City Council Agenda Packet 07-10-2006 AGEN A REGULAR MEETING - MONT CELLO CITY COUNCIL Monday July 10, 006 -7 p.m. A closed meeting has been noticed for after th conclusion of the regular Council meeting on July 1 , 2006. Mayor: Clint Herbst Council Members: Wayne Mayer, Torn Perrault, len Posusta and Brian Stumpf 1. Call to Order and Pledge of Allegiance. 2. Approve minutes of June 26, 2006 regular Co ncil meeting. 3. Consideration of adding items to the agenda. 4. Citizen comments, petitions, requests and co 5. Consent Agenda: A. Consideration of approving hires and epartures. B. Consideration of a resolution acceptin contribution from the Monticello Lions Club for Pioneer Park improvements and Fre Department equipment. C. Consideration of a resolution acceptin a contribution from the Land of Lakes Choirboys for Fire Department Equip ent, Riverfest Committee and the Monticello Community Center. 7. Public Hearing on vacation of a portion of dr . nage and utility easement in the plat of Jefferson Commons. 6. Consideration of items removed from the con ent agenda for discussion 8. Consideration of award of bid for the Recons ruction of Cedar Street from Chelsea Road to Dundas Road and the construction of Dundas Road from Cedar Street to Edmonson Avenue, City Project No. 2006-02C. 9. Consideration of authorizing purchase of as ared vehicle for the Building and Engineer Departments. 10. Consideration of approval of settlement/land xchange agreement with A VR and associated site plan. 11. Department Activities Report MCC - Kitty Agenda Monticello City Council July 10, 2006 Page 2 12. Consideration of approving payment of bills D r July. 13. Adjourn. MINU ES REGULAR MEETING - MON ICELLO CITY COUNCIL Monday June 26, 2006 - 7 p.m. Members Present: Clint Herbst,Wayne M yer, Tom Perrault, Glen Posusta and Brian Stumpf Members Absent: None 1. Call to Order and Pledee of Alleeiance. Mayor Herbst called the meeting to order at 7 p.m. and declared a quorum present. The Pledge of Allegiance was said. The following items were added to the agend : 1) Parking restriction on Dundas Road and Cedar Street which was added to the consent genda as item #5E; 2) discussion of handling approvals for development process with the t wnship; 3) Meadow Oaks Road east of County Road 18; 4) discussion ofa second liquor sto e site and 4) Update on ham radio event held at Pioneer Park. Jeff 0' Neill asked for a mem er of the Council to serve on a committee dealing with temporary signs. Wayne Mayer indicat d he would serve on this committee. 2. A rove minutes of June 12 Tom Perrault noted that Sara Cahill's name w s on the list of employees even though her appointment had been approved at an earlier eeting. TOM PERRAULT MOVED TO APPROVE HE MINUTES OF THE JUNE 12,2006 REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING. WAY MAYER SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 3. Consideration of addin items to the a en Philip Frederick, 5400 Falcon Avenue; Lind Barthel, 5401 Falcon Avenue and Tim Winterhalter, 5421 Falcon Avenue addressed the Council regarding the pathway connecting School Boulevard to Falcon Avenue. They 'ndicated that the area was marked and it appeared that work on the pathway was going to take lace. They stated they had not been informed by the City that any plan for the pathway had b en approved or that work was going to be done. The residents felt the pathway in this locatio would be a safety hazard for children because of the steepness of the hill and the presence of s ormwater ponds in the area. 4. Citizen comments Jeff O'Neill stated the City has some prelimi ary plans in place for the pathway but has not yet held the meeting with the neighborhood resi ents. One of the options the City is considering would be for a 6' concrete pathway. John Simola, Public Works Director stated t at the work that was currently being done was that Charter Communications was relocating thei pedestal from the pathway area. Normally it 3 would require two months lead time to schedu e this work but the company had time in the schedule to do it sooner. If the pathway is co structed at some point, utilities in the pathway area would have to be relocated. Bruce Westby stated if the Council directs sta to move forward with the pathway, there is a grant program called "Safe Routes to School" herein a portion of the trail cost could be funded by a grant. The grant application WOll d have to be submitted by July 6, 2006 but the grants would not be awarded until September. Jeff O'Neill stated the reason for looking at th 6' concrete sidewalk option was to make this seem more of a pedestrian access rather than on-motorized vehicle access. Clint Herbst stated that the no decision has be n made on the pathway installation at this time. The residents felt the area should remain in gr ss and not surfaced. Glen posusta noted that a grassed in area is more difficult as far as main enance and may discourage use by pedestrians since they may think they are on private prop rty rather than a public trailway. The residents felt the crosswalks should be placed at the co ers on Eider Lane and Pelican Lane. Amy Peterson, 2434 Meadow Oak Avenue a dressed the Council about the soccer balls that come into her yard and related problems fro being adjacent to the soccer fields. She stated she has talked to the soccer group and the Par s Department about the problem. Seth Nelson, Park Superintendent informed the Council th t with the conversion of field #4 at the Xcel ballfields, in the future the City will have av lable for use some 25' poles. If the City could order some barrier netting, then the poles and netting could be installed at the soccer fields which should help alleviate the problem. S th Nelson estimated the cost to be $475 for the netting. John Simola stated if the Council w' ted something done sooner they could authorize the purchase of the poles rather than waiting. or the poles from the ballfields. The Council agreed with this proposal. 