was being assessed. Bret Weiss responded that this p ject was being funded from revenues in the trunk funds GLEN POSUSTA MOVED TO APPROV PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS AND AUTHORIZE THE ADVERTISEMENT 0 BIDS FOR THE SUNSET PONDS/I~94 TRUNK WATERMAIN CROSSING PROJECT NO 2004~1OC. ROGER CARLSON SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UN NIMOUSL Y. 51 - Glen Posusta stated that he had talked t a number of residents in the area of the Briar Oakes Pond restoration and they indicated t him that they did not notice any changes to the banks of the pond and did not understand w at work had been done on the pond restoration. Bret Weiss responded that although the resi ents may not feel much had changed, there has been significant changes to what had previo sly existed. The pond banks have been stabilized and vegetation has put in place although it ay take a couple of years for the vegetation to become firmly established. The project was completed according to the plans and specifications that were approved by the Cit . Glen Posusta questioned the $12,000 shown under dewatering on the final payment. Bre Weiss indicated that was for pumping the water from the pond so that the contractor could ork on the restoration. Glen Posusta also questioned the change order work where a p rtion of the pathway was redone because of sumac growing in area adjacent to the trail. He sug rested mowing the sumac further back to prevent future problems. John Simola noted that in t is portion of the pathway the Class V base was not of the proper thickness. Also in this are the sumac was rooted out and a fabric barrier was installed. GLEN POSUST A MOVED TO APPROVE CHANGE ORDER NO. I FOR THE BRIAR OAKES STORM POND RESTORATION ROJECT NO. 2003~11C. BRIAN STUMPF SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION C RRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 7. Continued Public Hearin for considerat on of a re uest for a conditional use ermit for a commercial conce t sta e lanned unit evelo ment in the B-3 zonin district. Annlicant: Shimwbee BuilderslUBD At the last meeting, the City Council opened the public hearing on the conditional use permit and tabled it until this meeting to allow staff nd developer time to work out issues relating to access to the site. Steve Grittman, City Plan er, provided background on this redevelopment project. Presently the site is occupied by To Thumb, Subway, Ultra Lube and a residence. The project when completed will include a H liday convenience store/gas station including a car wash, Wendy's restaurant, the relocated ltra Lube, the existing Subway, and the remaining space to be utilized for restaurant or small re ail uses. 4 JA Council Minutes - 8/23/04 . The proposed plml raised some questions 0 how traHic would be disbursed through the development. The Planning Commission r commended approval of the concept stage plan with staff and developer working on the iss es relating to access along Oakwood Drive. Bret Weiss and Chuck Rickart from WSB looke at these access issues. The engineers noted there are five primary issues with this site with th access to Oakwood Drive being the major issue. The original plan had the driveway from Oa wood Drive further to the west. Although the driveway has been shifted in the revised pIa there is still some problem that could present the potential for traffic being backed up on Oak ood Drive. The City Engineer was asking that the driveway be slid as far as possible to the so tho Other issues included the right turn lane on Oakwood Drive as well as the continuous Ie t turn lane from TH 25 to Cedar Street. It was noted that this section of median was part 0 the TH 25 improvement and could be closed at a point in the future based on criteria set forth by MnDOT. There are three lanes of traffic that go from TH 25 to Cedar Street on Oakwood D ,ive. There is the potential for confusion as to where the right turn traffic movement is goi g (into the development or to Cedar Street). Another concern is truck circulation on the ite. Initially the driveways were shown as 24 feet but the developer has agreed to widen them slightly. Also of concern is trailer parking for the existing as well as future fast food sites. St ffwanted to make sure there was a adequate space for a trailer to get through. The engineer als noted that there would need to be coordination with MnDOT on the TH 2S/0akwood Driv intersection. . In response to the above issues, it was sugg sted to drop the right turn lane to Cedar and make it a through/right turn lane. Brian Stumpf ask d about the truck traffic and questioned whether a truck could access the south entrance witho t taking up the entire area to do so. It was noted that the original plan had a straight in and t e Engineer stated thcy did acquiesced to the angled driveway on this site. There were concerns bout the access point into the fast food site being too close to the gas station. Staff wanted so e stacking room. Glen Posusta questioned whether MnDOT ould ever close the median by McDonalds and if it was attempted there would probably be leg' I action. Bret Weiss stated that it was an issue that MnDOT would have to deal with. Glen Po usta felt the original sketch made it a lot easier to go in and out and felt that the revised sketc was done just to make it align with the Super America driveway. Chuck Rickart noted th re could be some problems with traffIC turning left to go in to Super America and turning left t go into the proposed development. This kind of movement could create conflict in traffic cr ssing. Glen Posusta felt the current design created traffic issues as well. Bret Weiss pointed 0 t that the engineers were not saying this was the best solution but it was an improvement ov r what had been proposed. Glen Posusta also questioned the angled pa king. The original design had 26-30 parking spaces and he questioned who made the decision t go with angled parking. John Simola stated that he had raised the issue. Glen Posusta felt the a gled parking could shortchange the future restaurant site of parking spaces. He didn't eel it paid to burn 12 parking spaces in ordcr to have angled parking. . Mayor Thielen opened thc public hearing f r comments from those in attendance. Kcvin t9A . . . 7A. Council Minutes - 8/23/04 McDonald representing Shingobee Builders noted that they have been working with staff to resolve these issues. He stated that he had .0 problem with the angled parking and was okay with MnDOT's involvement with the inters ction ofTH 25 and Oakwood Drive. They do have a concern with access for truck traffic into t e gas station which is why they set up the plan as they originally did. They also have a conce n about access to the one restaurant site. lIe noted there is stacking space for 15-17 cars before the cars get out to the roadway. This is the one item that is difficult for them. Roger Carls n agreed with the dcveloper that with the stacking space they have this shouldn't be a problem. Brian Stumpf noted that there are other alternatives to exit out of the development s ch as School Boulevard or Chelsea Road. There was no one else who spoke for or aga nst the proposed conditional use permit. Mayor Thielen then closed the public hearing. Glen Posusta asked Steve Grittman if somet ing changes on the south side of the property and if the design of the road is moved further to he west would this have to be looked at again. Steve Grittman indicated that since this was oncept stage approval it would not likely have to be reviewed again for concept stage approva.. GLEN POSUSTA MOVED TO RECOMM 'NO APPROVAL OF THE CONCEPT STAGE PUD BASED ON A FINDING 'nIA T THE ROJECT APPEARS TO PRESENT THE POTENTIAL FOR A SUPERIOR PROJEC DESIGN DUE TO THE SHARED ACCESS AND CENTRAL DRIVE CONCEPT, AS ELL AS COORDlNA TED PEDESTRIAN CIRCULATION, BUILDING DESIGN, PA KING, LANDSCAPING, AND OTHER SITE PLANNING ELEMENTS CONTINGENT N RESOLUTION OF ACCESS ISSUES TO THE SATISFACTION OF THE CITY'S TRAFFI 'ENGINEER. ROGER CARLSON SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNA IMOUSLY. Brian Stumpf questioned what direction was he Council going to give to the City Engineer on the access issues. Bret Weiss indicated he w uld like to have some feedback from the City Council on the driveway access. The Council felt the current design did provide adequate stacking area and there were other routes ava lable for traffic to use. obee Builders/lJBD Pro crties. City Administrator, Rick Wolf"teller, provid d background information on the possible sale of excess right-or-way for the proposed develop lent. He noted in the past the City's policy has been to sell excess right-of-way to adjoining roperty owners at a fair market price. Other property in this area has sold for $3.50/sq. 1'1. Rick Wolfsteller pointed out that had this property originally been part of the Tom Thu b property it would have been assessed for improvements made to TH 25 in the amount f approximately $7,900. Brian Stumpf felt it would be worthwhile to I ave an appraisal done. Glen Posusta stated he did not agree with the City Administrator's logic n comparing this property with what the City is going to pay Jtlr right-of-way property 1I-om r enny llecker. Glen Posusta felt this was a 6 (}C\ . . . Council Minutes - 8/23/04 useless piece of land except to the develope and the City should not expect to get the same amount for it as other land sales were gener ting. If the City paid $7,900 in improvements and that was the amount the City received for t e right-of-way, he felt that would be fair. Roger Carlson agreed with Glen Posusta. Bret We'ss did point out in the other project the City needed to acquire a number of small parcels and wac trying to come up with a nominal rate that could be used. BRIAN STUMPF MOVED TO AUTHORI ~E AN APPRAISAL BE OB'I'AINED TO EST ABLISH A FAIR MARKET' VALUE F R THE PROPERTY TO BE TRANSFERRED. HRUCE THIELEN SECONDED THE MO ION. UPON VOTE BEING TAKEN, BRUCE TllIELEN AND BRIAN STUMPF VOTED IN FAVOR THEREOF AND GLEN POSUSTA AND ROGER CARLSON VOTED IN OPP _ SITlON. ROGER CARLSON MOVED TO SELL 'I' E EXCESS RIGHT-OF-WAY AT $3.50/SQ. FT. GI,EN POSUSTA SECONDED THE Mur ON CONTINGENT UPON HA VING THE ACTUAL SQUARE FOOTAGE TO HE SO D VERIFIED. MOTION CARRIED WITH BRIAN STUMPF VOTING IN OPPOSITI( N. 8. Public Hearin to consider the vacation 0 Nicholas Circle in the lat of The Brothers Addition and vacation of related casemen s. Jeff O'Neill provided the background infor ation. The City was being asked to vacate street right-of-way and easements on platted prope y that was being replatted as the Timber Ridge Third Addition. New easements and street r'ght-of-way would be given in the new plat. Mayor Thielen opened the public hearing. '0 one was present to speak for or against the proposed vacation. Mayor Thielen then clo ed the public hearing. ROGER CARLSON MOVED TO ADOPT. RESOLUTION VACATING THE RIGHT-OF- WAY OF NICHOLAS CIRCLE AS IT APP ARS IN THE PLAT OF THE BROTHERS ADDITION AS WELL AS DRAINAGE AN UTILITY EASEMENTS CONTAINED WITHIN THE PLAT OF THE BROTHERS DDITION AND DRAINAGE AND UTILITY EASEMENTS AFFECTING LOTS 5-8, BL CK 2, THE MEADOWS ADDITION WITH SAID RIGHT-OF-WAY AND EASEMENT' BEING REPLACED WITH THE RECORDING OF THE TIMBER RIDGE THIRD ADDITI N PLAT. 9. City Planner, Steve Grittman, provided back round for the development plan of Jefferson Commons covering the City owned parcel kn wn as the Remmcle property. The City Council had asked for guidelines on how the property might develop eventually so that this information could be provided to potential property purch sers. He identified on the drawing the location of, chool Boulevard as it runs through the plat, the 7 d-A . . . Council Minutes - 8/23/04 proposed location for a future water tower site and fire hall site, the location of the property currently being purchased by Culver's and uller's. The remaining area was set out as future restaurant sites, retail space and areas for pa king. This plan had approximately 250,000 square feet of commercial space in addition to the uller Theater and Culver's Restaurant. He noted the concept utilized shared parking. Steve Grittman noted the building placemen shown on the sketch was conceptual but was done with the idea of locating the buildings in sue a way as to allow exposure to major roadways. He listed some development requirements fo any new retail construction within the plat. These developments include: Enclosed attac cd trash storage rooms; building materials of brick, stone and glass with relatively limited applications of concrete block; requirements for front yard landscaping along the School Bou evard corridor to complement the City boulevard planting and prohibition of outdoor storage r overnight truck parking. Glen Posusta questioned how the street nam of Deegan Avenue was arrived at. Steve Grittman responded that Deegan A venue cor esponded to the County's grid system which the City utilizes in names streets in new devclop ents. John Simola noted that the City does need to hold a public hearing to change the street ame from Wolter Way and Wolter Circle in the plat of Prairie Ponds to Deegan Avenue. BRIAN S'rUMPF MOVED TO ADOPT TH ' DEVELOPMENT PLAN FOR JEFFERSON COMMONS AS PRESENTED AND TO C LL FOR A PUBLIC HEARING TO CHANGE THE STREET NAMES OF WOLTER W A AND WOLTER CIRCLE TO DEEGAN A VENUE. ROGER CARLSON SECONDE II IE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 10. Approve payment of bills for August. GLEN POSUSTA MOVED TO APPROVE A YMENT OF THE BILLS. BRUCE THIELEN SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CA RIED UNANIMOUSLY. 11. Adiourn ROGER CARLSON MOVED TO ADJOUR AT 8:30 P.M. BRIAN STUMPF SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNA IMOUSL Y. Recording Secretary 8 erA . . . MINtTES BUDGET W RKSHOP Monday, August 2 ,2004 - 5:30 p.m. Members Present: Roger Carlson, Glen Posusta Brian Stumpf and Bruce Thielen. Members Absent: Robbie Smith 1. Call to order. Mayor Thielen called the budget workshop t) order at 5:30 p.m. 2. City Administrator, Rick Wolfsteller provid d the background information on the preliminary 2005 budget. He noted that this year the Cit is not restricted by levy limits. In 2004, the City levied $6,900,000 but only collected $6,600,000. The difference being the homestead credit in 2004 was retained by the state. In 2005 t e City should receive the approximate $280,000 of homestead credit. The proposed tax lev is I Yz % more than last year and the levy amount is $104,000 more than in 2004. Ri k Wolfsteller indicated he tried to keep the increase to I 1/2% which means that no Tru h in Taxation hearing would be required. He added that with the increase in market value and allowing for inflation, property taxes would be lower even though the levy increased by 1/2%. The City's total market value is estimated to increase by $800,000 to approx mately $11,900,000. Rick Wolfsteller added that the 1.94/CSAH 18 interchange project was ot included in the budget nor was the acquisition of right. of-way from Denny IIecker in order to extend Chelsea Road to County Road 39. Bruce Thielen asked about the bond fund. ick W olfsteller indicated he had reduced the bond levy by $700,000. There were live bo d funds that were paid off that had accumulated surplus funds. These surplus funds, howeve , can only be used against other bonded debt. He added that he did not recommend that all the bond fund surplus be used. He also added that there would be some revenue from the s Ie of the Jefferson Commons (Remmele) property that could be used for bonded debt . ayments.. Rick Wolfsteller addressed the approximate 27,000,000 in reserves noting that most of the reserves were allotted for a specific use. Th Council reviewed the trunk fund summary sheet. It was noted there is not sufficient monies i the trunk funds to cover the projects budgeted for construction that would need to uti I ize tr nk funds. Rick W olfsteller pointed out that the trunk fees have increased about 4% annually to reflect cost of living increases. However, as noted in the recent comprehensive water stu y, the overall rates need to be reviewed and adjusted, if necessary, in order to be able to roperly fund trunk improvements. John Simola provided information on the current water ra es and indicated that the City would be looking at these rates as well as rates for sprinkling u e when they looked at increasing the fees. Rick Wolfsteller indicated there was approxi lately $5,000,000 in trunk fund reserves, d-.8 . Budget Workshop Minutes - 8/23/04 $8,000,000-$9,000,000 bond fund reserves d approximately $6,000,000 in general fund reserves. He pointed out since the City does not collect any tax revenue until July the reserve in the general fund is used to operate the Cit until they receive the tax settlement. The Council reviewed the worksheets for th various departments. Rick Wolfsteller stated that engineer and legal costs incurred are bei g charged back to the developments. Glen Posusta asked about the law enforcement bu get. Rick Wolfs teller responded that there was no increase of hours proposed for 2005 but t e hourly rate set by the Sheriff s Department accounted for the budget increase. He also n ted that funds were included to cover the strategic planning study the Council was pro osing and partial funding lor election equipment to fulfill the HA V A requirements lor the 20 6 election. Rick Wolfsteller informed the Council that because of the new GASB 34 re ulation, depreciation figures were being shown in the budget. Brian Stumpf asked about what is all covere under the civil defense budget. Rick Wolfstellerreplied that includes 15% of Gar Anderson's (Civil Defense Director) salary and benefits, cost of sirens and training. Brian S umpf asked specifically about the City's civil defense plan and suggested the City look at u dating the plan. . In the review of the Public Works budget, it as noted that $15,000 was budgeted for code enlorcement. Bruce Thielen asked about the 12 person that was budgeted for 2004. Rick Wolfsteller responded that the Building Dep' ment had an intern in place. Brian Stumpf questioned the budgeting for a 1Otor grader. John Simola stated that the present one is 22 years old and should be replaced. He added that the grader's use is somewhat limited and even though they have had some major repairs it could probably go another year or two. If a different grader was urchased it would most likely be a used one as is the current grader. 