EDA Agenda 12-12-2018AGENDA REGULAR MEETING - ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY (EDA) Wednesday, December 12th, 2018 — 6:00 p.m. Mississippi Room, Monticello Community Center Commissioners: President Steve Johnson, Vice President Bill Tapper, Treasurer Jon Morphew, Tracy Hinz, 011ie Koropchak-White and Councilmembers Lloyd Hilgart and Jim Davidson Staff: Executive Director Jim Thares, Jeff O'Neill, Angela Schumann, Wayne Oberg and Jacob Thunander 1. Call to Order 2. Roll Call 3. Consideration of additional agenda items 4. Consent Agenda - Item 4a through 4h a. Consideration of approving Workshop Meeting Minutes — November 14, 2018 b. Consideration of approving Regular Meeting Minutes — November 14, 2018 c. Consideration of approving payment of bills d. Consideration of 2019 WCEDP Membership in the amount of $2,606 e. Consideration of 2019 W SB Economic Development Assistance Contract in the amount of $9,300 £ Consideration of Approval of Fa�ade Improvement Program Grant Agreement Template g. Consideration of Fa�ade Improvement Program Escrow Services Quote from Preferred Title in the amount of $1,750 h. Consider Funding Approval for 2019 Downtown Round Quarterly Meetings in the amount of $200 5. Consideration of Discussion Regarding Process of Updating 2019 EDA Workplan 6. Director's Report 7. Adj ourn MINUTES WORKSHOP MEETING - ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY (EDA) Wednesday, November 14th, 2018 — 5:30 p.m. Mississippi Room, Monticello Community Center Commissioners Present Staff Present: 1. Call to Order Steve Johnson, Bill Tapper, Jon Morphew Tracy Hinz, 011ie Koropchak-White, Lloyd Hilgart, and Jim Davidson Angela Schumann and Jim Thares Steve Johnson called the workshop meeting of the Economic Development Authority (EDA) to order at 5:30 p.m. 2. Roll Call 3. Discussion — Housin� Pro�rams Jim Thares stated that staff had met with Central Minnesota Housing Partnership (CMHP) last week to see if Monticello would be a candidate for state grant program funds (e.g. Community Development Block Grant Program). He mentioned that the EDA previously authorized funding of a windshield survey that CMHP had assisted with that determined housing in need of repairs. A map was provided locating these properties and the amount of repairs needed. Thares asked for the EDA's guidance on determining if a program should be started. It was noted that if the City decided to move forward with a program, the funds would only be able to be used for owner-occupied housing. 4. CMHP Involvement CMHP would prepare a grant application for submittal to MN-DEED and be able to administer the rehab program also if the grant is approved. The EDA could use some of its own funds to further extend the reach of the obj ectives or take the rehab activities further than is typically allowed with CDBG funds. The primary activities with CDBG dollars is to address deficiencies in the building envelope such as roof, siding, windows, doors and energy efficiency such as insulation, new HVAC systems, etc. Items such as room additions or new flooring or interior wall board are not eligible. 5. Federal Low-Income Housin� Tax Credit (LIHTC) Pro�ram; CMHP Interest; Potential Sites Jim Thares noted that CMHP is interested in pursuing a LIHTC (Low Income Housing Tax Credit) proj ect in Monticello. Thares said they typically like to fund apartments or row townhomes of 30-36 or more units. Thares reviewed information about two potential sites; one suitable for townhomes being along Elm Street and a second site at 4th Street Economic Development Authority Workshop Minutes — November 14, 2018 Page 1 � 2 and Palm Street where an apartment development could fit. CMHP would complete the application and submit it to MN HFA by the June 2019 deadline. The applications are highly competitive. The developer-applicant usually asks for assistance such as TIF or fee reductions from the City-EDA to demonstrate to applicant reviewers that the local community is supportive of the proposed application and project. The more assistance the higher the scores are for the applications. The EDA asked for further information on the amount of money available to determine the amount they would like to put forward for the rehabilitation program and/or the federal tax credit. In addition, staff and the EDA would benefit from putting together a list of questions to provide to CMHP to discuss at a future meeting. Staff confirmed that they will start the list and bring back to the EDA for further input 6. Other �, 7. Adiournment OLLIE KOROPCHAK-WHITE MOVED TO ADJOURN THE MEETING AT 5:58 P.M. MOTION CARRIED, 7-0. Recorder: Jacob Thunander , Approved: December 12, 2018 � � Attest: Jim Thares, Economic Development Director � Economic Development Authority Workshop Minutes — November 14, 2018 Page 2 � 2 MINUTES REGULAR MEETING - ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY (EDA) Wednesday, November 14th, 2018 — 6:00 p.m. Mississippi Room, Monticello Community Center Commissioners Present: Steve Johnson, Bill Tapper, Jon Morphew, Tracy Hinz, 011ie Koropchak-White and Councilmembers Lloyd Hilgart and Jim Davidson Staff Present: Jim Thares, Jeff O'Neill, Angela Schumann, and Wayne Oberg 1. Call to Order Steve Johnson called the regular meeting of the EDA to order at 6 p.m. 2. Roll Call 3. Consideration of additional a�enda items None. � 4. Consent A�enda - Item 4a throu�h 4e BILL TAPPER MOVED TO APPROVE THE CONSENT AGENDA WITH THE REMOVAL OF ITEM 4C. AND 4F. OLLIE KOROPCHAK-WHITE SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED, 7-0. a. Consideration of approvin� Workshop Meetin� Minutes — October 10, 2018 Recommendation: Approve the Workshop Meeting Minutes — October 10, 2018. b. Consideration of approvin� Re�ular Meetin� Minutes — October 10, 2018 Recommendation: Approve the Regular Meeting Minutes — October 10, 2018. c. Consideration of approvin� pavment of bills ITEM WAS REMOVED FROM THE CONSENT AGENDA. d. Consideration of Modification of Business Subsidv Application Form Recommendation: Approve modifying the Business Subsidy Application as presented. e. Consideration of Cunin�ham Group Fa�ade Improvement Renderin�s A�reement Recommendation: Authorize entering into the Fa�ade Improvement Professional Services Agreement with Cuningham Group Architecture, Inc. in the amount of $2,000 per property/building. f. Consideration of Approval of Fa�ade Improvement Pro�ram Grant A�reement Template ITEM WAS REMOVED FROM THE CONSENT AGENDA. 4c. Consideration of approvin� pavment of bills Bill Tapper noted that another invoice to Kennedy Graven was received for Fred's property. He noted the high expenses of allowing the building to be leased by another City department. Economic Development Authority Minutes — November 14, 2018 Page 1 � 3 BILL TAPPER MOVED TO APPROVE THE PAYMENT OF BILLS THROUGH OCTOBER, 2018. MOTION CARRIED, 7-0. 4f. Consideration of Approval of Fa�ade Improvement Pro�ram Grant A�reement Template Steve Johnson noted that the agreement needed some revisions including language about lean waivers. He also requested that a flow chart be provided to simplify the text into layman's terms. TRACY H1NZ MOVED TO TABLE FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION AND DISCUSSION. JON MORPHEW SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED, 7-0. Consideration of Fa�ade Improvement Grant Pro�ram Update Jim Thares provided an update of the Fa�ade Improvement Grant program. He stated that meetings have occurred between seven property owners and staff/consultants regarding potential fa�ade improvements. Thares explained that renderings of the building facades would be sent by the architect to City staff for review in the near future. He pointed out that all seven properties are interested and the total improvements for fa�ade upgrades may be more than the$200,000 that the EDA authorized for the pilot program. EDA members discussed the situation and indicated that their preference is to keep the total program at $200,000 and divide up the funds based on the individual percentage of the total improvements pro-rated back to the available funds and/or pro-rata formula of the building frontage square footage. A question was posed by members regarding the opportunity for the EDA to review the proposals for each property. Thares explained that the EDA would be provided the property owner application, architect rendering, and the workplan, for review most likely in January or February 2019. He added that construction of the building improvements will take place in Spring 2019. Schumann reinforced that there is a positive reception to this program. Relationship building between the EDA, staff and the downtown property owners has been a big component of the process so far. Steve Johnson asked if the Cuningham Group was cognizant of the $200,000 funding level for the EDA program. Thares confirmed. Schumann stated that the architect is shooting high, in case the property owner wanted to invest more. Johnson suggested that staff and the consultant should avoid unrealistic expectations and/or results of the program. Bill Tapper asked if there was interest in the remaining three properties on the block. Thares stated that one property owner owned the remaining lots on the block and has chosen to not participate. Economic Development Authority Minutes — November 14, 2018 Page 2 � 3 6. Director's Report Thares provided the Director's Report. Thares noted the final cost for relocation was about $227,000, but would provide the final cost in the next agenda. Johnson asked if that included WSB's fee. Thares stated that was a separate fee. Thares noted that he would be attending the TigerPath Conference/Youth Workforce Involvement Program in Hutchinson. He noted that he would be including the EDA in future conversation about this initiative. He stated that Tom Leighton, Tangible Consulting Services would be talking to one restaurant about a potential to establish a site in Monticello. Thares stated he would send out the report to the EDA. 7. Closed Session — Consideration of recessin� to closed session to develop or consider offers or counter-offers for the purchase or sale of real or personal propertv pursuant to Minnesota Statute 13D.05, Subdivision 3(c)(3). A. Address: 300 - 4t'' Street East - PID #155019008010 B. Address: Otter Creek Business Park - Dalton Avenue - PID# 155223000010 Otter Creek Business Park — Dalton Court - PID# 155194000010 Otter Creek Business Park — Dalton Court - PID# 155191000020 C. Address: 103 Pine Street, 112 West River Street, 111 West Broadway, PID#s 155010052120, 155010052110, 155010052102, 155010052101, 155010052131,155010052071 Adiourn JINI DAVIDSON MOVED TO ADJOURN THE MEETING AT 7:43 P.M. TRACY H1NZ SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED, 6-0. Recorder: Jacob Thunander Approved: December 12, 2018 Attest: Jim Thares, Economic Development Director Economic Development Authority Minutes — November 14, 2018 Page 3 � 3 EDA Agenda: 12/12/18 4c. Consideration of approvin� pavment of bills (JT) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: Accounts Payable summary statements listing bills submitted during the previous month are included for review. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: L Motion to approve payment of bills through November 2018. 2. Motion to approve payment of bills through November 2018 with changes as directed by the EDA. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends approval of Alternative #1. D. SUPPORTING DATA: A. Accounts Payable Summary Statements 0 z 0 4 C 'S O � � a 0 .� L y O O O�!1 I � I O � I � O I O O I O I a1 ..'7 ..'7 l� l� O c� �n �n O O M M DO 'S O O O N N l� l� o0 00 00 Mv'7 N �n �n v'7 v'7 '�7 '`7 O � � t� r o o m m o0 N N � O O O O l� � c+'1 � � � � � � aaa a a a M N DO DO DO Y.J 00 DO W � O O O O O O O � N N N � N � N � N � N � � ��� m � m � m � m m m ,o � � � � � � � � 7 � � � � � � � 7 <`3 � � � � � o. ~ a � .y�. ^ R O � Q Q Q Q � � ,y� ,�, ., �, ,�, ,O L1� i � ^: y :d i X� =C v O 7 O � O y O N O [/] W p y A � � � � � � p �' C11 1� :I] C%l :I] U C/] N y p0 • � :-. � • y i. 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M�J 554�}2 �ity �f �+lontic�llo �eptember �(�. �01�5 Pt11N130-f�L11Ci1 ��ner�lE��fvl�kk�rs Throug� ��pterr�bef 30, �Q�B 'F�� All L�egal �errra�c�� A� �s��Faw�� 9r�7?2018 f41�11 M�nthly firr�n�� ��II wi#h EDA ��d ciky sk�ff, �J�rtt�l�nd Tr�t�l ��rvices Haur� Amvunt �D.7�J 133 0� $ 133.0{� Tc�tal Serv�ces �n�f [3isburser��nt�; $� � � ��� � � � 9� 133.{�0 Julie Cheney From: Jim Thares Sent: Wednesday, October 31, 2018 10:56 AM To: Julie Cheney Subject: RE: Kennedy & Graven Invoices (3) Julie, these three invoices are okay to pay. Please code to: 213-46301-430400 From: Julie Cheney Sent: Tuesday, October 30, 2018 4:47 PM To: Jim Thares <Jim.Thares@ci.monticello.mn.us> Subject: Kennedy & Graven Invoices (3) Jim Attached are the following invoices from Kennedy & Graven: M N 190-00101— $133.00 MN325-00040 - $418.00 MN325-00034 - $69.75 Okay to pay? Please provide coding. Thanks! JuCie Cheney Finance Assistant City of Monticello 763-271-3205 Julie.CheneyC�ci.monticello.mn.us APC�ci.monticello.mn.us (�ai5 t�F .�� � ��'I�]�1����' Emnil correspondence to nnd from the City of Monticello government offices is subject to the Minnesotn Government Dntn Prnctices Act nnd may be disclosed to third parties. i Pa�e: � Fi�nr��d�r � ��'�verr, Ch�rtered 2�u South �ix[h Street, �ui[� 47�] f�1�nn��pc�5��. h1?f� S��C}2 Nlanticello ED.A� �eptemb�r 3�1, �01� �IN3�S-L�J4D Bus�nes� Facad�e �rant Program Thro��gh ���ternner 3[], �[]1� For All L�g�l ��rvi�€s As F�Il��vs H�urs A�ourt 9r'��}d�D18 h�1h31 Re���r�h �n� re+ri�w rnc�del gr�nt agseesn�nts for faeade �.�� 152.0� irrrpfoverr��r�k pC�c�r�n1 �i���2f]'18 #�JIN! �aca�ie im�r�s+�emeri[ grant agr�errEent - revi�ew�+ Fir�l �} 7C� 133.OU pro�r�r� gui�Jelines. and �p�alicati�r� rr�a[erials '��r25?2018 A+1N1 f�r�i# �r�n# �gr-eernen# model 4 7� 133.4Q Tot�l ��rvic�s; � 41�.U0 �otal �ervices an�d Disburscrr��nts: $ 415.�]0 i� � � L� � 1� '� �. � , ' -��:: Julie Cheney From: Jim Thares Sent: Wednesday, October 31, 2018 10:56 AM To: Julie Cheney Subject: RE: Kennedy & Graven Invoices (3) Julie, these three invoices are okay to pay. Please code to: 213-46301-430400 From: Julie Cheney Sent: Tuesday, October 30, 2018 4:47 PM To: Jim Thares <Jim.Thares@ci.monticello.mn.us> Subject: Kennedy & Graven Invoices (3) Jim Attached are the following invoices from Kennedy & Graven: M N 190-00101— $133.00 MN325-00040 - $418.00 MN325-00034 - $69.75 Okay to pay? Please provide coding. Thanks! JuCie Cheney Finance Assistant City of Monticello 763-271-3205 Julie.CheneyC�ci.monticello.mn.us APC�ci.monticello.mn.us (�ai5 t�F .�� � ��'I�]�1����' Emnil correspondence to nnd from the City of Monticello government offices is subject to the Minnesotn Government Dntn Prnctices Act nnd may be disclosed to third parties. i R�ye 9 _ . . �C�nn+�d�+ � �Graver�, �hartered 20� �o�t`n �ixtl� Stre�#, �uite �r � I���nneap+�lis, f41N �5�0� ?�+1ont+cello �'�A �epternka�r 3�, �018 �91�3��-D�03� 2�a 1N Brc��d+�a�+ 'rhraugh ��pier�ber �0. 2018 F�r �II Legal Ser+r�ces ,�s Follc��t+s Hc�urs A.r��ur�# �117f2t�1� ��R Inter�ffi�e confere�r�e; dr�f� letter reaa.rd�ng ���r�+v �.�� �1 '� r��ea�� ��17J2f�18 '1�+If�l F�eview escr�w ��r�ernent in pr�p�r�iiqn fpr fi�r�nce c�ll 0?� 38.Q� �r�� t"� EDA. st�ff Tai�l Serviees; � 69.i5 Tot�l 5��nric�s ar�d Dist��rs�rn�nts: $ 69.7� ������ � � , ,,� , � Julie Cheney From: Jim Thares Sent: Wednesday, October 31, 2018 10:56 AM To: Julie Cheney Subject: RE: Kennedy & Graven Invoices (3) Julie, these three invoices are okay to pay. Please code to: 213-46301-430400 From: Julie Cheney Sent: Tuesday, October 30, 2018 4:47 PM To: Jim Thares <Jim.Thares@ci.monticello.mn.us> Subject: Kennedy & Graven Invoices (3) Jim Attached are the following invoices from Kennedy & Graven: M N 190-00101— $133.00 MN325-00040 - $418.00 MN325-00034 - $69.75 Okay to pay? Please provide coding. Thanks! JuCie Cheney Finance Assistant City of Monticello 763-271-3205 Julie.CheneyC�ci.monticello.mn.us APC�ci.monticello.mn.us (�ai5 t�F .�� � ��'I�]�1����' Emnil correspondence to nnd from the City of Monticello government offices is subject to the Minnesotn Government Dntn Prnctices Act nnd may be disclosed to third parties. i 7D1 7Cenia Augn�;e Se+uih Ci#y a3f F,llon#ir�lla Attn: tidl+syne Otserg. Finan�e ber€�ct�rr �45 �lU�ln+�k �lree#, �uit� 1 M�nEicellc�, MN 553�2-8831 ����� �� � r :1� ��o-'I�s�l 55418 � (763) 5413� jVJ�BAea3urrting�w&h�ng.