5. Consent Aeenda: A. Consideration of approving hires and departures for Water, Parks. Liquor Store and MCC. Recommendation: Ratify th hires and departures for Water and Parks Departments, Liquor Store and MCC B. Consideration of approving a request for preliminary plat and a Conditional Use Permit for a Development Stage Planned U it Development for Elm Street Villas, a 114-unit residential plat in a PZM (Performan e Zone Mixed) District. Applicant: UP Development. Recommendation: pprove the development stage PUD and preliminary plat based on a finding t at the proposed mixed residential design establishes a high quality residential roject that meets the City's intent for PUD consideration subject to the followin : 1. The applicant shall verify act al building designs for single family homes, attached townhomes and det ched townhomes. 2. An alternate design shall be ubmitted for the rear of all detached townhomes to create a more attractive stree scape. 3. An alternate design shall be ubmitted for single family homes adhering to R-2A standards. 4 4. The applicant shall submit are ised landscape plan for the single family homes illustrating compliance with R- A standards. S. A six foot landscaped buffer sh 11 be installed to separate all shared driveways. 6. An alternate parking plan shall e submitted reducing the size of both head-in parking bays in Phase II and re toring a portion of the usable open space. 7. On-street parking shall be limit d to one side of each road. Hours of on-street parking shall be limited to prev nt overnight parking and on-street parking shall be prohibited during snowplow ng season. Dates of said season and appropriate hours shall be established by th City Council. 8. The applicant shall submit all ocumentation relating to environmental concerns of the site. 9. The applicant shall comply wit all recommendations of the City Engineer. 10. The developer shall submit ho eowner's association documents. 11. All unit/home designs shall be ubmitted to the Planning Commission and City Council for approval. 12. The sidewalks on either side 0 Elm Street shall be revised to follow the ROW. 13. The sidewalk on the west side fElm Street should be extended to the northern edge of the site and the sidewa k on the east side of Elm Street should be extended south of Street B to t e edge of the site. 14. A street lighting plan shall be ubmitted demonstrating that garage lighting will not be used in lieu of street lig ts. IS. Other conditions as recommen ed by the City Council. C. Consideration to approve the final pIa and development agreement for Carlisle Village Sth Addition. Recommendation: Ap rove the final plat of Carlisle Village Sth Addition subject to the revision of the plat documents as noted in staff report to the Council dated June 26, 2006 and appr ve the development agreement for Carlisle Village Sth Addition. D. Consideration to install lights on the ew CSAH 18 Interchange Bridge, City Project No. 2004-01C. Recommendation: A thorize a work order for payment to the contractor for furnishing and installin the lights with the actual change order to be completed at a later date. E. Consideration of adopting resolution estricting parking on Cedar Street and Chelsea Road. Recommendation: Adopt a r solution restricting parking on Cedar Street from Dundas Road to Chelsea Road and 0 Dundas Road from Cedar Street to Edmonson Avenue. Items #SB, #5C and #SD were pulled from t e consent agenda. BRIAN STUMPF MOVED TO APPROVE REMOVAL OF ITEMS #5B, #5C AND #S RESTRICTIONS ON CEDAR STREET A SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION C HE CONSENT AGENDA WITH THE AND THE ADDITION OF #5E, PARKING DUNDAS ROAD. TOM PERRAULT IED UNANIMOUSLY. 5 6. Consideration of items removed from the co sent a enda for discussion. #5B _ Preliminary plat and conditional use p rmit for Elm Street Villas: Wayne Mayer asked what the actual number of parking spaces wer since there were discrepancies in the staff report on the parking spaces as to whether there were 27 spaces or 24 spaces. The report also contained discrepancies in the number of units which Steve Grittman indicated was 111 and not 114. City Planner, Steve Grtittman pointed 0 t the locations of visitor parking and indicated that what was shown on the plan was the corr ct number as far as parking spaces. Wayne Mayer stated he was pleased with the changes the developer had made to his proposal. Clint Herbst expressed concern about control of the housing design. Since this is a PUD the City should be getting something in exchange for t e higher density allowed for this development. It was indicated that builders will be coming i with their designs which will be reviewed by staffto determine if they meet the standards 0 the PUD. Steve Grittman also indicated that Public Works and Engineering indicated som inconsistencies on the description for the west boundary line and where the line actually is a far as the Elm Street right-of-way. GLEN POSUST A MOVED TO APPROVE HE DEVELOPMENT STAGE PUD AND PRELIMINARY PLAT FOR ELM STREE VILLAS BASED ON A FINDING THAT THE PROPOSED MIXED-RESIDENTIAL DESI N ESTABLISHES A HIGH QUALITY RESIDENTIAL PROJECT THAT MEETS HE CITY'S INTENT FOR PUD CONSIDERATION SUBJECT TO THE FO LOWING: 1. The applicant shall verify actual bui: ding designs for single family homes, attached townhomes and detached townhomes. 2. An alternate design shall be submi d for the rear of all detached townhomes to create a more attractive streetscape. 3. An alternate design shall be submi ed for single family homes adhering to R-2A standards. 4. The applicant shall submit a revise landscape plan for the single family homes illustrating compliance with R-2A standards. 5. A six foot landscaped buffer shall e installed to separate all shared driveways. 6. An alternate parking plan shall be bmitted reducing the size of both head-in parking bays in Phase II and restoring a portion of he usable open space. 