95% of the grader hou s is for snow removal. John Simola stated that the 1988 Fort plow truck is proposed to be re laced. This vehicle is 15 years old. One of the snow plows has been converted to a hook tru k which makes it a multi-purpose vehicle since it can be used with a number of different truc bodies. Bruce 'Thelen suggested rather than budget for all of the truck in one year they sh uld split over a number of years. This would be similar to how the fire department trucks are udgeted. The Council recommended that the grader be removed from the budget and that t e hook truck should be budgeted in 2005 for 1/3 of$185,000. Glen Posusta questioned the number of skid 1 aders that were being purchased. John Simola stated that the skid loader was being shared b tween the Parks Department and Street Department. The other skid loader that is pro osed for replacement is being sent to the WWTP. There was discussion on whether it ouldn't be more cost effective to contract the work. There was also a question on the numb r of trucks being budgeted. John Simola stated they are budgeting for two new trucks and on replacement truck. Brian Stumpf asked how many trucks the City currently has and was in ormed that there are 12 trucks. It was pointed . 2 db . Budget Workshop Minutes - 8/23/04 out that the City has the potential to eventu lly expand by 8,000 acres as a result of the annexation agreement and that the City will have to add personnel and equipment to handle this. John Simola stated that the City has g nerally replaced large trucks after 15 years and pickup trucks after 10 years. Brian Stumpf sked if the 1994 truck would have to be replaced this year. John Simola stated it could prah' Iy go another 1-2 years. Bruce Thielen felt staff should look at the b dget with the idea of cutting $300,000-$500,000. John Simola said the Council has looked m re closely at the proposed equipment expenditures than they did the $29,000,000 'nterchange project. Glen Posusta asked about the Ellison Park I' strooms budgeted at $50,000. Bruce Thielen agreed and suggested the City should look other options such as portable units. Glen Posusta also felt for the limited amount of (me the restrooms were open, it would be more practical to have portable units. Glen Posu ta felt the Parks should look at whether it was feasible to have restroom shelters at small n ighborhood parks such as Groveland. Bruce Thielen suggested the Council set the levy the same as 2004 and have staflwork at cutting $500,000 from the proposed hudget. Rick Wolfsteller stated that the Council had recommended a number of equipment cuts nd wanted to know if the Council was comfortahle with the additional employees roposed. . Glen Posusta stated on the upcoming agend for the regular Council meeting there was a proposal amending the park dedication fees. He questioned the establishment of small neighborhood parks and felt the focus shoul be on larger community parks. Bruce Thielen stated the City's Comprehensive Park plan llowed for neighborhood parks as well as community parks. Jeff O'Neill stated that 5% of the park dedication is to go toward neighhorhood parks and 5% toward commu ity parks. Rick Wolfsteller stated that a lot of the item that are being cut are coming out of the capital outlay fund but not that much of that is com ng from tax levy. Rick Wolfsteller asked if the staff cuts $500,000 from the budget and if t e City keeps the levy the same as last year how would they want the excess designated. Br ce Thielen felt it should be set aside for the interchange project or other projects that m y corne up. Glen Posusta questioned the $3500 in signs roposed in the MCC budget. Rick Wolfsteller stated that only the A list of items requested by the MCC had been included in the proposed budget. Bruce Thielen felt rather than the Council g ing over individual items, the staff could do additional budget cutting including the folio ing: . 1. 2. No motor grader 1/3 of the hook truck cost. 3 dB . . . Budget Workshop Minutes - R/23!04 3. 4. Restrooms at the parks. Remaining cuts to be made by staff. Rick Wolfsteller asked about the budget am unt for the library expansion which was estimated at $800,000. Bruce Thielen felt 100,000 could be cut. There was additional discussion on the library expansion and wha. the ultimate cost would be. Glen Posusta asked about the air handler bu gctcd for the MCC at $125,000. He felt this should have been covered by the original co tract. Rick Wolfsteller presented information from the League of Minnesota Cities. He stated when comparing one city's taxes to another you ne d to look at all the factors. I-Ie cited that the City of Monticello provides garbage service to its residents, it supports the Community Center and unlike many other cities, Monticello receives very little in the way of state aids. lie emphasized the need to look at all the factoL that go into the City's tax structure. The Council directed that preliminary levy b the same as in 2004 and that the staff bring the revised budget back to the Council at a futuI"" meeting. The budget workshop closed at 6:45 p.m. Recording Secretary 4 ifB . . . Council Agenda - 9/13/04 SA. Consideration of a Works. (RW) new hires an de artures for MCC Li uor Store and Public A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: The Council is asked to ratify the hiri ng an departures of employees that have occurred recently at the MCC, Liquor Store and Publ c Works. As you recall, it is recommended that the Council oHicially ratify the hiring of all ew employees including part-time and seasonal workers. B. AL TERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Ratify the hiring of the employees a' identified on the attached list. C. SUPPORTING DATA: Lists of new employees. . NEW EMPLOYE S Name Title Depar ment Hire Date Class Baker, Kimberly Guest service I MCC 8/17/2004 part-time Bradow, Danielle Slide attendant MCC 8/17/2004 part-time Gerads, Brandon Lifeguard MCC 8/9/2004 part-time Headley, Amanda Lifequard MCC 8/9/2004 part-time Klym, Daniel Lifeguard MCC 8/12/2004 part-time Rausch, John Slide attendant MCC 8/17/2004 part-time Sawatzke, Clayton Slide attendant MCC 8/10/2004 part-time Snyder, Johnathan Lifeguard MCC 8/9/2004 part-time Suchy, Sandy Temp Finance 8/12/2004 temporary TERMINATING EMPL OYEES Name Reason Depar ment Last Day Class Diamond, Paul voluntary PW I nsp, ctions 8/20/2004 full-time Geyen, Melissa voluntary MCC 7/13/2004 part-time Halderson, Mike involuntary MCC 7/30/2004 part-time Hardy, Aaron voluntary Liquor 8/12/2004 part-time Miller, Tony voluntary MCC 6/26/2004 part-time Oltmanns, Jason voluntary MCC 8/4/2004 part-time Sonsteby, Sarah voluntary MCC 7/19/2004 part~time employee councillist.xls: 8/25/2004 .....---- .--- . --."..-- . . SA NEW EMPLOYEE) . Name Title Departr nent Hire Date Class Flanders, Russell Clerk Liquor 8/26/2004 part time Friend, Tessi Childcare Attendant MCC 8/20/2004 part time Schultz, Marie Childcare Attendant MCC 8/20/2004 part time TERMINATING EMPUlYEES Name Reason Department Last Day Class . . employee councillist.xls: 9/8/2004 5~ i I --. u I u . 5B. A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUN The Planning Commission reviewed t is request ami recommended approval. There were no objects to this request t the public hearing. Standard Iron & Wire Works, Inc. is re uesting a simple subdivision of their property, legally described as Lots 7 an 8, Block 2 of Oakwood Industrial Park, located at 207 Dundas Road, to create wo separate parcels [Parcel A and Parcel B). Parcel A would contain all improveme ts built for Standard Iron. Parcel B would be created as a separate parcel for future d velopment in the 1-2, Heavy Industrial District. Both parcels to be created would fully onforming to the zoning standards applicable to the 1-2 District, so long as the chain ink fence shown by the certificate of survey as extending onto what will be Parcel B i removed. . No vacation of casements is required. ublic drainage and utility easements are provided on each side of the new lot Ii e dividing the parcels and on the east line of Parcel H. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: A. Motion to approve the simple s' bdivision of the parcel described as Lots 7 and 8, Block 2, Oakwood Indus: rial Park be allowed, to create two parcels as described by the Certificate of urvey prepared by Taylor Land Surveyors, dated August 10, 2004 and last evised September 3, 2004. B. Motion to deny the simple sub ivision of the parcel described as Lots 7 and 8, Block 2, Oakwood Industrial Park be denied [for cause to be determined by Planning Commission). STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff and Planning Commission recommend a proving Alternative Action 1 above. SUPPORTING OAT A A. Site Location - Aerial Image B. Certificate of Survey prepared by Tayl r Land Surveyors . ~ ~. :i .. ------ - ------ --------- _..__-----.-_ _. __.___ _"_,, _.._._u_.... -.-.-.-..--.... .-.... '" .~ ~ " I ~i ,:, :s :;ti: :;t'- -'" !~ -~ I~ ~,S ~; !i ....<'i ~i i~ ~ ~ i!~ Ii: .. VI ." ..;~ Ii! "l....... ~ ~ "' h n ~~~ .... i lH .. l::l - l':: -<>. ~b ... iq:~ .,~ ~ i: ... ....:~- ..: iib ~~ ... "" ~ _<>.: ~~ ~ ~~... ... 11I ~ - i~ .......f;j 0.. ~f - i O!l . -<: "" !il -..?; ~; .. ~ '-.:....~ - a..- ~Q~ _~t f;j~ t:~ ~ ..~~ ~ 0.... ~~ - --.. ~~~ ~~; , ~_.... ~ ...~ Iii "eo &~.. t i ~ i "'0 ~ 0 Ill'" .... .~ _ ll.. d~ i:~ fl: ~gt tp ...~.... oo-qa 1U/IOS . I --' 10' O~I I I I ; 0" I I I IQ~ . I I ~ 1111 . I I! ~ ! I 0 C\j ,I I I il8 I O-..---O-u ~ 81 I I ~ I . ! ~I . ~I . I I .. - I> , I b SllSl I ,...... I M I I IW 00 oDJ:I J#DI , I I I tiNllJIII:) J I ~a I ~ I I l! . k......w ~I I I iiil I ~ ~-~~-----.. -~~~---- I~ I . . . sc. Council Agenda 9/13/04 Consideration of ado tion of a resolution for annexation of the "Rask" Prooerty. (10) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROlJ known as the The City has received a petition from Denny Hecker requesting annexation of the property known as the "Rask" proper y into the City of Monticello. The receipt of a petition requesting annexation from 1 0% of the property owners of a parcel of land that is contiguous or abutting the City is a triggering evcnt for annexation. This annexation request is being proe ssed in accordance with the provisions of the approved annexation agreement betw en thc City and Monticello Township. The property in question does lie within t e annexation area agreed to by the City and the Township. A resolution has been pre ared that needs to be approved by the Council and a letter has been sent to the Town hip noting that the City is processing this annexation request per the terms of th recent agreement. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Approve the resolution annexi g the property known as the "Rask" property lying in Section 10, Township 121, Range 25. These requests meet the criteri set forth in the annexation agreement between the City and the Township. S ould the Council approve the annexation requests the resolution will be forwarde to the state who may review and comment on the annexation but is required 0 order the annexation within 30 days orthe receipt of the resolution. 2. Do not approve the annexation request. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: It is the recommendation of the City A ministrator and staff that ths annexation petition be approved and the resolution forwar ed to the state. D. SUPPORTING DATA: Petition ",^""_._:'lJ_~ ~0 'e ~ 09: 57'RI' j P 2/3 . M \Yi r (I ':: City CO'l! leil Ci;y ..f Ilmticello Dt:ElI M I ,. Jr and Ci::) Council. Pha:; ~ ~ ( ';ept 1hi$ kt :eI: as a pet~ fO:~l for annexati) of the prop ~rt)' known as :be 'tRask" ) lree) f:r( ,II': M: '1 ticello T(" IIlshi:? to tl City of Montie;J o. The lege'l description 0 f the parce:" idln' fill on the at18 ;hed Exhibl "1\". Ifit il; pos ible, please submit tr,llS request to th(: : it:. o Ill} i ::ij ,i the reg\!, ,e r mc(;ting ( 5"eptember 2:3,:2 04. :21 TJ ,at, t : I \ l for coru~ illeration of is matter. .' . 2:JC . . . I,: : ; '16 '121 1 169: S7Arf P3/3 mFIlB. "A'~ LEI:+LDESCRWI'D OF PR.OPl RrTY I I , Tl! It ; Ht of Lot 3 aocording t~t:1e plat by E.RMcCord reci Irdl:d May 4, 1886 in Bod 1 ".>f. Sl.: :ti'l .: it Phts. ]: a ~e 566. of 11 Horth Hal:f of Ih Southeast I ~Wlrter of Sootkm 1 0" TO~N J 9h;p 1;, ., . 1 'luge 25, V, r ght County i:nnesota, dtlSCIib d as follow~ : . . I 0: In 12nclng at '1:1 So\tthw~ t oomer of suid Lo B; thence ilo"Uth 89 degre!)lJ 32 'mm.Vn.H ill Sf 1;OJ( ~ Eas~ un, ~ed beatins lc'jJg the Soulh l:a of said LoL 3, II distaxlClC of 223 .l~i fee': ~ I 1l~ ~ pI; nt ,;Ibeginnitg ofth:) land t llC described; 11.1 nclO North 4; d';:grees 28 IDUJlutes 47 8~:~ mds Ei rt I dstS%lce or: :30.0~~ feet; ence South :i3 C.I~ t~es 14 min~ltes 41 se<:onds East a dLstl'lU:O ,)f 3:, ~.1; feet to t::.c oent,~ lint f a township rt~ (also kno~ In :1$ 90th Str,,~\f; No.rth.etl,!i ~ ~ ::15 dc;cJ [nd jr., COlJD:Y lteoordel Mumerit Nc. 256 01; the.nce SO'I:ith 45 degJ:'fe~ 19 mintlH ~ :::8 St, \Ol .i ,1 Wut, a1:>: 19 said oenJ e hne a. distlClce:J 271.31 feel to the So,uth liml of :;aid r. c t H; t):;, Ip,ll North 88 (egrees 38 II nutcs 27 8econd~. Test alOugSailL Soufu line of :ila.id 1.(.11 !;, 1 di ita 1 .:;, of .~41.1 5 feet t:> the I 0' nl ofbegimong, 9 sc . . . 