�am Cl�tdbe��3, 2d1$ ProjecUlnrr�,icee f�evie+�+w�d by, Pr�}ect h+l�n�ger- R-Q 11 i,� 1 �Q(lU -� �Sret U'W'�iss .J�m�es �rpmber� 2C11� E�nr�nr��;e [3evel4pment �er�ic�� Cit}� Staff Reviewer - Jirn Thaees C L AccE # 213.463Q1 _437 9��} Prvfe�sional ��er.�+i.��s fr�m Sentemt��r �1. 2D78 to �ent�rr�ber 30. 2078 Fhas� O(}1 �t�78 Ec�nomic [�evel�pm�nt �erv�c�s I�et�iner F�� $�'S4 M�nkF�ly. Monthfy Retainer Fee TvC�I Fee 9,04�i,(��1 P6rcen# C�rnpl�t� 7�.pQ Tc�t�i Earner! 6,75�_�� Previo�s F�e 6illing 6,��1C�_[�Q �4�rrent F�e Billing 7��.00 Total Fee 7�(i,Ll� T�#al tBtfs �'ask 5750.0� T�#a� this Phase S75Q.00 Billings to [�ate Fee L�b�� T�tals C urre r�rt ;T�(}.t}0 +�.ao 75�,40 �ri�r 6,C�LlQ.O+J 3,10�.�0 9."��8,;�0 T�t�i tr,is �nuoi�e 3�T5o.o� �� J� Tatal ._ - ������'� 6,7�O.OQ 3,'i�8.�� 9.858,�{1 �� a�1�[7�i ��n�� S�M� SY'4�trs pi�,��rn� + deyed�Pmer�r e;ensab��,`r�+ �,M�p€��+e�#o�rrarr T�i3�ibl� Con�ulting Ser�aiees 2�'�� 3$th r�verrue $auth h�linne,�polls, MN 554C9� T[): 1im 7h�r�s 5Q5 Vw+�lnut �trg�t, 5�lite Ctl f�lanti�ello� MN 55362 IN'VO�C€ #; 348 �nv[�i�ce i�atev Nov�rnl�er 5, �LI1$ fFvr �'ork cortr�pl+�ted in lanuary thrau�;h f��toher, �p18� I�RCl1�CT' 810��. 5L Uev�el€�pm�rst An�Fa�f f��5td�ar�nt S�earch C2CIANTd1Y QES�Gi�IP714N _y. 12e7� ��urs Gnnsultrng Tim� — Tr�c�m�s L�e�gh[ur �.�� H�urs C�n���ting Time — Juli� P�ulsen h�ullin � �� ,���'�� � � �,y � � � � _ � � e� I � - '� � �� , '-T� i �i'� � �ayr�oen# H�quested t�d�thin 3Q Days To: 1`�,ngo�le CcnSulting Serui��, �652 ��'•�' Aw�enue S�outFw Minneapa€is, h+1N 5��4�F� 1 �w�� ���� � _ .. _ .����� - l ��F� E5;' 4•85�.C� �5Q $�72.50 � P��y This � Amount �1,�62,5�t �irect ,411 Inquieies Tp: Thc�ma5 Leight�n 512-���-6559 ;;flSi��>edl��¢{I�J�2ti.Ul"��l.l°t�lla i..f�lll �A �'4�IB.�L E [Qnsu•S�;�E S� �ritc� �OV�R1�7�r �: ��1$ Mf. 71�are5; This is � frrst inuaai�e relatit+� t� �ur w�c�rk fpr y[�u [rn pu��uing a de�#inati�rt �n�hr�� r��[2ur�n� ar brewpub tea�a�t fior h11��ticelln's B�ack 5� de+�el�r�rm�nt, �ur erutrea�#� to prospecti+re cena�it� be�ari err J�nu�7�y t�f khis y��r, �nd ext�nded #hrcyugh [his past rno+�tfti. In re�ent ern�il� #o y'[�u, I've summardz�d the pr,�gre5s c�f c�+�r �+r�rk, in t�rrns ❑f th� pros{�ecciv� restaurat��,r� we'�re torsne�red a�+ith, and thos� tive �re �tGll pursuing. F'lease f�!a�l t�re� t� ��snt�e# rne if you h�v�e �ny questd�ns. Tha�ik +�ou�: Bes#, ��� Th�smas Leig�ton, AIICP, EDFP Tangir;le C+�r�sultir�g Serv;€es 612-29$-fi559 t��•ni�t�i:�,�Llet� r°S�..It�-�� :,-,r„ t.,w•.�.�r r:n}k,��71,?f frrs..ifiiiY ;f!'ir pJe�nnrr� � �8€ve,'a�pr!i�nf # �eosrtk+f,ly ♦ +frrp���i�,ni�l�csrt �°: '�� �'I.BL�' {Unsvl�ing 3rro�cg{ ��171��ry �, �Cj1$ RF: 1��ntif_��in�; �n A�3chur Ceamn�erci�l'I'e�ant fe}r a 1�ixed�Rlse l�ev�l��rnent ar� �onti.c�llc}'� "1�i�ck ���� L7�e:ir A�tr_ T�2�re�; Tlte �aterpa�€ ca? thi� letter is ta dott�ment the tcrrr�3 �af �ur ag��emtr3t +�vith re�E���t tcs i�le�3tiFv<<t�, a si�r��iu�e �nchar C�nant F�rr thc desi�ed mixeci-use deuelo�iment �Src�ject �n E�lontic��lcr'� '"Blar.k 5�"e �rr��etave i��entifiratic�n �r�' a�rtrs�ccti+v� si�na�ure ten�n[ c��7 Er�ntrih�ate t� attr�itir�g �f a hi�li- e�4i�ltty deuelrsp�r p�rtner fnr ti,� pa-�ject. Thi� ]e�ter, i? yrr� {-��re�: te� �[s ter�rr� �n�i co�lc9itiot�s, �vill re}�re��rit oua• co��tr,�it. Our r����ec�iv� �i�;�a�tur�s ta�sll sf�nily c5ur 2�r�:e�ttertt. ��ope af ��rr�i�es "I'}]� arurpc35e n� tlte �]1°t�jett is t.ca �enr r�t� iayk�]'e�l i�� v Fs�rs,r-� Rl�ci� 53 �iusin��:� Ica�:�ti�}n �rot� ratte �ir- m+ot•e ���•e�nium restauE�ateurs or k'r�v����u� e�p�r�tor�. Tan�ik7l� �c,nsulti�g'��ervices {Tangablej will ��rFcsrrr3 tlte fc�l�c�wi�� tasf�s. Cl�rify tfie t��e ar�d char�eterista�� [}FC�Id: C�G'S�C'�d ;�17f�][}C t�71s7R�C �, I�i�g�ttfy a set ��� exist�n� sucressf�,l �r��[ ciyn�mic des[inatic�n �iu�irae�s�s that ccruEd b� c�i�[acted ���r��t a Mc�raticellcs lae�ti��r 3. f�4eet ►vit}, ran�iiclat� busir��cse� �c�: � Make thern a�o�ar€� r Fth� t�nit�ue c�rvelc�� n�r nt �ettin�, �snd its str��n� n�arEcet cltaract�r��t���; <:� G�U�� C}7E�It' 113[�Ce�t ir� Cp�3��ICl� �3 1]@L�J �ru5�ne�� t�l�k W+3lIPt� �17C�lUr tfle new C{���'�O�I]1�Tlt � Pecab� th�ir fii-st t�o��tg��t� �lxi�u� fl�or are� r��}uir�ntents ,n�i r�r�t ]e��ls �hey e�n s�rst�ir� �Tan�il�le ti^ri�I 177�CC1t�IC1 C���S€ t'brnn5u]�i��tlOtl +�Vlt�l �1[� SI�EE, inciudi[�� � full verl��l r��icrrt �t e2ach st�ge, ana� � ovritten rcport at tite t,�nclus€cm cr�th�e project, tc� dc�rurnent k}�e �tatvs of th� nutreach ��ad cosatr�nur�ira�i«n, F�u�tl�e�- staff ciirecti�s� vunul�! h� �vvelcr�rr�� tF�ruumE�c�ut �i�e pr+�+c�ss, Y'ar��i��le �a�fll T]Ot �]i'OC�P�4� yYi�Ei eac;�t ngw ��5�{'4ar1[f7tillt �3ut}�[�rar�tt4lLi fPc?i�l �C3t}� t>f h7r�nticello �taff. �'atl�ibl�e wil� �lsc� bri�Fth� �!]A as reyu�st�ct, 1€�f 3 F�ee� Fr�jcct p�}�rr7ettt �vill �,� �rn an h�ti��r�y ��,�is. +rr�tkg �"fi�ti��r'� t`ee.. htan�u� iF � 5i��7atut'[r t€�na�Yt is id�nkifieci, The City c�f Mr�r�tic��ll�� �vill h�e l�illed r��unthly, b����c� c�n ztctt�al hc��irly �+varke�. at tf�� Eeailc��wi��� d'[scc�unt�€� ktaur•I+� r�tew. Tc�taP he�urly hsllin� fc�r the }�r�rj�ct �vill nc�t �xcee� $1,5[1CI. Thomas Lei�ttitun $bE�.�x7 Jul�a Paul�er� �+1u[lin $50 Th� I'ind�r's fee �s an �dditkpn�'d �1,StILl. l[ wil� be earned �Fa lru�ines.s i�ir_ritil'i4�� I�y Ta�s�ible ir� Llt+e co�ars� af this �roject bec�rne� a ten�nt in a n�vr E��t,�k 53 �i�v�ls��r��en�, �Vcrrk is ex�ected ta be�ii� iii �ek�ruas�,� �Q�B. Li�l�ility �'h� pa3-ties ���r�e tEt�t [fie lishilita�� crf T�,ngab��. Gtin�ukti��� Servit�s, �a�c� the Cli�nt'� r��ne�y t�nncle�° ehis Agr�err3ent. �h��l be �irt�itecl t�a �l��in�s i�r}r mnnetary cian3a��s, and �I�.�t �n}° li�hility ari�i�ag �ur c�f r�r re]�,tCn�; �c� xirls Agr��r��ent shall rttat exEeed tl�e tc�t��] �mc���ret a�tually I�ai� f�7r tii� �;er,��iee� pruvi�ier� hy� T�n�ik�le Cr�ns���tin� �crvi�es rrcldert}3i� r1�r�em�nt. DI��}41��5 �n the ��++e�s[ e�f �r�y clr��ute, c+��trc�vr a-�y <rr claim �r�si��,� t,��t c�f «�• itt cc�nr�ettii�n with thi� A�r���r�ettt, !t1'I l�dltl� a3ay yuetiLia�i��: r-e��rrlir�� ;ks e�i�ter�c�c, enfi�reeability, itltet`}�Yet�[ic�n ttr t���liciity� tC�e p�rt�t;s sh��� rr�e€�t :�r��i rr�ssf�r ir, gc�€arJ !°aitlti t[� atie��apt ta resolvc such disp�ite, ���tr�av�ersy c�r claim without initiazing �T7 arlvt:rsarra l pr[�e��eciiti,�;. S9�r�ulci sut�� atteanpts at r���aluticen �art�u� kin�tacc�ssf�pl r�vithi�� a rre�su€table }�er�t�� afte,- the n���tir�� of th� p�rti�s, �r�y disput�, �«r�tr�a�•�ersy, nr claim arisin� under €his Agr�en��nt sha9l t��_ (1 J firar, ���bn,�tted k�r rr�ar�d�t�oy For��t�] ra�e�ii3ti;an_ The P�r�ie� �rill a�;r�e ����on a tt7e�i�tcar ar�r� �}S�re e�ually in tE��: m��iator's cosK, �2]� ] F n7edi�ti���•� f��iC� tu re��r�ve the n��txer, t�e �iisptiate shall }�� su�rt�3tted t�� �r�r1ir��i(a17 CnrldUC[�€I Ikl Mlll[7C3pCa�]S� Miryot�suta, kay a�inek� arbitratn� celectcd }�y th� �ar•tie� in 2.L4i]YiJ:i[1.C�' kYiEfl Y�1� t}]�R1 �fF�CtaV`L' BP�It1"2CIO�i 1"41��5 f?F�il�,�l11i�1'iLan ,�r�aitr�.[�{y�, A5S4r,i��1��Y a�l[� j�J[��ft1�1]� 41�7Ut� til� �LY���[� ren[�ered �Ul"�Udf1t Ci] SUCII �1`E]It1`titl�}t5 ri13� �}e e[�terea� �n �ny� cnurt ]�avir�� jurisdirtin�� tlt�rec�f. The tee� a»d ex�ense�: cxF �h� �rL�€tration sh��l f�e t�orr�e eyu�[ly hy the �jaarti��. Th� d�cisi�n of rhe arbitratr,r sltali t}e I�i���i in� �,n�i �ay h� co�Fierr�ed and er�fc�ri�e�i in �etiy cuurt Y�a�+�n� pr€��a�r jur�sdicEic�n, AII fac't� �nd utt��r snf�rn�aki�n relati�3g C�a ar�y arbita'atin3� ari�in� ti�n��r tl�is A����erx�ertt sh�ll tae kep� ctrrafir@�nt�al �� tl�e fu]]�st �xt��f�� �e�rrriitte�t hy ia��. - T�rmi�ratic�n Ei[her party m�y'C�rmin�te #hl� r�,�CC�17lC11: FL�i- �li}� �,e�si�iy, ur «u e��s{3n: ll�c�� t��rnie�ati+�n, Tarrgi€ale C€�nsultsng 5er�ices sF�a]E tr� �ntitl�d t� campcnsati�r� rr.�r s�r��ice�; re»de�-e� up t�� the ciate e�f t�rrninati�rn, �of� �i�sing We I�eli�ve tn ti�e poke�a�ti�i ctf �[�velti�arne�t �n BI��[I� �2, and are �e^�c�ite�i tu wcrrk u��ith yrru �an this �r�7jeet_ lfya�z fia�rl this pru�r����] arc���tahl�, ple�se sigry ar�s! r�t�a�°n a cra��+ fc�r t�ur �-�cn��ds. My :�i�natetre r�pr�s�r�t� tl7c co�r��nitr�7�nrt �f Ta�i�ible C�rnsultiot� .��rvic�s tc� t�,is agreea�e��t, a�td its [eems ar��i ronciitior�s. �ir�eerely, ��.����...._, �-�_..�a�T..� _ _ �hamas Leighton, AI��, EaFP Tangi�le �Cansultin� 5ervi��s 61�-298��559 „ e. �� ._ n• .,�,� . •p .... ..�: ..o.� _ ..... �nlcrrr�rr�g • deu�do,pmerai � f�Csibr}rty * irrF�r�emer�iati�n Tlre ti�rd�r�sl;gner� ir�re£�}.+ ���`kr�o�v��c�ges �arci �rgr°ees to tfr�s f�td.�3r c�c}reerric:nt, c�r�d it.s �c'+-PtPS i�PPL� cor�r�atic�r�s., ar� fie�ca#%'�af't�fr� crty t�f Ma�nt��'ef�c�, Prir�[ec� �lan7e; -_� �ti � �c���� Tikl�, �:G � � �i'� � t�' �_���°�-"- �..�� 4 �-- � ' Jl����U��- l��*.�- ��� � "'--�fi � f �T 1J���: � % �� � � I�-_� ' 3of� {�, C�unsidc°r��[i��i� �f Iiu�ir�e�s Reeruitmcnl .�.�?r+€,�n��nt ���itl� T's��f�ihle �'c�x��ttltit4=�.. l��C_ ,T1]]1 �I ll�l!'�":a �:A�7�illtll'4� ��liiC lFaul�sl�1� t:'c}��s�3ltie�t. L LC�. �� as c,ni; t}i' the �.c�i7*ti ltsi�t; tl��fi �w�urke;�i can the S�Z��all .Ar�� �tu�i}r, Tl��r�.� �1i1���I ��l�JI �t',L�Ilt(lll ac� �� c��n���.r�atin�� +���it� �tt�f�� a�l�ir��i ��.t[iri� ;� r�.:�t�ur�nt t;tt f�lc}c� �?. L�i�hic�it m�ie,[aineci t17a# ����itli laas cc,��n�ctic�rts, h�; ��,�ild ha;l� th�. '�D,� t�� i��ea���t�� G`�°�k��4n-��i�i �ca��t��;[�, I l��r�., �t�t��i t]�7C ili� cni�tr�s�t t����;rul�l �Zc}t �xr.�ec� �;,�1{){). I.ei�;l�t�i� +.�°as ���kcc� Ic� prcr��icie: rctcre�la:es; hut ka�1� ui��h]e t�� �c It� ]ias��-t ��xc.iail�� ci�ulc tl�i� t����� ��t'���&rk ��.l�rr�_ J��n f��ic��7a������ a>k�ci ��,�E�at tv}i�. c}f����st�aaran�s e��c}4�1c{ ht. tittr�cte�3. 1-]77r't� �t;�rci it k4�4:�ul�l k+i; �u7 inc�e�r��1��i�t rest��.sr�nl. �ltc� Fl.�rl cii��:1a:��cc� sia�}'in€� a�k��«� ti-f�m t�r-�:iti�h.i4.� t-��taura��ts f4�r Blc,ek `��. ]�ill I��t���4�1c� st�,teci tlr.it tl�� f�T�:°� c�s4�ltl cic� S].�li�) L�zl�L' l�'1C�7 �yl.�fJIJ j:r7t��r-�, Jt�. �1�4i�±}3�r ��€pl:iii�c.ci tl��. i11���c,��ta���� ��f t�l�+� 1�.4�,•ir��� ta cl�:ti�cfc��a�er iE��m� �x°cr�a:cj h4�ilci �t�i7��.t17ir1� �,n E31c��k ��. Stc.��c J4,Nan�c��7 ���k�c� it`e�c���r��r4 xt°�,<<l�l l�� �r��{�J��°rwc� i�t�� il�� h�}�arly f�e tf7at �I�t�n�ihle ��[tilltiLl�l]]1L ti�14i9'�i',ti. 1]]T3 r�laY1'L'� �t��l3t11i11�:t�, 1311.1. ��`:�Epr„i-:[� ��rc��� �r� �-�� ,���T�i�i�1�.r �.�;�'�R1��; 1����� .�� �����r��� f��C'€Zl:f�l���i�?'k!T�,�C;f�f��h�+9Fh'T �;�'IFF{ Tt��,'Ca1BLE C{�,'�*�[!L`f�l:��a �FI�'��']+("F-:� "["() [[�1-:'��"l�I1"':' ��;f3 T'tiC'�,��C'�� l�T.��T���ITfCD�; $���1'��,S�E�S ,'4� 1'�)�1���9"1`tr�L F[�f�� E�(.)1� E31.()C.'K �? ]=C?f2 �;1�;�(�1�� �3.��E r�;�,'C} �I.�OC1 F�{11� 1'1:1�.1��)E���I�,�J�`�=..1C.)N �1f}I��'f[�-l'4� S9�["[3'�r��C]�`Tiff= ;�°1[�Tf(�ti, ��7{j�1�i+L)`�,I ('.�f�iiC�L�. ?-(1. , . �..[It151��`r�jClirlJl C�I �IJIL�' ��I #}1-I6 Iy�,�n i:�i�l�-,lctinn .�t�tcrt��e��t� �3i1] I��.t�7eul�� a7s�ti:ct tk��l �1�� �t�:rtt +�`��,� �t.rl' rl;k�lCtik' �811{L fll��lft. �{r It�{�C]€13] L4�C�lIjL� �}�' r�:q��iri:d. ii�3� T}Zares ��k�l t��e GD:� t�p �,�k�: tl�� �e•ur�: �r�lt Jiikn��. t�� rc}�ic+��- �t x�n�i h�-ins �ll`�i�llll�1lS [i7 t17� ��a�rk ��I��� �t tl�� Jrti��tii;��`;�' a�t�+�tity�;. Tf•tYc}� Fli��x ��k��l 1�c�t�� 41��` �tr�l�:�i� ��ks�t� os tli�iriht�sacj �e} t}�c ci7n�'��unit��o ,�r��,ef.� 4c.E��una�1�7 e��l;�i�7�ci tkr�t it i� ,°��,�ilak�l� c�i7 tl��. [_"it� °� �}i��i�it�. �rnci �llt�t i[ }��s �ii�c�itiscd t�t tl l�.l{,�i�c�j C'it�' C'�a�tti�i] «��;��iGt��- �c�7t�mt�nn a:���3�d sll�t �� k�till�:tii7 ht3:u-ci i� raE� is� tlie ��ic,riti�.r:ll�, l'��r�ai�7�utit[}� i:..er�ter ss[l�i 111f�[ iC �+�'�u�c� lik�l�' ky� j�4rwC�:cie :��IZu��1.eilii *t;3te�l tf��t �hr x��.���1�{ ii,lli��� u�� ���itE� sl�� [-fri�7s���ir�scati�„�Y'� �9s�at����r [ci ti�i�i cftaw ifi� �il`i�ie�.t�� t����s lh� pl�n �����:� �le�]"Gf7UCt;ii. �. C:onsidcr�ticr�i �af 12cc�ur�tnsc�7d�tinn f�r 2111f3 Ffl�,� r#��t��iii�tme�it anti �fMl$ �D.� �C] ffi ccrs __.., .. �� �._ Jistt �l�:Grw� �14�t���� �hf�l �l�a,�� ,li,a�rtsc}n'� ��rm ��°��ul�l b� �.x}�irir3�, �u ihe �n�i i,l'th� �71t�n�17_ „T41�111SL11! II�i� 14iLt4LI }fl]S 15']1]]1+�5's '�{� �i;]'YC. t�nc�lh�:r �ix }�e:ti�- tcrm. 't11��1TES I�tf^:[�[!L,-�R ,11��TfNf: - E�'(]�'[)hi[�' C3EL'�LC)F"14IF.��� A�I•l.ff{}�IT�' (ELI.�� 1'4'edp3�stlu}�, Dcce��h�r a3��°, �11�7— fi:fl#] �.n�. �►`itssissi��i ft�ant, `IlnnticclE�o C'ontj��r�ni�x� :�,cnt�e• C�(If73111,6�ti1�117Gf� Pr�,;�rtt: EiilE I]�a�7�:u1�:�, I�3il] T;�E�E��r. St�}'�..I<�1797�n��. Tr�ic�� �-[i��r. �ni7 �'[c,t�����ea��, Jin� PJii��id:��,i7. LEE���c3 Hil��trt �tafi�� PT��ent: J ii�i Tl�ar�s. .�,n��l�� ��I�ur�Yarts� � _ ��11 #� C)r�er 3'��t.�iaii��1 k3i11 U��t�u4al�w �all�cl thc �=�Y,:ul�r .�7�,�tii.z� 4}t� ih�, l:I�.� tc� �,a`�3�'�� ��s {i;���.i ��e��7. �. Ftcxll �C��311 }. C`�risiti�.r��ivn a� a�lditin�w�i fr+sci��la itci���; ����t�e. �_ C'��s�nt .=��;�n�:� .f1�.4�C"1' I.I ENL 1�1U�� I:f} TC7 .-�PPRf)1�.�-. .1�1 ik� {'C�����L��l� .�(:;E?�'C).� ��,� [.�.L��'���:i [Trh�i f�, k��LL �1 .�E'�'E:R �CC"C)Nl��[[� T}iF h�]t}?ft�l�,. �°��)�!'IC7�'� �':'�RI�iL�. ,-�:i. ii. ���111ti1iLC1`���£)f� r�f �� s e°r����i R� �q�.Jt�r lycc#in� �'�inu�es— No;�e�i�s;r �iF��, ?{��7 i�ccc�nul��.��c��tton��� ,�L���ir�}��: l�e�����• 1�'l��:i:in� �9in�at�w trnm Ni'�t�`�iriE�l�r+S'��_ �[.117- 1�. Ca��icirr�tii,n r�f ��nnr•��-i�y� p��°�ti�<ynl vC bills f�a��c.���inl���i��i+icri}: fTF�1 l�� ±1� l�t�'�.�9(��'T-fJ ]�!�[�:�1 `l�fft �`{)�S1°1�T:��uL.?�°llr�_ �4a�. Cnnsic��r�tion of� item� re��q�'ec� �`r�r�a� thr �:srnsenx ��+at,n[�� t'�i� €li�tus�inn. ('�r,�,k���cfr.°i��r�ic}�a r,� rr�r�r��rar��"�x�; ��cr}��r��°��t i,f ��i,rr.� BIIa T;��.�j}�[' 11ist1�`L`[� f�l�it ti�crc �e��r�: ��►-ck �hilf, ���{,a�� �����tl� Eti��. 1'ar�«�rw i'i�r ���ca��k�:r'w �`knn�3 u��u�',���cc. 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To be cnmplet�d �y pureh��er: ���w��� � �.�� � �.�� �. � Cirtle purcha�r n�m�: ��l�l� ��I�f1E�+ Traey Er�en Vi�kci Le�r��f� #��che� Le�r�ar�d Jeff �'f�eill W�yne C�b�r�, Sarah R�thli�berger Jer�nifer S���r�it�er An 5�h.w��nr�— --- — - �_�.� --- — 4�] �itill�l3flf�£'I' �"`'�� E pfo e Si�r7ature ,��������� Circle de�artm�nt c��le: li]1-419�0 10�.-41�4(� - �1�-4�50�� ---- 7l �-r1F'��, _ i � �ircle expens�e c�de: 5�peruisor ��gna�ture Dat� apprv�red �ity Cvuncil Ad�inistrati�n City Cler� Fin�nc� Fiurnan Resr�€�r�es Pl�r�nir�g and Zoning Data Pr��es�ing �`�#�— — _ — Econor�ic Deuele�prnent� H R,� �e_. .. - - 4�1�4�1 Gerweral C}��r�tin,� 5+��plies �43195�0 Newslett�r Serueces 43199�1 hllisc�llanec��us Prof S�rvsces 22� Pc�st��� 4331C�C1 Tr�vef/�Trdlnir�g Expe���S "�� 4�33�Q rrlFa�rShip & �WT�3�rt�- � �43?�l{� LitenSes an� Permits 4A399� A+ii��_ Oth��r Ex�ens+� C]th�� C��:���t1 CtM�1r'�] ���G� �W1U'�Jr,:�k �Si, C�:��II�,;I�i ,}k, 5�. i:l��ilfl, Mff '�F�:�C . r:c,uqsilt�°i �a�uul�i:�s = :N��. �'��i:.a Itill a�;��'���i ; I i:�l; �,=v i: � 1 � J J [l,� r � ,: e , a' ; Ili� � i!€'.: I u:���.: ` � �. i f;,�r �:l fall�k:i : II�F1.�71 ��r11�1: f��,�l�k y:�i O�i� �i�Ri l;trlk; �!1 PJ, �i;_ � � 3 � 9� � C � � � 67 � u7 � � v � � O CD 4 i'} � � � C3 [� � �i3 � � �� fv r Debbie Davidson From: Sent: To: Subject: Attachments: City of Monticello, MN 505 Walnut St, Ste 1 Monticello, MN 55362 763.271.3228 8 AM to 4:30 PM Account Information Account: Name: Service Address: Service Period: Billing Date: Due Date: Meter Reading noreply@merchanttransact.com Friday, October 5, 2018 9:17 AM AP Your bill from City of Monticello, MN is ready. 10118WEBInserts.pdf Previous Reading Serial Date Reading 53321062 9/1/2018 188496 Current Charges Water: Water: CITY WATER - NON-TXBL Water: ACH Credit - Auto Pay Water: E-Bill Credit Sewer: SEWER - COM/MONTHLY Sewer: SW DISCHRG FEE - COM MONTHLY 2% Total Current Charges: Bill Summary Previous Balance: Payments Received: Adjustments: Current Charges: * Total Amount Due by: 11/1/2018 * This was the amount due at the time of billing. 007256-003 MONTICELLO EDA (213-46301) 349 BROADWAY W 9/1/2018 to 9/30/2018 (30 days) Zo/4/2o1s 11/1/2018 Current Reading Date Reading 10/1/2018 188496 To view your amount due at the current time and make a payment click here. Auto payment is setup for this customer account, do not pay. Cons 0 $0.00 $6.95 ($1.00) ($0.50) $8.75 $ 0.18 $14.38 $14.38 $14.38 $0.00 $14.38 $14.38 Debbie Davidson From: Sent: To: Subject: Attachments: City of Monticello, MN 505 Walnut St, Ste 1 Monticello, MN 55362 763.271.3228 8 AM to 4:30 PM Account Information Account: Name: Service Address: Service Period: Billing Date: Due Date: Meter Reading noreply@merchanttransact.com Friday, October 5, 2018 9:17 AM AP Your bill from City of Monticello, MN is ready. 