Police Advisory Commission Agenda 01-21-2009AGENDA MONTICELLO POLICE ADVISORY COMMISSION Wednesday, January 21, 2009 - 7 p.m. 1. Call to Order. 2. Approval of minutes from October 21, 2008 Police Advisory Commission meeting. 3. Consideration of adding items to the agenda. 4. Wright County Sheriff's Department updates / Q&A session. 5. Consideration of approving revisions to City Ordinance 2-7. 6. Consideration of electing Police Advisory Commission officers. 7. Update on adoption of Outstanding Citizen Recognition Award. 8. Update on relocation of Sheriff s Office from City Hall to Fire Station. 9. Update on River Street access closures to TH 25. 10. Review of draft Transportation Plan. 11. Discussion of added items. 12. Adjourn. MINUTES MONTICELLO POLICE ADVISORY COMMISSION Tuesday, October 21, 2008 - 7 p.m. Members Present: Brad Fyle, Dave Gerads, Jim Roberts, Dick Slais and Tom Perrault Members Absent: None Ex -Officio Representatives: Lt. Mike Even and Sgt. Dave Anderson - Wright County Sheriff's Department Bruce Westby - City Engineer 1. Call to Order The meeting was called to order at 7:05 p.m. It was noted that a quorum was present. Commissioner Slais arrived at 7:24 pm (following approval of minutes). 2. Approval of minutes of April 23, 2008 and Julv 22, 2008 Police Commission meetings. JIM ROBERTS MOTIONED TO APPROVE THE MINUTES OF THE APRIL 23, 2008 POLICE ADVISORY COMMISSION MEETING AS WRITTEN FOLLOWING DISCUSSION OF THE MINUTES FOR THE MISSION STATEMENT ITEM. TOM PERRAULT SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY (4-0). TOM PERRAULT MOTIONED TO APPROVE THE MINUTES OF THE JULY 2212008 POLICE ADVISORY COMMISSION MEETING CONTINGENT ON OMITTING THE FOLLOWING TEXT FROM ITEM #8; "AND THAT ONE AWARD SHOULD BE HANDED OUT PER YEAR". BRAD FYLE SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY (4-0). 3. Consideration of adding items to the agenda. No items were added to the agenda. 4. Wright Countv Sheriffs Department updates / O&A session. Sergeant Anderson updated the Commission on several items including: • Multiple citations were issued recently following the placement of our speed trailer on CSAH 75 by the hospital. About 70% of vehicles were traveling under 40 mph. • The Sheriff s Department is gearing up to enforce our winter parking ordinance and they will soon be mailing orange postcards to City residents to inform them about our winter parking ordinance and the enforcement measures associated with it. • Thefts from vehicles are down dramatically from last year. No new criminal trends were detected. • Overall, things have been relatively quiet lately. NO FORMAL ACTION REQUIRED/TAKEN. Police Advisory Commission Meeting Minutes October 21, 2008 Page 2 5. Consideration of increasing patrol time at Sunset Ponds park property. On September 8t' the City Council discussed reports of suspicious activities occurring in the park at Sunset Ponds, especially after park hours, and they wondered if extra patrol time may be warranted to curtail such activities. The Council directed staff to discuss this with the Police Advisory Commission and to relay any relevant comments or recommendations to the Council. Sergeant Anderson relayed that the Sheriff's Department knew there was an issue regarding older juveniles intimidating younger juveniles in the park at Sunset Ponds after school a while ago, but Sergeant Anderson ordered extra patrols for the park after school hours and since such time he has not heard of any suspicious activities occurring, either after school or after park hours. However, he said the Sheriff s Department will continue to provide extra patrols for the park and will continue to monitor for suspicious activities. The consensus of the Police Advisory Commission was that continued monitoring of the situation is appropriate and the Sheriffs Department will provide updates to the Police Advisory Commission at future meetings. Commissioner Perrault noted that the City is aware there is a weed growth issue in Sunset Ponds and that since MW Johnson filed bankruptcy this issue has fallen on Mainstreet Bank to contend with. Mr. Westby noted that he and other City staff met with representatives from Mainstreet bank yesterday to discuss this issue and that the bank said they will mow all weeds as noted in blight notices previously mailed to MW Johnson. Copies of these notices were provided to the bank so they know where they have to mow. Commissioner Slais noted there is also a weed growth issue on the east side of Otter Creek Lane just north of CSAH 75. Mr. Westby noted that City staff will look into this as soon as possible and will issue blight notices as needed. NO FORMAL ACTION REQUIRED/TAKEN. 6. Consideration of increasing patrol time at School Boulevard and Redford Lane. Commissioner Roberts recently received several reports of suspicious activities occurring at the intersection of School Boulevard and Redford Lane and he wanted to discuss this with the other Commissioners to see if there is anything that can be done. He was told by residents living in the area that they have seen people park their cars in the cul-de-sac and walk into the wooded areas around it carrying blankets and other items. Sergeant Anderson noted that no parking is allowed in the cul-de-sac and that if they see any cars parked there they will check the area and tow the vehicles. The consensus of the Police Advisory Commission was that patrols should check this area more often, but that extra patrol time is not required. NO FORMAL ACTION REQUIRED/TAKEN. 