5D. Council Agenda - 9/13/04 Review of six month Li uor Store finan ial re ort. (RW) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROlJND: Enclosed for Council review is a copy of the six month financial report for the Liquor Store operations comparing the year 2003 with 20 4 through June 30th. To brielly summarize, sales for the operation increased $44,899 (3%) over the same period last year and likewise our cost of merchandise al 0 increased by $37,944 resulting in a gross profit increase of $4,600 to a total of $400,501 for he first six months. This was a nominal increase in gross profit of a little over I %, but our ove all gross profit percentage came in at 25.63 which is pretty much as expected. Although our gross profit increased slightly, ur operating income is actually lower than last year through June at $135,000 compared to $ 61,000 the previous year. Even with higher gross profit, our operating expenses increased mor than the gross profit did as a result of primarily higher personnel services cost. Employee tu novel' has always bcen a problem and it is turned out to be more beneficial for the liquor store peration to create positions that were more stable with a more permanent base of employees, w ich resulted in some higher payroll costs to achieve this goal. The operation has been aM to obtain a more stable work force, but we also had to offer competitive wages to do so whic is showing up in our increased personnel costs. As I am sure you are all aware of, this summe has bcen one of the coolest summers on record, and the month of May for fishing opener and emorial Day weekend was no exception, which has affected our overall beer sales accordingl . From conversations we have had with other stores in surrounding communities, the trend as been the same - "Worse we've seen in years due to the weather." Although the overall gross profit percentage 0 '25% plus is what we expected, the finance staff and liquor store personnel are continuing to re iew where our merchandise purchases are being coded as the percentages for liquor are higher han expected, but wine percentages are lower. While this doesn't affect the bottom line in th t we feel the 25% plus percentage is accurate, we are trying to determine why the gross profit fo liquor and wine seem to be different than what the daily sales records indicate. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: c. I. Motion to accept the Liquor Store fina cial report f(H the first six months as presented. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: It is the recommendation of Liquor Store Man gel', Joe Hartman and City Administrator, Rick Wolfsteller, that the liquor store report be acce. ted as presented. As noted above, stall will continue to review the gross profit percentages in all categories to continue on our target of 25%-26% gross profit percentage on annual b< sis. . . . Council Agenda - 9/13/04 n. SUPPORTING DATA: Copy of six month financial report . MONTICELLO MUN CIPAL LIQUOR BALANCE HEET June 30, 004 Current Assets Cash 530,713.98 Change Fund 4,400.00 Investments 429,047.89 Accounts Receivable (430.00) AIR - NSF Checks 3,304.67 AIR - Gift Certificates 510.00 Inventory 569,430.63 Prepaid Insurance 6,649.73 TOTAL CURRENT ASSETS 1,543,626.90 Fixed Assets Land 5,600.00 Parking Lot 37,055.63 Buildings 171,650.00 Improvements (not bldgs) 610,240.56 Machinery & Equip 64,250.65 Furniture & Equip 36,948.75 Motor Vehicles Construction in Progress less: Accumulated Depreciation (167,745A2) . TOTAL FIXED ASSETS 758,000.17 TOTAL ASSETS 2,301,627.07 Liabilities Accounts Payable 130,852.26 Due to EDA Fund Sales Tax Payable 4,506.84 Salaries Payable 28,258.59 Accrued Vacation/Sick Leave 47,945.00 Other Accrued Expenses 4,251.54 Deferred Revenues 1,879.71 TOTAL LIABILITIES 217,693.94 RETAINED EARNINGS 1,280,682.35 INV IN CAPITAL ASSETS 803,250.78 TOTAL LIABILITIES AND FUND BALANCE 2,301,627.07 . SD MONTICELLO MUNI CIPAL LIQUOR REVENUE AND XPENSES . COMPARISON FOR THE YEAR ENI ING JUNE 30, 2003 AND 2004 2003 2004 YEAR- TO-DATE YEAR- TO-DATE AMOUNT AMOUNT SALES Liquor 411 ,522 444,027 Beer 909,741 908,608 Wine 145,757 161,001 Other Merchandise 35,304 32,558 Misc Non-Taxable Sales 15,371 13,612 Gift Cert Sales Special Event Revenue 2,790 Discounts TOTAL SALES 1,517,696 1,562,595 COST OF GOODS SOLD (1,121,797) (1,162,095) GROSS PROFIT 395,898 26.09% 400,501 25.63% GENERAL AND ADMINISTRATIVE Personal Services Salaries 115,711 136,950 PERA 6,108 7,277 . FICA/Medicare 8,687 1 0,444 Health Insurance 9,956 14,819 Unemployment Benefits 632 Severance Pay 2,535 394 TOTAL PERSONAL SERVICES 142,997 9.42% 170,517 10.91% Supplies Office Supplies 1,473 228 General Operating Supplie 8,592 6,332 Other Supplies 2,657 6,906 TOTAL SUPPLIES 12,722 0.84% 13,466 0.86% Other Services & Charges Professional Services 1 ,459 1,960 Maintenance Agreements 53 Communication 2,075 2,495 Travel-Conference-Schools 323 302 Advertising 2,959 4,988 Insurance & Tax 5,842 6,083 Utilities 7,240 9,053 Maintenance, Equipment 7,317 3,868 Maintenance, Building 4,670 5,827 Maintenance, Other 516 56 Depreciation Exp 31,348 27,324 . Misc Svc & Chgs 15,275 19,264 TOTAL OTHER SERVICES & CH 79,022 5.21% 81,272 5.20% TOTAL GENERAL & ADMIN EXPENS 234,740 15.47% 265,255 16.98% 50 2003 2004 YEAR-TO-DATE YEAR- TO.DA TE . AMOUNT AMOUNT TOTAL OPERATING INCOME 161,158 10.62% 135,246 8.66% Other Income (Expense) Interest Income Cash Long/Short 208 (310) Sale of Property Misc Income 2,165 (93) TOTAL OTHER INCOME (EXPENSE) 2,373 0.16% (403) -0.03% NET INCOME (EXPENSE) 163,531 10.77% 134,843 8.63% Transfers In/Out ADJUSTED NET INCOME (EXPENSE) 163,531 10.77% 134,843 8.63% . . SD . MONTICEllO MUNIC PAL LIQUOR GROSS PROFIT B PRODUCT COMPARISON FOR THE YEAR END NG JUN 30, 2003 AND 2004 2003 2004 YEAR- TO-DATE YEAR-TO-DATE AMOUNT AMOUNT Liquor Sales 411,522 444,027 Discounts Cost of Sales 264,322 302,361 GROSS PROFIT ~ LIQUOR 147,200 35.77% 141,665 31.90% Beer Sales 909,741 908,608 Cost of Sales 692,908 682,621 GROSS PROFIT - BEER 216,832 23.83% 225,986 24.87% Wine Sales 145,757 161,001 Cost of Sales 122,500 135,029 GROSS PROFIT - WINE 23,257 15.96% 25,972 16.13% Mise Sales 35,304 32,558 Cost of Sales 25,663 25,933 GROSS PROFIT - MISC TAXABLE 9,641 27.31 % 6,625 20.35% . Mise Non~taxable Sales 15,371 13,612 Cost of Sales 10,262 7,655 GROSS PROFIT - MISC NON-TAX 5,109 33.24% 5,957 43.76% TOTAL SALES 1,517,696 1,562,595 TOTAL COST OF SALES 1,115,656 1,153,600 TOTAL FREIGHT COST 6,142 8,495 TOTAL GROSS PROFIT 395,898 26.09% 400,501 25.63% . 5 0 . . . - Council Agenda - 9/13/04 SE. A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: At the budget workshop held on August 23' , it was the Council direction that the preliminary levy for 2005 be the same as it was in 2004 nd that the staff bring the preliminary budget back to the Council at a future meeting to re iew budget cuts totaling $500,000. Since the action taken at the workshop was Council consensus on establishing the preliminary budget, it is recommended that he Council formally adopt the attached resolution setting the preliminary levy at $6,957,915.0 llJr 2005. This would be the identical amount adopted in 2004. B. AL TERNA TIVE ACTIONS: C. 1, Motion to adopt the resolution settin the 2005 preliminary budget tax levy at $6,957,915.00 and certifying this am unt to the County Auditor. 2. Adopt a preliminary tax levy at some other amount to be determined. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Bascd on Council direction at the workshop, 't is recommended that the resolution be adopted as outlined under Alternative #1. Over the n xt month or so, staffwill be reviewing individual department budgets to determine here we will be recommending the $500,000 in budget cuts come from. D. SUPPORTING DATA: Copy of resolution. tJfJr """ . RESOLUTION 2004-71 CITY OF Ml )NTICELLO RESOLUTION ADOPTING THE PRELIMINARY 2005 BUDGET AND SETTING I'HE TAX LEVY WHEREAS, the City Administrator has prepared and submitted to the City Council a preliminary budget setting forth therein his estimated needs of the City of Monticello for all operations and the debt service for the fiscal year commencing Janua y 1, 2005, and; WHEREAS, the City Council has reviewed the same and has made such changes therein as appearing to be in the best interest of the City of 1\ onticello; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF MONTICELLO that the preliminary budget so s lbmitted by the City Administrator, together with the changes made therein by the City Counci , be and same hereby is adopted as a preliminary budget for the fiscal year commencing January 1, 005; and BE IF FURTHER RESOLVED by the council of the City of Monticello that there b a preliminary levy for the fiscal year commencing January 1, 20( 5 and the following sums for the respective purposes indicated therein upon the taxable proper y of the City of Monticello, to wit: Net Certified Levy OAA $4,800 $59,605 $59,170 $3,653,974 $1,007235 $785,015 $36,970 $21,990 $784,156 $45,000 $500,000 . Tree Transportation General Community Center Parks Library HRA Debt Service Fund Capital Outlay Fund Street Reconstruction fund TOTAL TAX LEVV $6,957,915 The above resolution was introduced by Councilme nber _ ._' was duly seconded by Councilmember ___.__ with the follov ing voting in favor thereof: . The following voting in opposition: 56 . . . Adopted this 13th day of September, 2004. ATTEST: Rick Wolfstellcr, City Administrator Bruce Thielen, Mayor 5'E . . . SF. Council Agenda 09/13/04 A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND ation Tlte Planning Commission reviewed tltisitem and recommended approval of tlte request. Kristin Tltomas was present to answer questions at tlte public Itearing. Tltere were no objections to the request a tlte public hearing. Kristin Thomas requests a ConditionallJs that would allow "Healing with Spirit" ser R-I district, at Lot 1, Block 1 of the River Permit for a special home occupation permit ices at her home. The home is located in an ill Subdivision (6191 River Mill Drive). The proposed use and associated operation is similar to other uses allowed by special permit such as barber and beauty services, hotography studio, saw sharpening, skate sharpening, small appliance and small engi e repair and the like. In describing the Healing with Spirit activit es, Thomas notes in her application that her business provides spiritual/intuitive reading ., Angel Card Readings and Reiki healing. Please see her letter to the Planning Commi sion for detail. The applicant's letter also reviews the city 0 dinance standards point by point, noting that the business will be in compliance with all r quirements of the special home occupation permit, with the exception of the limited ret iI activity will Occur on site. It appears that the use proposed is no differe 1t than other home occupation uses that are allowed. Therefore, it is the view of staff th t the proposed use is eligible for a home occupation permit. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS Decision: Conditional Use Permit for a Spe ial Home Occupation for Spiritual/Intuitive Readings and Reiki Healings in an R~1 distri t. 1. Motion to approve the Healing with S irit ConditionallJse Permit for a Spccial Home Occupation with thc condition hat the operation of the home occupation complies with the standards identified by ordinance. Retail activity shall be limited to purchases made by custome s in conjunction with an appointment lor service. No retail sales apart from ap ointments will be allowed. City staff should evaluate the operation in one y ar and place consideration of renewal of the special home occupation permit on the Planning Commission agenda if . . . Sf: August 16, 2004 Kristin M. Thomas 6191 River Mill Drive Monticello, MN 55362 Chair Frie and Planning Commissioners City of Monticello 505 Walnut Street, Suite 1 Monticello, MN 55362 !-tea Li.VlfJ wi.th s-pi.l'"tt Dear Mr. Frie and Members of the Commission: Thank you for the opportunity to further explai my request for a special home occupation permit. I would like to provide you with a detai ed description of the services I will provide within the conditions of the permit. My company, "Healing with Spirit" provides the following services: A. Spiritual/Intuitive Readings whe eby my client and I will sit in my living room and he/she will ask questi ns and I in return will provide the client information I receive from spirit. B. Angel Card Readings where I use two decks of cards and intuitively interpret information received from spirit ough the card's messages C. Reiki healings were I place my h ds within the client's energy field or lightly on top of his/her clothed body d channel energy from the universe. These services will be provided out of my ho e approximately fifty percent of the time. The remainder of my work will be conducted at e client's home or at a designated holistic center. Office activities relating to my busines , such as billing, phone calls, establishing appointments, etc., will also occur within my ho e. My home occupation meets the requirements of permitted home occupation: Section 3 - 11 [DJ, General Provisions A. My home occupation will not produce Ii t glare, noise, odor, or vibration that will in any way have an objectionable effect u on adjacent or nearby property. B. No equipment will be used in my ho e occupation that will create electrical interference to surrounding properties. C. The residential character of the neighborh od will not be affected. D. I will not conduct any internal or external terations or involve construction features not customarily found in residential dwelli gs. E. There will be no exterior storage. F. My home occupation will meet all require building and fire codes. G. There will be no exterior or interior sign for this home occupation that arc visible from the outside of the dwelling with the exception of a potential identification sign identifying me as the resident by name onl . H. My home occupation will comply with the provisions of the city code. I. My home occupation will be by appointm nt only and no business that requires the client to be present will be conducted been the hours of 10:00 pm and 7:00 am. . . . 51= J. All parking of clients will be within th driveway area at least fifteen feet from the curb line. My home business also meets the requirements tated in: Section 3 - 11 [E] Permitted Home Occupation 1. I am the owner of "Healing with Spirit" and will be the sole employee. My husband and I jointly own and live in the home ere the business will occur. 2. All of my services will be provided withi the principal structure. 3. All client parking will be within my driv ay and be the required 15 feet away from the curb line. 4. My home occupation is similar to d qualifies under the permitted use as, "professional offices". 5. My home occupation will not involv any of the following: repair service or manufacturing that requires equipment ther than found in a dwelling; or teaching which customarily consists of more th one pupil at a time. I will provide for the limited retail sale of small metaphysical i ems, such as stones ranging from 1/4" to 1" in size, or small containers of oils, etc., that are not products widely marketed and sold in wholesale or retail outlets. I will be in attendance at the Planning Commission meeting of September 7, 2004 to answer any questions the Commission may have. ank you in advance for your time and consideration. Sincerely, ~nLfnJ~ Kristin M. Thomas flome: 763-295-8355, J)aytime: 763-635-1013 . CITY OF MO TICELLO COMMUNITY DEVELOP ENT DEPARTMENT 505 Walnut Steet, Suite] Monticello, N 55362 (612) 295 2711 ADMINISTRATIVE PERMI - HOME OCCUPATION APPLICA TIO /PERMIT Applicant Name: s 5~ Planning Case # Zoned: I. Please describe the proposed home occupation acti ity in general terms and location within home. I LU'; \\ be ~(o""ciln~ 8e(\II,Ces +~~-t lnc-~llde. ps~eh',cI;f\iUt-h\j e OJ')O ('0."-0 (eo.cI0Ss; (l CYlS W\1-h I(ed<-, eCl\lngs which Q(E en:yg~ -+hCYQ~. . Address: Business: @ 13. Describe the entrance to the space devoted to the ho e occupation: c\ ,em- s ~\ 6. e(\-tt:l +hrou8 h +h +tent ck.tx- fa -the hcrne.. . Business Name: WILL THE HOME OCCUPATION INCLUDE ANY OF HE FOLLOWING? (Circle your response) 2. 3. 4. 5. Rctail activity? @ No Manufacturing or repair activity? Yes (fjg) Inventory to be kept on the premises? c&i No Any person other than those residing on the premis s employed in the home occupation? Yes @ Use of mechanical equipment not customarily foun in the home? Yes ..G More than one room devoted to the home occupation? Yes e Outside storage of materials? Y es ~ Signage? Yes <ffi) Internal or external alterations in volving constructi n? Y es ~ Will the home occupation be conducted in a garage r accessory building? Yes Will the home occupation result in more than one c' stomer's car being parked on the premises at any given point in time? Yes 0 6. 