10118WEBInserts.pdf Previous Reading Serial Date Reading 50319735 9/1/2018 1614932 Current Charges Water: Water: CITY WATER - NON-TXBL Water: ACH Credit - Auto Pay Water: E-Bill Credit Sewer: SEWER - COM/MONTHLY Sewer: SW DISCHRG FEE - COM MONTHLY 2% Total Current Charges: Bill Summary Previous Balance: Payments Received: Adjustments: Current Charges: * Total Amount Due by: 11/1/2018 * This was the amount due at the time of billing. 007256-007 MONTICELLO EDA (213-46301) 103 PINE ST 9/1/2018 to 9/30/2018 (30 days) Zo/4/2o1s 11/1/2018 Current Reading Date Reading 10/1/2018 1614932 To view your amount due at the current time and make a payment click here. Auto payment is setup for this customer account, do not pay. Cons 0 $0.00 $6.95 ($1.00) ($0.50) $8.75 $ 0.18 $14.38 $14.38 $14.38 $0.00 $14.38 $14.38 Ven�or � • �?ate af f � � � Transaction c�rv a� �orv-r�c���o Ghost Card Transaction Pfease att�ch the invoice/ recexpt anc� any ather available docurt�errtation to this iorrn, 7o be completed by ,purchaser: Amount $ . � Circle purchaser name: Debbie Davidsvn ....--. � Julie Cneney S�gnat� �(J �. '� f �� U�3 ��� �c�. �s � ��. �r.����v � �� - '�-�l'���1 '�'�f3 ��i C� Expense Catie �r�: c�v .,� Monticello Chamber of Commerce PO Box 192 205 Pine Street Monticello MN 55362 Bill To Accaunts Payable Manticello City of 50� Walnut Street Suite #1 Montic�lln, MN 55362 �escription 2f}18 Cl�amber Lunch -5ept I$th--R1VGR Cf"� Y EXTRk:ML {Jim Thares) '';�. �^�--�� ;�.�j ,`I ,,�1'' 4-'--� �' i La � ___.. � ---- J� ���� � � ��� � �i t ��'': `,' �_ i �f J11QU �� � � �. L1 � Thank yau for your coi++�ifmsnt ta the Montitello Chaa+ber oF Cor�+w�erce & fndustry. The Monticelfo Chav�+ber reprtsents the interesti oF bus�n¢55 and serves to strengtf+en businesses and strmufatt regionaf prosperity. � Moniiceilo Cham6er rs proud to serve q5 the "frant daoY' ta our fine co�+nw�anrty. Ttne chai+nber is a resourre for bicsinesse5, residents and vtsitorz afike, providir� fnFarmatian and insrght about tl,e qrea, tncouragrng econo�+nic . atict eoYnmunrfy grawtk in addrtian ta enthc�3iasticqf(y welco�+ning visitars to the area. � Date lnv�ice # 9/�OI2018 1 ?295a Que Date ] 0/5/20 I $ Amount � I �.00 �I TOtal � 1 S.{}0 763-295-2700 marcy c--!`�a,montice[locei.com http:lfww��i�.monticellocci.com Ju�ie Cheney From: Jim Thares Sent: Monday, October 1, 2018 2:22 PM To: Julie Cheney Subject: RE: Manti Chamber Inv# 12295a $15.00 Hi Julie, this js okay to pay. From: Julie Cheney Sent: Monday, October 1, 2018 10:26 AM Ta: Jim Thares <1im.Thares@ci.rnonticella.mn.us> 5ubject: Monti Charriber Inv# 12295a $15.00 1im Attached is the current in�oice fram the Monticello Chamber for your September lunch. Okay to pay $15.00? Please pro�ide coding. Thanks, r`t.tft�� C:'/ic�tt€��{ Finance Assistant City of Monticello 763-271-3205 Tulie.�her�ey@ci.montice.l lo.mn,us RPC�ci.monticella.mn.us :-:J N��ntic�llt� ��:.,�..�= Email correspon�dence ta �nd from the Gity of Monticello government off+c�s is subject tv the Minnesota Gaverrrment Dato Practices Act and may be disclosed ta third �rties. i Vendor ,� ,�'jyy� i�r'�a .s Date of Transactiot� E�� (�1 �� CITY OF MONTIC�LLO City Hall Carcf Transactian Pfease attach the inuaice/receipt and any other available documentation to this form. To be completed by purchaser: Amount $ �• I � Circle purchaser name: Julie Cheney Tracy �Er e��� icki Leprho#f� �--- - - Rachel Leor�ard Jeff O'Neiil Wayne Oberg Sarah Rathlisberger Jennifer Schreiber Angela Scfaumann Jim Thares Jacob Thunander Employee Signature Supervisar Signatvre Date approved Spetial Project # or Destription Circle department code: 101-41110 101-47.310 1p1-47.410 101-41520 1Q1-41800 101-41910 101-41920 1C11-4194f1 21 - 650p 2�3-4f3 1 Circle expense code: 421990 43isso 431990 Q3220Q 433100 443300 4 � 443990 �� Other ,�a,�. ,� City Cauncil Administration City Clerk Finance Human Resources Planning and Zoning Data Processing City Hall Econamic De�elopment HRA General �perating Supplies Newsletter Services Misc�llaneous Prof Services PostagP Tra�el/Training Expense Dues Membership & Subscrip Licenses and Permi#s Misc. Other Expense RE-PRINT paliuerv �AI� Damino'S Pizza. 7347 (76�j 2�5-2424 1U/10/`1018 5:iID PM Server Power� Qrder 662540 Tihi�Q � TTMEI� T��artk yn�� for ar�cierir�9 Fran� D�,niino's _._. �TGKI LEERHnFF 565 4�ALNlJT ST �,ity Hdll @ �ast entranr,e at MCC (163) 295-2711 ___.___.._ __ - - _..-- - 4r er---- - ---. . 1 12" Hc���dToss Ext ravaga�Z 1 a �7 �`�`� (E>;travaganlla) 1 12" Thi�l 6 Che�se $7.99 (6 Chees�} 1 12" Ha�d'foss Ch i cken liaca� ��2 $7 , 99 fChick�n Bacor� Ranch f'izza Mix 2 cyr mare Sper.ialtY Llps�ll ( Bfi82 ) 1 Uel ivet'Y Ghai'9� $3.49 $27.46 �2.03 $29.4g Sub Ta�al Tax 1 Tutal _._ -----PavmEn s.._.._.._.--- --�_ _.. Am�unk Tendered Ba ti ailce Du� $29.49 Tl�ank you far tseirl� � P i ece nf the P i e Rewa r�1� 4�emb� r! $O,QO Nnw Nirin� earx� $12]$15.u0 asi hour, Pl�ase cal4 again RE-PRINT VIS„��„ CARI�► PURCHASE FORIVI *�lease da not use for invaices paid wit� a check. CI"I'Y OF N10NTICE�L[) Parks �lepar#ment Card Transaction Vendoe ` Name c• — `. 4 � � Dake �� {� Of Transaction Please attach the invoice/ receipt and any other available documentatian to this form. To be completed by purehaser: �� 9y _ ,� o � Amaunt $ •�� .- � � �� C�.-��e� �J �L �N L K . P+� Circle purchaser name: Totn Pawel9c Derek Wipper Ja Berthiaume Tom Gro sni 1 Leo Schroden Jutie Hoglund Beth Green Al Gapinski Chad Hadley Chance Forsker-Kulhanek f��� . f, }.. � _ -� J s�,, J' ,��t.,�I�^A-�� � Emp�ayee Signakure l.� Tom Pawelk— Parks Superintendent , } �a `�� � � � X�' Date ap rove �ecial Proiect # or Descriation � J��� �: e�Z� �c! c �r�s � i e '�� i�� V-� 1 ��-4r� i 2���0:, . ��jOc� Co��. ��: �� � -�,3G+1- -��� ,� Vehicle Num�er: �Q�� � � Circle department tode: 101-A5201 1�1-45203 101.45204 101-46102 �'JTa !�aL''� MOfVTICELLO 2�1 • 1TH ST t"J �;�or�riw«��� ,���� Ss3�z 1� 16 2Q16 ���d „ r�riv�ork: ;.�:�p Cdfd; A'I�.:: rF ���;� s: i�;,010E � r��,5 �; ari ���roval Co�e: En�y h1eihod t"lu��: T�a Amounk Parks Administration Ballfields prts initiative Shade Tree AUTO VALUE r�IONTICEL�O l2i-il'H�T4N �+10NiICELLO ��1N 55362 12.29 101�.Z�1$ ' CRfDIT CARD VISA SALE XKxX%X�XXXXX669',: VISA UISR CREDiT AD�OOODa�3101001 40? � #25AJ9F3A3E5i 11 5 �l?368�+� 1 D09 D11�4E Chip Re�J 15S1� *a.ua ���E �MOUNT �29,�4 i d� �;� ; SEQ x: lNvuICE � Tran; u; �p��val Code: Er�a � P?ef�ad: �: 17 �� CREDlT CARD NSA REFUP+�p XX1(XXXXY,U(kX68�:; 1 �3 �41�6Bb6 1D10 00�371 Chfp Rear Onlinr I������ �I����� j�,�� THANKYDU CUSTOMER COPY THANK YOU Repair & Mntc. — Vehitkes � Repair & Mntc. - Recreation l,USf UhIER CuFY Adopt a Park Pathway Nlainkenance Dues, Membership, Subscripkions s'� �-�. � -:— t _ _ �� � ��� '�`� 1�a1#� � ` �$f't� SitDrBs . ��� s �,�. `�►�`� Bill To CITY OF NitJNTICELLO 505 WALNUT S�' MC�NTICELLO, MN 55352 pTY nAFG F'ART NUh76ER 6 �'�:�I 950.�� �C� TO WWW . AUTCiVP,I,L�EC,'3�RES . C�hi SHi�RE YO[�R �XL'�:RIENCF� ANb Y�li [+�IAY [nI�IV A $10� GIFT CARD I�I+u�#�i 5 `- 1/�f�r " ��: �. p �� �; ��R �'� � 0�11 fa CI'I'Y OI' MQI�TIC�LLO 505 WALNU'F ST MO£:'I'ICLLLO, MF� 553G2 INVQIGE AOt"J VALOE I�IONTICELLO 221 1TH STREET 4+1 MOIaiTCELLC�, MN 55362 (i63)295-2916 5hip To CITY dF @hONTICELLC7 505 4�?ALNr.IT ST MaNTICELLO, MN 55362 �ESCRIPTIflN f;ORE LIST P�',' ���7'1'Ir�REEZE D.00 '�.��4 ",'r.v�ER 29. `.74 CUSTOMER COPY Cinna/i�rn INVOICE 11U`Cr� VALU� M�iv'PILGI,T.�O 1.21 7TH STR�ET W MO�TIGELLO, i�1N 55362 (763)295-7_916 Ship Ta CITY OF' MC?i�IT1:CGLLO 505 WALNUT ST MQNZ'ICELL(�, MN 55352 c�TY MFG PARTN4JM6ER 6ESCRlPTI�N CORE 6 2EC 95806 GI�L ��CO GTJt1C�f� RV-50 �1.00 6 G�C 95[�06 R�� ANT�CREFZE c�.00 RTN RESELlit:BLE RE Uk�ZN QRIG INV 21 46864 �a �ro va��rw . �o��av�L��c�g �s . cor� S�IAKE YO[7e� EXPERIEi�CE At�i7 YOU MAY WTN A$100 GTN'T CARD Tr�NDER -9.00 C'{7STOMER COPY Signature SLSMN : SFILESM Page � of 1 S�LL �XTENDEa 4.59 ?9.94 1`?;`N Subtota! 2°� . 9 9 1 Core r� �J . l� ��% Total ''�t;F! 29.99 i�,.o�Pvyn�mr �,�� �.__ VISE: pATE fNUOICE # 10i16/2C�18 2�17�6'�;�6 ORDER �ATE 1�/1;/2C��� 71ME REF�t 12::�9 PPh 2; ��5� SELLER ACCT# �Ll�i ����F7�{.�J P.O. # S�_`�MN: SI1L,�'.�i�1 Page ? of SELL EXTENDEa �.A9 20,94 ��i/hl -�� .99 -2�i. `�4 N/!�� Subtota! - `-`' . � � Core Tax i7 . 0 � ro�� R�Nn -s.oa 1nv�e Pof�enE r�.ce �.1 � S!� zrivo�eE 0 z 0 4 C S O � � L O C � � I � � C I N M I � I M I I M M N � �� � � _ � �� o � N ^" N N ^" N �'`� Gi" '' O O N ;� M � M M � � � �'� O 7 7 7 ^,,.s F" ,� '..�' � � � ,-� � O O i� Q Q � v .y? .�? o v� CC o� .� Q Q � �'-. o ❑ ❑ � o N � W W � � M v+ � f � a] �. � o a� a� � o � � � � ✓: a y a- a- y v � y � M M � � � iC O C p., ""i` ^ ^ M y O �, � � ^ n� � a M M � �.' M � M � N N � � � � y O C � � ? C O '> U � � � O M � 0 m � � N � � �� zz w w .� .� U� � � O C O C �l1 �l1 � � �� o c M M �O �C � � <., n, N N � � CC W z w F z 0 a x C� F- z w � O � � N N � � � N Debbie Da�ids�n From: s�nt: To: 5ubject: Attathments: City of Manticello, MN 505 Walnut St, Ste 1 Mor�ticelio, MN 55362 763.271.3228 8AMto4:30PM Account Information Account: Name: 5erviee Address: Ser�ice Period: Billing Date: Due Date: Meter Reading noreply@merchanttransact.com Friday, September 7, 2018 11:0f AM AP Yaur bill from City of Monticello, MN is ready 9i 18WEBINSERTS.pdf Preuious Reading Serial Date Reading 38298301 8/1/2018 151844D Current Charges Water: Water: C�TY WATER - NON-T�(BL Water: ACH Credit - Awto Pay Water: E-Biil Credi# Sewer: 5EWER - COM/MONTHlY Sewer: SW plSCHR('s FEE - COflA MONTFlLY 290 Total Current Charges: Bill Summary Pre�ious Balance: Payments Recei�ed: Adjustments: Current Charges: * Total Amount Due I�y. 10/1/2Q18 * This was the amount due at the time of billing. , r`; I �, �}� � �l `� 1 � - � f� ��� � � �� ' ' � ��� � � �{�1g �, � ��� �{; ��� � � �� ► i�.�� , , ;.. ' � �.__ .____- --_--__.___.._ . � _. Q07256-005 MONTICE�LO EDA (213-45301j 255 BRDADWAY E S/1/2018 to 8/31/2Q18 (31 days) 9/6/2018 10/1/2018 Current Reading Date Reading 8/21/2018 151�440 To r�iew your amount due at the turrent time and make a payment click here. Auto payment is setup for this customer aCcoun#, do not pay. 1 Cons 0 $0.00 $6.95 ($1.DOj ($0.50� $8.75 $0.18 $14.38 $14.38 $14,38 $O.QO $14.38 $14.38 Debbie D��idson From: Sarah Ratf�lisberger Sent: Friday, Na�ember 30, 2018 3:43 PM �o� Debbie Davidsar+ Subject: FW: 7256-005 Monti EDA $1498 Sarah Rathfisberger, CPFO Finance Manager City of Manticello, MN Tel: 763-271-3201 Fax: 763-295-4404 NQTf: The contents af this E-mail mpy contain informcrtian that is legprly privileged �ndfor canfidentia! to the named recipient. This informatron is not to 6e used �by any other person and/or organization. The views expressed in this d�cument do not necessariiy reflect those of the Crty of Montrcello. Emai! correspondence to and from Ciry of Monticello government offices is subject to the Minnesota Government Data Practrces and may be disclosed to rhird partres. From: Pat Kovich <Pat.Kavich@ci.monticello.mn.us> Sent: Friday, November 30, 2018 3:15 �M To: Sarah Rathlisberger <Sarah.Rathlisberger@ei.monticello.mn.us> Suhject: 7256-005 Monti EDA $14.98 Sarah, I had the wrong acct. �his one was finaled out because the house was demo�ished. 8ecause it was in a final �ill status, +t didn't go thraugh the original ACH batch. Once Debbie caught it, we just ran it for our payment, in its own little batch. i�a.t Ko-vLc�. Utiiity Billing Specialist City of Montitello 505 Walnut St., 5te. #1 Monticello, MN 55362 763/271-32�3 Email correspondence to and from the City of Montice!!o gnvernment offices is subject to the Minnesota Government Data Practices Act and muy be disdosed to third parties. NORTHEAN STATES POWER COMPANY Page 1 of s SERVICE ADDRESS ACCOUNT NUMBER i i� �������„������ CITY OF MONTICELLO 51-0012333444-6 10/30/2018 � 103 PINE ST MONTICELLO, MN 55362-B564 STATEMENT NUMBER STATEMENT DATE � � i RESPONSIBLE BY NATUREm 609998321 10/03/2018 $158.50 DAILY AVERAGES Last Year Temperature 62° F Electricity kWh 0.0 Electricity Cost $0.00 QUESTIONS ABOUT YOUR BILL? Seeourwebsite: xcelenergy.com Email us at: Customerservice@xcelenergy.com Please Call: 1-800-481-4700 Hearing Impaired: 1-800-895-4949 Fax: 1-800-311-0050 Or write us at: XCEL ENERGY PO BOX 8 EAU CLAIRE WI 54702-0008 � X�cel Lnergy� Please help our neighbors in need by donating to Energy Outreach Colorado.Please mark your donation amount on the back of this payment stub and CHECK THE RED BOX under your address below. SUMMARY OF CURRENT CHARGES idetailed charges begin on page 21 Electricity Service 09/03/18 - 10/02/18 1000 kWh Other Recurring Charges Current Charges ACCOUNT BALANCE Previous Balance Payment Received Balance Forward Current Charges Pending Withdrawal Amount Due As af 09/03 Auto Pay 10/01 10/16 $149.86 �s.s4 $158.50 $118.55 -$15.37 CR �, $103.18 � $158.50 0 0 -��o3.�s cR $158.50 INFORMATION ABOUT YOUR BILL Renewable energy development costs are included as part of the Resource f� Adjustment line on your bill. Beginning this month, the renewable energy development costs have increased from $0.001034 per kWh to $0.001318 per kWh. Visit }F xcelenergy.com/rdi to find more on Xcel Energy's renewable energy development programs. Thankyou foryour payment. RETURN 60TTOM PORTION WITH YOUA PAYMENT • PLEASE DO NOT USE STAPLES,TAPE OR PAPER CLIPS ACCOUNT NUMBER I DUE DATE 51-0012333444-6 10/30/2018 $158.50 Your bill is paid through a n automated bank payment plan. ------ manifest line --------- I"I��II"�'I'�'�I'll�l�l���l��'ll��lll����l��lll�l�l'I��III'I��' CITY OF MONTICELLO 505 WALNl1T ST STE 1 MONTICELLD MN 55362-8831 Automated Bank Payment 1 7 S 14 15 21 22 28 29 2 3 4 5 6 9 10 11 12 13 16 17 18 19 20 23 24 25 26 27 i 31 I"I��II"�'I'�'�I'll�l�l���l��'ll��lll����l��lll�l�l'I��III'I��' XCEL ENERGY P.O. BOX 9477 MPLS MN 55484-9477 � 32 51103018 00123334446 0000001585000000015850 � SERVICE ADDRESS ACCOUNT NUMBER i i� ���ie1 Enerqy� CITY OF MONTICELLO 51-0012333444-6 10/30/2018 � 103 PINE ST MONTICELLO, MN 55362-B564 STATEMENT NUMBER STATEMENT DATE � � i 609998321 10/03/2018 $158.50 SERVICE A�DRESS: 103 PINE 5T MONTICELLO, MN 55362-8564 NEXT READ DATE: 11 /02/18 ELECTRICITY SERVICE DETAILS PREMISES NIIMBER: 302923602 INVOICE NUMBER: 0747688678 ELECTRICITY CHARGES DESCRIPTION Basic Service Chg Energy Charge Summer Energy Charge Winter Fuel Cost Charge Decoupling Adj Affordability Chrg Resaurce Adjustment Su6total City Fees Total RATE: Sm Gen Svc (Metered) 115AGE 11NITS RATE 931.03 kWh 68.97 kWh 1000 kWh 1000 kWh OTHER RECURRING CHARGES DETAILS INVOICE NUMBER: 747688644 ADDRESS: 103 PINE ST MONTICELLO, MN 55362-8564 DESCRIPTION USAGE UNITS Install Number 157123 09/03/18 ta 10/01 /18 100 WATT HPS AREA CO OWN $0.095140 $0.079650 $0.030950 $0.001245 UNIT CHARGE QTY •� �; CHARGE $10.00 $88.58 $ 5.49 $30.95 $1.25 $1.26 $6.83 $144.36 $5.50 $149.86 CHARGE QClr1°t wc�5tf: �f7Er��' � fld r71(�f7E^y t0 f1E�t �r C�41 after bu�ines� h�urs_ A�ro�grarnrnable thermostat car� help yc�u ea�ily schedul� te��-r�er�tur� �ethacks to help you save +on yaur b�attom line, JkLWAYS [��fl���"i�fi��: ��'"� SERVICE ADDRESS ACCOUNT NUMBER i i� ���ie1 Enerqy� CITY OF MONTICELLO 51-0012333444-6 10/30/2018 � 103 PINE ST MONTICELLO, MN 55362-B564 STATEMENT NUMBER STATEMENT DATE � � i 609998321 10/03/2018 $158.50 OTHER RECURRING CHARGES DETAILS INVOICE NUMBER: 747688644 ADDRESS: 103 PINE ST MONTICELLO, MN 55362-8564 DESCRIPTION Auto Protective Lgt Fuel Cost Charge Resource Adjustment Total USAGE UNITS CHARGE QTY CHARGE 38 kWh $7.57 1 $7.57 $0.92 $0.15 $8.64 INFORMATION ABOUT YOUR BILL Effective Oct. 1, 2018, the Resource Adjustment line item on your bill has decreased due to a change in the Conservation Improvement Program �CIP) factor. The electric CIP portion of the Resource Adjustment is $0.001813 per kilowatt-hour (kWh�. For an average non-demand customer, 69% of your bill refers to power plant costs, 15% to high voltage line costs, and 16% to the cost of local wires connected to your business. For an average demand-billed customer, 79% of your total bill refers to power plant costs, 14% to high voltage lines, and 7% to the cost of local wires connected to your business. Frarn syn�hronized billing f�r m�eltiple loc�tio�1� to �utt7 p��, w�'r� �Iti°s+�ys c��liver�ng f11C7r� w�y5 tt7 c:u�tc7r71iz� yG�.a r�r��rC�y' k�il I tC7 �aett�r suit yr�ur ne�ds. Fine� nut me�r� �t x�elenergy.