7. On-street parking shall be limited t one side of each road. Hours of on-street parking shall be limited to prevent overnight parkin and on-street parking shall be prohibited during snowplowing season. Dates of sai season and appropriate hours shall be established by the City Council. 8. The applicant shall submit all doc mentation relating to environmental concerns of the site. 9. The applicant shall comply with at recommendations of the City Engineer. 10. The developer shall submit homeo er's association documents. 11. All unit/home designs shall be sub 'tted to the Planning Commission and City Council for approval. 12. The sidewalks on either side ofEI Street shall be revised to follow the ROW. 13. The sidewalk on the west side of 1m Street should be extended to the northern edge of the site and the sidewalk on the east side f Elm Street should be extended south of Street B to the edge of the site. 14. A street lighting plan shall be sub itted demonstrating that garage lighting will not be used in lieu of street lights. 15. Other conditions as recommende. WAYNE MAYER SECONDED THE M ION. MOTION CARRIED WITH BRIAN STUMPF ABSTAINING. #5C Final Plat Carlisle Village Sh Additi n: Tom Perrault questioned whether Shibani Bisson or Bruce Westby had any commen s relating to the final plat. Shibani Bisson indicated 6 they need to verify drainage and utility easeme ts on the revised plat which was submitted to them on Friday. Torn Perrault also asked whe e the existing Davidson and Hermes houses were located on the plat. Clint Herbst expressed his concern about the t ee preservation noting that heavy equipment used in the development has caused damage t the trees. Brian Stumpf asked if the preservation plan included replacement oftre s. Jeff O'Neill said there is a deposit to cover tree replacement. He felt the trees could be r laced in those area where the work is completed. Brian Stumpf asked if the tree preservation pI could be tied to this plat. Clint Herbst asked Building Official Gary Anderson to have an u date on the tree preservation in the Carlisle Village development for the next meeting. GLEN POSUST A MOVED TO APPROVE HE FINAL PLAT OF CARLISLE VILLAGE 5TH ADDITION SUBJECT TO THE REVISI N OF THE PLAT DOCUMENTS AND EXECUTION OF THE DEVELOPMENT A REEMENT AND CONTINGENT UPON COMPLIANCE WITH THE TREE PRESER ATION PLAN. TOM PERRAULT SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION C lED UNANIMOUSLY. #5D Installation of lights on the CSAH 18 l terchange Bridge: Shibani Bisson reported that they had received a quote from Design Elect . c for $18,000 to install four lights on the bridge. The company has a six month backlog. John Simola said ifthe City chooses to light the bridge it would be the City's cost as it would be unl kely that the County would participate in the cost. Torn Perrault thought there might be some e onomies of scale if these lights could be included with the lights for the roundabout. John Sim la indicated the lights for the roundabout would be a different type of light. Clint Herbst su gested holding off on this for a couple of weeks to allow staff time to find out what the cost dif rence would be for bidding 12 lights instead of 4. TOM PERRAULT MOVED TO TABLE A TION ON ORDERING INSTALLATION OF LIGHTS ON THE CSAH 18 INTERCHAN E BRIDGE. BRIAN STUMPF SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UN NIMOUSLY. 7. Review of 2005 Audit Re ort - Larson AI en Rick Borden, Doug Host and Stephanie Ge ken from Larson Allen reviewed the 2005 audit report with the City Council. Doug Host in is presentation explained a number of items including required communications the aud'tor makes to the Council based on audit standards. He noted that the financial statements are materially correct and reported that the audit went smoothly. He thanked staff for their coope tion. Other items that were discussed included s gregation of accounting duties and Doug Host noted that in the MCC there was not adequ te segregation of duties as one employee reconciled collections, made the deposits, and coded a d authorized expenditures. He noted that in smaller communities it is more difficult to achieve his but it was something the City needed to be aware of. He also pointed out that documentation wa not provided from two banks to show that the city had perfected security interest in collateral ledged. He added that state statutes regulating pledged collateral are very detailed and tha the City has taken steps to provide the required documentation. Doug Host also reported t at the City had not obtained a broker certification 7 fonn for their 4M fund. In addition the City h three certificates of deposit where the value was greater than the FDIC insurance coverage. Doug Host also addressed issues relating to the computer system such as a disaster recovery pI n, network backup and sufficiency of firewalls. Doug Host went through a number of graphs r lating to total net assets, total debt related to liabilities and comparison ofrevenues and exp nditures in the various fund balances from 2003-2005. The City's fund balances are heal hy and there was an increase in value in the total capital assets. He noted a big portion oft e increase for 2005 was because of the unexpended revenue from the $25,000,000 G bond sale. The auditors then addressed questions from th Council. Glen Posusta questioned under cash and investments in 2004 the balance was $30,00,000 and in 2005 it was $50,000 and asked what accounted for that increase. Doug Host sated the increase was because of the proceeds from the $25,000,000 bond sale. BRIAN STUMPF MOVED TO ACCEPT TH 2005 AUDIT REPORT AS PRESENTED AND AUTHORIZE SUBMITTAL OF A CO Y TO THE STATE AUDITOR BY JULY 1, 2006. TOM PERRAULT SECONDED THE OnON. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 8. Consideration of authorizin urchase of a City Administrator, Rick Wolfsteller explaine the request for this additional vehicle noting that the addition of an engineer and another b ilding inspector generated the need to look at the purchase of an additional vehicle. Current y the City has two vans which are used by the three inspectors in the Building Department as well as the City Engineer. Since the inspection work and engineering work often requires driing in areas that are not paved, it was felt that a four wheel drive vehicle should be considered Rick W olfsteller noted that money for the exp nditure was not included in the 2006 budget but funds could be budgeted in 2007 to pay back t e expenditure from the Building Department for this vehicle which is estimated at $20,000 on testate contract. Brian Stumpf said if the City was going to use this vehicle for inspections in the field, they might consider looking at a used vehicle inste d of new. Although staff felt a used vehicle would be satisfactory they did feel it was imp rtant that it is a four wheel drive vehicle. Glen Posusta stated many companies just rei burse employees for use of their own vehicles. In that case the City would just pay mileage (cu ent reimbursement rate $.445/per mile) and the employee covers all other vehicle expense. he Council discussed the equipments needs and how often the vehicle would be used. The C uncil felt a four wheel drive pickup would be a more appropriate vehicle to consider and dire ted staff to get additional information. Building Official Gary Anderson stated that t e City is growing rapidly and staff was added to handle this growth. Many of the sites they ne d to inspect have no road surfacing and therefore he felt it was important that the vehicle have ur wheel drive. 8 Wayne Mayer asked how the use of the vehicl would be prioritized for the two departments. Gary Anderson replied that there is somewhat f a schedule already in place where the Engineer uses the van at given times to do his roject inspections. TOM PERRAULT MOVED TO TABLE AC ION ON THE ITME AND DIRECT STAFF TO DO ADDITIONAL RESEARCH INTO THE YPE OF VEHICLE THAT WOULD BE MOST APPROPRIATE, WHETHER NEW 0 USED, AND COME BACK WITH OPTIONS. WAYNE MAYER SECONDED HE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 9. Consideration of urchase of vehicle for Pa ks De with 4-door pickup. ment van The Parks Department requested authorization to replace the 1975 van with an extended cab pickup. Clint Herbst suggested that if a repl cement vehicle was authorized that the equipment van does not remain in the fleet but is scrapped. The pictures of the van showed the poor condition of the vehicle. TOM PERRAULT MOVED TO AUTHORIZ THE REPLACEMENT OF THE 1975 CHEVROLET EQUPMENT V AN WITH A EW FORD 3/4 TON, FOUR WHEEL DRIVE EXTENDED CAB PICKUP WITH AN 8' B X FROM ELK RIVER FORD ON THE STATE BID AT A COST OF $21,609.30. WAYNE AYER SECONDED THE MOTION. In further discussion, Glen Posusta questione since the vehicle was not used that often why did they need to replace it with a new vehicle. John Simola stated they didn't feel it was save to use for moving equipment. Park Superinte dent Seth Nelson and Park Foreman Tom Pawelk were present and explained to the Co ncil how the existing equipment van is used and how the replacement vehicle is proposed to b used. The primary concern is the safety of the vehicle. He noted that in lieu of using the v , staff is using the Cushman or mule instead. Tom Pawelk added that the Cushman and mu e are not roadworthy and should not be utilized on the streets. There was additional discussio on the type of vehicle needed and what size truck bed. Glen Posusta felt a two wheel driv truck was adequate. Clint Herbstated that a four wheel drive has the potential to add a plo . Staff was asked ifthey needed the 8' box. They indicated they could get by with 6.5' bo . TOM PERRAULT AMENDED HIS MOTIO AND GO WITH A 6 Y2' BOX. WAYNE MAYER SECONDED THE AMENDED M TION. MOTION CARRIED WITH GLEN POSUST A VOTING IN OPPOSITION. 10. 2005 rate for ark dedication on Pineview In 2006 the Council approved the final plat fi r the Pineview development and the development agreement outlining the project fees for the d velopment set the park dedication at the 2006 rate of$3,500 per unit. The developer was r questing that since his development was in process in 2005 that the park dedication fee i effect at that time ($1500) be applied to the lots. Jeff O'Neill said this a redevelopment projec and the staff could justify going with a lower rate. 9 Clint Herbst stated that prices go up on a lot 0 things and the developer know this. Glen Posusta said the City has been trying to get so ething on this site for four years. Wayne Mayer said the City bent over backward to give the d veloper five lots instead of four and he is now requesting a reduction of fees. While he felt t e Council could negotiate the fee he didn't feel the park dedication fee should go back to $1,5 O. Glen Posusta responded that if the City had not so dramatically increased the fees, this wo Idn't be such a problem for developers. Brian Stumpf stated that on the four lots the C uncil could go with a lower rate but when the fifth lot developed it should be at the going rat in effect at that time. Glen Posusta reiterated that the City was nailing it to the developers w"th the high fees. Clint Herbst stated that a break was given to the developer by allowing the fi lot in the PUD. Matt Holker representing the developer stated hey did not anticipate the development process would go beyond 2005 which made this diffic It to price out. They were looking for whatever reduction in fees the Council would consider. GLEN POSUSTA MOVED TO SET THE P DEDICATION RATE FOR THE FIFTH LOT OF THE PINEIVEW DEVELOPMENT AT $3,500 AND $2,000 PER LOT FOR THE REMAINING FOUR LOTS IN THE DEVEL PMENT BASED ON THE FACT THAT THIS IS A REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT. W A E MAYER SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. Glen Posusta stated that at the township meet' g, the township was taken aback by the fact that the lift station improvement project had been warded. He felt the Council was not made aware of the fact that the township