City Council Minutes 09-08-1980MINUTES REGULAR MEETING - M ONTICELLO CITY COUNCIL September 8, 1980 - 7:30 P.M. Members Present: Arve Grimsmo, Dan Blonigen, Fran Fair, Ken Maus, Phil White. Members Absent: None Citizens Comments: Mr. Gene Freed, Hospital Administrator, requested that the City Council consider releasing the utility and drainage easements on the previously vacated portion of Oak Street between Hart Boulevard and River Street that was recently deeded to the Hospital. Mr. Freed explained that the medical clinic proposed next to the Hospital will be built on a portion of the vacated Oak Street, and the developers of the clinic indicated they would not like to have the utility easements under their building. John Badalich, City Engineer, indicated to the Council that at the time of the vacation, utility rights were retained by the City, but at the present time he felt that the easements were not that necessary as other routes could be utilized by the City if necessary in the future. Motion was made by Ken Maus, seconded by Phil White and unanimously carried to adopt a resolution authorizing a quit claim deed to be prepared by the City Attorney, Gary Pringle, releasing all utility and drainage easements on the vacated portion of Oak Street between Hart Boulevard and River Street. 1. Report by Engineer on Storm Water Ponding Problem - West River Street. At a previous Council Meeting, Mr. Ron Nygaard, of 1521 West River St. in the Ritze Manor Addition, requested that the City review the drainage problem along the north side of River Street near his home. Mr. Nygaard indicated that during heavy storm water runoff periods, the water does not go through the culverts along the north side of River Street thus resulting in backups of water into his basement. John Badalich, City Engineer, reviewed with the Council his recommendations for eliminating some of the problems in this area. His recommendation was that four residential driveway culverts be replaced along with one new culvert on Hilltop Drive to allow the drainage to proceed to the creel. behind Ritze Manor. His recommendation would be to replace the culverts for Lots 2 & 3, Block 1, Ritze Manor to 18" culverts with Lots 4 & 5, Block 1, Ritze Manor being 24" culverts and also a 24" culvert on Hilltop Drive. The estimated cost of replacing these five culverts would be approximately $4,000, and the possibility was discussed of the City picking up a portion of this storm sewer project, and placing a portion on assessments to benefitting property owners. Council Minutes - 9/8/80 After further review, it was the Council consensus to table this item until the September 22nd or first meeting in October, 1980 to give City Engineer time to prepare a more detailed feasibility study and cost estimates for this improvement. 2. Consideration of Variance Request for Certificate of Occupancy on Land- scaping Requirements - Clow Stamping Company. Clow Stamping Company requested a variance to obtain a certificate of occupancy for their new building in Oakwood Industrial Park, prior to the completion of their landscaping requirements. The request was for a 60 -day variance to complete the landscaping as occupancy of the building was expected by September 19, 1980. In addition, Mr. Steve Paumen indicated to the Council that they do have a landscaping proposal for their new building, but preliminary cost estimates for their landscaping are estimated at between $2,500 to $3,000. City ordinances require a minimum of $1,500 or 1% of the total building cost, which in this case would be $4,000. Mr. Paumen indicated that for them to install $4,000 worth of landscaping may be hard to do and still do an adequate job and requested that they be allowed to landscape according to their plans and have the Council review the site to see if more is needed. It was noted by the Council that once the landscaping was completed, and $4,000 was not spent, this item could be reviewed under a variance at a later date. Motion was made by Phil White, seconded by Ken Maus to approve the variance request for 60 days on the landscaping for Clow Stamping, contingent upon surety arrangements being made in the amount of $4,000. Voting in favor: Arve Grimsmo, Dan Blonigen, Ken Maus, Phil White. Abstaining: Fran Fair. 3. Consideration of 3.2 Beer License - St. Henry's Catholic Church for September 21 , 1980 Fal 1 Festival . St. Henry's Catholic Church requested a one -day 3.2 beer license for their annual Fall Festival to be held September 21, 1980. Motion was made by Dan Blonigen, seconded by Phil White and unanimously carried to approve a one -day 3.2 beer license on September 21, 1980 for the St. Henry's Catholic Church between the hours of 12:00 Noon and 6:00 P.M. - 2 - Council Minutes - 9/8/80 4. Consideration of Approval of Downtown Parking for Addition to Monticello ThPatrP_ Mr. Michael Muller, owner of the Monticello Theatre in Downtown Monticello, has plans for an addition for a new auditorium that would be added to the east side of his existing auditorium and requested approval to utilize the downtown parking lots without providing any additional parking for his own theatre. The existing Monti Theatre has been assessed on the downtown parking lots, however, a proposed additional theatre would require 37 additional spaces using the formula within the City's ordinances. With the possible completion of a new commuter parking lot near the freeway, there is the possibility that from 50 to 60 additional parking spaces will be made available in the Downtown area to accommodate additional requirements of the Downtown businesses. It was the consensus of the Council that this item be referred to the Business & Industrial Development Committee, which reviews parking in the downtown area, for their recommendations which would be reported to the Council by the next meeting. 