City Council Minutes 04-14-1980MINUTES REGULAR MEETING - MONTICELLO CITY COUNCIL April 14, 1980 - 7:30 P.M. Members Present: Arve Grimsmo, Dan Blonigen, Fran Fair, Phil White. Members Absent: Ken Maus. 1. Continuation of Public Hearinq on 1980-1 Improvement Project. The public hearing on the 1980-1 Improvement Project, consisting of sewer, water and storm sewer improvements along East County Road 75 and East County Road 39, plus the proposed installation of utilities to serve Macarlund Plaza was continued from the March 24, 1980 Council Meeting. The hearing was previously continued due to the fact that current market conditions made it impossible to sell bonds for financing such improvements, and additionally, there was a concern from one of the proposed property owners to be assessed, Maurice Hoglund, relative to the future development of his property. Since the previously meeting, John Badalich, City Engineer, had prepared preliminary revised cost estimates of serving Macarlund Plaza only with sewer and water and storm sewer and eliminating portions of sewer and water along East County Road 39 and County Road 75. These services would be provided to the Macarlund Plaza development by coming from Mississippi Drive, and in addition, would also serve approximately three or four services for a piece of property owned by Maurice Hoglund north of his present house. The revised cost estimates for extending sewer and water from Mississippi Drive would add approximately $22,700 additional cost to the Macarlund Plaza apartment complex. Although Maurice Hoglund was not present at the meeting, he did inform the City Staff that he would not be in favor of the previous project extending sewer and water along County Road 39 and County Road 75, but would be in favor of the alternate proposal of sewer and water coming from Mississippi Drive that would also serve the parcel of land he owns north of his present house. Because more detail would be needed from Maurice Hoglund as to how he would plan to develop his parcel of land north of his house, the City Engineer recommended that he would have to consult with Maurice Hoglund on how he would plan to develop his parcel before actual plans and specifications could be prepared for serving the area with sewer and water. He indicated that some type of plat would have to be submitted or easements would have to be obtained to provide the new sewer and water services through private property. As a result, motion was made by Phil White, seconded by Dan Blonigen and unanimously carried to continue the public hearing on the 1980-1 improvement project for Macarlund Plaza for a maximum of 45 days in order to give the developers and the consulting engineer time to work out the proposed plat and how services could be routed. COUNCIL MINUTES - 4/14/80 2. Consideration of Approval of Non -Intoxicating Malt Liquor On -Sale License to the Monticello Slow -Pitch Softball League. The Monticello Slow -Pitch Softball League requested a 3.2 beer license for on -sale purposes from May 1, 1980 to October 15, 1980. A similar license has been granted in previous years, and there hasn't been any particular problems with the issuance of this license. Motion was made by Fran Fair, seconded by Phil White and unanimously carried to approve issuance of a non -intoxicating 3.2 beer on -sale license to the Monticello Slow -Pitch Softball League from May 1st until October 15, 1980, at an annual fee of $62.50. 3. Ouarterly Meetinq of Department Heads. Discussions were held with the following Department Heads in attendance at the Council Meeting: Representative of Wright County Sheriff's Dept. & Don Hozempa, Sargeant Karen Hanson - Senior Citizens Director Paul Klein - Fire Chief Loren Klein - Building Inspector & Civil Defense Director John Simola - Public Works Director Gary Wieber - City Administrator Mike Melstad - YMCA Detached Worker Program Mr. John Simola, Public Works Director, reviewed with the Council the progress on obtaining a $40,000 grant from the State Highway Department for improvements to Ellison Park scheduled for sometime in 1980 or 1981. Of the $40,000 grant, the City's share would be approximately $4,800, and improvements would consist of a new boat launch facility, with blacktop parking lot and driveways, along with upgrading and replacing park furnishings and remodeling of the restroom facilities. Mr. Simola also reviewed with the Council the City's progress in obtaining area farmers willing to accept the sludge from the disposal plant. It was noted that although no contracts or agreements have been made with the area farmers, a pilot program will be started this year whereby sludge will be applied to three farmers who are willing to accept it on their fields. Because of the soil condition at these three farms, additional land would still be needed that has a more sandy composition to enable the City to have adequate land available for disposal. If future sites cannot be located to provide an adequate area for sludge disposal, funding from the PCA and EPA could be applied for that would enable the City to actually purchase their own property for sludge disposal. It was noted that all other possibilities must be exhausted before the EPA and PCA will even consider funding for actual purchase, and it would be a long and tedius process if the City engineer did actually apply for funds. A motion was made by Phil White, seconded by Fran Fair and unanimously carried to accept a low quote of $1,600 from Ulteig Engineers in the amount of $1,600 for the purpose of smoke testing the sewer lines within a 4 -block downtown area to determine if and where the infiltration of the sewer lines is taking place at. This smoke testing of the downtown area will take place sometime in the fall of 1980. - 2 - COUNCIL MINUTES - 4/14/80 Mr. Simola also noted that quotes have been received from nurseries and landscaping companies for tree replacements under the Dutch Elm Disease Program. Quotes were received from four interested parties to supply six different varieties of trees of certain diameters planted at a price ranging from $59.33 each up to a high price of $140.00 each planted. It was noted that two quotes came in within pennies of each other, and due to the fact that the lower quote had a smaller diameter tree for one variety and would charge additional $2.00 per tree for staking if needed, motion was made by Phil White, seconded by Dan Blonigen to award the tree replacement contract for 1980 to Fair's Market at $60.00 per tree planted and staked. Voting in favor: Phil White, Dan Blonigen, Arve Grimsmo. Abstaining: Fran Fair. In discussions with the Senior Citizens Center Director, Karen Hanson, quotes were received in regards