7. 8. 9. ]0. ] I. 12. HOM EOCC.APP: 08/22/03 Page 1 ;f:. Please provide detail for all YES answers above: rJ . I w; \I ha.ve Sfrne O~ loS s+on es cwd. ofuer- SrncL \ I rnela.phu Q ; CtJ \ fern s auadab I-e... fO" pll("Cha.Se. J, u . 4. A S}l'y-,Q\\ ~'1t oF +he rkms 1,s,fec1 a~ Shall be fY'G..\nta\ntd In (h~ har.e , I have reviewed the regulations associated with operation of a home occupation, and I have reviewed City staff comments, I do hereby agree to abide by all City of Mont" cello home occupation regulations. ~ L1. aD+~~J.~~Y\ UY\ (~h(7Y\(in I? te Applicant SIgnature FEE: $lO/@ Receipt # *********************************************** ******************************************* (For City U e Only) It has been determined by staff that this home occupation ermit is: [ ] Approved [ J Denied )(j Special Permit Needed . STAFF COMMENTS: Assistant Administrator Zoning Administrator Date Approved Date Approved Public Hearing Date: ~ N/A COy) 9:l=*. B, -zO~ . HOM EOCC.APP: OR/22103 Page 2 . . 5G. Consideration of a re uest for an Amend ent to an existin fence line addition and build in ex ansion in a B-3 District. Stora!!c. (.TO) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: Council Agenda .- 9/137/04 The Planning Commission reviewed this ite and recommended approval under Alternative #1. There were 110 objections to the PUD amend ent at the public hearing.. The applicant is seeking approval of an amen ment to a PUD approval that was previously grantcd to accommodate outdoor storage, a co 1mon signage plan, and physical improvements to the AMAX Self-Storage facility south of Dun as Road. The current PUD approval incorporates a sma I stormwater pond in the southwest corner of the site, along Cedar Street. With the Cedar Stree improvements, the applicant will have access to the City's improved stormwater system, elimi; ating the necd for the on-site ponding. With this change, the applicant is requesting the expansi )l1 of two existing storagc buildings toward Cedar Street in the area currently occupied by the po d. Also as a part of the original plan, the applicaJ t proposed a fence consisting of split-face concrete block and black iron fencing along Dundas Ro d. The new proposal extends the fcnce along the Cedar Street exposure. The elimination of the pond was a part of the ity's anticipated street improvements, and appears to be consistent with the Engineer's expectatio s for stormwater management in the area. The building expansion and extension of the fence ine would allow f()f full utilization of the site. The plans are not clear, however, it is staffs under tanding that the site improvements, including paving, building style, and landscaping will be consistent with current site use. Finally, previous approvals were conditioned 0 bringing the site into compliance with signage regulations, with appears to be completed. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS . Decision t: Devclopment Stage PUD for ex ansion of the AMAX Self Storage facility. 1. Motion to approvc the PUD Amend ent, based on a finding that the proposed improvements are consistent with t e previous approvals and mcet the City's engineering requirements for storm ater management in the area. This recommendation should bc conditio ed on all new improvements bcing consistent with the existing conditions on thc site, i eluding building materials, landscaping, and pavmg. 2. Motion to deny the PUD Amendme t, based on findings from public hearing information. . . . Council Agenda - 9/137/04 C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION Planning Commission and staff recommend pproval of the PUD Amendment. As noted in the report, the proposed improvements have bee anticipated by the City's engineering design, and should be consistent with the existing and pI nned use oEthe property in question. D. SUPPORTING DATA A. Site Location Aerial Image B. Letter from Applicant C. Site Plan . . . A-MAX STORAGE ...............-.,.u....._..u..u_.......w_......................"'"..........."'H........""".........."'.........._......_....".,..........n...u......_'H'..,.....'...n~....."'..,..."................. '......""..H"~._..........."...,...".............,..........",.."'........"........,,.."..................H'......._...._~...."...".......................'..,_,..,"......._,........,.,...... _'6 Dundas Road Monticello. MN 55:\02 Phone 7(i~q95-J 152 Fa:;:: 76_\.295-3154 August 12, 2004 Dear Mr. Oneill, Please find enclosed site plan, survey d proposed fence and building addition. At this juncture I hope these suffice. As er Mr. Patch I need to change my front (per ordinance) back to side. As with the Cedar Street construction m previous side yard is now the front. My desire is to change that for my additi ns to buildings and fence on the West of the property parallel to Cedar Street. The existing pond will be filled and sto drainage from my property to make a direct connection to city storm tile. My goal is to receive the front side yard hanges to complete a fence this fall before restoration of Cedar Street boulevard tak s place. Detail drawing will be supplied per reque t prior to Council action if needed. As most of the need for items are moot ifa 10 foot etback is not granted. SCo 11 I I I I I IT1 I I'TI I'T1 ~ I ~ I 2S U) U) VJ ::j ::j ~ z I z I z C> Q , en I d ~ , > I " JTI I CD I I I 0 I ~ ~ j I I~ I I I L~ I I tolTl IX 'r.:g~ N Z \'-\'. G) \ - (/) I '0~ ~O I ,--::0 . > " JT1 I I I.... :::!i II I{ I, h , I I !'1' ~( V\I ~ " - I ~ .. ~ IDI'TI IX 0- ,,~ \l' Z r"" " \ \r (J) N~ ~i' > C> ITI / I~t ~"')(. I~ 't ~ w ~l ~ ro .~cj N I~b::r I):. Ie I~ ~ I ~ R ~ 4- E ti o 'F -;- ~ o .5 5CD /. -- /. -- /.-- ," I /. '" i /. ~ ~ /I /I " I' _ -0 CH_O j01 tn<o 0 ;: CD4>o-ot.l . . to . r 0- o o~ () - ^ /. I .I / / / 07 a (/) ~ :r z o (,.J (,.J - ---- 01 '-- a '""'-----........... N 01 \ __ ..J ~-- ""<'Ilj __ -,..,,.,,, , ~ '-- "'.. ... 0 ____ ": ..... ---: -- ~ ~"'dlj __........... ---. -y:r:Hj, -:- :::: ....... --- t, --=-.." ,~ __ -......~ -:;-.,:;:)d.___ h ", _ c' _ , "" -........- -- , .." 0 ........... ~\ if '" .,-::"Jd" . ... ", ---. ..... r . tr... ~ '-<:::" " r"" ....t".. -" -< < , / ....... . 4/?("..." -............. ".......... -"< s' '.......... / .................; ~. - ------- - -::: '" ~ / . 1- m -/ ---+-- or zz f'11f'll 0-0 "TJ>- :;:0 . r::;:-; :::c 0-; 'l:::C f'll r:z "'l \ ~\ I I :;:00 Of'll >-Q Cl(j I :;:0>- 5nJ :::co I -;0 .-. '.' 'e .. Oz , "TJo "---- I I ;::E>- ",- >-(fl -< (0.. r, '4...1 .:: I I I I /1.;;-/- , /~:6I '... 1/ _. ,.. ,:.. I" _ _ _1~84.69 _ _ _ -- I 1 I I 5Co ,-, --"'","", , . . . . Council Agenda - 9/13/04 7. Consideration of ro osed ordinance esta Monticello Public schools for Fiber 0 tic reement with the A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: The Monticello Public School system is seck ng a franchise agreement with the City to allow it to construct and operate a fiber optic transmi sion line within the city right-of-ways. The purpose of the fiber optic system is to interconnect the schools for data transmission purposes. State statutes allow cities to require entities t at want to use city right-of...ways to obtain a franchise agreement to do so similar to what he City currently has with Xed Energy, Wright Ilennepin Electric, Centre Pointe Gas, TDS . elephone and Charter Cable. An agreement has been prepared by staff and reviewed by the C'ty Attorney that would grant the school district a ten year franchise to construct their fiber opti' transmission lines with the understanding that they would be used for their use solely and n t to be sublet for commercial purposes. That provision of the ordinance was modified to i elude a provision that would allow the school district to have other public entities such as Ii raries, community centers or other municipal entities to connect to the system without bein considered for commercial purposes. The reason for this provision is that if the City gr ts franchise rights to use our right-or-way for an entity that plans on using it for commercial p lrposes, the City would have the right to charge additional franchise fees to ofTset the increas d cost the taxpayers could have in monitoring, locating, and working around during constru tion projects. Since a commercial use of this fiber optic cablc could not occur without Cit Council approval in the future, it is proposed that a franchise fee of only $500 annually be char ed to cover the City's cost associated with maintaining records, answering inquiries by itizens and notifying the district of City projects affecting the fiber optic cable along with mee ing with district representatives regarding said projects. If approved by the Council, this franchise agr ement would be established as a city ordinance, and the Public Works Department will revie final routing plans submitted by the School District to determine exact location and deptl s of proposed fiber optic cable. The City would issue permits to the school's contractor on a eek at a time basis in order to coordinate the construction. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. The Council could approve adopting n ordinance granting the School District a fiber optic franchise agreement. 2. Do not approve franchise agreement a this time. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: It is the recommendation of the Public Works Director, City Attorney and City Administrator that the lTanchise agreement as outlined be ap roved by the City Council as an ordinance. The terms and conditions of the lTanchise agreem nt follow typical guidelines recommended by the . . . Council Agenda - 9/13/04 League of Minnesota Cities and our attorne and have been agreed to by School District officials. I). SUPPORTING DATA: Copy of proposed fi ber optic franchise agre ment . . . FIBER OPTIC FRAN HISE AGREEMENT BETWEEN CITY OF MONTI ELLO AND INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT N . 882, MONTICELLO The City of Monticello ("City") hereby grants to Independent School District No. 882, Monticello ("District"), a nonexclusive franchise to construct, op rate, repair, and maintain in the City of Monticcllo, Mi nnesota, fiber optic transmission lines, including ne 'essary fixtures and appurtenances, for the operation of fiber optic lines by the School District and its agclts and employees, and to use the public ways and public grounds of the City JtJr such purposes. Section I: DEFINITIONS. For purposes of tl is Agreement, the following terms shall have the following meanings: Notice: A writing served by any party or parti s on any other party or parties. Public Way: Any street, alley or other public ri ht-of-way within the City. Public Ground: Land owned or otherwise con rolled by the City f(Jr park, open space or similar public purpose, which is held for use in comm n by the public. Section 2: ADOPTION OF FRANCHISE. 2.1 Grant of Franchise: City grants the Disk ct, for a period of ten (10) years from the date this agreement is executed, the right to use f ber optic transmission lines that are connected to District facilities for sole use of the Dis rict, its students and employees. The fiber optic facilities are not to be uscd to sublet for commercial purposes, however, this system may be integrated with other public entities in ollaborative cflorts to benefit the community in general (i.e. collaboration with libraries, ommunity centers, municipal entities, ete) and are public in nature subject to review with the City of Monticello. Such collaboration that requires the installation of additional i frastructure will require an amendment tot his agreement as provided in article 12 belo . For these purposes, the District may construct operate, repair and maintain facilities in on, over, under and across the Public Way and Public Ground, subject to other provisiOl s of this agreement. 2.2 Dispute Resolution. If either party asserts hat the other party is in default in the performance of any obligation hereunder, the complai ing party shall notify the other party of the default and the desired remedy. The notification ust be in writing. Representatives of the parties must promptly meet and attempt in goodaith to negotiate a resolution of the dispute. If the dispute is not resolved within thirty (30) ays of the date of written notice, the parties may jointly select a mediator to facilitate furth r discussion. The parties will equally share fees and expenses of this mediator. Ifa mediat r is not used or if the parties are unable to resolve the dispute within thirty (30) days after f rst meeting with the mediator, either party may commence an action in District Court to i terpret and enft)rce this Franchise Agreement or for such other relief as may be permitted y law or equity. 2.3 Continuation of Franchise. If the City and istrict are unable to agree on the terms of a new franchise by the time this franchise expire, this ffanchise will remain in effect until a new ffanchise is agreed upon, or unti I ninety (9 ) days after the City or the District serves written p:': \Bf'!thG\won1pfoc\JOHN\MISC\I(C1rlchise_C1greemCrll_with_SGh001, wpu: OS/3012D04 - Page 1 of 4 - . . . Section 3: 3.4 3.5 Section 4: 4. I notice to the other party of its intention t allow the franchise to expire. However, in no event shall this franchise continue for more tl an one year after the expiration of the term set forth in Section 2.1. LOCATION, OTHER REGULA TI 3.1 Location of Facilities. Fiber optic line fa 'i lities shall be located, constructed, and maintained so as not to interfere with the safety and onvenience of ordinary travel along and over Public Ways and so as not to disrupt or inter ere with the normal operation of any City utility system. 3 .2 Street Openings. The District shall not open or disturb the surface of any Public Way or Public Ground for any purpose withOl t first having obtained a permit from the City, if required. Permit conditions imposed on t le District shall not be more burdensome than those imposed on other utilities for similar fa ilities or work. 3.3 Restoration. After undertaking any w rk requiring the opening of any Public Way, the District shall restore the Public Way in a cordance with Minnesota law and City ordinances. All work shall be completed as promptly as required by City Policy and Ordinances imposed on other utilities for similar facilities I' work. If weather conditions do not allow the restoration to be completed in a permane t manner, temporary methods shall be used which are acceptable to the City until weather Hows a permanent restoration. Notice ofImprovements to Streets. The jty must give the District rcasonable written notice of plans for improvements to Public W ys where the City has reason to believe that the District's fiber optic lines may afJect or e affected by the improvcment. The notice must contain: (i) the naturc and character oftl c improvcments, (ii) the Public Ways upon which the improvements are to be made, (iii) t e extent of the improvemcnts, (iv) the timc when the City will start thc work, and (v) if m re than one Public Way is involved, the order in which the work is to proceed. The notice must be given to the District a sufficient length of time, considering seasonal working con itions, in advance of the actual commencement of the work to permit the District to relocat ,alter or repair its fiber optic lines that the District deems necessary. Additional fiber opti lines or alterations to location, depth, or above ground appurtenances shall be approved by the City prior to the work being performed. Field Location and Mapping. Upon requ st by the City or any property owner, the District must provide field locations for any of is facilities within the period of time required by Minnesota State Statute 216D. The Dist ict must promptly provide complete and accurate mapping information for any of its fa ilities in accordance with the requirements of Minnesota Rules Parts 7819.3 I 00 and 7819.4100. Mapping shall be updated annually and new or revised maps provided to the Cit no later than February 1 Sl of each year. FIBER OPTIC LINE RELOCATION Relocation in Public Wa s and Public Gr unds. The District shall comply with Minnesota Rules, part 78 I 9.3100 and applicable Cit ordinances consistent with law. 4.2 Proiects with Fcderal Funding. Relocati n, removal, or rearrangement of any fiber optic lincs made necessary becausc of the ext nsion into or through City of a fedcrally-aided F :\F1l:!thG\wOrdproc\JOHN\MISC\franchise_agi"cement_wilh. scnool.wpd: 08/3012004 - Page 2 of 4 - highway project shall be governed by th provisions of Minnesota Statutes Section 161.46. . Section 5: LIABILITY. Each party shall hold the ther harmless from any and all liability, on account of inj ury to persons or damage to property occasioned b the construction, maintenance, repair, inspection, the issuance of permits, or the operation of the fiber ptic lines located in the public ways and public grounds. This section is not, as to third parties, a waiver of any defense or immunity otherwise available to the City or the District under Minnesota Statutes, Chap er 466 or under common law. Section 6: V ACA TION OF PUBLIC WAYS. Th City shall give the District at least two weeks prior written notice of a proposed vacation of a public way. . 