City Council Minutes 03-12-1979MINUTES REGULAR MEETING - MONTICELLO CITY COUNCIL March 12, 1979 - 7:30 P.M. Members Present: Arve Grimsmo, Dan Blonigen, Fran Fair, Ken Maus, Philip White. Members Absent: None Citizens Comments - Public Works Department employee, Dick Brooks, questioned the Councilmen in regards to possible reorganizational plans within the Public Works Department. Mr. Brooks questioned whether there would be changes in regards to the Street Supervisory position now currently held by himself. The Council informed Mr. Brooks that they would be discussing this with him at a later date. 1. Feasibility Report on Possible 1979 Improvement Projects. A feasibility report on the 1979 improvement projects for four areas in Monticello was presented by John Badalich, Consulting Engineer. The four areas listed in the report had requested various street, sewer and water improvements. The various alternatives were discussed by the Engineer concerning different ways of serving the individual petitioners, and the alternatives recommended by the Engineer would have a total cost of approximately $721,400, of which $551,940 would be financed through assessments. The four areas discussed in the feasibility study included water and sewer service to Commercial Plaza 25, water and sewer to portions of Oakwood Industrial Park, with the extension of those services westerly to the J. R. Culp Farm on the southern edge of the corporate City Limits. Also discussed was the extension of Seventh Street from Locust one block west with street, sewer and water improvements. In Area 1, the extension of sewer and water and street improvements from Seventh Street westerly approximately one block, the City Engineer recom- mended that the proposed extensions of sewer and water follow the alignment for a future collector road which would connect westerly to Elm Street. Since it appears that if this future collector road is to be built, a different alignment would be necessary than the present Seventh Street platted street, Mr. Badalich recommended that the road be shifted somewhat to the south to provide for a future alignment of the collector road. In order for the road to be constructed in some future date, easements from the property owners would be necessary. One of the property owners involved in the area of the future collector road, Jeannie Hoglund, indicated she was not aware of the proposed road alignment and was not notified of such plans. Council informed her that it was not a Public Hearing and that at a future date, a public hearing would be held if the future collector road City Council Minutes - March 12, 1979 is considered. Because of the uncertainty over the road alignment for the collector road, and the effect this would have on serving the area petitioned for sewer and water improvements, motion was made by Phil White, seconded by Dan Blonigen and unanimously carried to defer any action on the requested improvements until the area property owners can be contacted in regards to their ideas on the collector road alignment. Mr. Badalich noted that the petitioned property could be served with just sewer and water off of Locust Street if a decision cannot be reached on the collector road alignment. The second area petitioned for sewer and water was Commercial Plaza 25 area south of I-94 along Highway 25. It was the recommendation of the Engineer to serve this area with sewer and water by coming from County Road 117 along Cedar Street. This alignment would allow both sides, east and west of Old Highway 25, to be assessed for sewer and water improvements. Comments were heard by property owners, Rick Longley, Arleen Hoglund and Cary Corrow, in regards to the possible assessment. Both Mr. Longley and Mr. Corrow indicated that the assessments would appear to be quite high, approximately $5,000 per 100 feet, and that if these assessments were payable over five years, it would be a financial hardship for both property owners. Mrs. Hoglund also indicated that the assessments for their property would be extremely high and indicated that they felt their property is not ready for development and would not be in favor of any improvements to this area. Mrs. Hoglund felt that if Commercial Plaza 25 wanted sewer and water, they should be served from and along Highway 25, thus eliminating them from any assessments. The report also recommended extending sewer and water along Dundas Road in Oakwood Industrial Park, which also included the extension of Dundas Road westerly to connect with Highway 25. Various alternatives were discussed for this road alignment, which when sewer and water was placed in the roadway, would serve the J.R. Culp farm, who also petitioned for sewer and water improvements. Motion was made by Phil White, seconded by Ken Maus and unanimously carried to call for a public hearing at a future date to review the feasibility report on areas 2, 3 and 4, Commercial Plaza 25, Oakwood Industrial Park, and the J.R. Culp Farm, for 1979 improvements. (See Resolution 1979 4). 