to installing a Mansord Roof over the front of the present senior citizens building. Building Inspector, Loren Klein, indicated that three quotes have been received ranging from $1,275 to $1,600 for the specified improvements. Motion was made by Fran Fair, seconded by Phil White and unanimously carried to approve installation of the Mansord Roof over the Senior Citizens Center for the low bid of $1,275. It was noted that additional outside lighting would be installed by the Public Works Department at the time the Mansorf Roof is constructed. In discussions with Paul Klein, Fire Chief, it was noted that the budget amount of $1,400 for 1980 for schooling and training by fire department personnel will more than likely be exceeded. Mr. Klein felt that the budget was below what is necessary to keep up adequate training for the fire department personnel and requested that additional funds be appro- priated next year. 4. Consideration of Approval of Assignment of Securities for Deposits. The purpose of this item was to accept securities pledged by two of the City's official depositories - the Wright County State Bank and the First National Bank of Minneapolis. These pledge of securities are necessary from the First National Bank and the Wright County State Bank whereby these two depositories assign various securities in pledge of collateral for the investments the City has in either checking accounts, daily savings accounts or other certificates of deposits at these banks. Motion was made by Phil White, seconded by Fran Fair and unanimously carried to approve the security agreements and the securities pledged by the Wright County State Bank and the First National Bank of Minneapolis. (See Exhibit 4/14/80 #1). - 3 - COUNCIL MINUTES - 4/14/80 5. Consideration of Final Payment to Arcon Construction. As part of the 1977-3 permanent street improvement project, the City Council reviewed a request for additional items submitted by the contractor and approved a portion of the extra items requested in the amount of $7,930.73. In addition to these items approved previously, the contractor also requested that additional amounts of $9,954.00 for the payment of additional wearing course installed on the streets and $5,251 for the replacement and repair of curb and sidewalk also be approved for payment. Along with these two extra pay items, Arcon Construction was asking for another $6,693 for differences that their records show for quantities actually installed by their company and those reflected by our engineer. As a result, Arcon Construction Company was originally asking for addi- tional items totalling $21,898. The City's original initial offer to Arcon was to accept their request for additional monies relative to the payment of the wearing course and replacement of curb and gutter, in the amounts of $9,954 and $5,251, respectively, but ignore the request for additional monies based on quantity differences, and also, to deduct from these two amounts expenses incurred by the City because of the frozen watermain and repair that amounted to $7,311. As a result then, the City would recognize their request for additional items amounting to $15,205, but credit against this $7,311 for costs incurred by the City, or a net payment amount of $7,894. Arcon Construction Company was willing to initially split their request in half to $10,949, but finally, an agreement was reached whereby the City and the Contractor both would agree to additional items totalling $9,475 as a compromise. In order to eliminate litigation proceedings which could be costly both to the Construction company and the City, it was the City Engineer's recommendation that this amount be paid as final payment along with the $13,000 originally withheld until these items were settled. Motion was made by Fran Fair, seconded by Phil White and unanimously carried to approve the compromise settlement agreement of $9,475 as final payment for all extra work to Arcon Construction Company as part of the 1977-3 project, plus the $13,000 amount withheld previously. Total final payment would amount to $22,475. 6. Consideration of Setting Up Special Meeting on Workshop Session with the Planninq Commission on Monticello's Sian Ordinance. The Planning Commission previously held a public informational meeting on April 8, 1980 to get input from concerned property owners and sign repre- sentatives in regards to the City of Monticello's current ordinance which would eliminate highway billboards and other non -conforming signs by August of 1980. In light of the input received from concerned property owners and other sign company representatives, the Planning Commission requested that the City Council meet in a special meeting with the Planning Commission to review the direction the City plans on pursuing in regards to any revisions to the current ordinance, etc. It is intended that the City Attorney and also the City Planner would be present at this meeting to help receive their input in regards to legalities and future ordinance amendments, if any are contemplated. - 4 - COUNCIL MINUTES - 4/14/80 It was the consensus of the Council that a special workshop session will be held on April 24, 1980 at 7:00 P.M. to review the sign ordinance. 7. Approval of Minutes. Motion was made by Phil White, seconded by Dan Blonigen and unanimously carried to approve the March 24, 1980 Council Minutes as presented. 8. Miscellaneous Equipment Purchases - Public Works Department. As part of the 1980 Budget, John Simola, Public Works Director, recommended to the Council that a 1978 model Dynapac roller and new Homelite tamper be purchased in the amount of $4,535. This amount would be approximately $900 over budget, but it was the public works department recommendation, after reviewing the used equipment available, that the additional $900 would be well spent. Also, as part of the budget, quotes were obtained for a weed and fertilizer sprayer for use in the parks and tree sanitation program. Three quotes have been received ranging from $2,575 to $4,075 for a self-contained trailer mounted sprayer to be pulled behind the City's existing tractor and garden equipment. It was the Public Works Director's recommendation that either the sprayer for $2,575 or the one for $2,934 be purchased, but the Public Works Director had not had an opportunity to view both models as of yet. Motion was made by Phil White, seconded by Dan Blonigen to approve the purchase of the 78 model Dynapac roller and new Homelite tamper in the amount of $4,535.00 and also to purchase a weed fertilizer sprayer, the actual model to be determined by the Public Works Department after reviewal. Meeting adjourned. • �J Rick WolfsUnistrator er Assistant RW/ns - 5 -