Police Advisory Commission Agenda 04-21-2010AGENDA MONTICELLO POLICE ADVISORY COMMISSION Wednesday, April 21, 2010 7 p.m. Academy Room Monticello Community Center 1. Call to Order. 2. Approval of minutes of January 20, 2010 Police Advisory Commission meeting. 3. Consideration of adding items to the agenda. 4. Monticello Downtown Business Association introductions. 5. Review of amended dangerous dog ordinance, City Ordinance No. 6-2-25. 6. Wright County Sheriff's Office updates / Q&A session. 7. Consideration of parking issues including: a. Winter on -street parking ban issues i. Warnings versus tickets ii. Private streets versus public streets b. Fallon Avenue on -street parking ban c. Commuter lot parking violations 8. Relocation of Sheriff's Deputies office to Prairie Center building. 9. Consideration of improvements for TH 25 pedestrian underpass. 10. Discussion of added items. 11. Schedule next meeting (Wednesday, July 21St @ 7 PM). 12. Adjourn. MINUTES MONTICELLO POLICE ADVISORY COMMISSION Wednesday, January 20, 2010 7 p.m. Academy Room Monticello Community Center Members Present: Brad Fyle, Jim Roberts, Jason Roubinek, Leila McCarty and Brian Stumpf Members Absent: None Ex -Officio Representatives: Lt. Dan Anselment and Sgt. Dave Anderson — Wright County Sheriff's Department Bruce Westby — City Engineer Others Present: Deputy Bailey — Wright County Sheriff's Department 1. Call to Order Commissioner Fyle called the meeting to order at 6:57 p.m. It was noted that a quorum was present. 2. Approval of minutes of January 20, 2010 regular Police Advisory Commission meeting. COMMISSIONER ROBERTS MOTIONED TO APPROVE THE MINUTES OF THE JANUARY 20, 2010 REGULAR POLICE ADVISORY COMMISSION MEETING AS WRITTEN. COMMISSIONER FYLE SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY (5-0). 3. Consideration of adding items to the agenda. No items were added. 4. Wright County Sheriffs Department updates / O&A session. The Wright County Sheriff's Department representatives updated the Commission on several items including: • Lieutenant Anselment introduced Deputy Bailey to the Commission. Deputy Bailey will be working extensively in Monticello. • Lieutenant Anselment presented the Wright County Sheriffs Office 3rd quarter report to the Commission, and discussed the data and statistics. The following statistics were discussed in detail: o Due to a couple of recent burglary reports, the percentage of burglary calls is on the rise. o Narcotics arrests are up significantly, primarily due to deputies finding narcotics in vehicles during traffic enforcement stops. Police Advisory Commission Meeting Minutes January 20, 2010 Page 2 o Calls for service are down. This could be due to the fact that more people are staying home to save money. o There were only 5 snowmobile complaints received all winter, with no property damage noted. This is down from years past and is very light for a City our size, which could be due to the decline in snowmobile sales and ownership in recent years. NO FORMAL ACTION REQUIRED/TAKEN. 5. Update on Police Advisory Commission appointments. Mr. Westby informed the Commission that on January 11, 2010 the City Council ratified the following appointees to the Police Advisory Commission for 2010: General Members: Voting members w/ 3-vear staggered term limits Brad Fyle - Chair Term expires 12/31/2010 Jim Roberts Term expires 12/31/2011 Jason Roubinek Term expires 12/31/2012 (reappointment) Leila McCarty Term expires 12/31/2012 (new appointment) Council Representatives: No term limits Brian Stumpf Voting member Glen Posusta Alternate NO FORMAL ACTION REQUIRED/TAKEN. 