�ort�il�l�r�ill. ►��w��s deftverirrg NORTHEAN STATES POWER COMPANY Page 1 of 6 SERVICE ADDRESS ACCOUNT NUMBER i i� �������„������ CITYOFMONTICELLO 51-0012333444-6 11/21/2018 � 103 PINE ST MONTICELLO, MN 55362-B564 STATEMENT NUMBER STATEMENT DATE � � i RESPONSIBLE BY NATUREm 612761730 10/24/2018 $105.66 DAILY AVERAGES Last Year Temperature 50° F Electricity kWh 0.0 Electricity Cost $0.00 QUESTIONS ABOUT YOUR BILL? Seeourwebsite: xcelenergy.com Email us at: Customerservice@xcelenergy.com Please Call: 1-800-481-4700 Hearing Impaired: 1-800-895-4949 Fax: 1-800-311-0050 Or write us at: XCEL ENERGY PO BOX 8 EAU CLAIRE WI 54702-0008 � X�cel Lnergy� SUMMARY OF CURRENT CHARGES idetailed charges begin on page 21 Electricity Service 10/02/18 - 10/23/18 760 kWh Other Recurring Charges Current Charges ACCOUNT BALANCE Previous Balance Payment Received Balance Forward Current Charges Pending Withdrawal Amount Due As af 10/02 Auto Pay 10/16 10/30 $99.56 $6.10 $105.66 �26�.ss -$103.18 CR �, $158.50 N $105.66 0 0 -$158.50 CR $105.66 INFORMATION ABOUT YOUR BILL Renewable energy development costs are included as part of the Resource f� Adjustment line on your bill. Beginning this month, the renewable energy development costs have increased from $0.001034 per kWh to $0.001318 per kWh. Visit }F xcelenergy.com/rdi to find more on Xcel Energy's renewable energy development programs. Thankyou foryour payment. RETURN 60TTOM PORTION WITH YOUA PAYMENT • PLEASE DO NOT USE STAPLES,TAPE OR PAPER CLIPS ACCOUNT NUMBER I DUE DATE 51-0012333444-6 11/21/2018 $105.66 Your bill is paid through a n automated bank payment plan. ------ manifest line --------- I"I��II"�'I'�'�I'll�l�l���l��'ll��lll����l��lll�l�l'I��III'I��' CITY OF MONTICELLO 505 WALNl1T ST STE 1 MONTICELLD MN 55362-8831 Automated Bank Payment i� 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 S 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 I"I��II"�'I'�'�I'll�l�l���l��'ll��lll����l��lll�l�l'I��III'I��' XCEL ENERGY P.O. BOX 9477 MPLS MN 55484-9477 32 51112118 00123334446 0000001056600000010566 � SERVICE ADDRESS ACCOUNT NUMBER i i� ���ie1 Enerqy� CITY OF MONTICELLO 51-0012333444-6 11/21/2018 � 103 PINE ST MONTICELLO, MN 55362-B564 STATEMENT NUMBER STATEMENT DATE � � i 612761730 10/24/2018 $105.66 SERVICE A�DRESS: 103 PINE 5T MONTICELLO, MN 55362-8564 NEXT READ DATE: FINAL BILL ELECTRICITY SERVICE DETAILS PREMISES NUMBER: 302923602 INVOICE NUMBER: 0750949856 ELECTRICITY CHARGES RATE: Sm Gen Svc (Metered) DESCRIPTION 11SAGE 11NITS RATE CHARGE Basic Service Chg $7.00 Energy Charge Winter 760 kWh $0.079650 $60.53 Fuel Cost Charge 760 kWh $0.027720 $21.07 Decaupling Adj 760 kWh $0.001245 $0.95 Affordability Chrg $0.88 Resaurce Adjustment $5.28 Su6total $95.71 City Fees $3.85 Total $99.56 OTHER RECURRING CHARGES DETAILS INVOICE NUMBER: 750949820 ADDRESS: 103 PINE ST MONTICELLO, MN 55362-6564 UNIT DESCRIPTION USAGE UNITS CHARGE QTY CHARGE Install Number 157123 10/02/18 ta 10/22/18 100 WATT HPS AREA CO OWN Auto Protective Lgt 31 kWh $7.57 •� �; $5.30 QClr1°t wc�5tf: �f7Er��' � fld r71(�f7E^y t0 f1E�t �r C�41 after bu�ines� h�urs_ A�ro�grarnrnable thermostat car� help yc�u ea�ily schedul� te��-r�er�tur� �ethacks to help you save +on yaur b�attom line, JkLWAYS [��fl���"i�fi��: �� SERVICE ADDRESS ACCOUNT NUMBER i i� ���ie1 Enerqy� CITY OF MONTICELLO 51-0012333444-6 11/21/2018 � 103 PINE ST MONTICELLO, MN 55362-B564 STATEMENT NUMBER STATEMENT DATE � � i 612761730 10/24/2018 $105.66 OTHER RECURRING CHARGES DETAILS INVOICE NUMBER: 750949B20 ADDRESS: 103 PINE ST MONTICELLO, MN 55362-8564 DESCRIPTION Fuel Cost Charge Resource Adjustment Total INFORMATION ABOUT YOUR BILL USAGE UNITS CHARGE QTY CHARGE $0.67 $0.13 $6.10 Effective Oct. 1, 2018, the Resource Adjustment line item on your bill has decreased due to a change in the Conservation Improvement Program �CIP) factor. The electric CIP portion of the Resource Adjustment is $0.001813 per kilowatt-hour �kWh�. This is y�ar Final Bill. For an average non-demand customer, 69% of your bill refers to power plant costs, 15% to high voltage line costs, and 16% to the cost of local wires connected to your business. For an average demand-billed customer, 79% of your total bill refers to power plant costs, 14% to high voltage lines, and 7% to the cost of local wires connected to your business. Frarn syn�hronized billing f�r m�eltiple loc�tio�1� to �utt7 p��, w�'r� �Iti°s+�ys c��liver�ng f11C7r� w�y5 tt7 c:u�tc7r71iz� yG�.a r�r��rC�y' k�il I tC7 �aett�r suit yr�ur ne�ds. Fine� nut me�r� �t x�elenergy.�ort�il�l�r�ill. ►��w��s deftverirrg f• rF CenterPoint Acct Number 5843395-4 5863599-6 5806932-9 5821009-5 5799425, 5799427, 5820786, 5837384 5864452-7 5788570-9 5804618-6 5768542-2 5768542-2 5768542-2 5768542-2 5828859-8 8235331-9 8235333-5 8000015233-2 6401688436-9 voucher.xls Check No.: Set up for Auto Payments Vendor No.: 1102 Payee: GL Acct. No. CITY OF MONTICELLO VOUCHER CENTERPOINT ENERGY 217-41990-438100 101-42700-438100 101-45201-438100 101-42200-438100 101-43127-438100 101-45501-438100 609-49754-438100 101-45201-438100 101-41940-438100 226-45126-438100 101-45175-438100 101-42800-438100 101-41940-438100 101-41941-438100 101-41941-438100 602-49480-438100 213.46301.438100 11/6/2018 3,286.59 11/19/2018 2,399.44 11 /26/2018 $ 314.60 11 /27/2018 $ 20.85 6,021.48 NOVEMBER 2�1g DISTRIBUTION OF EXPENSE ��ACH w/draw Amount Date Descrinti 16.98 11/26/2018 DMV 20.85 11/27/2018 Animal Shelter 203 Chelsea Rd 16.98 11/26/2018 PARKS 113 RIVER ST W 65.37 11/26/2018 Fire StaYion 215.27 11/26/2018 Public Works - 901-909 Glf Crse Rd Shp 82.18 11/6/2018 Library 200 Sixth Street 51.49 11/6/2018 Liquor Store 511 Pine St 5010 1/2 Fallon Ave NE 121.32 City Hall 505 Walnut St 2,805.42 11/6/2018 MCC 505 Walnut Street 45.49 Senior Center 60.66 National Guard 16.98 11/6/2018 324 5 St. West (storage garage) 44.95 11/6/2018 Prairie Center 112 6th St W 25.60 11/6/2018 Prairie Center 116 6th St W(U FA 2,399.44 11/19/2018 WWTP 1401 Hart Blvd 32.50 11/6/2018 103 Pine St TOTAL: $6,021.48 � Project Code 3,032.89 � ���������. f���� CenterPointEnergy.com Gas leak or emergency Leave immediately, then call 800-296-9815, 24 hours a day How to pay your bill Online Visit: CenterPointEnergy.com/paybill Pay immediately, schetlule a payment or set up automatic monthly payments. Please keep this portion for your records ���������„ �n��Y CUSTOMER THE CITY OF MONTICELLO EDA SERVICE ADDRESS 103 Pine St, Monticello, MN 55362-8564 THE CITY OF MONTICELLO EDA 505 WALNUT ST STE 1 MONTICELLO, MN 55362-8822 Customer service 612�21-4939 or 80a245-2377 Monday - Friday, 7 am - 7 pm Page 1 of 4 ACCOUNT NUMBER AUTOPAY DATE Nov o6 2018 6401688436-9 � BILLING DATE AMOUNT DUE $ 32.rJO Oct 09, 2018 Call before you dig Comments Call 811 PO Box 1144 24 hours a day Minneapolis, MN 55440-1144 Our records showthat you now receive a paperless bill. We hope you enjoy the ease and convenience of paperless bill delivery. ACCOUNT SUMMARY Previous gas amount due $ 39.15 Payment Oct 8, 2018 Thank youl - 39.15 Current gas charges (Details on page 2) + 32.50 DO NOT PAY - Total amount due to be drafted $ 32.50 Phane Call 612-321-4939 and make a payment using your checking or savings account, or by debit or cretlit cartl. 000016041 0670182752766 000001 In person To find a payment location, visit: CenterPointEnergy.com/paybill or call 612-321-4939. Has your AutoPay bank account changed? See form on back of stub. Mail To mail a payment, send to: PO Box 4671 Houston, TX 77210-4671 ACCOUNT NUMBER 6401688436-9 AUTOPAY DATE Nov 06, 2018 AMOUNT DUE $ 32.50 Your bill is scheduled to be paid automatically by bank draft on the due date Nov 06, 2018. Your bank draft is set up for: 007200640168843699000000032500000000325090 i/��RJ'��i����{ ,• Er�e�Y CenterPointEnergy.com DEFINITIONS CUSTOMER THE CITY OF MONTICELLO EDA SERVICE ADDRESS 103 Pine St, Monticello, MN 55362-8564 Basic Charge is a flat amount each month, regardless of the amount of gas used, to cover a poition of costs incurred even if the customer tloes not use gas during the biling periotl. Cost of Gas is the cost CenterPoint Energy pays for the gas it delivers ta its custamers. Delivery Charge is based on the amount of gas delivered, to cover the costs of delivering gas not covered by the Basic Charge. City Franchise Fee is a fee charged by a city to utility companies that provide natural gas, electricity or cable servi�e. Utilities wil �dlect the fee fram individual custamers and pay it to the city. Utilities receive no revenue from this fee. Gas Affordability Program (GAP) covers costs to offer a low-income customer co-pay program to reduce natural gas service disconnections. This charge is biled to all noir interruptible customers. Purchased Gas Adjustment reflects the difference between the base cost of gas establishetl at the time of our most recent rate case and the price paid to purchase and transport the gas you used during this billing period. Therm is the heating value of gas. Your meter measures CCF (hundreds of cubic feet) which we multiply by the therm factor to determine the heating capacity of the gas you used. For a more detailed description of each of the terms used on your bill, please visit CenterPointEnergy.com/definitions or call Customer Support at 612-321-4939. ACCOUNT NUMBER 6401688436-9 BILLING DATE Oct 09, 2018 AUTOPAY DATE AMOUNT DUE Page 2 of 4 Nov 06, 2018 $ 32.50 Current gas charges Rate: Comllnd Firm Rate Meter Number Day Billing Period Current read date Next scheduled read date Next billing date M19920793968 31 Oct 8, 2018 Nav 7, 2018 Nov 8, 2018 Billing Period Current Reading - Previous Reading = Total x Therm factor = Adjusted Usage 09/07/18 -10108/18 9277 9267 10 1.07269 11 Therms Basic charge Delivery charge Decoupling adjustment Gas Affordability PRG Cost of gas" Interim rate adjustinent (Basic Chg +($0.17193'therms))'13.2000% County sales tax State sales tax Total current charges 'indudes a purchased gas adjustment of $0.03587 CR YoU1' BCCOUnt, managed your way • Pay automatically. Set up AutoPay by signing and Sign up at CenterPointEnergy.com/myaccount returning the form below with your check payment. IYs that • 2417 online account access. View antllor pay your bill, easy! view usage history, sign up for accountservices and much • Even out the highs and lows of your monthly bills. more. Enroll in Average Monthly Billing and spread your natural • Go paperless. Receive an email when your bill is ready 9as costs throughout the year. to view and pay. Get convenience, get rid of dutter. • Get bill reminders. Choose text or email, up to five days before your bill is due. $ 21.00 11 therms x$ 0.17181 1.89 11 therms x-$ 0.01190 - 0.13 11 therms x$ 0.00462 0.05 11 therms x$ 0.40364 4.44 3.02 0.15 2.08 $ 32.50 • Other services. Report a payment made at a payment location, set up a payment extension and much more. View options from your online account or visit CenterPointEnergy.com/selfservice if you'd prefer not to register. • Moving? Please call us at 612-321-4939 at least two weeks before you move, or complete the forms at CenterPointEnergy. com/selfservice Register any inquiry or complaint at CenterPoint Energy, 5D5 Nicolet Mall, PO Box 59D38, Minneapdis, MN 5545�OD38 Mail payments to CenterPoint Energy, PO Box 4671, Houston, TX 7721 a4671 Late payment detailsldue date. %ease pay your bil on time to reach our office by the due date shown at the top of your bill. Unpaid gas amounts over $10 are charged a lale payment fee of 1.5% (18 % annual percentage rate) or$1 minimum on the next billing date shown on your bil. Returned cheek eharge. There will be a$10 charge for any check or AutoPay payment your bank returns to us. Notice of eustomer information availability. Customer information is available upon request. Call 800-24r2377. Personal cheeks sent for payment may be processed electronically. This means your check will not be returned by your financial institution. Any funds may be debited from your account as soon as the same day payment is received.lf you have questions concerning this process, please contact customer service at 80a245-2377. For further information, visit h ttp:llfede ral rese rve. g o vlp u bslch ec kco nvl 000002 Has your AutoPay bank account changed? To update your bank account information, please sign and date this form and return it with this month's payment, using one of your new checks. Money orders do not qualify for enrollment or updating. Your next bill will be automatically deducted from the account listed on your check. For more inforination or to update your banking inforination electronically, go to CenterPointEnergy. com/autopay. I authorize CenterPoint Energy to automatically deduct from the checking account shown on my enclosed check all future payments for my CenterPoint Energy bills. I will notify CenterPoint Energy if I decide to cancel my use of AutoPay. CenterPoint Energy also has the right to discontinue my AutoPay enrollment. Once I enroll, I understand that any past due balances will be drafted from my account three days after my application is processed. Account holder's signature Date EDA Agenda: 12/12/18 4d. Consideration of approvin� 2019 Membership Dues to Wri�ht Countv Economic Development Partnership (JT) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: This item is for consideration of approving the 2019 Membership Dues for Wright County Economic Development Partnership (WCEDP). The proposed 2019 annual dues are $2,606. This is 3.0 percent increase (+$77.00) over the 2018 amount of $2,529. The EDA has been involved with the WCEDP as a member for many years. In collaborating with and supporting the WCEDP, it brings the potential to leverage additional economic development funding for projects through the WCEDP Loan Program which strengthens the local economy. The WCEDP also pays membership fees to organizations that allow the EDA-City to gain access to events held by MNCAR and CMMA. Collaboration on economic development efforts is a key strategy in achieving local progress. Al. Staff Impact: There is minimal staff time involved in preparing the staff report for consideration of the 2019 Annual WCEDP Membership Dues. A2. Budget Impact: Funds for the 2019 Membership Dues in the WCEDP amount to $2,606. These projected expenses were budgeted in the 2019 Dues, Membership and Subscriptions budget line approved by the EDA. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: Motion to approve the 2019 Annual WCEDP Membership Dues in the amount of $2,606.00. 2. Motion to deny approval of the 2019 Annual WCEDP Membership Dues in the amount of $2,606.00. Motion to table the approval of the 2019 Annual WCEDP Membership Dues in the amount of $2,606.00 for further research and review. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends approval of Alternative #1 wherein the 2019 Annual WCEDP Membership Dues are approved in the amount of $2,606.00. By participating in the WCEDP, the EDA benefits through marketing, networking opportunities, information sharing and collaborating in funding for development projects and addressing economic development challenges like workforce. It should be noted that throughout 2018, the WCEDP made it a priority to focus its efforts to build awareness on workforce trends and strategies of how to address challenges. Duane Northagen, WCEDP, will attend the meeting and provide specific tangible benefits of the EDA's membership in the WCEDP. D. SUPPORTING DATA: A. 2018 WCEDP Dues Statement and list of 2018 Activities and Events Wright County Economic Development Partnership PO Box 525 Rockford MN 55373 763.477.3035 admin@wrightpartnership.org 1 � �.� � _.9 �,_. �� ; Wrighr Courily Economic 6evglOprtlCnt Par[ners� i;.