'he City and District shall comply with Minnesota Rules 7819.3200 ffild applicable ordinances consistent ith law. Section 7: ABANDONED FIBER OPTIC LINE '. The District shall comply with City ordinances, Minnesota Statutes, and Minnesota Rules Part 7819.3 00, as they may be amended from time to time.. Furthermore, any district lines or appurtenances that are bandoned must be removed in their entirety within sixty (60) days of retirement or until weather condition allow for the work to be performed. Section 8: FRANCHISE FEE. Amount. During the term of the francl ise hereby granted, and in addition to permit fees being imposed or that the City has a rirht to impose, the City may charge the District a franchise fee in the amount of$500.00 uallyto cover the cost associated with maintaining a record file answering inquiries by citi ens and notification to the District of city projects affecting the fiber optic cable and meeti g with the District regarding said projects. 8.1 . 8.2 Continuation of Franchise Fee. If this ranchise expires and the City andthe District are unable to agree upon the terms of a ne franchise, the franchise fee, if any being imposed by the City at the time the franchise ex ires, will remain in effect until a new franchise is agreed upon. Section 9: NOTICES. Any notice to be given und r this Agreement shall be mailed to the party to be notified at the following'addresses of the parties by regi tered mail, and shall be deemed effective when so mailed. Rick Wolfsteller, City Administrator CITY OF MONTICELLO 505 Walnut Street, Suite #1 Monticello, MN 55362 INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT #882 302 Washington Street Monticello, MN 55362 Section to: SEVERABILITY. Every section ofth s Agreement is declared separate from every other section; and if any section shall be held invalid, it shall ot affect any other section, provided however, that if the City is unable to enforce its ffanchise fee provisio s for any reason the City will be allowed to amend the ffanchise agreement to impose a franchise fec pursLant to statute. Section 11 : LIMITATION ON APPLICABILIT . This Franchise Agreement is between the City and District as the only parties and no provision ofthis franc ise shall in any way inure to the benefit of any third person (including the public at large) so as to constitut any such person as a third party beneficiary of the Agreement or of anyone or more of the terms hereof, r otherwise give rise to any cause of action in any person not a party hereto. . F :\Bp.thG\wordpruC\JOHN\MI SC\franchisp.-::Igreernenl-wilh-school, wpci' 08/30/2004 - Page 3 of 4 - . Section 12: AMENDMENTS. Either party to this ranchise Agreement may at any time propose that the Agreement be amended, Amendments to this Agre ment are not effective unless in writing and signed by both parties to this Agreement. Section 13: RELA TIONSHIP OF THE PARTIE,. 'fhis Franchise Agreement does not create a joint venture, partnership, or agency relationship between t e parties and any such relation is hereby expressly disclaimed. Section 14: ENTIRE AGREEMENT. This Agre ment constitutes the entire agreement between the parties, This Agreement is to be construed and enf reed in accordance with the law of the state of Minnesota. By signing below, each party specifically acknowledges that it fully understands and agrees to all the terms set forth herein, and that it is authorized to enter into thO s Agreement. CITY OF MONTICELLO DATED: . DA'l'ED: By: Its: By: Its: INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT #882, MON ICELLO DATED: DA TED: . By:_~ Its: By:__ Its: r. \B~thG\woITlproC\JOt"lN\MISC\frF.lnGhise.agr'eer\"lef1l-with-::;Gho01. Wpel, 08/30/2004 - Page 4 of 4 - . . . Council Agenda - 9/13/04 9. Consideration of a resolution authorizin 1m rovement Pro. ect includin associate A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROlJND: At the Council workshop held August 9th on the CSAH 18/1-94 interchange project, the City Engineer noted that design work for the CS I-I 18 interchange would begin this fall with a contract awarded in late summer of2005 an construction to take place from September 2005 through September 2006. The time frame fi r the Chelsea Road improvement and the Fallon Avenue Overpass called for design work be inning in 2005 and construction in 2007. In order to meet this time table for the interc ange project, it was anticipated that authorization would be given to the City Engineer to begi 1I.nal design work on the interchange at the first meeting in September 2004. As you may recall, an interchange project fi ance plan was reviewed with the Council that outlined the total project costs for all of the "mprovements including the interchange, land acquisition for the interchange, 7th Street ext nsion through Dahlheimer property, extension of Chelsea Road from County Road 18 east to eadow Oak Avenue and the replacement of the County Road 18 bridge over 1~94 could exceed $25,000,000. In addition, in the future, Fallon Avenue bridge would add an additional $3,6 0,000 to the overall cost. The finance plan had called for an estimated $6,300,000 in contri utions from bene1Itting property owners near the interchange in order to proceed with the project. As of today, the City has not yet received a 1 tter of commitment or waiver of an assessment from the major property owners who initiall were driving this improvement project, i.e. the Ryan Companies (Dahlheimer site) or Sha Weinand, property owner south of I~94. Since these two properties would be the primary b ne1Iciary of an interchange improvement at this location, and without their commitment to p rticipate in the cost as we had originally expected, it is the recommendation of city staff that au horization to procecd with $1,100,000 in design work be tabled until a commitment is receiv d. Enclosed for your review is a 11nal design sc pe of services proposal and estimate of cost to design al1 of the CSAH 18 interchange work If and when the City receives commitments from the property owners regarding the tlnanee pI ,the Council cml then consider authorization of proceeding with the design work. Until then, staff believes it would be premature to start the process without evidence that the bene11tting property owners are willing to pay their fair share. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. If an assessment waiver agreement h s not been received by the two major owners bene11tting from the interchange imp ovement, Council could determine to table any action on authorizing final design wo'k until waivers are received. 2. Council could authorize the City Eng'neer to proceed with interchange improvement designs at an estimated cost of $1,123,000 as outlined in their scope of services. Council Agenda - 9/13/04 . Under this alternative, the Council w uld be indicating that the project is still necessary for the City of Monticello's transport tion needs regardless of whether there is a commitment from adjoining property wners to contribute to the funding. c. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Without commitments from the major propel y owners to pay for their estimated cost of the improvements, it is the staff recommendatiOl that design work be tabled until we receive those commitments. n. SUPPORTING DATA: Interchange Scope of Services Proposal ~ ttvA-~. /'f ,...,.,{/,. ~ r;6-~ <.. f~'~ ().J II f/., fl. . -;::::d (,~ 67jl> ( 5G.~) ~.(4) fIIo. If '1 ,..; ~ IS fftn'AP" ()A.J ~..3 ~, 11,_ -- A- 1''''' +..r -c- I )c...,., ,.) ~ '2.,1 'r4-/ e 2. ./ . (2.. V 81 c., _ _M.e c...... oJ..l "Attac ent A" . 1-94 INTERCHANGE AT CSAH 18 SCOPE OF SERVJCES Final Design of C AH 18 Interchange PROJECT OVERVIEW Our proposal for the final design ofthe 1-94 terchange at Wright CSAH 18 is based on the preliminary layout prepared for the City fMonticello dated June 25th, 2004 that is currently under review by the Mn/DOT Dist ct 3 and Central Office. The project involves reconstruction of the existing two-lane rural SAH 18 from School Boulevard to CSAH 75 and existing two-lane rural CSAH 39 from C AH 75 to Hart Boulevard to a four-lane urban roadway. Construction of four (4) inte change ramps from 1-94 to CSAH 18. A stonn drainage system, including storm wate ponds, will be constructed to convey water that is currently carried in the roadway ditche' . The bridge on CSAH 18 over 1-94 will be replaced as part of the project. The project w 11 also include new traffic signals, and interconnect on CSAH 18 at Chelsea Road, 7 Street, and CSAH 75. New interchange ramps will be constructed from CSAH 18 to I 94 and the existing eastbound entrance and westbound exit ramps will be removed from SAH 75, . WORK SCOPE This section outlines the work tasks that woul be completed for the final design of CSAH 18 as described above. We have separ ted the work tasks into the basic work that will be required to take the project to construe ion and have identified optional tasks that may be needed or requested by the City. ents (plans, specifications, and estimates). utlined in the preliminary approved layout. completed as part of the basic work for the The WSB team will prepare construction doc The design will incorporate the requirements The following work tasks are anticipated to b proj ect. Task 1: Project Management This task will consist of management and adm'nistration, project coordination and communication with Mn/DOT District 3, Wri ht County, and the City of Monticello for the design phase. It includes periodic meetings w'th Mn/DOT project administrators. Also included will be billing preparation, invoicing, progress reports and other non-technical work associated with this phase of the project. . 1 Monticello I-94/CSAH 18 Interchange Final Design July 19, 2004 "Attach ent A" . 1-94 INTERCHANGE AT CSAH 18 SCOPE OF SERVICES Task 2: Preliminary Design This task will consist of conducting a noise alysis and completing any additional work required to finalize the Environmental Assess ent, Staff Approved Layout, Interchange Access Request and Design Study Report. Task 3: Signal Justification Report Three (3) Signal Justification Reports (SJR) ill be prepared for submission to Wright County and Mn/DOT State Aid for approval. The three SJR's include: 1. CSAH 18 at proposed ih Street and 1-9 WB ramps ~ permanent system. 2. CSAH 18 at Chelsea Road and 1-94 EB amps - permanent system. 3. CSAH 18 at CSAH 75 -permanent syst m. It is assumed that any traffic counts required or preparation of the SJR's will be conducted by WSB & Associates, Inc. . Task 4: Field Survey - Base Map Prep. Some field design surveys have been complet d as part of the preliminary design for the CSAH 18 Interchange project. However, it is xpected that a cross-section design survey will be needed for this project. Culverts, hyd ants, gate-valves and other drainage and utility elements in the corridor would be locat d as part of this field survey. It is assumed that an additional thirteen (13) days offield s rvey may be necessary for the final design. This would provide approximately one (1) da s of survey time to go back and pick up additional information where needed. This ta k also includes developing an updated design base map for the project from the survey info ation. This is included in the cost estimate. Task 5: Geotechnical Study The geotechnical investigation work, includin soil borings for the project, will be completed by Braun 1ntertec. The scope was ased on Mn/DOT criteria; therefore, there is an abundance of laboratory testing and additi nal depth borings included; particularly for the bridge area. The soils letter will be prepaed by Braun Intertec for review by the City. Pavement Design will use R-values and folIo State Aid Guidelines. WSB will prepare the data for the Request for Pavement packag s that will be submitted by MnlDOT. The data will include: layout with index map, gen rallayout identifying project limits, typical sections, profiles, traffic data. . 2 Monticello I-94/CSAH J 8 Interchange Final Design July 19, 2004 "Attac ent A" . 1-94 INT~:RCHANGE AT CSAH 18 SCOPE OF SERYICES Task 6: Final Design and Preparation of adway Construction Plans and Cross- Sections WSB will prepare detailed construction plan for the grading, surfacing and drainage improvements associated with the improvem nts to CSAH 18, CSAH 39, and Interchange ramps. City utility improvements are not inc uded in this task and cost estimate. Specifically, the construction plan will consi t of the following sheets and include items shown in Mn/DOT State Aid example plans. . Title Sheet: Contains the location map, signature block, sheet index, project data, pit data, and station-reference point comp . sons. . General Layout: Layout ofthe project showing the plan sheet layout and sheet numbers for reference. . Statement of Estimated Quantities: ontains Mn/DOT's standard pay item number, item description and quantity of all mat rials. Quantity totals will be subtotaled by funding source (including pro-rata ofl p sum items, 100% MnlDOT, 100% County, 100% City, and drainage split y flow percentages). References to quantity tabulations of each individual item will be made. Notes will be included where necessary for clarification. . . Quantity Tabulations: Tabulations wi 1 be prepared summarizing the earthwork volumes by station and the balance of c lculations by stage. Detailed tabulations of each item contained on the estimated q anti ties sheet will also be included. Two independent quantity calculations on 0 e set checked by a senior engineer will be prepared for each item. . Soils Construction Notes and Standa d Plates: Soils and construction notes covering special requirements and criti al information contained in the soils letter will be listed. Standard plates used on is project will also be listed. . Typical Sections: Sections will be sho n for existing roadways and roadways to be constructed under this contract. The se tions will be consistent with the pavement design, approved geometric layout, and soils and surfacing requirements shown in the soils letter. Surface type, base material and sub grade corrections will be shown. . Miscellaneous Details/Standard Plan : Provide horizontal geometry and details necessary for the construction ofuniqu or non-standard items and other items . 