had to giv their approval for the placement of the pipe in the township easement. The township tabled, ction on this until their July 3,2006 meeting. He stated that the township did not agree with W B's assessment of the situation and felt it was a slap in the face as far as the township was co cemed Road 39 lift station 11. Consideration of award of bids for Meado eenerators. John Simola responded stating that this proje t relates more to Mississippi Drive. Whether or not the Hidden Forest development goes in t e backup generators would still have to be replaced. Shibani Bisson noted this was a se arate project from the forcemain project and the forcemain project award was contingent upo development agreements being executed. She added that they had met with the township 0 months ago regarding the forcemain project. Clint Herbst questioned whether to oversize t e generators in gave the developers do not go forward with their development and asked if his could be tabled until after the July 3,2006 township board meeting. John Simola stated they could downsize the umps for now and if the Niagara FallslHidden Forest development proceed the developmen s could pay for the cost to upgrade it. The generators are backup power for the City's t 0 existing lift stations which are on city property and are proposed to be refurbished. Wayne ayer questioned how the township could misconstrue this item. 10 BRIAN STUMPF MOVED TO AWARD TH BID FOR BOTH GENERATORS TO ZIEGLE POWER SYSTEMS OF SHAKOPEE, MN THE AMOUNT OF $63,220.00 EXCLUDING SALES TAX. TOM PERRAULT SECOND D THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED WITH GLEN POSUST A VOTING IN OPPOSITIO Added Items: Engineering issues with Township: This was touche on in the discussion of the agenda item #11. Glen Posusta stated that what occurred at the townshi meeting points out the need to follow all steps in the process in sequence. Not doing so makes peo Ie feel slighted and less likely to cooperate. Glen Posusta asked that Shibani Bisson take that message ack to Bret Weiss that the proper sequence must be followed. Shibani Bisson responded that was the intent and afte the first meeting with the Township in March WSB didn't feel it was necessary to meet with the to nship again until they knew if the development is was going to proceed. After discussing it the Cou cil felt their motion should have contained the contingency that the township approved the use ofth ir easement in this project. Meadow Oak Avenue: Glen Posusta noted the grass nd weeds in this area exceed 2'. Shibani Bisson stated that have talked to Central Landscaping to plac sod or to slip seeding and they are getting prices on this. Glen Posusta asked who is responsible for aintaining this and John Simola indicated it was the adjoining property owners. Second Liquor Store Site: Wayne Mayer brought up the consideration of establishing a second liquor Store. The City had discussed this a number of years ago so Brian Stumpf suggested that Rick W olfsteller review and update the previous proposal nd bring it back to the Council. Brian Stumpf also questioned whether the City could do a land exc ange using property in the Jefferson Commons development. Ham Radio Association of Wright County: Tom Pe ault updated the Council on the event the group conducted at Pioneer Park over the weekend. The h radio operators serve as severe weather spotters and played a significant role in communicati ns in the 9/11 disaster. 12. Consideration of a a ment of bil s for Jnne. BRIAN STUMPF MOVED TO APPROVE A YMENT OF BILLS. TOM PERRAULT SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION C RRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 13. Adjourn. TOM PERRAULT MOVED TO ADJOURN AT 9:25 P.M. WAYNE MAYER SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNA. IMOUSL Y. Recording Secretary 11 SA. Consideration of a Council Agenda: 7/10106 new hires and de artures for MCC. (RW) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND The Council is asked to ratify the hiring d departures of employees that have occurred recently at the MCC, As you r call, it is recommended that the Council officially ratify the hiring of all new em loyees including part-time and seasonal workers. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Ratify the hiring/departures oft e employees as identified on the attached list. C. SUPPORTING DATA: List of employees. 12 I NEW EMPLOYEE:) Name Title Departr nent Hire Date Class Johnson, Corey Slide Attendant MCC 6/6/2006 PT TERMINATING EMPLC YEES Name Reason Depart nent Last Day Class Olson, Noel Voluntary MCC 6/12/2006 PT employee councillist.xls: 6/27/2006 . - -.- ...-- _n 13 Council Agenda: 7/10/06 5B. Consideration of ado tin a resolution ac e Department Equipment. (RW) donations for Pioneer Park and Fire A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: The City has received a donation from the onticello Lions Club in the amount of$9,500 to go towards park equipment at Pioneer Park d also equipment for the Monticello Fire Department. As required by statute, if the C ty accepts the donation of funds, the City needs to adopt a resolution specifying the amount fthe donation and its use. B. AL TERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Approve the contribution and authori e use of funds as specified by the donor. 2. Do not approve the contribution and etum the funds to the donor. c. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: It is the recommendation of the City Admini trator and the Finance Department to adopt the resolution accepting the contribution. D. SUPPORTING DATA: Resolution. 