7. Update on relocation of Sheriffs Office from Citv Hall to Fire Station. Police Advisory Commission Meeting Minutes October 21, 2008 Page 3 Sergeant Anderson wanted the Police Advisory Commission to be aware that the Sheriff's Deputies are now working out of the Fire Chief s office in the Fire Station. Commissioner Fyle noted that he is not aware of any issues with this arrangement and that things are working out fine so far. Sergeant Anderson said he is please to hear that Fire Department staff are not upset with the new arrangements. NO FORMAL ACTION REQUIRED/TAKEN. S. Update on River Street access closures to TH 25. Bruce Westby updated the Commission on the status of the River Street closure pilot project. Sergeant Anderson recommended that the speed trailer be utilized to help discourage cut -through traffic on West River Street. 9. Discussion of added items. Speeding dump -truck on CSAH 75: Commissioner Slais told the Sheriff s Department that a dump -truck with a blue cab was recently speeding on WB CSAH 75 and that it almost hit a passenger vehicle at Elm Street. Commissioner Slais noted this is not the first time he has been made aware of potential collisions at this intersection due to drivers picking up speed as they head out of town and he wanted to know what people who witness such things can do. Sergeant Anderson said people should call their non -emergency phone number at 763-682-1162 to report speeders/reckless drivers. 10. Schedule next Police Advisory Commission meeting. The consensus of the Police Advisory Commission was to schedule the next meeting for 7 p.m. on Wednesday, January 21, 2009. 11. Adiourn. MOTION WAS MADE TO ADJOURN BY TOM PERRAULT AND SECONDED BY DICK SLAIS. MOTION WAS APPROVED UNANIMOUSLY AT 8:00 P.M. Bruce Westby, City Engineer Recording Secretary Police Advisory Commission Agenda: 1/21/09 4. Wright Countv Sheriffs Department updates / O&A session. A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: Representatives from the Wright County Sheriff's Department will update the Police Advisory Commission on recent issues affecting the City of Monticello, and will respond to questions and concerns from Commission members and any citizens in attendance. B. SUPPORTING DATA: None. Police Advisory Commission Agenda: 1121109 5. Consideration of avvrovin2 revisions to City Ordinance 2-7. (BW) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: During the City Council meeting on Monday, January 12, 2009, the Council approved appointees to the various City Committees and Commissions. During this process two (2) members of the City Council requested to be appointed to the Police Advisory Commission. The two Council members include Tom Perrault, whose term on the Police Advisory Commission officially ended on December 31, 2008, and Glen Posusta, who has never been appointed to the Police Advisory Commission. Based on their requests the City Council directed staff to determine what needed to be done to allow these two Council members to be appointed to the Police Advisory Commission. Attached is a copy of City Ordinance 2-7 which defines all the requirements for membership in the Police Advisory Commission, as well as all the other rules of the Commission. The attached ordinance has been modified with the proposed language revisions that would allow two City Council members to be appointed to the Police Advisory Commission. Since voting bodies are typically comprised of an odd number of voting members to avoid ties, staff is proposing that only one of the Council members be a voting member, while the other would be an ex -officio (non-voting) member. In addition, the attached ordinance revisions now define a set meeting schedule whereby all future meetings would occur in perpetuity on the second Wednesday of the months of January, April, July and October. This revision is being proposed for several reasons. First, this will allow the same meeting room (Academy Room) to be used on a continual basis. Secondly, this will allow City staff to list upcoming Police Advisory Commission meetings on the City's meeting calendar which is located on the City's web site. Lastly, this should allow Commission members to more easily remember the dates of upcoming meetings. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Motion to recommend approval of the attached revisions to City Ordinance 2-7 to the City Council as written. 2. Motion to recommend approval of the attached revisions to City Ordinance 2-7 to the City Council as modified by the Commission. 3. Motion to deny recommendation of approval of any revisions to City Ordinance 2-7 to the City Council at this time. C. SUPPORTING DATA: Proposed revisions to City Ordinance 2-7, Police Advisory Commission. CHAPTER 7 POLICE ADVISORY COMMISSION SECTION: 2-7-1: Establishment of Advisory Commission 2-7-2: Membership 2-7-3: Term of Office 2-7-4: Vacancies 2-7-5: Legal Advisory 2-7-6: Rules 2-7-7: Officers 2-7-8: Duties and Functions 2-7-9: Meetings 2-7-10: Compensation 2-7-11: Amendments 2-7-1: ESTABLISHMENT OF ADVISORY COMMISSION: A Police Advisory Commission is hereby established to advise the City Council on police and public safety matters. 2-7-2: MEMBERSHIP: (A) Composition -The Commission shall consist of four general members and tom_ - J Deleted: one members of the City Council, one appointed as an ex -officio representative. (B) General Members - All general members shall be appointed by the Council. Any vacancy in a general membership shall be filled for the unexpired term by the Council. A general member of the Police Commission shall be any adult resident of the city. (C) Council Representatives -�11 Council representatives shall be_appointed by the , - { Deleted: The Mayor with ratification by the City Council. (D) Ex -Officio Representatives - Staff members of the Police Advisory Commission may include the City Administrator City Engineer, Public Works _ - { Deleted: Assistant Administrator Director, or other City personnel as requested by the commission. The Wright County Sheriff or department representative(s) may also be requested to participate in commission meetings as necessary. Ex -officio representatives shall not be eligible to vote on commission activities. 