3 Monticello 1-94/CSAH 18 Interchange Final Design July 19, 2004 "Attac ent A" J-94INTERCIIANGE AT CSAH 18 SCOPE OF SERVICES . identified during the detail design proce: s. Insert standard plans wherever needed to eliminate or supplement construction d ails in the plan as provided by MnlDOT. . Construction Staging and Traffic Co trol: Detailed plans will be prepared demonstrating a stage-by-stage process y which the new roadways can be constructed. It is assumed that that CS 18 will be closed from Chelsea Road to CSAH 75 during construction, however access to in-place businesses is anticipated to be maintained at all times. Detailed pI s and notes will be prepared showing the locations of signs, barriers and striping ecessary to accommodate the construction staging within the project area in am er consistent with the MMUTCD Manual, Field Manual dated January, 2004, for emporary Traffic Control Zone Layouts, City of Monticello, Wright County, and M OT District 3 practices. A tabulation showing the description and estimated uantities of traffic control devices by stage will also be prepared. . Temporary Traffic Signals: Plans wil be developed for temporary traffic signals at CSAH 18 and CSAH 75 during the con truction period. It is anticipated that the existing cabinet and controller can be u 'lized during construction. . . Alignment Plans and Tabulations: Pr pare alignment plans showing proposed roadway centerlines, stationing and ide tifying alignment points with point numbers and curves with curve numbers, includi g permanent horizontal control points. Prepare tabulation sheets showing ali ent and curve data (PC, PT, PI, POT, POC, PCC) for the alignment points shown 0 the alignment plan. Tabulated data will include station, delta, degree of curve, r dius, tangent, curve length, superelevation rate and X and Y coordinates. . Utility and Removal Plans and Tabul tions: Prepare plans showing updated topographic features, private and public utilities, wells, septic tanks, drain fields and field tile within the project limits; prop sed centerlines and right-of-way lines; and also pavement, pipe, culvert, drainage s cture removals, and tree clear and grub location and tabulations. The plans wil also include updated information provided by the design surveys in Task 4. . Roadway Plan and Profile Sheets: Pr pare plans of the project providing detailed information on the location of items su as: roadways, shoulders, radii, turn lanes, acceleration lanes, driveways, tapers, ri ht-of-way, easements, obliterations, station equations, fencing, etc. Prepare profile of the proposed mainline, cross roads, 1-94 ramps, and proposed driveways or driv way connections. Information shown on the . 4 Monticello I~94/CSAH 18 Interchange Final Design July 19,2004 "Attac ent A" . 1-94 INTERCIIANGl: AT CSAH 18 SCOPE OF SERVICES profiles will include items such as: vert cal control, vertical curve data, top-of- finished surface, top-of-grading grade, ulverts, subgrade corrections, removal of unsuitable materials and utilities (longi dinal and transverse crossings). . Sidewalks and Trails: WSB will desi a sidewalk and trail system consistent with the preliminary layouts dated June 25, 004. . Intersection Details: Drawings ofmaj; r intersections showing all horizontal geometry, spot elevations and details (s ch as radii, tapers, offsets and profiles) necessary for construction. Also includ d will be top-of- pavement vertical elevations of intersection for constructi n staking. . Concrete Paving Plans and Details: paving areas on interchange ramps and included will be reinforced panels over headers, and horizontal geometry. how joint layouts and details on all concrete ridge concrete approach panels. Also ulverts, pavement depths, joint type, terminal . Superelevation Diagrams: Infonnatio presented in profile view labeling pavement edges and showing the station, location and cross slope at the beginning, zero cross slope point, and end of the superelevati n transition. The profile will show adjacent lane elevations relative to the profile gr de, transition rates and distances from the PC or PT to critical points in the transition e.g. crown runoff). . . Storm Sewer Plans and Profile: Dete ine size of proposed drainage system components. WSB will determine the d ainage areas for each structure and size the structure using an accepted hydrologic ethod. State Aid eligibility and cost splits will also be determined. WSB will sho centerline profiles of proposed culverts and storm sewers. Show the culvert or pipe size, length, grade, aprons, and inlet/outlet elevations. Also show all known existi g and proposed utility locations along with elevations. All utilities will be labeled. . Drainage Tabulations: List type, size d location of in-place drainage structures within the project limits shown on the e isting topography and utility plans. Proposed construction impacts (remove leave as is, etc.) will also be tabulated. WSB will also list the proposed location, type size, length, inlet and outlet elevations, grade, class, erosion control, excavatio and bedding for larger culverts. . Turf Establishment Plans and Perma ent Erosion/Sediment Control: Prepare plans showing areas requiring permane t turf establishment due to construction disturbance and the type of material to e placed (sod, seed, mulch, wood fiber . 5 Monticello I-94/CSAH 18 Interchange Final Design July 19, 2004 "Attac ent A" 1-94 INTERCHANGE AT CSAH J 8 SCOPE OF SERVICES . blanket, etc.). Show the type and locati n of permanent erosion control devices, sedimentation basins, waters of the Stat within one-half mile of the project and wetlands identified on the NWI map. . Storm Water Rate Control and Treat ent: Design and prepare plans to meet review agency requirements. This effo will include the design of six (6) stormwater rate control and treatment basin meetin NPDES Phase II criteria. . Signing Plans: Prepare permanent si ing plans showing the location of proposed signs and containing all details necess for the fabrication and installation of the signs in accordance with Mn/DOT spec fications. Assemble plans and prepare tabulations in accordance with Wright ounty and MnlDOT Sign Plan Standards. Field check and record existing signs. ignal plans will include signs on CSAH 18 and freeway signs on 1-94. It is assume that all new signs will be used on the project. Signing required by the city su h as trail signs will also be incorporated. . Pavement Marking Plans: Prepare pe type, size and color of striping necess including standard plans. anent striping plans showing the location, for the permanent striping of this project, . . Interchange Lighting Plans: WSB wi 1 prepare a lighting plan for the new interchange. This will include preparati n of plans and specifications for higbmast lights of the interchange. WSB will co rdinate with Mn/DOT on pole and fixture types. Street lights for CSAH 18 is not ncluded as part of this task. An optional task has been included for preparation of Str et Lighting Plans if required. . Traffic Signal Plans: New, fully actuat d traffic signal systems will be designed on CSAH 18 at the 1-94 ramps and at the CSAH 18 at CSAH 75 Intersection. The traffic signal plans will also include preparatio of a traffic interconnect plan. . Cross-Sections: Prepare road cross-sec ions. Show existing ground, proposed roadway template, grading grade, existi g utilities, existing culverts, right-of-way, temporary easements, driveway slopes, ubgrade correction, unsuitable soil removal, and topsoil placement. Compute earth ork volumes and balances. Existing ground for each cross-section will be created:fr m contour information available on the base mapping. An overview sheet will be in luded to show cross-section match lines. All sheets contained in the construction pia s and cross-sections will be submitted to the MnlDOT and County in a digitalformat. . 6 Monticello 1-94/CSAH 18 Interchange Final Design July 19, 2004 "Attac ent A" 1-94 INTERCHANGE AT CSAH 18 SCOPE OF SI'~R\'ICES . Task 7: Pro,ject Manual/Special Provisions idding Special provisions will be written for unique terns not covered adequately in the "Mn/DOT Standard Specification for Construction" or e "Mn/DOT SP-5 Special Provisions". The appropriate City specifications will also be p of the special provisions. Each provision will contain a description, materials, construe ion requirements, method of measurement, and basis of payment for each item. Deletio s from and additions to standard specifications will be written and included as necessary. Mn/DOT will prepare the bid proposal and contract documents in preparati n for bidding of the proposed improvements. WSB & Associates, Inc. will provide to M OT the special provisions sections of the bid proposals associated with the bidding docum nts on bond paper and/or in Microsoft Word or compatible format. Task 8: Construction Cost Opinion . WSB will prepare a construction cost opinio based on quantities generated as part ofthe preparation of the construction plans. Costs ill be split by funding source (including pro rata oflump sum items. % Mn/DOT, % Co ty, % City, other percentage splits, and drainage split flow percentages). An electro ic copy and a hard copy ofthe final cost opinion will be submitted. Task 9: Plan Review and Approval WSB will submit plans to and meet with the Engineers to review and approve the revised previous tasks. Following approval of the pI a camera ready copy of the plans and bid pro right County and Mn/DOT District 3 Design lans and specifications outlined in the s by Wright County and Mn/DOT District 3, osal will be provided to Mn/DOT District 3. Stage 1 - Preliminary Design (30% Compl te): WSB will submit 10 sets of 11" x 17" bond prints to Mn/DOT and 5 sets to . , .'"",~,_ showing the basic geometric features, including the work in pro ess for the Title Sheet, General Layout, Typical Sections (with pavement and subgra e details and an approved soils letter), Alignment Plans and Tabulations, In place T pography, Construction Plans, Profiles, Drainage Plans (with preliminary concepts d superelevation), Sanitary and Watermain Plans (with preliminary alignments and prom s), Li htin Plan locations only). After a thorough review of Stage 1 plans by Mn/DO and WSB will respond to comments, and implem nt requested changes to the plans. Stage 2 - Plan Design (60% Complete): A er receiving 1..IIIIIIIIII~ WSB will proceed with design, and assemble a more de ailed set of plans for Stage 2 review. . 7 Monticello 1-94/CSAH 18 Interchange Final Design July 19, 2004 "Attac ent A" 1-94 _INTERCHANGE AT CSAH 18 SCOPE OF SERVICES . C01'JSU~ T ANT will s~bl11it 10 sets of 11" x 17" bond prints to Mn/DOT and 5 sets to . - " "" \:' 'II" "I''''''''''''/;''''<O''~' Previous Sta e 1 sheets will be resubmitted in a more ' . completed form, and the following sheets wi 1 be submitted and reviewed for the first time: Construction Notes, Typical Sections (with pavement and subgrade details), Standard Plans, Construction Staging and Traffic Con 01, Detour Plans, Drainage Plans (with all culvert and storm sewer details), Culvert and Storm Sewer Profiles, Pavement Marking, Lighting (with Wiring Details), Signing (typ , size, and locations only, no details), Traffic Signal Plans, Cross Section Layout, Cross S ctions (no earthwork volumes). After a thorough review of Stage 2 plans by Mn/DO and _, WSB will respond to comments, and implement requested change to the plans. Stage 3 Plan Design (90% Complete): Aft r receiving approval of Stage 2, WSB will complete all design work. All sheets will be ubmitted in what WSB believes to be their final form in regards to content and format, i eluding the Statement of Estimated Quantities and all Quantity Tabulations. WS will submit 10 sets of 11" x 17" bond prints to Mn/DOT and 5 sets to ..~~~~RI_'H"';ii"'~; 1'_"..';"'(1" IV ,fiN.,'.:.. In addition, 10 copies of the _._,::~~m i:<:~::i'::i::' ' '~~:::' :~~,> :::, :'. ,'m:~~" ,,::m~~"";,':' : draft Special Provisions (including "Contract Time for Completion"), and a draft Engineers Cost Estimate will also be submitted. . Stage 4 Plan Design (100% Complete): A erreceiving approval of Stage 3, WSB will incorporate the comments and will submit tw complete sets of sealed original reproducible plans (on bond with vellum Titl Sheet only) and seven bond copies. In addition, 8 sets of Special Provisions (includi g "Contract Time for Completion"); two sets of design and quantity computations, and a fi al Engineer's Cost Estimate will also be submitted. Task 10: Bridge Plans This task includes the bridge type study, prep ration of preliminary final bridge plans, construction cost estimate and special provisi ns for the replacement of the CSAH 18 bridge over 1-94. The existing CSAH 18 bri ge over 1-94 is a four span bridge. The proposed replacement bridge would most pro ably be a shorter two span bridge with aesthetically treated abutments and piers. After completing the preliminary bridge plan , WSB will submit two copies for review by the County and the State Aid Bridge Enginee . Likewise the final construction plans will be submitted for review by the County and th State Aid Bridge prior to completing them. Coordination of the bridge design and plans ill be made with the County and the State Bridge Engineer on a regular basis. WSB wi 1 assist the County in the letting of this project as it relate to the bridge. . -8 Monticello 1-94/CSAH 18 Interchange Final Design July 19, 2004 "Attac ent A" ]-94 INTERCHANGE AT CSAH 18 SCOPE OF SERVICES . Task 11: Right-of-Way Plat WSB will prepare the right-of-way plat meeti g Mn/DOT and State Aid standards for the I- 94, the CSAH 18, and the CSAH 39 corridors Ideally, all of the right-of-way would be conbined into one (1) Mn/DOT right-of-way lat, provided a few issues such as access control and easement/fee taking can be worke j out between the City, County, and Mn/DOT. Task 12: Utility Coordination WSB will coordinate with private and public tility owners in the corridor to identify affected utilities and develop a relocation plar. WSB will make a Gopher-State One-Call for a utility locate. Information on existing u 'lities will be placed on the plans and a copy will be provided to each utility to have them' erify or correct the information. Potential utility impacts will be identified and a meetin will be held with each affected utility to discuss utility relocation plans. The proposed relocations will be shown on the plan and sent to each affected utility. Mn/DOT proced Ires for Utility Company Notification as outlined in August 6, 2001 Technical Memor ndum No. 01-02-TS-02. . Task 13: Obtain Permits WSB will prepare for the City's signature the Jermit applications identified. The City will be responsible for all permit fees necessary fo the construction of the project. The following is a list of known local, state and fe feral permits and approvals required: Permit Agency Action Required Federal EIS Need Decision FHWA Approval Section 106 FHWA Approval (Historic/ Archeological) Interchange Access Request FHWA Approval Section 404 Permit U.s. Army ( orps of Approval Letter of Permission Engineers State EIS Need Decision EQB Approval Section 106 State Histor c Preservation Consultation . 9 Monticello I-94/CSAH 18 Interchange Final Design July] 9,2004 "Attac ent A" . . (Historic/ Archeological) Officer (SH )0) Design Study Report Mn/DOT Approval Interchange Access Request Mn/DOT Approval Geometric Layout Mn/DOT Approval Signal Justification Request Mn/DOT Approval Construction Plans Mn/DOT Approval Wetland Conservation Act Permit Mn/DOT - Nith review by Approval the Board 0 Soil & Water Res. and MI /DNR National Pollutant Discharge Minnesota I ollution Control Permit Elimination System Permit Agency (MI CA) Section 401 MPCA Permit Additional Permits Construction Dewatering Permit Mn/DNR To be obtained if needed Signal Justification Request City of Mon icello Approval Signal Justification Request Wright Cou ty Approval Construction Plans City of Mon . cello Approval Construction Plans Wright Cou ty Approval City of Monticello Wetland City of Mon . cello Approval Conservation Act Approval Task 14: Public Involvement A public involvement program will be implem ented that includes the following: 1. Agency Meetings: WSB will present the plans to the Monticello City Councils and the Wright County Board. It is assumed that WSB would attend up to three meetings: One for City and two County Board mee ings. It is assumed that WSB will attend up to four meetings with MnJDOT District - staff regarding plans and agency coordination. 2. Public Hearing: WSB will present the St aff Approved Layout for Municipal Consent at a Public Hearing. 10 Monticello I-94/CSAH ] 8 Interchange Final Design July 19,2004 _u... --.. -..,. -----. 