14 City of Mon icello RESOLUTION NO. 2006-51 RESOLUTION APPROVIN :; CONTRIBUTIONS WHEREAS, the City of Monticello is gmerally authorized to accept contributions ofreal and personal property pursuant to Minnesota Statutes Sections 465.03 and 465.04 for the benefit of its citizens Gnd is specifically authorized to maintain such property for the benefit of its citizens in accordance with the terms prescribed by the donor. Said gifts may be limited under provisior s ofMN Statutes Section 471.895. WHEREAS, the following persons and ( r entities have offered to contribute contributions or gifts to the City as listed: DONOR/ENTITY Monticello Lions DESCRIPT ON Cash contribl tion VALUE $9500.00 I WHEREAS, all said contributions are in ended to aid the City in establishing facilities, operations or programs within the city's jurisdiction either alone or in cooperation with others, as allowed by law; and WHEREAS, the City Council hereby finds that it is appropriate to accept the contributions offered. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLV ~D by the City Council of Monticello as follows: 1. 2. The contributions described abov are hereby accepted by the City of Monticello. The contributions described abov will be used as designated by the donor. This may entail reimbursi 19 or allocating the money to another entity that will utilize the funds fL r the following stated purpose. DONOR/ENTITY Monticello Lions Monticello Lions RECIPlEr T City of Monticello arks Dept Fire Departn ent PURPOSE Pioneer Park equipment/maint equipment Adopted by two-thirds vote of the City Counc'l of Monticello this 10th day of July, 2006, Clint Herbst, Mayor ATTEST: Rick W olfsteller, City Administrator 15 resolution approving contributions 07-11-05.doc: 6/26/2006 Council Agenda: 7/1 0/06 5C. Consideration of a resolution acce tin a c ntribution from the Land of Lakes Choirbo s Riverfest ommittee and the Monticello Communit A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: The City has received a donation from the La. d of Lakes Choirboys in the amount of$3,100 to go towards equipment for the Fire Departmen , to help defray Riverfest expenses and to the MCC. As required by statute, ifthe City acc pts the donation of funds, the City needs to adopt a resolution specifying the amount of the donaf on and its use. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Approve the contribution and authorie use of funds as specified by the donor. 2. Do not approve the contribution and r turn the funds to the donor. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: It is the recommendation of the City Adminis rator and the Finance Department to adopt the resolution accepting the contribution. D. SUPPORTING DATA: Resolution. 16 City of MOB icello RESOLUTION r o. 2006-52 RESOLUTION APPROVIl' G CONTRIBUTIONS WHEREAS, the City of Monticello is g' nerally authorized to accept contributions of real and personal property purs, ant to Minnesota Statutes Sections 465.03 and 465.04 for the benefit of its citizens nd is specifically authorized to maintain such property for the benefit of its citizens in ac ordance with the terms prescribed by the donor. Said gifts may be limited under provisio 1S ofMN Statutes Section 471.895. WHEREAS, the following persons and Jr entities have offered to contribute contributions or gifts to the City as listed: DONOR/ENTITY Land of Lakes Choirboys Land of Lakes Choirboys Land of Lakes Choirboys DESCRIPT ON Cash contriblltion Cash contriblltion Cash contrib lltion VALUE $1000.00 $1500.00 $600.00 WHEREAS, all said contributions are it tended to aid the City in establishing facilities, operations or programs within the city s jurisdiction either alone or in cooperation with others, as allowed by law; and WHEREAS, the City Council hereby fi] ds that it is appropriate to accept the contributions offered. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of Monticello as follows: 1. 2. The contributions described abo, e are hereby accepted by the City of Monticello. The contributions described abo, e will be used as designated by the donor. This may entail reimburs'ng or allocating the money to another entity that will utilize the funds D r the following stated purpose. DONOR/ENTITY Land of Lakes Choirboys Land of Lakes Choirboys Land of Lakes Choirboys RECIPIE IlT Monticello Fit e Dept Riverfest Con mittee Community ( enter PURPOSE Equipment Bands Free Will Donation Adopted by two-thirds vote of the City Coune il of Monticello this 10th day of July, 2006. Clint Herbst, Mayor ATTEST: Rick W olfsteller, City Administrator 17 resolution approving contributions.doc: 7/312006 Council Agenda: 7/10/06 7. Public Hearin on vacation of a ortion 0 draina e and utilit easement in the lat of Jefferson Commons. (RW) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: In March of 2006, the City Council approve the final plat of Jefferson Commons 2nd Addition which was done in part to allow th sale of additional land to Mike Muller for his theater expansion. With the revised bound y lines on the Muller site, it is no longer necessary to have the drainage and utility ea ement along the old boundary line as there are easements running along the new lot lines. public hearing was set and notice on the proposed easement vacation was published d mailed. Attached is a drawing showing the portion 0 the easement to be vacated. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. After conducting the public hearing n the proposed vacation of a portion of the easement along the westerly line of ot 1, Block 2, Jefferson Commons, the Council could adopt a resolution vacating sai easement. 2. The Council could determine not to acate the easement. C. ST AFF RECOMMENDATION: It is the recommendation of the City Admin strator that this easement be vacated. Easements have been obtained along the ne boundary lines for the Muller site in the plat of Jefferson Commons 2nd Addition and the e isting easement is no longer required. D. SUPPORTING DATA: Map of easement area to be vacated. 18 - -- -- -- .....---- SCHOOL BOULEVARD ./" .....---- IIIfiji -;;;;'posed Easement' acation - GIW'lO:: SCAUI o ~o loo./" ~-~ / / , "" N'L Y LINE OUTLOT G, JEFFERSON COMMONS ,...... I I -,- I ....,...,.. I II I I I I I , ..~...... I 1......... I " '" NORTHWESTERL Y CORNER OF LOT 1, BLOCK 2, JEFFERSON COMMONS 613.46 S82.:36;28"W _-------- -- _------- 4.67-:-46 "- ..........."'