� �� 2019 Membership Dues Total Discount Date: 11/7/2018 Jim Thares City of Monticello 505 Walnut Street Suite 1 Monticello, MN Subtotal Sales Tax Total $2,606 $2,606 $2,606 If you have any questions p/ease �o�ra�r M;Ssy ar �6s.4��.soss. Thank you for your participation! EDA Agenda: 12/12/18 4e. Consideration of 2019 WSB Economic Development Assistance Services Proposal (JT) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: This item is presented to the EDA to consider an Economic Development Assistance Services Proposal with WSB & Associates. City staff proposes to enter into a 12-month (1-1-19 to 12-31-19) contract with WSB & Associates for services similar to the past couple of years. The proposed scope of work for 2019, is like 2018 in that it provides support to staff in engaging prospects/developers as well in soliciting funding for proj ects from the State and/or Federal government. The services provided by WSB will also allow them to cover regional and metro area association meetings when staff is unable to cost effectively participate in such activities. Al. Staff Impact: The Economic Development Manager devoted about 3 to 5 hours reviewing and discussing the proposed renewal of services with the Community Development Director and Jim Gromberg, WSB's lead economic development consultant, on the proposal. A2. Budget Impact: The total amount budgeted for Economic Development Assistance Services in 2019 is $9,300 ($775 per month). The funds for the 2019 W SB Economic Development Assistance Services Proposal are currently budgeted in the Marketing line item, a component of the overall EDA budget which was approved at the August 2019 meeting. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: Motion to approve the proposed 2019 WSB Economic Development Assistance Services Contract in the amount of $9,300. 2. Motion to deny approval of the proposed 2019 W SB Economic Development Assistance Services Contract. Motion to table consideration of 2019 WSB Economic Development Assistance Services Contract for further research and/or discussion. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends approval of Alternative #1 wherein the EDA accepts the proposed 2019 WSB Economic Development Assistance Services Contract. Entering into the proposed contract with WSB will provide a wider reach to the Monticello EDA and also allow the Economic Development Manager to be more effective in the use of time and resources in the efforts to engage with multiple regional and statewide groups. In addition, it is expected that the expertise of Mr. Gromberg in the area of provided partnership programs which offer maximum funding leverage for potential prospects would be of significant value to the EDA as an assist in generating financial packages for a variety of economic development proj ects. Under this contract, WSB will also provide an added benefit by taking the lead in generating a report regarding industrial land inventory and absorption in Monticello in a comparative format with other nearby and similar sized cities. The report will be a valuable guide to the EDA for future industrial land planning and decision making as part of the upcoming comprehensive planning process. Jim Gromberg, WSB & Associates, will be in attendance at the meeting to answer questions about the proposed 2019 Contract and/or services provided in the past year. A copy of the proposed 2019 Contract and the Industrial Land Study are attached to this report as exhibits. D. SUPPORTING DATA: A. Proposed WSB & Associates Economic Development Services Contract Scope of Work B. Proposed Industrial Land Inventory & Absorption Study Outline � 0 U c� z w m � � � � � z � � J 0 a Q W z z � � W � z w > a a z W x 0 � wsb December 7, 2018 Jim Thares Economic Development Manager City of Monticello 505 Walnut Avenue, Suite 1 Monticello, MN 56069 Re: Economic Development Services for the City of Monticello Dear Mr. Thares: Thank you for providing WSB & Associates the opportunity to submit this proposal to provide Economic Development Services for the City of Monticello. The community has made significant progress in working towards their goals and project identification over the last year. Based upon our discussions for the focus of the economic development services for 2019 we have developed the following summary of the proposed Scope of Services for ongoing support. PROPOSED SCOPE OF SERVICES Task 1: Market Engagement 1.1 Active networking with potential market entrants (on-going). It is anticipated that it would average of 4 meetings each month would be attended. The exact meetings attended would be determined by the Economic Development Manager and the WSB staff some of the possible groups would be: • CoreNet Global • DEED • EDAM • GSDC • GREATERMSP • League of Minnesota Cities • Minnesota Chamber of Commerce • Minnesota Marketing Partnership • Wright County Economic Development Partnership • Other Organizations on an as needed basis. Task 2: Marketing Plan Implementation: 2.1 Assist City Staff, EDA and City in implementing the adopted marketing plan. o Provide assistance to City staff as needed in developing and/or implementing web or illustrative marketing materials. Task 3: Financial Packaging and Site Selection Technical Assistance 3.1 Economic Development Opportunities - WSB will identify and assist in identifying potential economic development opportunities: including the following: o Land acquisition. F:\Economic Development\Boards\EDA\EDA Agenda�2018\December\Item 4e. Exh A-Draft 2019 Contract.docx Jim Thares December 7, 2019 Page 2 o Financial incentive opportunities. o Preliminary proposal development. o Assist in closing. o Act as a conduit for information and resource for prospect and City staff. o WSB will assist in providing development related information to all qualified leads. o Assistance with financial package preparation in consultation with City staff, policy makers, and financial consultant. o Attendance at pre-design meetings associated with leads. Task 4: Communication 4.1 WSB will provide consistent and effective communication with City Staff, EDA, and City Council on a regular-scheduled basis. o Provide timely e-mail updates and responses to City Staff o Monthly Meetings with Economic Development Manager to discuss current and future projects. In addition to the above tasks, WSB will also assist the City staff in the development of site plan designs for projects that are requested by the City. The preliminary site plan designs will be completed by the registered Landscape Architecture staff. These drawings will be billed separately on a project basis and not included in the retainer fees. FEE FOR SERVICES As outlined in the above Scope of Services, the City has the option to retain WSB & Associates for 12 months at the fee of $775 per month, starting January 1, 2019. Travel expenses incurred by WSB within Minnesota as part of the Scope Services offering are included in the monthly fee. Travel expenses incurred by WSB for travel outside of Minnesota shall be paid for according to a negotiated price. Additionally, fees for services outside of the above described scope may be required from time to time shall be completed at an additional hourly rate. If you agree with the proposed project Scope of Services and Fee, please sign below and return one copy to our office. If you have any questions or comments regarding the above information, please contact me at (763) 762-2846. Sincerely, WSB & Associates Jim Gromberg Economic Development Coordinator Jim Thares December 7, 2019 Page 3 Approval Signature By: Title: Date: Industrial Land Study 1. Executive Summary 2. Introduction: a. Community Background b. Current Employers c. Recent History d. Economic Development Efforts e. 3. Industrial Land Use a. Current Land Uses b. Projected Land uses 4. Industrial Market Overview a. National Trends b. State Trends c. Local Trends d. 5. Industrial Land Demand a. Time to Market b. Projected Demand Needs c. 6. Existing Industrial Infrastructure a. Projected Growth and Scheduling b. Ability to serve Areas c. Preliminary Layouts for Sewer, Water, and Road Access to Sites d. Cost Estimates for Infrastructure e. 7. Appendixes a. Infrastructure Maps b. Land Use Map c. EDA Agenda - 12/ 12/ 18 4f. Consideration of Fa�ade Improvement Grant A�reement and Escrow A�reement Form (JT) A. REFERENCE & BACKGROUND The EDA is asked to consider approving the Fa�ade Improvement Grant Agreement template with an accompanying Escrow Agreement Form. With the EDA's recent approval of the Fa�ade Improvement Grant Program, there is a need to begin further organizing the approval process and necessary documents. When the Grant Agreement template was reviewed by the EDA at the November meeting, concerns was raised related to ability of the EDA to obtain lien waivers during each fund draw (as specified in the agreement) in the event of multiple draws. The EDA asked staff to consider adding clarifying language regarding the process of fund draws as they tie in to obtaining lien waivers. That issue was reviewed by staff with the EDA attorney and additional clarifying language edits were made to the document (Section 2bv). If the EDA approves the draft template, it will be used for all approved improvement proj ects. The Escrow Agreement form is also included as an exhibit to the Grant Agreement and as thus is part of the consideration. The FIGP calls for both EDA grant dollars and the property owner's matching funds (minimum 5 percent equity contribution) to be deposited with the Escrow Agent upon execution of the Grant Agreement. This will ensure that the required funds are in place and ready to be paid out to contractors as they complete the work. Al. STAFF IMPACT: Staff time is estimated at 6 to 7 hours +/- involved in drafting the proposed template grant document, reviewing and editing it and finally preparing the staff report for EDA consideration. Staff include the EDA attorney, Community Development Director and Economic Development Manager. A2. BUDGET IMPACT: The estimated cost for drafting the document is $650.00 +/-. The 2018 EDA budget includes funds for legal fees. A3. STRATEGIC PLAN IMPACT: Establishing the Fa�ade Improvement Grant Program meets the following Strategic Plan Goals: • Create and Preserve Sustainable Livability: Implements a program to beautify the downtown's existing commercial buildings. • Strengthen Our Image as a Destination: Supports enhancements to the downtown commercial core in support of Monticello as a place to visit and explore. EDA Agenda - 12/ 12/ 18 • Support a Vibrant Economy: Establishes a financial resource for e�sting property and business owners to utilize for economic reinvestment in downtown. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS L Motion to approve the Grant Agreement as presented. 2. Motion to approve the Grant Agreement subject to final revisions/edits by the EDA. 3. Motion to table for additional discussion. 4. Motion to deny approval of the Grant Agreement. C. STAFF RECOMN�NDATION Staff recommends approval of the template Grant Agreement which is Alternative #1. If the EDA is satisfied in general with the template but wishes to make minor changes to the document then Alternate #2 is appropriate. It should be noted that the Escrow Agreement in a part of the Grant Agreement (Exhibit B) D. SUPPORTING DATA A. Draft Fa�ade Improvements Grant Agreement Template with Escrow Agreement as Exhibit B � GRANT AGREEMENT This Grant Agreement ("Agreement") is made this day of , 2018, between the City of Monticello Economic Development Authority, a public body corporate and politic and political subdivision of the State of Minnesota ("Grantor"), and , a Minnesota ("Grantee"). RECITALS A. Grantor has duly established its Downtown Fa�ade Improvement Grant Program (the "Program") and has approved guidelines for said Program. B. Grantee has submitted an application for a grant pursuant to the Program guidelines, and Grantor has approved a grant to the Grantee in the maximum principal amount of $ (the "Grant") to pay a portion of the costs of certain fa�ade improvements at Grantee's business located at in the City of Monticello, Minnesota (the "City"), as more fully described in Exhibit A hereto (the "Improvements"). C. The Grantor and Grantee have negotiated the terms of the Grant, and now desire to memorialize such terms in this Agreement. ACCORDINGLY, to induce Grantor to make the Grant to Grantee, and for good and valuable consideration, the receipt and sufficiency of which are hereby acknowledged, the parties hereto agree as follows: 1. The Grant Amount. Subj ect to and upon the terms and conditions of this Agreement, Grantor agrees to grant to Grantee the sum of and no/100ths Dollars ($ ). Proceeds of the Grant shall be disbursed in accordance with Section 2 hereof. 2. Disbursement of Grant Proceeds. (a) All Grant proceeds shall be paid to Grantee in accordance with the terms and conditions of this Agreement. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary herein, if the cost of the Improvements exceeds the amount to be reimbursed under this Agreement, such excess shall be the sole responsibility of the Grantee. (b) On the date of closing on the Grant, all Grant proceeds shall be deposited into an escrow account with an escrow agent (the "Escrow Agent") selected by the Grantor. The disbursement of proceeds of the Grant will be made subject to the conditions precedent that prior to or as of each date of disbursement: (i) The Grantor has received from Grantee, without expense to Grantor, an executed copy of this Agreement and of an escrow agreement in substantially the form attached as Exhibit B(the "Escrow Agreement"); 538719v3 MNI MN325-40 1 (ii) The Grantor and Escrow Agent have received a written statement from the Grantee's authorized representative certifying with respect to each requested disbursement: that each item for which the disbursement is proposed is included in the Improvements, accompanied by paid or payable invoices or other comparable evidence that the cost has been incurred and paid or is payable by Grantee; (iii) Grantee has provided evidence satisfactory to Grantor that Grantee has established an account for the exclusive purpose of recording the receipt and expenditure of the Grant proceeds; (iv) Grantee is in compliance with the terms of the Fa�ade Improvement Program Guidelines and this Agreement; (v) Upon final disbursement of Grant proceeds, Grantee has obtained lien waivers from all contractors and sub-contractors for all work and/or materials in connection with the Improvements; and (vi) No Event of Default shall have occurred and be continuing. 3. Representations and Warranties. Grantee represents and warrants to Grantor that: (a) Grantee is duly authorized and empowered to execute, deliver, and perform this Agreement and to receive the Grant from Grantor. (b) The execution and delivery of this Agreement, and the performance by Grantee of its obligations hereunder, do not and will not materially violate or conflict with any applicable provision of law and do not and will not materially violate or conflict with, or cause any default or event of default to occur under, any material agreement binding upon Grantee. (c) The execution and delivery of this Agreement has been duly approved by all necessary action of Grantee, and this Agreement has in fact been duly executed and delivered by Grantee and constitutes its lawful and binding obligation, legally enforceable against it. (d) Grantee warrants that it shall keep and maintain books, records, and other documents relating directly to the receipt and disbursements of Grant proceeds and that any duly authorized representative of Grantor shall, with reasonable advance notice, have access to and the right to inspect, copy, audit, and examine all such books, records, and other documents of Grantee pertaining to the Grant until the completion of all closeout procedures and the final settlement and conclusion of all issues arising out of this Grant. (e) Grantee warrants that to the best of its knowledge, it has fully complied with all applicable state and federal laws reasonably relevant to this Agreement and will continue to comply throughout the terms of this Agreement. If at any time Grantee receives notice of 538719v3 MNI MN325-40 2 noncompliance from any governmental entity, Grantee agrees to take any necessary action to comply with the state or federal law in question. (� Grantee warrants that it will use the proceeds of the Grant made by Grantor solely for the Improvements. 