Police Advisory Commission Agenda 07-22-2008AGENDA MONTICELLO POLICE ADVISORY COMMISSION Tuesday, July 22, 2008 - 7 p.m. 1. Call to Order. 2. Approval of minutes of April 23, 2008 Police Advisory Commission meeting. 3. Consideration of adding items to the agenda. 4. Wright County Sheriff's Department updates / Q&A session. 5. Consideration of dog complaint issues in City of Monticello. 6. Consideration of billing amount for false emergency alarm calls. 7. Consideration of adopting Mission Statement for the Police Advisory Commission. 8. Consideration of recommending adoption of Outstanding Citizen Recognition Award. 9. Update on River Street access closures to TH 25. 10. Discussion of added items. 11. Adjourn. MINUTES MONTICELLO POLICE ADVISORY COMMISSION Wednesday, April 23, 2008 - 7 p.m. Members Present: Brad Fyle, Dick Slais, Tom Perrault, and Jim Roberts (7:45 pm) Members Absent: Dave Gerads Others Present: Lt. Dan Anselment and Sgt. Dave Anderson - Wright County Sheriff's Department Bruce Westby - City Engineer 1. Call to Order The meeting was called to order at 7:07 p.m. A quorum was present. 2. Approve minutes of October 17, 2007 Police Commission meeting. BRAD FYLE MOTIONED TO APPROVE THE MINUTES OF THE JANUARY 23, 2008 POLICE COMMISSION MEETING AS WRITTEN. TOM PERRAULT SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 3. Consideration of adding items to the agenda. The following item was added to the agenda: • Commissioner Slais — No -Parking signs on West River Street. 4. Wright Countv Sheriffs Department updates / O&A session. Lieutenant Anselment updated the Commission on several items including: • The additional 4 hours per day requested by the City will occur from either 2 to 6 pm or 6 to 10 pm weekdays, depending on available staff. • The Wright County Sheriff s Department is now operating at full force with 84 officers, of which 22 were hired in 2007. • The Sheriff's Department is keeping a close eye on all cities in Wright County due to the recent newspaper articles telling of high number of foreclosed (vacant) homes. However, foreclosures are still less prevalent in Monticello than in Otsego, Saint Michael and Albertville and they have noted no real problems with home break-ins yet in Monticello. • Theft of catalytic converters and copper wire is on the rise since these can easily be removed from cars, power poles, irrigation systems, etc and scrapped for money. They have noticed that thieves that were previously scrapping these materials in Anoka County are now coming to Wright County to scrap them since they ran out of scrap yards in Anoka County after being checked following numerous visits in short time spans. • Implemented a new Traffic Division to work the problem areas in the City such as Broadway (CSAH 75). Last year 88 tickets were issued to date, but about 150 tickets have been issued this year to date. Of those about 90% are moving violations. Will typically issue a warning first. Less than half are actually getting tagged with tickets. In some instances recurring violators are required to attend a two-hour class. • Deputies are now being told to reduce idling to conserve on gas. Police Commission Meeting Minutes April 23, 2008 Page 2 • Gas drive -off s are on the rise again with rising gas prices. • Deputies only engaged in 6 high-speed pursuits last year. NO FORMAL ACTION REQUIRED/TAKEN. 5. Consideration of adopting Mission Statement for the Police Advisory Commission. Development of a Mission Statement was discussed. Examples from other Commissions were reviewed including the Monticello Parks Commission, Calgary Police Commission, New Paltz Police Commission, Medicine Hat Police Commission, Edmonton Police Commission, City of Zion Citizens Law Enforcement Advisory Commission, and the City of Spokane Police Advisory Commission. Commissioner Fyle felt that a mission statement is not necessary, but that if one is to be adopted it should be simple like the Edmonton Police Commission's mission statement. Commissioner Perrault prepared a draft mission statement which he brought along and read out loud. Commissioner Slais agreed with Commissioner Fyle in that any mission statement adopted by the Commission should be kept simple. Commissioner Roberts supports the adoption of a mission statement and likes Edmonton's and Calgary's the best. The consensus of the Police Advisory Commission was that this was a good idea, but everyone wanted more time again to digest the information presented. Ideas will be brought back to the next meeting for further discussion. BRAD FYLE MOTIONED TO APPROVE ALTERNATIVE ACTION #2. TOM PERRAULT SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 6. Consideration