City Council Minutes 07-14-1980MINUTES REGULAR MEETING - MONTICELLO CITY COUNCIL July 14, 1980 - 7:30 P. M. Members Present: Arve Grimsmo, Dan Blonigen, Fran Fair, Ken Maus. Members Absent: Phil White. 1. Public Hearing - Conditional Use Request - Cy Reinert. This item was postponed until the July 28, 1980 Meeting. 2. Consideration of Approval of Joint Powers Agreement between the City of Monticello and Independent School District #882 for a Joint Summer Recreational Proqram. At the last City Council meeting, it was the consensus of the City Council to enter into an agreement with the School District of Monticello for a Joint Powers Agreement to provide a joint summer recreational program, but not necessarily to include recreation throughout the year or other programs that are part of the Community Education curri- culum. In addition, it was the consensus at that time that the City would consider funding half of the summer joint recreational program cost with the School District, but would want to be able to review this percentage on an annual basis. Since that previous meeting, a joint powers agreement has been reviewed by the City Attorney, Gary Pringle, and a few minor comments have been incorporated into the agreement by the attorney. Once approved by the City Council, the Joint Agreement would be presented to the School District for their approval. Motion was made by Fran Fair, seconded by Ken Maus and unanimously carried to approve of a joint powers agreement between the City of Monticello and School District 882 for Summer Recreational Programs. (See Exhibit 7/14/80 #1). A motion was also made by Ken Maus, seconded by Fran Fair and unanimously carried to approve an expenditure amount of $5,730 for 1980 as the City's share (50%) of the Summer Recreational Program for 1980 calendar year. In regards to the Joint Powers Agreement, motion was made by Ken Maus, seconded by Dan Blonigen and unanimously carried to appoint Council- woman Fran Fair as the City's representative on the Community Education Board replacing Loren Klein. Council Minutes - 7/14/80 3. Approval of Contract for Architectural Services for the Library with McEnary, Krafft, Birch & Kilgore, Inc. At the City Council's special meeting held on July 7, 1980, approval was given by the City Council to enter into negotiations to form a contract with McEnary, Krafft, Birch & Kilgore, Inc., for architectural services for the proposed new library. It was understood from the architects that all basic services for pre- paration of plans and construction management for a new library would be included in the basic total fee, not to exceed a certain dollar amount, but some questions were raised concerning the language of the proposed contract. City Attorney, Gary Pringle, will be reviewing the contract, but it was the consensus of the Council to get all the remaining questions and particulars worked out in the proposed contract before actual approval. Therefore, a motion was made by Ken Maus, seconded by Dan Blonigen and unanimously carried to table any action on a contract with an architect until a final draft can be completed. 4. Consideration of Acceptinq 1979 Audit Report. At the City Council's June 23, 1980 meeting, Rick Borden, with Gruys, Johnson & Associates, reviewed with the Council the 1979 Audit Report. At that time, it was decided that the Council would review the 1979 Audit Report for two weeks before considering formal acceptance of the 1979 Audit Report. Motion was made by Fran Fair, seconded by Ken Maus and unanimously carried to formally accept the 1979 audit report prepared by Gruys, Johnson & Associates as presented. 5. Consideration of Purchase of Additional Dump Tank for the Fire Department. Purpose of this item was to consider acquisition of an additional 1,800 gallon dump tank for the City of Monticello's fire department. Currently, the Monticello Fire Department does have an 1,800 gallon dump tank that was purchased in April 1977 for the purpose of allowing the tanker truck to dump its supply of water at a fire site and return to get a new load of water. This dump tank is, however, in need of repairs and Paul Klein, the Fire Chief, requested that the City consider pur- chasing an additional dump tank at this time since the City would be without the present dump tank while it is being repaired. Because the Fire Department has, for 1980, already exceeded its initial budget for capital outlay items, it was the consensus of the City Council that any requests for new items should be presented and requested for the 1981 budget year. - 2 - Council Minutes - 7/14/80 6. Consideration of Establishinq Hours for Monticello Parks. Purpose of this item was to consider the establishment of certain park hours within the City of Monticello. Buddy Gay, of the Wright County Sheriff's Department, has asked the City Staff that the City Council consider establishing park hours to allow the Sheriff's Department to use these hours as a tool in removing some of the juveniles and other undesirables from the park after hours in the evening and early morning hours. It was noted that problems have existed in some of the City's parks, especially Ellison Park, and complaints have been expressed by some of the area residents that school kids are congregating in the park prior to the regular school day. It was felt by the Sheriff's Depart- ment that establishment of hours such as 8:30 in the morning until 10:00 P.M. would eliminate some of the use of the park by kids at odd hours. Unless regular hours are established by the City Council, the Sheriff's Department did not have a tool to use in removing or asking the youths to leave a park. Motion was made by Fran Fair, seconded by Ken Maus and unanimously carried to adopt an ordinance amendment setting park hours of 8:30 A.M. until 10:00 P.M. only in all City parks. (See Ordinance Amendment 7/14/80 #81). 7. Consideration of an Ordinance to Requlate Travelinq Shows. Purpose of this item was to consider adopting an ordinance that would regulate carnivals, circuses and menageries in the City of Monticello. The City of Monticello previously had an ordinance that regulated amusement carnivals, etc., but when the new ordinances were adopted in 1975, this portion was eliminated. The Wright County Sheriff's Department has indicated that numerous incidences have occurred when carnivals are in town that may warrant regulation by the City of such amusement shows. Some of the main aspects of the proposed ordinance would be approval required by the City Council of Monticello, and a license fee along with proof of insurance by the carnival and submission of a surety bond payable to the City of Monticello. Motion was made by Ken Maus, seconded by Dan Blonigen and unanimously carried to approve the adoption of an ordinance relative to regulating traveling shows and carnivals within the City of Monticello. (See Ordinance Amendment 7/14/80 #82). - 1.0 - Council Minutes - 7/14/80 8. Quarterly Meeting - Department Heads. The City Council held informal discussions with the following department heads: Mike Melstad - Local YMCA Detached Worker Buddy Gay & Don Hozempa - Representing Wright County Sheriff's Dept. Karen Hanson - Senior Citizens Center Director John Simol a - Public Works Director Karen Hanson, Senior Citizens Center Director, reviewed with the Council her experiences on her recent trip to The National Council on Aging in Washington, D.C. In addition, she reviewed with the Council the possible need for additional electrical wiring at the Senior Citizens Center, which may have to be updated. Public Works Director, John Simola, informed the Council that the proposed boat ramp in Ellison Park may not be started until Spring of 1981. He also noted that the State Highway Department is doing a traffic study along Highway 25 near I-94 to determine if any additional traffic devices are necessary in that area. He also noted that the State is still requesting that the City install a right -turn lane leading off of Highway 25 into Sandberg South Addition. Council also discussed the present condition of Chestnut Street between Broadway and West River. It was noted that this street was not improved as part of the 1977-3 Street Project because future storm sewer outlet to the River was planned for this street in the next few years. The City Engineer now indicated that because of the ditch being constructed through the Country Club property, the storm sewer planned for down Chestnut Street may not be needed for five to ten years, therefore, the Public Works Director was instructed to get costs for a possible 2" overlay for Chestnut Street. 9. Approval of Minutes. Motion was made by Fran Fair, seconded by Dan Blonigen and unanimously carried to approve the minutes of the regular Council Meeting of June 23, 1980 and the special Count i 1 Meeting of July 7, 1980, as presented. Meeting adjourned. R Rick Wolfstelykr Assistant Adm nistrator RW/ns - 4 -