1-94 INTERCHANGE AT CSAH 18 SCOPE OF SERVICES . "Attac ent A" ]-94 INTERCHANGE AT CSAB 18 SCOPE OF SERVICES . 3. Public Information Meeting: WSB wil present information on the plans to the public in an open house format. 4. Business Meeting: WSB will present i formation on the plans to the business associations. . . 11 Monticello 1-94/CSAH ] 8 Interchange Final Design July 19, 2004 "Attac ent A" 1-94 INTERCHANGE AT CSAtl18 SCOPE OF SERVICES . OPTIONAL TASKS The following tasks are optional and would nly be undertaken by WSB if authorized in writing by the City. If any ofthe optional s ices described below are requested by the City, WSB would prepare a scope of work a d budget for the task for the cities review and approval prior to WSB undertaking the optio al service. Special Subsurface Corrections - Our prop sal assumes relatively good subsurface conditions. This task would cover the work eeded if a major soils correction program involving additional engineering and plan sh ets is required for an area. Street Lighting - It is assumed that lights w 11 be provided at the signalized intersections as part of the traffic signaL If additional stre t lights are required WSB could develop appropriate plans for construction. It is assu ed that the cities and county would provide input on the light style. . Wetland Mitigation Plan ~ The extent ofw tland impacts are not known at this time. The preliminary design agreement includes identi lcation of a mitigation plan ifthere are impacts. This task would be to prepare any c nstruction drawings and specifications if the wetland mitigation plan is needed. Landscaping Plans - It is assumed that land caping plans would be developed separate from the roadway construction plans. This t sk would include the preparation of the landscape plan and construction details. Pr are plans showing the location of landscaping features along the corridor. Planting detail pans would also be included in this task. Our estimate assumes that the landscaping plan i olves the placement of trees along the corridor of equal spacing. Landscaping desi involving a registered landscape architect is not included in this work scope. Retaining Wall Plans - Our proposal as sum s there are no retaining walls proposed for this project. This task would cover the prep ation of detailed plans of structured retaining walls with parapet to be used to minimize rig t-of-way impacts along the corridor. These retaining walls will be designed consistent w' h MnDOT standard retaining wall plans. Standard designs of architectural treatments r walls (i.e. standard form liners), railings, and fence are included in this task. Special d signs for walls, railings or fences are included as an optional task. Special Retaining Wall Designs - It is assu ed that no additional details, plans, tabulations, or specifications are required for etaining walls, architectural treatment, or . 12 Monticello 1-94/CSAH 18 Interchange Final Design July 19,2004 "Attac ent A" 1-94 INTERCHANGE AT CSAH 18 SCOPE OF SERVICES . railing. This task is to provide the additional design services for a wall, railing or architectural treatments if a non-standard des gn is selected. Noise Abatement Plan- The need for noise atement is not known at this time. This task is to prepare the construction documents and pecifications for any special noise abatement such as noise walls or berms if they are need d. KEY PERSONNEL Mr. Don Sterna, P.E. will oversee the final esign ofI-94/CSAH 18 Interchange. Mr. Sterna has been involved in the development fthe preliminary layout for CSAH 18 and is familiar with the project issues. He has rece tly completed final design for Hennepin County CSAH 14, Hennepin County Road 1 , Washington County CSAH 13, and Chisago County CSAH 23. . Mr. Doug Weiszhaar, P.E. and Ms. Brandi Popenhagen, P.E. will continue to be involved in the project through the final desi of the project to ensure that items agreed on in preliminary design and environmental pha e are carried out in the final design and to ensure that the project stays on schedule. Mr. Rick Hauser, P.E. will serve as Project ngineer and assist Mr. Don Sterna on the final design of the project. Mr. Sabri Ayaz, P.E. will be responsible for the bridge design of the CSAH 18 bridge over 1-94. He will be assisted by Barritt Lovelace, P.E. COST ESTIMATE Table 1 on the following page shows the esti ated hours by general employee classification and costs for each of the tasks escribed in this proposal. The total estimated cost for the basic final design services is $1,013,319.00. This includes $5,000 in direct expenses. The total not-to-exceed cost of det il design services for this project is $1,123,319.00. SCHEDULE . 13 Monticello J-94/CSAH J 8 Interchange Final Design July 19,2004 "Attac ent A" 1-94 INTERCIIANGE AT CSAH 18 SCOPE OF SERYICFS . The proposed schedule for the project is sho n on the chart on the following page. WSB will complete the final plans by March 11, 2 05 if authorized to proceed by August 9, 2004. The attached schedules show the adve isement for bids after the right-of-way certificate number one is received. Since thi is a federal oversight project MnfDOT could not advertise before this certificate is receive . . . 14 Monticello I-94/CSAH 18 Interchange Final Design July] 9,2004 Table] Estimate of Cost I-94/CSAH ]8 Interchang Improvements .-..-.. -..----.-. -_.__ __,",._.~~...l~~'~l!'mtFee' .'.---.....----.. -'-."-.. - ~.. FINAL DESIGNICONSTPLA_N~.._ _..__ ._. __.,__ _ f----__TitlcSheet ______... 8... _..~_ ___ Gener.1 Layou' __..._"...._ f-- .._..____1---_....16 8 I------~~--___I__--~,.~______., 157 OuontityT.bulations .,,,,,_ '_~.__I--__....~__ 147 -.'''.'. SoilsCQJ)5tn1ctionN~":ilandS~rdPlates I---._,~,__~.,. 16 _._+--n 16 __ TypicaJSeoti~__.___ __.~ .....------.?L..__.+--_,55 _._.~m Miscellaneous Dclails/Standard ~~_,. _..,,_~_, __l~~_ ~". 5S Construction Staging rmd T~ffic Con~!__ ".~__ _...~.~ _.,,!~7 _._~e<'r.ryTrafficSignal, ______..,,_ _.___,... 3!_~_..-----.!........ __' ., AlignmentPlansandT.b~~~_____ __"...___...~. 55 ... ..-----.!!!!!~yandRemn"aIPlans.~Jabulall""'..._ ..__..___,,~. 235 ~_._.. Roadwa~ Plan and Prolilc Sbeets..._____ ... __.._1.~_ _~_...__ ___.. 243 __~idcwalksandTrails____..___..!2.___.._~__ _ _._~9 In"'raccllon Details _ ..__...__ ---------.i___ _____...~_. 55 1------"... Corlcrctl::JointLayou~a\letnm...!.~.".,,,_ __~ ~p___,__ SS --- .Superelev~tionDiag,"",~.___".. ~___~'-~~____,_ 118 StonnScwcr~lanandP~._. __.4_1--~_.... _?35 ---- D"';nagcT.bul.tio.~.._".____ _"._~n.__~.___. -----.!.!8__.. ---.. TurfEstablislunentlErosum Co_n~. __1--__..._. 3_~ ..__~ _". ...-... "''',.~~,~ Wa.ter ~ Contr~l and Trealm~,~~_ ~._~~_ _",' -.~--,.,...,..-t---""'~?_-l-- '-,,~~gPlans _.______.__..._.._~..,~.... 31 .. __~aveme.ntMa,~kingPlan!l,.__,_".__.~."',,.,,"___ .."..,~.,"""_,_ t----_..?4 1----., Interc~~ Lightmg~..._.,,_ '----.. ..__~__ _ '-----2?__ 24 ..------2:afficSjgnal!~_____, _. .____------.12....... 24 ---_ Cross-s~____.___ __-----.i........_..... _~?.______+-.~--. --'-...---.--..---.---...--.------ _?....... PROJECT MANllALiSPE;p_AL PRO\,_...___ _~.___ 120~.....__ --.....-.-....----...-.._.........__n.___.___._ _ _.__~ONSTRUCT,!ON CO~!.OPINION._ .._..5_l-_..__~._ _..60 -..----..-------.....--1---.--..".....-1------....--- _n.~.. ~~~N REVIEW AND~PPROVAL....__. ___~ ... ,~_.._--+--... 120 ~_...-----_._-,--,--.._......._-._._......_~_.._..._....__... .~~~-_____~__~.._~" 485 _u_..__ ._.__.n_.....___...___.____.___ 11 RIGHT.OF-WAYPLAT__ _.~ ..~______c---.._,,120 .-.....----"-- -----....-.. -."".- ..---.. _n_ "",""""""m."o~~_::-:-" t _ "~I "- --- '" ~_OPTAIN~.E~___ __ __ __ ~ I~ ___ ------.2Q........ -'~BL!.c INVOLVEMENT _ ....---:= _ -----.!iQ... _ _ ~ ~o. __ __...20 MONTICELLO, MINN SOT A Tl1sIr.No. I Sr. PrincipaV Pmject Project Projee! Man..er Engineer En.ineer Descrlpli~_"_'~I----..._ '..__.~.. PROJECT MANAGE~~~.__ _~.5..~.... 25 ....--...-- -- ""-----.. PRELIMINARY DESIGN ___ '----, 50 ..~o...---f------" 400 ...-- .--..- --.. 1----.... SIGNAL JUSTIFICATION ..___.,._ ___._. ....~ ]6 F!.ELDSURVEV.PASEMAPPREP_..__ -'-- -''''-~~''-f---'' 18 FINAL DESIGN _.. 2 -......... 5 GEOTECHNICAL FINAL DESIGN SUBTOTAL 954 2.808 3,966 Total Estimated Hours ElIgineering TechnicIan 25 200 50 16 39 29 29 8 55 86 55 55 55 125 196 39 20 20 20 235 55 55 10 39 39 78 98 412 3 Man Survey Crew Clerical/0ffice Tech Tot.1 Hours --- 94 ....-'- f------.- 894 25,..___ ____ $ ....-...~--....- _ -~_..~--$ ... ...----.-----..----........- n..,~3 .-~__-----.!.!J._ $ .... ..-----..-..... -'--'._~-..- --.-.....- -----e-..-..~ 3 ,..___ >--_..~ $ ...__n___ .._.~,_ $ 5__ e-,....1..!.L... $ _~8_ $ ...._----~-$ ,.._~__. e--__l.~ $ n. .....___. ____...~... $ "..~-- -- -~.~~ $ .. .._--.~...$ ..._!~~$ ,_, _____'-.._._ 446_ $ '--.--,,,-- --..~--, $ ...._~ -- ..~ $ .----_'?'?- $ ...,.....-...~---$ --- ..__~..__..J.22.....___ $ --- f-----~~ $ ..~~$ - --- -._~_.. $ ....-...~-...---~ .......--f-------~ $ - n_ __~_$ - f---l~~ $ "''''.---.- ..~_....- $ ___.._. _16~ $ --.__-----.2.!!.._$ n..._____"._. ... 40 38~__ $ --1 25 n_C---___..___ ,,_..... _____.. '---___ _ _}2~ $ ." ----... ......---- ....--..- ... ..,..-- ......._--_..~ $ 185 1,095 180 3,708 IIHour(v COSIS__..__..__~L-..1.16001 L...------.!.Q.I.!l~..~ II $...... 60.50.$ IWor Costs ~----r$ 110,664.00 I $ 283,608,001 $ 327,195.0 IT$ 224,334.00 $ Expen.,'!!1 ..-...".--.....-~...---..__"...n__ ~jsceJlanc:o~sExpe~.!.~~_,__"..,'___ _m ~..__.,_.___ Braun Intertec Tot.1 EIDen'es T I .....---..--- IITotal L.bnr EXDenses of Basic Services Total for ODtiona' Tasks __ ~ otal Not to Exceed I -I--?'~' $ 5~...._1--4~ $ --..----f--- 25 __._ f------I~ $ .. -- 1-------- ~_ _..__..2~ n.._~_ $ ..... .. ---f------ _. _ 20 600 _~ $ 83 311 11.005 145.00T $ 12,035.00 I $ Task Co,t $ 91,282,00 67,375.00 7,842.00 14,666_00 3,255,00 4.635.50 27,354.00 26,264_00 3,420.00 13,884..00 11,356,50 26,238_00 7,118.50 9,885.00 35,636.00 53,093.50 10,908,00 8,231.50 8.231.50 16,964,00 42,755.00 15,486.50 9,885.00 5,481.50 8.856.00 8,278.50 11,102.00 11.848.00 51,396.50 33.975.00 10,577.50 33,792.50 150,830,00 30,345,00 14,320.00 30,220.00 57,530.00 $ 974.319.00 53.00 I 16,483.ilO~-"- $........- 974,319,00 _n.___....._ .._____ ____ __L~Q,O.Q.. $ 34.000.00 $ 39,000.00 1$ 1,013,319.00" I $ 110,000.00 1$ 1,123.319.00" . . . 10. Council Agcnda - 09/13/2004 Consideration of selection of firm to desi n and monitor construction of the new water tower and site in the lat of Jefferson C mmons Cit Pro'ect #2004-30C. (1.S.) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: The interviews for the proposed engineering con ultant for the new water tower project were completed prior to the regular meeting. The Co ncil should now have had discussions on the individual firms selected by each Council Member and the Mayor. Also, I would assume that the City Staff has had their recommendations heard fo the firm to be selected. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: I. Based upon the recommendations of the Cit Staff and the recommendations of each of the Council Members and Mayor, select one of he three consultants to perform the engineering work for our new water tower. Staff recommendations would be the same as made after the interview process. ~" C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: D. SUPPORTING DATA: None. .....e ~S c,. Y' . '. . Council Agenda - 9/13/04 11. Consideration of rantin an increase to t c individual ension for Volunteer Firefi htcrs Relief Association members. (RW) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: The Firefighter Relief Association membersh'p is requesting that the City Council consider an increase in their retirement benefit from the resent $2,225/per year of service to $2,625/per year of service or more after 20 years of service on the department. The requested increase would be an additional $400 per year (18% i crease). The following is a summary of the previous enefit increases that have been approved: YEAR 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 ]999 2... 2001 2003 BENEFIT AMOUNT $1,300 $1,325 $1 ,375 $1,575 $1,925 $2,025 $1,085 $2,175 $2,225 By August 1st of each year, the Firefighters elief Association is to present to the City Council a schedule of the proposed benefits and total liabilities associated with the proposed benefit in comparison to the assets of the association. lthough the request is being made after August 1 't, this isn't an issue as long as there is no unieipal contribution required to fund the pension increase. Typically, it has been the past pol cy of the Council that they would only consider increases to occur in the yearly pension amo nts if the association had sufficient income projected to cover the increase. In other wo ds, the state aid and interest earnings on investments needed to be at a level suffieien to cover the normal annual cost of the pension calculations based on the requested $2,625 er year. In the past, the City Council has not supported any benefit level that would requi e a contribution from the City as a tax levy. Because of the large amount of state aid that the relief association receives, members have been able to obtain a very competitive pension be efit without the need for taxpayers support. The last increase granted by the City Council was in 2003 at the current $2,225/per year amount. This year the schedules presented y the Relief Association indicate the pension could be increased by $400 per year of servi e to $2,625 and still provide the City with some cushion in the calculations with a $2,570 su plus. This benefit level assumes that the association's assets will earn 5% interest in ome on their investments, which is not guaranteed but is likely to be achievable. Because the ity would be responsible for any shortfall if the projected income or state aid does not reach the required levels, it would be recommended that a cushion be provided to give some assuran e to the City that future tax levies wouldn't be required to support this pension increase. or example, with a 5% return on investments, the association would have $2,570 surplus ofre enue, but with at 4% return on their investments, a :. . . . Council Agenda - 9/13/04 contribution from city taxpayers of over $6,0 0 would be required to fund the pension increase proposed. Since a lot of the pension's assets are invested in annuities and mutual funds, there isn't a guarantee on the level of return the association would receive. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: c;,.P 1. Grant an increase to $2,625 per year. This increase, according to the Relief Association schedules, would not require a city contribution and should be able to be funded through anticipated state aids and other interest earnings on investments, alth ugh there is not a guarantee. The schedules indicate there is a $2,570 cushion, bu this also assumes that interest earnings continue to accrue at least 5% per year. 2. Do not grant an increase in benefits a this time and only allow the increase to occur when the association has more assets than liabilities. At this time, it would still take a few ore years [or the association to have enough assets to equal 110% of their liability which would allow them to increase their benefits without Council approval. 3. Grant an increase benefits somewher between the current $2,225 and the requested $2,625 per year of service. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Tn preparing the schedules, the Relief Associ tion is allowed to calculate a 5% interest earnings on their investments in determining benefit I vcls. While normally 5% should be sufficient in most cases, and is less than what they have c rned this past year, it is not always a guarantee that the economy would continue support a % interest earnings. In the past, the Council has granted increases that have provided a cushi n in the area of $2,500, which Alternative # 1 would still provide. Any amount higher tha this could subject the City to potential tax liability contributions, as once the increase is grante , the Council is not allowed to lower the benefi.t in the future. As a result, I would support reco mending Alternative #1. D. SUPPORTING DATA: Computation of benefits for each member at the $2,625 per year level. .