of recommending adoption of Outstanding Citizen Recognition Award. Development of Outstanding Citizen Recognition Award was discussed. Commissioner Slais likes the concept and feels the City should adopt such an award. Commissioner Fyle agreed and feels one award should be issued per year. Sergeant Anderson presented Directive G300 to the Commission, which is the Awards and Recognition program used by the Wright County Sheriff's Office. The consensus of the Police Advisory Commission was that a nomination form should be added to the City's web site for people to use to nominate recipients. It was also agreed upon that the award should be presented to the recipient by the Police Advisory Commission at a City Council meeting, and that the award should be a framed certificate signed by the Mayor, the Chair of the Police Advisory Commission and the Wright County Sheriff. Police Commission Meeting Minutes April 23, 2008 Page 3 The Commission also recommended that the City budget $300 per year for the award. NO FORMAL MOTION WAS MADE. 7. Discussion of added items. No Parking signs on West River Street: Commissioner Slais feels additional No -Parking signs are needed along West River Street and requested that City staff review the corridor and add signs as needed. Also include Hillcrest Road and Hilltop Drive in review area. Bruce Westby will discuss this with Tom Moores, Street Superintendent, and add signs as needed. 8. Adiourn. MOTION WAS MADE TO ADJOURN BY TOM PERRAULT AND SECONDED BY DICK SLAIS. MOTION WAS APPROVED UNANIMOUSLY AT 8:18 P.M. Following adjournment the next meeting was scheduled for 7 p.m. Tuesday, July 22, 2008. The meeting day was changed from Wednesday to Tuesday to accommodate Commissioner Robert's new work schedule. Bruce Westby, City Engineer Recording Secretary Police Advisory Commission Agenda: 7/22/08 4. Wright Countv Sheriffs Department updates / O&A session. A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: Representatives from the Wright County Sheriff's Department will update the Police Advisory Commission on recent issues affecting the City of Monticello, and will respond to questions and concerns from Commission members. B. SUPPORTING DATA: None. Police Advisory Commission Agenda: 7/22/08 5. Consideration of dog complaint issues in Citv of Monticello. (CS) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: Due to an increased number of dog complaints over the past six months, it was requested that City staff work with Monticello Animal Control and the Wright County Sheriff's Department to develop procedures for handling such complaints in a timely and appropriate manner. Patty Salzwedel, Monticello Animal Control, and Dave Anderson, representing the Wright County Sheriff's Department, will be present to discuss situations that have occurred with barking dogs, dogs running loose, and vicious or biting dogs. They have been asked to provide background on how these are handled currently and ideas on how we can better coordinate services for our citizens in these situations. In my position as Project and Program Coordinator for the City, I serve as liaison with the Animal Control Officer. I have met with Patty several times, including a review of her contract with the City and discussion of the responsibilities assigned to animal control. I will provide some background on her position so there is a good understanding of what it entails. In other discussions with Patty and Dan Anselment from the Sheriff's Department, we addressed some citizen complaints related to barking dogs and dogs running loose. Hopefully, we can develop better procedures and get the word out to help reduce the number of complaints. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: None. C. SUPPORTING DATA: Additional information to be provided at meeting. Police Advisory Commission Agenda: 7/22/08 6. Consideration of billing amount for false emergencv alarm calls. (BW) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: At the June 23, 2008 City Council meeting the Council was asked to consider adopting an ordinance allowing the City to bill residents and businesses for false emergency alarm calls. These are false alarm calls that result from defective or malfunctioning security alarm systems which the Wright County Sheriff's Department responds to. In March of 2008 there were 33 false alarm calls that the Sheriffs Department responded to. By billing residents and businesses for false emergency alarm calls it will likely encourage them to repair their defective or malfunctioning alarm systems, allowing the Sheriff s Department to attend to actual emergencies and other such duties. The Fire Department currently