- "'- ,"'- Js ~:J ~9;> 9 S;>'w ~, "'- .~ rv/ ......." / N~ / ", ,,~ / ~ ~ / ~,...I / ;0...:' .--- -- ,46.00- , RAIN AGE AND UTILITY EASEMENT PER PLAT OF JEFFERSON COMMONS , "-~ "'- "'- ;.. I I -r- I ~............ I II I I , I I I ............ I ..._...... I , '",:; , WESTERLY LINE OF LOT 1, BLOCK 2, JEFFERSON COMMONS "-- , '. " "'- '. , "'- ,ycf ' , , "cf,<',J:'; COR "'- '. , cfRs. ou.,., "'-, O,y ''-0)' ", COA1~ c: "'- O,ys , , , ., , , , "'- '. ,. , " "'- , , "'- "'- , , "'- "'- , , , , ,... I I -r- I ..... ~~ I II I , I I I : ~. " " . L._ ..., ~- " " ............ , , '. '. , , '. , , , , '. , "'- ., 2 ..; i ~ ~ E !l " ~ II 'ii , , "'-. .... WSB -- 701 Xenia Avenue South, Suite 300 Minneapolis, MN 55416 www.wsbeng.com Jefferson Comm ns 2nd Add Easement V cation WSB Project No. 1627-44 CITY Project No, Date 6/22/06 Parcel 1 It Associates. Inc_ .. ~'''.Fol~1.'7IlO 1NFRASlRUCl1J1lE I ENGIIEERlNG I PLANNING I CONSTRUCTION Monticello MN 19 Council Agenda: 7/10/06 8. Consideration of Pro' eet Award for the eeonstruction of Cedar Street Chelsea Road to Dundas Road and the Construe ion of Dundas Road Cedar Street to Edmonson Avenue Cit of Montieello P o'eet No. 2006-02C (WSB) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: At the May 22, 2006 City Council meeting, he City Council approved the plans and specifications and authorized the advertise ent for bids for the reconstruction of Cedar Street from Chelsea Road to Dundas Road d the construction of the unimproved segment of Dundas Road, east of Cedar Str et, to Edmonson Avenue. The Council also had requested shifting Cedar Street east into the City-owned property to lessen the impact and provide more property width to the exis ing properties on the west. The plans have been revised to accommodate the roadway r alignment and staff is in the process of scheduling meetings with the adjacent prop rty owners to discuss their interest in purchasing the additional right-of-way. The project also includes construction of a r ght turn lane along Chelsea Road to serve the Warnert development. It is our underst ding that construction of the Warnert development is anticipated to begin August ,2006. The project also includes construction of a dual forcemain along Chel ea Road for the future extension of the system from the Otter Creek Lift Station to he trunk sanitary sewer at Chelsea Road and Fallon A venue. A diagonal crossing for the forcemain at TH 25 has been approved by MnlDOT. The plans have been approved by State Aid. In addition, Public Works is in the process of bidding street lighting along Cedar Street to be installed concurrently with the project. The estimated project cost totals approxima ely $1,215,510 (includes a 28% indirect cost) and does not include street lighting costs, as this will be bid separately. The estimated project cost in the feasibility report was $1,143,410 (does not include street lighting costs). Therefore, the current estimated project cost is approximately 6% higher than the cost in the feasibility report. The current es imated project cost reflects the increase in construction costs we have seen from other rojects recently bid in the City due primarily to an increase in bituminous and pipe prices The project is proposed to be funded throug special assessments to the adjacent benefiting properties, City funds, and State id funds. A portion of the street reconstruction cost along Cedar Street woul be assessed to the adjacent benefiting property owners, with the remainder being nded by the City, since the existing properties already benefit from the existing oadway. New improvements, such as widening of the street, sidewalk, street light'ng, driveways, utility stubs, and storm sewer, would be assessed 100% to the adjacent ben fiting property owners along Cedar Street. Dundas Road would be assessed 100% to th adjacent benefiting property with storm sewer upsizing costs for off-road drainage t be funded by the City. City funding would also consist of the reconstruction costs to th City-owned property on the east side of Cedar Street, general utility adjustments, fo cemain construction, and storm sewer upsizing costs along Dundas Road. State A'd funds could be utilized for 100% of the street costs and 75% of the storm sewer cost. C:\DocumenlS and Settitlgs\dawn..g1Wslnger\Loccll ttillgslTemporary 11Iternet Fi/esIOLK3IAGN ITM-CedarDundll$AwardProject-07/006.doc 20 Council Agenda: 7/10106 Bids will be received on Friday, July 7,20 6. The bid opening will be conducted after preparation of this agenda item. In an effo to expedite the construction of this project, we anticipate a successful bidder and will resent the recommendation at this City Council meeting. We will present the bid esults prior to the City council meeting. B. AL TERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Consider award of the project to th lowest responsible bidder. 2. Do not award the project at this tim . c. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: To be provided at the meeting. D. SUPPORTING DATA: The Bid Tabulation will be emailed and ma'led to Council members on Friday, July 7th. The Letter of Recommendation will be avai able at the City Council meeting. C:\Docl.lme1lls alld Settingsldawn.grossingerlLOClll Settl" ~\Tempomry lnltmet ft"'iles\OLK3\AGN ITM-CedarDundt1sAwat"dProject~07J006.d(Jc 21 Council Agenda: 7/10106 9. Consideration of authorizin urcha e of a shared vehicle for the Buildin and Ene:ineerine: Departments. (BW 1 A) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUN This is a follow-up item to agenda ite #8 from the June 26, 2006 City Council meeting. At that meeting the Council irected staff to prepare and submit a comprehensive table listing the feature and prices for a variety of new and used vehicles that can be shared by the Buil ing and Engineering Departments including mini-vans, sport utility vehi es, and compact and full-size pickup trucks. This information has been pr ared as