6. Update on Sheriffs Deputies office space. Mr. Westby informed the Police Advisory Commission that the City is working to find a new office space for the Sheriff's Deputies working in Monticello. Staff understands that the working conditions at the Fire Hall are less than ideal due to the lack of privacy, and are therefore working to find a space for the Sheriff's Deputies as fast as we can. Sergeant Anderson noted his concern that the Sheriff's Deputies not be moved until there is a space available that will be used for a long period of time. They would prefer not to be moved into another temporary office space, such as they are in at the Fire Hall., although he understands we are all under space limitations at present. He also noted that access to the public is important so an office with a store -front feel would be preferable. He also noted that parking must be convenient so they can respond to service calls quickly. It was also discussed that the new office space should have some type of signing available so the public knows where to find them. We should also consider advertising their new location on CATV 12, as well as on our web site. Wherever they are located, they will need about 15 keys for their deputies. NO FORMAL ACTION REQUIRED/TAKEN. Police Advisory Commission Meeting Minutes January 20, 2010 Page 3 7. Discussion of added items. No items were added. 8. Schedule next meeting. The next regular Police Advisory Commission meeting was scheduled for 7 PM on April 21, 2010. 9. Adiourn. MOTION WAS MADE TO ADJOURN BY COMMISSIONER ROBERTS AND WAS SECONDED BY COMMISSIONER STUMPF. MOTION WAS APPROVED UNANIMOUSLY AT 7:30 P.M. Bruce Westby, City Engineer Recording Secretary Police Advisory Commission Agenda: 4/21110 5. Review of amended dangerous dot ordinance, City Ordinance No. 6-2-25. A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: On April 12th, the City Council unanimously adopted an amendment to City Ordinance Title 6, Chapter 2, Section 25, relating to dangerous dogs. Patty Salzwedel, Monticello's Animal Control Officer, will attend Wednesday's meeting to review and discuss the ordinance amendments in detail, and to answer any questions the Commission might have. A copy of the amended ordinance is attached for your review. The old ordinance language with changes noted is also attached for your reference. B. SUPPORTING DATA: Amended City Ordinance No. 6-2-25 Ordinance language revisions The prove I ' f this section shall not apply to the ownership or use of seeing -eye dogs by blind persons, hen used in police activitieg-"by the City, or tracking dogs when used by or with the perm' of the City. ----`Any Animal Control Warden or any duly authorized officer or nt uthorized by f the City Administrator may issue citations. 6-2-25: DANGEROUS AND POTENTIALLY DANGEROUS DOGS: (A) Adoption by Reference of State Law and County Ordinance. The provisions of Minnesota State Statutes Chapter 347 (§347.50-347.565) and Wright County Ordinance No. 10-01, as they may be amended from time to time, are hereby adopted by reference as fully as if set out herein, and shall be administered and enforced by the City's Animal Warden and other Animal Control Authorities identified and designated pursuant to that law and ordinance. 1. Conflict of Laws. When any provisions of this ordinance, county ordinance or state laws applicable to dangerous or potentially dangerous dogs are in conflict, the provisions that impose the greater restrictions or protections shall apply. 2. Penalty. Any person who violates this ordinance, county ordinance or state law applicable to dangerous and potentially dangerous dogs shall be guilty of a misdemeanor. (#511, 4/12/10) 6-2-26: LICENSING FOR COMMERCIAL DOG KENNELS: (A) Definitions: For the purpose of this chapter, the following definit' s shall apply: ` mercial Kennel" means a place where mo an three dogs thereof are kept fo e business of selling, boarding a fee, breeding for sale, or some other enterp intended primarily f rofit-making purposes. The term "commercial kenn " shall not ' c ude pet stores, pet grooming shops, or animal hospitals. (B) License Requ_ipe'd: No person shaltbwqn, harbor, or keep upon a premises more th ee (3) dogs over the age o ((6) months unless in a cow&nercial kennel duly licensed under this se n. No person shall keep or maintain a commercial kennel in city except upon