Police Advisory Commission Agenda 11-19-2003AGENDA REGULAR MEETING - MONTICELLO POLICE COMMISSION Wednesday, November 19, 2003 - 7 p.m. Members: Jon Hoff: David Gerads, Brad Fyle, Dick Slais and Council Liaison, Brian Stumpf 1. Call to Order ?. Approval of minutes of July 16, 2003 Police Commission meeting. 3. Consideration of recommendations on Police Commission Appointments. 4. Discussion with Sheriffs Department on possible service level changes if City grows through annexation. 5. Update by Sheriff s Department on Activities for last quarter. 6. Adjourn MINUTES QUARTERLYMEETING - MONTICELLO POLICE COMMISSION Wednesdav, .July 16, 2003 - 7 p.m. Members Present: Brad Fele. Brian Stumpf. Dick Slais. Jon Hoff and David Gerads Members Absent: None Others Present: City Administrator. Rick Wolfsteller. Sheriff Gary Miller. Patrol Division Lieutenant Dan .-anselment and Ser�_eant Mike Evan. and Mississippi Drive Resident. Ruth Prahl. 1. Call to Order. The meetinuwas called to order at 7 p.m. 2. Approval of Minutes of the .January 22, 2003 Police Commission meeting: MOTION WAS LIADE BYBR--\I) FYLE AND SECONDED BY BRIAN STUti1F TO APPROVE THE MINUTES OF THE JANUARY 221. 2003) POLICE COy1MISSION MEETING. iMOTION CARRIED UNANIvIUL1SLY. 3. Review of current hours of coverace and recommendations for 2004 budget year. Commission members revie%ved the current contract covera`,e that amounts to 44 hours per day plus an additional 416 hours for weekends during the summer with a total 22003 contract price of $716.706. It has been the Commissions (oal over the past few years to add an additional four hours per day coverage with the intent of (zettin` to two hill -time officers twenty-four hours a day (48 hours a day coverage). Sheriff Miller indicated that the contract rate for police coverage will increase 4.6% in the year 2004 (S2.00 per hour) and an additional 4.9°0" (S-'.2-5 per hour) more in 2005. This would bring the total hourly rate to 545.50 in 2004 and S47.75 for the year 2005. Under the present contract hours. the -1001 anlount would be 5749.658. Due to the urowll of the community*s population and calls for sen -ice. it was recommended b�- Sheriff .Miller that the City consider addin`, additional hours to equal 48 hours of coverage per day or 17.520 hours annually. The additional 416 hours that had been previousl',' used for weekends during the summer Mti_ould not be necessary under this proposal. but the total annual cost would be 5797.160. Recognizing that the Cite \%-III be under leve limits for next year and will likely have to budget cuts because of state aid losses. Commission members still felt that police protection covera`ae was not an area that should be i`,nored. Police Commission Minutes - T,16/03 MOTION WAS MADE BY DAVE GER -ADS .AND SECONDED BY DICK SLAIS TO RECO'NI`IEND TO THE CITY COUNCIL THAT HOURS OF COVER. -\GE BE INCREASED FOR 2004 TO 48 HOURS PER DAY AT A TOTAL ANNUAL COST OF 5797.160. MOTION CARRIED LTNANIi\iOUSLY. 4. Review of concerns raised by Mississippi Drive area residents. Ruth Prahl discussed with Commission members the iviississippi Drive neighborhood concerns over a history of criminal activity that has taken place in their neighborhood and the need for additional street lighting for safety and security reasons in the area. Basically. Mississippi Drive currently has three separate street lights that she feels should be enhanced with additional street lighting. possibly in tvvo locations. %Is. Prahl also expressed concerns over the type of lighting that has been used and Would like to see a brighter white light rather than the vello�v/orange liyhtin` that currently exists. It was noted by the Citv Administrator that the high pressure sodium lightiny is generally more efficient and is the preferred lighting of Xcel Energy for that reason. Because the location suggested for additional lit,hting would meet the general policy of the city in lighting, intersections or ehanaes in road directions atony a street. the Commission felt additional lights were warranted. MOTION WAS MADE BY DICK SLAIS AND SECONDED BY DAVE GER -SDS TO RECOMMEND THE CITY TNST.ALL TWO ADDITIONAL LIGHTS .ALONG MISSISSIPPI DRIVE. AS PART OF THE MOTION. CITY ADMINISTRATOR IS TO CHECK WITH XCEL ENERGY TO DETERNIINE THE APPROPRIATE TYPE OF LIGHTING AND TO REQUEST THAT THEY CHECK THE EXISTING LIGHTING TO SEE IF THEY NEED TO BE RE-LAIPED. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 5. Discussion on speeding complaints - Nest Counh, Road 75 and Wild`vood Way. Commission members were updated on enforcement actions that have been taken by the Sheriff's Department concerning, previous complaints about speeding along West County Road 75 and in residential areas of Wildwood Rid, -Ye. Lieutenant .Anselment informed members that the management of Barton's Gravel Pit west of Monticello .vas notified of concerns that N�ere raised about gravel trucks speeding, as tile\- were enterin,g)Monticello and this appeared to have corrected that situation. Lieutenant Anselrllent also noted that the speed monitor trailer has also been placed in Wildwood Ridge to make residents a«are of their speed as tiler travel through the neighborhood. The Sheriffs Department noted that they have one trailer that is used throughout the County and can occasionally use a trailer that has been bollyht with the City of Buffalo. It was suggested that the Cite of `Monticello may want to consider purchasing, its own speed monitoring trailer ifthe Commission felt that the use of this device was needed more frequently in Monticello. The cost for these devices ranges from 55.000-S15.000 depending, on the amount of features that are added. It was noted that it maybe sonlethingu, the Cite %\ants to look at in the tilture as the community continues to ,row. Police Commission Minutes - 7,`16/03 :Member Stumpf also questioned Sheriffs representatives on whether any additional complaints have ben received regarding rollerbladers using parking lots and loading ramps in the industrial park areas. The Sheriff's Department indicated they have not been aware of any more complaints. 6. Adiourn. MOTION WAS MADE BY BRAD FYLE AND SECONDED BY DAVE GERADS TO ADJOURN AT 8:30 P.M. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. Recordina- Secretary Police Commission Agenda - 11/19/03 3. Consideration of recommendations on Police Commission Appointments A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND Currently the terms of Chairman Dave Gerads and member Dick Slais will expire December 31, 2003. At the first regular Council meeting in January 2004, the Council typically makes all annual appointments at that meeting. If one or more of the current members is not interested in being reappointed, Commission members could make recommendations to the Council on tilling the vacancies. I am assuming that Dave and Dick want to continue on the Commission, but if for some reason, they are not interested, Commission members may know of others parties that would be interested. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS 1. Recommendations to Council for expired Commission members terms. Police Commission Agenda - 11/19/03 4. Discussion with Sheriffs Department on possible service level chane_ es if Citv grows through annexation. A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND As many of you may know, the City is currently in the process of petitionin` the state for annexation of approximately 11.500 acres of Monticello Township. To give you a reference. the Citv is currently less than 5.000 acres and if the entire annexation request was approved, the city boundaries would grow to over 16.000 acres. With the City currently contracting for 48 hours per day of coverage, the question that the Police Commission may want to discuss with the Sheriffs Department is what type of service levels would we anticipate providing to an enlarged city three times our current size? While we are certainly a long ways from finalizing this annexation request, it would be interesting to get an idea from the Sheriff Department representatives on how they feel they would be able to handle police protection services for an expanded area. Ideas to discuss include providing different service levels for outlying areas compared to the more highly populated areas, or if the same level of service was provided, how many additional hours of covera;(e would be needed to accomplish similar levels of service. While no decisions need to be made at this meeting, I thought it would be a `ood idea for `eneral discussion to get an idea of how the commission members feel about servicing a large area and to oet feedback from the Sheriff s Department on what they see to be problems with an expanded area.