5. Consideration of Final Approval for Subdivision Request for John Sandberg's Riverside First Addition. Mr. John Sandberg has submitted a final plat to the City for approval for the subdivision of Lots 3 & 4 of Sandberg's Riverside Addition into three residential lots. John Badalich, City Engineer, has reviewed the final plat and noted that the newly created lots would be less than 15,000 square feet, thus requiring approval of the Department of Natural Resources since the City is under the Wild, Scenic and Recreational Shoreland Management Act. Any lots less the 15,000 square feet must be approved by the DNR prior to City approval. Motion was made by Fran Fair, seconded by Ken Maus and unanimously carried to approve the final plat for Riverside First Addition as presented, subject to the DNR approval, the restrictive covenant being presented to the City as previously agreed to, and the City's vacation of prior utility and drainage easements across one of the lots. - 3 - Council Minutes - 9/8/80 6. Consideration of Funding Pera-Transit Costs for Transportation to Big Lake Nutrition Center for Monticello Residents. The Sherburne County Social Services Office requested that the City of Monticello consider funding a portion of the transportation cost for Monticello residents to be transported to the Big Lake Nutrition Center. Currently, the Sherburne County Social Services Office provides this busing service for approximately ten (10) Monticello residents on a twice - weekly basis. According to Sherburne County Social Services, the cost of providing this service has been estimated at approximately $1,180 per year with revenues at 25¢ per person for a round-trip fare amounting to $195 per year, thus leaving a projected deficiency of $985. The Wright County Board of Commissioners has been approached by the Nutrition Center requesting that they support and contribute for the cost of providing this service to Monticello residents, but have not authorized any funding. It was noted by the Council that funding the $985 would amount to approximately $1.50 per person per trip, and it was felt by the Council that other arrangements should be pursued prior to any funding commitment by the City. On a motion by Ken Maus, seconded by Phil White it was unanimously carried to direct the City's Senior Citizens Center Director to study the alternatives available for providing transportation to Big Lake if nec- essary and report back to the Council with recommendations. (See Exhibit 9/8/80 #1) 7. Consideration of Requests from Monticello Youth Hockey Association. The Monticello Youth Hockey Association requested that the City consider the following items: A. Possible help in cleaning off the hockey rink when needed. Sugges- tions included possible parttime help through CETA or other funding programs, which may result in no cost to the City. B. The installation of bathroom facilities at Fourth Street Park. C. Additional fill within the hockey rink and black dirt around the outside for landscaping. D. Mowing the grass inside the hockey rink prior to flooding. E. Additional lighting for the figure skating rink area. F. Hand Rails as a safety precaution leading to the warming house. - 4 - Council Minutes - 9/8/80 In regards to parttime help for cleaning off the hockey rink, the City Administrator was instructed to check out the possibilities through such government programs as CETA or Tri -Cap to see if the City would be eligible to obtain funds for a parttime help. The Council also noted that the original warming house did not have bathroom facilities because of the vandalism problems that exist in other parks, and indicated that there are no plans in the future to install these facilities. It was noted that the City will provide plowing services to portable satellites to enable these temporary toilets to be pumped and serviced as necessary. The City's public works department will provide fill for the landscaping and inside the rink if the hockey association would be willing to spread the sand and fill where needed. The Public Works Director indicated that lighting for the outside general skating area could be installed possibly by Northern States Power Company at a cost of approximately $250. In addition, it was estimated that the cost of installing the hand rails to the warming house would be approximately $200. It was the Council consensus that the Public Works Director get addi- tional cost estimates for installing the lighting and hand rail system at the warming house and report back to the Council at the next meeting. (See Exhibit 9/8/80 #2) 8. Consideration of approval of Joint Summer Recreation Costs with Independent