obtaining a permit from the City Council. Commercial kenne nses shall only be granted in an agricultural zoning district as a conditional use. MONTICELLO CITY ORDINANCE TITLE VI/Chapt 2/Page 9 ORDINANCE NO. 611 CITY OF MONTICELLO WRIGHT COUNTY, MINNESOTA AN ORDINANCE AMENDING TITLE 6, CHAPTER 2 OF THE CITY CODE REGULATING DANGEROUS DOGS AND PROVIDING FOR COOPERATIVE ADMINISTRATION AND ENFORCEMENT WITH WRIGHT COUNTY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF MONTICELLO ORDAINS: Section 1. The City of Monticello City Code, Title 6, Chapter 2, Dogs and Animals, Section 25, Dangerous Dogs is amended by adding the underlined language and deleting the mil language as follows:: 6-2-25 DANGEROUS AND POTENTIALLY DANGEROUS DOGS (A) Adoption by Reference of State Law and County Ordinance. The provisions of Minnesota State Statutes Chapter 347 (§347.50-347.565) and Wright County Ordinance No. 10-01, as they may be amended from time to time, are hereby adopted by reference as fully as if set out herein, and shall be administered and enforced by the City's Animal Warden and other Animal Control Authorities identified and designated pursuant to that law and ordinance. The ^ „'m a War ohall have the authority to order the destr.,etion of long,-er-et s dogs A dangerous dag to a eanin animal «,�.,;,has.: b 1. bitten 2. crauoec s riouo bad, injury or- disfigufement to any per -son e 3 ongftged-in an), attaek on any per -son under- eir-eumstanees w wet4d indi (E) The,nimal manneF 1. The�'��i�nal �'dex-mall ea -us tee apparent owner- to be notified --iting of in pefsen that his dog appears to be dangerous Th apparent owor oliall be notified as to dates times plaees pafties-bifid ohall be given ten 10 days to fequest a he before the knirnal`17ar- e for- detefminatio as to the a.,�nor,,,,� (a) Imo appar, 10 Ela-ys of said aefiee the Animal War -den hall make� order- proper- T4,knimal Wardon may or -der the dog into e„JtV dy fVr destret;or14-t-he don is ordered make the a„n available to the -Animal arae„ and fail, de -so ohall bo a misdemeanef (b) Il the owner requests aNearit„n for- determination ao to th long .tts �1�4y�ye of the don the sha4 be held before e ore <Y K111.��K�YK1V Vr�.1�Y11V//�, 11VL��1 C/�rQ�j���j the eetu4s who shall [let a date Yer Nearing not more the Ylly 4r/V K1Z.J�Y � /�-�r/'t,�j three weeks atter demand f said ihearing The reeerds eF the-Animal Y1�1 LpV� lV� y� �1 y TL1Z�.T- � GLl 1 the- nimal ar-den sha4 be admissible for- eens deerntien by the Ve„KrJ without i,rNer fe„rdat;orAfter ee«a;de.«.1 4-1 all the evidenee pertaining to the temperament er,t oftl-.e do the ee„rt ohall make rminat1e� a to ,t,N etN er er «et the dna ;n dar,mere„n if the don is found to be d.,«.mer..,,.. 4t,,. he dog is asurl ohall maUe s e- order as ;t deems proper- he ee„ 11V Ju6�1r-C;r1 �rG1�J-iTui fir. VZ may order- the Animal Geatr-el Supeiwiser- to take the dog into eustedy for destr„et;e« if the den- is ordered into 111Yv vKVYVK♦ iVl I.LVVLl KVLl Vll 11 -L11G e—ustody for destr„et;er, the owner ohall immediately mak the dog available yai a o the -nimal mol F'up,d fiii1„re to do coo shall be n misdemea en 2 Conflict of Laws. When any provisions of this ordinance, county_ ordinance or state laws applicable to dangerous or potentially dangerous dogs are in conflict, the provisions that impose the greater restrictions or protections shall apply. ff a dangerous d-,, ,arise the -Ani .... MIAJardeff hall ap,,,.reNerd the dear and i upon apprehension the don` Nears r,e ;dent; f eager. ,c hi i1V11U1V11 L11V u reasonably reveals its wner-ship-the,,\nimal Wafden ohall impound the deg u t;l the quarantine period is eempleted i f Y V Ysllu Y11V �.Yl.� G K11Y11 {.11V C� GICCl QI-I�jZZ /�i��CO'�'�[7^j�j �j�rl ��j dog hao not Neer, ela;med it ohall bo i lmmed;ntely-d--estreyed. 3 Penalty. Any person who harbors a dog after ;t has been fe„ d by the Animal � . arden to be dangerous and ordered into e-ustedy fe desti: eti violates this ordinance, county ordinance or state law applicable to dangerous and potentially dangerous dogs shall be guilty of a misdemeanor Section 2. EFFECTIVE DATE. This ordinance shall be effective upon its passage and publication. 