4. No Business Subsidv. The parties agree that the Grant is not a business subsidy as defined in Minnesota Statutes, Sections 116J.993 to 116J.995, as amended (the "Business Subsidy Act"), because the assistance is in an amount less than $150,000. [IF AMOLJNT GREATER THAN $25,000: Notwithstanding the foregoing the parties agree and acknowledge that disbursement of the Grant complies with the Grantor's written criteria for the granting of business subsidies. The Grantee releases and waives any claim against the Grantor and its governing body members, officers, agents, servants and employees thereof arising from application of the Business Subsidy Act to this Agreement, including without limitation any claim that the Grantor failed to comply with the Business Subsidy Act with respect to this Agreement.] 5. Event of Default bv Grantee. The following shall be Events of Default under this Agreement: (a) failure to complete any part of the Improvements within 180 days after the date of this Agreement; (b) any representation or warranty made by Grantee herein or in the Escrow Agreement is false when made; (c) Grantee files a petition under any chapter of the Federal Bankruptcy Code or any similar law, state or federal, now or hereafter existing becomes "insolvent" as that term is generally defined under the Federal Bankruptcy Code, or is adjudged a bankrupt or insolvent, or has a custodian, trustee, or receiver appointed for, or has any court take jurisdiction of its property, or any part thereof, in any proceeding for the purpose of reorganization, arrangement, dissolution, or liquidation, and such custodian, trustee, or receiver is not discharged, or such jurisdiction is not relinquished, vacated, or stayed within thirty (30) days of the appointment; (d) any material breach or failure of Grantee to perform any material term or condition of this Agreement not specifically described as an Event of Default in this Agreement and such breach or failure continues for a period of thirty (30) days after Grantor has given written notice to Grantee specifying such default or breach, unless Grantor agrees in writing to an extension of such time prior to its expiration; provided, however, if the failure stated in the notice cannot be corrected within the applicable period, Grantor will not unreasonably withhold its consent to an extension of such time if corrective action is instituted by Grantee within the applicable period and is being diligently pursued until the Event of Default is corrected, but no such extension shall be given for an Event of Default that can be cured by the payment of money (i.e., payment of taxes, insurance premiums, or other amounts required to be paid hereunder). 538719v3 MNI MN325-40 3 6. Grantor's Remedv upon Grantee's Default. Upon an Event of Default by Grantee and after provision by Grantor of written notice, Grantor shall have the right to suspend or terminate its performance under this Agreement. 7. Indemnification. (a) Grantee shall and does hereby agree to indemnify against and to hold Grantor, and its officers, agents, and employees, harmless of and from any and all liability, loss, or damage that it may incur under or by reason of this Agreement, and of and from any and all claims and demands whatsoever that may be asserted against Grantor by reason of any alleged obligations or undertakings on its part to perform or discharge any of the terms, covenants, or agreements contained herein. (b) This indemnification and hold harmless provision shall survive the execution, delivery, and performance of this Agreement and the payment by Grantor of any portion of the Grant. (c) Nothing in this Agreement shall constitute a waiver of or limitation on any immunity from or limitation on liability to which Grantee is entitled under law. 8. Miscellaneous. (a) Waiver. The performance or observance of any promise or condition set forth in this Agreement may be waived, amended, or modified only by a writing signed by Grantee and Grantor. No delay in the exercise of any power, right, or remedy operates as a waiver thereof, nor shall any single or partial exercise of any other power, right, or remedy. (b) Assi n� ment. This Agreement shall be binding upon the parties, their successors and assigns. All rights and powers specifically conferred upon Grantor may be transferred or delegated by Grantor to any of its successors and assigns. Grantee's rights and obligations under this Agreement may be assigned only when such assignment is approved in writing by Grantor; except that if such assignment is made to an affiliate or subsidiary of Grantee, Grantee may assign any of its rights or obligations to such affiliate or subsidiary upon written notice to the Grantor. (c) Governin� Law. This Agreement is made and shall be governed in all respects by the laws of the state of Minnesota. Any disputes, controversies, or claims arising out of this Agreement shall be heard in the state or federal courts of Minnesota, and all parties to this Agreement waive any objection to the jurisdiction of these courts, whether based on convenience or otherwise. (d) Severabilitv. If any provision or application of this Agreement is held unlawful or unenforceable in any respect, such illegality or unenforceability shall not affect other provisions or applications that can be given effect, and this Agreement shall be construed as if the unlawful or unenforceable provision or application had never been 538719v3 MNI MN325-40 4 contained herein or prescribed hereby. (e) Notice. All notices required hereunder shall be given by depositing in the U. S. mail, postage prepaid, certified mail, return receipt requested, to the following addresses (or such other addresses as either party may notify the other): To Grantor: City of Monticello Economic Development Authority 505 Walnut Street, Suite 1 Monticello, MN 55362 Attn: Executive Director To Grantee: Attn: (f) Termination. Upon the final date of disbursement of Grant proceeds under the Escrow Agreement, or if the Grant is not disbursed pursuant to this Agreement by , 201� this Agreement shall terminate and neither party shall have any further obligation to the other, except that if the Grant is not disbursed because Grantee has failed to use its best efforts to comply with the conditions set forth in Section 2 of this Agreement then Grantee shall pay to Grantor all reasonable attorneys' fees, costs, and expenses incurred by Grantor in connection with this Agreement. (g) Entire A�reement. This Agreement, together with the Exhibits hereto, which are incorporated by reference, constitutes the complete and exclusive statement of all mutual understandings between the parties with respect to this Agreement, superseding all prior or contemporaneous proposals, communications, and understandings, whether oral or written, concerning the Grant. (h) Headin�s. The headings appearing at the beginning of the several sections contained in this Agreement have been inserted for identification and reference purposes only and shall not be used in the construction and interpretation of this Agreement. 538719v3 MNI MN325-40 S IN WITNESS WHEREOF, this Agreement has been duly executed and delivered by the proper officers thereunto duly authorized on the day and year first written above. GRANTOR: MONTICELLO ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY By: Its President By: Its Executive Director [SIGNATi JRE PAGE TO GRANT AGREEMENT - CITY OF MONTICELLO ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITYJ 538719v3 MNI MN325-40 6 GRANTEE: : Title: [SIGNATiJRE PAGE TO GRANT AGREEMENT- 538719v3 MNI MN325-40 EXHIBIT A IMPROVEMENTS 538719v3 MNI MN325-40 A-1 I�►.�:II:�Y1�:� ESCROW AGREEMENT FA�ADE IMPROVEMENT GRANT PROGRAM ESCROW AGREEMENT This Agreement is entered into this day of , 20� by and between (the "Grantee"), , a Minnesota (the "Escrow Agent"), and the City of Monticello Economic Development Authority, a public body corporate and politic under the laws of Minnesota (the "Authority"). Purpose The purpose of the escrow established pursuant to this Agreement is to provide assurance to the Authority that Grantee will complete the proposed improvements ("Improvements") described in the Grant Agreement between the Authority and the Grantee dated (the "Grant Agreement"), which is incorporated herein by reference. Escrow The Escrow Agent hereby acknowledges receipt from the Authority of $ in Fa�ade Improvement Grant funds (the "Grant Funds") to be disbursed in connection with the construction by Grantee of the Improvements. Grant Funds will be disbursed to the Grantee in one or more payments as evidenced by the provisions of this section. Before disbursement of any Grant Funds deposited hereunder, Grantee must submit to the Authority and Escrow Agent a written statement containing evidence showing that costs for the Improvements have been paid or incurred by the Grantee in at least the amount requested. Prior to the final disbursement of Grant Funds, the Grantee must submit to the Authority and Escrow Agent lien waivers from all contractors or sub-contractors performing work or supplying materials in connection with the Improvements. The Authority may, if not satisfied with the evidence provided, request such further documentation or clarification as the Authority may reasonably require. The Authority will authorize disbursement by the Escrow Agent of the Grant Funds upon receipt and approval of the Grantee's written statement evidencing Improvement Costs in at least the amount of the requested disbursement. Final disbursement of Grant Funds must be made no later than six months after the date hereof. Indemnitv Grantee agrees to indemnify and hold harmless the Authority from and against any claim, damage, liability, loss or expense, including reasonable attorney's fees, made by any party in connection with the performance of obligations under this Agreement. 290813v1 MNI MN190-116 1 Title and Escrow Char�es Any escrow fees will be paid by Authority. Termination This Agreement will terminate upon the earlier to occur of one of the following: i) mutual written agreement of the parties; ii) disbursement of all Grant Funds to Grantee; or iii) [date six months after execution of Agreement]. Any balance of Grant Funds remaining in escrow as of will be returned to the Authority. 290813v1 MNI MN190-116 2 [Grantee] I� Date: CITY OF MONTICELLO ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY Executive Director [Escrow Agent] By: Its 290813v1 MNI MN190-116 Date: Date: EDA Agenda: 12/12/18 4g. Consideration of Approvin� qualified quote for Fa�ade Improvement Pro�ram Escrow Agent Services (JT) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: This item is to ask the EDA to consider the best qualified quote to provide Escrow Agent Services for the Fa�ade Improvement Program (FIP). The Escrow Agent Services will provide a responsive and thorough process for reviewing and paying out claims for the construction work completed for the FIP projects. The program is designed to allow the Escrow Agent to make progress payments in a timely fashion so contactors can keep moving forward on proj ects. Per the Escrow Agent Agreement, all EDA grant dollars along with the applicant's matching funds are required to be placed into an escrow account upon project approval and signing of a Grant Agreement. The Escrow Agent will also be in the best position to obtain and determine validity of proper contractor lien waivers which are required before a final project payment is made to either the property owner or the contractor. The escrow agent services should not be understated in its importance for the above-mentioned reasons. Quotes were provided by: ✓ Preferred Title = $250.00 per project ✓ Riverwood Bank =$125.00 per project (assumption of five funding draws) Al. Staff Impact: There has been minimal staff time soliciting Escrow Service quotes and preparing a report for review by the EDA. A rough estimate of time involved to this date is 3 hours. A2. Budget Impact: Funds for the Escrow Agent Services will come from the 2019 Miscellaneous Services line item in the EDA General Fund which was approved by the EDA at its August 2018 meeting. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: Motion to approve the best qualified quote for FIP Escrow Agent Services as presented. 2. Motion to deny approval of the selection of the best quote for FIP Escrow Agent Services. Motion to table approval of the selection of the best qualified quote for FIl' Escrow Agent Services for further research and/or discussion. � C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff will support the EDA in its decision regarding the selection of the best qualified quote for FIP Escrow Agent Services. Staff further believe it will be a professional experience and effective process if either of the vendors is selected. D. SUPPORTING DATA: A. Escrow Agent Agreement ESCROW AGREEMENT FA�ADE IMPROVEMENT GRANT PROGRAM ESCROW AGREEMENT This Agreeinent is entered into this _ day of , 20_, by and between (the "�TTaritOe"�, , a M1ririP,SOta �t11e "E'SCTOW f�gellt"�, ariC� the City of Monticello Economic Development Authority, a public body corporate and politic under the laws of Minnesota (the "Authority"). Purpose The purpose of the escrow established pursuant to this Agreement is to provide assurance to the Authority that Grantee will complete the proposed improvements ("Improvements") described in the Grant Agreement between the Authority and the Grantee dated (the "Grant Agreement"), which is incorporated herein by reference. Escrow The Escrow Agent hereby acknowledges receipt from the Authority of $ in Fa�ade Improvement Grant funds (the "Grant Funds") to be disbursed in connection with the construction by Grantee of the Improvements. Grant Funds will be disbursed to the Grantee in one or more payments as evidenced by the provisions of this section. Before disbursement of any Grant Funds deposited hereunder, Grantee must submit to the Authority and Escrow Agent a written statement containing evidence showing that costs for the Improvements have been paid or incurred by the Grantee in at least the amount requested. Prior to the final disbursement of Grant Funds, the Grantee inust subinit to the Authority and Escrow Agent lien waivers from all contractors or sub-contractors performing work or supplying materials in connection with the Improvements. The Authority may, if not satisfied with the evidence provided, request such further documentation or clarification as the Authority may reasonably require. The Authority will authorize disbursement by the Escrow Agent of the Grant Funds upon receipt and approval of the Grantee's written statement evidencing Improvement Costs in at least the amount of the requested disburseinent. Final disbursement of Grant Funds must be made no later than six months after the date hereof. Indemnity Grantee agrees to indemnify and hold harmless the Authority from and against any claim, damage, liability, loss or expense, including reasonable attorney's fees, made by any party in connection with the performance of obligations under this Agreement. 290813v1 MNl MN190-116 Title and Escrow Char�es Any escrow fees will be paid by Authority. Termination This Agreement will terminate upon the earlier to occur of one of the following: i) mutual written agreement of the parties; ii) disbursement of all Grant Funds to Grantee; or iii) [date six months after execution of Agreement]. Any balance of Grant Funds remaining in escrow as of will be returned to the Authority. 290813v1 MNI MN190-I16 2 [Grantee] : Date: CITY OF MONTICELLO ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY Executive Director [Escrow Agent] By: Its 290813v1 MNI MN190-116 Date: Date: EDA Agenda: 12/12/18 4h. Consideration of approvin� $200.00 in funds for hospitalitv supplies for the 2019 Quarterlv Downtown Round Meetings (JT) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: This item is a request by staff asking the EDA to consider authorizing funds to be spent for hospitality items like donuts/pastries, coffee and juice for the 2019 Quarterly Downtown Round meetings. The total amount requested is $200 ($50 per meeting). The first early morning meeting in 2018 had about 45 attendees. Meeting number two (again in the a.m.) in 2018 had about 10 attendees. The relationship building and communication opportunities between staff, policy makers and downtown stakeholders (property owners and tenants) will be important as the Small Area Plan implementation steps move forward over the next several years. Al. Staff Impact: There is minimal staff time involved in preparing the staff report for consideration of the request for $200 in hospitality supplies for the 2019 Quarterly Downtown Round meetings. A2. Budget Impact: Funds for the hospitality supplies will come from the Miscellaneous Expenses line item in the 2019 EDA General Fund approved at the regular August 2018 meeting. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: L Motion to approve 2019 Downtown Round meeting hospitality supplies funding in the amount of $200.00. 2. Motion to deny approval of 2019 Downtown Round meeting hospitality supplies funding in the amount of $200.00. 3. Motion to table the approval of 2019 Downtown Round meeting hospitality supplies funding in the amount of $200.00 for further research and/or discussion. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends approval of Alternative #1 wherein the 2019 Quarterly Downtown Round meeting hospitality supplies are authorized in the amount of $200.00 ($50.00 per meeting). It is important to provide a relaxed relationship building environment at the Downtown Round meetings. Authorization to use a small amount of EDA funds to purchase hospitality supplies will help staff in this effort. D. SUPPORTING DATA: None EDA Agenda: 12/12/18 5. Consideration of Discussion of 2019 EDA Workplan (JT) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: The 2018 Workplan is attached for review. A status report update will also be provided at the meeting which will help give direction to shaping the 2019 Workplan. See the attached 2018 Workplan (Exhibit A). The goal will be to take comments over the next two meetings and bring a revised plan for adoption at the February 2019 EDA meeting. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: No Motion needed; Discussion only C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: None; Discussion only D. SUPPORTING DATA: A. 2018 EDA Workplan ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY 2018 ANNUAL ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT WORK PLAN 2018 Summary Report EDA Purpose: The EDA is charged with coordinating and administering the City of Monticello's economic development and redevelopment plans and programs. The EDA is also responsible for housing and housing redevelopment. EDA Work Plan Mission Statement: The EDA's work plan is adopted in support of achieving the goals of the Monticello Comprehensive Plan and the 2017/2018 City Strategic Plan. The EDA will be proactive by developing and undertaking actions for achievement of the Comprehensive Plan's Economic Development goals and will be reactive in responding to economic development opportunities as they arise in the most timely and effective manner possible. The EDA shall utilize the economic development strategies of the Comprehensive Plan, including the Downtown Small Area Plan as a guide for action. Comprehensive Plan Goals: Attracting & Retaining Jobs Expanding Tax Base Enhancing Downtown Facilitating Redevelopment Housing Choice for Life-Cycle EDA Objectives: 1. Continue to support redevelopment efforts for publicly-owned properties on Block 52. a. Focus on site control for targeted redevelopment area on the block Acquired two key parcels with an estimated two or three more likely to be impacted by East half redevelopment concepts. b. Evaluate the opportunities for the future sale of properties on Block 52 and the value of engaging a partner to expedite redevelopment on Block 52. Currently in discussions with three interested developers. There is a possibility of a couple more developers considering the site as they were provided recent information packets. c. Support as needed the completion of transportation improvements as envisioned in the Downtown Small Area Study Plan. 2. Implement the recommendations of the Downtown Small Area Plan a. Support and advocate for improvements to the downtown as envisioned in the Small Area Plan Street Lights, New Banners, Initial engineering design activities for corner bump outs and curb adjustments on Walnut are in the early stages of being completed by the City Engineer and a consultant engineer. b. Develop and support the appropriate policies, programs, and incentives that enable the type of development described in the Plan Established a Fa�ade Improvement Grant Program and launched in Block 35 only as pilot program. c. Continue to build a funding base for use in property acquisition and redevelopment efforts in targeted areas. Levy is the primary ongoing financial resource that the EDA has to use. Recommended an increase in the levy in 2019 to $348,000 d. Implement a fa�ade improvement program for desired revitalization areas. Fa�ade Improvement Grant Program launched for Block 35in August 2018. e. Meet with downtown property owners individually to understand their situation in terms of willingness to sell, partner, price, etc. Occurred early in year and in a pause period due to reconciling EDA direction and year-end review of resources £ Support opportunities for park and trail development as consistent with the Downtown Small Area Plan. No action in 2018. 3. Engage as a partner in other redevelopment and revitalization opportunities as they arise, actively encouraging redevelopment within the Downtown. a. Fund studies that provide policy and strategy framework for desired land uses/or projects in the downtown and for other programs. No action in 2018. b. Continue discussion on use of tax reimbursement/abatement, including development of criteria. No discussion occurred in 2018. 4. Support new multi-family housing development through the use of financing tools such as excess TIF dollars in TIF 1-6, TIF 1-22 and per adopted Policy Statement for Available TIF Funds. a. Develop marketing packets illustrating financial tools and available sites. Not completed. Used existing materials instead and adapted them to include Extra Available TIF funds. b. Dialogue with multi-family housing developers and inform them of available resources to support MF development. Occurred throughout the year (Briggs, Mielke-Trident, Wilkie, Headwaters, Arch Management, CM�Il'. c. Sponsor a multi-family housing developer expo providing site and financial assistance information facilitating relationship building. Staff level discussion; suggest that it may make sense to host in spring 2019. 5. Market industrial development at the Monticello Business Center (Otter Creek Business Park) to a broad variety of prospects. a. As guided by the Comprehensive Plan, target the following prospect areas: i. Businesses which will be a supplier, customer or collaborative partner to existing businesses within the community. Ongoing see prospect list. ii. Businesses which would benefit from Monticello's utility and communications infrastructure. Ongoing, see prospect list. iii. Work with the CentraCare Health System to ensure the retention and to promote the expansion of health care services in Monticello. Informal engagement on several levels via common intersects in various committees, etc. Could perhaps send Centracare officials a copy of the 2019 Goals and Objectives and/or correspondence if this item is retained or further refined...make sure that feel supported. b. Focus on prospects which serve or rely on the St. Cloud and Twin Cities markets. Ongoing efforts; see prospect list. c. Actively participate/network with current businesses to help establish external relationships. Actively networking with Chamber members at events and other activities and groups within the community and region. Also, through BR&E efforts. 6. Market EDA incentive programs in a more proactive manner, both within the community and beyond, beginning with the education on these resources at the EDA level. a. Continue to foster external networking opportunities. Involved with CMJTS and MN-DEED and Initiative Foundation, Enterprise MN, CMMA, etc. b. Present existing and new incentive programs to smaller community groups, local banks, realtors, and local businesses. Held multiple eetings with the downtown property owners and businesses regarding the Fa�ade Improvement Grant Program. c. Develop and communicate a"complete" development package program which provides support and assistance to prospects and developers from inquiry to construction. Not yet accomplished. Some parts are done, estimate 50 to 60 percent finished. d. Prepare a multi-format (print, digital) summary resource piece. Completed in a single format hand out piece 8.5" x 11" e. Explore the opportunity to develop an incubator building or pre-designed building shell plans with contractors ready for development. Ongoing exploration; no commitments yet. 7. Actively (aggressively) market for sale for development the EDA-owned properties at Cedar Street and Outlot A. a. Identify types of businesses sought for specific properties and market to these sectors accordingly. Same market approach as Block 52; have not yet created the marketing piece for the post card for this area. Could be a goal for 2019?? b. Identify commercial properties which should be held for larger redevelopment potential. Ongoing reassessment throughout the year. 8. Encourage more proactive lead development and response in all market segments to support a diversified tax base. a. Develop relationships with local realtors and banks. Ongoing. b. Explore agent/broker relationships; evaluate the opportunity to engage a development facilitator. Ongoing. c. Develop a list of target properties and share with realtors and bankers. Completed. d. Research and communicate state and federal incentive programs for bringing businesses into community. Completed; Will need to be updated for 2019. 9. Examine housing stock for aging or blighted properties and research development of programs for redevelopment and/or revitalization. a. Understand the state of the current housing stock/inventory and areas of need. Completed survey with CM�Il' and review of block level valuation map. b. Identify and prioritize potential programs, such as: i. Program for acquisition for redevelopment ii. Program for revitalization iii. Program to encourage new development in in-fill areas Held meetings and working sessions with CM�Il' to understand best ranking of and method to pursue these efforts. CMHP could attend another EDA workshop meeting in 2019. c. Utilize available housing TIF dollars per Policy Statements for Available TIF Funds Approved $400,000 TIF grant to Briggs for underground parking component of 47-unit market rate housing with an affordable component. d. Establish clear criteria for "blight" and "cluster areas" for focus of programs. Not completed. e. Identify and communicate state and regional programs which could be leveraged to support identified properties; identify programs applicable to each property. Ongoing. 10. Support the development of an economic development brand and implement in economic development activities. a. Migrate website to City site for more thorough and current site maintenance. Done. b. Work with Communications Manager to develop coordinated economic development marketing plan. Continue to work with communications manager as opportunities arise on this goal. c. Build value in development resources. Ongoing. d. Market amenities (including technology and recreation) in a more coordinated way. Continue to do this as opportunities arise 11. Re-engage in business retention and expansion efforts. a. Continue to engage the IEDC as the primary partner and lead in the Business Retention and Expansion Program. Partially completed in 2018 and more progress expected in 2019. Appendix: Monticello Comprehensive Plan, 2008 — Economic Development CITY ��OF , —� ���. Monticello Monticello Economic Development Authority 2019 Goals & Obj ectives Worksheet To assist in the development of a 2019 EDA Workplan, please provide input on the following areas: 2018 Workplan Please list below any incomplete or in-progress objectives from the 2018 EDA Workplan which should be considered to carry forward. 2019 - New Goals derived �i^om the Downtown Small Area Plan Please list below any activities related to supporting 2017 Downtown Small Area Implementation Plan goals and objectives for workplan consideration. Comprehensive Plan Strateg��y Visioning Ideas Transportation, Economic Development, Housing, future freeway interchanges, Monticello with out Xcel Energy Power Plant 1 � It���� Research Topics Please list below any economic development related topics for which you would like additional information or other policy development. To ic Industrial Land Absorption Study in NE Wright County Feasibility Study of expanding Otter Creek Business Park Identification of industrial land development opportunities City-wide Identification of redevelopment site opportunities Technolo center incubator in downtown area Downtown Housin Review-Stud Established for Block 35 , , . Completed Ma -June 2018 Other (list): Other (list): Other (list): 2 � It���� EDA Agenda: 12/12/18 6. Economic Development Report (JT) A. 103 Pine Street (Froslie Property) Relocation Expenses — All relocation claims are have now been submitted and paid out. There is a chance that there could be additional eligible relocation expenses coming in the future since the files cannot be totally closed out for 18 months from the notice issuance. The total amount of the relocation claims to date is $227,167.30. The relocation consultant was paid $30,768 for services rendered in 2018. The combined total of relocation related expenses is $257,935.30. Please see Exhibit A. for details of relocation payments by chronological order. B. Bondhus Expansion Project Update — Bondhus continues to make the final improvements and equipment purchases related to its expansion proj ect. They requested their first funding draw of the $200,000 EDA-SCDP loan for equipment purchases in mid- November. Proj ect completion is expected at the end of 2018 or in early 2019. C. Restaurant Recruitment Effort by Tangible Consulting Services — Attached is an update, Exhibit B, from Tom Leighton, Tangible Consulting, summarizing the restaurant recruitment efforts for Block 52. The full contract amount of $1,500.00 has been fully utilized. A final invoice will be processed and reviewed at the January 2019 EDA meeting. D. Workforce Development — Youth Career Awareness Effort-TigerPath Conference Update — November 15th Conference was informative and helpfuL Monticello sent eight (8) people to Hutchinson to attend. The first local follow up meeting will be held at the MCC on December 19th, 2018 from 8:00 a.m. to 10:00 a.m. E. Proposed Sign Grant Program — No action since the last EDA meeting. Focus has been on a successful launch of the Fa�ade Improvement Grant Program and follow up meetings with business and property owners. Plan to bring Proposed Sign Grant Program to the EDA for consideration at an upcoming meeting. F. Prospects — See attached A spread sheet with the active prospects is attached as Exhibit C. G. TIF District 1-20 Decertification — The Housing District is being decertified because all in District financial obligations have been satisfied. The fund balance of non excess increment will still remain in the account and is useable for housing projects that meet the income tests. Please see the attached Exhibit D. for more information. � � a 0 � � o �1 � U •�" O U � `�' O p�., A W 0 � � T � � o � o U N � � � o 0 � o ., � o z, � � z � � 0 � 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0�o 0 0� v, v o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o v o 0 0 0 0 0� O O O O 00 O O M h O O O O O \O O \O O O N h O O O O O M �n . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 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We've reached out to additional groups since our last update. I've reached out to quite a few restaurateurs now—most of whom are not in the market for a new location. But there are a few interesting prospects that I'm still in communication with. The following restaurants/restaurant groups are not interested in the Monticello opportunity, for a variety of reasons, most of which have nothing to do with the Monticello site. • Bartmann Group. Bartmann Group is led by Kim Bartmann. They own Barbette, Bryant Lake Bowl, Red Stag Supper Club, Tiny Diner, Bread and Pickle, Gigi's, Pat's Tap, The Bird, Book Club (54t" and Penn). Most of these restaurants are buzz-worthy and successful. Some are a little offbeat. On the other hand, they are all in core city locations, so we knew Monticello might be a stretch for them. The reason we reached out to them is they are one of a small number of restaurant groups in the Twin Cities that continues to grow and seek out new locations and concepts. We reached them, and provided them some information about the Monticello location and opportunity. They let us know that they are not interested. • Blue Plate Restaurants. Blue Plate Restaurants include the following restaurants: Edina Grill, Longfellow Grill, Highland Grill, 3 Squares (Maple Grove), The Freehouse (downtown Mpls.), The Lowry, Groveland Tap, Mercury Dining Room and Rail (5t" and Marquette, Mpls. in the Soo Line building) and Shindig Event Center (adjacent to the Mercury). They are another local group that creates distinctive well-loved restaurants, which includes one location that is a restaurant/brewery (Freehouse). Like Bartmann Group, all of their restaurants are pretty urban oriented, although they include a successful location in Maple Grove. And they have added new restaurants in recent years. We reached their CEO, and provided information about the Monticello location and opportunity. They got back to us, saying they aren't pursuing additional locations at the present time. 1 • Red Cow. Upscale hamburger place/American Food. They're growing like gangbusters in Minneapolis & St. Paul, are creating a buzz, and are an appropriate size. They responded to our outreach saying they already have growth locations identified through 2020. • 6Smith Restaurant. This is a lakefront steak and seafood restaurant on Lake Minnetonka in Wayzata. Its large patio seats 330 people. I talked with them by phone. They are not interested in opening a new restaurant. • Travail. Tremendously successful restaurant in Robbinsdale, which put that working class suburb on the map. Recently spun off a pizza place called Pig Ate My Pizza. I connected with them in person at the pizza restaurant. They said they don't have the bandwidth for a Monticello location because they have their hands full with expanding both existing restaurants, as well as opening a new concept, also in Robbinsdale. • The Dock Restaurant. An American food restaurant in Stillwater that is the right size, and has a large patio right next to the St. Croix River. Very nice ambiance. I talked with the owner in person. She said she was flattered we would think of them, but she's got her hands full with their two locations (I can't remember where the other one was) and doesn't want to complicate her life by adding another location. • The Freight House Restaurant. This is another restaurant in Stillwater, not far from The Dock, in a historic building. It's the right size, and also offers a large patio which faces the St. Croix River. They were closed the day I drove out to Stillwater. I reached someone by phone, and they weren't interested in opening a new location. • Lola's Lakehouse. This is a lakefront American food restaurant that offers patio seating facing Lake Waconia. Its large patio seats 200 people. After Googling it, I dropped it off my list of restaurants to contact. • Main Street Farmer. This has been a successful chef-driven farm-to-table restaurant in St. Michael. It might be a little more specialized, and a little more pricy, than what Monticello is looking for. The restaurant has just opened a new brewpub wing. I reached the founder/owner by phone with the endorsement of a mutual connection. They've got their hands full with what they're doing in St. Michael, and aren't interested in looking at a new location. • David Reay's. This is a beautiful new restaurant that was built to anchor the downtown storefront district of Onalaska Wisconsin. It has outdoor seating and a public plaza, and is across the street from green space that leads down to the Mississippi River. I connected by phone with the owner, and he showed some interest. After consideration, they decided they are not in a position to take on the project. I've connected with the following restaurants at least once, and they can still be considered prospects. It would be timely to follow up with several of them. • Pier 500. This is a very successful local flagship restaurant with outdoor deck/patio, in Hudson, Wisconsin. It has an amazingly similar setting to Monticello. It's on the back side of a block that is part of the Hudson storefront district. And it looks across the street at parkland and the Mississippi River. I stopped by in person on Saturday, November 24, and engaged the manager a bit. He expressed some interest, and asked me to email him some context material, which I did the ne� day. • Smack Shack. Prominent new seafood restaurant chain, working class upscale. I have a shoestring connection to the owner and founder, and reached him by phone. He expressed interest, so i sent him our background materials on 11/5. I sent a follow up email on 11/15, and haven't heard back. • Craft & Crew Hospitality. This is a restaurant chain that is similar to the Blue Plate Group. They've got five restaurants in their chain, and are actively looking for expansion opportunities. The one I'm familiar with, The Howe, is high quality food, with a great local appeal. And it has a great patio! I talked personally with the manager of The Howe, and gave him printed copies of our context material. He seemed interested, and said he would pass on the materials to the higher-ups in the organization. I followed up with him by email on November 15, and haven't heard back yet. • Surly. Destination restaurant and brewery. I connected with my friend who works at Surly, and sent him some material. On October 12, he emailed back and said he passed the material on to the leadership team. I haven't heard back, and haven't followed up yet. The only restaurant group that is on my current list, and I haven't reached out to yet, is the following. • Restaurateur Leslie Bock. Her restaurant concepts are kind of off-beat (one has a ferris wheel and miniature golf course!), but they've been really successful. She's an entrepreneur with continued growth ambitions, and Psycho Suzies in Northeast Minneapolis is currently the largest patio on Mississippi River in Minneapolis. The food is the right quality of food, and her preferred establishment size would be right for Monticello. 3 � � � L � � � � � � � �' � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � O� � � � � � � � � � Y Y N � � � � � \ N v � v v y Y v v v N N �"i � � 4% � 4% � � (� (� (� (� Q Q (� (� (� Q Q �- (� (� N (� N NN > j > > � � N N N N N � N N � N � •O C C i i i V V � i i • i � V � V V O O V V V O O O � � V � V a a a a a � � ¢ ¢ ¢ c� c� � ¢ ¢ a ¢ a .. c d o � o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 � o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 C � O � � O � M1 p�j O � p M1 � p � � � N O l0 .-�-� •--i � c'r) .--i .--i crj y�j� 00 I� .--i O � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � O H m � O � � O O 0 ^ M1� M1� M1� I� M1� + � + + ('n M1� N O 3 i � 00 n c-I 0 N c-I d � � m m � Z 'n � m � O � � O O O O � � O � O � .� �+ N � � V � ? � � F+ • ' . . . 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ADD-ON Consideration of adoptin� Resolution 2018-102 approvin� Decertification of Redevelopment TIF District #1-20 A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: The City Council is being asked to consider decertification of existing Redevelopment TIF District #1-20. The district must be decertified early because the final in-district obligation was satisfied in 2018, which was anticipated in the TIF inanagement plan. Any excess increment received will be returned to the county as required. The city has typically informed the EDA of the decertification prior to city council approval, however, the EDA does not need to approve a resolution. The city/EDA may keep the fund used to account for TIF District 1-20 open after decertification. The remaining balance in the fund may be spent on qualified redevelopment project costs. Al. STAFF IMPACT: If the decertification resolution is approved by the City Council, Northland Securities will assist staff in filing appropriate documents with the County and State of MN. A2. BUDGET IMPACT: There is a minimal impact to the EDA budget from considering decertification of TIF District #1-20. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: Motion to adopt Resolution 2018-102 approving decertification of Redevelopment TIF District #1-20. 2. Motion to deny Resolution 2018-102 decertifying Redevelopment TIF District #1-20. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends Alternative #1. The decertification of the Redevelopment TIF District is necessary now that final in-district obligations have been satisfied. SUPPORTING DATA: A. Resolution 2018-102 B. TIF 1-20 Annual TIF Reporting Form CITY OF MONTICELLO WRIGHT COUNTY, MINNESOTA RESOLUTION NO. 2018-102 RESOLUTION DECERTIFYING TAX INCREMENT FINANCING DISTRICT NO. 1-20 WHEREAS, on June 24, 1996, the City of Monticello (the "City") established Tax Increment Financing (Redevelopment) District No. 1-20 (the "District"); and WHEREAS, the maximum duration limit for the District is twenty-five (25) years from the date of receipt by the City of the first increment; and WHEREAS, the month and year of the first receipt of tax increment for the District is July 1999; and WHEREAS, the City desires by this resolution to elect to decertify the District effective December 31, 2018, by which all taxing jurisdictions will benefit from an increased tax base effective for taxes payable in 2019; and WHEREAS, the City Council acknowledges such action will be taken by Wright County to decertify the District as a tax increment district and to no longer remit tax increment from the District to the City after December 31, 2018. that: NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Monticello 1. The City Finance Director is authorized and directed to provide Wright County with documents related to decertification of the District, to submit the Confirmation of Decertified TIF District form to the Office of the State Auditor and take any other steps required for decertification by December 31, 2018. 2. The City Finance Director is authorized and directed to determine the amount of excess tax increment, if any, in the account for the District and to return all excess tax increment to Wright County for redistribution to other taxing jurisdictions. The motion for the adoption of the foregoing resolution was duly seconded by member and upon vote being taken thereon, the following voted in favor thereof: and the following vote against the same: Whereupon said resolution was declared duly passed and adopted. 2 EXTRACT OF MINUTES OF A MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF MONTICELLO, MINNESOTA HELD: DECEMBER 10, 2018 Pursuant to due call and notice thereof, a regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Monticello, Wright County, Minnesota, was duly held at the Monticello City Hall on the lOth day of December, 2018 at 6:30 p.m. The following members of the Council were present: And the following were absent: � � Member introduced the following resolution and moved its adoption: STATE OF MINNESOTA ) ) ss. COUNTY OF WRIGHT ) I, the undersigned, being the duly qualified and acting City Clerk of the City of Monticello, Minnesota, DO HEREBY CERTIFY that the attached resolution is a true and correct copy of an extract of minutes of a meeting of the City Council of the City of Monticello, Minnesota, duly called and held, as such minutes relate to the decertification of Tax Increment Financing Redevelopment District No. 1-20. WITNESS my hand as such City Clerk of the City of Monticello this day of , 2018. City Clerk ` � W � n m � rn N � � � �--I � V1 � ti � � fV m 0 0 � � N 7 c � d C � � �i � 7 � N � � W W W � N fV N N fV � N fV � � � fV m � fV O � O fV N m fV rn 0 fV � � O � � � � .--i � � c .� �6 N C � > C � �6 � � � m� � O N m � O N � � V � ' � � � O 2 N >- � � � . � U 2 .vi 7 6 J 0 � O � �6 J o� f � r i f f i f f C f f e r i r C C f r i r e c i f � � i c � i C r c c c � N � � c X � O i � i � i c i � � �, � � i Q � � F � o i V1 � Y J > J J > J J ) J J r i J ] i J ) ) J J ] u i i u � . � u r i � o � o 1 � ] � � o i o u � � N C O .� U �i U U � � i� � U = 3 �� Y � j � '\6� � J o� O c O � Q d Q � C N d O E. +�+ : � . � U � 0 C N d O � � n N 0 o c 01' 0 L _ � � �6 ' �6 � �6 O C O .� C V F � U � u U 3 � � J 6 � U 0 O W 0 � � m � � � 0 0 0 N O V > .� .� � � O � Q O � 0 � O � O � � O � O � O � O � o � N �� � �..� O M � W W 0 0 0 N N � O � � O w`6 C = O � � N � Cx � W � {�+ Q W � Q O V a` �� m °- � � m � .--I O � O O O O 0 0 O � rn .-~-i O � n c N �, �6 Q �6 Q V .Q � m O O � O O O O 0 0 O 0 � � � O � L 0 m c 0 C N �6 Q d C � m � LNi1 � .-N-i O � O O O O � � � � � � m m � rn � O .--i O � n c N �6 Q d C � m lO L I� f O f C � C C C f r � c r r C L C � n O C �6 ! � c _ � i O C , �i � ; n; � N ! ,� F J 1 > i J > J J J r � > ) i l J T 5 i u � 3 3 � � i 5 Q 6il O N � Ol ^ N � M � O � N fV O � N fV O � N fV O � � fV O � � fV O � O fV N N � N v �' ti � oi � m m o � N ti ti � � M S p.� V � � N � V � � M � � ti o � � � n ^ n ^ � N N � o � � N � �1 Y O! =a '" � � � N �j Gl i 3 C O Y � {n � y C Qx � V W � �� �i = � Y 7 LL O � � �� O C O �� c m H C J 3 � T 3 u U � 3 U 3 3 ] O � N � c � � � m O C O � � m O � � 7 .� � C m°c 7 � U � J U n O Ol O � � .-~-i O N I� � � N M fV �/1 .--I �--I � � N O fV r/1 .--I �--I 0 0�0 ^ N W (V O .--i .--i O � O � � fV O .--i O �--i N � � fV O ti O O W O � fV � ti O � � 0o m � � � � � � o �o 00 rn � � �--� .� o � � �� � � � ti O o0 V1 � � O I� �--� N ti O �1 O � n .-N-i 0 0 � � � C N � 7 � O u VI = �6 =� p�p C �6 C 3 m L.L LL � L LL .� O °1 � c = � L C � V = Z m Ol � ri ti Ol 'i � n P'� P'� � M Vf P'� P'� Ol O M 'i 'i � � O 'i 'i O n O 'i n N � O 'i W V 0 v � M � ti M � � 'i � O V 'i � n n N 'i 0 V C �6 �6 m � C 3 01 C =a W Az �� x� a z W O N O N n O O C l' � O C � o r L r L O L C C r o r r c � o r C r � o r r L � O C C � O c r r V o� c c o r c c O L � � � m LL (6 � m c � c a� c � � LL O � � � � � V � O '6 � N t6 N � � C N '++ � ;++ � �, � o=�°'� L y�j Q �6 � �6 Q N � �6 J � J �6 0! � �6 � � �6 LL �6 �' � 0 L� � N L� O� � V a O m� O � J~ O Ol Ol .--I .--I � � .-^-i .-^-i ti ti O Ol Ol O .--i .--i � � .-^-i .-^-i �� o � � o �� m m L!1 L!1 �--I �--I �--I �--I O �1 �n O � � O O rri rri .--i .--i �� o � � o � � � � O O .--i .--i �� O m m O O O � � � � 0 0 � � O N N O � � � � � � � � �--I �--I O N N O W W � � � � 0 0 O � � � N .� m rn � O � N .--i .--i �o� � m � O I� �•--i o0 o � � I� �O M N � � � rn � � � � ri W � ri � � � � lD pl L!1 N �/1 W .--i �O I� �/1 fV I� � � N .--i .--i .--i .--i O 0 O 0 O O O O n W � V1 .-m-I � � .-m-i O ( oc O ( oc O ( O ( O ( � ( � ( � ' O ° L!1 ( � r m. m� m� � i O O � 0 � � W �--I O O � .--i 0 � 0 W .--i O O � � O � 0 � �--I O O � � O O � O L!1 � � O � � L!1 � W � .--i V � V � � � � V L � Q �3 �o O p � � fl- Q � L 7 � � � 3 � O -O C o � � E �; C N �- O +J N W � � V O � � a o a�i c '� c E� �i � � � m 'IN�/1 � � \ �tn � � �, c LL � O � �, �, a V i�O i 16 0 � Q V R � N iy Q d v � LL N �9+ m N �6 �6 = ,C a+ � � � N � .� 0 �n .� � _ = H Q~ .G H�� J Q 3 LL a u O � O O .-m-i O � O O .-m-i o � � O �--I O � O O .-m-i o � 0 O .-m-i O � 0 0 � O � 0 � �--I OO O O O O � O ONi O ONi OOi � O �1 O �1 � O � � � � .--i O N O N I� O O � O � � �m n � n � � o rn o rn� m � o in o in m �m n � n � � O N O N N Ol O O O W O Ol O Ol Ol Ol O O�O O �1 O �1 �n �--i O O I� O�O vi l0 .--i r'/1 vi vi O � I� �O I� � O �O �O I� O O O O O N i 0 � � � °1 i � � 3 �i = � LL N O �6 � � L �V1 � � O � a � m o +� o Q o C C � � W � � � � Q O Q O O .� V V � a� a� Y Y a� c m c c 7 7 L � �6 -6 � J � c6 -6 � O O � �n � Q � � .�_^ � Q � � � y � �6 �6 ++ _ — �6 �6 ++ 16 16 � Q Q �� Q Q Y Y =.� C C N Y.� C C N �� �Oaa� SOaa,� � 0 rv 0 rv � O � O � c .� O Q N LL � �6 7 C C �6 t V N O V O � � Q � � � � � �6 � � N N 7 � N O 3 � V � H � 0 � � .� 0 � LL � �6 7 C C �6 L!1 .--i O N N t t .3 � m N O V O c O � > O � �6 C 7 O E m c m a LL � � N � � �6 N � O � N N C V L 3 c E � > 0 n E V � 7 Q N L O C O O O O O � � � � � � � c Q � Q O � � ��� �� �� � oQ Q �o LL � � � �6 � � �++ C � C � �6 � N � L �n � '_ O � O �6 � d � LL O � � 7 c o '� E c � O N N aL,,, � c .� C � 3 N O Q � O � � ca O a„i V N O1 > � �++ 7 �6 � � N � t c t � � � 3 `° � � C O � Q � N L i � O N