charges for false calls as follows: 1St false alarm in calendar year Free 2nd false alarm in calendar year $250 3rd false alarm & after in calendar year $350 for each occurrence The City is proposing to use the same rates for false emergency alarm calls as the Fire Department uses for false fire alarm calls. This is allowed for under State Statute, but only if an ordinance is first adopted by the City authorizing the manner and amount of the charges for such services. The City Council tabled this item on June 23rd so that Councilmember Stumpf could attend this meeting to discuss the proposed charges. Councilmember Stumpf will then present the discussion that occurs at tonight's meeting to the Council for consideration in adopting the ordinance. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: None. C. SUPPORTING DATA: Draft of Emergency Alarm Systems ordinance. Chapter 5 0)4EMERGENCY ALARM SYSTEMS P,` SECTION 5-5-1 Definition 5-5-2 Charges 5-5-3 Unpaid Charges 5-5-4 Enforcement 5-5-1 Definition Any alarm call to an home or business that, in the opinion of the Monticello Fire Chief or his authorized representative having jurisdiction over the area or the County Sheriff, was the result of a defective or malfunctioning alarm system will receive a written notice outlining this ordinance, indicating additional false alarm calls within the calendar year will subject the property owner to a charge. 5-5-2 Charges A second false alarm call within the calendar year (January -December) will subject the property owner to a charge as adopted in the city fee schedule by City Council. A third (3) or more false alarm calls within a calendar year will result in the property owner being charged fees as adopted in the city fee schedule by the City Council for each additional false alarm. 5-5-3 Unpaid Charges Any charges not paid within thirty (30) days of the date of billing shall be assessed a 1 % late fee. Any charges over thirty days (3 0) and unpaid by October 31 of each year will be subject to a fifty dollar ($50.00) administrative fee and certified to the county auditor for placement as a lien on the property owner's real estate taxes the following year. 5-5-4 Enforcement The Monticello Fire Chief, or his authorized representative, the County Sheriff or the City may use discretion in enforcing this ordinance, taking into account any unique circumstances that may exist in a particular case and/or history of false alarms coming from a particular property, business or residence. Police Advisory Commission Agenda: 7/22/08 7. Consideration of adopting Mission Statement for the Police Advisory Commission. (BW) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: At the previous Police Advisory Commission meeting on April 23, 2008 the Commission determined that a Mission Statement was desirable but more time was needed to consider the information presented. The item was therefore tabled to allow for further consideration by the Commission members. As was previously stated, Mission Statements are often used to help define the goals or mission(s) of Departments, Groups and Commissions and how they plan on achieving those goals. The Police Advisory Commission is therefore being asked to develop a Mission Statement that reflects these elements. If the Commission approves a Mission Statement it would be beneficial to publish it on the Commission's web page. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Motion to approve the following Mission Statement for the Police Advisory Commission; " " and publish it on the Commission's web page. 2. Motion to table development of a Mission Statement for the Police Advisory Commission until the next regularly scheduled meeting. 3. Motion to deny development of a Mission Statement for the Police Advisory Commission at this time. C. SUPPORTING DATA: Mission Statement examples Calgary Police Commission Mission Statement: To provide independent civilian oversight and governance of the Caloary Police Service to ensure a safe community. The Ontario Civilian Commission on Police Services Mission Statement The Ontario Civilian Commission on Police Services is an independent oversight agency committed to serving the public by ensuring that adequate and effective policing services are provided to the community in a fair and accountable manner. New Paltz Police Commission Mission Statement It is the Mission of the New Paltz Police Commission to insure that the Police Department provides without any prejudice, adequate protection, guidance and security at a reasonable cost to the citizens of the community. (8/15/02) The Medicine Hat Police Commission Mission Statement (Alberta, Canada) "The Medicine Hat Police