- MONTICELLO / Page 1 Schedule Form for Lum] Sum Pension Plans . Reporting Y ar 2004 Detennination of Plan Liabilities and Reql ired Municipal Contribution for 2005 Relief Association r Monticello Fire Relief Association County I Wright I Annual benefit level in effect for 2004 I 2,625 I (If you change your benefit level before 12/31/04, the SC must b recalculated at the new level.) Active Member Information Fir' Dept. Leaves To end of2004 To end of2005 Date of Age 1 ntly of Years Years Birth on ate Absence of Accrued of Accrued Name mm-dd-yy 12/3l/04 mn -dd-yy (months) Service Liability Service Liability I 2 Morrell, Jay C. 9/3142 62 5 1/75 30 78,750 31 81,375 3 Douglas, Scott N. 2/13/51 53 3 ]/76 29 76,125 30 78,750 4 Wein, Jerry G. ]/21/53 5] 12 15/79 25 65,625 26 68,250 5 Johnson, Mike V. 9/2/56 48 3 1/81 24 63,000 25 65,625 6 Theisen, Matt J. ] 113/56 48 5 1/82 23 60,375 24 63,000 Liefert, Tom G. 2/27/59 45 11 1/83 21 55,] 25 22 57,750 8 Fyle, Brad E. 6/17/57 47 5 1/84 21 55,125 22 57,750 9 Host, Gary J. 1/17/62 42 lC 1/85 19 48,405 20 52,500 10 Simpson, Marc A. 2/24/56 48 1/ 9/87 18 44,573 19 48,405 11 Larson, Lyndon L. 2/2/61 43 1/ 9/87 18 44,573 19 48,405 12 Kranz, Neal B. 4/6/66 38 5 1/87 18 44,573 19 48,405 13 Samuelson, Steve S. 6/30/63 4] 11 22/87 ]7 40,950 18 44,573 14 Stump!: Brian K. 6/14/62 42 7/ 5/88 16 37,485 17 40,950 15 Michaelis, JeffE. 8/2/63 41 ] 3/90 15 34,230 16 37,485 16 Sonsteby, Gerald J. ]2/12/64 40 5 1/93 12 25,253 13 28,088 17 Lymer, Rick T. 4/29/63 4] 5 1/93 12 25,253 13 28,088 18 Kranz, Jeff D. 5/30/63 41 5 1/93 12 25,253 13 28,088 19 Johnson, Todd M. 2/7/66 38 5 1/93 12 25,253 13 28,088 20 Joerg, Steve W. 5/24/63 41 ]0 17/94 10 19,950 11 22,523 21 Dahlheimer, Luke G. 8/30/72 32 5 1/96 9 17 ,483 10 19,950 22 Hanson, Steve A. 6/8/67 37 5 1/96 9 17,483 10 19,950 23 Dahlheimer, Nick M. 4/26/74 30 1/ 5/99 6 10,763 7 12,915 4 Baloun, Steve C. 6/1 0/68 36 1/ 5/99 6 ]0,763 7 12,915 25 Ackerman, Tim W. 7/30/72 32 4/ 5/00 5 8,768 6 10,763 Subtotal of Pare 1 Liability ~ A tive Members 935,136 1,004,591 I I - -. .-- .....-- u___ .--- .-- Form SC-04 MONTICELLO / Page la Relief Association IMonticello Fire Relief Association I County IWright . Annual benefit level in effect for 2004 I 2,625 I (If you change your benefit level before 12/31/04, the sc must be recalculated at the new level.) Active Member Information M continued Fire Dept. Leaves To end of2004 To end of2005 Date of Age Entry of Years Years Birth on Date Absence of Accrued of Accrued Name mm-dd.yy 12/31/04 mm-dd.yy (months) Service Liability Service Liability 26 Giles, Daryl 11/2/68 36 4/15/00 5 8,768 6 10,763 27 Dahl, Daryl R. 7/14/68 36 9/3/0] 3 4,988 4 6,825 28 Leach, Shawn G. 2/20/77 27 9/3/0] 3 4,988 4 6,825 29 Anderson, Donald 10/5/69 35 5/19/03 2 3,255 3 4,988 30 Bauer, John P. 7/]/71 33 5/19/03 2 3,255 3 4,988 3] 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 Subtotal of Page la Liability - Active Members Continued 25,254 34,389 F onn SC-04 MONTICELLO I Page 2 Deferred Member Information (fully or partially ested) . See separate instructions regarding completion of the fiel s below. Enter all information as it pertains to this member. Member Name: LaBree, Wayne A. Benefi Level at Sep ation: 2,125 Are Months of Service Paid? Yes Vesting: Minimum Years Required: 10 DOB: 8/20/5 Interest Option in Bylaws at Separation * Service Dates: Entry: 5/1 /77 Separation: 10/ 6/00 (Choose one option) A - No Interest D Deferred Interest (if offered): Calendar Year X OR Full Peri d LOAs (in months): Total Service: Years: 23 Months (if paid): 5 Vesting Percent: . 100 % B - Straight 5% C - Separate Account/Vehicle 2004 Estimated Liability: 2005 Estimated Liability: 54,860 (overwrite, ifne ssary) 57,603 D - Actual interest, up to 5% '" Since interest option D was chosen, enter the rates ofretum used fo each year below. 1980: % 1985: % 1990: % 1995: % 2000: 3.32 % 1981: % 1986: % 1991: % 1996: % 2001: 0.00 % 1982: % 1987: % 1992: % 1997: % 2002: 0.00 % 1983: % 1988: % 1993: % 1998: % 2003: 5.00 % 1984: % 1989: % 1994: % 1999: % 2004: 5.00 % + 3 of the Schedule. Enter all information as it pertains to this member. Member Name: Bremer, Tony J. 2,125 Are Months of Service Paid? Yes Vesting: Minimum Years Required: 10 DOB: 12/26/ 2 Interest Option in Bylaws at Separation '" Deferred Interest (if offered): Calendar Year X OR Full Per od (Choose one option) D Service Dates: Entry: 12/1/85 Separation: 12 15/00 A - No Interest LOAs (in months): Total Service: Years: 15 Months (ifpaid): 0 Vesting Percent: 80 % B - Straight 5% 2004 Estimated Liability: 2005 Estimated Liability: 28, 114 (overwrite, if ne 29,520 C - Separate Account/V ehicle D - Actual interest, up to 5% '" Since interest option D was chosen, enter the rates of return used fi each year below. 1980: % 1985: % 1990: % 1995: % 2000: % 1981 : % 1986: % 1991: % 1996: % 2001: 0.00 % 1982: % 1987: % 1992: % 1997: % 2002: 0.00 % 1983: % 1988: % 1993: % 1998: % 2003: 5.00 % 1984: % 1989: % 1994: % 1999: % 2004: 5.00 % + 3 of the Schedule. Form SC-04 MONTICELLO / Page 2a Deferred Member Information (fully or partially vested) See separate instructions regarding completion ofthe fields below. . Enter all information as it pertains to this member. Member Name: Stumpf, Kevin C. Benefit Level at Separation: 2,175 Are Months of Service Paid? Yes Vesting: Minimum Years Required: 10 DaB: 1/7/60 Interest Option in Bylaws at Separation ... Deferred Interest (if offered): Calendar Year X OR Full Period (Choose one option) D Service Dates: Entry: 5/1/85 Separation: 1/] 5/03 A - No Interest LOAs (in months): Total Service: Years: 17 Months (ifpaid): 8 Vesting Percent: 88 % B - Straight 5% C - Separate Account/Vehicle 2004 Estimated Liability: 2005 Estimated Liability: 35,505 (overwrite, if necessary) D ~ Actual interest, up to 5% 37,280 ... Since interest option D was chosen, enter the rates of return used for each year below. ]980: % ]985: % ]990: % ]995: % 2000: % - - - - - ] 981: % ]986: % ]99] : % ]996: % 2001: % - - - - - ]982: % ]987: % ]992: % ]997: % 2002: % - - - - - ]983: % ]988: % ]993: % ]998: % 2003: 5.00 % - - - - - . 1984: % 1989: % 1994: % 1999: % 2004: 5.00 % + - - - - - +This rate of return is calculated usine the earnings proiected on Page 3 of the Schedule. Enter all information as it pertains to this member. Member Name: Benefit Leve] at Separation: Are Months of Service Paid? Vesting: Minimum Years Required: DaB: OR Full Period Interest Option in Bylaws at Separation (Choose one option) A - No Interest Deferred Interest (if offered): Calendar Year Service Dates: Entry: LOAs (in months): Separation: Total Service: Years: Months (if paid): Vesting Percent: B - Straight 5% % C ~ Separate Account/V ehicle 2004 Estimated Liability: 2005 Estimated Liability: (overwrite, if necessary) D - Actual interest, up to 5% ]980: % 1985: % ]990: % 1995: % 2000: % - - - - - 1981: % ]986: % 1991: % 1996: % 2001: % - - - - - 1982: % ]987: % 1992: % 1997: % 2002: % . - - - - - 1983: % ]988: % 1993: % 1998: % 2003: % - - - - - 1984: % ]989: % 1994: % 1999: % 2004: %+ - - - - - +This rate of return is calculated using the earnings proiected on Page 3 of the Schedule. c orm SC-04 MONTICELLO / Page 3 npaid Installments Entry Separati n 2004 Estimated 2005 Estimated Name Date Date Liability Liability alculation of Normal Cost 2004 2005 Total Active Member Liabilities 960,390 1,038,980 Total Deferred Member Liabilities and Unpaid Installments 118,479 124,403 Grand Total Special Fund Liability ~ 1,078,869 BI 1,163,383 Normal Cost (Cell B minus Cell A) Ie 84,5141 rojection of Net Assets for Year Ending December 31 2004 Special Fund Assets at December 31,2003 (RF-03 ending asset ) I I 875,3701 Projected Income for 2004 State Fire Aid D 73,610 Municipal/Independent Fire Dept. Contributions E Interest / Dividends F 54,360 Appreciation / (Depreciation) G Member Dues H 175 Other Revenues I Total Projected Income for 2004 (Add Lines D through I) 2 I 128,145 I Projected Expenses for 2004 Service Pensions J 130,704 Other Benefits K 2,000 Administrative Expenses L 1,000 Total Projected Expenses for 2004 (Add Lines J through L) 3 I 133,7041 Projected Net Assets at December 31, 2004 (Add Lines 1 and 2 subtract Line 3) 4 I 869,8111 - - F u . . p . Form SC-04 Projection of Surplus or (Deficit) as of December 31,2004 Projected Assets (Line 4) 2004 Accrued Liability (Page 3, cell A) Surplus or (Deficit) (Line 5 minus Line 6) Complete Section II below. 5 6 7 869,811 .. 1,078,869 (209,058) Calculation of Municipal Contribution A. If Line 7 is positive, complete this section: Normal Cost (Page 3, cell C) Projected Administrative Expense (2003 Admin. Exp. x 1.035) State Fire Aid Member Dues 5% of Projected Assets at December 31, 2004 (Line 4 x 0.05) 10% of Surplus (Line 7 x 0.10) Municipal Contribution (Add Lines 8 and 9, subtract Lines 10, 11, 12 and 13) B. If Line 7 is negative, complete this section: Deficit Table IYeirrIncurred.11 Original Amount II AmtRetired 12/31/0411 Left to Retire 1/1/051 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004' 2,386 0 20,513 53,678 3..713 7,203 28,140 46,195 85,641 44,100 291,569 2,149 .... 0 ] 4,357 32,210 ., ''1';8$5 ~~,:':'~, . 2,880 11,256 9,240 8,564 82,511 237 0 6,156 21,468 '<, . .;\, 1,858 4,323 16,884 ." 36,955 . ',i 771077 44,100 . 209,058 MONTICELLO / Page 4 . 8 9 10 II 12 13 14 . Deficit (Line 7) .. ; A I 209,058 I Left to Retire Total I.B+': ;,,164,9581 A minus B C I i: 44,100'1 Totals If line C is positive, this is the new additional deficit for 2004. Enter the amount in Original Amount and Left to Retire Columns. Ifline C is negative, reduce prior deficits according to the separate Schedule instructions. A1l1ortizationof Deficit (Total ofOriginal Amount column x 0.10) Normal Cost (Page 3, cell C) Projected Administrative Expense (2003 Admin Exp. x 1.035) State Fire Aid Member Dues ~ : 50/(1 of Projected Assets at December 31,2004 (Line 4 x 0.05) . . . .~ . ~. . Municipal Contribution (Add Lines 15, 16 and 17, subtract Lines 18, 19 and 20) No municipal contribution due in 2005. 15 16 17 18 19 .!} ... ~ .". ,'~l ; 20 21 29,157 84,514 "~' .. . 1,035 73,610 '.. 175 . 43,491 (2,570) it I I I . Form SC-04 MONTICELLO / Page 5 This Schedule must be fully completed, certified by the relief association officers, forwarded to .he municipal clerk on or before August 1, 2004 and su mitted to the State Auditor's Office to be eligible for state fire aid. OFFICER CER IFICATION We, the officers of the Monticello Relief Association, certifY that this Schedule was prepared under Minn. Stat. ~ 69.772 and t at the annual benefit level was established according to the average amount of available financing. We further certifY that based on the financial requiremen s ofthe Relief Association's Special Fund for the 2004 calendar year, the required 2005 municipal con ibution is $ O. Ifthe bylaws of the Relief Association changed in 2004, we have attached a opY of the amendment or updated bylaws. We have also enclosed a copy of the municipal ratificatio ofthis amendment ifrequired under Minn. Stat. ~ 69.772, subd. 6. In.4tf . 1~ Signature ofPres1'aeilt 8-3/-0<( Date . F !:tLE fd-3/~oq Date hl1J S'o,"/ g /~/ /o( Date ERTIFICA TION- (For relief associations affiliated with unicipal fire departments only.) I am the municipal clerk of completed Schedule from the Monticello Lines 14 and 21 ofthe Schedule. If either Line 14 or L" I certifY that I will advise the governing municipal body 0 next regularly scheduled meeting. . I received on , the. _ Relief Association. I have reviewed 21 show a required municipal contribution, any required municipal contribution at its Signature of Municipal Clerk Print Name Date ( ) . Business Telephone Please retain a copy ofthe Schedule for your records and submit the si ed original to: State Auditor's Office, Pension Division, 525 Park Street, Suite 500, Saint Paul, MN 55103. Fax: 651M282M5298. elephone: 651-282-6110. . . . 12. Council Agenda -" 9/13/04 A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: B. This wetland replacement project proposes 0 remove a remnant wetland from the back yards of residents living on Oak Ridge Driv and Meadow Oak Drive. The existing wetland is the remains of a larger wetland t at was filled at the time of the residential development and has been highly degraded ue to its close proximity to residential landscaping activities. City officials have a so received numerous complaints about the location of the basin and the condition of it outlet. Once it was determined that the trail reconstruction as part of the Area 2 Core St eet Reconstruction project would require wetland mitigation, a total replacement pia was undertaken. Approximately 4,356 ft2 of Type 3 wetland ill be filled by this project to accommodate trail and storm sewer improvements. Mitig tion is proposed to replace the wetland impacts at a 2: I ratio, creating 8,712 ft2 of ew Type 3 wetland in Mcadow Oak Pond Park. Mitigation will expand on the existin wetland in the park along the outlet channels and provide a Type 3 wetland, wh ch is higher in function and value than the wetland it is replacing. This replacement plan application has betw en reviewed and found to be in conformance with the Wetland Conservation Act. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Accept the Wetland Replacement Pan. 2. Do not accept the Wetland Replace ent Plan. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: It is the recommendation of the Public Wo ks Director and City Engineer that the exemption be accepted as identified in Alt rnative Action 1. D. SUPPORTING DATA: ^ copy of the Wetland Conservation Act n tice, site location and replacement location has been provided in this Council packet. (':\J)()( '{/AIF--J\I.>AWN-.IJ ;U()\!,(H'AJ.S- Jiji..'mp\(/1.)130-l-AXL'J/da Ilem.doc . NOTICE OF WETLAND CONS. RV ATION ACT DECISION LGU : City of onticello 505 Walnut Str et Suite 1 Monticello, 55362 Name of applicant: Cit of Monticello Project name: Core Street Reconstruction - ea 2 Type of application: o Exemption o No loss k2J Replacement plan DBanking plan Location of project: Section 18 Tl21N R24 Date of decision: Se tember 7 2004 k2J Approve o Approve wit conditions (conditions listed in the Findings and Co elusions) D Deny Type of decision: . List of Addressees: Mr. Brad W ozney Board of Water and Soil Resources One West Water Street - Suite 200 St. Paul, MN 55107 Mr. Wayne Barstad DNR - Ecological Services Division 1200 Warner Road St. Paul, MN 55106 Mr. Tim Fell US Corps of Engineers Attn: CO-H.. 190 Fifth Street E St. Paul, MN 55101 . Ms. Patty Fowler DNR Waters 940 Industrial Drive S. # 103 Sa~~ Rapids, MN 56379 . s. Colleen Allen right County Soil and Water onservation District 306C Brighton Avenue uffalo, MN 55313 NR Wetland Coordi nator cological Services Section 00 Lafayette Road, Box 25 1. Paul, MN 55155 r. Jeff O'Neill ity of Monticello 05 Walnut Strect onticello, MN 55362 r. John Simola ity of Monticello 09 Golf Course Road onticello, MN 55362 C:IDOCUMF-IIDil WNl,GROIUJCilLS""1 ITemplO90704 WCil Notice ofDecisionJoc . ~... eo /- ... ~ .. You are hereby noti lied that the decision of the "oca] Government Unit on the above- referenced application was made on the date sta, ed above. A copy of the Local Government Unit's Findings and Conclusions i attached. Pursuant to Minn. R. 8420.0250 any appeal of the decision must be c mrnenced by mailing a petition for appeal to the Minnesota Board of Water and So I Resources within thirty (30) days of the date of the mailing of this Notice: Date of mailing of this notice: September 7, 2004 Ci y of Monticello B: Phillip Elkin, r.E., WSB & Associates for the City of Monticello Ti Ie: Water Resource Engineer C:IDOCUMf."--l IDA IV-l,GROILOCALS-1 I Temp \0 911 704 WC'A Nolice ofIJecis;ondoc " ,. .. PUBLIC TRAIL IMPROVEMENTS . WETLAND DELINEA TION "'NnCElW CITY OF MONTICELLO 100 200 N -- ..... .#sa s '\;..lBIIH"IolI".T,/", . ....It.....L>. . . . 0.-4 ...< ...< IiJ U Htil E-<0 Z<t; 00. ::E o ...1.0 o 1.0 ><0 E-<:> HI Ur>: o <l' U'\ ..:1 o 1iJCl\ ...<<'1 ~~ ><0 .,;:.. p.,U1 rl ~~ 00 UN U....... ";:N o Ul....... 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