2-7-3: TERMS: Appointment to the Commission shall be made at the first regular January meeting of the City Council or more often if required. General members shall be appointed for three-year terms beginning January 1 and ending December 31 of the third year following (and until a successor is appointed and qualified), except that of TITLE IUChpt 7/Page 1 the general members initially appointed by the Council, one shall serve for a term of one year, one for a term of two years, and two for terms of three years. General members appointed after the initial Commission shall be appointed for a three-year term. 2-7-4: VACANCIES: In the case of a vacancy during the term of office of any general member of the Commission, the Council shall appoint a new member to serve the remainder of the term. A vacancy shall exist if any one of the following occur: death, disability, residence outside of the city, resignation, or removal by a majority vote of the Council. 2-7-5: LEGAL ADVISOR: The City Attorney shall serve as legal advisor to the Commission. 2-7-6: RULES: The Commission may adopt rules and regulations for its own proceedings and shall meet at regular intervals, the time and place to be established by rule adopted from time to time. All meetings of the Commission shall be open to the public except for those of disciplinary matters. 2-7-7: OFFICERS: The Commission shall elect from among its members a chairman, vice chairman, and a secretary. (A) Duties of Chair - The chair shall preside at all meetings of the Police Commission and shall have the duties normally conferred and parliamentary usage of such officers. (B) Duties of Vice Chair - The vice chair shall act for the chair in his absence. (C) Duties of Secretary - A secretary may be appointed who is not a member of the Police Commission but can be employed as a member of City staff. The secretary shall keep the minutes and records of the commission; and with the assistance of staff as is available shall prepare the agenda of the regular and special meetings for commission members, arrange proper and legal notice of hearings when necessary, attend to correspondence of the commission, and other duties as are normally carried out by a secretary. 2-7-8: DUTIES AND FUNCTIONS: The duties and functions of the Commission shall be as follows: (A) to assist the Council in planning and research in the area of police matters, including budget, hours of coverage, intergovernmental cooperation, and public information programs; (B) to develop a citizen complaint procedure on matters of public safety and general police work; MONTICELLO CITY ORDINANCE TITLE II/Chpt 7/Page 2 (C) to promote public interest in and an understanding of the police department and police work; (D) to cooperate with all community groups and civic organizations within the city and furnish them such aid and advice in matters of public safety as deemed appropriate within the means provided by appropriations made by the Council; (E) to confer with and advise the Council on all matters concerning public safety within the city; (F) to take under advisement, study, hold hearings, and make their written recommendations to the Council on all matters of public safety referred to them or initiated by majority vote of the Commission; (G) to serve as a forum for the citizens of Monticello to voice their opinions regarding community safety activities and functions; (H) to encourage coordination with other communities and agencies to the extent appropriate in matters pertinent to the community safety function. 2-7-9: MEETINGS: The Police Advisory Commission shall hold quarterly meetings on the second Wednesdav of the months of Januarv, April, July and October. Special meetings may be scheduled by the chairman as needed. All meetings shall be open to the general public. 2-7-10: COMPENSATION: Members of the Commission shall serve without compensation. 2-7-11: AMENDMENTS: This ordinance may be amended as recommended by the majority vote of the existing membership of the Police Commission and only after a majority vote of the City Council. (9218, 1/13/92) MONTICELLO CITY ORDINANCE TITLE II/Chpt 7/Page 3 Police Advisory Commission Agenda: 1/21/09 6. Consideration of electing Police Advisory Commission Officers. (BW) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: City Ordinance 2-7 specifies that "The Commission shall elect from among its members a chairman, vice chairman, and a secretary." Based on a review of all meetings minutes taken since the current Commissioners were appointed it is believed this has not been done. As such the Police Advisory Commission is requested to elect the three officers specified by ordinance tonight. No approval is required by the City Council. Attached to the previous agenda item is a copy of the full ordinance for your reference. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Motion to elect the following officers to the Police Advisory Commission: a. Chairman b. Vice chairman c. Secretary 2. Motion to deny election of officers at this time. C. SUPPORTING DATA: None. Police Advisory Commission Agenda: 1121109 7. Update on adoption of Outstanding Citizen Recognition Award. (BW) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: On July 22, 2008 the Police Advisory Commission made a motion to adopt an Outstanding Citizen Recognition Award for the City of Monticello. This award consists of a framed award certificate that will be signed by the Mayor of Monticello and the Wright County Sheriff. The Outstanding Citizen Recognition Award will be funded using an annual budget of $300, which has already been approved by the City Council for 2009. However, this item has not yet been presented to the City Council for formal approval. Staff would like to present this item to the City Council at one of their next regularly scheduled meetings, but it would be best to have several members of the Police Advisory Commission in attendance at the time it is presented. As such, all Commission members are being asked to review the following list of dates of upcoming City Council meetings at which they may be available to assist with presenting this item to the Council. This item will then be presented to Council on the date that the most Commissioners are available. A copy of the Outstanding Citizen Recognition Award and on-line nomination form will be presented to Commission members at the meeting for their review. Any comments received will then be addressed before the Council meeting so the Council can formally approve the award, including the award certificate and nomination form. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: None required. C. SUPPORTING DATA: Outstanding Citizen Recognition Award, including nomination form, will be presented at meeting. Police Advisory Commission Agenda: 1121/09 8. Update on relocation of Sheriffs Office from Citv Hall to Fire Station. (WCSD) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: The Wright County Sheriff's Office will provide an update on the effects noted to date of relocating the local Wright County Sheriff's Office from City Hall to the Fire Station. Items to be addressed include: • Working relationship between Fire Station staff and Sheriff's Deputies. • Impacts, either negative or positive, on the ability of the Sheriff's Deputies or Fire Station staff to complete their duties as needed. • Comments from Sheriffs Deputies or Fire Station staff that should be relayed to City staff or the City Council. • Others ... ? B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: None required. C. SUPPORTING DATA: None. Police Advisory Commission Agenda: 1/21109 9. Update on River Street access closures to TH 25. (BW) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: Access to TH 25 from East and West River Streets was originally closed on the morning of July 14, 2008 immediately following the morning rush hour. This 60 -day access closure pilot project was ordered by the City Council for two reasons. The first was to address concerns from residents along East and West River Streets regarding increasing traffic volumes and speeds due to cut -through commuter traffic. The second reason was to try to determine if the signal system at TH 25 and River Street was increasing congestion on TH 25. On September 22, 2008 City staff presented information to the City Council regarding the results of this pilot project. Traffic data that was gathered before and during the pilot project indicated that traffic volumes decreased by 85% on East and West River Streets, while average vehicle speeds decreased by almost 5 mph. In addition, congestion and delays on TH 25 decreased slightly, however congestion and delays on CSAH 75 increased due to the additional traffic that shifted from East and West River Streets to CSAH 75. Comments received during the pilot project from area residents and businesses showed that most residents along East and West River Streets supported the project while many local business owners were displeased with the project, noting a drop in business due to decreased accessibility. As such the City met with a local business representative and developed plans to institute a second pilot project to allow for limited access at the intersection of River Street and TH 25 to increase accessibility. These plans were presented to Mn/DOT for approval and were modified to address some snow plowing concerns. Mn/DOT's approved plan was then presented to the City Council at a workshop on October 13, 2008. Following a great deal of discussion and additional input from residents and business owners, the Council modified the Mn/DOT approved plan. This plan was reviewed by Mn/DOT and approved on October 17, 2008, with minor revisions made afterwards based on feedback from our local Mn/DOT contact. The second 60 -day pilot project was instituted on October 27, 2008. During this second pilot project additional traffic data is being be gathered to determine the effects of this latest project on traffic volumes and speeds on West River Street and to see if it helped alleviate congestion on TH 25. Several residents have commented that people are speeding on West River Street and using it as a cut -through route from TH 25 to Elm Street in lieu of CSAH 75. Initial speed trailer data indicates that speeding is not an issue, but another round of data was being gathered last week. The results of this latest pilot project will be reviewed with the City Council on Monday, January 26, 2009. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: This item is for information only. C. SUPPORTING DATA: Current City Council approved access closure plan. Police Advisory Commission Agenda: 1121/09 10. Review of draft Transportation Plan. A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: Members of the Police Advisory Commission, including members of the Wright County Sheriff's Department, are requested to review the draft Transportation Plan and provide any comments to Bruce Westby either verbally or in writing during the meeting on Wednesday, January 21St, or in writing by the end of the day on January 30, 2009. B. SUPPORTING DATA: Draft Transportation Plan dated January, 2009.