Commission provides overall direction through support and guidance to the Chief of Police, ensuring a safe and secure community." Edmonton Police Commission Mission Statement (Edmonton, Canada) The Edmonton Police Commission is committed to working with the citizens of Edmonton and the Edmonton Police Service to provide the community with a safe environment. The City of Zion Citizens Law Enforcement Advisory Commission (CLEAC) Mission Statement The mission of the Citizens Law Enforcement Advisory Commission is: To serve as a vehicle of communications between the community and the Chief of Police; and to act as a cross- sectional voice of the citizens and to provide general direction to the Police Department. City of Spokane Police Advisory Committee (Spokane, WA) Mission Statement: To act as an Advisory Board representing various community client groups to the office of the Chief of Police. To function as a sounding board for the Chief of Police regarding community needs and concerns, as well as community response to proposed police programs and procedures. The only term limits are for the Chair and Vice Chair who can each serve only two consecutive annual terms. City of Monticello Parks Commission "To enhance community pride through developing and maintaining City parks with a high standard of quality." Police Advisory Commission Agenda: 7/22/08 8. Consideration of recommending adoption of Outstanding Citizen Recognition Award. (Bw) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: This is a housekeeping item being carried forward from the April 23, 2008 Police Advisory Commission meeting at which time Alternative Action No. 1 was agreed upon by consensus however, no formal action was taken to recommend adoption to the City Council. It is therefore being requested that the Commission make a motion to approve Alternative Action No. 1. Upon such motion staff will present the Commission's recommendations to Council. In addition, the Commission is being asked to approve the design of the Outstanding Citizen Recognition Award, as well as the Nomination Form, which will be presented to the Commission at the meeting. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Motion to recommend adoption of Outstanding Citizen Recognition Award with award requirements as specified, including approval of the certificate and nomination form designs as presented. 2. Motion to deny recommendation of adoption of Outstanding Citizen Recognition Award at this time pending revisions to the award certificate and nomination form as specified. 3. Motion of other. C. SUPPORTING DATA: Outstanding Citizen Recognition Award and Nomination Form to be presented at meeting. Police Advisory Commission Agenda: 7/22/08 9. Update on River Street access closures to TH 25. (BW) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: Access to TH 25 from East and West River Streets was closed off on the morning of July 14, 2008 immediately following the morning rush hour. Staff from the City's Street Department worked with Mn/DOT crews to complete the closure using a combination of concrete "J" barriers, type 3 barricades, signing and striping. Notice of the pending closure was posted along TH 25 and River Street on July 3rd, as well as in the Monticello Times and on the City's web site. The closure is a pilot project ordered by the City Council and is scheduled to last for 60 days. During the 3rd and 7th weeks of the closure traffic speed and volume data will be gathered to compare to data gathered prior to the closure. This will allow the City to determine to what extent the closure alleviated congestion along TH 25 between I-94 and the Mississippi River, if any, and it will also allow us to determine what the effects were to local traffic. This information will then be presented to the City Council following completion of the pilot project, at which time the Council will decide whether the closure will become permanent, which Mn/DOT and the Wright County Highway Department would likely support. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: This item is for information only. C. SUPPORTING DATA: River Street Closing Traffic Control Plan. :`► ZS u Ne II ^ t r /� •{ Olk• RZ 16 lool t } � - y i "� •r.. _ •� ��' _ � �� � b �' �� �,'�i\� ! mow, � _ :-. y, I , O � Volk ,tet /► `*. 'Oft e w n v /rte t . .., w 4 rem Nbl to *.. V Z`14 M► r 1 r. _ # N4, 4W Rlb 1^ +� « � �` � � l 4- � Q N�� �'�.•� • � • . :� twt a"/ T 3 COD IQ / - .,,, ,_ `.��"�.-•� �' � _ .� }testi �``�`'�" '� "'' � - i � � :. �. A ti w Ak 44 So JN HQLJ r - • r As 1 i - e, _ i • ^ ^ -+ TY•' , g l 1� K , f S- s . v i•i y. .ate y J' '{ , �•'� ti t 1 1' 1 • • • / 1 •1-,. 1 1 ii�1 it ,�. _ • • i