2 ) I f -10 days of said notiee the-,�nimal War -den sqhall mai€-sem order- s he a mo proper Tho Animal gree may „rd or the don into eustedy for destr etio if the don is efder-e into eustedy for- des t3uetion the vwn ef-Rall immediat4y make the tort � ni�CLIlable to the Animal Wa rden and allure to do -so ohall bo a miodemeaner (b) If the wxne,- r-eque its ahoarirn for- detef i„ation ao to th dangefous nature of the dog the hearing shall be held be the eo its who shall coot a !'late for- hearing not mere thrr three Oko aftoidem for- said hearing he r-eeor-ds o= the Mims, War-denshallbe admissible for- eonsider- tie by ee:aAs without further �g,,ad t,e„n After- eansidorir,n all the evdenee-pe+taining to the temporamunt the e ohall make a orminat}o� whether- n ao to eth or orno L� t the dog is dangerous the dog is found �to be danger—the shall makesueh er-amt-de-ems-prper- The eouft, may Cer- the Animal Gentr-el Supervisor- to take the do into eustedy for- destfuetio if the dog is ordered inte eustody for- destruetio the owner hall immediate! , malco the dog available to the Animal trol Sup Q .4sor- and - failure to do nd-f ryto-do so ohall be a misdemeanor 2 Conflict of Laws. When any provisions of this ordinance, county_ ordinance or state laws applicable to dangerous or potentially dangerous dogs are in conflict, the provisions that impose the greater restrictions or protections shall apply. If a danger^„s dog is rufming -at lafge the Animal War -don ohall apprehend the dog and if upon apprehensio the dog bea fs no ide tifie tie 1, ie oalo its-ewnorohip the-A-nimal Wafdon ohall }� imr,oun the El&g until the q„nr e periodis wmpleted—if three CCPg hao not been elaimed ,t shall leo tnmne iat ly des c rd 3 Penalty. Any person who gaeMnimal ` uo and orderedinto eustody for destr„nti,,,-, violates this ordinance, county ordinance or state law applicable to dangerous and potentially dangerous dog_ s shall be guilty of a misdemeanor Section 2. EFFECTIVE DATE. This ordinance shall be effective upon its passage and publication. 2 Police Advisory Commission Agenda: 4/21/10 6. Wrip-ht Countv Sheriffs Office updates / O&A session. A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: Representatives from the Wright County Sheriff's Office will update the Police Advisory Commission on recent crime statistics, trends and other law enforcement issues affecting the City of Monticello, and will respond to questions and/or concerns from the Police Advisory Commission and others in attendance. B. SUPPORTING DATA: None. Police Advisory Commission Agenda: 4121/10 7. Consideration of parking issues including: a. Winter on -street parking ban issues i. Warnings versus tickets ii. Private streets versus public streets b. Fallon Avenue on -street parking ban c. Commuter lot parking violations A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: Winter on -street parking ban - Recently the City has observed several violations of the City's winter on -street parking ban. With the warm weather we've had this spring, several residents have started parking on the streets overnight before the winter parking ban was over. The current ordinance calls for the winter on -street parking ban to remain in effect from November 15th through April 15th. City staff has the following questions: i. Did Sheriff's Deputies receive any calls before April 16th regarding cars parking on City streets overnight, and if so, what was done about it? Were any warnings or tickets issued? ii. Did Sheriff's Deputies receive any calls regarding cars parking on private streets overnight this winter, and if so, what was done about it? Were any warnings or tickets issued? I discussed the dates of our winter parking ban with Tom Moores, the City's Street Superintendent. Tom said these dates coincide with the dates