School District #882 for 1981. In accordance with the agreement previously approved by the City Council and the School District, a proposed budget for 1981 has been submitted by the Joint Advisory Board for consideration by the School and City. The proposed budget calls for the City's 50% share to be $8,059.50 for 1981. Motion was made by Fran Fair, seconded by Phil White to approve the budget for the Joint Summer Recreation Program for 1981 with the City's allocation being $8,059.50. Voting in favor: Arve Grimsmo, Fran Fair, Ken Maus, Phil White. Opposed: Dan Blonigen. (See Exhibit 9/8/80 #3) 9. Consideration of Acquisition of 16 mm. Movie Protector for the Library. Librarian, Marge Bauer, requested that the City consider purchasing a 16 mm. movie projector for the library. Mrs. Bauer noted in her letter to the Council that the City can get a movie projector on loan from the Great River Regional Library System in St. Cloud, but advance notice has to be given and a projector is not always guaranteed by the Great River Regional Library. - 5 - Council Minutes - 9/8/80 It was noted by the Council that a City -owned movie projector may be a good idea for the library, but due to the uncertainty over the location of the library in the future months and considering this item was not budgeted for in 1980, a motion was made by Fran Fair, seconded by Dan Blonigen and unanimously carried to deny the request for the movie projec- tor at the present time, but to note that it would be considered at a later date; possibly with furnishings for a new library if built. (See Exhibit 9/8/80 #4). 10. Public Hearinq - Proposed Use of Federal Revenue Sharinq Funds. Regulations governing Federal Revenue Sharing Funds required the City to hold a public hearing to allow local citizens and groups an opportunity to present comments on how the proposed revenue sharing money for 1981 is to be spent. It is expected in 1981 that the City of Monticello will receive approxi- mately $112,929 in Federal Revenue Sharing Funds. In 1979 and 1980, the City Council appropriated its revenue sharing totalling $192,678 towards the City's share of the new wastewater treatment plant upgrading. During the public hearing, no comments were heard from citizens or groups, and therefore, a motion was made by Phil White, seconded by Dan Blonigen and unanimously carried to earmark the proposed $112,929 in revenue sharing funds for 1981 for the City's share of the Wastewater Treatment Plant upgrading within the sewer fund. 11. Review of the Preliminary Budqet for 1981. The City Council reviewed the preliminary budget proposed for 1981 and will be reviewing the final budget at the September 22, 1980 meeting. The proposed budget called for a local levy to be increased from $897,000 to $987,000, or an increase of $89,900 for the local share. It was noted that the primary reasons necessary for the increase were $42,000 for the increase in bond payment requirements and the other increase of $47,000 primarily due to inflation. As a result, the local levy will increase to approximately 24.7 mills compared to 22.3 mills for 1980. It was noted that the capital outlay revolving fund was tentatively reduced from $115,000 in 1980 down to approximately $60,000 for 1981, but Council discussion indicated that the possibility exists that this could be increased somewhat from the $60,000 figure. Motion was made by Phil White, seconded by Ken Maus and unanimously carried to approve the preliminary budget for 1981 as presented. (See Exhibit 9/8/80 #5) - 6 - Council Minutes - 9/8/80 12. Consideration of Approval of Lease Agreement between the City of Monti- cello and Independent School District #882 for a Portion of the Oakwood School. As part of the original agreement when the City agreed to purchase the Oakwood School Building on August 31, 1980, was that the City would lease back space for Administrative Offices to the School District for an addi- tional three months at a monthly rental fee of $500 per month. The pre- vious agreement indicated that the City would pay all utility costs, custodial fees, etc. In reviewing the costs for utilities and maintenance, it appeared that the City would spend more than the $500 in rent that it would receive from the School District, and thus a rental agreement has been prepared whereby the School District would continue to pay all utility costs and the School would waive the provision that the City has to pay the School District a monthly charge for library rent. In addition, the School could continue to collect rent from the ABC Day Care Center up to November 30, 1980, with an additional three -months option on a month-to-month basis. Motion was made by Dan Blonig.en, seconded by Fran Fair and unanimously carried to approve the lease agreement with the School District and the City of Monticello from September 1, 1980 through November 30, 1980 with an additional month-to-month option for an additional three months after November 30th. The lease agreement would require the School District to continue to pay all utility costs, custodial costs and maintenance outside of the building with the City ceasing to pay library rental. (See Exhibit 9/8/80 #6) (see Resolution 1980 #21) 13. Consideration of Approval of Option with Robert