2. Consideration of Petition for Improvements to Lauring Hillside Terrace. Mr. Roy Lauring submitted a petition for sanitary sewer and pavement of a rural type street with ditches and no storm sewer or curb and gutter, to serve Lauring Hillside addition. Included in the request was that if rural type streets are determined to be put in, Mr. Lauring requested a ten year assessment payoff, rather than five. The request also indicated that if the Council determined a permanent type street with curb & gutter was necessary, the petitioners wanted a fifteen year financing rather than five years. Mr. Lauring also requested that the requirement that the assessments be paid in full at the time of a building permit be waived for the lots in Lauring Hillside Addition. - 2 - City Council Minutes - March 12, 1979 Mr. Lauring informed the Council that Data 3, a corporation that leases and rents used IBM equipment, is interested in purchasing some of the lots in Lauring Hillside Addition, and also of constructing a 15,000 square foot building. Mr. Johnson, President of Data 3 Corporation, explained his business venture and indicated that because of the financial status of his business, he felt that a five year payoff for the improvements would be a hardship to him. A feasibility study was completed in 1978 on extensions of sewer and permanent streets through Lauring Hillside Addition, but the improvement was denied. John Badalich, consulting engineer, indicated that a rural type street is feasible for the area if the Council so desired, and that an updated feasibility study could be prepared by the next meeting if a rural type street was indicated. The Council then discussed the current assessment policy regarding a five year payoff on assessments. Included in the discussion was whether it would be fair to leave residential property at five year payoffs with possibly ten years for commercial or industrial assessments. It was determined that any decision regarding the new assessment policy should be discussed with the bonding con- sultants, Springsted, Inc., who helped draw up the original assessment policy. Motion was made by Fran Fair, seconded by Phil White and unanimously carried to consult with the bonding consultants, Springsted, Inc., on possible revisions to the assessment policy, and have a report presented at the next Council meeting. The motion also directed the consulting engineer, John Badalich, to prepare an updated feasibility report on street and sewer improvements to Lauring Hillside Terrace. 3. Review of Annual Financial Statements for the Municipal Liquor Store. The Council reviewed the 1978 Financial Statements of the Municipal Liquor Store with the Manager, Mark Irmiter. Mr. Irmiter noted that the sales were up more than 190 over 1977 figures, with a net income up $12,000 from original projections, to $50,000. The Council also discussed with the Liquor Store Manager the rising cost of liability insurance and how it's affecting all communities, not just Monticello. 4. Consideration of Appointment of Public Works Director. The City Council held interviews with eight applicants on Thursday, March 8, 1979. Motion was made by Phil White, seconded by Ken Maus and unanimously carried to hire John Simola as the new Public Works Director at a salary of $1,500 per month. 5. Consideration of Appointment for the Business and Industrial Development Committee. Motion was made by Ken Maus, seconded by Dan Blonigen and unanimously carried to appoint Marn Flicker to the Business and Industrial Development Committee to replace Ken Maus, who resigned. - 3 - City Council Minutes - March 12, 1979 6. Approval of Minutes. The Minutes of the City Council Meeting held February 26, 1979, were approved as presented. 7. Discussion on Ordinance Prohibiting Parking from 2 A.M. to 6 A.M. Year -Round. After discussion on the present parking ordinances, motion was made by Ken Maus, seconded by Dan Blonigen and unanimously carried to amend the ordinance prohibiting parking from 2 A.M. to 6 A.M. Year -Round to state no parking from 2 A.M. to 6 A.M. from November 15th through April 15th. (See Ordinance Amendment 3/12/79 #65). Meeting adjourned. ' k Wolfste er Administrat' e Assistant RW/ns - 4 -