most other cities are using so he feels we should stick with them, noting that on any given year we can receive measureable snowfalls in early April. Fallon Avenue parking ban - City staff met with IRT several weeks ago to discuss complaints we have been receiving regarding semis parking on the shoulder of Fallon Avenue in front of their business, which forced vehicles to cross over the centerline of Fallon Avenue to pass them. IRT said they would ask their delivery truck drivers to park on the south side of Dundas Road until they could drop off or pick up their loads. It wasn't long until we started receiving complaints again so we installed no parking signs along both sides of Fallon Avenue between Dundas Road and Chelsea Road. Staff would appreciate it if the Sheriffs Deputies would patrol this area from time to time during business days to make sure trucks are not parking on the shoulders. Commuter lot parking violations - City staff has recently noticed several tractor -trailer rigs parked in the commuter lot overnight and would like to request the Sheriff's Deputies to patrol the lot from time to time to make sure trucks with trailers are not parking in it overnight. B. SUPPORTING DATA: None. Police Advisory Commission Agenda: 4/21/10 8. Relocation of Sheriffs Deputies office to Prairie Center building. (BW) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: On April 12th the City Council authorized the relocation of the Sherriff's Deputies office to the Prairie Center building. Following tonight's meeting Lt. Anselment will tour the office with Bruce Westby to determine what is needed for office furniture, computers and equipment, and also to determine what the required parking considerations are. The City will supply standard office furniture and equipment, and will be resurfacing and restriping the parking lot this summer, at which time specific parking stalls will be designated for Sheriff's Deputy parking. B. SUPPORTING DATA: None. Police Advisory Commission Agenda: 4/21/10 9. Consideration of improvements for TH 25 pedestrian underpass. A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: In conjunction with the 2010 Street Reconstruction project, the City Council authorized an alternate to be bid with the project for improvements to the TH 25 pedestrian underpass between East and West Bridge Parks. The improvements currently being proposed include enhanced lighting and the addition of decorative fencing along the pathway in place of the existing chain link fence. During Council's discussion of the proposed improvements, Council requested that staff seek recommendations from the Police Advisory Commission on the proposed improvements. As such, staff is requesting input from the Commission tonight. A drawing of the pedestrian underpass area is enclosed for your reference. Staff will bring a larger layout to the meeting Wednesday evening to assist in the review and discussion of this item. Since the Council meeting, staff has determined that we will be able to reduce costs by bidding these improvements as a stand-alone project since the improvements will be completed by contractors who would likely not otherwise be needed for the 2010 Street Reconstruction project. Any recommendations provided by the Commission tonight will be reviewed by staff for possible incorporation into the project. Staff will also discuss the Commission's recommendations with Council when requesting approval of the project. B. SUPPORTING DATA: TH 25 pedestrian underpass aerial picture from City GIS system Pictures (2) of underpass from East and West Bridge Parks n al 0 r 04 t f & • H OL Andd _ �'�""`' by r ' ',•� +� �� y F �- f.•i':4•/ .�� !..mss- .�/� i'�..: yy 'with" .. # F x ,�+� � �`� D A - . L� r fr�J�.' 3 � �.�/.,•°e`�`'"�`f2' 3`i:•r '` �; �! r-�'• ft %�� ' �y# � F -+J - y g � n _ X r f "i" .� r. � �o- . �` � t'- s �P', �r r: fYr s ✓ ' ' =A � ;. �„j � oaa'c�a s Fy- " G ,.nr—: •�. � :.rte. �. � i ,, e tan :�- •� ,,. s�.� � � � ��..•as?+'t. _ , r c•