and Clara Dowling for Additional Property for a Library. At the last City Council meeting, approval was given to the City Administrator to negotiate a refundable option for the purchase of the Robert Dowling property. Mr. Dowling has agreed to an option for the purchase price of $70,000, but Mr. Dowling felt the option should be at least $500 and non-refundable. Motion was made by Fran Fair, seconded by Ken Maus and unanimously carried to approve the option to purchase the Dowling property with a $500 non- refundable option on the purchase price of $70,000, good until November 15, 1980. (See Exhibit 9/8/80 #7) - 7 - Council Minutes - 9/8/80 14. Consideration of Award of Contract on the Upgrading of the Monticello Wastewater Treatment Plant. City Engineers, Orr-Schelen-Mayeron & Associates, have recently completed their review and tabulation on the bids on the upgrading the Monticello Wastewater Treatment Plant, and recommended that the low bid submitted by Paul A. Laurence Company of Minneapolis in the amount of $4,704,000 be awarded. It was noted by the City Engineer that once the low bid has been accepted by the City, the PCA and EPA must review and approve prior to awarding of the contract. Motion was made by Phil White, seconded by Ken Maus and unanimously carried to approve awarding the contract for the upgrading of the Wastewater Treatment Plant to Paul A. Laurence Company of Minneapolis in the amount of $4,704,000, contingent upon the final approval from EPA and PCA. (see Resolution 1980 #22) 15. Review of Feasibility Report and Consideration of Calling for Public Hearing for the Cedar Street Storm Sewer. Recently, the City Council approved a conditional use permit for Cy Reinert to construct a 36 -unit townhouse complex just northeast of the intersection of Cedar Street and Lauring Lane, and at that time, it was indicated by our Engineer that a storm sewer might be necessary to handle the additional drainage in this area. As a result, City Engineer, John Badalich, has prepared a feasibility report outlining his recommendations for Storm Sewer Improvements. Prior to calling for a public hearing on the proposed improvements, it was the consensus of the Council that this item be tabled until a definite commitment has been made by Cy Reinert to build the townhouse complex as proposed, as the improvements may not be necessary if the development did not occur in this area. 16. Consideration of Exchange of Land. NSP recently contacted the City of Monticello indicating that they would be building a fence around their property for security purposes along West County Road 39 abutting the City of Monticello's Maintenance Build- ing property. As part of their plan, they propose to put a fence between the City of Monticello's property line and NSP's property line, which would have put the fence very close to the City's existing salt bin located at the north edge of the property. Although the City's salt bin is entirely on the City of Monticello's property, City equipment such as the loader or trucks usually ended up crossing some of NSP's property when loading operations occurred during the winter months. - 8 - Council Minutes - 9/8/80 Public Works Director, John Simola, indicated that a better idea would be for the City of Monticello to exchange a strip of land approximately 30' wide that the City owns on the west side of NSP's property in exchange for a piece of land abutting the City's property located near the City's salt bin at the rear or north end of NSP's property. This exchange would result in the City acquiring approximately 6,300 sq. ft. and NSP acquiring approximately 8,300 sq. ft. In reviewing this exchange of land with NSP representatives, they have indicated that the exchange of property would be of benefit to both parties. Motion was made by Phil White, seconded by Fran Fair and unanimously carried to approve the exchange of land between the City of Monticello and Northern States Power amounting to the City receiving approximately 6,300 sq.ft. and Northern States Power receiving 8,300 sq.ft. contingent upon an easement for a sewer and water service being placed on the southwest corner of the property exchanged to NSP. (See Resolution 1980 #23) 17. Consideration of Reschedulinq the First Meetinq in October. Due to the fact that the second Monday in October falls on the observance of Columbus Day and the meeting cannot be held on a Holiday, it was the consensus of the Council to reschedule the first meeting in October to Wednesday, October 15, 1980 at 7:30 P.M. 18. Approval of Minutes. Motion was made by Phil White, seconded by Fran Fair and unanimously carried to approve the Minutes of the Council Meeting held August 25, 1980, as presented. 19. Planning Commission Resiqnation. A letter of resignation was received from Dave Bauer from the Planning Commission, effective immediately. City Council will be appointing a new member to fill Mr. Bauer's vacancy on the Planning Commission, but it was the consensus of the Council to appoint Mayor Arve Grimsmo as a standby member for the upcoming September 17th and 22nd Planning Commission meetings to serve if a quorum is not available from the present members. Meetinq adjourned. I ; - r 6de Ric Wolfstell Assistant Admi RW/ns r, istrator - 9 -