requested and is attached in the form of a cost comparison table for Co cil's review. As stated at the previous Council mee ng, the intent of this shared vehicle is to provide staff from the Building and E gineering Departments with a suitable vehicle to access job sites where pave roads have not yet been constructed or where their duties require them to driv off-road, which is not uncommon. To access such sites Building and Engine ring Department staff currently utilize their personal vehicles since a City-oned vehicle capable of accessing such sites is not available for staffuse. Th se staff members are then reimbursed at the rate of $0.44 per mile to drive thei vehicles off-road which has negative cost implications for City staff. This is be ause the reimbursement rate identified above is intended to reimburse indivi als for expenses incurred while operating their vehicles on paved roadways, not for operating their vehicles off-road which results in increased maintenance costs and decreased mileage efficiencies. Other items for consideration include he fact that some staff members do not own a vehicle capable of operating of -road so they must park their vehicles and walk to where they need to go, which an be treacherous when walking on snow and ice or rough and/or wet terrain. Iso, the use of a City-owned vehicle would allow staff to be easier identifi d in the field since the City's logo can be applied to the vehicle. As noted in the attached table, a new ehicle would be purchased through the State of Minnesota's purchasing cont act and would come with a standard 3- year factory warranty. Used vehicles on the other hand typically do not come with a warranty. In such cases where a warranty may be provided it would typically be a short-term warranty on he order of several months. Council could consider purchasing a vehicle aintenance contract with a used vehicle. Such a contract would typically cost t 0- to three-hundred dollars per year. 22 Council Agenda: 7/10/06 B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: I, Authorize the purchase of a new ve icle to be shared between the Building and Engineering Departments, 2. Authorize the purchase of a used v hicle, with or without a service contract, to be shared between the Building d Engineering Departments. 3, Deny the purchase of a vehicle to b shared between the Building and Engineering Departments, c. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Purchasing a vehicle to be shared betw en the Building and Engineering Departments would allow staff to com lete their work duties as efficiently and safely as possible by providing access '0 all required work sites. At the last City Council meeting it was debated wheth 4-wheel drive is necessary to allow these staff members to perform their d ties. Since it is not uncommon for staff from the Building and Engineering D artments to encounter such sites while performing their duties, it is felt that a -wheel drive vehicle is necessary, And while it is true that a 4-wheel drive veh'cle costs more to purchase, this cost is typically recouped when the vehicle is old. It is therefore the recommendation of e City Administrator, the City Engineer and the Chief Building Official that th City Council approve either Alternative Action #1 or #2, with the vehicle bein one of the 4-wheel drive vehicles from the attached table. D. SUPPORTING DATA: Cost Comparison for Shared Building! ngineer Department Vehicle (attached) 23 <0 o o ~ <0 - J'o.. "0 Q) - c 'C a.. 000 OC!O I,() 01,() C'\lOJ'o.. 00000000 gOOC!OC!C!OC! I,() I,()OO I,() 000 I,() C'\lI,()OJ'o..I,()I,()I,()C'\l l;j ......~ CO. J'o... I,(). ....... 0'). ....... I,(). oi............('1')...... 0C'\l.qI,() w................................................. w.w.w.w.w.w.w.w. 000000000 00C!00C!0C!0 <DJ'o..<D<D<D<D<DJ'o..O') 0C")C'\l0')00')......1,().q OOC'\l......C'\lO')<DO')...... C"iui"':cOcD"':cDcOo ................................................C'\l fflW.W.W.W.fflW.W.ffl CoCoCol,()lololoLn CO <0<0<0<0<0 000000000 ~~~~~~~~~ C'\lC'\l.q.qC'\lC'\lC'\l.q.q "O~:gxxxxx U')U')WWWWW c o en 'C CO c.. E o o (;j o o en x <0 o J o ...... , J'o.. Q) .2 ..c Q) > 0.. Q) o I.... OJ C W OJ :g l:D C") ('I') ......C") ('I') o o",.q I,() I,() 0') 0') ~" ...J J'o.. J'o.. 1,().q1,()............I,().q1,() ..................><0::.................. Ou.::S::: 'OOX::S::: ,t) .Ot)ot) ,0 000-0000 "OI,()"OU') I,() "0 I,() "0 co......coo......co......~ I.... U. I.... I,() I.... U. - Q) Q)......EQ) Q) 2:: .::: u. CO > 2:: US U') O::U') U') -.::r C'l -- >. - __ c ~~ C I.... ~ CO I.... ~ CO 0 ~ C I.... '-" CO Q) Q)- >. .!:2 I ..c C") Q) '-"> Q) I.... C,) CO .- Q) ~>. >"Q) 1...."0 CO 0 ~E Q)...... "00 00 E~ <DJS! 8 E C'\l . c;; I.... I.... Ss ~ Q) ._ C,) I.... 'C c..c.. 13 'co ~- C ~ o Q) () OJ jg ~ o gz ~ CO .~ ~ :2 'S -<.9 0<( "*0 -<( U')Z Q) "E 0"0 U. 0 o ---- cn......C'\l - -,s'-"'-" Q) .Sf! 0 e "E e z > 0 > Q) U. Q) ..c ..c o 0 1i> 1i> e "E e > 0 > Q) U. Q) ..c ..c t) 0 "E"E"E 000 u.u.u. 10. Consideration of a royal of settlement! and exchan e a reement with A VR and associated site plan. NOTHING RECEIVED ON THIS ITE 25 . OW ,-H" ~<t: Wo- UP:: f-IW 1:-<:> zO OU :E: N 0- . i:t.r- CIl O. \0 0- :><0 U E-<:> HI UCIlP:: HO 00 P<rl U')'<!' U OU') ~~ tI.l l'H.? (1)\0 C\.O -riO \.0 ~ 0 ....... 0'\ H (1) N P<\.O rl ....... ~ ..0 \.0 III :>, CIl (1) III :>::: U 0- U njCIJ W 0. tI.l ::c CIl rl U rl 'd -rl P< .--l Pl ....... Oz <t: ::r; 4-< 0 i-I \.0\0 (1) ilJ 00 .w rl .............. C ;l ~ 0'\0'\ .ri '0 C'lC'l i-I ilJ W .............. 0.. .r:: ~ ~ \0\.0 tJ ~ UJ 0 W CIloo U ~ :>::::.:: 0 UU i:t. WW U :r:::c Ul \0 UU OJ Ci!m 0 ~ .rl rl ~'<!' 0'\ o-P< 0.0 ~,;; C'l <t:1 .............. 0 \0 Cl <t:<t: "U :><N ~ 0 Ul ~.. 0 1Jl'<!' ~ o...-i -rl U')1Jl 0 . .-i .w 00 .rl i-I CIl tJ I I .wOJ ~~ ill P< Cl \.0\0 UC rl is f-I 00 ;:1C OJ I 00 i-Inj 00 CIl P:: W NC'l .woo UN l'J IJ 0'\0'\ Ul U....... .w I NC'l r::0' ~O i-I ~ ~ \0\0 H.QIJ C'1 0 00 0 00....... 0. 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